How to properly iron long- and short-sleeved shirts. How to iron a long-sleeve shirt correctly: with an iron, without an iron, and what modern devices are available

It’s not for nothing that they say that “you meet a person by his clothes” - the first thing people pay attention to when meeting him is appearance. That is why men's and women's shirts should look amazing, be well ironed, fresh and clean.

It seems that such things are easy to iron, but this is only at first glance! Let's look at how to iron a shirt collar, sleeves and other elements so as not to spoil the product.

How do you start ironing shirts?

The process of ironing shirts is not that difficult and can be done quickly if you prepare everything you need in advance. In addition to the iron, you need to take:

  • ironing board;
  • spray;
  • water;
  • cotton fabric.

It is also important to choose the right iron, because with its help you will iron not only shirts, but also bed sheets, and other things that need different temperatures and modes. If possible, it is best to purchase a good, albeit expensive, iron - it should have a temperature regulator and the ability to supply steam. The weight of the equipment will not affect the ironing process. And do not forget, of course, before use to clean the soleplate of the iron from any deposits, if any.

Before you start ironing, carefully study the labels on the clothes, where all the information the housewife needs is always indicated.

If you want to increase the speed of ironing, wrap the surface of the ironing board with foil, place a backing on top; clothes can be ironed on both the back and front sides. This method is best used for working with dense fabrics that will not be damaged by exposure to high temperatures.

We recommend reading the article about
choosing an ironing board - this information will be interesting and useful to absolutely all housewives.

You will find all the information about cleaning your iron from carbon deposits and dirt here. This will help you forget about dark spots on your clothes.

How to iron a shirt collar correctly?

The collar is the most visible part of the shirt and cannot be hidden anywhere. In some cases, it is enough to iron the collar and sleeves so that the product as a whole looks good - this is if you urgently and quickly need to restore the clothes good view. Let's look at how to iron a shirt collar quickly and without loss of quality.


Before ironing, check the condition of the fabric of the product. So, if the material is very dry, which happens after prolonged drying, then ironing will be problematic. It is best to treat the sleeve fabric with water from a spray bottle.

Then we start ironing the sleeves. First, you should run the iron along the inside of the cuffs, then turn the shirt over and iron the cuffs from the outside. Please also note that the fabric in these places has a denser structure, and therefore one ironing may not be enough for you.

To iron the main part of the sleeve you will need a special small ironing board. Place the sleeve on the board first with the front side, iron it, then turn it over with the inside and repeat the work. Thanks to this, you will not wrinkle the already ironed part of the shirt.

But how can you iron your shirt sleeves if you don’t have such a life-saving mini-board at hand? In this case, we use a regular ironing board: lay the sleeve on the surface so that the seam looks up.

Trying not to stretch the material, iron the sleeve - this will protect your shirt from severe deformation when performing work. Then turn the garment over so that the seam is on the side and iron the shirt again.

Important: carefully walk along the upper borders of the sleeves - this way you can make “arrows”.

How to iron shirt sleeves and any other things if you don’t have an iron at hand or the lights suddenly go out and you need to run errands as quickly as possible? There are several options here.

So, for example, if the fabric is almost wrinkle-free, then you can simply wash the clothes and hang them to dry, making sure to fasten all the buttons. Once dry, these shirts will not need ironing. You can simply moisten the product by hanging the shirt over the bathtub and turning on hot water. The steam from the water will act on the fabric like steam from an iron. Well, of course, you can use a steamer.

You can also prepare one solution, thanks to which all wrinkles on clothes will disappear. To do this you will need:

  • fabric softener;
  • vinegar;
  • clean water (bottled or purified).

Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, pour into a spray bottle and treat the shirt, hanging it on a hanger in advance. After the solution dries, the shirt will look like it has just been ironed.

Want to know how to purify water at home? Read all about cleansing methods here.

We told you how to properly iron shirt sleeves. But if you want everything to go as smoothly as possible, be sure to follow our advice.

First of all, you need to decide on the correct ironing temperature.

So, if the fabric contains polyester, then the ironing temperature should not exceed +120 °C. It is also advisable to wet the fabric so that it can be ironed better.

