Game training for kindergarten parents. Training for parents of preschool educational institutions “Let's get to know each other. Relaxation “Weather massage”

Training for parents “The Joy of Parenting”

Target: awareness of the parental role, determination of true values ​​in one’s life and realization of one’s capabilities in raising a child.
- Learn to resolve conflicts peacefully, without exerting influence from a position of power;
- Find ways leading to the child’s development of a correct assessment of his actions;
- Understand the ultimate goals that the child pursues with his behavior;
- Become a happy and calm parent.
Form: class.
Required materials and equipment: sheets of paper for each participant, flipchart, tape, colored and simple pencils, markers, felt-tip pens, spectrocards by U. Khalkol, A. I. Kopytin, smiley ball, wide ribbon or handkerchief - 6 pcs.

Progress of the lesson:

Leading y: As children, we promised ourselves more than once not to repeat the mistakes of our parents when we grew up. How many of us have more than once said to ourselves: “I will never do this to my own child”? But when children appear, neither the promises we once made to ourselves, nor the piles of books on child psychology and pedagogy, nor the advice of friends, and especially grandmothers, help us... Errors in upbringing lead to the fact that children become secretive and uncontrollable, Child aggression strains family relationships, and often even leads to parents’ divorce!
Today we will talk about how to change adult attitude to the characteristics of children's behavior and childhood problems. About how to build communication and cooperation between adults and children. Let's discuss how you can learn to be a successful parent and teacher.
1. Greeting “Pass the package”
Goal: to stimulate the attention of training participants, activate their creative abilities, attract parents to joint activities, help parents get to know each other.
Host: Before we get to work, let's get ready for joint activities. A warm-up game will help us get in the mood. I suggest you paper bag, in which the tasks are written. Pass the package around or throw it to each other. We will begin the task with musical accompaniment. When the music stops, the one who has the package at that moment opens it and takes the first piece of paper that comes into his hands, reads it and completes the task. The game will continue until all the leaves in the bag are gone.
(Examples of questions and tasks: name your favorite color, say your name, favorite hobby, what music do you listen to, what qualities do you value in people, what is your favorite movie, sing your favorite song, what time of year do you like most, a vivid memory from childhood, what did you want to become as a child and has your dream come true?)
2. Rules
Message from the psychologist about the rules of the group (prepare on a separate poster).
Discussion and explanation of the need for each group member to follow all the rules. List of rules:
Activity. Try to participate in all exercises.
Only one person can speak during class. Don't interrupt! Respect each other! You can only talk in a circle, you cannot whisper with your neighbor
Raised hand rule. We don’t shout, if you really want to say something, raise your hands.
We only discuss what is happening here and now.
You can only tell other people, even loved ones, about what you yourself did or felt during the training. You cannot talk about how other group members behaved or what they said.
Stop rule. If you are not ready to discuss this topic, then you can skip the move.

3. Presentation “Let’s get to know each other” (work in diaries)
Presenter: Dear parents! Our meeting will be unusual. I suggest you leave everything that happens in your memory. I offer each of you a diary for work at today's meeting. I recommend being frank, sincere, and open in your answers, because this will help you find gaps in your child’s upbringing and analyze them. Your answers will be confidential, so I hope for cooperation and achieving complete mutual understanding.
Open the diaries and fill out the first page.
Your credo_______________________________________________________________________________
Your family values_______________________________________________________________
To make your work more efficient, I suggest you fill out business cards with your name.
4. Conversation “Remember our parents”
Your child has begun to grow up. You see a lot of changes in him, you try to change your approaches in communicating with him. You are looking for new ways to influence him, “enter the role” of a strict or, conversely, a kind parent. You may not even realize that you have internalized ideas about the role of parenting long before you had children. Of course, you learned this idea by observing the behavior own parents(or other people who cared for you) and evaluating their attitude towards you and each other. Think back to your parents' behavior when you were teenagers. How much influence could your parents’ behavior at that time have had on your current attitude towards your own children?
- What were your parents like? Were they loving, cruel, gentle, dispassionate, strict, forgiving, honest?
-What was the dominant expression on their faces? Did they smile, frown, or avoid eye contact?
- How did they treat you when they were angry? Did they yell at you, scold you, or punish you, and if so, how?
- Did they give preference to any of the children if you had brothers or sisters?
- Remember the worst and the best things you ever heard from them. How did they express their anger, fear, love, sadness?
- Did they try to manipulate you? If they tried, then in what way - by making you feel guilty, by scaring you, by bribing you, by lavishing you with false compliments?
- What were their life mottos or family proverbs (For example, “The slower you go, the further you will go.”) Did these sayings prove useful or constraining for you?
- Did you trust your parents? Did they lie to you?
- Did they compete with you or with each other?
- Did you have the feeling that, in general, they were on your side?
- What did you especially not like about them? Why?
- What did you especially like about them? Why?

