Beaded heart keychain pattern for beginners. Heart made of beads: we delight our other half with a bright and memorable gift. Scheme of attaching the wing to the heart

Several diagrams of how to make a heart from beads are provided below in the material with diagrams and detailed description work for beginners in needlework.

We weave a bright heart from beads as a wedding gift with our own hands

Let's study several tutorials on creating a heart. Let us consider the basis of the heart itself. Then it can be supplemented according to your taste and desire: on a pendant, like a keychain for small sizes, etc.

To create a heart for a wedding we will need the following materials:

  • Red, red marble, red with purple and pink inside beads.
  • Dark green with mother-of-pearl, marsh green, green and metallic inside, light green, green beads.
  • Wire for frame and weaving.
  • Pot, hot glue, plaster.

Mix the colors: green shades in one container, and red shades in another.

Let's draw a natural-sized heart and bend the wire according to our drawn template. Of course, you can do without a template, but it will be easier to work this way. The size of the wire for creating the frame and “branches” is shown in Figure 18.

We create a branch without taking into account the color of the beads. Put it on the wire as much as possible large quantity beads We continue to plant until the wire is completed or when you want to complete it yourself.

First loop (Figure 4-5). Leave a piece of wire a little larger than needed with a reserve. Leaf loops consist of 5-6 beads or more. The leg consists of 5-6 turns.

When creating the next loop, step back to the height of the leg and weave until it stops. The legs are aligned, we make two turns (Figure 6-7).

The loops should be on one side, every single one (Figure 8-9).

And repeat. Figure 12 shows a loose weave.

If the leaves are close together, the branch will curl up on its own. This can be seen in the diagram in Figure 13.

The loops are arranged continuously and twist into a spiral. This is because there is a small distance between them and all the loops go only on one side (Figure 15).

Attach the created branches to the frame. You can use hot glue for this. To attach a continuous branch, about four drops in different places are enough.

Figure 18 shows the wire we used, with beads next to it. The thin wire is intended for weaving, and the thick wire for the frame.

Then we act depending on what result we want to get. Either we just leave a double heart, or we attach small hearts, or we put initials out of beads and wire.

Our product turns out fluffy and airy, since the spiral covers the base. If you wish, you can tint the base to match the shade of the beads.

Master class on creating the second version of the product

An elegant heart entwined with beaded flowers is a wonderful gift for a wedding or Valentine’s Day, or just a souvenir. A sophisticated and delicate beaded heart will decorate your interior. It is quite possible to do it yourself.

Let's start with weaving flowers. The rose is created using the loop technique using red beads. You need to prepare a stiff wire and string thirty beads on it. We wrap it in a loop and twist it a couple of turns.

We create the next loop next to the first.

At this point we create the third and fourth loop.

We continue working until there are about fifteen elongated loops in one place. We will create a flower from the bottom.

The wire at the base of the flower does not need to be twisted, because we need to add leaves for the cup there. We make them from three loops made at one point, each of which has nine green beads.

Then we combine the flower and sepals. We put the elements together and twist the wire tightly (4 pieces).

Let's give the loops a slightly flattened look. You will get a flower like this.

You can take large beads and create several small and large flowers.

In addition to roses, we need to make several half-open buds. Let's put the loops on again. Four will be enough.

Let's attach sepals to them.

We put the loops together and twist them around the axis.

Then we make leaves using technology french weave. Here we will study in more detail the creation of an openwork leaf. We string green beads onto a wire.

Disconnect five beads and bend the wire in half. Twist the wire. Now we have a side and an axial side with five beads.

Then we wrap the side wire around the axis. The first tier consists of eight beads on the left side and one turn around the axis. The side wire is placed on top of the axial wire and is transferred to the right side.

We make the right side of the main tier in the same way.

The amount of beads increases as needed. We continue weaving until there is a leaf of four tiers.

In the fifth tier of the left side, we collect beads up to half a sheet, passing the wire through the previous tier. We string the beads again, come back, twist the wire through the axis and move to the other side.

