DIY doll for beginners. Master class, patterns with step-by-step descriptions from fabric, tights, socks, threads, plastic bottles, paper. Photo. Handicraft master class “Folk rag doll-twist Mk rag dolls all of them”

Master The class is designed for children of the senior group of kindergarten, teachers, and parents.

Purpose: gaming doll for child; amulet; handmade gift.

Target: Formation of children's interest in the history and culture of Russian people, through the production of traditional folk doll"Twist".


- educational: teach children to make folk doll"Twist". Enrich students’ knowledge about the history and diversity of folk doll;

-developing: to develop in students fine motor skills, perseverance, attention, eye and ability to work with scraps of fabric;

-educational: cultivate interest in one’s culture people and careful attitude towards doll. Cultivate aesthetic taste in production dolls"Twist".

Basic Concepts: doll, folk doll, Ragdoll, modern doll, amulets, rituals, games dolls.


2 squares of white fabric (20x20) for the torso and blouse;

One square (20x20) and two strips of colored fabric for a sundress;

A rectangular patch for an apron and a triangular one for a scarf;

White threads;

Sintepon (cotton wool) for volume;

braid for the belt.

ABOUT I’ll tell you now about the folk doll,

And if you like it, I’ll show you how to do it.

Handmade dolls for centuries accompanied the life of Russian peasants. They were carefully kept in chests and passed down from generation to generation. Mothers, older sisters, grandmothers sewed dolls for small children, “...despite all the incredible busyness, they found time for this. The child was specially taught traditional manufacturing techniques dolls, and from the age of five the simplest rag doll Any girl could do it." And they started teaching girls how to make dolls already from the age of three.

main feature dolls, is that it is made without a needle and is faceless. For a child doll will be a friend toy and a talisman at the same time, so it’s useless to prick her with a needle, and make a face folk beliefs cannot, since such doll can gain a soul and become dangerous. A "faceless" the doll is considered an inanimate object and cannot harm the child. A doll made with love by your own hands will be a source of pride for her. craftswomen.

Pupa manufacturing technology

Take one square of white fabric and fold the edge inward.

We put padding polyester in the middle

Perform a tight twist.

The result is a twist - a roll. This "body" our doll.

We tie the twist with thread at the level of the neck and waist.

We take the second square of white fabric, place a twist and a piece of padding polyester in the center.

Tie with thread at neck level.

Straighten the fabric. Let's try to remove excess folds from the face dolls.

Forming hands: we determine their length and wrap the excess fabric inside. We tuck the edges of the sleeve into the middle.

We measure the size of the palms and tighten them with thread. We tie the loose corners around the body with a thread on the belt, trying to distribute the fabric evenly.

The basis of our dolls are ready. But the outfit is your imagination and creativity. We have done sundress for doll. We take two narrow colored strips of fabric and place them crosswise across the shoulders on the chest and back. We tie it with a thread at the waist.

Fold the square of colored fabric in half. We wrap it around the body.

We tighten it with thread and tie it.

We tie a scarf on the doll, tie a belt and the doll is ready.

The doll is decorated with an apron. The ornament is drawn felt-tip pen.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Friends, colleagues, I can’t help but share my impressions with you. At the end of October, our group held a master class with parents on manufacturing.

Master class “Rag doll Krupenichka” Master class “Rag doll - little one” Purpose: To reveal the methods of moral activity of a preschooler. Objectives: Replenish knowledge about folk.

The folk doll Otdarok - na - gift is so easy to make that it can easily be made by children of senior preschool age. Earlier.

In our group there is a folk art corner in which kitchen utensils, napkins and towels embroidered with satin stitch are placed, it is wonderful.

Fabric dolls are an ancient type of needlework, into which craftsmen from all over the world have breathed new life. A modern doll is bright, stylish, and not boring. There are examples of sewing simple baby dolls and very realistic dolls. Today figures made from simple patterns are popular.

Hand-made textile dolls are, as a rule, toys not for small children, but for fully grown girls. At least based on the fact that these fragile dolls can tear or become dirty during active handling, and it is not recommended to wash them. After all, textile toys are often tinted, scented, and their faces are covered with acrylic paints. They are also decorated with numerous accessories in the form of tiny flowers, buttons, brooches and other beautiful little things.

A textile doll will be an excellent gift or a unique decoration for any interior.

It is important for every beginning needlewoman who wants to create a textile doll with her own hands to choose her option among the variety of existing types of such toys in accordance with her level of skill.

Let's see what textile dolls exist today.

This simple model does not require any sewing; it can be twisted from multi-colored scraps in just a couple of minutes. If you wish, you can sew an elegant sundress for the Russian beauty, and a caftan and boots for her gentleman.

The most ancient in Slavic and Russian culture are. They were assistants in a variety of affairs of ancient housewives. A cabbage placed on the window indicated that the girl was ready for marriage, and the woman in labor helped in childbirth. The well-being of the whole family depended on the special mood of the needlewoman while making such a rag doll with her own hands. The head of the amulet dolls has no eyes, mouth or nose. Ideally, they are performed without scissors; the fabric is simply torn by hand.

