Scenario for the New Year's holiday “New Year's adventures of Dasha and Artem. Almost a detective story. Scenario New Year's detective story with surprise New Year's detective story in elementary school interesting scenario

New Year's Detective story with surprise and disco
S.V. Baydakov
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
The brilliant detective Vasily
1 robber
2 robber
Crow SMS-KA (recorded only)

(music at the beginning. Sound of a blizzard)
D.M.: You can’t see anything. Where to go? Where to run. We got lost.
Sn. And time goes by. Running. Flies.
D.M. We need to overtake him. (music, running in place) Well, we overtook you.
Snow Maiden: No
D.M.: Then he must be detained.
S.N: No, grandfather, we will not be able to delay or stop time. But the path becomes shorter if you sing songs.
D.M. This means we will go faster, but time will go slower. We can keep up with the song everywhere. It's great, granddaughter, you came up with an idea.

From Kamchatka to Kaliningrad
Let us help you celebrate the New Year
Children and adults are happy.
People are having fun in every house
We will cover the Christmas trees with snow
We will build bridges on the river
Time of winter cold
New Year's Eve
Don't sit, don't be bored
Play with us
New Year's holiday is hot
There will be a gift for everyone

From Arkhangelsk to Sochi
Lighting up the New Year's lights
And we really want to congratulate everyone
fill the days ahead with miracles
We will cover the Christmas trees with snow
We will build bridges on the river
Time of winter cold
New Year's Eve
Don't sit, don't be bored
Play with us
New Year's holiday is hot
There will be a gift for everyone

Sn: Grandfather, look, time has shrunk, it’s almost stopped.
D.M. Yes, and I’m exhausted, I’ve been walking for almost three hundred years, wandering through the snowdrifts and weeds. Now I make my way along an animal path, now I wander where no human foot has gone before.
Sn: Look Grandfather, traces.
D.M.: Fresh.
S.N.: Human.

(Cracker explosion. Robbers on stage)

1st: Come in left
2r.: Come in right.
1st: Enough.
2p: Connected.
1p: Cool, we made up a language.
2r.: Nobody understands anything.

If in winter forest the cuckoo will crow
The heart will sink into your heels, sweat will pour down your back
This is us on the way, at the edge of the forest
We are committing, oh, a robbery on you

Our idol, our father
Golden Taurus
Crunch of bills, Clink of coins
There are no sweeter sounds
Meeting us is a disaster
So it's time for you

Don't shout at us, don't call anyone.
Don't bite your hands, everything will pass quickly
It was your money, but now it’s someone else’s
And the gifts will suit us for the New Year.

Our idol, our father
Golden Taurus
Crunch of bills, Clink of coins
There are no sweeter sounds
Meeting us is a disaster
So it's time for you

(During the song, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are tied with their backs to each other and gags are inserted into their mouths.

1st: Good luck!
2r.: Excellent!
1st: Wonderful!
2r.: Mind-blowing!
1p: A little difficult
2r.: Cool!
1st: It’s hard!
2p: Walk straight.
The robbers run away with the bag. With the help of the joint efforts of D. M. and Sn. Manages to get rid of gags)

D.M.: That’s how they got into trouble.
SN: Now we definitely won’t have time.
D.M.: If there are no gifts, there is no holiday, there is no New Year. If there is no New Year, time will finally stop.
SN: And timelessness will begin. Chaos.
D.M: Time crisis.
SN: We need to make the crisis a temporary phenomenon.
D.M.: We need help.
SN: We'll send you an SMS.
D.M.: My hands are tied and my phone is in a bag.
SN: Have you forgotten, SMS is my pet scientist crow. (shouts to the crow) SMS, SMS points.

(A crow croaks loudly off stage)

Fly to what's his name, the brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, tell him that Father Frost and Snow Maiden need to be freed and help find the bag of gifts. New Year is in danger.
D.M. In the meantime, we'll dance along the way so as not to freeze.

(dance block)

The theme song from Sherlock Holmes plays. But a boy appears on the stage.

Vasily: The names of real heroes are sharp and resonant. For example, Sherlock Holmes. Short and impressive. And my name is Vasily Kukushkin. Simple and not at all Superman-like. I used to think that Sherlock Holmes is a real person, Commissioner Maigret, Elcule Poirot, Miss Marple and, finally, James Bond are people you can meet in life. And They turned out to be just a figment of the writers’ imagination. It's not fair somehow.


Famous heroes
Without fear and reproach
On the side of the law
Always saving the world
Solving mysteries
And there are many of them in the world
And now there is evidence
Souvenir as a keepsake

I've been dreaming since childhood
Become a super detective.
Fight evil bravely
And protect the weak
Everything will come true, I know
Let it seem naive
But also a needle in the hay,
It's possible to find it.

Vasily: If all superheroes are fake, then who can save these unfortunate people? Before you start your search, you need to create a verbal portrait. (addressing the audience) My friends, help the aspiring superhero.
Help me create a verbal portrait of Father Frost and Snow Maiden
He writes down in a notebook what the children from the audience shout out. At the end, he reads out what happened. (it might turn out funny) Well, with such verbal portraits, I’ll find them in no time.
But you won’t tell me where to go, because there are four sides in the world. Should I go there, or maybe here, or turn back? That's bad luck. Let the lot decide everything.

Competition: We put 4 chairs with the names of the cardinal directions (S, W, G N) and there are prizes on them. In the center there are 4 participants, approximately equal in strength. There is a rope ring around them. Whichever of the guys on the team grabs the prize first wins.

Vasily: Thank you friends for your help, don’t worry about it. Maybe we'll see each other again, it's not for nothing that they say that the earth is round.

