When is family love day celebrated. When is Family Day celebrated? Folk traditions and customs

One vulgar joke states: - the only holiday when you can get sex for a postcard. And, you know, there is some truth here, because you really can’t refuse love on Love Day.

February 14 is adored and sacredly honored by sellers of sweets, flowers and valentines from half of planet Earth. This is the day when high school students teach the topic Saint Valentine's Day in English classes, exchanging valentines during recess. This is the date on which students and their drunken classmates flock to nightclubs, and their owners, rejoicing in their success, hold the most depraved shows among tipsy guests. Finally, this is the day when adults, tired of the hustle and bustle of the same everyday life, can sit in an embrace and remember that Love modestly stands behind the hype of the festival.

Even to get into the atmosphere.

It was she, according to legend, who caused the death of a saint named Valentine, who during his lifetime was a field doctor and a priest. He allegedly married soldiers to their beloved girls against the will of the cruel Emperor Claudius II, who banned marriages for military men. According to the ruler, single soldiers fought better and were more often ready for exploits. Valentin was declassified and thrown into prison, where he met the guard’s daughter, Julia. Love also came to the doomed Valentin, who was executed on February 14. And after his death, Yulia received the world’s first Valentine’s card from her beloved.

There is another, less romantic version of the origin of the holiday. According to this story, Valentine was a patrician and one of the first Christians who converted his servants to the new faith and married them. And again there was a trial, persecution, the servants were supposed to be executed, but Valentin exchanged his life for the lives of his fellow believers... And he wrote valentines to his friends as a sign of Christian love.

It seems we know everything about this day. But is this the only holiday that is dedicated to love? Let's look at the calendar.

Love and oil

A week long holiday. This is only possible on the eve of the Great Easter and all this is called Maslenitsa. The date is floating and changes every year, depending on Easter itself.

Typically, the ancient Slavs celebrated this holiday even before the introduction of Christianity and celebrated the welcome of spring at this time. Fertility - of livestock, of land, of people themselves - was vital important factor for our ancestors, so they honored the fertility deities in every way and as soon as they could. Young people were given shows, slide rides, when they could fall into a snowdrift together and become a little closer friend to a friend... The second day of Maslenitsa is called “flirts”, when brides were shown. The fourth day was “revelry,” when noisy feasts and cheerful gatherings were thrown for young people.

Today, most rituals have remained only on the pages of history books. But the tradition of cooking and eating pancakes remains. So even if you don’t fast, you can also safely throw a feast in honor of Maslenitsa, and then arrange flirtations, shows and noisy rolls in bed for your loved one. It's a holiday!

Love and rage, rage and love

Who would have thought, but our list also includes St. George’s Day, or the Day of St. George the Victorious, which is celebrated on April 23. There are countless traditions and rituals associated with this date. In Christian times, our ancestors performed the first pastures of livestock for young grass, ritual milking, etc. In pre-Christian times, at the same time the deity Yarilo, the patron of fertility, was praised.

The very word “rage” meant the active actions of a man during sex. So you understand that the holiday then had the most erotic character. To appease the gods, people then performed all sorts of rituals, such as rolling naked on unplowed ground, dancing and public love...

What if you imagine yourself as an ancient farmer and shepherdess who greatly revere Yarilo? After all, in order not to anger the deity, your partner will need to try hard and be very angry... As for me, the holiday can turn out no worse than Valentine’s Day.

Depraved Kupala night

Of course, you have heard the legend about the flowering fern. Supposedly it blooms once a year, at midnight, on Ivan Kupala, and reveals the secret of buried treasures. But did you know that according to ancient tradition, the treasure hunter had to be naked?

Kupala Day is inextricably linked with three symbols - fire, water, herbs. It was forbidden to sleep on the night of July 6-7, but you had to have fun around the fire until dawn. The woman did not come to the fire, which means she is a witch. Of course, it was necessary to weave wreaths and set them adrift in order to find out where the groom would come from and swim in the river. It is clear that the night, illuminated by lights and swimming under the moon contributed to a romantic mood. By the way, Kupala night was also considered one of the most suitable for conceiving children.