Attic (primitives)

Such primitive dolls are distinguished by some age and carelessness, as if they had been lying around in the attic for many years. very simple due to fairly simple forms. When sewing, the sections are not processed; the toy is given a very shabby look due to tinting. At first glance, it seems that the doll is made from materials that first came to hand. However, this is not the case. Every detail of the toy, with its deliberate shabbyness, is carefully thought out and carefully executed.

Their appearance varies, from button or patchwork eyes and asymmetrical figures to realistically painted acrylic faces and graceful body shapes. This diversity occurs because the designer doll thrives in this environment.

Tilda doll

A special case of a primitive doll. Poorly detailed face, but very expressive hair and figure. The Internet is replete with examples of how to sew a doll. This is a textile Barbie, she has a lot of roles and themed clothes. From flower girl to princess. Sewing it will bring you a lot of pleasure. For beginners, it is best to start with these dolls.

Waldorf doll

The peculiarity of this doll is that its body has the correct proportions characteristic of an adult or a child, depending on the model. The limbs move at the base. You can't call this little girl skinny.

If you follow the technology for sewing such a toy, you will get a fairly realistic figurine. Inside her head there is a tightly stuffed ball, tied with wire or thread according to a certain pattern, which allows her to give her face relief, and in place of the nose there is a bead. A flesh-colored knitted fabric is stretched over the top. Very convenient for gaming purposes.


The main difference between this toy is the head, which consists of five wedges, which is very similar to a small pumpkin. The junction of the wedges is slightly extended forward and forms a neat nose. Wide scope for the master’s imagination is represented by the doll’s face, on which eyes and mouth are painted with acrylic paints. Numerous designer textile dolls are created on this basis. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a master class on how to create a pumpkin head with your own hands.


The main feature is large legs with reinforced feet and dotted eyes (although there are Snowballs with painted eyes). Thanks to the specially shaped, stable legs and very dense padding, they can stand firmly on the surface.


Tryapiens came to us from Korea or Japan and have a very graceful physique, small heads with a chic hairstyle, and rich and complex outfits. The patterns for such a textile doll are quite simple; closed eyes are drawn on the face. All the author's skill lies in creating voluminous hairstyles and intricate clothes.

Having learned to make standard dolls, any master comes to create his own unique textile doll. He adapts well-known patterns for his work, changes the shape of the toy’s body and head, and looks for new options. This is how a designer textile doll comes into being.

Master class on creating a pumpkin head

For those needlewomen who are interested in making a textile doll with their own hands, we offer a master class on creating a Droplet-April pumpkin head.

DIY fabric doll

We offer to sew a doll with your own hands based on the Waldorf style. Our fat girl resembles her in appearance. Only the limbs will be attached with buttons, like traditional stuffed animals. This method is now very popular not only in terms of convenience, but also aesthetics: buttons on the shoulders and hips enhance the decorativeness of the image. We will embroider the face, like the Waldorfs, and borrow the convexity of the nose.

To sew a doll, we will need 2 types of material: white or beige flannel and thick colored material. In our case, we used denim, or rather, scraps from old jeans. In front of the body we sew from the bleached part of the trouser leg. The pattern pieces need to be symmetrical in color. The back is darker.

First, we cut out 2 parts of the front, then we apply them to the fabric from which we sew the back, and pin them with sewing pins. We cut out the parts and sew the side seams of the body bag. After this, we chop off the front and back seams and sew them with a continuous stitch. We stuff the body so that it is not too hard, but holds its shape well.

For centuries, people have created rag dolls and amulets with their own hands. Such dolls were supposed to protect family members from adversity and illness, bring happiness and prosperity to the house, and protect them from evil spirits. they were created from natural materials and improvised means, they were cherished, loved, and passed on from generation to generation.


What are amulets dolls and what is their function?

A small doll made of fabric, thread, straw or herbs, dressed in beautiful, embroidered clothes, was not intended for children's play. Only a woman could make a doll-amulet, as the continuer of the family and the keeper of the hearth; men were not allowed to do such a thing.

Craftswomen tried to create a doll without using sharp objects - scissors, knives or needles (needles were allowed when embroidering doll clothes). Another important condition is that the doll should not have a face so that evil spirits do not enter it through the eyes.

Such amulets-dolls helped in difficult life situations; they can be roughly divided into several groups:

  • guardians of the home and family hearth;
  • guardians of the life and health of children and adults;
  • guardians of pregnant women and babies, assistants in childbirth;
  • bringing good luck, prosperity, wealth;
  • patrons of crafts, trade, agricultural work, good harvests;
  • guardians of warriors and travelers;
  • protectors from evil spirits and evil spirits;
  • dolls for fortune telling.


