School work to promote safe behavior. Formation of safe behavior in older preschoolers through outdoor games. Training in drill techniques and performing applied physical training exercises is recommended

Elena Alexandrovna
Consultation “Fundamentals of developing safe behavior skills for older children” preschool age»

Bronnikova E. A.

Basics of developing safe behavior skills for children of senior preschool age

The most important condition for solving complex and multifaceted problems related to protecting the population from dangers of various types, and the successful implementation of these tasks in our society and state, is formation of a person's personality ready and able to anticipate and avoid danger Everyday life, and, if necessary, act competently in dangerous conditions. Society places increased demands on security the younger generation.

Behavioral skills are of great importance in formation personality traits. They fold on the basis of knowledge about norms of behavior and reinforced with exercises. Behavioral skills underlie habitual behaviors. Through repeated repetition, the child can develop skills of correct behavior. According to scientists (E. I. Boyko, S. A. Boroday, S. Yu. Golovin, F. N. Gonobolin, V. V. Davydkina, R. G. Dobryanskaya, A. N. Leontyev, S. L. Rubinshtein, M. I. Stankin, V. N. Chulakhov, etc.), skills as automated components (components) conscious activity, developed in the process of its implementation, are included in almost all types of human activity and make up the overwhelming majority of the movements that we make. Safety skills people belong to the group of mixed skills. They are formed by repeating learned actions in the form of exercises involving thinking and speech, when comprehension occurs skill. Rubinshtein S.L. notes that “essentially skills are not so much specific, completely independent form of behavior, how many of its components or mechanisms that a person builds on basis of higher forms of conscious behavior with their historically determined motivation."

Children's life safety poses a serious problem. An increase in the number of cars on the streets, an increase in the speed of their movement, and growing traffic jams are one of the causes of road accidents. No one is left indifferent by disappointing reports about road traffic accidents, where, unfortunately, children are also victims.

Incorrect children's behavior on the roads may be due to the following factors:

Ignorance preschoolers basic rules;

- age And physiological characteristics children;

- lack of formation they have coordination of movements;

The child’s desire for independence, but the inability to adequately assess the situation;

Indifferent attitude of adults towards behavior of children on the roads.

Security child safety on the road remains a priority problem for society. Certificate This includes targeted programs adopted at both the federal and regional levels.

A major role in solving this problem is the organization of work to prevent road accidents in preschool institutions.

Importance preschool acquisition of skills is argued by the fact that so that when transitioning from kindergarten to school, the child can easily navigate the immediate spatial environment, be able to observe and correctly assess road situations, have mastery of skills to behave safely in these situations.

Acquaintance children with road alphabet, developing their skills of correct behavior on the road you need to start from the earliest age. It is important to do this before the child adopts and accepts incorrect stereotypes. behavior on the road, unfortunately, today they are prevalent in the adult environment.

Attention in preschool in childhood is predominantly involuntary. A number of domestic psychologists (D. B. Elkonin, L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, N. F. Dobrynin, etc.) associate the predominance of involuntary attention with age psychological characteristics preschool children. Involuntary attention develops throughout preschool childhood . N. F. Dobrynin, A. M. Bardian and N. V. Lavrova note that the further development of involuntary attention is associated with the enrichment of interests. As the child's interests expand, his attention is drawn to a wider range of objects and phenomena. Voluntary attention is formed in preschool age in connection with age development of speech and its role in the regulation child behavior.

From degree formation attentional abilities in preschool age Not only the success of learning depends, but also the degree of attentiveness, and in particular, attentiveness on city roads. Very often, the culprits of road traffic accidents are children who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles. Therefore it is necessary, starting from preschool age, learn children safe behavior on the street, road, transport and rules traffic.

IN senior preschool age, individual information about traffic rules is combined into a consistent system of ideas. Children continue to introduce traffic rules, road signs, elements of roads, responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers, rules for crossing railway crossings, means of traffic control, rules for riding bicycles, they learn to convey the road situation in a drawing, expand their understanding of vehicles, and the rules for crossing the roadway. WITH preschoolers work to consolidate behavioral skills V public transport, in any traffic situation, on the development of search activities, intellectual initiatives to prevent injuries, on formation independence and responsibility in the child’s actions on the road, to improve culture children's behavior on the street and in transport.

Elements of work to create conditions for developing safe behavior skills are the following components:

Educational work with children;

Creation of medical, pedagogical and material and technical conditions;

Interaction with family.

In order to expand ideas children about the rules of safe behavior stories, explanations, conversations, exercises, reading are used fiction, working with diagrams and cards, using didactic, desktop-printed, construction and role-playing games as well as suggestion, persuasion, encouragement, example, practice safe routes from home to kindergarten and so on. Great importance in working with children older And preparatory groups organization of excursions plays a role, where children acquire practical pedestrian skills, a technique such as drawing attention to right or wrong is used behavior of other pedestrians.

In such age Also effective are practical games - trainings for children in order to acquire practical knowledge and skills.

One of the determining conditions for successful learning children safety rules on the roads is the creation of an appropriate material base and developmental environment, which allows stimulating cognitive activity in gaming and educational activities children. Means in professional activity is the equipment of a corner to familiarize yourself with the rules safe behavior.

Interaction with family is an important component in pedagogical activity. The range of problems associated with security, cannot be solved within a group space, which is why it is so important to ensure continuity between the kindergarten and the family. In the work of grafting safe behavior skills The positive example of parents and surrounding adults is of great importance. Parents regularly receive various types of advice on developing practical skills for safe behavior at home and on the street in preschool children.

Systematic work with children developing safe behavior skills in the road transport environment, the use of effective modern methods and receptions, accounting age characteristics of children give positive results.


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The article discusses the issues of proper development of safe behavior skills and provides examples of games that can be used in developing safe behavior in preschoolers.The material is intended for teachers and specialists working with preschoolers.