Nowadays, many nightclubs have taken the initiative into their own hands and organize themed shows in honor of this day. And how many acquaintances now take place on the evening of Ivan Kupala on the banks of reservoirs, where city authorities organize various kinds of events and music festivals! Don't ignore this day and don't avoid crowds. The atmosphere at Kupala is truly always fantastic, magical, filled with notes of love...

Fevronia and Peter - for loyalty

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Russia is celebrated on July 8th. This is the most modest and chaste holiday on our list. Associated with the names of the Orthodox spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom. They had a complex love story, Peter was a prince, and Fevronia was a commoner who cured her future husband of leprosy. Then there was a wedding, but the boyars rebelled against Fevronia, and the couple left Murom. The boyars could not share power and asked the spouses to return. And then there was a calm family life, and they died on the same day and hour.

For modern couples, this is a reason to think about eternal family values. By the way, there is also International Family Day, which is celebrated around the world on May 15th. What do we need? The more reasons to love, the better!

Remember the insanely romantic film “Feast of Love”? One of the heroes, despite numerous disappointments in women, still asserted: “Love is the only meaning of this crazy dream in which we are stuck.” After all, you should hug, kiss and rejoice in your happiness around the clock, every day.

World culture has developed strict norms of behavior in sexual relationships. They regulate ethics and criteria for selecting partners. The requirements were formed under the influence of religious teachings, ideas about family life. Some people consider the created system of moral values ​​to be outdated and limiting human freedom. Arose social movements who advocate changing society's opinion towards sex. An international holiday has been established to draw attention to free love and promote its values.

Who celebrates

Fans of open relationships take part in the celebration. The events are joined by specialized Internet resources, public organizations, people who provide services for adherents of the action.

History and traditions of the holiday

There is no exact information about the founders and the date of origin of the holiday. The event was created to draw the attention of society and governments to the traditional values ​​of relationships. The idea of ​​the holiday received support and wide distribution throughout the world.

On this day, event participants exchange partners. Premises are being installed for couples who are burning with passion. Hotels organize promotions for fans of the action. The media broadcast programs about free love. Medical specialists speak. They talk about the benefits and dangers of such practices.

Participants of the event are strictly prohibited from having sexual intercourse without a condom.

Similar events called orgies took place in ancient times. They were part of pagan rituals.

Researchers note that promiscuity is one of the factors in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The latter can be transmitted through household contact, but the likelihood of such infection is lower.

The worldview of the holiday's adherents was popular among hippies (a subculture that opposes Puritan morality - a religious movement in Protestantism).

Free love is sung in the song Free love by Depeche Mode. In literature, ideas are reflected in the works of G. Green, O. Huxley (“Island”, “O wondrous new world"), R. Heinlein ("Stranger in a Strange Land", "We Who Live").

Among the Old Believers there was a movement called “Lyubushkino Consent”. It allowed cohabitation between a man and a woman without a church wedding.

A form of free love for married couples is swinging. It involves an exchange of partners. Supporters make mutual decisions about subsequent contacts.

Every year July 8 In our country, with great participation in our hearts, we celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which also has a second, less common name, the Day of Peter and Ferovronia of Murom. In the Orthodox Church, this married couple is a model of love in the family, respectively, they are also the patrons of love and fidelity, therefore in Russia this holiday corresponds to the Western Valentine's Day.

All-Russian Family, Love and Fidelity 2016: what date

The idea for the holiday came from the authorities of the city of Murom, where the remains of Peter and Fevronia are buried. Various sources mention that they died on the same day, June 25, so the date of the holiday, July 8, is as close as possible to this date.

In 2008, the State Duma of the Russian Federation received 15 thousand signatures of Murom residents supporting the idea of ​​holding a holiday, and positively approved their appeal, thanks to which this year we will celebrate this wonderful holiday for the eighth time.

