Ways to form a positive attitude towards work. Conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards work in adult children of senior preschool age. Factors in shaping attitudes towards work

Nina Dyrnaeva
Labor education of preschool children. Forming a positive attitude towards work

Pedagogical conditions conducive to formation of a positive attitude of children towards work in a preschool setting.

Simply knowing how a child will complete the tasks of a particular technique is not enough. In order to more accurately assess the level of its development, one should compare its results with the age norm in experimental work on labor education. And it will become clear whether he lags behind it or corresponds to this average norm. Practicum is a very important link in the professional growth of a teacher.

Applied materials for diagnostics labor education children may be used: for the purpose of scientific research, to verify the success of the work teacher or specific educational program; be used by yourself teacher for this to better navigate your own work and get an idea of ​​the individual level and characteristics of each child, which parents can also do; finally for information parents about the level of development of their child.

The essence of pedagogical diagnostics is to study the effectiveness and identify contradictions of the pedagogical process. Individual characteristics, self-esteem or anxiety can affect not only the nature of communication, but also the development of cognitive processes in children.

The child’s personality must be examined from various angles and a holistic view of him must be developed. It is necessary to make the correct diagnosis

To traditional methods include conversations, analysis of children's work, questionnaires, tests, study of documentation. There are special methods of pedagogical diagnostics that make it possible to identify the emotional well-being of a child among his peers.

Children need not only a good explanation, but also well-organized exercises in implementing these norms. During practical classes on labor education we apply basic methods for studying development children:

You should never try to work with children by force, without their voluntary desire - we will get the wrong results. No need to mention that we are checking the child. This will lead to tension, constraint and may also distort the objectivity of the data obtained. It is better to include the examination in the process of any joint activity, but provided that the child is able to concentrate, "accept" task, and not give it up halfway if he finds it boring or difficult. We must interest the child and gain his attention. An unprofessional approach to diagnosis can do more harm than good.

An important point is the ethics of diagnostics. Diagnostics lets you know what to work on throughout the year. Incorrect diagnosis has a detrimental effect on the fate of children.

Diagnostics formation of children's positive attitude towards work.

Labor education is an integral part of moral education. Achievement labor goals, their results bring joy to children and evoke an emotional response. A. S. Makarenko admitted that children's attitude towards work activities may be different. There are so-called lazy children, sometimes it's weak physical state child. “For the most part,” wrote A. S. Makarenko, “laziness in a child develops due to improper education" Activity hardworking we use children as an example for those who do not show respect labor activities of no interest, shirk any assignment or do not complete the task, and if they carry out the assignment, then with great reluctance. For labor education we use these kinds of children We: involvement in joint work, demonstration, explanation, we try to find in the child something for which he can be praised, and not something for which scold: if it’s hard for a child, then find him a task that he can do; remember that the child is interested in us when we are interested in him; The higher the level of emotional comfort, the greater the chances of success.

We remember that there are two types of failure in life - lack of love and low self-esteem. To avoid this, our child especially urgently needs self-esteem, attention and respect from others. Children who do not complete the work they start can be given some help so that they can see the result of their efforts. labor and rejoiced at this result. Watching the children it's not hard to notice that some willing to get down to business, they know how to work quickly and accurately, show independence and bring the job they start to the end. However labor children's skills and interest in labor are not always an indicator of the best traits of his character. Some children showed arrogance; they were confident that no one could do anything better than them. To overcome this self-confidence, we place higher demands on the child, constantly emphasizing that if we have learned to work well, then we need to teach this to our comrades. We draw the attention of such children to Good work other children who, without missing a beat, also completed the assigned task well. Mutual aid educates Children have goodwill, a sense of collectivism, and respect for each other. We place great importance on an individual approach.

Observing children's activities.

Before you start cleaning the teacher conducts a conversation, during which it is discussed what can be done to make the group clean. Then follow the children's answers. It is necessary to approve those who made suggestions regarding cleaning. At the end of the discussion teacher addresses children, brings motivation for the significance of the work ahead. (“The group should always be clean and comfortable, because we play here, study, live all day long. It’s unpleasant to be in a room if it’s dusty.”) Also teacher explains the contents of the upcoming work: wiping tables and chairs, window sills, feeding fish in a corner of nature, wiping dust from plant leaves.