Formation of safe behavior skills

in preschool children through game training.

(for specialists and teachers of preschool educational institutions)

Prepared by: Vavilovtseva Valentina Vladimirovna

Educational psychologist

municipal budget

Preschool educational

institutions of Murmansk No. 7

Preserving the health of children and developing a culture of safe, responsible behavior in relation to their lives and health today is considered one of the main tasks of the education system. Child safety is a state of protection of his vital interests from internal and external threats for the sustainable development of his personality in society and the state. Security is one of the basic human needs, without which the full development and self-realization of the individual is impossible.

The modern world, which has a developed infrastructure and provides a person with ample opportunities for self-realization, also involves a lot of problems and risks to which the immature, emerging personality of a child is especially susceptible. Environmental problems of a big city are often the cause of asthenia, a decrease in energy and vitality in the younger generation. The development and widespread dissemination of technology, the instability of the socio-economic situation, and information redundancy give rise to massive psychological stress, deformation of social interactions, as well as an increase in the phenomena of alienation and loneliness. The complexity and ambiguity of interpersonal relationships built on consumer values, discrediting many moral guidelines, lead to social, cognitive, emotional infantilization of children and adolescents, to the formation in them of a feeling of helplessness in building relationships and independently solving life problems.

Such features modern society predetermine the main risks of childhood:

  • an increase in conflicts in relationships between people, including in educational institutions;
  • destructive patterns of adult behavior;
  • reducing the influence of traditional social institutions, in particular, the family as the basic reference group;
  • replacement of the family by the Internet community and child and adolescent subcultures;
  • a large flow of negative information load from various media sources and the Internet;
  • decline in children's health indicators.

Since it is impossible to completely avoid the risks considered, the need to develop safe behavior skills becomes an obvious and necessary task for the teaching community.

Safe behavior –This is behavior that ensures the safety of the individual’s existence, and also does not harm other people.

The child’s personality, as a particularly flexible and mobile, unstable system, especially needs to ensure the protection of its interests and needs, since only in conditions of safety is the full formation of the personality possible.

Before school age characterized by an increase motor activity and an increase in the child’s physical capabilities, which, combined with increased curiosity and the desire for independence, often lead to dangerous situations. Therefore, creating conditions for a child that allow him to systematically accumulate experience of safe behavior is an urgent pedagogical task.

Researchers note that a child prepared for a dangerous situation overcomes confusion much faster; a completely unprepared preschooler remains confused, which causes prolonged inactivity, fussiness and prolonged stress. On the other hand, there is a group of children who need the very feeling of fear as an inhibitory phase of behavior. Currently, the number of children who are “not afraid of anything” has increased and can, without thinking or having poor self-control, perform absurd actions, thereby getting injured.

Often children not only do not know how to cope with the situation, but also do not realize the very fact of its occurrence. Therefore, they should be made aware of the dangers, precautions and their own capabilities. This is precisely what can be considered the experience of safe behavior, which allows future schoolchildren to anticipate, avoid and act correctly when unsafe situations arise.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that a child’s behavior in a dangerous situation depends on whether he can correctly assess it and whether he knows the way out, as well as on how familiar he is with the danger. Therefore, its “playing” is best way to overcome feelings of fear in dangerous cases in some children and to restrain from hasty but wrong actions in others.

Ways to develop safe behavior:

  • Information and communication technologies.
  • Gaming technologies:
  • valeological tales;
  • art technologies;
  • dramatization games;
  • training games (game trainings).

The choice of the training form is not accidental, but is due to several reasons:

  • involving a preschooler in the game is simple and natural;
  • preschool children do not play, they live the situation in reality;
  • practical exercises are supported by vivid emotional experiences and do not disappear without a trace, but become the first step of future experience;
  • game training – the opportunity to find yourself in a dangerous situation, rather than play in it (i.e., the best way to teach a child the correct behavior in a dangerous situation is put into action).

Game trainings help the child to be active in acquiring knowledge, to accumulate, deepen and systematize it. The trainings actively develop in children attention, endurance, caring attitude towards their life and health, responsibility for actions, independence in choosing actions and variability of thinking (quickly and correctly selecting the necessary methods of help). And a positive assessment from other children and adults allows one to confirm the correct understanding of the norms of safe behavior.

The choice of games is determined by which educational tasks are dominant. These can be tasks aimed at consolidating knowledge about sources of danger, about the causes of traumatic situations, at deepening knowledge about a possible threat and methods of action in a specific situation.

  1. "Stranger"

If this game is played with preschool children, then it is necessary to develop in them the ability to refuse any appeal from an adult to them, to teach them to say “I don’t know you.” If the children in the group are not familiar with the concepts of “dangerous and safe stranger,” it is necessary to explain what they mean. Stories may be offered for playback in which an adult stranger may ask a child:

Bring something to the apartment;

Find something (for example, a dropped key);

Show something (for example, where is the pharmacy, store or house with such and such a number, etc.).

The stranger may also say that the child's name is the parents; invite you to your home under any pretext; offer to take a photo. During the playback, it is advisable to invite children to independently come up with requests that, in their opinion, an adult can make to them. Ask the children if they have a rule in their family established by their parents: “When you are walking on the street and you want to go somewhere, you must come home and ask for time off. Parents should always know where you are.” Or give children a rule: “Always tell your parents where you are going.” Next, children should be told that no adult who really cares about a child would ever suggest that he break a parental rule. Even if he says, “I’m sure your mom will approve.” “Your mom knows. She allowed." “We’ll be back soon, so let’s not say anything to your mom.” No one should ask a child to keep anything secret from their parents.

