Municipal budgetary institution "centralized library system" of the Bavlinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Intellectual game in the Tatar language with presentation in elementary school Extracurricular event on Tatar literature

Tatar folk holidays

Gusmanova Gulnaz Gumerovna, teacher-speech pathologist(Co-author L. V. Vakhitova)

Target: Forming in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland, the desire to preserve and enhance cultural heritage.


    educational: introduce students to the history and content of Tatar folk holidays - “Kaz Omasse” (goose holiday), “Aulak Oy” (village gatherings), “Karga botkasy” (Rook porridge);

    developing: through a theatrical event, contribute to the development of students’ skills and abilities of free communication in the Tatar language;

    educational: to promote students’ expression of their creative activity and the development of aesthetic culture.

Progress of the event

Leading: Every nation has its own national holidays. Many of these holidays were born in ancient times - several centuries or even a thousand years ago. Everything around: villages and cities, things, professions, nature change, but folk holidays continue to live. Tatar folk holidays delight people with a sense of gratitude and respect for nature, for the customs of their ancestors, for each other.

The Tatars have two words meaning holiday. Religious holidays are called the word gaet (ayet) (Uraza gaete - a holiday of fasting and Korban gaete - a holiday of sacrifice). And all folk holidays are called beyram in Tatar.

Today we will present to your attention excerpts from three national holidays“Kaz Omasse”, “Aulak Oy”, “Karga botkasy”. Among the holidays of the autumn-winter season, the Tatars especially highlight the goose festival (“Kaz omese”). All the big things the Tatars did were carried out by the whole world. “Өмә” in Tatar means help. “Kaz Omase” was held in late autumn, when fields and forests were covered with snow, and rivers were frozen.

Young people were looking forward to and preparing for this holiday. The girls embroidered aprons and towels, sewed dresses, knitted shawls, because at this holiday she could meet her betrothed.

The girls plucked the slaughtered geese, putting feathers in one direction and down in the other. The cleaned carcasses were hung from rockers and went to the spring. At the spring they washed the geese with waste water. But the most joyful thing was that village boys were already waiting for them at the spring with accordions and songs.

Girls enter with basins in their hands, geese in the basins (to music"Kaz ropes" )

Bugen bezdә kaz өmәse,
Kaz өmәse bүgen dә.
Kaz yolkyrga kilgan kyzlar,
Unysh yuldash bulsyn sezgә.

Collaborative work, games and fun
They happen on the goose holiday.
Girls and boys gather
Rejoicing together.

The girls sit on a bench, a guy comes in and sings ditties: “Eh, Almagachlars” (during the ditties, a goose dance is performed)

"Oh, Almagachlars"

1.Kaz yolkuchi matur kyzlar
Tozelep utyrgannar,
Kullaryna kuz tiyarme?
Bigerek tә unganar.

Eh, almagachlars, sairy sandugachlars
Sairy, sairy, sairy
Sagyndyra bashlady.

2. All the kids in our school
They don't take their eyes off you,
Min dә sezgә җyrlap birәm,
Shundy ungan bulganga!

3. Kazlarygyz mamikka
Tөshә kүrmәsen beүk,
Kiyaugә Chigarga tours
Keeler sezgә byeluk.

Goose dance during loss

4.Kyzlar җyrlap kazlar yolky
Kanatlaryn Ozderep,
Kөyantәlәrne asyp
Suga bara tozelep (all the girls take basins with geese and leave with the guy).

Leading: In the evening, dressed in holiday outfits, the girls were getting ready for a get-together. The hostess greeted them with national dishes, preparing belesh from goose paws and wings, and delicious soup from a whole goose. The youth played various games, one of them is “Kaz ropes”.

Game "Kaz ropes". The guys stand in a circle, pass a quill pen to each other to the music, the music stops, and whoever has the quill in his hands is eliminated. The remaining player receives a prize - a handkerchief.

