Game activity of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities. The role of play in the development of children with intellectual disabilities

Due to organic causes, underdevelopment gaming activity in children with intellectual disabilities, it turns out to be "programmed" already in early childhood. On the one hand, a violation of cognitive activity delays the development of the child in terms of the formation of mental processes, on the other hand, it introduces a certain originality into his development. subject activity of these children, by the age of three, it turns out to be inferior. They discover a significant helplessness in the world of objects around them. Their actions with objects remain at the level of manipulations, often non-specific (thrown objects and toys on the floor, tapping them, attempts to suck and gnaw objects and toys, etc.). At the younger preschool age, children mainly master specific manipulations, which should form the basis for the formation of visual-motor coordination and the selection of properties and relationships of signs (E. Kulesha, N.D. Sokolova), although along with the use of the toy for its intended purpose ( driving a car, lulling a doll, feeding a bear, etc.) often act inappropriately (putting a car in a pram, inserting an airplane into a house window, etc.).

When entering kindergarten, a child with an intellectual disability usually does not show interest in toys or is attracted to them for a short time. appearance rather than being able to act with them. All components of play activity are underdeveloped, even in children brought up in special preschool institutions, by the end before school age they don't reach a high enough level. In untrained children, up to the age of 5-6 years, the target component is not formed. Their actions are not meaningful and purposeful. The child does not have a specific, meaningful goal for him. He simply performs certain actions with toys, often at the level of manipulation, often non-specific. And only under the influence of long-term training, by the age of 7-8, some children develop the ability to set a goal in an independent game (take goods to the store, sell products in the store, etc.) and prepare everything necessary to achieve it (negotiate with other children, select the necessary toys, find a place to play, etc.). The need-motivational game plan does not add up either. Preschoolers with intellectual disabilities do not show a need for play for a long time. Being included in the game, they do not show interest in its process and toys for a long time, they act indifferently, passively obeying the requirements of an adult. The need for play arises only under the influence of learning and is especially pronounced at the age of 7-8, when most children start games themselves, willingly join in the games offered by their peers or adults. At this age, some children have a selective interest in toys, favorite toys appear with which they prefer to play. However, in many children this interest is diffuse, undifferentiated. Most older preschoolers with intellectual disabilities show intermittent interest in play. This is manifested in the fact that, as a rule, they do not have a deep absorption in the game. Random stimuli divert their attention from the game and lead to its destruction.

Children attending our institution are characterized by disturbances and persistent underdevelopment of all mental processes. Moreover, there is not so much a lag behind the norm as a deep originality of development.

The game is the leading activity of a preschooler, because it is a source of development for a child of this age. In the game, he gets acquainted with the world around him, acquires knowledge and skills, he develops perception, dexterity and coordination of movements, thinking, and cognitive activity. In the process of communication, social skills are formed, the vocabulary is expanded and enriched, all the functions of speech develop, ethical and aesthetic norms are assimilated.

L.S. Vygotsky said that in the life of a mentally retarded child, as well as of his normal peers, there must be an "era of play."

The main reason that hinders the timely development of the game in a child with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) (hereinafter referred to as MA), experts consider the underdevelopment of the integrative activity of the cerebral cortex, leading to a delay in the timing of mastering static functions, speech, emotional and business communication with an adult, and in further, and with peers, in the course of indicative and substantive activities.

The “Game” section is given a central place in the program of education and training of preschool children with developmental disabilities, since they do not have a role-playing game, as such. Even after five years of play with toys, such children are dominated by procedural actions. In the game there is a stereotype, a formality of actions, there is no plan, there are not even elements of the plot.

We consider the role-playing game as a form of organization of the educational process. “The role-playing game is controllable, its educational nature is undeniable. The use of role-playing in teaching is a vivid example of duality, when the pedagogical goal is hidden and appears in a veiled form. And in order to include a role-playing game in the educational process, it is necessary to carry out a multi-stage work to prepare children with disabilities for such activities.

The work highlights 3 block.

I. Diagnostic block

Stage 1 - study of the anamnesis, conversation with parents.

Stage 2 - examination of the motor sphere.

Stage 3 - examination of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Stage 4 - the study of mental processes (with a psychologist).

- the level of memory development;

- the level of development of attention;

- personality traits;

- patterns of comparison and generalization;

- the level of development of speech and communication.

