Fundamentals of aesthetic education and development of preschool children. Aesthetic education in a preschool educational institution Education of the fundamentals of aesthetic culture in preschool childhood

Aesthetic education preschoolers - the organization of children’s life activities within the family and preschool educational institutions, which contributes to the formation of the child’s knowledge and ideas about beauty, the development of the ability to see beauty in everything that surrounds him.

A person already at an early age begins to see the beauty of toys, music, notices bright colors around you. However, artistically aesthetic development children preschool age It is impossible to imagine without the integrated work of educators and the presence of an educational environment.

In most preschool education programs, aesthetic education is given one of the leading places; the difference lies only in the name of the approach. The importance of this direction can hardly be overestimated. A child deprived of aesthetic development at an older age will have difficulty expressing himself in work that requires a creative, inspired approach.

The famous Russian classic A.P. Chekhov once said: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” This is the result of competent artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. A child must be able to see, appreciate, create beauty, and also be “beautiful” himself, that is, be a spiritual, humane, moral and harmonious person.

Goals and objectives

The goal of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers is to instill in the child a culture that consists of a number of components:

  1. Perception is the ability to perceive beauty in all its manifestations.
  2. Feelings are the ability to emotionally evaluate beauty.
  3. Needs - the desire to experience aesthetic emotions from the perception of beauty.
  4. Tastes are the ability to analyze beauty, based on developed aesthetic ideals.
  5. Ideals are a personal assessment of the beauty of nature, man, and culture.

The tasks of aesthetic education of preschoolers include:

  • development of a harmonious personality;
  • developing the ability to notice and appreciate the beauty around;
  • assistance in the formation of personal tastes and ideals;
  • creating conditions for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children.

Achieving a goal is based on certain means and methodological techniques.

Means of aesthetic education:

  • painting, sculpture;
  • theater, cinema;
  • architecture (design, architecture);
  • fiction;
  • TV, press;
  • musical compositions;
  • the world.

Methods of aesthetic education:

The fundamental method is personal example (of a teacher or parent), since it is the adult who lays down the ideals that will subsequently become the basis for the formation of aesthetic feelings.

The aesthetic development of preschoolers is a process that includes not only the work of educators, but also the active participation of parents. This is a continuous activity, the basis of which is primarily set by the family.

Aesthetic development in the family

A child's introduction to the world begins with mom and dad. They are the first and main aesthetic ideals.

Family aesthetic education includes:

  1. Personal example of parents. This includes the appearance, clothing, neatness and grooming of adults, as well as the manner of communication and education of parents. A child quickly adopts family criteria for beauty and will have difficulty changing if, for example, he has heard obscene language since childhood or walked around in soiled clothes.
  2. Education of musical taste. It starts from an early age, when my mother sang lullabies and cheerfully told nursery rhymes. As your baby grows, it is important to sing nursery rhymes with him and play classical music at home.
  3. Artistic activity of preschool children. The most important aspect of aesthetic development both in the family and in preschool educational institutions. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to express his thoughts and emotions on paper, using various techniques (felt-tip pens, paints, pencils), so the baby will become familiar with colors and their combinations, learn to see shape, and evaluate size.
  4. Reading books. Children often ask their mother to read a bedtime story, so they get acquainted with the richness and beauty of the Russian language, learn to use the word as a tool for expressing feelings and emotions.
  5. Conversations. During emotional conversations, the child learns and adopts the experience of his parents, asks questions about the world around him. Time should be allocated for conversations dedicated to aesthetic development.
  6. Aesthetics of everyday life. It consists of renovating the apartment, design solutions, decorating the living space (paintings, flowers, etc.), cleanliness and order. It is necessary to have an aesthetic development environment.

  1. Aesthetics of the environment (live plants, furniture, color scheme for playrooms, cleanliness and order).
  2. Independent artistic activity (classes in free creativity using decorative and applied arts).
  3. Classes with a teacher (development of tastes and ideals under the supervision and sensitive guidance of a mentor).

There are some features of aesthetic education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions. Unlike the home environment, creative activity takes place among peers and under the guidance of a competent mentor. This motivates the child to do everything better so that he is praised and distinguished from the rest. If at home a child often gives up at the first failure, then in kindergarten, looking at the example of other children, he will look for ways to cope with the task. Therefore, creative and aesthetic activities should be carried out precisely in preschool educational institutions.

To do this, the teacher must clearly understand what creativity is and what competencies and skills the child should acquire as a result.

Indicators of creative activity (according to I. Lerner):

  • the ability to use old knowledge in a new situation without outside help;
  • the ability to find and apply new functions of an already known object;
  • the ability to see problems in a standard situation;
  • the ability to combine previously known methods into new ones.

The teacher should encourage the child for showing independence, and in no case scold if the children, for example, start drawing a bouquet instead of one flower. What is important is a relaxed atmosphere and some relaxation of discipline - let the preschoolers talk, go to the window or stand with toys. Then the aesthetic education of preschoolers will be carried out with joy and inspiration for the child.

Nature as a means of developing aesthetic tastes

Nature is the most important aesthetic environment. The sooner he becomes acquainted with nature, the deeper the impression it will leave in his heart, predetermining his future spiritual development. Everything is important here: walks, getting to know the world of animals and insects, flowers and trees, works of children's writers and poets, art paintings, conversations and activities in the kindergarten.