Viscose is ironed in the same way. Cotton shirts can be ironed at a temperature of +150 °C, and for linen products - a maximum of about + 200 °C. If there are severe wrinkles, turn on the steam.

If you need to iron a wool shirt, it is best to carry out the work by turning the product inside out and using gauze (which will reduce the risk of ironing). dark spots on clothes). It is best not to iron silk items at all, and if such a need arises, choose the minimum power and temperature. If there is lace or embroidery on the shirt, then they are ironed from the wrong side.

  • iron only clean shirts;
  • if you want the collar not to lose its shape, treat it with starch spray;
  • so that on the soles light clothes iron marks do not appear, use damp gauze;
  • After use, drain the water from the iron container and clean the soleplate, if necessary.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in ironing the sleeves and collar of a shirt; the main thing is to correctly identify the fabric, set the appropriate mode - and you can get started! We hope our recommendations will help you quickly and easily return freshness and cleanliness to your favorite shirts. We will also welcome your comments and observations, suggestions and advice - join the discussion!

Today it is not often, but you can see a modern man who is not very pleased with the look of a shirt dotted with wrinkled folds. This is especially noticeable among single people who have neither a spouse nor a mother at home.

Most likely, they were not taught basic life skills as children.

We will eradicate this and, together with men, learn how to put a shirt or other clothes in order.

Ironing a man's shirt correctly

Before you start ironing your clothes, you should read the label on the shirt, which indicates the temperature that should be maintained during this process. You also need to understand what material the clothes are made of.

Then choose a good iron with a high-quality stainless steel soleplate and a regulator. It is more convenient to iron on an ironing board.

Attention! To prevent stains from remaining on your shirt, it is recommended to change the water in the liquid filter before each ironing of a dried pile of laundry. Distilled liquid is added through a special hole. It can be purchased in advance at a pharmacy kiosk.

What should you do if your shirt is too dry? Here are some tips:

  • before ironing (10-20 minutes before), the dry product should be moistened with a spray bottle;
  • shirt sprinkled with water, put in plastic bag. If the shirt is made of silk, then you do not need to do this. Such items are ironed through cotton fabric;
  • The shirt should be ironed on the front side. If it has embroidery or dark shades, then only with the wrong side.

When ironing a shirt, you must adhere to the sequence of operations:

  1. First, smooth out the collar part.
  2. Then cuffs with sleeves (short or long).
  3. Back area, shelves with built-in slats.
  4. Ironing should be done only along the grain thread, otherwise the product may become skewed.

Reference! Linen shirts, as well as shirts made from a mixture of linen and cotton, are ironed at high power from the inside out.

How to iron correctly men's shirt explained in the video:

Sleeves and cuffs

When ironing a shirt First of all, you need to deal with her cuffs, and then start getting rid of wrinkled sleeves.

  1. The cuff is placed on the ironing board with the wrong side up. Ironing is done from the corners to the center. This is done in order to avoid wrinkles.
  2. The cuffs are then turned and ironed again, but from the front side. We do not get close to the buttons with the iron, so as not to damage them. The connection where the cuff meets the sleeve is given special attention. Iron with a little effort in places with double material.
  3. The sleeve is straightened on the board so that the seam is in the middle, and ironed with a slight stretch of the material.
  4. The sleeve is turned over, holding the cuff and shoulder part. Then iron it on the sides. It doesn't reach the cuff a couple of centimeters.
  5. The sleeve is turned over again and carefully smoothed in the center so that there is no
  6. Place the sleeve on the sleeve or roller found on any ironing board. The clasp should be on top. Now we process it with a hot iron.
  7. Next, the fastener bar is ironed on both sides.
  8. With the second sleeve, repeat the same manipulations with the iron.

Watch the video that explains how to properly iron shirt sleeves to avoid creases:


Before you begin the process, you need to heat the iron to the temperature indicated on the label of the shirt.

Now you can begin the preparatory process.