Fifth tier with right side we create in exactly the same way as with the left one. The number of beads can be slightly reduced. The seventh tier on the left side is created in the same way as the fifth tier, but with a smaller amount of beads.

For the heart we will need five large openwork leaves and several small ones.

The number of large flowers and buds depends on your imagination. After all the parts are made, we begin to combine them into a composition. We attach small leaves to the buds, large leaves We screw it to large flowers. We wrap the legs of the grouped parts with floral ribbon.

Then we prepare a frame from thick aluminum wire.

We attach the prepared elements to it. We attach it asymmetrically using floral tape.

All we have left to do is work with plaster. Let's prepare an even cup. Cover it with cellophane and place the construction mixture there. You can mix sand, cement, alabaster. The result will be a very strong mixture. We place the tree there and continue to coat it with the mixture at the base. After half an hour, you can remove the tree from the mold and adjust the base with a knife.

This is a decoration for brave and experienced lovers of bead weaving.

What you need for weaving:

- faceted beads or glass beads66 pcs.
- beads to match the color of beads or bugles
132 pcs.
— fishing line 1.6 m long

Weaving pattern:

1. Place 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 bead on the fishing line and close it into a ring, passing through the first 4 strung beads and seed beads. Weaving is carried out with two ends of the fishing line, each of which is marked different colors(blue and red).

2. Pick up 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 bead, 1 bead and wrap it to the previous ring, passing through the outermost bead of this ring. This way you should have 2 rings in the shape of a figure eight. The side beads of each ring are common and are the trailer of the rings together.

3. Pass the end of the fishing line through the first bead of the second ring, repeat step 2 and so on until you get a flower chain of 8 rings (Fig. 1). Tighten the center of the chain, passing the fishing line through all the beads in the center and tighten the fishing line (this moment is indicated by a blue arrow in the diagram).

4 . Pass the end of the fishing line through the beads to the edge of the weave, as shown in the diagram, and make a braid of three rings (Fig. 2). Tighten the inner beads into the ring again to give shape to our weaving (this point is indicated by a blue arrow in the diagram).

5 . Make 2 more rings and tighten the beads into the ring (Fig. 3, see blue arrow). Thus, you need to braid everything in a circle (Fig. 4-7).

6. Bring the line to the edge of the weave as shown in the diagram. Now fold the finished figurine in half and work along the entire seam, adding beads and alternating beads. Since you came out of a bead, this means you need to cast on the bead first and then the seed bead.

7. Weaving is quite complex, but there is one principle that will help you when working. The entire product consists of identical rings. Some rings are made of 3 beads and 3 beads, and others are made of 6 beads, which must be additionally tightened into the ring, passing through each bead with a fishing line. According to this principle, you need to connect the seam of the heart, starting from which beads follow your path.

Black heart with wings

This beautiful heart can be decorated with a pair of wings!
Now, instead of faceted beads, take glass beads and seed beads. The weaving technique is used similarly to the heart. Follow the diagram carefully.

Required material for wings:

— bugles
— cutting to match the color of bugles
- beads of the same color
— fishing line 1.1 m long

Wing weaving pattern:

Pay attention to fig. 3, at this moment it is necessary to wrap the upper part of the wing as shown by the arrow and continue weaving the second half of the wing so that it turns out voluminous. The diagram shows in color all the necessary weaves.

Scheme of attaching the wing to the heart:

Weaving figures from beads is probably one of the most favorite hobbies among women - it is a calm and very painstaking work that brings only positive emotions. There is very a large number of various patterns with which you can weave the most amazing patterns. In our article we will tell you how to make a heart out of beads.

Such a figurine can be perfect as a gift for Valentine's Day, as a decoration for a jacket or sweater, or you can simply give it to a loved one. This image is very suitable for expressing your feelings.

How to make a heart?

For our example, we took one of the most simple circuits, which does not require any special knowledge or skills in weaving. For the process itself you will need some tools and materials:

  1. 1. Beads of any color
  2. 2. Flexible and thin wire or strong fishing line. Alternatively use for connection
  3. 3. Scissors

If you have prepared all this, then you can safely move on to knitting a heart.