On top of that, in honor of the new Russian holiday, a commemorative award was developed - the medal “For Love and Fidelity”, which is awarded on the day of the holiday. The symbol of the day of family, love and fidelity in Russia is the chamomile, which has been considered a symbol of love since ancient times.

On this day, in many cities of the Russian Federation it is customary to hold various special events: concerts, charity events, and also to honor married couples who have been married for more than 25 years. And among young people there was a belief that a marriage entered into on this day would be long and happy.

Family Day of Love and Fidelity is a holiday celebrated by married citizens of the country, couples in love.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the day of remembrance in the Russian Orthodox Church of the blessed princes Peter and Fevronia, the Murom miracle workers.

On the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity they traditionally celebrate entertainment activities, folk craft master classes, theatrical performances, sporting events, concerts, fairs, stroller parades. Married couples are awarded the commemorative medal “For Love and Fidelity” and the Order of “Parental Glory.”

history of the holiday

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity arose thanks to Saints Peter and Fevronia, who lived in the 12th-13th centuries. According to legend, Prince Peter suffered from leprosy. One day he saw in a dream that he was healed by Fevronia, the daughter of a poison dart frog, who lived in the Ryazan lands. The prince found the girl. After healing they got married. The couple died on the same day - July 8 (June 25, old style). In the memory of the people they remained the image of an ideal couple. In 1547, the Orthodox Church canonized them as saints.

In 2002, the active youth of the city of Murom proposed reviving the tradition of celebrating Peter and Fevronia Day in Russia. In 2008, this idea was supported by the Russian Orthodox Church, public organizations, and the Interreligious Council of the Russian Federation. July 8 became the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - an all-Russian holiday. The organizing committee of the celebration was headed by the President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives, Svetlana Medvedeva.

Celebration traditions

The main events of the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity take place in the homeland of Saints Peter and Fevronia - in the city of Murom. On July 8, entertainment events, theatrical performances and reconstructions of scenes from the lives of saints, fairs and master classes of folk crafts, and sports competitions are organized for residents and guests of the city. Parishioners visit holy places and pray for the well-being of their families and the health of their spouses.

For Russians, this holiday is an occasion to get together with the whole family and spend time together. Among young couples, it is considered a good omen to ask their parents for blessings for their future family life. Many couples in love register their marriage on this day.

In city parks, stroller parades are held - carnival processions with unusually decorated carriages. In the main squares of cities are held holiday concerts with the participation of pop stars and amateur performance groups. Entertainment programs and congratulations from the country's top officials are shown on television.

Married couples who have lived together for more than 25 years in love and harmony receive the medal “For Love and Fidelity.” Some families are awarded the Order of Parental Glory for their great contribution to strengthening the family and raising children.

Since ancient times, the Slavs have assigned July 8 magical power. The girls told fortunes about their betrotheds and cast love spells. Fishermen and sailors believed that on this day mermaids sank to the bottom. Therefore, they set off on long voyages, without fear of being at the mercy of evil spirits.

Daily task

Dedicate this day with your family or loved one. Attend a cultural event or organize a picnic. Take a photo of the most highlights of this day and decorate your photo album with them.

  • In 2008, the organizing committee of the holiday established the medal “For Love and Fidelity.” The award is presented annually on July 8 to spouses who have been married for at least 25 years and set a public example of a strong family life. On one side of the medal there is a daisy depicted, on the reverse - Saints Peter and Fevronia.
  • The Murom miracle workers were also considered patrons of the Russian tsars. They were revered and made pilgrimages to their relics by Ivan the Terrible, Tsarina Irina Godunova, Peter I, Catherine II, Nicholas I, Alexander II.
  • On July 8, many young couples want to legalize their marriage. However wedding ceremonies limited to the registry office. Since the holiday falls on Peter's Fast, the wedding has to be adjusted before its completion.
  • In Russia family law originated during the reign of Peter I. He emphasized voluntary marriage. Relatives from the bride and groom took an oath, which stated that they did not force the newlyweds to start a family.
  • Tradition to wear wedding rings came from Ancient Egypt. As a sign of love, boys and girls exchanged rings woven from reeds. This tradition took root among the Greeks and Romans. In Rome, during the engagement, the guy gave the bride's parents a metal ring as a sign that he was taking upon himself the responsibility of caring for his future wife.


