Maslenitsa celebration script for school. Scenario of the thematic meeting “Maslenitsa Name of the Maslenitsa holiday at school

The script will help to the class teacher or the teacher organize and conduct educational event in class or school. This one is traditional folk holiday widely celebrated in the Slavic world. But perhaps not all children, and even their parents, know its history and traditions. Our task is to introduce our children to historical culture, to introduce them to folk customs and traditions.

Participants of the holiday: students in grades 4-6 and their parents.

Venue: school gym and school yard.

Preparatory stage: Decorate the gym with dry tree branches dusted with “snow”. Christmas trees can be used in decorations if they are preserved. On the central wall, use towels to decorate a stand for the sun, which will later be placed here. On the walls between the trees, hang artistic posters with poems about Maslenitsa, drawn by students. Posters can contain both winter and spring landscapes. After all, Maslenitsa is the time when winter meets spring. Hang garlands and balls as decorations.

Prepare Winter and Spring costumes. For Winter will be suitable Snow Maiden costume, and for spring, choose a folk costume in the form of an embroidered blouse and a red embroidered sundress. Weave a wreath of artificial flowers onto your head. Draw a big, smiling sun. Make and dress up a winter stuffed animal in advance. Organize a fire pit and prepare some firewood.

For competitions and games, prepare in advance necessary accessories. Invite mothers of students to bake pancakes at home and have a tea party at the end of the holiday.

Cheerful folk melodies sound. All the participants of the holiday, except Winter and Spring, gathered in the hall.

Student 1: Spring is knocking on the window
And sings songs.
We have smiles on our faces!
After all, the holiday is coming to us.

Student 2: We love this holiday.
Happy Maslenitsa to you all!
Dreamed like a miracle
We talk about her many times!

Presenter: And indeed, guys, Maslenitsa is a wonderful and cheerful holiday. And it has been celebrated since ancient times, when people worshiped the Sun - the God of Light and Heat. They coaxed him with hot, round pancakes that looked like the sun. Since then, this tradition of baking pancakes on Maslenitsa has survived to this day. And today we will call our Sun so that it can give us its light and warmth and speed up the arrival of spring.

Student 1: Light and Power,
God Yarilo!
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful person in the world!
Grant, God of Light,
Warm summer.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you.
Summer is fertile.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful person in the world!

Two students enter the hall and bring in a smiling sun. They carry it across the entire hall and hang it on a stand decorated with towels.

Presenter: So the sun appeared, it reminded us of spring. But you and I cannot call for spring, because it’s still winter outside our window. And today we must celebrate it and welcome spring. For this purpose, the people organize a holiday with songs and dances, games and festivities. They prepare for the holiday in advance, clean the houses, stock up on dairy products, because the holiday is held before Great Lent and you can no longer eat meat, but you can still eat dairy products. Young people fill the slides, prepare sleds and ice cubes. Then people go out with whole families all week.

Student 2: Family celebration dear to us
After all, spring will come with him.
And it's all so great
Maslenitsa awaits us!

And you and I were also preparing for the holiday, so let’s celebrate Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa enters the hall dressed as Winter and brings in a scarecrow.

Student 1: Oh, Maslenitsa is moving into the yard.
The wide one drives into the yard!
And we, people, meet her.
And we, good ones, are meeting her!
Oh, Maslenitsa, stay for a week.
Broad, stay for a week...

The scarecrow is installed in the center of the hall, and the children begin to dance around it and sing songs about Maslenitsa.

Presenter: Maslenitsa has arrived!
Maslenitsa has come to us,
Red Maslenitsa smiles on us all!
Smiles at us all, and says goodbye to winter!
Guys, how many days is Maslenitsa celebrated and what are they called?

Seven students leave:

1 student:
Monday first forever
and it's called "meeting"
On this day they welcome Spring,
And they start baking pancakes!

2nd student:
Tuesday - it's called "play"
Everyone goes to visit each other,
Everyone slides down the snowy hills,
And they gorge themselves on pancakes.

3rd student:
Wednesday is called a gourmet,
This is where everyone really overeats!
Everyone fills their belly,
And they treat each other!

4 student:
Well, what about Thursday?
Thursday is called "turning point"
From this day on everything changes
And the revelry begins!

5th student:
It's called "Mother-in-law's Party" Friday
On this day, sons-in-law are going to visit their mothers-in-law!
And mothers-in-law baked pancakes for their sons-in-law,
And they gave my son-in-law a real feast!

