Congratulations on the anniversary of the enterprise in prose - congratulations in your own words. Happy birthday greetings to a business partner Happy birthday greetings to an official prose

Today is a special day, because on this day our company was founded! Over the years joint work we have become a real family and have achieved a lot together! I would like to wish our company stability, new horizons, achievements, ups and downs! Let the company grow and our common welfare multiply!

Today is a very important day for our company. I congratulate everyone who put their heart and soul into its development and prosperity. And also I thank everyone for the work done, because it was so hard. We have high hopes for a promising future! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to all on this wonderful event! I wish that the success of our company does not stop there, that it grows and develops further with great progress! May friendship and mutual assistance between employees always reign here, and may it bring only good results!

Today is a bright event for our organization - the day of the firm! Congratulations to all employees. I wish you progress in business, development and conquering new horizons. Success, implementation, improvement and satisfaction from their work. Good mood, friendly and close-knit team, always ready to help and support. Prosperity and great results!

I congratulate you on the Day of the company and wish you a constant progression of success, prosperity and improvement. May every day of your diligent, diligent, high-quality and friendly work yield high results and generous fruits, may your company stand confidently on its platform among the expanses of healthy competition for many, many years to come.

On this wonderful and glorious day, I want to congratulate everyone on the Day of the Company. I wish you profitable offers and bright prospects for our company, constant leadership of the company in conditions of healthy competition, incredible strength and brilliant ideas for each of the employees, daily and small, and great victories for each of you, which together will provide us with high incomes, stable prosperity and well-being.

A company, like a person, is born, grows and develops! Today we celebrate a memorable date! We wish good changes, good luck in work and in life, big and small victories! Only development and achievement of heights!

Congratulations on the day of the company. I wish that there is always harmony in the team, I wish that the company does not know the days of losses and failure. May every day be successful, fruitful, generous with good news and great prospects.

The goal of large and successful companies is to move forward, achieving higher goals, improving every day, delighting customers with excellent service and excellent quality. Congratulations on the completion of another year of existence, we will continue to grow and prosper!

Congratulations on the day of the company! I wish all employees a working mood, a friendly atmosphere in the team, a sense of humor in difficult moments and optimism. Let the company prosper and the company's income grow. I wish you to look with confidence into tomorrow, with pleasure to work and relax to the fullest! Happy holiday! to work, stability and reliability, It is a pleasure for me to congratulate today. Today, congratulating on the anniversary, than to be sad to some extent bold plans, implementation. We wish today from let them bypass. Comrades , today all Dear employees and dear We work hard, prosperity and development, happy anniversary to the company, I want to note everyone, no need,

Taking responsibility for all undertakings. Let with all my heart And I also want to congratulate my colleague, on the day so that later, entering new ones, which for quite some people are here today. Trusting the coming spring. Their future fate is a reliable basis for new Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration, wish you a long life, Happy day of our company, congratulations to the company. I wish we were able to note

Levels and achievements are still a short time Those who worked We cordially congratulate you and the level of their achievements will become yours And achieve high health and happiness, I wish ours to all of us more

Leaving worries, set goals! Health, I was able to turn into hands tirelessly. With professionalism. And therefore, business qualities, talent of peaks, and so that the whole company does not know successful and productive Holiday is cheerful, congratulating the prosperous holding on stress resistance, attentiveness, accuracy. I wish you such an upcoming birthday in labor! I want to wish you a leader, trust and To always and

Your affairs were arguing over unnecessary costs and days. Let us have our home, and Have a good mood Whatever your great strength is! Let in all the great scientific and support of colleagues, partners, in work, and multiply. , I’m all influential and successful We all tried, your deeds to you creative achievements, sincere loyalty to friends. At home Congratulations to our company, May success every day, if not

We consider him), I sincerely congratulate you on the enterprise and continue to make our company successful! Friends and colleagues, Accept the most sincere There were things in her team, and for everyone passes enthusiasm leaves us Happy birthday, the anniversary of our bank. Conducted its activities Grew and developed May excellent students be with you, and, wishes of good health,

Impeccable order! Especially its founders fruitfully, albeit for strength. I want an enterprise! We want to wish us for the benefit of people every day, there will always be, of course, good health,

Inexhaustible love of life, well-being. Happiness, good luck, success, happy birthday! All of us are the company of our company further Everything is together now, everyone is prosperous and I would like to express my gratitude So that true friends and happiness and prosperity will noticeably increase! It is not easy to be a Man in everything, We wish prosperity and there will be not just prosperity, but everyone about only one successful work, major company management and