Girls began sewing their first amulets dolls with their own hands in childhood under the guidance of their mothers and older sisters. By the time she got married, the girl already knew how to make such amulets for various needs. The future bride also had in her dowry chest several dolls for her future home and new family. The experience of creating amulets dolls was passed down through the female line, from mother to daughter.

The main Slavic doll amulets and their meaning are given in the table:

NameFor what occasion was it made?What did the doll look like, what materials were used to create it?The meaning of the amulet doll
BereginyaFor birthdays, weddings, housewarmingsRed threads and red shredsAn assistant to a woman in household chores and childbirth. Guardian of the house from evil spirits.
GraceApril 7 or Christmas (as a gift)Birch or rowan tree. She was depicted with her hands raised up.Brings good news to the house, helps in raising children.
Ten-handleAs a wedding gift, the bride could also make such a doll for her own weddingThe doll has 10 hands to keep up with all household chores.Helping the young housewife with numerous household chores.
Ash dollFor a wedding (cooked by a mother for her daughter-bride)The doll's head was made from soaked ash. The doll had no arms or legs. Often Pelenashka was tied to the ash doll.A symbol of motherhood and well-being in the home.
KuvadkaFor the birth of a childA very simple motanka doll, shaped like a cross.They helped the mother during childbirth, protected the woman and the newborn baby.
plantainBefore a long journeyA pinch of ash from the hearth was placed in the doll’s bag.Helped with hardships on the road and brought good luck.
Bird JoyTo welcome springThe doll was decorated with bright ribbons, feathers, and bows.She took part in the ritual holidays of the invocation of spring.
ComforterFor small childrenA stuffed motanka doll in the shape of a soft, fat woman.The doll was given to the child only when it was necessary to comfort him. Didn't serve as a child's toy.

Russian national

Russian folk dolls are closely related to national traditions and rituals. Ritual dolls were prepared for certain holidays, after which they were destroyed or stored until the next holiday.

The following dolls were made from:

  • fabrics;
  • thread;
  • wood;
  • clay.

There are three main dolls:

  1. Kupavka - a doll was prepared on the day of the Summer Solstice from two poles fastened in the shape of a cross. Bunches of straw were tied onto poles to create a human-sized doll. The doll was dressed up in real women's clothing - a shirt and sundress, with long ribbons tied to the sleeves. At the end of the Ivan Kupala holiday, Kupavka was released along the river.
  2. Kostroma (Maslenitsa) - the doll was prepared at the beginning of Maslenitsa week. Just like Kupavka, Kostroma was made human-sized or even larger, and dressed in women's clothing. Kostroma was burned on the last day of the Maslenitsa celebration.
  3. Easter (Verbnitsa) - the doll was prepared a week before Easter, on the eve of Palm Sunday. They tried to make the doll without scissors and needles from red scraps and rags. The finished doll was put up in the window for everyone to see, and on Easter it was placed on the table along with Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Kupavka Kostroma (Maslenitsa) Easter (Verbnitsa)

Rules for creating amulet dolls

When making amulets dolls, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Start work in a good mood. Remember that the doll absorbs part of the energy of the craftswoman, so you should not start working on the doll in a state of irritation, fatigue or illness.
  2. There should be no men or grown-up boys near the craftswoman. An exception may be young boys, but they should not distract the craftswoman.
  3. Create a doll not on the table, but on your lap. Cover yourself with a scarf to prevent hair from accidentally getting into the doll.
  4. Do not touch the doll with sharp objects (scissors, knives, needles) or glue. Clothes should be sewn separately and then put on the doll.
  5. Try to make the doll before you go to bed.
  6. Use natural materials without dyes to create a doll. This can be cotton and linen fabrics, matting, threads, ropes, ribbons, straw, etc.
  7. Finished dolls cannot be washed or thrown in the trash. If you need to get rid of a doll, it should be burned, buried in the ground, and floated down the river.
  8. The very first doll should be made for yourself and left in your home.

Instructions for making dolls

Motanka - from the word to reel. This is a doll made from scraps, all the elements of which are wound with a long thread. The thread cannot be cut, no knots can be made, only one knot is allowed in the navel area. When wearing a motanka, you must wear a long shirt, skirt and headscarf. The face cannot be embroidered or drawn; you should either leave a clean piece of fabric or tie the face crosswise with threads.