  1. "Bribe"

During the game, it is necessary to orient the child: what seems to him just a gift, in fact, may turn out to be a bribe. The person who gave the gift may expect something from the child in return. Children should be helped to distinguish between adults who expect only a “Thank you” in response to a gift, from those who expect to receive some kind of “service” in exchange for their generosity. These adults will most likely ask the child to go somewhere with them: into the car, into the entrance; show the way somewhere, invite you to your home, promise another gift or treat, or may take you to a deserted place. Rule: Don't take anything from a stranger. If, nevertheless, the child forgot about safety and responded to the invitation, but suddenly realized that he was being taken somewhere, remind him that there is a rule: “Scream, run, tell” (For example, you can play fairy tales: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” , "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights").

  1. "Car"

In this game, it is very important to draw children’s attention to the distance (Rule “Three Big Steps”), closer than which they should not approach the edge of the sidewalk. The “Three Big Steps” Rule: When you walk along the sidewalk, the distance to the edge should be at least three big steps. Show how you can take big steps. After you have explained this rule to the children, ask each of them to show you this distance. Ask the children why it is not safe to get closer. The next rule is: don't get in the car. Play through all possible excuses that an adult might use to lure a child into the car. Invite the children to come up with requests that adults in the car might make to the children. For example, an adult might say:

That there is a sick person in the car and you need to show where the pharmacy or clinic is;

That mom or dad asked for a ride somewhere;

That someone close to you was in the hospital, and offered to take the child there. Or an adult may try to get attention beautiful toy in the car, exotic animals, sweets, jewelry, money, etc.

It is recommended to include the following situation during the game: an adult is trying to drag a child into a car. Rule: attract people's attention, resist with everyone possible ways(break out, bite, pinch, kick, shout loudly “This is not my dad!”, “Help!” Throw a stone at a window, into a store window, etc.) If a car is chasing a child, then you need to turn in the direction opposite to the direction of the road movement, this will complicate further pursuit. This episode definitely requires replaying.

  1. “Big and small “No!”

(based on the fairy tale by Gisela Braun)

Before starting the game, ask each child to shout “No!” After dramatizing the fairy tale, invite a discussion. Some children, although they say “No” if they don’t like something, say it shyly, hesitantly and quietly, and therefore are not taken seriously. It is necessary to teach children to say “No” loudly, clearly and confidently. To do this, it is useful to additionally conduct the exercise “Learning to say “No”. The teacher says to the children: “Now I will show you how you can say “No” in different ways.” Please listen and tell me which “No” sounds better. Which “No” will you use to get the result you want?

1. The teacher says “No” quietly and restrainedly, while looking to the side and bending slightly.

2. The teacher shouts “No” loudly and clearly, while straightening up and raising his head. Children discuss the options and come to the conclusion that in the second case, “No” is more effective. The group is divided into pairs, and each participant tries to say “No” quietly and loudly.

5. "Familiar, friend, stranger"

Have the children stand a short distance apart from each other, forming a circle. The driver is in the center and alternately throws the ball to each child, saying “Familiar, friend, stranger,” highlighting with intonation and pause the one who needs to be named. The child who catches the ball names the appropriate person and returns the ball to the driver.

The teacher can also act as a driver, and the pace of throwing the ball can speed up or slow down. The game ends when all the children complete the driver’s tasks without errors.

6. "Kidnappers and resourceful guys"

Invite the children to divide into two teams: the kidnappers and the resourceful guys, so that each team has an equal number (one child per attacker). Set the rules: the kidnapper can drag the kidnapped person in any way; the one who is being kidnapped must call for help, run away, break free, and not allow himself to be dragged in any way; Fighting and biting are not allowed. Play the game several times, asking the children to change roles each time.

7. "Guide"


Develop a sense of responsibility for another person.

Cultivate trust in each other.

Materials: blindfold according to the number of pairs of children. “Obstacle” objects: chairs, cubes, hoops, etc.

Progress of the game:

“Obstacles” are laid out and placed in the room. Children are divided into pairs: leader - follower. The follower puts on a blindfold, the leader guides him, telling him how to move, for example: “Step over the cube,” “There is a chair here.” Let's go around it."

Then the children change roles.

8. "Golovoball"


Develop collaboration skills.

Progress of the game:

Children, divided into pairs, lie on their stomachs opposite each other. A ball is placed between their heads. Touching the ball with only their head, they try to stand up and pick the ball up off the floor.

When children learn to cope with this task, the game can be complicated: increase the number of people lifting one ball to three, four, five people.


  1. Bashinova S.N. Advice from a psychologist on the basics of children’s life safety / S.N. Bashinova, M.G. Matveeva, E.E. Ulyanova // Kindergarten from A to Z. Scientific and methodological magazine for teachers and parents. – 2016. – No. 4. – P.15–20.
  2. Methodological materials on the development of safe behavior skills in children and adolescents. – Ekaterinburg: GBOU SO TsPPRIK “Lado”, 2014. – 52 p.
  3. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: Practical guide / Transl. with German; In 4 volumes. M.: Genesis, 1998.

Formation healthy image life, responsible and safe behavior, prevention of addictions in students

Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. When meeting or parting with close and dear people, we wish them good and good health, as this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Good health, wisely maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures a long and active life.

But how can you maintain your health? Howjoin the culture of health? How to succeed in life without becoming a victim of alcohol or drugs? The child wants answers to all these questions from an adult.Therefore, today the most pressing problem is educational work at school - the problem of developing healthy lifestyle skills, responsible and safe behavior of students.

I work as a 10th grade class teacherand I think this direction is very relevant, since health is an incomparable value. Every person has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy.

I start working in this direction with planning. IN educational plan My class team includes both traditional school-wide events and a variety of classroom activities. Traditional in our school are:

    Health days (every second Saturday of the month)

    Suicidal Behavior Prevention Month (September)

    Thematic weeks or decades international days quitting smoking, drugs, for AIDS Prevention Day.

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of class teachers and physical education and health teachers, Health Days at our school turn into real sports holidays with the observance of all organizational issues, ranging from listening to the national anthem at the beginning and end of the event, ending with musical and entertainment breaks.

