Individual work with families. Group forms of work with families Scheme of collective forms of work with families

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The relevance of studying the interaction of the main subjects of the educational process, the factors that determine its quality, is due to the active search for ways to improve the domestic education system. In our country, for almost twenty years, attempts have been made to improve both the content and forms of organization educational activities in secondary schools.

Today, many schools have created student self-government bodies, given greater freedom to teachers in conducting lessons, and parents are more actively involved in solving school problems. However, both at the republican and regional levels, an important task is to create an effective union of teachers, parents, and students in solving pressing problems of reforming domestic education. The multidirectionality of the actions of these subjects of training and education negatively affects the quality and results of the formation of the younger generation.

The decisive role in establishing interaction between school and family belongs to teachers educational institution. The union, mutual understanding of teachers and parents, their mutual trust are possible only if the teacher excludes didacticism when working with parents, does not teach, but advises, reflects with them, agrees on joint actions, and tactfully leads them to understand the need for pedagogical knowledge. The whole atmosphere of interaction and communication between the teacher and parents should indicate that the teacher needs parents, to join forces, that parents are his allies, and he cannot do without their advice and help.

The leading role in working with parents belongs to individual forms of work.

Not all fathers and mothers are yet fully aware of their parental responsibility, much less demonstrate it in practice. It is now quite common for parents to be confused about what they can count on when resorting to help in raising a child. professional teachers, on what ideas and principles to build the program personal development child? At the same time, teachers today, no less than parents, need recommendations for organizing productive cooperation with the family of pupils, taking into account the modern realities of the changed mentality of parents. Both parties - parents and teachers - are deeply interested in interacting with each other. A positive attitude towards cooperation indicates the potential success of mutual efforts, the productivity of educational and educational contacts related to the personal development of the child.

However, as practice shows, such contacts are most often spontaneous, unsystematic in nature, and do not always achieve the desired effectiveness. The third party in this relationship suffers from this - the child - it is he who ends up losing, experiencing overload, a feeling of moral and psychological discomfort in relationships with adults.

The interaction of teachers with parents has been studied in domestic pedagogy for quite a long time. Theoretical basis and applied approaches to family education are revealed in their works by L. I. Malenkova, M. P. Osipova, G. A. Butrim, I. A. Melnichuk, L. K. Vodneva, V. S. Bogoslovskaya, V. T. Kabush, Ya. L. Kolominsky, T. A. Falkovich, N. S. Tolstoukhova, L. A. Obukhova, V. P. Parkhomenko, M. V. Belaya, I. I. Zhbankova, N. G. Yurkevich and a lot others.

The relevance of the problem of interaction between school and family determined the choice of the topic of the course research “Individual work with students’ families” and determined the following tasks:

1. To reveal the essence and conditions for the effectiveness of an individual approach in working with families, as well as the variety of forms of individual work with parents.

2. Describe counseling as a special type of assistance to the family.

3. Determine the essence and content of pedagogical interaction “teacher-parent”.

4. To study the organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure effective interaction between subjects of the educational process.

Purpose of the study: to study the features of an individual approach in working with families and the organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure effective teacher-parent interaction.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of literature, generalization, observation.


teacher family counseling

Among the numerous conditions and factors influencing the development and upbringing of a child, the family is rightfully considered the leading one. It is the only environment of life and development of a child in which the foundations of personality are laid. No matter what aspect of a child’s development we take, it will always turn out that the family plays a decisive role at a particular age stage.

After the family, the next most powerful factor influencing a child is the educational institution. The success of its positive influence on children depends on the moral and psychological image of teachers, their psychological and pedagogical training, attitude to their responsibilities, as well as the ability to cooperate fruitfully with parents.

The forms of work between teachers and parents are varied:

individual: visiting students' families at home, conversations with parents at school, parent consultation days at school;

group: mutual work of the teacher and parents in the classroom, when parents help the teacher teach the lesson; and work with the asset;

collective: class meetings, school-wide parent meetings, parent conferences for sharing educational experiences, consultations, question and answer evenings, joint extracurricular activities, etc.

As part of the course work, we will focus on the individual work of teachers with parents of students.

The basic principles of a teacher’s activity are:

the principle of an individual approach to a person based on unconditional recognition of his uniqueness and value;

the principle of professional interaction between a teacher and adults related to a child, student (parents).

The task of the individual approach is the most complete identification of individual ways of development, the capabilities of the individual, strengthening his own activity, revealing his uniqueness.

The teacher’s task is to find individual, student-specific ways to optimally develop his interests, abilities, his personality as a whole, the possibilities of his self-education and self-organization, and on this basis, determine a program for further work with him.

The task of professional interaction between a teacher and a student’s parents is to provide pedagogically appropriate conditions for personal development.

So, a significant factor in the school’s influence on family education is individual work with parents. It covers various aspects of students’ educational activities, their moral formation, organization labor activity and vocational guidance.

In individual work with parents, first of all, one should point out the creation of the necessary home conditions for schoolchildren’s educational activities and work, as well as monitoring in the family over their behavior and adherence to the daily routine. I. F. Kharlamov emphasizes that some parents do not pay due attention to these issues, which negatively affects academic performance and moral development students. In some families, parents do not care about organizing their children’s leisure time and nurturing healthy spiritual needs in them. In particular, some students are found to read little, show little interest in music and the arts, and spend too much time watching television. In a number of cases, parents do not pay due attention to satisfying students’ requests in the field of technical creativity and do not help them create “working corners.” There are also facts that some parents seek to relieve themselves of responsibility for raising children, even when some students commit serious pranks at school, do not do homework, etc., and completely shift it to teachers. All this, naturally, requires appropriate individual work with parents.

The forms of individual work and its impact on parents most often require the adoption of appropriate measures by the family and school to improve the upbringing of students. In these cases, teachers, together with parents, analyze the causes of shortcomings in the learning and behavior of schoolchildren and outline ways to overcome them. If, for example, a student often does not complete homework or study homework, and no one in the family monitors their completion, teachers negotiate with parents to strengthen control over the student’s home studies. The school also uses the same methods of working with families when students spend too much time watching television programs or need behavioral control free time etc.

Individual work is often in the nature of pedagogical consultations with parents and giving them practical advice on how to improve family education. For example, some students are particularly nervous or stubborn. Not all parents are competent enough in approaching such children and need qualified help from teachers.

It is very important to work individually with parents of students who show interest and ability in studying certain academic subjects or special talent in the field of art. Contacts between the school and the parents of such students mean that parents, while caring for the development of their children’s creative inclinations and creating the necessary conditions for this, pay attention to involving them in other types of activities, and especially in socially useful work. All this will contribute to their correct moral formation.

However, not all educational institutions pay due attention to improving the educational process and building relationships with family and other social institutions at the proper level. As a result, the family is alienated from educational institutions, teachers from the family, and the family from the interests of the creative and free development of the child’s personality.

An educational institution was, is and will remain one of the most important social institutions that ensures the educational process and real interaction between the child, parents and society.

Practice shows that some parents do not have special knowledge in the field of education and experience difficulties in establishing contacts with their children. Teachers and parents, trying together to find the most effective ways solutions to this problem determine the content and forms of pedagogical education. In creating a union of parents and teachers, the most important role belongs to the latter. Not all parents respond to the teacher’s desire to cooperate or show interest in joining efforts to raise their child.

The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child can only be successful if they become allies, which will allow them to get to know the child better, see him in different situations, and thus help adults in understanding the individual characteristics of children, developing their abilities, and forming value life guidelines, overcoming negative actions and manifestations in behavior. It is important for teachers to establish partnerships with the family of each student, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and community of interests. It is the family that, from early childhood, is called upon to instill in the child moral values ​​and guidelines for building a reasonable lifestyle.

In this regard, M.P. Osipova advises the following: “First of all, try to convince your parents that without their help, your work in raising children will not be as effective.”

When working with parents, it is important to achieve mutual revelation, knowledge and understanding, to create conditions for parents to get acquainted not only with the teacher, but also with each other, with the school and the school administration, to provide as much information as possible about the school, about teaching, upbringing and other issues of interest to parents .

The success of interaction largely depends on the position of the teacher: edifying communication and a teaching tone are unacceptable. When providing individual assistance and influencing parents to improve family education, teachers should exercise the necessary pedagogical tact.

According to I.F. Kharlamov, this method when teachers complain to parents about those children who “behave badly” at school deserves especially critical assessment. Such complaints, as a rule, do not have a positive effect, and sometimes cause direct harm.

When interacting with parents, the teacher must show courtesy and correctness, and the ability to restrain his emotions.

S. R. Butrim emphasizes that the basis of any communication between a teacher and parents must include five mandatory elements. Moreover, the absence of any of them is unacceptable. These elements are:

1. Expressing a positive attitude towards the student: “what good can I say...”, i.e. a list of positive character traits, good trends in the student’s development, positive phenomena in the group, characteristics of even subtle or significant progress in studies, moral actions, spiritual development of the student, overcoming negative phenomena of the past.

What does this element of meeting with parents provide? First of all, the mutual disposition of the parents and the teacher: a psychotherapeutic attitude, the teacher’s self-hypnosis that he is dealing with a normal child, in whom there is a lot of good. And the attitude of parents towards the teacher, attentive perception of his advice. The thought is affirmed in the minds of the parents: “He (the teacher), just like me, loves my child, treats him with respect, he can be trusted with my worries and anxieties; that’s who can help me.”

2. Definition of the problem, which can be expressed in the words of the teacher: “but it bothers me...”. And then - the essence of the negative for which the meeting was conceived. Moreover, it is important to express your dissatisfaction in the form of concern (after all, we both love, respect, value your child and are equally interested in solving his problems). This approach ensures an atmosphere of mutual respect, goodwill, interest in solving the problem, and parents accepting information about the negative in their son (daughter).

3. Identification and analysis of the reasons for the student’s unacceptable behavior. It is necessary to analyze the circumstances in which the act took place and what other phenomena and processes it is a consequence of. After all, the process of education is a multifactorial process. And for its normal course, it is necessary to create a harmonious educational environment - strengthening positive factors and eliminating negative ones. What is important here is the union of teachers and parents, their mutual disposition and trust, complete frankness.

4. Search for possible solutions to the problem that has arisen. Selection of the most effective measures of educational influence on the student and the class as a whole.

5. Development of a unified style and tone, pedagogical tact, general criteria for assessing the actions and personality of the student. For example, “Let's not humiliate him (her) with suspicion (mistrust, petty care)”; “We need to give him (her) more independence”; “You need to raise the standards for your son both at school and at home”; “We need to change the tactics of severity and incrimination of petty offenses to trust and control that is invisible to the student,” etc. .

These five elements of interaction between teacher and parents gradually change the relationship, make it more productive, and lead to harmony of the parties within the pedagogical triangle (teacher - parents - students).

L.P. Shaulko identifies the following rules for effective interaction between teachers and students’ families:

Parents need support, help and good advice. If you have them, create the necessary conditions for communication with you!

Do not talk to your parents in a hurry, on the run; If you don't have time, it's better to make an appointment for another time!

Talk to your parents in a calm tone, do not try to edify or teach; this causes irritation and a negative reaction from parents!

Know how to listen patiently to your parents, give them the opportunity to speak out on all pressing issues!

Don't rush to conclusions! Think carefully about what you heard from your parents!

What your parents told you about should not become the property of other parents, students and teachers!

When preparing for a meeting with a student’s family, it is necessary to remember that any parent wants to hear not only the bad, but first of all the good, which gives a chance for the future!

Each meeting with parents should end with constructive recommendations for parents and the student himself!

If a teacher is incompetent in some problem or situation, he should apologize to the parents and invite them to seek advice from a specialist!

If parents take an active part in the life of the class and school, their efforts should be recognized by the class teacher and the school administration! .

Conclusions from the first chapter:

The effectiveness of raising a child greatly depends on how closely the school and family interact.

Working with families is an important area of ​​activity for the teaching staff of an educational institution, ensuring an increase in the quality of educational activities.

The task of professional interaction between a teacher and a student’s parents is to provide pedagogically appropriate conditions for personal development. This problem is solved using an individual approach to working with parents.

Among the various forms of work a teacher can do with families, individual ones stand out: visiting students’ families at home, conversations with parents at school, parent consultation days at school, etc. Individual work with parents covers various aspects of students’ educational activities, their moral formation, organization of work activity and professional guidance.

Effective collaborative interaction between family and teacher should be based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other.



The system of work of the school management, the class teacher and the family has been developed over the years by selecting the most rational forms and methods and must meet a number of requirements, such as:

the purposefulness of the activities of the entire teaching staff;

improving professional qualifications and pedagogical culture of teachers;

development of uniform requirements of the teaching staff for the work of the class teacher and teacher with parents;

formation of effective public parent organization.

Before moving on to characterize the main forms of individual work of teachers with parents of students, it is necessary to dwell on identifying some psychological and pedagogical rules of their interaction and ways of establishing contacts with the family.