The child must see by what laws nature develops, how the seasons change, how the weather, plants, and animals change. It is important to point out to the child the beauty of these processes and phenomena and reinforce them in the classroom using a creative task. Preschool children are especially interested in the animal world: pets, wild predators, butterflies and ants.

In the stories of E. Charushin and V. Bianki, in a realistic narrative, animals are presented as people, with their own characters and moods. The children happily listen to such fairy tales, and later draw their heroes, which helps develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers.

It is necessary to organize meetings with animals for children. It could be a zoo, a farm or a circus. It's good if the family has a pet. The same applies to the plant world. The more time a child spends in the eco-environment, the more inspiration he will have for creativity.

The artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children can only be carried out in continuous connection with environmental education. This integration contributes to the development of the child’s skills of analysis, synthesis, comparison, development of imagination, positive and moral attitude both to nature and to culture.

The result of aesthetic education within the preschool educational institution in areas

Any activity of a teacher in the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children must bring results that meet the requirements educational program. The programs clearly state what a child should be able to do and know. Aesthetic education of preschoolers can be classified in several areas.

Direction 1. Perception of art and reality:

  • see and appreciate the beauty of works of art, nature, environment, be able to express positive emotions towards them;
  • know several composers, artists, writers and their works;
  • be able to use expressions in art (theatrical: voice, facial expressions, intonation, posture, gestures; musical: rhythm, tempo, dynamics; artistic: composition, color, form);
  • know folk culture: songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings.

Direction 2. Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children:

  • be interested in several types of art and show your own initiative in the creative ideas of the teacher;
  • independently create creative works in any form of art;
  • be able to evaluate your own creativity as objectively as possible, compare it with the results of peers, discuss it and strive to develop in this direction.

Direction 3. ISO:

  • know, name and draw the shapes of objects;
  • know the colors of the rainbow and their main shades;
  • know what materials are used for drawing.

Direction 4. Musical development:

  • have a desire to listen to music and sing;
  • distinguish the dynamics, pitch and rhythm of sound;
  • determine the mood of the music;
  • know the names of notes and be able to sing them;
  • perform simple melodies on children's instruments.

Direction 4. Architecture and design:

  • know what architects do;
  • see the beauty of architectural forms;
  • be interested in paper crafts;
  • have a desire to decorate rooms for the holidays.

Aesthetic education is a long and difficult process in which both parents and educators are involved. It begins at birth and continues throughout a person’s life.

Surkova I.A.
Fine art as the leading discipline of aesthetic education and artistic development of children

“Visual activity - as the leading discipline of aesthetic education and artistic development of preschool children”

Abstract - the article is devoted to “Visual activity as the leading discipline of aesthetic education and artistic development of preschool children.” Problem solving is relevant in the article child development different age categories in educational institution through the organization visual arts , which is currently considered to be significant from the point of view personality development, her creative abilities, initiative, independence, formation of life attitudes and aesthetic education.

Education today turns to culture, spirituality, art as the dominant of a harmonious human development. Culture perceived How most important factor spiritual renewal of society as a whole and the individual. In our Children's Art School in Stroitel in 2009, an early education department was opened aesthetic development for children, parents whom they desire from the very beginning early years introduce your child to the world of beauty. Educational programs of the early education department aesthetic development of children are aimed at forming children's artistic abilities, where the indispensable foundation of a preschooler is development of its potential, both in the field of music, dance, singing, and in the field visual arts. For development abilities in the arts early age is decisive. The training received by the child in preschool period helps successfully develop and be more responsive and spiritual developed. Art education for children preschool age should be aimed at developing aesthetic relationship to reality development artistically- creative abilities, for familiarization children with the universal language of art - means artistic expression. When forming the imaginative thinking of a preschool child, it is important to reveal his creative potential, which will subsequently become the basis for development creative talent. A stimulant for this development advocates art education. IN art education for children the central place is given to the ability to artistic perception works and the independent creation of a new image (in drawing, modeling, appliqué, which is distinguished by originality, variability and flexibility. In different forms visual arts The teacher solves specific problems determined by age characteristics. This is determined by the growth of the child’s physical capabilities, especially active development small muscles of the hands, a change in psychological position and the feeling of adulthood among older preschoolers, the desire to show their individuality.

Visual activities are very important for children, not so much for mastering the ability to draw, but for development of general abilities, which will appear in the future in any form activities. Through artistic activity is undergoing intensive development of aesthetic worldview, development of intelligence, morality, creativity. All the children who are engaged artistic activity, have a different attitude towards the world around them. Children are more emotionally capable of feeling the beauty of nature, they are more sensitive in human relationships. Try to spend more time with your baby. Draw and sculpt more with your child!

It is necessary to support your child in drawing even the most basic ones in your opinion. "astrakhan" on a piece of paper. Can be seen in these "doodle" sunshine or some chicken. I advise parents to support any initiative. But the child took a piece of plasticine and molded something that resembled a ball.

Play out this moment with your child. Be surprised and rejoice with him! Encourage the desire to mold something yourself from plasticine or draw it on a piece of paper, because this develops imagination, strengthens the child’s interest in activities.

Fine art activities are related to aesthetic activities.