The teacher clarifies again: “Each of you must wipe your chair and table, window sills, and then we will all work together.” Offers to start working.

My children and I are learning to look closely at the multicolored real world. Children develop coherent speech, conversational speech, and accumulate vocabulary. The world is very diverse and colorful. This is just part of our painstaking work with children, where we search and learn with them, create and fantasize, learn and dream. In practice, introduce children to nature, develop them labor ability is necessary, taking into account the individuality of each child, we remember that no matter how we do it, the same thought lives in us, a goal that we can certainly solve. We conduct research in such a way that children leave the research in good mood and were eager to continue studying next time.

At the beginning of the year, we carried out diagnostics to define concepts, thinking according to relation to the surrounding world. Further within school year we gradually made the tasks more difficult, using labor education. The experimental group received additional training, frequent conversations, and excursions. (V fire department) watched a film about adult labor, read books. Objects of observation were gradually introduced, and knowledge was expanded on the next series of questions in the questionnaire.

The experimental studies conducted showed significant differences in the performance of children in the experimental groups. All educational educational Our work is built on the basis of the unity of knowledge, skills, beliefs and actions, words and deeds. It is very important to have close contact and mutual understanding with children.

An effective method in the learning process and education are surveys. With their help, we determine the level of development of children. A series of questionnaire questions develops children's thinking, their attitude towards the environment, expands and deepens knowledge and horizons. A variety of manuals with developed questionnaire questions for a certain age of children help with this. According to the points assigned for each question teacher can compare knowledge and skills, draw up a diagram of children's development. This diagram shows exactly what needs to be worked on. Ethical conversations also play an important role. An important method in the learning process and education are observations.

Supervisor labor thinks through and plans the entire course of the upcoming labor activity, installs forms and methods of control, accounting and behavior of results labor.

It is especially valuable that in experimental work with children a creative attitude towards work is formed, which manifests itself in curiosity, observation, interest in the matter, in the desire to know the unknown, and apply rational techniques in work. Children have their own experience of acquiring and applying knowledge in practice.

Preparing the younger generation for labor on modern stage represents a complex complex problem in which social, pedagogical and psychological aspects are closely intertwined education.

Cultivating a Positive Attitude it provides, first of all, upbringing moral and volitional qualities in the process labor: hard work, habits to labor effort, responsibility, willingness to help, ability to get involved in work without expecting, reminding or avoiding unpleasant work.

Various work in nature brings children a lot of joy and contributes to their all-round development. In progress work cultivates a love of nature, careful and caring attitude towards her. Children develop an interest in labor activity, conscious, responsible attitude towards her. In a group, children learn work together, to help each other.

Work in nature has great educational value. It broadens children's horizons, creates favorable conditions for solving sensory problems education. Educator teaches children to focus on the properties of natural objects to perform labor action. Working in nature, children in practice learn the dependence of the state of plants and animals on the satisfaction of their needs, learn about the role of man in managing nature. The assimilation of these connections and dependencies contributes to shaping children's attitudes towards nature, work becomes meaningful and purposeful.

Problem labor education- not just another fleeting company, but a truly big national problem. It needs to be solved seriously, professionally, but on a scientific basis. Labor education not the lot of individual specialists, this is everyday pedagogical activity everyone teacher.

As mentioned above, a more significant result is the formation of the student’s personality during labor training lessons and the development of an attitude towards work.

IN primary school, when the significance of the product of labor created by the students in itself is not yet great, the formation of an attitude towards work, and, first of all, the creation of positive motives and incentives comes to the fore in the teacher’s work.

As is known, in the process of educational activities of a primary school student, various motives appear; cognitive interest, interest in the knowledge that the student receives in educational activities, is significant. But in labor training lessons, broad social motives also become extremely important in the process of creating a product.

In the complex structure of motives in labor lessons, social motives of labor should be leading, subordinating other motives.

Forming a social orientation of work is often fraught with difficulties. Firstly, a younger student may clearly have a personal rather than a social orientation; he wants to make it for himself and keep the craft for himself; secondly, a craft that is not used for its intended purpose, i.e., the student’s work wasted, can create such trait as indifference, indifference to work.