Leading: Long winter evenings gatherings were held in villages “Aulak Oy.”

They are sitting on the stage: against the background of a Tatar lyrical melody, the grandmother is spinning and singing, and the grandson (Dinar) is sitting at the computer. Tired granddaughter Regina comes in from the street.

Regina: Abi, what are you doing?

Grandmother: Here, kyzym, I’m preparing yarn, knitting socks and mittens for you to wear when the cold comes. Oh, kyzym, we used to hold orchyk өmәse.

Regina: What is orchyk өmәse? (the grandson sits down closer and begins to listen to the grandmother together with the granddaughter).

Grandmother: Orchyk Omase is a holiday that came to us from our ancestors. It is held in the fall. The owners harvested sheep wool. On one autumn evening, everyone gathered in one house, some were cleaning wool, some were spinning yarn, and some were knitting. In addition to orchyk өmәse, village gatherings of aulak өy were held.

Regina: What were you doing there?

Grandmother: At these gatherings, the girls prepared a dowry for themselves. They sewed and embroidered. (opens chest). Here are hand-embroidered pillowcases, and this is a girl's dress. Try it on, kyzym ( dresses up grandchildren). They also sewed vests, skullcaps, and kalfaks. If you want, I will teach you how to embroider too. It also happened that guys came, and then the youth organized games.

Dinar: Oh, teach us these games too.

Grandmother: Good luck, I’ll teach you, call your friends.

Grandchildren: Kyzlar, malaylar, kilegez bezgә, әbiebez uennar өyrәtә (call their friends).

Girls and boys: Isanmesez!

Grandmother: Isanmesez! Bigerek yakhshy! Let's play a doubles game.

“Plague үrdәk” ueny (everyone stands in pairs, in the form of a stream, everyone turns to face their pair).

Game “Plague Urdak, Plague Kaz”

Plague үrdәk, plague kaz (holding hands)
Plague үrdәk, plague kaz (holding hands).
Tiran kulne yarata shul, yarata (holding hands)
Tiran kulne yarata shul, yarata (raise their hands up, make a hoop).
Regina үzenә iptәsh ezli (walks into the stream and chooses one person to pair with - a boy)
Linarny Yarata street (then they stand at the end of the stream, and the one who is left without a partner goes to the very beginning of the stream).

Grandmother: Bik yakhshy! This is the ring (shows ring) left over from my grandmother. I take great care of him. At gatherings we played with this ring "Yozek salysh" ("Ring"). You sit in a semicircle and prepare your palms, I have a ring in my hand. You have to guess who will keep it. Hearing the words: “Yozek kemdә, yogerep chyk!” (“Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!”) The one who has the ring in his hand must throw it into the middle, and those who are sitting on the edges with him must catch it. If you catch us, we'll give him a task. (depict some animal, dance, sing, recite a poem).

The game takes place with musical accompaniment.

Grandmother: Min sezge uennar өyrәttem, khazer sez, mina biep kүrsәtegez.
Music sounds, the children begin to dance the Tatar couples dance.
Grandmother: Bik matur biedegez! Rәkhmat sezge! (they stop, grandma brings everyone out in one line, bows and leaves)

Leading: Most popular spring holiday of the Tatar people is undoubtedly "Karga botkasy" ("Rook porridge"). In ancient times, people believed that rooks brought spring on the tips of their wings. Therefore, as soon as the snow began to melt and the first streams appeared, a holiday was held in honor of the arrival of the rooks "Hag botkasy."

Students dressed as rooks enter to the accompaniment of music..


Karga әityә ​​kar, kar!
Here we go, bar, bar.
Kar, kar, kar.


Kar-karr! Kar-karr!
Yaz hitte, balalar!
Matur bәyrәm kөnendә
Bar da kunel achalar. (leave)

Leading: On this day, smartly dressed children collected cereals, milk, butter, sugar, eggs from each house and invited everyone to the holiday with poems and songs.

