Independent theatrical play activities in a dhow. Consultation for teachers “Organization of theatrical and play activities in groups of a preschool educational institution. Equipment for a theater corner for the middle group

Theatrical and gaming technologies in kindergarten

Zakharova E.V.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 29 "Golden Key"

Today before preschool education the task has been set to improve traditional methods preschool education children and searching for new approaches to organizing the educational process.

Formation of communicative competence in future schoolchildren, their preparation for training within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education is one of the tasks educational institution. One of the directions in the formation and development of children's communicative competence is the use of theatrical and gaming technology in kindergarten.

In the Law “On Education in Russian Federation» a socially significant task has been set modern societycreative development personality ready to solve non-standard problems in various fields of activity. The desire to increase the level of communicative development of future schoolchildren confirms the relevance of this experience and allows us to highlight the contradictions: between the process of creative development of children and the system of traditional education; the need of society to increase the level of communicative competence, general culture and insufficient experience in introducing children to theatrical activities.Using theatrical and gaming technologies, a solution is found to many problems of modern pedagogy and psychology related to art education and upbringing, the development of personal communicative qualities, initiative and independence.

Novelty our experience consists in combining elements of well-known methods and technologies: creating a system of classes with the inclusion of interactivity in theatricalization, introducing theatrical and gaming technologies in different types activities.

The teaching staff of our kindergarten was faced with the question of what istheatrical and gaming technologies. Before we continue, we needed to understand the issue:

What is technology?

Like any technology, this is a process in which a qualitative change in the impact on the learner occurs.

Basic requirements (criteria) for educational technology:






Educational Technology Structure

The structure of any educational technology consists ofthree parts :

    Conceptual part – this is the scientific basis of technology, i.e. psychological and pedagogical ideas that are embedded in its foundation.

    Content part – these are general, specific goals and content of educational material.

    Procedural part – a set of forms and methods of children’s educational activities, methods and forms of the teacher’s work, the teacher’s activities in managing the process of mastering the material, diagnostics of the learning process.

So it's obvious : if a certain system claims to betechnologies , it must meet all of the above requirements. If we consider theatrical and gaming technologies, then all the requirements are met.

    Conceptual foundations of theatrical and gaming technology:

The theoretical basis of the experience is the pedagogical ideas of Natalia Ilyinichna Sats, who is one of the founders of theatrical art. She created the most famous children's theater in Russia, where children were offered performances staged in such a way that the children were not bored and understood what was going on. The key problem of her pedagogical theory is the idea of ​​educational teaching.

Another foundation is the psychological ideas of the outstanding Russian psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. Who noted that we should not forget that the fundamental law children's creativity lies in the fact that its value should be seen not in the result, not in the product of creativity, what is important is that children create, create, exercise their creative imagination and its embodiment.

    Content part

homethe purpose of using theatrical gaming technology - creation of a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities depending on the operating conditions preschool and the level of development of children.


    Achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills through the child’s own initiative.

    Select means that activate children’s independent activities and increase their effectiveness.

    To create favorable conditions for revealing the child’s personality, individuality, and creative potential through involvement in theatrical activities.

Theatrical and gaming technologies are based on the idea of ​​interaction between an adult and a child, during which the preschooler’s own creative development is ensured and all aspects of his personality are formed. Theatrical activity is a type of leading (game) activity, and therefore has an impact on the development of children preschool age, and also, due to its specificity, has a certain potential in the formation of social and communicative competence. The main content of social and communicative competence is the child’s ability to interact productively with the people around him. The means by which interaction is carried out can be expressive-facial, object-effective and speech. Theatrical activity has the potential for preschool children to master these means in an activity that is attractive to them, therefore, this process proceeds effectively, but subject to a certain technology for organizing theatrical activity by an experienced adult - the bearer of socio-communicative culture.

Theatrical gaming technology covers a certain part of the educational process, united by common content, plot, and characters. Game form joint activities with children are created with the help of play techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating the child to activity. The implementation of the pedagogical game is carried out in the following sequence - didactic purpose is posed in the form of a game problem, educational activities obeys the rules of the game; educational material used as its means; successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

At the present stage, theatrical and gamingtechnologies can be used:

    to master the topic or content of the material being studied;

    as an activity or part of an activity(introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control) ;

    as part educational program, formed by the preschool educational institution team.

The game is usually children's own initiative, soteacher's guidance in organizing theatrical and gaming technology must meet the requirements:

The choice of game depends on the educational tasks that require their solution, but should act as a means of satisfying the interests and needs of children;

Game proposal - a game problem is created, for the solution of which various game tasks are proposed;

Explanation of the game - briefly, clearly, only after the children’s interest in the game arises;

Gaming equipment - must comply as much as possible with the content of the game and all the requirements for the subject-game environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

Organization of a play group - play tasks are formulated in such a way that each child can demonstrate his activity and organizational skills. Children can act depending on the progress of the game individually, in pairs or teams, or collectively.