  • Ironing goes smoothly if the shirt has been sprayed with water from a spray bottle in advance.
  • We get acquainted, according to the label, with the composition of the product. Each type of material has its own temperature regime.
  • We prepare a place for ironing and an iron or steam iron.

After preparations, you can begin the ironing process:

  1. The product is carefully straightened along all seams: on the sides and along the shoulders.
  2. Smooth first right shelf, and then the main part.
  3. Let's move on to the back area. The product is carefully straightened and ironed from the collar area to the very bottom.
  4. We repeat the same with the left side of the shirt.
  5. It's time for short sleeves and a collar.
  6. To strengthen the stability of the collar, it is ironed from the inside, bent and with some effort the iron is passed along the front side of the collar.
  7. Shirts dark colors Do not steam, but spray with water from a spray bottle.

With long sleeve

Like any shirt, this one with long sleeves also needs to start ironing from the collar.

Gate products

  1. A fragment of the product is carefully leveled on the ironing board.
  2. Place face down.
  3. The hot iron is passed from the corners to the middle.
  4. Then, the same is repeated with the front side.
  5. Try to prevent wrinkles from appearing.
  6. The collar is folded and ironed along the fold of the fragment without undue effort.

Long sleeves

For a long-sleeved shirt, the cuffs are ironed first: from the inside, then from the front. Only after this they begin to straighten the sleeves, holding the shoulder part and cuffs, and place them on the ironing board. The shoulder part is smoothed using the shoulder pad of an ironing board or a roller from a towel.

You decide for yourself whether to iron the creases on the long sleeves of your shirt or not. It’s like whoever likes it, no one is your advisor. In this decision, a person relies purely on personal opinion and taste preference.


Shirt fronts are fairly easy to iron, so no fancy instructions are required. Simply place the left shelf on the ironing board and iron it, then repeat the same with the right side.

You should pay attention to some important points when ironing these parts of the product:

  • if a yoke (top insert) is adjacent to the shelf, then the ironing process must begin with it;
  • The buttons must be carefully passed around with the tip of the iron, without touching them, so that they do not melt from the hot temperature.
  • on the shelf there is a bar for loops, it is smoothed out after the yoke, then the entire part is ironed to the very bottom.

Ironing a shirt should be done slowly and carefully, as rushing can result in unnecessary creases and folds, which are then difficult to smooth out.

Front and back

Let's consider ironing process, its sequence.

  1. Start ironing the product from the front part on which the buttons are sewn. The shirt is carefully laid out on the ironing board and ironed. Special attention is given to the collar area, or yoke, if there is one. This is the first part that is visible under the jacket, so it must be flawless.
  2. Next, the product is placed on the ironing board with the back part or its half. The emphasis is first on the collar area and yoke. It is not recommended to iron labels from the inside out; under the influence of a hot iron they can melt and then cause discomfort due to scratching.
  3. Once the back part has been completely smoothed out, we move on to ironing the front part, which most often consists of two shelves, less often of a solid part. First they iron right side Products that do not have buttons are ironed in the collar area and breast pocket. Then they go through the nose of the iron to the very bottom. The same manipulations are repeated on the left side of the product.

Reference! A very important point is to pass the hot iron close to the buttons. They are mainly made of plastic and can melt when exposed to hot air. For this reason, you should not come close to the tip of the iron.


Each shoulder part is laid out on an ironing board, and then, in order of priority, smoothed with an iron.

These are the most difficult areas in the product, so don’t rush, move the iron over it slowly, without creating new wrinkles and folds. It will be more convenient if you put the shoulder part on the narrow edge of the ironing board or on a special shoulder pad or bolster.


The collar area is the smallest detail in shirts and the most visible part:

  • Ironing a collar always starts from the wrong side.
  • The tip of the iron is passed from the corners to the middle of the element. This will help avoid the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Then the shirt is turned over, and the collar is already on the board with the right side up.
  • It is ironed, then the collar is bent and the nose of the iron is passed along the fold. This gives strength to the collar post when wearing the shirt.
  • For a better ironing process, the “steam” function is activated.