To develop social motives, it is very important for a student to clearly know what he is doing and why. Therefore, the content of socially useful labor in junior classes should be very diverse: making crafts for the sponsored kindergarten, nursery, gift for mom on March 8, etc.

To form positive motives in labor lessons, teacher evaluation is very important.

Organization plays an important role in developing a positive attitude towards work teamwork younger schoolchildren, when the whole class or group makes one product. In this case, a division of labor is carried out between students. Each person performs part of the overall task facing the whole class. Children get used to cooperating with each other and working according to a common plan. This organization of activities increases the interest of younger schoolchildren in their own work and the work of their comrades, a sense of responsibility to the team, teaches them to evaluate their work, clearly understand the requirements for its organization, planning and implementation, and determine criteria for evaluating the finished product.

The subject of collective activity in school years Appliqué and design are becoming increasingly common. In the process of preparing for training camps and holidays (“Red Star”, Christmas tree), to the activity-game “Know the rules of the street, like the multiplication table,” etc. children enjoy making appliqués, photomontages, and constructing layouts. To do this, they must be placed in conditions under which it can be seen that without prior planning the overall work is unlikely to be effective.

Thus, collective work contributes to the development of all aspects of the personality of younger schoolchildren and the formation of ways of joint activity in them.

Taking into account the above recommendations and generalization of the best practices of teachers on the problem under study, a system of classes for primary schoolchildren was created with the aim of forming ideas about the role of work in human life, cultivating a sense of joy and satisfaction from work for the benefit of people.

The results of the study allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  • 1. Labor education of younger schoolchildren is an integral part of the process of educating younger generations, a system of pedagogical influences aimed at developing in students a conscientious, responsible, creative attitude to work, appropriate skills and abilities, and a general work culture. It is carried out in a holistic pedagogical process in conditions of close interaction between school, family and the public and taking into account the individual and age characteristics of schoolchildren.
  • 2. Our theoretical research and experimental work have shown that there is a uniqueness in the labor education of primary school students school age. It is determined, first of all, by age characteristics (play occupies an important place in a child’s life, cognitive activity occurs in studies, the personality of the teacher plays a large role, the predominance of concrete imaginative thinking, children of this age category prefer physical labor to mental labor, etc.), labor and ethnocultural traditions of the people.
  • 3. The main typical difficulties of teachers primary classes in the organization of labor education of students are the following: teachers have insufficient theoretical, methodological, practical readiness for labor education, have poor analytical, diagnostic, prognostic, information, constructive, and organizational skills; In schools today there is no single generally accepted program for labor training and education.
  • 4. In the labor education of younger schoolchildren, an important place belongs to labor training lessons.

Improving the system of labor education for students, in our opinion, is possible with the introduction of a scientifically based system of labor training and education. Taking into account the modern requirements imposed by society on the labor training of schoolchildren, we have developed a model of the system of activity of a primary school teacher in the labor education of younger schoolchildren, which includes goals, objectives, patterns, principles, content, forms, methods of work, means and results. Its cementing basis is the goal, which we have formulated as follows: what are pedagogical conditions, under which a primary school teacher will most effectively carry out the labor education of younger schoolchildren?

  • 5. The criteria for labor education in our study were: attitude to work, study, people, oneself and the team;
  • - increasing the level of theoretical, methodological, and practical readiness of primary school teachers to carry out labor training and education of younger schoolchildren;
  • - ethnopedagogization of the educational process;
  • - involvement of younger schoolchildren in various and increasingly complex types of work activities; encouraging younger schoolchildren to demonstrate creative activity;
  • - optimal combination of labor education with moral, mental, economic, environmental, aesthetic, physical and legal education students;
  • - implementation of a differentiated approach to students in the process of developing their hard work, responsible attitude to work, taking into account their age and individual characteristics;
  • - organizing close cooperation between the school and the family and other social educational institutions operating in the microdistrict of the educational institution.


Familiarization with the work of adults, the formation of ideas about the social significance of work.

Fostering respect for working people and caring for the results of their work.

Formation of work skills, positive relationships of the child with adults and peers.

