Congratulations to the minister. Congratulations to the Minister Congratulations to the Minister of Social Development on his birthday

accept my my sincere congratulations on your 55th birthday.
I wish you good health, success, happiness and prosperity.

Governor of the Moscow Region, Hero Soviet Union
B.V. Gromov

I heartily congratulate you on your 55th birthday. You are a competent professional energetic leader, who enjoys a well-deserved authority and respect of the population, is able to quickly respond to the realities of today, resolve city problems in a timely and high-quality manner, increasing the well-being of the city and the well-being of citizens.
I wish you further creative work for the benefit of the Moscow region, energy, perseverance in achieving your goals, good health, happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma
V.E. Aksakov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Your professionalism, experience and well-deserved authority largely ensure the high level of your work aimed at strengthening and developing the potential of our country.
I wish you the realization of your plans, successful and fruitful work and further
Good luck in solving political and socio-economic tasks!

Chief Federal Inspector
in the Moscow region
S.I. Zagidullin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the Political Council
Moscow Regional Branch of the United Russia Party
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
I wish you good health, fulfillment of all plans, happiness and prosperity!
I am sure that your inexhaustible energy and organizational skills, the state approach to business and the ability to implement your plans will help you to solve complex problems in the future.
For the benefit of the native suburbs!

Secretary of the Political Council
I.Yu. Bryntsalov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On your birthday, accept the most sincere congratulations and wishes
good health, strength, cheerfulness, happiness and good luck in all your endeavors.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region
V.A. Egerev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!
I wish you health and happiness, prosperity and good luck! May all your dreams and hopes come true, all your undertakings and plans come true, and peace of mind, love and happiness always reign in your house. good mood.

Minister V.S. Demeshkan

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
The Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region sincerely congratulates you on your birthday.
We wish you happiness, good health for many years to come, fruitful activities for the benefit of your native Moscow region.

Minister of Education of the Government of the Moscow Region
L.N. Antonova

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the Collegium of the Ministry of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region
And from me personally, accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, optimism and further success
for the good of the native suburbs!

Minister of Construction
P.S. quail

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you good health, longevity, success in your creative and labor activity good luck in all endeavors,
well-being to you and your loved ones!

Deputy Minister
Government Buildings
Moscow region
CM. Zhdanov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!
On this day, I want to say a lot of kind words to you, which you undoubtedly deserve.
I wish you great success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow Region!
Good health to you and your loved ones, as well as great human happiness.

Minister for Implementation
control activities
Government of the Moscow Region
VC. Shilin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
on the occasion of the 55th birthday!
Your rich experience as a manager with a deep knowledge of life, the ability to work with people, professionalism and a principled approach to business invariably contribute to the further development and prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.
I wish you good health, great personal happiness, family well-being and new successes in your responsible and multifaceted activities.

Head of the main department
regional security of the Moscow region
I.N. Khorkov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Allow with all my heart
congratulations on a wonderful anniversary!
I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy of cheerfulness and optimism!
May good luck always accompany you in everything! Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Moscow Region
I.R. Vildanov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, peace of mind, strength and wisdom in solving the tasks you face, new creative and business achievements.
May good luck accompany all your deeds and undertakings. Peace, prosperity to you and your loved ones.
Deputy of the State Duma
D.V. Sablin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and success in all endeavors aimed at the benefit of every citizen of Krasnoznamensk!
Let your high professionalism, integrity, experience and ability to work with people serve the acceptance right decisions and their further implementation. May the sincere and comprehensive support of colleagues and friends always be with you.
Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

S.A. Kravchenko

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!
With all my heart I wish you good health, optimism, perseverance and patience in overcoming life's difficulties, complete mutual understanding and support of like-minded people, personal well-being and success in implementing your plans!

I.V. Charyshkin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations.
With your holiday - birthday - anniversary!
Let me wish you good health, good luck, good mood, happiness in life and new vigorous creative deeds for the benefit of the inhabitants of the city district.

Member of the Moscow Regional Duma

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my warmest congratulations
Happy 55th Anniversary!
On this significant day, I wish you good health, well-being, good luck, success for the benefit of the residents of the city and the native Moscow region!