Checking the folds and hanging the shirt

  1. We check the quality of ironing of the entire product; if there are any errors, they must be eliminated. The cuffs and collar area are always ironed on both sides, moving from the corners with the tip of the iron to the central part so that there are no creases.
  2. If the item has been ironed perfectly, the shirt can be hung on hangers and put in the closet so that it does not gather dust.

Let's look at what types of fabrics exist and the main criteria for choosing them for men's shirts.


Cotton fabrics today occupy one of the leading places when choosing for sewing men's shirts. This is simply an ideal material for this purpose, as it differs from others in wear resistance.

Cotton is easy to wash; stubborn stains can be safely boiled, as the material will not shrink. Excellent ratio between the cost of the product and its quality.

It is made in many countries:

  • India,
  • Egypt,
  • North America,
  • Central Asia.


This type of material used in sewing men's shirts is one of the rough ones. The fabric is quite appropriate for models in casual style. Oxford shirts are an excellent option for spending free time in an informal setting.

The coloring of this material has a unique difference from other options in that the threads of colored shades are reflected in one direction, and white- in a different.

Today, formal, respectable clothing is made from royal oxford. Shirts for the stronger sex are made from a specially woven material that is distinguished by its softness.


This type of material, despite its density, is smooth. His business card– small transverse scars, distinguished by their uniqueness.

Poplin is a fairly versatile material, so items for daily wear are often made from it. Most modern shirts are made from poplin.

They are easy to wash and convenient to iron.

Cotton twill

This type of material refers to cotton or twill fabric. Shirts made from cotton twill have a rich look thanks to the diagonal herringbone-like structure.


The material is very soft to the touch. There are two types of flannel: cotton and wool.

Attention! Shirts made from this material are better than thin ones and can be worn every day, for example, to work.


The richest fabric for men's shirts, but not very practical. Products made from natural materials get dirty and wrinkle easily. Such products require special care.

How to care for things made of delicate fabrics is described in the video:

A men's shirt is one of the most important parts of the wardrobe of the stronger sex. We can say that this is the calling card of any man.

Remember that a perfectly ironed product always inspires respect and trust in a person.

Regardless of its color, texture and size, it starts with the sleeves and collar. The collar is ironed on both sides, and first this is done from the wrong side, and then from the front side. The iron should move from the corners to the center. When the collar is ironed, take it by the ends and pull it slightly to the sides, which will remove all wrinkles.

Next we move on to the sleeves. First of all, iron the cuffs on both sides, first the wrong side, and then the front side, carefully going around the buttons. To prevent the buttons from melting or pressing into the fabric, it is advisable to cover them with gauze. After the cuffs, you can proceed to ironing the rest of the sleeve, moving from the shoulder to the cuffs along the fabric fibers. Otherwise, over time the item will lose its shape and stretch. To avoid creases on the sleeves, it is better to iron them on a special board or on a small pad tucked inside the sleeve. You can make a similar pad yourself from a large towel rolled into a rectangle - it is also suitable for ironing shoulders.

After the collar and sleeves, you can move on to the shelves. Start from the right hem, carefully avoiding the button area. Particular attention should be paid to pockets and valves. Iron the left shelf in the same way, carefully ironing the loop area. The backrest completes the ironing process.

How to properly iron a men's shirt depending on the material

Cotton, flannelette, linen and flannel shirts should be ironed at high temperatures With big amount pair. This especially applies to dry or heavily wrung shirts. Silk shirts or shirts with the addition of synthetics are ironed on the second mode, using almost no steam. Synthetic items are good because they practically do not need ironing - they straighten easily if you hang them on a chair or hanger. If necessary, iron them as hot as possible. low temperatures, no steam at all.

How to iron a men's shirt without an iron

There are situations when you need to iron something in a completely unconventional way, when you don’t have an iron at hand. To do this, spread the crumpled shirt on a table or any flat surface and lightly sprinkle with water. Then gently pull it in different directions, straightening the fabric, and let it dry. If it is crumpled in one place, then a similar procedure is performed locally. A heavily wrinkled shirt can be taken to the bathroom and turn on the hot water there, closing the door tightly. Under the influence of steam from its own weight, it will straighten out. If an item has become wrinkled from being in a suitcase, you can put it on a man and run wet fingers over it.