Types of work of preschool children:

  1. Self-service.
  2. Household work.
  3. Labor in nature.
  4. Manual labor.

Forms of labor organization:

  1. Errands.
  2. Duty roster.
  3. Collective work (common, joint).

Methodological comment: Types of labor such as self-service, household work, and work in nature are used in all age groups, and manual labor- in senior and preparatory groups.

Orders widely used in all age groups of kindergarten. But in younger group they are the leading form of labor organization. Therefore, work with children on labor education should begin with individual assignments, which the child carries out together with the teacher, and only much later move on to other forms.

By virtue of psychological characteristics Children of younger groups are not sufficiently independent in their actions, are prone to imitation, cannot coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades and work at the pace required for the team, are often distracted, and do not finish the work they start. Kids are little interested in the result; they are attracted by the process of action itself. They do not yet have the necessary skills and abilities to achieve results. Therefore, only from the second half of the year in the 20th junior group, when children already have some work experience, do teachers use group assignments.

The main form of unification of children of this age in work is work "nearby" when each child works independently and is responsible for his work to the teacher. At the same time, the child practices the skills and abilities necessary in team work.

In the second half of the year, in the 2nd junior group, duty roster - systematic work that requires a certain level of independence. The most widespread use of different types of duty is in the senior and preparatory groups.

The most complex form of organizing children's labor is collective work. It is widely used only in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, when children’s skills become more stable and the results of their work have practical and social significance. Children by this age already have sufficient experience of participating in different types duty, in carrying out various assignments. The age-related capabilities of children allow educators to solve more complex problems of labor education:

To teach children to negotiate about upcoming work;

Work at the right pace;

Complete the task within a certain time frame.

IN senior group The teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common labor when children receive a common task for all, and at the end of the work a general result is summed up.

IN preparatory group takes on special significance joint work, when children become dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to cultivate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely make requests to each other, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

In the process of labor, children acquire the necessary skills, including the skills of caring for plants and animals (labor in nature), master the simplest operations with objects, learn about materials and their properties (manual labor). Children develop an interest in work and a desire to work (household work, self-service).

In each group it is necessary to create conditions for all types of work that are appropriate to the age of the children. Inventory and materials must be stored rationally so that children have the opportunity to use them independently.

Tasks of labor education of children preschool age:

1st junior group

2nd junior group

Middle group

  1. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work and a desire to work.
  2. Learn to carry out individual and collective assignments, develop the ability to negotiate with the help of a teacher about the distribution of work, and take care of the timely completion of a joint task.
  3. To form the beginnings of a responsible attitude towards the assigned task (*the ability and desire to complete what has been started, the desire to do it well).
  4. Explain to children the importance of their work.
  5. Encourage initiative in helping comrades and adults.

Senior group

  1. Continue to expand children's understanding of adult work. Show the results of labor and its social significance. Systematize knowledge about people's work in different time of the year.
  2. Talk about the professions of teacher, doctor, builder, workers in agriculture, transport, clothing industry, trade, etc.
  3. explain that to make work easier, a variety of equipment is used (computer, cash register, electric sewing machine and so on.).
  4. To acquaint children with the work of people in creative professions: artists, writers, composers, masters of folk decorative and applied arts. Show the results of their work: paintings, books, sheet music, objects of decorative art.
  5. explain to children that the work of adults is paid, and people spend the money they earn on food, clothing, furniture, and on vacation.
  6. Develop a desire together with adults and with their help to carry out feasible work assignments.
  7. Learn to finish what you start.
  8. Develop creativity and initiative when performing various types of work. Create responsibility for carrying out work assignments.
  9. Teach the most economical working methods. Foster a work culture and respect for materials and tools.
  10. Learn to evaluate the results of your work with the help of an adult.
  11. Stimulate the desire to take part in work activities.

Preparatory group

  1. Continue to cultivate interest in various professions and parents’ place of work.
  2. Continue to introduce children to professions related to the specific local conditions.
  3. Expand your understanding of adult work. Foster respect for working people.
  4. Create a need to work.
  5. Cultivate a love of work.
  6. Teach to diligently and carefully carry out assignments, take care of materials and objects, and put them back in their place after work.
  7. Cultivate a desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, and to achieve results.

Methodological commentary.