  • two pieces of white fabric 10x10 cm;
  • scraps of colored fabric;
  • hair yarn;
  • spool of red thread;
  • synthetic padding tape for the head;
  • ribbons, braid, lace for decorating and finishing the doll.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Roll a white piece of thick fabric tightly into a tube. These will be the doll's legs.
  2. For the shoes, we cut out two 5x5 cm squares from a colored scrap. We apply each square to the opposite ends of the tube and wrap it around them. We fix it with threads.
  3. Fold the tube exactly in half, step back 2 cm from the fold and wrap it with thread.
  4. Wind the padding polyester tape onto the fold marked with threads. This will be the head.
  5. Place the head in the center of the white flap, fold the fabric evenly around the head and wrap the threads around the neck.
  6. Make handles from the right and left corners of the flap by tucking the fabric inward. Secure the ends of the handles with thread.
  7. Make a body from the front and back corners of the flap, tying it with thread.
  8. Wind the yarn onto a book of suitable width. The thicker the winding, the more magnificent the doll's hair will be.
  9. Cut the winding at one end and tie it with a piece of yarn at the other.
  10. Place your hair on your head, spread it evenly and tie it around your neck with a thread very tightly. Braid your hair.
  11. Measure the height of the doll and sew her a sundress from a colored scrap. Put it on the doll.

You should always cut out and sew clothes for a doll separately so that the needles do not touch the doll’s body.

Watch how to make a motanka doll “Happiness” step by step in the video of the AllatRa TV Dnepr channel.


The Broom doll will sweep away all quarrels and troubles from the house. Such a doll was hung in the kitchen, right above the front door. If the doll fell from its place to the floor, it was believed that it had fulfilled its purpose, and a new Broom should be made.

Metlushka doll

To make a doll you will need:

  • small broom (buy or make yourself);
  • 2 square pieces of white fabric (size depends on the size of the broom);
  • colored fabric (for sundress, scarf and apron);
  • red ribbon;
  • spool of white thread;
  • spool of red thread;
  • yarn.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wrap the yarn around the broom handle to form a round head.
  2. Wrap the white piece around the head and wrap it with white thread.
  3. Make a slit in the center of the second white flap and place it on the broom. Form the doll's arms, securing them with red thread.
  4. Separately sew a colored sundress and an apron and put it on the doll.
  5. Cover the head with a scarf and decorate with ribbon. The Metlushka doll is ready.

When creating the doll's head, try to keep the face smooth and even, without folds or wrinkles.

Photo gallery

In the photo you can see how to make a Metlushka doll step by step.

Valdai doll Bell

To make a doll you will need:

  • 3 round pieces with a diameter of 15, 20 and 22 cm (1 red and 2 multi-colored);
  • 1 white piece 12x13 cm;
  • 1 multi-colored patch for a scarf 15x15x21;
  • small bell;
  • a piece of cotton wool or padding polyester;
  • red thick threads;
  • red ribbon.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Roll the cotton wool or padding polyester into a ball and secure the bell to it with a thread.
  2. Place the bell-shaped cotton wool in the center of the largest round patch.
  3. Wrap the fabric around the bell cotton to form a head. Secure with thread.
  4. Wrap the second largest scrap around the first and also secure with thread.
  5. Wrap and secure the third flap in the same way.
  6. Lay out a white rectangular piece of fabric, fold the corners towards each other.
  7. Attach the flap to the head, carefully crumple the fabric so that it does not wrinkle on the doll’s face. Secure with thread.
  8. Form handles by folding the long ends of the white fabric inward. Secure the ends of the handles with thread, stepping back a little from the edge.
  9. Tie a scarf. The Bell doll is ready.

Small bells can be purchased at a fishing store.

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Amulet doll made of linen threads

To make a doll you will need:

  • undyed linen threads;
  • red wool threads.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a thick book or box, about the height of your palm. Wind threads around it for three parts of the doll: the thickest for the body, 2 times thinner for the arms and for the pigtail.
  2. Cut the windings on one side. You should get three bundles of thread.
  3. For the handles, braid them and secure with red thread. Cut the braid on the other side and also secure with thread.
  4. Measure 1 meter of red thread. At the body, mark the head by tying it in the middle of a long thread.
  5. Tie the braid bun at one end with a knot, pull it through the head and secure it to the top of the head. Braid the braid and tie the end with thread.
  6. We insert a pigtail-handle into the body, fasten it crosswise with the ends of a long thread, and then tie it on the belt, leaving a belt.
  7. Tie the doll's head with a headband of red thread. The doll is ready.


The Prosperous doll is the first assistant for the housewife; she will also take trouble away from the house, and will attract prosperity and well-being to the house. These dolls were given as gifts for weddings and housewarmings.

Blessed Doll

To make a doll you will need:

  • white flap 10x10 cm (for the head);
  • colored scrap 15x5 (for handles);
  • a colored piece of round shape with a diameter of 12 cm (for a skirt);
  • colored piece of triangular shape, 18 cm on the long side (for a scarf);
  • ribbons (for an apron and belt);
  • spool of white thread;
  • cotton wool for filling.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place a ball of cotton wool in the center of the white piece, wrap the fabric around it and wrap it with thread. The doll head is ready.
  2. Fold the strip for the handles in half and fold the edges inward. You should get a narrow four-layer strip of material. Tie a knot in the middle.
  3. Tie the handles with threads to the doll’s neck, raising them above the head.
  4. Gather the round scrap along the edge with a simple seam to create a pouch. Place a coin and cotton wool inside.
  5. Insert the head with handles into the bag. Tighten the thread and additionally wrap it around the doll to hold it tighter.
  6. Lower the doll's arms down, tie her an apron, a belt and a scarf. The Well-Being doll is ready.