Aesthetic activity– this is a spiritual-practical, emotionally rational activity of a person, the content of which is the construction of an individual picture of the world through the creation of expressive artistic images, and the goal is to harmonize one’s relations with the world, modeling the image "I", formation of the self-concept of the creator.

Aesthetic development– process and result development ability to see the beauty of the world around us.

Stages of emotional development:

A 3-4 year old child is emotionally happy images of familiar objects, which he recognized in the picture, but not yet in the image. The motive for evaluation is objective or everyday in nature (for example, chose “such a postcard, because there isn’t one like it yet”, because "the apple is delicious")

By the age of 5, a child begins not only to see, but also to realize those basic aesthetic qualities in the work that make the picture attractive to him. Children can receive basic aesthetic enjoyment, evaluating in the picture how beautiful colour, color combination depicted objects and phenomena, less often form and compositional techniques.

Children 6 years old rise to abilities perceive more what is included in external signs depicted subject. The child perceives an internal characteristic artistic image.

A modern take on aesthetic education child presupposes the unity of formation aesthetic attitude to the world and artistic development means of different types fine art and decorative arts in aesthetic activity. IN In aesthetic education, the leading activity of children is artistic. The developmental nature of aesthetic education will take place under the condition that children master generalized (typical) and in independent ways artistic activity, necessary and sufficient in all types visual arts.

Artistic activity is an activity specific in its content and forms of expression aimed at aesthetic exploration of the world and development creative talent of a child through art. In progress visual arts conditions are created for development of aesthetic and emotional perception of art, which contribute to the formation aesthetic relationship to reality.

To form methods of visual and tactile examination of various objects for enrichment and clarification perception features of their shape, proportions, color, texture.

Tasks artistic and creative development of children 4 years old

Learn children find connections between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and their images in the drawing, modeling, appliqués. Learn "get into character".

Meet children with a folk toy (Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya, Semenovskaya, Bogorodskaya) to enrich visual impressions and show a conditionally generalized interpretation artistic images.

Conduct lessons in a playful way with the participation of folk toys to create children festive mood.

Learn children to see an integral artistic image in unity-expressive means of coloristic, compositional and semantic interpretation.

Create conditions for children to independently master methods and techniques Images familiar objects based on available funds artistically-figurative expressiveness (color, spot, line, shape, rhythm, dynamics) in their unity;

Encourage children choose your own methods Images when creating expressive images, using mastered technical techniques; develop children's perception, form an idea of ​​objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, create conditions for their active cognition and, on this basis, teach children:

Display your ideas and impressions about the world around you using accessible graphic and pictorial means.

Continue learning to draw with pencils and felt-tip pens - draw lines (vertical, horizontal, wavy, curves) and close them into shapes (round and rectangular, thereby creating expressive images;

Continue introducing children with paints and develop brush painting skills (carefully moisten and rinse, pick up paint on the pile, move the brush along the pile, draw lines, draw and paint closed shapes); learn to create one-, two- and multi-color expressive images;

Transfer children from drawing-imitation to independent creativity.

Tasks artistic and creative development of children 5 years old. The characteristics of this age also determine the need for reinforcement of any productive type activities with words, plastic movement, playing. Without this, it is difficult for the child to reveal the intended image and explain the desired action.

Maintain interest children to folk - decorative art (Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya, Bogorodskaya toy, Semyonovskaya or Polkhov-Maidan nesting doll);

Expand the topics of children's work in accordance with the content of the section "Cognitive development» ; maintain desire depict familiar everyday and natural objects (dishes, furniture, transport, vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, animals, as well as natural phenomena (rain, snowfall) and bright events of social life (holidays); learn to find on your own simple stories in the surrounding life, fiction ; help choose the plot of collective work;

Pay attention children on the figurative expressiveness of various objects in art (things created by the hands of folk craftsmen, furniture, dishes, clothing, toys, etc.); learn to notice general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern; show what parts make up multi-figure compositions, how different the same object looks from different sides;


Learn to convey characteristic features depicted objects(the city house is tall, multi-story, stone, and the village house is low, one-story, wooden);

Introduce color scheme, with composition options and different locations images on a sheet of paper:

- develop in children the ability to convey the same form or image in different techniques (represent the sun, flower, bird in the drawing);

Combine different techniques visual arts(drawing, application, (for example, scenes "Our garden", "Our Aquarium").

Maintain interest in new content words: « artist» , "museum", "exhibition", "painting", "sculpture";

Conduct collective work (« Golden autumn» , "Colored Umbrellas"), learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other more senior children(under the guidance of an adult);

Consult parents on how to organize their homes child's visual activity.

Show respect to artistic interests and works of the child, take care of the results of his creative activities.

Create conditions for independent artistic creativity.

Tasks artistic and creative development of children 6 years old

Preschooler in his aesthetic development goes from an elementary visual-sensory impression to the creation of a more complex original image (compositions) simple figuratively- expressive means. Movement from a simple image-representation to aesthetic generalization, from perception the integral image as a single one to the awareness of its internal meaning and understanding of the typical is carried out under the influence of adults who pass on the foundations of culture to children. Based on this, the teacher sets himself and creatively implements a whole range of interrelated tasks.