Member of the State Duma
V.D. Drusinov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
accept my very warm congratulations Happy birthday!
Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you
In solving everyday problems.
May your innermost desires and aspirations come true,
All the good things in your life will be preserved and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply.
I wish good luck, success and inspiration to be faithful companions
In all your endeavors, and health and well-being - in everyday life!

Deputy of the Moscow
Regional Duma

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your anniversary!
Each birthday, and even more so an anniversary, in its own way fixes the periods of a lived life, highlights many, many events and accomplishments even brighter.
At the same time, an anniversary is a kind of starting point for a new life stage, a starting point for solving very important tasks, both personal and socially significant.
With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, warmth, good mood, good luck, success in implementing your plans and in all your endeavors for the benefit of your native Moscow region!
May simple human happiness always accompany you, well-being and joy never leave your home!

With deep respect,
Head of the city of Yubileiny

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!
This special event is a time of congratulations, personal memories, summing up, plans for the future.
With all my heart I wish that your life will always be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness.
Let your inexhaustible energy, optimism, professional and life experience allow you to realize your plans, help you solve the most difficult tasks.
I wish you good health, family well-being and success in your future work.

Head of Naro-Fominsk
municipal district
A.N. Baranov

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May you always be surrounded by loving and understanding people of duty with best wishes.

Mayor of Ivanteevka
Sergei Gridnev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
We sincerely congratulate you on your ANNIVERSARY!
Please accept my warmest and most sincere wishes for good health, happiness, good luck, well-being, self-confidence and further success in all endeavors, successful implementation of the plans aimed at the prosperity of the Krasnoznamensk urban district.

Mayor of Dolgoprudny
O.I. Troitsky

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
On this solemn day, accept the most good words and wishes!
May your diligent and selfless work for the benefit of the Krasnoznamensk urban district bring
more and more significant victories, and all cases are accompanied by success and good luck.
May your life always be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of relatives and friends, real human happiness, inexhaustible energy, optimism and the ability to implement the tasks set in the name of achieving positive changes.

Head of Pavlo-Posadsky
municipal district
A.Yu. Lyutoev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!
I would like to wish you stability, political wisdom, strength, energy, reliable associates for the implementation of your plans, thanks to which the municipality you lead will continue to develop, overcoming all difficulties on the path to further prosperity!
I wish you good health, prosperity, love and may luck accompany you in everything!

Mayor of Klimovsk
E.V. Patrushev

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Administration of Shatursky municipal district heartily congratulates you on your birthday. Must Your life will always be filled with true human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and the beautiful. Good luck, inspiration and success to you in all your endeavors for the benefit of the successful development of your municipality and your native Moscow region.

Head of Shatursky
municipal district
A.D. Keller

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
On behalf of the MOSTRANSAVTO team and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
Accept the most good wishes health, happiness, good luck, well-being, successful implementation of all plans, and your district - economic stability and prosperity!

State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto"
Grivas N.M.

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you good health, great human happiness, success in our common cause - selfless work for the benefit of the Moscow Region.

Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts
Moscow region
A.A. moves

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
With all my heart I wish you good health, good luck, happiness and prosperity!
May your achievements professional activity, your energy and optimism will benefit you and serve for the benefit and prosperity of the Moscow region.

Chairman of the Public Chamber
Moscow region
N.Yu. Chaplin

Dear Anatoly Grigorievich!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
May life always be filled with real human happiness, optimism, faith in the good and the beautiful! Good health, good luck, inspiration and success in all endeavors!
Peace, harmony, love to your home!

Head of the State Institution of the Moscow Region
"UAD MO "Mosavtodor"
I.E. Chernousov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the Legislative Assembly and myself, I congratulate you on your anniversary.

Six years ago you headed one of the leading universities in the field of architecture and construction. Over the years, you have made a significant contribution to the effective organization of the educational process, strengthening the material and technical base of the university, preserving the best traditions of the national education system, high quality training of specialists.

I wish you good health, happiness, professional success and all the best.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

Nizhny Novgorod region

E.V. Lebedev

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your jubilee - your 60th birthday!