Development of the game situation is based on the principles: absence of coercion of any form when involving children in the game; presence of game dynamics; maintaining a gaming atmosphere; the relationship between gaming and non-gaming activities;

End of the game - analysis of the results should be aimed at practical application in real life.

The main feature of a pedagogical game in gaming technology is a clearly defined learning goal and corresponding pedagogical results, characterized by educational and cognitive orientation.

In our kindergarten, since 2015, 1 theatrical lesson per week has been introduced into the schedule of classes for all age groups.

The basis of theater classes are the programs of Gubanova T.F. “Theatrical activities of preschool children” and M.D. Makhaneva. “Theatrical activities in kindergarten”, as well as methodological manuals: T.S. Grigorieva “The Little Prince”, E.A. Antipina “Theatrical activities in kindergarten”, E.V. Migunova “Theater pedagogy in kindergarten”.

    Procedural part

The system of work of the entire team is based on the concentration and consolidation of the efforts of participants in the educational process aimed at implementing this direction. Theatrical activity as a special and beautiful world child has become an integral part of the entire pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution.

The basic principles of the technology used are “We learn by playing and imitating.” Theatrical play as a universal means of education and an effective teaching tool is by no means an innovation and has been used in pedagogy for a very long time.

Theatrical classes are based on developmental techniques and represent a system creative games and sketches. The content of theatrical classes includes:

    watching puppet shows and talking about them;

    dramatization games;

    acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations;

    exercises to develop expressive performance;

    exercises for the social and emotional development of children.

If play for a child is a way of existence, a way of knowing and mastering the world around him, then theatrical play is a step towards art, the beginning of artistic activity. Theatrical games are designed for the active participation of the child, where he becomes an accomplice in the pedagogical process. New knowledge is presented in the form of problem situations that require joint active searches from children and adults. Classes are conducted in an entertaining and interesting way for children, based on a plot structure. For each academic year, music directors for all age groups have compiled forward planning on theatrical activities.

Starting with the new school year, we plan to use a new form of organizing entertainment - theater Fridays “without rehearsals.” Once a month in each age group on this Friday, children will be greeted from the threshold of the kindergarten fairy-tale heroes and involve children in theatrical games.

The role and methods of theatrical and gaming technologies

Lined upsystem p When working on theatrical activities, we tried to include those methods and techniques that would stimulate children to be creative and would be innovative.To increase the level of development of creative initiative and independence, a project was developed: “Development of initiative and independence in children through the systematic introduction of theatrical and gaming technologies in educational and educational activities.”

Theatrical activities in kindergarten permeate all aspects of the regime: it is included in the educational activities, in the joint activities of children and adults, and is carried out in the independent activities of children.Our approach to constructing classes using theatrical pedagogy methods is based on the socio-game methodology (author A.P. Ershova), which assumes a qualitatively new level of relationships between a child and an adult, and between children. Each lesson is aimed at finding and using means of implementing a plan. Preschool teachers use in their work non-traditional forms, methods and means for child development, including theatrical play in all forms of organizing the pedagogical process.

To develop children's independence they usevarious techniques:

    Children can choose a role at will.

    Assigning the most timid, shy children to the main roles.

    Distribution of roles by cards.

    Playing roles in pairs (thanks to this technique, children know the words of any role in a fairy tale and can replace each other).

In their work, educators began to use multifunctional play equipment (theatrical multifunctional screen, unformed play material, etc.). This gives children the opportunity to change the spatial environment themselves, engage in activities from the perspective of their children’s interests: turn on music, have privacy, organize theatrical activities, etc., and adults have the opportunity to create a surprise play environment for children.

In order for children to show creativity, it was necessary to enrich their life experiences. In this regard, entertaining activities were organized in each group using various types of theaters and organizing workshops for the production of theatrical toys. Interactive theater was also included in the educational process. In pedagogy, interactive learning is understood as an organization that is aimed at fully enhancing the cognitive activity of children through a wide, preferably comprehensive, use of pedagogical (didactic) means. We became interested in this tool because children always strive to actively participate in theatrical events.

Interactive theater - these are small performances that actively experiment with methods of working with the audience and offer performances in which the main role is given to the viewer. This is a bright, cheerful, musical performance with props, scenery, costumes, where the characters not only lead the storyline, but also attract the audience into their action, play with them, giving them the opportunity to feel themselves in the thick of fairy-tale events.

We can say that in an interactive theater the main thing is the viewer. PPlaying roles with children, we have repeatedly seen how important it is in our time for the Theater to remain alive and authentic. Alive means easy-going and developing. Authentic - that is, corresponding to high aesthetic canons. Especially if it is a children's theater and our audience is children.

Theatrical games are always loved by children. Children are happy to join in the game: answer the dolls’ questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, and transform into one image or another. They laugh and cry togetherdolls , warn them about dangers, and are always ready to come to the aid of their heroes.

As part of the project, consultations were held to improve the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical and gaming technologies in kindergarten, round tables, master classes.

