Methods and principles of preschool education for children. Preparing children for schooling in the context of variable preschool education and the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard before and but with the qualification "preschool teacher" (340 hours)

Why prepare your child for school at all? Maybe it's just a waste of energy, time and money? But most people don't agree with that. They usually answer like this.

  1. “Because everyone does it. And in general, I don’t want my child to look worse compared to the rest ... ”. You can't argue with that, though. everyone prepares children for school in different ways. Unfortunately, many people shove (exactly shove!) a lot of knowledge into a child's head, which in the first grade will not be useful to the baby, and then forgotten. But this is not scary, but the violent training itself, which completely discourages the child from learning new things when he goes to school. That's why Qualitative preparation of a child for school is a much more complex and delicate task than is commonly thought..
  2. "To be accepted into a good school." Many parents find out ahead of time the program of the school where they “aimed” and begin to intensively prepare the child ... But again, the main thing here is avoid violent learning! Such unfortunate training is a dead end, the child may even hate studying! Certainly, arouse in the child a sincere interest in learning harder than forcing him to complete tasks. Yes, not everyone can do it, but it is necessary! Can't do without it.
  3. "To adapt it to school lessons, to develop perseverance and attention." This is how those who have their own teachers in the family like to answer. However... check out how diligent a five year old is when he plays games on his dad's tablet! See how excited he is? Because it's interesting! Unfortunately, it also happens the other way around - and then no amount of perseverance training will help. The same is true for education, both at school and preschool. The main thing is to make the child's interest in learning “flammable” to “flare up” very quickly and turn learning new things into pleasure! And this is only possible through the education of a creative personality!
  4. "To get used to the school team and have no problems in communicating with peers." This is very correct, but you can “get used to the team” in different ways. You can teach a child to "be arrogant, otherwise they will crush you." If you have never heard such "brilliant" examples of upbringing in the nineties of the last century, then I sincerely envy you. Or you can teach the baby to “be like everyone else”, “keep a low profile”. Some teachers of the "old Soviet school" in kindergartens still bring up children in this way.

However, a good, talented teacher, preparing a child, will always find a golden mean for each child. He will find it taking into account the temperament and individual characteristics of the Little Personality. And then such a “graduate” gets used to school very easily, and finds new friends, and studies well, and generally develops harmoniously.

marina leskina
Features of teaching preschool children

1. The peculiarity of mastering by children preschool age learning skills and abilities

2. general characteristics learning activities

A. The structure of learning activities

b. Formation of elements of educational activity; conditions necessary for the development of educational activities preschooler

3. Forms of organization learning used in preschool educational institution

4. The levels of development of educational activities and the degree of readiness of the child to teaching and learning

Subject: Features of teaching preschool children

The peculiarity of mastering children preschool age learning skills and abilities.

The process of transferring knowledge, skills and abilities acts as a social phenomenon inherent in human society, and is called learning.

Education is a specially organized process of interaction between the teacher (an adult who performs the functions teaching) and students (kindergarten students) aimed at mastering a certain amount of knowledge, skills, actions, habits of behavior. During learning upbringing, formation, development are also carried out.

The pedagogical process is a consciously organized, purposeful and systematic interaction of the teacher and pupils with the aim of educating and last.

Under learning such a purposeful interaction of teachers and pupils is understood preschool institutions , the result of which is the mastery of skills, abilities, knowledge, disclosure abilities and opportunities of preschoolers for the purpose of their speedy adaptation to classes in primary school. At the core learning, therefore, lie skills, abilities and knowledge.

Skills - ability to the automatic performance of the actions necessary in a particular case, bringing to perfection through constant repetition.

Skills - ability independently perform specific actions using the acquired skills. Skills are defined as knowledge in action, as a system of techniques that a person consistently performs in some kind of activity to achieve a result.

Skills can be subdivided according to the types of human activity.

Labor skills, skills of user activity, skills of mental activity, skills of educational activity, skills of speech activity, skills in artistic activity, skills of communication and human behavior.

Possession of a dynamic system of skills is an integral part of education. Skills are formed on the basis of knowledge and include previously acquired skills.

Knowledge is a reflection preschooler surrounding reality in the form of learned concepts. This is a holistic and systematized set of scientific concepts about the laws of nature, society, thinking and ways of doing things accumulated by humanity in the process of active transformative production activity, tested by practice and aimed at further knowledge and change of the objective world.

During preschool childhood, a child must acquire a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge is the result of cognitive activity, and therefore their nature is determined by the nature of cognition. preschoolers. Development preschool children involves their constant interaction with the outside world. This interaction should be as diverse as possible in order to preschooler could make the most of his capabilities, creativity.

Educators working with children preschool age, it is important to know that their main task is not to "fit" children to master learning skills but in creating favorable conditions for the development of their abilities and even talents. In doing so, the most appropriate preschoolers types of learning. It can be a variety of educational games, staging children's performances, classes in circles on various topics. Teamwork is very important.

essential feature cognitive activity preschoolers is its visually-effective and visually-figurative character. Therefore knowledge preschoolers exist in the form of representations, images, reflecting the known objects, phenomena, some of them peculiarities, the child's actions with them. In this regard, the child's knowledge is characterized as fragmentary, incomplete, fragmentary, poorly generalized, not interconnected.

General characteristics of educational activities

Central, main component learning is a teaching-learning activity. The process of cognition that takes place in the educational activity of the child reflects the dialectic of cognition in its main provisions. The knowledge of the surrounding reality by a child follows the same laws as the knowledge of the world by mankind in the course of its history.

Education in kindergarten is an integral part of the pedagogical process, preschooler. Formation of the personality of the child preschool age is carried out in the course of mastering the socio-historical experience.

The main task learning presented in his educational functions: to ensure the development of the foundations of modern science about nature and society, about human activity and the laws of knowledge, the completeness of this knowledge, their consistency and awareness.

The doctrine is characterized by all the main components that make up any activity: goal or specific task, motives, planning, the process of implementing knowledge through personal actions and operations, the result. In progress learning children acquire knowledge about ways educational activity, which ensures the assimilation of the basics of science and the formation of learning activities. The purpose of the teaching is the development of knowledge and ways activities in progress learning- represented by a system of gradually becoming more complex specific educational and cognitive tasks.