S. V. Astakhova notes the following rules for establishing contacts with the student’s family:

First rule. The work of the school and the teacher with the family should be based on actions and activities aimed at strengthening and increasing the authority of parents. The only correct norm for the relationship between teachers and parents is mutual respect. Then the exchange of experience, advice and joint discussion, a single solution that satisfies both parties, becomes a form of control. The value of such relationships is that they develop both teachers and parents a sense of responsibility, exactingness, and civic duty.

Second rule. Trust in the educational capabilities of parents, increasing the level of their pedagogical culture and activity in education. Psychologically, parents are ready to support all the demands, activities and initiatives of the school. Even those parents who do not have teaching training and high education, with deep understanding and responsibility relate to raising children.

Third rule. Pedagogical tact, inadmissibility of careless interference in family life. A teacher is an official person, but by the nature of his activity he must concern the intimate aspects of family life. A good teacher is no stranger to a family; when looking for help, parents trust him with their secrets and consult with him. Whatever the family, whatever the parents are, the teacher must always be tactful and friendly. He must turn all knowledge about the family into affirming goodness and helping parents in their upbringing.

Fourth rule. A life-affirming, positive attitude in solving problems of upbringing, reliance on the positive qualities of the child, on the strengths of family upbringing, focus on successful personal development. The formation of a student's character is not without difficulties, contradictions and surprises. It is known that there are dozens of ways to solve a pedagogical problem, but only one of them is correct in these specific conditions. And therefore there must be a view of pedagogy as a science of general laws effective impact on the individual, and not as a prescription index.

So, establishing contacts with parents and students’ families is a primary task in a teacher’s work.

Individual work with parents is varied. Individual communication, if it is thought out by the teacher, is usually effective. The advantage of individual work is that, being alone with a psychologist, parents tell him more openly about their problems, difficulties, joys, etc.

visiting the student’s family;

correspondence with parents;

survey or testing;

consultations, during which parents receive answers to their questions;

individual invitations to parents to speak at parent meetings, to conduct conversations, etc.;

involving parents in carrying out one-time tasks;

involving families in planning and conducting the educational process;

discussion with parents of students about the state of affairs;

individual work with parents of students who have problems with their studies, absences from classes for good or bad reasons;

expressing gratitude to parents for raising children who study successfully and actively participate in the life of the school;

parent trainings;

individual correctional work with gifted children, etc.

Let's take a closer look at them.

One of the forms of establishing contacts with the family is visiting the student’s family. This form is very well known to teachers and parents, but it is necessary to focus on two aspects of the visit.

Family visits must be by invitation. According to statistics, more than 90% of children are raised today in families where the father and mother work. Consequently, not every time is convenient for a teacher to visit. A sudden visit from a teacher can cause embarrassment and confusion for parents busy with one thing or another, and temporarily disrupt order and comfort. At this time, relatives and guests may be present; it often happens that the teacher does not find the parents or the one with whom the conversation was planned at home. A number of family education researchers note that the use of this rule - visiting by invitation - radically changes the attitude of students towards family visits by the class teacher from negative to active, positive.

You need to prepare for your visit. This preparation consists of identifying the most interesting and positive things about your pets. But this valuable thing needs to be comprehended and evaluated so that the praise sounds psychologically subtle and pedagogically correct.

When visiting a family, one gets to know the student’s living conditions. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests and inclinations, about his attitude towards parents, towards school, informs parents about the successes of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc.

Correspondence with parents is a written form of informing parents about the progress of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about upcoming joint activities at school, congratulations on holidays, advice and wishes in raising children. The main condition for correspondence is a friendly tone and joy of communication.

Questioning and testing are carried out to find out:

family composition, family traditions, the nature of the work of each family member, which family member has a greater influence on the child;

the presence of a student’s work area, his interests, inclinations and hobbies;

relationships with brothers and sisters, the general cultural level of the family, the style of relationships in it, the degree of parental participation in raising children;

searching for ways of cooperation between family and school, specific assistance from the school.

Conversation is of great importance in a teacher’s educational arsenal. Conversation is best used to prevent conflict situations, to establish relationships between parents and children, and between individual teachers and families. It is also necessary to use conversation when working with parents in order to establish a trusting atmosphere and identify difficult points of contact in conflict situations. The results of the conversation should not become public if one of the participants in the conversation does not want it. In a conversation, the teacher should listen and hear more, and not get carried away with edifying advice.

T. I. Shamova developed the following rules of professional tact in a pedagogical conversation with parents:

Therapeutic moment. Be sure to start a conversation about your child with something positive.

Listen patiently to the parent.

Correctly, calmly, without pathos and unnecessary emotions, tell us about the student’s shortcomings, what confuses teachers today about his character and behavior.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the student and his parents, their family and living conditions, express your thoughts and pedagogical recommendations for the development of the student, overcoming negative aspects his personality.

The conversation ends with an ethical moment.

According to I.M. Markovskaya, a conversation with parents, on the one hand, makes it possible for the latter to find the right approach to children, and on the other hand, it contributes to more effective work of a specialist, because often a conversation with parents helps to find the right approach to a student, since close They know their child well and can give a lot of advice.

One of the forms of establishing contacts with parents is pedagogical assignments.

V. A. Slastenin identifies several types of pedagogical assignments:

Assignments that involve an active educational position, direct work with children (individual, group, collective) - management of a hobby group, children's club or community association, sports section, technical club; individual patronage, mentoring, etc.

Assignments that involve providing organizational assistance to a teacher or educator, such as assistance in conducting excursions (providing transportation, vouchers), organizing meetings with interesting people, creating a classroom library, a book club.

Instructions that involve participation in the development and strengthening of the school’s material base, in solving economic problems - participation in equipping classrooms, manufacturing equipment, instruments; assistance in repair work and improvement of the school.

The noted instructions do not exhaust all types of social work of parents. You can ask your parents what they would like to do and invite them to fill out a form.

Parent trainings. This is an active form of work with parents who want to change their interaction with their own child, make him more open and trusting. Both parents must participate in parent training. This increases the effectiveness of the training, and the results are immediate. The training is conducted with a group of 12-15 people. Parent training will be successful if all parents actively participate in it and attend regularly. For the training to be effective, it must include 5-8 lessons.

Parent training is usually carried out by a school psychologist, who gives parents the opportunity to temporarily feel like a child and emotionally relive childhood impressions.

With great interest, parents perform such training tasks as “children’s grimaces”, “favorite toy”, “my fairy-tale image”, “children’s games”, “childhood memories”, “film about my family”.

A very significant area of ​​activity of the class teacher with the student’s family is correctional work. The main purpose of correctional work is to provide parents with psychological and pedagogical assistance and support in solving problematic situations in family education. Such problematic situations include crises of adaptation to schooling, early puberty in children, instability of the child’s position in the family, loss of parents or loved ones, and divorce of parents.

The individual correctional work of the class teacher should be aimed at working with families where gifted children are growing up. Dysfunctional families, as well as families where the child is being raised by one of the spouses or grandparents, are no less in need of correction from the class teacher.

The interaction between educational institutions and families in solving the problem of overcoming student failure remains relevant. After all, studying is the main work of a student. Joint discussion of the problem allows us to establish the true reasons for student failure. But issues related to academic performance and attendance must be approached with the utmost care and caution. The teacher’s arsenal may include reminders to parents: “How to ensure students’ success in educational activities”, “Recommendations from teachers working in a group”, “Advice and recommendations from a psychologist”, “Diagnostics of the causes of poor performance”, information about which is communicated to parents individually or in generalized form.

So, individual forms of work play a leading role in working with parents. The advantage of individual work is that, being alone with a psychologist, parents tell him more openly about their problems, difficulties, joys, etc.

The forms of individual work are varied: visiting the student’s family; correspondence with parents; survey or testing; conversation; consultations, during which parents receive answers to their questions; individual invitations to parents to speak at parent meetings, to conduct conversations, etc.; involving parents in carrying out one-time tasks; involving families in planning and conducting the educational process; discussion with parents of students about the state of affairs; individual work with parents of students who have problems with their studies, absences from classes for good or bad reasons; expressing gratitude to parents for raising children who study successfully and actively participate in the life of the school; parent trainings; individual correctional work with gifted children, etc.


The history of the development of advisory practice begins much earlier than the moment when it emerged as an independent field of activity.

E. A. Klimov writes in one of his works that specific advisory functions (as professional ones) exist in society from the first phases of its development, because members of society who accumulated “soul experience” inevitably became original sources of “services”, i.e. .e. informal consultants - sorcerers, healers, shamans. This includes all kinds of foresight, predictions and forecasts that were dealt with by astrologers, priests, magicians, as well as explanations, attitudes, interpretations, searches for truth, life wisdom, ways out of difficult situations and religious confessions.

The study of the phenomenon of counseling aroused the interest of scientists in various spheres of human activity and areas of modern sciences: medical (A. E. Ivy, M. I. Buyanova, B. D. Karvasarsky, V. N. Myasishchev), psychological (G. S. Abramova, Yu. E. Aleshina, L. F. Shekhovtsova, P. P. Gornostay, S. V. Vaskovskaya), pedagogical (N. I. Barakovskaya, L. A. Vitvitskaya, I. V. Dubrovina, N. I. Shevandrin ).

At the same time, a theoretical analysis of the literature indicates that there is no clear definition of this type of activity; it is difficult to unambiguously indicate the scope of its application, since the term “consulting” has long been a generic concept for various types of advisory practice (pedagogical, medical, psychological, social work).

According to M.V. Romm and T.A. Romm, counseling is providing assistance to mentally normal people to achieve certain goals and organize behavior more effectively.

E. Vakhromov gives the following definition: counseling is a complex dynamic process that unfolds over time, in many cases involving other people in this interaction, accessible to observation and external intervention. In this regard, we can talk about the openness of the counseling situation, its structure, context and dynamics.

However, no matter what form the advisory assistance takes, it has one common characteristic - it is focused on the individual. Having a non-medical paradigm and borrowing techniques and techniques from psychotherapy, any type of counseling is focused not on treatment, but on helping a healthy person overcome his difficulties and find a way out of difficult situations.

Based on the study of existing points of view, it can be determined that counseling is a process of subject-subject interaction that has certain patterns; its effectiveness depends on a number of qualities, one of the links of which is trust.

Currently, various scientists identify many functions of counseling, in particular: socializing, educational, preventive, suggestive, compensatory. However, all researchers highlight the main function of human personality development.

Organizing consultations for parents of students at school is one of the most relevant and popular areas of cooperation between school and family today. The majority of parents who do not find time for systematic self-education usually turn to school for one-time consultations - and, as a rule, in emergency cases: the child’s poor performance, bad behavior, conflicts with the teacher. The main goal of the consultation is to achieve a deeper, objective understanding by parents of the child’s problems, his personality as a whole, determining their educational strategy in communicating with him and ways of interacting with other participants in the educational process.

Pedagogical counseling is of a purely individual nature, and the need for it arises when the situation becomes an emergency requiring emergency assistance. The main task at this stage is to try to provide the family with not only informational and pedagogical support, but also emotional support. The organization of advisory assistance for parents in an educational institution has its own specifics. On the one hand, counseling should be strictly confidential, and on the other hand, it is necessary to monitor the nature of the difficulties of parents and students in order to adjust their activities in a timely manner. It is best if a full-time psychologist is involved in collecting such data. The administration’s task is to develop a mechanism for collecting such information and conduct the necessary systemic analysis.

Family diagnostics is a constant component in the work of the teacher, on which the system of assistance and support for the family is based. Carrying out diagnostic procedures requires compliance with a number of principles: complexity, objectivity, sufficiency, consistency, etc. You should not expand the diagnosis if there are no necessary indications. A new study can only be undertaken based on an analysis of previous diagnostic information. You should start with an initial diagnosis of parents’ complaints, and then, having studied the validity of these complaints, identify the causes of these violations.

Some researchers believe that family diagnostics and family education are based on two principles:

theoretical position - the causes of violations in the behavior and development of a child may lie in the characteristics of child-parent relationships, parenting style, as well as distortion of the process of self-development;

practical situation - constructing diagnostics according to the “branching tree” principle, that is, the subsequent diagnostic step is done only if the corresponding result is obtained at the previous stage.

During the initial diagnosis, it is important to understand the nature of the complaint or problem, which can be justified, partially justified and unfounded. It is necessary to find out how the parents themselves understand the problem, whether they correctly see its causes, and what kind of help they expect from a specialist. The main purpose of diagnostics is to draw a conclusion about the state of a particular family and the trends inherent in certain family. The diagnostic techniques used are traditional: observation, questionnaires, surveys, testing, conversations. Special group are methods for studying the family through the eyes of a child: drawing methods, game tasks, methods for commenting on pictures, methods for completing a story, methods for unfinished sentences, etc.

Parent counseling can be of two types:

methodological (everything related to the development of the educational program, the student’s individual educational route - for newly admitted children and gifted students - methods of additional education);

psychological (everything related to the individual characteristics of the child and his socialization).

