Final words for the festive concert on Defender's Day. Script for the concert “Defender of the Fatherland Day” material. Thematic number of the concert program

Scenario of the concert program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

21.02.2014 12.30

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1.

We take a look at the calendar sheet
Today there is a special reason:
It's February 23rd,
Which means your holiday has come, men!

Presenter 2.

May this day pleasantly surprise you
Will give wonderful gifts,
We wish you joy and love
And celebrate the holiday cheerfully and brightly!

Presenter 1.

February 23 is an important day for our entire country! We proudly call this Day Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Presenter 2.

This holiday is one of the most revered in our country. After all, defending the Motherland, home and family is the honorable duty of every man.

Presenter 1.

On this day we congratulate real men who will come out of any, even the most difficult, situation with their head held high as a winner!

Presenter 2.

With all our hearts we wish you good health, inexhaustible vital energy and peaceful skies above your head!

For you ________________________________________________________

Presenter 1.

We have gathered here today,

To congratulate you, men.

And on a day so memorable for us

We want to wish you all the best.

Presenter 2.

Always good health,

After all, the years flow like water.

Let the current not carry them away

All your true aspirations.

Presenter 1.

We also wish you good luck

You are lucky to have Us, and that means a lot!

After all, we sincerely wish you

Success, happiness and love.

Presenter 2.

May there always be a place for feat,

Let courage and strength not fail you,

So that life is bright and interesting,

And it certainly brought joy!

On the stage ______________________________________________________

Presenter 1.

Oh Man, you are our hero,
Our defender of the Fatherland is faithful.
Our entire people are proud of you,
The strongest, bravest and bravest!

Presenter 2.

I only place my hopes on you,
Only you can defeat everyone
You are fair in all respects,
Only victories and success are yours!

Presenter 1.

Let military theory

Will never become a practice

Useful in personal life

Brilliant strategy and tactics!


Will be implemented

Plans, beginnings!

Happy Defender of the Country Day!

Peace! Prosperity!

________________________________________________________________ congratulates you


Military, students, businessmen and workers -
Profession and age are completely unimportant:
You are men, which means you are a strong support for your family,
Reliable protection for the people and the country!


Whether in the army or in business, men are the best everywhere,
You are capable of showing character where necessary,
We wish you happiness, joy, goodness, prosperity,
And congratulations to all of you on February 23!


May you always have faith in yourself,
Your health will be as strong as armor.
Let there be a home, a successful career
And the joy of the coming day!


For you _________________________________________________________


The most valuable thing in our lives is peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history. No matter what this holiday is called, it has always been a symbol of courage, dedication, dignity and honor.


This is the day when we congratulate our men - active, strong, responsible. Men who protect their families from difficulties and adversity, take responsibility for the present and do everything possible to make the future happy. We wish you and your families health, happiness and prosperity!


On the stage ________________________________________________________


Harsh February rules our world,
And gives a truly masculine holiday,
We have the opportunity to congratulate men, -
And we are glad to have this opportunity!


A man is a knight, a master, a warrior,
And he’s happy to prove himself in action,
Verily, any of you is worthy
High titles, all sorts of awards!


We wish you warmth, health, happiness,
Less trouble, less interference,
Let the authorities appreciate it,
Success accompanies everything you do!


Congratulations to you__________________________________________________________


Days after days fly by unnoticed,
And our favorite holiday comes to us again,
Let from warm congratulations the snow will melt
And in winter spring blooms in the hearts of men!


Your courage, energy and strength
All problems are helped to be resolved,
Congratulations, and all of Russia is with us
On this holiday, I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!


We wish you stability, good luck,
Happiness in life and brilliant victories.
And, of course, earthly love in addition,
May your joy last for many years!


On the stage_________________________________________________________


You are men, and you know no peace,
After all, you are responsible for everything that happens,
This holiday is glorious - truly masculine,
So let's meet him with dignity!


On the beautiful day that February gave you,
We can’t express everyone’s wishes in words,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything,
We confess our love to you, we are proud of you!



Warrior, peace defender, soldier -
There is no better title for a man,
And say words of congratulations
There is a reason for this on your holiday.


I wish you victories in life,
All success in business and good luck,
You are a man, there is no doubt
The most real one!

Presenter 1.

You are a man, which means you are a protector!
Mine family hearth and peace,
Like a strong granite wall,
You protect yourself from adversity.

