How men manipulate women. How to Tell if a Girl Likes You in High School Man Mimics

Dear Anton Mikhailovich, hello. One of the problems I have in my relationship with my husband is that he constantly mimics me. It doesn't look funny and loving, but mostly sarcasm and hyperbolic. I have already tried to pretend not to notice, not to pay attention, and to talk, explaining how unpleasant it is for me. Nothing changes. Not only does he allow himself to imitate in public places, now he calmly does it in front of his daughter (7 years old), and she understands what he is doing. usually he imitates my facial expressions, facial expressions and gestures. Yesterday I had a fight with him again because of this. Maybe you can tell me how to reach a man. It's too painful for me. Thank you.

Yulia, Moscow, 34 years old

Family psychologist's answer:

Hello Julia.

Unfortunately, there are no universal methods suitable for all men. But there is a certain pattern. You are essentially talking about disrespect. Why did it happen that your husband does not consider it necessary to respect your feelings? Does this only manifest itself in mimicry, or in something else? Do you generally feel respect for your personality as a person and as a woman? If mimicking is only one moment of disrespect, then you can ask him why he needs it, why does he need it? Perhaps he is not happy with something in your relationship, but he is afraid or does not want to talk about it openly yet. Or perhaps there is something behind this that is not directly related to you at all. How to clarify such questions - read the article on my website “A short textbook on family conflicts” (link to the site in the profile). With the help of fairly simple conversation techniques, you can help a man, and yourself too, understand what is really behind this mimicry, what is the message that is still unconscious to him. And if there are a lot of these moments, not just mimicking, then you should think about how much you respect yourself. After all, the attitude of another is, in a certain sense, a reflection of your own attitude towards yourself. If you admit within yourself that you may not be respected, then your partner simply acts within the framework of what is permitted by you. Or perhaps your reaction is simply not specific enough. What does “have a fight” mean in your performance? Was the person able to feel your emotions? Weren't you afraid to express them fully if you couldn't convey them calmly? After all, sometimes you need to show emotions to the extent that you have them, without “smoothing” them... And one more thing - if he does not have any reaction to your emotions, perhaps he needs marriage for some other reasons, rather than a spiritual partnership? After all, if we are truly involved in a relationship, then we cannot care how the other feels. Then it makes sense to find out what marriage is for him, why he needs it and for what reasons he does not want to notice your emotions. This is also discussed in the article “Car, Boat, Body, Family”.

Sincerely, Anton Mikhailovich Nesvitsky.

If you spend time with a guy and have become close enough, then the question may arise about his feelings for you. If you've fallen in love or just want to be friends, there are a number of signs that will help you find the answer. Pay attention to the guy's body language and behavior around you, as well as the further development of the relationship between you. You can always ask such a question to mutual friends or directly to your boyfriend!


Body language and behavior

    Eye contact. If a guy makes eye contact with you, try meeting his gaze with a smile and making eye contact for a few seconds. If he doesn't turn away, it may turn out that he is interested in you, especially if you smile back.

    • It's also possible that the guy is simply aware of your presence or that he has a habit of looking people in the eyes.
    • On the other hand, some guys are very shy about the girls they like, so he may avoid eye contact if he likes you.
  1. Smile. If you like a person, it's hard not to smile in their presence. Does your guy always perk up when he sees you? It is quite possible that he likes you!

    • Don't jump to conclusions because he may smile at you as a friend.
  2. Mirror behavior. If you communicate with a guy or spend time in the same company, you may notice that he repeats after you every time you touch your face or straighten your hair. Subconsciously imitating your interlocutor is a sign of sympathy, so it may turn out that he likes you.

    • To check, try repeating short movements - straightening your hair or collar and watching the guy.
  3. The guy's body and legs are facing you. We lean toward people we like and shy away from those we don't, but we don't even realize it. Pay attention to the guy's body position while talking.

    • Also pay attention to his feet. If the toes are facing towards you, this is a good sign.
  4. The guy gets nervous or feels awkward in your presence. Some guys get shy in the presence of a girl they like. If he blushes, stammers, or becomes silent around you, it could be a matter of sympathy or innate shyness.

    • If the guy you like is shy, try smiling or touching his arm to reassure him and help him relax.
  5. The guy finds reasons to touch you. If a guy is always ready to hug you, often touches your hand, shoulder, or finds reasons to be near you, then it is possible that he likes you. However, touching people may just be a habit, so pay attention to his behavior around others. If you have received such signs of attention, then the reason may be love.