However, regardless of the type, there are certain principles of counseling:

creating trusting relationships;

mutual respect;

interest of consultants;


formation in parents of an attitude towards solving problems independently;

good organization of consultation.

L.A. Sheleg notes that it is possible to distinguish a number of general and sequential stages of a consultant’s work, characteristic of any consulting model. The identification of stages in the complex process of socio-pedagogical counseling is conditional:

1. Establishing contact. At this stage, it is important to create a supportive atmosphere that will promote trust between the consultant and the client.

2. Collection of information. The problems of the family and how they are seen by the participants in the process are clarified. It is important for the counselor to highlight the emotional and cognitive aspects of the problem. Closed and open questions. The problem is clarified until the consultant and the client reach the same understanding of the problem.

3. Determining the goals of counseling, psychological contact. It is advisable to discuss with the client how he imagines the outcome of the consultation. This is of fundamental importance, since the goals of counseling for the consultant and the client may be different. After determining the goals, a consulting contract is concluded, that is, the parties agree on the rights and responsibilities that they undertake.

4. Development of alternative solutions. Possible alternatives to solve the problem are openly discussed. It is at this stage that the consultant faces the main difficulties. The consultant helps family members understand everything possible options solutions to the problem and select those that are most acceptable from the point of view of the family’s existing degree of readiness for change.

5. Generalization. At this stage, the results of the work are summed up and the results achieved during the consultation are summarized. If necessary, return to previous stages.

It's no secret that parents of students are mostly busy people. They work just as intensively as teachers, and it is just as difficult for them to find time in their schedule to attend school. Therefore, it is very important to make information about consultations at school as accessible and convenient as possible, so that a parent who comes to school on one issue can solve some others along the way.

There are two types of consultations: individual and thematic. Let's take a closer look at them.

Individual consultations- one of the most important forms of interaction between the teacher and the family. It is especially necessary when the teacher is recruiting a class. In order to overcome parents' anxiety and fear of talking about their child, it is necessary to conduct individual consultations and interviews with parents. In preparing for a consultation, it is necessary to identify a number of questions, the answers to which will help planning educational work with kids. Individual consultation should be informational in nature and help create good contact between parents and teacher. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that they would like to introduce him to in an informal setting, and find out what is necessary for their professional work with the child:

characteristics of the child’s health;

his hobbies, interests;

family communication preferences;

behavioral reactions;

character traits;

learning motivation;

moral values ​​of the family.

During an individual consultation, you can use the “My Child” questionnaire, which is filled out by the teacher together with the parents:

1. When he was born, then___________

2. The most interesting thing about him in the first years of his life was____

3. The following can be said about health___________

4. When the question arose about preparing for school, we___

5. His attitude towards school was ____________

6. In the first years he studied mainly___________

7. He liked subjects such as_________

8. The relationship with the first teacher was_________

9. Communicating with classmates, ________________

10. Difficulties in parenting are associated with ___

11. I would like teachers to pay attention to_______

Thematic consultations. In every class there are children and families who are experiencing the same problem, experiencing identical personal and academic difficulties. Sometimes these problems are confidential, and then they can only be solved among those people who are united by this problem, and understanding the problem and each other is aimed at solving it together.

In order for a thematic consultation to take place, parents must be convinced that this problem concerns them and requires an immediate solution. Parents are invited to participate in thematic consultations using special invitations. Thematic consultation should involve problem-solving experts who can find the best solution to it. This is a social teacher, psychologist, sexologist, representative of law enforcement agencies, etc. During a thematic consultation, parents receive recommendations on a problem that concerns them.

Sample topics for consultations for parents:

1. The child does not want to study. How can I help him?

2. Bad memory child. How to develop it?

3. The only child in the family. Ways to overcome difficulties in education.

4. Punishing children. What should they be?

5. Anxiety in children. What could it lead to?

6. Shy child. The problem and ways to overcome it.

7. Rudeness and misunderstanding in the family.

8. A talented child in the family.

9. Are children's friends friends at home or enemies?

10. Three generations under one roof. Communication problems.

So, organizing consultations for parents of students at school is one of the most relevant and in demand areas of cooperation between school and family today.

Pedagogical counseling is of a purely individual nature, and the need for it arises when the situation becomes an emergency requiring emergency assistance. The main task at this stage is to try to provide the family with not only informational and pedagogical support, but also emotional support.

When communicating with parents, the teacher must show maximum tact. It is unacceptable to shame parents or hint at their failure to fulfill their duty towards their son or daughter. The teacher’s approach should be: “We have before us a common problem. What can we do to solve it? Tactfulness is especially important with those parents who are confident that their children are not capable of bad deeds. Without finding the right approach to them, the teacher will be faced with their indignation and refusal to further cooperate. The principles of successful counseling are trusting relationships, mutual respect, interest, and competence.

Consulting with parents is beneficial both for them and for the teacher. Parents receive a real understanding of school affairs and the child’s behavior, while the teacher receives the information he needs for a deeper understanding of the problems of each student. By exchanging information, both parties may come to mutual agreement regarding specific forms of parental assistance.


The formation of cooperation between children, parents and teachers depends primarily on how the interaction of adults develops in this process. The result of education can be successful only if teachers and parents become equal partners, since they are raising the same children. This union should be based on unity of aspirations, views on the educational process, jointly developed common goals and educational objectives, as well as ways to achieve the intended results.

Both teachers and parents want to see their children healthy and happy. Parents are ready to support the initiatives of teachers aimed at satisfying and developing the interests and needs of children. Parents are adults with extensive life experience, knowledge, and the ability to analyze situations; therefore, in solving a number of problems, the teacher can receive their necessary and useful advice.

Cooperation between teachers and parents allows you to get to know the child better, look at him from different positions, see him in different situations, and, therefore, help in understanding his individual characteristics, developing the child’s abilities, overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, and forming valuable life orientations .

At the same time, the majority of parents are not professional educators. They do not have special knowledge in the field of raising and educating children and often experience difficulties in establishing contacts with children. Teachers and parents must together look for the most effective ways to solve this problem, determine the content and forms of pedagogical education in this regard.

The category “interaction” has increasingly begun to be used in psychological and pedagogical literature. The content of this concept can be defined as the establishment of intersubjective, interpersonal, mutually consistent communication.

I. I. Zhbankova defines pedagogical interaction as a process that occurs between subjects in the course of educational work and is aimed at developing the child’s personality. In pedagogical science, pedagogical interaction acts both as one of the key concepts and as a scientific principle.

M.P. Osipova notes: “The interaction of people in the educational system of the school is built at various levels, and the family is inseparable from this system. It depends on the family environment whether favorable conditions have been created for the child’s development, what kind of care his loved ones show about him, and whether he is happy. In creating such an environment, the unity of school and family plays a huge role, which in the “Landmark” model is referred to as “school-family education.”

In such interaction, all participants act as equal partners. The purpose of such interaction is to establish personal understanding on a certain range of problems and tasks. Interaction begins with communication, which, in the course of its development, reaches the activity level, becoming interaction. Thus, interaction can be considered as a system of mutually consistent actions of the subjects of communication, when the actions taken by one subject determine the logic of the actions of the other.

In our opinion, it is advisable to consider the category “interaction” as an interpersonal category, a special type of communication in which all its participants take an active position: teacher, parent, child. Through a system of built mutually agreed upon actions, a mutually acceptable result is ensured.

The most important component of interaction is relationships. A “collaborative interaction” can be thought of as a benchmark for the relationship achieved. This level of relations is characterized by the following parameters:

the open nature of communication, confirmed by the willingness of the interacting parties to openly discuss students’ problems;

the desire to determine the most appropriate paths of life, personal and professional development of the child;

tripartite subject position of all participants in the holistic pedagogical process: teacher - parent - student;

activity-oriented and practical focus on timely resolution of emerging problems.

As principles of productive interaction, according to V. S. Bogoslovskaya, there may be:

1. Systematicity and integrity, which presupposes the creation of a system in relations of the specified level and orientation towards the school as a whole.

2. Continuity. The essence of this principle is the preservation and upward development of interaction experience, starting from the 1st grade until children graduate from basic school.

3. Professional teaching activity. The principle is to affirm the active role of the teacher in the system of family-school relations.


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The proposed material reveals the main tasks of the work of the school with the family, the forms of interaction between the school and the family and the main directions of work are given. This article reveals the main types of parents and their interaction with the school. The material provides individual and group forms of working with families. The material is useful for psychologists and class teachers.



The family is the primary environment

Where should a person learn

Create yourself."


A child receives 90% of his educational influence on his personality in the family. However sociological research show that at present the family has, as it were, withdrawn from active, expedient pedagogical activities in raising their child. This resulted in an increase in child neglect, adolescent alcoholism, drug addiction, early onset of sexual activity, an increase in child crime, etc.

Therefore, coordinated, purposeful joint work between family and school is very important. The education system is currently developing various models of interaction between family and school. The process of such cooperation and its features are determined, first of all, by the type and type of educational institution and the activities of the teaching staff. To form cooperation between adults and children in an educational institution, it is important to present the team as a single whole, as big family, which unites and lives interestingly only if the joint activities of teachers, children and parents are organized.

The teaching staff faces the following:

tasks working with parents:

implementation of information and educational work;

carrying out diagnostic work;

implementation of corrective work.

The set objectives determine the forms of work that need to be carried out with the family in order to prevent and correct deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents.

The school administration and all class teachers have an analysis of the composition of parents according to their educational and professional level, information about complete and single-parent families, the health status of the students’ parents, living conditions, opportunities for raising children, their family traditions. Studying a student’s family allows us to understand the way of the family, what its social attitudes are, the system of moral and spiritual values, relationships with people around them and each other, family traditions, the pedagogical education of parents, the ability to organize the life and activities of children in the family in accordance with the goals of education and the age of the child . All types of communication, all contacts with parents in the process of joint educational activities provide new materials about family education, about the use of free time in the family, about the favorite activities of family members, about the depth of parents’ understanding of the process of formation of the child’s personality, which allows them to choose a pedagogically competent direction of work with family in the interests of the development of the child’s personality.

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents– this is the diversity of the organization of their joint activities and communication. Among them:

Parent meeting;

Parent lecture hall;

Meetings of the parent community with the school administration and teachers;

Individual work, group forms of interaction between teachers and parents;

Participation of parents in student conferences and festivals, days of open lessons, knowledge holidays, subject weeks, etc.;

·forms of labor activity: decoration of offices, classroom corners, improvement of the school, collection of waste paper, etc.;

· forms of leisure: joint holidays, competitions, competitions, KVNs, excursion trips, etc.

But this does not give the desired result and teachers are faced with questions:

How to organize interaction between family and school so that the difficult task of education becomes a common task for teachers and parents?

How to attract modern fathers and mothers who are so busy and far from pedagogical theory to school?

How to argue for the need for their participation in the child’s school life?

These questions of pedagogy can be classified as “eternal”.

Cooperation between teachers and families is the joint determination of activity goals, joint planning of upcoming work, joint distribution of forces and resources, the subject of activity in accordance with the capabilities of each participant, joint monitoring and evaluation of work results, and then forecasting new goals and objectives. The content of cooperation between the class teacher and parents and children includes three main ones: directions:

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents,

involving them in the educational process,

Participation in school management.

Teachers and parents complement each other as partners in raising children. Their union for the benefit of the child will reveal the strengths of each and give them the opportunity to correct their mistakes. Partnership relations presuppose equality of parties, mutual goodwill and respect.

On what basis should the relationship between teacher and family be formed in order to be successful in education?

This capacious question is answered convincinglyV.A. Sukhomlinsky:

“As little as possible calling mothers and fathers to school for moral lectures to children, to intimidate sons with the father’s “strong hand” ... - and as much as possible of such spiritual communication between children and parents that brings joy to mothers and fathers...” And further: “... raise so that the child has joys that he brings home like the joys of his mother and father.

The teacher’s existing experience of working with the student’s family convinces of the need to work with parents in a differentiated manner. Parents' attitudes toward school and their children's education vary greatly. Work practice helps to highlight approximatelythree groups of parents:

I - parents - teacher assistants. As a rule, these are families with rich working traditions; parents are socially active and conscientiously treat all school assignments.

P - parents are potential assistants to teachers and schools in raising children. They can help if they know what to do and how to do it. Parents of this group have a positive influence on the child with their spiritual qualities.

Ш - parents do not understand or do not want to understand the requirements of the school. They have a negative attitude towards school and teachers. Only some people show their attitude openly, while others carefully hide it.

Parents of group I should be relied upon in creating a team of class parents, in forming public opinion, and in organizing collective affairs of students and their parents.

Parents of group Pthe teacher explains the meaning and significance of the planned work, explains how this or that task should be completed.

With parents of group IIIIt is much more difficult for a teacher to work; it is advisable to start working with them by involving them in specific activities of the class. Completed work must be approved at a parent meeting.

. What forms of work with students’ families can a teacher use?

Individual forms of work. The teacher plans individual work with the family for the entire academic year, determines the order of visits to the student’s families, the days of parent consultations at school.