Protect everyone who is near and dear,
And surround with your care,
To be a reliable support for the family
And overcome any trouble -

This is the duty of all real men
You carry through life with success.
On your holiday I wish you only happiness, -
You can take the rest yourself!


On the stage________________________________________________________


There are, there are thousands of reasons for women

So as not to imagine life without men.

Their strong hands will be able to save us all,

Take any trouble away from Russia.


They hold all responsible positions

And all problems, even complex ones, will be solved.

We must now confess our love to you.

Without you, a man lacks warmth.

Let many years pass, but we will repeat again,

Thank you, thank you we say.


___________________________________________________ Congratulations to you


Today is a holiday for men,
Reliable, smart, faithful!
Women have many reasons
First of all, congratulate them


Who will protect them best?
Of course husband, father or son!
Who always idolizes them?
Again husband, father and son!


Who would rather remain silent in a dispute?
Still the same husband, father and son!
Let's congratulate them
All our dear men!


For you ___________________________________________________________


It's not easy to be a Man in our century,
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.


To be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... do not spare money.
To be slim, elegant and... careless.
Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.


On this holiday we wish you... patience.

In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best!


For you___________________________________________________________


Happy twenty third of February
Congratulations today!
From the heart, all the blessings of earth,
We wish you our best wishes!

Long life, bright days,
Lots of warmth!
The sparkle of your dear eyes
And love is like the eternal sun!

So that you don't have to anymore
Fight, defend.
So that in a world without war
You could have stayed!

If there is a parade in the tank,
I took the rifle and it means I’m off to the shooting range!
And we don't need awards
We are for world peace!

We wish you happiness, prosperity, success in your endeavors for the benefit of the Fatherland!


Dear men, be healthy, happy and loved! Happy holiday!


All the best to you!

The phonogram sounds

List of concert numbers

1. Song “Holiday” - choir group

2. Dance – 6 A class

3. Song “Great-Grandfather” - ensemble “Droplets”

4. Song “My Russia” - Klimova Anastasia

5. Dance “Sailors” - ensemble “Zabava”

6. Song “Seagulls” - Khalina Anastasia

7. Nikita Shirobokov – poem

8. Dance “Tango” - 10 A class

9. Song “Russia” - Ksenia Atrepieva and Anastasia Halina

10. Song “100 days before the order” - Lyubov Anatolyevna Begmetova

11. Dance of teachers

Good afternoon On behalf of the entire beautiful half of humanity, we congratulate all men!

Together: Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

1 Presenter: -
Who do I want to congratulate? -
The men sitting in the hall
All those whose role is special -
We always knew this.

2 led. Who's strong is his shoulder
For the fragile it substitutes,
All those who protect the Motherland,
And protects us.

1.Song “Where does the Motherland begin?” (Chorus)

1 led. Our dear boys, men! Congratulations on February 23 - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Over the years, may your hearts be filled not only with courage, but also with kindness, love for your neighbors, and compassion for the offended. Let the fire of pride for your Fatherland burn in your souls!

2 Vedas. Soldier of the Fatherland. Warrior of Russia. At all times, the attitude towards him and his military cause was surrounded by an aura of patriotism and glory.

2. Song “When the Soldiers Sing” (Chorus)

1. VED. Who is he - your dad? What is he like? Our cameraman Aleksey Efimov and journalist Natalya Avanskaya went to the elementary school students with these questions. And this is what they managed to find out.

3. Video “Our Dads”

1 Ved.

And now dear and strong,

Kind, brave and loved

The kids came to congratulate

2 Ved.

Meet the smallest artists of the evening

4. A word to the kids (Group number short stay)

    VED. (Olya)

A long time ago a holiday was established...

What can I say - the tradition is strong.

We congratulate the men again -

We wish you peace and goodness!

Dance group " " congratulates you

5. Dance "Rhythm"

Ved. (Olya)

There is a reason to congratulate you

On a February day, in the middle of winter.

Just because you are a man:

We are proud of the Defender!

6. Song “Russian guy”

7. (Polina) Three girls daydreamed in the evening

Sketch “Harmful grandmothers about real men.”

Ved.2 (Ivanova Nastya and Alya)

And today we congratulate those who wear shoulder straps, those who once wore them or will wear them in the future. And more of those. whose friends and relatives wear or wore shoulder straps.

Graduates of our school also serve in the ranks of the Russian Army.

