Recommendations for students and teachers on the organization and conduct of psychological and pedagogical practice. The study of the culture of pedagogical activity of the educator The image of the educator through the prism of children's perception

Task 5.

Exploring culture pedagogical activity educator.

Purpose: to stimulate the need to improve the culture of pedagogical activity.

1. Make an analysis of the verbal communication of the teacher with the children, based on two speech positions: a) the content of communication; b) the culture of speech of the educator in communication.

2. Pay attention to the appearance of the teacher, assistant teacher and all employees of the kindergarten.

3. Pick up proverbs, sayings, songs, jokes to use them during regime processes with children of different age groups.
Task 6.

The study of the personality of the educator in the "mirror children's perception»

(organization of communication with children).

Purpose: to determine the motives of the attitude of children to the educator and the ideas of children about the activities of the educator.

1. While observing the interaction of children and the teacher, pay attention to the following points:

Frequency of hits;

Emotional involvement of the child in communication;

The dominant type of behavior in the presence of a teacher.

2. Have a conversation with the children about the following questions:

Would you like to transfer to another kindergarten?

If the kindergarten closed for repairs, who would you like to go to another kindergarten with?

Which teacher would you take with you? Why?

Would you like to be like a teacher? Why?

These questions make it possible to determine the motives of the child's attitude to the teacher.

We propose to record the conversation in the following way:

Child's name, age

1st question

2nd question

3rd question

4th question


Each student must interview at least 3-4 children.

3. To study the ideas of children about the activities of the educator, conduct a second conversation with the children (N.Ya. Mikhaileiko).

- What does an educator do?

Does the teacher play with you?

Why doesn't he play, can't or can't?

Does your teacher talk to you about anything?

Would you like to be an educator?

4. "Draw" the image of the educator through the "prism of children's perception", based on the children's answers about his activities.
Theme 5. The development of the personality of a preschooler in labor activities

Task 7.

The study of the equipment necessary for organizing the work of preschoolers.

Purpose: to develop the ability of students to analyze the organization of an expedient subject-spatial environment for the inclusion of preschoolers in elementary work.

To implement the tasks and content of labor education of preschoolers in kindergarten special equipment is required. In each age group and in the kindergarten area, there should be items for household work, outdoor work, manual art work and self-service work.

It is customary to place this equipment in special corners: a corner for household domestic labor, a corner of environmental protection work, etc. At the same time, it is necessary that the child could easily find the thing he needs, would have a place for doing this type of work, so as not to interfere with other children.

It is necessary to identify:

a) the presence of work areas in the group room and on the site;

b) selection of the necessary labor equipment and its placement;

c) compliance of equipment with hygienic and pedagogical requirements.
Issues for discussion:

1. What work areas are available in the group rooms or on site?

2. What is the difference between the equipment in different age groups, does it meet pedagogical and hygienic requirements?

3. What are the features of using equipment for labor education preschoolers in different age groups?

4. What can be advised to improve the organization of work areas?
The study of the types of labor and their development by children of one of the age groups of the kindergarten.

Purpose: to develop the gnostic skills of students (pedagogical diagnostics of the level of mastery of children various kinds labor).

It is necessary to identify:

a) what types of work preschoolers were engaged in;

b) how many children participated in various types of labor;

c) the attitude of children to work;

d) what are the motives for the labor activity of children;

e) how are the features of management of various types of labor manifested in various forms his organization.

Students write down what types of work and in what forms of organization the children were engaged in during the day: in the morning period, in preparation for breakfast, for classes, between GCD, on a walk; note how many children participated during the day in different types labor (environmental, household, self-service labor). It is recommended to introduce students to the following forms of organization of these types of labor: duty in a corner of nature (or in an ecological room), in the classroom and in the dining room; collective household work (cleaning a group room, territory, etc.); joint work in the garden.
Questions of conversation with children (2-3):

1. What did you do? Did you get everything you wanted?

2. Why did you do it? What is it for?

3. How did you do it?

4. Do you like to work? Why do you love to work?

5. What kind of work do you dislike?

6. What do you dislike doing the most? Why?

7. What do you like to do the most? All data is entered into a table.
Questions for analysis:

1. What types of labor are used in the age group, do they meet the requirements of the education and training program in kindergarten?

2. What are the tasks of labor education in different age groups (formulate on the basis of the data obtained and the requirements of the program)?

3. How do the tasks and content of labor education become more complex from group to group?

4. What is the degree of mastery of different types of labor by children of this age group, do labor skills and abilities meet the requirements of the program?

5. What methodological techniques did the educator use to establish personality-oriented interaction in work?
Task 8.

Independent organization and management of the work of preschoolers.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills to manage the work of preschoolers as a joint activity of a child and a "significant adult", to form their pedagogical reflection and professional attitude that "there are no bad students, there are bad teachers".

1. When drawing up an outline plan for organizing elementary labor for preschoolers (the student chooses the type of labor and the form of its organization independently), note that this is a type of joint activity of a child and an adult. Therefore, when determining the content of labor, it is necessary to clearly consider your participation in it.

2. Organize child labor into subgroups, providing for a combination of its various types and distributing children according to their interests.

3. After working independently with children, answer the following questions:

How did you feel while working with children?

What is the role of work activity in the development of a child?

What can you teach your students today?
Theme 6. Artistic and aesthetic development

Task 9.

The study of ways to develop productive activities.

Purpose: to develop the ability of students to analyze the organization of productive activities.

1. When viewing art classes, pay attention to the following points:

Distinctive features of the GCD methodology in different age groups;

The complex nature of the GCD for visual activities;

The variability of the visual material used and the right of the child to choose;

Methodological techniques used by educators of various age groups, stimulating children's artistic creativity;

Individual approach to the development of children's fine arts;

Children's interest in the lesson, their emotional state;

The degree of children's mastery of technical and visual techniques.

Note: trainees watch GCD on drawing, application, modeling, design, as well as a complex lesson that includes various means of image.

2. After the lesson, choose two children's works that you like and talk with their authors:

What is shown in your drawing?

Did you manage to draw (sculpt, paste) everything that you had in mind?

Do you like your job?

What else would you like to do? And what do you need for this? (What paints, pencils, paper and other materials do you need?)

3. Take the previous work of these children from the teacher. After talking with the teacher and analyzing the work of the children, make a conclusion about the “advancement” of preschoolers in mastering visual activity.
Task 10.

Self-guided classes in fine arts.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills in the management of visual activity.

Students independently prepare a summary of the lesson on fine arts (the lesson can be complex, and the work of children can be collective).
Task 11.

The study of the types of musical activities and their development by children of one of the age groups of the kindergarten.

Purpose: to develop the ability of students to analyze the organization of musical education in kindergarten.

One of the conditions for good classes is the thorough preparation of the educator. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the degree of assimilation of songs and games by children, to think over a preliminary brief conversation for a new song, and to select appropriate illustrative material. Preparing for the performance of songs, instrumental works, the teacher outlines the necessary techniques.

Before class, the hall or group room is well ventilated, the floor is wiped with a damp cloth. While the children are playing, the teacher prepares everything necessary for classes: notes, toys, flags, scarves, ribbons, etc.

In the younger group, the teacher arranges the chairs himself. Sometimes children help him at will.

In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, in preparation for the lesson, you need to create an interest in the children in it, say what they will do now.

Children must wear lightweight suits and slippers.
Organization and methodology of work on musical education

  1. Equipment of the pedagogical process for musical education.

  2. Musical education in the process of different activities of children:
- the use of music in various types of games (musical and didactic round dance, role-playing, folk, theatrical.

The use of music in gymnastics.

Individual work with children on learning to play musical instruments.

Music in various art activities, physical education, familiarization with others, etc.

3. Observation and analysis music lessons in two age groups.

Questions for conducting and analyzing a music lesson.

  1. Hygienic conditions (furniture, wet cleaning, appearance of children).

  2. Compliance of the repertoire with program requirements.

  3. Expediency and logic of the lesson.

  4. Visual, verbal and game techniques aimed at focusing children's attention and interest in music, developing activity and initiative.

  5. Methods for teaching singing (game verbal instructions, introductory conversation, showing a sample and performance of a musical word, singing in a choir, dividing children into subgroups in games and dances).

  6. Receptions of an individual approach to children.

  7. The condition of the program content for children, what techniques contributed to the creation of naturalness and expressiveness of movement.

  8. Were any techniques used to activate the initiative and creativity of children?

  9. Distribution of work between educators and a music worker:

    • Consistency of their actions;

    • The role of the educator in the music class.

Independent musical activity of children

Analyze the musical corner of the kindergarten.

Expediency of placement, aesthetic design.

2. Use of musical toys and instruments by children.

3. The role of the educator in the development of various musical instruments by children.
Task 12.

Self-guided music education.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills in managing musical activities.

Students independently prepare a synopsis of the "Day of Music" (inclusion of work on the musical education of preschoolers in regime moments, use the integration of various activities).
Topic 7. Development gaming activity

Task 13.

The study of ways to develop gaming activities.

Purpose: to develop the ability of students to analyze the organization of gaming activities

Questions for observation and analysis of children's play activities preschool age.