The solution of any cognitive task is carried out in the process learning through a system of interrelated educational activities, at the level of skills and abilities.

Learning activities children caused and determined by a system of various motives. WITH age they develop and change. Among the motives of teaching (broad social, moral, etc.) cognitive interest and cognitive needs are of the leading importance. The main conditions for the formation of cognitive interest as a motive for learning activities are the constant deepening of the content learning and ensuring an active position students in the learning process.

Thus, the activity children in a single learning process It is represented by educational activity with its purpose, means and motives. Mastering the skills and abilities of this activity, as well as the process of mastering knowledge, is carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

The activity of the teacher in the process learning is aimed at organizing the process of active assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. In doing so, he performs functions: informational - acts as a source of knowledge; organizational - organizes the cognitive activity of students; control - diagnostic - determines the level and degree of mastering the content and, in accordance with this, organizes the further process learning; educational - forms an attitude to cognizable objects, ensures the development of the child's personality. These functions of an adult are closely related and reflect the main functions of the process. learning in the formation of the personality of the child nka: educational, developing, educating (G. I. Schukina).

The peculiarity of the sequence and systematic preschool education manifests itself in small volumes of content offered for simultaneous assimilation, in frequent and repeated repetition of content with a slight increase in volume and complication. Process learning It is built linearly - concentrically and is carried out by various methods.

A method is a system of successive ways interrelated activities teachers and students aimed at achieving the set educational tasks. The method includes both mode of activity of the teacher aimed at organizing and managing activities student, and way, Kind of activity student stimulated by adult activity.

Systematic and consistent preschool education ensure the strength of their assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. This promotes and use in process learning a variety of methods (visual, practical and verbal).each group of methods is built on the basis of one or another leading form of thinking (visually - effective, visually - figuratively, verbally - logically, which creates the conditions for a solid assimilation of the content learning.

In progress learning a wide variety of methods are used - the story of an adult (teacher, educational lectures, conversations, demonstration of experiments, showing filmstrips and films, educational games, a variety of exercises, laboratory experiments, work with a textbook, etc. the need to use a variety of methods is dictated by different reasons: variety of content learning, the level of formation of educational and cognitive activity students, the structure of the educational process at different stages of its implementation and.

Forms of organization learning used in preschool educational institution.

under the form learning should be understood as a specially organized activity teacher and students proceeding according to the established order and in a certain mode. Forms differ in quantitative composition students, the nature of the interaction between the student and students(degree of activity and independence), ways(methods and techniques) activities; the venue, as well as by specific weight - by the place they occupy in the integral educational process. This place, in turn, is determined by the nature of the educational tasks that are solved with one form or another of organizing the process. learning.

Formation children the main components of educational activity along with the acquisition of knowledge is one of the main tasks learning. The main component of learning activity is the learning task. Learning objectives in preschool education cover the content of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as ways mental and practical activity.

At the first stages learning preschool ml. gr. they are characterized by unity, non-differentiation of practical and educational tasks. Only gradually children there arises the ability to accept a learning task in the form of fractional tasks in the course of activity or specific questions in the course of perception and observation.

In the second stage, which refers mainly to middle group kindergarten, there is a gradual differentiation of practical and educational-cognitive tasks. The continuing connection of the educational-cognitive task with the practical task requires the educator to take into account children's experience when formulating tasks, as well as to establish a connection between classes of different content.

The most important conditions for the further formation of children the ability to accept an educational-cognitive task is its concreteness and certainty, connection with a practical task and closeness to children's experience.

The kindergarten uses frontal, group and individual forms of organized learning. Besides, educational work with children is carried out in connection with the organization of their lives and a variety of non-educational activities in everyday communication, in the process of managing games, etc.

During the day, the teacher has the opportunity to exercise education using various forms of organization children. In all cases, educational work with children in Everyday life using different methods is closely related to the main form - classes. At the same time, two didactic tasks: preliminary accumulation of ideas or motor experience, which is then used in the classroom, or the development of skills and abilities, the consolidation of the ideas received in the classroom. For the same purposes, a group form is used in the daily pedagogical process. learning, which covers a small number children. The use of individual and group forms provides differentiation learning, a more specific account of the level of development of educational and cognitive activity children and their active involvement in the process learning in class. One of the forms learning is didactic game. It is used primarily in everyday life, both to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities, and to master new content. However, in some cases, especially in groups of children of early and younger preschool age classes take the form of a didactic game.

For occupation as a form of organization learning characteristic series signs:

1. in the lesson, children are mastering skills in one or another section learning provided by the program.

2. classes are held with all children of this age group, with constant composition children.

3. classes are organized and conducted under the guidance of an adult who determines the tasks and content of the lesson, selects methods and techniques, organizes and directs cognitive activity children to acquire knowledge, skills (A.P. Usova)

In the classroom, the content of the program is mastered by all children, so they are the main form learning. The remaining forms are used to enrich the experience and training children to the assimilation of the content of classes or act as a means of individual change in the process of assimilation of knowledge.

Educational work with children preschool age aimed at providing a versatile orientation of the child in surrounding: in the objective world created by people (with a variety of properties and qualities of things and objects); in the world of nature, in the world of human activity and relationships, etc. The child masters the main types activities: subject, labor, game, educational, etc.

Generally learning in the classroom in kindergarten is characterized by liveliness and spontaneity children, a variety of techniques and actions, a small educational content, reliance on children's experience, a bright visual basis, the use of gaming and entertaining techniques learning.


Avanesova V. N. education the smallest in kindergarten. - M., 1968.

Babansky Yu. K. process optimization learning. - M., 1977.

Preschool Pedagogy. Proc. Allowance for students ped. In-comrade. At 2 hours, Part 2. Methods and organization of communist education in kindergarten / V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova, B. S. Leykina and others; Ed. V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova. - 2nd ed., Rev. And extra. - M .: Education, 1988. – 270 p.

Lerner I. Ya. didactic foundations of methods learning. - M., 1981.

Basics preschool pedagogy / Ed.. A. V. Zaporozhets, T. A. Markova. – M.,

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Summary: Tips for parents. What and how to teach a preschooler? Education of the child and typical delusions of parents.