    • If a guy makes you feel uncomfortable with his touch, firmly ask him not to do that and take a step away. There is no need to be afraid of hurting his feelings. A decent guy would just apologize and stop this behavior. Stop communicating if he doesn't listen to you.

Close acquaintance

  1. The guy is always trying to be close. If he is always ready to help or meet, then the reason may be love. Think about how often he's willing to cancel plans with friends or make time to meet even when he's busy.

    • It is possible that he is just a very good friend. Anyway, enjoy your meetings and communication! Over time, his true feelings will become clear.
  2. The guy subscribed to your profile on in social networks. If a guy constantly likes your posts or follows you on different social networks, then he probably likes you! Of course, it doesn't mean much if he spends a lot of time on social media, but if he's not usually too active, then that's a good sign.

    • You don't need to think too deeply about his behavior on social media. So, you might think that liking someone on Instagram means you're in love, but you'll go crazy if you attach too much importance to such actions.
    • If he often writes to you online, but communicates little in person, the reason may be shyness and attempts to get to know you better. Perhaps the guy is trying to muster his will and ask you out on a date.
  3. The guy texts you for no reason. If a guy writes messages to you just like that, then he is probably thinking about you and maybe even in love. He is probably looking for reasons to write to you, such as questions about homework.

    • Try not to text your guy too often. In this case, he will have the opportunity to write to you first.
    • If you Good friends, then the reason may be a desire to just chat. Remember to look for signs that complement the overall picture.
  4. Over time, the guy begins to communicate openly on personal topics. As you get to know each other, he may share with you personal details from his life or his past. If a guy is comfortable talking to you about his emotions, this can be seen as a sign of intimacy and deeper feelings.

    The guy gives you gifts and tries to show you favors. Many guys often express their feelings through actions rather than words. If he gives you small gifts “just because” or is looking for a reason to help you, then such behavior may indicate a desire for a closer relationship.

    • For example, if he offers you his jacket when you are cold, the reason may be the guy's nobility or a desire to show that he cares.
  5. The guy teases you or gives you compliments. It's not uncommon for guys to tease or compliment girls they like. However, some guys like to tease all their friends or are generous with compliments, so pay attention to his behavior around other people. Does he only act this way around you? This is a good sign.

    • For example, if you are dressed smartly for work, he may say when you meet him: “You look great.” On the other hand, he might also ask, “Wow, are you trying to get promoted?”

    Warning: if you smile and blush when a guy teases you, then it's cute. If he demeans and insults you, there is NOTHING ok about that behavior. You definitely don't need a guy like that.

Direct approach

  1. Ask your friends how a guy talks about you when you're not around. If your friends are talking to a guy, ask them for help. For example, ask him to ask a question about you when you are not around to get his opinion.

    • For example, your friend might say: “I think Katya looks absolutely gorgeous today. What do you think, Misha?
    • If he never misses a chance to talk about you, then he almost certainly likes you. If he rolls his eyes or says something unpleasant, then the situation will most likely be different.


Contrary to popular belief, that only women manipulate men, very often the opposite happens. There are many men who thrive on their manipulation of women. A classic example is when you have Love to a man, and he uses you for his own purposes. Here he is, a manipulator! So what to do if you are already head over heels for him? And naturally, you want him to truly love you. Everything here is complicated, but still possible.

First, let's figure out what keys manipulators select for their victims? Naturally, they find our female weaknesses and characteristics inherent in Nature and nurture:

1. Sensitivity, self-denial, sacrifice. Any woman is kind and merciful by nature; at the sight of suffering and pain, every woman’s heart clenches, and she is ready to help.

2. Maternal instinct. From birth, every girl has the need to be a mother. Girls play with dolls, and when they reach puberty, they dream of having a child. For a woman, this is a way to self-actualize, perhaps this is the deepest instinct.

3. Shyness. In addition to the fact that a woman’s energy level is biologically aimed at preserving her energy reserves, she is also instilled with many restrictions from childhood. There is nothing wrong with this, because it corresponds to nature, but often these rules are piled on top of one another, as a result, a woman is ashamed to even think about her needs, let alone declare and take hers.