Every time you go to work or find yourself in a crowded place, willy-nilly, you pay attention to men who walk around in a wrinkled shirt. On them expensive clothing, fashion brands, but all this fades when a person is sloppy. This is especially common among junior office workers who just yesterday went to university. It’s good if a mother knows how to iron a shirt correctly, and someone has a wife who monitors her husband’s neatness. However, there are men who have neither the knowledge nor the desire to iron shirts, believing that it is a waste of time. Is it so?

The fact is that both young and adult men, for the most part, do not know how to iron a shirt correctly. There is nothing wrong with this, but many people hide behind excuses, saying that this is not a man’s business and in general nothing is visible under the jacket. But a man must be self-sufficient and be able to iron not only a shirt, but also sew on a button if necessary. And by the way, an unironed shirt, as you can see from under the lapels of the jacket, especially the collar of the shirt.

The importance of neatness as a business man can hardly be questioned when it comes to job interviews. new job or meeting with business partner. Remember the saying: “you’re greeted by your clothes, but you’re seen off by your mind”? By having a neat appearance, you demonstrate your discipline and order. If even your appearance suggests that you do not pay attention to even such simple little things and do not take care of yourself, then who will want to deal with you?

In fact, ironing a shirt is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. With a modest amount of knowledge, you can iron one shirt in less than 5 minutes. If my arguments convince you, then I suggest you study several recommendations on how to properly iron a shirt.

How to iron a shirt correctly

The first thing to do is turn the shirt inside out. This way you will achieve best results, especially on shirts made of thick cotton fabric.

Read the label, which has the recommended temperature for the iron (iron symbol, no dot). If there is no such icon, then look at the type of fabric and set the temperature on the iron, according to the instructions from the iron manufacturer. As a rule, on irons the temperature regime is indicated from 1 point to 3. Sometimes the type of fabric is written next to a particular point.

Most shirts are made from cotton or cotton with another type of fabric added. Make sure there are no synthetics in the shirt, otherwise you may burn the shirt from the hot iron. If there is no label, then try starting ironing at a low temperature. If the folds are not ironed well, increase the temperature a little. As soon as you feel that the iron is starting to glide poorly, immediately stop ironing and reduce the temperature of the iron.

For ease of ironing, I recommend not drying the shirt too much, but leaving it slightly damp. Not wet, so that it’s dripping, but a little damp, as if you were caught in the rain a couple of hours ago and are almost dry. Believe me, ironing your shirt will be much easier. From my experience, I can add that after washing the next batch of shirts (usually there are 5-6 pieces), I let them dry overnight, and in the morning, a little damp, I put them in a pile and try to iron them for 2-3 days. During this time they do not dry out completely and can be easily ironed over the weekend. If this is too difficult or inconvenient for you, simply spray water directly while ironing the shirt.

Immediately after ironing the shirt, hang it on the back of a chair or directly on a hanger in your closet. Don’t throw your ironed shirt on the sofa or anywhere else and ruin your work.

Ironing shirt sleeves is, in my opinion, the most difficult task, so the best thing to do is start there. Sleeves can be sewn different ways and this makes ironing easier or more difficult. Take the sleeve along the seam and place it on the ironing board. Try to smooth out the underside of the sleeve so that there are no strong folds under the top layer of fabric. I'm right-handed, so it's more convenient for me to lay my shirt in such a way that the cuff of the shirt starts on the right, and the rest of the shirt starts on the left. The first step is to iron the sleeve so that there are no wrinkles left. Please note that when you have ironed along the seam, you need to move it back a little (imagine that there is a roller in front of you, not a sleeve, and turn this “roller” a little) and iron again, but this time do not touch the edge sleeves After that, I iron the cuff by laying it flat on the ironing board. Carefully go around the buttons and folds that form at the junction of the cuff and sleeve. Do the same with the second sleeve, being careful not to wrinkle the ironed part.

If you have a special stand for ironing sleeves (like a mini ironing board), then ironing the sleeve becomes even easier.

