Development of logic and thinking in preschoolers. Coursework: Development of the fundamentals of logical thinking in older preschoolers in mathematics classes. Development of logical thinking in preschoolers through logical and mathematical games

Development logical thinking in children preschool age

Author: Nuriakhmetova Gulnaz Masgutovna, teacher
Place of work: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution“Combined kindergarten No. 35 “Nightingale”
Abstract "Development of logical thinking"
Psychologists around the world have recognized that the most intensive intellectual development of children occurs in the period from 5 to 8 years. One of the most significant components of intelligence is the ability to think logically.
Living in modern world, the world of information technology, when the nature of human work and relationships is being transformed, and the most pressing problem now is that of a person who thinks, thinks creatively, searches, and is able to solve unconventional problems based on the logic of thought. Recently, interest in this particular generation of people has increased. Modern society requires the new generation to be able to plan their actions, find the necessary information to solve a problem, and model the future process.
The ability to use information is determined by the development of logical thinking techniques.
The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that a necessary condition for the qualitative renewal of society is the increase in intellectual potential.
Preschool childhood is a period of intellectual development of all mental processes that provide the child with the opportunity to become familiar with the surrounding reality.
The child learns to perceive, think, speak. Before he begins to control himself, he will have to master many ways of acting with objects and learn certain rules. By mastering any method of memorization, a child learns to identify a goal and carry out certain work with the material to realize it. He begins to understand the need to repeat, compare, generalize, and group material for the purpose of memorization. All this presupposes the functioning of memory. The role of memory in the development of a child is enormous. Assimilation of knowledge about the world around us and about ourselves, the acquisition of skills and habits - all this is connected with the work of memory.

Activation of the mental activity of preschool children in educational mathematical games and logical tasks.
Development of logical thinking using didactic games, ingenuity, puzzles, solving various logic games and labyrinths.
Formation of important personality qualities: independence, resourcefulness, quick wits, developing perseverance, developing constructive skills.
Teach children to plan their actions, think about them, guess in search of results, while showing creativity.

Learn to perform tasks of moving characters in your mind, making imaginary changes in situations.
Learn to compare tasks, check completion, guess moving tasks.
Learn to use different ways complete tasks, take initiative in finding ways to achieve goals.
Develop intellectual flexibility, the ability to look at a situation from different angles.
Develop the ability to identify and abstract the properties of objects.
Develop the ability to compare objects according to their properties.
Develop abilities for logical actions and operations.
Learn to encode and decode the properties of objects using diagrams.

The novelty lies in the creation of a system of using entertaining didactic games, exercises, chess games, intellectual games aimed at developing children's logical thinking and cognitive interests in the process of upbringing and teaching at the modern level.

Innovative approach:
Most effective means are didactic games, intellectual games and warm-ups, logical search tasks, game exercises of an entertaining nature, the varied presentation of which has an emotional impact on children. All this activates children, since they involve a change in activity: children listen, think, answer questions, count, find their meanings and identify results, learn Interesting Facts, which not only promotes the interconnection of various aspects of the surrounding world, but also broadens one’s horizons and encourages independent learning of new things.

-Step-by-step training and correctly selected tasks and game material, conditions created for the implementation of acquired knowledge contribute to the fact that the development of the foundations of logical thinking occurs more effectively.
-The correct selection of tasks and exercises help children in the formation of cognitive processes, namely the formation of logical thinking.
-The implementation of the development of logical thinking depends on the characteristics and nature of the developmental environment in the group and home in which the child is located, on the organization of the teacher (parents) of the process of learning mathematical relationships and dependencies.