An Open Day dedicated to the theatrical performance was held for parents, where they had the opportunity to see:
- how children began to build relationships with each other;
- how the guys know how to follow the established rules of the game;
- is he able to express his emotions in such a way that it does not interfere with others around him?
- Is it possible to hear, understand and correctly complete the proposed task.

A survey was also conducted with parents. The results showed that 100% of parents believe that it is necessary to develop creative independence, and they agree to provide assistance from the teacher in conducting theatrical performances; 70% of parents can be active participants in the work. Thus, parents are interested in carrying out such work in preschool educational institutions, but at the same time we noted for ourselves that it is necessary to look for new forms of involving parents in this work.

The large and diverse influence of theatrical activities on the child’s personality allows preschool teachers to use it as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool that allows them to solve many pressing problems of pedagogical and psychological plans, because the child, during a theatrical performance, feels more relaxed, free, and natural. allows you to more effectively absorb cognitive information about the world around you, the laws of society, the beauty of human relationships and learn to live in this world and build your relationships.

As a resultimplementationour projectAlevel of creative independence in children:has grown significantly

Which indicates the effectiveness of the work being carried out.

Children's social activity, independence, memory and imagination, creative abilities are developing, feelings of collectivism and communication skills are being formed, and speech and cognitive functions are developing.

Summing up, one cannot help but note the emotional upsurge in children, the almost complete elimination of constraint and fear in communication or in expressing their own opinions, and the manifestation of independence in choosing roles.The accumulated practical material helps to conduct matinees, leisure activities, and entertainment in a fun way.The purposeful organization of the perception of interactive theater methods by preschool children and their own theatrical activities is a type of leading (game) activity, and therefore has an impact on mental development children of this age, and above all - on the development of creative abilities.

Thus, the presented technology is a means of developing creative abilities that involve Special attention both to the child’s personality, and to his musical and theatrical interests, as well as to further development.

Galina Gnidina
Consultation for teachers “Organization of theatrical and play activities in groups of a preschool educational institution”

At any age, fairy tales can reveal something intimate and exciting. Listening to them in childhood, a person unconsciously accumulates a whole "bank of life situations", therefore it is very important that awareness "fairy tale lessons" started with early age, from the answer to question: “What does a fairy tale teach us?”

Joining preschool children's theater age is associated mainly with fairy tale performances. Children’s interest in this genre and accessibility are taken into account children's perception, as well as the social significance of fairy tales for the moral and aesthetic education of children. Most expedient is considered a form of work in this direction.

Educational opportunities theatrical and play activities are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Closely related to mental development is the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and one’s own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. The role played and the spoken lines confront the child with the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly. His speech and its grammatical structure are improving.

It can be argued that theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. This is a concrete, visible result. But no less important theatricalization develops the child’s emotional sphere, makes him sympathize with the characters and empathize with the events being played out. “In the process of this empathy,” as the psychologist and teacher, Academician V.M. Teplov (1896-1965, - certain relationships and moral assessments are created that have incomparably greater coercive force than assessments simply communicated and assimilated." Thus way, theatrical- play activity - the most important means of developing empathy in children, i.e. the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself out of his place in various situations, and find adequate ways to help. “To enjoy someone else’s joy and sympathize with someone else’s grief, you need to be able to use imagination be transported to the position of another person, mentally take his place,” argued B. M. Teplov.

Theatrical and gaming activities allows you to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for children preschool ages always have a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, but also expresses their own attitude towards good and evil). Favorite characters become samples for imitation and identification. It is the child’s ability for such identification with his beloved way allows teachers through theatrical activities have a positive influence on children. Famous composer D. B. Kabalevsky in the book "Educating the Mind and Heart" wrote about the importance of art for children: “Leaving an indelible impression for a lifetime, it is already in these early years gives us lessons not only of beauty, but also lessons of morality and ethics. And the richer and more meaningful these lessons are, the easier and more successful the development of the spiritual world of children is. The quality and quantity of these lessons primarily depend on parents and kindergarten teachers. As a rule, young children are active in things that pique their interest.”

Theatrical activities allows the child to solve many problems of the situation indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness. So way, theatrical classes help to develop the child comprehensively.

Theatrical and gaming activities presented at the preschool educational institution as a puppet theater and theatrical games. Puppet theater influences young viewers with a whole range of artistic funds: this is both an artistic word and a visual one image, and picturesque decorative design and music. Skillful use puppet theater provides great assistance in everyday work with children. Children love to watch plays.

In a kindergarten setting, it is impossible to stage a large, complex performance on your own - in fact, this is unnecessary. Let it be short story on flannelgraph, a small scene or short performance, picture theater. It is important that such displays are carried out systematically and that all types of theater.

However, recently teachers and psychologists note a decrease in the level of games, including theatrical. Games “leave” from kindergarten; children practically do not play. There are several reasons for this. Preschoolers spend a lot of time in front of the TV screen. The reasons should be sought, especially family leisure. Another important problem is that it is necessary to restore teachers the ability to play with children and competently manage children's games.