Your answers will give you the opportunity to learn more about what your parents were like. Use this information to better understand how you are similar to or different from them.
Review your answers and ask yourself, “In what ways can I copy them?” What mannerisms, gestures or tone of voice are reminiscent of your parents? Also ask yourself: “In what ways am I consciously trying to be different from them?”
This exercise is an example of how the decisions we make based on early experiences become part of our world and have a strong influence on the development of our personality.
5. Exercise “What will I take from the experience of my parents.”
Goal: to analyze the experience of one’s own upbringing and identify positive and negative sides influence family education.
(At the beginning of the exercise, the facilitator asks the group to remember stories from their childhood, parenting methods that their parents used on them in childhood).
Host: I suggest you divide the sheet into two parts. In one half of the sheet, write down the positive experience that you will take from the experience of your parents (at least 3 points), in the other half of the sheet, write down the negative experience that you will never use in your parenting.
Conclusion: the experience of one’s own parenting is formed on the basis of family education models.
6. Exercise “Parental Role Map”
Goal: increasing the level of parental competence.
Host: Being a parent is a very complex and multifaceted task. We know that a child needs love, care and boundaries. What does this actually mean? Being a parent is a person's role for life. The skill of parenting is born out of the relationship with the child, but every parent receives the initial skills for this process from his home and from the environment in which he grew up. Being a responsible parent is a necessity for the normal development of a child, as well as an important task from the point of view of society, perhaps the most important from the point of view of life.
Let's look at the “Parental Role Map”. Please indicate what roles, in your opinion, a parent plays in raising a child? Divide the circle into sectors and mark these roles. Number them in order of importance to you.
7. Game exercise “Ban”.
Leading: Please look at your chairs, who will have a geometric figure- the triangle goes into a circle. You are a child, and whoever has the circle in his hands will be the mother. The child’s mother takes very good care of him: she makes sure that he doesn’t get dirty, that he doesn’t get sick, etc. It prohibits the child from jumping in puddles, running down the street, touching sticks on the street, picking up stones and putting them in his mouth, etc. Let's look at all of the above using a specific example.
You - Small child. You and your mother are rushing to kindergarten. And you are a very energetic, inquisitive child who asks a lot of questions.
- Mom, look what’s there! - you say.
- No time, watch your step, you’re always stumbling! Why are you shaking your head!
Stop staring! - I answer you. (I blindfold myself with a handkerchief)
You run further and meet your mother’s friend along the way and the adults quickly exchange latest news. You listen carefully and then say:
- Mom, who is Uncle Yura?
- Why are you interfering in an adult conversation? And in general, why are you hanging your ears, what a shame! Close your ears! (I tie a scarf around my ears)
Mom says goodbye to her friend, and you run on.
- Mom, Masha is waiting for me in kindergarten, which...
- Leave me alone! Are you babbling, there’s no time now, we’re late! Can you shut up! Shut up! (I cover my mouth with a handkerchief)
The child is already silent, but begins to pick up some twig as he walks. Mom screams:
- What kind of hands do you have, that you always put them somewhere, you can’t live without it! Throw it away now! Hands off! (I tie my hands with a scarf)
But then the child begins to jump and lift his legs. Her mother screams at her in horror.
- Where did you learn this? What is it? Stop kicking your legs! Stand still! (I tie a scarf around my feet)
The child begins to whine. Mom continues to shout at her:
- Why are you crying?! Why are you crying, I ask you? No need to cry! You're disgracing me! I told someone to stop crying, can you hear me! (I tie a scarf around my heart.)
Presenter: Look at this child, whether in this state he will be able to communicate effectively with peers, satisfy his needs, and develop fully. All these actions and words of parents negatively affect the development of the child, but in each case a compromise can be found, help me.
Parents find a compromise to solve difficult situations y:
- Do not blindfold your eyes or ears - speak in a calm voice, do not swear;
- Do not gag - listen to the child;
- Do not tie your hands - wash your hands after a walk;
- Do not tie your feet - put on rubber boots;
- Do not tie your heart - listen and understand the child.
Presenter: together we found options to solve the problem. You cannot forbid a child to learn the world, only in knowledge of the environment and in communication with parents, the child develops and this affects the socialization of the child.
8. Game exercise “We prohibit - we allow”
Three colored sheets corresponding to the prohibited zones are attached to the board.
green symbolizes the “Complete Freedom” zone;
yellow – “Relative freedom” zone;
red – “Prohibited” zone.
Training participants are asked to make a list possible actions children, dividing them into three main zones. The resulting options are analyzed: parents, together with the facilitator (psychologist, teacher), predict possible situations and mistakes made.
Host: How much warmth of the heart is lost due to the inability to understand others and oneself. How many dramas, big and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, and love. You also need to be able to love, and this skill is not given by Mother Nature.
The biggest deficit our children experience is a deficit of affection. Parents sometimes don’t find time, forget, or maybe even feel embarrassed to caress their child just like that, obeying some kind of inner impulse. The fear of spoiling their children makes parents be overly harsh with them.
This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, and love.
9. Working with the “Spectro-graffiti” set (“Spectrocards” by U. Khalkol, A. I. Kopytin)
Presenter: Photos are presented to your attention. Take 5-10 minutes to look carefully at the photographs and choose one or two that answer the question, “What is most important to you in life right now?” After choosing, a group member sits down, shows and comments on his photo. Please do not interrupt the story with questions and discussions; each person only takes turns talking about their photograph. After all participants talk about the selected photos, we can move on to questions and comments.
10. Final exercise “Wishes in a circle”