Having the opportunity to begin earlier to stimulate and develop logical thinking, based on the child’s sensations and perceptions, we thereby increase the level of the child’s cognitive activity and the faster the smooth, natural transition from concrete thinking to its highest phase - abstract thinking.
To achieve success is children's interest in interesting and varied activities.
When starting classes with a child, it is important to choose games and exercises in order of increasing complexity, in which the child’s speech activity is most present and the complexity of which is fully consistent with the child’s capabilities.
The availability of tasks and its successful completion will give the child self-confidence, and he will have a desire to continue studying. Gradually you should move on to exercises that require more significant intellectual and speech efforts.
Regular classes with your child on the development of thinking will not only significantly increase interest in intellectual tasks, bring pleasure from their implementation, but also prepare them for school.
Games and exercises to develop thinking abilities allow you to solve all three aspects of the goal: cognitive, developmental and educational.

Lyudmila Golovashina
Development of logical thinking in children in preschool age

Development of logical thinking in children in preschool age.

Logic is a form of thinking, reflecting objects and phenomena in their essential characteristics.

Signs can be properties of an object that unite or separate objects from one another. In other words, attributes are properties of objects in which they are similar or different.

Any object has many, a whole complex of characteristics that define it. Such features can determine the properties of only this object and be isolated or reflect the characteristic features of a number of objects. Such signs are called general. To confirm these words, the following can be cited: example: each person has a number of characteristics that characterize him, some of which characterize only him. These are facial features, physique, gait, facial expressions, as well as signs defined by law enforcement officials as "special signs", and other catchy signs. Other signs characterize an entire community of people and distinguish this community from the totality of other communities. Such characteristics include profession, nationality, social affiliation, etc. Often a child cannot cope with seemingly simple tasks. logical tasks and this worries parents very much. For example, most children of senior preschool age cannot correctly answer the question about what more: geometric shapes or circles, even if they have in their hands a picture on which geometric shapes are drawn - many circles and several squares. Children answer that there are more circles. In such cases, they base their answers on what they see with their own eyes. They are let down by figurative thinking, A logical By the age of five, children are not yet proficient in reasoning.

Mastery logical forms of thinking in preschool age contributes to the development mental abilities and is necessary for a successful transition children to schooling.

Logical thinking this is the ability to operate with abstract concepts, this is controlled thinking, this is the ability to carry out the simplest logical operations: definition of concepts, comparison, generalization, classification, judgment, inference, proof.

Why is it good logical thinking? Because it leads to the right decision without the help of intuition and experience!

By making mistakes and learning from them, we master the rules logical thinking and we use them every day.

So, logics explores the path to truth!

Therefore, one of the most important tasks in raising a small child is development of his mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things. A big plus in development child is his learning logical thinking. Thanks to logic You can substantiate many life phenomena, explain abstract concepts, teach a child to defend his point of view. Through logic complex mathematical theorems and simple everyday judgments are constructed. It helps to sensibly assess the world and others, to understand the entire complex process of the passage of time called "life".

Everyone knows how children love to talk, trying to seem like adults. But any adult will easily notice errors in a child’s reasoning, and first of all, these shortcomings will be associated with inaccuracy logical structure of thought. You can overcome this weakness by using logic games. Starting to train your thinking from the early childhood, the child by the beginning of his schooling will be significantly ahead in development of their peers.

So, working with children development of elements of logical thinking included in all main structures of pedagogical process:

Training sessions;

Organization of joint activities with children;

Providing children with opportunities for free independent activities.

Efficiency the development of logical thinking in preschool children increases, if visual models serve as teaching aids, familiarity with which should begin already in the younger and middle groups. General visual modeling ability develops by modeling serial and classification relationships using models in the form of Euler circles, Dienesh logical blocks, Cuisenaire rods. In addition, there are many didactic games aimed at developing logical thinking of preschool children.

Play brain teaser games are useful in any age. Therefore, you should not put any specific age frames for game participants.

Here are a few of them.

On development of ingenuity: “Who called?”

A game for little ones. The essence of the game is to determine by voice who said the word.

For understanding: "Whose trace"

Traces of animals and people are drawn, guess whose traces are.

On development artistically figurative thinking:

"Shapes" What do geometric shapes look like?

"Shadow"- determine by the shadow what object it is from.

Games for intuition: "Additional drawings"

Complete the figure.

"Words" finish the poem. Use the works of Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Agnia Barto.