So, your child is three years old. You are probably immensely glad that the difficult and stressful time has already passed. Now you do not need to jump up at night to feed the baby on demand, wear it endlessly in your arms and scurry around the apartment after a little miracle crawling and climbing into all corners.

You have grown up along with your child. Now you have three years of parental experience (unless, of course, you are raising your first child). You have mastered many practical childcare skills and may have read many parenting books. But it's amazing: the more you know and know how, the more acute is the question of how not to make a mistake, not to be late, not to harm in such a difficult matter as education. What is the most important thing for a three-year-old child? What should he be taught? Save from what? How to be a confident parent?

To help interested moms and dads, we will try to give answers to the questions: what to teach and how to teach a preschooler.

What to teach?

Most parents are primarily interested in the problem of the intellectual development of the child. And not the development of speech, attention, memory, but the ability of the baby to read, count, write, speak English. Some parents make every effort to make their child a rising star, and therefore from the age of three they take him to an English-speaking kindergarten or music school.

It happens that, persistently going towards their goal, parents sometimes forget about the child. How does he develop physically and morally? Does he pronounce all sounds? What dreams does he have? What is his favorite activity?

There is nothing insignificant in the development of a child that does not deserve parental attention. But maybe then leave the development of the baby to nature, let him comprehend the world spontaneously, he himself acquires the skills he needs without the help of adults?

Indeed, thanks to the innate ability to imitate, the child learns a lot on his own: to crawl, stand, walk, run. Adults only create certain conditions for this or, if necessary, help. How much a three-year-old child must comprehend! Four worlds he has to know: the world of nature, the man-made world, the world of the people themselves and the inner world of his Self. In each of the worlds, the child must navigate, correlating his needs and capabilities. The child will have to master the richness of the native language, its grammar and phonetics, learn to navigate in space and time, recognize their own and others' emotions, and enrich their sensory experience.

This list is as endless as life is endless and varied. What are the priorities for selecting information in organized learning, and in fact, conscious, rather than spontaneous parenting? Each family answers this question independently, in accordance with its values, interests, family traditions. Of course, parents will have both joys and failures. To make the latter less, I would like to introduce moms and dads to a few typical misconceptions.

The first misconception: "The main thing is intellect!"

The upbringing of six-year-old Tanyusha was intensively engaged in her grandmother. While the parents were at work, the grandmother, a teacher in the past, was completely absorbed in teaching her granddaughter. The girl attended preparatory courses at a prestigious school, studied music and painted in the art studio of a famous artist, besides, every evening she read five pages of text and wrote dictations under the guidance of her grandmother. In order to be in time everywhere, the grandmother dressed her granddaughter, put on shoes, almost spoon-fed her, not allowing her to make "excessive" movements. A six-year-old, physically healthy girl, her grandmother, walking with her in winter, sat her on a plank, pushed her and quickly ran downstairs to meet her. The girl, having rolled down, did not even make an attempt to get up, sat like a doll, without moving a hand or foot, and patiently waited for her grandmother to run up to her, help her up, take a plank and lead her granddaughter by the hand up the hill.

Parents very often underestimate the importance of the motor development of children. In fact, it is difficult for preschoolers to draw a line between physical, in particular motor, development, on the one hand, and intellectual development, on the other. In the preschool years, children improve motor skills, including motor skills: gross (the ability to make movements of large amplitude: running, jumping, throwing objects) and fine (the ability to make precise movements of small amplitude). As fine motor skills develop, children become more independent, which is noticeable when they perform daily activities. The development of motor skills allows the child to move freely, take care of himself and express his creative abilities. In general, everything that a child does during preschool childhood, becomes the basis not only for the formation of motor skills, but also for intellectual, social and emotional development. That's why it's so important to pay close attention to your child's emerging skills and abilities. We invite you to compare the results of your observations and the following statements. Which of them can be fully attributed to your child?

1. The child runs well.
2. Can change the speed and direction of running at the signal of an adult.
3. Can switch from running to walking on the signal of an adult.
4. Able to throw the ball without losing balance.
5. Knows how to jump from a place.
6. Alternates legs while climbing stairs.
7. Riding a tricycle.
8. Can use hands and feet at the same time (for example, march or clap and stomp).
9. Independently dresses and puts on shoes.
10. Unfastens zippers, buttons, buttons on its own.
11. Takes objects with one hand, starting to give preference to the right or left hand.
12. He eats himself.
13- Knows how to hammer nails with a hammer.
14. Knows how to use scissors.
15. Able to copy the simplest drawings, circles, straight lines, intersecting lines.
16. Draws a person with six body parts (head, torso, arms, legs), although primitive.
17. Assembles and disassembles a three-piece matryoshka.
18. Assembles and disassembles a three-part pyramid.

If you cannot fully attribute any of the statements to your child, then you need to pay attention to this when practicing with the baby.

Misconception two: "Playing means wasting time"

Before proving the opposite, let's give an example.

The mother of three-year-old Grisha took the child from a private kindergarten, explaining that the teachers did not take the children seriously enough. “No matter how I enter the group, they either jump like bunnies, or spin like snowflakes, then, like autumn, they paint leaves. No serious lessons: no mathematics, no English.”

Parents of preschoolers sometimes want to speed up the time and make their kids older than their age. Almost from birth, adults teach children to read, count, give preference to encyclopedic knowledge, but forget about fairy tales and poems. As a result, three-year-old wise men do not believe in Santa Claus, they do not know the "Three Bears", but they are remarkably familiar with dinosaurs and computers. Acting with the best of intentions, parents, alas, hinder the development of the most important figurative thinking for preschoolers - the ability to mentally reproduce and carry out actions with objects in their figurative representation. But at no other age does a child have such mental opportunities for the development of this type of thinking!

On the one hand, a preschooler learns most successfully if he is provided with figuratively organized information (remember the bunnies and snowflakes in the above example), on the other hand, the better the figurative thinking is developed, the stronger the so-called learning ability of the child. So, with the help of bright, impressive images, you can captivate a child with any area of ​​​​human knowledge, interest in any activity. If you turn an ordinary brush for drawing into a Queen Brush, then it will be easier for the baby to handle it carefully, and working with plasticine will not be so tiring if you say: "Mr. Plasticine, don't be lazy! And whoever I say, turn into!"