4. The desire to build a relationship with a man, dependence, helplessness. This has deep historical roots. Since ancient times, a woman was the keeper of the hearth, and a man was the breadwinner. And naturally, without a man, a woman would die. This is transmitted to women at the level of instincts, and it is impossible to fight it.

5. Openness, trustfulness, emotionality. This is how women are designed - at birth, girls have a more developed left hemisphere of the brain, and this is responsible for logical thinking. This is why girls begin to speak faster and have more learning abilities. But in the future, girls develop the right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions, while boys have a different tendency - they develop the left hemisphere, that is, logic. And in adulthood, men think logically, and women perceive everything emotionally.

6. Need for communication, talkativeness. It's no secret that women love to talk. And as soon as the sweet lady finds “free ears”, she will immediately reveal all her secrets. And by revealing her secrets, a woman gives the manipulator two trump cards at once - she gets closer to him (only in her mind), and gives him arguments for further influence on herself, her beloved.

7. Low self-esteem. Society and family often instill behavioral stereotypes in girls. In many nations, women are still perceived as second-class citizens. In many families, women, when they become mothers, stop taking care of themselves, and men do not show signs of attention to their wives. Or single-parent families, where a girl sees the suffering of a single mother - all this leads future women to fears, complexes and other psychological difficulties.

8. Imagination. It's no secret that women have a very developed imagination. And experienced manipulators know how to excite him without, in fact, promising anything. As in the joke, when a man in a restaurant, trying to sit next to a woman at the table, asks: “Rybonka, can I come to you?” And he receives in response: “Rybonka means pike; pike means I bite; I bite - it means a dog; dog means bitch; bitch means whore. People, he called me a whore!!!” And also the words of one baker: “I molded him from what I had. And then what happened, I fell in love with.”

9. A woman’s need to give energy to a man. It is inherent in nature that a woman has energy, but it constantly needs to be renewed. To obtain new energy, you need to get rid of the one that already exists. It is important for a woman to find a partner who will take exactly the amount that the woman can give. No more no less. The most sophisticated manipulators have this ability, which leads a woman to the realization of harmony with this particular man, and no matter how many “sources” he “feeds” from. But this point can only be attributed to “advanced” men; these are the most sophisticated manipulators.

10. The desire to communicate, to see your loved one. All of the above qualities, even if each of them manifests itself weakly, in combination lead to the fact that as soon as a woman meets a man who satisfies her needs at least a little, she instinctively, unconsciously begins to feel the need to be close to this person.

11. The desire to be in demand, stand out, be special for your loved one. Since childhood, women pay great attention to their appearance and try to be beautiful. To stand out from other women. Proverb: "What is forgiven beautiful woman, says goodbye to a rich man."

But these are the main qualities of women!

You will say and you will be right. Moreover, these qualities, or most of them, are instilled and brought up in us from childhood. Therefore, almost every woman is a potential victim for an experienced manipulator. But since you are reading these lines, you are already on the way out of this captivity, and now you can certainly become a worthy opponent to such a man. The very awareness that you are dealing with a manipulator is already halfway to liberation from his captivity.

Now let's figure out what qualities a manipulator has? That's right, opposite.

1. Indifference, consumer attitude . He doesn't care about anything other than his interests. He builds relationships in such a way that you begin to solve his issues as your own. At the same time, he will also periodically say that you are callous, tough, and ruthless. Often the reason is in the upbringing of the boy, especially in single-parent families, where a son is raised by a mother with a failed personal life. She dissolves in her child, feeling guilty for the absence of the father in the life of the family, or due to other complexes.

2. No need to raise offspring . It is so inherent in nature that a man aims only at fertilization large quantity females Everyone knows that men are polygamous, so it is easier for them to remain free from attachments. Together with the end of sexual intercourse, the man’s gelstat ends, his program is completed, he is ready to continue the search new woman for fertilization. Unlike a woman, for whom sexual intercourse is the beginning of fulfilling her destiny. It is the woman who bears, gives birth, and raises the child, which puts her in a dependent position in front of the man. In this case, nature itself helps men become manipulators.

3. Lack of complexes and clamps. The nature of men is more open, because they are aimed at polygamy. For more complete self-realization, men are more courageous in experimenting, which leads to greater liberation.

