Holiday dates for children in June. What are the holidays in June: a calendar of international, state and Orthodox holidays. How we rest and work in June

But, if you do not want to go far, you can always find a vacation closer to home. For example, several interesting festivals will be held in Russia in June, as discussed below.

But be that as it may, you need to know when and where to go, how many days off in the first summer month. Which of the holidays are international, which are Orthodox, and which belong to the folk calendar. All in this article.

How many days off in June 2018

If you look into production calendar, then we will see that in June we have 10 days off: 1 holiday - Russia Day, which is celebrated on June 22 - a public holiday. Due to the fact that this holiday falls on a Tuesday in 2018, Saturday, June 9, is postponed to Monday. In total, the Russians will rest for three days in a row: June 10, 11 and 12.

What are the holidays in June in 2018

There are a lot of holidays in June. Among them are international and UN holidays, and, of course, Orthodox and Slavic. Plus, there are memorable dates that are not a holiday, as such, but it is interesting to learn about them. M some events such as international festivals.

    For example, June 15 is World Wind Day, and in Russia it is also the Day of the Creation of the Youth Movement.

    The most serious holiday in June, which is also a public holiday, is June 12, Russia Day.

We designed all Russian holidays in the form of a graphic calendar. You can also print it if you want.

* The picture is clickable.

There are always a lot of international holidays, in any month. In June, they are not an official holiday in Russia.

* The picture is clickable.

All Slavic holidays closely related to nature and its phenomena. This is stated, for example, in an article about the vernal equinox among the Slavs. In June, the summer solstice (summer solstice) awaits us, and big holidays always fall on such events in paganism.

* The picture is clickable.

It should be noted right away that in June Orthodox people enter the first summer fast, it is called Petrov, or the Apostolic Fast. There will also be several more memorable dates in Orthodox calendar 2018.

* The picture is clickable.

June festivals

The largest event in Russia among the June festivals is, of course, Kinotavr. But he is far from the only one. We have chosen for you three, in our opinion, the most interesting festivals.

Do not forget about the folk calendar of June. But there will be a separate article for this, since, in accordance with folk calendar, every day, stands for something. In June, out of as many as 30.

This concludes the article. Do not forget to congratulate your loved ones on the holidays.

Our people have always been famous for their love for the holidays. There is nothing surprising in this. After all, Russian people are distinguished by their friendliness and hospitality. The common celebration of various celebrations unites all segments of the population and helps to feel like a part of a great state, united by a single impulse. The holidays in June 2018 in Russia will once again confirm this.

How we rest and work in June

In the first month of summer, many holidays will be celebrated in Russia. Among them:

Do not forget about religious holidays. There will be more than a dozen of them in June, given that Russia is a multi-confessional state. The total number of holidays will be 103 units.

The production calendar gives a clear picture of how the Russian people will work and rest. So, having familiarized yourself with it, we get the following picture:

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, 06/12/18 is an official non-working day, in connection with the celebration of the Day of Russia. This date falls on a Tuesday this year. In order not to break the weekend, the Government decided to move Saturday 06/09/18 to Monday 06/11/18. Thus, on Saturday, the Russians will have to go to work, then to rest continuously for three days:

  • 06/10/18 - Sunday;
  • 06/11/18 - Monday;
  • 06/12/18 - Tuesday.

It is worth noting that on Saturday you will have to work an hour less, since this day will be pre-holiday.

It should be noted that Russians work in different industries in different ways and therefore the number of working hours will be different:

  • If your working week is 40 hours, then in June you will be on the job 159 hours. This figure is obtained as follows: multiply the number of working days (20) by the length of the working day (8) and subtract the number of part-time working days - (20 x 8 - 1);
  • If you have a 36 hour work week, then you will have to be at work for 143 hours. Such a figure is calculated similarly to the previous case: (20 x 7.2 - 1);
  • With a 24 hour work week, you will need to be at work 95 hours. This number is obtained after the following calculations: (20 x 4.8 - 1).

The main holidays of June: calendar

06/01/18, Friday- this day will be celebrated wonderful holidayChildren Protection Day. It is a pity that this holiday is not a public holiday. You could go with your children to the rides, to the park, to the children's ice cream parlor. After all, our children so lack our attention. A day off in honor of the children would be very useful in our calendar. The history of this holiday began in 1925. But it became especially relevant after the Second World War, when a huge number of orphans appeared in our country. Today, on this day, it is customary to visit boarding schools, orphanages, to give gifts and everything necessary to children left without parental care.

