Why decorate the Christmas tree? Research work "Why the New Year's tree is decorated." Christmas tree as a symbol of the New Year in Tsarist Russia

New Year is a mystical holiday when all people are in anticipation of a miracle and positive changes. Associated with him different traditions- for example, installing a New Year's tree in your home, decorating your house with toys, writing a wish on a piece of paper and burning it when the clock strikes twelve... All traditions have their origins, and if you want to know why they put up a Christmas tree on New Year's, then I suggest you read this article.

Why do they put up a Christmas tree for the New Year?

Today, we can hardly imagine a New Year without the traditional forest beauty - spruce. Not everyone knows that in history the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for this celebration arose during the times of pagan faith, that is, a very, very long time ago.

It was customary for our ancestors to attribute certain characteristics to various trees and plants. magical power. At the same time, coniferous trees were placed in a separate category, since the Slavs believed that they were most liked by Yaril (or the Sun), who was the main pagan deity. The reason for God’s increased love for spruce was that this tree retains its appearance regardless of the time of year, which means that spirits responsible for strength and longevity live in its branches.

The reverence for spruce continued much later, when paganism as a religion left the world stage. The tree symbolized fertility and eternal life, as a result of which the custom arose of decorating its branches with all kinds of gifts. The first to pioneer this custom were the Germanic peoples, and after some time it was borrowed by the British and Dutch.

As for Russia, here new year tradition officially established thanks to the efforts of Peter I. Surprisingly, before this, the celebration of the New Year took place not in winter, but in spring: people believed that when nature is renewed, a new stage of life begins. Then the festive events also involved a tree, but not spruce, but birch. But in 1700, everything changed after the publication of the famous decree of Peter the Great, which was called “On the Celebration of the New Year.”

According to the latter, noble people, as well as spiritual and secular ranks, were obliged to install various decorations at their gates, which were made from pine, spruce, and juniper branches. Firing from cannons and rifles was also mandatory. Those whose financial situation did not allow them to purchase a whole tree should have bought at least a branch or small tree and place it near your home.

Initially, the population did not like Peter’s designated innovations (which, however, happened with all his reforms), however, after just a few years, the ritual of decorating the New Year’s tree became a mandatory attribute of the holiday.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the ancient custom fell out of favor due to the fault of the Bolsheviks. Therefore, right up to 1935, the New Year ceased to be a holiday for Soviet people. But still, the people could not forget the magic and magical atmosphere of this amazing winter celebration and the evergreen beauty was returned “to duty” again. And in 1949, the first of January officially received the status of a non-working day, which continues to this day.

How spruces are decorated at different times

Now, having dealt with the history of the emergence of the tradition of putting up a New Year's tree, I suggest you talk about the features of decorating this evergreen tree.

  • Initially, when the tree just began to appear as a mandatory element for the New Year, it was decorated with a variety of delicacies: nuts, which were covered with bright wrappers, dried fruits.
  • Over time, one can see more imagination and diversity in the theme of Christmas tree decorations. Then the coniferous tree began to be decorated with candies that were cut out of cardboard, figures of people and living creatures, angels and bells. And they began to place the Star of Bethlehem at the very top.
  • A little later, European glassblowers began to produce special Christmas balls. And wax candles, previously used more to illuminate a room, have been replaced by modern versions of electric garlands.
  • Concerning Soviet Union, then here Christmas decorations traditionally symbolized the spirit of that time. Therefore, cute angels and bells were replaced by glass soldiers, astronauts and parachutists. And instead of the biblical Star of Bethlehem, they began to use the Soviet alternative - the red five-pointed one.
  • Today, thanks to the variety of Christmas tree accessories, even the most demanding and capricious taste can be satisfied. Popular as handmade, varied texture, and also very interesting options, differing in their shape and style. Decorating a Christmas tree is now becoming a real art, in which everyone gets the opportunity to realize their creative abilities.
  • Quite popular in this moment Artificial versions of Christmas trees have been in use for some time now. The latter differ in their height, volume, and the material from which they are made. The obvious advantage of non-natural fir trees and pines over their natural counterparts lies in the maximum manifestation of the full power of design thought in them. And besides, in this way the problem of illegal destruction of forests is solved - that is, natural resources are preserved. And this is also a significant saving - after all, having bought an artificial beauty once, you will not have to purchase it for at least several years. This means that you will thereby save yourself from additional hassle on the eve of the New Year holidays!