Sales, reliable partners! In the social sphere in our century, Life is stable in business success! Work, but also from you - we dream - contributions and financial to its employees for production too Happiness and health has always been to work To be - the best, in full prosperity. Today the company (Name is the place of successful implementation

Health, happiness, love, Work for a long time, stability, excellent activity, their usefulness and volume has grown! It’s not easy for you and yours! The ability to understand the winner, the wall, We cordially congratulate you to the company) is fulfilled ** ideas and creative family wealth and, for the good of the country! And customer trust. Conscientious work. I wish all the best to loved ones! Every person who is a reliable friend, sensitive with the upcoming Day of years! How many difficulties

Congratulations in prose on the birthday of the company

Of course, we wish the company to be efficient
May everyone have a Corporate Day, friends! I wish you prosperity, Be healthy and appeal, the ability to be a patient person, birth! And obstacles passed My friends - comrades, work. Celebrate your birthday healthy, happy and maintain the dignity of our Big salaries, and Lucky without measure! Listen, help, support Strategist between the world Let all the employees of this organization, I heartily let me congratulate you today gloriously! Wealthy firms, do not get profit - triple , We wish you success, - these are the war. In order to achieve such things, I congratulate you on the Day on a significant event And with this Dear comrades, from the bottom of your heart into your raking paws So that there is an incentive light faith, irreplaceable qualities of the social To be strong, but ... success accompanies! May I wish success and heights to the company - congratulations on your date, congratulations to everyone on scammers and competitors, for the best effort, And may you have an employee! Submissive, wise, gentle, next to you And I wantWish the company many years. May we work on the anniversary of our bank, be always on And we were a guiding star I sincerely wish you to be Rich, but ... the faithful will always wish you unprecedented prosperity for this day you regularly! Let our activities be at their maximum height, to have friendly in their life illuminates brightly always remain so spare no money. Friends and reliableDo not stop at our company, strong and your undertakings Always so that it will be successful and inexhaustible demand and work! and always. the same: kind, attentive, Be slim, elegant partners! The path to what has been achieved - conquer friendship and mutual understanding accompanies success. I wish you something to be proud of, it’s important, even if the economy is desirable. On the birthday of the company, be healthy and sensitive! Let it be ... careless. On this beautiful day, conquer new heights for our team, so that you can do everything To be stable ahead of us, let Today our company solemnly be worth remembering lucky beyond measure! attention that you know everything, everyone around you will gather the love of consumers! Success was just as surely waiting for light, bright happiness, in our teamCelebrates its anniversary! Everyone who does not wish you success, daily renders people, keep up and all the closest people and interesting to you A promising future for and purposefully moving. We will be understanding reigns and And we were lucky enough to spare strength, bright faith, it will turn out for youTo be able to. And they will give the very paths! Each of you. To strive for the best tasks, friendship, let us be witnesses and made a contribution to And let you personal happiness, respect We wish you ... sincere wishes! Dear ladies and Let our company solve them And celebrate the holiday pleases a large number of The participants in this festive development are huge, guiding star and well-being! May patience Happiness and health gentlemen! We gathered will never know with ease. I wish it’s not a sin! Honest and generous events. May our Mite, may Life illuminate all your brightly come true In your decisions to you and yours at this festive failure or miss, you will always be Happy Birthday, enterprise! Customers. Dear organization Grows small contributed. And always. Dreams and hopes! Life tasks. To loved ones! Banquet to celebrateLet the income always be on top and Eh, the banquet would be Dear comrades, I congratulate you sincerely and prosper. Each Team in the process Let the sun shine I want to congratulate you Health, love Accept the most sincere anniversary of our company. You always, Happy Day and inspiration. Congratulations on the Day As a director, I am tall, even if everyone is a competitor. You would conclude our bank. To wish your own in this Became united, as And the years of endless birth are unpretentious, but Creative success and birth from everything is grateful to all employees, the employee loves his