4. Closedness, although an experienced manipulator may seem frank, even allegedly open up to you, thereby bribing you. He seems open, which makes you open, but then it turns out that this is just a beautifully played role. He will periodically say that you are hiding something from him. And he himself will try to find out for himself all the new information for manipulation.

5. Unprincipled, rational. He is not tormented by remorse. His actions are logical to the point of absurdity. If you were unable to meet with him, and he has sex planned that evening, he will meet with someone else he has prepared in advance. But, unfortunately, you are unlikely to know this, being sure that he was sad about you and your failed meeting all evening.

6. Pragmatism. He doesn't trust anyone. Everything is subjected to logical analysis. Tries not to lie, but slippery questions prefers not to answer, beautifully avoiding answers, or answers evasively, which allows for two interpretations. The victim’s gullibility finishes the job itself, choosing a more pleasant answer for itself. As a result, the manipulator inspires trust, and all his words immediately fall on fertile soil. He molds the victim into whatever he needs.

7. Listening skills. A useful quality that is more inherent in men, as more logical and rational beings. Plus, since primitive times there has been a hunter in every man, and when hunting it is important to hide well and hear the game.

8. Artistic. Seeing your shortcoming, the manipulator will immediately turn on the desired role. Based on your maternal instinct, he will become a defenseless son; based on your imagination, he will hint at the possibility of something together.

9. Self-confidence, high self-esteem. He considers himself the navel of the earth, and makes everyone revolve around him. For a man, this quality is natural, and women, even on a subconscious level, look for such males, because they personify a strong shoulder that you want to snuggle up to. He creates the illusion of his demand, which encourages a victim with low self-esteem to cling to him for self-affirmation. He skillfully evokes jealousy, while at the same time making it clear that only you are really dear to him.

10. Self-love. All his actions are subordinated to extracting benefits only for his beloved self. Moreover, from time to time he calls the victim selfish and complains that she allegedly does not love him. And she is trying in every possible way to prove her love, laying herself out more and more in front of him.

11. Independence. He will find something to do if you couldn't meet him, he doesn't need you as much as you need him. He maintains a lack of communication so that you seek meetings with him. At the same time, he knows what you are missing and will definitely notify you that only he has what you need.

12. Balance. It’s difficult to get him emotional, but he easily pisses you off and brings you back to your senses. He controls himself like a scout behind enemy lines. He will call you hysterical just because you react to his planned action to evoke emotions in you. And he can easily evoke emotions - with jealousy, riddles, understatements, mood swings, pauses...

13. The ability to promise beautifully without promising. He sees that you want more with him than he plans to give. But he reassures you with phrases that mean nothing, but are expected for you. For example, before a joint vacation, he will say: “we will be together.” For him, this will mean that you will be together during your vacation, that is, for several days. And you will think that he is ready to marry you. This is not your naivety at all, this is a well-planned play on words. Or an SMS “let's get married” is spam - a mailing to all his contacts, and not a marriage proposal at all. Another option is “we have to do this, and then everything will be different,” you think that after fulfilling his fantasy, he will definitely love you, but in fact he says that he will simply leave you after that.

14. Ability to pause. This is the manipulator's trump card. He creates a deficit in his communication. He disappears after the slightest mistake of yours, or simply disappears, and then it turns out that his grandmother got sick, or his great-grandmother died, or he had to go to relatives in Belgorod. It doesn’t matter, he will always find an excuse and you will believe it. Or he will not look for excuses at all, and you will justify him yourself. He is a good psychologist and puppeteer, and knows what kind of pause is necessary. He will easily disappear for a year, only occasionally making contact, and you will think that all this year he was thinking only about you. A large base of people like you helps him make such pauses. While you are tormented by remorse about how you offended your loved one, he is having fun with others.

15. "You're not like everyone else" - the manipulator's catchphrase. When I hear something like this, I immediately react with the phrase: “For what purpose did you say that just now?” If a man really thinks a woman is special, he is unlikely to say so. So that she doesn’t become arrogant and pretend to be a queen at the very least)))

Often manipulators blame you for your virtues.

For example, he will say: you are too callous, cruel, you never have time for me, you don’t love me, your friends are more valuable to you, why do you need me, the list goes on, but these are minor manipulations that need to be caught and stopped immediately, to avoid becoming a victim.

So what should you do if you nevertheless become a victim of such a person, or see that he is trying to seduce you?