“Today I would like to congratulate my closest and dearest people on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. My dears, may love always bloom brightly and luxuriantly in your families, which is not afraid of everyday problems and quarrels, may those problems that can interfere with your happiness never knock on the door, but bypass your happy home. Family, love and fidelity are the main components of true happiness, let your home really be that fortress behind whose walls it is calm, quiet and cozy.”

"No happy family without love, no true love without loyalty. Let today, on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, happiness, prosperity, prosperity, mutual understanding, peace, harmony and good luck knock on every home. Let children’s laughter sound everywhere, joy sparkle and health abound.”

“Love warms us, warms our hearts and our soul. Loyalty gives us strength for future life, gives us hope for all the good things. Family is what happens when two people are united by love and loyalty. Today is the most magical day, because today is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. I sincerely congratulate everyone on this day and wish you all the best. May you always have love, loyalty and a loving family.”


Jewelry decoration. The jewelry will serve as a memorable gift for your loved one or spouse. A ring, bracelet or pendant with a pendant can be decorated with engraving in the form beautiful phrase or the date you met.

Romantic dinner. A romantic dinner by candlelight will allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a first date and enjoy communicating with each other. You can arrange such an evening at home and cook your favorite dishes yourself or book a table at a restaurant.

Photoshoot. A “love story” style photo session will allow you to take high-quality professional photographs that will decorate your photo album and become a symbol of love.

Traveling together. Surprise your spouse or lover. Book a tour to an exotic resort or sea cruise. Such a gift will allow you to spend a vacation or weekend together and leave vivid memories.


Romantic acquaintance
Couples take part in the competition. Their task is to tell and show the story of their acquaintance. Guests of the festival evaluate the creativity and acting skills of the contestants and award prizes.

Biggest family
This competition is suitable for families with children. Family members stand in a circle and hug tightly. The presenter uses a measuring tape to measure their circumference. The family that turns out to be the largest wins.

Dance Marathon
Married couples and parents with children can take part in the competition. The presenter turns on the music. It is necessary to prepare in advance compositions of various styles, 1 minute each: lambada, waltz, rock and roll, tango, and so on. The task of the contestants is to adapt to musical styles as quickly as possible. The audience applauds to determine the winners.

This holiday in other countries

On July 8, Peter and Fevronia Day is also celebrated in Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Great Britain and France. However, in these countries the holiday is of a religious nature and is not widespread.

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (also known as the Day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom) is a young all-Russian holiday, which, however, has a long and very interesting story. In this article you will find out the date of the holiday, its essence, a short history, traditions and signs accompanying this day.

And at the very end are given short congratulations in the form of poems and pictures on this topic. They will come in handy in case you want to congratulate and please your loved ones.

What date is Family Day

It is worth noting that the date is clearly and legally fixed, and therefore you can be sure that next year The day of Peter and Fevronia will also be celebrated on July 8th.

There were attempts to make July 8 a non-working day (deputies introduced a corresponding bill). But this proposal was rejected, as it was considered that the introduction of another day off could have a negative impact on production, the budget and the general economy of the country.

The center of this holiday is Murom, which is not at all accidental. After all, it was there that all the events took place that created the ground for the emergence of this tradition. You can find out more details below.

History of the holiday (legend of Peter and Fevronia)

The holiday itself, its essence, sacred meaning, is inextricably linked with the Orthodox saints - Peter and Fevronia, to whom one ancient Russian story of the 16th century is dedicated. Moreover, what was told in it happened 3 centuries earlier. All this gave rise to many opinions, theories and rumors.