6th student:
And Saturday is a family day,
It's called "sister-in-law's get-togethers"
On this day, the bride receives her relatives for a visit,
And he gives gifts to all his sisters-in-law!

7th student:
Sunday has many titles,
But we will only say one thing,
Forgiveness is called Sunday,
And everyone asks each other for forgiveness!

Presenter: So we found out what the days are called Maslenitsa week, and what they are doing these days. And since our holiday lasts one day, that means today we will sing, play and eat pancakes. And I invite you to take part in fun games.

We'll start with Cockfight. Two boys are invited to the circle. Everyone stands on their right leg and holds their left leg with their left hand. Right hand wrapped behind the back. Jumping on one leg, everyone tries to push their opponent out of the circle. The game is repeated several times to involve more guys. The winners are awarded prizes.

The second game is tug of war. Two teams stand in front of the line, one behind the other, holding onto the rope. On command, they begin to pull the rope, trying to pull the other team to their side.

The next game is "Damn". A circle is cut out from a landscape sheet. It's going to be damn. All participants stand in a circle and make their hands palms up. Cheerful music is turned on. A “pancake” is placed on the palm of the first participant, and the participant must pass this pancake on the palm of the other participant as soon as possible. At the moment when the music stops, the participant who at that moment has a “pancake” in his hands is eliminated. The participant who drops the pancake during the transfer is also eliminated. The last one remaining receives a prize.

And now the riddle competition:

If you look, you'll cry,
And there is nothing more beautiful than him in the world.

What burns without fire?

Gets up early, shines brightly, warms up hot.

One fire warms the whole world.

A doctor is rarely needed
Who is friendly with me?

Presenter: We guys are playing too much. It's time for us to call for spring. Let's sing a song about Spring, maybe she can hear us. A spring song is being sung. Spring doesn't hear us. Does anyone know a poem about spring? The girl recites a poem and Spring’s voice is heard from the corridor:

Spring comes out:
I hear, I hear you calling,
I see, I see that you are waiting for me.
So I came to you, friends,
Finally, I found you!
Now let's go together
We'll treat ourselves to pancakes,
But first we will burn our Maslenitsa,
May winter and all our troubles go away with fire!

Let's guys take sheets of paper on the table at the exit and write on them words of farewell to everything bad that happened to us: bad grades, bad behavior, illness, failure, etc. Then we’ll get dressed and go out to our fire.

The guys approach the burning fire and stand around it; Winter and Spring come up and carry the scarecrow. They throw him into the fire.

Winter: Don't hold grudges in your heart,
Let no one see your tears anymore,
Ask for forgiveness yourself
Smile with a spring smile!
I light the Maslenitsa bonfire,
I announce a round dance around the fire!
All the bad things of the past year
I burn it along with this effigy!

Vesna: Now, guys, drop your notes.

Let them turn into smoke
Let them disappear into the heights
Our sinful deeds
And bad thoughts.
Maslenitsa - clear light,
Brought greetings to spring.
We say goodbye to Maslenitsa,
And we welcome the red spring,
Sing more friendly, round dance,
Have fun, honest people!

Everyone stands in a circle and dances around the fire, singing spring round dance songs.

When the fire burns down, the guys run back to the hall. Cheerful folk music plays there, tables are set with pancakes and pies. A fun tea party begins.

Tatyana Burova

[b] Thematic meeting scenario« Maslenitsa»

Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 25

Burova T. A.

Senior preschool group

The hall is decorated in folk style.

The invited guests are sitting in the hall.

Move:Leading.: Good afternoon, dear guests! The yard is wide Maslenitsa.

Everyone comes to visit and is waiting for guests!

Children in Russian folk costumes enter with treats.

Sing: Guests have come to us, dear ones have come.

It was not in vain that we cooked jelly and baked pies.

They greet, bow, and place food on the tables.

Child: We invited you to visit,

We will treat you.

But first about the custom

We want to tell you.

Child: We will sing and play,

Remember the old days!

Glorify Maslenitsa!

All: Can!

Child: Today we will talk about Maslenitsa.

Question for guests: Maslenitsa is called broad, tell me why (guest responses)

Leading. (summarizes): Maslenitsa is the time when they say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. Since ancient times, this tradition has been going on in Rus' to organize oil week. That is, the holiday lasted not a day or two, but a whole week - wide holiday and all the people celebrated it on a grand scale. And we will remember what, according to the customs of our ancestors, is happening this week.