1) First you need to cut a wire about seventy centimeters long or even less. Now take and pass the two ends through one bead, you should get a small ring that tightens. Again we pass the base through the beads, but only for the second row we take not one, but three. We continue to increase the number of rows. The third should already have five, and the fourth as many as seven beads. From this moment on, we increase the subsequent rows by two each time. Once you get to eleven pieces, it's time for you to change your strategy. After this, you have to make two layers, in which there will be twelve elements and one by thirteen. This should complete the first stage.

2) The following actions will be aimed at reducing the number of beads in each layer. We finished with thirteen and the new one will contain only nine, and after it a row of six beads - this will be the last. Such a different number of elements in rows will allow us to create streamlined and smooth shapes, which will improve the appearance of the figure. What we received is one half of our heart, which looks very similar to a leaf. The remains of the wire (or fishing line) must be cut and carefully hidden, as shown in the figure.

3) So, one half is ready, and we can proceed to further steps. We begin to do everything the same as in the first point. Only now we thread one edge of the wire each time through the beads of the second half of the heart. In principle, everything is the same special problems you shouldn't have this problem. At the end we also finish the heart part with a row of six beads, cut and hide the wire.

4) The finished figurine can be attached to a short stick or to a hairpin. It will decorate your outfit, make a wonderful gift or become part of your holiday hairstyle.

As you have already noticed, this is a fairly simple method, following which you can make a heart from beads. It is perfect for beginners. But if you don’t really like this scheme, then you can complicate it a little. The figurine will look good as a pendant suspended on a thin chain.

Additional materials

  1. 1. Large size beads or bicones
  2. 2. Wire or fishing line

Instructions for weaving a heart

1) First you need to weave a cross like this, as shown in the figure below:

2) Once you have made the first element, continue to weave similar ones until you have two rows. After that, go to the other side.

3) On the other hand, we continue to add new elements. As a result of these actions, you should end up with a heart-shaped piece. Once you finish the first one, you can start the second one.

4) When all two pieces are ready, you will need to weave them into one shape, connecting the edges. If you do everything correctly and carefully, you will get a beautiful three-dimensional heart.

Starting to weave with beads is quite simple. With its help you can create a unique little thing. Usually, beaded hearts are prepared for Valentine's Day. But they are also suitable for decoration themed holidays as a souvenir and romantic gift.

Heart keychain

The beaded keychain is made from a three-dimensional heart; to make it you will need:

  • large beads;
  • fishing line;
  • connection ring;
  • large ring for keychain.

Schemes with descriptions are presented below.

For the first row, a chain is created using the “cross” weaving method. 4 crosses are made and the fifth one is made without one bead. The line is pulled out to the side.

The bead is put on the fishing line on one side. The second edge of the fishing line is threaded through the beads in the bottom row. In the figure, this is point A. This is how the second row turns out.

Thus we make the third row. When finished, the line is drawn into a bead (point C in the figure).

The bottom picture shows the return to mark C.

Let's start the fourth row from this point. It consists of three crosses, and the fishing line is displayed at mark D.

The fifth row is knitted from an incomplete link, as shown in the figure below.

For a voluminous keychain, you need to weave the second part using the method described above.

The two parts of the heart are stacked on top of each other and intertwined with fishing line as follows. The bead is put on a fishing line, the edge of the fishing line is threaded to the point marked in red in the figure.

The second bead is strung on a fishing line and laid in a cross on the other side. Two parts with the addition of beads are sewn along the orange dots.

The keychain is almost ready, all that remains is to secure the fishing line and attach the rings.

Heart earrings

To make earrings you will need:

  • fishing line;
  • elongated and round beads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • two small rings;
  • fastenings for earrings.

This version of heart weaving is suitable for beginners.

A fishing line 60 cm long is cut. One end is secured in a knot. The elongated beads are strung on a fishing line in a circle. As a result, the beads take the shape of a flower. Next, the fishing line is pulled out behind the flower along the inside through a bead. 4 elongated beads and 1 round bead are strung on it. Holes are woven in a circle through the inner edge of the fishing line. Then the fishing line is pulled back through the round bead. An elongated bead is strung on a fishing line and brought out to the other side. To obtain the second circle, 7 more beads are added.

