Concert program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Scenario of a festive concert for WWII veterans “Dedicated to Defenders of the Motherland” (Defender of the Fatherland Day) Concert program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day


Ved.: Among the many days especially marked in the calendar, there is one special one - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Its very name contains a noble calling and duty to defend the Motherland and its people. This is a holiday for those who wear shoulder straps.
Ved(s):.. Whatever events shake the planet, on February 23 we come to the obelisks to honor the memory of those who did not return from the battlefield. On this day, every home, every family remembers their friends - dead and living. And today I would like to sincerely congratulate each and everyone on Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Ved: For you, dear defenders of the Fatherland, the choir of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Labor sings

Musical number

Ved: My dear veterans,
I bow to you to the ground!
Veterans are sons of the Fatherland!
Be happy in good time.
The stream of our life will not dry up,
We love you and remember you!

Ved(s): Dear veterans, we invite you to come into the hall and watch the festive concert.

Ved: Today we have gathered in this hall to once again remember those who stand guard over our Motherland, those who guard our peace by clutching a machine gun to their chest.
Ved(s): We have gathered to congratulate them on the holiday - our grandfathers, fathers, sons on Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Ved(s): Dear men! We really want you to have good mood and all the numbers of our concert today are dedicated to you.

Musical number

Ved: The guy is standing on duty
Squeezing the machine gun
Yesterday there was a guy he was simple
Today he is a soldier
Ved(s): And at night I dream about my home
And my mother is at the window
And that girl who promised to wait.
Ved: He took an oath to serve his fatherland
Maintain peace in your country
In our name, in the name of life
In the name of peace on earth.

Musical number

Ved: Dear men! Today all our thoughts and words are addressed to you! On this wonderful day, many congratulations and good wishes. And this is not surprising, because it is you, men, who are our support both in the family and in the workplace.
We want to congratulate you today
We are festive with his speech,
Men, men, men
You are a shield for your fatherland!

Ved(s): Let there be difficulties in life,
But our advantages are countless!
And, as always, we are decorated
Courage, reliability and honor!

Ved: Please accept our musical congratulations.

Musical number

Ved: When you feel a reliable shoulder, ready at any moment to protect you from any misfortune, you enjoy every minute of life, especially since the world in which we live is limitless, everything in it is perfect and everything brings joy.
Beauty lives everywhere
Lives not just somewhere, but nearby,
Always open to our views,
Always accessible and clean.
Beauty lives in the world -
In any flower, in any blade of grass.
And even in a little dewdrop.
What lies dormant in the folds of a leaf.
Beauty lives in the world -
Lives in sunsets and sunrises,
In the meadows, covered with fog,
In a star, beckoning like a dream.
Beauty lives in the world -
Delighting and warming our hearts.
And makes us all kinder
She probably did it for a reason.
Musical number

Ved: (there is a multimedia presentation with photographs of regional attractions)
In my native places the wind smells like chamomile,
And down to the blade of grass, the whole earth is ours.
In my native places the sun shines brightly,
And a silver voice by the stream.
In my native places near the sky color blue,
In my native places there are more spacious meadows.
Birch trunks are straighter and slimmer
And the arc is more colorful than the rainbow.
In native places on drops of dewdrops
Happy dawn lights are burning.
Everything is better and more beautiful in our native places -
From the stars of the night to the dawn.

Lead(ies): Every day the Fatherland becomes dearer to us -
With its hills, grasses, forests,
The sound of grain fields excites the heart
And the cry of a crane under the heavens.
We call this land our Motherland.
We can't get enough of her.
About her alone, so beloved since childhood,
We sing our best songs.
Silence slumbers in the evening meadows,
Flowers sway in the wind as they fly by.
And the moon shines brightly in the river,
Sparkling like a goldfish

Musical number

Ved: To become a man,
It’s not enough for them to be born.
To become iron
It's not enough to be an ore
Ved(s): You must melt down,
And like ore
Sacrifice yourself.
Ved: Preparedness for death is also a weapon,
And you use it once.
Men die if necessary
That is why they live for centuries.
Musical number

Ved (aya): You stand up
Before this banner now
Severe and inspired.
In service to the faithful
Swearing to the Fatherland,
Kneel before him.