To conclude the topic

In the end we can summarize that:

  1. Initially, the custom of decorating Christmas trees for the New Year arose in paganism. Then the New Year holiday was celebrated not in winter, but in spring. Then this tradition gradually spread throughout the world.
  2. In Russia, Peter the Great motivated people to decorate their homes with fir trees and pine trees by his corresponding decree. Subsequently, the custom disappeared for a short time in Soviet Russia, but since 1949 it returned again and was enshrined at the official level.
  3. As decorative elements candies can be used for Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, nuts, dried fruits, bells, stars and the like.

And for a snack, be sure to watch this interesting thematic video material:

On the eve of the New Year, millions of Christmas tree markets open all over the world. It’s hard to imagine how many firs and pines are cut down every year!

No one dares to give a figure or estimate the volume of trade, because in every settlement, for the sake of a few days of holidays, irreparable damage is caused to nature. Let's think about whether there are reasons to refuse to buy a “live” Christmas tree for the New Year:

Reason #1. Historical

The New Year tree is the tree of death. It is believed that decorating a dead Christmas tree is an old Russian tradition. In fact, the New Year tree is of German origin and appeared on Russian soil recently.

In Rus', the New Year was celebrated in the spring, on the day of the vernal equinox - the beginning of the rebirth of Nature. New Year's tree there was a birch (tree of life, love and prosperity). The birch tree is the first to bloom in the spring, and is considered the center of life-giving forces, scares away evil and brings health. After the baptism of Rus', the New Year began to be counted on March 1 according to the Julian calendar.

In the era of Peter the Great, the basis for holidays was not Nature or “holy scripture,” but the traditions of the West. Therefore, in 1699, Peter 1 replaced the Russian calendar with the Julian calendar, and ordered to celebrate the New Year as in Europe - on January 1. The spruce becomes the New Year's tree. Peter adopted this innovation from Protestant Germany. Severely and long imposed new tradition(fir tree), since among the Slavs spruce is the tree of death, funeral rituals are associated with it.

Indeed, spruce was traditionally considered by the Russians to be the tree of death, of which a lot of evidence has been preserved. There was a custom: people who strangled themselves and, in general, suicides were buried between two trees, turning them on their faces. In some places, it was common to prohibit planting spruce near the house for fear of the death of a male family member.

It was forbidden to build houses from spruce, as well as from aspen. Fir branches were and are still widely used during funerals. They are placed on the floor in the room where the deceased lies (remember from Pushkin in “The Queen of Spades”: “...Hermann decided to approach the coffin. He bowed to the ground and lay for several minutes on the cold floor strewn with spruce trees”).

Fir branches line the path of the funeral procession:
The spruce forest was poured along the road this morning.
That's right, someone is being taken to rest!

The mortal symbolism of the spruce is also reflected in proverbs, sayings, and phraseological units: “looking under the tree” means getting seriously ill; “fall under the tree” - die; “spruce village”, “spruce house” - coffin; “to go or stroll along the spruce path” - to die, etc.

According to Peter's decree, everyone had to decorate with whole coniferous trees or branches - gates, streets, roads, roofs of taverns, but those who did not have the means for this were obliged to at least break off a branch and hang it on the door / gate at the entrance to the house. (In Western civilization, as we see, this branch also remained). Thus, the Christmas tree became the main detail of the New Year's city landscape.

Reason #2. Ecological

It will take at least 10 years to grow a beautiful New Year's spruce. And then, we are talking about a medium-sized tree, no more than one and a half meters high. Spruce grows slowly - after planting, the growth rate is only 3-4 cm per year. Subsequently, the speed increases to 10-20 cm, with a life expectancy of about 250 years.

Everyone can count: how many years has he been putting up a Christmas tree at home? Many will end up with... a whole park of cut down and destroyed trees. Also, everyone can count: how many trees has he planted in his life? For many it will turn out that - not a single one! Evergreen conifers are not some kind of weed, but a valuable species of tree. And New Year’s, stupid and merciless, deforestation brings great harm to the country: this means gratuitous loss of forest resources and harm to the environment.