To the accompaniment of music, children dressed in national costumes enter, walk around the hall with a basket, and sing chants: Dinar, Diana, Linar, Aigul, Regina, Elmira

Aigul(addressing everyone):

Isanmesez, saumysyz!
Nigә kәҗә saumysyz?
Әtәchegez kүkәy salgan,
Nigә chygyp almyysyz?

Elmira(addressing viewer 1): Tutay, bir bezgә kүkәy (spectator 1 gives her eggs).

Lenar: Tutay, may, yarma kirk bezgә (spectator 2 gives him butter and cereal).

Dinar: Shikar, toz bir tүtәy tizrәk (spectator 3 gives him sugar, salt).

Aigul: Menә duslar bar da bar, botka bik tәmle bulyr.

Everyone gets up on stage and starts preparing the porridge.

Leading: Everyone gathered at the highest point of the village, lit a fire, and brewed porridge in a large cauldron (cauldron). While the porridge was cooking, the children played games.

Aigul: Kyzlar, malaylar, botka peshkanche uynap alabyzmy?

All: Ayde, uynyybyz!

Start playing games:

1 .“Running with an egg on a spoon” (with musical accompaniment).

2. “Ochty-ochty, kargalar ochty...” (“They flew and flew, the crows flew…”). Everyone stands in a circle, the leader and everyone behind him repeats the words “Ochty-ochty, kargalar ochty...” (“They flew and flew, the crows flew...”), showing flight with their wings. They show what flies, and what doesn’t fly, the students let their “wings” fall down. For example, sparrows flew and flew! (students flap their “wings”; the tables fly and fly! (students lower their “wings down”, because the tables do not fly).

After the games, everyone stands around the fire again.

Leading: After the games and fun, everyone was invited to the fire, and the distribution of porridge began. The first portion was given to the earth with wishes for peace, tranquility and a rich harvest. The second - to water (stream), so that water preserves living creatures on earth. The third is to the sky, so that there are many sunny days and it rains on time, and the fourth is to the rooks for bringing spring! (to the music, rooks fly in and carry away the porridge).


Konnәregez ayaz bulsyn!
- Illar tynych bulsyn!
- Yangyrlar yavyp, igennar unson!
- Balalar tәүfyikly bulyp үssen!
We say: “Thank you,
For students, teachers
And to all today's guests.
Our duty is to preserve traditions,
Revive the culture of our ancestors.

All participants in the performance line up in one line, bow and leave the stage.

Extracurricular activity in 3rd grade:

“Traditions and holidays of the Tatar people”

Extracurricular activity in 3rd grade: “Traditions and holidays of the Tatar people”


Introduce children to the customs and traditions of the Tatar people;

Continue to instill in children a sense of pride in their people.

Progress of the event: A person who does not know his native language

Native customs and traditions:

Alienated from his nation...

Dear Guys! Dear guests!

Today we have gathered in this room to talk about very important things.Each person has his own small homeland, which he is called upon to protect and preserve. Name your small homeland. Yes, our small homeland is Tatarstan. What do you think it means to love your Motherland? To love the Motherland means to know its history, culture, national traditions and holidays.Today we will get acquainted with some traditions and customs of the Tatar people.

Customs and holidays of the Tatarsoriginated a long time ago, they are an expression of the emotional life of the peoples of Tatarstan. Tatars are very respectful of the history of their people.The customs and holidays of the Tatars are honored and observed to this day. Most Favorite Tatar holidays you know too.

Do you remember which of them you had to participate in? (Sabantuy, Navruz).Many of these holidays were born in ancient times - several centuries or even a thousand years ago. Everything around: villages and cities, things, clothes, professions, nature are changing, but folk holidays continue and continue to live... do you know why? Because such holidays are holidays of the heart, the soul of the people. Tatar folk holidays delight people with a sense of gratitude and respect for nature, for the customs of their ancestors, for each other.