Vedas: Let the glory of heroism wash over you
This banner is sacred
When you touch his fire
With the heart - not just with the lips.

Musical number

FINAL (multimedia presentation “Veterans” is in progress)

Ved: Thank you, soldiers.
You saved your Motherland in battle
Overcame all obstacles
Thank you from all over the earth.
For all thank you, soldiers.
And in good time, happy hour,
The hour of peaceful dawn,
In your name, in your name
We celebrate Victory!
You are always at your post
Responsible for our Motherland. (veterans take the stage)

Ved(s): (children run along the aisles towards the stage)
Children ran towards you.
Thank you forever
We are all living in the world.
We remember everyone by name,
And we are happy to hug everyone!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Thank you, soldiers!
So that the whole world does not lie in darkness,
You did not spare yourself in battle,
And to so many people on earth
You gave happiness to life.
From everyone who was saved by you,
From everyone who is nearby today,
Accept our prostration
Soviet soldiers! (concert participants exit)

Final song

State budget special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities general education school VIII species
village of Temirgoevskaya, Krasnodar Territory

Scenario festive concert
for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Compiled by:

teacher Shcherbakova V. Yu.

Kurganinsky district

year 2013

The song “About the Heroes of Bygone Times” is playing. Children go out to the music. Presenter 1:Today, on the eve of “Defender of the Fatherland Day,” we have gathered here to talk about Russian military valor. The very name of this day – “Defender of the Fatherland Day” – contains a noble calling and duty to defend the Motherland and one’s people. Soldier of the Fatherland, warrior of Russia. Fatherland -The only homeland, unique for each person, given to him by fate, bequeathed by his ancestors. It is no coincidence that in difficult, critical moments of their lives, people remembered the place where they were born, where they spent their childhood, that is, their small homeland, as part of the big fatherland.
Presenter 2: The vast expanse of fields, Spreading white-trunked birches River floods, steppes, vast expanses. It's Russia. You look into the clear blue sky You walk along forest paths, You sit by the cool river. It's Russia. Ancient walls of the Kremlin. The shine of the domes over the temples. The last trace of life. It's Russia. Mother's hands, all the songs are at your cradle. Fragrant bread at the festive table. This is also Russia.
Presenter 1: Our native land can do anything! She can feed you warm and tasty bread, give you spring water to drink, and delight you with her beauty. And she just can’t defend herself... Over the course of many centuries, she has had to defend the freedom and independence of her homeland more than once.
Reader 1. Your enemies have threatened you more than once. Reader 2. They swept you away - they didn’t dare. Reader 3. My love, land of Russia, They couldn't destroy you. Reader 4. You were trampled - not trampled. Reader 5. They burned you - they didn’t burn you. Reader 6. You and I have experienced everything And even more than they could.
Song: “My Holy Rus'.” We sang a lot of songs about Russia About the beauty of its forests, fields and rivers. Love for the native Earth comes from the cradle And it doesn’t end now and forever. Chorus: Rus' is my holy generous soul I can’t breathe without you, dear. I believe in you so much. I love you. Rus' is my holy Motherland.
Your arms are tenderly open For everyone who dreamed of calling you homeland. Your prayers are fervent for all nations, You take care of everyone and love everyone like a mother.
No little pain, disasters and suffering A harsh fate has brought you But your people in moments of difficult trials I stood up with hope and faith for you. God works in mysterious ways We don’t know what awaits Russia ahead But I firmly believe that my beloved Motherland, We will give our hearts without reserve. Presenter 1:The people remember their legendary heroes - guards: Ilya Muromets, Vasily Buslaev, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. Pages of formidable battles in the name of defending the Fatherland, peaceful labor on the land of our fathers and great-grandfathers have been preserved for us by the literary heritage, the majestic Russian epic “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which tells about the courage of the soldiers of the squad of the Russian prince Igor Svyatoslavich.
Presenter 2:In 1240, another Russian prince Alexander Yaroslavich, later called Nevsky, dealt a crushing blow to the army of German knights on the Neva River, who had tried many times to seize Russian lands.
Presenter 1: In 1380, the army of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Tatar-Mongol hordes on the Kulikovo Field. About the field of Kulikovo - the groan of Rus'! About the field of Kulikovo - the blood of the sword! You are in the face of gloomy Russia An everlasting candle!
Presenter 2:The Patriotic War of 1812 was described by the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy in his novel “War and Peace” about the feat of ordinary soldiers and the Russian nobility. A new difficult test awaited the Russian people during the Crimean Company. Military operations were concentrated in Crimea and on the Caucasian-Turkish border.
Presenter 1:The good memory of the Russian warrior, as the most courageous, fearless, devoted to the Fatherland, has remained throughout the centuries. Russian soldiers did not rest for long from military affairs.