Reason #3. Energy

This custom was clearly invented by the forces of destruction. By cutting down a tree just on the days when a new energy round is growing and “waking up” (at the winter solstice), people thereby “cut down” these energies, become destroyers of the Universe, because the tree has universal capabilities, and thereby destroy themselves, their families .

Can walking near a dead tree bring happiness to your home?

Think about it, this living creature could live, enjoy the sun, bring benefit to the world around us, including us (we all breathe oxygen). But for our one-day whim, it had to die. Doesn’t all this remind you of the rituals of black magic, where “songs and dances” are also performed around a dying living creature...

It is also necessary to “Celebrate” at night - this is the wildest game. I understand: the holiday has gone on for a long time - it’s fun and joyful, you can walk for at least several days... But what’s the point of waiting until late at night, when everyone is already tired of preparations, etc. It is obvious that you need to celebrate either at sunrise or in the morning or during the day... when there is a lot of strength, joy, positivity... This also indicates the black magic of the ritual...

A felled Spruce lives for a week or more, deprived of root nourishment, it draws energy on the subtle plane, drawing vital juices from the surrounding space.

It reeks of fear, death, pain, torment - Spruce was obviously chosen deliberately, it is perfect for a psi generator (it has needles that, when alive, have a very beneficial effect on the air (remember sanatoriums in coniferous groves, etc.).

It is obvious that the dying Spruce adjusts the space differently, in a negative way, and each tip of the needle becomes an outlet for her fears, pain, torment and permeates, pierces the space around.

We must get rid of the age-old tradition of carrying a cut down Christmas tree into the house and decorating it, as this is unworthy of a civilized person. A dead spruce cannot be a symbol of the holiday!

Decorating a felled fir tree is like decorating a dead person. Spruce is a living organism; its destruction, like any tree, violates the stability of the entire ecological system.

Reason #4. Ethical

Is it good to cut down a spruce? Or buy cut ones?
If this is done for fun, then it’s not good. After all, there must be a special meaning and resolution in the fact that someone’s life is taken away. To have a fresh spruce smell in the house, there is no need to kill the tree, but just break the branches, after asking its permission.

In addition, the death of trees is a reduction in the biogenic (passed through plants) oxygen that we breathe. So is it worth killing trees that are connected to many other lives?

In order to grow a New Year's beauty - a spruce about one and a half meters high - it takes at least ten years. And its lifespan is about 250 years. Stupid and merciless, New Year's deforestation brings great harm to the country: this means gratuitous loss of forest resources and harm to the environment.

Decorating houses with branches of plants that never shed their “robe” began even before the spread of Christianity in Northern Europe. It was believed that spirits lived in the branches of trees, and by decorating the tree they tried to appease them. Perhaps for ancient people the branches of coniferous trees symbolized eternal life. In addition, it was believed that the Sun especially favored evergreen trees. Therefore, welcoming the day winter solstice, the ancient Germans decorated their homes with spruce branches.

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Tradition associates the emergence of the custom of putting up a fir tree in homes on the feast of the Nativity of Christ with the name of Saint Boniface (7th-8th century). It is believed that while preaching in Germany among the pagans and telling them about the Nativity of Christ, he cut down an oak tree dedicated to the thunder god Thor to show the pagans how powerless their gods were. The oak, falling, knocked down several trees, except spruce. And Saint Boniface called the spruce “the tree of the Christ Child.” Apparently, at first the trees were erected on Christmas Day without decorations. And the custom of decorating a spruce itself was established after the Reformation in Protestant countries. According to the most famous legend, the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree was started by Martin Luther in 1513. According to legend, it was the German reformer who decorated the top of the tree with a star on Christmas Eve in memory of the Star of Bethlehem.

The custom of decorating the spruce for Christmas was brought to Russia Peter I. On the eve of 1700, Peter ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1 (instead of September 1). At the same time, by decree of Peter I it was ordered: “along the streets... in front of the gates, place some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper... stand for that decoration of January on the first day.”

However, at that time the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree did not take root - perhaps this is due to the fact that in Rus' spruce branches It was customary to line the path of the deceased to the churchyard, so coniferous trees were not associated with festive fun.