II. Organizational and practical (correctional and developmental)

1. Preparation:

– game planning, discussion, work with colleagues, narrow specialists and doctors;

– choice of the form, content and time of the game;

- a special selection of toys, substitute items that correspond to the intellectual and speech abilities of children;

- differentiation of game tasks depending on the main diagnosis of children;

- selection of games taking into account the motor pathology of children.

2. Conducting the game:

– verification of hygienic requirements for gaming equipment, taking into account safety;

- game activities (for example, "C Good morning, doll”, “Let's dress the doll for a walk”, “Let's put the doll to sleep”);

- joint gaming activities;

- independent play activities of children;

- an individual and differentiated approach in the distribution of roles, taking into account the psyche of children (disinhibited, maladjusted, torpid, etc.).

For a weaker group of children, games are used on the topics: “Dressing”, “Eating”, “Sleep”, “Hair Care”, “Bathing”, “Hospital”, “Construction”, “Theatricalization”.

For children with a higher level of development or as they progress, the range of stories expands, games are added on the topics: "Entertainment, Leisure" and "Shop", since the games of these sections are more complex.

At the first stage we limit ourselves to the minimum number of actions, characteristic attributes, accessories, etc.

At the second stage game actions are added: knowledge about objects, professions, characteristic behavior, etc. is expanding.

At the third stage, after observations, excursions, looking at pictures, watching videos, talking, other actions are played out, the possibilities of the game are expanding.

In order to further form the ability of children to transform into the images of game characters and directly proceed to the role-playing game, at the fourth stage children are assigned to adults in the appropriate roles, as well as more complex actions are played out.

Due to the fact that for each plot a gradual complication and an increase in the number of actions have been developed, an increase in the number of toys and attributes used is accordingly required. The composition of the play area is also changing.

As an example, consider the "Clothes" sector.

At the first stage we learn to put on doll hats, shoes; iron with a toy iron. For classes you need: a table and a chair for a child, dolls, hats, various shoes (without laces), an iron, a cloth.

At the second stage due to the increase in game actions (dressing skirts, trousers, tights, apron; washing and cleaning clothes), the number of attributes increases. A wardrobe, a shelf for shoes, an ironing board, skirts, trousers, tights, socks, a clothes brush are added. For washing: basin, soap, rope, clothespins.

At the third stage children learn to put on and take off dresses and outerwear, fasten buttons, hang clothes on hangers, and clean shoes. Hangers are added to the play corner, outerwear(coats, jackets, scarves), brushes for shoes, a jar of cream, a spoon for shoes. For development fine motor skills and self-service skills, we use large dresses for dolls, the dresses have large loops of thick braid.

At the fourth stage children independently dress the doll for a walk and go out with it for a walk. A stroller (sleigh in winter) and items for outdoor play are added to the play corner. Changing the playing corner is provided for each plot.

III. Analytical block

Work in this block involves the final diagnosis in all areas of development and correction of the play activity of preschoolers with mental retardation (intellectual impairments): motor and emotional-volitional spheres, mental processes.

It should be noted that not all children are able to master the skills corresponding not only to the third and fourth stages of the development of play activity, but sometimes the first stage cannot be mastered due to the severity of the defect. But such children invariably connect to the actions of their peers, with the help and under the guidance of teachers, performing the necessary operations that allow them to correct and develop their play activities.

An analysis of the effectiveness of corrective action in the system of work on preparing preschool children with mental retardation (intellectual impairments) to master the skills of a role-playing game showed that positive dynamics in the development of gaming activity, speech, communication, general and fine motor skills, to one degree or another observed in 100% of children who regularly attend the group.

Bibliographic list

1. Raising children in the game: A guide for the teacher of children. garden. 2nd ed., revised. and additional / Comp. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. – M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

2. Vygotsky, L. S. The game and its role in mental development child / L.S. Vygotsky // Questions of Psychology.-1966.-№6.- P. 35-38.

3. Gavrilushkina, O.P. Education and training of mentally retarded preschoolers / O.P. Gavrilushkina, N.D. Sokolova.- M.: Enlightenment, 1980.-360s.

4. The game of a preschooler / Edited by S. L. Novoselova. - Moscow: Education, 1989. - 82p.

5. Kalinchenko A.V. and others. The development of play activities for preschoolers. - M., 2004.

6. Mendzheritskaya, D.V. Educator about children's play: A manual for a kindergarten teacher / Ed. T.A. Markova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982. – 230p.