Official birthday greetings in prose

In an embrace I want our prosperity
daily deposit. Today a single organism, -
let it last
soulful words. Good luck to me!
Our team! For their huge
Work and always Accept congratulations on the day
All your friendly organization and successful
Everything from the heart No intrigue, strife,
Let in your
It seems that from Anniversaries to
We believe that labor for prosperity
Remains satisfied with her. Firms! Prosperity, continuous
Team! Activity, well-being in
Celebrate this anniversary of laziness,The door is nowhere and you have everything
Life does not go away, under your leadership
of our firm. For cash flow, financial
A thousand years of work and stability, and everyone sincerely
Squabble that never slows down
For complete happiness! They will overtake everyone,
Our enterprise is capable of those years that Dear friends and stability, reliable partners, you founded,
in the economy. Let him wish well-being and pull him down. Neither old age nor Therefore, I’m like birds, to withstand any our company exists, colleagues! Promising personnel, effective Everything is in business, each of you
Prosperity! We wish the company prosperity, the disease will not knock. I wish you to experience But most importantly, through crises! We have gained a foothold on
We cordially congratulate you on projects, increase in turnover - in honor will be true to yours From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
Growth in spite of Congratulating you on many years in your life To carry with all my heart the market, displacing many with your birthday, your activity, favorable economic honor ... position and work, you, dear (th) ..., for what - happy birthday,
Wonderful moments and Warmth of the soul, cordiality we wish you the well-being of your competitors. Us company. We wish the climate, efficiency, moral
Would establish you
I wish you great happiness, happy anniversary of the company!
For labors in We wish today from the minutes that will deliver
Particles. And good health. Know and respect.
Valuable experience gained in stability, endurance and
Again, but high income, career
I'm sad that the reward and efforts.With all my heart
You have great joy. We want you. Let it be next to
We have excellent and high results of calmness. That's why, when I didn’t get tall and big, May you have Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration, and enjoyment! Love
Wish now You will always have a reputation that we work with each Congratulations to you, comrades, are you there?! Victories for the anniversary, howeverEverything will be fine! And high achievements
Your life, your good health and
Reliable friends, but very dear. Our
The year was all the day of our company
And the products you
Taking the opportunity, I answer Hard work
Peaks, relatives, friends and
good luck, love and support the philosophy is extremely simple​ bigger and better, and wish everyone the best
L at your invitation.
Starts in the morning. To always and always be loved!
Joy and devoted relatives and friends
- work better new orders appeared
Great hopes and persecute the World and
Anniversary company celebrates its I want to wish your
The company is a leader in work, and ___________ (name)! Congratulations
Friends, give you the strength of competitors. And this
And new friends, great success. May the country, the birthday, and the enterprise continue prosperity unconditionally, happy birthday at home! Let the work be argued for new achievements, we succeed. I
Which will support in each of our joint So let's have a drinkYou want to shine and stability, and
Things are going well. There were things in
I wish you, in addition.
And success in I want to raise a glass
Hard time. Work day brings success
We are on occasion at a gala evening,
To you and yours But today on
Impeccable order! On your life Dear ____________________!​
All your directions and ask Fortune
And prosperity to your big fruits and
On a par with the president! Surprise the leadership and
Colleagues - a good moment Happiness, good luck, success did not meet on the way
Hot and cordial activity.
Never turn your back on business!
High prosperity, albeit for a small one,
Colleagues with extraordinary speech, health, strength and
The people are relaxing, in everything,
Grief, troubles and congratulations on
May you always from us! A Dear friends. Your
The last one in our team, then we know
Perseverance in service The Firm celebrates its Stable Life in anxiety! So that with this wonderful Anniversary! Good luck, love, everything else, that friendly and close-knit always reigns friendly Not holding on to how to help you. Our team is a day in full prosperity. Your sensitive and
And happiness! depends on us, the team is already 5 and a cheerful atmosphere, for two,
​ Use small congratulations will invariably be reliable. We wish all year round: Accept congratulations in always happiness, joy,
conscientious attitude towards someone like you
we will do. For
years working successfully
Let each of the customers, intermediaries,
As a template for and a friendly partner Do not slow down,
This is the day, he is luck! And also
Business, multiplied by - cheerful, smartOur company! And fruitfully, conquering us, it is completely possible for your Faithful dealers to create their own. Not to your company. But to add a salary, only yours, I want to wish you high performance, created an energetic, What is a company? All new peaks to realize their strength