The song "Holy War" is playing
Forty-first! June. A year and a month of national struggle. Even the dust of time This date cannot be delayed. The country was rising And she went to the front in company, Red stars Carrying away banners on canvas.
Presenter 2:Trouble struck our country on June 22, 1941. Hordes of heavily armed foreigners crossed the border of the state, began to destroy people and turn the Slavic lands into a desert. A war of unprecedented scale in the extermination of all living things began, all nations rose up against the invaders Soviet Union, that’s why they called the war Great. They called it Patriotic because it was a war to save the Fatherland.
The song “Cranes” plays. Presenter 1: The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders, The boys left and bravely sang songs. The boys retreated through the dusty steppes, Boys died, where they themselves did not know. The boys ended up in terrible barracks, Fierce dogs were chasing the boys. The boys did not sell their conscience and honor. The boys did not want to give in to fear, The boys rose to attack at the sound of the whistle. In the black smoke of battles on sloping armor The boys left, clutching their guns. The boys have seen - brave soldiers - Volga - in forty-first, Spree - in '45... The boys showed for 4 years, What are the boys of our people? Levitan's voice sounds. Presenter 2:Peacetime has come, but the scars of that war remain in every city and village. Memorial complexes have been created, battle sites are marked with obelisks, and monuments with red stars preserve the names of fallen soldiers. It is impossible to forget the great disasters that the war brought to our people. We will always remember those who gave their lives for their Motherland.
Presenter 1:The Great Patriotic War has ended, but again mothers do not sleep, seeing off their sons to serve in the army. More and more new hot spots are breaking out on earth, Chechnya, Afghanistan. Almost fifteen thousand killed, thirty thousand maimed, this is the sad result of the nine-year Afghan epic. Funerals flew to all corners of the Union. Such a funeral also arrived in our village, in the Polegeshko family. Sergei studied at school 9. Killed in Afghanistan. An alien war froze on Russian soil in obelisks and stars, captured in poems and songs.
Song "Officers". Congratulations to veterans and men with souvenirs and flowers. The metronome sounds.
Presenter 1: Quiet... hear: as if somewhere The heart of our planet beats... This is the power approved by everyone, Time walks across the planet. Quiet. Do you hear? These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up. And along the rails, soaring towards the stars, Our new century is thundering! And suddenly: wait, don’t make noise! You see - scarlet granite and flames. Stay... Give me a moment. This is what I tell you, Memory. Well, wait, look, the obelisk, Read the names and dates: It was here that the battles took place, There was once a war raging. Here once upon a time, behind the ranks, The years-soldiers walked: Forty-one, forty-second, Forty-third, fourth, fifth... I know that you are rushing to the stars, I know - you make the Earth more beautiful. Just descend from a height to this stone, Stay, bow, put flowers... The most modest bouquet of daisies. And taking a moment from eternity, Here, by the stone, in the trampled grass, I took off my hat to Memory The deafening twentieth century. Time is omnipotent - with powerful hands Everything can destroy and build up. Time is powerless if it meets Memory, Holy Memory on its way.
Dance "Memory". Presenter 1: We congratulate all the veterans, all the men of our school, high school boys, younger children, future defenders of our Motherland, on the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