Photo 1. During the competition Photo 2 . Dance break

Once a year, our sports friends BFSO “Dynamo” are present at our Health Day, who organize interschool sportsland.

Photo 3. Traditional competition Photo 4. Cup from the BFSO "Dynamo"

"Tug of War"

The children are happy to participate in such mass events.Physical education holidays contribute to the development of a sense of teamwork, support and responsibility for each other and for the team, improvement of children’s motor skills, formation of interest and need for physical exercise.

For several years in a row, the school has been holding a month to prevent suicidal behavior among students. This is a very sensitive and “slippery” topic. By discussing it, my task, as a teacher, is not to do harm, i.e. not to arouse interest in these actions, but to focus attention on the value of human life. Therefore, during an hour of communication on the topic “Life is a priceless gift,” the guys and I discuss what life is, what they mean by this concept; the values ​​of life, why a person should live and not give up under any circumstances. I haven’t deliberately changed the topic of the lesson over the years. three years, since every time I start it with the “Complete the Sentence” exercise, during which the guys answer questions in writing about their attitude to life, and I have the opportunity to analyze changes in their answers, therefore, in their outlook on life. Of course, the main content of the lesson changes according to the age of the students.

Photo 5. Report of group representatives Photo 6. Result of work

During school-wide theme weeks and decades of prevention bad habits and addictions, I conduct interactive talk shows with the invitation of specialists. As a result of such events - the publication of wall newspapers.

Photo 7. During the talk show Photo 8. Result of the talk show

Among the cool activities to promote a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behavior, I use:

    hours of communication separately with boys and girls on the topics of personal hygiene for teenagers “Between us girls (boys)”;

Photo 9. Introducing informational brochures Photo 10. Introducing informational brochures

    meetings with the school nurse or paramedic at the Dotish FAP;

    release of “medical bulletins”:"About the influenza virus", "About the dangers of smoking", "Sweet life", “Piercing. Is it really necessary?, “Daily routine is a schoolchild’s friend”etc.;

    video lectures (watching and discussing videos on a given topic);

    hiking trips (biking trips).

The listed events provide an opportunity to tell teenagers about the importance of physical and mental health in the life of every person. Health is what nature gave us. It’s impossible to imagine without him happy life in the future, a successful career and family. And today there are many opportunities to quickly and irrevocably ruin it. Therefore, schoolchildren should know ways to maintain their health.

PositiveresultsVeducationphysicalAndmentalhealthstudentsCanreachonlyatcooperationWithfamily. Whenfamilywillexample " healthybehavior", ThatAndchild, well-manneredVthisfamily, willstick tosuchbehavior.

ForI organize the parents of my students as individual consultations, and general class meetings. IndividualconsultationsI'm spendingByresultsmedical examinations, I inform parents of the recommendations given by doctors. Subsequently, I keep track of the implementation of these recommendations through “ Individual plan health improvement” for each student. OncoolmeetingsAndmeetingsI propose the following topics for discussion: "Features adolescence", "Responsibility and irresponsibility of a teenager. What's behind this?", "Features gender education teenagers", etc. I find it useful to hold joint meetings between parents and students, since during such events participants can hear and analyze different views on problems and ways to solve them.

Photo 11. For round table with parents

It is traditional in our school sports festival"Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." It is held on Family Day (May 15). The parents of my class and I are permanent members of the teams. Activities held together foster a love of sports, develop dexterity, and allow not only students to join a healthy lifestyle, but also their parents, who in the future become an example for their children.

Photo 12. Team of mothers and daughters

I think it is important to discuss the topic of “Daily Routine” with students and parents. And although everyone knows what it is, not everyone adheres to it. Children do not strive, and parents do not control. And this is a problem, since modern schoolchildren lead a passive lifestyle, spending a lot of time sitting in front of the TV and computer. And they should know about the benefits of morning exercises, walks in the fresh air, and the benefits of changing activities throughout the day.

Preparatory (or diagnostic) work has an important influence on obtaining a positive result from activities aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle and responsible and safe behavior. Very often, before discussing any problem on a given topic, I conduct a survey among both parents and students. The following techniques and diagnostics help me with this:

    Teating"Your attitude to health";

    mMethodology “What prevents me from leading a healthy lifestyle”;

    health diagnostics based on handwriting;

    survey “A teenager’s attitude towards his bodily self” (Grigoriev’s technique), etc.

The results of these diagnostics allow me to carry out my work more effectively and targetedly, to achieve qualitative changes in the behavior of students.

Thanks to systematic workon promoting a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behaviorI see positive results in my students: they rarely get sick during flu epidemics, they don’t smoke, they don’t miss physical education and health classes, they try to stick to their daily routine, etc. But this does not give me the right to stop there. I plan to improve my work in this direction, namely, to use new forms and methods of work. Recently, I have been a teacher-consultant of peer education, so I will conduct trainings on this issue more often and involve my students in volunteer activities on the principle of “peer teaching peer.”

“Man is the highest value, the preservation of whose life is the purpose of his existence”.
Project “Formation of a safe type of personality”

The project “Formation of a Safe Personality” is focused on creating conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren through the formation of a culture of personal safety. The concept of creating a safe type of personality provides for the formation of key competencies in the field of life safety, increasing the creative potential of the individual, developing the skills to independently choose the right decision in a particular non-standard situation, including an emergency. And in the future it will allow the formation of professional competence as the personal ability of specialists to solve professional problems.

The project involves the implementation of educational, methodological, educational, creative work to ensure the safety of behavior, life and activity. As well as improving the material and technical base educational institution.
Explanatory note
Every year in our country the number of man-made emergencies that occur due to human fault due to non-compliance with the rules of safe behavior is growing. The problem of security of the individual and society is becoming key and acquiring a global character.