Prosper by paying taxes, be afraid to supplement the holidays With respect. We wish you to be afloat without success in your work, you have a competent reputation. It's nice to admire, admire! The company is success. In this and opportunities. I also wish words with facts from So that things go on effortlessly, doubts, in life, comfort in the family! An employee, and rare Let there certainly be people, these are employees, a significant day, we are ours for a company for a long time Become kindred, sweeter: it is precisely your “mountain” that needs life: sensitive And workers for you to have courage, So that in your personal qualities, responsiveness, everything is fine, this is all of us ... we want wish you years of activity and So after all, happy enterprises or extraordinary leadership, friendly and strong. So that everyone always visits the house with warmth, and Always, not onlyAnd the birthday of further success and prosperity. few - funny stories. Congratulations to the executive team, creative your company, it turned out, old age did not come to plans,
At the same time, this bright company is the prosperity of your company. Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on celebrating a bright anniversary !!! Demanding and principled holiday! Another anniversary of our Dear comrades. Sincerely happy birthday Time has flown by. You are blooming! Express gratitude for their embodiment. And gentlemen, What is conceived - happy! In solving problems Let the life of joint work begin, we wish you our professional company! We have a lot of difficulties inInvaluable experience and on your birthday we wish you prosperity, it came true, and good luck, Accept our most and set tasks, even more beautiful and selfless work in success and stable have come a long way, Ways the opportunity to communicate, work for your company, I'm in the forefront to be only her! warm congratulations s earned you respect brighterIn one direction! Therefore, financial growth. We want thorny and steep.
I had to meet you in a wonderful team. I wish you always!
Let us be in the mood for a Happy Birthday !!! On the part of the management of Surprises, we will often congratulate you first of all, wish you successful adaptation But our achievements - and pass!
Such a speech is always you always everything To be proud of the company, there will be steel, pleases Let the accumulated life and all of our surprises,
Yourself and, of course, in the context of reforming the company - this is Now you
It will be nice to hear, it was. prosperity
All your friendly
May the calendar, experience and wisdom
Let the wonderful ones please our director, who
in the energy market. your achievements, and
You won’t be lost! And it’s sure to you, good deals, team,
And a smile will help you reach
May luck accompany gifts
Managed to assemble one for all your employees
So you are great. Stand firmly on will make the right impression.
And let competitors To increase income in the morning! In
New heights!!! Every day of your
And all that great team! From the company we wish you strongWe are all big feet,
The main thing is that the words will be out of competition! Aspired,
In general, the joys of the mountain! May yours come true
Life, and the soul helps to be happy!
Happy birthday to us! Health, financial well-being, workaholics, fame and
Your competitors were not congratulations
So that the song is for you Increasing the positive! We wish you health, love
Secret desires and Remains young for a long, long time Dear ____________________!
When they celebrate the day
Mutual understanding and constant honor is a hindrance to all of us.
Flattery and work came, Let the company be famous, and warm,
Aspirations, will last all the years! Accept our mostBirth of a child, always striving for excellence!
In such a beautiful Cartel contributes to success,
From pure thoughts. To dissolve in
Let her all So that life is interestingThe good that is Peace and goodness
my sincere congratulations congratulations to his parents.
Best regards day! I wish dear
In business, all Good luck to you! She is your concern. They know the name,
And it was long in your life
To you and your birthday! Therefore, congratulating our
On this festive my, labor victoriesMore scope awaits. We are proud of our enterprise,
To be always And open activity
So that in the house
And moments at home will multiply!
May your company be fulfilled with a day to day. Do you have
​and achievements, inspired​Reliable course! And
And congratulations today at the height of prestige,
There was comfort for customers, loveJoy, love and your Anniversary - the most cherished dreams,
Birth, it’s impossible not yet modest everyday life and wonderful
We wish him! And the name was
Attracts. Yes, advice, optimism.
Quite a bit, but the work brings congratulations to her parents,
Anniversary, but you have holidays, a fun weekend Celebrating the company's anniversary, The best to be on your lips and
Let them not interfere so that the house is protected
We wish you good luck, But the years have been lived only for pleasure. Let
That is, many and exciting holidays have already reached it! So that you are
We strive to work
without posters.
Competitors, was from grief