9.Slideshow (names)

There is such a profession - to defend the homeland. This profession was chosen by: (names)

And it doesn’t matter at what point the soldier serves, it is important that each of them honestly fulfills his duty and serves his Fatherland.

Their relatives and friends are sitting in this hall. We congratulate them all and give them a song

10. "Home" (9th grade)

11. Ved.

Soldier on vacation

Military Dance "Squadron"


And now let's give way to a joke -

We can't live without her.

It's better with her Hard time,

Why shouldn't we joke?

12. Joke “Army education”

Under the sunny sky
Under the warm rain
Under the ringing snow blizzard
You guys serve, we'll wait for you,
Just write to us more often!
13. The song “One Hundred Days Before the Order” performed by girls


How many songs about the army have been written,

How many songs about the fleet have been written!

We are supposed to remember them on holiday,

And we don’t mind singing them either

14. Song “Boy Cadets” (7th grade girls)


Remember your parents' home more often,

The work of a soldier is not easy, but honorable:

You guys serve, we'll wait for you,

Just perform your military duty sacredly!

15. Sketch “Military laws of nature”

16. And again the dance group “Constellation” is on stage. Meet! Pop dance.

Ved (Olya)

The homeland is the land at the doorstep,

Where did you first learn your name?

Homeland is a high road

The one you and others will walk on

17. Song “You are my Russia”

1 Ved. Our native land can do anything! Feed them with warm, delicious bread, give them spring water to drink, and surprise them with their beauty.

And she just can’t protect herself... Therefore, protecting their homeland is the sacred duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water and admire its open spaces.

1Ved. Over the course of many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom of their Motherland more than once. The people remember their legendary heroes-defenders.

1Ved. What a pity that we cannot say to all of them together and to each individual that we have not forgotten them, that we remember them. The graves don't hear. They don't see the graves. But the living must hear, see and remember at what cost our freedom was won.

18. (“Alarm” - loud, then quieter) Vika and Dima Khmelev

Reader Quietly...Hear: as if somewhere

The heart of our planet beats...

This is power asserting over everyone,

Time walks across the planet.

Reader Quiet...Do you hear?

These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up

And along the rails, soaring to the stars,

Our new century is thundering.

Reader And suddenly: wait, don’t make noise!

You see - scarlet granite and flames.

Hold on... Give me a moment.

This is what I tell you, Memory.

Reader Well, wait, look at the obelisk,

Read the names and dates:

It was here that the battles took place,

Once upon a time there was a war raging.

Reader Here once, behind the ranks,

Years have passed - soldiers:

Forty-one, forty-second,

Forty-third, fourth, fifth...

Reader I know that you are rushing to the stars,

I know - you make the Earth more beautiful.

Just descend from a height to this stone,

Stay, bow, put flowers...

The most modest bouquet of daisies.

Reader And taking a moment from eternity,

Here, by the stone, in the trampled grass

I took off my hat to Memory

The deafening 20th century.

Reader 21st Century - with powerful hands,

Everything can destroy and build up.

Time is powerless if it meets Memory,

Holy Memory on its way!

Ved.Let us honor the memory of all soldiers who died in battles for their homeland with a MINUTE OF SILENCE

19. Song "Gentlemen Officers" (Chorus)


Our dear men, boys! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, allow us to say one more wish, the last and most important one - may the sky above your head always be peaceful!


Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We would like to wish you from the bottom of our hearts:

Be calm and self-possessed

To protect the motherland and women.

May courage always ring in your hearts,

Let a bold sparkle shine in your eyes,

Let the song help you in your soul,

We wish you, men, the HONOR OF HAVING!

20. Song “Aty-Bati” (Chorus)

This concludes our concert.

Thank you for your attention!

State budget special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities general education school VIII species
village of Temirgoevskaya, Krasnodar Territory

Scenario festive concert
for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Compiled by:

teacher Shcherbakova V. Yu.