Song "Salute to the Native Army." Above Red Square Under the sky of the Kremlin Flowers bloom like dawn. Above Red Square Colored lights They fly to the uniform of the military. They fly to the uniform of the military.
Chorus: Above Red Square The guns are firing. In honor of our army Fireworks today In honor of our army, In honor of our army Today, today there are fireworks.
A blue flower descends from the sky For our pilots He is the dearest. Green petals are burning in the sky, They shine for our border guards.
A blue flower descends from the clouds, Marine shoulder straps For all sailors. Yellow is coming down, Crimson, A peaceful spring bouquet over the Motherland.

Holiday puzzles .

(A solemn march sounds. The leading girls come on stage)

1st presenter. Good evening, dear viewers!
2nd presenter. Hello, our loved ones!
1st presenter. Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day.
2nd presenter. We congratulate all employees of the Russian army, soldiers, officers, everyone who has already given their duty to the army, and who continues to serve.
1st presenter. We appreciate your courage and reliability, respect you for protecting us from adversity, being a support and support.
2nd presenter. Our gift for you is a festive concert “For the Glory of the Fatherland!”
1st presenter. Today I would like to congratulate our defenders in a special way.
2nd presenter. As a sign of respect, please accept a few lines of a good poem from us.


1. Thank you guys for being here!
What is most important to you? Soldier's honor!
Thank you for protecting the world and sleep,
Yes, ancient cathedrals have a crimson ringing sound.
Thank you guys for making children happy!
We wish to have only reliable friends!
We sincerely love you and are waiting for you to come home!
Defender of the Fatherland - warrior, hero!

2. Meet! Let the crows speak of doom
And the horses trampled the stubble, -
Things were considered masculine
Chain mail, saddle and spear!
During the military crisis
In the fields in feather grass, in the snow
Men, men, men
The enemy's paths were blocked.

3. I don’t believe ridiculous rumors -
men now say
In the presence of the strong they become numb,
They sit in the presence of women.
There is no mention of chivalry!
In my opinion, this is a lie!
Men, men, men,
you remember your title!
1st presenter. Thank you very much to the readers for these wonderful lines.
2nd presenter. And on this lyrical note I would like to give the floor officials our settlement.
1st presenter. We invite you to the stage for a congratulatory speech...
1st presenter. Thank you very much for this wonderful speech.
2nd presenter. Both poems and congratulatory words, so little time has passed and so many good things have already happened...
1st presenter. And now there will be even more, another gift to our defenders from……………………………………………………….., welcome!!!

1st presenter. Defender of the Fatherland is not just words, it is the defender of everything that is dear to you and me. The Fatherland is spreading rivers, high mountains, a nurturing land...
2nd presenter. The Fatherland is our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, mothers, fathers and of course children! Speaking of children, they also came today to congratulate the defenders on their professional holiday. They have been preparing for a long time, but they are very worried. Please support them.
1st presenter. Meet the junior cast of the Brigantine theater group.

1d.Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon

2d. He can play checkers,
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures

3d.Can he take me for a ride?
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Together. Always a hero for me
Most best DAD my!

1m. So far I have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.
2m. We play “Zarnitsa” there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!
And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!

2nd presenter.
Your native land can do anything: feed you warm bread, give you spring water to drink, surprise you with its beauty. And she just can’t protect herself.
1st presenter.
Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, and admire its beauty. It is for you, our dear defenders, that the next musical gift is given.