Slide 1 (picture of the sun)

Child: Maslenitsa starts on MONDAY, which is called MEETING. (question to guests): Who on this day met(answers)

On this day celebrate Maslenitsa and not just celebrate, but they call you with different nicknames. Do you know such nicknames? help us Call Maslenitsa! We'll start, you continue (guests are given call texts).


Slide 2 (doll Maslenitsa)

Leading: Great you called, Maslenitsa has come to us. Yes, on this day some people dress up a stuffed doll. Others build snow mountains, which they then ride on Maslenitsa. Mothers and grandmothers bake pancakes and everyone helps themselves, celebrate Maslenitsa with a cheerful song.

Song "Hey, Maslenitsa»

Child: Second day Maslenitsa- TUESDAY – GAMES.

Slide 3 (picture of folk festivals)

They build snow and ice fortresses, buffoons sing ditties.

Dear guests, do you know ditties about Maslenitsa?

help us Have some fun with Maslenitsa(give the text of the ditty)

The buffoon children come out:

We will start and you will continue.


Leading. (summarizes): We did great! Think, Maslenitsa liked it!


Slide 4 (pictures of baking pancakes)

Leading: On this day, sons-in-law - dads - come to their mothers-in-law - mothers' mothers - for pancakes.

7 child: The grandmothers tried so hard that they didn’t even have the strength to sing. The grandchildren love their grandmothers so much and are happy to help them. And with a song it’s always more fun!

We'll ask you all to stand up

Let's sing along and dance!

We do the verse, and you do the chorus, don’t you agree? Let's try to repeat the chorus with movements (everyone stands up, repeats the words with movements)

Song "Pancakes"

Leading: (summarizes): What a wonderful choir it turned out to be! Our guests will introduce this song to their loved ones and friends.

Slide 5 (picture of folk games and festivities)


This is the most fun day. They carry a stuffed animal on a wheel, ride from the mountains, sing songs, start caroling (they walked around the courtyards and sang carol songs with wishes for health, wealth, a good harvest; they collected treats).

Leading: Listen to the carols carefully,

They will definitely come in handy!

Children sing carols (guests treat them).

Child: People noisily, riotously and cheerfully see off the winter. They arrange rides down the icy mountains, fist fights, troika rides, hearty feasts, and play various games. (Question to guests): Do you know the game, which is like pancakes, like a round dance. Looks like the sun. Just as round, cheerful and hot? (answers)

Leading: (summarizes): Right, "Carousel".


Child: FRIDAY is called Mother-in-Law's Party.

Leading: Now the son-in-law, that is, the fathers of the mother’s mothers invite them over and treat them to pancakes.

Question for guests: What are you cooking for? Maslenitsa, dear guests? (guest responses)

Leading: Children, tell us why they gave pancakes the main place? (children's answers)

Leading (summarizes): You're right speak: With Maslenitsa saw off the winter, and spring met. And spring is the sun. Pancakes were associated with the sun.

And they baked different pancakes every day.

Slide 7 (about pancakes)


Slide 8 (picture "Round dance")

Leading: Daughters-in-law, our mothers give it to their sisters-in-law (to daddy's sisters) present. And if there are no sisters, then to other relatives and guests. (Question to guests): What kind of gift do you think would be nice to give to guests?

Leading (summarizes): You're right speak: a good gift there will be a song or dance, and we invite everyone to our cheerful round dance, which is called "Like winter and spring met» .

Round dance "Like winter and spring met» .

Children invite guests to a round dance.

Leading: Why exactly were the round dances performed on oil week(children's answers because a round dance is a circle, and a circle looks like the sun)

Leading: (summarizes): That's right, the round dance, just like pancakes, is round in shape and looks like the sun. Our wonderful round dance turned out to be round and hot from our warm hearts and handshakes.

Child: Last day MaslenitsaFORGIVENESS SUNDAY, or WIRES.

Slide 9 (picture of burning an effigy0

Child: The celebration ends, fires are lit on the ice slides to melt the ice and destroy the cold. On this day they say goodbye to winter and burn an effigy Maslenitsa. They ask for forgiveness and do merciful deeds.

Leading (summarizes): How warm and cheerful it became for us Maslenitsa! And Maslenitsa There is a gift for you - delicious and rosy pancakes.