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Lesson No. 1 “GET TO KNOW”
Goal: to help parents get to know each other better for successful interaction in the future.
Preparation: parents bring one family photo (if dad and mom, then 2 photos).
Those present take their places, forming one large circle. The teacher-psychologist informs the purpose of the training and invites parents to be frank, open, and sincere.
First task - “Getting to know each other”
Each of the parents calls himself as he would like to be addressed today, and writes down his name or first and patronymic on a sheet prepared in advance by the teacher or purchased (the so-called badge) and attaches it to his clothes.

LESSON No. 2 “Values ​​in raising a child”

Goal: to determine the true values ​​in your life and help realize your capabilities in raising a child.
2.Exercise “Trash can”
On pieces of paper, write down all those qualities that interfere with effective communication with loved ones, and which you would like to get rid of. After you have written down these qualities, think about what you would like to receive in return? Write down the desired qualities on paper. Throw the pieces of paper with unnecessary qualities into the trash, and keep those with the desired qualities.
3. Exercise “Value Scale”
Parents are offered on a horizontal straight line, symbolizing a scale life values, mark their values ​​that they have.
Then, using a 10-point system, estimate the amount of time they invest in each direction:
work life shop television children friends dacha.
The discussion of this exercise is built around the following questions: “How much time do we devote to children? What emotional state are we in when interacting? What feelings does the child experience when communicating with us? What results do we expect from this approach to raising children?
4.Exercise “Future”
Parents are asked to answer the question: “What do you want your child to be like in adult life? Write your answers in column No. 1. then fill out columns No. 2 and No. 3.

The answer to the question: “What do you want your child to be like in adulthood?” Personal assessments of the child that you use when communicating with him. Expressions that are most suitable for achieving the goal.
1 2 3

1) Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Feel how the muscles of your face and neck relax, a pleasant relaxation falls on your shoulders and arms. You feel heaviness and complete relaxation in your hands. The muscles of the back, chest, and abdomen are relaxed, the legs are motionless on the floor, they are also completely relaxed. You feel pleasantly relaxed throughout your body. Every cell of your body rests. You think only about pleasant things. Extraneous sounds for you, like the sound of rain, create a background for pleasant relaxation and rest. There comes a feeling of peace and joy from the life that belongs to you.
2) On each subsequent day you will feel more and more calm and confident. Inner calm will help you interact with your child, and if problems arise, you will calmly and balancedly solve them. There will be a desire to act and this desire will appear right now. You feel the energy of love of life emanating from you, new desires appearing, joy from life itself. This feeling will always be with you.
7. Farewell.

LESSON No. 3 “Cultivating a respectful attitude towards the characteristics of another person”

Goal: to develop a respectful attitude towards the characteristics of another person, as well as learn to accept loved ones unconditionally.
2. Exercise “Allow the other to be different”
A large role in the formation of a person’s personality is played not only by the relationship in the family, but also by the innate characteristics with which the child is born into the world. There are nine such features; when raising, it is necessary to take them into account, and in no case try to change them, much less blame the child for their manifestation.
1) Parents are offered a list of innate qualities with which the child is born.
Analyzing and taking into account these qualities, parents create an individual portrait of their child with specific examples of various manifestations.
Activity level (the degree of hereditary motor activity, which determines whether the child will be active or passive).
Rhythm (regularity or irregularity of functions such as hunger, type of nutrition,
secretions, the rhythm of the sleep-wake cycle).
Approaching or moving away (the type of natural reaction of the child to such stimuli as -
unfamiliar food. toy or person).
Adaptability (the speed and ease with which a child is able to modify his behavior in response to changes in the environment)
Intensity (the amount of energy used when expressing emotions and mood).
Reactivity threshold (the level of stimulus intensity required to
the desired reaction manifested itself).
Quality of mood (the predominance of a positive attitude, manifested as a joyful, pleasant, cheerful, friendly character, as opposed to a negative one, which manifests itself as an unpleasant, capricious, loud, unfriendly character).
The ability to be distracted (characterizes the degree of influence of extraneous interference on the ability to concentrate attention on one’s line of behavior).
Attention and persistence interval (the length of time during which the child is focused on active activity, and the duration of activity in the event of obstacles).
2) Write down in a column those qualities of the child that the parents do not like, and next to each such quality write a positive interpretation of the same quality, i.e. what is good about this manifestation and where can it be used? For example, stubbornness, instead of the negative generally accepted interpretation, present this quality as the ability to say “no”, to object to authorities.
3) After all the qualities have been positively interpreted, it is necessary to paint a new portrait of the child.
4) Compare these two descriptions and choose which one you like better. Look at your child differently and allow him to be different.
3. Exercise “Become Better”
1. On a blank sheet of paper, describe yourself:
* appearance;
* character traits;
* capabilities;
* knowledge;
* skills;
* what are you doing that you shouldn’t do (all sorts of violations).
2. On another sheet of paper, write the same thing, but slightly embellishing your merits. Keep the second sheet for yourself and re-read it. Improving your portrait is always useful!
4. Exercise “Unconditional acceptance”
In the already familiar relaxed state
Imagine, one after another, all the people you know - parents, husband, children, friends. Tell each of them: “I love you, unconditionally, I accept you for who you are.”
Find people you know who you can't say this to. Remember the people who, in your opinion, are unworthy of your support, from whom you do not see strengths, whom you cannot accept and love unconditionally. Try to understand what exactly is stopping you, what demands you are making on him, under what conditions you could tell him: “I accept you for who you are.”
Now put yourself in this person's shoes. Try to understand why he criticizes you or treats you badly? What is going on in this person's life when he communicates with you? Does he understand the conditions and requirements that you set for him? Tell him the words: “I forgive you for... and remove the condition that interferes with my unconditional love. Now I love you unconditionally and accept you for who you are.”
Discussion: How many people have you found that you cannot love unconditionally?
5. Farewell.