I've been dreaming since childhood
Become a super detective.
Fight evil bravely
And protect the weak
Everything will come true, I know
Let it seem naive
But also a needle in the hay,
Perhaps find it.

Vasily goes on a search

(dance block)

The Robbers appear on the stage. A bag of gifts is loaded onto an improvised wheelbarrow.

Our idol, our father
Golden Taurus
Crunch of bills, Clink of coins
There are no sweeter sounds
Meeting us is a disaster
So it's time for you

1p.: Our affairs are sorrowful. It’s impossible to work, the birds are already ringing throughout the forest about Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Ah-ah-ah wretches.
Person 2: Well, they attacked. Well, we've tied it up. Well, they took it away.
1r.: They didn’t do anything bad to them. They lie there quietly tied up under the Christmas tree.
2p.: They don’t bother anyone.
1r.: What if the fame of our deeds reaches people. (frightened by his own voice) They are kind and fair. Little life savers. And we’re immediately happy.
2p.: Just let them try. And we will gather an army against them. Let's raise a change for ourselves, so to speak.
1r.: And I heard, now from the army, that they are mowing down.
2r.: And we have such an enticing means that no one else has.
1st: What, sec?

2p.: We have a whole bag of gifts. Yes, anyone would agree to follow us for such wealth. And our profession is interesting, stay on the high road...
1st: Freeze.
2nd person: Ss. Nobody talks about this.
1st: Grave
2p.: We are opening the School of Real Robbers.
1p.: A real robber must be able to catch up.
2p.: And run away.

Competition: Relay race in each team of five people. Jumping with a ball held between the knees.

1p.: A real robber must know the secret robber language. Diminutive suffixes must be added to each word.

Competition: 4 participants are called, cards with the texts are given:

1. A man is walking through the forest. He has a basket in his hands. There are pies in the basket. The pies must be delicious. Let's try them.

2. A horse-drawn cart is driving through the forest. There is a man on the cart with a beard to his waist. I'm afraid of him.

3. Here is a merchant coming from the fair along the road, let’s scare him. Let's play hide and seek.

4. And here comes the lady, her cheeks are painted with beets, her eyes are lined with charcoal. Written beauty. Let's get acquainted.

2p.: Chu, I hear steps.
1r.: Or maybe it seemed?
Person 2: No, here they are.
1r.: You know, it’s time for us to go into the bushes.
2p.: You don’t know us,
1r.: And we, it seems, you too.
2p.: Not a word about school.
1r.: But we will come again. Yes, and here you seem to be dancing, frolicking and having fun.

(The robbers run away)

(dance block)

Vasily: I’ve been dreaming since childhood
Become a super detective.
Fight evil bravely
And protect the weak
Everything will come true, I know
Let it seem naive
But also a needle in the hay,
I can find it.

Oh, so many footprints on the ground. Both small and large. The little ones ran back and forth, back and forth, and the big ones stood around a lot, near some cart. And then they disappeared into those bushes over there, quite recently, the tracks were fresh. And what is that sparkle, it’s a piece of shiny tinsel. Let's smell it. Interesting, let's taste it. Everything is clear Manufactured in 2008 at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, in the heavy New Year's toys workshop, 2nd shift, Natalya Petrovna Skoryukova. By the way, her son is a poor student. Although, this is an assumption. Now let's take care of those two in the bushes.

(The Carmen Suite sounds. The robbers jump out with a cart with a bull’s head attached to it) They try to attack Vasily, but Vasily deftly avoids meeting the sharp horns.)

1r.: Why are you always running away, dodging?
2r.: This is not fair.
Vasily: Is it fair to butt people?
1st: The bull is a symbol of the New Year.
2p.: Those who are gored are lucky.
Vasily: And whoever is not gored is doubly happy. Will save on pills.

Bell ringing.
(At the end of the run, the robber with the cart accidentally impales his companion on the horns,
Take a piece of the song from the film “The Three Musketeers” - “A la guerre, com a la guerre”
The wounded man is placed on a cart. This scene must be done in rapid motion (like a repeat on football match in slow motion).

Vasily: And here’s another piece of tinsel. (Takes tinsel out of the cart) And where did you get it from?
1st: We know from the forest.
2p.: Father chops, and I take it away. (laughs)
Vasily: And here is a red thread, I think, from a bag of gifts. I see him lying in the bushes under the spruce branches. Jokes aside. Confess frankly where Father Frost and Snow Maiden are.
1r.: Who are you?
2p.: Who are you?
Vasily: I am Vasily Kukushkin, a super detective and superhero. You won't be happy. You can’t run away, you can’t hide, I see right through you, I’ll call you to account.
1r.: Oh-oh, I'm shaking all over
2p.: And wet pants. But I won’t say a word to you, my friend.
Vasily: Well, no, no! Let's try hypnosis!
1st: A beam from the eye straight to the nose.
2p.: Look, it works like truth serum!
1p.: Don’t you dare look at us.
2r.: Now I’ll tell you everything.
1p.: Don’t you dare look, it’s hard to be a criminal. There is always a guy who is decent and boring. Who, as luck would have it, finds out what's what.
Vasily: Shut up! Tell me, where are Father Frost and the young Snow Maiden?
2p.: So should we be silent or should we speak? Or maybe we'll go.
Vasily: Where? Look into the eyes. I repeat the question:
- Where are Santa Claus and granddaughter? Reply!

2r.: Now I’ll tell you everything.
Person 1: And I know the way.
2p.: Under the tree behind the hill.
1st: It’s five kilometers here.
Vasily: Step forward, I’ll look after you. (addressing the audience) And everyone who is waiting for the holiday in our elegant hall, the command is to dance. Don't know other worries. Come on, DJ ahead. Music!