You can bring it out into the open, and then he will either leave, realizing that there is nothing to catch and there are simpler options, or he will get involved in a game, as a result of which it is quite possible that you will be able to make him fall in love with you. But if your goal is to make him fall in love, it is better not to admit that you have figured it out. And objectively weigh your options.

Why do you need such a man? Perhaps you don’t need it, the game and the fact of victory are interesting. After all, even if you fall in love with him, it is unlikely that you will be able to consolidate the result. He is self-sufficient, balanced, and will recover easily. Or maybe you are just interested in living on a powder keg, always playing cat and mouse with him? Then go ahead! This man is just for you.

At all such a person will be an excellent teacher for you , and fate gave it to you for a reason. If you get involved in this process consciously, then after some time you will be satisfied with yourself and will become a good manipulator yourself. There is just one BUT. There are certain laws of the universe, and sooner or later such games turn against the instigator. And even the most hardened manipulator will sooner or later face his lesson. Do you need this? Decide for yourself.


To start you need to turn off your emotions and treat it like a game . You are an actress, and you need to play the role brilliantly. Develop in yourself all the qualities of a manipulator. All 10 he has. No, you don't need to re-educate yourself and become a hardened bitch. It's like a new dress made especially for this man. But be prepared, as soon as he feels that the game is not going according to his rules, he may leave. Don't be afraid to lose him; as a rule, such men are only good for games. Make it out of him good husband and it will be very difficult for your partner, and only under one condition - if he values ​​you higher or on an equal basis with himself. And even if he tells you that this is his first time with such a partner, do not believe him. In general, more for him don't believe it.

You have to admit that he doesn't love you, he's not yours , at least for now. Therefore, he has the same contacts with many women, and even if you have revenge over others, this is only a small advantage, and not a guarantee of victory. If you are valuable to him, then you need to pragmatically assess what kind of value and how long he will look for a replacement for you. Don't even doubt it, he has already started doing this. Be prepared, he will touch you in every possible way, make you emotional, but now you will be able to analyze his behavior and work on yourself. It is better to leave ways to monitor him, but do it unnoticed. And maintain at least friendly relations. And promise, promise...

Having started the game with the manipulator, don't feel sorry for him. Hit where it hurts the most, and as hard as possible. First, find out his sore spots. As a rule, the first thing is his pride. In this way, he amuses him, and this is where the first blow should be directed. He makes everyone fall in love with him, and it’s natural for him. He has a harem, always ready for meetings, and he himself controls the turnover of personnel in it. That is, I got tired of it, fired him, found a new one.

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But suddenly you are out of his control.

Be warned, manipulators good psychologists and they will feel the game. As a rule, he keeps his entire arsenal of girlfriends in sight, periodically doing a roll call. First, you disappear without going to the next roll call. It is very good if you pre-arrange a meeting and cancel it. Then you show up without really making excuses. First you need to evaluate yourself objectively from the point of view of the manipulator. How valuable are you to him, and wouldn’t it be easier for him to find a new one to take your place?

If your positions are weak, strengthen them first. For example, if you are having sex, interest him in some fantasy that you supposedly want to fulfill with him. Get it going well and you'll be gone. He has everything systematized and under control. But then the mechanism failed. At the very least, he will be nervous. Perhaps he will disappear for a while, hoping that you will get nervous. Don't worry and forget about it altogether.

In addition to disappearing make it clear that he has become less interesting to you. For example, you realized what he was doing to you, and now you are less interested in it. You can create the illusion of an ongoing romance, but don’t try to advertise it too much. So that it isn't faked. Just create the illusion of you being away from home in the evenings, and even at night. And without comment. Do not answer questions, or answer evasively, in two ways. Or even tell me that we are all free people, why should I suddenly report?

Find some quality in him, praise him for him . Admire him, and then suddenly declare that you overestimated him because you were in love. And he, it turns out, is very ordinary. At the same time, shake a couple more qualities that you can touch. It’s good if you dig up some shortcomings or complexes in him. After all, even manipulators have many shortcomings that they do not allow anyone to see. And you analyze it, and you’ll drive him into depression already! Very often such people are cowardly, concerned about their health, and who knows what else... It’s easy to find clues for any person if they want.

It will be useful disappear and no longer answer calls , sms. And after a month or two, show up and, as if nothing had happened, resume communication. At the same time, tell how well you had this time. In every possible way, let him understand that you are less interested in him than before. And that you have a lot of new hobbies and activities, fans. You should have many interests, do something.