Kurganinsky district

year 2013

The song “About the Heroes of Bygone Times” is playing. Children go out to the music. Presenter 1:Today, on the eve of “Defender of the Fatherland Day,” we have gathered here to talk about Russian military valor. The very name of this day – “Defender of the Fatherland Day” – contains a noble calling and duty to defend the Motherland and one’s people. Soldier of the Fatherland, warrior of Russia. Fatherland -The only homeland, unique for each person, given to him by fate, bequeathed by his ancestors. It is no coincidence that in difficult, critical moments of their lives, people remembered the place where they were born, where they spent their childhood, that is, their small homeland, as part of the big fatherland.
Presenter 2: The vast expanse of fields, Spreading white-trunked birches River floods, steppes, vast expanses. It's Russia. You look into the clear blue sky You walk along forest paths, You sit by the cool river. It's Russia. Ancient walls of the Kremlin. The shine of the domes over the temples. The last trace of life. It's Russia. Mother's hands, all the songs are at your cradle. Fragrant bread at the festive table. This is also Russia.
Presenter 1: Our native land can do anything! She can feed you warm and tasty bread, give you spring water to drink, and delight you with her beauty. And she just can’t defend herself... Over the course of many centuries, she has had to defend the freedom and independence of her homeland more than once.
Reader 1. Your enemies have threatened you more than once. Reader 2. They swept you away - they didn’t dare. Reader 3. My love, land of Russia, They couldn't destroy you. Reader 4. You were trampled - not trampled. Reader 5. They burned you - they didn’t burn you. Reader 6. You and I have experienced everything And even more than they could.
Song: “My Holy Rus'.” We sang a lot of songs about Russia About the beauty of its forests, fields and rivers. Love for the native Earth comes from the cradle And it doesn’t end now and forever. Chorus: Rus' is my holy generous soul I can’t breathe without you, dear. I believe in you so much. I love you. Rus' is my holy Motherland.
Your arms are tenderly open For everyone who dreamed of calling you homeland. Your prayers are fervent for all nations, You take care of everyone and love everyone like a mother.
No little pain, disasters and suffering A harsh fate has brought you But your people in moments of difficult trials I stood up with hope and faith for you. God works in mysterious ways We don’t know what awaits Russia ahead But I firmly believe that my beloved Motherland, We will give our hearts without reserve. Presenter 1:The people remember their legendary heroes - guards: Ilya Muromets, Vasily Buslaev, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. Pages of formidable battles in the name of defending the Fatherland, peaceful labor on the land of our fathers and great-grandfathers have been preserved for us by the literary heritage, the majestic Russian epic “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which tells about the courage of the soldiers of the squad of the Russian prince Igor Svyatoslavich.
Presenter 2:In 1240, another Russian prince Alexander Yaroslavich, later called Nevsky, dealt a crushing blow to the army of German knights on the Neva River, who had tried many times to seize Russian lands.
Presenter 1: In 1380, the army of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Tatar-Mongol hordes on the Kulikovo Field. About the field of Kulikovo - the groan of Rus'! About the Kulikovo field - the blood of the sword! You are in the face of gloomy Russia An everlasting candle!
Presenter 2:The Patriotic War of 1812 was described by the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy in his novel “War and Peace” about the feat of ordinary soldiers and the Russian nobility. A new difficult test awaited the Russian people during the Crimean Company. Military operations were concentrated in Crimea and on the Caucasian-Turkish border.
Presenter 1:The good memory of the Russian warrior, as the most courageous, fearless, devoted to the Fatherland, has remained throughout the centuries. Russian soldiers did not rest for long from military affairs.