  1. Which group was observed for gaming activity?

  2. What types of games took place in the play activities of children?

  3. The duration of the role-playing games, the participants in the games, their age.

  4. Game conditions: was there enough time for games, space, toys, play materials?

  5. The emergence of games: who invented the game and organized it, how were the roles distributed?

  6. The content of the game: what was depicted in the game, in what order, what fiction was manifested?

  7. Use of toys and play material in the game: what toys were at the disposal of the children, what was added during the game, what did the children do themselves, did they show ingenuity.

  8. The relationship between the players: how did the children agree among themselves, how did they relate to their role, what conflicts were there between the children and how were they resolved?

  9. Management of role-playing games, selection of toys and game material, influence on the theme and content of games, on the development of the plot, on the implementation of the children's plan. The influence of the educator on the organization of the game and on the relationship of children in the game, on the distribution of roles. Participation of the educator in the game. Education of feelings and interests in the game.

  10. Guidance of the educator with didactic games: offering games to children, explaining the rules of the game, didactic tasks, monitoring their implementation, maintaining children's interest in the game, ending the game.


  1. What knowledge did the children need to participate in the game?

  2. The degree to which children master the content and rules.

  3. Whether the course of the game was disrupted by a lack of knowledge.

  4. What mental actions were used by children?

    • Analysis of the situation, choice of method of action, determination of the sequence of actions, execution of actions in speech, comparison, classification, orientation in space, in the properties and qualities of objects, etc.

  5. What are the causes of mistakes and failures (lack of knowledge, unformed mental actions).

  6. The most effective methods and guidelines for mental education.


  1. What activities of children preceded the game (work, other games, entertainment, household activities).

  2. What was the reason for the start of the game: the introduction of a toy, the proposal of one of the participants of the educator?

  3. How were the other participants involved in the game?

  4. The theme of the game. Was there an agreement on the game, its content (game planning, distribution of roles, etc.).

  5. Preparing the environment for the game:

    • Whether the children are creating a new environment or using an existing one.

    • Use only ready-made toys or adapt other things, make missing ones.

    • The role of the teacher in preparing for the game, what methods the teacher used.

  6. Plot development: how the events depicted in the game developed, on whose initiative, the emotional state of the playing children, difficulties, conflicts, ways to overcome them.

  7. Manifestations of children's creativity.

  8. If someone has dropped out of the game before, state the reasons.

  9. Did the game have its end, or was it interrupted?

  10. Game duration.

  11. Evaluation by the educator of the activities of children.

Conversation with children: did you like the game? How often do they play this game?

  • what are the motives for choosing and distribution of roles;

  • motives for actions and decisions in conflicts.

Conversations with educators: what guided the educator in choosing methods of influencing the game, what tasks did he set?

  • How does the teacher evaluate the content of the game and the relationship of children.

Task 14.

Independent organization and management of the play activities of preschoolers.

Purpose: to form students' professional skills to manage the game of preschoolers as a joint activity of a child and a "significant adult".

Students independently prepare a summary of the play activities of preschoolers, please note that this is a type of joint activity of a child and an adult. Therefore, when determining the content of the game, it is necessary to clearly consider your participation in it.

PM.03 Organization of classes on basic general education programs
Topic 8. Environmental education of preschoolers

Task 15.

Studying the features of work on environmental education in different age groups (outside of class).

Purpose: to form in students a system of professional knowledge necessary for the implementation of the tasks of environmental education of preschoolers, to improve the ecological culture of future teachers - "preschoolers".

1. Analyze the conditions created in the preschool organization for environmental education preschoolers:

- "a corner of nature", its equipment and equipment (taking into account the age principle);

Microecosystems on the site of the kindergarten (a corner of the forest, fields, meadows, gardens, an ecological path);

Ecological room: its inhabitants and equipment, ecological passport;
2. Getting acquainted with the “corner of nature”, reflect the following points in your diary:

Does the selection of objects meet the general pedagogical requirements (didactic value, safety for children's health, typicality of objects, accessibility for their care, etc.)?

Were the biological characteristics of plants taken into account during the selection (the possibility of carrying out the biological cycle in the conditions of a “corner of nature”, satisfaction of needs, etc.)?

How is the consideration of the age capabilities of children manifested in the selection of objects?

Have the differentiated needs of plants been taken into account in the placement of facilities?

H. Observe and analyze the content of the organization of environmental activities of the educator and preschool children in a corner of nature in the morning period of time.

4. Prepare and conduct a natural history game for children.
Task 16.

The study of the features of conducting educational activities on environmental education preschoolers in different age groups.

Purpose: to improve the culture of pedagogical activity of the future "preschool" teacher, to form students' interest in new pedagogical technologies.

Review and analysis of educational activities on environmental education:

1. When analyzing the viewed lessons, answer the following questions:

What stage of work on education of a humane attitude towards wildlife do they belong to?

What is the originality of the forms, methods and techniques of environmental education in different age groups?

Organization of the situation (placement of objects of observation; conditions created for them; selection and location of equipment and materials used in the course of observation). Accommodation for children;

Techniques for attracting the attention of children to observing the arousal of interest (surprise moments, riddles, setting a cognitive task, problematic situation), their effectiveness;

The nature of tasks and questions, the sequence of their formulation (the logic of educational activities). The nature and content of the children's answers;

Inclusion of investigative actions in the course of observation, their nature, effectiveness;

The use of techniques for activating mental activity (search questions and actions, comparisons, use childhood experience and etc.);

Demonstration of children's interest during observation (emotions, questions, concentration of attention);

Individual manifestations of children in the classroom and an individual approach to them;

Use in the classroom the results of everyday observations made by children.
Task 17.

Independent conduct of educational activities by students on environmental education.

Purpose: to form students' attitude to an individual style in pedagogical activity, to stimulate students' need for self-improvement.

Students independently carry out: work in a corner of nature and educational activities for environmental education.

And the teacher himself. The personality of each participant in this process receives the freedom to form and develop in a comfortable environment. psychological climate. The effectiveness and fruitfulness of communication and joint activities depend on the personal potential, professional and special knowledge and skills, views and beliefs of the teacher.

Purpose of practice: formation in students of a holistic view of the educational complex of a modern preschool institution and the educator as the subject of the educational process in kindergarten.

Practice objectives:

  1. Formation of professional interest in the pedagogical activity of the teacher of a preschool institution, the creation of students' attitudes towards the formation of a professional position.

  2. The study of the specifics of the work of a teacher (functions and professional duties of a teacher of a preschool institution).

  3. Stimulating the need for the formation of a culture of pedagogical activity.

  4. Formation of skills to keep records of observations, process, summarize the information obtained during observations, fully and correctly reflect it in the diary of practice.

  5. Development of the need for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

  6. Formation of the skills of observation, analysis and evaluation of the educational process in kindergarten, its compliance with program requirements.
Mastering by students the means of elementary diagnostics of the personality and activities of the educator, the individual characteristics of the child and the group as a whole.
The proposed tasks are aimed at familiarizing students with the following problems of preschool education:

  1. A. The system of public preschool education in Russia. IN. Building a development environment in various types preschool educational institutions.

  2. The educator is the main subject of the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

  3. Educator in the system of pedagogical interaction.

  4. Psychological and pedagogical environment surrounding the child.
When performing the tasks provided for in each topic, students use various psychological and pedagogical methods of research: theoretical analysis and synthesis, targeted (included or not included, standardized or non-standardized) observation, questioning (talking with a teacher, children, parents), projective methods.


Head (head, methodologist) of a preschool educational institution:

Provides conditions for conducting pedagogical practice;

Introduces students to the kindergarten and its staff;

Ensures the distribution of students into groups and the implementation of the practice program;

Selectively analyzes the work of trainees, provides advisory assistance in preparing and conducting educational work with preschoolers;

Participates in final pedagogical council

Educator of a preschool educational institution:

Introduces students to the plans of their work, conducts open classes and other regime moments;

Together with the group leader, he advises students in preparing and completing assignments;

Helps students to establish contact with children and explore relationships in a group of preschoolers;

Attends classes held by students, participates in their discussion and evaluation;

Takes part in the analysis and evaluation of students' work in practice.

The main criteria for evaluating the practice of students:

The quality of completed tasks;

Level and depth of analysis of pedagogical activity;

Attitude to activity (discipline, conscientiousness, responsibility, initiative);

Manifestation of independence in judgments, own position, creativity;

The ability to communicate in the system "student-educator", "student - children", "student-administration", "student - group leader".

Reporting documentation:

Practice diary:

1. Reflection of practice, where students do self-analysis of professional development, indicate the difficulties they have encountered.

2. Analysis of the implementation of practice tasks.

3. Records of children's answers.

Abstracts of entertainment and holidays.


T e m a 1

A. Preschool educational institution

Features of the organization of the pedagogical process
B. Building a developing environment in preschool

educational institutions of various types
Exercise 1

Introduction to preschool:

Purpose: to get acquainted with the features of the educational process of preschool institutions, to study the features of its functioning.

Motives are not recognized. Children cannot explain their attitude or are limited to answers like “Because!” As a rule, this is a small number of children, mostly in the middle group.

General undifferentiated assessment. Children are trying to justify, motivate their attitude towards the teacher: “She is good!”, “Because I love, she is good.” Such groups have the largest (in general) number of children. In the older preparatory groups, the number of children who give a general undifferentiated assessment is significantly reduced.