Mother Maslenitsa gave us a holiday

Serves pancakes to sons and daughters

She brought spring with her - now there are freckles on her nose

Have fun, go out, people, so that you can live well for the whole year!

Leading: And we say goodbye to the guests. And we would like to to know: it was useful for you to know about Maslenitsa then, what did we tell and show? (guest responses).

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the thematic meeting “My mother is a nurse”“My mother is a nurse” Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the nursing profession, to form ideas about the activities of each of the mothers.

Summary of the thematic meeting “My mother is a librarian”“My mother is a librarian” Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the profession of a librarian, to form ideas about the activities of each.

Scenario for the holiday “Christmas meetings” Christmas meetings. Children enter the hall to a folk melody and stop in a circle. Presenter: Christmas in a snow-white blizzard And in crimson.

Holiday scenario for the preparatory group “Autumn Meetings”"Autumn Meetings" Program objectives: 1. Accustom to actively participate in the preparation and holding of holidays. 2. Develop artistic skills.

Maslenitsa scenario at school

Beautiful and enough unusual scenario We have prepared Maslenitsa celebrations at school for you. It is perfect for both indoor and outdoor celebrations. Students can also attend primary school and high school students. Because a lot of competitions and jokes will cheer you up and prepare everyone for spring. Celebrate, burn Maslenitsa and welcome spring, which is just around the corner.


In the center of the hall where the holiday will take place, Maslenitsa stands on a special stand (a large straw or rag doll on a stick, which will later be burned in the street). Near Maslenitsa there are 2-3 tables with pancakes and treats.
Guests enter the hall.

Maslenitsa has arrived!
Maslenitsa has come to us,
Red Maslenitsa smiles on us all!
Smiles at us all, and says goodbye to winter!
Goodbye Winter,
Come spring to us!
We will treat you to pancakes,
May you dance Spring with us!

A dance group in Russian folk costumes comes out and performs a Russian folk dance, and then dances around Maslenitsa with all the guests.

Do you know that Maslenitsa precedes Lent. It lasts only a week, and this week you can dance and have fun, ride down the slides, have competitions and eat pancakes. And each day of Maslenitsa week has its own name. Let's find out what each of the days of Maslenitsa is called.
7 students leave.

1 student:
Monday first forever
and it's called "meeting"
On this day they welcome Spring,
And they start baking pancakes!

2nd student:
Tuesday - it's called "play"
Everyone goes to visit each other,
Everyone slides down the snowy hills,
And they gorge themselves on pancakes.

3rd student:
Wednesday is called a gourmet,
This is where everyone really overeats!
Everyone fills their belly,
And they treat each other!

4 student:
Well, what about Thursday?
Thursday is called "turning point"
From this day on everything changes
And the revelry begins!

5th student:
It's called "Mother-in-law's Party" Friday
On this day, sons-in-law are going to visit their mothers-in-law!
And mothers-in-law baked pancakes for their sons-in-law,
And they gave my son-in-law a real feast!

6th student:
And Saturday is a family day,
It's called "sister-in-law's get-togethers"
On this day, the bride receives her relatives for a visit,
And he gives gifts to all his sisters-in-law!

7th student:
Sunday has many titles,
But we will only say one thing,
Forgiveness is called Sunday,
And everyone asks each other for forgiveness!

So we learned the names of the days of the Maslenitsa week. Now let's play a little.

You can arrange games traditional for Maslenitsa: tug of war, “cockfighting”, etc.
Game - Hot pancake.
A circle is cut out from a landscape sheet. It's going to be damn. All participants stand in a circle and make their hands palms up. Cheerful music is turned on. A “pancake” is placed on the palm of the first participant, and the participant must pass this pancake on the palm of the other participant as soon as possible. At the moment when the music stops, the participant who at that moment has a “pancake” in his hands is eliminated. The participant who drops the pancake during the transfer is also eliminated. The last one remaining receives a prize.

So we played a little. Let's now invite spring to visit us! And so that she can hear us, let's sing a spring song.

A spring song is being sung.

For some reason spring doesn’t want to come. Let's tell her the poems, maybe she will hear and come to us.

Children recite poems.

Spring comes out:
I hear, I hear you calling,
I see, I see that you are waiting for me.
So I came to you, friends,
Finally, I found you!
Now let's go together
We'll treat ourselves to pancakes,
But first we will burn our Maslenitsa,
May winter and all our troubles go away with fire!