LESSON No. 4 “Active listening - understanding children better”

LESSON No. 5 “Feelings in a situation of success or failure”

Goal: learn to better understand the child’s feelings.
2..Exercise “Understand me correctly”
The exercise is performed in pairs.
Part 1. Partner A talks about a situation where he was not up to par (for example, he failed to complete a report at work on time or reacted sharply to a child’s action, which led to a conflict situation in the family).
Partner B reacts and uses the expression:
"I told you a thousand times that..."
“How many times do I have to tell you...”
“Is it really difficult for you to remember that...”
“You are just like your mom (dad)...”
After 5 minutes, switch roles.
Part 2: Partner A shares the same situation and Partner B reacts using the following expressions:
“Tell me more about how this happened?”
“You are very smart, and I know you will find a way out of this situation: What are you going to do?”
"How can I help you?"
“What will you do next time in a situation like this?”
When discussing this exercise, pay great attention to the feelings that the participants experienced in the first case and in the second. Then go on to analyze specific situations from the experience of communication between parents and their children.
3. Exercise “My Favorite Things”
Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes (relaxation but the same pattern)
...Imagine that you find yourself in your childhood. In front of you is a 5-6 year old child. Look closely at what he looks like small man: what he’s wearing, what the surroundings are like. Enter this image of a child and imagine that you are doing something: maybe you are drawing, sculpting, sewing a dress for a doll or something else... You are passionate about this business, you are interested in doing what you love. One of the adults comes up to you and evaluates your work. Listen to the words that come from the lips of an adult, and your feelings that arose in connection with this assessment...
These feelings will remain there, in childhood, and we will gradually return to the present time.
I will count from 5 to 1, with each count you will feel the approach of reality, along with this a surge of vigor and energy. On the count of 1, open your eyes.
In discussing this exercise, it is important to focus on:
1) What kind of activity was the child busy with?
2) Did the child receive a positive or negative assessment for his work?
3) Having become an adult, did he still have interest in the business he was involved in as a child?
4) Discuss the meaning of your own assessments addressed to the child when he is busy with something, while paying great attention to the positive effect of a positive assessment for the development of interest in different types activities.
4.Parents write “The Story of Their Success” after completing the first cycle of classes in the “Training of Parent-Child Relationships” group.
5. The psychologist distributes reminders with summary main topics. which were discussed in class and which parents can refer to at any time. This will help them remember the information and feel the atmosphere of the training when interacting with the family.




Lesson duration 1 hour


  1. Greetings.
  2. Subject message. Theory.
  3. Conversation.
  4. Exercise "Bridge".
  5. Relaxation “Weather massage”.
  6. Exercise "Doll".
  7. Video
  8. "Tree"
  9. Distribution of recommendations.

Progress of the training.

Exercise "Beads".


Let's get acquainted, each of you has a bead. I have a thread in my hands, we will pass the thread in a circle, and you, in turn, string a bead, while saying an example: Hello, my name is... Oksana Valentinovna is a nursery psychologist... I have a son or daughter +, his or her name is……She is…..years old” (signing badges)

2. Discussion: " Rules for working in a group»:

  • open communication
  • activity
  • non-evaluative judgments
  • voluntary participation
  • Here and now

3. Discussion: " Goals and objectives of the training»:

  • desire for cooperation

Topic message:

Slide 2 Adaptation is the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process leading to: Positive results (adaptability) Negative results (stress) Topic: Adaptation of children early age to the conditions kindergarten

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6 How should a child be prepared for the adaptation period? The following cultural and hygienic skills must be developed: independently eat a variety of foods; communicate your needs in a timely manner: ask to go to the toilet or go potty; wash your hands with the help of adults, use a towel, handkerchief; Before entering kindergarten, it is advisable to bring the home regime closer to the regime child care facility; You need to get to know the group’s staff in advance (talk about their habits, behavioral characteristics).