I wish you successful and fruitful work, strength and health, happiness and prosperity! May your family, dearest and closest people always be there!

Mayor of Nizhny Novgorod

O.V. Sorokin

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary!

I wish you health, prosperity, strength and energy for further fruitful work!

Deputy Prime Minister

Nizhny Novgorod region

S.A. Potapov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on your birthday!

Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, good luck, well-being and true friends. Let your life be filled with joyful events, and professional activity marked by recognition and respect.

Sincerely, Head of Administration

city ​​of Nizhny Novgorod

O.A. Kondrashov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your Anniversary!

Please accept the most sincere wishes of health, creative inspiration, inexhaustible energy and the fulfillment of all plans and hopes. Happiness to you and your loved ones. Peace, love and kindness!

Deputy head of the city administration

T.N. Bespalova

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

The Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region heartily congratulates you on your birthday!

We sincerely wish you health, well-being, many happy and joyful days in your life.

Minister of education

Nizhny Novgorod region

S.V. Naumov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your Anniversary!

May your life be full of vivid impressions, may every day bring pleasant warm meetings, and may work open up new interesting facets, may success always accompany the important work that you are doing.

I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy and further fruitful activity for the benefit of Russia.

Prosperity and happiness to you and your loved ones.

Deputy Minister of Energy

Russian Federation

Yu.P. Senturin

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Congratulations on your 60th birthday!

I wish you health, inexhaustible energy, happiness, good mood, stability, prosperity in everything and confidence in the future!

May like-minded people and friends, loved ones and relatives always be around you, and the warmth of their hearts will keep you from troubles and hardships!

I wish you the realization of all your ideas and success in your professional activities!

First Deputy Minister

Economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region

I.N. Norenkov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you health, happiness, prosperity.

Chairman of the Management Committee

property and land resources

Nizhny Novgorod

V.S. Nikulin

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!

I wish you to have many bright events, achievements, interesting meetings and joyful days in your life.

I wish you health, creative inspiration, fulfillment of your plans and cherished desires.

Chief of staff

Legislative Assembly

Nizhny Novgorod region

D.S. Egorov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you many bright events, achievements, interesting meetings and joyful days in your life! Health to you and the fulfillment of your plans! May peace, love, luck and prosperity always be in your home!

Department Director

organizational and staffing

administration activities

the city of Nizhny Novgorod a

O.Yu. Gusev

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the National Association of Builders and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on a wonderful Anniversary!

Construction science, training of young personnel are the most important directions in the development of the Russian construction complex. Only armed with modern knowledge, we will be able to build houses and roads, schools and energy facilities at the high level of quality and safety that the 21st century requires of us.

You devoted many years to the younger generation, from year to year you taught your students not only building codes and regulations, but also responsibility for the results of their work, understanding that the safety of people - those who live, study and work in the projected areas - depends on their knowledge. and the buildings they built.

I am sure that your knowledge and experience will allow you to prepare a worthy replacement for today's professionals for design bureaus and construction sites in Russia. I wish you success in such a noble field, good health and prosperity.


Chief of staff

National Association of Builders

M.Yu. Viktorov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you good health, happiness, success in business, mutual understanding and support from colleagues, friends and relatives!

May peace, warmth and well-being not leave your home, and good luck accompany you in all your affairs and undertakings!


Deputy Chairman of the NSOS,

Head of the Communist Party faction in ZSNO

IN AND. Egorov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Congratulations on your Anniversary!

Accept the most warm regards good luck, optimism, health, happiness, peace and kindness in the house, love of relatives and friends. May all your work and undertakings always be successful and fruitful!


Head of Administration

Koverninsky district

S.I. Brovkin

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on your Anniversary!

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, success in all good undertakings!

May you always be surrounded by true friends, love and care of loved ones!

Sokolsky municipal district

I.V. Bobrov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept the kindest and warmest congratulations on your birthday!

On this wonderful day, I wish you good health, good spirits and inexhaustible energy. Let the circumstances always develop in your favor, and life will be full of interesting events and brilliant victories on the chosen path! All the best to you, your family and friends!