Games on development of attention: “What’s extra?”, "Find differences".

In these logic games can be played, how in kindergarten, and at home with their parents.

To successfully complete the program schooling a child needs not so much to know a lot, but to think consistently and convincingly, have basic skills of speech culture, master the techniques of voluntary attention and memory, be able to identify a learning task and turn it into an independent goal of activity. In other words, what is important is not the quantitative accumulation of knowledge, but its qualitative side, and the child’s ability to find ways to satisfy cognitive needs.

Logical thinking is understood as the child’s ability and ability to independently perform simple logical actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.), as well as compound logical operations (constructing negation, affirmation and refutation as the construction of reasoning using various logical schemes).

The logical thinking of a preschooler cannot be formed spontaneously. Its development requires targeted, systematic work by education specialists, parents, and children. And although completely verbal-logical conceptual or abstract thinking is formed to adolescence, but its beginning of development (launching pad) occurs approximately in the sixth year of a preschooler’s life.

Children's games develop from object-manipulation games (assembling a pyramid, a house made of cubes) to intellectual games. A special role belongs to.

In this article, games and game exercises will be presented according to the nature of mental operations.

1. Games and gaming exercises aimed at developing cognitive processes (voluntary attention and memory).

“Remember the pictures.”

The game exercise is aimed at developing visual memory and voluntary memorization using the “grouping” technique.
Groups of pictures (5 each) are placed on the typesetting canvas: clothing (men's jacket, children's shorts, etc.), transport (freight, passenger).
The teacher offers to play the game “Memories”. You need to remember 20 pictures. What's the best way to do this? A memorization algorithm is proposed:
1. Remember groups of pictures: clothes, transport;
2. Remember by subgroups: winter, Summer clothes; freight and passenger transport.
A). The teacher removes one of the groups of pictures (5 pieces)
Questions: “Which group is gone?”
B). Then 1 picture is removed. Question: “Which picture is missing from the group?”
C) The pictures are turned over.
You can suggest listing all the groups in order, then the subgroups, then the order of the pictures in the subgroups.

"Remember and Repeat"

(for reading children).

The exercise is aimed at consolidating knowledge of letters, developing voluntary memory and mutual control in children.

Children are presented with rows of letters. Children look at the first row of letters, name them and remember their order. One by one, the children close their eyes and name the letters c. eyes closed. The rest of the children check.
1. X, K, F, U, M, Z
2. S, O, E, Y, Z, S
3. Sh, Sh, E, C, E, X
4. A, L, D, N, Ch, I.

“Lay it out from memory.”

Children are offered a sample schematic representation of an object. Then he cleans up. Children use sticks to lay out an image from memory (or draw it with pencils).

Puzzle games.

Aimed at .
To play, you need 15-20 counting sticks for each child.

The teacher's guidance is to help the child find a solution. You should also teach your child to first think through his actions and then carry them out. As children gain experience in solving such problems using the method of first “trial and error”, then mentally and practically, children make fewer and fewer mistakes.

"Scattered Letters"

(the game task is intended for reading children)

The teacher writes several words in which he reverses the order of letters or swaps syllables.
For example: mabuga (paper), benikuch (textbook), traded (notebook), arvosl (dictionary).
Children compete to see who can guess the fastest.

2. Logical tasks to find missing figures and find patterns.

“Which pieces are missing?”

This problem can be solved only on the basis of analyzing each row of figures vertically and horizontally by comparing them.