On this day all over the world celebrate Parents' Day. It is to them that we owe our lives. True, there are situations when children abandon their parents. It is to such people that this day is dedicated. No wonder these holidays are combined. After all, children and parents remain united at the genetic and emotional level. We must strive to ensure that this connection is never broken.

06/06/18, Wednesday we will all celebrate Russian Language Day. This holiday was established to popularize our native language. We should be proud of our language, which was spoken by great people all over the world, such as: Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Tchaikovsky and others. This day is also sometimes called Pushkin's day, they remember what contribution this poet made to the popularization of the Russian language.

06/12/18, Tuesday- the whole Russian people are celebrating Russia Day. This is a relatively young holiday that arose along with the formation of our state - the Russian Federation. Despite this, the holiday is widely celebrated in our country. At the beginning, formal events were associated with this day, in which officials of various ranks mainly took part. The people at this time went to nature and enjoyed the extra day off.

Over the years, the patriotism of the Russian people began to grow. This was facilitated by the success of the country in many areas of life. The Russians began to be proud of their country, which in a short time literally “rose from its knees”. Today is Russia Day for real folk holiday. He is awaited in our country with great impatience. All over the country are public events where millions of Russians gather to rejoice together for the successes of their Motherland. The government this year made a real surprise for all the inhabitants of our country. We will all rest for three days. This will be enough to take part in interesting events in honor of this great day.

22.06.18 - this day is impossible not to mention. After all, in our country it is noted - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. It was on this day that the Second World War began, which touched every family. In the struggle for the independence of our Motherland, millions of people died not only in Russia, but also in the republics former USSR. This holiday reminds all of us how expensive the world and the blue sky above our heads are.

Other solemn dates: table

06/01/18, Friday world milk day

Children Protection Day

Day of the Northern Fleet

Day of establishment of government communications

Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

World Parents Day

06/02/18, Saturday healthy eating day
06/03/18, Sunday Amelior's Day2018
06/05/18, Tuesday Ecologist's Day

Creation Day public service plant quarantine

06/06/18, Wednesday Russian Language Day
07.06.18, Thursday Crowdfunding Day
06/08/18, Friday Social Worker's Day

world oceans day

World day of St. Petersburg cats and cats

06/09/18, Saturday Brewer's Day2018

Furniture Maker's Day2018

International Day of Archives

international friends day

06/12/16, Tuesday Russia Day

world day against child labor

06/14/18, Thursday international blogger day

Day of Migration Service Workers

World Blood Donor Day

06/15/18, Friday world wind day
06/16/18, Saturday International Day of the African Child
06/17/18, Sunday Day medical worker

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

06/20/18, Wednesday Day of the Mine-Torpedo Service Specialist

World Motorcycle Day

World Refugee Day

World Day for the Protection of Elephants in Zoos

06/21/18, Thursday International Skateboarding Day

Cynologist's Day

06/22/18, Friday Day of Remembrance and Sorrow
06/23/18, Saturday International Olympic Day

Balalaika Day

International Widows Day

06/25/18, Monday Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs

sailor's day

06/26/16, Tuesday International Day Against Drug Use and Illicit Traffic

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

06/27/18, Wednesday world fishing day

Youth Day

06/29/18, Friday Day of partisans and underground fighters
06/30/18, Saturday Inventor and Innovator Day 2018

Day of the security officer of the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Justice

Orthodox holidays

June is notable for the fact that this month there will be a Petrov post. It is characterized by the fact that during it it is necessary to eat raw or boiled vegetables and fruits. Fish and some wine are allowed only on weekends. In addition, there will be church holidays:

  • June 2, 2018 - St. Moscow Alexy
  • June 3, 2018 - Vladimir icon. Equal app. Constantine and Elena
  • June 4, 2018 - Beginning of Petrov Lent.
  • June 7, 2018 - Third acquisition of the head of John the Baptist
  • June 18, 2018 - Igor Icon of the Mother of God.
  • June 19, 2018 - Pimenovskaya icon
  • June 20, 2018 - Svmch. Theodotus Stratilates;
  • June 24, 2018 - Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas. Icons "It is worthy to eat"
  • June 28, 2018 - Saint Jonah, Met. Moscow

Advice-. Get out with the children to nature or to the circus. In any case, for children it will become a good gift for the holiday.

Tip: Try to throw garbage only into the trash cans on this day, and if you celebrate this holiday in nature, then clean it up with you. Perhaps this will not solve the problem of ecology, but you will like to return to the forest in a year - and there is no garbage there!