Why do I start ironing from the sleeves, and not like the rest of the Internet from the collar or front of the shirt? The fact is that after ironing the front and back of the shirt, you will then be forced to fold the already ironed part in order to iron the sleeves. It often happens that it is not possible to iron a sleeve the first time (reasons: cold iron, the water in the iron has run out or we forgot to pour it, a difficult shirt or delicate fabric, it’s just that in the morning your hands don’t work normally, and so on), and you have to fidget with your shirt back and forth in order to achieve a good result. As a result, the shirt is wrinkled again and needs to be ironed.

Start with the part where the buttons are sewn. Place the shirt as shown in the picture and iron the shirt thoroughly. Pay attention to the area close to the collar, as this part is visible from under the tie.

Attention! Gently iron around the buttons. Do not iron the buttons themselves; they may melt (if you decide not to turn the shirt inside out).

Next, drag the shirt so that you have the back of the shirt (usually half the back or 2/3 of it). Iron the entire area, focusing on the area near the collar of the shirt. I recommend not ironing patches and labels that are made of synthetics. If the iron is hot, the edge of the label may melt a little, and then harden and scratch your neck if you do not wear undershirts.

Once you've ironed the back of the shirt, move to the front of the shirt, where there are no buttons (this is usually the right side of the shirt). Carefully iron the chest pocket area and the pocket itself (if there is one). Again, iron the area near the collar well.

The next step is to stroke the shoulders of the shirt. To do this, place the shirt on the narrow part of the ironing board, so that only the left or right shoulder can be ironed. Try to reach the difficult areas with the tip of the iron to avoid wrinkles. Once you are done with one shoulder, move on to the second.

4. Iron the shirt collar

If you forgot to remove the pits from the collars (this is done before washing), then remove the pits now. It happens that they are sewn into the collar, then don’t do anything with them. Place the collar of your shirt with the inside facing you. Try to get rid of all the wrinkles at the corners of the collar, as this is the part that first catches the eye of people around you.

5. Check the folds and hang up the shirt

Look to see if there are any wrinkled areas on the shirt. If everything is in order, hang it on a hanger and place the shirt in your closet.

  • If you are unsure of the type of fabric the shirt is made from, always start ironing at a low temperature. You may spend a little more time ironing, but you won’t burn it.
  • Always iron around the buttons, not over the buttons. Even if the buttons are under the fabric (if the shirt is turned inside out), still go around the buttons when ironing.
  • You should not iron a dirty shirt if it has not been washed. If you iron stains on a shirt, it will be extremely difficult to wash the shirt, if at all.

Cleaning the iron

If you, like me, have hard water at home and mineral deposits constantly accumulate in your iron, then I recommend cleaning it occasionally. To do this, pour a solution into the water tank: 1 part water, 1 part acetic acid. They say you can do more citric acid, but the concentrate will be much more expensive than simple table vinegar (vinegar concentration is about 70%). Pour the solution, heat the iron and place it on the ironing board with the sole of the iron down, so that steam comes out from under it. When all the water runs out, look at how much dirt has accumulated in the iron. Repeat the procedure if necessary. To prevent this from happening, fill with purified water if you have a flow filter or bottled water, if possible.

Knowing how to iron a shirt correctly, you will never be afraid of a mountain of wrinkled shirts. Practice a little by ironing a couple of dozen shirts, and the time spent ironing one shirt will be reduced to an insignificant 3-4 minutes. Simultaneously watching TV or listening to the radio will help to diversify the process of ironing wrinkled shirts. I hope you have the patience to learn this not difficult but necessary skill.

Did you know that according to statistics, the average person spends 350 days of their life ironing? We spend almost the whole year smoothing out wrinkles and frills, steaming tablecloths and napkins. But most of this time is probably spent ironing shirts. “How to iron a shirt?” - this question can serve as a test to determine the skill of a real housewife.

Ironing a shirt correctly is an art. Let's share little tricks that will help turn a tedious process into an easy and labor-intensive task.

First, you need to prepare workplace. It's great if your iron is equipped with a steam generator, and your ironing board has a special device for smoothing sleeves. This saves a lot of time. If you have a regular iron, you will have to arm yourself with sprays and a sprinkler.