3. Games for recreating from geometric shapes and special sets of figurative and plot images.

Game "Columbus Egg"

An oval measuring 15x12cm is cut along the lines shown below. The result is 10 parts: 4 triangles (2 large and 2 small), 2 figures similar to a quadrilateral, one of the sides of which is rounded, 4 figures (large and small, similar to a triangle, but with one side rounded). To make the game, they use cardboard or plastic, equally colored on both sides.
At the beginning, children are asked to lay down an egg, then animal figures (following a visual example), etc.
It is also advisable to use the games “Tangram” (“Fold the square”), “Pentamino”, “Pythagoras”, “Mongolian game”, “Chameleon Cube”, “Corners”, “Magic Circle”, “Checkers”, “Chess” and etc. A detailed description of the games can be found in the book by Z. Mikhailova “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers”

4. Game exercises to strengthen the ability to navigate on a limited plane.

"Journey of a Butterfly"

This task develops orientation on a plane, develops attention and intelligence.
Each child is given a card lined into 4 numbered squares and a butterfly chip.
The teacher tells the children, and the children complete the tasks: “Situation: the butterfly is in the upper left square. Move the chips to the right, down, up, left, down, right STOP! The butterfly should be in cage No. 4"

Interesting questions, joke games.

Aimed at developing voluntary attention, innovative thinking, speed of reaction, and training memory. In riddles, the subject is analyzed from a quantitative, spatial, temporal point of view, and the simplest relationships are noted.

Warm up for reaction speed.

  • Where is the street visible from?
  • Grandfather who gives out gifts?
  • Edible character?
  • The piece of clothing where money is put?
  • What day will it be tomorrow?

Complete the phrase.

  • If the sand is wet, then...
  • The boy washes his hands because...
  • If you cross the street at a red light, then...
  • The bus stopped because...

Finish the sentence.

  • The music is written by... (composer).
  • Writes poetry... (poet).
  • The laundry is washed... (the laundress).
  • Mountain peaks are conquered... (climber).
  • Lunch is being cooked... (cook).

Riddles - jokes

  • A peacock was walking in the garden.
  • Another one came up. Two peacocks behind the bushes. How many are there? Do the math for yourself.
  • A flock of pigeons was flying: 2 in front, 1 behind, 2 behind, 1 in front. How many geese were there?
  • Name 3 days in a row, without using the names of the days of the week or numbers. (Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or yesterday, today, tomorrow).
  • The chicken went out for a walk and took her chickens. 7 ran ahead, 3 remained behind. Their mother is worried and cannot count. Guys, count how many chickens there were.
  • On a large sofa, Tanina’s dolls stand in a row: 2 nesting dolls, Pinocchio and cheerful Cipollino. How many toys are there?
  • How many eyes does a traffic light have?
  • How many tails do four cats have?
  • How many legs does a sparrow have?
  • How many paws do two cubs have?
  • How many corners are there in the room?
  • How many ears do two mice have?
  • How many paws do two paws have?
  • How many tails do two cows have?

Solving various kinds of non-standard problems in preschool age contributes to the formation and improvement of general mental abilities: logic of thought, reasoning and action, flexibility of the thought process, ingenuity, ingenuity, and spatial concepts.

Nadezhda Starostenko
Development of logical thinking in preschoolers

Development of logical thinking in preschoolers through logical and mathematical games.

Why should a child logics? The fact is that at each age a certain "floor" on which the mental functions of the body are formed. Therefore, the skills and abilities that a child acquires will serve as the foundation for development abilities at an older age. To the child who has not mastered logical thinking It will be very difficult in further training. As a result, the child's health may suffer. Interest in learning new things will weaken, or even completely disappear.

Comprehensive development of a preschooler can be done based on play activity, during which the child’s imagination is formed and experience of communicating with peers is gained.

Thanks to the use of gaming technology learning process for preschoolers is presented in an accessible and attractive manner.

And as a practicing teacher, I understand that with development scientific trends are needed "to depart" from standard programs, introducing the best innovative ideas.

The child strives for active activity, but inquisitiveness, understanding and intelligence alone do not are developing, so I based my work with children on play technologies.

“Without play there is not and cannot be a full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Starting to work with older children, I noticed that they often doubt their answers and cannot concentrate. This alerted me, and I conducted a cross-section of knowledge, with the help of which I was able to identify children who needed my help.

I set a goal: Contribute development of preschoolers' thinking through games. This will allow us to implement the following tasks:

- development the child has cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things;

Increasing interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing persistence, dedication, and mutual assistance;

- child speech development, constructive abilities;

- development of spatial thinking and creative imagination, the ability to compare, analyze and contrast.