Tease him something interesting for him , very often this is some kind of fantasy. Break up a couple of meetings by blaming him for the breakdown, and do it with another person. It will be a knockout. And after some time, if you don’t end up on his black list, you will appear in his life again, so white and fluffy. Tell him how you have repented and want to date him again. It was only from a distance that you saw what a great man he was.

And then according to the same scheme. We alternate: good-bad, far-close. Add firewood to the furnace of his interest. More conversations about sex, fantasies, new adventures. Games always need to be changed, alternated, and new notes introduced.

Only don't overact , your actions should be logical and aimed at satisfying your loved one. And not to look from the outside like a desperate hysterical woman throwing around. No extremes, everything is consistent and smart.

And the most interesting thing is that with a 99% chance he will get involved in your game. Do you know why? Because you will become more interesting to him than all his tamed options. He will demonstratively or simply meet with them, but most likely he will think about you, because you hurt him. And he doesn't like it.

Perhaps he will launch a counter-offensive , but it’s to your advantage that you know who you’re dealing with and know how to control yourself. And if he joined the game at all, his armor of equanimity has already been broken. Master all his methods and use them against him. And who knows, maybe after all your games you will become a great couple!

If you have come to this page, you are interested in building harmonious relationships. I have great respect for people who seek and engage in self-knowledge. Have you tried studying physiognomy? This knowledge will help you “read” any person and make the right impression on a man.

Knowing the strengths/weaknesses of a person, you will always influence the right points. By learning to read a man's non-verbal behavior, you will read his thoughts!

Don’t delay, because time is running out... Moreover, you can start now and absolutely free!

STUDY PHYSIOGNOMY, it is the best tool for life!


6 reasons to study physiognomy right now:

1. You will know ALL THE SECRETS of people, because the face is always in sight. To do this, you will not need any data about the person - no last name, no first name, no patronymic, no date, no time, no place of birth, no passport information, no details of his current account - NOTHING!

3. You will increase your income by an average of 40%

4. You will build a strong family without wasting time on mistakes

6. You won't need a lie detector

“Maybe” - this thought permeates everything related to the teasing technique flirting. "Maybe" is much sexier than an outright "yes" or "no." The answer "maybe" teases the imagination and awakens in a man the desire to achieve clear certainty.

Teasing flirting- a game that requires its participant to be very frank in expressing her inner mood. Such a woman likes a close relationship with a man, and she is not ashamed to admit it. She considers them natural, healthy and enjoys them to the fullest.

But even if turning to the teasing technique flirting If for some reason you find it undesirable, get to know it better so that you can recognize and, if necessary, use certain elements in practice.

In fact, in the arsenal of teasing techniques flirting includes the art of conducting a conversation in the language of the eyes - the “art of visual contact”, the art of unambiguous conversation in body language and the art of sexy gait. We will begin our acquaintance with this “body” of arts by examining the secrets of sexy appearance and sexy gait.

Seductive curve of the back. The way a woman stands, the way she walks, the way she sits is instantly noted by a man at the subconscious level. In this case, the bend of your back has the greatest force of influence. To develop a regal posture, do the following.

Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the following areas of your body:
- with your head, without lifting your chin;
- shoulders, slightly turning them back, but not too zealous;
- elbows, but not the wrists;
- buttocks;
- calves of the legs, if possible;
- heels.

Straightening your back, push your chest forward and up.

While maintaining this body position, place the palm of your hand at the base of the spine, at the very bottom, and slightly move it forward, moving it away from the wall: this will provide a deep curve to the spinal column.

Move away from the wall. Fabulous!!!

A man reacts not to the volume of a woman’s breasts or the length of her legs, but, first of all, to the curvature of her spine.

A woman of any age should pay attention to her spine Special attention, and then she will be able to make a lasting impression on a man.

Learning to sit attractively. When a woman places one leg on top of the other at the knee area, she simply sits in a way that is more comfortable for her. But the closer to the top of the thigh her legs are crossed, the more interest she attracts in men. In addition, this position of the legs automatically gives her spine the desired curve.

And in general, legs crossed high at the hips look slimmer, longer and sexier. This is the most effective way for a woman to demonstrate the overall strengths of her figure and, of course, the shape of her legs.