1st presenter. Today I would like to congratulate not only the men, but also the women who serve in the ranks of the Russian Army on this holiday. In all, absolutely all troops you can meet women in uniform. These include signalmen, instructors, nurses, and doctors. On Military Day, we can congratulate women who are not serving in the Russian army.
2nd presenter. Oh, well, explain.
1st presenter. I'm talking about mothers and wives who are waiting for their sons and husbands to finish their service; They are waiting for their relatives to return home - they write letters to them, worry, worry about them. The homeland calls the officer to distant lands, and his wife goes after him, because without female love soldiers can't.
2nd presenter. Yes, you're absolutely right. Just about women's love and fidelity - a song that will be performed by ………………………….


1st presenter (she has a thick notebook in her hands). My boyfriend recently returned from the army. He was an excellent student in both combat and combat training. I always took notes carefully in class. He has an answer to every question in his notebook. Ask me anything, I’ll find you an answer right away.
2nd presenter. Fine. What is a soldier?
1st presenter. A man without a passport.
2nd presenter. And the soldier in the gas mask?
1st presenter. Amphibian Man.
2nd presenter. Running in a gas mask?
1st presenter. Earth in the porthole.
2nd presenter. Obstacle course?
1st presenter. Why can't I fly?!
2nd presenter.. Breakfast.
1st presenter. If you eat yourself, help someone else!
2nd presenter. "Demobilization"?
1st presenter. Return of the Prodigal Son.
2nd presenter. Yes, a highly artistic summary. Please give me a few days.
1st presenter Why?
2nd presenter You know, I have a brother. He will soon go to the army. Let him get acquainted with the sciences in advance.
1st presenter. Well, okay - hold on, and you dear spectators, don’t be bored, now ……………………………………………………………… will perform for you.

1st presenter. We will not talk too much about military service and will not touch on everything tragic that is associated with the war, because today is a holiday.
2nd presenter. Both in peacetime and in days of war, soldiers always had a minute or two to sing, because it is impossible to live without a song.
1st presenter. And now, especially for the defenders of the Fatherland, the Russian Soul choir will sing.
2nd presenter. Songs are good, but I wanted to dance on a quiet evening at the front.
1st presenter. If you want to dance, there will be dancing for you!

1st presenter: Dear men! On this festive day, please accept the best wishes for the holiday from all the organizers and participants of the concert.
2nd presenter: Men! You are our support and support! So always be persistent in life, strong in spirit and kind!

1. On a wonderful men's holiday,
2.On the day of strength and glory of the country,
1.We wish you great happiness,
2. Sons of Great Russia!
1.Thank you for your attention!
2.Before new meeting! Goodbye!


The screen shows footage from the movie “Officers”.

The first verse of the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” sounds, music by R. Khozak, lyrics by E. Agranovich.

"From the heroes of old times
Sometimes there are no names left
Those who accepted mortal combat,
They became just earth and grass;
Only their formidable valor
Settled in the hearts of the living
This Eternal flame,
Bequeathed to us alone,
We keep it in our chests!”

Presenter 1:

The time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:
The main battles come from books and movies,
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies became history long ago.

Presenter 2:

The time of heroes, by the highest right,
You gave to distant and close years
Valor, and glory, and a long good memory.
Time of heroes, what have you left us?


You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
Home, and road, and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of working in a peaceful, happy land.

(Slides with views of nature are shown.)

Presenter 2:

We live in the middle of big Russia,
Among cities, forests, lakes, fields,
And we have, when asked,
A sword for the enemy, a hug for the friends!
We are destined to love our Motherland
And my heart reaches out to her from everywhere,
Do not break the connecting thread -
And sometimes we need to look back...

Song “Rus”. The ensemble is performed by 8th grade cadets. Music by A. Emelin

Presenter 1:

The older you are, Mother Rus',
The more you look younger,
I am happy that with such a power
I am in the closest relationship.