Grade appearance educator: “She is beautiful”, because she is always smart, beautiful”, “She has a beautiful hairstyle”, “I love that she is bright”, etc. More often such assessments can be heard from children of the middle and older groups. Interestingly, students preparatory group note such external features of the beloved teacher, which characterize at the same time moral qualities (“She has kind eyes”).

Evaluation based on the personal relationship of the educator to the child. Such motivation is typical for preschoolers of the older group. (“Because she kisses me”, “She gave me a badge”, “She takes me in her arms and circles me. I love so much”, “Because she does not punish me”, etc.).

Evaluation of the awareness of the educator, his knowledge, skills: “She knows a lot of fairy tales”, “She knows all the cars”, “She knows how to do everything”, “Valentina Ivanovna made such beautiful hats for us!”, “When I don’t understand something, she tells me everything and others too” and etc. This group of motives is typical for children of older preschool age.

Evaluation of activities organized by the educator: “Because she plays with us on a walk”, “We plant onions with her”, “She shows us a puppet show”, “She teaches us to draw”, etc. Such motivations are found in children of different groups. However, if in the middle and senior group preschoolers highly appreciated the educator as the organizer of children's games, entertainment, a direct participant in them, then by the end of preschool age the teacher is also interested in the child as an organizer of educational activities (“She teaches us”). This is specific transitional age, emerging social and intellectual readiness for school.

Evaluation of the attention of the educator to all children from the position of utilitarian manifestation: (“She feeds us,” etc.) This group is small, the main part of it is made up of children from the older group.

Assessment of the moral qualities of a person: “She is kind”, “She is affectionate”, “She jokes and laughs, she is so cheerful”, “Angry, angry, strict”, “Never gets angry”, etc. These motivations are typical for older preschoolers.

Evaluation of the educator for trust in children and education of independence: “Gives me duty in the book corner”, “I gave the task to wash the doll’s linen”, “Allows me to turn on the TV”, etc. This group is not numerous, it includes older preschoolers.
We propose to record the conversation in the following way:












Each student must interview at least 8-10 children.

3. To study the ideas of children about the activities of the educator, conduct a second conversation with the children ( N. Ya. Mikhailenko).

What does an educator do?

Does the teacher play with you?

Why doesn't he play, can't or can't?

Does your teacher talk to you about anything?

Would you like to be an educator?

4. “Draw an image of the educator through the “prism of children's perception”, based on the children's answers about his activities.

Task 7.

The study of the ability of the educator to decentration.

Purpose: to form students' professional interest in research activities .
Guidelines for students
In order for the situation of communication with the child not to be a dead end, a special look at what is happening through the eyes of the child himself is necessary. In this case, they speak of the ability to decenter - the ability to put oneself in the place of another, empathize with him and take into account his point of view ( V. A. Petrovsky).

  1. Determine the ability to decenter with the teacher of your group. To do this, invite the teacher to finish the statements the way, in her opinion, one of the children would have finished (determine who).
I am very happy when...

I get very sad when...

I get scared when...

I feel ashamed when...

I am proud when...

I get angry when...

I am very surprised. When…

You should first ask the same questions to the child. Comparing the answers, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the teacher's ability to decenter.
Task 8.

The study of forms of work that contribute to the creation of an environment for the psychological comfort of the child (calendar and ritual holidays, surprise holidays, sports holidays).

Purpose: to teach students to analyze a holiday in kindergarten in terms of solving the following educational tasks:

Formation of the aesthetic taste of the child;

Development of the emotional sphere of children, their emotional attitude to music;

Introducing preschoolers to the national culture and creating a favorable environment for psychological comfort through the use of national cultural traditions.

  1. When viewing holidays, pay attention to the following points:
- thanks to which children create a special festive mood even before the start of the holiday;

How did the children prepare for the holiday?

The role of the teacher and other employees of the kindergarten in holding the holiday;

The emotional state of children at the holiday;

Conversations, impressions of preschoolers after the holiday.

2. Prepare and spend surprise holidays with your children. For example, holiday soap bubbles, Balloons, paper snowflakes, Thread (Paper) Dolls, Fluffies, Flying Pigeons, Leaping Frogs, Merry Words.

Come up with new names for surprise holidays.

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Sverdlovsk region

SBEI SPO SO "Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical College No. 1"

Specialty 050704 Preschool education

Nizhny Tagil

Explanatory note

Purpose of practice. Formation of professional competence among future educators in the implementation of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development and behavior of the child, analysis of information about the characteristics of the subjects of the pedagogical process.

^ Practice objectives:

1. Contribute to the mastery of practical methods of diagnostic research in preschool educational institutions.

2. Contribute to the establishment of the relationship of mental phenomena, problems associated with mental development, with professional pedagogical problems and, on this basis, determine the methods of pedagogical interaction.

4. To form an understanding of the personality-oriented model of interaction with children and develop the ability to model the communication of a teacher with a child.

Practice involves research, organizational student activities and the following activities:


Conducting individual interviews, tests,

Production of stimulus material for diagnostics,

Processing and analysis of the obtained results.

^ Practice reporting:

  1. Diary of practice.

  1. Album "Entertaining Pedagogy".

  2. Speech on " round table» on the basis of practice.

^ Practice base: Preschool educational institution in N. Tagil.

Practice form: concentrated. Practice is designed for 9 days. Based on the results of the practice, the student who completed the practice program is given offset.

^ Practice content


Content and activities of students

Student reporting


Acquaintance with the practice plan, the practice base, a group of children and a teacher.

Making a diary of practice, the presence of a medical examination.


"Educator in the system of pedagogical interaction in a preschool educational institution."

Observation of the specifics of the pedagogical functions of the educator, the culture of pedagogical activity, the study of the features of communication between the educator and children;

Studying the personal expectations of the child in communication with the teacher;

The study of the evaluative attitudes of adults to children (educator and parents).


Diagnostic cards;

Records of observations and conversations, their analysis and conclusions for each study.

"Child as a subject of interaction".

Studying the relationship between children in the kindergarten group;

Conducting sociometric research;

The study of the features of the relationship of children in joint activities.

Studying the skills of the culture of communication in everyday activities;

Studying the organizational skills of children in joint activities;

The study of the speech of preschoolers in communication with peers and adults.

"Peculiarities cognitive development preschoolers.

Studying cognitive sphere with the help of a natural experiment in the form of didactic games.

"The family microenvironment of the child".

The study of children's ideas about the family and relationships in the family.


Systematization and analysis of the results obtained in the course of studies on a group of children.

Analysis of the work performed, self-assessment of their achievements, shortcomings, identification of directions for further development of psychological knowledge.


Conclusion on the development of a group of children.

Practice report with introspection.

psychological and pedagogical practice

1st day

Educator in the system of pedagogical interaction in a preschool educational institution

Observation of the specifics of the pedagogical functions of the educator, the culture of pedagogical activity, the study of the features of communication between the educator and children

^ Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the educator as the subject of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

The study of the specifics of the work of the educator.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the functions of a preschool teacher.

  2. In a conversation with the teacher, try to establish a "confidential-business contact."

  3. You need to win over children and try to make communication with them personality-oriented. Use the game moment: together with the children, make medallions (they can be made of colored or white paper, cardboard) and write the name of the child on each of them (it is desirable that this be a diminutive name, what is the name of the baby at home).

  4. Come up with a fun activity to keep preschoolers interested.

  5. Analyze the content of the work of the educator in the first and second half of the day, make a timing of his activities. Diary entries can be made in the following way:

  6. Analyze how and in what way the cooperation between the educator and the assistant educator is manifested.

  7. Give a conclusion which of the functions is implemented by the educator most successfully.
The study of the culture of pedagogical activity of the educator.

  1. Make an analysis of the verbal communication of the teacher with the children, based on two speech positions:

    • content of communication;

    • culture of speech of the educator in communication.

  2. Pay attention to the appearance of the teacher, assistant teacher and all employees of the kindergarten.

  3. Pick up proverbs, sayings, songs, jokes to use them when conducting regime processes with children of different age groups.

  4. Get a notebook "Entertaining Pedagogy", in which you will collect practical material necessary for further work.

  5. Fill out a self-assessment notebook and determine your dominant type of attitude towards learning.
- The personality of the educator in the mirror of children's perception. The study of personal expectations of the child in communication with the teacher

Purpose: to determine the motives of the attitude of children to the educator and the ideas of children about the activities of the educator.

The study of the personality of the educator, his activities in
"mirror of children's perception"

1) When observing the interaction between children and the teacher, pay attention to the following points:

  • the content of the child's appeals to the educator, the educator to the child;

  • frequency of circulation;

  • emotional involvement of the child in communication;

  • the dominant type of behavior in the presence of a teacher.
2) Have a conversation with the children on the following questions:

  • Would you like to transfer to another kindergarten?

  • If the kindergarten closed for repairs, who would you like to go to another kindergarten with?

  • Which teacher would you take with you? Why?

  • Would you like to be like a teacher? Why?
These questions give children the opportunity to determine the motives of the child's attitude to education. Children's answers are motivations for the attitude towards the educator. The famous psychologist E.A. Panko conditionally divided into groups, acquaintance with which will help you analyze the answers of the children.

Children's answers are motivations for the attitude towards the educator.

Motives are not recognized. Children cannot explain their attitude, or they are limited to answers like “Because!”. As a rule, this is a small number of children, mostly in the middle group.