First of all, I created a subject-specific development environment, about the content of which I will not speak in detail, since I have a co-rapporteur.

Developed thematic plan development of a child’s logical thinking in play, which included classes, didactic, role-playing, other educational games like"What where When?", "What changed?" etc.

Beginning with junior group She took on the main roles in the game, but gave each child the opportunity to speak out and offer their own version of the selection of toys in the game and substitute items. I paid attention to why the child chooses a stick instead of a sausage, a stick instead of a microphone. This forced the child to think, to remember what the object looked like, and a complete answer contributed to speech development.

Verbal methods - the teacher’s explanation, story, introduction to the content of the game, analysis of the achieved result, were a role model.

I used visual methods at an older age. We looked at diagrams and mnemonic tables with the children, and got acquainted with the characters of game situations.

Practical methods - manipulations with games, independent activity in a corner of nature, in experimental activities, when drawing up mini-projects contributed to a more complete consolidation of the acquired knowledge, development of comparison skills, generalize and draw conclusions.

Let me give you an example of a game experimenting with various materials, for example, with shadow, with water, with light, with paper, etc. If the sun rises above the child in the morning, then the shadow will be behind, at noon the shadow will be in front, in the evening - on the side. We check all this together with the children practically. Co light: games using shadow theater. They took a white sheet, two children held it, and other children behind the sheet screen showed figures, other children recognized which character was shown. What's the point development of thinking? The fact is that the child guesses, comparing the shadow with the image of the character, remembers, imagines an imaginary object, and this contributes development of his thought.

Didactic games: "Fold the picture", "Continue the series", "Find the Differences" etc. These are games children use in Everyday life. There are enough of them in the group.

Educational games: Dienesh blocks, Kusener sticks, V. Nikitin cubes, "Columbus Egg"- the most important ones development of logical thinking, because they make you think, turn on the imagination, and teach comparison operations. generalizations, analysis. Let's try it together using simple matches without sulfur, fold several shapes. (Practical work) .

Any game has a wide range actions: For example, the same game can be played from 3 to 7 years. This is possible because it contains both 1-2 step exercises for kids and multi-step tasks for older children.

For example, "Guess what's hidden", "Pairs of Pictures", "Magic Box". The versatility of one game can make a difference a large number of educational tasks, the child quietly studies, remembers colors, shapes, trains fine motor skills hands, improves speech, thinking. Attention, memory, imagination. I invite a child of the younger group to guess what is hidden in this bag. (Practical work with teachers, vegetables and fruits in a bag). Now I suggest finding out what is in the bag for an older child. (Task for teachers, in a bag there are pebbles, shells, buttons and other material). you can also complicate the content of games such as "Find your house", “Pick up handkerchiefs for the nesting dolls”, "Find the same one" etc.