The development of imaginative thinking is a necessary step in the development of a child's intellect. The resulting void cannot be filled in the future. Figurative thinking is the foundation of logical thinking. The development of imagery in the mind of a child goes through several stages: image - symbol - sign - concept. This means that figurative thinking is the basis of conceptual, abstract thinking. And the higher the level of its development, the more it will be in demand when mastering most of the subjects of the school curriculum.

Since figurative thinking is the basis of any creativity, it allows you to find original solutions in any field, its importance does not decrease even with the formed logical thinking.

Anya T. at the age of three years and ten months began to draw in a peculiar manner: on the basis of multi-colored spots-blots, she invented unusual artistic images. Parents began to persistently teach her fine arts, trying to get the girl to use the line in her drawings. Five years later, Anina's work was shown to a professional artist. Without dwelling for a long time on Anya's latest drawings, he was amazed at the blotted masterpieces and exclaimed: "Give me this brilliant child!" But alas! The girl has not painted with spots for a long time and, with all her desire, cannot return to them.

As soon as a child begins to use symbols, his thought processes become more complicated. "Water" he calls the water dripping from the tap, and the water of the murmuring spring stream. The kid already understands that the sand in the sandbox and in the plastic bucket are the same sand.

The ability to use symbols is manifested in the child in the game. When your little one was two and a half years old, he needed toys that looked exactly like the real thing to play with. For a child older than three and a half years, substitute objects may not look like real objects at all. So, a pencil can be a thermometer, a gun, a spoon and even a magic wand.

It is thanks to the increasingly complex imaginative thinking that the child begins to perceive another person as an autonomous being with his own feelings and views. Imagery thus forms the prerequisites social development helps to develop communication skills. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the development of imaginative thinking throughout preschool childhood.

Misconception three: "A fairy tale is not serious"

Parents of preschoolers sometimes underestimate the role of a fairy tale in the development of a child. Children's fairy tales are replaced by numerous encyclopedias and educational literature. Arguing their position, mothers and fathers declare that they introduce children to the real world around them, and not to fictional fables, that sometimes fairy tales are too cruel and scary, that the child learned all the fairy tales before the age of three and now they are not interesting for him.

L. F. Obukhova: "In addition to the game and visual activity, V preschool age the perception of the tale also becomes an activity. K. Buhler called preschool age the age of fairy tales. This is the child's favorite literary genre.<...>The story is a work of art.<...>And like almost every kind of art, a fairy tale becomes a kind of psychotherapy, because each person (each child) discovers in it his own solution to pressing life problems.

In fact, preschool age is the age of a fairy tale. It is through a fairy tale that the cultural heritage of mankind is transmitted to the child. This applies especially to folk tale, over which thousands of people worked, discarding unimportant details and adding important ones. This made the fairy tale a bundle of human wisdom and experience. The fairy tale awakens the curiosity and imagination of the child, develops his intellect, helps to understand himself, his desires and emotions, as well as the desires and emotions of other people. The child does not just listen to a fairy tale, but becomes the hero of the work and tries to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way. He finds in the fairy tale the solution to the pressing problems of life. The fairy tale fully takes into account the age capabilities of the preschooler, because:

The language of the fairy tale is accessible to the child;
- the fairy tale is based on the figurative thinking of the baby: enjoying its images, the child imperceptibly assimilates information, at the same time the fairy tale develops logic;
- the mood of the fairy tale is very close to the emotional world of the child. The fairy tale often contains images of animals speaking and acting like people. This is very understandable to the baby, because at this age he has no doubt that representatives of the world of animate and inanimate nature, fairy-tale creatures are endowed with the same properties as the people around him and, of course, himself;
- reading a fairy tale - one of better ways instill in your child a love of books.

How to make a fairy tale your kid's friend?

1. When choosing books, do not forget: young children have an understanding of the text only when they can rely on the image, and not just on the verbal description. Therefore, the first children's books should be with pictures.

2. You may have to read the same story to your baby many times. Sometimes children ask to read their favorite book again and again. This happens for several reasons. When listening to a fairy tale, the child perceives the text partially. The lost is completed with the help of the imagination of the smallest listener. Therefore, the same fairy tale appears before him every time in different ways. In addition, the child "gets used" to the fairy tale, becomes its main character and experiences all the events as real. Over and over again, passing fabulous tests, the child hones his personal qualities.

3. When reading a fairy tale to a child again, try to diversify the reading style: read faster or slower, more restrained or more emotional, etc.

4. If the child is impressionable, the "terrible" episodes of the tale should not be highlighted with expressive reading.

5. After reading the fairy tale, ask the child to draw an illustration for it, to mold the characters from plasticine. Watch a play or film based on this work, play it in your home theater. Such "after-tales" allow the child to understand and feel the tale more deeply.

In a fairy tale lies a huge potential for the comprehensive development of the child. The more fully the resources of a fairy tale are used, the brighter and more interesting life baby.

How to teach?

The younger preschool age is a happy time for parents, which they can fully devote to communicating with their own children. The famous American psychologist Ross Campbell writes about how important it is to set aside time in your daily life for these purposes, writes the famous American psychologist Ross Campbell: “It is important to spend time with your family, get to know your children, tell them that you love them, show them in every way that they are for you. mean a lot."

It happens that parents fully understand the importance of everyday communication with a child, but they do not know at all what to talk about with children, what games to play with them. Other families do not have such problems. Young parents do not think about such issues, but play with the child from the heart, read children's books with pleasure, selflessly chase football with the baby. As a rule, these adults themselves grew up in such happy families, where it is customary to have conversations with children on an equal footing, discuss pressing problems, read aloud in the evenings for the whole family, make Christmas decorations under New Year or go all together winter forest by ski. Communication with children for such an adult is easy, habitual, natural, it is as if "in the blood." They have no questions about what words to say or what games to choose for the child. The words will be the same that mom and dad told them in such cases, and the games will be the same that they themselves played in childhood. So the wealth of communication with children is inherited.