Believed to have revived the tradition Princess Alexandra Feodorovna(German by origin), who became the wife of the Russian Tsar Nicholas I. In 1818, on Christmas Eve, she ordered that fir trees decorated with sweets and fruits be placed in the premises of the royal court in Moscow. After Nicholas I ascended the throne, the tradition of setting up a Christmas tree at Christmas spread beyond the royal residence, and since the late 1840s, Christmas tree markets began to open in Moscow and St. Petersburg every winter. At the same time, according to some sources, the tradition still took root rather difficultly, and the Christmas tree became a ubiquitous decoration in Russia only at the end of the 19th century.

IN Soviet time Initially, the tree was not welcomed, as it “reminded” of religion and Christmas. Thus, with the beginning of the persecution of Orthodoxy, the Christmas tree also fell out of favor: it became even dangerous to place it in the house. But on December 28, 1935, an article appeared in the Pravda newspaper under the heading “Let's organize for the New Year for children nice Christmas tree! Stalin supported the initiative, and the green beauty came out of disgrace and became a symbol of the coming New Year: Christmas tree celebrations were organized, and Christmas tree decorations appeared in stores. So the Christmas tree was transformed into a New Year's tree (in the USSR they put a five-pointed star on the top of its head instead of the Bethlehem tree).

Today, the coniferous tree is an integral symbol of the New Year for most families and is invariably associated with festive fun, Santa Claus and gifts. At the same time, within the framework of church symbolism, green beauties are one of the attributes holiday decoration churches for Christmas.

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Meshcheryakova Elena Nikolaevna
Kosova Valentina Nikolaevna
MBDOU kindergarten No. 22 “Smile”
Stary Oskol urban district

Target: Creating optimal conditions for the identification, formation and development of gifted children, their self-realization in accordance with age.


Objective of the project: Find out why the Christmas tree is decorated for the New Year?

Object of study: Christmas tree.

Subject of study: Decoration of the New Year tree.

Hypothesis: If the New Year tree were not decorated, the holiday would be uninteresting.

I set before myself tasks:

  1. Consider the history of decorating the New Year tree.
  2. Learn the technology of making a New Year's tree with your own hands.
  3. Summarize the results and draw conclusions.

Theoretical part

We all love the beautiful and fabulous custom of dressing up new year holidays Christmas tree This worldwide tradition has a very rich history, and without it it is hardly possible to imagine the celebration of the main winter holidays New and Christmas.

Why do we decorate the spruce tree? And how did this custom appear?

There are several legends that reveal the secret of decorating a Christmas tree, and not another tree.

Since our ancient ancestors believed in not only human life, but also natural life, deified trees, animals, many plants and other surrounding living creatures, worshiped many of them, they identified them with themselves.

According to one of the legends, It was Jesus Christ who chose spruce as a divine tree.

And it was all like this...

When a star shone over Bethlehem and the news spread throughout the world that the Son of God had been born, people from many countries of the world came to congratulate the Virgin Mary.

In addition to people, animals and trees rushed to offer congratulations. Everyone went into the cave to the newborn and, in addition to congratulations, gave something to the baby and his mother. El also hurried to the cave with many.

Approaching the entrance, she did not enter, but remained on the sidelines. The rest of the trees came out of the cave and could not get enough of what they saw. Some of the trees approached Eli and asked why she did not go to give gifts to the Son of God. To which El gave them the answer that she was afraid to hurt the baby with her sharp needles or to scare her. Then all the trees rewarded this conifer with their gifts - apples, cherries, plums, nuts, flowers. Dressed in lovely jewelry, El hurried inside the cave. When she entered, Jesus Christ woke up and was surprised at the beauty of this tree. Then Star of Bethlehem lit just above the spruce, which overnight made it a symbol of the New Year.

Another legend says about how Spruce was not allowed into the cave to see the newborn Son of God by the proud Palm and Olive. They only began to mock the thorns and sticky resin of the tree. But one of the angels overheard the trees' conversation. Taking pity on Elya, he dressed her up with many small, brightly shining stars. And at that very moment the spruce tree began to shine throughout Bethlehem. When she entered the cave, Jesus Christ stretched out his little hands to her. After this incident, it was the Christmas tree that became the divine tree and the main attribute of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Besides divine retellings and legends There is also a more mundane one. Residents European countries They claim that Martin Luther introduced the custom of decorating the Christmas tree. According to the story, on Christmas night he was hurrying home through the forest and saw a star in the sky that suddenly descended onto the top of the spruce tree. To please his family, he brought home a Christmas tree. Relatives happily decorated the tree with ribbons, candles, and bows. Because of this incident, many people adopted the tradition, and so it spread throughout the world. No matter what the legends say, you cannot hide the obvious. The spruce is the central character of the New Year celebration.