(dance block)

D.M.: So you say, they call you Vasily.
Vasily: Yeah, Vasily Kukushkin.
D.M.: Eh, well done, you Vasily, you defeated the robbers, found the bag, freed us.
Snow Maiden: And most importantly, I saved the New Year, The clock again measures seconds, minutes and hours. The time crisis has become temporary.
D.M.: What do you, Vasily, dream about more than anything in the world?
Vasily: I want all literary heroes to come to life, and I become a superhero
D.M. So you are already a real superhero. And Sherlock Holmes, Commissioner Maigret and even James Bond always come to life when you open a book or put a disc with your favorite movie in the player.
Sn.: Grandfather, it’s high time to turn on the New Year’s lights.
D.M.: Let’s all say it together: One, Two, Three...
Sn.: Stop, stop, stop, First the cuckoo has to crow.
D.M.: There is no cuckoo in sight. We need someone very brave from the audience.
Vasily: Or maybe me again?
Robbers: Can we: “Peek-a-boo.”
D.M.: The guys need an assistant too. (addressing the chosen assistant) You cuckoo three times, I say the magic words, the guys repeat, and the lights on the tree come on.
(child crows)
D.M.: Let’s all say it together: One, Two, Three
The Christmas tree is lit with magical light.

Sn.: New Year's surprise for all of us, friends.
We'll go on a New Year's cruise.
Let's hold hands, everything in the voice seems to be
We'll sing about our Christmas tree in a round dance.

New Year's toys
Pairs are called, the leader calls New Year's toys from the Christmas tree, children depict them.

Stand in pairs. Here are some pieces of paper with the texts. Everyone has their own song. Please read carefully. The first pair is your duet. Now you will each perform your own song at the same time. Thank you, now the second pair. How soulfully you sang! Thank you! Spectators, your applause for the first duet, now for the second. Prizes for the winners.
"We quarreled"

A couple of participants are invited. There are two chairs in front of you, with their backs to each other. Your task is to run around the chairs, return to your seat and be the first to take possession of the toy, pulling it out from under the chair. The prize for the winner is tied in the middle of a rope, which lies on the floor under the chairs. Let's start. Here is the winner. Congratulations.

Father Frost
The main thing in life is freedom,
Freedom from greed, envy, malice,
Idleness, stupidity, flattery and laziness
They won't touch us for a moment
Good people, be kind
Don't forget the old tales
They served the truth. Together - we are force.
Freedom united us all.
The vaults of heaven are almost limitless
Time of freedom and air of freedom
And the coming New Year
x will not let us down

One New Year's Eve, an interesting detective story took place in a fabulous winter forest.

As usual, at the end of December, Father Frost and Snegurochka were preparing for the New Year and collecting a truck with gifts for the children. What was there: chocolates, marmalade, oranges and tangerines, delicious cookies and lollipops, remote control cars and talking dolls, felt-tip pens and pencils and many, many other interesting things for boys and girls.

On the eve of the holiday, a truck with gifts was parked in the garage near the tower where Father Frost and the Snow Maiden lived with their animal friends: squirrels, hares, foxes, bear cubs, and the Snowman driver. The tower was large and very beautiful. It was built of logs, the shutters on the windows were decorated with carvings, and on the roof a golden star shone and shimmered with a fabulous light.

In general, they lived and did not grieve, until one fine New Year’s morning the Snowman discovered that he was missing.

Father Frost! Snow Maiden! Run here quickly! Everything is lost! - The Snowman shouted in a voice that was not his own.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden ran out into the yard, not understanding why he was raging.

What happened, Snowman? Why did you shout out loud and clear?

Gone! Gone! The truck with gifts is missing!

Well, let's see. Maybe you had a nightmare? - Santa Claus said, and they went to inspect the garage.

Yes! Everything is really gone! - Santa Claus said, sighing, - everything, but not everything! Let's think, my dears, where could the truck have gone? You, Snow Maiden, what do you say?

Well, it definitely couldn’t melt, it’s not icy, and it couldn’t evaporate either.

He couldn't fly away either; he doesn't have wings, a tail or a beak. Karrr! - said a curious crow, watching what was happening from a tall spruce tree.

That means he was stolen,” the Snowman guessed.

That's what I'll tell you, my dears! There are children living nearby in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, very good students. They study in the second grade, know the multiplication table, study the world and they can do a lot more. So we’ll ask them for help, they definitely won’t refuse us. Do you agree?

We agree! - everyone shouted in unison.

Here is a painted sleigh, harnessed to a Russian troika, rushing along, and boys and girls, second grade students, are sitting in the sleigh.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Hello Snow Maiden! Happy New Year! Hooray! - the guys shouted vying with each other.

Hello children! I also congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! But we have a problem, and we ask you for help!

We will be happy to help! And what happened? - responded the boy Petya.

We lost a whole truckload of gifts last night. We think it was stolen! - answered the Snow Maiden.

Well, it doesn't matter! Marusya said.

We are always looking for trucks! Vasya inserted

Especially with gifts! Really, guys? - Sanya said.

Well, thank you! I won’t forget this century! - Santa Claus was happy.

The guys know how to organize work. Friendly team- the key to success in any business. The class was divided into two groups: the first group inspects the scene of the incident, and the second group interviews witnesses.

We found tire tracks! They lead deep into the forest! - Reported by the first link

And a curious crow told us that a fox and a wolf were hanging around the garage

So, everything is clear! Who are they friends with? - asked Santa Claus.

With Baba Yaga! - the little animals and the Snowman and the Snow Maiden answered in unison.

Come on, guys, get into the sleigh, let's go to the hut on chicken legs!

The Russian troika rushes quickly, and soon everyone is taken to the very thicket of the forest to a fairy-tale hut on chicken legs.

Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us! - Everyone shouted in unison.

Come out Baba Yaga! Admit it, where did you put the gifts? - Santa Claus thundered.

Oh-yo-yo! What, Morozushko, they deceived you, I don’t know anything, I didn’t see anything, I didn’t hear anyone, I was at home, making mushroom soup from fly agarics. Come in, I'll treat you!

No, thank you! Give us the Fox and the Wolf, yesterday they stole a truck with gifts.

The Fox got scared and let’s play tricks:

It's not me, it's all the wolf. He came up with it all!

What, Kuma, have you eaten too much henbane? Have you forgotten how Baba Yaga told us that we would steal gifts from Santa Claus and invite the children and animals to come celebrate the New Year with us?

Oh, that's it! - Said Santa Claus. - But you don’t have a Christmas tree! How can we celebrate the New Year without a Christmas tree?! Disorder! Come on, Snowman, start the truck! Let's all go together to our fairy-tale tower, the Christmas tree has been waiting for us.

And the whole friendly company, together with Baba Yaga in a smart sundress and kokoshnik, the Fox with a fluffy tail and the Wolf, went to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for a cheerful New Year's masquerade.

Scenario of the holiday "New Year's Detective"

New Year's detective!

Target: Creation festive New Year's atmosphere, the mood of the coming holiday, saving and continuation New Year's traditions.


Father Frost

Snow Maiden


(Music sounds, the children are already in the hall, N. Yu. comes out to fanfare)

N. Yu: I don’t understand where our teachers are, it’s time start the holiday, but they are not there (L E - What to do then) The teachers disappeared, went to the store and still haven’t returned,

The music sounds and the barmaley runs in.

B: Yeah, gotcha, you were scared of me

I am Barmaley, and Barmaley

Don't beg to be kinder

I can even bite a skinny dog ​​very painfully!

I am Barmaley - a terrible robber

And I swear by my beard!

Guys, it's a bad joke with me,

I don't even laugh at the circus!

Not to happen your holiday, I stole the teachers! They won’t come, I tied them up and hid them, but I came to you myself, I will recruit robbers for myself. Who wants to be a robber? We will offend everyone, misbehave, and pull cats by the tails. Why do you need New Year I need it, it’s more interesting with me.

N Yu; How so, how so holiday Well, stop joking and tell the truth where you hid them!

B: Oh, well then look! (video) You'll never find them!

N. Yu.; Yes, guys, this is a disaster, it’s such a disaster, we need to save the teachers and holiday to continue. We can’t do it alone, so who will help us, but let’s call the one who fulfills our wishes for the New Year. Who is this?

Children! It's frosty!

D M. Ogogo

B; Don't call Santa Claus

Save your throat

He won't save the teachers

In vain the holiday will come!

N Yu: Calm down barmali

Don't scare me children!

And so that grandpa comes quickly

We'll dance more fun. (And our dance is called frosty)

B; Well, I'll see what you can do here.

(Exit D M.)

D M. Hello. kids!

Girls and boys!

The New Year is knocking on us with a ringing song,

And not in the world holiday is more wonderful.

When winter showers everything with silver,

When a fairy tale comes to every home,

When ringing laughter sounds everywhere.

And everyone believes in happiness and success!

N Yu; Hello Dedushka Moroz. We've been waiting for you!

B: Why did you come here, bearded, no one was waiting for you!

D.M.: What kind of miracle is this (I froze it, such hooligans have no place here

Let's guys gather the power of the blizzard and carry away the barmaley!

Let's blow on him 3 -4 (children blow)

Nude. What have you done, who will find teachers now, and will celebrate the holiday!

D M What happened guys (children tell about barmaley’s tricks)

D M. Oh, he’s a scoundrel, but I don’t know who will help us, this is my friend the great detective Barabulka.

D M. One two three Red mullet come.

(Music exit of the Detective)

WITH: Hello kids

Short pants

Have you lost something?

Then it was no wonder they called me!

Hello my best friend!

What's happened?

D M; I was in a hurry to holiday in this kindergarten

I wanted to please the guys

But tears are flowing like a river here

And the kids don't laugh anymore

Barmaley thief stole

Favorite teachers

Help us find them

After all, you can’t spend the New Year without them.

WITH:I alone cannot save them

Need helpers on the way.

How about becoming detectives?

You must have strength, courage, and ingenuity.

To do this, I ask you to play with me"


All children participate in this game. They stand in a circle, and the teacher places a table in the center with a tray on which there are funny accessories. This could be glasses, a wig, a clown nose, glowing hoops or fairy wands. Place one less accessory than children in a group. The game begins. Music started playing, children were running and dancing. They lead a round dance. As soon as the music ends, children must quickly disassemble all the accessories and put them on themselves. Whoever doesn't get it is eliminated from the game. The child who lasts in the game the longest wins. -

Well, well done, we are ready for the search,

From the beginning we will go around, we will collect all the evidence.

(they walk around with a magnifying glass, look for something, find a bag, take out a message from the teachers)

Reading: Guys, Barmoley stole us

I wanted to leave you without holiday villain

But don't give in to him

And have fun have fun

Light the lights on the Christmas tree

And you will dance around it.

WITH; Well, we need to fulfill the request!

D. M We won’t let you guys be sad!

Nude Get up in a round dance quickly

so that the tree sparkles with a thousand lights!

(Round dance)

D M: Here the beautiful Christmas tree is burning

AND she orders the holiday to begin

N Yu. We need educators find:

After all, the new year is on its way.

WITH: Describe who guys are looking for,

Maybe you can create an identikit

What do they look like for you?

Who will tell us now? (identikit game)

WITH: Now I know who to look for

We can't waste a minute

I'll follow the trail quickly

I'll find teachers! (The detective leaves)

While our Barabulka went on a search, we present to your attention skit.