The introduction of children to work begins with the 1st junior group. The main type of work at this age is self-service.

In the 2nd junior group, children continue to develop a desire for feasible work.

The volume of tasks for labor education increases from the middle group, reaching a maximum in the senior group. Exactly at middle group children actively master various labor skills and techniques of working in nature, household and self-service work. In the older group, manual labor is added.

In the older group, greater emphasis is placed on the formation of all skills available to children, various types labor. An awareness of attitude and interest in work activity, and the ability to achieve results are formed.

In the preparatory group, skills and abilities are developed and improved. But the basic foundation of children’s working skills is laid in the older group.


1st junior

Encourage children to be independent when eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand.

2nd youngest

  1. etc.).


  1. Improve your ability to dress yourself; teach children to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order - clean them, dry them.
  2. Cultivate the desire to always be neat and tidy.
  3. Develop the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, when dirty, and after using the toilet.
  4. Strengthen the ability to use a comb and handkerchief.
  5. Learn to turn away when coughing and sneezing and cover your nose and mouth with a tissue.
  6. Continue to teach how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife.
  7. Teach children to rinse their mouths after eating.
  1. Form the habit of brushing your teeth and washing your face every day, and washing your hands as needed.
  2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in a closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, care for shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away).
  3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate disorder in your appearance.
  4. Form the habit of taking care of personal belongings.
  5. Develop a desire to help each other.
  6. Learn to brush your teeth and keep your nails clean.
  7. Maintain order in your closet, put clothes in certain places.
  8. Learn to make your bed neatly.


  1. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, correctly and neatly put clothes in a closet, put shoes in place, dry wet things in a timely manner, and care for shoes.
  2. Learn to notice and independently eliminate problems in your appearance, tactfully talk about problems in his suit or shoes, and help eliminate them. Develop qualities such as responsiveness and mutual assistance.
  3. The teacher independently prepares materials and aids for the lesson.
  4. teach to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating, wash your feet before bed. By the end of the year, children can: dress and undress, keep their clothes in order, and, if necessary, put them in order.


Long before entering school, children become familiar with the work of adults and try to participate in the life around them. The guys with younger age it is necessary to develop positive attitudes towards work: readiness for work effort, the desire to be useful to loved ones, to others in general, conscientiousness in carrying out everyday duties and instructions from adults, the desire to monitor cleanliness and order indoors and outdoors. All this forms the basis for a positive attitude towards work for children aged 5-6 years.

Familiarizing children with the work of adults helps to develop respect for workers and a caring attitude towards the results of their work. Children have a desire to imitate the work actions of adults and their relationships. However, it is important that a child’s positive attitude towards work will be formed only if he directly performs a variety of work, which makes it possible to experience the joy of work from his own experience.

Usually, an adult can easily make a 5-7 year old child want to work. This is due to the desire for active practical action, increased emotionality, imitation, sincere and boundless trust in adults. Knowledge of these factors allows parents to use them as conditions for stimulating children’s work activity. But a child will be able to work systematically, conscientiously and without reminders to fulfill his work duties only when the mother and father clearly define assignments or responsibilities, control how they perform, and evaluate the quality of the work.

Children’s attitude towards work depends on what motives they are guided by when doing this or that task, for whom, i.e. what is the goal. Here are labor skills and attitudes towards the person who gives the order or for whose sake it must be carried out, as well as the attitude towards the event in connection with which this work activity is undertaken (a national holiday, the return of a friend who has not attended kindergarten for a long time after illness) .

Child labor must be meaningful and have great social significance. It should not be a game of work, but real work. The task of adults is to reveal to children the objective necessity of their work and thereby help them develop consciousness and an initial sense of duty.

To instill a positive attitude towards work in children of labor, it is important to teach them to apply learned work skills on their own initiative, even when they are not asked to do something, and to confront them with the need to work every day.

However, we should not forget that these are still small children. They lack neither knowledge nor skills, and their volitional qualities are still just being formed, so it is very important for a child to communicate with an adult in the process of joint activities. The unforced communication of children with their mother and father in the process of joint work (cooking pies, washing dishes, gluing books, cleaning the apartment) creates a favorable environment for parents to solve many difficult issues. This is how the adult draws the child’s attention to the most important thing, to the most successful methods of his work, to the good results of the child’s work, as well as to what did not work out and shortcomings in the work.