Alas! Not all adults can boast such a happy childhood experience. If childhood was difficult, not very joyful, parents are in a difficult situation. Having a conscious desire to be the most good father or mother, they are at an impasse in front of specific questions that arise in the process of communicating with the child. What to talk about? What words to use? Things to do? How to punish? How to respond to tears, stubbornness, etc.? Sometimes parents are childishly helpless in the face of a flurry of such "simple" questions. Sometimes adults are exhausted by communication with children, they experience panic, helplessness, anger, fear, guilt. There is no time for pedagogical methods. This happens due to the fact that adults do not have a specific model parental behavior learned in childhood.

A young woman turned to a psychologist for help. She was worried about the situation that had developed in the family, and first of all, the behavior of her husband. He regularly fulfills his father's duties: he sees off and meets children from kindergarten and school, does homework with his eldest daughter, and reads fairy tales to his younger daughter before going to bed. At the same time, he is laconic, gloomy, unsmiling, at the slightest opportunity retires. When meeting with her husband, it turned out that sometimes he experiences unreasonable hatred for children and his wife: "I just can't look at them." Talking about his childhood, the man said that he did not remember his father, who left them with his mother, and that he swore to himself to be the most faithful and loving father.

Will this family, and others like it, have to settle for nothing but their sad experiences? Of course, everything is not so hopeless. Every interested adult can enrich the traditions of his family. This requires three truly magical powers: desire, knowledge and perseverance. One would like to think that the parents reading these lines possess at least one of these powers: an enduring desire to replenish family traditions interactions between adults and children. Let's try to understand how to organize joint activities with a child.

You can spend time with benefit and pleasure in many activities: reading books, watching TV, making dumplings or going for mushrooms. But we will consider three areas of activity that are most important for a preschooler: play, fine art and work.

A game. Playing for a preschool child is the most natural activity. The famous domestic psychologist D. B. Elkonin called the game "a giant pantry of the real creative thought of the future person." The paramount importance of play for the natural development of the child is evidenced by the fact that the United Nations has declared play to be a universal and inalienable right of the child. Thanks to the game, the baby develops figurative and logical thinking, speech and imagination. In addition, in the game the child masters the system of human relations, eventually comprehends the "adult" meanings of life.

Parents building their relationship with a child should know that children's play at each age stage appears in its own special and unique guise. The type of game depends on the tasks that are relevant for the child. It is important for parents to know the features of each type of play in order to take into account the age capabilities of the baby and develop his abilities through suitable play.

The first type of play, the most attractive for three-year-olds, is simulation game. Those parents who do not know how to play with their children and do not remember their childhood at all will easily master it. To do this, it is enough to swaddle the doll, shake it in your arms, sing a lullaby to it. Or load the car and send it on the road. At first, children need toys that are an exact copy of real objects: spoons, plates or hammers, pliers.

A little time will pass, and a brick from a wooden constructor can easily become mobile phone. It's a different type of game symbolic game , an important stage in the development of the game and a necessary stage in the development of the child. Through the symbolic game, the prerequisites are formed logical thinking stimulates the imagination. Adults can easily support her by using their imagination and creativity.

Much more ingenuity will require the following type of game from parents - role-playing game . It consists in playing situations familiar to the child: daughters, mothers, a doctor and a patient, a school, a store, etc. The game includes not only an imitation of someone's behavior, but also an element of fantasy. In a role-playing game, children, playing different roles, experiment with different models of behavior and get acquainted with their consequences. The game allows children to express their feelings, resolve internal conflicts, teaches children to look at what is happening through the eyes of another person, to understand his feelings.

Three- and four-year-old children include animals in the game more often than people. This role-playing games . Bears, squirrels, bunnies, chanterelles live and work in them. Children sometimes play these roles themselves, sometimes they hide behind toys, for which they move and speak. Sometimes "live" cars, sweets, bottles are introduced into the game. Such actions are quite natural for children of three or four years old and are explained by the ability, characteristic of this age, to animate all moving objects. Parents need to take seriously, with great care and respect this children's features, in no case do not laugh and do not be ironic. Adults included in the game can enrich it by using their life experiences, new situations, new plot twists, ways of interaction between participants.

Attentive parents, by watching or participating in the game of their baby, can learn a lot about his inner difficulties, about the unspoken questions that concern him, about how he sees the world around him. The game can be an assistant in preparing a preschooler for a new situation for him: going to the theater, grandmother's birthday, dental office, train ride, etc. baby attention and care of parents.

Even knowing the features of each type of game, it is not so easy to captivate a child, on the one hand, and make the game useful for him, on the other. I remember the saying of one pope. “I tell my daughter: “Let's play!”, And she answers me: “Mathematics again!”” To organize and maintain the game, the steadfast observance of certain principles is required.

principle of interest. For both participants, both adult and small, the process of the game itself is interesting. The goal of the game is in itself. Even if a parent sets a learning goal, it must be subordinate to the main goal. Without interest, there is no game.

The principle of equality. The game cannot be dominated by any of the participants, even if it is a smart adult. When an adult dominates, children do not learn to play, the game does not work. Adults need to respect the rights of children in the game and treat them as equals. But sometimes in parents their own "inner" child wakes up, who in childhood did not satisfy his need for the game - "did not play enough." Such an "adult child" behaves impatiently, impulsively. So, dad takes the car from his son in order to check its driving performance himself, and mom, carried away board game, eager to win, not noticing how tears quietly roll down her daughter's cheeks. It does not even occur to her that the conditions of the game are initially unequal and her victory is not fully deserved. By the way, competitive games for children of primary preschool age are extremely undesirable, they make kids cruel, painfully proud, envious.

The principle of voluntariness. The game does not tolerate coercion. You can force to serve a sentence, but not to play and enjoy the game.

The principle of two realities. Participants in the game must exist simultaneously in two realities: real and game. Children easily fulfill this requirement. To refer to the game reality, they use the special term "pretend". In the game, the "doctor" performs an operation on the "patient", but in reality he is careful and careful towards his friend. It is important for an adult not to forget about this principle and carefully build a game reality, observing the logic of its development.

