Significant dates (October 28). Significant dates (October 28) of October in the folk and Orthodox calendar

On this significant day, many countries celebrate various holidays. In some states, they commemorate an important event that happened and bring wreaths to the graves of heroes who fought to the last for their Motherland. Today, all countries celebrate various events on a grand scale. TO at this moment Various shows, events and gala performances are organized.

International holidays October 28, 2020

International Animation Day

Every year on October 28, the whole world celebrates “International Animation Day”. This holiday was established on the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association. Talented French inventor The so-called “optical theater” was created. Thanks to the new apparatus “praxinoscope”, pictures moved in the form of various images.

Today, times have changed. New cartoons based on modern technologies. However, it was this date that marked the beginning of the era of animated films. Some countries begin to celebrate this event a few days earlier. Fans of animated films exchange various programs from all over the world.

Technological progress has amazed every person. Digital 2D animations work wonders. It is worth noting an important fact that the Russian animator was Alexander Shiryaev. Around 1925, Soviet graphic animation appeared.

Holidays in Russia October 28, 2020

Day of the creation of Russian Army Aviation

In 1948, on October 28, they decided to celebrate the “Day of the Creation of Army Aviation.” Since this date is associated with the emergence of the first aviation squadron in Serpukhov. The entire base was equipped with helicopters. To begin with, helicopter aircraft were intended to transport various heavy loads, for reconnaissance, for communications and more. Further, the situation changed dramatically and helicopters began to be used as a formidable weapon for defense.

The half-century history of army aviation has visited almost all the hot spots of the world where military operations took place. Army Aviation also trains various units to provide combat training Ground Forces. All exercises are conducted with the help of aviation support.

Holidays in the rest of the world October 28, 2020

Ukraine Liberation Day

A rather significant date for Ukraine is October 28. On this day, the “Liberation Day of Ukraine” is celebrated annually. Since everyone knows that Ukraine, like many other countries, was captured by the Nazis. In that National holiday The event is celebrated since it was on October 28 that the troops of Nazi Germany were expelled. The Red Army liberated its country from the Nazis in 1944.

The initial idea to celebrate this state event came from Sergei Tigipko. The Minister of Economy took the initiative to celebrate this event at the state level. It is worth noting that a few days later, a decree on celebrating the Liberation Day of Ukraine was signed by President Viktor Yushchenko.

Czech Independence Day

The entire Czech Republic is proud of its main national holiday, which in turn celebrates “Independence Day” on October 28. Previously, this holiday was called Republic Day. After World War I ended, the Czech National Committee declared independence from Austria-Hungary. This happened in 1918 on October 28th. On the same day, the two states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia united.

During the celebration of this event, ceremonial events are held in various cities. Many tourists come from different parts of the country and celebrate this significant day together with the rest of the inhabitants of the Czech Republic. Traditionally, specially for this day, state awards are given to people who have distinguished themselves by their activities for the benefit of their country.

Ohi Day in Greece

Every year on October 28, Greece celebrates Ohi Day. Translated from Greek, “ohi” means no. In 1940, the Italian ambassador appeared in Greece in the prime minister's office and in turn brought a telegram from Mussolini. This telegram contained a proposal to surrender to the mercy of the Italian dictator without any conditions or effort. However, the answer from the Greek Prime Minister was “no”. This meant a declaration of war.

For this reason, Greece entered World War II. From Albania, the Italian military invaded Greek territory. This event occurred in 1940 on October 28th. For 5 months, Greece resisted its enemies. The Greek army showed everyone that it is strong and powerful. The Italians stopped military action and crossed the Adriatic Sea.

Ohi Day in Cyprus

The national holiday in Cyprus is Okha Day, which is celebrated annually on October 28th. On this day, the Greek Prime Minister rejected an ultimatum from Italy and entered World War II. This day is celebrated with great respect throughout Cyprus. The holiday is celebrated simultaneously in Greece. Military parades are held on this day. On this day, all government institutions are decorated with national state flags.

Day of the Goddess Mokosh

Makosh is considered the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Everyone knows that Makosh is the patroness of the feminine principle. She protects all girls and women. Previously, they prayed to Makosha that the birth would be easy. The ancient Slavs considered Friday to be the day of remembrance of Mokosh.

On this day, women were not supposed to wash, spin, weave, etc. It was also forbidden to bathe children. Many believed that for such actions, Makosha could severely punish those who violated any prohibitions. On the same day they took us to a two-ring round dance.