The keen eye of an adult will promptly notice the weakening efforts or diligence of the child and create an incentive for their restoration, helping to bring the matter to the end. Those parents who strive to maintain the cheerful mood of their children during the work process do the right thing. By talking with him, expressing his feelings in remarks and remarks, an adult creates an atmosphere of joy and self-confidence. And neither expert conversations nor explanations about the need to work are needed here. The atmosphere itself, upbeat and joyful, activates the children.

Parents are often upset that their child is reluctant to work, especially if these are everyday tasks. It is necessary to accustom children of senior preschool age to systematic housework and self-service by increasing their interest and passion for work, using and game forms labor organization.

You can see with what pleasure the children work in the “workshop” for repairing books and boxes for board games, which is organized in a kindergarten group. However, the child likes it when a really necessary, serious matter is played out, when adults take it seriously, especially if they themselves take part in the child’s work and play as performers or “customers.”

You need to take the tone of conversation with children 5-6 years old very seriously. They even get offended if adults start talking to them like they are little, reduce their requirements for them, and emphasize the playful nature of their work. Children quickly begin to feel that their work is not seen as necessary and serious, but as a means of distracting them from pranks.

It is impossible not to note the great attention to the attitude of children to work, organization of the material environment, working conditions, selection of tools, choice of a convenient place, etc.

An indispensable condition for a positive attitude towards work is its feasibility. Both overwork and underwork shape equally negative attitudes of children towards work.

Fostering a positive attitude towards work

In the system of public education of young children, feasible labor associated with the child’s life in preschool institution and at home, with its interests and needs, is one of the main activities and an important educational tool. The main task of labor education is the formation correct attitude to work. It can be successfully solved only by taking into account the characteristics of this activity in comparison with games, activities, and by taking into account the age characteristics of the child. Raising a positive attitude towards work in children largely depends on how this work is organized and what management methods are used.

A child of five to seven years old strives for active practical action; he is characterized by increased emotional sensitivity, imitation, sincere and boundless trust in adults. At the same time, in children of this age there is a discrepancy between the desire to work and the ability to take part in work. After all, the children still have weak body muscles, imperfect coordination of movements, unstable attention, lack of self-control, and undeveloped will. Therefore, when organizing the work of older preschoolers, it is necessary to take into account factors that allow them to achieve success: the feasibility of the content of work, timely switching from one type of activity to another, changing working posture (this relieves physical fatigue), correct alternation of work and rest.

In addition, an adult organizing the work activities of older preschoolers needs to take care of creating conditions that will ensure the development of the desire and ability to work constantly, the habit of constant work effort. Various factors influence the development of a positive attitude towards work: the formation of ideas about the work of adults, children's awareness of the significance of the actions performed, social motivation of work, its effectiveness, the assimilation of certain knowledge and skills, the emotional coloring of work, physical activity. In the family, under natural conditions, children observe different types of work and often themselves become involved in working together with parents.

Modern conditions, especially in the city, have complicated labor education in the family. Technology is increasingly penetrating our everyday life, and the range of household chores is narrowing significantly, but in every family we can think about and offer children assignments that would not only involve children in work, but also make them want to work. It is necessary to create conditions that would expose children to the need to work constantly, every day, to cultivate respect for the work of others, the desire to find the use of their strengths and skills themselves, without waiting for a request or demand.

It is very important at first, when learning a work skill or a certain type of work, to use specific work tasks, instructions, for example, wash boots, water a garden bed, clean the shoes of a younger brother or sister, etc. Such specific tasks are given until the children learn to complete them independently. In the future, the adult, taking into account the knowledge, skills and experience of the children, encourages them to think and guess what needs to be done. Thus, children develop observation, intelligence, and perseverance. The guys themselves put into practice their desire to work.

Children are constantly aware of the labor process, its significance, and ways to overcome difficulties. They develop a positive attitude towards the work, towards loved ones, towards others.

Supervision of children's work activities should not be intrusive or emphasized. This is necessary in order to maintain the ease of the child’s behavior during the labor process. An adult sets an example of attitude towards work, towards people, towards things, and at the same time inspires great affection and confidence in the preschooler.