7. Mikhailenko, N.Ya. Pedagogical principles of organization story game/ N.Ya. Mikhailenko // preschool education. – 1989. – № 4.

8. Features of play activity in mentally retarded children.

Amelchakova Lyubov Alexandrovna, teacher
MBDOU d / s No. 20 "Dolphin" MO Sayanogorsk

The game as the main activity of preschool children is the leading means of their education.

A game- a special form of development by the child of the surrounding reality in all the variety of norms and relations between people through their reproduction and modeling.

The game, being the leading activity of children of preschool and primary school age, occupies an important place in their lives. This is due to the fact that the game has a multifaceted effect on the mental development of the child. In the game, children acquire new knowledge, skills, and improve their speech. Only in the game are mastered the rules of human communication. It allows you to form the moral and volitional qualities of the child.

But the process of development of play in children with intellectual disabilities looks completely different. Already in early childhood, in such children, the underdevelopment of play activity turns out to be, as it were, “programmed”. Reasons for this: low level cognitive activity, delay in the timing of mastering motor functions, objective actions, speech, emotional and situational business communication with adults. And despite this, the development of children with intellectual disabilities goes through the same stages as the development of a normally developing child. (L. S. Vygotsky), i.e., there is a sequential change in the leading type of activity that determines the transition from one stage to another.

The game can have a positive impact on the development of all mental processes and functions of the individual as a whole only when special conditions are created for the development of the child and he is included in the process of systematically carried out corrective - educational work, an element of which is the purposeful formation of gaming activity.

An outstanding teacher N. K. Krupskaya noted: “Play is a need for a growing organism. In the game, the physical strength of the child develops, the hand becomes stronger, the body is more flexible, or rather the eye, quick wit, resourcefulness, and initiative develop. In the game, the guys develop organizational skills, develop endurance, the ability to weigh circumstances.

Preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, being included in the game, do not show interest in its process and toys for a long time, act indifferently, passively obeying the requirements of an adult. Thanks to training, interest in the game arises, but it turns out to be very short-term, unstable.

Unlike normally developing peers, children with intellectual disabilities do not show long-term passion, absorption in the game. According to N. D. Sokolova, normally developing children of five or six years old can play for an hour. Preschoolers with intellectual disabilities of the same age - no more than 20-25 minutes.

In the game, children gain experience public behavior among peers, they practically learn moral norms and rules, join the life of surrounding adults, have the opportunity to show greater activity and independence than in any other activity. A special place is occupied by role-playing games. In these games, preschoolers reproduce everything that they see around them.

Children do not feel the desire to enter into verbal and personal contacts, exchange impressions, and agree on the content of upcoming joint activities. The peer does not act as an object of communication. As a rule, the relationship between children with intellectual disabilities is reduced to superficial, unstable interaction, children prefer to play alone. Even at the age of transition from preschool to school, they fail to develop a joint game, build partnerships, they play "side by side, but not together"

Characteristic for children with intellectual disability is the performance of game actions without speech accompaniment. As a rule, they act silently, sometimes they literally repeat the words and gestures of an adult, imitate his facial expressions and intonation.

Without special training, verbal regulation of children can be observed only in the form of speech accompaniment - the most elementary, elementary form. Children are only able to accompany their own actions with speech, verbally fixing the finished result.

The limited life experience due to a violation of cognitive activity leads to the fact that until the end of the stay in kindergarten preschoolers with intellectual disabilities form an insufficient amount of knowledge about the life, activities and relationships of people. As a result, the plots of children's games are very poor, do not reflect their own cognitive, emotional and personal experience. As a rule, they appear only towards the end of preschool age, but some children never rise to the level of story play. They unfold short chains of game actions, which are also distinguished by their originality.

It is very difficult for such children to consistently perform play actions, so for a long time they allow violations of their order in the chain, from which the logic of play actions suffers. While playing, children reproduce individual game actions and their chains in the form in which they were offered in the learning process. Therefore, the play actions of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities are stereotyped.

Specially organized correctional and pedagogical influence significantly changes the picture: the game of children with intellectual disabilities is advancing in its development, but sometimes its complex forms, which are associated with the construction of role development, remain underdeveloped.