October 28, 2020 in the folk calendar

Efimy Osenniy

On this significant date, many Orthodox believers celebrate the Day of Euthymius of Autumn. His other name was Euthymius of Thessaloniki, who lived back in the ninth century, originally from Palestine. He will be born into a Christian family. Because his parents insisted on an important issue, he got married in early age. However, at eighteen he left his wife and daughter. Accordingly, he took monastic vows and went to the monastery, which is located on Mount Olympus.

After a certain time, Euthymius became a schema-monk. He went to Athos and settled with the hermit Joseph. After Joseph died, Euthymius founded a monastic community near Thessaloniki. He restored the ruins of the ancient monastery of St. Andrew.

Name day October 28, 2020

Lukyan, Semyon, Afanasy, Dmitry, Denis, Ivan, Efim

Significant events of October 28 in history

  • 1571 - Tsar Ivan the Fourth the Terrible married Marfa Sobakina
  • 1886 - The official opening of the Statue of Liberty took place in New York.
  • 1922 - Italian fascists begin their march on Rome

Born on this day

  1. Julia Roberts 1967 - American film actress, Oscar winner
  2. Maria Spiridonova 1884 - Russian revolutionary, politician, one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party
  3. Simonas Daukantas 1793 – Lithuanian historian and educational writer, folklore collector
  4. Giudita Pasta 1797 – Italian singer
  5. Henry III - Holy Roman Emperor
  6. Rosa Makagonova 1927 - Soviet film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  7. James Connolly 1868 - American athlete, first Olympic champion, writer
  8. Bill Gates 1955 - American entrepreneur, founder of Microsoft Corporation
  9. Roman Viktyuk 1936 - Russian and Ukrainian theater director, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine
  10. Garrincha 1933 – Brazilian football player
  11. Ovid Gorchakov 1924 - Soviet intelligence officer, writer and screenwriter
  12. Andrey Voronikhin 1759 – Russian architect and painter
  13. Erasmus of Rotterdam 1469 - European humanist, philosopher and writer.

Church holidays, memorable dates and historical events this week in.

September 28

  • 1600 years of the Discovery of the relics of the first martyr Archdeacon Stephen (415) - the apostle from 70, the first Christian martyr. The saint was brought to the court of the Sanhedrin and stoned for preaching Christian preaching in Jerusalem around 33-36. Read more about the saint in the publications:
  • Georgy Aleksandrovich Tovstonogov (1915-1989) was born 100 years ago - Soviet theater director and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, Doctor of Art History, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of Lenin, two Stalin, and two State Prizes of the USSR. read the text .

  • Yaropolk Leonidovich Lapshin (1920-2011), a Soviet and Russian film director, was born 95 years ago. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980). The first film chronicler of Siberia and the Urals, who shot historical epics. Some of his most famous works are the paintings “Gloomy River”, “Privalov’s Millions”, “Smoke of the Fatherland”, “Demidovs”.

  • 2495 years ago, Euripides (480-406 BC) was born - an ancient Greek playwright, the largest (along with Aeschylus and Sophocles) representative of classical Athenian tragedy, the author of about 90 dramas, of which 17 tragedies and a satyr drama have come down to us. Cyclops." Read .

  • On this day 2495 years ago, during the Greco-Persian Wars, the Salamis naval battle took place between the Greek and Persian fleets near the island of Salamis in the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea near Athens.

September 29

  • Ivan Egorovich Zabelin (1820-1909) was born 195 years ago - Russian historian and archaeologist, specialist in the history of Moscow, honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, initiator of the creation of the Imperial Russian Historical Museum named after Emperor Alexander III, Privy Councilor.

  • Baron Mikhail Petrovich Klodt (1835-1914) was born 180 years ago - Russian artist, painter, watercolorist, draftsman. Son of the sculptor P. K. Klodt.

September 30th

  • Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev-Tsensky (1875-1958) was born 140 years ago - Russian Soviet poet and writer, master of historical prose. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

  • Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky (1895-1977) was born 120 years ago - Soviet military leader, Marshal Soviet Union, Chief of the General Staff, member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. During the Great Patriotic War, as Chief of the General Staff (1942-1945), he took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. From February 1945, he commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front and led the assault on Königsberg. In 1945, commander-in-chief of Soviet troops in the Far East in the war with Japan. One of the greatest commanders of World War II. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945), holder of two Orders of Victory (1944, 1945).

  • Vera Kuzminichna Vasilyeva (1925) was born 90 years ago - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR, twice laureate of the Stalin Prize. Read an interview with the actress on our website

  • International Translation Day - professional holiday interpreters and translators, which is celebrated on September 30 (the death day in 419 or 420 of St. Jerome, who translated the Bible (Vulgate) into Latin and who is traditionally considered the patron saint of translators). Established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 1991.