Slide 7 During the adaptation period, it is very important to follow the following recommendations: It is better to carry out the device during your vacation, since at first the child stays for no more than 1-2 hours (this is regulated by the teacher as he observes the baby); During the adaptation period, listen to the advice and requests of staff; During the period of adaptation to new conditions, you need to carefully monitor changes in the baby’s health and promptly report them to the kindergarten staff; During the adaptation period, the baby especially needs warm, affectionate treatment. Be attentive to the baby, caring and patient; It is necessary to maintain a calm environment at home, do not overload with impressions, do not receive or visit guests, do not buy new toys; Tips for parents

Slide 8 Signs of a baby’s successful adaptation to daycare: Normal sleep (falls asleep as usual, doesn’t wake up at night, doesn’t cry, doesn’t talk in his sleep; Good appetite; Normal behavior, behaves normally at home - doesn’t cling to mom, doesn’t run, doesn’t be capricious etc.; Normal mood, wakes up easily in the morning; Desire to go to kindergarten.

Slide 9 Factors that interfere with the baby’s adaptation to childcare: The child’s dependence on the mother is too strong; Excessive anxiety of parents; Reluctance of adults to give greater independence to the baby; Raising a child in the spirit of permissiveness; Neurological symptoms in a child: asthenicity, hyperactivity, etc.; Baby's pain; Failure to adhere to daily routine at home

Slide 10 Signs of maladaptation: Sleep disturbance, difficulty falling asleep, often waking up at night, talking in his sleep, tossing and turning a lot, more often getting up at night to go to the potty or starting to pee in the bed; Loss of appetite, refuses to eat, eats little, complains of abdominal pain; The appearance of lethargy, moodiness; The appearance of aggressiveness, mood changes often; The child began to get sick more often

Slide 11 Always remember: The emotional mood of the child largely depends on the parents. Never say phrases like: “If you behave badly, you will be punished in kindergarten.” In the morning, when you are going to kindergarten, try to create a calm, cheerful atmosphere, and discuss the upcoming day with a positive attitude. Then it will definitely be successful for both you and your baby

  1. Observation during the day.

In October, when the adaptation process is almost complete, I will form a group of children with moderate and severe levels of adaptation. For these children, a number of correctional classes using the art therapy method “Sand Playing”.


Exercise "Bridge"

Instructions: On the floor there is a narrow path made of material, a “bridge”, along which two people must walk towards each other from different sides. There is a river below, and the bridge is so narrow that only one person can cross it freely. In this situation, the psychologist asks the question: “How will you behave if you meet another person in the middle of the bridge? " Parents must show how they will act in this situation ( possible options: one can sit down, the other can step over it; one can return and wait for the other to pass freely, etc.)

Participants of the training stand one after another. Object - back in front standing man. As directed by the psychologist, parents perform movements on their backs.

Light rain - light tapping of fingertips on the back.

Shower - movement of fingers from bottom to top.

Heavy rain - the tapping intensifies.

Hurricane - rub your back a little

Wind - circular movements along the back.

The sun is a pat on the back.

Exercise "Doll".



Here is a drawing of an apple tree, but the tree has no apples. The tree is our kindergarten. You have apples on your tables, write your suggestions on them to create even more favorable conditions for the development of our large family called kindergarten.

14. Farewell by candlelight:

Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, We want your friends to say about you: What a good family this is!

View document contents
“training with parents “Kindergarten through the eyes of a child during the adaptation period””

Target: increasing the psychological competence of parents in matters of upbringing and developing effective communication skills with young children. Parents’ awareness of their own children’s perceptions, awareness of the style of interaction with the child, creation of a situation of cooperation, development of creative potential.


    strengthening the parents' ability to understand the child in adaptation period.

    changing inadequate parental attitudes;

    form optimization parental interaction in the process of raising children.

Participants: parents of early age groups.

Lesson duration 1 hour

Material: paper, pencils, doll, colorful ribbons, candle, pictures


    Introduction (signing names on badges).

    Subject message. Theory.

    Brainstorming “Adaptation process from personal experience».

    Exercise "Bridge".

    Relaxation “Weather massage”.

    Exercise "Doll".


    Reflection “Farewell by candlelight.”

Progress of the training.

1.Welcome and introduction of participants:

Exercise "Beads".

Material: thread, beads according to the number of those present.


Let's get acquainted, each of you has a bead. I have a thread in my hands, we will pass the thread in a circle, and you, in turn, string a bead, while saying an example: Hello, my name is... Oksana Valentinovna is a nursery psychologist... I have a son or daughter +, his or her name is……She is…..years old” (signing badges)

So we ended up with beautiful beads. During the entire time spent together, these beads will be a kind of symbol of cohesion, unity, and mutual understanding.