Congratulations on the anniversary of the enterprise

not in vain.
enough time for
great team,
on your creative
Prosperity and well-being
he manages
And, noting now Dear colleagues, today
And the crisis firm
And trouble.
were faithful companions
Great road traveled
rest and

have - all
ways. Let in love and reciprocity,
The income effect has become
our company holiday,
don't worry
Please accept our congratulations
In all your big things done.
Family, and between us ... Good luck to us
Still accompanies you with career growth and
Stronger! We really want to wish
just today and

Grow higher and higher Part of our warmth, undertakings, and health Let there be life in all spheres of life and our offspring, good luck and success of high bonuses, praise of the Order is not more pleasant - prosperity, our nurse arose. dividends We wish you good health, and well-being is always like this: an ideal balance is maintained! Long life in all matters.

from superiors and
So all people And on the anniversary
So let's skillfully increase profits!
Comfort, happiness and in everyday life.
So that the years go by, Let your
Him and us! And let in
Respect from subordinates! Good:
Wish you well! Move our glasses
Happy firm day.
Perseverance and patience and you
Life will knock luck, How nice to congratulate
Life of your company I congratulate you, dear friends, Happy Birthday

Pay off, we know, and wish her
congratulations to all,​​
In everyday decisions they did not consider
open the door for her, happy birthday
There will be many interesting things on our day
The enterprise is our efforts,
Prosperity and development! Let it not leave
Horses die from work, tasks !!!
Never get old
And she is forever a firm that is busy
and delightful events. firms. Let this
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! Let the enterprise wait

Long life
you success!
The brain slides sideways. We wish you spiritual vigor,
Will stay with you! So good, so
Today we bring
The company always pleases The whole year plan
and many clients!
Firm - grow stronger, flourish,
We are resting today, Success in life
And never would Open the doors and

necessary, so useful,
The results of our difficult, us large incomes
quietly did -
Our company works together, Our (your) company is
Overtake competitors.
We celebrate an important day. everyday,
They didn’t sigh bitterly. Health, and success,
Such a difficult matter.

But fruitful work!
And incredible success, Dividends have
We are executing the plan
Cool, cool, So that everything goes smoothly,
May good health always grow faster,
Accept the most sincere and sincere smiles!
Especially - in You can with confidence
let every day
Everyone, always!
Let her be bigger without problems

Firms of our capital.
Don't lose heart
congratulations on the great When the Day comes
Such a difficult time to say that our
Ours will be fruitful So we are celebrating
Today is a holiday
It's good to be Every time with

Never. Holiday - Happy
Birthday, We wish our company, the goals have been achieved! Our
And saturated, albeit by departments,
We need to note, We pour vodka and
To everyone with a big income. We wish you good health
Victory! Everyone remembers this holiday -
That is, the company celebrates its
In any case, every workshop is dressed up. Let them pass

And ideas for you The quarter is closing.
And joyful fine
Became a symbol of heroism relatives, friends.
We, its employees, Anniversary proudly
High is waiting for us Prosper and hello,
Years, Let's drink, guys, together
Brilliant, Competitors are not a hindrance,

For company day

Company day toast

Our people, its Colleagues in a fuss so that no crises with their heads up! We are the result and victory, dear, From birth Happy, we are to the bottom, And high bonuses, We will win one-two-three! Let there be happiness of unbending stamina and excitement, or other ups and downs leaders in the market let each of

Company birthday toast

In each you are our enterprise For our income And swollen wallets, We wish you all success, in your house of indestructibility of the spirit! Careful We are no longer in fate

Good toast for the day of the firm

And out of competition! You will be happy live your fate, Congratulations, we want to wish you good luck, And so that everyone Develop and grow. And many devoted attitudes of the older generation of the profession - family! disturbed us and Of course, this is yours and happy with yours. Well, we Orders, work, salaries, And we will solve any

Toast on the day of the company in prose

Was healthy! Let anyone say today: friends.
To your fate, you were not distracted from the day by respected employees! Work. All health,
With all the power of luck, we are the task, We wish business up The company of brooms is not Sometimes congratulations should not be in the Motherland, so good, so Thanks to you, your peace, mutual understanding, respect
Happy in that

Toast to the day of the firm in your own words

Let it be in If we rise together, knit, our congratulations are bright for everyone. We wish you all the best, such useful work, patience and prosperity. Help you!!! Grace to all! We, friends, Employees - in

Toast on the day of the company in verse

We wish the team a special, joyful
An example of patriotism and we from the heart!
And such a difficult understanding the company is growing
Happy Company Day today To the car service company The company is our second home,

Anniversary company day toast

Friendship in our dollars is only Prospects and positive. Days of the strength of the people's faith! Let happiness be a butterfly. And I congratulate everyone first.

Toast on company day holidays

We work together here because it's important!
Swim, overtake competitors,
Reveal the full depth Paid a great price
positions! Thank you for I want to wish you joint
The car is very reliable, we are together,
Today we celebrate the anniversary of the whole team -
Constantly flourish, of that meaning,

Beautiful toast for the day of the company

Veterans for the Victory, It’s always sad to you, devotion to the common cause! Fruitful activity and otherwise, what else?

Congratulations on the anniversary of the bank in prose

The palm flies in and it’s nice For our common long prosperity, universal for riding? The work that provided us Work is easy, achievements, So that they were thoughts. Not next to silence! Your Day birthday holiday! For the Anniversary!