Analysis of the “National Doctrine of Education in Russian Federation“, where one of the fundamental goals of education is “the formation of a culture of peace and interpersonal relationships” makes it possible to understand that the issues of ensuring high-quality (comfortable) and safe conditions The life activity of the individual, society, state and the entire world civilization must be given special attention.

Monitoring the state of the safety level of the educational process and the awareness of all its participants about the culture of safe behavior in Secondary School No. 41 of JSC Russian Railways revealed the lack of a coherent system of necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. In this regard, issues related to the acquisition and application of knowledge by students aimed at preserving life and health, and developing the experience of the younger generation in extreme situations become relevant.

To achieve these goals, the entire education system at school should be aimed at forming a new worldview, creating a system of ideals and values ​​that make it possible to turn life safety into an internal need of a person and society, i.e. to form an appropriate culture and, as a result, a safe type personality corresponding to it.

Life safety culture is understood as a system of historically established socially significant values, as well as certain personality traits that regulate, direct and control his lifestyle and activities, ensuring an optimal level of security .

In its activities, the school is guided by the following aspects of the formation of a safe type of personality:

1. Worldview aspect.

Human practice shows that it is impossible to achieve absolute safety in any type of activity, i.e. any activity is potentially dangerous (the material world is potentially dangerous) . This statement is called the axiom of potential danger.

Due to the impossibility of achieving absolute security, the world has come to approve the concept of acceptable risk, the essence of which is to ensure such security that society accepts in a given period of time and with which one can agree. Thus, the UK Health and Safety Executive uses a value equal to 6 × 10 - 6 (the possibility of unnatural death of 6 people in a million) as the lower limit of individual acceptable risk. It is these risk values, typical for most developed countries, that should be used as a guide.

The amount of individual acceptable risk in our country is orders of magnitude higher than that recommended in Western countries.

In society, it is necessary to radically change the system of views on ensuring safe living conditions. The basis for the formation of a safe type of personality should be humanistic universal values, kindness and sensitivity, mercy, a sense of duty and responsibility.

2. Educational aspect.

DI. Mendeleev in his work “Towards the Knowledge of Russia” emphasized that the solution to any problem must begin with education, i.e. from training those people who are called upon to solve this or that problem.

At the legislative level, a system has been developed to prepare the population for action in emergency situations, as well as in everyday life in extreme situations of various types. Preparation is prolonged through the system of preschool, primary, incomplete secondary, secondary, higher and additional education and essentially should cover all categories of the population of our country.

However, the effectiveness educational programs and the ability to skillfully act in emergency and extreme situations, as practice shows, remains at a low level. The reasons are psychological unpreparedness for action, a gap in the theoretical understanding of issues of protecting the population and the practical implementation of knowledge in certain conditions.

Knowledge of the basics of life safety in its significance for a person should become no less important than mathematics or literature, and the educational aspect should be responsible modern techniques training with a specific practical focus for the region of residence.

3. Applied aspect.

Safety culture can be represented as the sum of skills, individual psychophysical and personal qualities of a person necessary for successful actions in emergency and extreme situations.

Practice shows that of all people who find themselves in an extreme situation, only 10–20% are able to act decisively and skillfully, 40–60% act inadequately for the first half hour and only after this time begin to act in accordance with the current situation. 10–20% fall into apathy and are unable to make independent decisions. Today there is a need for special additional conditions so that knowledge turns into skills, and abilities into skills.

In these conditions, the formation of a safe type of personality involves specific psychological and physical preparation of children, starting with early age.

4. Environmental aspect.

Human intervention in all spheres of nature causes a sharp deterioration in the condition of ecological systems. Environmental education and raising children is a requirement of the times.

Only by raising and forming a safe type of personality can the economic, political, social and other important government tasks facing the country be solved.

The goal of the project: to create conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problem of preserving the life and health of schoolchildren.

It will be achieved by solving the following tasks:

  1. Creating a safe, health-preserving environment at school.

  2. Development of a set of measures to promote a safe lifestyle, protect and promote health.

  3. Joining efforts and coordinating the work of schools, healthcare institutions, law enforcement agencies, and institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in solving the problems of creating a safe educational environment for schoolchildren.

Priority areas of the project:

  1. Health monitoring.

  2. Creating a safe environment in an educational institution.

  3. Increasing the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in matters of safe behavior during the educational process and at home.

  4. Increasing the level of legal knowledge of schoolchildren.

  5. Increasing the level of parental knowledge in matters of safe behavior, health promotion, and promoting a healthy and safe lifestyle.

  6. Help for children with developmental disabilities and learning difficulties.

  7. Creation of methodological manuals on safe behavior, health promotion, education of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Expected results:
Parents students want the school to provide:

  • the opportunity for a child to receive a quality education in the safest conditions possible;

  • detailed information about the rules of conduct and maintaining health in various emergency situations;
and also created conditions for:

  • satisfying the interests and developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren;
Students want the school to:

  • it was interesting to learn and communicate;

  • there were safe and comfortable psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful self-realization;

  • had the opportunity to receive a quality education.
Teachers expect:

  • creating safe and comfortable psychological and pedagogical conditions at school for creative self-realization and successful professional activity;

  • improving the material and technical support of the educational process;

The project implementation period is 2011-2015.
Results of the first year of project implementation:
1.Healthy lifestyle

  • student health monitoring for 2011-2012 academic year showed a decrease in the incidence of colds in children by 8%; scoliosis by 11.1%.

  • number of students involved in sport sections and mugs increased by 20% compared to the previous period;

2. Legal literacy and self-discipline:

  • during the analyzed period there were no traffic accidents involving school students;

  • not a single incident provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation occurred;

  • a lecture group was created at the school, which, under the guidance of a social teacher, conducted a series of classroom hours and film lectures with subsequent discussion: “The right to life”, “Chizhik - fawn”, “Know in order to live” (films recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education)

  • In grades 2-4, the travel game “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint” is practiced. Together with the characters of famous cartoons, children study children's rights and their possible violations.