Theatrical and gaming activities in the first younger group“Theater steps”.

Working with children theater, we strive to make the life of our students interesting and meaningful, to fill it with vivid impressions. Our main task in working with young children is to create group an atmosphere of comfort and emotional well-being, to unite children with common experiences. We conduct various theatrical performances: toy theater, theater pictures and finger theater. For example, using a finger theater You can perform chants, pestushki, tell fairy tales, read poetry and simply play with the child’s fingers. Babies love to perform rhythmic movements with their fingers, while they develop speech, a sense of rhythm and imagination.

Question: What if the child is in a bad mood and doesn’t want to play?

Answer: a child should not be forced to play when he has no desire. It is better if the adult starts the game, and after a while the child, if he wants, takes part in it.

Example. Dramatization of the poem (instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children).

The mouse has bad soap paws:

Just moistened it with some water,

I didn’t try to wash with soap -

And there was dirt on my paws

Towel with black stains!

How unpleasant it is!

Germs will get into your mouth -

Your stomach may hurt.

So kids, try

Wash your face with soap more often!

Need warm water

wash your hands before eating.

Theatrical and play activities in the second junior group “Kids and Theater”

Children gradually master role-playing skills and develop an interest in games—dramatizations. Let's start learning portray an image the hero of a literary work in simple actions and short dialogues.

First, for each fairy tale-game we read, tell, show illustrations, board theater, showing the actions of the heroes.

Fragment from the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Grandfather: I really want a turnip. Yes, apparently, the roots of the turnip cling tightly to the ground. Grandma, help me, do me a favor!


I have lived many years, but I have never seen anything like this.

True, a miracle, a miracle of miracles, the turnip almost reaches the skies!

If I grab hold of my grandfather, together we pull the turnip together.

Then we suggest repeating the dialogue, working on character image. After playing repeatedly, we suggest playing theater- first with the participation of an adult, and then independently. We monitor children's play and help them organize, we provide a place for creative play to unfold.

Theatrical and gaming activities in the middle group.

In average group we continue to combine puppet show with theatrical play. Unconfident children most often prefer doll theater, since its necessary attribute is a screen behind which the child tries to hide from the viewer. Children who have overcome shyness usually take part in performances as actors in a dramatic drama. theater. At the same time, by observing each other, they enrich their personal experience.

We instill in children a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities, we consolidate knowledge about the rules for manipulating bibabo dolls, using creative exercises to develop fine motor skills.

Example: Demonstration of finger gymnastics.

As a result, our dolls come to life.

Theatrical and gaming activities in a group of senior preschool age.

Older children preschool age already actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations, which are distinguished by more complex characters and mise-en-scenes that are difficult to develop. We develop children's creative independence in broadcasting image.

Elder preschoolers can give a description theater professions. Know the rules of conduct in theater. We also introduce children to puppets, living hand, cane puppets. And we teach techniques for working with them. Children really enjoy it during leisure time organize fun concerts.

Theatrical and play activities in the family. "Home theater"

The child initially has a desire to play, to creativity: They often disassemble donated toys and make their own, putting their imagination into this matter. And parents scold: I broke the toy. Sing a song, read poetry, dress up in everything your mother does and perform in front of your family so they laugh and clap, what happiness it is. With a doll in their hands or in a fancy dress, children read poetry, sing, and dance more boldly. And this is not pampering, this is the beginning of “Homemade” theater". We need to help this one organize theater, it will not just be fun, but an interesting and useful thing. It is best to create a homemade dollhouse Theater led by a doll - parsley. You can make parsley yourself, it’s easy to play with, and it also develops your imagination and sense of humor. Decorations can be glued together from colored paper and painted with felt-tip pens. And for a wide variety of children's parties, a manufacturing guide will come in handy. carnival costumes. However, such costumes are good for amateurs theater. And most The main thing: all this “ theatrical props" will fit in an ordinary suitcase, which will become a "magic chest" for children

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: To systematize the knowledge of teachers on theatrical and play activities of preschool children and the creation in preschool educational institutions of conditions for their self-realization.

Form: business game “Theater and children”.

Preliminary work.

  • Conducting a theoretical seminar on types theatrical activities;
  • Review-competition of theater corners in all age groups;
  • Organization of the exhibition “Doll Salon”;
  • Conducting an open viewing of a theater group class;
  • Organization of an exhibition in the methodological room “Preparing for the teachers’ meeting”;
  • Video recording of fragments from the experience of teachers of different age groups “Theater Kaleidoscope”.
  • Thematic test “Organization of theatrical and play activities with preschoolers.”


  1. Message from the head “Theatrical and play activities in preschool educational institutions.”
  2. Summing up the results of the thematic audit “Organization of theatrical and play activities with preschoolers.”
  3. Summing up the results of the review-competition of theater corners. Winner's reward ceremony.
  4. Business game “Theater and Children”.
  5. Development and adoption of decisions by the pedagogical council.
  6. Reflection.

Progress of the teachers' council

Opening speech by the head of the preschool educational institution (sample abstracts).