Round beads are inserted between the elongated ones to support the shape of the heart, in a circle. We thread a fishing line through the outer edges and string round beads between 2 elongated ones. The first heart is woven, for the second earring another one is made in exactly the same way.

A small ring is attached at the top, the same is done with the second part. The earring mounts are added to the rings and the earrings are complete.

Heart pendant

To make a heart-shaped pendant you need:

  • fishing line;
  • small beads;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

This pendant is woven using the brick weaving method.

The fishing line is cut (size 50-60 cm) and inserted into the needle. Three beads are put on it, the needle is passed back through two and the thread is tightened.

Next, we put on two beads, thread the needle under the fishing line between the two beads of the triangle and pull through the last strung bead. And again we do the same with another bead. In total, you should get two bricks of 1 and 2 beads. This is how a triangle of 3 lines of beads turned out.

To expand the next row, a brick of 2 beads is made in the first loop, and one in the last loop.

Another row is made. It should have six beads.

The upper part of the pendant is woven as follows. Five beads are taken, passed through one loop of the row, then the fishing line is passed through the third from the edge and tightened. If everything is done correctly, the beads should refract beautifully at the exit. We pass the fishing line through the next bead of the top row.

We repeat the same with five more beads. The fishing line needs to be tightened so that there is no strong tension and secured.

To ensure that there are no visible gaps in the decoration and it looks uniform, you need to add beads. The fishing line is threaded from the bottom up into the bead located in the middle of the loop and pulled out. The bead is put on again and threaded in the opposite direction.

We transfer the fishing line to the section of the next weaving. The needle is pulled up and down through the beads, which are separated from the 2nd loop. Then the second loop is filled, and the thread is passed along all edges of the product and tightened.

A wonderful souvenir in the shape of a beaded heart can be made for Valentine's Day or for any special occasion. Moreover, this does not require any special skills or abilities. You just need to want to make a unique thing for your loved one, be patient and follow the master class step by step prepared by hand-made master Marina Anferova. The heart weaving pattern is attached.

How to weave a small volumetric heart from beads

To make a volumetric heart we will need:

  • large Czech beads,
  • wire with a diameter of 0.3mm,
  • large beads,
  • pliers.

Before starting work, let's get acquainted with the diagram of the heart. We will weave a heart using the “monastery cross-stitch” technique.

Take a piece of wire about 120 cm long and fold it in half. We put one bead on both sides and lower them down. We thread the next bead through the ends of the wire on both sides and tighten it tightly so that our structure is tight. As a result, we get a triangle like this.

Then we put one bead on each side, and thread the third bead through the ends of the wire on both sides and also tighten it. We have a full-fledged cross of four beads.

Let's repeat this action up to the 8th step.

Then we make a spread for the second part of our heart. Why, on the wire on the right, we put two beads, and on the left only one. And we thread this one through both ends of the wire on both sides.

Following the pattern, we will weave 7 regular crosses until the row is completed. To obtain an unfinished cross in the last link, you need to put two beads on the wire on the right, and then thread the last one with the ends of the wire on both sides.

On the 16th step we make an addition, for this we put two beads on the wire on the right, and one on the left, which we pass through both ends of the wire on both sides, thus turning to the left.

We continue to weave crosses, but on the left side we will use the existing beads of the first row in weaving. We weave 7 steps and make a U-turn to the top, for which we thread the wire into two beads at once from the left and take one new one, which we thread with both ends of the wire on both sides.

Thus, we continue to weave according to the pattern until the 39th step. Next, we make a decrease, for which, when turning to the left, on the wire on the right, we string two beads, the last of them is threaded on both sides with the two ends of the wire.

We weave to the end of the row, making an inferior cross from three beads. We secure the wire with pliers and remove the excess ends.

You need to weave two such hearts.

After the two hearts are ready, we connect them with a cross around the perimeter. To do this, we take a separate piece of wire about 60 cm long and connect all the protruding beads with a cross.