The first visit to the student’s family is of an introductory nature: the teacher finds out the composition of the family, the nature of the work of each family member, workplace student, and also find out what books the student reads and what games he likes to play. The first acquaintance in the family will help to find out the child’s interests, his inclinations, and what he enjoys in his free time.

In the presence of parents, the teacher finds out from the child what he can do, how he helps the family, what work responsibilities he has as permanent ones and how he relates to them.

The final stage of the first visit to the family comes down to a frank conversation about the importance of a single line in education, mutual awareness of the student’s affairs. They agree on ways of cooperation between family and school, what specific assistance parents can provide to the school, which parents can be recommended to join the parent committee.

When visiting the families of undisciplined or poorly performing students, great sensitivity of the teacher and the ability to conduct a pedagogical conversation are required. The conversation in the family must definitely start with the positive things that are in the child’s character, and then talk about the shortcomings and how to eliminate them through joint efforts.

Families where the student is an only child deserves special attention from the teacher. Such families need help to protect themselves from instilling selfishness, selfishness, callousness, and arrogance in their children.

A properly established relationship between the teacher and the family will be a tax on success in the education and upbringing of the student.

Parent diary - This is an ordinary notebook in which parents' records are kept. It starts at the first meeting between the class teacher and the parents. In this diary, parents make entries after parent meetings, their conclusions, wishes to teachers and give their recommendations to the class teacher on organizing communication with their child. The second part of the diary is devoted to parents’ thoughts about the future of their child, what they want to see him, what they want to develop in him, what they want to wish for him. A mandatory page for every parent diary and parent meeting is the Joy page. It is prepared for parents by the class teacher for each parent meeting. This page records the children's achievements related to their education and upbringing. For example, if a student in a class is modest, shy, a little withdrawn by nature, and he took part in some school-wide, and maybe even regional event, then this is a great success for this student and the parent should definitely know about this success. Or when a student enters school.

Keeping a parent diary helps to see a positive change in the parental position, develops parental intuition and observation.

Parental readings are a very useful and necessary form of working with families.

Individual consultationscan be carried out on the initiative of parents or on the initiative of the class teacher.

When preparing and conducting individual work with families, you must adhere to certain ethics of communication with parents

The possibility of such consultation should be discussed in advance.

Parents should be invited to consultation in a friendly and calm manner.

The time for consultation or conversation must be clearly stated.

Parents should not wait outside the door for their fate.

It is advisable for both parents to attend the meeting.

It is necessary to clearly formulate the goals of the consultation and its relevance.

Parents should have the opportunity to speak out fully on the issue under discussion.

All the parents’ arguments, their pros and cons, should be listened to carefully.

During the consultation, parents should receive clear recommendations and suggestions on the problem under discussion.

If necessary, during the consultation parents have the opportunity to meet with specialists and arrange additional counseling for the child.

If the child’s presence during the consultation is mandatory, he is invited to the meeting.

Visiting a child at home- this is a last resort. Not many parents are ready for their class teacher to bother them at home. But if joint school life is just beginning, it is necessary to learn to be together in trouble and in joy. The teacher can not only come and check the availability of the student’s corner, but also congratulate him on his birthday, visit a sick child with his classmates, and help with the housework together with the children, if necessary. Such techniques are possible only if they are associated with certain circumstances in the life of the student.

However, lately we have encountered a situation where children in their own families are subjected to violence from adults, and mothers forget about their purpose. Children in such families feel like outcasts. Therefore, it is necessary to visit the families of such children more often, without leaving them without support and help.

When working individually with parents, you can be guided by the following principles:

High ideological orientation of all work with the student’s family;

In the struggle for the success of teaching and raising children, the system of relations between parents and children, addressed to the consciousness and self-esteem of the child, is important;

Positive aspects in raising children noticed and supported by the teacher in a timely manner will help parents believe in the success of upbringing and gradually the correct system of it.

Collective forms of work between a teacher and a student’s family.

It is important for the teacher to form a team not only of class students, but also of their parents. The teacher will have to instill in each parent a concern for the academic success and behavior of the students of the entire class, to achieve a position where the life of each family and the life of the class merge into one whole. To do this, the psychology of parents must be changed; they must feel responsible for the students in the whole class. The teacher should help parents adapt to such collective responsibility.

A good school for collective education of parents can beclass meetings.They are usually carried out once every quarter, but if necessary they can be carried out more often. At the meeting, the teacher can give a lecture or talk in pedagogical topic. You can invite parents to solve pedagogical problems.This technique reveals existing points of view and contributes to the development of a common opinion on current issues of education. Joint parent-student meetings may also be held. Children can perform in front of their parents with a concert, ask interesting questions and tasks. This helps parents see their child from a different perspective.

It is difficult to foresee all possible options for holding parent meetings. The nature of parent-teacher meetings is dictated by life itself, the work of the class team and the entire school. The topics and methods of holding the meeting are determined based on the general goals of education and the tasks facing the school. When preparing for a parent-teacher meeting, the teacher carefully analyzes the work of each student, thinks through ways to enrich parents with pedagogical knowledge and improve their pedagogical culture.

You can also use this form of work, like seminars, where pedagogical problems can be solved and the public opinion of parents on current issues of education can be developed.

Parents' conferences occupy a significant place in this system. Their topics may vary. For example, " Labor education children in the family", "Is it difficult to be an excellent student", "Parental authority". When preparing, it is necessary to study specific experience using a survey among parents and children.

At the heart of this community of family and school is the school’s constant attention to the development of the child, timely and pedagogically sound specific recommendations from teachers, the study of the characteristics and capabilities of each family, and the provision of practical assistance to families with difficulties in education.

Successful problem resolution moral education The younger generation largely depends on strengthening mutual contacts between school and family.

The essence of joint educational activities of school and family is determined by the common goal of fostering complete solidarity in setting and solving specific educational tasks, in finding complementary ones. methods and means of influencing children. A clear expression of the essence of the joint activities of teachers and parents is the unity of their educational attitudes, requirements and actions, i.e. unity of education.

The defining moment of such unity is the constant coincidence of positive educational requirements and actions of teachers and parents, ensuring the opportunity for the growing individual to always be under the influence of conditions that do not contradict each other, causing positive responses and an active attitude towards the environment.

In conditions of joint, unified activity of adults, the child’s consciousness is more successfully formed. It is constantly updated with new information and enriched with vivid impressions gained from communicating with people in different settings. Moreover, the correct explanation of this knowledge by teachers and parents, a similar interpretation of the life of individual moral norms allow the child to avoid doubts, hesitations, and internal conflicts, since the situation of inconsistency in the knowledge transmitted by adults is eliminated. The formation of consciousness is carried out in this way quite smoothly and calmly, without disruptions.

Constantly maintaining uniform requirements and actions of teachers and parents make it possible to consolidate moral feelings for a long time, to create sustainable mental states: cheerfulness, mental balance and uplift, readiness to respond positively to demands, satisfaction from accomplished moral actions, etc. In addition, it is possible to easily eliminate the negative mental states of children that sometimes accompany their development. In the system of uniform requirements for children, their volitional sphere is strengthened. They become noticeably more active, more persistent in achieving goals, more decisive in overcoming difficulties, and more restrained in their usual behavior.

Thus, in the system of unity of educational requirements and actions, objective prerequisites are created for the systematic, comprehensive development of positive personality traits, for mastering the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, for consolidating them in different life situations.

In complex and important work with parents, you can use such methods as:

Regular pedagogical conversations;

Group consultations on specific parenting issues;

Individual consultations for parents;

Parent conferences on sharing experiences in family education;

Pedagogical disputes;

Evenings of questions and answers on educational issues;

Open parent days at school, during which parents can attend any lesson or extracurricular activity;

Round table discussions;

Pedagogical quiz "Who? How? Why?"

A good tradition of parent meetings is keeping a parent diary.

Parent readingsgive parents the opportunity to familiarize themselves with pedagogical literature on a certain problem, express their attitude towards it, and prepare parents to perceive certain changes that occur in the teenage environment. Parental readings are a very unique form of working with parents, which gives them the opportunity not only to listen to teachers’ lectures, but also to study literature on the problem themselves.

Parent trainings- this is an active form of work with those parents who are aware of problematic situations in the family and want to change their interaction with their own child. The importance of parent training for those parents is enormous. who have just begun to gain experience in raising a schoolchild. Parent training is usually carried out by a school psychologist.Training system with parentsdetermined by the stages of program implementation: stage 1 – internal family resources, their search for a family, optimization and activation, stage 2 – confidence, goal achievement, strengthening the family’s internal resources. I am as a parent, I am as a person, I am as a member of society, stage 3 – accepting the world, changing limiting ideas, expanding the model of the world, adding roles. Training is an unfamiliar form of work for parents. But it becomes the most advantageous in the sense that it does not impose any dogmas and rules in raising children and changing their lifestyle, but the participants come to this themselves. Maybe not immediately, but gradually, but this is their conclusion and their decision, which is much more important and more effective. It is valuable that the participants discuss the experience gained during the training with their fellow villagers and discussion in a circle shows the similarity of problems that exist in other families, which means it is easier to find a solution and notice the solvability of the problem. Exercises and tasks are selected taking into account the level of education of the participants, their immediate development and rehabilitation goals.

Individual conversations with parents positively influence the attitude of parents towards a child with developmental problems and, in many cases, the relationship between parents

Express diagnostics of child-parent relationships in families in SOPimplies a comprehensive diagnosis aimed at studying interpersonal relationships in the “parent-child” system, taking into account such features of family upbringing as the attitude of parents to the child and life in the family, parental attitudes and reactions, violations of the educational process in the family, causes of deviations in family upbringing, types education, level of parental competence. Diagnosis is carried out at the first and third stages. In the first case, to determine goals and objectives in work on child-parent relationships, and at the last stage, it has the function of monitoring changes in the state of child-parent relationships.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
in the work of the class teacher with the family

Studying a family is a subtle, delicate matter, requiring the teacher to show tact in communication and respect for all family members, sincerity, and a desire to help in raising children. It is important for the teacher to follow the following rules:

Parents and children should not feel like objects of study.

The study must be purposeful, planned, systematic.

Psychological and pedagogical methods should be varied and used in combination.

The results of the study are confidential information, and if necessary, they should be disclosed only as a percentage

The use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics by the class teacher presupposes a clear definition of goals and expected results. Doing this
diagnostics, the class teacher must answer the following questions:

1 What do I want to get as a result of the diagnosis?

2 How will I work with the received material?

3 What may change in better side, if such a diagnosis is carried out?

Types of diagnostics:

Depending on the tasks the teacher solves, there are 3 types of diagnostics:

1 preliminary(necessary when meeting the family, preparing parent meetings, thematic consultations, extracurricular activities, organizing trips and excursions, planning extracurricular activities...);

2 operational (necessary in a conflict situation between parents and children, in preparing for interviews, in solving problems in relationships between schoolchildren, parents and children, teachers and students);

3 final (carried out at the end of the academic year based on work results).

Currently, there are many published diagnostic methods for teachers, students, and parents. How to navigate this stream? How to choose the right one?


1 In my opinion, it is necessary to select diagnostic tools based on the following principles:

2 humanism (the information received should in no way harm the person who told you information about himself);

3 validity (determined by how well the chosen method of studying the family meets its goals);

4 accuracy (compliance of the study results with the level of quality being measured);

5 reliability (determined by how stable the study results are with repeated measurements);

Correctness (determined by the quality of the diagnostic material).

Depending on the goals, all family study methods can be divided into 4 blocks (according to the main areas of interaction):

1 block

Family research and support
(preliminary and

operational diagnostics)

Methods and techniques


Family characteristics:

· socio-demographic portrait of the family; · organization and principles of family education; relationship between parents and school. Questionnaires and tests for parents.

Essays and drawings by students (“My family”, “My day off”...).
Students' description of their family tree.
Essays by parents.
Pedagogical councils.
Family visit.
Psychological and pedagogical consultation (conversations).
Method of unfinished sentences.

2 block

Involving parents in

cooperation with the school

(preliminary diagnosis)

Information requests from parents;

Parents' orientation in the field of education, availability of free time,

material and professional


Questionnaires for parents.
Conversations with parents.
Discussion meetings.
Conducting round tables.

3 block

Information and educational

working with parents
(preliminary and operational


Legal, psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in

problems of training and education.

Questioning and testing of parents.
Conversations with parents.
Discussion of pedagogical situations.
Business and role-playing games.
Psychological and pedagogical consultation.
Trainings, workshops...

4 block

In-school monitoring
(final diagnostics)

Parents' satisfaction

quality of educational work

Questionnaires for parents.
Method of unfinished sentences.
Conversations with parents.
"Round tables"...

The main burden of ensuring interaction between school and family falls on the shoulders of the class teacher, who for this purpose uses various forms of work in his activities. In the most general sense, they can be divided into individual, group and collective.