The Russian word "holiday" comes from the Old Russian porozden, that is, empty. It turns out that a holiday is an empty, unoccupied time, that is, free from work and other ordinary activities. Of course, this is how it is - it’s not for nothing that they say: there are holidays and there are weekdays, ordinary, ordinary days. The Tatars have two words meaning holiday. Religious Muslim holidays are called by the word Gaete (Uraza Gaete - a holiday of fasting and Korban Gaete - a holiday of sacrifice). And all folk, non-religious holidays are called beyram in Tatar. Scientists believe that this word means “spring beauty”, “spring celebration”. Donation and spring celebration - this is the meaning of the Tatar holiday!

  1. - Remember what Muslim holidays we celebrated recently?

Religious holidays of the Muslim Tatars - Uraza Gaete and Korban Gaete. On these days, all men and boys were supposed to perform collective morning prayer - namaz. Then they go to the cemetery to pray near the graves of their loved ones. And the women and the girls helping them at this time prepare treats at home. On holidays (and each religious holiday used to last for several days), people went around the houses of relatives and neighbors with congratulations. Particularly important was a visit to my parents' home. Whenever possible, they tried to please each other with gifts, food, and held dinner parties. During the days of Korban, the Gaetes tried to treat as many people as possible with meat, the tables remained set for two or three days in a row, and everyone entering the house, no matter who he was, had the right to treat himself as much as he wanted... These customs are sacredly revered even today. Except religious holidays, there were also folk holidays.

  1. In ancient times, they say, people did not know why spring came. They thought that rooks brought spring on their wings. Therefore, as a token of gratitude to the rooks, they organized the “Hag Botkasy” holiday. Village children sang ditties, inviting adults to the holiday. The adults on the river bank began to cook porridge for the whole village, sang songs, played various games, danced and joked. At the very end of the holiday, everyone ate porridge together, not forgetting to leave it for the birds. When people left, the rooks flew in and pecked at the remains of the porridge.
  2. Previously in the East New Year We met on March 22, it was called “Nauruz”. It is not associated with the Muslim calendar. On March 22, day is equal to night. The holiday lasted 2 weeks. Wheat grains were laid in advance for swelling, so that by March 22 they would have sprouted, being a symbol of the new harvest. Dry branches were collected in the forest and fires were lit. Men and women jumped over the fire - a symbol of the sun, so that everything bad would burn out in it. On New Year's Day, rich tables were set, gifts were distributed to relatives and donations to the poor.Nauruz is still celebrated in Tatarstan. It is held as a holiday of harmony and friendship of peoples, as a hymn to our native nature.
    On this day, people visit each other and treat themselves to the most delicious dishes. Nowruz is a New Year holiday. People are having fun because there is a belief: if you celebrate the New Year without having fun, then the whole year will be bad.
  3. One of the traditions of the Tatar people is “Kaz omese” (“Plucking geese”). Earlier Tatar family grew every year a large number of geese - 30-60 pieces each. In late autumn it was necessary to process them: pluck, singe, gut. In order to do this hard work, the hostess invited young girls. The work was done amicably, cheerfully, with songs and jokes.

At this time the hostess was preparing the goose for the table. It was usually served with boiled potatoes and homemade noodles. Other dishes were also prepared: belesh, peremeche, chek-chek. In the evening, there were gatherings in the house - young guys came to the house to have fun, show themselves off and see the girls. The guys invited the girls to dance. We sang together and played different games.

  1. The traditional family ritual - “isem kushu” - is very interesting and dear. It expresses feelings of joy and hope at the arrival of a new family member. The child was given a name a few days after birth. Leaving him without a name longer was considered dangerous, because he could get sick.

The ceremony of naming the name "isem kushu" was carried out with the invitation of the mullah and honorary elders - relatives and neighbors. The baby was brought to the mullah on a pillow, and he, reading excerpts from the Koran, loudly pronounced the name of the newborn several times. This tradition is still mandatory today.