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To make a doll you will need:

  • 2 white scraps 20x30 for the body;
  • multi-colored scrap 25x25 for a diaper;
  • red rag 10x10 for a scarf;
  • red wool thread;
  • beautiful lace.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place two white pieces on top of each other, fold in half, then in half again and roll into a tight roll. Tie the roll with red thread. This will be the body of the doll.
  2. Fold the red piece in half and put it on like a scarf on the body.
  3. We lay out the flap for the diaper on the table. We bend one corner towards the center and place the body on the diaper.
  4. We fold the diaper on the left and then on the right.
  5. We bend the bottom edge of the diaper and lift it up.
  6. We tie the doll with a string. The Diaper doll is ready.

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Bunnies dolls

To make a doll you will need:

  • a piece of colored fabric 10x20 cm;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • red threads.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the fabric in half along the short side of the flap. Fold it into a corner, wrap it with thread three times and tie a knot (do not cut the thread). These will be Bunny ears.
  2. Roll a thick ball of cotton wool and insert it under the Bunny's ears. Cover with a cloth and wrap the neck with the same thread, forming a head.
  3. We wrap the remaining fabric inward, bend it 1 cm from the edge and tuck it under the neck. We wrap the same thread crosswise, forming paws. The doll is ready.

Step-by-step diagram for creating a Bunny doll

In the video you can watch a master class for beginners on making a “Bunny” doll. Filmed by the channel “U-mama. ru".


Lovebirds - a man and a woman holding hands tightly - a traditional Slavic wedding talisman. Lovebirds were prepared on the eve of the wedding, and during the wedding they were hung under the arc of the horse carrying the newlyweds. Then the doll was kept in the young family, protecting marital love and fidelity in the house.


To make a doll you will need:

  • a thin, even stick about 30 cm long;
  • a piece of white fabric 15–40 cm (for a stick);
  • 2 pieces of white fabric 20x40 cm (for a woman’s torso) and 20x20 cm (for a man’s torso);
  • 2 pieces of red fabric 15x30 cm (for a woman’s shirt) and 15x20 (for a man’s shirt);
  • striped or colored patch 20x30 cm (for pants);
  • multi-colored patchwork 20x20 cm (for a scarf);
  • a dark-colored patch 10x10 cm (for a hat);
  • braids and ribbons;
  • padding polyester;
  • beautiful fabric for an apron;
  • a spool of thick red thread;
  • wire and pieces of leather for boots (you can use cut off fingers from old leather gloves).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We wrap the stick in white fabric and secure the fabric with thread on both sides. These will be the doll's hands.
  2. Fold the white fabric 20x40 in 4 times, tucking it inward. You should get a long narrow strip. We fold it in half, stepping back a little, and tie it with red thread, outlining the head. We fill our heads with padding polyester. The body for the female figurine is ready.
  3. We put the body to the arm and fix it with a thread crosswise. We make the torso for the male figurine in a similar way - we fold the flap for the pants 4 times, tucking the fabric inward.
  4. We attach the pants to the hand and tie them with thread from the bottom. From a white 20x20 piece of paper we make a head for a man in the same way as we did for a woman. Stuff it with padding polyester and secure it with thread on your hand.
  5. We fold the red scraps in half and make simple patterns for shirts for women and men.
  6. We cut a hole for the head and put it on the dolls.
  7. We secure the shirts with beautiful braids or ribbons. We also put on an apron for the woman.
  8. We insert a wire into the boots and secure them with threads on the man’s feet.
  9. We tie a ribbon around the woman's head and cover it with a scarf. We apply the flap for the hat to the man’s head, wrap it around and bend the edges inward at the back of the head. Secure with braid or tape.
  10. We tie a thread to the Lovebirds so that they can hang them. The Lovebirds doll is ready.

Photo gallery


To make a doll you will need:

  • canvas or linen fabric 20x20 cm (for the body) and 7x20 (for the arms);
  • wide lace ribbon 10 cm (for the undershirt);
  • a flap along the width of the lace ribbon (for the outer shirt);
  • a small piece of soft, plain fabric (for a warrior on the head);
  • a piece of beautiful fabric 40x40 (for a scarf);
  • embroidered apron;
  • needle and thread;
  • any cereal or mixture of cereals.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We sew an oblong bag from a 20x20 flap, pour the cereal into it and carefully sew it up or tie it with a knot.
  2. Wrap a lace ribbon around your waist and wrap it with thread. At the top, fasten a piece of the top shirt with a thread, leaving a gap between the edges 2–3 cm wide.
  3. We wrap the head with a soft piece of warrior cloth, hiding the sewn end of the bag under it.
  4. We twist a long strip of fabric on both sides with the wrong side inward. Then we lean the doll against the back so that the twisted arms are at shoulder level. We fix everything with thread.
  5. Using the same thread we attach the apron to the body.
  6. We tie a scarf so that the upper edges of the handles are hidden under it. The Krupenichka doll is ready.