Presenter 2:

Good fellows defended you,
Don't let me get into trouble
There was and is someone to stand up for you -
Whether in the distant year or in the near future!

Presenter 1:

And the defenders are famous for their strength,
And with fighting courage
They will not leave Rus', they will stand in battle:
Any enemy will be defeated.

The song of S. Namin’s group “Flowers” ​​“Heroic Power” is played, music by A. Pakhmutova, words by N. Dobronravov.

“No, the heroes on our land have not yet disappeared!
The brave prowess in the hearts has not diminished
Let us come together, friends and brothers, and praise our strength in song,
Proud, heroic strength!

On stage are 7th grade cadets demonstrating karate techniques.

Presenter 1

My Rus', beloved Rus'!
I look at you, boundless,
Either deciduous or snowy,
I look and can’t see enough.
I magnify you again
Dear epic land, -

Presenter 2

I glorify every height and inch, -
I admire the fields and valleys.
I praise your every path,
I praise every early dawn,
With tireless spiritual thirst
A bright verse from daisies I view...

“Song about the Motherland” words and music by Y. Privalov performed by Gleb Sharapov, 5th grade cadet.
The song “Holy War” is playing, music by A.V. Alexandrov, lyrics by V.I. Lebedev-Kumach.

On the screen are documentary footage of the first days of the war. "Holy War" (background music)

Presenter 1:

41st - he was cruel,
To crush the enemy's scope,
The boys walked, holding their rifles
In still inept hands!

The song “There was a war going to that Berlin.” Music by I. Shvarts, lyrics by B. Okudzhava. Performed by a vocal group of 11th grade cadets.
Semyon Gudzenko’s poem “Before the attack” is performed by cadet 9 “B” class Suvorov Daniil.

Presenter 2:

How it was, how it coincided -
War, trouble, dream and youth!
And it all sunk into me,
And only then did I wake up!
Forties, fatal,
Lead, gunpowder...
The war is sweeping across Russia,
And we are so young!..

The poem “Wait for me” by Konstantin Simonov is read by Sergei Khvitko, 6th grade cadet.

Song "Dugout"; music by K.Ya. Listov, lyrics by A.A. Surkov; performed by 7th grade cadets. (Elements of theatricality are used)

Presenter 1:

Dawns rise, sunsets burn,
The earth does not know, does not seek silence.
The soldiers turn gray in labor and anxiety -
These people passed through thunder and flames,

Presenter 2:

But the heart is young and the hands are strong,
Walking with grandchildren in sunny parks
Heroes of a long-gone war.
The boundless distances are in radiant color,
And songs ring across the vastness of the country,
Both songs and the sun defended in battles
Heroes of a long-past war...

The 3rd verse of the song from the movie “Officers” sounds

"There is not in Russia family like this,
Wherever your hero is not remembered,
And the eyes of young soldiers look from photographs of faded ones;
This look is like the highest court for the kids who are growing up now
And boys can neither lie nor deceive,
Don’t go out of your way!”

"Congratulations on February 23". A poem of his own composition is read by cadet 9 “B” class Sayapin Igor.

“February 23 – you came for a reason!
Well, men, congratulations,
And I wish you to celebrate with all my heart, with great success
Joyfully, with a cheerful laugh!
We are men, we are sons,
We must save our Motherland!
We will stand for the Fatherland and will not give it up to the enemy!
We are strength, reason, honor, -
It is in us that the star shines;
Our exploits cannot be counted, -
The ones that warm your soul!
This holiday is a man's day
Protector of children, goodness;
We will stand as a wall for life
Fatherland, mother, father!

Presenter 1: Motherland! You are the most beautiful!

Presenter 2: The only one is You!

In chorus:

forever connected to you
About the future of dreams!

Song “Motherland” words and music by A. Dobronravov. Performed by 6th grade cadets and 5th grade cadet choir.

highly qualified teacher-organizer


Festive concert for WWII veterans

“Dedicated to the defenders of the Motherland”

(Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Target: fostering a sense of patriotism, pride in one’s country, instilling a sense of respect for soldiers, veterans, and the heroism of the people.