The song "Holy War" is playing
Forty-first! June. A year and a month of national struggle. Even the dust of time This date cannot be delayed. The country was rising And she went to the front in company, Red stars Carrying away banners on canvas.
Presenter 2:Trouble struck our country on June 22, 1941. Hordes of heavily armed foreigners crossed the border of the state, began to destroy people and turn the Slavic lands into a desert. A war of unprecedented scale in the extermination of all living things began, all nations rose up against the invaders Soviet Union, that’s why they called the war Great. They called it Patriotic because it was a war to save the Fatherland.
The song “Cranes” plays. Presenter 1: The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders, The boys left and bravely sang songs. The boys retreated through the dusty steppes, Boys died, where they themselves did not know. The boys ended up in terrible barracks, Fierce dogs were chasing the boys. The boys did not sell their conscience and honor. The boys did not want to give in to fear, The boys rose to attack at the sound of the whistle. In the black smoke of battles on sloping armor The boys left, clutching their guns. The boys have seen - brave soldiers - Volga - in forty-first, Spree - in '45... The boys showed for 4 years, What are the boys of our people? Levitan's voice sounds. Presenter 2:Peacetime has come, but the scars of that war remain in every city and village. Memorial complexes have been created, battle sites are marked with obelisks, and monuments with red stars preserve the names of fallen soldiers. It is impossible to forget the great disasters that the war brought to our people. We will always remember those who gave their lives for their Motherland.
Presenter 1:The Great Patriotic War has ended, but again mothers do not sleep, seeing off their sons to serve in the army. More and more hot spots are breaking out on earth, Chechnya, Afghanistan. Almost fifteen thousand killed, thirty thousand maimed, this is the sad result of the nine-year Afghan epic. Funerals flew to all corners of the Union. Such a funeral also arrived in our village, in the Polegeshko family. Sergei studied at school 9. Killed in Afghanistan. An alien war froze on Russian soil in obelisks and stars, captured in poems and songs.
Song "Officers". Congratulations to veterans and men with souvenirs and flowers. The metronome sounds.
Presenter 1: Quiet... hear: as if somewhere The heart of our planet beats... This is the power approved by everyone, Time walks across the planet. Quiet. Do you hear? These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up. And along the rails, soaring towards the stars, Our new century is thundering! And suddenly: wait, don’t make noise! You see - scarlet granite and flames. Stay... Give me a moment. This is what I tell you, Memory. Well, wait, look, the obelisk, Read the names and dates: It was here that the battles took place, There was once a war raging. Here once upon a time, behind the ranks, The years-soldiers walked: Forty-one, forty-second, Forty-third, fourth, fifth... I know that you are rushing to the stars, I know - you make the Earth more beautiful. Just descend from a height to this stone, Stay, bow, put flowers... The most modest bouquet of daisies. And taking a moment from eternity, Here, by the stone, in the trampled grass, I took off my hat to Memory The deafening twentieth century. Time is omnipotent - with powerful hands Everything can destroy and build up. Time is powerless if it meets Memory, Holy Memory on its way.
Dance "Memory". Presenter 1: We congratulate all the veterans, all the men of our school, high school boys, younger children, future defenders of our Motherland, on the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

Song "Salute to the Native Army." Above Red Square Under the sky of the Kremlin Flowers bloom like dawn. Above Red Square Colored lights They fly to the uniform of the military. They fly to the uniform of the military.
Chorus: Above Red Square The guns are firing. In honor of our army Fireworks today In honor of our army, In honor of our army Today, today there are fireworks.
A blue flower descends from the sky For our pilots He is the dearest. Green petals are burning in the sky, They shine for our border guards.
A blue flower descends from the clouds, Marine shoulder straps For all sailors. Yellow is coming down Crimson, A peaceful spring bouquet over the Motherland.

Holiday puzzles .

(A solemn march sounds. The leading girls come on stage)

1st presenter. Good evening, dear viewers!
2nd presenter. Hello, our loved ones!
1st presenter. Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day.
2nd presenter. We congratulate all employees of the Russian army, soldiers, officers, everyone who has already given their duty to the army, and who continues to serve.
1st presenter. We appreciate your courage and reliability, respect you for protecting us from adversity, being a support and support.
2nd presenter. Our gift for you is a festive concert “For the Glory of the Fatherland!”
1st presenter. Today I would like to congratulate our defenders in a special way.
2nd presenter. As a sign of respect, please accept a few lines of a good poem from us.


1. Thank you guys for being here!
What is most important to you? Soldier's honor!
Thank you for protecting the world and sleep,
Yes, ancient cathedrals have a crimson ringing.
Thank you guys for making children happy!
We wish to have only reliable friends!
We sincerely love you and are waiting for you to come home!
Defender of the Fatherland - warrior, hero!

2. Meet! Let the crows speak of doom
And the horses trampled the stubble, -
Things were considered masculine
Chain mail, saddle and spear!
During the military crisis
In the fields in feather grass, in the snow
Men, men, men
The enemy's paths were blocked.

3. I don’t believe ridiculous rumors -
men now say
In the presence of the strong they become numb,
They sit in the presence of women.
There is no mention of chivalry!
In my opinion, this is a lie!
Men, men, men,
you remember your title!
1st presenter. Thank you very much to the readers for these wonderful lines.
2nd presenter. And on this lyrical note I would like to give the floor officials our settlement.
1st presenter. We invite you to the stage for a congratulatory speech...
1st presenter. Thank you very much for this wonderful speech.
2nd presenter. Both poems and congratulatory words, so little time has passed and so many good things have already happened...
1st presenter. And now there will be even more, another gift to our defenders from……………………………………………………….., welcome!!!