Meet children with works of different types of art (painting, graphics, folk and decorative arts, sculpture) to enrich visual impressions, form aesthetic feelings and assessments;

Pay attention children on the figurative expressiveness of various objects in art, natural and everyday environments. These are things created by the hands of folk craftsmen, architectural structures, natural landscapes, specially designed rooms, furniture, dishes, clothing, toys, books, etc., learn to notice general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern; show what parts make up multi-figure compositions, how different the same object looks from different sides;

Encourage to embody children in artistic the form of your ideas, experiences, feelings, thoughts; support personal creativity;

Enrich content visual activities in accordance with

tasks of cognitive and social child development senior preschool age; initiate the selection of stories about family, social and natural phenomena (Sunday in the family, favorite holidays, means of communication in their attribute embodiment, farm, zoo, forest, meadow, aquarium, heroes and episodes from favorite fairy tales and cartoons);

Learn children correctly select the content of the drawing. For example, populate a forest with animals, birds and a pond; the desert with its corresponding inhabitants, and in the meadow depict daisies, cornflowers, bells;

Maintain the desire to convey the characteristic features of objects and phenomena based on ideas and observations. As a result of examining reproductions, photographs, illustrations in children's books and encyclopedias (the golden cockerel has a multi-colored tail, a bright red comb and beard) reflect in their works generalized ideas about the cyclical nature of changes (landscapes in different time of the year);

Improve fine art skills in all types artistic activity. Continue learning how to submit the form depicted objects, their characteristic features, proportions and relative placement of parts; convey simple movements (a bird flies, a doll dances, a cat sneaks up on a mouse); when creating a plot, convey simple semantic connections between objects, try to show the spatial relationships between them (next to, side, above, below, using the horizon line as a guide;

Support the desire to independently combine familiar techniques, help master new ones, and combine on your own initiative different ways Images;

Improve your technique with gouache paints (mix paints to get new colors and shades, confidently use a brush;

Skillfully draw lines in different directions, in decorative drawing create pattern elements with the entire bristle of the brush or the end); learn to paint with watercolors; show the possibility of coloring one image using several colors or their shades.

During classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué children are encouraged to develop an interest in artistic and creative activities, the desire to create something beautiful image, it’s more interesting to come up with it and execute it as best as possible. Thus, the basis aesthetic attitude and artistic development preschoolers make up "Three whales"– emotionality, interest and activity in work.

The main thing in develop visual activities Students have creative abilities, innovative thinking, and individuality. Taking into account age characteristics, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Developing the ability to experiment with various materials and tools

Learn to plan your activity: conceive an image, select materials and tools, achieve the goal;

Promote development fine art manual skill technician;

-develop compositional skills, curiosity;

-foster independence, initiative, creativity, aesthetic taste. When completing tasks we will see the expected results:

Increased interest children for visual arts when organizing group work;

Transfer of acquired knowledge and skills to independent children's activities;

Ability to use unconventional techniques drawing.

To increase interest children in art lessons art we used integration regions: musical upbringing, artistic creativity, communication, cognition, etc. Samples of finished works, hint diagrams, creative albums with tasks are offered, didactic games, electronic manuals. To a small child It’s easier to express your impressions using visual arts. To improve fine art I teach skills in my work children's perception of shape, color, rhythm aesthetic presentation, through game forms. For development children's creativity and mastery I take into account the interests of children with visual activities. Of particular interest to children the ability to combine different methods and materials in works. For example, an appliqué can be supplemented with drawing and vice versa; different ways of obtaining an image in an applique - they can create a certain shape by tearing it with their fingers; different ways of obtaining an image in sculpting; modeling the shape by hand, cutting with a mold; the use of additional materials in modeling - buttons, seeds, grains, etc.

To achieve the expected results, I carry out the following work with parents:

I design exhibitions

I provide consultations, for example, “How to organize art activities with your child at home»

Conclusion: preschool age is a special age for aesthetic education. It is at this age that the child’s attitude to the world is formed and development of significant aesthetic qualities of the future personality. Comprehensively development and education of children in the process of visual arts does not happen on its own, but only if the teacher solves all the problems not dryly, not formally, but in accordance with the requirements of the visual arts. Using methods and techniques that evoke a positive emotional response children the richer the impressions children, the more meaningful and interesting their life will be, the more develop their imagination and more interest in everything beautiful. After graduation « General developmental aesthetic department» Students can continue their studies by choosing departments according to their abilities. It could be music, folklore, dance or art. After all, children are the flowers of life. And them development is in our hands.

Surkova I. A

art teacher

Belgorod region

Yakovlevsky district

MBU DO DSHI Stroitel

The most important task of aesthetic education is to teach a child to see spiritual nobility, kindness, cordiality in the beauty of the world around him and, on the basis of this, to affirm the beauty in himself.



Aesthetic education of preschool children

IN short dictionary According to aesthetics, aesthetic education is defined as “a system of activities aimed at developing and improving a person’s ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create the beautiful and sublime in life and art.”

The methodology of aesthetic education is based on the joint activity of the teacher and the child to develop his creative abilities to perceive artistic values, to productive activity, conscious attitude to the social, natural, objective environment.

Methods of aesthetic education are very diverse. They depend on many conditions: the volume and quality of artistic information, forms of organization and types of activities, and the age of the child. The level of training, skill and abilities of the teacher play a significant role.

Each group of aesthetic education tasks has its own methods.