The herbalist protected the health of all family members. Such a talisman was made for a sick person; often the doll was given to children to play with. This is not without reason, because the Herbalist is filled with medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort, thyme, etc.) that help improve health, a kind of aromatherapy. The herbs in the doll need to be changed once a year.

Today I want to talk about how to make a doll with your own hands. I'll tell you about soft fabric dolls - even a child can handle making such a toy, and the result looks simply charming.

What types of dolls are there and how they differ

What kind of textile dolls are there? Fabric dolls have existed for quite a long time; at first they were of a ritual nature, then they became amulets, and finally moved into the category of interior decorations and children's toys.

You can divide the dolls by manufacturing style:

  • sewn dolls;
  • reels.
You can also divide pupae according to body shape:
  • sessile;
  • standing;
  • recumbent (they have a soft body, it is difficult to sit them down).
And of course, the pupae can be divided by appearance - I will talk about this later, so as not to write one by one.

Different variants

How to make a rag doll with your own hands? There are a variety of DIY rag dolls, but in general you need to stock up on:
  • fabric for making the body, face and limbs of the doll - it can be fabric, yarn, nylon and even paper (some make the doll’s head from papier-mâché and the body from fabric);
  • stuffing material (cereals, foam rubber, cotton wool, fabric scraps, polystyrene foam balls or holofiber);
  • yarn or thread for making hairstyles;
  • beads, special eyes;
  • needles and threads;
  • knitting supplies (you will need doll clothes, and they are very easy to knit);
  • cardboard, artificial and natural leather, various elements for making accessories for dolls.

Tilde and varieties

Tilda is the most famous soft doll, and most often this is what beginners make. These dolls were invented by a girl from Norway, Tone Finnanger. These are long, simple dolls, they have simple faces - pink cheeks, beady eyes. A whole industry has developed around this doll, making animals and accessories. There are many books and master classes published on how to sew a doll with your own hands. Look how beautiful Tildas are, and how you can make bunnies and bears in this style.

By the way, if you need a doll pattern in this style, then nothing could be easier - here are a few patterns that are suitable for creating from fabric.


How to make a fabric doll so that it stands up? For this purpose, Snowballs and snow dolls were invented - they have large legs, and due to the special filling scheme, such a doll turns out to be very stable. When making Snowball, you will need the correct pattern of the doll, because otherwise the doll simply will not “stand up”. By the way, Snowballs are visually similar to Tilda - they have similar facial features, and the doll is simplified to the point of impossibility.


Pumpkinhead toys are somewhat reminiscent of Jack Pumpkinhead from the popular cartoon for adults. They were invented by Lena Kogan, and Pumpkins differ from all other dolls in the original construction of the head - it is sewn from several wedges, and a seam runs through the doll’s face. By the way, these dolls have original faces - they have wide-set eyes, but in general their facial features are more accurately detailed compared to Tildas and Snowballs.

Look how craftswomen make dolls with their own hands in the photo:

Attic toys

Simple dolls in the style of the Scarecrow from the fairy tale about the Wizard of Oz - they are made literally from everything that is lying around in the closet or attic. Modern attic toys are made with an aged effect, many even use vintage fabrics and buttons. A distinctive feature of this toy is the author's pattern of the doll.

There is no single standard - these toys were sewn by the first settlers in America, and they made them, let's be honest, as God pleased. Lost your textile doll pattern? Try it out by eye and make an attic toy - they are cute and charming, and it’s easy to add some zest to them - use tinting and do not process the edges.

Charms and motanki

Slavic dolls are now very, very popular. Firstly, people are pleased to have their own concept as a response to fashionable Western Tildas (which, of course, are very beautiful, but it’s hard to imagine Tilda in a kokoshnik, isn’t it?). Secondly, the cultural code is also included here. A Russian person may not digest Khokhloma and Zhostovo painting, disown Pushkin and not know how motanok is made, but at the sight of an ordinary nesting doll his heart skips a beat. Because everyone had a nesting doll or motanka in childhood.

Slavic dolls served as talismans for the home and women at different stages of her life, and they were also used as symbols. Cabbage - a beauty that symbolized the presence of a girl of marriageable age in the house; Rozhanitsa - usually a busty beauty - promised the young mother a lot of milk.

Do you want to figure out how to make a doll from threads? Watch a fascinating master class on this topic below, and you will create a magical doll from threads with your own hands!

Are you interested in a DIY motanka doll? A step-by-step lesson in photographs will help you.

And also here is another master class on making dolls from yarn.