Children develop not only with the help of didactic games, but also in independent activity children: for example, in a role-playing game "Family": when playing daughter-mother, the child thinks about where mom went, thereby building further logical chain: what will she do, what will she do next. What will happen when she returns home, etc. This type of activity is very important for child's thinking development. In such games, the child consolidates acquired knowledge, develops intelligence, there is an unlimited opportunity to invent and create, which means develops his mental activity. In senior preschool As you get older, the game becomes more difficult. If a child has certain knowledge about the work of a driver, then he will not only operate the steering wheel, but he will work at a trading base, where he will bring materials, in a repair shop, as a taxi driver, etc. In the game "Fishermen" he will not just sit on the shore and catch fish with a fishing rod, as he can do in the younger group, but will come up with a plot in which he can play the role of a foreman of a fishing crew; together with other children they can weave nets, fish together, feed the fish . For what? For a better catch? To make the fish bigger? Drivers who will take fish to the market, factory, etc. can also work here. That is, the child’s knowledge, his imagination, the ability to think, remember, compare is what helps develop the game's plot. Working this year with children of the younger group, I taught the children to play such role-playing games, How "shop", in which they sell and buy not only toys, but also food, clothing, tools, use the cash register, money, and at the beginning development games were drawn banknotes, today children replace them with simple candy wrappers, leaves from trees, which indicates that the child is already thinking and fantasizing. In Game "Salon" Previously, they just combed each other’s hair, but by the end of the year they wash their hair, put on curlers, cut their hair, do their hair, compare the client before the start of the operation and at the end, saying the following words: which pretty haircut it worked out, you like it, it suits you, etc. In the game "Hospital" It’s not just the doctor who previously only listened and gave injections. Today the doctor does not give injections, but on his recommendation the nurse gives the injection. Before giving the injection, they treat the injection site with imaginary alcohol, use cotton wool, and be sure to will ask: “Aren’t you in pain?”. In addition, despite their small age, children try to create different situations: at an appointment with a dentist, otolaryngologist, even a surgeon. This is so important in development of preschoolers' thinking. And here, the main thing is not to waste time, to do everything possible for development of the game's plot, to increase the level of knowledge of children.

Success in work development of logical thinking children can only be achieved through close interaction with parents, since the knowledge acquired in kindergarten must be reinforced in the family environment. Parents help in making attributes for games, improving development environment. I had a consultation on topic: « Development of logical thinking through sensory education,” I invited parents to create sensorographs at home, come up with variants of flannelographs, and learned a number of didactic games with the parents, which they later used at home with their children.

While implementing work in this direction in the system, I carried out diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities at the beginning and at the end of the year. Having analyzed the data obtained, we can conclude that there is a positive trend in indicators development of logical thinking.

Thus, we can conclude that the game is the main factor development of logical thinking in preschoolers.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Thinking is a mental process by which a person solves a given problem. The result of thinking is a thought that is expressed in words. Therefore, thinking and speech are closely related. With the help of thinking we gain knowledge, so it is very important to develop it from childhood.

Thinking develops in three stages:

  • Visual-effective (when a child thinks through action using object manipulation) is the main type of thinking of a young child.
  • Visual-figurative (when a child thinks using images, using representations of phenomena and objects) is the main type of thinking of a preschool child.
  • Verbal-logical (when a child thinks in his mind using concepts, reasoning, words) - this type of thinking begins to form in older preschool age.

In preschool children, the first two types of thinking are the main ones. If a child has well-developed all types of thinking, then it is easier for him to solve any problems, and thereby he achieves greater success in life.

Logical thinking is formed on the basis of figurative thinking. It is the highest stage of development of thinking. Classes on the development of logical thinking are very relevant these days, as they are important for the future student. The main and main criteria for the development of logical thinking in children are: the ability to identify essential features from secondary ones, the ability to reason, compare, analyze, classify objects, argue their point of view, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and develop non-standard thinking.

The child's development and learning should be carried out through age-appropriate activities and pedagogical means and should be relaxed. Such educational tools for preschoolers include games.

Everyone knows that children love to play, and it depends only on the adult how useful and meaningful these games will be. During the game, the child not only consolidates previously acquired knowledge, but also acquires new skills and abilities, and develops mental abilities. In the game, such personality qualities as intelligence, resourcefulness, independence are formed, constructive skills are developed, and perseverance is developed. Based on this, in my developments for the development of logical thinking, I include puzzles, ingenuity, various game exercises, labyrinths and educational games.

In order to develop children's skills to perform sequential actions: analyze, generalize based on characteristics, think purposefully, compare, I use simple logical problems and exercises in my work. Any unusual play situation in which there is an element of problem always arouses great interest among children. Tasks such as searching for a sign of the difference between one group of objects and another, searching for missing figures in a series, and tasks to continue a logical series contribute to the development of ingenuity, logical thinking and quick wits.

One of the main keys to successful education of children is the use of entertaining visual material when working with preschoolers. In my classes, I paid a lot of attention to pictures and illustrations, as they help attract children’s attention, develop visual-figurative thinking, which, in turn, stimulates the child’s cognitive activity.