  • At the middle level, trainings on children's rights are practiced in international and Russian practice, in which these rights are enshrined. (Legal game “Hooliganism Trial”, discussion club “My Life. My Rights”).

  • At senior level legal education aimed at developing the civic positions of a young citizen (role-playing game “We are the future voters”, Classroom hour“We are citizens of great Russia”)
4. Creative self-realization:

  • release of thematic booklets: “Children about safety” (3 booklets) 2012; “Fire Safety” (1 booklet) 2012; “Safe Holidays” (3 booklets) 2013;

  • first place in the city round of the competition children's creativity“Volunteer firefighter - yesterday, today, tomorrow”, conducted by VDPO in 2011

  • first place in the regional round of the children's and youth creativity competition fire safety in the category “Decorative and Applied Arts” in 2012,

  • third place in the IX All-Russian competition of children's creativity on fire-fighting topics, held by VDPO in 2012;

  • first place in the city and regional round of a creative fire safety competition in 2013. The results of the X All-Russian round of the children's creativity competition on fire-fighting topics will be summed up in June 2013.

  • Diplomas of participants in the II All-Russian drawing competition “Country of Security” in 2012. The competition is held within the framework of the All-Russian educational project"Safety culture". Premier-Uchfilm LLC together with the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

5. Implementation of practical skills of students:

  • all students have evacuation skills in case of emergencies of various origins;

  • high school students have the skills to provide first aid first aid;

  • participation in regional competitions in fire-applied sports in 2012 and 2103;

  • first place in the regional review-competition of Youth Army units among senior schoolchildren in 2012;

  • third place in the regional review-competition of Youth Army units among junior schoolchildren in 2012;

  • first place in the regional review-competition of Youth Army units among junior schoolchildren in 2013;

6. Methodological work of a creative group of students:

  • creation of thematic educational films on life safety “The procedure for incomplete disassembly and assembly of an AK”, “Making a cotton-gauze bandage”;

  • creation of social films “No to alcohol”, “Drug addiction is evil”;

  • creation of illustrated methodological manual in verse on evacuation rules for younger schoolchildren.
7. Improving the material and technical support of the educational process:

  • Conclusion of contracts:
“On medical care for students”;

“On the provision of services to prevent the impact of production and consumption waste on human health and the natural environment”;

“To carry out work to eliminate emergency situations of power supply and lighting systems.”

  • Workers have been trained to obtain groups I-IV in electrical safety. Instructions are regularly held for employees.

  • A unified control center for the security of an educational institution has been created.

  • The necessary medications for first aid and respiratory protection were purchased.

  • The life safety room is equipped with new furniture, teaching aids for conducting lessons, mock-ups, personal protective equipment, a simulator for first aid, and office equipment. A laboratory room was built to store equipment and visual aids.
Action plan for the teaching staff

non-state educational institution "Secondary school No. 41 of the open joint-stock company "Russian Railways"

for the implementation of the project “Formation of a safe type of personality”

for 2011 – 2015




Expected Result

Ensuring OS safety

Conclusion of contracts:

“On medical care for students”;

“On the release of facility alarm systems to the monitoring station”;

“On the provision of services for the removal and disposal of solid household waste from production and consumption”;

“On deratization and disinfection”;

“To carry out work to eliminate emergency situations of power supply and lighting systems”

“On the provision of services to prevent the impact of production and consumption waste on human health and the natural environment”;


Training of workers to obtain groups I-IV in electrical safety. Conducting training sessions with employees


Deputy director of health and safety

Implementation of the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring OS safety

Carrying out technical inspections of the school building

May, October

Deputy director of administrative affairs

Improving school safety

Timely completion of repair work


School director, deputy director of administrative affairs

Improving school safety

Creation of a single remote control center for the security of an educational institution

July 2012

School director, deputy director of administrative affairs

Improving school safety

Material and technical support of the educational process

Equipping the life safety room with furniture necessary visual aids, computer and educational equipment


Creation of a media library on life safety

During the life of the project

Life safety teacher-organizer.

Improving the level of teaching the subject

Purchase of necessary medications for first aid and respiratory protection


School director, deputy Director of AHR, teacher-organizer of life safety.

Bringing classroom equipment in line with modern requirements for the educational process

Major renovation of the shooting range and weapons room


School director, deputy director of administrative affairs

Educational and methodological work

Optimal organization of the school day and week, taking into account sanitary and hygienic standards and age characteristics of children

Aug. Sept

deputy director for sustainable development, deputy Director of VR

Preventing student overload.

Timely delivery of labor safety briefings during lessons

During a year

Preparation of the necessary documentation on labor protection in classrooms

Aug. Sept

deputy director for sustainable development, deputy Director of Occupational Health and Safety, Head. Offices

Prevention of injuries among students and workers

Conducting subject-thematic control:

“Formation of a modern level of safety culture in students during life safety lessons”


deputy director for sustainable development

Obtaining information on developing a safety culture among schoolchildren during life safety lessons

Analysis of the introduction to the life safety course of the section “Providing first aid”

January February

deputy director for sustainable development

High-quality training for schoolchildren in first aid

Conducting training camps


Preparing young men for service in Armed Forces RF

Organizing a creative group of students to create thematic educational films on life safety

During 2012

Life safety teacher-organizer

Formation of the school’s own educational and methodological base

Organization of thematic school projects:

“Safe behavior in public places”;

“Behavior in emergency situations of a criminal nature”;

“The ABC of the consumer”;

During a year

Life safety teacher-organizer

Participation in the presidential program for forest restoration after fires “More Oxygen”


deputy director for sustainable development, deputy director of health and safety

Formation of safe lifestyle values

Educational work

Conducting creative competitions:

Poster competition “Safety is the basis of life”

Booklet competition:

"Children about safety"

October November


Life safety teacher-organizer

Formation of safe lifestyle values

Participation in the All-Russian competition of children and youth creativity on fire safety in the categories:

  • artistic and visual creativity;

  • arts and crafts.