2. Discussion: " Rules for working in a group»:

    open communication


    non-evaluative judgments

    voluntary participation

    Here and now

3. Discussion: " Goals and objectives of the training»:

    Rule 3 P: acceptance, recognition, understanding

    desire for cooperation

Topic message:

“Kindergarten through the eyes of a child during the period of adaptation.”

Slide 2
Adaptation is the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process leading to: Positive results (adaptability) Negative results (stress) Topic: Adaptation of young children to kindergarten conditions

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6
How should a child be prepared for the adaptation period? The following cultural and hygienic skills must be developed: independently eat a variety of foods; communicate your needs in a timely manner: ask to go to the toilet or go potty; wash your hands with the help of adults, use a towel, handkerchief; Before entering kindergarten, it is advisable to bring the home regime closer to the regime of a child care facility; You need to get to know the group’s staff in advance (talk about their habits, behavioral characteristics).

Slide 7
During the adaptation period, it is very important to follow the following recommendations: It is better to carry out the device during your vacation, since at first the child stays for no more than 1-2 hours (this is regulated by the teacher as he observes the baby); During the adaptation period, listen to the advice and requests of staff; During the period of adaptation to new conditions, you need to carefully monitor changes in the baby’s health and promptly report them to the kindergarten staff; During the adaptation period, the baby especially needs warm, affectionate treatment. Be attentive to the baby, caring and patient; It is necessary to maintain a calm environment at home, do not overload with impressions, do not receive or visit guests, do not buy new toys; Tips for parents

Slide 8
Signs of successful adaptation of the baby to daycare: Normal sleep (falls asleep as usual, does not wake up at night, does not cry, does not talk in sleep; Good appetite; Normal behavior, behaves normally at home - does not cling to mother, does not run, does not act up etc.; Normal mood, wakes up easily in the morning; Desire to go to kindergarten.

Slide 9
Factors that interfere with the baby’s adaptation to childcare: The child’s dependence on the mother is too strong; Excessive anxiety of parents; Reluctance of adults to give greater independence to the baby; Raising a child in the spirit of permissiveness; Neurological symptoms in a child: asthenicity, hyperactivity, etc.; Baby's pain; Failure to adhere to daily routine at home

Slide 10
Signs of maladaptation: Sleep disturbance, difficulty falling asleep, often waking up at night, talking in his sleep, tossing and turning a lot, more often getting up at night to go to the potty or starting to pee in the bed; Loss of appetite, refuses to eat, eats little, complains of abdominal pain; The appearance of lethargy, moodiness; The appearance of aggressiveness, mood changes often; The child began to get sick more often

Slide 11
Always remember: The emotional mood of the child largely depends on the parents. Never say phrases like: “If you behave badly, you will be punished in kindergarten.” In the morning, when you are going to kindergarten, try to create a calm, cheerful atmosphere, and discuss the upcoming day with a positive attitude. Then it will definitely be successful for both you and your baby

As a psychologist, I am actively working to ensure a child’s successful and comfortable stay in kindergarten:

    Observation during the day.

    Maintaining an adaptation sheet, which notes the child’s mood, food intake, communication with children and adults.

    Consultations upon request of parents.

    Corrective activities for children (sand therapy).

In October, when the adaptation process is almost complete, I will form a group of children with moderate and severe levels of adaptation. For these children, a number of correctional classes have been developed using the “Sand Playing” art therapy method.


“What would you say from your personal experience about your child’s adaptation?”

Exercise "Bridge"

Instructions: On the floor there is a narrow path made of material, a “bridge”, along which two people must walk towards each other from different sides. There is a river below, and the bridge is so narrow that only one person can cross it freely. In this situation, the psychologist asks the question: “How will you behave if you meet another person in the middle of the bridge? " Parents must show how they will act in this situation (possible options: one can sit down, the other can step over him; one can return and wait until the other can pass freely, etc.)

In any conflict situations, a way out can be found.

Relaxation “Weather massage”.

Participants of the training stand one after another. The object is the back of the person in front. As directed by the psychologist, parents perform movements on their backs.

Light rain - light tapping of fingertips on the back.

Shower - movement of fingers from bottom to top.

Heavy rain - the tapping intensifies.

Hurricane - rub your back a little

Wind - circular movements along the back.

The sun is a pat on the back.

Exercise "Doll".

Look, there is a doll sitting on my lap. There are also a lot of ribbons. Now we will try to track how often we say to a child: “You can’t!” And imagine your child in the place of this doll.

(Parents take turns starting to say: you can’t run, you can’t shout, you can’t jump, don’t wave your arms, don’t point your fingers, etc. At this time, the presenter ties the doll’s legs, arms, etc. with ribbons.) Look what happened to our doll She is bandaged from head to toe. This is how we “bind” our children, requiring them to follow our instructions.

Video “The life of a child in kindergarten.”