Visual activity. The game is not the only activity that, on the one hand, captivates and completely absorbs the child, and on the other, is effective tool child development and education. No less important is the visual activity. The child draws, sculpts, cuts, glues with pleasure. Starting from a year and a half, when a child picks up a colored pencil for the first time, he creates drawings that become more and more complicated in form: first scribbles, shapeless lines and dashes, then a circle, a straight line and a diagonal cross. In the end, individual elements turn into images of familiar objects, which the child performs quite consciously.

At the age of three or four, he already draws a person, the so-called "cephalopod", consisting of a circle - a head with eyes and a mouth, as well as arms and legs growing directly from the head.

For little man drawing is a very important process. Its significance is not only in the improvement of fine motor skills of the hand and the process of perception. Children's drawing, like the speech of children, is a way of studying the world around us and interacting with it. A child's drawing is a reflection of his thoughts and feelings. At the same time, by drawing, the kid solves his internal problems: it eases emotional tension, fights fear or overcomes the feeling of loneliness. Parents often become worried when they see how a child predominantly uses dark colors when coloring. They rightly believe that the child is overwhelmed with negative emotions, and ... strictly forbid him to use dark colors. And this can no longer be called beneficial for the child. Forbidding to draw with dark colors is the same as not allowing a person to tell about their negative feelings. Thus, it is difficult for a child to experience psychotraumatic situations, from which no one can be saved in childhood. They happen even in the most happy families. This is due to the fact that adults and children are very different, and the most sensitive adults cannot fully imagine the world through the eyes of a small person.

Visual activity not only harmonizes the emotional state of the baby, but has a great developmental effect. Fine motor skills of the hand develop, which is absolutely necessary in the future to master the process of writing. Through visual activity, spatial thinking and visual memory, perseverance and attention are also developed. Being engaged in artistic creativity, children love to experiment with different materials. Watercolor, gouache, plasticine, clay, salty dough, colored paper, fabric, cereals, sand - all this gives them a good opportunity to get acquainted with new forms, colors, textures. So, children receive a diverse sensory experience, they encounter new concepts for them: thickness, hardness, fluidity, density, transparency, etc.

But sometimes children flatly refuse to draw. Why does this happen? What should parents do about it?

Mom and daughter (three years and ten months old) were given the task of drawing flowers together, the mother had to draw flowers, and the daughter had to paint. Within the limits of his task, everyone could arbitrarily choose the shape and color. Mom diligently draws flowers and passes the drawing to her daughter. The girl asks:

- Color as you like. The teacher said that you can choose any color.
The girl takes black paint on a brush and begins to paint. Mom excitedly exclaims:
Why did you choose such an ugly color, you will spoil all my flowers!
The daughter calmly asks:
- Mom, what color to paint?
- They told you what you want! Mom gets a little irritated.
The girl takes brown paint. Mom screams:
- What are you doing? This color doesn't match! Take another!
The girl calmly repeats the question:
- Mom, what color to paint?
- Color it any way you want, - mom does not hide her irritation.
The girl takes purple.
Mom almost screams:
- Why do you choose such ugly colors! - And in response he hears a categorical statement:
- I won't draw.
Mom turns to the teacher and says doomedly with a sigh:
- Here, she always refuses to draw.

Visual activity - creative process. A person in a burst of creativity is vulnerable and vulnerable. All the more vulnerable is a child taking the first steps in mastering drawing, modeling or appliqué. Try to remember that happy moment when your beloved baby was just starting to walk on his own. Here he is, legs wide apart and ridiculously stretching out his hands, he takes a step. You are touched, immensely happy, and, of course, it would not occur to you to say: “How do you walk? Don’t put your legs wide, it’s ugly!” But mastering visual activity is no less difficult than mastering walking. Why, then, in this case, we deprive the child of support, and ourselves - of joy?

The main rule of joint creativity: support the child in his first, albeit insignificant, successes. Find at least one slightest detail in the drawing that you really like, and sincerely praise it. Keep your praise specific and honest. Try not to be like one mother who said: "I always praise my daughter, and for this drawing she praised:" Not bad. Who would have thought that you could do this?"

Create conditions for the artistic creativity of the child: organize a children's workplace where you can sculpt and paint, buy paper, paints, brushes, plasticine, glue, scissors, etc.

Provide for the child work clothes so that the constant instructions "Don't get dirty" sounded. This is quite an important requirement. Its non-fulfillment often leads to the fact that the child declares: "I will not draw - I will suddenly get dirty."

The attitude of the parents is very important. Installation is not on the result, but on the process of drawing or sculpting itself. Indeed, what is more important: for the child to become an artist in the future, or for him to enjoy the creative process?

Observing many times the joint creativity of children and adults, we noted several parental stereotypes that did not at all contribute to instilling in the child an interest in visual activity. Let us describe some of them.

"My baby is the best" - sincerely consider some parents. They see only virtues in their child, not finding them at all in other children. Adults admire and are touched by everything, no matter what their pet does. If his behavior or "creation" does not cause the same reaction in others, parents are ready to accuse them of injustice. The child's behavior in this case becomes more and more arrogant, he reacts painfully to any comments, gets used to not wasting energy on improving the results of his work, and when he meets even with minor difficulties, he gives up.

"My child must be the best" . Such an attitude is found in parents who fairly objectively evaluate the results of their child's creativity, but at the same time set an unreasonably high bar for achievements. Whatever the kid does, everything is not good enough, the parents are unhappy with him in any case. The child's behavior becomes more and more insecure. In the future, he extremely strictly evaluates the results of his work. When drawing, the baby often erases, in the end he may cry or refuse to do anything at all.

"My baby is the worst" . Unfortunately, there are parents with such a bleak attitude. They see only shortcomings in their children, but if someone praises the child, the parents shyly shy away from praise, explaining good results happy coincidence, chance. Parents constantly make comments to the child, correcting him at every step. Then the child develops the behavior described in the previous case: insecure, passive.

Labor activity. Another area where the interaction between an adult and a child will be very useful is labor. For three-four-year-old children, self-service activities, classes according to abilities (intellectual, musical, visual, technical, sports, plastic, etc.) can be considered work, and assistance also belongs to work.