The first group of tasks is aimed at introducing children to art, developing aesthetic taste, and understanding of beauty.

Based on how children receive aesthetic information (they get to know a work of art directly, listening to a piece of music, a song, a fairy tale, looking at paintings, or through a teacher who tells, explains, asks questions), the leading methods are demonstration, observation, explanation, analysis, example of an adult. They are subject to certain requirements.

Execution of literary and musical works must be artistically expressive and emotional, otherwise the encounter with art will not have its impact.

It is also necessary to achieve vivid imagery so that children understand not only the content of a picture, poem, song or the meaning of the task, but also experience a mood that matches the mood of the characters.

The expressiveness of intonation and sincere delight about a beautiful thing, genuine grief when encountering carelessness in clothing, sloppiness serves as active method impact on the child, as it is based on a feature of childhood - imitation.

The second group of tasks is related to the formation of skills in artistic activity. To solve these problems, practical methods are required: demonstration, exercise, explanation, method of search situations.

One of the forms of organization is classes in which the teacher gives precise instructions, shows or invites children to find performance techniques themselves, etc.

For example, learning poems or songs will require their preliminary performance by an adult, a conversation about artistic qualities that express the content and mood of the work, the use of visual aids(as necessary), repeated repetition of the text by children, etc. In artistic modeling classes, children are taught techniques that allow them to compose an object themselves from individual parts or to fashion individual parts from a whole material (clay, plasticine). Creative tasks and any manifestation of creativity must necessarily be combined with teaching the skills of artistic expression.

If a child does not have drawing skills, he will not be able to create something creative, despite the conventional understanding of this term in relation to preschoolers.

Such tasks can also be used when teaching children dance movements, in theatrical games, when creating musical and playful images, etc.

Another form of activity is independent, where children, on their own initiative, can express themselves in various types artistic activities: musical, artistic and speech, visual, theatrical play. If during classes the teacher purposefully implements a program in one or another section of artistic activity (singing, listening to music, drawing, modeling, storytelling, etc.), then outside of class the child himself determines goals, objectives, and finds means to convey his ideas. In this regard, independent artistic activity has great potential for the implementation of many educational tasks, the development of such personality qualities as initiative, independence, and creative activity. In this case, various life experiences become essential. A walk in the forest, a visit to the theater, circus, looking at illustrations, paintings, toys, leave a mark in the child’s memory and, as a rule, evoke positive emotions in him. Images from favorite fairy tales, stories, and cartoons are reflected in children's games and artistic activities. Based on these impressions, children themselves create some similar life situation. In such cases, they act both as authors of the plan and as performers. The teacher’s task is, without violating the child’s plans, to help him if such a need arises.

One of the forms of children's activities that contribute to aesthetic education is theatrical games and dramatization games.

Holidays and entertainment occupy a significant place in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution and in the lives of children.

Entertainment as a form of working with children is carried out once every two weeks. These can be themed literary and musical evenings. Entertainment that combines different types arts A variety of material is selected - literary, musical, and visual on the same topic.

Holidays in preschool institution correspond to those accepted in our country. When holding holidays, a complex of educational tasks is solved - moral, intellectual, as well as tasks of physical and aesthetic education.

In preschool childhood, gaming methodological techniques are widely used. A child learns a variety of activities more successfully if the teacher creates play situations, if artistic material is presented in an exciting way, if play competitions arise between children.

The use of methods and techniques in teaching depends on what qualities and abilities the adult wants to develop in the child.

In one case, it is necessary to develop the initiative and independence that are needed when performing any activity, in the other - special abilities associated with musical, visual, verbal and artistic practice.

Methodological techniques should include a combination of an emotional beginning, awareness of the educational goal, training exercises and independent actions.

In general, only a complex of various methods can ensure the full aesthetic development of a child.

The most important task of aesthetic education is to teach a child to see spiritual nobility, kindness, cordiality in the beauty of the world around him and, on the basis of this, to affirm the beauty in himself.