October 1

  • 395 years ago, Nicholas (Clas) Pieterse Berchem the Elder (1620-1683, Amsterdam) was born - a Dutch painter, graphic artist and engraver, nicknamed “van Haarlem” after his birthplace, then nicknamed “Theocritus of painting”.

  • Simon Lvovich Soloveichik (1930-1996), a Soviet and Russian publicist and journalist, pedagogical theorist, was born 85 years ago.

  • Nikolai Ilyich Denisov (1945) was born 70 years ago - Russian actor, playwright, poet, lyricist, Honored Artist Russian Federation.

  • On this day, Chulpan Nailevna Khamatova (1975) was born - Russian theater and film actress, public figure, artist of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, twice laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. One of the founders of the Gift of Life charity foundation. Read

  • International Day of Older Persons, established at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly. On this day, public and charity organisations organize festivals in defense of the rights of older people, hold conferences on this topic, and organize charity events. Read a selection of our publications on this topic:

  • International Music Day is an annual holiday that was established at the initiative of the International Music Council (IMC) of UNESCO. Read our publications

2 October

  • 115 years ago, Konstantin Yakovlevich Listov (1900-1983) was born - Soviet composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR, author of songs, operettas, and music for plays.

October 3

  • Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925) was born 120 years ago - a great Russian poet, a representative of new peasant poetry and lyrics, called the “singer of Russian nature.” Read about it in our publications:

  • Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan (1935) was born 80 years ago - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater teacher, theater director. People's Artist of the USSR.

The 4th of October

  • Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was born 295 years ago - Italian archaeologist, architect and graphic artist, master of architectural landscapes, who had a great influence on artists romantic style and surrealists.

  • Polina Antipyevna Strepetova (1850-1903), a famous Russian theater actress, was born 165 years ago.

  • Joseph Frank Keaton (1895-1966) was born 120 years ago, an American comedian and director, creator of the films Sherlock Jr., The Navigator and The General, one of the greatest silent film comedians, known to the world under the stage name Buster Keaton.

  • Marlen Martynovich Khutsiev (1925) was born 90 years ago - Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, actor, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Some of his most famous directorial works are the films: “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, “Two Fyodors”, “July Rain”, “It Was the Month of May”.

  • Richard Sorge (1895-1944), a Soviet intelligence officer during World War II, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), was born 120 years ago. One of the outstanding intelligence officers of the 20th century.

  • On this day in 1582, by decree of Pope Gregory XIII, European countries switched to a new calendar style called Gregorian. Read our publications about how the Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian calendar:

    On October 28, 1469, my favorite writer, Erasmus of Rotterdam, was born near Rotterdam.

  • On October 28 you can celebrate the following holidays:

    28 of October(2012) - Workers Day road transport , Motorist Day. This professional holiday was established by a decree of the USSR Supreme Council in 1980 and is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October.

    28 of OctoberDay of the creation of army (helicopter) aviation. On October 28, 1948, in the town of Srpukhov near Moscow, the first squadron equipped with helicopters was formed to provide air support to infantry and motorized rifle units. This day is celebrated annually as day of creation of army aviation, as a separate branch of the military.

    28 of October, in Ukraine, noted Day of the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders. This holiday was established by decree of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko in 2009.

    October 28th is International Animation Day and animated films. This holiday is dedicated to a significant historical date - it was on October 28, 1892, that the French artist and inventor Emile Reynaud first demonstrated to the audience his invention - the Optical Theater (Theatre Optique). Using the Praxinoscope apparatus, invented and personally constructed, Emil Reynaud demonstrated Living Pictures - moving images. This day is considered the birthday of the prototype of modern animation.

    28 of October we can celebrate Czech Independence Day(Establishment Day of the Independent Czechoslovak Republic). This national holiday is dedicated to a historical event - on October 28, 1918, immediately after the end of the First World War, the independence of the Czech Republic and Slovakia from the Austro-Hungarian Empire was proclaimed and the Czech Republic and Slovakia were united into a single Republic - Czechoslovakia.

    October 28 in the folk and Orthodox calendar:

    28 of October. Efimy Osenniy. Memorial Day of St. Efimiy of Thessalonica(Nikita).

    On October 28, those who are lucky with names celebrate their name day:

    Afanasy, Denis, Efim, Ivan, Lukyan

    October 28 - significant historical events and memorable dates:

    October 28, 1571Wedding day of the Tsar of All Rus' Ivan IV the Terrible with Marfa Vasilievna Sobakina, the daughter of a poor Kolomna nobleman, a relative of Malyuta Skuratov. The reign of the new Queen lasted only until November 13 of the same year, after which she died suddenly, as was believed at that time, due to evil damage caused by envious people. The play by L.A. is dedicated to this historical event. Meya The Tsar's Bride (1849) and N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Tsar's Bride (1899). In the famous comedy by Leonid Gaidai, Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession; the queen’s name was also Marfa Vasilievna.