General undifferentiated assessment. Children are trying to justify, motivate their attitude towards the teacher: “She is good!”, “Because I love, she is good!”. Such groups have the largest (in general) number of children. In the older preparatory groups, the number of children who give a general undifferentiated assessment decreases significantly.

Evaluation of the appearance of the educator: “She is beautiful, because she is always smart, beautiful”, “She has a beautiful hairstyle”, “I love that she is bright”, etc. More often such assessments can be heard from children of the middle and older groups. Interestingly, the pupils of the preparatory group note such external features of their beloved teacher, which simultaneously characterize moral qualities (“She has kind eyes”).

Evaluation based on the personal relationship of the educator to the child. Such motivation is typical for preschoolers of the older group (“Because she kisses me”, “She gave me a badge”, “She takes me in her arms and circles. I love so much”, “Because she does not punish me”, etc. ).

Evaluation of the information content of the educator, his knowledge, skills: “She knows a lot of fairy tales”, “She knows all the cars”, “She knows how to do everything”, “Valentina Ivanovna made such beautiful hats for us!”, “When I don’t understand something, she tells me everything and others too”, etc. This group of motives is typical for children of older preschool age.

Evaluation of the activities organized by the teacher: “Because she plays with us on a walk”, “We plant onions with her”, “She shows us a puppet show”, “She teaches us to draw”, etc. Such motivations are found in children of different groups. However, if in the middle and older groups of preschoolers the educator was highly valued as the organizer of children's games, entertainment, a direct participant in them, then by the end of preschool age, the teacher is also interested in the child as the organizer of educational activities. This is the specificity of the transitional age, the emerging social and intellectual readiness for school.

Evaluation of the attention of the educator to all children from the position of utilitarian manifestation: (“She feeds us”, etc.). This group is small, the main part of it is the children of the older group.

Evaluation of the moral qualities of a person: “She is kind”, “She is affectionate”, “She jokes and laughs, she is so cheerful”, “Angry, angry, strict”, “Never angry”, etc. These motivations are typical for older preschoolers.

Evaluation of the educator for trust in children and the education of independence: “Gives me to be on duty in the book corner”, “Gave the task of washing the doll’s linen”, “Allows me to turn on the TV”, etc. This group is not numerous, it includes older preschoolers.

We propose to record the conversation in the following way:

Child's name

1st question

2nd question

3rd question

4th question


Each student must interview at least 8-10 children.

3) To study the ideas of children about the activities of the educator, conduct a second conversation with the children:

  • What does an educator do?

  • Does the teacher play with you?

  • Why doesn't he play, can't or can't?

  • Does your teacher talk to you about anything?

  • Would you like to be an educator?
4) "Draw" the image of the educator through the "prism of children's perception, based on the answers of the children and his activities."

The study of the evaluative relationship of the educator to the children.

Purpose: to show the value of the teacher's evaluative attitude towards children and its influence on the behavior and activities of children.

Conducting research. Supervision of the educator in various activities is carried out. Then they talk with him on the questions: “How often and in what situations do you use the assessment of the behavior and activities of children? For what purpose are you doing this? What are your criteria for positive and negative evaluation of children in different activities? Are you able to evaluate children objectively? Compare the effectiveness and pedagogical expediency of positive and negative evaluation of children. Which assessment do you use more often and why? How do children react to your assessment of their behavior and activities?

Data processing. The analysis of protocols is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. How systematically the activities of children are assessed (constantly in all types of activities; the child is mainly assessed in one type of activity, for example, in domestic processes; assessment is given on a case-by-case basis, episodically).

  2. How differentiated is the assessment of children (limited to a general undifferentiated assessment, for example; “Good, well done”, or tries to give each child a differentiated assessment).

  3. How objective the evaluation of children is (tries to evaluate all children in all situations; objective in relation to most children, but there are preferred or rejected children, i.e. depends on the attitude towards the child; depends on the situation; depends on the type of activity).

  4. How motivated the assessment is (explains the reasons for a positive or negative assessment; motivates the assessment from case to case, depending on the situation, attitude towards the child, type of activity, etc.; does not motivate the assessment).

  5. What are the criteria for evaluating children's activities (success in activities, efforts expended, achievement of results, quality of work, manifestation of certain moral qualities, etc.)

  6. How emotional is the assessment of the activities of children (accompanied by the expression of appropriate emotions, facial expressions, gestures).

  7. Does she use non-verbal means of evaluation, such as a smile of approval, a reproachful look, etc.

  8. What is the reaction of children to the assessment of the teacher: how effective is it, how does it affect their behavior and activities, do they strive to earn a positive assessment of the teacher and in what way.
They compare observational data and conversations, draw conclusions about the nature of the teacher's evaluative attitude towards pupils and its influence on the behavior and activities of children.

The study of the relationship of preschoolers to the teacher (through the analysis of their drawings).

^ Study preparation. Prepare sheets of paper of various colors, paints.

Conducting research. The study is conducted individually with children 4-7 years old.

Before drawing, the child is given multi-colored sheets of paper (gray, brown, green, red, yellow, purple, black) and is asked to say which color of the proposed ones he likes and dislikes. Then again they give the same sheets of paper, on any of which they offer to draw a picture on a particular topic.

^ Data processing.

First episode."My teacher". The drawings are analyzed from the following positions:

  1. The manifestation of attitude towards the educator: the diligence or carelessness of the drawings, the pleasure or unwillingness to draw, the use of paints, the location in the overall composition, the thoroughness of drawing lines, the degree of proximity or distance from children.

  2. Children's perception of different aspects of the teacher's activity. Pay attention to the plots and content of the drawings, to what types of activities the educator children prefer.

  3. Motivation for choosing a teacher in drawing. Compare (by age) the motives of attitude towards the teacher.
2nd day

"The child as a subject of interaction with peers"

Exercise. Studying relationships between children

In the kindergarten group

sociometric research.

^ Study preparation. Prepare decals (colorful, plot), 3 pieces for each child and 6-8 spare ones.

Conducting research. The study is carried out with children aged 3-7 years in the form of the Secret game, which is organized 2 times a year (in October - November, April - May) in the first half of the day instead of classes. Each child is asked, “secretly” from the rest, to present the 3 pictures offered to him by the three children of the group of his own choice. The game is carried out by two adults who do not work in the group (an educator of another group, a methodologist or head). It can be carried out in the dressing room, here they put 2 children's tables away from each other with two chairs for each (one chair for a child, the other for an adult). Before the experiment begins, the child is told: “Today the children in your group will play interesting game. In secret, so that no one knows, everyone will give each other beautiful pictures". To facilitate the task, you can tell the child: “You will give the guys, and they will probably give you.” Next, the child is given 3 pictures and said: “You can give them to those children you want, only one for each. If you want, you can give pictures to those guys who are sick now.” In case of difficulty, you can help the baby: “You can give it to those children that you like the most, with whom you like to play.” After the child makes his choice, he is asked: “Why did you decide to give the picture in the first place ... (the name of the peer that the child said first is called)?” Then they say: “If you had many, many pictures and only three children from the group were not enough, then who would you not give the picture to and why?” All answers are written down, and on the back of the picture is the name of the peer to whom it was presented.

^ Data processing. The number of general and mutual choices, the number of children in the “preferred”, “accepted”, “isolated” groups, and the level of relationship well-being (RWM) in the group are counted. The data is entered into a table. Choice is denoted by +, mutual choice -). The same table is compiled for girls.

A comparative analysis of the number of choices for boys and girls is carried out. Based on the data, the status position of each child is determined and all children are distributed into conditional status categories:

I "preferred" - 6-7 elections;

II "accepted" - 3-5 elections;

III "not accepted" - 1-2 choices;

IV “isolated” - those who did not receive a single choice.

Next, the level of well-being of relationships in the group is determined: the number of group members in favorable status categories (I-II) is correlated with the number of group members in unfavorable status categories (III-IV). WWM is high at I + II and III + IV; average at I + II = III + IV (or slight discrepancy); low with a significant quantitative predominance of the number of group members who find themselves in unfavorable status categories. An important indicator of WWM is also the “isolation index”, i.e. the percentage of group members who ended up in the IV status category (it should not exceed 15-20%). The emotional well-being or well-being of children in the system of personal relationships also depends on the number of mutual choices. Therefore, the reciprocity coefficient is determined (KB):

KV \u003d (P1 / P)  100%,

Where R - the total number of choices made in the experiment; P1- the number of mutual elections.

On the basis of determining the status of each member of the group, a conclusion is made about the presence of a microgroup in the team (CB below 20% can be considered as a negative indicator).

Analyze the criteria for positive and negative choices.

"Child as a subject of activity"

Exercise. Studying the features of joint activities

Method: observation.

^ Study preparation. Prepare material for gaming, labor, visual or constructive activities.

Conducting research. Children 4-7 years old are offered to play together, work hard, make a collective drawing or design.

^ Data processing. Analyze the features of the flow and organization of joint activities; the relationship between children in the course of this activity, as well as the assessments that they give to each other.