Methods of teaching the role-playing game of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities

The role-playing game as a type of gaming activity is a syncretic type of creativity and creates favorable conditions for enriching the development of preschool children. Only in the process of purposeful formation does it reach the level of development that allows it to perform the functions of a leading activity.

Play is paramount to enrichment childhood experience, is the leading means of correcting the shortcomings of the mental and physical development of a child with intellectual disability. Each game is a communication of a child with an adult, with other children; it is a school of cooperation, in which he learns to rejoice in the success of his peers, and to endure his failures steadfastly. Goodwill, support, joyful atmosphere of fiction and fantasy - all this contributes to the formation of adequate self-esteem, effective interaction child in peace. The game becomes a source of not only the development of individual mental functions, but also changes in the psyche in general. It stimulates the development of arbitrary processes, forms elements of self-control.

In this regard, play activities are given a central place in the process of educating all children, including children with intellectual disabilities.

The main means of forming play activity in preschool children with intellectual disabilities is education. This is due to the fact that independently, only in the process of communicating with other people, the child is not able to master the knowledge and skills that are necessary for a full-fledged game. L. B. Baryaeva, A. P. Zarin, learning is considered as a purposeful interaction of a teacher and a child, during which the organization and management of his cognitive and practical activities take place, ensuring the mastery of knowledge, skills, and attitude to the surrounding reality. Thanks to the education of a child with an intellectual disability, different kinds children's activities.

The process of teaching the game to preschool children with intellectual development problems is built taking into account the patterns of its development in normally developing children. This follows from the recognition of the commonality of the laws governing the mental development of normal and abnormal children. Consequently, in approaches to the process of teaching the game to normally developing preschoolers and preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, as well as in solving specific methodological issues, one can find many common features. These include:

Building the process of teaching the game based on didactic principles.

The most important of them:

  • The principle of activity and consciousness of the child in the learning process;
  • The principle of systematicity and consistency in the process of forming knowledge, skills and abilities in children;
  • The principle of visibility, taking into account the visual-effective and visual-figurative nature of the thinking of preschoolers;
  • The principle of accessibility, which provides for the correspondence of the formed ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities to the age and individual capabilities of children;
  • The principle of strength of the formed knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • The principle of linking the content of education with the life and experience of children;
  • The principle of educative and developmental orientation of the learning process;
  • The principle of the leading role of the teacher in the learning process.

We learn with children the ready-made plots of the game provided for by the program, we strive to cover the whole group with the game according to a given plot. Children do not want to play "learned" games on their own, but at the suggestion of the teacher, they reproduce them. This is due to the lack of interest in children in the plots of games.

An individual and differentiated approach to teaching children to play in a preschool institution is carried out through the widespread use of individual and subgroup forms, which make it possible to implement individual correctional educational programs. The main work on the formation in children of the ideas necessary for mastering the game about the activities and relationships of people, as well as game actions, is carried out by the educator and teacher-defectologist in the process of subgroup and individual games-classes. They are carried out by subgroups, planned in the system, constant time is allocated for them in the daily routine.

The structural simplicity of the content of play activities is of particular importance in the process of teaching preschoolers with intellectual disabilities. The structuring of the proposed material is a necessary condition for the success of its solution by them. The programs of education and upbringing of preschool children with intellectual disabilities take into account the limited abilities of children in mastering certain knowledge and skills. In the process of formation of play activities, a special place is occupied by teaching children through play actions. Any action, even the simplest, consists of a series of operations. Due to the violation of analytical and synthetic activity, a child with intellectual disability cannot do this on his own. Therefore, in the process of teaching him any action, it is necessary to highlight each operation in the chain, draw his attention to it, fixing it with his eyes and correlating it with verbal reinforcement. Only repeated repetition of such a procedure will allow the child to understand the meaning of individual operations and remember the order in which they are performed. A similar approach is used in the formation of chains of game actions (feeding the doll, washing the doll, putting to bed, etc.).

Due to the fact that in the process of one game lesson, as a rule, it is not possible to form one or another game action or a chain of actions in children, it is required to conduct two or more game-lessons with the same content. Therefore, in the process of educational games, it is necessary to use a variety of toys, change the conditions for performing actions. These will be some toys in the game classes with the teacher-defectologist and others - with the educator.