Here is a drawing of an apple tree, but the tree has no apples. The tree is our kindergarten. You have apples on your tables, write your suggestions on them to create even more favorable conditions for the development of our large family called kindergarten.

14. Farewell by candlelight:

The candle goes in a circle from parent to parent, with each participant saying his wish to others in raising a child.

“I want the flame of this candle to destroy all your sorrows and hardships, the warmth of this candle will warm your hearts and souls, its light will illuminate your faces with a smile and love. Now let’s mentally thank each other for our work, sigh and put out the candle together.

Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,

We want our friends to say about you:

What a good family this is!

Kostanay kalasy akimdiginin “Kostanay kalasy akimdiginin more than 3 bobekzhay – bakshasy” MKK

SCKP “nursery-garden No. 3 of the akimat of the city of Kostanay, department of education of the akimat of the city of Kostanay”

Zhantausha: Babiy O.V.

Psychologist: Babiy O.V.


"Childhood Memories"

Relaxation music is turned on and the words are slowly said: “Sit comfortably: place your feet on the floor so that they feel well supported, lean your back on the back of the chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing - it is smooth and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of air takes you back to childhood, to the time when you were little. Imagine that you are five, six, seven years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are playing with your favorite toy.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, open your eyes."

Then it is proposed to tell the training participants about what they felt. The teacher answers the question first: “When I was little... Further statements in a circle:

Name associations with the word “childhood”

Remember the happiest day of your childhood.

Remember your most exciting day.

Remember what you were ashamed of.

Can you compare yourself as a child and your child?

Have the feelings experienced in these situations changed?

Has your attitude towards these situations changed?

Parent and child is different people, age categories, but we must strive for mutual understanding. The presenter talks about the importance of understanding yourself and your child.

"Tell someone else"

Calls the beginning of the phrase, and the participants must continue it. For example, “In childhood, you can. "(fight, play, live happily, cry, etc.). What do I allow my child to do? What do I forbid my child to do? What do I sometimes give in to the child? What do I allow, but set conditions?

Parable "Flawed"

One water carrier had two large clay pots. One of them had a crack through which half of the water flowed out on its way from the source to the village, while the other pot was immaculate. For two years, the water carrier delivered only one and a half pots of water to his fellow villagers. Of course, the immaculate pot was proud of his achievements. And the cracked pot was terribly ashamed of its imperfection and was very unhappy, since it could only do half of what it was intended for. One day he spoke to the water carrier:

“I’m ashamed of myself and I want to apologize to you.”

- Why? What are you ashamed of?

“Water is leaking through this crack in my side.” “You did your job, but because of my shortcomings, you only got half the result,” the pot said dejectedly.

What did the water-carrier answer him?

– Look at these flowers on the side of the road. Have you noticed that they only grow on your side of the road and not on the side of the other pot? The thing is, I've always known about your flaw.

Every day when we walked from the source, you watered the flowers.

For two years I admired them. Without you, just as you are, there would be no such beauty!

What is the meaning of the parable?

It’s the same with children: very different, individual, memorizing, and each with their own unique “features.” You just need to feel and understand them.


Target: promoting cohesion in the group, creating a friendly atmosphere.

I wish you a good day and good health! Today we will communicate with you in a close, family circle, because kindergarten is one big, Friendly family. But first we need to get to know each other better. Let's do this with the help of a presentation.

On the tables in front of you there is colored paper, scissors, glue, markers, etc. Your task is to create a drawing or application in 5 minutes that would tell us about your family. Then you say your name, show off your creative work, and say a few words about your family members.

During the training, the parents created very interesting drawings, which included images: the sky with the moon (father), the sun (mother) with stars (children); oak (father), fir tree (mother), fox (daughter), hedgehog (son); a rooster, a hen and two chickens; fish in the pond; lion family, etc.


Dear parents! Here are stickers cut out in the shape of a foot print. Write down your hopes and expectations from our meeting on them.

Stickers must be attached at the beginning of the journey, that is, near the house.

"Tales of our childhood"

Participants are united into three groups.

Each group receives a fragment of a fairy tale with a certain model of family communication (fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Grandfather’s Daughter and Grandmother’s Daughter”, “Ivasik-Telesik” or others, at the choice of the teacher.)

The task of each group is to dramatize a fragment of a fairy tale; other teams must guess what style of family education they are talking about.


What was unusual for you?

How do you feel about your work?

Was it difficult to complete the task?

Was it difficult to recognize parenting styles based on dramatizations?


Target: relieving emotional fatigue, improving mood.

We did a good job with you. And in conclusion, I suggest imagining a smile on one palm and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be tightly united in applause.

See you again!

"My Galaxy"

Goal: building relationships between parents and child.

Stimulus material: colored “blanks”, colored paper, scissors, glue, pens and paper for each participant, CD, radio tape recorder.

Introduction to training with elements of auto-training.

Dear parents! It is common for any person to master various spaces, even outer ones. We suggest you do psychological exercise"My Galaxy" The exercise will help you understand personal characteristics, understand your emotional perception of the people around you, including your own children, and will allow you to establish adequate relationships with them.

