Internet project dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Golden Ring. Panel discussion “Spiritual and moral education: guidelines, technologies, development prospects”

One of the symbolic images of Russia today has become the legendary one, known almost all over the world. a tourist route " Golden ring» . It is associated with the thousand-year history of the country, which is captured in the appearance of the ancient Russian cities of the center of Russia, with their architectural monuments of rare beauty and historical value, magnificent frescoes and icons, and unique works of folk crafts. This historical and cultural wealth is the true gold of Russia, which evokes delight and surprise among modern domestic and foreign tourists.

Yu.A. Bychkov - founder of the Golden Ring

In 2017, the Golden Ring turns 50 years old. The author of the idea of ​​a circular tourist route through ancient Russian cities and the very name of this route, so figurative and at the same time surprisingly accurate, was Moscow journalist and writer Yuri Aleksandrovich Bychkov (1931-2016). From the early 1960s, he worked for the newspaper “Soviet Culture”, where he published art criticism articles and essays. On the instructions of the editor Yu.A. Bychkov visited Suzdal more than once, which in the second half of the 1960s began to be actively revived and turned into a major tourist center. In November 1967, Bychkov drove his car along the route planned in Suzdal two years earlier: Moscow - Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad) - Pereslavl-Zalessky - Rostov - Yaroslavl - Kostroma - Ivanovo - Suzdal - Vladimir - Moscow. The result was a ring, a kind of necklace, consisting of peculiar precious stones– ancient cities with priceless architectural monuments and unique culture. As a result of the trip, Yuri Bychkov published a series of essays about ancient Russian cities under the general title “Golden Ring” - an invitation to travel through the cities of historical North-Eastern Rus'. Each essay was accompanied by a diagram of the route along which Bychkov moved. The first of these essays was published in Soviet Culture on November 21, 1967. This date, therefore, is the birthday of the new tourist route, which, with light hand Yu.A. Bychkov, was given the name “Golden Ring”.

The richest life path of Yu.A. Bychkova was marked by many achievements. In the mid-1960s, he was one of the founders of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and later became its Honorary Member. In the 1970s, Bychkov headed the editorial office of aesthetics at the publishing house “Young Guard”, was the founder and leading editor of the series of books “Masters of Art for Youth”, and resumed the publication of the magazine “Young Artist”. Since the early 1980s, Yuri Aleksandrovich has been the editor-in-chief of the publishing house “Iskusstvo”. Then he worked as editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Moscow Artist”. For a decade (1994-2004) he was the director of the State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo". In 2000 he organized the First International Theater Festival “Melikhovo Spring”.

Yu.A. Bychkov is the author of several plays, poems and books dedicated to the lives of famous people - A.P. Chekhov, sculptor S.T. Konenkov, architect-restorer P.D. Baranovsky and others. And, of course, for many years Yuri Bychkov developed the theme of the unique role in the history of Russia and in the formation of Russian statehood of the ancient Russian cities of North-Eastern Rus', included in the “Golden Ring”. He made a literary description for the photo guide “Around the Golden Ring of Russia,” which went through several editions, including in ten languages ​​of the world. Bychkov reflects on how the tourist brand “Golden Ring” was created and on the protection of monuments of Russian history and culture in the book “The Golden Ring” and Konevo Miracle,” published in 2014. In the same year, 2014, Yuri Bychkov became a laureate of the All-Russian Prize “Keepers of the Heritage” in the “Word” category.

Russian cities included in the Golden Ring

Throughout the 50 years of development of the Golden Ring tourist route, it remained open question about which cities are worthy of inclusion in this prestigious list. In the classic one, coming from Yu.A. Bychkov and the “golden” list accepted by scientists and local historians, includes the eight main cities already mentioned above: Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rostov the Great, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Sergiev Posad. This is the so-called “Small Golden Ring”.

The increased interest of domestic and foreign tourists in ancient Russian cities has caused the emergence of certain varieties of the classic route. It began to include the cities of Alexandrov, Gorokhovets, Gus-Khrustalny, Dmitrov, Kalyazin, Murom, Myshkin, Plyos, Rybinsk, Tutaev, Uglich, Yuryev-Polsky, Shuya, as well as the villages of Bogolyubovo , Kideksha, Palekh. In the last two years, Kasimov and Kaluga have been added to it. But this list remains debatable, as does the name attributed to it - “Big Golden Ring”.