Head of Administration

Leninsky district

city ​​of Nizhny Novgorod

V.N. Lazarev

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

The administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region cordially congratulates you on your Anniversary! Please accept my warmest wishes for good health, family well-being, prosperity and kindness.

Sincerely, Head of Administration

Nizhny Novgorod region

I.A. Sogin

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. May every day be successful, dreams come true, plans come true. Good health, happiness, joy, prosperity to you.

Chairman of the regional

trade union organizations

N.N. Vakhrusheva

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

The Administration of the Chkalovsky District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region cordially congratulates you on your Anniversary!

Please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes on your birthday! This event is a wonderful occasion to express your good feelings to you, sincerely wish you all the best! We wish you good mood, good health, peace of mind, family well-being, tireless energy, optimism! Good luck in all your affairs and endeavors! May true friends and like-minded people always be with you!

Head of local government

Chkalovsky district

S.A. Lunkov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary.

For each of us, a birthday is great occasion in order to assess the path traveled, successes and failures, to outline new horizons for oneself. You, dear Yevgeny Vasilyevich, have something to remember on this holiday, something to be proud of.

Talent, professionalism, competence and energy are the qualities that have made you an authoritative, respected and recognizable person in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Congratulations on significant date and I wish you good health for many years, well-being, new creative successes and inexhaustible strength.

Sincerely, Director of JSC NIAEP

IN AND. Limarenko

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

The staff of the Karst Laboratory of JSC Anti-Karst and Coastal Protection is proud that you started your scientific activity among us. We appreciate your diligence, research talent and great organizational skills. Congratulations on your Anniversary. We wish health and prosperity to NNGASU.

On behalf of the team

Dzerzhinsky Karst Laboratory

OAO Anti-Karst and Coastal Protection


Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your anniversary! With all my heart I wish you optimism, inexhaustible energy, joy, kindness and the fulfillment of all your plans.

Sincerely, MP

A.N. Tarasov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you success in all your endeavors, good health and optimism. May your every day be filled with the smiles of friends and the love of loved ones, the gratitude of colleagues and the respect of others.

Head of the press service

Governor and government

Nizhny Novgorod region

R. Skudnyakov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

We sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful date - your 60th Anniversary! These 60 years have been filled with persistent, purposeful work in the formation and development of architectural and construction education not only in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but in Russia as a whole. We express our sincere admiration for your remarkable achievements in scientific and educational activities rightfully awarded with many high awards. Modernization of modern civil engineering education is unthinkable without the development of reliable partnerships between universities.

We thank you for your kind participation in the establishment of professional and human ties between our universities. We highly appreciate your comprehensive support, indifferent attitude to the successes and prospects of VolGASU. We hope that in the future we will walk together along the path of well-being and prosperity. We wish you and the team you lead happiness, health and success in all endeavors, high achievements in training the future builders of great Russia.

Rector of VolGASU

S.Yu. Kalashnikov

Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your Anniversary! On this joyful day, let me wish you good health, happiness, patience and success in your responsible work! May good luck accompany you in all your endeavors!

Minister of Social Policy

Nizhny Novgorod region


Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday! You have achieved considerable success, proving every day of your life that you can achieve high goals with work and a conscientious attitude to business!

Your invaluable experience, high level of professionalism and willingness to help in any situation make you an example to follow.

May all your plans come true, the future will bring success and pleasure from the work done, good luck brightly illuminates your life path, and good mood and well-being will remain companions of your life for many, many years!

And about. Head of the Department of the Ministry of Culture

Russia in the Volga Federal District

E.V. Sergeeva

Birthday, unusual holiday,
Holiday of years and passing winters,
Every year it will be different again,
And today it will be different.

But over the passing years
Behind the winds that carry us
Something remains, nevertheless, with us
Unchanged, as if for the first time.

Maybe it's just a memory
Maybe from youth friends
And in love, forgotten confessions.
And, of course, family.

Let everything be sincere, as before,
In the years of your good youth,
May hope always guide you
And love and faith along with it.

Let it be clean in the soul and in the house,
And light, let it be, from
That no one was born a minister
Happy birthday and everything.