    October 28, 1636Founding day of one of the leading universities in the United States - Harvard University. On October 28, 1636, in the city of Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), a college was founded, which in 1639 was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard.

    October 28, 1886Official unveiling of the Statue of Liberty in New York, which later became the national symbol of the United States.

    October 28, 1922 - Black day in Italian history. This is the day when a bloodless war was carried out in Italy fascist coup and the 39-year-old son of a village blacksmith Benito Mussolini declared himself prime minister, thus seizing full power in Italy and effectively becoming a dictator. The softness of the King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel III, who did not give the order for a military rebuff by the Blackshirts to the fascists, practically led to a coup d'etat in the country.

    On October 28, you can celebrate the birthdays of great and famous people:

    October 28, 1469, near Rotterdam, in Gouda, was born future great philosopher, theologian and theologian, writer, author of the Praise of Stupidity, which is still published today - Erasmus of Rotterdam. (1469 — 1536).

    October 28, 1924, in Odessa, was born the future legendary Soviet intelligence officer during the Second World War, who became the prototype of the main character for the novel by Yulian Semenov Major Whirlwind, a talented writer - Ovidy Aleksandrovich Gorchakov. (1924 — 2000).

    October 28, 1936, in the city of Lvov (Ukraine), was born future scandalous director for his theatrical provocations and stage shocking, very famous throughout the theater world - Roman Grigorievich Viktyuk.

    October 28, 1955 and, in the American city of Seattle, was born the future founder of Micro-Soft Corporation, a man personifying success who became a legend during his lifetime - William Henry Gates III, known throughout the world as Bill Gates.

    October 28, 1967 a wonderful, talented and beloved by millions of viewers, Hollywood Beauty, film actress was born - Julia Roberts.

    October 28, Memorial Day:

    October 28, 1969, passed away wonderful writer, author of numerous bestselling books for children younger ageKorney Ivanovich Chukovsky(Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov). (1882 - 1969).

  • In two thousand and twelve, Motorist Day, as far as I understand, was celebrated in Russia on October twenty-eighth. And all because this day was the last Sunday of cold October, the last autumn month)).

    On October 28, Russia celebrates the Day of the Creation of Army Aviation. In Ukraine they celebrate Liberation Day from the Nazi invaders, in the Czech Republic they celebrate Independence Day, and in Greece they celebrate Okha Day. October 28 is International Animation Day.

    By folk calendar This is Efimy autumn.

    On this day:

    in 797, Emperor Charles the Great decided that it was much more profitable to receive money from criminals than to execute them and adopted the so-called Saxon Capitulary

    in 1237 the city of Berlin was founded, on this day the future capital of Germany was first mentioned in historical chronicles

    in 1492, Christopher Columbus became the first European to set foot on the island of Cuba

    in 1886, New York acquired its own symbol - the Statue of Liberty was inaugurated on the island of the same name

    in 1914, the Kodak photographic concern began testing color photographic film

    in 1940, Greece entered the Second World War - on this day, the then Greek prime minister rejected an ultimatum received from the leader of fascist Italy Benitto Mussolini

    in 1943, the United States conducted the Philadelphia experiment with the mysterious disappearance of a destroyer under the influence of strong magnetic fields

    in 1969, Korney Chukovsky, a children's writer who invented such famous characters as Aibolit and Barmaley, as well as a terrible monster with a mustache - Tarakinishche, died

    In 2011, the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow re-opened after reconstruction that lasted almost 6 years.

    On October 28, 1954, Ivangorod, a settlement located in northwestern Russia, on the right bank of the Narva River, officially received city status. Until that time it was called a workers' village.

    The main attraction of the city is the Ivangorod Fortress, founded in these places by Moscow Prince Ivan III in the spring of 1492, at the very height of the Livonian War.

    After the collapse of the USSR, Ivangorod again became a border area. On the opposite bank of the river is the Estonian city of Narva. The population of Ivangorod according to 2015 data was 10 thousand people.

    This is also the International Day of Animation and Animated Film.

    Bill Gates was born on this day in 1955.

    Julia Roberts was born in 1967

    In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was unveiled in New York.

    1469 - writer Erasmus of Rotterdam was born.

    1886 - The official opening of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

    1995 - Bill Gates was born.