Self-care work for three-year-olds has not only practical, but also personal meaning. This age is often referred to as the "me" age. Children can walk, talk, hold a spoon, use a potty. They feel their independence and want to become even more independent from the world of adults. Self-support work is the material embodiment of the autonomy of the child, so he has a constant desire to master various self-care skills.

Oddly enough, it is often the parents who put barriers in the way of improving self-reliance skills. They try to keep children away from practical actions. The reason for this is most often the fear of adults for their children and their safety, in impatience and haste. Parents should consider that three-year-olds can be taught the following skills:

Tie shoelaces;
- cut with scissors (with blunt ends);
- pour water into a cup;
- dress yourself
- unbutton and fasten zippers, buttons and fasteners;
- wash the dishes;
- wipe the dust;
- watering flowers, etc.

Labor-assistance is the child's feasible labor actions in response to someone's request. In this case, work for the child is not only the acquisition of practical skills, but also the development of his morality. Therefore, it is so important to thank the child for the responsiveness and assistance. Even the quality of the labor result can fade into the background. It is important to support the baby in his desire to help, respond to someone's request. Children at this tender age are very open to the requests of others, they respond kindly to the requests of others. The quality maintained at this time brings good results in the future: the child grows up responsive, attentive, sensitive, open. Of course, this helps a person to gain ease and success in communication.

To the topic moral development child, of course, also applies to talking about teaching children the rules of conduct. Education at this age is very effective. We bring to your attention a list of communication rules that can be taught to children from the age of three. So, with some efforts on the part of adults, the child succeeds quite well:

The first to greet familiar adults, as well as strangers in certain situations (for example, with a doctor in a clinic);
- politely ask if he needs something;
- ask permission if he wants to take other people's things;
- ask for forgiveness if you accidentally offend another;
- do not interrupt adults or ask permission to intervene in the conversation;
- follow the order in certain situations (in the game, when distributing gifts, food, etc.);
- calmly listen to the comments of an adult and perceive them;
- do not speak loudly in the theater during the performance;
- to address adults on "you".

We recommend to parents and specialists the best site in Runet with free educational games and exercises for children - Regularly studying with a preschooler according to the methods proposed here, you can easily prepare your child for school. On this site you will find games and exercises for the development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, learning to read and count. Be sure to visit the special section of the site "Preparing for school games". Here are some examples of tasks for reference:

Preschool education is the first structured education that a child encounters when entering adulthood. It covers the period from birth to the age of six years, when the child goes to school.

The importance of early learning

This period is very important and responsible, during this short time the child actively masters all areas: educational, sensitive, intellectual, interaction, mental.

Such rapid and fundamental changes help the child to master all new areas of life. Thanks to this breakthrough, the child is actively involved in the educational process.

Today, the niche of educational institutions of preschool education is actively developing, only state kindergartens are not able to provide all the interests of children and parents.

Today, creative schools, studios, circles offer various areas of work with children, including dance, gymnastics, rhythm, theatrical art, foreign languages, preparation for school. Approaches to teaching the child are also developing.

It is very important to develop speech, sensory organs, motor skills, and the horizons of the child.

Home schooling with parents

A crucial stage in the organization of preschool education is activity planning. The educational process should be built in such a way as not to overload the child and leave a keen interest. Modern pedagogy reinforces the assertion that the learning process for a small child should be exciting and dynamic, only with the child's keen interest can significant results be achieved.

Children have extremely unstable attention, because of this, the process of their education is very laborious, requires special skills and great efforts. There is little teaching materials on the development of preschool children, this is due to an individual approach to learning in a children's team. Another point of view is the frequent change of the leading concept of learning. Views on the education of preschoolers have changed very rapidly, in fact, each era has made adjustments to the curriculum of kindergartens.

Lesson classes for preschoolers

It is impossible to apply the class-lesson system of education to preschool children. Attention at this age is not yet stable, children are not able to spend hours on end to engage in a single subject. Although for teaching schoolchildren such a system justifies itself.

From the very beginning of the development of preschool didactics, the principles of educating young children did not differ from ideas about teaching older children. But it is logical that Small child cannot study according to the pattern of high school students.

In kindergarten, the process of education and upbringing run parallel to each other.

In the course of teaching children it is necessary to adhere to certain principles.

While teaching a child younger age real knowledge must be provided. You can not simplify the material to a schematic, distort it. The child remembers all the information at the age of 2 to 7 years. With an incorrectly formed base, the child's representations will be greatly distorted.

The principle of scientificity in the study of nature

In the process of teaching a child, concrete ideas and knowledge about the world around him should be formed. All acquired knowledge should not conflict with the school curriculum. Didactics deals with this problem in teaching children of primary preschool age. She tries so hard to prepare educational material so that it is understandable to young children, but has the right scientific basis. A deep study of the curriculum for preschool children helps to create a powerful base on which it will be easier to string all the school material.

Features of the scientific approach in the process of education - the formation in children of a single picture of the world and a correct understanding of the laws of nature. It is very difficult to indicate the age of the child when the basic concepts of the universe are formed. Many representatives of preschool education are inclined to believe that these basics should be an integral part of the upbringing process.

From a very early age, children need to form correct ideas about the world around them, based on modern scientific knowledge.

All parents have knowledge of this principle, its expediency for applying to young children has existed since the development of pedagogy. To learn a new child, you need to see a picture, perhaps tactilely feel the unknown. So the knowledge of a child of preschool age is quickly and naturally built into his picture of perception.

Such features are confirmed by the fact that children try to present any narrative story as a figurative series. Based on the simplest actions, the ability to work with objects, it is easier for preschool children to form more complex mental operations - analysis, reasoning, comparison, counting.

Through visual images for the child, the formation of mental activity takes place. To learn how to count mentally, you need to practice counting on real objects many times. The study of the learning process of children proves that the child receives the main information through visual and auditory perception. These sense organs are given the main attention when working with preschool children.

The principle of visibility - the child perceives information better

In the case of perception of visual information, all information quickly enters the brain. While auditory perception is somewhat stretched over time.

The principle of visibility for children in kindergarten is the enrichment and expansion of the child's sensory experience and his knowledge of the world. Kids perceive natural objects: dummies of fruits and vegetables, models of buildings, diagrams, panels of plants, stuffed animals. Features of young children of preschool age - the ability to perceive diagrams, drawings, illustrations, on this the ability to build many principles of education and upbringing.