Who is smarter than everyone in the world?
Who is wise and quick in decisions?
Who is responsible for the whole country?
Well, of course, minister!

Birthday celebrated:
We wish to live a long life,
To remain in history
Like a great man

So for important work
Deserved again and again
Respect for the people
And people's love.

Dear and respected,
revered by all,
Dignified birthday boy
famous politician,
From colleagues and subordinates,
All acquaintances close,
You accept congratulations -
To serve your term
Was crowned with glory
Rejoice in good deeds
Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you happiness and good
Life's a long way
You will pass without misfortune!

Minister of Health

He knows everything about health
And he guards it
Like Dr. Aibolit
All diseases are cured
He can, no doubt,
He is the health minister
He's a birthday today
And hurry up to congratulate
Wish him good health
Serve the Motherland with dignity,
Protect from diseases
And protect your people!

Minister of Culture

To be a minister of culture
First magnitude figure,
Educated aesthete -
Who dares to do it?
And serve the country as a minister,
Patron - artists,
And artists, singers,
Writers, creators,
And encourage talents
Teach and develop them
work of the highest complexity,
ministerial care,
We congratulate you today
Strength, we wish you success!

Minister of the Interior

You follow the order
Day and night you do not sleep,
Sleep and nerves of the whole country
Given to you for safety
On this day, the whistle sounds -
Honor will give and congratulations -
All criminals - in a fist,
Protect all those who are right
And find control over everyone
And legal punishment
Guarantee peace
And the order of the city!

Minister of Defense

For the Minister of Defense
We are determined to
We are happy to congratulate him
Happy birthday and shells
congratulatory speeches,
The cake is full of big candles,
Congratulations, congratulations
And we wish you great
Service, peaceful and calm,
Without strife and without wars,
Like behind a stone wall
All the people and with the country -
We are happy to live for you
And serve the Fatherland!

Minister of Education

We have come to you today
For responsible business
Happy birthday to congratulate you
Leave greetings from everyone -
schoolchildren, students,
educators, children,
parents, teachers,
And friends, colleagues, relatives -
Everyone wants you alone
Strength, health and patience,
Happy birthday!

Minister of Agriculture

agronomists, gardeners,
Fishermen, sheep breeders,
Farmers and gardeners
Poultry farmers and cowsheds -
A big bow to you from everyone,
And accept congratulations -
The earth loves respect
Treat her with respect
Our Russian traditions
And original customs
You keep, don't forget
Be happy, be healthy!

Minister of Sports

Who is stronger and faster
Higher, deeper and more precise?
The sport of the country is subject to him,
And the athletes are all partly
Godchildren to him -
Sports Minister, he is the country
Boldly leads to Olympic gold,
He won't let his country down
All stadiums, grounds, swimming pools,
Sports are welcome in families,
Congratulations on his birthday
We wish him new medals!

Subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Sports congratulated the Minister of Sports Valery Denshchikov on his birthday.

"School (Tekhnikum) of the Olympic reserve of the Republic of Khakassia":

Congratulations to the Minister of Sports of the Republic of Khakassia Valery Denshchikov on his birthday!
Dear Valery Vasilyevich! The staff of GBPOU RH "U(T)OR" sincerely congratulates you on your birthday!
Sports and healthy lifestyle the lives of each of us are steps into the bright future of the country. Let me express my gratitude for your fruitful work in strengthening and multiplying the achievements of the republican and Russian sports.
We wish you health, happiness and success!
Return to list

"Children's and youth sports school for team sports":

The Republican "Children's and Youth Sports School for team sports" sincerely congratulates you on your birthday!

A step into sports, a healthy lifestyle for each of us is a step towards a healthy future for the country, the upbringing of a strong people, and therefore a strong Russia. Let me express my gratitude for your fruitful work in strengthening and multiplying the achievements of the republican and Russian sports.

We wish you success, good health and prosperity!"

"Children's and youth sports school":

"Dear Valery Vasilyevich!
The team of GBOU RH DOD "DYUSSH"
Congratulations with all my heart
Happy birthday!