Customized forms

Visiting family at home. By visiting students at home, the conditions of their home education are clarified. Information about the family climate, about the peculiarities of relationships within the family, about the position of parents in matters of education allows you to personally interact with a specific family and make an even more correct choice of directions and means of corrective influence on the child at school. On the contrary, without this information, it is impossible to provide the student with appropriate support.

It is extremely important that parents are convinced that the teacher visits the family not to reprimand the student, not to make complaints about him, but as an assistant in education. Continuous complaints from the teacher against the child or accusations from the parents only aggravate the situation, upset them and often cause a bitter and unfair attitude towards the child, and on his part one can observe an embittered, conflictual attitude towards the teacher and a loss of interest in learning in general.

Parents must be notified in advance of the teacher’s arrival. And in doing so, he must be guided by some rules: show pedagogical tact when communicating with family members, start the conversation with some positive points, clearly identify problems in the child’s educational process and give unobtrusive advice and recommendations, talk in the presence of the student, do not present complaints to parents, in every possible way to emphasize their own interest in the matter of upbringing and education.

Individual consultations. This is one of the most important forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family. Consultations are conducted in order to overcome parents' concerns about the education and upbringing of the child, and taking into account the correct structure, they help to establish trusting contact between parents and teacher.

Consultations are carried out individually as needed, often even at the initiative of the parents themselves. During the conversation, a variety of issues concerning the child can be discussed: his well-being, interests, behavioral characteristics, aptitude for a particular academic subject, character specifics, and others. Consultations help resolve many contradictions and benefit not only the parents and the child, but also the teacher himself.

Correspondence. In working with parents, correspondence is used quite extensively. As a rule, this form of work is used in relation to those parents who, due to various circumstances, do not have the opportunity to often attend an educational institution (busy employment, long distance, health problems, etc.). In the age of information technology, mobile communications are increasingly used to communicate between parents and teachers. social media, Internet sites and forums.

Group forms

Parent lectures. The objectives of the lecture hall are varied: to introduce parents to the system of correctional and educational work at school, to give practical recommendations and advice on raising a child in the family, and many others. Systematic and purposeful work allows parents to better understand the personal and age-related psychophysical characteristics of children, identify the reasons for their deviations from norms of behavior, and correctly approach the solution of pedagogical problems by choosing appropriate methods and forms of education.

Thematic consultations. They are recommended to be held once every quarter for everyone. Such consultations are organized by the school, and carried out by special experts (social educator, psychologist, medical worker, police officer, etc.), who can choose the best solution to a specific problem.

Parents' evenings are a celebration of communication between parents. A casual conversation with each other, sharing experiences in solving specific problems, discussing the situation in the family helps to take a different look at the child and the process of his upbringing, understand his characteristics and expand his capabilities in this matter.

Class events are held throughout the school year within the classroom and are traditionally associated with various events: birthdays, calendar holidays, tea drinking. They help bring parents closer together, as well as establish contact between the teacher and parents.

Collective forms of work with parents are most clearly presented in the form of a scientific and practical parent conference. This form combines the promotion of pedagogical knowledge and practical skills in family education. The initiators of such a conference, as a rule, are the parent committee and the class activists. Meetings can be devoted to a variety of educational issues. Conferences are held 1–2 times a year, as they require painstaking preparation (literature analysis, generalization of personal experience, preparation of recommendations, organizational aspects). The effectiveness of the parent conference increases if the library, various experts, and invited guests take part in it.

Parent meeting

The parent meeting is the universal and most common form of interaction between the school and students’ families. At the meeting, the difficulties of life in the class, the parent group and the school as a whole are discussed. According to their purpose, they are divided into the following types: organizational, analytical, final, combined.

The parent meeting includes six integral components: analysis of students’ educational achievements and recommendations from subject teachers, familiarization of parents with the state of the psychological climate in the classroom (relationships, appearance etc.), psychological and pedagogical education of parents on a specific topic, consideration of organizational issues (excursions, class events, acquisition of educational literature, etc.), reflection - at the end of the meeting, parents evaluate its significance, relevance, usefulness.

Special mention should be made of the work of the parent committee. It creates a project of general action to offer support to families in raising children, organizes the exchange of experience, provides assistance in carrying out all kinds of extracurricular activities and resolves a number of other issues relating to the education and upbringing of children.

Thus, all individual, group and collective forms of work with families are designed to ensure interaction between the school and parents and increase the efficiency of the process of raising and educating children.

Already in early childhood, by family decision, most children discover the world of kindergarten. Each family develops its own attitude towards kindergarten.

The overwhelming majority of parents (sociologists call the figure 80%) prefer, when the child reaches one and a half to two years, to raise him in kindergarten. Why? The most popular answer to this question is “the desire to create a favorable situation for his personal development.” Second place is occupied by the answer indicating the desire of parents to prepare their child for school in a timely manner. Third place is occupied by answers that demonstrate the economic motives of the family, which considers kindergarten as a form of social support.

Since parents choose a kindergarten in order to “create a favorable situation for the personal development of the child,” the professional level of the teachers, as well as the assessment that the teachers give to the achievements of their child, is very significant for them. Special attention Highly wealthy parents who are sensitive to their own social status and transfer their expectations of “recognition” from others (including educators) to their own child show evaluation.

In connection with the increasing trends in the stratification of Russian society, one cannot fail to note such a feature as the interest of parents in the content of educational programs implemented in kindergartens. Parents with a high level of education show interest in the content of educational programs, but allow a fairly democratic attitude towards the children's social environment in which the child is raised; on the contrary, highly wealthy parents quite often do not have increased requirements for the content of education, but show high demands on the social composition of the families of kindergarten students and the social environment.

Aspects of parents' satisfaction with the operating conditions of the kindergarten are also changing. First of all, parents (primarily low-income ones) are concerned about the payment for maintaining a child in a preschool institution, which has recently increased significantly. Interest in the kindergarten's operating hours remains. There is a high interest among parents in providing services related to the correction of developmental disorders in children.

The family’s attitude towards kindergarten changes not only under the influence of objective factors, but also under the influence of actually unfolding interactions with specialists of the preschool educational institution (head, psychologist, teachers, music director, etc.)

Modern kindergarten. What is he like?

A kindergarten, organized as a social institution to support the family, today not only frees up parents’ time for work and study, but also helps raise a child, and, what is especially important for a growing person, provides the necessary conditions for the organization and development of a children’s community .

Every child needs interaction with a children's community of different ages, since it is an important source of sociocultural development. Psychologist M.V. Osorina, writes: “What

The older the child gets, the more persistently he tries to perform on the stage of life as a separate, independent and capable being from his mother... After three years, the child begins to pay more and more attention to his peers. He discovers that he can play not side by side, as he did before, but together. Between three and five years of age, the child intensively masters the difficult practice of interacting with others like him in play, and then in other situations.”

Play flourishes precisely in the children's community, determining the diversified development of a preschooler. Games and activities with children are a vivid impression of childhood, which adults remember years later, raising their own children, worrying about the unfolding relationships of their daughter (son) with peers, as well as younger and older children.

The kindergarten solves various educational problems: to help children learn to interact with the world around them, responding emotionally to its various manifestations; live together while asserting your own identity; express your thoughts, develop speech; engage in a variety of creative activities. The kindergarten fulfills an educational mission, complementing the education received in the family, through the application of scientifically verified principles of interaction with children.

The child’s integration into the group occurs through distribution and compliance with the rules that are created in this environment. In addition, in this collective life the child finds means and opportunities to influence the world and discover it for yourself. This greatly contributes to its development.

Domestic and foreign experts who study the educational potential of kindergarten consider it as a system where the relationships established between children allow them to better integrate into the society in which we live. In kindergarten, a new adult for a child is a respected person, and the child strives to best satisfy his requirements. Adults (teachers, assistant teachers, music director, psychologist, additional education specialists) perform the function of specific support and accompaniment of the child so that he can better integrate into the team. They enjoy a certain authority and are called upon to impart knowledge to children and foster a culture of behavior. In addition to the specific knowledge and skills that form an integral part of the kindergarten educational program, the primary task of the teacher is to teach children to live in a group.

Kindergarten encourages the child to acquire knowledge and skills that are different from those he received in the first years of life in the family. In kindergarten, his observation, curiosity, and mutual support develop: qualities necessary for further ascent to cultural values. New opportunities for experience and relationships with people open up for the child. In kindergarten, the child must learn to take care of himself and develop his autonomy within the team; change your views on the “other”.

Without disrupting interpersonal connections within the family, the expansion of the child’s social world gives family relationships a different tone, enriching them through meetings with other people and other groups. The child can compare this new experience with the one he received in the family.

The child is at the intersection of the family and non-family, social systems of the kindergarten, being in harmony or contradiction with them. In order not to remain associated only with his family, he must learn to combine different areas of socialization.

Different environments—the family and other socialization systems—play different roles and have different ideas, functions, and plans. A child is a participant in environments whose goals, norms and values ​​may be similar or conflict. Through these contradictions, a genuine, deeply internal transformation of a person takes place, and changes can also occur in the conditions of relations with the “other”.

1.1. Interaction with the family is an important area of ​​activity for the kindergarten.

The interaction between preschool teachers and parents as equal participants in the pedagogical process must be built on the basis of family requests, because It is she who is the main social customer.

Parents should have the constant opportunity to freely, at their own discretion, at a time convenient for them, get acquainted with the life and activities of the child in the preschool educational institution.

To achieve this, the kindergarten must become an open developmental space where parents and employees are equal partners in raising children.

Making a preschool institution “open” means making the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, and humanizing the relationship between children, teachers and parents. In other words, to create such conditions that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents) have a personal readiness to open themselves in some activity, event, talk about their joys, anxieties, successes and failures, etc. .

Only by giving parents the right to observe their child in play and other activities, to participate in them together with the children, to see the care, attention, and love of the teacher for the children, can one count on mutual understanding, trust, and a desire for future communication between parents and teachers.

At the same time, according to T.V. Antonova, if parents come to kindergarten only for meetings or holidays, then behind the pomp of the atmosphere and joyful mood they may not notice much of what they would like to know and adopt for themselves in the content and methods of the teacher’s work with children. But quite often they want not only to receive the necessary information, but also to hear good words about your child, find out how he lives in the kindergarten group, how his relationships develop not only with adults, but also with peers.

Interaction with parents affects all levels of kindergarten management, which include:

  • Head, Council of Preschool Educational Institution, Council of Teachers;

Medical and psychological service, senior educator (deputy head), deputy for administrative and economic affairs;

  • teachers, additional education specialists, parents;
  • children's group.

The preschool institution is headed by the head. He is a symbolic figure who represents the organization. He has moral and professional responsibility for everything that is done in the kindergarten; for how children, parents, and teachers feel in it.

The job responsibilities of the head of a kindergarten (in relation to the area of ​​work under consideration) include: ensuring effective interaction and cooperation with local governments, enterprises and organizations, the public, parents (or persons replacing them).

The senior educator mobilizes and accompanies teachers in solving the problem of interaction with the family, and involves parents and the public in its solution. In accordance with his official duties, he organizes educational work for parents and interacts with parents.

A teacher-psychologist is called upon to create psychologically safe conditions for the subjects of the educational process of a kindergarten: children, teachers, parents. In accordance with his job responsibilities, he:

  • provides assistance to educators, parents, and teaching staff in solving specific problems;

draws up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on research materials in order to orient the teaching staff, as well as parents, in the problems of personal and social development of students;

  • forms the psychological culture of students, teaching staff and parents, including the culture of sex education, etc.

The professional responsibility of the senior nurse is to work together with the family to raise a healthy child. She is required individual approach to each child and his family, developing relationships with the family based on trust, goodwill and cooperation. Senior nurse, in accordance with job responsibilities:

  • carries out advisory and educational work with teachers and parents on the prevention of diseases and compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules, to prevent the spread of infections, treatment of diseases at home, the formation healthy image life;
  • provides (if possible) the necessary assistance to the administration and teaching staff of the preschool educational institution in solving problems of preserving and strengthening the health of children, gives recommendations to parents on the treatment and rehabilitation of children, and refers them, if necessary, to other specialists;
  • when a child enters kindergarten, collects additional information from parents about the characteristics of his development and behavior;
  • participates in parent meetings.

The deputy head for administrative and economic affairs is a specialist who organizes the material and technical supply of the pedagogical process, ensures cleanliness and order in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten, fire protection, organization of work for service personnel, and provides assistance in landscaping the site kindergarten. In his job responsibilities, there is no indication of interaction with the family.

The kindergarten teacher also manages the process of interaction with the families of the students. The teacher, more than other kindergarten specialists included in the management system, is connected with the family, since he, like the parents, serves the cause of raising the child.

In this case, the teacher plays two roles: official and a trusting interlocutor who wants to help parents raise a child. A positive relationship between him and his mother develops if both parties speak with the right to their own position, as equal interlocutors. But at the same time, everyone has their own style of communication, ways of perception, carries their own experiences, which, with proper communication, become mutual. It is on these foundations that dialogue begins. However, in the practice of cooperation, quite often there is an authoritarian style of communication between the teacher and parents, when, acting as the master of the situation, the teacher dictates his terms to the family.