Thus, the process of teaching the game to preschool children with intellectual development problems should be built taking into account the patterns of its development in normally developing children. This follows from the recognition of the commonality of the laws governing the mental development of normal and abnormal children. At the same time, the process of teaching children with intellectual development problems in general in the game, in particular, has its own characteristics: an individual and differentiated approach, a reduced pace of learning, structural simplicity of the content of knowledge and skills, repetition in learning, independence and activity of the child in the learning process. All this must be taken into account in the process of teaching children with intellectual disabilities. And also for better and faster assimilation and development of games, it is necessary to enrich the ideas of children with intellectual disabilities about the world around them.

Used Books:

  • Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Correction-developing education and upbringing of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities. Guidelines. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2009
  • The program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities. Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Correction-developing training and education. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2003

Mentally retarded- these are children who have a violation of cognitive activity due to organic damage to the brain.

In mentally retarded children, all areas of the psyche are underdeveloped: sensory, motor skills, memory, intelligence, emotions.

The sensory sphere provides the possibility of sensitive perception of the surrounding reality. In mentally retarded children, it is poor and insufficient. The motor sphere is characterized by aimlessness, general motor restlessness, and awkwardness. Facial expressions and gestures are scarce, poorly expressed. It is difficult for a child with mental underdevelopment to fix attention and hold it, especially if you need to concentrate on several objects. Underdevelopment of speech is manifested in the poverty of the dictionary, and children understand much more words than they can use in their own active statements. It must be borne in mind that they do not quite accurately understand the meaning of words. Thinking has a concrete character, which is especially manifested in serious difficulties in establishing cause-and-effect relationships, understanding the allegory of the fable, the subtexts of the story, and solving problems. The emotional sphere is characterized by the poverty of shades of experiences, the monotony and immobility of emotions. Often there is a tendency to outbursts of anger, aggressive reactions. The general immaturity of mentally retarded children is expressed in a low level of cognitive interests, increased suggestibility, underdevelopment of the will, and distorted self-esteem.

All this has an impact on the development of activities, including play, in children with intellectual disabilities.

Among the many reasons that hinder the independent, consistent formation of the game in a mentally retarded child, it is necessary, first of all, to single out the main one - the underdevelopment of the integrative activity of the cerebral cortex, leading to a delay in the timing of mastering static functions, speech, emotional and business communication with an adult in the indicative and subject activity. It has a detrimental effect on the development of the game and the lack of necessary pedagogical conditions for the development of the child, the so-called deprivation, which occurs especially often in cases where a mentally retarded child is in pre-school age in a closed institution. Being deprived of the necessary influx of fresh emotional impressions, the oligophrenic preschooler gets an idea only about narrow circle persons, objects; his life takes place in limited monotonous circumstances. Thus, a depleted and sometimes distorted image of the surrounding world is superimposed on the organic defect he has.

Small mentally retarded children entering special preschool institutions, as a rule, do not know how to play at all, they manipulate toys in the same way, regardless of their functional purpose. So the child can absolutely equally knock for a long time with a cube, a duck, a typewriter.

The play of a preschool child with a moderate degree of mental retardation at first glance slightly distinguishes him from the group of normal children. Gradually, the differences in his behavior are more and more striking in the stereotyped movements, the poverty of the plot, the simplification, and often the inadequacy of actions.

According to N.D. Sokolova (1971), for mentally retarded preschoolers, the average duration of games is about 7 minutes. In general, according to various sources, it is much less than in normal children and varies from 2-3 minutes to 80. The play of these children consists of varying a small number of play actions. Children again and again return to the previously lost.

Children with mental retardation are characterized by a low level of gaming activity, they prefer simpler rules, their games are more younger age. Their actions with objects remain at the level of manipulation, in the vast majority of cases non-specific. Children's interest in objects, in particular toys, is short-lived. After five years of playing with toys in children with intellectual disabilities, procedural actions begin to occupy an increasing place. However, there is no real game. Without special training, the leading activity of a child with intellectual disabilities by the end of preschool age is not play, but object. Children do not use substitute objects, moreover, they cannot replace actions with real objects, the image of actions or speech. They do not only have a planning or fixing speech, but, as a rule, an accompanying one.

Mentally retarded preschoolers are characterized by play actions that do not have any content, reflecting real life. These children often play alone. In some cases, they are united by 2-3 people. Such association is short-lived. Children immediately have a conflict and they begin to take away each other's toy.