Theatrical and gaming activities are represented in the preschool educational institution by puppet theater and theatrical games. Puppet theater influences young spectators with a whole complex of artistic means: this is an artistic word, a visual image, picturesque decorative design and music. The skillful use of puppet theater is of great help in everyday work with children. Children love to watch plays.

In a kindergarten setting, it is impossible to stage a large, complex performance on your own - in fact, this is unnecessary. Let it be a short fairy tale on a flannelgraph, a small scene or a short performance, a theater of pictures. It is important that such screenings are carried out systematically and that all types of theater are used.

However, recently, teachers and psychologists have noted a decrease in the level of games, including theatrical ones. Games “leave” from kindergarten; children practically do not play. There are several reasons for this. Preschoolers spend a lot of time watching TV. The reasons should be sought, especially family leisure. Another important problem is that it is necessary to restore teachers’ ability to play with children and competently manage children’s games.

Speech by the Deputy Head of Internal Affairs.

Results of the thematic test “Looking through rose-colored and dark glasses.” Two theatrical masks are used - pink and black. Looking through rose-colored glasses – the achievements of teachers in this direction, looking through dark glasses – shortcomings. Summing up the results of the show - competition of theater corners. Awarding the winners.

Business game “Theatre and Children”

Teachers are pre-divided into creative groups “actors”, “theater workers”, “spectators”, “critics”, “director and assistant director”.

The director (manager) introduces the participants.

Theatrical warm-up.

The director names the words (prompter, parterre, facial expressions, benefit performance, gallery), and the teachers name their meaning. Anyone who wants to give an answer raises his theatrical mask.

The assistant director announces the first act:

“Management of theatrical games and various types of theater”

The creative group of teachers “actors” performs.

Message from the teacher of the first junior group

“Theater steps”

By doing theater with children, we strive to make the life of our students interesting and meaningful, to fill it with vivid impressions. Our main task in working with young children is to create an atmosphere of comfort and emotional well-being in the group, to unite children through common experiences. We conduct various theatrical performances: toy theater, picture theater and finger theater. For example, with the help of a finger theater you can perform chants, pistols, tell fairy tales, read poetry and simply play with your child’s fingers. Kids love to perform rhythmic movements with their fingers, while they develop speech, a sense of rhythm and imagination.

Question from critics: Dear colleagues, what if the child is in a bad mood and doesn’t want to play?

Answer: a child cannot be forced to play when he has no desire. It is better if the adult starts the game, and after a while the child, if he wants, takes part in it.

Staging a poem (instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children).

The mouse has bad soap paws:
Just moistened it with some water,
I didn’t try to wash with soap -
And there was dirt on my paws

Towel with black stains!
How unpleasant it is!
Germs will get into your mouth -
Your stomach may hurt.

So kids, try
Wash your face with soap more often!
Need warm water
wash your hands before eating.

Message from the teacher of the second junior group “Kids and Theater”

Children gradually master role-playing skills and develop an interest in games—dramatizations. We begin to teach how to portray the image of the hero of a literary work in simple actions and short dialogues.

First, for each fairy tale-game we read, tell, show illustrations, table theater, showing the actions of the heroes.

Fragment from the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Grandfather: I really want a turnip. Yes, apparently, the roots of the turnip cling tightly to the ground. Grandma, help me, do me a favor!


I have lived many years, but I have never seen anything like this....
True, a miracle, a miracle of miracles, the turnip almost reaches the skies!
If I grab hold of my grandfather, we pull the turnip together...

Then we suggest repeating the dialogue, working on the image of the characters. After playing it out repeatedly, we suggest playing theater - first with the participation of an adult, and then on your own. We monitor children's play, help them get organized, and provide a place for creative play to develop.

Teacher's message middle group.

In the middle group we continue to combine puppet performances with theatrical play. Children who are insecure most often prefer puppet theater, since its necessary attribute is a screen behind which the child tries to hide from the viewer. Children who have overcome shyness usually take part in performances as drama theater actors. At the same time, by observing each other, they enrich their personal experience.

We cultivate in children a sustainable interest in theatrical and play activities, consolidate knowledge about the rules for manipulating bibabo dolls, using creative exercises to develop fine motor skills.

Example: Demonstration of finger gymnastics.

As a result, our dolls come to life.

Message from the senior teacher

Children of senior preschool age are already actively participating in theatrical games and dramatizations, which are distinguished by more complex characters and mise-en-scenes that are difficult to develop. We develop children's creative independence in conveying images.

Older preschoolers can characterize theatrical professions. They know the rules of behavior in the theater. We also introduce children to puppets, living hands, and cane puppets. And we teach techniques for working with them. During leisure time, children really enjoy organizing fun concerts.

Demonstration of a doll-puppet (accompanied by a children's song)

Assistant director: intermission. We are not offering you a buffet, but we will play a little in an unusual orchestra. Teachers improvise on musical instruments made according to the principle of Karl Orff.

Act two “Introduction to the basics of drama and acting.”