A pose with your legs crossed at the hips will emphasize your sensuality, but only if you do not allow yourself to forget about the length of the skirt: it is very important not to overdo it in demonstrating your charm.

Eye contact serves as a hint that you are open to meeting a man. When your eyes momentarily meet a man’s gaze, what I call “short-circuiting the inner attitudes of a man and a woman” occurs: you both signal to each other that you are ready to establish a romantic relationship.

If one of you looks away before the “closure” occurs, the person thereby makes it clear that he is not ready to establish a relationship. Otherwise, both you and the man will look away after the “short circuit” occurs.

Prelude to making eye contact. During a conversation in the language of the eyes, its content takes on special significance. If your gaze shows mockery or outright slyness, a man may think what’s wrong with him - or with you! - not everything is fine. On the other hand, an overly serious, concentrated gaze is fraught with a threat and can cause a man to have well-founded concerns about your intentions.

But when you mentally repeat: “Men are amazing, I am amazing, sex is amazing!”, your eyes will radiate pleasure. And this is exactly what is needed.

Duration of visual contact. Technicians flirting They believe that it takes a few seconds to create a stable visual contact, during which a short circuit of your internal attitudes occurs, after which the gaze must be
move aside.

The duration of the “conversation with the eyes” is extremely important. To establish full contact, one second is usually not enough, and six to seven seconds is usually too much.

I find it best to use the times I specify for each of the contact types below. However, depending on the situation, you can slightly reduce or increase the duration of the gaze, while remaining within the range of one to six seconds.

Eye contact of a shy woman. A modest, shy woman usually looks away too early, even before the birth of a stable contact, thus signaling that she is not ready to establish a romantic relationship with a man, although in reality everything is completely different.

This means that in order to correct this annoying misunderstanding, she should find a way to show a man her interest using her gaze and do it in a way that she considers acceptable for herself.

Try this trick: If you look away too soon, immediately look at the man again. This “re-look” technique will help you compensate for the lack of such an important short circuit between your inner mood and your man.

And if at the same time you still have time to quickly say to yourself: “Men are amazing, I am amazing, sex is amazing!”, the impulse of your gaze will acquire colossal power of influence.

Teasing play with the eyes; are you standing or sitting. Mentally say magic words, accumulating internal energy. Look the man straight in the eyes. Count to three, continuing to look the man in the eyes and at the same time turning your head slightly to the side, then on the count of four, look away in the direction natural for turning your head. Resist the desire to check what impression you made, and do not use this technique again.

Once again, clearly imagine the technique of performing it: glance, ensure the establishment of visual contact while simultaneously turning your head and averting your eyes to the side.

Teasing play with the eyes while walking. Look directly into the man's eyes for two seconds. At the third second, turn your face slightly to the side, maintaining eye contact for another two seconds, then look away as you move and look straight ahead. So: looking, making eye contact while simultaneously turning your head and looking away.

A promising look. As you walk past a man and give him your gaze, mentally say: “I could give you my intimacy!”, then look away to the side.

At the same time, you may not have any intentions of going to bed with this man; your task is to test your psychic influence. And its influence is very great: when a man gives you a long look in response, you will see it for yourself.

"A little bit for everyone and for no one in particular." In a crowded room, glance to the right corner of the room, give those present your wide smile and blink deeply, intriguingly. Then turn your gaze to central part room, smile and blink with the same amount of intrigue in your eyes.

After this, complete the entire procedure while looking at the left side of the room. And check which of the men has become convinced that your smile and blink, reminiscent of a wink, are intended only for him!

Expression of deep interest. Focus your gaze on the man who is not looking at you at the moment. As soon as he looks up and notices your gaze, give him a slight smile and blink deeply, then turn away to the side as if you are embarrassed by this flash of involuntary manifestation of your sympathies.

“A smile will make everyone brighter...” As a rule, you should accompany your blinking “with a hint” with a smile, but you can achieve the same power of impact by being completely serious.

Be that as it may, whether you give the man your smile or not, immediately after the wink-blink, calmly transfer your attention to something else, giving your interested chosen one the opportunity to continue to act independently.

"Scorching look." It is not at all necessary to give a smile. Reflect on your face the expectation of something beautiful that seems to overwhelm you at the moment, the anticipation of happiness and deep excitement. The energy that will fill your gaze will gain in