Relationships with peers in joint activities are analyzed according to the scheme:

1. Attitude towards peers:

  • positive, negative or indifferent;

  • considers a peer as a hindrance in activity ("Don't touch my chair. I wash it"), as an equal partner ("Let's play together") or does not notice.
2. Interest in the activities of another child:

  • is not interested, the interest is episodic or stable;

  • form of interest - observes, comments, etc.;

  • attract objects, actions, the result of an activity or the personality of a peer.
3. Helping a peer:

  • helps on his own initiative, at the request of an adult or friend;

  • helps reluctantly or with pleasure, refuses to help a peer.
4. Taking into account the opinion of the partner:

  • considers the opinions of other children or insists on his own;

  • defends his opinion by explanations, physical influences or sanctions (“I won’t play”, “I won’t give a toy”, etc.).
5. Attitude towards the successes and failures of a peer:

  • does not notice, treats adequately (offers help in a situation of failure, rejoices in a situation of success) or inadequately.
6. Resolution of disputes:

  • allows himself or with the help of an adult, another child;

  • influences a peer physically or with the help of speech (indicate the causes of conflicts).
7. Managing Peer Activities:

  • gives orders, advice, instructions, proves his point of view, criticizes a peer, etc .;

  • situations in which it affects another child (violation of the rules or quality of activity by him, the intersection of the spheres of children's interests (you need the same toy, etc.).
8. The ratio of initiative and reactive manifestations to a friend:

  • more likely to affect another child;

  • more often he himself acts as an object of influence on the part of a peer. (The predominance of initiative statements is an indicator of the activity in communication of preschoolers.)
9. Reactions to peer pressure:

  • agrees, changes the content or method of performing the activity;

  • does not agree, argues, insists on his own, shows verbal denial, aggression, etc .;

  • stops doing the activity.
They conclude how developed the skills and abilities of collective organization and performance of activities are in children of each age group, what are their relationships. They note the dependence of these indicators on the type of activity: play, work, visual or constructive.

4th day

^ Theme "Peculiarities of personal development of preschoolers."

Study preparation. On a piece of paper, draw a ladder of 6 steps. Cut out boy and girl figures.

Conducting research. The experiment is carried out individually with children 6-7 years old.

The first series begins with a casual conversation about the composition of the child's family, his close relatives, friends in kindergarten, and so on. Then the experimenter shows a sheet of paper with the image of a ladder and says that if all the children are seated on its 6 steps, then the best guys will be on the very top, below - just good, then - average, but also good children. On the second ladder, bad children are distributed accordingly, i.e. on the lowest step - the worst. After that, the child is given a figure of a man in accordance with the gender and the experimenter asks to put it on the step that, in the child's opinion, he himself corresponds to. At the same time, each time the child must explain why he chose this particular step.

Second series. The same kids are involved. The child is offered to place the figurine on the step where, in his opinion, the teacher (or other close adults) will put him. You need to ask the child about who will put him on the highest step (if for some reason he thought that the teacher would not put him on this step) and who on the lowest. After each answer, find out why the child thinks so.

Data processing. Scores are calculated separately for each series of the experiment. The number of motivated decisions is revealed. Compare the results of the first and second series.

Answer the following questions:

  • whether the child shows interest and willingness to talk about their relationship with the caregiver. If the answer is yes, then we can assume that this area is important and relevant for the child;

  • how the child considers himself and on which of the 6 steps he puts himself;

  • can the child explain why he put himself on a particular step;

  • what is the relationship between the child's self-esteem and the idea of ​​​​the assessment of his relatives;

  • Are there any differences in the answers of children aged 6 and 7, if so, what are they?

Studying the skills of communication culture in everyday activities.

Purpose: to identify the level of formation of the culture of communication of the child, to determine the direction of development of the culture of communication of the child of a particular age group.

Conducting research. The child (2 - 7 years old) is observed in natural conditions.

^ I. Communication with adults

  1. How does he address an adult: does he call the teacher, assistant teacher by name, patronymic; whether he can politely, calmly express his desire, request; how he reacts to the refusal of an adult to fulfill the required; does he use polite words which and in what situations.

  2. Does he know how to talk with an adult calmly, looking him in the face; listen to an adult without interrupting; wait your turn to say something to him.

  3. How attentive is the child to the adult; is able to come to his aid in time. How he reacts to the request of an adult, how he fulfills his instructions. Does care, attention, sympathy towards an adult. How and in what situations.
^ II. Communication with peers

  1. How friendly with peers: is the habit of saying hello and goodbye formed; calls a peer by name; whether they know how to treat politely, calmly. Does he use polite words when communicating, which ones and in what situations.

  2. Is he attentive to his peers: does he notice his mood; Is he trying to help? whether he knows how not to distract a peer during the performance of an activity, not to interfere; whether his opinion is taken into account.

  3. How often and for what reason conflicts with peers arise, how the child resolves them. How he behaves in conflict situations: yields, screams, fights, calls names, turns to an adult for help, etc.

  4. What kind of relationships prevail in communication with peers: equal and friendly towards all children; indifferent; covertly negative; electoral.
The received data are correlated with the table. They draw conclusions about the level of formation of the culture of communication of the child.

Children's age

2-3 years

3-4 years

4-5 years

5-6 years

6-7 years old

They greet and say goodbye to adults and peers, use words expressing a request, gratitude (thank you, please). Called by name and patronymic of educators. They show attention, sympathy for peers (share toys, give in), respond to the request of another child, help him.

Thanks to an adult, peers for the help, attention. Express the request in words, state it clearly. When addressing a peer, they call him by name, look at him, listen carefully to the answer, talk to each other in a friendly manner. They follow the elementary rules of behavior: they behave calmly, do not shout, do not interfere with others.

The ability to behave in accordance with the rules of behavior is consolidated: do not interfere in the conversation of elders, do not interrupt the speaker, politely answer a request, a question. Establish communication with unfamiliar peers, younger and older children.

They speak calmly, with respect; care for adults, their work and rest, willingly fulfill the requests and instructions of adults. Follow the rules of conduct in the group in the absence of a teacher. friendly remind peers of the rules of conduct. IN in public places behave with restraint, do not attract undue attention, speak quietly.

The skills of behavior in public places, communication skills with adults and children are fixed.

The study of organizational skills of children in joint activities.

Purpose: to find out the level of development of organizational skills in joint activities and their impact on relationships with peers.

Conducting research. They monitor the independent collective play or work activities of children 4-7 years old.

Data processing. The analysis of the protocols is carried out according to the scheme:

I. Organization of activities

  1. Is the child able to suggest the purpose of the activity.

  2. Is able to plan the content of activities.

  3. Is he able to choose the means for carrying out activities. How they choose: before the start; by trial and error; along the way. Is able to change the initial choice of means, if necessary.

  4. Is able to objectively assess the overall result and the contribution of each. What are the criteria for this assessment.
II. Organization of interaction between participants in the activity.

  1. Does the child know how to take into account the opinion of the partner, to obey his requirements.

  2. Is able to distribute responsibilities, taking into account the capabilities and interests of each child.

  3. Is he able to monitor compliance with the rules, order, adequately respond to their violations.

  4. Is able to fairly resolve a controversial issue without the intervention of an adult.

  5. Is he able to objectively assess the attitude of the partner to the task assigned. Whether and how he encourages his achievements in the process of activity.

  6. Whether he knows how to show self-criticism, to notice and correct mistakes in time.
They conclude how the child has developed organizational skills in joint activities and how they affect his relationships with peers.

2.3 Studying the speech of preschoolers in communication with peers and adults.

Purpose: to identify the level of development of speech as a means of communication, to determine the directions in the development of the child's communicative activity.

Conducting research. They record in natural conditions all the appeals of children aged 3 to 7 years to the teacher and each other, write down the speech verbatim, preserving the originality of vocabulary and style, noting the features of communication (for example: shouting, waving their arms, turned away, etc.), the duration of children's conversations with peers and educators.

Data processing. Based on the protocols, 3 tables are made.

Based on table 1, the speech means used by preschoolers in communication with adults and peers are compared. Find out which grammatical units are more common in different situations of communication.

According to tables 2.3, the content of speech contacts of children 3-7 years old with adults and peers is analyzed. They find out which type of speech is more situational - addressed to an adult or a peer.

5th day


Study preparation. Select, taking into account the age of the child, 3 reproductions of paintings of three genres unfamiliar to him: plot, landscape, still life. They should be colored and not very small.

Analyze reproductions according to the following scheme:

  • features of the semantic center (give it a name and briefly convey the content);

  • features of the structural center (mark whether the semantic and structural centers coincide);

  • major and minor subjects, list all;

  • causal relationships between objects, indicate all.
Conducting research. The experiment is carried out with children 4-7 years old individually.

The protocol contains the instructions and questions of the experimenter, the time for viewing reproductions, the listed objects, indications of the color of objects, causal relationships, a story from the picture, the child's behavior (the presence of pointing gestures, emotional reactions).

^ First series. Description of pictures. The child is alternately shown reproductions and asked to describe them: “Look carefully at this picture and tell us about what is drawn here.” In case of difficulty, ask leading questions. The child can move his finger over the picture, pointing to the objects that he is considering.

^ Second series. Aesthetic appreciation of the painting. Reproductions of paintings of all genres are laid out in front of the child and asked to choose the one that he likes best. The child chooses a picture and explains his choice.

^ Third series. Aesthetic appreciation of the painting. The child is shown several reproductions of paintings of the same genre, made in different manners, and asked to choose the one that he likes. Pictures of all three genres are consistently shown. They find out how the style features of the picture affect its aesthetic assessment by the child, for this he is asked to explain the reason for the choice.