The creative group “Theatre Workers” performs.

Message from the music director about the role of musical design in dramatization games and the work of the theater group. Watching the video “Theatrical Kaleidoscope”.

Question from critics: it is important to introduce children to the theater from early childhood, but taking into account its individual characteristics and capabilities. Not every role can be played by a child. What qualities does a child - actor, a child - director, a child - spectator, a child - decorator have?

Answer: discussion between teachers.

Message from a speech therapist “Development of expressive speech through theatrical activities of preschool children.”

In the soul of every child lies the desire for free theatrical play, in which he reproduces familiar literary plots. This is what activates his thinking, trains memory and visual perception, develops imagination and fantasy, and improves speech. S.Ya. Rubinstein wrote: “The more expressive the speech, the more the speaker, his face, and himself appear in it.” Such speech includes verbal (intonation, vocabulary and syntax) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture) means.

For the development of expressive speech, articulatory gymnastics classes are of great help.

For example, bite the tip of your tongue - “this is how mom chops cabbage”, the tongue is a thin needle, “we put injections” in turn in each cheek, etc.

Tongue twisters (teachers call familiar tongue twisters) will help develop diction.

And in the development of intonational expressiveness of speech, exercises such as reproducing words, phrases, passages of literary works, using various emotional states, will help.

Assignment: Say the phrase “Well done” (quietly, loudly, mysteriously, indignantly, joyfully).

Question from the director. What are the two types of theatrical games?

Answer: The characteristic features of theatrical games are the literary or folklore basis of their content and the presence of spectators. They can be divided into two main groups: dramatizations and directorial ones.

In director's play, the “artists” are toys or their substitutes, and the child, organizing activities as a screenwriter and director, controls the artists. When voicing the characters and commenting on the plot, he uses means of verbal expressiveness. The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten.

In dramatization games, the child, playing a role as an artist, independently creates an image using a set of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. Types of dramatization are games - imitations of images of animals, people, literary characters; role-playing dialogues based on text; staging of works; staging performances based on one or more works; games - improvisations with the acting out of the plot without prior preparation.

Game “Staged Fairy Tale”.

“Actors”, “spectators”, “theater workers” choose a fairy tale at their own discretion and portray it using pantomime. Those who are ready raise their mask and show a fairy tale. The rest of the game participants try to guess its name.

Act three – final “Theatrical and play activities in the family.”

A creative group of teachers “spectators” performs

Message from the teacher “Home theater”

Children initially have a desire for play and creativity: they often disassemble donated toys and make their own, putting their imagination into this matter. And my parents scold me: I broke my toy... Sing a song, read poetry, dress up in everything my mother does and perform in front of my family so that they laugh and clap, what happiness it is. With a doll in their hands or in a fancy dress, children read poetry, sing, and dance more boldly. And this is not self-indulgence, this is the beginning of “Home Theater”. We need to help organize this theater; it will not just be fun, but an interesting and useful thing. It is best to create a home puppet theater led by a parsley doll. You can make parsley yourself, it’s easy to play with, and it also develops your imagination and sense of humor. Decorations can be glued together from colored paper and painted with felt-tip pens. And for a variety of children's parties, a guide to making carnival costumes will be useful. However, such costumes are good for amateur theater. And most importantly: all these “theater props” will fit in an ordinary suitcase, which will become a “magic chest” for children.

Question from critics: What are your difficulties in working on this issue?

Work results:

  • for you;
  • for children;
  • for parents.

Summarizing. Adoption of the draft decision of the teachers' council.

Reflection. Assessing your participation in the teachers' council.

  • This teachers' council was beneficial;
  • Got satisfaction from this type of activity;
  • We felt our real contribution to the common cause;
  • The teachers' council helped to think about the questions raised;
  • They were able to look at themselves from the outside, evaluate their activities, and compare them with the activities of their colleagues.

Used Books.

1. Volobueva L.M. work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers. M., 2005

2. Elzhova N.V. Teachers' councils, seminars, methodological associations in preschool educational institutions. R-n-D, 2007

3. Davydova O.I., Mayer A.A., Bogoslavets L.G. Interactive methods in organizing pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions. S-P, 2009

Theatrical activities of preschool children.

Description: this material is interesting and useful for parents, educators, music directors of kindergartens, for teachers additional education.
Target: the importance of theater in a child’s life, the guiding assistance of an adult.
1. To acquaint parents and teachers with theatrical activities and its importance for the development of the child.
2. Show what a huge impact theatrical activities have on unlocking a child’s creative potential.
3. To teach how to navigate the directions of work in theatrical activities.

"The magical world of theater!" Theatrical activities of preschool children.

Theater is Magic world! He gives lessons in beauty, morality and ethics. And the richer they are, the more successful the development of the spiritual world of children is.
B. M. Teplov

Theatrical activities in kindergarten

This is a good opportunity to reveal a child’s creative potential and nurture a creative personality. Children learn to notice the world around them interesting ideas, embody them, create their own artistic image of the character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary.
-Theatrical activities help the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.
-Thus, theater helps the child develop comprehensively.