B; Ha-ha! They decided to look for teachers, now I will eat all of you and there will be no one to save them! How sweet! R-r-r-am!

D M; I won't give you any offense children

I can protect them while there are no teachers!

I'll freeze the villain

Use your staff quickly!

Nude; Dear Grandfather Frost, what should we do with him? After all, the new one is very close, we can’t leave him in this state.

D M: And it’s true, what should we do, but I know guys, let’s give him the elixir of kindness, now I’ll try to prepare it (Preparing the elixir, nothing comes out)

D M: I’ve become quite old, I’ve forgotten all the recipes,

I need to call my granddaughter

So that I can get the elixir

DM; music sounds Alo, Granddaughter, come quickly

Grab the elixir of kindness to give the evil barmaley a drink and do good.

N Yu. In the meantime, the granddaughter gets to us, We, Santa Claus, have prepared poems for you with the guys.

A wonderful day is coming

New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and fun,

Fairy tale holiday for children!

How beautiful it is in our hall,

We called our friends,

Our people are having fun.

All. We are celebrating the New Year!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers,

With new toys!

Congratulations to everyone in the world,

We sincerely wish you all:

So that your hands clap,

For your feet to stomp,

To make children smile

We had fun and laughed.

This holiday miracle

everyone was waiting impatiently

Stars and balls everywhere

Christmas tree in festive beauty.

Egor. Don't recognize the guys today

clown, squirrel, samurai.

Hello, New Year's holiday!

Play the music louder!

New Year is knocking on the door

with a song, a fairy tale and goodness.

Everyone now believes in miracles,

Every home is waiting for gifts.

Let the poems sound today.

Let children's laughter ring.

Everyone now believes in miracles.

Every home is waiting for gifts.

Today is a wonderful day.

It won't melt away without a trace.

We are cheerful this holiday

we will never forget.

Music is playing in the hall and the Snow Maiden is walking around, holding the elixir of youth in her hands!

WITH; Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all,

Both big and small,

Nimble and remote.

I see you were not lazy and worked hard,

The fragrant Christmas tree was well decorated.

That's how she is - slender, fluffy

And wonderfully elegant, all the toys are good!

What a miracle in our hall

Elixir of goodness, why did you order it?

If something bad happened

Evil, on the holiday has come to you?

Come on, my granddaughter, help me

I’ll defrost it and you’ll immediately offer me something to drink.

(Bamaleya sing)

B: Br_Br_ Br- what’s wrong with me

I don't want to ruin the New Year

I will reveal all the secrets

Good kids, no hassle!

Sorry guys

You make me a fool!

DM: Our barmaley has become kind!

Sn; And he loved everyone children!

N Yu Tell me where you hid the teachers!

B: I'll tell you, but can I play first?

I’ll find out why children need teachers!

B Well done, good guys!

Let's go, I'll show you where I hid your teachers!

Sy: I found it, I found it, guys I found it!

D M: Wait, don’t shout!

B: Say a few magic words to open this door!

Kalyak baby, Chicky kicks,

Bunches of bugs, the door will be opened by the keys!

(Teachers come out and hug children And everyone is invited to a flash mob)

D M; How good are you guys?

Love and kindness reign in the garden!

Sn; How wonderful that you saved the teachers

now it's time for us complete the holiday

And give gifts!

DM; Where is the bag of gifts?

Sy: Red is so heavy!

DM:Yes yes, Oh, with all this searching, I forgot where I left it

Sy; That's why I'm the best detective in the world, and I found him!

(Takes out the bag Snow Maiden with grandfather in the frost they give gifts, all the heroes say goodbye and leave.)

Made up: Olyunina Marina Alesandrovna


1.Snow Lady

2.Tiger Cub

3.Pippi Longstocking

4. Winnie the Pooh

5-7. Ghostbusters - 3

8-11. Snowflakes - 4

12- 14. Ghosts - 3

15-19. Savages from the Island of Bad Luck - 5

20. New Year

Snow Lady : Oh, what a wonderful day! Today is the New Year - my favorite holiday. I imagine how many gifts, songs, and round dances there will be. How much fun we will all have! This is what I want for the holiday. Everyone thinks that I’m clumsy, but I’m a great dancer... (dances)

Tiger cub: What fun, madam?! Don't you read the morning newspapers? New Year and Winter have been stolen! They say there will be no New Year in our area. So we will remain in the old way!

S.D.: Wait, wait... What about the holiday? The guys are waiting for gifts, their holidays are about to begin.

Tiger cub: These, or what? Let them forget! The holiday was cancelled. The holiday will now only be on the first of May. Then the gifts will be given out!

Sn.D.: What about the holidays?

Tiger cub: And the holidays were cancelled. Tomorrow all schools and lyceums will have eight lessons so that today will not be wasted.

S.D.: I don't understand anything. Where did the New Year go?

Tiger cub: Nothing is known. But according to rumors, his flying sled was hijacked by international terrorists wanted by Interpol.

S.D.: Poor New Year! Where is he now?

Tiger cub: Presumably, on the islands in the Pacific Ocean, where the gangsters have their “homelands”.

S.D.: I think I guessed who these kidnappers are! These are the savages from the Island of Bad Luck!

Tiger cub: Shh! Ears all around! Don't tell anyone about our guess.

S.D.: But why? We have to do something! We need to help the guys!

Tiger cub: And to ourselves, by the way! I ordered skates for myself for the holiday. Why do I need skates on the first of May? And there’s no need to talk about you, madam. You need to buy a freezer soon.

S.D.: Ah, don't upset me! I have a great idea! Let's turn to professional detectives! Let these treacherous kidnappers be found and exposed as soon as possible!