In the 17th century, the custom developed of attaching the Christmas tree upside down to the ceiling - as a symbol of the ladder from heaven, lowered to earth at Christmas. The Christmas tree was hung with apples, gingerbread and other sweets - in memory of the sweetness of heavenly life.

The historical date was also recorded when the Christmas tree was first decorated as a symbol of the coming of the new year. At the beginning of the 19th century in Germany On the eve of the holidays, many people brought home a Christmas tree and decorated it with flowers (real and paper), sweets, apples, waffles, and ribbons. After which this custom was picked up by residents of neighboring countries. Later, decorating the Christmas tree became a worldwide tradition.

Is it true, decree of Peter I on the eve of 1700, confirming the transfer of the New Year to January 1, also read: “On large streets, near elaborate houses, in front of the gates, place some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper.” But we haven’t talked about the Christmas tree as a home decoration yet. The Germans living in Russia observed their customs, but the Russians were in no hurry to adopt them.

In Russia The custom of decorating the Christmas tree came a little later. The first written confirmation is recorded in the literature. It says that the Christmas tree began to be decorated starting with the decree of Nicholas I. It was during this period that Russia became interested in German traditions, from where it took this one. After all these processes, the coniferous tree remained the main precursor of the New Year. But not every year the tree was decorated for the Christmas holidays.

In the first half of the twentieth century in Russia, the Bolshevik authorities banned the celebration of New Year and Christmas celebrations. The custom of decorating the Christmas tree has also temporarily fallen into oblivion.

Only in the middle of the twentieth century, with the repeal of the law, the tradition returned to the country and successfully exists to this day.

Legends tell a lot, but one thing remains inseparable - the tree is a symbol of the New Year. It fills the house with an unforgettable aroma, magic, and fabulousness. Today it is no longer decorated with candies and nuts, but with colorful toys, streamers, ribbons, tinsel, and a star is placed on the top.

Such a difficult path had to be overcome by the “lush New Year's beauty" Today it is no longer possible to imagine the New Year without a tree, because it is under it that Santa Claus leaves gifts, and it is she who, with her bright lights and lanterns, creates the atmosphere of the New Year holidays.

Practical work

After learning a lot about the New Year tree, I decided to make a Christmas tree with my own hands and decorate it.

For this I took 4 plastic cups, multi-colored markers.

  • On the first cup I drew a trunk.
  • On the second glass I drew branches.
  • On the third glass I drew toys.
  • I drew a garland on the fourth glass.

I got a miracle Christmas tree.


For myself, I made the following conclusions:

  1. Germany was the first to decorate the Christmas tree.
  2. You can make a Christmas tree with your own hands.
  3. My hypothesis was completely confirmed. If not for this wonderful tradition, the New Year would not be so colorful and cheerful.

Why they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year: we understand the origins of the New Year tradition

Very soon, the striking of the Kremlin chimes will mark the beginning of the new year, thousands of colored fireworks lights will light up in the sky, and in every house, on every city square there will be a fireworks display - an elegant one.festive, beautiful christmas tree. In the morning, children will happily scurry around in search of gifts from Santa Claus, and adults will enjoy the leisurely holiday morning, the first morning of the new year.1. Introduction
2.Religious legends
3. German roots
4. What about Russia?
5. Conclusion

However, few of us adults have thought about why on N New Year decorate the Christmas tree,why a Christmas tree and why on this holiday. Indeed, the question is not easy, but if it comes from the lips of a smallcurious why - an adult who is not savvy in terms of erudition and knowledge of all traditions is at great risk of undermining his authority as an all-knowing sage.

Well, it's time for a little educational program, right? Let's understand this wonderful tradition ii and her origins with Luckymummy.

Religious legends

The appearance of a decorated Christmas tree at Christmas time is associated with the birth of Jesus Christ. Tradition says that to greet a newbornNot only people wanted Jesus, but even the animal and plant world. Everyone - from a small blade of grass to mighty predators - honored Christ and gathered at the very cave where the Virgin Mary was with her baby.