  1. - Now guess what holiday we are talking about.
    On the appointed day, the children went home to collect cereals, milk, butter, and eggs.
    With their calls, they expressed good wishes to the owners and... demanded refreshments! Here is one of these chants: Der, der, dere ge Irte torop berikenche sorenge. Soren sukkan-bai bulgan. Hi, hai, hai dealer, Gali abzyy bai, dealer, Berer kashlyk may, dealer! (Give, give, give. Every other day - soren. Whoever participates in soren will be rich, whoever smokes will be poor. Hai-hai-hai, they say, Grandfather Galya is rich, they say, give me a spoonful of butter, they say).

From these products, some woman prepared porridge for children in a field near the water. The next day, at first light, the children, putting on new clothes, went home to collect colored eggs.
Each of them held a bag made from a towel in their hands. All housewives also baked buns on this day. In some villages, the mistress sat the first boy who entered the house on a pillow, saying: “Let your feet be light, let there be many hens and chicks...”. The first one was always given eggs, and he received more gifts than the others.
This is the most right now fun party Tatar people...

Yes, yes, this is Sabantuy.
Sabantuy is one of the favorite holidays of the Tatar people. It combines the joy of work with love for our native nature, for its spring-summer renewal. This was the case in traditional life, and these qualities are manifested even more clearly today.As for the name, the word “saban” has two meanings - “plow” and “spring sowing”; "Tui" is a holiday. This is a holiday of agriculture, veneration of mother earth, a day of worship to her.

A student reads a poem


Sabantuylarny sany yuk!

Yuk Sabantuinin Yashe...

Sabantuy һәrber tatarnyң

yөrәk turendә yashi.

Yangyrasyn st Maydanda,

gөrlesen һәr yөrәktә -

Saban tue һәr keshene

kөr yashәrgә өyrәtә!

How many holidays does the great Volga remember!
How many joyful songs sounded above her!
Every stone of Kazan will be remembered for a long time

The sound of banners in the wind and winged horses!

The songs sound again, the horses gallop, as before,

And the people applaud their warriors!

Sabantuy is a holiday of labor and hope.
Fun lives only in an open heart!

On this day, everything breathes beauty: both the spring nature and the people, in a word, everything is permeated with the spirit of the holiday. Festive games are organized with song and dance competitions. At this holiday, everyone will be able to show themselves! Girls prepare gifts made with their own hands. At this holiday, farmers, the best workers, are honored by presenting them with gifts. Then the wrestlers perform on the Maidan, competing in strength, and equestrian competitions are held. Singers, dancers, and readers compete in their skills.

And today we are announcing competitions among spectators in the spirit of Sabantuy. For those interested, the following events are held: sack running, tug-of-war, comic fight balloons. The winners receive prizes.

The attraction "Sour Milk" is held. This national game is the most fun and picturesque element of Sabantuy. (Two chairs are placed, on each there is a basin filled to the brim with sour milk or flour. A coin is lowered to the bottom. The task of the participants is to get the coin with their teeth.)

There was also a game like this at the festival. At a distance of no more than two steps from each other, 12, 15 or 20 people sit in a circle. One stands behind the circle with a rather large soft bundle in his hands. He passes the knot to one of the circle members and moves back three steps. The knot is thrown from one player to another in a circle, and the young man runs after it to catch it. When this succeeds, he changes the one sitting from whom he caught the knot. Two conditions are met in the game: those sitting cannot throw a knot over a person, it must fly from one hand to another, and the catcher must catch the knot, this kind of ball, from one of those throwing it, and not on the fly or from the ground.
The ball flew from hand to hand with such speed, and besides, the direction often changed, and besides, the direction of flight often changed. All participants in this game had to be dexterous and agile

A short-term, informal set of works aimed at obtaining specified results. The event can be considered as a project to which simplified document flow is applied due to its short duration and low labor intensity.… … Technical Translator's Guide