I will briefly summarize and tell you a legend that has been passed on from mouth to mouth for centuries.

Murom Prince Peter (there is an opinion that it was actually Prince David Yuryevich, who lived in the 13th century) fell ill with leprosy. His entire body was disfigured, there was no salvation and no hope of recovery.

Once he had a dream in which it was said that one peasant woman, the daughter of a beekeeper, could cure him. And her name was Fevronia. They lived in the village of Laskovo (near Ryazan).

Desperate Peter decided to come to her. Fevronia knew about medicinal herbs, and she managed to cure the prince. But before that, she made Peter promise that he would marry her after he was healed.

The disease subsided, the scabs on his body began to disappear, and the prince began to recover. He drove back to Murom, forgetting about his promise. After all, getting married to a simple peasant woman is not a princely thing.

Before Peter had time to travel halfway back to Murom, leprosy began to take hold of his body again. He returned to Fevronia, fell at her feet, and asked for forgiveness. She cured him again, and then they got married. Then, as in all fairy tales, they lived happily ever after (and then even died on the same day).

Being in their old age, Peter and Fevronia became monks, and each went to his own monastery. But they bequeathed that they would be buried in the same coffin in the future.

They died on the same day and even on the same hour, but they decided to bury them separately, because they are monks, and in general, this is not Orthodox. But the next day a miracle happened - their corpses were found lying together. Then they decided to bury them in one coffin, making a thin partition between them.

Today Peter and Fevronya are considered Orthodox saints, considered patrons of love, marriage, family well-being. By the way, their relics are in the Holy Trinity Convent in Murom. Pilgrims regularly come there to pray to these saints.

In the 90s (after many years of Soviet secularization), the tradition of venerating Peter and Fevronia began to be revived in Murom. Regional festivals and fairs were organized, and there were many attempts to make the holiday secular, as an alternative to the foreign Valentine's Day.

In 2006, many signatures were collected calling for July 8 to be declared a national holiday. Gradually everyone supported the initiative, and in 2008 this day was fixed.

Traditions and signs of this day

The holiday takes place in many Russian cities, but the center where this day is celebrated on a special scale remains Mur. There are large-scale events taking place on the embankment festivities, concerts, competitions, dances, performances and fairs of folk craftsmen.

On July 8, many people flock to Murom not only from Russia, but also from other countries, not only to get closer to folk traditions, but also to get married.

  • By the way, about marriage. It is impossible to get married on July 8, as this day is included in Peter's Fast. But registry offices work until late so that as many newlyweds as possible have time to sign their names on this memorable date. But divorces are not even considered on July 8, which is not surprising (after all, it is a day of love and fidelity).
  • The symbol of the holiday is chamomile. This wildflower is widespread throughout Russia; it is very simple, familiar, but at the same time it personifies purity, tenderness and fidelity. They weave chamomile wreaths and give bouquets to their loved ones, relatives and friends.
  • And since ancient times, July 8 has been considered the day of the first mowing among the Eastern Slavs. Also from this day it was allowed to swim in rivers and lakes. It's all about mermaids, to whom many beliefs are devoted. Mermaids go further into the depths, fall asleep there and do not pose any danger.
  • Do you know that there is even a special award “For love and fidelity”, made in the form of a medal. On one side there is a chamomile, and on the other - Peter and Fevronia. A special committee awards married couples who have been married for more than 25 years and who are an example to society.

Now about the signs:

  1. If the weather is hot on July 8, then the next forty days will be the same.
  2. And if it’s rainy all day, you can expect a lot of honey from the bees.

Happy Family Day of Love and Fidelity (pictures and congratulations)

And here are some congratulations in the form of short poems and pictures. People are also searching on the Internet different postcards on the topic, but often their quality leaves much to be desired. It’s better to just congratulate in your own words from pure heart, it will be better than any poetry.