Formation of safe lifestyle values

Participation in the All-Russian competition children's drawing"Country of Safety".


Teacher-organizer of life safety, additional education teacher

Formation of safe lifestyle values

Organizing school duty for students

During the school year

Deputy VR directors, class teachers

Prevention of injuries among students

Prevention of bad habits among minors

During the school year

Deputy VR directors, class teachers, social teacher, psychologist

Moral development schoolchildren

Celebration of the “Safety Month”

September, December, March, May

Teaching schoolchildren safe behavior

Conducting training sessions with students on evacuation from school in case of emergency situations

1 time per quarter

Life safety teacher-organizer

Instilling safe behavior skills in emergencies

Celebration of Children's Day


Deputy VR director, life safety teacher-organizer, physical education teacher

Forming schoolchildren’s motivation for health-saving activities

Conducting educational work on issues of safe behavior with students and their parents with the involvement of specialists from Civil Defense, Emergency Situations, VDPO, law enforcement agencies, and medical institutions

During the school year

Deputy Director of VR, teacher-organizer of life safety

Attracting additional resources to participate in school safety activities

Sports and health work

Attracting the maximum number of students to classes in sports sections

During the school year

Physical education teacher, life safety teacher-organizer

Increasing the number of students involved in sports sections

Participation in competitions in fire-applied sports


Life safety teacher-organizer

Instilling emergency behavior skills

Development of the material base of the school’s medical office

During the school year

School director, medical worker

Implementation of SanPin requirements

Monitoring the health of students

2 times per year

Deputy VR director, medical worker

Obtaining information about the health status of students.

Implementation of the Health program in primary school

During the school year

Head of primary school education department, medical worker

Promoting the health of schoolchildren

Conducting a school-wide competition “The Healthiest Class”

During the school year

Deputy Director of VR

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

Criteria for the effectiveness of project implementation



Ways to obtain information

Criterion “Safe health-saving environment”

-absence of injuries, food poisoning, epidemics, emergencies;

Number of concluded agreements on joint activities with law enforcement agencies, medical institutions, service organizations

Objective data

Criterion “Proficiency in the basics of safe behavior”

-students’ knowledge of the basics of safe behavior;

Skills for evacuating from school in case of emergency;

Prize-winning places in competitions in fire-applied sports;

Prize-winning places in military sports shows and competitions;

Criterion “Moral development of students”

- attitude towards bad habits;

Knowledge and mastery of safe behavior methods in various situations

Observation, certification, diagnostics

Criterion “Professional growth of teachers

-use of health-saving technologies;

Monitoring the health of students;

Methodological developments;

Educational films on the rules of safe behavior;

Criterion “Satisfaction of subjects of the educational process

- desire to search for new knowledge;

Relations between various participants in the educational process;

The need for teachers to constantly update methodological tools

Expert analysis, objective data

Criterion “Physical health of students”

- physical fitness of schoolchildren;

Equipment with sports equipment;

Coverage of sports activities;

Victories in sports competitions;

Incidence rate;

Vaccination coverage

Objective data, expert analysis;

Results of medical examinations and medical examinations

To conduct a thorough analysis of the implementation of the project “Formation of a secure personality type,” the project manager must annually submit the following information.

Information on the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the project “Formation of a safe type of personality”


Delivery time


Monitoring the safety of the educational process


School director, deputy director of administrative affairs, teacher-organizer of life safety

Monitoring student injuries during the summer holidays


Deputy director of health and safety

Providing information to the traffic police about student offenders on the roads during the summer holidays


Social teacher

Providing information to the IDN about schoolchildren registered for various offenses during the summer holidays


Social teacher

Monitoring of equipment for sports equipment

Aug. Sept

Physical education teacher

Monitoring thermal conditions at school


Deputy director of administrative affairs

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training sessions with students on evacuation from school in case of emergency situations

1 time per quarter

Life safety teacher-organizer

Design of health certificates in classroom magazines



Monitoring the health of schoolchildren

December, May

Local therapist, deputy Director of VR

Providing medical certificates to exempt young men from training fees


Life safety teacher-organizer

Generalization of the experience of class teachers conducting conversations on protecting the life and health of students


Deputy director of health and safety

Final survey of students to identify children’s attitudes of different ages and their parents to safe behavior

Teacher-organizer of life safety, social teacher

The relevance of the problem of safe human behavior is becoming more and more obvious every year. Over the course of several centuries, humanity has formed and improved technical resources in order to ensure the safety and comfort of its own life. As a result, man found himself faced with the dangers associated with the creation and use of technology. In a difficult situation, when danger appears, an adult is helped by the “instinct of self-preservation, agility, speed of action. Unfortunately, children do not fully master these properties and, finding themselves in a dangerous situation, cannot accept correct solution. Due to the increasing volume of dangers, painstaking preparation is needed not only for adults, but also for children to ensure their safety.

According to the requirements of the Federal State Standard (FSES), the basic educational program of primary general education (GEP) must include a program for developing a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle. This is a document that is a comprehensive program for the formation of knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior that ensure the preservation and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students, as one of the value components that contribute to the cognitive and emotional development of the child, the achievement of the planned results of mastering the educational educational program.

Modern psychological research revealed various aspects of security. Security is understood as a special characteristic that reflects the security and preservation of the development ability of an individual subject and various groups. Recognizing the psychological layer of safety as the main one in building safe behavior, scientists today have identified psychological patterns, principles and resource bases for its provision, and have revealed various mechanisms of construction: a characteristic is given different types security and various conditions for ensuring it. Considerable attention is paid to the issues of self-sufficiency of human safety in extreme situations. Research shows the need to design training for safe behavior taking into account the characteristics of each subject. This fully applies to children of primary school age.