1st presenter. Defender of the Fatherland is not just words, it is the defender of everything that is dear to you and me. The Fatherland is spreading rivers, high mountains, a nurturing land...
2nd presenter. The Fatherland is our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, mothers, fathers and of course children! Speaking of children, they also came today to congratulate the defenders on their professional holiday. They have been preparing for a long time, but they are very worried. Please support them.
1st presenter. Meet the junior cast of the Brigantine theater group.

1d.Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon

2d. He can play checkers,
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures

3d.Can he take me for a ride?
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Together. Always a hero for me
Most best DAD my!

1m. So far I have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.
And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.
2m. We play “Zarnitsa” there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!
And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!

2nd presenter.
Your native land can do anything: feed you warm bread, give you spring water to drink, surprise you with its beauty. And she just can’t protect herself.
1st presenter.
Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, and admire its beauty. It is for you, our dear defenders, that the next musical gift is given.


1st presenter. Today I would like to congratulate not only the men, but also the women who serve in the ranks of the Russian Army on this holiday. In all, absolutely all troops you can meet women in uniform. These include signalmen, instructors, nurses, and doctors. On Military Day, we can congratulate women who are not serving in the Russian army.
2nd presenter. Oh, well, explain.
1st presenter. I'm talking about mothers and wives who are waiting for the service of their sons and husbands to end; They are waiting for their relatives to return home - they write letters to them, worry, worry about them. The homeland calls the officer to distant lands, and his wife goes after him, because without female love soldiers can't.
2nd presenter. Yes, you're absolutely right. Just about women's love and fidelity - a song that will be performed by ………………………….


1st presenter (she has a thick notebook in her hands). My boyfriend recently returned from the army. He was an excellent student in both combat and combat training. I always took notes carefully in class. He has an answer to every question in his notebook. Ask me anything, I’ll find you an answer right away.
2nd presenter. Fine. What is a soldier?
1st presenter. A man without a passport.
2nd presenter. And the soldier in the gas mask?
1st presenter. Amphibian Man.
2nd presenter. Running in a gas mask?
1st presenter. Earth in the porthole.
2nd presenter. Obstacle course?
1st presenter. Why can't I fly?!
2nd presenter.. Breakfast.
1st presenter. If you eat yourself, help someone else!
2nd presenter. "Demobilization"?
1st presenter. Return of the Prodigal Son.
2nd presenter. Yes, a highly artistic summary. Please give me a few days.
1st presenter Why?
2nd presenter You know, I have a brother. He will soon go to the army. Let him get acquainted with the sciences in advance.
1st presenter. Well, okay - hold on, and you dear spectators, don’t be bored, now ……………………………………………………………… will perform for you.

1st presenter. We will not talk too much about military service and will not touch on everything tragic that is associated with the war, because today is a holiday.
2nd presenter. Both in peacetime and in days of war, soldiers always had a minute or two to sing, because it is impossible to live without a song.
1st presenter. And now, especially for the defenders of the Fatherland, the Russian Soul choir will sing.
2nd presenter. Songs are good, but I wanted to dance on a quiet evening at the front.
1st presenter. If you want to dance, there will be dancing for you!

1st presenter: Dear men! On this holiday, accept the most best wishes Congratulations from all the organizers and participants of the concert.
2nd presenter: Men! You are our support and support! So always be persistent in life, strong in spirit and kind!

1. On a wonderful men's holiday,
2.On the day of strength and glory of the country,
1.We wish you great happiness,
2. Sons of Great Russia!
1.Thank you for your attention!
2.Before new meeting! Goodbye!

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Municipal autonomous institution

additional education ZATO Seversk "Children's Art School"

Concert script dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland

in Children's Art School "Ah, come on, boys!"


piano teacher

Kolesnikova Larisa Vasilievna


Concerts “Come on, boys!” at our school is

traditional event and dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. IN

the concert is attended only by boys studying at various

departments of the Children's Art School. Parents present at the concert accept

active participation in competitions, thereby getting involved in joint gaming

activities that contribute to creating a festive and friendly atmosphere

Target: instilling in students a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland and pride

for Russia, respect for its defenders.

1.To cultivate the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

2.Develop cognitive activity and the ability to operate with knowledge.

3.Develop ingenuity, thinking, imagination.

4.Develop a positive attitude towards military service by

conducting outdoor games, relay races, and team competitions.