Retarded children have a low status in the normal group. They are less often chosen as comrades, friends, fellow travelers on the way home. If a mentally retarded child plays with normally developing children, then he always performs only auxiliary roles, and this even in cases where his comrades are a year or more younger. His partners organize a simple plot game, and he, according to their instructions, brings something, takes it away, and holds it.

Some children are completely passive. In a playroom full of various toys, they do not find anything interesting for themselves and huddle in the corner or make stereotypical, repetitive bizarre movements with fingers or other parts of the body. Often they are so detached from their environment and other people that it makes no sense to separate the “game” from their other activities.

L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that the children's collective is a central factor in the development of higher mental functions. A mentally retarded child from the very beginning of his communication with peers and until the moment he enters a special school, as it were, falls out of the children's team. He does not occupy an adequate position in this team, he has the most disadvantageous roles. Game behavior can be represented as a text consisting of individual game units. As a rule, children's play contains several such units: each of them represents a set of actions of varying complexity. The structure of game units in children with mental retardation is much poorer than normal. The game units themselves are unstable. Having included a new game element in the game complex, children quickly lose it, then after a while they restore it again - and so on several times. All this indicates that mentally retarded children suffer main factor development - the ability to plan their own actions. However, if in the norm these complex objective actions are a prerequisite for role-playing, then in children with mental retardation, the complication of objective actions occurs at the stage when the latter are normally relevant for mental development.

Inadequate use of the toy sharply distinguishes such children from normal ones: children put soldiers in a saucepan, put a matryoshka doll in a stove, put a table on a bed, etc. The actions of children with intellectual disabilities with toys are distinguished by the lack of figurativeness, the specifics of game symbols. The actions “as if”, “pretending” typical of the games of normally developing preschoolers are not observed in the games of mentally retarded children. As observations show, they never reincarnate as characters they know, they do not act in an imaginary situation.

Children with mental retardation do not single out a doll or a car from other toys; they act with them in the same way as with other objects. They don't caress them, they don't bring warmth, participation, caring towards them, which are so characteristic of the games of normal children. Neither dolls nor animal toys act as substitutes for living beings for oligophrenic preschoolers. They are generally indifferent to them and treat them very roughly, often dragging them by the hair, holding them upside down, throwing them, stepping on them. It is important to note that among untrained, mentally retarded preschoolers there are also children who like to taste the toy. They try to bite off a piece of a colored cube, lick the matryoshka.

It is extremely rare that these children accompany games with speech. During the game, they do not communicate their intentions, do not plan games, do not talk to toys and do not act on their behalf. Without special training in play, speech does not become an organic part of their play activity and does not carry out the functions of planning and regulation in relation to it.

In independent games of mentally retarded preschoolers of older age, reality is almost not reflected. They do not deploy role-playing games that simulate labor processes and recreate certain relationships between people. The underdevelopment of play activity in children with intellectual disabilities is, as it were, “programmed” already in early childhood. The objective activity of these children by the age of three turns out to be inferior. Their actions with objects remain at the level of manipulation, often non-specific (thrown objects and toys on the floor, tapping them, attempts to suck and gnaw objects and toys).

When entering kindergarten, a child with an intellectual disability usually does not show interest in toys or is briefly attracted to their appearance, rather than the ability to act with them. All components of play activity turn out to be underdeveloped, even for children brought up in special preschool institutions, by the end of preschool age they do not reach a sufficiently high level. Untrained children up to 5-6 years of age have an unformed target component. Their actions are not meaningful and purposeful. The child does not have a specific, meaningful goal for him. He simply performs certain actions with toys, often at the level of manipulation, often non-specific. The need-motivational game plan does not develop either. Preschoolers with intellectual disabilities do not show a need for play for a long time. Being included in the game, they do not show interest in its process and toys for a long time, they act indifferently, passively obeying the requirements of an adult. The need for play arises only under the influence of learning and is especially pronounced at the age of 7-8, when most children start games themselves, willingly join in the games offered by their peers or adults. Most older preschoolers with intellectual disabilities show intermittent interest in play. This is manifested in the fact that they do not have a deep absorption in the game. Random stimuli divert their attention from the game and lead to its destruction. The plots of the games are very poor, they do not reflect the essence of the activities and relationships of people that a child with an intellectual disability not only cannot see, but often even understand.