Maslenitsa, which stood in the center of the hall, is taken out into the street and burned. You can also invite everyone to write down all the bad things on pieces of paper, for example: illness, bad mood, bad marks etc. and throw these leaves into the fire. You can also hold several competitions and games in the fresh air. And after Maslenitsa is burned, you can already go drink tea with pancakes.

When winter gives way, a cheerful holiday comes - Maslenitsa. He offers to pass the time with round dances and songs, eat delicious pancakes and even burn an effigy. Such celebrations are actively held not only in city squares, but also within the school. Students, together with teachers, think through the script, distribute roles and arrange a fun celebration for everyone who wants to watch it.

Any holiday should begin with developing a plan. The Maslenitsa scenario at school is developed by teachers together with students. Usually this mission falls on the shoulders of high school students.

The script should be rooted in tradition, fun and educational. It is most convenient to hold the event in the schoolyard. This way there will be more free space for dancing around the large scarecrow. But you shouldn't burn it. It's not safe to be around a large number of children.

The event should begin with the words of the school principal:

“The winter has been harsh, but even it cannot last forever. The first light steps of the girl - spring - can already be heard. Let's meet her with songs, dances and good mood."

Cheerful folk music plays and the presenter takes the floor:

“Our school did not stand aside and is ready to show how fun we can celebrate spring. All our students gathered to see off winter, which means that she, the cheat, cannot escape the mischievous laughter, smiles and jokes of the children.”

Student No. 1 as a buffoon:

“Wish everyone for our frosty holiday

We invite you from the bottom of our hearts

We seriously offer you:

Laugh, rejoice, dance!”

Student #2:

"Attention! Attention! The fun begins, don’t stand still, a fun holiday awaits us all. If you don't know, we'll tell you. We celebrate Maslenitsa and say goodbye to the fierce winter. We will all get to know each other, stand in a circle and invite spring in a cheerful round dance.”

Everyone stands in a circle and dances in a circle to a cheerful tune.

A new character appears - “Spring”. She addresses those present:

"Hello guys! You danced so well that I could not restrain myself and came to your call. But winter does not want to give me its possessions, so I want to ask you for help. I suggest playing the game. But you need to be very careful. I will tell you some news. If she is good, then you should clap your hands as loudly as possible. If you don’t like the news, you will stomp your feet as hard as you can. Let's start".

All the guys express a desire to play the game. Spring continues:

“It’s Vesna’s birthday today (everyone clap)

We help ourselves to pancakes and cookies (everyone claps)

We will put winter to rest (clap)

Blizzards and frosts will be left to you and me (they stomp loudly)

I give you a box of chocolates for the game (clap)

You open it, but there’s nothing there (they stomp)

We celebrate Spring's birthday (claps)

And then we’ll all go to training (stomp)

We congratulate everyone on Maslenitsa (clap)

And we wish you to smile more often (clap).”

Then a loud cry is heard and a girl - Nesmeyana - comes on stage. She says:

“What should I do as a red girl? My Internet was lost and my tablet was broken. How can I look at Elena’s beautiful photographs now? I was sitting in my room and playing the computer so well, and it broke. What should I do now?

“Nesmeyana, why are you crying so much? We invite you to stay with us and spend a fun Maslenitsa holiday in our company. It will be fun and also very tasty, because soon we will be trying delicious pancakes.”


“Pancakes, treats, fun? It's much more interesting than the Internet. I will be happy to spend the holiday with you."

“So that you, Nesmeyana, and our guys don’t get bored, let’s listen to songs performed by our students.”

School students perform on stage.


“What fun it is with you guys. And the treats are very tasty. Everyone come to the table and try delicious pancakes, wash it down with warm tea from the samovar.”

Everyone comes to the table where they can take a treat. After this the holiday ends. Some options include burning the effigy at the end. If the school management does not mind, then this procedure can be carried out under the close supervision of teachers. In this case, you should follow the safety rules:

  1. The place where the effigy is burned should be 50 meters away from buildings and people.
  2. A working fire extinguisher must be on hand, and all routes to the site must be accessible to firefighters.
  3. When there is a strong wind, burning an effigy is strictly prohibited, otherwise the fire may spread to the building.
  4. After the end of the event, you should make sure that there are no smoldering areas.