Waldorf toys stand on a separate level in all this splendor of the doll industry. This is not just a toy, but a kind of pedagogical aid. The main differences between this toy and others:

  • natural proportions (naturally, the size of the doll will be small, but it will be made in proportion so that the child can understand what a life-size person will look like at different ages);
  • the face is simplified, but without exaggeration;
  • Natural materials are used, and colors are close to natural.

Interesting analogues of the always fashionable Barbie and Cindy - but made of textiles! Tryapiens came to us from Korea, and I can say that making dolls with your own hands using this technology requires a lot of perseverance, but the result is a chic interior toy that has its own style and character.

Author's doll

Do you know how to make a doll from paper and fabric? First you will need to sculpt the head - according to your own sketch, then cover it with strips of paper and remove the papier-mâché form. After this, you make a body and arms from the fabric, do not forget to pay attention to clothes and accessories, and in the end you will have your own designer doll. Interesting, isn't it? And it’s even more interesting if you imagine how many such products can be made!

Let's start production

Well, have I interested you? Let's try to make dolls with our own hands?

The easiest way is to make a toy from a sock. You don’t need a doll pattern, just cut the sock into two parts - you can cut out the arms and legs from the boot, and from the part that you put on the foot you can make the body and head. Stuff the main part with padding polyester or cotton wool, and wrap it with threads to form a head, and then stuff and sew up the body. From the remaining part you need to cut out the legs and arms, and then sew up the parts and turn them inside out. For volume, you can add a little padding polyester (it’s convenient to insert padding polyester inside a narrow arm or leg with the back of a pencil). Draw a face and make her hair from a bunch of threads - your beginner toy is ready!

DIY sock doll:

How to make a sock doll in the shape of a baby? Watch a short master class where the principle of creation is explained step by step.

Want something a little more challenging? Let's try to make a doll from nylon.

Making dolls from tights with your own hands step by step instructions

What is needed to make a nylon doll:

  • sewing supplies - needles, strong threads of several colors, scissors;
  • nylon - socks, stockings or tights are suitable (instead of tights, the master can also use stockings);
  • cotton wool or padding polyester for stuffing;
  • fabric for making clothes;
  • glue;
  • frame, glass or plastic bottle as a base (if you are interested in a standing doll);
  • ribbons and beads, buttons and decorations.
A stocking doll can be either simple or complex. I'll tell you how to make a simple doll from nylon tights. My guide is intended for beginners, so if you have already made such dolls, then you better watch more complex master classes.
  1. First you need to form all the body parts from nylon with your own hands. There is no pattern here, so we simply sew approximately identical arms, make legs, head and torso.
  2. Then we start stuffing. You have made individual elements from tights with your own hands, and now you need to fill them with padding polyester. Make sure that the nylon is stretched evenly so that the doll looks uniform.
  3. Connect the head to the body and work on the face - the easiest way is to make through stitches from the corner of the mouth to the eye - dimples will appear in the place where the thread comes to the surface. Repeat this operation on both sides and then sew on the eyes. Shape the nose.
  4. Make fingers - a few stitches are enough for this. By the way, don’t repeat my mistake - the doll should have a right and a left hand, and not two left ones with the thought “no one will notice anyway.”
  5. Assemble the wig - to do this you need to collect the yarn and sew it in the middle. Loose ends can be styled into braids or ponytails. The seam should be on the top of the doll's head; it will act as a parting.
  6. Touch up your face.
  7. Make clothes for the new toy, use glue and pins if necessary, but try to make the doll as safe and durable as possible.
  8. Dress up your product and give it a name. This way you will breathe life into the toy.

Of course, each needlewoman will sew her own doll, even if they are all made according to the same drawing - we use different materials and pay attention to different details. But why do we still need diagrams? For example, in the case of Pumpkinhead dolls - in order to comply with technology.

Don't know what to do on Saturday evening? Do-it-yourself textile doll: master class.

By the way, the pattern of a textile doll can also be made by the author - develop your own shape and you will become famous (at least in the handicraft community).

To get a rag doll of the category you need, proceed in stages - first, a paper pattern, if needed, then assembling parts made on its basis, and only then decoration and decor. you can decorate endlessly, but it’s better to start by working out the form.

To make dolls with your own hands, patterns are not so necessary - all you need is a little courage, inspiration and a few scraps of fabric!

A few more interesting toy patterns that you can make with your child:

Do you have daughters growing up, but have you never sewed dolls with your own hands? Or did you try, but it didn’t work? With the help of a master class from a new book about textile dolls, with patterns and tips, even a beginner can make a doll for a girl. We will tell you how to assemble the base for the doll, make her face and hair, and also sew pantaloons.

You will need:

  • 30x90 cm plain fabric for patchwork - for the body;
  • a small piece of white cambric - for pantaloons;
  • yarn for hair;
  • floss for face embroidery;
  • synthetic fluff (holofiber) for stuffing, approximately 120 g.