The importance of theatrical activities

In children's educational institutions, all types of children's theater can and should be given attention, because they help:
- form correct model behavior in modern world;
- improve the child’s general culture, introduce him to spiritual values;
- improve the child’s speech, activate the vocabulary, improve the sound culture of speech, its intonation structure; improve dialogic speech and its grammatical structure;
-introduce the child to children's literature, music, fine arts, etiquette rules, rituals, traditions, and instill a sustainable interest;
- gives elementary representations about types of theater;
- improve the skill of embodying certain experiences in the game, encouraging the creation of new images, encouraging thinking;
- have a creative attitude towards any task, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of stage creativity, musical and artistic abilities of children;
- develops public speaking and creative collaboration skills.

Main areas of work with children

Theater game
Theatrical acting is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of humans.
Tasks: teach children to navigate in space, evenly space themselves around the playground, and build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. Develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax individual muscle groups, remember the words of the characters in performances, develop visual auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in the performing arts.
Rhythmoplasty includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychomotor abilities of preschool children, freedom and expressiveness of body movements, and the acquisition of a sense of harmony of one’s body with the outside world.
Tasks: develop the ability to voluntarily respond to a command or musical signal, the willingness to act in a coordinated manner, develop coordination of movement, learn to remember given poses and convey them figuratively.
Culture and technique of speech
This section of the work combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus.
Tasks: develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation and logic of speech; learn to write short stories and fairy tales, select simple rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, expand your vocabulary.
Fundamentals of theatrical culture
This section of the work is intended to introduce children to the elementary concepts and professional terminology of theatrical art, its features and types of theatrical art; with the basics of acting; with the culture of the viewer.

Tasks: introduce children to theatrical terminology, the main types of theatrical art, and cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater.
Work on the play
Work on the performance is based on the author's plays and includes familiarization with the play, fairy tale, as well as work on the performance - from sketches to the birth of the performance.
Tasks: Learn to write sketches based on fairy tales; develop skills in working with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprised, admiring, pitiful, etc.).

Organization of theatrical activities for preschool children at different age stages

Junior group

At the age of 2 - 3 years, children are keenly interested in playing with a doll, they are impressed by small stories shown by the teacher, and they are happy to express their emotions in motor images-improvisations to music. Theatrical play is closely related to role-playing game, therefore, most games reflect the range of children’s everyday interests: playing with dolls, with cars, at a construction site, going to the hospital, etc. Familiar poems and songs are good gaming material. By showing mini-plays in a tabletop theater, with the help of individual toys and dolls, the teacher conveys a palette of experiences through intonation, and, if possible, through the external actions of the hero. All words and movements of the characters must be clearly defined, vary in character and mood, must be followed at a slow pace and the action must be short. In order to liberate and eliminate the internal constraint of children, special studies and exercises for the development of emotions are carried out. Using children's tendency to imitate, it is possible to achieve expressive imitation of various sounds of animate and inanimate nature by voice. For example, children, pretending to be the wind, puff out their cheeks, doing it diligently and carefree. Theatrical play allows the child to enter into special relationship with the surrounding world, which he cannot enter on his own due to the limitations of his capabilities.

Middle group

The child gradually moves to:
- from a game “for oneself” to a game focused on the viewer;
- from a game in which the main thing is the process itself, to a game where both the process and the result are significant;
- from playing in a small group of peers playing similar roles to playing in a group of five to seven peers whose role positions are different (equality, subordination, control);
- from creation in game-dramatization simple image to the embodiment of a holistic image that combines the emotions, moods of the hero, and their changes.
Interest in theatrical games is deepening. Children learn to combine movement and text, movement and word in roles, develop a sense of partnership, and use pantomime of two to four characters. Children's theatrical and gaming experience is expanded by mastering the dramatization game. When working with children we use:
- multi-character games - dramatizations based on the texts of two - three - private tales about animals and fairy tales("Swan geese");
- games - dramatizations based on stories on the topic “Adult Labor”;
- staging a performance based on the work.
The content is based on playful sketches of a reproductive and improvisational nature (“Guess what I’m doing”).

Senior group

Children continue to improve their performing skills, and a sense of partnership develops. Walks are carried out, observations of the surrounding (the behavior of animals, people, their intonations, movements.) To develop the imagination, tasks such as: “Imagine ...”, etc. are carried out. By creating an atmosphere of freedom and relaxedness, it is necessary to encourage children to fantasize, modify, combine , compose, improvise based on existing experience. Thus, they can reinterpret the beginning and ending of familiar plots, invent new circumstances in which the hero finds himself, and introduce new characters into the action. Mimic and pantomic sketches and studies for memorizing physical actions are used. Children are involved in inventing the design of fairy tales, reflecting them in visual arts. In dramatization, children express themselves very emotionally and directly; the process of dramatization itself captures the child much more than the result. Children's artistic abilities develop from performance to performance. In the process of theatrical activity, a special, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world develops, general mental processes develop: perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, attention, memory, etc.