In any case, there is a large degree of convention in these definitions of tourist routes. For example, in some regions, including the Vladimir region, routes through historical cities and towns of one region are called the “Small Golden Ring”. It can be assumed that such definitions are sometimes used to enhance the tourist attractiveness of certain places. Moreover, all the named cities and towns have ancient history, have preserved historical centers almost in their original form, and support the traditions of folk crafts and crafts.

200 kmDmitrovMoscowKalyazinSergiev PosadUglichMyshkinAlexandrovRybinskPereslavl-ZalesskyRostov VelikyTutaevYaroslavlYuryev-PolskyVladimirSuzdalGus-KhrustalnyKostromaIvanovuyaKasimovPlyosPalekhMurom

  • - “Small Golden Ring”
  • - “Big Golden Ring”

Revival of interest in the Golden Ring on the eve of its 50th anniversary

Yu.D. Bychkov, the founding father of the Golden Ring, unfortunately, did not live to see significant date- 50th anniversary of his brainchild. But during his lifetime, he actively collaborated with the administrations of regions and cities included in the famous tourist route, helping in preparing a set of events for the upcoming anniversary. In particular, noting that it was in Suzdal that the idea of ​​​​the “Golden Ring” was born, he spoke out for the installation of a memorial sign “Zero kilometer of the Golden Ring” near the walls of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery. In addition, Yu.D. Bychkov proposed organizing a festival of films shot in Suzdal in the anniversary year, as well as exhibitions of artists native to this ancient city. These and many other ideas of Yuri Bychkov, in memory of him, will have to be implemented by his associates and followers.

In the Vladimir region, the anniversary year opened with the installation of a foundation stone at the site of the future memorial sign dedicated to the Golden Ring tourist route, near the walls of the Savior Euthymius Monastery in Suzdal. This event took place on February 19 as part of the interregional competition “Suzdal Ski Mile”. Representatives of all Russian regions included in the Golden Ring gathered here.

At the beginning of March 2017, at a special meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the 50th anniversary of the Golden Ring under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, a plan was approved festive events. One of the central events of the anniversary year in the Vladimir region will be the holding of the thematic session of the V Vladimir Economic Forum “Small and Medium Enterprises. Tourism: investing in the future" (May 2017). In addition, in accordance with the plan, a number of large-scale international and interregional events dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Golden Ring will be held in the Vladimir region in 2017, including: International Forum “Topical Issues in the Development of Gastronomic Tourism. Formation of the gastronomic map of Russia" within the framework of the II Festival "MedovukhaFEST" (June 17-18, Suzdal), III Festival of small tourist towns of Russia "Gastronomy of a small city" (June 17-18, Suzdal), International festival of auto travelers "Golden Ring Rally 2017" (July 24-30), International Patchwork Festival (August 10-16, Suzdal), All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (July 8, Murom), IV All-Russian Festival of Sacred Music and Bell Rings “Summer of the Lord” (26-27 August, Suzdal), VI International Folk Art Festival “Golden Ring” under the auspices of the Commission Russian Federation for UNESCO Affairs (September 1-9, Vladimir), All-Russian Festival of Russian Folk Dance for the prize named after. T.A. Ustinova “There are round dances all over Russia” (October 5-7, Vladimir).

In the year of the anniversary of the famous tourist route, it is certainly possible to predict an increase in people's interest in ancient Russian cities rich in historical attractions. They will be able to plan routes along the Golden Ring in different ways. Someone will want to organize a long trip to all or many of the cities of the historical ring and will turn to the services of travel companies that will provide travel along the route, excursions, hotel accommodation and meals. Many may prefer weekend trips, getting to know each city of the Golden Ring separately.

A significant part of tourists like to travel independently. Such trips have their advantages: they are leisurely, not tied to specific excursions, and allow you to thoroughly explore the sights and museums, and, perhaps, take part in events in the area, receiving an emotional charge.

Those wishing to visit the cities of the “Golden Ring” in the Vladimir region may find the tourism portal Tourism33 useful. Here you can find information about every city in the Vladimir region, attractions and museums, events and holidays, routes, souvenirs, hotels, etc. - and plan your trip in detail based on your capabilities and interests.