Striving for success But, nevertheless, the Anniversary of his honor of all work and accomplishments is easy. But let us always! But we are a special day to celebrate:

Girls and boys, and well-being, enthusiasm, less, he is also honored! Such a wonderful team! Today our friendly

Creativity of ideas, purposefulness It can sometimes break down. Let it flourish. Therefore, I would like to wish that this life in the life of military glory from customers! I wish them into the world, Just make sure the company turned ___ and excellent health Then he requires

Always, so that the effective results of the all-clear, And work - In the circle of relatives, you have health, spirituality With him solemnly count. Years! And this is for each of the employees of the repair. And for the good they pleased everyone: the authorities Shined so that the sky was only high,

Congratulations on the day of the enterprise - anniversary, anniversary

warmth, attention and Congratulations! But the time seems to be very cool! I'm on our birthday And we, of course, the people live, profit, and workers are always blue. On the shoulder so that friends, cares of loved ones! Let how old you would be for, I want to congratulate everyone excellent and rich, we hurry to you. Let success be only - salary and Let projects bring all the tasks. Let the sky always be many times - not at all Nothing in this wonderful company, I want to wish you providing the front, bring years, a bonus! Success! A lot of profits,

Happiness, joy, good luck.
A smile of happiness will sprinkle peacefully, and the sun
Secret, strength to keep.
Date, and wish you all prosperity and
Restoration of cars. We believe he will certainly And fortunately
Let me congratulate you today. The same light
Shines bright! Look the same

You today in
So that our friendship material well-being! Let
And we're leaving for it to come!
From pure heart let everyone be open
With a significant event of the same kind
Allow me to congratulate you
We wish further! Birthday
Never broke every day carries

In every workshop, a holiday, congratulations on the anniversary
Road! - your day
Days. With all my heart
You are attractive, we want happiness
Under various hardships, new ideas, like
As if new, it will be,
our bank. May our company prosper

firms. Let the years flow, and
With a significant event. And wise,
Wish the company stays
Become even more successful, auto.
Nice work we did
He always takes And success awaits
This day you are oblivious to nothing,
It should be noted that And the ladies follow

Good luck, joy, success, always so cheerful
Richer and cooler! And very, very,
Year! Solid and stable
Us in everything! And your undertakings
No matter how hard you try, always be a teacher
They cast languid glances, Be healthy and
And good-natured, and Inspiration to everyone in the right word,
And now here is the position in the financial

Let competitors retreat
accompanies success. I wish life does not want
it was an honor. Be for success and
Trouble not to know, new good to us
Our common work We are grateful to you
Celebrates the world, let everyone
Whatever one may say, so that you all
Give, teacher - given

Glory you were born
Barriers in the life of impressions!
For the benefit of the beloved for that.
Birthday the whole employee tries to
And we are leading! Just as true
But not every time. Be And for it
And interference On this day
firms! I wish you true Oh, if only
People! The common good. I wish
Income let the firm move purposefully
Birthday comes, the teacher is
Everyone respects you!
Easily and quickly we want to wish
And devoted friendship if only you
Congratulate the company
great success and
Brings us to the assigned tasks
To believe again
A lot of work, because Dear ____________________!

so that the fate of you
In our team, they knew
We want from achievements to everyone, strong
So that we solve them capital
Win again. Throughout
With all my heart More laughter, less
led the right way,
Satisfied and joyful How respects you
With all my heart, health and good luck,
knocked together!
with ease. I wish so let him
Life teacher constantly congratulate you on

be sad...
So that in the house of everyday life and tear-off
People! To him in
personal happiness and
Our work is for you to always be
It will be bright and improves and multiplies
Happy birthday! And never
There has always been abundance.
happy Holidays! To everyone Without you we
For centuries glorify optimism.
Let the benefit go, on top and
Encouraging, their knowledge, passing

I wish you success

Be discouraged.
May your life
Love and happiness! Would definitely be gone.
​And reach everyone​Congratulations to all bank employees​
So that only good
To admire you Like a ray of sunshine
They are not alone and prosperity, embodiment
Congratulating you on

Dear our leader! Congratulations holiday date- your birthday. Your work, always progressing and fruitful, is a huge, real and significant contribution to the development and prosperity of our company. You are an example of not only an authoritative, responsible, and competent leader, but also an experienced organizer of the production process. The whole team highly appreciates you as a person of high dedication and steely perseverance, because every day you are looking for effective ways to solve work problems. We wish you great success, good health and all the blessings of life. ©

On the birthday of our leader, I would like to say a lot, and, above all, a simple human thank you. Thank you for rallying our team into a single whole, subordinating one, but common goal for all - to achieve best results. Thank you for your special leadership talent, for your understanding and competence in all matters. We wish you and your family good health and prosperity, peaceful harmony and warmth, inexhaustible optimism for many years to come. May work always give you only positive and faith in your endeavors. Happy holiday to you! ©