For example, a mother teaches her daughter to sew on buttons. First she explained and showed how it should be done. “Now we’ll work together,” says the mother. “I’ll sew a button on the coat, and you sew it on the pillowcase.” While working, the mother monitors the girl’s actions, helping her. The daughter diligently pulls the thread, but it is tangled into a knot and does not fit into the hole of the button. The girl became worried: “I can’t do it.” The mother calmly says: “Why worry so much? There is no need to pull the thread forcefully, it will break. I'll try to untie the knot now. You see, everything is fine, keep working.” After some time, the mother again heard her daughter’s joyful voice: “Look, mom, it worked! I sewed on the button myself! I can!" The mother looks at her daughter’s work and rejoices with her at her success.

Children have the greatest capacity for joy and enjoy the work they do. For example, a child makes a fidget spinner. At first, when he gets down to business, he only knows that the turntable must spin and that the guys make excellent turntables. He himself played like this more than once. But how to make slits in paper, how to fold a corner, how to attach a pinwheel to a stick so that it spins in the wind? A lot of paper was wasted, a lot of nails were bent. Finally the spinner is made and it spins. How much joy there is from the success achieved! Success, causing a surge of energy, attracts you to get down to business again. Anyone who constantly experiences the joy of success strives to work in order to experience this feeling again and again.

A child, overcoming one difficulty after another, moving from one success to another, at some stage of his development begins to feel the need for work. This is an important turning point in a person's life. Preschoolers, as a rule, have not yet reached this point. But, nevertheless, it is in preschool childhood that this foundation is laid, which will ensure the emergence of this need. She is developing from desire for work, desire to work, out of love for it. Nurturing a positive attitude towards work requires an adult to use flexible methods of stimulation, and above all such types of encouragement as approval, praise, and showing examples of the child’s work to loved ones and comrades. Approval of work activity and its recognition strengthen the child’s self-confidence and create a stable basis for a positive attitude towards work activities. It is necessary to support the child in every possible way, to give him the opportunity to experience the feeling of pleasure from what he has achieved good result, cause desires to repeat such actions. And this support consists of encouragement, reasonable help, and advice. If a child is trying, but the results of his work do not yet satisfy the adult, the assessment of the work, without praising, should still be positive. It is important that the child’s joy or success is noticed so that he can share his delight with others. Children's joy and pleasure from a completed task, appreciation and self-esteem - all this creates the basis for the desire to work. If a child gets pleasure from getting dressed quickly (this is his volitional effort), we need to make sure that this pleasure creates a bridge to another effort that has not been practiced before - making the bed, washing well, combing his hair, etc. If a child helped his mother peel boiled potatoes for vinaigrette, changed the water in a vase of flowers and experienced genuine joy, then let this joy become the first link in the chain of other things that he can still do.

Family situation; The established relationship between parents and children is also important for the formation of a positive attitude towards work. This applies to the requirements that family members place on the child’s work, on the methods of managing the work activities of a son or daughter, and on personal parents on their productive work and household responsibilities. It happens that parents punish their children with work: “Oh, you didn’t wash the dishes? You wash it, and as punishment you sweep the floor.”

Some parents punish their child by depriving them of the child's favorite labor. Both measures do not contribute to the development of the desire to work, and are an obstacle to the development of a positive attitude towards work.

To cultivate the right attitude towards work, the attitude of adults towards their responsibilities at home, and especially towards their main job, is of great importance. If the father and mother constantly express dissatisfaction with the organization of work in production, they talk about the difficulties associated with carrying out their daily work. labor responsibilities, then children accumulate negative experiences. They begin to fear work and refuse to participate in it, because work, according to their parents, does not bring joy.

It is important that parents show examples of a communist attitude towards work and put their whole soul into their work.

To cultivate in children a living emotional attitude towards work, it is necessary to enrich their ideas about the different types of work of adults, about its social orientation, about the role of work in people’s lives, about the relationships that develop in the process of work, about the motives that drive people.

In the process of becoming familiar with the work of adults, children become imbued with a sense of respect for people, strive to imitate them, and do their work carefully and conscientiously. They develop a positive attitude towards work.