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

The book is given with some abbreviations

The meaning and tasks of aesthetic education of preschool children

Aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child’s personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world, art and create it. It starts from the first years of children's lives.
Aesthetic education is a very broad concept. It includes the education of an aesthetic attitude towards nature, work, social life, everyday life, and art. However, the knowledge of art is so multifaceted and unique that it stands out from the general system of aesthetic education as a special part of it. Raising children through art is the subject of artistic education.
In turn, aesthetic education is part of the comprehensive communist education of children. Its connection with moral education is especially close.
Acquaintance with beauty in life and art not only educates the child’s mind and feelings, but also contributes to the development of imagination and fantasy.
In the process of implementing aesthetic education, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: systematically develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings and ideas of children, their artistic and creative abilities, and form the foundations of aesthetic taste.
From the first years of life, a child unconsciously reaches out to everything bright and attractive, rejoices in shiny toys, colorful flowers and objects. All this gives him a feeling of pleasure and interest. The word “beautiful” enters children’s lives early. From the first year of life, they hear a song, a fairy tale, look at pictures; simultaneously with reality, art becomes the source of their joyful experiences. In the process of aesthetic education, they undergo a transition from an unconscious response to everything bright and beautiful to a conscious perception of beauty.
Aesthetic perception of reality has its own characteristics. The main thing for him is the sensory form of things - their color, shape, sound. Therefore, its development requires a large sensory culture.
Beauty is perceived by a child as a unity of form and content. Form is expressed in a combination of sounds, colors, lines. However, perception becomes aesthetic only when it is emotionally colored and associated with a certain attitude towards it.
Aesthetic perception is inextricably linked with feelings and experiences. A feature of aesthetic feelings is disinterested joy, a bright emotional excitement that arises from meeting the beautiful.
The teacher must lead the child from the perception of beauty and emotional response to it to understanding and the formation of aesthetic ideas, judgments, and evaluations.
This is painstaking work, requiring the teacher to be able to systematically, unobtrusively permeate the child’s life with beauty, and in every possible way to ennoble his environment.
Almost all types of artistic activities are available to preschoolers - writing stories, inventing poems, singing, drawing, modeling. Naturally, they have great originality, which is expressed in a naive, direct reflection of reality, in extraordinary sincerity, in faith in the truthfulness of what is depicted, in a lack of concern for viewers and listeners. Already at this stage, the development of children’s artistic creative abilities occurs, which are manifested in the emergence of an idea, in its implementation in activity, in the ability to combine their knowledge and impressions, in great sincerity in expressing feelings and thoughts.
The uniqueness of children's creativity also lies in the fact that it is based on such a pronounced feature of preschoolers as imitation. It is widely reflected in play activity children - figurative realization of their impressions of the world around them.
It is in play that the creativity of preschoolers first manifests itself. A game that arises on the initiative of children is characterized by the presence of a plan. At first it is still unstable, one plot gives way to another; The older the children, the more complete and focused the plan becomes.
For role-playing creative play characterized not only by the presence of a plan in choosing and defining a theme and plot, but also by creative imagination in their implementation. “Let the train,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, “on which they are traveling, be built from chairs, let the house be built from wood chips. During the game, the child learns to overcome difficulties, gets to know his surroundings, and looks for a way out of the situation.”
The creative imagination of children is also manifested in the fact that they often deliberately combine different plots for their games: they take material from fairy tales, stories, from life, from television and theatrical productions. In other words, they combine their knowledge, impressions of what they saw and heard, combining them into one whole. Often preschoolers pretend to play something that does not exist in reality. For example, playing one of their favorite games - astronauts, they go to Venus, Mars and other planets. The sincerity of children in play finds its most vivid expression. It is not for nothing that the great Russian director K. S. Stanislavsky told actors that they should learn sincerity and truthfulness in art from playing children.
Just as in play, children’s creativity is manifested in other types of their artistic activities. In drawing, modeling, stories, songs, the child satisfies his need for an effective, figurative expression of his impressions. And here, first, the idea is born, and then the means of implementing it; children combine their impressions obtained from the perception of various works of art. And in this case, the child remains as sincere as in the game: he does not just copy what he saw, but conveys his attitude towards it.
Thus, in preschool age, the sprouts of creativity are observed, which are manifested in the development of the ability to create a plan and its implementation, in the ability to combine one’s knowledge and ideas, in the sincere transmission of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. However, in order to develop artistic and creative abilities in children, they need appropriate training. In the process, they master ways of figuratively expressing and depicting their ideas in words, singing, drawing, dance, and dramatization. Education encourages the child to consciously express artistic expression, evokes positive emotions, and develops abilities.
The purpose of teaching artistic skills is not only to give children knowledge and skills in singing, drawing, reading poetry, etc., but also to arouse their interest and desire for independent creative activity. Here is a poem by three-year-old Natasha, composed by her for her friend:
Nastya, get dressed!
The sun is shining in the morning.
It's time to go to kindergarten.
Thus, while mastering certain artistic skills, the child uses them, making his own, albeit small, contribution to decorating the life of the family, kindergarten, their peers.
In the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities, a special role belongs to the personality of the teacher, his culture, knowledge, and passion.
There is a kindergarten No. 29 in Leningrad, behind Nevskaya Zastava. The drawings of its pupils are known in many countries of the world: India, Japan, USA, Poland, East Germany, Sweden, etc., where they were sent to international competitions for children's creativity. These works received 17 gold and many silver medals, dozens of diplomas and valuable gifts.
What is the reason for this success? This is the most ordinary kindergarten, and the children here are ordinary, only the teachers work here with passion, successfully developing the artistic and creative abilities of the children.
Aesthetic taste is manifested in the fact that a person receives pleasure, spiritual pleasure from meeting true beauty in art, in life, in everyday life. Aesthetic taste is a broad concept; it includes not only understanding and enjoying deep, beautiful works of art, but also understanding the beauty of nature, work, life, clothing.
In the formation of aesthetic taste in children, education plays a large role. In classes, preschoolers are introduced to classic works of children's literature, music, and painting. Children learn to recognize and love true works of art accessible to their age.
Getting to know folk tale, with the works of S. Ya. Marshak, S. V. Mikhalkov, K. I. Chukovsky, listening to the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky, D. B. Kabalevsky and other composers, children begin to become familiar with the beauty and richness of the artistic word and music. All this gives them true pleasure, is remembered and forms the foundations of artistic taste.
By instilling in children the basics of aesthetic taste, we teach them to see and feel the beauty of their surroundings, and to cherish it. It is better to keep a flower in a flowerbed, but in order for it to bloom and bring joy to others, it must be looked after. Cleanliness in the group, which creates comfort and beauty, must be maintained, not littering, and putting away toys and books. Thus, in the process of education and training, the tasks of aesthetic education in preschool age are carried out.
By developing the artistic abilities of children, their aesthetic feelings and ideas, and an evaluative attitude towards beauty, the teacher lays the foundations on which a person’s spiritual wealth will be formed in the future.