The development of logical thinking of a preschool child depends on the creation of conditions that stimulate his practical, playful and cognitive activities. Therefore, the group has an entertaining mathematics corner, where manuals for joint and independent activities are located. This corner presents various educational games and entertaining material: rebuses, labyrinths, puzzles.

In conclusion, I bring to your attention lesson notes on the development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age:

Topic: "Vegetables"


Develop the ability to perform tasks that involve the development of mental operations - analysis and synthesis of objects.

Exercise children in making a whole from parts.

Learn to recognize an object by its details.

Learn to identify several objects from a group based on a certain characteristic.

To foster in children independence, initiative, a sense of responsibility and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Learn to reason and justify your choice.

Develop the ability to observe and compare, highlight the general, distinguish the main from the secondary.

Develop attention and perception.

Stimulate children's cognitive activity.


Demonstration: a picture with a silhouette of a hare, a picture with a vegetable bed, a picture for the task “How many hares were hiding behind the bush?”

Handout: labyrinth, cards for the game “Harvest,” cards with images of a hare made of geometric shapes, cards with images of hares with and without carrots (according to the number of children).

Lesson No. 1 "In the garden"

1. Guys, look carefully at the picture.

Who do you think came to visit us? That's right, bunny (the teacher takes out a toy). He came to us not empty-handed, but with interesting tasks. Do you want to know which ones?

2. Mom sent the bunny to get vegetables, but he got lost and can’t find his way to the garden. Let's help him.

Game: "Find the path."

3. Our bunny was confused for some reason. Guys, let's help the bunny collect vegetables.

Game: "Harvest."

Collect vegetables in one basket and fruits in another. Use arrows to show what should be put in each basket.

Fruits Vegetables

4. Our bunny is tired. Let's relax with him together.

Physical education lesson: "Bunny"

Skok - skok, skok - skok
The bunny jumped onto a tree stump,
It's cold for the hare to sit
I need to warm my paws,
Paws up, paws down,
Pull yourself up on your toes,
We put our paws on the side,
Jump and hop on your toes.
And then squat down,
So that your paws don't get cold.

(movements through the text of the poem)

5. And now the last task that the bunny has prepared for you.

Listen to the problem, think and solve.

“There were 4 beds with carrots and cabbage in the garden. There were more beds with carrots than with cabbage. How many beds with carrots and how many with cabbage were there in the garden?”

6. Has the bunny prepared interesting tasks for you guys? Let's thank the bunny for this, and draw a carrot for him and his friends as a gift.

Lesson No. 2 "Visiting the bunny."

Guys, today I suggest you go visit our bunny. Do you agree. Then we will get on the train and go along the forest railway (all the children form a train, standing one after another, putting their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, and the teacher stands up first).

Well, here we are. And we are met by our bunny and his friends, but they got scared and hid behind a bush.

Task No. 1: How many bunnies hid behind the bush.

3. Our bunny’s friends have prepared this task for you.

Task No. 2: Circle only the white bunnies with a green line, and only the bunnies with carrots with a red line. Which bunnies were circled by both lines?

4. Now prepare your fingers:

Finger gymnastics: "Hares"

Hands rest on the table or knees, fingers relaxed. In accordance with the text, we raise a pair of fingers of the same name one by one, starting with the thumbs.

Ten gray hares
Dozing under a bush
And the two suddenly said:
"There's a man with a gun"
Two shouted:
"Let's run away!"
The two whispered:
"Let's keep quiet!"
Two suggested:
"We'll hide in the bushes!"
And two suddenly asked:
"Can he go 'BANG'?"

“BANG” - the hunter shot, (clap our hands)

Pulling the trigger of a gun,

And ten gray hares (we run our fingers along the table or knees)

They started to run away.

5. Our fingers have rested and are now ready for the next task.

Task No. 3: Color in on the right only those geometric shapes from which the bunny is drawn.

Guys, the bunny thanks you for your work!