Advice: Sabantuy, he is also Sabantuy in Africa! A good reason to have a noisy and not very sober party.

12 June- The day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation - Russia Day

Tip: You can go to the hippodrome - the action is fascinating! Or you can just sign up for classes at the equestrian club.

Tip: If after numerous holidays you have drought and desertification in your mouth, i.e. dehydration of the whole organism, then this holiday is simply created for you. It is best to treat the “desert” in the mouth with beer or mineral water, or you can use brine, the main thing is that the “fight against drought” does not turn into a long binge.

Tip: Youth party - what could be better? Relax and have fun!

Tip: You can celebrate anything you want, and even the invention of the toothbrush and even more so. Remember the numerous advertisements that threaten us with inevitable and terrible caries if we do not buy a super-duper toothbrush. You can relate to this in different ways, but you must certainly celebrate!

Tip: If you are not convinced urbanists and the joys of outdoor recreation are not alien to you, then maybe it's time to go hiking, and at the same time go fishing. Of course, a hike is not lying on a sofa with a newspaper in your hands, but there are also a lot of charms in it, for example, an ear cooked from freshly caught fish. Believe me, at such moments it seems that there is nothing tastier in life. What about guitar songs? And meeting the sunrise? Nature heals one hundred percent from overwork and depression.

Last Saturday in June- Day of the inventor and innovator

Tip: Have you ever dreamed of inventing a perpetual motion machine and becoming famous? Even if this impulse remained just an unrealizable dream, the holiday is still worth celebrating, the occasion is good!

Second Sunday in June- Day of Light Industry Workers

Tip: Where would we be if there were no light industry? Apparently, they would have lived in subsistence farming and would have walked in bast shoes. It is not easy after numerous holidays and dates to celebrate Light Industry Day, but, as they say, it is necessary, then it is necessary!

Third Sunday in June- Medical Worker's Day

Advice: on this day it is better not to fall into the hands of doctors, because they celebrate their professional holiday. How would you like to work on holidays? So, if you are not a doctor, then it is better to skip this holiday and take care of your health yourself. Let people have a rest! Do not upset the doctors, because it is known that alcoholism is incurable!

The list of June holidays will tell you about the significant events of the month, memorable dates, professional days representatives of various fields of activity.

The most important dates in June: Russia Day, International Children's Day, Youth Day.

Labor and professional holidays in June occur almost every day.

Such holidays are not weekends, but if they fall on Saturday or Sunday, then celebrate and relax boldly!

Holiday June 1 - International Children's Day. It was established in November 1949 by the decision of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women and is celebrated annually.

June 1 - Day of the creation of government communications. A separate niche is occupied by government communications for public administration.

June 4 is the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. On August 19, 1982, at an emergency special session on the question of Palestine, the UN General Assembly decided to celebrate June 4 as International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression.

June 5 - Ecologist's Day. World Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and has been celebrated annually throughout the world ever since.

Holiday June 6 - Pushkin's Day in Russia. Pushkin's birthday, celebrated since 1998 on the basis of the Decree of the President Russian Federation.

June 8 - Day of the social worker. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2000 N 1796 "On the Day of the Social Worker".

Holiday June 12 - Day of Russia. Until 2002, it was called Independence Day of Russia. This Public Holiday is one of the "youngest" holidays in the country.

June 14 is World Donor Day. Celebrated since 2004 on the initiative international organizations calling for voluntary and free blood donation.

June 14 is the Day of Migration Service Workers. Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 6, 2007 signed the Decree "On the Establishment of the Day of the Migration Service Worker".

Holiday June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. It was established on January 30, 1995.

June 20 is the Day of the Specialist of the Mine and Torpedo Service of the Navy. professional holiday military personnel of a specific unit navy exists for almost 20 years. On July 15, 1996, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy signed an order to create official day specialist of the mine-torpedo service of the Navy.

Holiday June 27 - Youth Day in Russia. It is held annually in accordance with the order of the first President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin dated June 24, 1993 at the suggestion of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs and the National Council of Youth Associations. Before that, the holiday was called the Day of Soviet Youth.

June 27 is World Fisheries Day. For the first time this holiday, which unites all lovers of fishing, began to be celebrated in 1985.

Floating dates for holidays in June:

  • graduation parties
  • First Sunday of June - Meliorator's Day
  • Second Saturday in June - Brewer's Day
  • Second weekend of June - Furniture Maker's Day
  • Second Sunday of June - Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers
  • Third Sunday of June - Medical Worker's Day
  • Last Saturday of June - Inventor and Innovator Day