Outside of specially organized training, by the end of preschool age, the play actions of children with intellectual disabilities reach only the level of procedural actions. It is characteristic that up to the beginning of school age, the play actions of such children are of a detailed nature, they are excessively detailed, and very realistically reflect the real actions of people. In the games of these children, there is no substitution of individual actions in a chain with a word or a symbolic gesture. They are able to reflect the process of people's activities, and not their relationship.

Preschoolers with developmental disabilities tend to use toys that are a copy of real objects of the surrounding reality. The substitution function is not spontaneously formed in them. Children need to be taught to use various objects in other functions and use them in games (cube - soap, table, chair; chair - motorcycle, horse). The inability of these children to use substitute objects stems not only from the peculiarities of their cognitive activity and, in particular, the concreteness of thinking, the underdevelopment of imagination, but also from the fact that these objects were not used enough in the process of learning to play.

Characteristic for children with mental retardation is also the performance of play actions without speech accompaniment. It has been observed that during the game, oligophrenics act silently with toys, only occasionally making separate emotional exclamations and pronouncing words denoting the names of some toys and actions. With great difficulty, they master the speech accompaniment, without which the course of the plot-role-playing game is impossible. In independent games, memorized phrases are used without making any changes to them. Role-playing communication during the game takes place stereotypically, with the help of learned replicas. Only at older preschool age, children with intellectual disabilities begin to designate the role with a word (I am a driver, I am a doctor, etc.), understand it and perform a number of actions corresponding to it. However, even at the end of preschool age, children cannot independently take on a role and act in accordance with it until the end of the game. Some take on roles but find themselves unable to act on them until after the game is over. Therefore, the adoption of the role most often occurs under the guidance of the teacher. It should be noted that in terms of complexity, the most accessible for children with severe mental retardation are story-based outdoor games and fun games. They should be connected in their content with the experience of children, correspond to their ideas about the world around them. The actions performed in these games are mainly imitative in nature and, due to their attractive form, allow repeating the formed movements many times. Gradually, other, more complex types of story games are introduced.

The reasons for the emotional poverty of the game of an abnormal child should be attributed not only to undoubted biological factors, but also to a kind of emotional deprivation that occurs in the early stages of childhood.

As a special study shows, the emotional communication of an abnormal child with an adult does not receive proper development in early childhood, most often it is, as it were, supplanted by situational business, aimed at teaching specific object and object-game actions. In this regard, the enthusiasm of parents and teachers is characteristic. didactic game while ignoring the display plots of games. Properly organized gaming activity has a beneficial effect on physical development severely mentally retarded children, contributes to the activation of their intellectual sphere, forms the arbitrariness of mental processes, i.e. contributes to the harmonious development of the individual. Gradually, children learn to act adequately in the proposed situation. The functional development of play actions creates a zone of proximal development of mental actions. In addition, the game develops and improves communication skills, which significantly affects the success of social adaptation of children with intellectual disabilities.

Thus, by the time when play activity should finally take shape and cease to be the leading activity, giving way to educational activity, it remains at an extremely low level in mentally retarded children. It becomes obvious that a child who plays little, and even more so does not play, loses in his personal development, which is especially clearly seen in the example of children with severe intellectual disabilities.

Gaming activities have been of interest to scientists at all times, both in our country and abroad. These include: K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, D.B. Elkonin, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, K. Groos, J. Piaget, A. Adler, P.F. Lesgaft. The game is an integral part of the development of the child and is the leading type of activity in preschool age. The game has many features: firstly, the game is an activity in which all mental processes are formed; secondly, it is the basis for the formation of other activities.

In children with intellectual disabilities, in contrast to normally developing ones, actions with objects remain at the level of non-specific manipulations, interest in game objects is short-lived. There is a stereotyped, formality of actions in the game. In their game, the functions of speech do not develop.

Naumova Elena Nikolaevna
Psychological and Pedagogical Basis for Teaching Role Playing to Preschool Children with Intellectual Disabilities

One of major factors in the development of a person's personality is activity. Each stage of human development corresponds to a certain type of leading activity, which at this stage of development has the most decisive influence on changes in its mental processes and psychological personality traits.