Guidelines: Veterans are met by students of cadet classes and escorted to the assembly hall. Guests of the holiday take places of honor. It is advisable to invite internationalist warriors as well. Prepare gifts and souvenirs from each class for veterans.

Decor: posters and illustrations dedicated to February 23, museum compositions.

(Music sounds. The first pair of high school students come out.)

Ved 1:

Dawns rise, sunsets burn,

The earth does not know, does not seek silence.

The soldiers turn gray in labor and anxiety -

Ved 2:

These people passed through thunder and flames,

But the heart is young and the hands are strong,

They are still working, working with us

Heroes of a long-gone war.

Ved 1:

The boundless distances are in radiant color,

And songs ring across the vastness of the country,

And the songs and the sun defended in battles

Heroes of a long-gone war.

Ved 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Every year we traditionally hold at our school, on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day, a meeting with the most legendary people - WWII veterans, whom we love, honor, know, remember. Our attention and applause to you, our dears: (list of veterans of our city).

Ved 2: The word for greeting is given to the school director. (Speech by the director.)

Ved 1: Defender of the Fatherland Day is a popular holiday. We remember from history that the holiday began with the battle of Narva and Pskov in February 1918, in which the soldiers of the young Soviet Republic worthily resisted the German troops.

Ved 2: In honor of that battle, February 23 became a holiday, which was first called Red Army Day, then - Soviet Army Day and Military - Navy and, finally, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Ved 1: Our festive concert is dedicated to those who wear shoulder straps, who once wore them or will wear them in the future. Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of every citizen, the honorable duty of every man.

Ved 2: Dear veterans! We want our meeting today to distract you from everyday worries and worries, and bring you only a good mood!

(Leaders exit: the second pair of high school students.)

She: Name:

He: Army!

She: Surname:

He: Russian!

She: Surname:

He: Invincible!

She: Year of birth:

Together: 1918!

Ved 3:

Centuries pass, years flash by...

They always defended their native country!

And from the most distant times it was like this:

Forget about everything when the enemy approaches!

Ved 4:

The peasant, the worker gave up their work,

When Russia was waiting for their protection!

About the exploits of the fallen, the victories of the living

You will hear from older people.

Ved 3:

Defenders of our beautiful country!

You are dear to us and we desperately need you!

And on this beautiful and joyful day

We are not too lazy to wish you thousands of times:

Let there be prosperity on your table!

Together: Let peace strengthen on our land!

(Concert number.)

Ved 1:

Not for awards, badges and ranks,

Not because their form is beautiful,

Your country called Russia.

Ved 2:

Not because their charter is so strict,

Their life is more serious, their fate is different,

They stand on every road

Protecting your country from troubles.

Ved 1:

Who wears the uniform, who wore it,

He knows how valuable victory is,

And in the hour of misfortune there will definitely be enough strength

Save the country, like our great-grandfathers and grandfathers.

Ved 2:

Today is a holiday... Congratulations to you,

Men in uniform with a military bearing,

Congratulations to those who have already retired,

We will certainly congratulate whoever grows up.

Ved 1:

Faithful to your military oath,

Their faith is strong, their destiny is beautiful,

They stand guard over the entire country,

A big country called Russia.

Ved 2: The future of the planet is dear to us, the younger generation. Our task is to protect peace, to fight so that people don’t get killed and shots don’t ring out.

Ved 1: The sky should be blue, the sun should be bright, warm, kind and affectionate, people's lives should be safe and happy.

(Concert number.)

Ved 1:

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniform,

That the glory of the flag is multiplied

And in a difficult and dangerous age

Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded.

Ved 2:

Many are not with us today.

It was like this from now on. And so it will be.

If only the memory would not fade away -

Incorruptibility is a high sign.