Data processing. The data of the first series is drawn up in a table:

^ Features of the perception of the picture by preschoolers


Painting genre

Features of perception

Description integrity

Extraction of details

Understanding the mood of the painting

Emotional reaction to visual means

3-4 years


Still life

4-5 years

Plot Landscape Still Life

5-6 years


Still life

6-7 years old


Still life

Children are divided into 3 groups depending on the level of aesthetic assessment: Group I - no assessment; Group II - low-conscious assessment (when the child answers the question of whether he likes or dislikes the picture, but finds it difficult to explain why); Group III - a conscious assessment, when the child motivates his choice, noting the features of the content and expressive means of the picture.

The results are drawn up in a table by age: 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old, 3-6 years old, 6-7 years old.

They draw conclusions about the age-related characteristics of perception and the levels of awareness of the aesthetic evaluation of the picture. Find out what type of response is most typical for a particular age group. Analyze the individual characteristics of children.


Study preparation. Pick up 3-4 games (for example, "What has changed?") aimed at showing the stability of children's attention. So, the content of the game "What happened?" consists in the fact that the experimenter invites children to draw certain lines on the cells to the right, up, down, left on a piece of paper. In this case, a figure of a certain shape should be obtained, corresponding to the sample available to the experimenter. Any distraction of the child in such a game inevitably affects the correctness of the figure made.

Prepare a large number of pencils of three colors (for example, 30), and the number of pencils of each color should not be the same.

Draw a circle or square on a standard sheet of paper, and inside it draw 10 small randomly arranged circles in three colors.

Conducting research. The first series is held in the form of a selected game individually with children 4-7 years old.

^ Second series. A child of 4-7 years old is offered to arrange the pencils by color as quickly as possible. Fix the time of the task, errors and distractions.

Third series. A child of 6-7 years old is shown a large circle with multi-colored circles for 20 seconds and is asked to say how many circles of different colors are drawn.

Data processing. The number of correct answers is counted for each series of the experiment. The results are drawn up in a table by age: 3-4 years, 4-5 years, 5-6 years, 6-7 years.

In the first series, the coefficient of stability of attention is calculated; the number of found differences or correspondences of the resulting figure to the standard (depending on the content of the game) is compared with the number of true differences. In the second series, the indicator of the distribution of attention is the time



Study preparation. Pick up the story of the Journey game and 10 memorabilia items needed during the game. Develop a labor lesson, for example, fixing children's toys, prepare 10 tools and materials needed during the lesson and for memorization. Choose a story to listen to, for example, “At the Zoo” by K.D. Ushinsky, which talks about 10 animals. Pick up 10 words that are not related in content.

Conducting research. First episode. Memorization takes place in story game. In the course of the game, children have a need for certain items that they do not have at that moment. These 10 items are clearly called to one of the players (each time to a different one). The child must remember the names of things when he comes to the teacher of the group, who is in another room.

^ Second series. Memorization is included in the labor lesson. In preparation for work and in its process, children need the simplest tools and materials that are not in the group, but which are stored by the head of the kindergarten. One of the children is asked to get 10 items needed for work from the headmaster.

^ Third series. Children read the story. At the end, one of the children is invited, without prior warning, to name 10 animals and birds that were mentioned in the story.

^ Fourth series. The child is read with an interval of 3 from 10 words that are not related to each other, and they are offered to remember them in order to name them later.

Data processing. The number of words reproduced by children of each age group is counted for all series of the experiment. The results are entered in the table:

^ Memory productivity in different activities

Children's age

Kind of activity

A game

Lesson on






3-4 years

4-5 years

5-6 years

6-7 years old

The features of memorizing the material by children of different ages are revealed, depending on the type of activity they perform. At the same time, they take into account how much preschoolers strive to remember words, whether they use memorization techniques and which ones.

There are 3 levels of the memorization process. I level - the absence of a goal of memorization; Level II - the presence of a goal, but the absence of memorization techniques; Level III - the presence of a goal and memorization techniques. The results are tabulated:

^ Distribution of children by play levels

Children's age

Amount of children

3-4 years

4-5 years

5-6 years

6-7 years old














6th day

Theme "Features of the cognitive development of preschoolers."


Table 1. The ratio of speech means of communication with adults and peers among preschoolers, %

Table 2. Relative number of situational and non-situational statements of preschoolers in communication with adults and peers, %

Note: situational statements include statements about objects and actions that are and are taking place "here and now".

Table 3. The ratio of different categories of statements in the communication of preschoolers, %


Study preparation. Prepare a story by Y. Tayts "The Beast" and an English folk song translated by S. Marshak "Ship"; sheets of paper, a set of colored pencils.

Conducting research. The study is conducted individually with children 5-7 years old. The child is read the text slowly and expressively and is told: “Describe the beast that Misha built” (after reading the story of Y. Tayts) or “Describe the ship and its crew” (after reading an English folk song). Then they say: "Draw the beast that Misha folded" or "Draw the boat and its crew." At the end of the drawing, he is asked to tell what he has drawn.

Data processing. They determine the correspondence of descriptions and drawings to the text, analyze the additions made by the child.

Based on this, a conclusion is made about how developed the recreative imagination is and how it is connected with the creative one.

7th day

^ Theme "Family microenvironment of the child."

Exercise. The study of children's ideas about their parents.

Method: conversation, analysis of productive activities.

^ Study preparation. Make up questions for the conversation and memorize them, for example:

What does mom (dad, grandma, grandpa) do at home?

When do they praise you and when do they scold you? Why?

How do you help your mom (dad, grandma, grandpa)? Why?

How do you relax with your mom (dad, grandma, grandpa)?

What kind of mother or grandmother do you want to be? What kind of dad do you want to be? Why?

What do you not want to be a mother, grandmother? What do you not want to be a dad, grandfather? Why?

^ Conducting research. They talk with a child 3-7 years old.

Data processing. They analyze which functions of family members are best understood by children. Consider the content of these functions in relation to each family member (what they do more often, according to children). They find out what evaluative influences and about what different family members address the child, who praises more often, and who more often scolds a preschooler? They analyze the range of duties that the baby is aware of in relation to each family member, and show whom he helps more often. They track how the child spends his leisure time with different family members and with whom he often relaxes. Reveal the idea of ​​preschoolers about future family roles and distribute the answers into groups. Take into account when children in explanations rely on:

External signs ("I want to be beautiful mom"," I want to be a bearded dad ");

Moral qualities of adults (“I want to be a good mother”);

The quality of adults fulfilling their household duties (“I want to be a mother who cooks deliciously”);

The attitude of adults towards themselves (“I don’t want to be a mother who yells at children”);

The nature of the relationship between adults in the family (“I don’t want to be a mother who quarrels with dad”);

The profession of adults (“I want to be a dad-musician”);

Utilitarian aspects (“I want to be a dad who brings beautiful things”).

Draw conclusions about children's ideas different ages and gender about their future family roles.

Series"My family". The drawings are analyzed from the following positions:

  1. Real and imaginary family members.

  2. The content of the drawings: portraits; image of joint activity, interaction of the child with the “most beloved” person; depiction of professional and labor activity of adults; depiction of domestic labor; image of recreation, entertainment.

  3. The process of drawing: enthusiasm or indifference to the depicted, diligence, accuracy or negligence when depicting family members.

  4. Age differences in the depiction of family members: the diversity and richness of the content of the drawings, the execution technique, the use of the expressive functions of color, lines, the number of elements in the images.

  5. Verbal comments to the picture.

Protocol No. ____

to journaling

The diary indicates the practice plan, the base of practice (No. preschool educational institution, age group of children), a list of children in the group.

The diary is formatted as follows:

Notebook of analysis: the topic is indicated, quantitative and qualitative analysis is given, a conclusion is made with a development forecast.


  1. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M., 1985.

  2. Voronova V.Ya. Creative games for older preschoolers. - M., 1981.

  3. Vygotsky L.S. The game and its role in mental development child//Questions of psychology. - 1996.- No. 6.

  4. Leontiev A.N. Psychological foundations of preschool play//Selected psychological works in 2 volumes. - M., 1983. T.1.

  5. Mikhailenko N., Korotkova N. How to play with a child. - M., 1990.

  6. Psychology of personality and activities of preschoolers / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin. - M., 1999.

  7. Ruzskaya A.G. Development of communication between preschoolers and peers. - M., 1989.

  8. Smirnova E., Gudareva O. Modern five-year-old children: features of play and mental development//Preschool education.-2003.-№5, 10.-2004.-№3.

  9. Spivakovskaya A.S. Violations of gaming activity. - M., 1980.

  10. Usova A.P. The role of play in the upbringing of children. - M., 2001.

  11. Elkonin D.B. The psychology of the game. - M., 2003.

  12. Elkonin D.B. The basic unit of an extended form of play activity. The social nature of the role-playing game//World of Psychology.-2004.-№1.


  1. Program and guide for teachers of groups of kindergarten "Rainbow". Compiled by Doronova T.N. - M., 1997.

  2. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. Vasilyeva M.A., Komarova T.S., Gerbovoy V.V. - M., 2005.