Basic means of aesthetic education in kindergarten

Aesthetic education of children is carried out by familiarizing children with the aesthetics of everyday life, with the beauty in work, in nature, social phenomena, and the means of art. Teaching a child to feel and understand the beauty of life is a big and difficult task that requires long-term work by adults.
The walls of the home, the things that surround a child from the first years of life, have great impact. Comfortable furniture, a harmonious combination of color spots, objects of art, the general style of decorating the room - all this, perceived by sight and touch, is reflected in the memory and consciousness of the baby.
The aesthetics of everyday life in a kindergarten is manifested in artistic simplicity, in a thoughtful selection of household items, where each thing has its own place, where there is nothing superfluous. The coloring of the walls should be calm, light colors.
The requirements for the design of a kindergarten are determined by the objectives of protecting the life and health of children, the content educational work with them. Chief among them are:
1. Expediency, practical justification of the situation.
2. Purity, simplicity, beauty.
3. The right combination color and light, creating visual contrast that ensures the visibility of each object. For example, pale yellow daffodils next to the blue water of an aquarium enhance the colorfulness of the surroundings.
4. All design components must form a single ensemble.
A special place in the design of the group should belong to the visual arts: paintings, prints, objects of applied art. This expands children’s aesthetic ideas, creates a basis for understanding works of art, provides artistic pleasure, and makes them want to draw a pattern, a flower, or make a beautiful toy.
The subjects depicted in the paintings should be understandable to children. This is the work of people, the life of a kindergarten, landscapes, still lifes, the life of birds and animals, a fairy-tale world. In all groups, still lifes, prints depicting animals, and paintings with fairy-tale themes can be used. Landscapes are recommended for use in middle, high school and preparatory school groups. Older preschoolers show great interest in reproductions of paintings by famous artists: “The Rooks Have Arrived” by Savrasov, “Golden Autumn”, “March” by Levitan, landscapes by Shishkin, “Alyonushka”, “The Princess and the Gray Wolf” by Vasnetsov, “Girl with Peaches” by Serov, “ Lilac" by Konchalovsky and others. There should be no more than 2-3 paintings in the room.
It’s good when there is one large picture that especially attracts the attention of children, and two or three smaller ones. The paintings should be well lit and not interfere with one another, so they should not be placed too close. Paintings and prints should be changed taking into account the time of year and the tasks of educational work with children. For example, it is good to hang pictures related to the topic of the upcoming conversation, reading a work of art, or playing a game.
An important place in the design of a kindergarten should belong to works of folk applied art. All groups should have Khokhloma (furniture in the book corner and one or two items that change). It's good to have fun Dymkovo toy, gesture trays, ceramic works.
Of course, it is not enough to surround children beautiful things, we need to teach them to see beauty, take care of it, and appreciate it. Therefore, the teacher should draw their attention to the cleanliness of the room, to the beauty that flowers and paintings bring, and encourage the children themselves to try to decorate the room.
All this must be learned gradually. For example, watching the nanny’s work with the children, the teacher leads them to the conclusion that she not only monitors cleanliness, but also creates comfort in the room. A well-cleaned, sparkling clean room becomes beautiful. And children themselves gradually get used to maintaining cleanliness and order, first with the help of adults, then at their reminder, and then senior group already on your own.
From the first years of life, children should be taught aesthetics appearance combined with a culture of behavior. In this regard, one of the strongest means of influence is the example of the educator himself, the unity of his internal and external culture.
Native nature serves as a powerful means of aesthetic education. Her beauty is especially vividly and deeply perceived in childhood and, imprinted in feelings and thoughts, sweeps through a person’s entire life.
The teacher reveals to children the world of nature, helps them see its beauty in a drop of dew on a bud, and in the interweaving of grass, and in the colors of the sunset... You just need to see this beauty for yourself and find words that are accessible to the child’s heart. Works of art about nature will provide him with invaluable help in this, which he must know well and skillfully use.
Social life and the work of people with whom the child constantly encounters are also an important means of aesthetic education. The well-coordinated work of builders makes children want to create a good building, act together, and be attentive to each other. Descriptions of the work of sailors, pilots, teachers, and doctors not only introduce preschoolers to these professions, but also evoke a desire to imitate them. All this is reflected in their games and contributes to the education of moral and aesthetic feelings.
Therefore, the teacher thoroughly prepares for excursions, during which children receive and accumulate the sensory experience they need. Excursions at proper preparation and carrying out expand the horizons of preschoolers, teach them to see, compare, generalize, which forms the basis for the development of creative imagination and abilities. In the process of targeted observations and excursions, the teacher draws children’s attention not only to the essential features of a particular phenomenon, but also to the beauty of coordinated work that transforms nature, to the nobility of relationships between people, built on mutual assistance, camaraderie and care for each other. What truly excites children will definitely be reflected in their games, drawings, and stories.
Streets, buildings, monuments also contribute to the aesthetic and moral education children. Getting to know their beauty and originality begins with the simplest and closest things: from the kindergarten building, from your street. With age and accumulation of knowledge, the topic of introducing children to the sights of the city and village expands. And no matter where the children live, in the older groups they are sure to be introduced to the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, its Red Square.
In the process of this work, educators give children ideas about some of the architectural features of buildings and ensembles, pay attention to the originality of individual forms and lines, to the expediency of architecture, to how it fits into the natural landscape. Children reflect these impressions in construction games. Their buildings are becoming more complex and beautiful. In children's creativity, individual buildings, bridges, and train stations begin to unite into street ensembles.
Art is a multifaceted and inexhaustible means of aesthetic education. It introduces children to the life of the whole country, fosters love for the Motherland, for its honest, kind, courageous people. Works of art are a rich source of joy, aesthetic pleasure, and spiritual enrichment. Many types of it are available to children: literature, music, painting, sculpture, theater, cinema. Each type of art reflects life in its own way and has its own special impact on the child’s mind and feelings.
From the first years of life, children are accompanied by oral folk art and children's literature. Fairy tales occupy a special place in their lives. A. S. Pushkin gave them a high rating: “What a delight these fairy tales are... each of them is a poem.”
Not everything can be expressed in words. There are shades of feelings that can be expressed more deeply and fully in music. P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote: “Where words are powerless, a more eloquent language—music—is fully armed.” Music sharpens emotional responsiveness. The child needs it. “Childhood is just as impossible without music as it is impossible without games, without fairy tales,” V. A. Sukhomlinsky was convinced of this.
Fine arts are also necessary for a child. It gives him rich visual images.
At holidays in kindergarten, different types of art influence children in their originality and unity. Holidays make a strong impression on preschoolers, remain in their memory for a long time and serve as an important means of aesthetic education. The demands placed on art for children are high. The works selected for preschoolers must be highly artistic, accessible to understanding, and meet the objectives of communist education.
The artistic material for each subsequent age group gradually becomes more complex due to the deepening of the tasks of aesthetic education. This is taken into account in the “Kindergarten Education Program,” which defines works of art for each age group.
Finally, the quality of execution of artistic works for children is very important, on which the aesthetic education of the child largely depends.
The leading place in the implementation of aesthetic education belongs to kindergarten. But the role of the family is also great. Only with the unity of the influences of the kindergarten and the family is it possible to fully implement the tasks of aesthetic education. Not every child will become a musician or artist, but every child can and should develop a love and interest in art, develop aesthetic taste, an ear for music, and basic drawing skills.
The teacher helps the family create the necessary conditions for the proper aesthetic education of children. He talks about the importance of everyday aesthetics, advises what to read to children, what records to buy for listening to music, and ensures that the child in the family has everything necessary for the manifestation of children's creativity: an album, pencils, paints, toys, books.
Establishing continuity in the aesthetic education of kindergarten and family forms the fundamental principles of the spiritual culture that a person should have.