As part of the celebration of the anniversary of the popular tourist route, many events are planned: concerts, festivals, conferences, exhibitions. Animation artists are invited to create their own version of an animated screensaver that could precede any event within the framework of the celebration of the anniversary of the Golden Ring, reflecting in it Suzdal as the birthplace of the idea of ​​​​creating a tourist route now known throughout the world.

From May 11 to 12, a large-scale all-Russian exhibition dedicated to the cities of this tourist route will open in the Central Manege of Moscow as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Golden Ring of Russia. The project partner was the First Gallery G1. The exhibition will feature works from all over the country in the following areas: painting, graphics, photography, sculpture, and applied art. An unusual media experiment is also being prepared for all guests of the exhibition.

“800 works, 700 artists and craftsmen, 1900 sq.m. square - this is truly one of the largest exhibitions in recent times. Moreover, thanks to audiovisual installations and 3D mapping, each guest will go on an exciting journey through the ancient cities of the “Golden Ring of Russia” and will be able to appreciate the beauty of ancient monasteries, medieval fortresses and other attractions. And all this - right from the Manege, without leaving the capital. For a comfortable dive into virtual reality guests will be launched in groups of up to two hundred people every two hours,” commented the organizer of the event, General Director of the Agency for International Projects in the Field of Culture, Education and Sports, Irina Gurnitskaya.

According to preliminary estimates, about 2 million people will visit the exhibition over 2 days. By the way, the multimedia tour of the cities of the homeland will be narrated by People's Artist of the Russian Federation Alexander Domogarov.

Let us remind you that the series of events “Golden Ring of Russia - 50 years” will be held from May 10 to 28, 2017 with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The four-day educational intensive “School of Mentors”, which took place on the basis of YarSU named after. P.G. Demidov from March 11 to 14, 2020. Teams from Russian Railways, YarSU named after. P.G. Demidov, YSPU named after. K.D. Ushinsky, educational institutions MSO of Yaroslavl. According to the organizers, this was the largest School of Mentors in terms of the number of participants. It was filled with an incredible number of interesting meetings with organizers, experts, customers, teachers, and colleagues.

Over the entire period of training at the School of Mentors, participants listened to 9 lectures, participated in the presentation of project cases from customers, presentations by experts from companies on the topics of the cases, 5 plenary sessions, 3 workshops, 2 master classes, 1 game, analyzed an example of a project with analysis of preparation and implementation , conducted 9 sessions group work and presentation of its results. It was not easy, but very interesting!

Updated: 03/17/2020 16:12

Municipal stage of the All-Russian competition for young readers “Living Classics - 2020”

March 12, 2020 at the regional library named after. ON THE. Nekrasov, the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition of young readers “Living Classics - 2020” took place. This competition is a competitive event in reading aloud passages from prose works of Russian and foreign writers. The competition is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation with the aim of increasing interest in reading among schoolchildren.

The organizer of the municipal stage of the Competition is the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl City Hall, and is carried out by the City Center for Educational Development.

Updated: 03/13/2020 17:04

Study of the functioning of the MSO SPP

In order to develop the Practical Psychology Service of the MSO in Yaroslavl, a survey is being conducted to determine the features of the functioning, activities and development prospects of the Practical Psychology Service of the MSO in Yaroslavl. All educational organizations of the local educational system in Yaroslavl are taking part in the survey.

The survey is conducted:

03/16/2020 – 03/30/2020 – for schools

To start the survey, click the “Start” button.

Updated: 03/14/2020 14:52

Finalists of the Seventh City Competition “Pedagogical Hopes”

The first stage of the Seventh City Competition of Professional Excellence for Teachers of General Educational Institutions has ended municipal system education "Pedagogical hopes". Based on the results of stage I competitive tests, the finalists of the competition who scored the maximum number of points were determined:

Volnitskaya Anastasia Sergeevna, teacher physical culture high school No. 25 named after Alexander Sivagin;
Kiryunova Anastasia Andreevna, history and social studies teacher at secondary school No. 99;
Koltsov Maxim Germanovich, history and social studies teacher of secondary school No. 90;
Maria Arsenovna Manasyan, history and social studies teacher at secondary school No. 37 with in-depth study of the English language;
Mironova Anna Nikolaevna, geography teacher, life safety, secondary school No. 23;
Rumyantseva Lyubov Lvovna, teacher primary classes secondary school No. 84 with in-depth study of the English language;
Sokolova Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna, chemistry teacher at secondary school No. 1.