EVENT- EVENT, events, Wed. (book official). An action aimed at accomplishing something, to achieve some goal. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

EVENT- EVENT, I, Wed. A set of actions united by one socially significant task. Conduct important cultural and educational events. M. for show (carried out formally, without interest; colloquial ind.). Dictionary … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Event- an organized action or a set of actions aimed at accomplishing something. goals. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

event- , iya, wed. An organized action or set of actions aimed at achieving specific goals. ◘ For a good dozen years now, an event called “Writers for Workers” has been systematically organized in Kaunas. Sov. Lit., 106.… … Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

event- plan an event modality, planning an event are carried out passively in xia, organization schedule an event modality, planning carry out an event organization events are carried out passively in xia, organization... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

event- noun, p., used compare often Morphology: (no) what? events, why? event, (see) what? event, what? event, about what? about the event; pl. What? events, (no) what? events, why? events, (see) what? Events,… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

event- a major event... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Event- a conditional generalized name for any more or less organized interaction between children and teachers, which has a goal, content and a corresponding implementation method. Activities at school are usually called extracurricular forms of organization... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

event- renginys statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Tam tikrą programą ir vidinę struktūrą turinti ugdymo forma. Organizuojami didaktiniai, auklėjamieji, meninės saviveiklos, sporto ir kt. renginiai. Šis terminas plačiau vartojamas užklasinės veiklos … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas


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Elmira Feiskanova
Open event for educators “Acquaintance with Tatar culture”

Program content:

1. To form in children an idea of ​​the country in which we live.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the state symbols of Russia, to develop a respectful attitude towards state symbols, and an understanding that state symbols are designed to unite residents of one country.

3. Expand your understanding of people different nationalities living on the banks of the Volga; develop interest in culture of the Tatar people.

4. Continue meet children with special needs Tatar women and men. Bring children to understand that the national costume reflects people’s idea of ​​the harmony of nature and the structure of the world.

5. Maintain interest in Tatar culture; enrich your vocabulary.

Children enter the hall to the music.

Girls wear a headdress - kalfak - on their heads, boys have a skullcap.

Children approach the map of the Russian Federation.

Guys, look at the map. What do you see? (children's answers).

Yes, this is Russia, the country where we live. Our country is huge, there are oceans and seas, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests. Russia is inhabited by people of different nationalities (children are located on the map in national costumes) .

Guys, do you know how many children live here in Russia, boys and girls like you? Many, many.

And in our Ulyanovsk region there live people of different nationalities who have their own language, culture: their songs, fairy tales, dances, games, their national clothes.

They all want to live in the sun friendly family. After all, friendship is our main strength.

Let's guys remember and name what nationalities people live in our region. (Russians, Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvashs, Germans, Ukrainians, Jews, Ossetians, Azerbaijanis, etc.)

Unites all of them, all people mutual language– language of communication is Russian.

Child reading a poem "Our house".

Guys, what are these coats of arms and flags we have here? (children's answers)

Is there a Russian flag or Russian coat of arms among them?

Where can we see the Russian flag? (children's answers)

A child reads a poem about Russia.

2 child: White color– birch

Blue is the color of the sky

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn

Who will show the flag and coat of arms of the city of Ulyanovsk? (child's story about the flag)

Poem What do we call home?

Guys, what is the name of our group? (Cockerel)

What is the name of the neighboring group? (Birch)

Right. Why a group "Berezka" we call it next door? (Children's answers)

So who are the neighbors?

(Correct answer : neighbors are people who live next to us).

Fine. How should neighbors behave? (answers children: to be friends, to help each other, to help out Hard time, support each other, go to visit).

Today we will talk about the people living in the neighboring republic. This is called a republic Tatarstan. Capital Tatarstan - the city of Kazan. This is a big and beautiful city.

Tatars speak Tatar language. Listen to how it sounds Tatar language in Tatar song(recording starts).