Tiger cub: Absolutely right! Let's turn to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson!

S.D.: No, what are you talking about! Wrong times, wrong scale. I am tormented by vague guesses that this could not have happened without the help of ghosts! So we'll call the Ghostbusters. Do you have a phone?

Tiger cub: Of course have! (calls). They're coming now!

(Music, Ghostbusters release)

Hunters: Good afternoon, madam!

Good afternoon, Pink Panther!

What's wrong with you?

S.D.: Good afternoon Oh, sorry, I'm terribly excited! Now Tiger Cub will explain everything to you.

Tiger cub: Are you detectives?! This is amazing! Stole the New Year with his companion Winter!

Hunters: Who stole it? Ghosts?

S.D.: We assume that the matter could not have happened without their help.

Hunters: Strange, there have been no such cases in the history of ghosts.

Scare someone, slam doors and windows,

Turn everything upside down - yes!

But theft?!

Sn.D.: But you still check!

Hunters: Fine! (turns on the device). Marvelous! The device shows the presence of some matter!

Sn.D.: I'm scared!

Tiger cub: Don't be afraid, madam! I... am f-scared too!

(The hunters examine the room, at this time Ghosts appear, waving their arms, scaring everyone. The Snow Lady squeals in fear, the Tiger Cub climbs under the Christmas tree)

Hunter: Set the trap!

Ghosts: Oh, don't fall into a trap. We won't do it anymore.

S.D.: Wait! They need to be asked about the kidnapping!

Ghosts: What kidnapping? We don't know anything!

S.D.: Oh, I'm about to melt with fear. Tiger Cub will explain everything to you.

Tiger cub: ( from under the tree): As long as these two are here, I won’t crawl out from under the tree!

Hunters: New Year and Winter are stolen.

Have you seen them?

Ghosts: No, we are quiet, peaceful ghosts!

Tiger cub: (from under the tree): Yes, yes, we have already seen this!

Ghosts: We live in the attic, on the roof and occasionally have fun scaring the children!

Don't trap us, because today is New Year's holiday!

Hunters: Well, we still need to find him!

But so be it, fly to the attic,

And sit there as quiet as a mouse!

Ghosts: Quiet a mouse, quiet a mouse, quiet a mouse ...(leave)

S.D.: Finally gone! I can't stand ghosts.

Hunters: How often have you encountered them?

Sn.D. and Tiger Cub: No, for the first time!

Tiger cub: Sorry to bother you! Now we know that ghosts have nothing to do with it!

S.D.: But help us, and then we will invite you to the New Year's party. And we'll give you gifts!

Hunters: Only we must consult with our boss.

How can we better catch the bandits?

And to arrange a business trip for us to the islands.

S.D.: Who is your boss?

Hunters: We have the wisest boss - Winnie the Pooh!

Tiger cub: Ooh! I heard a lot about him from my relative Tiger. They say he graduated from the Academy in the search for condensed milk and honey. Oh, he's a great expert in his field!

S.D.: Then go to him quickly. After all, if the New Year is not found by 12 o’clock, then we will all remain in the old year...

Pippi - Long Stocking (running out): How amazing! We will forever remain in the old year! And that means I will never become an adult! Wow! Always play with toys, go to the circus, ride on the swings! How wonderful it is to remain little forever! Really, guys, you don’t want to grow up either?

Answer from the audience: No! We want!

Pippi: Why grow? Do you want to become big aunts and uncles? Well, I do not! Let the old year be better!

S.D.: What are you saying, Pippi, what about the holiday? Holidays? After all, if the New Year does not come, there will be no gifts or Christmas holidays. And all children will study all the time.

Pippi: How to study? Oh no! I want gifts! Guys, do you want gifts? (answer from hall) Then why are we standing? We must act! Forward! To Winnie the Pooh!

(Music, everyone leaves, the Snow Lady is sad on stage)

S.D.: Well, I'm left alone again...

S.D.: I think I'm hallucinating. Guys, do you hear anything?

(Snowflakes fly into the hall, depicting a blizzard)

Snowflakes : Hello, sister!

S.D.: Hello, snowflakes - my sisters!

Snowflakes: Queen Winter sent us to tell us how bad she and the New Year are in captivity among the savages from the Island of Bad Luck.

We flew for a long time and almost melted.

On the way we met birds that were flying to warmer lands.

They told us that you are all very upset.

That all the guys will now be left without a holiday, and without vacations.

Oh, this is terrible!

Sn.D.: We are very upset! And now I have to buy a freezer so as not to melt. And the children will be second-year students, and then third-year students, and will never grow up. And the Pink Panther won't skate. And no one will make snowballs! And sledding down the mountain...

Snowflakes: Oh, this is terrible... (fly away)

S.D.:(waves his hand after them) And there will never be snow again!..

(Music. Winnie the Pooh comes out)

Winnie the Pooh: If there is no snow, then there will be no cold. If it is not cold, there will be no winter and no hibernation. Nightmare! I'll be left without a vacation!

S.D.: Monsieur, what vacation are you talking about?

V.P.: About what, about what! About your legal vacation. Every bear has the right

for the annual hibernation!

S.D.: So you are Winnie the Pooh?

V.P.: Winnie the Pooh is ME! That is, on the contrary, there is Me and Winnie the Pooh! And I am Winnie the Pooh! I don't understand what I'm talking about all the time. Oh, well, yes, I exist, and Winnie the Pooh exists!

S.D.: Where are the ghost hunters, Tiger Cub and Pippi Longstocking?

V.P.: If I don't know where they are, then I haven't seen them. Where were they going? After all, the holiday will begin soon! I didn’t go to bed on purpose, I’m still waiting for a gift.