Among Those honored were also a modest Christmas tree, which had made a long and difficult journey from the northern countries.Stopping at the entrance, the spruce tree did not dare to take a step inside and was embarrassed to go in and pay homage to the baby. When asked by other trees, the Christmas tree replied that it cannot boast of lush leaves, large bright berries or flowers, but the thorns can reasons a thread to little Jesus pain. Then the trees took pity on the Christmas tree and happily shared it withwith your decorations. Then the sprucewalked and greeted Christ, he stretched out his hands to her, and on the top of his headBethlehem tree shone emsk star.

Among other interpretations of religious traditions that explainwhy they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, you can consider this option:

Spruce, who came To celebrate the birth of Christ, she was afraid to enter the cave with the mother and baby, looking at the beautiful trees and flowers that rejoiced at the coming of the prophet along with the others. But the guardian angel, who was watching the spruce tree nearby, took pity on the tree and decorated it with thousands of stars. Then the Christmas tree admired its beauty, but it was not filled with pride. Then the infant prophet rejoiced at her appearance, and the Angel named the spruce a symbol of the Nativity of Christ.
This is such a beautiful story.

Germanic roots of tradition

Who would have thought, but the answer to the question: “Why is it customary to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year?? lies in Germany, yes, yes, that’s where they came up with the idea of ​​using this pinenew tree as christmasnsky attribute.

Previously in Germany they believed into the spirits, and so that they Thank you, people went into the forest and brought gifts to the forest. It was believed that "conductors"It was coniferous trees that stood between the human world and the spiritual world. It was believed that the spirits would be appeased if you brought them special gifts. Sweets, provisions, various beautiful things, red ribbons were hung on the thorny branches of spruce and pine trees asgratitude to higher powers for prosperity and fertility in the coming year.

There is another version, according to which the monk Boniface decided to refute the belief in paganism by cutting down the sacred oak tree, which was worshiped by many pagans in those days. The oak fell on nearby trees, crushing them under its majestic trunk. However, one spruce growing nearby remained unharmed., and then a fir began to grow from the trunk of the fallen oak.Many took this as a sign of victory over the paganism of the Orthodox religion. Since then ina sign of gratitude and as gifts for future fertility, it is customary to decorate the spruce with gifts from nature and various beautiful things.

There was a rumor that the famous Reformed or Luther in the 16th century cemented the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree in homes, once bringing a small spruce after a walk in the forest. The kids decorated itshiny balls, nuts and fruits. Rumor has it that many of the guests who were in Luther's houseWe took note of this idea, which, of course, quickly spread throughout the country and was loved by everyone.

Later, festive Christmas trees began to be installed and decorated in city squares not only in Germany, but throughout Europe. People still decorated trees as a symbol of your gifts. With to the spirits, danced in circles and sang Christmas songs. There is an opinion that the tradition of conducting round dances is nothing more than transformed ritual dances around a sacred tree.

What about in Russia?

The tradition of putting up a Christmas tree for Christmas appeared in Russia during the reign of Peter the Great. I , who, as is known, was an ardent admirer of Europe and its culture, trying to integrate it in his country. There was even a decree which read: place decorated Christmas trees everywhere, and the start of the new year was moved to January 1st instead of September 1st according to the old calendar. However, this innovation did not take root among the Russian people. It can be assumed that people associated coniferous branches with a funeral procession rather than with a holiday, since in Rus' it was customary to line the last path of the deceased with coniferous branches.

Further new life traditions were given by Nikolai's wife I , German by origin. Christmas decorations began to appear in the royal palace n new Christmas trees, and then all the nobility adopted this custom.Then fir trees and pine needles appeared in the homes of ordinary people during the Christmas holidays.

In revolutionary Russia, they ate something like thatthe jubilant attribute was attributedIt's cool, but everythingthey didn’t ban it: Vladimir ILyich really loved Christmas trees, and then coniferous vegetation became a New Year's attribute. After eating they became “persona non grata” asreligious symbol until 1948. Once upon a time magazine A sheets of one of the newspaperssuggested that Stalin “organize christmas tree for children,” to which they received unexpected consent. Since thendecorate the tree for the New Yearhas become a pleasant tradition to this day.


Well, now, when you decide to decorate the Christmas tree with your child, and he suddenly asks a question from the series: “Why are we doing this?”, you can explain to him where this wonderful tradition came fromand tell him one of these wonderful stories.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!