In front of you are sheets of blue paper. We listen to calm music. Sit back, relax and imagine a starry sky with stars lighting up. At first glance, they all seem to be the same. But then one or two minutes pass, and we already notice that one of the stars is larger than the others, and some shines brightest. They differ in the nature of the light they send to the earth: it can be blue, pink, or white. But a person can also be compared to a star: at first glance, we have a lot in common, but if you look more closely, each person is unique and unique. Everyone has their own world in which they live, their own Space, their own Galaxy.

Let's continue to look into the night sky. Find your star on it. “Bring it closer” to you and consider: is it larger than other stars, smaller, or the same? What color is your star? What kind of light does it emit: warm or cool? Now shrink your star to the size of a tennis ball. Place it on your palm. She's wonderful, isn't she? Send her your warmth, tenderness, whisper to her: “You are beautiful!”

Release her back to the sky, follow her path, and when she takes her place in the night sky, smile at her so that she knows that you are always there.

Performance practical task training.

Now look at the blue sheet of paper - this is a “piece” of the Universe. There are no stars on it yet. You will each now create your own Galaxy.

It will have as many stars as you want. Before you lie star blanks different color and size, if they don’t suit you for some reason, you can cut out your stars of any color, any size. Glue them onto the sheet. This will be your own Galaxy.

Among all the stars, find the one that attracts you most - your star. Sign it “I”. Now find a star for your baby. Sign it too. Determine your spouse's star, write his name. Give all the remaining stars the names of your family and friends, all those who surround you. There should not be a single nameless star in your Galaxy!

Explanatory part.

From a psychological point of view, you have created the world in which you live and have expressed an emotional attitude towards your social environment. Now let's analyze what you got: pay attention to where the asterisk “I” is located: in the center of the sheet, at the top, bottom or side. This is also evidenced by the size of the star. If your star is the largest and is in the center of the sheet or higher, then you are self-centered, always wanting to be the center of attention. You have high self-esteem. If your star is small, and you placed it in a corner, away from others, then you should think about whether you are underestimating your own importance? What is your relationship with others? Perhaps you are avoiding communication with other people?

The color of the star tells about your emotional state and the perception of those around you. Blue color indicates that you see yourself or another person as conscientious, calm, but somewhat cold; red – friendly, sociable, energetic, confident, but irritable; pink – tender, sensitive, vulnerable; orange – flexible, kind, sympathetic, artistically gifted, with good mood, but superficial, with unstable interests and a tendency to get carried away; yellow – very active, open, sociable, cheerful; purple – restless, emotionally tense, in need of emotional contact; brown – dependent, sensitive, relaxed; black – silent, selfish, hostile, rejected.

Now find out where your baby's star is. What size is it? Colors? Using a color scale, analyze your perception of the child: is he a significant figure in your world or not? How do you perceive it on an emotional level? Is your baby's star near you or somewhere far away? Or maybe your star and his are depicted side by side, but at a distance from everyone else? Think for yourself what this may indicate. If your child’s star is far from you, then whose stars surround him? How do these people influence your child? Analyze the location of your husband's star in the same way. If it is near yours and your child's star, then everything is in order. And if not? What role does your husband play in the family? Do you think he has withdrawn from his duties? Does he spend enough time with his family?

Consider all the stars in your Galaxy. Notice the stars of black and Brown. Think about who “got” them and why? What is your relationship with these people? Why? Do you need this kind of relationship?

"Who is faster"

Goal: coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

Possible shapes:





bird school;




Was it difficult to complete the task?

What helped in doing it?

I.V. Bagramyan, Moscow

The path of a person growing up is quite thorny. For a child, the first school of life is his family, which represents the whole world. In a family, a child learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize and much more. important feelings. In the context of a family, an emotional and moral experience unique to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and activities. The priority in raising a child belongs to the family (M.I. Rosenova, 2011, 2015).

Let's declutter

Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go and complete the old and outdated. Otherwise, they say, the new one will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod when reading such articles that motivate us to clean, but everything still remains in its place? We find thousands of reasons to put aside what we have put aside and throw it away. Or don’t start clearing out rubble and storage rooms at all. And we already habitually scold ourselves: “I’m completely cluttered, I need to pull myself together.”
Being able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes a mandatory program for a “good housewife”. And often - a source of another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do “right” - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And the more correct it is for us. So, let’s figure out whether it’s really necessary for you personally to declutter.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often love to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere in their personal lives, advise, condemn... It gets to the point that children do not want to see their parents because they are tired of their moral teachings.

What to do?

Accepting flaws. Children must understand that parents cannot be re-educated; they will not change, no matter how much you want them to. Once you accept their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You will simply stop expecting a different relationship than you had before.

How to prevent cheating

When people start a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of infidelity. Approximately half of men and women cheat on their partners within a legal relationship. In short, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before we talk about how to protect a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand