Work experience Topic: “Modern forms of interaction with parents. Coursework: Interaction of municipal preschool educational institutions with families Methods of interaction with parents

List of sources used

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2. Arkhangelsky V.N., Kuchmaeva O.V. Personality, family, society: interactions in modern conditions// Family in Russia. - 1996. - No. 2. — P.64-84.

3. Barinova T.M. Family and family education // Pedagogical news / Ed. EAT. Kokoreva. Magadan, 1993. Vol. 1.

4. Bespalko, V.P. Components of pedagogical technology/V.P. Bespalko. - M.: Pedagogy, 2000.- 192 p.

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6. Vinogradova L. We are looking for new forms of interaction with the parent community / L. Vinogradova // Education of schoolchildren. – 2005. – No. 6. – p.9-16.

7. Vlasyuk I.V. Family as a sociocultural value. Monograph - Orenburg: LLC "Agency "PRESS", 2006 - 200 p.

8. Preschool institutions and family - a single space of child development / T.N. Doronova et al. M., 2001.

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11. Zimina A.I. Working with parents / A.I. Zimina // Class teacher. – 2007. – No. 6. – p. 104-106.

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13. Pavlova L.N. On the interaction of family and public education of young children: On the issue of updating the system of public education // Preschool education. 2002. No. 8.

14. Ryndak V.G. We come from childhood//Pedagogical guidelines for raising a child in the family and school//monograph/V.G.Ryndak-M.; Orenburg: Ped.vest.OGIM, 2006.-203p.

15. Social protection of the family: Current situation, problems, solutions // Ed. count T.F. Yarkina, V.G. Bocharova, M.P. Guryanova, V.N. Gurov. T.1. Book 1M.; Stavropol, 1997.

16. Tatarenko, V.Ya. Family and personality formation / V.Ya. Tatarenko.-M.: Mysl, 2003.-352 p.

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“Our children are our old age.

Proper education -

this is our happy old age,

bad upbringing is our future grief,

these are our tears, our guilt before others.”

A.S. Makarenko

Preschool institutions have accumulated significant experience in organizing cooperation with parents in order to increase the effectiveness of the moral, labor, mental, physical, artistic and aesthetic education and development of children. Kindergarten teachers are constantly improving the content and forms of this work, striving to achieve an organic combination of educational influences on the child in a preschool institution and in the family, and to ensure the comprehensive development of the individual.

Relevance The problem is that kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins. The further development of the child depends on the joint work of parents and teachers. And it is on the quality of work of a preschool institution, and in particular teachers, that the level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the level of family education of children depends. To be a true promoter of means and methods preschool education, a kindergarten in its work should serve as an example of such education. Only under this condition will parents trust the teachers’ recommendations and be willing to establish contact with them. Educators must constantly increase the demands on themselves, their pedagogical knowledge and skills, and their attitude towards children and parents.

The relevance of the problem of working with parents.

When coordinating your actions with your family, you must try to supplement or compensate for the home conditions of upbringing. The interaction between family and preschool institution is especially important for children from single-parent and disadvantaged families, for children with developmental disabilities, since they are most susceptible to negative changes in society.

Only active two-way communication can compensate for the “inferiority” of their existence, improve children’s adaptation to new conditions, and establish a connection between “disadvantaged” children and their environment. As for children from so-called “prosperous” families, only in the relationship between kindergarten and family is it possible to master various types of activities, normalize contacts with children from different social strata, and improve the pedagogical culture of parents. It is important to note that the teacher’s task is to be aware of the differences between children, between their families, and to behave democratically, without making distinctions between children.

Another problem is the disappearance of age-appropriate spontaneity in children’s behavior, which leads, according to many experts, to the development of aggressive traits. It is again possible to overcome this crisis through the interaction of two social institutions - the family and the kindergarten. It is important that the conditions in the family and in the preschool institution do not differ from each other. So that both at home and in kindergarten the child is faced not with violence, including educational and pedagogical violence, but with understanding, care and involvement in feasible work.

The third problem is to develop children's interest in understanding the world around them. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to confidential conversations with the child and his parents. The process of sharing an adult with children is very important. The main thing is that the child, both in kindergarten and at home, does not encounter a wall of alienation and feels comfortable and cozy. Unfortunately, not every family can see such an idyll. The task of teachers in this aspect is to teach parents to communicate with children, to arouse in them tender feelings for the child. All this can be done by using active forms and methods of working with parents.

Another problem is to teach children to communicate with each other, to teach them not to offend others, to show empathy and tolerance. And this also cannot be done without the active participation of the family.

Despite the difference in the methods of pedagogical organization of preschool institutions, including in working with parents, all their activities are united by a single goal - to educate a free, developed, responsible person, ready for life in society, in society. It is important to explain these tasks to parents and try to solve them together.

The role of the family in society is incomparable in its strength to any other social institution, since it is in the family that the child’s personality is formed and developed, and he masters the social roles necessary for painless adaptation in society. A person feels a connection with his family throughout his life. And it is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, norms of behavior are formed, the inner world and individual qualities of the individual are revealed.

The current situation in which our society finds itself has required the search for a new model of public education of the individual in an open social environment and closer contact between the public and the family, which is carried out with the help of educators.

When talking about the professional level of a teacher, they always try to give an idea of ​​the style of his relationship with the parents of his children. Building business, productive relationships with parents is a special professional job. To carry it out competently, the teacher must know and be able to do a lot: imagine the psychology of parents, master the techniques of communication, persuasion, explanation, methods of conducting various types of meetings. But to establish contact with parents, it is not enough to be a professional - you need to make efforts to become a person who “just likes”.

Psychotherapist Vladimir Levi in ​​his book “The Art of Being Different” highlights the chapter “The Genius of Communication.” I focus my work on the traits of “communication geniuses” that the author gives.

1.Plus interest.

Great curiosity and colossal greed for people. Increased observation and memory for everything that concerns another person.

2. Minus anxiety.

Peace of mind, like the smell of roses, attracts people.

3.Plus feedback.

During the conversation, the interlocutor notices only one thing: the conversation is ongoing, the atmosphere is warm. Associated qualities are tact and wit.

4.Plus artistry.

A wealth of gestures and intonations of an excellent storyteller and mime. It's different with different people.

5.Plus - minus aggressiveness.

Despite the general background of good nature, genius is not without aggressiveness, which manifests itself rarely, but accurately.

6.Minus bias.

7.Plus foresight. Plus sympathy.

The radiation of goodwill is returned by reflected light.

Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in participating in the work of a kindergarten, but there is disharmony in the real relationships between educators and parents. Both personal and professional factors can hinder the development of these relationships: lack of time, feelings of inadequacy, ethnic stereotypes, feelings of resentment - all of these can lead to the formation of personal and professional biases that prevent families from becoming active participants in the upbringing of their children. Therefore, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. Using the principle individual approach parental involvement, there are a variety of ways to get more families involved.

There are five levels of parental involvement:

1) provision of one-time assistance;

2) the abilities of parents are used from time to time when conducting classes;

3) parents become voluntary assistants on a permanent basis;

4) parents help determine the main directions of work in the group;

5) parents participate in the discussion of broader issues, the solution of which should have a beneficial effect on the work of the kindergarten.

With each option, parents have the opportunity to exchange experiences and learn certain skills from each other, so as the work continues, the parents’ opportunities will increase.

In order to positively influence the desire of a particular family to participate in the work of the group, the teacher must know all the parents of his group well and take into account individual characteristics not only different families, but also members of each family. I am convinced that people who are completely different in composition, family values ​​and cultural traditions, who have different understandings of the child’s place in the life of society, are open to the positive initiatives of the kindergarten and are ready to respond to them.

I consider the most relevant methods of interaction in family studies to be:

Getting to know each family (conversations, visiting the family at home, questionnaires, testing).

Establishing contact with parents (friendly conversation, specific, accurate answers to parents’ questions).

Identification of the family structure and its psychological climate (collection of information, observation of the relationship between parents and children during the reception and care of children).

Created a data bank on the typology of families of pupils.

During the study of families, the following data is revealed:

1. Age of parents:

a) up to 25 years (members of a young family are more often oriented
to solve their personal problems and advance in career growth, while raising a child is sometimes carried out spontaneously);

b) over 25 years of age (parents at this time, as a rule, have already formed the need to take care of the child. The interests and needs of the child occupy a dominant position in the hierarchy of needs of this family).

2. Education and profession (allows you to determine the social status of the family and the possible level of material well-being).

3. Family composition - complete, single-parent families, simple, complex, modified (indicates the participation of grandparents, stepfathers, stepmothers in the educational process, as well as the presence of other children in the family).

All this allows us to predict the strategy of interaction with the family.

Studying a student’s family allows the teacher to get to know him better, understand the family’s lifestyle, its way of life, traditions, spiritual values, educational opportunities, and the child’s relationship with his parents. But it should be remembered that studying the family is a delicate, subtle matter, requiring the teacher to show respect for all family members, sincerity, and a desire to provide assistance in raising children.

Constant interaction with parents is necessary; and not only in the form of psychological and pedagogical assistance to specific families, but also through the active involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten, their participation in developmental educational work with children. The task of teachers is to interest parents by offering them both traditional and new forms of interaction. These are non-traditional meetings between teachers and parents, joint events between parents of children. Various forms of work are actively used with parents.

Traditional forms:parent meetings, consultations, surveys on various issues, seminars, open days, matinees, design of information stands, booklets.

Non-traditional forms:protection of family projects, participation of parents in creative competitions, public events of the kindergarten, exhibitions of parental work on art activities, organization of the work of the parent committee of the kindergarten, presentation of the kindergarten, information about the kindergarten on the website on the Internet.

The work of a teacher with a family includes three main components:

assistance in education,

psychological assistance,


The main component of social and pedagogical activity is the education of parents. Assistance in education is aimed at preventing emerging family problems and developing a pedagogical culture of parents in order to unite the requirements for the child in education from all family members, emphasizing the joint activities of the kindergarten and the family. It is for these purposes that parents are widely educated on certain issues depending on the category of the family.

Forms of working with parents in kindergarten

Presenters the goals of interaction between the kindergarten and the family are to create in the kindergarten the necessary conditions for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the preschooler’s personality, increasing the competence of parents in the field of education.

Basic forms of interaction with family

Getting to know the family: meeting-acquaintances, visiting families, questioning families.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process: open days, individual and group consultations, parent meetings, designing information stands, organizing exhibitions of children's creativity, inviting parents to children's concerts and parties, creating reminders, online magazines, correspondence by e-mail.

Education of parents: organization of “mother/father school”, “school for parents” (lectures, seminars, workshops), conducting master classes, trainings, creating a library (media library).

Joint activities: involving parents in organizing music and poetry evenings, living rooms, competitions, family Sunday subscription concerts, weekend routes (to the theatre, museum, library, etc.), family associations (club, studio, section), family holidays, walks , excursions, family theater, participation in children's research and project activities.

1 Educational area "Health"

Explain to parents how the family’s lifestyle affects the child’s health.

Inform parents about factors influencing physical health child (calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement). Talk about the effects of negative factors (hypothermia, overheating, overfeeding, etc.) that cause irreparable harm to the baby’s health. Help parents maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of their child.

Encourage parents to read literature with their child on preserving and promoting health, and watch relevant feature films and animated films.

Introduce parents to health-improving activities carried out in kindergarten. Explain the importance of children visiting sections and studios aimed at improving the health of preschoolers. Together with parents and with the participation of the medical and psychological service of the kindergarten, create individual health programs for children and support the family in their implementation,

2 Educational field “Physical education”

Explain to parents (through the design of the appropriate section in the “corner for parents”, at parent-teacher meetings, in personal conversations, by recommending relevant literature) the need to create in the family the prerequisites for the full physical development of the child.

To orient parents towards developing a positive attitude towards physical education and sports in their child; the habit of doing morning exercises every day (this is best done by personal example or through joint morning exercises); stimulating the child’s motor activity through joint sports activities (skiing, skating, fitness), joint outdoor games, long walks in the park or forest; creating a sports corner at home; buying your child sports equipment (ball, jump rope, skis, skates, bicycle, scooter, etc.); joint reading of literature on sports; watching relevant feature and animated films.

Inform parents about the current tasks of physical education of children at different age stages of their development, as well as about the possibilities of the kindergarten in solving these problems.

To introduce the best experience of physical education of preschool children in the family and kindergarten, demonstrating the means, forms and methods of developing important physical qualities, nurturing the need for motor activity.

Create conditions in kindergarten for joint physical education and sports activities with parents, opening various sections and clubs (for tourism, swimming, etc.). Invite parents to participate in physical education festivals and other events organized in kindergarten (as well as in the region or city) together with their children.

Educational field "Security"

Show parents the importance of developing environmental consciousness as a condition for the overall survival of nature, the family, the individual, and all of humanity.

Introduce parents to situations that are dangerous to the child’s health that arise at home, in the country, on the road, in the forest, near a pond, and how to behave in them. To direct the attention of parents to the development in children of the ability to see, recognize and avoid danger,

Inform parents about the need to create favorable and safe conditions children staying outdoors (follow safety precautions during games and entertainment on carousels, swings, slides, sandboxes, while riding a bike, while relaxing near a pond, etc.). Talk about the need to create safe conditions for children to stay at home (do not keep medicines, household chemicals, electrical appliances in places accessible to them; keep electrical outlets in order; do not leave children unattended in a room where windows and balconies are open, etc. ). Inform parents about what children should do in case of an emergency (call adults for help; give their first and last name; if necessary, the last name, first name and patronymic of the parents, address and telephone number; if necessary, call emergency numbers - “01” , “02” and “03”, etc.).

Involve parents in active recreation with children, expanding the boundaries of preschoolers’ lives and developing skills safe behavior during rest. Help parents plan weekends with their children, thinking through problem situations that stimulate the formation of positive behavior patterns in different life situations.

Emphasize the role of the adult in shaping the child’s behavior. Encourage parents to demonstrate by personal example to their children compliance with the rules of safe behavior on the roads, respect for the environment, etc. Encourage parents to read literature with their child on preserving and promoting health, and watch relevant feature films and animated films.

To familiarize parents with the forms of work of a preschool institution on the issue of child safety preschool age.

Educational field "Socialization"

To acquaint parents with the achievements and difficulties of public education in kindergarten.

Show parents the importance of mother, father, as well as grandparents, teachers, children (peers, younger and older children) in the development of the child’s interaction with society, understanding of social norms of behavior. Emphasize the value of every child for society, regardless of his individual characteristics and ethnicity.

To interest parents in the development of children's play activities, ensuring successful socialization and the acquisition of gender behavior.

Help parents understand the negative consequences of destructive communication in the family, which excludes people close to the child from the context of development. Create motivation among parents to preserve family traditions and create new ones.

Support the family in building the child’s interaction with unfamiliar adults and children in kindergarten (for example, at the stage of mastering the new subject-developmental environment of a kindergarten, group - when entering kindergarten, moving to new group, change of teachers and other situations), outside it (for example, during project activities).

Involve parents in drawing up a cooperation agreement, program and plan for interaction between family and kindergarten in raising children. Accompany and support the family in the implementation of educational influences.

Educational field "Labor"

To study the traditions of labor education that have developed and are developing in the families of pupils.

Introduce parents to the possibilities of labor education in the family and kindergarten; demonstrate the need for self-care skills, assistance to adults, and the child’s household responsibilities. To introduce the best experiences of family labor education through exhibitions, master classes and other forms of interaction.

Encourage close adults to introduce children to domestic and professional work, show its results, and pay attention to the attitude of family members to work. To develop among parents an interest in joint projects with their children to study the labor traditions that have developed in the family, as well as in their hometown (village).

To attract the attention of parents to various forms of joint work with children in kindergarten and at home, which contributes to the formation of interaction between adults and children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, and pride in the results of common work.

Encourage parents to read literature together with their child on various professions, work, and watch relevant feature and animated films.

Conduct joint competitions and events with parents to improve and plant the territory of the kindergarten, focusing on the needs and capabilities of children and scientifically based principles and standards.

Educational area "Cognition"

Draw the attention of parents to the possibilities for the intellectual development of the child in the family and kindergarten.

To orient parents to the child’s development of the need for cognition and communication with adults and peers. Draw their attention to the value of children's questions. Encourage them to find answers to them through joint observations, experiments, reflections with the child, reading fiction and educational literature, watching feature films and documentaries.

Show the benefits of walks and excursions for obtaining a variety of impressions that evoke positive emotions and sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.). Together with parents, plan and also offer ready-made weekend routes to historical, memorable places, and recreational areas for townspeople (villagers).

Involve parents in joint research, design and productive activities with their children in kindergarten and at home, which contribute to the emergence of cognitive activity. Hold competitions and quiz games with your family.

Educational field "Communication"

Study the peculiarities of communication between adults and children in the family. Draw the attention of parents to the possibilities of developing the child’s communication sphere in the family and kindergarten.

We recommend that parents use every opportunity to communicate with their child, the reason for which can be any events and associated emotional states, the child’s achievements and difficulties in developing interaction with the world, etc.

Show parents the value of dialogical communication with the child, which opens up the opportunity to understand the world around them, exchange information and emotions. Develop communication skills in parents using family assemblies, communication trainings and other forms of interaction. Show the importance of kind, warm communication with a child, avoiding rudeness; Demonstrate the value and appropriateness of both business and emotional communication. Encourage parents to help their child establish relationships with peers and younger children; suggest how to more easily resolve a conflict (disputed) situation.

Involve parents in a variety of content and forms of cooperation (participation in the activities of family and parent clubs, maintaining family calendars, preparing concert numbers(parents - child) for parent-teacher meetings, leisure time for children), promoting the development of free communication between adults and children in accordance with the cognitive needs of preschoolers.

Educational field "Reading fiction"

Show parents the value of home reading, which is a way to develop the child’s passive and active vocabulary and verbal creativity.

Recommend to parents works that define the range of family reading in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child. Show methods and techniques for introducing a child to fiction.

Draw the attention of parents to the possibility of developing the child’s interest in the course of familiarization with fiction when organizing family theaters, involving him in play activity, drawing. To guide parents in choosing feature and animated films aimed at developing the child’s artistic taste.

Together with parents, hold competitions, literary lounges and quizzes, theater workshops, meetings with writers, poets, and children's library workers, aimed at children's active knowledge of literary heritage. Maintain family contacts with the children's library.

Involve parents in project activities (especially at the stage of designing albums, newspapers, magazines, books, illustrated with children). Encourage support for children's writing.

Educational field "Artistic creativity"

Using the example of the best examples of family education, show parents the relevance of developing interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, early development children's creative abilities. To introduce the possibilities of the kindergarten, as well as nearby institutions of additional education and culture in the artistic education of children.

Support the desire of parents to develop the artistic activities of children in kindergarten and at home; organize exhibitions of family art, highlighting the creative achievements of adults and children.

Involve parents in active forms of joint activities with children that contribute to the emergence of creative inspiration: classes in art studios and workshops (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.), creative projects, excursions and walks. To encourage parents to jointly examine buildings, decorative and architectural elements that attracted the child’s attention on walks and excursions; show the value of communication about what you saw, etc.

Organize family visits to the museum of fine arts, exhibition halls, children's art gallery, workshops of artists and sculptors.

Educational field "Music"

To acquaint parents with the possibilities of the kindergarten, as well as nearby institutions of additional education and culture in the musical education of children.

Reveal the possibilities of music as a means of beneficial influence on the mental health of a child. Using the example of the best examples of family education, show parents the influence of family leisure (holidays, concerts, home music playing, etc.) on the development of the child’s personality and child-parent relationships

Involve parents in various forms of joint musical and artistic activities.

The ideas of interaction between family and public education were developed in the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, in particular, he wrote: “In the preschool years, the child almost completely identifies himself with the family, discovering and affirming himself and other people mainly through the judgments, assessments and actions of his parents.” Therefore, he emphasized, the tasks of education can be successfully solved if the child maintains contact with the family, if a relationship of trust and cooperation has been established between educators and parents.

After all, no matter how seriously the forms of raising children in preschool institutions are thought through, no matter how high the qualifications of preschool employees, it is impossible to achieve the goal without the constant support and active participation of parents in the educational process. The comprehensive harmonious development of a child’s personality requires unity and consistency of the entire system of educational influences of adults on the child. The role of the family in creating such consistency is difficult to overestimate, because the family, as the first institution of socialization, has a decisive influence on the development of the basic personality traits of the child, on the formation of his moral and positive potential. It is in the family that children receive their first moral lessons and their character is formed; In the family, the initial life positions are laid. Therefore, it is extremely important that the main component of the work of preschool institutions is the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents. This is also necessary in order to eradicate the mistakes made by parents in family education: many young parents underestimate the importance of physical education of children, some find it difficult to approach children psychologically, others do not pay due attention to labor education. Often, problems that arise in low-income, large, single-parent, and guardianship families remain open.

The new concept of interaction between family and preschool institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, support, guide, and complement their educational activities. The officially implemented policy in our country of transforming education from family to public is becoming a thing of the past.

The ideas of interaction between family and public education were developed in the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, in particular, he wrote: “In the preschool years, the child almost completely identifies himself with the family, discovering and affirming himself and other people mainly through the judgments, assessments and actions of his parents.” Therefore, he emphasized, the tasks of education can be successfully solved if the school maintains contact with the family, if a relationship of trust and cooperation has been established between educators and parents.

Recognition of the priority of family education requires new relationships between the family and the preschool institution. The novelty of these relationships is determined by the concepts of “cooperation” and “interaction.”

Cooperation is communication “as equals”, where no one has the privilege of specifying, controlling, or evaluating.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication. In S. Ozhegov's "Russian Language Dictionary" the meaning of the word "interaction" is explained as follows: 1) the mutual connection of two phenomena; 2) mutual support.

The main point in the context of “family - preschool institution” is the personal interaction between the teacher and parents about difficulties and joys, successes and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of raising a particular child in a given family. Helping each other in understanding the child, solving his individual problems, and optimizing his development is invaluable.

It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become an open system. The results of foreign and domestic studies make it possible to characterize what makes up the openness of a preschool institution, including “openness inward” and “openness outward.”

Currently, a restructuring of the preschool education system is underway, and at the center of this restructuring is the humanization and de-ideologization of the pedagogical process. Its goal is now recognized not to be the education of a member of society, but the free development of the individual.

Therefore, the relevance of the problem is that kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins. The further development of the child depends on the joint work of parents and teachers. And it is on the quality of work of a preschool institution, and in particular methodologists and social teachers, that the level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the level of family education of children depends.

Family is truly a high creation.
It is a reliable barrier and a pier.
She gives calling and birth.
She is the foundation of everything for us.
(E.A. Mukhacheva)

The problem of interaction between kindergarten and family has always been relevant and difficult. Relevant, because the participation of parents (legal representatives, hereinafter referred to as parents) in the lives of their children helps them see a lot, and difficult, because all parents are different; they, like children, need a special approach.

Organizing interaction with the family is a job that does not have ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by the intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family.


The performance criteria are:

  • high attendance by parents at all planned meetings,

  • parents’ use of the proposed materials when working with children,

  • positive assessment of the family and feedback on further cooperation with the preschool institution.
The results of TLZR activities are:

  • creative works performed jointly by children and parents (visual, speech, theatrical);

  • creating “books” on certain topics.
- parents’ awareness of the need to interact at a new level of communication with the child through various types of children’s activities;

  • qualitative changes in the design of the group’s educational space:
- building trusting partnerships between child and parent;

Active position of parents in the life of the group, kindergarten;

Increasing the importance of the role of the teacher in organizing the life activities of children, increasing his authority in relationships with parents.

Gives good results when working with parents organization of project activities in kindergarten. As a rule, any project, both small at the preschool level and large-scale, includes a block of work with families. This includes the creation of propaganda posters, exhibitions, writing mini-essays, competitions, excursions, parent meetings and clubs, stand design and much more. With such an integrated approach, parents become the most active helpers and faithful companions of teachers in any endeavor.

As a result of the work done, the use of various forms and methods of communication with parents, the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents has increased; The culture of interpersonal interaction among children in the group has improved.


Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which in its own way gives the child social experience, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world. Only in harmonious interaction between kindergarten and family can one compensate and soften each other. This will become possible for us only through joining forces and cooperation. We are convinced that “it’s fun to walk through the open spaces together,” which we go to with children is very cool. Misunderstanding and mistrust of parents will gradually go away.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the family and preschool institution are two important social institutions for the socialization of a child. And although their educational functions are different, positive results are achieved only with a skillful combination different forms cooperation, with the active inclusion in this work of all members of the preschool team and family members of the pupils. The main thing in the work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions between the family and the preschool institution. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. That's why Special attention should be given to the introduction of new non-traditional forms of cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with families, a differentiated approach to families of different types.

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents

Lashkova Oksana Evgenievna, teacher of the private educational institution “kindergarten No. 4” of JSC “Russian Railways”, Bologoe
Description of material: I offer you a methodological development on the topic “Interaction between kindergarten and parents.” This material will be useful in the work of educators with parents of preschool children. The development is aimed at studying parents’ requests for the conditions for teaching and raising children in a preschool educational institution, and at strengthening the relationship between parents and teachers.

Interaction between kindergarten and parents.

Target: Eliminate the psychological barrier in the relationship between parents and teachers in a preschool institution, enrich parents with pedagogical knowledge in raising and educating children, establish partnerships between teachers and parents to create optimal conditions for a child’s stay in kindergarten.
Recently, there has been an increased interest of parents whose children have just entered kindergarten, both in the education system in a preschool institution and in methods of education in the family. The instability and contradictory social situation in our country has led to a sharp increase in the number of families (especially among young parents) who find themselves in a difficult situation regarding raising their own children. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out upbringing blindly, intuitively. As a rule, all this does not bring positive results. Kindergarten, as a social institution in support of the family, helps raise a child. My task as a teacher is to help parents acquire the necessary pedagogical information and knowledge. For this purpose, pedagogical and psychological techniques studying the competence of parents in matters of raising children, as well as the range of issues that most concern parents.
Achieving a high quality of education for our students, fully satisfying the needs of parents and the interests of children, and creating a unified educational space for the child is possible only if a system of interactions between the preschool educational institution and the family is developed. Relationships with children and parents today have become more diverse, more interesting and require more erudition, flexibility, and understanding of the tasks facing us from teachers.
My system of working with parents is based on studying families (observations, questionnaires, testing, individual conversations, etc.), training, consulting, informing and educating parents in the psychological and pedagogical direction. From the first days of the child’s stay in the group, I try to win over the parents and make them active participants in the educational process. I get to know the children’s families, their traditions, interests, how the child behaves at home, and study his individual characteristics. Analyzing the data obtained, I plan methodological and advisory work.
In order to study the family, clarify the educational needs of parents in order to coordinate the educational impact on the child, I offer parents a small questionnaire - the purpose of which is to identify requests, problems (if any) and wishes of parents for the educational process in a preschool educational institution.
Dear parents!
To identify your requests, interests, wishes when organizing educational and educational services in our preschool educational institution, we ask you to answer the following questions:

1.Is your child willing to go to kindergarten?
- Yes
- No
- not always
2.What, in your opinion, should the upbringing and education of your child in kindergarten be aimed at?
- for general development
- to prepare for school
- for the development of artistic and aesthetic taste (musical, art activities, theatrical activities)
- to become familiar with Russian national culture
- for environmental education
- Your suggestion……
3. Please mark the topics that you would like to discuss with teachers and specialists:
How to raise a healthy child
Raising independence in a child
How to prepare your child for school
How to develop children's creativity
How to communicate with a child correctly
Child speech development and impairment
Hyperactivity in children
Nurturing a culture of behavior in a child
What should a child of a certain age know and be able to do?
How to protect your child from accidents
Your option…………..
4.What would you like to change in the life of a preschool educational institution?
- in the educational process
- in the educational process
- working with parents
5.What would you like to know about the education, upbringing and development of a child?
- All
- Nothing
- Don't know
6. Would you like to receive advice on raising a child?
- psychologist
- medical worker
- speech therapist
- another specialist
7. Your wishes for the work of our preschool educational institution………
We ask you to indicate the last name, first name, and age of the child.
Thank you!
Studying the requests of parents, systematizing the questions they most often asked, allows us to more differentiated the selection of forms and methods of interaction with them.
To identify the level of pedagogical culture of parents at the beginning school year I developed and proposed a questionnaire, collected the necessary data, on the basis of which a work system was built:

Dear parents!
We ask you to take part in the study in order to identify the pedagogical awareness of parents and the relevance of problems associated with raising children in a modern family. The content of your answers will not be known to anyone and will be used only for research purposes. Please answer the questions and choose one of the answer options.

1.What difficulties do you encounter in raising your child:
- disobedience of a child
- you lack pedagogical knowledge
- the child grows up nervous
- no difficulties
2.On the basis of what knowledge do you raise your child:
- listen to radio and TV programs
-attend lectures for parents
- based on expert recommendations
- use life experience
- read pedagogical literature
3.What methods of education do you consider the most effective:
- encouragement
- punishment
- deprivation of entertainment
- your display of resentment
4.What types of incentives do you use most often:
-verbal praise
5.What types of punishment are most effective in your education?
-physical punishment
-verbal threat
Thank you!
Most parents note that they lack pedagogical knowledge on issues of upbringing, they are confused about the methods of influencing the child.
In practice, I have found that the most difficult thing for parents is the practical application of one or another method of education. If parents raise a child only with kindness, constantly fulfilling his desires, demands, requests, whims, then a weak-willed child will grow up in the family, he will show disrespect for other people and pride. He will be characterized by selfishness. If a child is brought up only with strictness, they constantly demand that he do something, control every step and at the same time show displeasure, in such a family the child grows up, as a rule, with traits of rudeness, hypocrisy, lies, cruelty, etc. P. Most domestic and foreign teachers, as well as parents, agree that in raising children, both love and exactingness are simultaneously necessary; their organic connection and interaction is the golden mean to which they should strive. That is why it is so important to enrich and expand pedagogical knowledge among parents.
In my work, I rely on the fact that parents, teachers and the entire staff of our preschool educational institution are partners with a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process, and I make the most of the educational potential of the team and family in joint work. Unified educational environment. These are not only uniform requirements for the child in kindergarten and at home, but also the active participation of parents in the life of the group. I use various active forms and methods of working with parents to help establish emotional contact, such as:
- conversations with parents;
- visiting families of pupils;
- group parent meetings;
- individual and group consultations;
- classes with the participation of parents;
- exhibitions of children's works made together with parents;
- joint excursions;
- days of communication;
- participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays;
- joint creation of a subject-development environment;
- design of photomontages;
- work with the parent committee of the group;
- trainings;
- workshops;
- round tables;
- parent conferences;
- mobile library with psychological and pedagogical literature for parents, etc.
Throughout the school year, I conduct questionnaires and surveys of parents. The issues that matter most to them become topics of discussion at our meetings and Family Living Rooms. Every parent is interested. How the baby adapted, how he behaves in the group, whether he made friends. How the child lives in the group, parents learn from personal conversations with the teacher, from the daily work plan, from productive activities, from observation sheets. By talking about the child, what positive aspects of personality the child shows, what achievements or difficulties he experienced during the day, we improved our relationship with each parent.
Based on the work done, we have established good relations with the parents of the group. There are no main ones in our communication - we are partners. If pedagogical assistance in terms of education is needed, I respond with pleasure. But our parents often offer their help in arranging a developmental environment for our children and express their opinions on this or that issue. We jointly organize cleanup days and set up a group site. We often hold holidays together with our parents for our kids. Together with parents, we organize children's birthday parties in a group. Parents prepare small concerts for their children, they are fun and the children, of course, are delighted. Together with parents, photo exhibitions were prepared: “Different mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!”, “Where my dad works,” “Our beloved grandmothers and grandfathers!”
Only partnerships focused on the family and its needs, forms and methods of work will give positive results and help build a system for psychological and pedagogical education of parents, the goal of which is the comprehensive and complete mental and physical development of the child. Analysis of activities on the issue of interaction with families allows us to conclude: optimizing cooperation between teachers and parents establishes feedback. The creation of a unified educational space makes it possible to improve the quality of provision of health and educational services. In the current social conditions interaction with the family is an important area of ​​activity of a children's educational institution. Both the family and the kindergarten convey their experience in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.


Interaction between kindergarten and family


Relevance of the problem

The changes taking place in the state and education place new demands on the nature and quality of relations between the family and the educational institution. The state's attitude towards the family has changed, and the family itself has changed. Today the family is going through a crisis. A significant part of family and moral traditions has been lost, the attitude of parents towards children has changed, and the psychological microsociety of the family has been destroyed. In the changed economic conditions, parents, for the most part, are looking for sources of livelihood rather than raising children. The number of single-parent, dysfunctional families is growing. In the Law “On Education in Russian Federation“Article No. 44 states: “Parents have a priority right to the education and upbringing of children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child” (1)

Recognizing the priority of family education changes the position of a preschool institution in working with families. Kindergarten teachers not only educate children, but also advise parents on education issues.

Changing the psychological and pedagogical approach in education to the problem of family in matters of development and upbringing of children, the social order of society requires: updating the content, organizational forms of educating parents, introducing non-traditional methods of work into practice, creating various special assistance services (pedagogical, psychological), forming a single an educational space that can help the development of a child and his family.

The relevance of updating the content of cooperation with the family is due to the need to intensify and integrate the work of all preschool education specialists in solving the problem interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in accordance with the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The relevance of the problem of interaction between school and family is beyond doubt. A child comes to school from a family and returns to his family. The family is the primary social microenvironment for a child. Its enormous influence on a child’s development is undeniable. Both mother and father are necessary for its normal development. Their importance for the child is not determined by the material contribution; what is important for his mental health is, first of all, emotional and personal contact with his parents. A man and a woman, being opposites and having a unique impact on the child, form that “golden mean”, which is called emotional balance, and which determines the successful development of the child.

However, not all families fully realize the full range of opportunities to influence their children. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise children, others do not know how, and still others do not understand why this is necessary. This is aggravated by the fact that young families tend to live separately from their elders, many parents have no experience of communicating with younger brothers and sisters, and the experience of family upbringing traditions has been lost. All this leads to problems raising a child in a family.

Problems of raising children also exist in the families of our kindergarten students. The study of families made it possible to identify problems in family education:

reducing the duration and formalization of communication between mother and father and child;

Insufficient practical interaction between adults and children;

Inability to understand the motives of a child’s behavior, ignoring his spiritual needs;

Ignorance of the content and methods of raising preschool children.

Therefore, at present, the task of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in raising their children is important. Pedagogical education of parents is necessary, which will help them improve the level of pedagogical knowledge. To do this, it is necessary to reconsider the organization of work with parents in kindergarten, to establish new relationships based on cooperation and interaction.

Analysis of the situation shows that the consulting psychological and pedagogical network in the village is developing slowly. Few parents cannot get advice from specialized centers. The closest people to the child and the problems of his upbringing are preschool teachers who are interested in creating favorable conditions for the child’s development, overcoming the mistakes of family education and improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Optimizing cooperation between kindergarten and family becomes an objective necessity. At consultations, practical classes, trainings, joint events with teachers and children, parents will be able to increase the level of pedagogical knowledge;

Overcome the difficulties of family education;

They will learn to interact with the child, respect his personality, interests and needs.

1. Interaction between kindergarten and family in modern conditions

.1 New philosophy of interaction between kindergarten and family

school family teacher parent

In the “Concept of Preschool Education” (2), which laid the foundation for the reform of preschool education, it was noted that kindergarten and family, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. For a full, meaningful course of the preschool period, it is necessary to combine the efforts of parents and educators.

The basis of the new philosophy of interaction between family and preschool educational institutionlies the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, guide, and complement their educational activities. The novelty of the relationship between a preschool institution and a family is determined by the concepts of “cooperation” and “interaction.”

Interactionis a way of organizing joint activities through communication. This is communication “as equals”, where no one has the privilege to indicate or control.

Cooperationteachers and parents presupposes equal positions of partners, respectful attitude of interacting parties to each other, taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of each.

Cooperation involves not only mutual actions, but also mutual understanding. These characteristics are closely interrelated and interdependent. The better partners know and understand each other, the more opportunities they have to form positive personal and business relationships, in order to come to an agreement and agree on joint actions. The joint work of teachers and parents allows them to get to know each other better and helps strengthen their mutual influence.

The initiator of establishing cooperation should be kindergarten teachers, since they are professionally prepared for educational work, and therefore understand that its success depends on consistency and continuity in the upbringing of children. The teacher is aware that cooperation is in the interests of the child, and that it is necessary to convince parents of this.

The most important way to implement cooperation between teachers and parents is to organize joint activities in which parents are active participants in the process, i.e. is happening inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool institution.The inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution involves their participation in:

Organization of the educational process;

organization of the development environment;

Involving parents in assessing and monitoring the activities of preschool educational institutions;

Providing additional services;

Development of planning: general preschool plans, independent activity children, joint activities of children and adults.

To implement this task it is necessary:

Gradual inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool institution;

Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents;

Raising parents as real customers of educational services, i.e. their understanding of the purpose of the goals and functions of the preschool institution;

Systematic participation of parents in the activities of the preschool institution;

Creating conditions for the transition of parents from the role of passive observers to active participation in cooperation with preschool educational institutions.

Effectiveness of cooperationteachers and parents due to:

Positive attitude of the interacting parties towards working together;

Awareness of work goals, personal interest;

Joint planning, organization and control over the life activities of children;

The position of the administration that promotes self-realization and self-expression of teachers and parents.

The transition to new forms of relations between parents, teachers and children is impossible within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become open system.Research by T.A. Kulikova allow us to conclude that “openness of a child care institution” presupposes “openness inward” and “openness outward” (3).

Implement "openness inward“- this means making the educational process more flexible, differentiated, humanizing the relationships between children, teachers, and parents. To do this, it is necessary to involve parents in the educational process of the kindergarten, to create such conditions so that all participants in the process have a personal willingness to open themselves in any activity. “The openness of the kindergarten to the outside“means a willingness to cooperate with the surrounding society: library, school.

To create an optimal relationship between educators and parents, it is necessary that both parties trust each other. The relationship between teachers and parents should be based on psychology of trust.The success of cooperation largely depends on the mutual attitudes of the family and the kindergarten (V.K. Kotyrlo, S.A. Ladyvir(4). It is important that parents feel the professionalism of the teacher in matters of education and are confident in his good attitude towards the child, but most importantly, they valued his personal qualities (attention, kindness, caring, sensitivity). The teacher gains such trust through a caring attitude towards the child, the ability to cultivate in him positive personal qualities, generosity, and mercy. No less important are the culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding.

The leading role in establishing relationships based on trust in each other belongs to the teacher. Mutual understanding and mutual trust are possible if the teacher excludes edification when working with parents, does not teach, but advises, thinks with them, and agrees on joint actions for the upbringing and development of children. The atmosphere of interaction between the teacher and parents should indicate that the teacher needs parents, to join forces with them, that parents are his allies, and he cannot do without their advice and help.

The interaction of teachers and parents in modern conditions involves line of influence on the family through the child,where the child becomes the leading subject of attention, and relationships between adults become emotionally smooth and constructive. This model of cooperation involves the interaction of a child care institution and a family as a process of interpersonal communication, the result of which is the formation in parents of a conscious attitude towards their own views and attitudes in raising a child.

New model interaction between parents, children and teachers helps:

Ensure parental participation in the educational process;

Activate the educational capabilities of parents;

To promote personal enrichment of all participants in interaction through the activities of its transformation and change.

Impact on the family through the child involves a multi-level system of cooperationwith the families of the pupils, which will depend on the social status, education, interests and requests of the parents.

Level I involves: - assistance to parents in planning the developmental impact on the child, in implementing an individual approach to children;

Level II - parents complement the child development program in kindergarten through various forms of joint communication between parents and children;

Level III - parents, together with teachers, conduct classes, organize creative activities with children, aimed at developing the individual capabilities of children.

All three levels of interaction allow, depending on the needs of parents, to take part in the life of the kindergarten, make changes to the educational process and be active participants in it. A differentiated approach to organizing work with parents is a necessary link in the system of measures aimed at increasing their pedagogical knowledge and skills.

Thus, advantages of the new philosophy of interaction between teachers and parentsundeniable and numerous:

Positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children. Parents are confident that the preschool educational institution will help them in solving pedagogical problems, taking into account the opinion of the family. Teachers enlist the understanding of parents in solving problems in the upbringing and development of children;

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. By maintaining contact with the child’s family, the teacher knows his characteristics and habits and takes them into account when working, which leads to increased efficiency of the pedagogical process;

The ability to take into account the type of family and style of family relationships, which is unrealistic when using the traditional form of work;

Strengthening intra-family ties;

Parents can, already at preschool age, choose and shape the direction in the development and upbringing of the child that they consider necessary, i.e. take responsibility for raising the child.

The implementation of a new philosophy of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families helps to avoid the disadvantages that are inherent in old forms of working with families.

1.2 Approaches and main directions of organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

Organization by the administration of the preschool educational institution of work with teachers to implement the new philosophy of working with parents involves:

Clear goal setting. Teachers must be aware of the purpose of interaction and adhere to it in the course of their work. Violation of this provision leads to the opposite of the expected result;

Each preschool educational institution employee must clearly understand what personal benefits he will receive from this work, including the financial aspect. The greatest psychological effect is achieved from the benefits that everyone will have by changing their attitude towards working with parents;

When planning work, it is imperative to take into account the state, interdistrict level, and early investments that will have an effect in a few years.

Trusting relationships between teachers and parents cannot be imposed; they appear as a natural desire of both parties. You can achieve understanding in relationships with parents if you systematically study the requests of parents, their requirements for the work of the preschool educational institution, invite parents to the preschool institution during entertainment and sports events, arrange presentations of the preschool educational institution in society, and provide parents with written information about the work of the kindergarten.

Based on the research of Lashley Jenny(5), we can distinguish actions of teachers to establish contacts with parents:

1. First contacts between the preschool educational institution and the family:

A teacher visiting a family at home;

inviting parents to visit the preschool educational institution;

Providing parents with written information about the child care facility;

A meeting with parents to clarify the conditions for the child to attend kindergarten.

2. Further relationship between parents and teachers is realized in the process:

Daily contacts when parents drop off or pick up their children;

Informal conversations about children or scheduled meetings with parents to discuss progress;

Familiarizing parents with written material about their children;

Visits to kindergarten parents to get acquainted with the work of the preschool educational institution and the opportunity to see how their child is doing.

3. Help for preschool parents:

As organizers and sponsors;

in organizing joint excursions, walks, and leisure activities;

4. Parents’ participation in their children’s daily visits to preschool educational institutions:

Parents stay so that the child gets used to the preschool;

Parents take part in children's games and activities.

5. Parents' contribution to their child's education:

Working with your child in kindergarten (so that the teacher can teach parents how to help their child);

Continuation of teaching work at home conducted by teachers.

6. Parental participation in social activities:

Work in the parent committee of a kindergarten, others public organizations parents.

7. Organizing social events for parents:

Attending courses on educational issues;

Work of the club for parents;

Inviting lecturers on issues of interest;

8. Help for parents:

Providing assistance in matters of education and child development;

accumulation of information on family education and practical advice;

Help in solving crisis situations.

The achievement of optimal results in the upbringing and development of children in the joint activities of teachers and parents will be facilitated by conditions:

Unity of tasks and content educational work in kindergarten and at home;

Providing an individual, differentiated approach to working with families of pupils based on an analysis of family education and the contingent of parents;

Teachers planning different forms of education with parents and other family members, the relationship between different forms;

Continuity in the content and technologies of pedagogical education for parents of children of different ages, in the development of practical skills in parents;

Availability of regulatory documents on working with families in the preschool educational institution;

Selection of materials in the methodological room of a preschool educational institution to help teachers;

Participation of all specialists in promoting the goals, objectives, content and methods of education and development of preschool children.

In order to pedagogically competently build work with parents within the framework of the new philosophy, it is necessary to observe principles:

- openness of the kindergarten for families(each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);

- cooperation between teachers and parents in raising children.Establishing partnerships among all participants in the educational process;

- scientific character- lies at the basis of all developments on the problems of preschool childhood, which allows the pedagogical process to be carried out on a scientific basis, using new educational technologies.

- continuity and integrity -the ability to work with families, implementing a single line of interaction at all stages of preschool age;

- variability - various shapes interaction between the child care facility and the family, flexible response to parental requests;

- planfulness -gradual pedagogical influence on parents, which is manifested in content, means, methods, techniques that meet the characteristics of families;

- humanity -relations between teachers and parents are built on trust, mutual respect, cooperation, and goodwill;

- diagnosticsgeneral and specific problems in the upbringing and development of a child;

- creation of an active development environment,providing unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's institutions.

The implementation of a new model of cooperation between kindergarten and family develops in parents the skills of conscious inclusion in a single process of raising and educating a child, joint with teachers, and in teachers, the stereotype of distancing parents from the education system is overcome. Cooperation between teachers and parents contributes to the provision of comprehensive assistance to kindergarten students and their families, helps in organizing the full life of children at each age stage, creates favorable opportunities for the development of children, and all kindergarten specialists are given the opportunity for their professional growth. Interaction contributes to solving current educational problems of all participants in the pedagogical process: children, parents, teachers.

2. Managing the process of cooperation between kindergarten and family

.1 Problem analysis of the activities of MBDOU "Bolshesnovsky kindergarten" with parents

MBDOU "Bolshesnovsky kindergarten" is a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities on cognitive development children. Has a state license to carry out educational work with preschool children.

There are 12 groups in the preschool educational institution, which are attended by children from 3 to 7 years old, a total of 265 people, which is 61% of the child population of the village.

Educational and correctional work with children is carried out by 25 teachers: 19 educators, 2 speech therapists, 2 music directors, a music instructor physical culture, educational psychologist. All teachers have special education (of which 18% have higher education). 76% of teachers have qualification categories.

An analysis of work with families showed that the kindergarten staff is looking for new forms of interaction with parents. Work with families of pupils is planned both throughout the children's institution and in each age group. Teachers use different forms of work: meetings, consultations, conversations, open days.

Propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is carried out through a system of visual propaganda. The groups have set up “Parent Corners” where advisory materials on all sections of the program are posted. There are collections in special folders methodological recommendations for parents, compiled by kindergarten teachers and specialists.

On the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children, the nurse and physical education instructor issue sanitary bulletins. There is a “Health Corner” in the lobby, where parents can get information that interests them.

Work with parents of children in preparatory groups for school is purposefully organized. Individual conversations between a psychologist and each parent are held, as well as meetings with teachers. primary classes, thematic exhibitions “How to prepare a child for school” are being prepared. Most active parents at the festival “Goodbye, kindergarten!” Letters of gratitude are presented from the kindergarten administration.

The kindergarten has experience in non-traditional forms of working with parents. There is a club for parents “My Family”.

But at the same time, the problem of proper interaction between the kindergarten and the family exists. Activity and initiative belongs mainly to educators. Quite often, the interaction of teachers with families is edifying and instructive in nature. Teachers and parents communicate most often in the absence of children (at meetings, consultations, etc.).

A problem analysis of the work of the teaching staff with parents helped to identify shortcomings in the work:

When choosing forms of work, the capabilities and living conditions of specific families and the cultural and educational level of parents are not always taken into account;

Traditional forms of working with parents predominate.

A survey of teachers shows that the main reasons for these shortcomings can be considered:

Insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;

Inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and the characteristics of raising children in the family;

Insufficient level of development of teachers’ communication skills;

Lack of education experience and age barrier among young teachers.

Therefore, teaching constructive ways of communication to all participants in pedagogical interaction and increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents becomes an objective necessity.

Problem analysis of family studieswas conducted on the following issues:

Sociological study of families;

Parents' satisfaction with the work of the kindergarten;

Problems of parents in raising and educating children;

parents' priorities in the field of pedagogical literacy;

relationships between parents and teachers.

210 people or 79% of the total number of parents took part in the parent survey.

The study of parents' questionnaires allowed us to obtain the following results: SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF FAMILIES: Parents' education: higher - 24%, specialized secondary - 59%, secondary - 17% Marital status: two-parent family -77%, single-parent family- 23% Social status: employees - 24%, workers - 24%, intelligentsia - 26%, entrepreneurs - 15%, unemployed - 11% Number of children in the family: 1 child - 21%, 2 children - 68%, large families - 11%

68% of parents expressed satisfaction with the work of the kindergarten; 27%) parents are partially satisfied with the work of teachers; 5% of parents are not satisfied with the work of the kindergarten. Parents note that they receive information from the teacher (60%), visual information (23%), and at meetings (17%).

Parents suggest improving the quality of educational work with children. 78% of parents would like to know more about their child. 79% of parents would like to receive additional educational services, and 42% of parents wanted their children to attend several clubs at once.


Communication between parents and children;

Teaching and raising children in a home environment;

creating an environment at home for the child’s development;

Parents put forward the following as the main PRIORITIES FOR PEDAGOGICAL LITERACY:

Mastering communication techniques with preschool children;

mastering forms, techniques, methods in raising and teaching children;

cooperation with kindergarten teachers.

THE RELATIONSHIP OF PARENTS WITH STAFF of the kindergarten is satisfied by the majority of parents (83%). The need to collaborate with teachers in raising their children is recognized by 59% of parents.

THE DEGREE OF PARENTS' INVOLVEMENT IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE KINDERGARTEN: - active participants - 15%, - observers - 65%, - customers - 20%.

Thus, the contingent of kindergarten parents is not homogeneous in composition and priorities in raising children. Not all parents realize the importance of cooperation with kindergarten teachers. Changing this position of parents should be the task of the administration and kindergarten teachers. Success is possible only when parents become active participants in the educational process and a community of children and adults is formed. The task of the teaching staff is not just to attract parents to their side, but to develop a joint strategy for raising the child.

2.2 The purpose and objectives of cooperation between teachers and families

Target:Psychological and pedagogical education of parents Tasks:1. Create conditions to meet the real needs of the family in raising children, provide the necessary services to those in need;

2. Increase the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents;

3. To involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work with the family;

4. Increase the professionalism of teachers on the issue of interaction between kindergarten and family.

.3 Stages of development of cooperation between kindergarten and family

stage. Target:creating conditions for effective interaction between kindergarten and family.


Study by teachers of the theoretical basis on the problem: similar work experience, scientific and methodological literature, modern developments;

Analysis of work with parents to identify the level of work of teachers;

Studying the needs of parents in improving pedagogical literacy, the level of their inclusion in the activities of a preschool institution;

Identifying problems of teachers in interaction with parents;

Analysis of methodological support for working with parents in a preschool institution;

Concluding agreements with other social institutions for the successful implementation of cooperation.

Planned results:

Creation of an information bank of regulatory and legal documentation, didactic and methodological support for working with parents;

Increase the level of knowledge of teachers on the problem;

Development of long-term plans for working with parents and children. Determination of the main methods and forms of work;

Creation of a data bank of families of pupils, including the needs of parents to improve pedagogical literacy, experience of family education, the level of inclusion of parents in the activities of the kindergarten. Stage II. Target:pedagogical education of parents, provision of services to those in need. Inclusion of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions.


Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents through the organization of informational and educational events, training sessions;

Organization of joint cultural events for children, parents, teachers;

Organization of work with teachers to improve communication skills;

Identification, based on diagnostic analysis, of positive aspects of work and shortcomings.

Preparation of a package of documents for organizing cooperation with parents of “disorganized” children. Planned results:- Acquisition by parents of knowledge and skills regarding the upbringing and development of children;

Reducing the level of pedagogical neglect in raising children;

Improving the level of constructive communication skills between teachers and parents:

Testing of new forms of interaction between a preschool institution and family: a group of short-term stays for children and an adaptation group of young children.

Stage III. Target:continue work on pedagogical education of parents, developing different forms of interaction between kindergarten and family.


Analysis and correction of cooperation between the child care institution and the family;

Organization of collective creative activities, work of creative workshops for parents and children;

Identifying positive experiences of cooperation and the reasons for unsuccessful experiences.

Planned results:

Changing the style of relationships in families of pupils;

Achieving common value orientations among teachers and parents;

Creation of a “Pedagogical Piggy Bank” for working with parents.

Stage IV. Target:analysis of the implementation of cooperation between kindergarten and family.


Summarize your experience of working with families.

Identify the reasons for the bad experience and outline corrective work.

Planned results:

Selection of the best materials for publication in the regional newspaper “Svetly Put”, “Pedagogical Bulletin” of the Education Department of the Bolshesosnovsky Municipal District Administration.

Stage I. Goal: creating conditions for effective interaction between kindergarten and family

No. Tasks Contents of activities Performers Deadline Output 1. Advertising the image of the preschool educational institution Popularization of the activities of the preschool educational institution in the media - the newspaper "Svetly Put" Head, deputy. Head, specialists Throughout the year Articles in the district newspaper Issue of advertising booklets, leaflets about the activities of preschool educational institutions Head, deputy. manager, specialists Throughout the year Distribution at meetings with parents Open days: “Kindergarten invites” Manager, deputy. Head, teachers 1 time per quarter Summaries of events, questionnaires for parents. Participation of employees and children in events of the surrounding society Head, deputy. head, teachers, children Throughout the year Holidays, concerts Introducing parents to the programs on which the kindergarten operates Deputy. Head, teachers During the year Consultations 2. Create a data bank about the families of pupils Research of families of pupils to identify: - type of family; - educational social and financial situation Deputy head, group teachers, parents I quarter, annually Long-term planning, discussion of results 3. Study the needs of parents in improving pedagogical literacy Questionnaires and surveys of parents to identify: - the level of parental aspirations for the preschool education of children; - parents’ needs for educational services; - the degree of parental involvement in the activities of the kindergarten; - a set of needs to improve the pedagogical literacy of parents. Deputy. head, group teachers, parents 1st quarter, annually Long-term planning, discussion of results 4. Study the level of satisfaction of parents with the children's work garden - Questionnaire parents; - Analysis of the forms of work that teachers use in groups. - Reasons for dissatisfaction with working with parents. - Relationships between teachers and parents Deputy Head, Specialists, educators 2 times a year Questionnaires for parents 5. Organize the work of the library - Organize thematic exhibitions of new literature. - Distribution of books at home for parents and children. Deputy. head During the year Exhibitions, library work in kindergarten 6. “Kindergarten mailbox” - Identification of parents’ problems, their solutions; - Identification of information about the work of the kindergarten Head, deputy. Head, specialists During the year Suggestions, comments from parents

Stage II Goal: pedagogical education of parents, provision of services to those in need. Inclusion of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions

No. Tasks Contents of activities Performers Deadline Output 1. Increase the level of legal knowledge of parents Selection of regulatory documents on the problem of protecting children's rights Deputy. manager, specialists I quarter Information stand Design of the information stand “Dedicated to the rights of the child” specialists 1 time per quarter Rod. meetings, meetings Creation of a data bank on the nature of treatment of children in the family Educators, psychologist During the year Questionnaires of parents, teachers Development of leaflets for parents on the implementation of children's rights in the family Deputy. head, psychologist, educators. During the year, participation of parents in the “Day of Good Deeds.” Inform. stand Design of an information stand in each group Educators Throughout the year, information for parents on the issue Organize the work of the “Legal Academy for Parents” Head, lawyer 1 time per quarter workshop, discussions, round table 2. Organize pedagogical education for parents Work of the “My Family” club by age “Baby”, “Why”, “I want to know everything.” Deputy. head, teachers 1 time every 2 months, practical classes, round tables, living room debates, etc. Work of the “Mother’s School” club for young families Head, deputy. head, teachers 2 times a month Notes, video, joint events Open days “Invite kindergarten” (on the subject of the annual plan) Head, deputy. head, teachers 1 time per quarter Notes, video, joint events Information stand regulating the activities of the kindergarten (documents) Head, deputy. Head, teachers I quarter Documentation on the activities of the kindergarten Information stands in groups teachers In current. year Leaflets for parents Design of folders Educators. specialists Throughout the year, recommendations to parents Meetings in groups, educators once a quarter Notes - theses Consultations of educators, specialists on problems of education and training Educators, specialists During the year Protocol-report, theses, exhibitions Individual interviews with parents to identify their problems in education and upbringing, study motives and needs Deputy. manager, specialists During the year Questionnaires, work planning “Kindergarten mailbox” (identification of problems, issues, their solution) Manager, deputy. head Constantly throughout the year Suggestions, comments from parents, work planning 3. Involve parents in the activities of the kindergarten Participation in creating a developmental environment in groups and at the kindergarten site head, deputy. Head, teachers Constantly during years Visual forms Holding traditional holidays with the participation of parents: - “Day of Knowledge”; - “Hello, very much!”; - “Visiting the Christmas tree”; - "March 8"; - Graduation balm. head of music manager educators According to schedule Video scripts Homework for joint completion of parents and children Educators, specialists Constantly throughout the year Individual work of educators and parents Joint competitions for children and parents: - “Fun starts” - “Come on, guys” - “Dad, mom, I am a sports family Instructor for physical education, teachers According to schedule Notes, scripts, videos Group leisure activities in groups Teachers, music directors, specialists Throughout the year Scripts, videos Participation in organizing shows and competitions: - “ Generous autumn" - "Skillful hands do not know boredom" (toys for groups and teaching aids) - "A thread from the world" (sale fair) Deputy. manager, specialists, teachers According to the plan Competitions, photo albums, design of a recipe book Elective courses “Housewife” “Fitness club” “Trowel” Deputy. head, specialists During the year Holiday for parents and children, video Organizing by parents of video filming of holidays, entertainment, activities, etc. Educators Throughout the year video films 4. Involve parents of “disorganized children” in cooperation with the kindergarten - Identification of children who do not attend kindergarten; - Individual interviews to identify problems in education and the need for pedagogical knowledge; - Introducing parents to the programs in which the kindergarten operates; - Conducting an “Open Day” to familiarize yourself with the activities of the kindergarten. Deputy. manager, specialists. 2 times a year. Questionnaires, individual work with parents.

Stage I Goal: to continue work on pedagogical education of parents, developing different forms of interaction between kindergarten and family

No. Tasks Contents of activities Performers Deadline Output 1. Continue legal education of parents Organizing legal advice for parents in kindergarten head, lawyer 1 time per month Individual. consultation for parents - “Children’s Rights Week” Deputy. managers, teachers, specialists annually Summaries of events, holidays - Exhibition of children's drawings “Mom, Dad, Me - Friendly family »educators According to plan Album of children's work - Memos for parents “This is useful to know” Deputy. manager, psychologist Throughout the year Leaflets for parents Holidays: “A friendly family together”, “Family birthday” Music director, specialists According to the plan, video film 2 Analyze and adjust work with parents on their pedagogical education Individual tasks for joint completion by parents and children with increased cognitive development Educators, specialists, psychologist Throughout the year Individual work with children and parents Problem seminar - workshop “A first-grader is growing in a family” Psychologist, deputy. head, "speech therapist III quarter Round table, discussions, workshop, protocol - report Carrying out correctional work with problem families Psychologist, speech therapist, specialists During the year Individual work, consultations - Identification of families at risk: - organization of discussions, trainings for the correction of parental attitudes; - individual work with families Deputy. head, educators, psychologist, speech therapist, specialists Throughout the year Individual work, notes, theses, speeches Acquaintance with new programs, forms and methods of teaching children Deputy head, educators Throughout the year consultations 3. Improve work on including parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions “Day of Good Deeds”, “K they came to visit us" (joint games, interesting things to do with parents) Educators, parents Once a month Visit to parents of the kindergarten "Adults for children" theatrical performances with the participation of parents as heroes Educators, specialists According to plan Notes, holidays Parents' visits to open classes, holidays, special moments for assessment of results in the educational processHead, deputy. Head, teachers During the year Protocol - report - Development and testing of new events in a preschool institution: “My grandmother and I are friends” - Family talent competition - Meetings with interesting peopleDeputy. head, music director, specialists, educators During the year Scenario notes, video - film - Organization of clubs for children and parents: - “Musical living room” - “Create, invent, try” Deputy. manager, specialists, educators During the year Work plan Concerts, exhibitions - Organization of an Open Day to monitor the implementation of routine moments and identify the activity of children during the day; Manager, deputy. manager, creative group, nurse. 1 time per quarter Protocol - report - Monitoring of the parent committee over the implementation of instructions to protect the life and health of children; - catering; - compliance with safety regulationsManager, deputy. manager, creative group, teachers, specialists, nurse 2 times a year Protocol report 4. Continue cooperation with parents of “disorganized children” Individual interview to identify problems in training and education, parents’ needs for pedagogical knowledge Head, deputy. head, psychologist, specialists constantlyConsultations, questionnairesIntroducing parents to the programs under which the preschool institution operatesDeputy. Head, specialists Consultations throughout the year Conducting seminars and workshops on various sections of the program Deputy. manager, specialists, psychologist, speech therapist 1 time per quarter Abstract presentations, protocol Individual counseling at the request of parents Specialists, deputy. head During the year Questionnaires, consultations Participation of children and parents in leisure activities Creative group, music. leaderDuring the yearHolidays, scripts, video

No. Objectives Contents of activities Performers Deadline Output 1. Continue legal education of parents - Organization of legal consultation in kindergarten head, lawyer 1 time per month Individual. consultation for parents - “Children’s Rights Week” Deputy. Head, teachers, specialists annually Summaries of events, holidays - Exhibition of children's drawings "Mom, Dad, I - a friendly family" teachers According to plan Album of children's works - Memos for parents "This is useful to know" Deputy. head, psychologist Throughout the year Leaflets for parents - Holidays: “A friendly family together” “Family birthday” Music director, specialists According to the plan video film 2. Analyze and adjust work with parents on their pedagogical education Individual tasks for joint completion by parents and children with increased cognitive development Educators, specialists, psychologist Throughout the year Individual work with children and parents Problem-based seminar - workshop “A first-grader is growing in a family” Psychologist, deputy. head, "speech therapist III quarter Round table, discussions, workshop, protocol - report Carrying out correctional work with problem families Psychologist, speech therapist, specialists Throughout the year Individual work, consultations Identification of families at risk: - organization of discussions, trainings for correction of parental attitudes - individual work with families Deputy head, educators , psychologist, speech therapist, specialists Throughout the year Individual work, notes, theses, speeches Acquaintance with new programs, forms and methods of teaching children Deputy head, educators Throughout the year consultations 3. Improve the work of including parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution “Day of Good Deeds”, “Visit us” came" (joint games, interesting things to do with parents) Educators, parents 1 time per month Visit to parents of the kindergarten "Adults for children" theatrical performances with the participation of parents as heroes Educators, specialists According to the plan Notes, holidays Parents' visits to open classes, holidays, routine moments to evaluate results in educational processHead, deputy. Head, teachers During the year Protocol - report Development and testing of new events in a preschool institution: “My grandmother and I are friends” - Family talent competition - Meetings with interesting people Deputy. head, music director, specialists, educators During the year Scenario notes, video - film - Organization of clubs for children and parents: - “Musical living room” - “Create, invent, try” Deputy. manager, specialists, educators During the year Work plan Concerts, exhibitions - Organization of an Open Day to monitor the implementation of routine moments and identify the activity of children during the day; Manager, deputy. manager, creative group, nurse. 1 time per quarter Protocol - report - Monitoring of the parent committee over the implementation of instructions to protect the life and health of children; - catering; compliance with safety regulationsManager, deputy. head, creative group, educators, specialists, nurse 2 times a year Protocol report 4. Continue cooperation with parents of “disorganized children” Individual interview to identify problems in training and education, parents’ needs for pedagogical knowledge Head, deputy. head, psychologist, specialists constantlyConsultations, questionnairesIntroducing parents to the programs under which the preschool institution operatesDeputy. Head, specialists Consultations throughout the year Conducting seminars and workshops on various sections of the program Deputy. manager, specialists, psychologist, speech therapist 1 time per quarter Abstract presentations, protocol Individual counseling at the request of parents Specialists, deputy. head During the year Questionnaires, consultations Participation of children and parents in leisure activities Creative group, music. leaderDuring the yearHolidays, scripts, video Stage IV Goal: analysis of the implementation of cooperation between kindergarten and family

1.Analyze the results of cooperation between teachers and parentsAnalysis of the forms of work of teachers with parentsHead, deputy. Head, teachers III quarter Questionnaires, individual work with teachers, parents Identification of contradictions in cooperation with parents Head, deputy. head, teachers III quarter Questionnaires, individual work with teachers, parents Questionnaires and surveys of parents to identify: - level of satisfaction with the work of the kindergarten with parents; - the degree of parental involvement in the activities of the preschool educational institution; - level of satisfaction with the acquired pedagogical knowledgeDeputy. Head, teachers III quarter Questionnaires, individual work with teachers, parents

.5 Managing the process of cooperation between kindergarten and family

stage. Goal: creating conditions for effective interaction between kindergarten and family

No. Tasks Contents of activities Performers Deadline Output 1 Create a mechanism for managing cooperation between kindergarten and family Definition of functions, forms of work with participants in cooperation Head, deputy. Head I quarter Order of the head Creation of a consultative and diagnostic service Deputy. head, psychologist, speech therapist, nurse I quarter Questionnaires, diagnostics 2 Inform the team about the cooperation of the kindergarten and family Production meeting “Coordination of the activities of kindergarten employees to implement cooperation between the kindergarten and the family” Head, deputy. head, specialists I quarter Directive of the head Pedagogical Council “Social teaching practice interaction between family and kindergarten in modern classes” Head, Deputy. Head of the 1st quarter Questionnaires for teachers 3 Study the theoretical basis of the problem: similar work experience; scientific, methodological literatureCreative work “Modern family - what is it like?” A cross-section of teachers' ideas about the modern familyHead, deputy. Head II quarter collages Round table: teaching staff and parents: methodology of interaction Deputy. Head, psychologist 2nd quarter Adjustment of work plans Round table on the problem “I would like to propose...” Exchange of views on the literature studied Head, deputy. head 2 times a year Messages from teachers Inclusion of this problem in self-education plans Head, deputy. Head, teachers I quarter Discussion of messages from teachers Consultation “Preparing and conducting a survey of parents on the topic of interaction between kindergarten and family. Goals and objectivesHead, deputy. Head, teachers I quarter Memo for educators Pedagogical Board “Problems of family education.” Discussion of collected information about familiesManager, deputy. Head, teachers I quarter Messages from teachers Pedagogical lounge “The specifics and importance of family in a child’s life.” Clarification of teachers' knowledge on the problem Head, deputy. Head, teachers II quarter Discussion of the results of the literature studied “Modern concepts and prospects for joint activities of kindergarten and family in Russia and abroad” Head, deputy. head, teachers II quarter Messages from teachers 4 Determine the level of work of teachers on the issue of interaction with parents Study and analyze the work of kindergarten teachers on the problem Head, deputy. Head I quarter Discussion of messages from teachers Identify problems of teachers in interaction with parents Head, deputy. Head I quarter Questionnaires To study the needs of parents in improving pedagogical literacy, the reasons for dissatisfaction with the organization of work with children and parents Head, deputy. Head, teachers I quarter Questionnaires 5 Determine the content of connections with the surrounding society Determine and develop additional opportunities for interaction with: - the library; - school; - hospital; - district leisure center; - Center for Youth Creativity “PoletZam. head 1st quarter Action Plan 6 Determine the level of methodological support for working with parents in kindergarten - Create a package of regulatory and legal documentation in the preschool educational institution: - “Law on Education in the Russian Federation” - Family Code of the Russian Federation - “Convention on the Rights of the Child” - Charter of the preschool educational institution - Regulations on the Governing Council Head 1st quarterPlan activities - Create an information bank, including: - a catalog of literature - a video library of experiences in family education, activities, routine moments - recommendations for parents on the development of children's speech, cognitive activity, mathematics Deputy Head 1st quarter Plan of activities 7 Develop plans for working with parents and children, determine forms and methods of work - Individual consultation to discuss long-term plans; - seminars on organizing joint events for children and parents, productive activities; - Competition for the best developments on the problem. Manager, deputy head, teachers According to the annual plan Consultations Work experience notes 8 Track the results of work at stage I. Reflection on the results of workRepeated questioning of teachers to identify knowledgeHead, deputy. Head, teachers III quarter questionnaires Study and analysis of teachers’ self-education plans on the problem Head, deputy. Head I quarter Individual work with teachers Study and analysis of teachers' long-term plans in order to identify the ability to set goals and objectives of work and see prospectsDeputy. Head During the year Individual work with teachers Monitoring the decisions of the teachers' council (meetings) Deputy. Head of the current years Questionnaires, reports Attending teacher events to assist in correcting mistakesDeputy. manager Throughout the year Questionnaires, reports Organization of mutual visits to events in order to identify positive experiences and correct shortcomings Manager, deputy. head During the year Discussion of events Conducting a pedagogical quiz, solving pedagogical problems in order to identify the depth and awareness of knowledge Head, deputy. Head, teachers, specialistsII quarterDiscussion of eventsCompetition for the best organization of the child development environmentDeputy. Head, teachersIII quarterAlbumTracking the results of work to create an active environment for the development of the childDeputy. Head During the year Individual work with the teacher Repeated questioning of teachers in order to identify the quality of the knowledge acquired, their analysisDeputy. Head III quarter questionnaires Pedagogical council on the results of work at the first stage Head, deputy. Head, teachers III quarter Discussion of work results stage Goal: Improving the professionalism of teachers, improving communication skills

Testing new forms of interaction between kindergarten and family

No. Objectives Contents of activities Performers Deadline Output Increasing the level of legal knowledge of teachers Consultation “Organization and content of preventive work to protect the rights of children from abuse” Psychologist, educators 1st quarter Messages from educators Business game “Legal Academy of Teachers.” Discussion of situations related to violation of children's rights and ways to solve this problem. Drawing up memosDeputy Head, teachers I quarter Memo for parents Inclusion in self-education plans of issues of protecting children's rights in kindergarten and at home Deputy. Head, teachers I quarter Messages from teachers Exhibition of materials