Preparatory group

Children in the pre-school group are keenly interested in theater as an art form. Preschoolers already know the basic rules of behavior in the theater. Special games - conversations, quizzes - will help prepare them for visiting the theater. Acquaintance with various types of theater contributes to the accumulation of live theatrical impressions, mastering the skill of understanding them and aesthetic perception.
A dramatization game often becomes a performance in which children play for the audience, and not for themselves; they have access to director's games, where the characters are dolls obedient to the child. This requires him to be able to regulate his behavior, movements, and think about his words. Children continue to act out small stories using different types of theater: tabletop, bibabo, bench, finger; invent and act out dialogues, expressing with intonation the characteristics of the character and mood of the hero.
In the preparatory group, an important place is occupied not only by the preparation and performance of the performance, but also by subsequent work. The degree of assimilation of the content of the perceived and acted performance is determined in a special conversation with children, during which opinions are expressed about the content of the play, characteristics of the acting characters are given, and means of expression are analyzed. At this age, children are no longer satisfied with ready-made stories - they want to come up with their own and for this the necessary conditions must be provided:
- encourage children to create their own crafts for the director’s theatrical board game;
- introduce them to interesting stories and fairy tales that help create your own ideas;
- give children the opportunity to reflect ideas in movement, singing, drawing;
- show initiative and creativity as a role model.

Forms of organizing theatrical activities
When choosing material for dramatization, you need to take into account the age capabilities, knowledge and skills of children, enrich their life experience, stimulate interest in new knowledge, and expand their creative potential.
-Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, theatrical activities, theatrical games at holidays and entertainment.
-Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical games Everyday life.
-Mini-games in other classes, theatrical games-performances, children visiting theaters together with their parents, mini-scenes with dolls during the study of the regional component with children, involving the main doll - Parsley - in solving cognitive problems.

Forms of work
- Theater games
- Speech games
- Rhythmoplasty
- Dramatization of songs, chants, round dances
- Use of different types of theater
- Dramatization of fairy tales
- Visiting theaters;
- Interaction with parents

Types of theater in kindergarten
- bibabo
- table theater
- theater book
- five finger theater
- mask theater
- hand shadow theater
- finger shadow theater
- theater of “living” shadows
- magnetic theater
- puppet theater
- theater on flannelgraph

Organization of a corner of theatrical activities
In kindergarten groups, corners for theatrical performances and performances are organized. They provide space for director's games with finger and table theater.
In the corner are located:
-different kinds theaters: bibabo, tabletop, flannelgraph theater, etc.;
- props for acting out skits and performances: a set of dolls, screens for a puppet theater, costumes, costume elements, masks;
-attributes for various playing positions: theatrical props, scenery, scripts, books, samples musical works, posters, cash register, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural materials.

Theatrical and play activities in kindergarten are one of the favorite activities of our students. And kids like it because it is based on play. It is entertaining, develops intelligence, speech, mind, and gives children the opportunity to show their emotions and mood. Theatrical games are a type of creative games in which the artistic taste of children is formed.

In the group we lead the circle “Bez - nani artistlar” - “We are little artists.” The circle is held on Thursdays, in the evening, during restricted periods. When there are no more classes or paid clubs, we plunge into our own theatrical world. By involving children in theatrical performances, we first of all achieve the development of their communicative qualities, the formation of positive relationships in the process of joint activities of children.

In the group we set up a theater corner. Since the subject-development environment should ensure the right and freedom of choice of every child to theatricalize their favorite work, in the theater corner we placed different types of puppet theater - finger, cone, bi-ba-bo, as well as masks and dolls. In the dressing room hang the costumes that our parents gave us and sewed. We have a theater house - “Әkiyattә kunakta” ​​- “Visiting a fairy tale.” Children love to play in this house, tell and show fairy tales to each other and to the group. On the very first day, when this house appeared in the group, our Emir gathered everyone and told the fairy tale “Kolobok”. I saved a video, I want to show you an excerpt. (excerpt from video)

Since we preparatory group, we not only play, but introduce children to theatrical terminology, the main types of theatrical art, and cultivate a culture of behavior. While working on the play, we teach how to compose sketches based on fairy tales; We develop skills in acting with imaginary objects, the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprised, admiring, plaintive, etc.)

To summarize, I would like to say about the importance of theatrical activities, which help to form the general culture of the child, introduce him to spiritual values, introduce children to literature, the rules of etiquette, develop play behavior, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, develop public speaking and creative community skills . Work on developing creative abilities in preschoolers in the process of theatrical games and performances bears fruit: the children’s vocabulary is activated and enriched, they have become freer, more relaxed in communication, and most importantly, they experience an emotional uplift. Our children happily performed the play “Doctor Aibolit in a New Way” in the kindergarten and the district teachers, participated in the republican competition with the play “Fly-tsokotukha” - “Cheben-chebenchek”, and showed themselves to be real artists.

We hope that our children will be the same active, creative individuals at school.