Defenders cannot be crossed out,

Let us remember those whose path has been traversed!

Ved 1: Let's honor the memory with a minute of silence of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

(Song “Soldier”.)

Ved 3:

How many children have their childhood restored?

They gave joy and spring.

Privates of the Russian Army

People who won the war!

Ved 4: The word “army” comes from the Latin word “armo” - I arm. But the army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in the tenacity and courage of its soldiers. 61 years ago, our Soviet Army defeated Hitler's troops and liberated Europe from fascist invaders.

Ved 3: And in peacetime, our Army guards tens of thousands of kilometers of Russia’s land, air and water borders and is always guided by the best military traditions of our ancestors.

Ved 4: With great pleasure we give the floor to: Chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans: (FULL NAME).

Ved 3:

I recognize you, Rus'. And I won't be offended

And I will accomplish my feat as best I can.

And let that willow in the autumn chlamys

I'll be sad in a deserted meadow.

Ved 4:

And I will bow under the tall rye iron,

And I’ll jump like a magpie by the stream.

You are my only light on my path

And my only haven...

(Concert number.)

Ved 1: For every citizen of his fatherland there are sacred words:

A word can kill, a word can save,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you.

In a word you can sell, and betray, and buy,

In a word, you can pour it into striking lead.

But we have words for all words in the language:

Glory, Motherland, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor!

Ved 2: (Announces the concert number.)


"Be an officer!" - he repeated to me, saying goodbye

My dear and only brother: -

"Fighting with a formidable enemy for the fatherland,

Fighting a good feat for Rus',

Stand for the ancient folk way of life...

Be an officer, protector of the throne,

Knight of light shining armor,

A faithful servant of the country and the law;

Be you in the days of slaughter, suffering and groaning

The best example for our soldiers!

(Concert number.)

(The presenters, both couples, come out.)

Ved 1:

About the fact that the Motherland is your second mother,

And that he is obliged to protect her,

You prove this rule stubbornly,

It should be known as a theorem.

Ved 2:

I will never stop loving my Motherland,

I was born here, I live, and I will live,

And I won’t tire of defending her,

I will cherish my land!!!

Ved 3:

Oh, Russia!

A country with a difficult fate...

I have you, Russia,

Like a heart, alone.

I'll tell my friend too

I will tell the enemy too -

Without you,

Like without a heart

I can't live!

Ved 4: On stage, City Festival Laureate folk art“Taiga Dawns” Larisa Krasnova.

Ved 1:

Our dear veterans!

We once again congratulate you warmly,

Happy Army and Navy Day,

Let there be joy in

What someone remembers, honors and loves!

Ved 2:

May good luck accompany you

It will be more joyful on the road with her

We wish you only happiness

And in the house of Peace and Love!

Ved 3: As a sign of gratitude and respect for you, dear veterans, on the eve of the holiday, please accept memorable souvenirs and the warmest applause from us!

Ved 4:

Everyone lived - sadly and cheerfully.

That life grabbed me by the sides.

Not hung very thickly

Medals on your jackets.

But let your glory multiply

Seemingly simple words.

That Rus' is alive, and everything else will follow.

Soldiers, you are alive, and Rus' is alive.

(Final song “Salutes”.)


1. Native Krasnogvardeisky. Anniversary edition of the editorial office “Krasnogvardeets”, Pleshanovo, 2006.

2. School encyclopedia. History of Russia XVIII - XIX centuries., M., 2003.

3. School encyclopedia. History of Russia XX century., M., 2003.

4. Encyclopedia for schoolchildren. The Great Patriotic War of 1941 – 1945, M., 2005.

Internet resources

1. http://*****/docs/96344/index-9335.html2

2. http://zoniha-scoolnosh. *****/files/scenarii23fevrala. htm

3. http://*****/shkolnye-prazdniki/den-zaschitnika-otechestva/scenarii-23-fevralja. html

4. http://www. *****/