Organizes supervision, analyzes the pedagogical process, advises students in the development of plans, directs the work of students during the period of practice, controls it; - summarizes the practice: prepares students for the final conference; checks and analyzes the reporting documentation of students, evaluates their work, prepares exhibitions of methodological developments for the final conference; submits brief characteristics of students and a report to the head of practice; - provides scientific and methodological assistance to basic institutions; - no more than 8-10 students in children's institutions, schools and no more than 15 trainee students in teacher training colleges are assigned to a group leader. Teachers of psychology, pedagogy: - supervise the conduct of lessons and extracurricular activities trainees participate in their analysis; - supervise the work of students in studying the personality and collective of children in a preschool institution, school, students in a teacher training college, the fulfillment of tasks provided for by the internship program, supervise the work of students in compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children; - participate in introductory and final conferences on pedagogical practice. The head of the base institution: - provides conditions for conducting pedagogical practice in the institution; - introduces students to the institution, personnel; setting up educational, administrative and economic work; - together with the course and group leaders ensures the placement of students, the implementation of the practice plan; - selectively analyzes their work. Preschool teacher, senior teacher, teacher elementary school, a teacher of a pedagogical school, a class teacher, a methodologist: - introduce students to their work plans, conduct open lessons, extra-curricular and other activities; - together with group leaders, they clarify the content of the work of students, advise on the preparation and implementation of the program, participate in reviewing classes, lessons conducted by them; - introduce students to a group of children of a preschool institution, primary school, students of a teacher training college, give a description of the groups, reveal the main tasks; - help in the current educational work , are present at extra-curricular activities conducted by students, methodological events, participate in their discussion and evaluation; - help to analyze and evaluate the work of the student. DOCUMENTATION, RECORDING AND EVALUATION OF STUDENTS' PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE 1. In the process of practice, each student develops a calendar plan, keeps a diary. The diary reflects: observations of individual children or students, collectives of a group or class; at the work of the educator, teacher and his comrades; analyzes the content, methods and forms of organization of educational work, etc. Material on course work and for special seminars, the fulfillment of tasks of pedagogical practice are also recorded here. The diary is used to report on the work during the practice. 2. At the end of the practice, students submit documentation for the program of each type of practice. 3. The results of the practice are summed up first in the educational institutions in which it took place, and then at the scientific and practical conference of the faculty. 4. The results of all types of practice are assessed differently. Preschool department 1st year Practice course "Introduction to the specialty" II semester, I week, April. The purpose of the practice: the formation of a holistic view of the educational complex of a modern preschool institution and the educator as the main subject of the educational process in kindergarten. Practice objectives: 1. Formation of professional interest in the pedagogical activity of a kindergarten teacher; creation of attitudes among students for the formation of a professional position in the educational process of a preschool institution. 2. Familiarization of students with the peculiarities of the educational process in different age groups. 3. The study of the specifics of the work of an educator: the functions and professional duties of a teacher of a preschool institution. Formation of the idea that the teacher is the main subject of the educational process in kindergarten. 4. Formation of skills to keep records of observations, to process and generalize the information obtained during observations, to fully and correctly reflect it in the diary of practice. 5. Formation of the skills of observation, analysis and evaluation of the educational process in kindergarten, its compliance with program requirements. 6. Students mastering the means of elementary diagnostics of the teacher's activity, the individual characteristics of the child and the characteristics of the group. Students are divided into subgroups (8-10 people). During the week, students get acquainted with the features of the educational process of the preschool educational institution, perform tasks. The working day of a student-trainee with a 5-day working week is 6 hours. The student, guided by the tasks and content of the practice, leads pedagogical diary, in which he fixes the results of completing tasks, analyzes the work of educators and his own. The main criteria for evaluating practice: - the quality of assignments; - the level and depth of the analysis of pedagogical activity; - attitude to activity (discipline, conscientiousness, responsibility, initiative); - manifestation of independence, own position, creativity; - the ability to communicate at the levels "teacher-teacher", "teacher-children", "teacher-administration". The content of the practice The proposed tasks are aimed at familiarizing students with the following problems of preschool education: 1. Building a developing environment in a preschool educational institution. 13 2. Educator in the system of pedagogical interaction. 3. The culture of the pedagogical activity of the educator. 4. The personality of the child is the object and subject of education. Day 1 Acquaintance with the base of the preschool educational institution. Acquaintance with the system of educational and educational work in preschool educational institutions. Students visit the preschool educational institution, meet with the administration of the institution. Familiarize yourself with the features of operation. Each student before entering the practice at the preschool educational institution receives a memo of the following content: 1. Study the features of the functioning of the preschool educational institution: staffing, number and occupancy of groups, working mode, diet. 2. Record modes work of preschool educational institution, groups of a preschool institution, make their comparative analysis. 3. Get acquainted with the implementation of the age principle in the organization of the life and activities of children in the institution. 4. Map out the types of preschools. (See article Shirokova T. Multifunctional system of preschool education // Preschool education. 1992. No. 2.) Task. To get acquainted with the construction of a developing environment in kindergarten. Memo. 1. During a tour of preschool pay attention to the creation of a developing environment: - group cells and their equipment; - methodical office, its equipment; - sports and music hall, swimming pool; - auxiliary premises (medical office, physiotherapy room, laundry, kitchen); - Kindergarten section. 2. Analyzing the object-spatial environment in preschool institutions, make a conclusion about whether it is subordinate to the child and his psychological health, whether the principles of building a developing environment are implemented in it. 3. Sketch various options interior design and group rooms. Day 2 Studying the specifics of the teacher's work: functions (professional duties) of a preschool teacher. 14 Memo. 1. Get acquainted with the functions of a teacher - "preschooler" (application). 2. In a conversation with the educator, get to know him and try to establish a "confidential-business contact." 3. To successfully complete this and subsequent tasks, you need to win over the children and try to make communication with them person-oriented. To do this, together with the children, make medallions (they can be made of colored or white paper, cardboard) and write the name of the child on each of them (it is desirable that the name sounds like it sounds for a child in the family). 4. Think of things to do with the children to get them interested in your personality. 5. Analyze the content of the work of the educator in the first and second half of the day, making a timing of his activities. An entry in the diary can be kept according to the following scheme: temporary activity assistant activity children's activity as a teacher educator 6. Analyze how cooperation between the educator and the assistant educator is manifested. 7. Give a conclusion which of the functions of this educator is most successfully implemented. Task: study of the culture of pedagogical activity of the educator. Memo. 1. Make an analysis of the teacher's verbal communication with children, based on two positions: a) the content of communication; b) the culture of speech of the educator in communication. 2. Pay attention to the culture of the appearance of the teacher, assistant teacher and all employees of the kindergarten. 3. Select proverbs, sayings, songs, jokes from children's literature to use them when conducting regime processes with children of different age groups. 4. Get a notebook "Entertaining Pedagogy", in which you will collect practical material necessary for the educator to work with children. Day 3 15 Task: to study the personality of the educator in the "mirror of children's perception". Memo. 1. When observing the interaction between children and the educator, pay attention to the following points: - the content of the child's appeals to the educator, the educator to the child; - frequency of calls; - emotional involvement of the child in communication; - the dominant type of behavior in the presence of a teacher. 2. Have a conversation with the children on the following questions: - Would you like to go to another kindergarten? - If the kindergarten was closed for repairs, with whom would you like to move to another group? - Which teacher would you take with you? Why? - Would you like to be like the teachers? Why? These questions make it possible to determine the motives of the child's attitude to the teacher. Children's answers-motivations of attitude towards the educator E.A. Conditionally divide Panko into groups (Appendix No. 4). We suggest keeping a record of the conversation in a diary according to the following scheme: Respondent's name 1 question 2 question 3 question 4 question Bank's motive Each student should interview at least 3-5 children. 3. To study the children's ideas about the activities of the educator, conduct a second conversation with the children. Questions for the conversation were proposed by N.Ya. Mikhailenko1 (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow): - What does the educator do? - Does the teacher play with you? - Why doesn't he play, can't or can't? - Does the teacher talk to you about anything? - Would you like to be a teacher? 4. "Draw" the image of the educator through the prism of children's perception. Task: to study the teacher's ability to decenter. Memo. 1 Mikhailenko N., Korotkova N. To the portrait of a modern preschooler // Preschool education, 1992 No. 2. 16 In order for the situation of communication with a child not to be a dead end, a special look at what is happening through the eyes of the child himself is necessary. In this case, they speak of the ability to decenter - the ability to put oneself in the place of another, empathize with him and take into account his point of view (V.A. Petrovsky).2 1. Determine the ability to decenter in your group teacher. To do this, invite the teacher to complete the statements in the way that, in her opinion, their well-known or beloved child would have completed: 1. I feel very happy when ... 2. I feel very sad when ... 3. I feel scared when ... 4 I am ashamed when... 5. I am proud when... 6. I am angry when... 7. I am very surprised when... After the teacher finishes these sentences, ask the child to complete them himself. Compare answers. The degree of coincidence will indicate the teacher's ability to decenter. Day 4 Task: study of self-esteem of preschoolers. Memo. To study the self-esteem of preschoolers, it is recommended to use the method of N.E. Volitova and S.G. Jacobson - V.G. Shur. (Appendix No. 5). Each student examines 5 children. Day 5 Task: studying the identification of children and parents. Memo. The most important stage in personality formation is the role identification of children with their parents. It arises as a result of the interaction of the child with his parents and, above all, with his mother and father. In this complex process, the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral spheres of the child are closely intertwined. One method that can be used to explore children's identification with parents is conversation. We suggest using a questionnaire developed by A.I. Zakharov (see Appendix No. 6). Each student examines 5 children. 2 Petrovsky V.A. We learn to communicate. M., 1996. 17 Students attend various holidays in preschool institutions. They are actively involved in their preparation and implementation. They analyze the solution of educational tasks on holidays, for example: "Shrovetide", "Sportlandia". 1. When viewing the holidays, pay attention to the following points: - thanks to which the children create a special festive mood even before the start of the holiday; How did the children prepare for the holiday? - the role of the educator and other employees of the preschool institution at the holiday; - decoration of the hall, paraphernalia of the holiday; - the emotional state of children at the festival; - conversations, impressions of children after the holiday. 2. Prepare and spend holidays-surprises with children: - Holiday of Soap Bubbles; - Balloon Festival; - Holiday of Paper Snowflakes; - Feast of Thread (Paper) Dolls; - Holiday Fluffies; - Feast of Flying Pigeons; - Holiday of Jumping Frogs; - Holiday of Merry Words. Come up with new names for the surprise holidays. (The assignment is expected to take 2 days.). Note: There are two tasks scheduled for each day of the week. Reporting documentation: 1. Diary of practice. 2. Report. 3. Didactic manual. 2 course Practice in groups of early and preschool age takes place in the III semester. The duration of the practice is two weeks. It has an educational and production character. Students, in the presence of the leader, observe the work of the group staff, the development and behavior of children, and analyze the observation. Every day for 2-3 hours they work in groups in pairs with a teacher, acquiring skills in working with young children. 18 Each day of work of students is organized approximately according to the following plan: Observation in a group on assignment - 1.5-2 hours. Analysis of what is observed under the guidance of the head of practice, taking into account the age of the children and in accordance with the recommendations of teaching aids. Working with children as a teacher - 2-2.5 hours. Studying the documentation of the group. In early and preschool childhood the foundations of physical, mental, moral, and aesthetic education are being laid. In terms of the saturation of mastering skills and abilities, the pace of development, this age does not have a similar degree of development in subsequent periods of childhood. Here, not only quantitative, but also profoundly qualitative changes of the personality take place: elements of self-consciousness, speech, thinking are formed; the child actively masters social experience, mastering a variety of practical actions, becomes the subject of activity. Therefore, it is impossible to start educating a preschooler without knowing the specifics of development at this age. The purpose of the practice: to form strong beliefs among students about the role of a child's early age for his subsequent development. Practice objectives: - to deepen students' knowledge about the age characteristics of early childhood and the specifics pedagogical work with kids; - to prepare them for the ability to provide pedagogical assistance to parents whose children do not attend a preschool institution; - to acquaint with the content of activities in early age groups of children's institutions: general developmental, compensatory, health-improving, etc. Approximate distribution of tasks for the period of practice 1 day Task: Acquaintance with the working conditions of the children's institution. Interview with the manager. Bypass groups early age. Distribution of students by groups. Memo Observe the features of the organization of the living conditions of children 3-4 years of age. Analyze the conditions and specifics of working with children 3-4 years of age (use the diagram for analysis). 19 Get acquainted with the documentation of the group and the conditions for building a developmental environment organized in a group (make a diagram of a subject-developing environment in a group). Write down the operating mode 1st and 2nd junior groups do a comparative analysis. Day 2 Assignment: observation in the group of the organization of independent activities of children. (Each student is assigned 1 child). Memo. When observing independent activity children, its analysis to pay attention to the following questions: 1. The importance of properly organized independent activity of children. 2. Activities of children in the second and third years of life in the institution. 3. Conditions necessary for independent activity of children. 4. Organization of a subject-play environment for children of the second and third years of life. 5. Techniques for managing children's independent activities: indirect demonstration, direct teaching, reminder, step-by-step teaching, etc. Day 3 Task: re-observation of students for children during their independent studies in order to familiarize themselves with the features of the development and behavior of children. Conducting timekeeping for independent activities of children. Each student keeps a record of observations of one child. Changes in children's behavior are recorded every 5 minutes. Recording form: Timing of independent activities (last name, first name, patronymic) _______________________________________ Time Content Day 4 Assignment: timing of the subject-play activity of children. 20