Drawings about Maslenitsa at school

On the eve of the holiday, you can organize a competition within the school “Drawings about Maslenitsa at school.” Students must draw a thematic picture. The competition jury selects the best of them and puts them on public display. It is best to use stands for this.

Then, for a fair selection, you can invite students to vote for their favorite drawing, indicating their last name and drawing number on the sheet.

What should be shown in the picture? The theme of Maslenitsa and related topics must be chosen. For example, you can depict mass celebrations, a scarecrow, a plate of pancakes, or a round dance.

Here are some interesting drawings for inspiration:

The drawing included several symbols of Maslenitsa at the same time

Scarecrow on fire

Hostess and treats

Mass celebrations

How to design a wall newspaper for Maslenitsa at school?

School traditions involve coverage of any event. That is why it is important to know how to design a wall newspaper for Maslenitsa at school.

It must cover:

  • the history of the holiday;
  • basic traditions;
  • rules for the event.

Also in the wall newspaper it can be described past experience holding such a holiday. For clarity, the material can be supported by a photo from the school archive.

It would be useful to indicate the plan of the event, indicating its time, place and main stages. All this should be accompanied by bright drawings, ditties, “Maslenitsa” poems, postcards.

Not everyone knows the traditions that are observed on this holiday. It will be especially interesting for students to know them primary classes. Therefore, in the wall newspaper you can pay attention to the main traditions of Maslenitsa.

When creating a wall newspaper, it is important to do everything carefully, without mistakes. Students often make several different copies because it is impossible to fit all the information on one poster.

DIY crafts and souvenirs for Maslenitsa

Similar to the art competition, you can launch the “Do-it-yourself crafts and souvenirs for Maslenitsa” competition. Students can give free rein to their imagination and create any symbol of this holiday.

A simpler craft would be the sun. It is a symbol of the reign of Spring, as well as good weather and mood. This can be done using several practices.

The first one is application. For this you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First, you need to cut out the elements of the sun from colored paper. In this case, they are cut into small strips and twisted. You also need to cut out small details: eyes, bangs, etc.

On a sheet of cardboard, arrange all the elements in the correct order and glue them using a small amount of glue.

You can also make a sun out of ear sticks. To do this, you need to wrap each ear stick and paste it with colored paper. Then you need to cut out decorative elements: eyes, mouth, butterflies, flowers.

Cut out a circle from yellow cardstock. Place craft elements and rays on it. Secure everything with glue.

The next craft is more difficult to make, but will definitely attract admiring glances. Can be sewn rag doll. She should look appropriate: in a scarf with rosy cheeks, in ethnic clothes.

You will need few materials: fabric different types, matching threads, scissors, decor and stuffing for the doll. But sewing it will be much more difficult. To help you complete the task faster, you can watch the following video:

Such a doll is considered a talisman, so it can be given as a gift to family and close friends.

In a similar way, you can make other souvenirs: various animals from fabric, amulets from straw. If you have the skill, you can even weave a basket from twigs.

Maslenitsa competitions at school

For happy holiday need the same ones fun competitions on Maslenitsa at school. They can be varied. Top most popular competitions that do not require special preparation:

What to wear for Maslenitsa at school?

What to wear for Maslenitsa at school depends on whether the student will be an actor or a simple spectator.

If the student is just watching the performance, then you can wear comfortable clothes to take part in competitions. You can also wear an ethical scarf on your head and hang a bunch of bagels around your neck.

If an active student is a participant in an event, then it is imperative to have the appropriate appearance. You should choose a suit (sundress or jacket with trousers), put a painted hat or scarf on your head, red boots on your feet, and a belt on your waist.

If the student gets one of the roles, then the outfit needs to include appropriate decor.

How to decorate a table for Maslenitsa at school?

The school table for Maslenitsa should also be decorated in the same style. You should cover the table with a white tablecloth; if there is embroidery on it, this will only add color.

There should be a samovar in the center of the table. Next to him is a plate with pancakes and other treats. You should not forget about the “companions” for pancakes - honey and jam.

You can also decorate the table with a bouquet of ears of corn, a bereginya doll, and hang a bunch of bagels on the samovar.

You can use wicker baskets to store pancakes and pies. They will add a homely atmosphere and comfort to the event.

When it comes to school Maslenitsa, then festive table You can also decorate with school symbols (flags, badges, etc.).

What to bake for Maslenitsa at school?

Sanitary and hygienic standards in educational institutions no one has canceled it, so the question of what to bake for Maslenitsa at school must be taken seriously.