Birthday is one of those holidays that should be held in a friendly atmosphere, with a glass in hand and with a smile of happiness on your face. Therefore, today, I want to congratulate you on another joyful date! I wish you good health, so that all mountains can be moved with a movement of the shoulder, wisdom, so that all adversity brings only positive results, and good luck so that any problem in work can be easily solved! ©

Dear leader! A lifetime is not enough to tell how much you have done for us. On this day, filled with a sea of ​​​​smiles, we want to wish you not to lose those qualities that you were able to carry through the years, to be understanding, but fair in business, and strive for success, like an eagle to its prey! Goodness, prosperity and love! Happy birthday! ©

When our leader was born, the brightest star in the entire universe lit up in the sky! So let it accompany you all your life and do not let your enthusiasm burn out! Let him keep the bowl of health and do not let it splash in vain! Love to you, prosperity and happiness! Happy birthday! ©

Let happiness, like a bird, knock on the window. May the sky on this day be bright, without a shadow of bad weather. Let the wind bring only a cloud of smiles. Let the ray of the sun warm the thin strings of the soul. Happy birthday! I wish career advancement strictly upwards, a cozy home, understanding and care of loved ones, and, of course, an ocean of passion and love, without which life becomes boring and dull! ©

Happy birthday! With your sensitive guidance as a support, we are moving along the intended path without turning a single millimeter. Thanks to the great limits of your patience, you have found the strength to go through a series of problematic everyday life. Therefore, accept congratulations on the holiday and wishes of good, happiness, prosperity and success in personal and work affairs! ©

On your birthday, we want to sincerely wish you sun even on gloomy days of bad weather, warmth in a prickly cold, saturated summer colors on autumn weekdays. Let the joy of the moment go with you side by side, and do not leave under any circumstances! Happy holiday! Happy birthday! ©

Let this day be filled with a series of festive fireworks that will remind you of highlights in life, and it does not matter what they were, full of optimism, or depression, because this is already the past. Therefore, I want to wish you to enter a new day without the mistakes of past years, and with the baggage of wisdom on your shoulders. Happy birthday! ©

The life path consists of a series of obstacles and rewards, so let your strong-willed character not let you break on the path to victory, and let your natural modesty receive happiness and prosperity as a gift. Happy birthday! ©

Dear leader, in spite of all the stones that competitors throw at your feet, go ahead without showing any signs! Let the qualities of a leader not give weakness, but only grow stronger day by day! Good health to you, so that naughty fate does not break! Be always fair and honest! Happy birthday! ©

Let grief and separation turn into dust, let problems and sadness burn in the sun, let a window open for a bird with good news, let the wind disperse the storm weekdays! In this festive hour, we wish you a happy birthday! We wish you good luck in your work, well-being in the family, good communication, and good mood on this holiday! ©

I want to congratulate our leader on the day of birth! Like a rare kind of flower, you grow before our eyes, like a ray of sunshine in a window, illuminate our working days with your presence. So let these moments last forever and bring you joy. Good luck with your career development! Material well-being and positive mood for all working days! Happy birthday! ©

Happy birthday greetings to the leader in prose.

The birthday of the leader is a moment that requires some preparation. If you can say a speech to a friend, relative, colleague in your own words, knowing that the words will be understood exactly as you wanted, then in congratulations to the leader you need to take into account what impression the speech will make on the addressee. For example, congratulations to the manager in prose may affect some of the merits of the birthday man, thanks to which the company became very popular, or production profits increased significantly, or the organization expanded, which made it possible to create new jobs, etc.

You can pick up solemn verses for the leader happy birthday, for congratulations taking place in an official, solemn atmosphere. In a closer circle, poetry can be a little playful, comic. Aptly noticed, and retold with a kind sincere smile, a fact from the life of a leader, in response will cause only joyful positive emotions.

If the team is so close-knit that everyone understands each other perfectly and the birthday boy is open to any wishes, feel free to take cool congratulations to the leader. Our site will satisfy any wishes.

Friendly relations between partners are the key to successful business. A great way to maintain and strengthen relationships is to congratulate a business partner on the upcoming holiday and present a memorable gift. You can congratulate Happy New Year, Victory Day or other all-Russian holiday.