During preschool play is the leading activity in childhood. This is due to the fact that the game has a multifaceted effect on mental development of the child. IN game children acquire new knowledge, skills, improve their speech. Only in game learn the rules of human communication. It allows you to form the moral and volitional qualities of the child. Talking about okay developing child, all this is presented as something natural, inherent in childhood and does not require any educational efforts. But the process of game development looks completely different for children with intellectual disabilities.

Underdevelopment of play activity in children with intellectual disabilities is, as it were,"programmed" already in early childhood. The reasons for this are a low level of cognitive activity, a delay in the timing of mastering motor functions, objective actions, speech, emotional and situational business communication with an adult.

preschoolers this category for a long time discover play needs. Once included in the game, they do not show for a long time interest to her process and toys, they act indifferently, passively obeying the requirements of an adult. Need in game arises only under the influence learning and is especially pronounced by the age of 7-8, when most children themselves play games, are willingly included in the games offered by peers or adults. In that age in some children electoral appears interest in toys, favorite toys appear with which they prefer to play.

Learning to play is held in special classes, which is in the schedule and in the time specially allotted for free play. The topic often corresponds to lexical topics.

On initial stage learning is important to create in children emotional attitude to the toy and this game situation through interaction with an adult, as well as to form an orientation activity children. To this end, the first classes are held on beating plot toys(hares, dogs, cats, bears) etc. Among plot toys a special place is occupied by toys-dolls.

As D. B. Elkonin points out, the doll is a substitute for an ideal friend who understands everything and does not remember evil. A doll is not only a daughter or a son for a child, it is a communication partner in game. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is important to form children emotional attitude to the doll, teach to perceive it as a substitute for a person, and then teach children specific game actions with her.

The main task of teaching the game is the assimilation by children of the logic of the development of everyday plot so that children understand the pattern of development of the game action. To do this, under the guidance of a teacher, the child performs sequential game actions. Education allows you to teach how to correctly connect individual game actions in a logically connected chain.

Subsequently, it is carried out role play training. The main point is the reproduction of the activities of adults, their relationships. A large place is given to games that reflect the work of adults. (shop, hospital, barbershop).

For plot-role-playing games require the preparation of pupils. First, they form ideas about each profession, prepare the appropriate attributes for the game. During the game the focus is on educating children subordinate his behavior to the role he has assumed. After each game, you need to have a conversation. What were they playing? Who was who? What did you do? etc.

In progress learning children master a variety of game actions and different variants of their chains, which is necessary for deployment role-playing games. Sequential execution of several actions is very difficult for children of this category, so for a long time they allow violations sequence of actions in the chain. For example, in game"Doctor" some children first give injections and only after that ask the patient about his complaints. Often they forget what to do and wait for prompts from an adult. In the process of independent games preschoolers with intellectual disabilities reproduce individual game actions and their chains in the way they were offered in the process learning. Therefore, we can say that they are stereotyped, stereotyped. As a rule, the child does not bring anything of himself into the actions, thereby not showing his individuality.

Characteristic for children with intellectual disabilities is the performance of game actions without speech accompaniment. With great difficulty they master the speech content, without which the flow of speech is impossible. role-playing game. In independent games, memorized phrases are used without making any changes to them. Role-playing communication during the game takes place stereotypically, with the help of learned replicas. Creativity in this regard can be an indicator intellectual safety of the child. Therefore, the adoption of the role most often occurs under the guidance of a teacher, who not only helps children remember the sequence of deployment plot and main action committed by the characters participating in it, but also takes part in game. Even though some pupils intellectual disability will not learn to play on their own and will need the help of an adult, time cannot be considered wasted. The main thing, in our opinion, is that the child comes out of his closed world. He appears interest to the environment and activities, in particular to game, understanding is formed, a positive emotional attitude towards her and a desire to participate arise, there is a need to establish contacts with adults and peers. But even the feasible participation of a child with impaired intelligence in the game contributes to his mental and physical development.

And so, the game, with its correct formation, solves the problems of mental, moral, physical and aesthetic development every child. In games, from the first stages of its development, the personality of the child is formed, the qualities that he will need in educational activities, in work, in communication with people develop, which will make it possible for them to early socialization and in the long term successful integration in society.

From the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn that teaching role-playing game in children with intellectual disabilities skills of social activity are acquired. Thus, the game becomes an indispensable tool for them. social integration.


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