The principle of visibility is used to consolidate the links between new and old knowledge, to study new material.

The requirements for visual materials are as follows:

  • realism, all objects should be as close as possible to real objects, have a similarity;
  • worthy decoration, educators and parents should purchase or make models of the highest quality.

All educational material should be understandable to the child, correspond to his age and development. Features of teaching a young child - the assimilation of simple and understandable material. If knowledge is too complex and ornate, then the percentage of their assimilation by children decreases sharply.

The main difficulty in implementing this principle is to determine the readiness of the child to acquire knowledge. This is not always determined by age, all children are individual. Before starting the process of education, the teacher must diagnose the level of knowledge of the child.

Tasks should be accessible to the child

Even 15 years ago, there was an unspoken ban on teaching children to write and read and write until the child was five years old. Today there are many institutions of pre-school education that take children and younger children to prepare for school. Views have changed modern parents and teachers, the pace and intensity of the load en first grader does not leave a chance for delay. We will know the results of such a race for knowledge in a few years, when we analyze the level of knowledge mental development and the state of health of current first-graders.

Education foreign languages can start from 3 years old

Do not confuse accessibility with ease, too simple tasks will not cause effort and mental stress, there will be no basis for subsequent knowledge.

It is important to create a situation of success in which the solution of a difficult but feasible task will bring joy and satisfaction.

The principle of active participation in the learning process

Features of the principle - only those knowledge are assimilated that aroused the interest and active participation of the child in their assimilation. If the child does not care about what is happening, then the information received from the outside will pass by, not be perceived by the brain.

The child must participate in learning

While working with children, the educator should provide for techniques that activate interest in knowledge, thinking. The negative effect is the fact that the child receives detailed chewed information, the assimilation of which did not take his time and effort. It may seem simple and straightforward, but the lack of personal involvement makes it distant and uninteresting. In the process of education, a balance must be struck.

Cognition should be a solution to practical problems, activity, independence. At the heart of such ideas lies the orienting-research reflex.

The principle of sequential learning

This principle of education encourages to go in learning from the easy to the difficult, from the simple to the complex. All knowledge of the child should be based on previous experience. The volume of new knowledge is determined by the teacher who works with the child. Time, the effectiveness of assimilation, the age of the child in the process of cognition should be guidelines.

Sequence principle by example

Theory and practice must be inseparable from each other. All knowledge must be backed up in practice. It is very interesting and difficult at the same time, it is not always possible to fully implement the knowledge that a young child has received.

The principle of an individual approach to each child and taking into account age characteristics

Children at preschool age differ greatly in the speed of perception, speed of thinking, perseverance, diligence, and behavior. All these signs are formed due to physiological, mental abilities, methods of education, living conditions, preparedness of the teacher and parents.

You can identify the main features of the baby by constantly observing the child, noting his behavior in various situations. For older children, you can organize collective conversations that will help identify the characteristics of the child, the degree of assimilation of knowledge, character. Even at a young age, one can identify leadership qualities, curiosity, and the ability to come to the rescue.

This diagnosis is very important early age negative character traits and mental characteristics are easier to correct. Checking the entire children's team can reveal children who quickly grasp the educational material on which they can rely in the learning process.

Classes taking into account age characteristics

It is very important in the process of education to take into account the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the child. The teacher should be familiar with the health status of each child. At the same time, tactfully and gently adjust the learning process for maximum efficiency. If a child has problems, for example, with hearing or vision, then he must be put on the first desks, for better perception.

Learning to read according to Zaitsev
  • If the child has restrictions on physical activity, then it is necessary to put a teacher on physical education to the notoriety.
  • If the child is very impulsive or even aggressive, then in the process of education it is necessary to develop will and tolerance.
  • If a child has only recently joined a children's team, then the child's speech speed and vocabulary are limited. Therefore, when the baby answers, it is necessary to show patience not only to the teacher, but also to teach this to all children.
  • There are children who are not accustomed to mental work. They prefer to spend time in games and active entertainment. When working with such babies, it is necessary to include intellectual tasks in motor activity. Mono show the benefits of active mental activity in games and competitions.

The principle of the relationship between learning and development

These two processes are interrelated and continuous, but at the same time they require patience. Yesterday the kid could not do anything, but today he is mastering different skills. All this is normal and natural. If at any stage in learning there are difficulties, you just need to be patient and move forward.

The relationship between learning and development among schoolchildren

It is very important to awaken in the child a craving for independent knowledge, then the baby himself will strive to learn new and interesting things. Be sure to praise the child, create a situation of success - this is the surest incentive. Love children, then you will certainly succeed.

The program is designed to improve the skills of teachers who conduct classes with children in pre-school training groups, methodologists and primary school teachers.

This program is for you if you need:

  • Find out how the process of pre-school preparation is organized, what methodological support is used.
  • Learn how to determine your child's readiness for school.
  • Understand how to teach a preschooler to read, write, count.

The course is implemented in absentia using distance learning technologies and lasts 12 weeks (340 hours).

You will know and learn

The program involves the development of the following topics:

  • Preparing for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
  • Types of readiness of a preschooler for the next stage of education.
  • Teaching the simplest mathematical concepts, letters and reading by syllables, preparation for writing.
  • Development of speech and communication skills of the pupil.

Results and prospects

  • You are ready to conduct pre-school preparation classes, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. You know how to support children's interest in learning, you have an idea of ​​the continuity of preschool and primary education.
  • You can apply technology to teach children to read, write, and do simple math. Capable of making an initial diagnosis psychological readiness child to school.
  • You understand the importance of pre-school preparation. You can imagine the difficulties of transition to the lesson form of education and know how to prepare a preschooler for a new stage in his life.

Application of learning outcomes

Parents attach great importance to the level of pre-school preparation. Variability implies a wide choice of both public and private educational services. Therefore, the high professionalism of the teacher conducting classes in all types of training is very important.

During the professional retraining course, you will gain the necessary skills to work with preschoolers using modern pedagogical technologies. Pre-school preparation specialists are in demand in pre-school educational institutions, educational institutions child development centers.