Providing assistance from specialists preschool educational institution for parents, will be successful only if kindergarten specialists study the family using a variety of methods and forms that allow a differentiated approach to parents and children.

The source of knowledge about the family is socio-pedagogical diagnostics, which involves the use of methods such as observation, conversation, questionnaires, essays, etc. Responsibility for organizing and conducting diagnostics is taken by the temporary diagnostic group of the kindergarten, which includes: social teacher (if he is included in the staffing table of the institution), senior teacher, educators. The leader of this group can be a social teacher or a senior educator (deputy head). The stages of socio-pedagogical family diagnostics are presented in Table 1.


Responsibility of the parties

Temporary diagnostic group of kindergarten





Determination of goals, objectives, diagnostic methods, and plan for its implementation

Creates a diagnostic project

Technical preparation for diagnostics

Preparation of necessary materials (forms, protocols, etc.)

Produces and replicates diagnostic material

Informing families about diagnostics

Informing families about socio-pedagogical diagnostics

Learns about the goals of diagnostics, clarifies the meaning of its implementation and makes a decision on participation in the examination and self-examination

Selects a form of informing parents, indicates to them the goals and methods of diagnosis, motivates them to actively participate

Carrying out


Distributing questionnaires among parents, conducting surveys, consulting

Receives material, clarifies assignment procedures, completes assignments

Instructs parents on the procedures for completing tasks and clarifies their meaning


Collecting materials, conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis

Hands over completed application forms, essay texts, etc.

Collects materials without applying pressure; studies the received material; conducts quantitative and qualitative analysis and presents it textually and graphically

information between kindergarten and family

Determination of forms of information exchange based on diagnostic results

Informs teachers about the results of self-diagnosis and self-analysis, formulates a request

Informs parents about diagnostic results, shows the problematic area of ​​raising children

Observation in the context of socio-pedagogical family diagnostics, it is a method of cognition and research used in studying the external manifestations of the behavior of parents and children (other family members) without interference from the observer.

In order to successfully study family behavior, educators (as well as other specialists) need to develop the ability to observe all external manifestations(actions, movements, speech, facial expressions of behavior), and most importantly, learn to correctly interpret their social meaning. Having a plan in advance can help with this, indicating what you need to pay special attention to.

Studying the behavior of a child, parents (other family members) is not limited to random observations of their interactions and statements. Only systematic, carefully thought-out recording of actions and statements can reveal the personality traits of the parenting adult and child.

Observation is carried out in natural conditions, in the morning - during reception hours, or in the evening when parents come to pick up the child, as well as at meetings (meetings, family club meetings, etc.). If possible, actions and appeals of parents and children (other family members) should be recorded and subsequently analyzed.

Ideas about the family and the nature of family relationships can also be obtained by observing the behavior of children in the role-playing games “Family” and “Mothers and Daughters”. As an example, here is a fragment of a recording role-playing game"Family", organized by children of the middle group.

The children comfortably settled down in the play corner, Sveta P. (5 years old) was the “mother”, she chose her “husband” and “father to her children” - Tolya G. (5 years old 2 months).

Sveta. Tolya, you are very similar to my dad, so you will be my husband. Tolya (with important look). Yes, I like being a “dad”. I’ll go to work, and you feed the children and take them to kindergarten. When I get back, tell me what you did all day.

The boy left, Sveta “cooked food,” “fed the children,” “took them to kindergarten.” Soon Tolya returned.

That's me (surprised). Here's another! You should pick it up from the garden, and I’ll lie on the sofa and read the newspaper. When you return, don't make any noise. Read a book, play with them outside. I'll watch TV, don't bother me. (He shook his finger.) I have no time to educate!!! (Copying his dad's voice.)

Sveta (with regret in her voice). No, you are not an interesting dad, I will look for another. I don't want such a husband. You don't like children, you don't play with us. We're disturbing you. At this point the game ended, Tolya went to play with construction sets, and Sveta went to look for a new “dad” for her children.

An excellent opportunity for natural observation and obtaining information about the family (its value orientations, parent-child relationships, traditions, etc.) is provided by visiting the student’s family.

Family visit

The family, as you know, is not only an open, but also a closed system. Therefore, it can be difficult for educators to visit a child’s family if trusting, open relationships have not been built between the adults raising them.

In order for a family visit not to take on the character of an intrusion that traumatizes both older and younger family members, the teacher must know some rules.

  • notify your parents in advance about your arrival, choosing a day convenient for both parties;
  • talk about the child, the development of his relationships with the world;
  • listen carefully to parents, empathize with them;
  • offer assistance in overcoming difficulties in raising a child;
  • ask for advice on how to interact with your child;
  • thank you for the opportunity to get to know the child’s home.
  • be late or arrive early, as well as cancel a meeting without agreement;
  • speak to parents in a categorical, edifying tone;
  • present a negative image of the child in a conversation with parents;
  • show excessive curiosity about marital relationships in the family;
  • take notes during a conversation (they can cause irritation, mistrust, and distract from the topic of conversation).

The purpose of visiting a child’s family may be to support the child’s success, develop contacts with the family, study the experience of family education, or jointly discuss the problems of raising a child that are significant for the family and the kindergarten. The results of the family visit serve as material for designing subsequent interactions with parents and other family members.

A conversation is a method of obtaining and correcting information based on communication. A conversation taking place in an atmosphere of goodwill allows the teacher to touch the inner world of the parent (child), to see successes and difficulties both in interaction with others and in family education.

The success of the conversation depends on pre-established contact, the degree of preparation of the conversation, and the ability to conduct it.

Questioning is a method of collecting information through written responses to posed questions. Questioning is the most popular method of studying the attitudes, preferences, and expectations of parents.

An important element of the questionnaire is an appeal to parents. Various options for addressing are possible: “Dear parents”, “Dear mothers and fathers”. The next element of the questionnaire is the preamble. Its importance cannot be underestimated. How you define the purpose of the survey, reveal the meaning and value of conducting it, and also provide explanations for filling out the questionnaire will determine the attitude of parents towards the survey.

An essay is a research method that allows you to see the author’s point of view on a specific issue (problem). This method is widely used in both socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological diagnostics.

The “Parental Essay” method allows you to: identify the characteristics of the parental position of the author of the essay and the type of family education he implements; obtain information about the child’s developmental history; obtain a description of the child’s developmental problems through the eyes of a parent, as well as identify areas of conflict in child-parent interaction.

An essay is an important step in a parent’s awareness and understanding of the problems of upbringing, the foundation for building a new system of communication and interaction with the child.

An excellent addition to parental essays is an interview with the child and the subsequent design of the presentation album “Here I am!” The purpose of the interview is to obtain information about the child’s perception of himself and his place in the family. To do this, a conversation-interview is conducted with the child, after which the information received is formatted as a “question-answer” type (with a photo of the child on one page and answers on the other):

  • What is your name?
  • What would you like to be called?
  • Who lives with you?
  • What's your favorite activity?
  • What don't you like to do?
  • Your favorite dish?
  • What are your favorite toys?

Summarizing the information received

The results obtained during diagnostics, as well as subsequent monitoring (periodic collection of information about the family and family education), need to be summarized and analyzed, in order to then make strategic and tactical decisions on this basis on the organization of interaction with the family.

Information can be systematized and reflected in a concise form in the “Family Card” (“Family Passport”), as well as annexes to the document.

Knowledge of the educational capabilities of the family is an important, but not the only component of the considered area of ​​interaction between the kindergarten and the family. The family also has the right to information about the kindergarten.

Forms of interaction between family and preschool educational institution

Not all families fully realize the full range of opportunities to influence the child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, and still others do not understand why this is necessary. In all cases, qualified assistance from a preschool institution is necessary.

Currently, individual work with families and a differentiated approach to families continue to be urgent tasks different types, care not to lose from the sight and influence of specialists not only difficult, but also not entirely successful in some specific, but important family issues.

Visiting the child's family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents, clarifying the conditions of upbringing, if it does not turn into a formal event. The teacher must agree in advance with the parents on a time that is convenient for them to visit, and also determine the purpose of his visit. Coming to a child's home means coming to visit. So you have to be in good mood, friendly, friendly. You should forget about complaints, comments, avoid criticism of parents, their family economy, way of life, give advice (single ones!) tactfully, unobtrusively. The child’s behavior and mood (joyful, relaxed, quiet, embarrassed, friendly) will also help to understand the psychological climate of the family.

Open Day, being a fairly common form of work, it makes it possible to acquaint parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, and educational features. educational work, interest her and attract her participation. It is conducted as a tour of a preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of visiting parents are raised. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, getting ready for a walk, etc.). After the tour and viewing, the head or methodologist talks with the parents, finds out their impressions, and answers any questions that have arisen.

Conversations are carried out both individually and in groups. In both cases, the goal is clearly defined: what needs to be found out, how we can help. The content of the conversation is concise, meaningful for parents, and presented in such a way as to encourage the interlocutors to speak out. The teacher must be able not only to speak, but also to listen to parents, express his interest and goodwill.

Consultations. Usually a system of consultations is drawn up, which are carried out individually or for a subgroup of parents. You can invite parents of different groups who have the same problems or, conversely, successes in education (capricious children; children with pronounced abilities in drawing and music) to group consultations. The goals of the consultation are for parents to acquire certain knowledge and skills; helping them resolve problematic issues. The forms of consultation are different (a qualified message from a specialist followed by discussion; a discussion of an article read in advance by all those invited to the consultation; a practical lesson, for example, on the topic “How to teach a poem to children”).

Parents, especially young ones, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of teaching and show them: how to read a book, look at illustrations, talk about what they read, how to prepare a child’s hand for writing, how to exercise the articulatory apparatus, etc.

Parent meetings Group and general sessions are held (for parents of the entire institution). General meetings are organized 2-3 times a year. They discuss tasks for the new school year, the results of educational work, issues of physical education and problems of the summer health period, etc. You can invite a doctor, lawyer, or children's writer to the general meeting. Parent speeches will be provided.

Group meetings are held every 2-3 years. 2-3 questions are brought up for discussion (one question is prepared by the teacher, on others you can invite parents or one of the specialists to speak). Every year, it is advisable to devote one meeting to discussing family experiences in raising children. A topic is chosen that is topical for this group, for example, “Why don’t our children like to work?”, “How to raise children’s interest in books,” “Is TV a friend or foe in raising children?”

Parent conferences. The main goal of the conference is to exchange experiences in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, and the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance in choosing a topic and preparing a speech. A specialist may speak at the conference. His speech is given “as a seed” to provoke discussion, and if possible, then discussion. The conference can be held within one preschool institution, but conferences on city and regional scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the current topic of the conference (“Caring for the health of children”, “Introducing children to the national culture”, “The role of the family in raising a child”). An exhibition of children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. is being prepared for the conference. The conference can be concluded with a joint concert of children, preschool staff, and family members.

Stands- This is a visual form of presenting information. It is advisable to post three types of information for parents on stands: strategic (long-term), tactical (annual), and operational. Strategic information is the information parents need about the development goals of preschool educational institutions for the future, about the implementation educational program. Tactical information is information about the child’s daily routine, the tasks and content of educational work in the group for the year. Operational information is information about expected or past events in a group, kindergarten, district (promotions, competitions, exhibitions, meetings in parent club, excursions).

It is important for educators to remember that current information quickly becomes outdated and loses its relevance for parents, which means it must be constantly updated.

Poster information becomes attractive to parents if it:

  • structured by areas (for example, “parents and children”,
  • responds to parental information requests;
  • aesthetically designed;
  • contains text and photographs.

A memo is a well-structured short text that reminds of something, and also encourages parents to consciously raise their children in the family and cooperate with the kindergarten in the implementation of various educational tasks. Most often, all parents receive reminders as part of events held in the kindergarten for children and parents (parent meetings, conferences, consultations, etc.). If the family did not participate in the meeting for one reason or another, they can receive a reminder on an individual basis with appropriate verbal recommendations.

A booklet is a publication printed on one sheet, which is folded with parallel folds in such a way that it can be read and viewed without cutting, but opening it like a screen.

Booklets for parents are an excellent means of informing them about advances in the science and practice of educating preschoolers (including the achievements of a particular institution), as well as presenting (covering) parents of their own family resources in the development of the child’s personality. An example of such coverage of the value of personal communication between parents and their child is booklets with a detailed description of weekend walking routes. Compiled by teachers, they help parents live unforgettable minutes and hours of joint Sunday rest in an interesting way, with benefits for child-adult relationships.

Handwritten newspapers and magazines

The purpose of publishing newspapers and magazines in kindergarten is to attract the attention of parents to various aspects of the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten and family, as well as an invitation to cooperation. Handwritten newspapers and magazines tell parents about the characteristics of the physical, mental, social development pre-school children; about the life of children in kindergarten (often in a humorous form); give recommendations on the upbringing and education of children of early and early childhood preschool age. This form is convenient because parents can read a newspaper or magazine while, for one reason or another, they are waiting for their child in the reception area.