May every day bring you joy
Success in work, comfort in the family,
Let old age come later
Live long on earth!
We wish sincerely, sincerely,
Do not know the unrest and interference,
To accompany forever
Health, happiness and success!"

“Sports school of the Olympic reserve named after V.I. Charkova":

"Dear Valery Vasilyevich!

Accept our best congratulations and happy birthday wishes!

Having entered the official Olympus,
you have not changed sports,
Soul and dedication
You lead Khakassian sports!

Good luck, health and success, may work bring you joy,
And our team will not let you down!"

"Teya Sports Training Center":

"The staff of our institution wishes you a happy birthday! Please accept our most sincere and heartfelt wishes!
Joining everyone good words that sound today addressed to you.
Your professionalism, purposefulness, attentive attitude to colleagues and partners, high capacity for work and creativity set you apart as a talented and authoritative leader.
We wish you good health, spiritual harmony and optimism, which is so necessary in your responsible post.
Good luck and good luck in all endeavors. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!"


Dear Valery Vasilyevich!
The staff of the State Budgetary Institution of Agriculture "Irbis"
Congratulations with all my heart
Happy birthday!

We congratulate the minister!
Respect and honor!
To, wisdom, perspective,
Instantly sent to flight!

Happy Birthday! Good luck to you!
Let your business flourish!
All tasks are solved
No conflicts, up to the heat!

And then a billion smiles
You will be given white light!
You are hope and support!
In perspective - you have a ticket!


“Today is the birthday of the Minister of Sports of the Republic of Khakassia, Honored Coach of Russia Valery Denshchikov.

The autonomous institution of the Republican Republic of Khakassia "Sayans-Khakassia" represented by the administrative and coaching staff and hockey players congratulates Valery Vasilievich with all his heart and wishes the head of the sports department of the republic good health, inexhaustible creative energy and new successes for the benefit of sports in Russia and Khakassia."


"Dear Valery Vasilyevich!

Congratulations on your birthday!

Our team wishes you health, optimism, happiness, success, achievement of goals

and implementation of ideas.


Congratulations to the Minister of Sports of the Republic of Khakassia on his birthday!

Dear Valery Vasilyevich!
On this momentous day
We want to wish you happiness
And good luck every day!
May all wishes come true
There will be no hardships.
Health and prosperity to you
For every new year in life!

"Equestrian sports school named after Magdalene"

The team of GAU RKh "A.A. Magdalen School for Equestrian Sports" congratulates the Minister of Sports of the Republic of Khakassia Valery Vasilyevich Denshchikov on his birthday.

Dear Valery Vasilyevich, we sincerely wish you happiness, good health, even greater success in your hard work, long life, well-being in the family and always in a good mood.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday.

With all my heart I wish you strength, energy and further success in your activities for the benefit of the people of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Good health, happiness and prosperity to you, your family and friends.


Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday. Let good spirits, energy and optimism help you solve the most difficult state tasks for the benefit of the Republic of South Ossetia. And high professional and human qualities will be the key to further success and development of the country.

I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity for many years to come.


Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Accept congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, well-being and success in your activities to solve the key tasks of the development of the Republic of South Ossetia, accelerate economic growth and improve the well-being of the inhabitants of the region.

All the best to your family and friends!


Minister of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Lev Kuznetsov.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept congratulations on the occasion of your birthday and wishes for new successes in your responsible state post.

Let your knowledge, determination and purposefulness serve as a reliable foundation for fruitful work for the benefit of your native people, lead the Republic of South Ossetia to new successes and achievements.

Good health to you, inexhaustible vital energy and the implementation of everything planned.


Chairman of the Government of the Republic North Ossetia Alania Taimuraz Tuskaev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you fruitful and creative work, the implementation of all plans and undertakings for the benefit of your people. Good health, Anatoly Ilyich, happiness, joy, family well-being. May you always be accompanied by life luck, which will bring the realization of all your goals.


Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Alexei Machnev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday.

I wish you good health, family well-being and success in your responsible and difficult work for the benefit of the people of our beloved Ossetia. New luck and victories in your responsible post.

Let the warmth of the family, the support of friends and colleagues become the key to the implementation of the most daring plans and goals in your hard work.


Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Stanislav Kesaev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

I prayerfully wish you God's unfailing help in carrying out the laborious feat of government of the people, blessed successes in public service, strength of soul and body, peace and longevity.

May the Almighty God and Saint George keep you in health and prosperity for many years!

With love in the Lord,

Archbishop Leonid of Vladikavkaz and Alan, administrator of the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Republic of Armenia.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich,

On your birthday, please accept my heartfelt congratulations and sincere wishes for good health, good luck, prosperity, success and achievements in your activities and great personal happiness.


Head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Yuri Kokov.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, great vitality and further success in your state activities for the benefit of the republic.

Let your high professional qualities and devotion to the cause allow you to continue to successfully implement your tasks, and good luck accompanies everything!

I wish you and your family happiness, kindness and prosperity!


Head of the Republic of Igushetia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

On your birthday, please accept warm congratulations, wishes of good health and success in responsible state activities for the benefit of your people and country.

Your biography convincingly shows that you are a true patriot, courageous, strong man capable of achieving goals. May the trust shown to you by the people of South Ossetia, your worthy professional and human qualities, sincere love for your native land be the key to your active work and the implementation of all undertakings useful for the republic.


President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Kind-hearted, sympathetic and incredibly strong in spirit - they say about people like you: a man of a rare soul.

With your coming to the post of President, the Republic of South Ossetia has taken a steady course towards prosperity and well-being. And your high professionalism, incredible kindness and sincere concern for the people made it possible to ensure the preservation of traditions, cultural and economic development, and social stability in the state.

Let me express special gratitude for your personal contribution to the development of friendly relations between South Ossetia and the Donetsk People's Republic.

I am sure that the high level of cooperation achieved between our fraternal countries will continue to contribute to the strengthening of multifaceted bilateral cooperation for the benefit of the peoples of South Ossetia and the Donetsk People's Republic.

I wish you good health, kindness and prosperity!


Chairman of the People's Council of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

On your birthday, please accept the warmest and most cordial congratulations, I want to sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality, personal and family well-being, peace, success and prosperity to the Republic of South Ossetia!


Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Donetsk People's Republic Dmitry Trapeznikov.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

The life path you have chosen is a worthy example of faithful service to the Fatherland, an example of professionalism and active citizenship.

The key to your achievements is the highest competence, dedication to your work, diligence and dedication.

On this festive day, I wish you good health, unquenchable vitality, family well-being and good mood. Let the support of like-minded people, the loyalty of friends and the understanding of loved ones help you and be the key to further success!


Chairman of the People's Council of the Luhansk People's Republic Denis Miroshnichenko.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

On behalf of all residents of the city of Luhansk, please accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!

During your work as the President of the Republic of South Ossetia, you have shown yourself to be a purposeful person, able to take balanced and effective solutions aimed at achieving high results. The whole complex of socio-economic issues is under your constant control, various spheres of life are being modernized, the traditions and culture of the country with an ancient original history are being preserved. Your professionalism, significant experience in social, political and managerial activities, diligence and genuine patriotism help you achieve your goals, work for the benefit of the citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia.

I am sure that the emerging Luhansk-Ossetian relations will continue to be based on the good traditions of friendship and good neighborliness, respect for the historical past of our peoples, and develop in the spirit of alliance and strategic partnership. I hope that by joint efforts we will ensure further building up of fruitful cooperation in various fields for the benefit of the inhabitants of our cities and Republics, in the interests of strengthening regional stability and security.

Let me sincerely wish you harmony, prosperity and stability, all-round success in the further strengthening of statehood, family well-being, kindness and a peaceful sky above your head! I sincerely wish you happiness and success in all your undertakings for the benefit of the Republic.


Manolis Pilavov, Head of the Lugansk City Administration of the Lugansk People's Republic.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday.

Birthdays are good because they give a reason once again I wish you good health, spiritual joy, sincerity of relationships and satisfaction from creation. I am pleased to take this opportunity to tell you, Anatoly Ilyich, a man, a citizen, a patriot.