5.Expand knowledge about the heroes of the Russian army, about glorious victories

Russian weapons.

6.Educate on positive examples of national history.

7.Foster a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.

8.In involve parents in joint activities with children.

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop, pianos and necessary musical

tools, chairs.

Progress of the event

Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to our

Defender of the Fatherland, a popular holiday, professional

military holiday. Although this holiday has long ceased to be just

professional, and turned into a holiday for everyone who served, who is serving or

will serve, because to stand up for the defense of one’s Fatherland is holy

man's duty. Moreover, this year we will celebrate the great

holiday -70 years of our Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 70 years

peaceful sky above your head!

Today we will walk the difficult roads of the war years, we will remember

victories of Russian weapons, great Russian heroes and commanders, let's walk through

sacred places of our military glory. And our boys, kindly

traditions, will demonstrate courage, resourcefulness, dexterity and skill

get out of any situation.

We dedicate our concert to all defenders of the Fatherland. Let's

Let's get to know our participants.

We invite everyone to the stage! You have to tell about yourself when answering the

questions and do so quickly and concisely.

Let's start a survey!

1.What instrument do you play?

2.Do you play sports?

3.What kind of ice cream do you like?

4.How are you doing at school?

5.Do you listen to mom and dad?

6.Are there any animals at home?

7.Did you learn the notes quickly?

8.Do you like to play with scores?

9.What kind of music do you like?

10.Do you have any favorite pieces that you have played?

11.What piece would you like to learn?

12.Can you ride a bike?

13.Do you play computer games?

14.What's your favorite computer game?

15.What did you do at home in the cold?

16.Your favorite color?

17.What holiday do you love most?

18.What did you get for your birthday?

19.What about New Year?

20.Do your wishes often come true?

21.Would you like to win a million?

22.What would you do if you won a million?

23.Do you read books?

24.What movie did you see in the cinema?

25.Do you go to the theater for performances?

26.Have you been to the museum?

27.Who brought you to music school or did you want to?

28.How many quarter notes are there in a whole note?

29.Is this your first time taking part in the “Come on, boys” concert?

30.Do you like performing in concerts?

31.Did anyone come to cheer for you?

32.Do you practice music every day?

33.Do you compose music?

34.What are your favorite plays?

We open our meeting with a song! Listen to a musical greeting from

our talented boys!

Our concert is opened by the vocal group of boys “Vivat”

Well, you and I are setting out on a march to the sounds of the march!

L. Knipper. Polyushko Spanish Egor Kazakov, teacher Chikantseva L.V.

Friendship in the army is a great value. No wonder in the Russian army there is always

There was a rule: perish yourself, but save your comrade.

Auction of proverbs about the Russian soldier and friendship

I read the beginning of the proverb, and you unanimously say its ending:

Don’t have a hundred rubles, but... (have a hundred friends).

They greet you based on their clothes, but... (they see you off based on your intelligence).

Difficult in learning... (easy in battle).

Business before pleasure).

Get lost yourself, and... (help out your comrade).

old friend... (better than the new two).

Smart fighter... (well done everywhere).

The bad soldier is the one who... (does not dream of becoming a general).

There are many songs about friendship. Let's remember some of them.

V. Shainsky. When my friends are with me

B. Savelyev. Song of Leopold the Cat

A special character quality of a Russian person is kindness, ability

love and appreciate everything given by mother - nature. Here we are with you

Let's enjoy the beauty of the world around us.

Ukrainian folk song “Oh, the hoop burst”

Emelyanova. Puppy

A. Goedicke. Dance

In the film "Officers" one of the main characters says: "There is such a

profession - defend the Motherland." It's like a baton is being passed on from generation to generation.

generation of heroic glory of our grandfathers and fathers, warriors of the Armed Forces,

who defended the independence of the Motherland with arms in hand. Current generation

Russian soldiers continue this relay of selfless service

Homeland. And you and I remember the glorious path of the Russian army. You will be shown

images of various battles and battles in which Russian troops won

victory, and you must determine.

Quiz “The Glory of Russian Weapons” (slide show)

1. The battle that finally liberated Russian lands from foreign

invaders. Enemy tactics - closed wedge - pig (Ice

2. The battle of the 14th century, which became decisive in the struggle for the unification of Russians

3. This battle became the main one during the Northern War. In honor of the victory

Russian troops marched through the streets of Moscow not only the victors, but also 22

thousand captured Swedes (Battle of Poltava June 27, 1709 ).

the terrible thing I gave near Moscow. The French showed themselves in it

worthy to win, the Russians have acquired the right to be

undefeated" (Battle of Borodino, August 26, 1812).