To organize the publication of a newspaper (magazine), an editorial board is created. Each member of the editorial board is responsible for a specific section. Long-term planning plays a primary role in the work of the editorial board. It allows you to avoid spontaneity in collecting information, and also not to miss anything significant from the sphere of attention. The editor of a handwritten newspaper (magazine) can be the leader of a kindergarten (senior teacher, educator, psychologist) or a parent (for example, the chairman of the parent committee), who is sensitive to words and interested in the world of childhood.

Various factors are invaluable in developing relationships with family. correspondence forms.

A note is a written message expressed in a short, concise form. A request note indicates the need for business communication to resolve various issues. A weekly note addressed directly to the student’s parents informs the family about the child’s health, mood, behavior in kindergarten, favorite activities, relationships with peers and other important information.

A personal notebook (notebook) is a written form of daily exchange of information between the kindergarten and the family. Such notebooks

(notebooks) can travel between the kindergarten and the family every day. In them, parents can inform educators about the child’s successes in various fields of activity, special family events (travels, birthdays, visits to the theater), etc.


An exhibition is a collection of objects (drawings, photographs, books and magazines, etc.) arranged for viewing by children and adults.

Exhibitions of children's works about

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Consultation for teachers

“Modern forms and methods of working with families”

When organizing joint work of a preschool educational institution with families, it is necessary to observe the basic principles:

openness of the kindergarten to the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);

cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children;

creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team;

diagnosis of general and specific problems in the development and upbringing of a child.

The main goal of teachers of preschool education institutions- professionally help the family in raising children, without replacing it, but complementing it and ensuring a more complete implementation of its educational functions:

development of the child’s interests and needs;

distribution of duties and responsibilities between parents in constantly changing situations of raising children;

supporting openness in relationships between different generations in the family;

developing a family lifestyle, forming family traditions;

understanding and acceptance of the child’s individuality, trust and respect for him as a unique person.

This goal is achieved through the following tasks:

fostering respect for childhood and parenthood;

interaction with parents to study their family microenvironment;

increasing and promoting the general culture of the family and the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;

providing practical and theoretical assistance to parents of students through the transmission of the fundamentals of theoretical knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities practical work with kids;

use with parents various forms cooperation and joint creativity, based on an individually differentiated approach to families.

Work with parents should be based on the following: stages.

Thinking through the content and forms of work with parents. Conducting a quick survey to study their needs. It is important not only to let the parent know what the preschool wants to do with their child, but also to know what the parent expects from the preschool. It should be taken into account that some parents prefer to work with their child themselves, and consider kindergarten only as an environment for playful communication with their son or daughter. The obtained data should be used for further work.

Establishing friendly relations between teachers and parents with a view to future business cooperation. It is necessary to interest parents in the work that is supposed to be carried out with them, to form a positive image of the child in them.

Parents' formation of more full image their child and his correct perception by imparting to them knowledge, information that cannot be obtained in the family and which turns out to be unexpected and interesting for them. This may be information about some features of the child’s communication with peers, his attitude to work, and achievements in productive activities.

Familiarization of the teacher with family problems in raising a child. At this stage, educators enter into dialogue with parents, who play an active role here, talking during the teacher’s visit to the family not only about the positive, but also about the difficulties, anxieties, and negative behavior of the child.

Joint research with adults and the formation of the child’s personality. At this stage, the specific content of the work is planned and forms of cooperation are selected.

All forms with parents are divided into:

collective, individual and visual information;

traditional and non-traditional.

Collective forms involve working with all or a large number of parents of the institution (group). These are joint events between teachers and parents. Some of them involve the participation of children.

Customized forms are intended for differentiated work with parents of pupils.

Visual information - play the role of indirect communication between teachers and parents.

Currently, stable forms of work between kindergartens and families have emerged, which in preschool pedagogy are generally considered traditional. These are time-tested forms of work. Their classification, structure, content, and effectiveness are described in many scientific and methodological sources. These forms include pedagogical education of parents.

Particularly popular with both teachers and parents non-traditional forms communication. They are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better because they see him in a different, new environment and become closer to teachers.

Practice has already accumulated a variety of non-traditional forms, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied and generalized. However, today they have changed principles, on the basis of which communication between teachers and parents is built. It is built on the basis of dialogue, openness, sincerity, refusal of criticism and evaluation of the communication partner. Therefore, these forms are considered non-traditional.

The dominant role among forms of communication between teacher and parents continues to play to this day. cognitive forms organizing their relationships. They are designed to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, and, therefore, to contribute to changing the views of parents on raising a child in a family environment, and to develop reflection. In addition, these forms of interaction make it possible to familiarize parents with the characteristics of age and psychological development children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of their practical skills. Parents see the child in an environment different from home, and also observe the process of his communication with other children and adults.

The leaders in this group are still: traditional collective forms of communication :

General parent meeting. Its goal is to coordinate the actions of the parent community and teaching staff on issues of education, upbringing, health improvement and development of students. Problems of raising children are discussed at general parent meetings . Like any parent meeting, it requires careful preliminary preparation. For parents newly admitted to the institution, it is advisable to give a tour of the kindergarten with an explanation of the profile and tasks of the institution, and introduce them to specialists; you can publish a booklet, advertisement telling about a specific institution or show a presentation; organize an exhibition of children's works, etc.

Pedagogical council with the participation of parents. The goal of this form of work with families is to involve parents in actively understanding the problems of raising children in the family based on individual needs.

Parent conference - one of the forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents. The value of this type of work is that it involves not only parents, but also the public. Teachers, employees of the district education department, representatives of medical services, teachers, educational psychologists, etc. speak at the conferences. In addition, this form allows teachers, specialists and parents to simulate life situations by playing them out. This enables parents not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of raising children, but also to establish trusting relationships with teachers and specialists.

Thematic consultations are organized with the goal of answering all questions that interest parents. Part of the consultation is devoted to the difficulties of raising children. They can be carried out by specialists on general and special issues, for example, the development of musicality in a child, the protection of his psyche, teaching literacy, etc. Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the latter involve dialogue, it is led by the organizer of the conversations. The teacher strives to give parents qualified advice and teach something. This form helps to get to know the life of a family more closely and provide help where it is needed most; it encourages parents to take a serious look at their children and think about the best ways to raise them. The main purpose of the consultation is for parents to make sure that in kindergarten they can receive support and advice. There are also “correspondence” consultations. A box (envelope) is being prepared for parents' questions. While reading the mail, the teacher can prepare a complete answer in advance, study the literature, consult with colleagues, or redirect the question. This form received a response from parents. As our experience of conducting “correspondence” consultations showed, parents asked a variety of questions that they did not want to talk about out loud.

Pedagogical council. According to some modern authors (E.P. Arnautova, V. Lapitskaya, etc.), this form can and should be used when working with parents. It helps to better and more deeply understand the state of relationships in a particular family, and provide effective practical assistance in a timely manner (if, of course, the parents have a desire to change something in the current situation).

The council can include a teacher, head, deputy head for main activities, educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, head nurse, and members of the parent committee. At the consultation, the educational potential of the family, its financial situation and the status of the child in the family are discussed. The outcome of the consultation could be:

availability of information about the characteristics of a particular family;

determination of measures to assist parents in raising a child;

development of a program for individual correction of parental behavior.

Parent Group Meetings- this is a form of organized familiarization of parents with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family (the problems of the group’s life are discussed).

It is recommended to hold 3-4 meetings a year, lasting 1.5 hours. Topics should be formulated problematically, for example: “Is your child obedient?”, “How to play with a child?”, “Should children be punished?” and etc.

When preparing for a parent meeting, you should adhere to the following rules:

the meeting must be purposeful;

meet the needs and interests of parents;

have a clearly defined practical nature;

be carried out in the form of dialogue;

At the meeting, you should not make public the failures of children or the miscalculations of parents in their upbringing.

The agenda of meetings can be varied, taking into account the wishes of parents. Traditionally, it includes reading a report, although this should be avoided; it is better to conduct a dialogue using methods of activating parents. According to lecturers, “reading from a piece of paper causes sleep with with open eyes" It is not recommended to use official words like “report”, “events”, “agenda”, “attendance is strictly required” when working with parents. If a teacher reads the text without stopping, one gets the impression that he is incompetent in the issues being presented. In the message, it is important to present the characteristics of the life of the group and each child. Kindergarten specialists (doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.), as well as specialists among parents who are involved in preschool childhood (pediatrician, lawyer, librarian, etc.) can participate in speaking at meetings.

The meeting is prepared in advance, the announcement is posted 3-5 days in advance. The ad can include small tasks for parents, for example, observing children’s behavior, developed skills, paying attention to children’s questions, etc. The tasks are determined by the topic of the upcoming meeting. Experience shows that parents respond more actively to individual invitations, especially if children took part in their preparation.

When preparing for a meeting, you can use the following plan:

Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled out at home before the meeting, and their results are used during the meeting.

Making invitations for each family (in the form of an applique, drawing, postcard, etc.). It is important that children take part in making invitations.

Making leaflets with tips on the topic of the meeting. Their content should be brief and the text should be printed in large font.

Preparation of competitions and exhibitions.

Tape recording of children's answers on the topic of the meeting.

Meeting invitation fairy tale hero(use of a surprise moment).

Preparation of posters on the topic of the meeting, etc.

Now meetings are being replaced by new non-traditional forms. "Round table". In a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, current problems of education are discussed with parents

Open classes with children in a preschool institution for parents. Parents are introduced to the structure and specifics of conducting classes in a preschool institution. You can include elements of a conversation with parents in the lesson.

These forms have been used before. However, today the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, refusal to criticize and evaluate the communication partner. Therefore, these forms can also be considered non-traditional. For example, this could be holding parent meetings based on famous television games: “KVN”, “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”, “Through the Mouth of a Baby” and others. An informal approach to organizing and conducting these forms of communication confronts educators with the need to use a variety of methods for activating parents. These “old forms with a new twist” include:

"Open Days". Currently they are becoming widespread. However, today we can talk about this form of communication between teachers and parents as non-traditional, due to changes in the principles of interaction between teachers and parents. According to researchers, a preschool institution is able to fully satisfy the needs of parents only if it is an open system. “Open Days” give parents the opportunity to see the style of communication between teachers and children, and to “get involved” in the communication and activities of children and teachers. If previously it was not assumed that a parent could be an active participant in the life of children when visiting a group, now preschool institutions strive not only to demonstrate the pedagogical process to parents, but also to involve them in it. On this day, parents, as well as other people close to the child who are directly involved in his upbringing (grandparents, brothers and sisters), have the opportunity to freely visit the preschool; walk through all its premises, get acquainted with the life of a child in kindergarten, see how the child studies and relaxes, communicate with his friends and teachers. Parents, observing the activities of the teacher and children, can themselves participate in games, activities, etc.

Clubs for parents. This form of communication presupposes the establishment of a trusting relationship between teachers and parents, awareness by teachers of the importance of family in raising a child, and by parents that teachers have the opportunity to help them in solving emerging difficulties in upbringing. Meetings of clubs for parents are held regularly. The choice of topic for discussion is determined by the interests and requests of the parents. Teachers strive not only to prepare useful and interesting information themselves on a problem that worries parents, but also invite various specialists

Oral pedagogical journal. The magazine consists of 3-6 pages, each lasting from 5 to 10 minutes. The total duration is no more than 40 minutes. The short duration of time is of no small importance, since parents are often limited in time due to various objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, it is important that a sufficiently large amount of information placed in a relatively short period of time is of significant interest to parents. Each page of the magazine is an oral message that can be illustrated with teaching aids, listening to tape recordings, exhibitions of drawings, crafts, and books. Parents are offered literature in advance to familiarize themselves with the problem, practical tasks, Issues for discussion. Sample topics for Oral Journals suggested by teachers: “At the threshold of the school”, “Ethics” family relations", "The influence of nature on spiritual development child" and others. It is important that the topics are relevant to parents, meet their needs and help solve the most important issues in raising children.

Evenings questions and answers. This form allows parents to clarify their pedagogical knowledge, apply it in practice, learn about something new, expand each other’s knowledge, and discuss some problems of children’s development.

"Parent University". In order to work " Parent University"was more productive, activities with parents in a preschool institution can be organized at different levels: general kindergarten, intra-group, individual-family.

It can operate different departments according to the needs of parents:

“Department of Competent Motherhood” (Being a mother is my new profession).

“Department of Effective Parenting” (Mom and Dad are the first and main teachers).

“Department of Family Traditions” (Grandparents are the custodians of family traditions).

Mini-meetings. An interesting family is identified and its experience of upbringing is studied. Next, she invites two or three families who share her position in family education. Thus, in narrow circle a topic of interest to everyone is discussed.