How to iron a shirt correctly

1. Prepare the shirt. It is easier to iron shirts when they are still damp. If the laundry is dry, be sure to moisten the material. You can use special sprays that contain starch. Then your shirt will retain its attractive appearance and freshness for a long time. If you don't have a spray, regular water from a spray bottle will do. After you have wet your shirt, place it in a bag for a while or wrap it in a clean towel so that the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the fabric.

  • Little trick: Rayon shirts should not be sprayed with water as this will leave drip marks. It is better to wrap such a shirt in a damp terry towel for several minutes.

2. You should start the ironing process with small parts: collar, cuffs, pockets, female models- frills, flounces, lace.

  • Little trick: Many people are accustomed to starting ironing shirts from the collar. But this is not entirely practical. By the end of the whole process, the collar becomes wrinkled again and has to be smoothed out additionally. The fabric on the collar is already the most susceptible to abrasion, and ironing it too often will only reduce the life of the shirt.

So, first we smooth out the cuffs. It is better to do this from the wrong side to avoid the appearance of lasa. Only those cuffs that need to be worn with cufflinks should be smoothed on the front side. In this case, turn the sleeve right side out, fold the cuffs and iron them carefully, avoiding the appearance of transverse folds.

Then lay the sleeve seam side up and iron, carefully steaming the armholes, seams and folds near the cuffs.

After this, fold the sleeve along the seam and smooth it on both sides. We do the same with the second sleeve.

Arrows on the sleeves: a stylish solution or bad manners?

To do or not to do arrows on the sleeves - there is no definite answer. Some people think that arrows are a manifestation of bad taste, others argue that a shirt with arrows on the sleeves retains a neat appearance longer.

Some designers offer fashion shirts with arrows for business people, but shirts in sporty style or casual style, it is better to iron without arrows.

The only thing in which the opinions of stylists coincide is the presence of arrows on the long sleeves of military uniform shirts.

Arrows are completely unacceptable if you are going to iron a woman's shirt, unless it is a military uniform.

So, whether to display arrows on the sleeves or not is a matter of taste and habit.

3. We stroke the yoke and shoulders. Lay the shirt out on the ridge of the ironing board and carefully press the shoulder seams and yoke of the shirt. It is unacceptable to iron the arrows on the shoulders.

4. Smooth out the floors and back. Carefully lay out the shirt and carefully iron the hems and back. Particular attention should be paid to pockets (if any) and the space between the buttons.

  • Little trick: If the shirt is light, you can iron it on the front side. Shirts are dark and bright colors, shirts with embroidery and prints are ironed only from the inside out. This will help maintain the color saturation longer.

5. Iron the collar. Lay the collar with the back side up and iron, stretching the fabric slightly, first the collar flap, then the stand. Fold the collar along the seam and iron along the fold line. To avoid the appearance of shine, the front side of the collar should be ironed, pressing only lightly on the iron.

After you have finished ironing a men's or women's shirt, be sure to hang it on hangers so that the product is completely dry and does not lose its shape. It is more convenient to store ironed shirts on hangers in a spacious closet.

  • Little trick: After purchasing a new shirt, do not rush to throw away the plastic racks. You'll need them if you prefer to fold your shirts. Such stands better retain the shape of the collar.

Some tips on choosing temperature conditions

When choosing the iron temperature, it is best to follow the instructions on the markings that are on any product. Manufacturers always indicate what temperature is acceptable for ironing. Otherwise, follow these recommendations:

100% cotton requires 150 degrees and wet steam;

For polyester shirts, temperatures no higher than 110 degrees are permissible;

Linen fabric should be ironed damp, at an iron temperature of 210-230 degrees, with plenty of steam and with strong pressure on the iron;

A viscose shirt will be ironed at 120 degrees. By the way, such a fabric does not need to be pre-wetted;

Silk fabric requires especially careful handling. Select the minimum temperature setting and iron through a thin cloth or gauze to avoid the appearance of lass from the iron.

Now you know how to iron a shirt correctly and quickly.