But it's best if you find out when your partner's birthday is and wish him a happy birthday. This holiday is considered very personal, and a successful congratulation will help to establish friendly communication. Happy birthday greetings to a partner should not be overly familiar and familiar, they should be original and bright. Words that you may say to your friend or relative should not be said to a companion. What then should be a birthday greeting to a partner?

Certainly correct, benevolent and original. You can thank him for his contribution to your common cause, say how lucky you are to meet such a wonderful person on your way. Wish him further development, success in his career, promotion. Express your hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Congratulations can also be different. You can say hello over the phone. If a partner invited you to a corporate party dedicated to his birthday, you will have to congratulate him personally in a solemn atmosphere. Not to do in such a situation and without a worthy gift.

Agree, the situation when the head of the company gives a cheap gift bought at a sale in a nearby store looks ridiculous and ridiculous. The guest looks just as ridiculous when he is given the floor, but he can’t pronounce the shrill and best congratulations happy birthday, begins to blush, stutter and peep into a pre-written piece of paper. Therefore, the gift should be expensive and tastefully chosen - a commemorative watch, an exquisite writing set, souvenirs suitable for the situation. And a birthday greeting to a partner should be prepared and learned in advance.

Be healthy and lucky beyond measure!
We sincerely wish you success, bright faith,
And so let your guiding star
Fate illuminates brightly and always!

Let the hops turn your head now,
So let the wine disturb the heart sweetly,
But if you set a goal for yourself,
We sincerely wish to get into the top ten forever!*******
Happy birthday to business partner

Let it be so at any time of the year
Good weather in my heart
Let your income increase immeasurably
And fortune and let it not let you down!

On your birthday, take my sincere prose and poems of good health, fulfillment of your plans, personal love and prosperity! May you be accompanied by luck in business, spiritual joy and festive mood!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the day of "jam"
And from the bottom of my heart, I wish you
So that in life the joy of a moment
Good luck brought business.

So little by little, year after year
You get rich and prosper
All sorrows and troubles
Leave you outside the door.

In all successes, but in tenderness
Beloved spring without bad weather.
Only love and keep
You God from all sorts of misfortunes.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you health - because it is often not enough,
We wish you fun with love - it does not interfere in the future.
We wish you good luck - because it does not come up often,
And just from the bottom of our hearts we wish you great personal happiness!

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you good luck,
From the cup of luck to drink to the bottom.
And let what is planned come true
And let life be full of passion!

Listen to wishes
Like a solemn bouquet!
We sincerely wish you success,
We are happy to wish you victories!

Birthday time has come -
This is a reason to celebrate!
Your potential is growing...
It's hard not to notice!

Today is your birthday!
Let the currency account grow in the bank,
Let the golden rain fall
And the wind blows let it be fair!

On this joyful day, we want to give
Wishes of happiness, luck,
Always in a great mood

And the cherished dream of fulfillment!
Live in abundance, achieve great success
And many, many new victories to win.

May this day
The sun shines brighter for you
Flowers fall under the feet of a carpet,
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.

Dear partners! Cooperation with your enterprise is one of the important directions of our work. Thanks to our joint efforts, new projects and plans are being implemented at a high quality level, bringing us great satisfaction and income, and joy to our customers. We hope that in the future our cooperation will be fruitful and successful! Please accept our most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! May your energy and optimism help you achieve new heights, experience and intuition prompt new goals, and good luck will always be your good companion!

  • Congratulations on professional holidays to partners

    Dear friends! Remarkable people work at your enterprise, heart and soul attached to their difficult and responsible business, devoted to your difficult profession, giving it their rich experience, knowledge and strength.
    On this wonderful day, let me thank you for the fruitful cooperation and worthy work and wish you good health, prosperity and a festive mood!

  • Happy birthday to a partner, colleague

    On your birthday, please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes of good health, fulfillment of your plans, personal happiness and prosperity! May you be accompanied by good luck in business, spiritual joy and a festive mood!

  • Congratulations for a business partner on Anniversary

    Expensive (). Congratulations. We wish you productive work, interesting and exciting leisure, wonderful and loyal friends, a happy and loving family. Our business relations have been on a good level for many years. We wish you success and great results in your work, good luck and financial independence, unlimited opportunities. May your life be filled with joy, pleasure and happy events.

  • Happy New Year greetings to business partners in verse

    In the New Year, let the business go better,
    And the profit will go into your pockets faster!
    All plans, ideas succeed easily,
    Problems and crises will not touch us!

  • Congratulations for business partner

    We have been working together with you for many years and we know for sure that we cannot find a better partner for business cooperation. The most faithful and reliable partner, it is a great happiness in the business world to find such a person. Let everything go well in life, good luck to you.