Base for Milana doll

  1. Transfer the details to the fabric, placing them along the grain thread. Add 0.6 cm for seam allowances around the perimeter of each. Cut out the required number of parts. Do not forget that the arms and legs need to be cut as right and left: 2 parts in the normal direction and 2 in the mirror direction, turning the pattern over.

Cut from a plain fabric:

2 head parts (part no. 1);
2 body parts (part No. 2);
4 hand parts (part no. 4) - 2 regular and 2 mirrored;
4 leg pieces (part #3) - 2 regular and 2 mirrored.

  1. Make darts on the head. Place the pieces right sides inward and sew a seam, excluding the area at the bottom of the neck through which the stuffing will be done. Sew the legs around the perimeter, leaving the upper edges unsewn. Sew the edges of the body, leaving the marked areas unsewn. Sew the arms around the perimeter, leaving the area at the top of the back of the arm unsewn.
  2. Turn out and immediately stuff the parts of the arms, legs and head. To do this, cut the seams with scissors, turn the part inside out and stuff it with holofiber using a stick, while smoothing out the seams. After stuffing, sew up the holes. On the arms - a hidden seam, and on the legs - looped over the edge, matching the seams in front and behind the legs. Also sew the hole in the neck with a buttonhole stitch over the edge. Next, on the neck, using a contrasting thread, use large stitches to mark the line for sewing the body, shown in the figure.
  3. Insert the neck into the upper hole of the body, turn it inside out, and sew from the inside out around the perimeter. It is convenient to pin the body to the neck with pins, matching the basting line and the line on the pattern, and sew the needle back with the seam, and then use a buttonhole stitch to sew the seam allowance to the neck. By strengthening the seam in this way, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the doll during play. Pull out the basting by carefully cutting the stitches.
  4. At the bottom opening of the body, fold the seam allowance inward and stitch it with contrasting thread. Place the legs into the hole and pin them to the front of the body.
  5. Stuff the body (maybe not as tightly as the other parts). Sew it to the legs with a hidden seam around the perimeter. Sew the body parts between the legs. Sew the arms with a blind seam according to the marks on the pattern.
  6. The base for the doll is ready. Now embroider the drop eyes and do your hair.

Hair and face

The doll's facial expression dictates her hairstyle and clothing. Huge romantic eyes require long hair or intricate hairstyles, small playful eyes with short eyelashes require perky ponytails or something simple. Here's how to do Milana's hair with teardrop eyes.

  1. Sew short strands (8-9 cm) from the middle to the front of the head, behind the seam. It is better to sew more small strands tightly together than several large ones. In this case, the bangs will be more neat.

  1. Sew long strands (45-50 cm) at the center across the head seam, the first one at a distance of 7 mm towards the forehead from the head seam. Sew the strands at the top of the head tightly together to hide the folds of the bangs.

  1. We form ponytails and bangs. Tie the ponytails with the same thread and sew them to the head. Straighten the bangs and trim them into the desired shape.

  1. Divide the ponytails into 3 parts, braid two of them, tie the ends and cut them shorter. Sew the braids to the base of the ponytails and carefully wrap with a loose strand. Secure the hairstyle with stitches, tuck the ends inward with a crochet hook.

  1. For the Milana doll, you can embroider not only blue, but also gray or green eyes, and also add expressiveness to them with the help of embroidered white segments, highlights and eyebrows. Thus, variations in the shape and color of the eyes and the fullness of the hairstyle make dolls sewn according to the same pattern very different.

Knickers with lace

This is the simplest clothing for a doll, which can be modified to your liking.

  1. Cut out 4 pieces of pantaloons from cambric (part No. 5) with a seam allowance of 0.6 cm around the perimeter.

  1. Place the pieces facing inward, sew the side seams and press the seams.
  2. Sew 1 cm wide lace onto the front side of each pant leg at a distance of 1.5 cm from the bottom edge. Place the seam at a distance of 2 mm from the top edge of the lace tape.

  1. Fold the fabric located below the lace seam to the wrong side, iron it and stitch it to the trouser leg, 1 cm from the fold. The result was a detail beautifully decorated with lace, with a drawstring for an elastic band.

  1. Sew the front and back top seams of the pantaloons. Fold the top allowance along the fold line (see pattern) to the wrong side and stitch at a distance of 1 cm from the fold, leaving an unstitched area (1.5 cm) at the back for the elastic.

  1. Insert the elastic bands into the drawstrings along the bottom of the pantaloons, secure them with pins so that 0.3 cm extends beyond the seam allowances. Sew the seam connecting the legs using a single stitch. Be sure to sweep it!

  1. Trim off the excess elastic after overcasting the seam, and trim the tails of the threads. Insert the elastic into the top drawstring, sew the edges of the elastic and sew the hole left with a back stitch on the right side of the product. The pantaloons are ready.

We will tell you how to sew a dress for a doll.

Discussion doesn’t seem difficult, but...

You will definitely need to try to sew a similar doll for your daughter, it has so much warmth and soul that is not found in any purchased toy.

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