5. They were the first to take the blow of the fascist invaders when the country

did not yet know about the treacherous attack (defenders of the Brest Fortress

6. The painting by artist A. Deineka depicts a mournful and

majestic feat of Soviet soldiers who gave their lives at

defense of this city (Defense of Sevastopol, 1942).

7. This battle became the largest tank battle in history; in him

about two million people, six thousand tanks, four

thousands of aircraft (July 5 - August 23, 1943).

not easy. During the operation, about 80 thousand people died and 274,184

people were wounded, that is, more than 15 thousand were out of action per day

soldiers and officers (1945 - battle for Berlin).

Dm. and Dan. Pokrass. Our Cossacks are traveling through Berlin

And what could be more valuable to the Russian people than their roots, folk

songs that contain age-old wisdom, which was collected bit by bit

generations of folk art creators? Let's go back to the origins.

N. Toropova. Baba Yaga

Russian folk song “Will I go, will I go out”

R. Schumann. Father Frost

Russian folk song “On the pavement street”

Russian folk song "Barynya"

I. Parfenov. Juggler

Border guards are vigilant, protecting the integrity of our

borders. And now you will have the opportunity to act in this role.

Game "Border Guards and Violators"

Participants are divided into 2 groups. First - border guards who carry

their service, they are on patrol. If the border guards raised their hands,

this means that the border is open, and local residents (the second group) can run in and

run out through these gates. But as soon as the word “Patrol” is heard, the fighters

give up, and those who find themselves inside the circle will be temporarily detained.

Let's see how reliably our border guards guard the border.

Ivanov. Danube waves

ON THE. Roman - Korsakov. Song of the Indian Guest from the opera "Sadko"

Historically, our people have had to

fight the invaders. An ancient legend through the mouth of one of the conquerors

warns: “I punish both children and grandchildren - don't go to war

Great Rus', it has stood for centuries without shaking and will stand for centuries without moving.”

The names of the defenders of the Russian land sounded menacing to the enemies. Courage and

courage, perseverance and mercy - These are the qualities of true defenders of the Fatherland.

And you need to know your heroes by sight! Guess who it is?

Quiz “Defenders of the Russian Land” (slide show)

1. George the Victorious.

2. The great Russian commander who served for 50 years and did not lose

not a single battle. He considered speed and pressure to be the basis of tactics in battle.

What is the full name of the commander (A.V. Suvorov).

3. He became the first full Knight of the Order of St. George. To him

dedicated poems to A.S. Pushkin, G.R. Derzhavin, a famous fabulist

I.A. During the life of the commander, Krylov composed the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel,” where

in allegorical form he depicted his struggle with Napoleon.

4. The most famous Soviet p olk ov O kid, Marshal Sovetsk og O

Union, To team current troops ami V b itv e By d M O squay, V when it comes P lenition on

Berlin ( G .TO. AND uk ov)

In many countries visited Russians with lda You, And everywhere faithful help n IR om im

was not sleeping

Next blowing b lock our o conc ert is called “We are for m ir! (slide).

E. K allman O Vsky. X from is it ru sskies in wars

V. M hooray Delhi. B wow Envaldsky naba T

TO of course O , b I feel T And glad fat minutes V T RU bottom solda T sk Ouch life, To otor s

By holding ali b fighting spirit of our warriors ov. What else? it's good solda that? Courage and

otv yeah Well wives, But this O more Not All. Need savvy A, To O torus wow You this hour us And

about demonstrating yeah.

Game "All duh hear says: “U Ra!

WITH help I'll give you a hint Azok guess please words A, V To from O rykh sound teaches conscription And victories n oh

pobe bottom combination ! So on let's say:

ruin cool wind. (U ragan)

gru Zovik trucker ov. (Wagon)

snowy b yay. (B Uranus)

su X ofru CT . (TO hurray)

G great watch P O ssia. (TO urants)

G tin boron (Cap A)

true loving insect wow. (Mu ravey)

tree yanny sk azo real hero. (B hooray Tino)

Japanese knight ar. (myself paradise)

before Mic for dogs And. (TO onura)

Ukrainian mu lingual instrument cop (Bandura)

the most bookish school solo pre dmet . (Liter A tour)