May your life be filled with interesting events and bright people, may work bring satisfaction, fatigue quickly passes. May everything you have planned for the good of your native land come true. May Saint George always help you in all good undertakings.

I wish you and your loved ones health and well-being for many years to come. Peace to all of us.


The head of the municipality of the city of Vladikavkaz Maharbek Khadartsev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! On this joyful day for all of us, I pay tribute to your energy, professionalism, tireless activity for the benefit of the people of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Your business and personal qualities, political intuition, creative approach to the plans and the ability to find like-minded people allow you to successfully solve the most difficult tasks, which has earned you well-deserved authority and respect from all residents of the republic, colleagues at work.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich, let me once again congratulate you on your birthday, wish you further success and achievements in your difficult, but so important and necessary work. Good health to you, longevity to your family and friends, happiness and joy to everyone who is dear to you!


Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Kazbek Taysaev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday. With all my heart I wish you good health, vivacity, fortitude, great prospects and good luck in all matters.

May your life be filled with the brightest impressions, as well as the understanding and support of like-minded people, the love of relatives and friends. Inexhaustible optimism, bold ideas and real achievements!


Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sablin.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday. With all my heart I wish you long, happy years of life in full health and surrounded by people who love you, interesting, fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation.

Well-being and all the best to you and your loved ones!


member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Taimuraz Mamsurov.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Today you are at the most fruitful life stage, when your experience is harmoniously combined with wisdom and knowledge of life, when a lot has already been done, and the future is filled with new plans. So let all your plans come true in the best possible way!

Your high professional level, dedication and great diligence, wonderful business and human qualities have always been aimed at achieving high results.

Let your knowledge and ability to realize your plans will help you solve the most difficult tasks in the interests of the republic.

Please accept my heartfelt wishes of good health, inexhaustible energy, good spirits, happiness, well-being to you, your family and friends.


member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Arsen Fadzaev.

Mr. President!

From all personnel of the Ministry of emergencies Republic of Abkhazia and on my own behalf I congratulate you on your birthday!

Your extensive practical experience, outstanding character and targeted approach to solving the problems at hand, over the years, allow you to work successfully in responsible government positions.

Your high professionalism, leadership talent, directness and decency have long won the recognition and respect of your colleagues, becoming the key to success in your work. Your name is associated with many good changes that are taking place in the Republic of South Ossetia today.

I am convinced that with your direct participation, the high level of friendly relations between our countries will continue to be strengthened, and comprehensive cooperation will be expanded for the benefit of the fraternal peoples of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Abkhazia.

I am confident that your activities will help strengthen friendly relations and further develop the strategic partnership between our countries.

Please accept my most sincere wishes for bright professional success, new victories and achievements, joy and happiness, peace and kindness. We wish that every day of your life opens up new perspectives, and there are always Good friends and reliable partners.

Taking advantage of this pleasant opportunity, I wish you, dear Anatoly Ilyich, good health, prosperity and success in the high responsible work of serving the Fatherland!

With unwavering respect,

Minister for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Abkhazia Lev Kvitsinia.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

As a tribute to you, I have the honor to take this opportunity to send you my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich, you are an example of a young, inspiring and responsible political leader. A patriot of your people, having rich experience as an effective leader and able to take responsibility for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks, you have always been distinguished by concern for the fate of Ossetia and its people.

I am convinced that with your sincere attention to the people of South Ossetia and active social and political activities, you will be able to achieve your goals aimed at the dynamic and progressive development of the Republic, increasing its investment attractiveness and strengthening the well-being of the people of South Ossetia. Dear Anatoly Ilyich, on behalf of the staff of the Embassy and on my own behalf, I wish you good health, inexhaustible enthusiasm, perseverance and wisdom in achieving your goals and serving for the good of the Motherland.
Please accept, Your Excellency, my assurances of the highest consideration.


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Znaur Gassiev.

Dear Anatoly Ilyich!

On behalf of the staff of the Russian Information Agency TASS and myself, please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you happiness, success and good luck in business.

May there be as many good and interesting events as possible, may energy and inspiration not leave you, and may the support and care of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements.


TASS General Director Sergey Mikhailov.