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With aesthetic education, children develop a sense of beauty, artistic taste and creativity. Parents who raise their children in the spirit of aesthetics and spirituality form in their children a desire for inner, spiritual harmony and self-improvement, for instilling spirituality and humanity. Personal examples can help greatly with this.

The concept of aesthetic education of preschool children includes the gradual teaching by parents and others of special rules of behavior, which are considered exemplary and ideal, as well as the development of goodwill towards people. In addition, with aesthetic education, they actively stimulate the child’s desire to join the cultural values ​​of the family, region, and country.

Objectives of aesthetic education of preschool children

The main tasks that it sets itself aesthetic direction in education, this is helping parents and children in developing the child’s creative abilities, stimulating and cultivating artistic taste and craving for beauty, art, and culture. With such upbringing, we make the child a person who understands beauty in paintings, dance, music, the surrounding nature and words. Not all parents devote much time to aesthetic education, although in modern world diversified development is extremely important.

Methods of aesthetic education of preschool children

Today, there are many methods that can be used in this area of ​​education, and you can choose for yourself the most suitable and optimal ones for the specific conditions and characteristics of the child. When choosing a method, you need to take into account many conditions - this is the age of the baby, the amount of information that you want to give him, as well as the quality of materials, type and form of activity.

Also important in the implementation of your ideas will be the means of aesthetic education of preschoolers. The level of training you as teachers, your abilities and your mastery in the chosen direction will be important. In addition, important means of education will be the creation of the right environment, special natural phenomena, the selection of necessary objects and works, fairy tales, stories, paintings, music.

It is necessary to create a holistic figurative plot that is perceived by the child - a fairy tale, play or painting. You will need to direct and focus the child’s attention on individual characters and their behavior, on their characteristics and habits, emphasizing details - paint, color, sounds and shapes.

It is difficult to separate methods of aesthetic education; they are interconnected. So, if we consider the method of obtaining information, we can use visual and verbal methods in which the baby receives information. A child can directly watch or listen to a work of art while visiting a museum, convention or exhibition. Also, beforehand, he can listen to a story, information in words about a certain direction of art, explanations and various questions. It must be remembered that musical and literary works must be emotional, and paintings and statues must be expressive, so that they make an impression on the child and stimulate interest in the future. If these are low-emotional works, they may have little impact and will help you lose interest in further knowledge.