All products must be fresh. In addition to delicious pancakes, the following pastries can be on the table:

  • pies with fruit or vegetable filling;
  • buns with or without filling;
  • pancake cake;
  • wafer rolls.

You can also think about the topic of pancakes, but in a different interpretation. For example, put curd filling in a pancake bag (tie the ends of the pancake together). You can add fresh fruits and sugar to the cottage cheese or, conversely, make them salty by adding salt and herbs with tomatoes.

You can also bake pancakes unusual shape or multi-colored options.

Riddles, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa

Riddles, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa are required if the organizers of the event want to amuse the audience and give a special mood. You should choose original options, which have not become boring over time.

For example, you can use the following materials:

"You can't do without him

If you got stuck with the test

Without him, damn it, not damn it

This product is necessary" (Oil)

“My son-in-law came to his mother-in-law at lunchtime

They have no quarrels today,

Because you have to eat

Today..." (mother-in-law's pancakes).

Thematic proverbs and sayings:

“A pancake is not a wedge - it won’t split your belly”

“They don’t like pancakes and kisses”

“There is no Maslenitsa without pancakes, just like there is no name day without pies”

“It’s not all about Maslenitsa, there will be Lent too.”

Maslenitsa is a time of fun and Have a good mood. School times will definitely be remembered with positive side if such events take place. Getting to know new traditions, competitions and costume shows are as important for children as diligent study.

Buffoons introduce participants to each Maslenitsa day, hold competitions and games. At the end of the event, the traditional burning of the effigy and the singing of ritual songs and chants take place.


Introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa.

Required attributes for competitions:

  • Scarecrow Maslenitsa;
  • Felt boots for the “Felt Felt Throwing” competition;
  • A saucepan planted on a post dug into the ground, and a stick for the “Breaking the Pot” competition;
  • Targets for the “Shooting Range” competition;
  • Flags for the “Ice Hill” competition;
  • A pot of potatoes, plates, spoons for the “Hot Potato” competition;
  • Sleds for the “Sleigh Riding” competition;
  • Brooms and colorful skittles for the game “Jolly Broom” (transparent ones can be used instead of skittles) plastic bottles, into which colored water is poured);
  • Handkerchiefs for the game “Give a handkerchief”;
  • Bear costumes;
  • Balls for fortune telling.

Preliminary preparation:

  • Organize a competition for the best snow sculpture;
  • Make a “snow” labyrinth;
  • Make a slippery slide;


  • Buffoons

Progress of the event

Buffoon 1: Good afternoon, beautiful girls and good fellows!

Buffoon 2: Today we are going to spend the winter and welcome spring!

Buffoon 1: Have fun and compete in strength and dexterity!

Buffoon 2: Maslenitsa is an ancient holiday, celebrated by people from time immemorial.

Buffoon 1: And it lasts not a day, not two, but a whole week!

Buffoon 2: And every day has its own secret meaning. And which one exactly – we’ll figure it out now.

Buffoon 1: On the first day there was a celebration of the holiday. It was on Monday that the effigy of the main character, Maslenitsa, was created.

Buffoon 2: Bring in the Maslenitsa effigy!

A scarecrow is brought in and installed in the center of the square.

Buffoon 1: On the same day they built slides, snow forts, and erected snow sculptures.

Buffoon 2: So we decided to hold a competition for the best sculpture! For a whole week, our masters (students) prepared for the competition: they sculpted, cut, and decorated. And finally, the work is finished.

Buffoon 1: We invite you to see what they did and determine the winners of this difficult competition.

Buffoon 2: Well, we successfully passed the first day. We are leaving for the second day of the holiday, which is rightly called “flirt”.

Buffoon 1: On Tuesday they sang ditties and treated guests to various delicacies.

There is a competition for the best ditty. If the children do not remember them, then you can print out the ditties in advance and identify the best performer.

Then the game “Treat” is played. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, which must take turns naming the treat. Moreover, each team gets “its own taste”: sour, bitter, spicy dishes. If a team does not name the dish of the desired flavor within 10 seconds, it is eliminated from the game.

Buffoon 2: We had fun and played. Now we go to the third day of the festival - “Gourmand”. The sons-in-law came to the mother-in-law's pancakes and treated themselves. Also on this day, competitions in strength, courage, and dexterity were held.