"Hello" on in Tatar it sounds like"isemmesys". Let's say hello to each other Tatar language.

Children say hello.

Well done. Yakshi! Yakshi means good. Repeat after me.

Children repeat.

Now you can say hello Tatar. How do you think we can find out Tatars? (By language, by clothes.)

Right. Look - here it is dolls: girl and boy - Gulnara and Rinat. They are dressed in national costumes. What is Gulnara wearing?

In a white blouse, blue skirt, blue vest.

Look, Gulnara’s blouse and her skirt are decorated with small frills and flounces, ruffles, applique and embroidery. Let's do it again together. These are ruffles, these are flounces, this. (Shows.)

Ruffles, flounces, gathers.

Well done. Gulnara's vest is beautiful, velvet, decorated with fur. What is Rinat wearing?

Rinat is dressed in long shirt, wide pants, vest, striped robe.

Rinat's long shirt is tied with a sash. Please pay attention: both Rinat and Gulnara are wearing vests. On their feet they have chekmen (the name of the shoes), and on their heads they have skullcaps - small hats.

Now let's play. Find people in these pictures Tatar national costumes. (Children complete the task.)

And now I will show you parts of the costumes, and you name them (velvet vest with fur, flounces, ruffles, skullcap, frill, checkmen, sash).

Games are held under Tatar music in a free environment.

Tatars don't wear national costumes Always: less often - in cities, more often - on holidays and in villages. But usually you can meet people in skullcaps and vests.

IN Tatarstan They grow the same vegetables and fruits as in our republic. Name them. (Children's answers.)

Right. IN Tatar villages keep cows, sheep, goats. Traditional food Tatars- meat and dairy products vegetable: noodle soup, kabatma flatbreads, kiymak pancakes, pies filled with belish. The most delicious dishes Tatars preparing for the holidays. One of the biggest holidays is Sabantuy. At this festival, boys and men compete in running, jumping, national wrestling and horse racing. Tatars love horses very much. Therefore, horses often become heroes of fairy tales, legends, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings. Another hero Tatar legend - the hero Idegei. Tatars - brave, proud, hardworking people. They are skilled jewelers and make very beautiful and unique metal jewelry. Look: everyone did it Tatar masters(shows illustrations).

IN Tatarstan industry is well developed. Well, whoever works hard rests well. One of our main holidays is Sabantuy. Guys, what do you think is the most important thing when organizing a holiday? (Children's answers.)

U Tatars, like any other nation, has its own national dishes. One of the most famous dishes is called "chuck-chuck". And also during the holidays Tatars arrange different funny Games and entertainment. I suggest you play one of these games. This game is called

"Foxes and Hens"

Progress of the game:

At one end of the site there are chickens and cockerels, at the opposite end there are chanterelles. Chickens and cockerels walk around the site, pretending to peck at grains. When a fox sneaks up on them, the cockerels shouting: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs to the chicken coop, and the fox rushes after them, trying to hit any of the players. If the driver fails to hit anyone, then he drives again.

Guys, what proverbs do you know about friendship?

1. The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.

2. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

3. Take care of your beloved land like your own mother.

4. A person has one mother, and one Motherland.

5. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Children read poems.

Singing a song "From a smile"

Girl in national costume

We treat you to chak-chak

Delicious and honey

We tried, we baked for you

Help yourself to your heart's content.

Saubulygez. (Goodbye)

Children say goodbye to Tatar language: Saubulygez!

Publications on the topic:

Daily planning “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions” - “Dymkovo toy” Direct educational activities Educational activities in regime moments Creation of subject-spatial development.

Short-term project “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions. Russian folklore" Short-term project on the topic “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions. Russian folklore". Project participants: children from the preparatory group.

Educational objectives: To introduce children to folk traditions Give knowledge about Russian national holiday Maslenitsa Introduce children.

D. S. Likhachev: “Love for native land, native culture, native speech It starts small - with love for your family, for your home, for your own.