It is especially important to teach children the basics of safe behavior from the moment they enter school.

The main task in developing safe behavior in primary schoolchildren is to provide any child with knowledge about the characteristics of the main types of dangerous situations and the ability to organize correct (safe) behavior in connection with them. Safe behavior in this regard can be understood as the readiness and ability of a subject in the event of difficult and extreme situations to maintain his security and ability for further development. In the process of developing safe behavior, the psychological characteristics of children of primary school age should also be taken into account.

Junior school age is considered to be the age of children from approximately 7 to 10-11 years, which corresponds to the years of their education in primary school. This is the age of comparatively calm and uniform physical formation, and at the same time, this stage is characterized by stormy emotional development, novelty of perception. It is well known that in younger schoolchildren, visual-figurative understanding and visual control dominate, which allow them to remember events and objects, their descriptions and definitions. School makes important changes in a child's life. The whole way of life of his existence, his social status in the team, in the family is rapidly changing. From now on, teaching becomes the main and main activity, the most important duty is the duty to learn and acquire knowledge. Teaching is serious work that requires the development of such qualities in a child as organization, discipline, and self-regulation.

At the adaptation stage, a first-grader encounters difficulties that are associated with the peculiarities of the school regime and the requirements of the teacher. The teacher does not yet know the individual characteristics of the children and therefore cannot yet provide individual approach to every child. At this stage, the teacher is obliged to form in students the feeling that both the class and the school are not an alien environment, but a friendly group of peers, senior comrades and mentors. The student is included in a new group for him, in which he will live and study for twelve years.

Safe behavior at this stage is not sufficiently mastered by the child, so danger can be regarded as courage. A striking example of this behavior is the behavior of first-graders from the film “Attention, Turtle,” when children do not sense danger.

So, the task of the primary school teacher to prepare children for safe life activities is updated. Upon entering school, a child for the first time encounters a number of strict rules and direct school responsibilities, which always determine his actions at school and at home. A first-grader is just beginning to master the ability to evaluate his actions. Because of this, at the initial stage of his training in safe behavior, the student should be asked for a detailed explanation of absolutely all the actions he performs in order for him to understand their meaning. It is the teacher who must teach children how to behave in different situations that are dangerous for their normal existence, work and rest. Such work should be carried out regularly, and not occasionally. Only in this way can one develop skills and knowledge that ensure the preservation of life and health.

A new direction has appeared in modern pedagogical science - safety pedagogy, which studies the patterns of development of the life experience of a person’s safe existence (life activity). This experience is formed in childhood in the conditions of educational organizations, in particular in primary school, when the active exploration of the world takes place, the circle of communication and interaction, areas of activity, and geography of the child’s movement expands.

Scientists identify the stages of developing safe behavior skills for younger schoolchildren: Stage 1 - informational, when younger schoolchildren receive knowledge about dangers, overcoming and preventing them; Stage 2 - motivational, when motivation for safe behavior skills is developed; Stage 3 - training, involving exercises in the application of safe behavior skills.

We consider the creation of a safe and health-preserving infrastructure of an educational institution to be an important condition for developing safe behavior skills among first-graders. All school premises must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety standards, health and safety requirements for students (in classrooms, in the dining room, in the gym, at the stadium, etc.). The functioning of a medical and psychological service is mandatory.

The organization of physical education and health work in lessons and in extracurricular activities allows students to develop strength qualities, agility, speed of reaction and, in general, increase the adaptive functions of the body, which are important for preserving and strengthening psychological, physical and social health.

The teacher’s use of style, methods and techniques of communication, technology of educational cooperation, group work contribute to the formation in children of a sense of self-confidence, the creation of a situation of success, and the removal of feelings of anxiety and aggressiveness. A favorable emotional and psychological atmosphere contributes to the development of a sense of security and comfort, which determines the adequate behavior of children in various, including dangerous, situations.

Purposeful, systematic work to create discipline in the children's team, following a clear schedule of the school day makes it possible to develop in children responsibility, discipline, punctuality and other qualities necessary for the formation of safe behavior.

Development of components of educational activity: learning to plan, predict and control the stages of activity makes it possible to teach children to clearly distribute educational time, and then free time, think through travel routes in advance, quickly perform various actions, which is a good basis for safe behavior.

There are a number of additional educational programs aimed at developing practical life safety skills: “First Aid”, “Self and Safety”. Teachers independently develop practice-oriented courses and forms of extracurricular activities that allow them to develop will, endurance, courage, and the ability to overcome difficulties: “Rope courses”, hiking trips, a “young fighter” course, competitions “Help a friend”, “Military training”, etc. .

It is important to conduct educational work with parents (legal representatives) to develop a unified approach to developing safe behavior skills for younger schoolchildren, etc.; involving parents (legal representatives) in working together on developing safe routes for children from school to home, conducting recreational activities, sports competitions, role-playing games, first aid training sessions, etc.

So, primary school age is a period of rapid assimilation of accumulated knowledge and experience. Because of this, it is important not only to protect a first-grader from danger, but also to purposefully and consciously prepare him to face possible problems in the field of personal safety, and to accustom him to building safe behavior in everyday life.

Thus, the formation of safe behavior skills in younger schoolchildren at the stage of entering school represents a holistic system of work and organization of children’s life activities in an educational institution, including several areas of work: organizing education of students on the rules of safe behavior, developing skills and habits of safe behavior in the process of studying practical -oriented courses, organization of extracurricular work, creation of a safe educational environment, organization of physical education and health work, cooperation with a teacher-psychologist and with parents, the teacher’s use of methods and techniques that ensure the active nature of teaching safe behavior, the psycho-emotional well-being of each child.