Maslenitsa competitions are held:

  • “Throwing felt boots” - cleansing the Russian land from evil spirits. Those who wish receive a felt boot and line up along the line. At the leader’s signal, they throw the felt boots forward, trying to throw it as far as possible. The second, unexpected stage of this competition will be a second throw with the second felt boot. In this case, it is necessary that the second felt boot falls as close as possible to the first.
  • “Breaking the pot” - protecting the future harvest from evil spirits. At the site, a post is driven into the ground. A saucepan – a “pot” – is put on top of it. Participants are blindfolded and given a stick. They take turns trying to reach the post and “break” the pot - hit the pan with a stick.
  • Game "Cockfighting". A circle is drawn on the site. Two people who wish to do so have their hands tied behind their backs and sent into a circle. The task of each player is to push the opponent out of the circle. To complicate the task, you can ask participants to stand in a circle on only one leg, raising the other one up.

Buffoon 1: Wednesday ends and Thursday begins. It was on this day that they sang a lot of songs, danced until they dropped, played a lot and caroled a lot.

Buffoon 2: Snow fights and storming of a snow fortress were an unchangeable tradition. Well, we will hold snow competitions!

Snow competitions are held:

  • "Labyrinth". On a snowy area, a labyrinth in the shape of a rectangle is prepared in advance, in which shallow paths are dug with a shovel. It only has two entrances. The participants' task is to find a way out of the maze.
  • "Shooting Range." At a short distance from the guys, a narrow table is installed on which targets of different sizes are displayed. Those who wish try to hit all the objects while making the least number of throws.
  • "Ice slide" The slide should be quite slippery on the slope side. There are flags attached to the slide in different places. The participants' task is to try to get all the flags. At the same time, you can climb the mountain only from the slippery side.

Buffoon 1: On Friday evening, sons-in-law invited mothers-in-law for pancakes. But it was so difficult for them to bake pancakes!

Buffoon 2: After all, it was necessary to first ask the mother-in-law for all the food and utensils for baking the main treat!

Buffoon 1: To do this, the sons-in-law sent their friends for this purpose. However, they won’t just give anything to their son-in-law.

Buffoon 2: Friends sometimes had to fulfill even the most difficult wishes of the bride's parents!

Buffoon 1: What kind of trials they had to endure that day, “thanks” to their friend: they threw snow, cleaned the house, and ran with trifling errands to the neighbors!

Buffoon 2: Would you cope with such tasks? Let's check it now!

Maslenitsa relay races are held:

  • "Hot potato". Participants use spoons to transfer potatoes from a saucepan to a plate.
  • "Sledging". Participants lie on their stomachs on the sled. At a distance from them, pins are installed. The players' task is to get to the pin, go around it and go back, moving the sled with their hands.
  • "Merry Broom" Pins of two colors are placed on the court, for example, blue for the first team, and red for the second. Each team has 2 participants and receives a broom. Having sat “astride” the broom, the players begin to sweep the clearing, trying to knock down all the pins of their color without touching the opponent’s pins. The team that completes the task faster will win.
  • "Throwing a broom." Players take turns throwing the broom into the distance. The player whose broom flies farther brings the team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Buffoon 1: On Saturday, sisters-in-law - the husband's sisters - were given gifts from their daughters-in-law, an effigy was burned, and an ancient ritual of purification by fire was carried out: the young men jumped over the fire, and the ashes fluttered throughout the area.

Buffoon 2: Well, we continue to have fun and play! Before burning an effigy, you need to warm up properly in order to be able to resist evil spirits!

The game “Give a handkerchief” is played. Two sticks of different heights are installed in a separate area. A strong rope is stretched between them, which is located at an angle. Women's names are written on handkerchiefs and attached to a rope using clothespins. Boy participants jump up to rip off the scarf. Then they give it to a girl with the name written on the scarf.

Buffoon 1: In Rus' they also loved to watch bear shows.

Buffoon 2: Especially for you, bears are performing for the first time in our region! Meet us!

The competition-game “Bears” is being held. Several people put on costumes and dance. The bear that the audience liked the most is determined by applause. He is given a gift - a spoonful of honey.

Then they burn the Maslenitsa effigy, dance around the fire and sing songs.

Buffoon 1: We've been going downhill all week This is how people said goodbye to the last snow.

Buffoon 2: They also wondered who would have great success in the near future: to do this, they rolled a burning wheel down a hill.

Buffoon 1: We will try to determine this using ordinary balls.