Research and design, role-playing, simulation and business games. During these games, participants not only “absorb” certain knowledge, but construct new model actions, relationships. During the discussion, the game participants, with the help of specialists, try to analyze the situation from all sides and find an acceptable solution. Approximate themes of the games could be: “Morning in your home”, “Walk in your family”, “Weekend: what is it like?”

Trainings. Training game exercises and tasks help evaluate different ways of interacting with a child, choose more successful forms addressing him and communicating with him, replacing unwanted ones with constructive ones. Parent involved in game training, begins communication with the child, comprehends new truths.

Days of good deeds. Days of voluntary, feasible assistance from parents to a group, preschool institution - repair of toys, furniture, group, assistance in creating a subject-development environment in the group. This form allows you to establish an atmosphere of warm, friendly relationships between the teacher and parents. Depending on the work plan, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for parental assistance, discuss each visit, the type of assistance that the parent can provide, etc.

Similar forms: Communication days, Father's Day (grandparents, etc.)

The cognitive group includes customized forms interactions with parents. The advantage of this form of work with parents is that through studying the specifics of the family, conversations with parents (with each individual), observing the communication of parents with children, both in a group and at home, teachers outline specific ways of joint interaction with the child.

Pedagogical conversations with parents. Providing timely assistance to parents on one or another issue of education. This is one of the most accessible forms of establishing communication with family. The conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting or family visit.

The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue; Its peculiarity is the active participation of both the teacher and parents. Conversations can arise spontaneously at the initiative of both parents and teachers. The latter thinks through what questions he will ask the parents, announces the topic and asks them to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer. When planning the topics of conversations, we must strive to cover, as far as possible, all aspects of education. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on the issues of teaching and raising a preschooler. In addition, conversations must meet certain requirements:

be specific and meaningful;

give parents new knowledge on issues of teaching and raising children;

awaken interest in pedagogical problems;

increase the sense of responsibility for raising children.

As a rule, the conversation begins with general questions; it is necessary to provide facts that positively characterize the child. It is recommended to think through in detail its beginning, on which success and progress depend. The conversation is individual and addressed to specific people. The teacher should select recommendations that are suitable for a given family and create an environment conducive to “pour out” the soul. For example, a teacher wants to find out the features of raising a child in a family. You can start this conversation with a positive description of the child, showing, even if insignificant, his successes and achievements. Then you can ask your parents how they managed to achieve positive results in education. Next, you can tactfully dwell on the problems of raising a child, which, in the teacher’s opinion, still need to be improved. For example: “At the same time, I would like to pay attention to the education of hard work, independence, strengthening the child, etc.” Give specific advice.

Family visit. The main purpose of the visit is to get to know the child and his loved ones in a familiar environment. By playing with a child, in a conversation with his loved ones, you can find out a lot of necessary information about the baby, his preferences and interests, etc. The visit benefits both parents and the teacher: parents get an idea of ​​how the teacher communicates with the child, have the opportunity in a familiar environment to ask questions that concern them regarding the upbringing of their child, and allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, with the general atmosphere in the house, traditions and morals of the family.

The teacher of each age group must visit the families of his pupils. Each visit has its own purpose. The purpose of the first visit to the family is to find out the general conditions of family upbringing and to examine the child’s living conditions. Repeat visits are scheduled as needed.

When organizing a home visit, you must comply with the following conditions:

be tactful when visiting family;

do not start a conversation in the family about the child’s shortcomings;

do not ask parents many questions about raising children;

Make yourself a reminder about organizing home visits and try to follow it.

Individual consultations. Consultations are similar in nature to conversation. The difference is that a conversation is a dialogue between a teacher and a parent, and when conducting a consultation and answering parents’ questions, the teacher strives to give qualified advice.

Individual notepads, where the teacher records the children's successes in various types of activities, parents can mark what interests them in raising their children.

These forms also include:

"Young Family School";

execution of individual orders;


Trust mail;

piggy bank of Good deeds, etc.

Leisure forms communication organizations are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. In the future, it will be easier for teachers to establish contacts with them and provide pedagogical information. Such forms of cooperation with the family can be effective only if educators pay sufficient attention to the pedagogical content of the event, and the establishment of informal trusting relationships with parents is not the main goal of communication.

Holidays, matinees, events (concerts, competitions). This group of forms includes the holding by teachers of preschool institutions of such traditional joint holidays and leisure activities as “New Year's Eve”, “Christmas fun”, “Maslenitsa” , "Mom's Day" Best dad", "Dad, Mom, I - a friendly family", "Harvest Festival", etc. . evening of interaction “How we welcomed spring” . You can’t do without sports entertainment such as “Zarnichka” and the family Olympic Games. Such evenings help create emotional comfort in the group and bring together the participants in the pedagogical process. Parents can show their ingenuity and imagination in various competitions. They can act as direct participants: participate in writing the script, read poems, sing songs, play musical instruments and tell stories. interesting stories etc.

Exhibitions of works by parents and children, family opening days. Such exhibitions, as a rule, demonstrate the results of joint activities of parents and children. This is an important moment in building relationships between a child and a parent and is significant for the teacher (increasing the activity of parents in the life of the group, one of the indicators of comfort intra-family relations). For example, the exhibitions “A birch tree stood in the field”, “Miracles for children from unnecessary things”, vernissages “Mom’s hands, dad’s hands and my little hands”, “Nature and fantasy”

Joint hikes and excursions. The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships. As a result, children develop hard work, accuracy, attention to loved ones, and respect for work. This is the beginning patriotic education, love for the Motherland is born from a feeling of love for one’s family. Children return from these trips enriched with new impressions about nature, insects, and their region. Then they enthusiastically draw, make crafts from natural materials, and design exhibitions of joint creativity.

Charity events. This form of joint activity has great educational significance not only for children who learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give. Parents will also not remain indifferent, seeing how their child enthusiastically plays with friends in kindergarten in a game long abandoned at home, and the favorite book has become even more interesting and sounds new in the circle of friends. And this is a lot of work, educating the human soul. For example, the “Give a book to a friend” campaign. Thanks to this form of work with parents, the group’s library can be updated and expanded.

Visual and informational forms of interaction with parents.

These forms of communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool institution, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, revise the methods and techniques of home education, and more objectively see the activities of the teacher.

Visual information forms are conditionally divided into two subgroups:

The tasks of one of them are informational and educational- is to familiarize parents with the preschool institution itself, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and overcoming superficial opinions about the work of the preschool institution.

Tasks of another group - outreach- are close to the tasks of cognitive forms and are aimed at enriching parents’ knowledge about the characteristics of the development and upbringing of preschool children. Their specificity lies in the fact that the communication between teachers and parents here is not direct, but indirect - through newspapers, the organization of exhibitions, etc., therefore they were separated into an independent subgroup, and not combined with cognitive forms.

In their use, it is necessary to observe the principle of purposefulness and the principle of systematicity. The main task of these forms of work is to acquaint parents with the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children in a group and to help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and to provide practical assistance to the family. These include:

tape recording (dictaphone) of conversations with children,

video fragments of the organization of various types of activities, routine moments, classes;


exhibitions of children's works,

stands, screens, sliding folders.

In pedagogical practice, various types of visualization are used and combined:





Corner for parents. It is impossible to imagine a kindergarten without a beautifully and originally designed parent corner. It contains information useful for parents and children: the group’s daily routine, class schedule, daily menu, useful articles and reference materials for parents. Parent corner materials can be divided into two parts according to content:

informational materials: rules for parents, daily routine, announcements of various types;

materials covering the issues of raising children in kindergarten and family. They reflect the current work on the upbringing and development of children. Parents will clearly see how they can equip a corner or room for their child, receive answers to their questions, and find out what consultations will be held in the near future.

The main thing is that the content of the parent corner should be brief, clear, and legible, so that parents would have a desire to refer to its content. It is also very important not only to fill the corner with the latest and most useful information, but also to make it colorful and eye-catching. To do this you need:

Choose a suitable place on the wall. It is advisable to place a corner opposite the front door or immediately above the cabinets in the dressing room. This way, the necessary information will immediately catch the parents’ eyes. Make room on the wall for the future parent's corner. Make a flatbed stand out of plywood or buy a ready-made one, preferably a collapsible one, so that you can increase or decrease the area of ​​the stand if necessary.

Decide what exactly will fill the parent stand. There must be posters with background information: parents about the rights of the child, life safety for parents (personal safety rules), parents and the second child, advice from doctors, parents and their responsibilities, etc.

Prepare and post information about children's institution and staff, indicating contact numbers. This will give parents the opportunity to receive personal advice if necessary. The daily schedule, daily menu, information about the students in the group (height, weight and other indicators) - all this is an indispensable part of the parent's corner.

Exhibitions, vernissages of children's works. Their goal is to demonstrate to parents important sections of the program or the children’s progress in mastering the program (drawings, homemade toys, children’s books, albums, etc.).

For example: an exhibition dedicated to sections of the program “Fine art activities of children in the family and kindergarten”, “Toys and their educational role” or exhibitions of children’s works “Autumn - stocking up”, “Winter has come”, etc.

Information sheets. They may contain the following information:

information about additional classes with children announcements about meetings, events, excursions;

requests for help;

thanks to volunteer helpers, etc.

Reminders for parents. A short description (instructions) of the correct (competent) procedure for performing any actions

Mobile folders. They are formed according to the thematic principle: “So that our children do not get sick,” “The role of the father in raising children,” etc. The folder is given for temporary use to parents. When parents become familiar with the contents of the travel folder, you should talk with them about what they read, answer questions that have arisen, listen to suggestions, etc.

Parent newspaper prepared by the parents themselves. In it, they note interesting incidents from the life of the family and share their experiences of education on certain issues. For example, “Family day off”, “My mom”, “My dad”, “I’m at home”, etc.

Videos. They are created on a specific topic, for example, “Labor education of a child in the family,” “Labor education of children in kindergarten,” etc.

These forms of work with parents include:

design of photomontages;

joint creation of a subject-development environment;

family and group albums “Our Friendly Family”, “Our Life Day by Day”, “Education from All Sides”;

photo exhibitions “My grandmother is the best”, “Mom and me, happy moments”, “Dad, mom, me - a friendly family”;

emotional corner “This is how I am today”, “Hello, I’m here” and others.

Information and analytical forms of organizing interaction with parents

The main task information and analytical forms Organizations of communication with parents include the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, whether they have the necessary pedagogical knowledge, the family’s attitude towards the child, requests, interests, and needs of parents for psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, person-oriented approach to a child in a preschool setting, increase the effectiveness of educational work with children and build competent communication with their parents.

Questioning. One of the most common diagnostic methods, which is used to study the family, determine the educational needs of parents, establish contact with its members, and coordinate educational influences on the child.

Having received the real picture, based on the collected data, the teacher determines and develops communication tactics with each parent and child. This helps to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.

Based on questionnaire data, it is possible to develop criteria for the “involvement” of parents in the educational process. It can reflect quantitative indicators of parental presence at group events: attendance at parent-teacher meetings and consultations; the presence of parents at children's parties, the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions and thematic classes; participation in exhibitions, opening days; publication of magazines and books; visiting the “Open Day”; assistance from parents in equipping the pedagogical process. As well as quality indicators: initiative, responsibility, parents’ attitude towards the products of joint activities of children and adults. This analysis allows us to identify three groups of parents.

Parents are leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process, see the value of any work of a child care institution.

Parents are performers who participate subject to meaningful motivation.

Parents are critical observers. A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the educational process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”

All this will help the teacher find a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

What is new in the practice of kindergarten work with families is the use of written forms of communication with parents. How and when to use written forms of communication? When time constraints or difficulties with your parents' work schedule prevent you from meeting with them in person; If you don't have a phone or want to discuss an issue in person, some forms of written communication can help you stay in touch with your parents. But you should not abuse such forms of communication. Since they do not contribute to the cohesion of the parent-child team of the group. And some (brochure, manual, newsletter, report) are more suitable for organizing work with parents throughout the kindergarten.

Brochures. Brochures help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of the kindergarten and give general information about it.

Benefits. Benefits contain detailed information about kindergarten. Families can access benefits throughout the year.

Bulletin. A newsletter can be issued once or twice a month to keep families informed about special events, program changes, and more.

Weekly notes. A weekly note addressed directly to parents informs the family about the child's health, mood, behavior in kindergarten, his favorite activities and other information.

Informal notes. Caregivers can send short notes home with the child to inform the family about the child's new achievement or skill just mastered, to thank the family for the help provided; there may be recordings of children's speech, interesting statements from the child, etc. Families can also send notes to the kindergarten expressing gratitude or containing requests.

Personal notebooks. Such notebooks can travel between the kindergarten and the family every day to share information about what is happening at home and in the kindergarten. Families can notify providers about special family events such as birthdays, new job, trips, guests.

Bulletin board. A notice board is a wall display that informs parents about meetings for the day, etc.

Suggestion box. This is a box in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, allowing them to share their thoughts with a group of educators.

Reports. Written reports of child development are a form of communication with families that can be useful, provided they do not replace face-to-face contact.