Sn, D.: Oh, there will be no holiday!

V.P.: If there is no holiday, then there will be no New Year. If there is no New Year, it simply doesn’t exist! So it was stolen! Am I right?

S.D.: What a mind! How did you guess?

V.P.: Many years of experience. I specialized in bees and condensed milk. By the way, do you have any condensed milk?

S.D.: Your condensed milk on the island of Bad Luck among the savages along with our New Year and Winter. Find them, and you will have a whole barrel of condensed milk.

V.P.: On the island of Bad Luck you say? Then everything is clear! I'm going to the garage to get my utility ball!

S.D.: For what?

V.P.: For official air transport! I'll be back soon! ( Leaves)

Music. Exit of the Savages. Dance.

Winnie the Pooh appears with a ball, seeing the savages, he screams: « Gotcha

Chase scene.

V.P.: I'll catch you anyway!

Savages: No, you won't catch it!

Music. The exit of the Ghostbusters, Pippi and the Tiger Cub.

The savages freeze in place.

V.P.: If you ran from me, then you are guilty! Tell me, where did you hide the New Year and Winter?

Savages: But we won’t tell!

V.P.: You left the children without gifts! And no holidays!

Savages: Why do they need vacations?

They love to learn! Really, guys? (Answer from the audience)

V.P.: When should they rest? Should I watch cartoons about me? Should I read a book about Pippi? How about making snowmen?

Savages: Let them play badminton!

And to the classics!

S.D.: And all children want to grow up, become smart, and learn a lot of new things. And if the New Year does not come, they will never grow.

Savages: Oh, we didn't think about that! Forgive us! We repent!

V.P.: Will you release your prisoners?

Savages: Of course we will release it. Only you will invite us to the holiday?

Tiger cub: You are not allowed. You will get cold, get sick, and cough!

Savages: And we'll dress warmly!

S.D.: Then it's a different matter!

Pippi: Where are New Year and Winter?

Savages: They are with us! (stand in a circle, cast a spell)

Music. Clock chime. Snowflakes fly out.

New Year and Winter release.

New Year: Hello, friends!

Finally I'm with you!

Thank you all for your care, for your help,

For friendship, for success!

And I hasten to congratulate everyone

Happy New Year!


Winter: I promise you a lot of snow

And white fluffy snowdrifts,

Skate for your health

Have fun sledding down the hill.

Go to the forest and admire the beauty

And don’t forget to feed the birds

After all, birds are very cold in winter.

V.P.: Watch cartoons sometimes.

But don't sit in front of the screen for too long.

Go to bed early and get up early,

And you will always be healthy.

And by the way, eat honey. Very useful!

S.D.: Gentlemen, when should we dance? I really love dancing, I stood here under the tree for so long and waited for the holiday to begin. Winnie the Pooh invite me to dance!

Everyone is dancing.

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At the very beginning of the holiday, a dissatisfied Snow Maiden and various “bad guys” appear, but as a result of the massive fun, the Snow Maiden becomes kinder, and the “Bad guys” leave the tree.

(Entertainment script New Year's program for middle and high school students)


Presenter -

Snow Maiden

Father Frost


(Everyone goes into the hall to the song “New, New Year”. The Presenters appear along with everyone)


Good evening, dear friends! Good evening!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! These joyful words lift your spirits, your eyes light up with a joyful fire. Faces light up with smiles and we pure heart We say to each other: “Happy New Year!”

Friends, have fun, dance, sing, laugh!

Fill the hall with joy!

New Year is the most fun party. A holiday of miracles, magic, and fulfillment of desires!

(Father Frost and Snegurochka come out to New Year's music)

Snow Maiden:

I won't! I won’t and I don’t want to! I had enough! I'm tired! Always the same! People only remember me on New Year’s Eve!

Father Frost:

Stop it, Snow Maiden, shame on you! At least say hello to the guys.

Snow Maiden:(dissatisfied)

Father Frost:

We are glad, children, to see you!

Happy New Year everyone, good morning!

We start here today

Merry New Year's holiday! (addresses the Snow Maiden)

Now the guys and I will sing a song...

Snow Maiden:(ironic)

We'll do round dances, and then we'll listen to rhymes again and play with toys! I’m not three years old anymore! I want to sing normal songs. Perform on stage in beautiful dress. And in general I want to be a star!

Father Frost:(sad)

Just like that... And who will help me? Yes, and what’s the New Year without you, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden:

Yes, no one will even notice that I'm gone. And I want people to talk about me! For my songs to be played on TV, for fans to ask for autographs... This is life! Grandfather, why should you just hit him with your magic staff once?

Father Frost:

Granddaughter, why do you need all this! You are such a beauty among us, and all the children love you. Really, guys? (children's answers)

Snow Maiden:

No and no! My talent will be lost! I know what to do! I will be looking for a producer! (getting ready to leave)

Father Frost:

Wait, Snow Maiden! Well, what would a Christmas tree be without you? Don't spoil the kids' holiday! Today we have a wonderful concert - there you will show your talent.

Snow Maiden:

Okay, we agreed! But if someone offends me and does not participate in my competitions, then I will leave!

Father Frost:

Thank you, dear granddaughter. I invite everyone to a big round dance around the Christmas tree.

(Everyone gets up in a round dance and sings songs. The round dance is interrupted by Zlyuk and Vrednyuk).


Oh, how boring. Not a single nasty thing in a whole year. And the old woman Baba Yaga has completely lost her mind. Everyone walks through the forest, collecting homeless animals.


And then feed them, take them outside, educate them... But who am I in the world?


I am the evil wizard Vrednyuk,

I'm ready for anything for the sake of evil,

I can find it with anyone for an argument,

How he began to serve Zlyuka.


And I am Evil, the mistress of evil. I have a wonderful proposal - to penetrate christmas tree, arrange a sea of ​​dirty tricks and nasty things. But the nasty things must also be New Year’s, and such that everyone in this room will cry.

Vrednyuka and Stupid:

Hurray-hurray-hurray! Long live nasty things!


Well, enough, that's enough. All you have to do is use your tongue and let’s get down to business! I'll give you a minute to think about it. How to make everyone sad at New Year's Eve.


More salt, onions, garlic! We'll tear the girls' dresses and dirty the boys' shirts. Let's give Santa Claus and Snow Maiden some hot tea...

Silly you:

There is no better "Fizzy"


Why "Fizzy"?

Silly you:

Because it contains a tincture of snake venom. They will try a little, hiss, grunt and burst...


Stop offering your nasty things. Baba Yaga is already coming.


Let's hide and see what mood she's in.

Silly you:

If he walks and screams and swears, then nasty things are expected.


And if he sings something cheerful, then the nasty things will once again have to be canceled.

(Baba Yaga walks and sings)

Baba Yaga:

I'll get up early in the morning, in the morning, in the morning!

I'll tidy everything in the house, I'll tidy it, I'll tidy it up!

I'll sweep the floors, wash the dishes,

And I won’t forget to bring water!

Hey! My bastards, where are you? They don’t greet me, they don’t call me names.

Here we are, grandma, here we are, Yagulenka!

Baba Yaga:

What were you doing here without me?

We were tormented and bored.

Baba Yaga:

It's always like this. They didn't do anything around the house. I alone, Baba Ezhenka, work like a bee, trying. I’m an old, weak woman, and now I’ve even lost my appetite.


Sit down, grandma, we’ll turn on the plasma for you, watch your favorite shows, listen to songs.


Now we will please our old woman, and then we will offer all sorts of nasty things.

(Baba Yaga sits down on the sofa and the broadcast begins).


Good evening, Good evening, Good evening! The program “New Year’s Light” is on the air and I am its leading Star. The broadcast is being conducted from the Sausage nightclub, where the most advanced audience has gathered now, on the eve of the New Year. Wow! Who do I see - teachers, parents, girls and boys.

And now your attention will be focused on the performances of the most famous artists of our stage. And the first to appear on this stage are the girls from the group “Boogie-Woogie” with the song “One-Two”. Meet them!

And now let's move on to the next issue of our entertaining New Year's program. Who is this popular singer? Well, of course, Sergei Glamurny. Greet him with thunderous applause.

Well, our New Year's light ends with a young, beginning, but promising singer - Papenkin's Daughter. She will sing us a love song...

Baba Yaga:

Well, well done, they had fun and entertained the old lady. Hey, nasty things, get out of here, there's no point in being here good people spoil the holiday, we have a lot of things to do in the forest.

(Everyone leaves, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear)

Father Frost:

Wow, it’s fun here today, I also immediately wanted to become an artist.

Snow Maiden:

Of course, you see, grandpa, what success the artists have. I'll go sing too.

Father Frost:

Okay, okay, Snow Maiden, let’s light the lights on the Christmas tree and get ready for the broadcast of the programs “Exactly the Same” or “Doubles.” Now let’s play the game “Caps” with the guys. All the boys form a circle. The girls also make their own circle. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, Father Frost's caps are passed around among the children, and the Snow Maiden's cap among the girls. When the music stops, those guys who have caps in their hands go out into the general circle and dance. Well, now, one, two, three - the cap is flying!

Snow Maiden:

For the next game, I invite a team of adults and a team of children of three. My favorite competition is called "Rime". I will give each team member one balloon and a felt-tip pen. While the music is playing, you must inflate the balloon and draw on it beautiful snowflakes. Whichever team has the most snowflakes will win.

Father Frost:

Why shouldn't there be dancing today?

Dance more, not the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dancing shape.

Snow Maiden:

Guys, I propose to dance a fun dance “Hop-Hey”

Snow Maiden:

How great you dance!

Father Frost:

It’s nice to be among you, but it’s time for the Snow Maiden and me to set off - there are still many Christmas trees waiting for us.

Snow Maiden:

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye

It flew to us with the January wind.

And again we say “Goodbye”

To my good and great friends.

Father Frost:

And at this hour of farewell

To all dear and dear, to us, friends

We say: "See you again,

Until next time. We wish you happiness!”




And we continue our festive evening with a disco, games, competitions

(In between dances, competitions and games are held)

Game "Turnip" in a new way

The presenter selects 7 artists who must pronounce the phrases given to them with expression.

Turnip (happy) That's what I am.

Grandfather (sick) Oh, my back hurts.

Grandma (grumpy) Always being taken away from work.

Granddaughter (model) I'm ready.

Zhuchka (bandit) Stop! I will shoot!

Cat (lazy) As soon as I do!

Mouse (laughing) Ha-ha-ha!

Dance competition “Naughty ball”

5 pairs of participants are called (more possible). Each pair is given a ball. Participants clamp the balls at the command of the leader: between their foreheads, stomachs, backs, noses, knees and dance. The participants' task is to hold the ball while moving. The pair that does not hold the ball is eliminated from the game. The last couple are the winners.

Competition "Take a Prize"

A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the competition participants. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three.” Participants who attempt to grab a prize at an untimely time will be eliminated from the competition.


Winter holiday is coming,

The old year is leaving us,

New Year is knocking on the door.

Let it be with the blizzard and powder

He will bring all good things:

Children are happy, as before,

For adults - happiness and hope.

May New Year's Santa Claus

Good health to boot,

Good luck in everything planned,

Fun, laughter, tenderness, affection,

So that life would be like in a fairy tale.