Updated: 03/12/2020 11:33

Panel discussion “Spiritual and moral education: guidelines, technologies, development prospects”

On March 10, 2020, at secondary school No. 43 in the city of Yaroslavl, according to the plan of the Municipal Educational Institution “GTSRO”, as part of the fifth anniversary Panorama of the pedagogical experience of class teachers, a conference “Spiritual and moral education: guidelines, technologies, development prospects” was held, which was held in the form of a panel discussion. 135 people took part in it: directors of educational organizations, deputy directors for VR, methodologists of the Municipal Educational Institution "State Center for Educational Education", class teachers, representatives of the parent community, teachers and undergraduates of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky.

The conference was moderated by Kazanov Y.V., director of secondary school No. 17, Vasilyeva I.N., methodologist of the Municipal Educational Institution "GTSRO", Molchanova M.G., deputy director of the Municipal Educational Establishment of the House of Creativity of the Krasnoperekopsky District, Mustafin Ruslan, member of the district coordinating Council of high school students.

The Golden Ring of Russia is 50 years old

This year we celebrate 50 years since the creation of the Golden Ring tourist route. It also includes Sergiev Posad. We met with people who were involved in this project.

“Thanks to the Lavra, Sergiev Posad has always been the largest point of the Golden Ring and has a long tradition of meeting tourists and pilgrims,” says historian Konstantin Filimonov.

Until 1919, the settlement was called Sergievsky Posad. Then it was renamed Sergiev, and later Zagorsk.

The city attracted pilgrims from different corners countries. Already a hundred years ago, excursions were held on the territory of the Lavra.

“The flow of visitors has increased from year to year. In the 60-70s of the 19th century, up to 300 thousand people came to the Lavra annually,” says historian Konstantin Filimonov.

IN Soviet times The Historical and Art Museum-Reserve was opened within the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

For fifty years now, since 1967, the famous tourist route of Russia has been called the “Golden Ring”, and not only because it has a closed ring shape. By the way, Zagorsk became part of the Golden Ring two years later, in 1969.

“In 1969, Zagorsk became a center of tourism - there was a decree about this,” recalls Tatyana Manushina, scientific secretary of the Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve. “By this time, our museum was a most interesting historical and artistic complex, where you could see Russian art, from the 14th century to the present.”

The tourist route itself appeared, one might say, spontaneously. The author of the term and the very idea of ​​the circular route, journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov, published in December 1967 a series of essays about ancient Russian cities under the general heading “Golden Ring”. He and his colleagues made a motor rally through the cities of northeastern Rus'. With his light hand, this name was assigned to the tourist route.

Our city also had its own “Golden Ring”. In the building where the M.Video store is now located, the Golden Ring restaurant was opened in 1970. The restaurant provided meals for tourist groups. Buses with the sign “Intourist” always stopped nearby. And in front of the entrance to the Golden Ring there was a wooden carved sculpture of a bear with a samovar and a towel over its paw.

The “Golden Ring of Russia” included ancient cities that were located at a distance of one horse ride from each other, that is, at a distance of 60-70 kilometers from each other. These are Moscow, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal, Vladimir.

“Thousands and thousands of people constantly came to the city. Our Historical and Art Museum was among the ten most visited in the country,” recalls Galina Osipenko, deputy head of the propaganda department of the city party committee in Zagorsk. “Every day, except Friday, Krasnogorskaya Square was full of tourists.”

“In Soviet times, this flow was regulated by the state. There was an organization called Mosobltour, which worked for the trade unions of our country. There was a youth tourism bureau “Sputnik”, which attracted young people from all over the world to travel along the Golden Ring. And there was “Intourist”, which also brought tourists from all over the world,” says Marina Romanenko, tour guide of the “Golden Ring” route.

Proximity to Moscow made Zagorsk one of the most convenient options day trip from the capital. Anatoly Rusakov, head of the Zagorsk Department of Internal Affairs from 1977 to 1988, recalls how the police protected public order in the city and on the territory of the monastery.

“As a rule, it was impossible to observe a large concentration of police in the Lavra. There were few people in uniform. A certain amount of police officers was in civilian clothes,” Anatoly Rusakov reveals an official secret of those times.

For 50 years now, the famous tourist route in Russia has been called the “Golden Ring”. For half a century it has not lost popularity and every year attracts more and more tourists not only from Russia, but also from other countries.