The educator is a mirror of the spiritual culture of our future!

There are many professions on earth. Among them, the profession of an educator is not quite ordinary. After all, educators are busy preparing, if I may say so, our future, educating those who will replace the current generation tomorrow, working, so to speak, with “living material”, the deterioration of which is equated to a catastrophe.
An educator is not only a profession, it is a vocation that not every person is marked with, this vocation must be earned, earned with your work, your talent, your desire to constantly change, transform, improve.
A child is a blank slate on which adults can “write down” anything they want. A teacher for a preschooler is the first person after his parents, teaching him the rules of life in society, expanding his horizons, shaping his interaction in human society. He bears a huge responsibility for today's and future life of the pupil, which requires high professionalism and great mental strength from the teacher. Even V.A. Sukhomlinsky said that "the speech culture of a person is a mirror of his spiritual culture." A child - a great observer and imitator - notices any mother's and father's actions, hears all their words, adopts judgments and behavior from them. Unfortunately, the influence of adults is not always beneficial for a growing baby, and contributes to the development of a harmonious personality with high moral principles. The worst thing is if the parents themselves are a bad role model, but even if they are cultured people and take the upbringing of the baby seriously, one should not forget about the influence that the teachers he meets in life have on him.
The role of the teacher in the upbringing of children cannot be overestimated. Already from kindergarten, the educator is the person who is the guide of the baby to the world around him. Often the teacher and children spend much more time together than children and parents. Whether they find mutual language educator and children, it largely depends on how the baby will behave in the future. Will he become a self-sufficient person, or, conversely, will he suffer from complexes all his life. Each of us probably remembers his kindergarten teacher, despite the fact that not a single dozen years have passed since then. This once again testifies to how deep our childhood impressions are and how much they influence our future life.
Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influence on a growing person in order to transfer the accumulated social experience. The role of the educator is very important here, and in particular his skill and acting skills. The social environment is of paramount importance in the development of the individual: the level of development of production and the nature of social relations determine the nature of the activity and worldview of people.
Genetics - suggests that people have hundreds of different inclinations - from absolute hearing, exceptional visual memory, lightning-fast reaction to rare mathematical and artistic talent. And in this case, acting skills play a huge role. But the inclinations by themselves do not yet provide abilities and high performance. Only in the process of upbringing and education, social life and activity, the assimilation of knowledge and skills in a person, abilities are formed on the basis of inclinations. The inclinations can be realized only through the interaction of the organism with the surrounding social and natural environment. Acting skills help the educator to catch the attention of children, to win them over.
Every day, living part of their life in kindergarten, children learn a lot, and perhaps the most important thing is flexibility in communication and peaceful existence among people. In the center of communication with peers is one's own personality, "I" in relation to other "I" in the light of the assessment of others. The personality of the educator is considered as the ultimate truth and is surrounded by a halo of infallibility or a halo of overcontrol. Throughout the preschool age, the teacher with his individual characteristics is a model for the child. Moreover, children take the educator as a moral model, regardless of his emotional attractiveness. The role features of the educator are to some extent idealized by children; from the assessment of external qualities, the child proceeds to the assessment of his activities, and then to the assessment of his moral qualities. The attitude towards the educator is determined by the attitude of the educator towards the children, although basically preschoolers always evaluate the educator positively. It was even noticed best attitude to a demanding and strict educator, rather than to a democratic one. Because, according to children, a good educator is the one who educates.
The educator faces a difficult task - being an adult who develops and teaches the child, to understand and feel Child's world combine rigor and kindness, respect for little man and demanding. But children are so different! Some like to live by the rules, with the help of which they feel familiarity with the world of adults, while others, on the contrary, want to do what is impossible - this is how they defend their personality. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology.
In kindergarten, a child goes through a whole life with its joys, difficulties, relationships, achievements and disappointments. And it depends on the educator whether the door to this life will be ajar for us, whether we will find out, whether we will understand what it consists of. The teacher can become our assistant in making the life of our children in the kindergarten more joyful and successful.
Parents, in turn, should respect a person who is a specialist in the field of raising children and not impose on him a model of interaction between the educator and children.

An educator is a person who combines the features of a psychologist, an artist, a friend, a mentor, etc. The educator for the whole day must reincarnate several times, and the more plausible the master of his craft does, the more tangible the result. The creative potential of the pupil depends on the creative potential of the teacher himself, so you need to pay great attention to the development of creative imagination.
The educator is a creative worker, a master of his craft, an innovator, a leader healthy lifestyle life, which uses the latest methodological developments in its work.
The educator is a patriot of his Motherland. The educator is called upon to be an authority for children and their parents, together with the family to solve the responsible tasks of education. The country trusts them with the most precious thing - its future.

Man has two worlds:
One - who created us,
Another - which we are until the century
We create to the best of our ability.
N. Zabolotsky
Child education -
Difficult job
You have to teach the child
All the foundations of life.

For the child to dress
And versed in art
Know what is bad and what is not
Developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world,
The teacher in him is an idol,
Helps the kids
Substituting for Mom's Day.