Scenario of the entertainment program New Year's miracles for children. Game program “New Year's serpentine. At the beginning of the program there are usually outdoor games

We offer an option for a children's New Year's party with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, the program includes riddles, active competitions, songs and dance entertainment.

New Year's holiday scenario for children of different ages- universal, exciting and very fun, it is easy to organize and conduct in any group, especially since musical accompaniment is included (thanks to the author!)

New Year's holiday scenario

To the soundtrack, the Snow Maiden enters the hall and examines beautiful Christmas tree, bright room and draws attention to children.

Snow Maiden:


Happy holiday, my little friends!

You recognized me? Remember who I am?

Children (in unison): Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: That's right, Snow Maiden!

And once I came to the kids,

So, the holiday is in the yard!

Everyone meets New Year,

They lead a round dance together,

Everyone is waiting for gifts and miracles.

Well, today it will be so!

Children's New Year's noise maker "So as not to freeze..."

Let's plunge into a New Year's fairy tale now,

But first, let's make some noise and warm up!

So that we don’t freeze in the bitter frost -

Let's quickly hold our noses with our hands! (Snow Maiden shows)

So that there is no hassle with doctors -

Rub your frozen cheeks like this! (shows)

To keep your hands from freezing, clap! (claps his hands)

Now let's warm our feet and stomp (shows)

And let's tickle the neighbor a little (Snow Maiden affectionately tickles several guys)

And, of course, we’ll laugh together together! (ha ha ha)

Now that you've warmed up, I have a question:

Who will add fun to everyone?

Children (in unison): Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Yes, we really need Santa Claus,

Let's call him all together, in unison: “Grandfather Frost!”

Children (in unison): Santa Claus!

(to download - click file)

Father Frost himself comes out to the song “Well, of course, Father Frost.” He greets everyone, examines the tree, throws snow, throws streamers, claps a cracker, etc. (Then the Snow Maiden and Father Frost conduct the program together)

Father Frost: I’m glad to see my grandchildren again,

After all, this is not the first time we are celebrating the New Year,

And when they meet, what do they say to a friend?

A nice, simple word “hello”!

Guys, where is my fidget Snow Maiden? Here she was, guess what!?

(Snow Maiden hides behind Santa Claus and says now from the left, now from the right: “I’m here”).

Father Frost: Oh, the Snow Maiden is a mischief-maker, has she been naughty? Enough!

All the guys in the hall are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

Although, probably, the girls and boys here

The same as you, pranksters and naughty girls?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, is this how they start the holiday? The guys haven’t seen you for a whole year, they were waiting for a meeting, and you tell them from the door that they, most likely, are behaving somehow wrong..

Father Frost: Yes, I kindly scolded only a little, well, okay, I’ll ask them themselves. The kids are wonderful, you must be terrible naughty girls?

(to download - click file)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, everyone knows that you are a good wizard.

Father Frost: Yes. And I’ll tell you honestly: doing good miracles and performing all sorts of transformations is so interesting.

Snow Maiden: But is it so complicated - magic?

Father Frost: Nothing like this. Let's try to turn into an animal or a bird.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how about it, grandpa?

Father Frost: Very simple. Only the guys need to be more careful. I will say the magic words, i.e. sing a song, and you guys, following the Snow Maiden and me, will repeat the magical movements. And so you will turn into an animal or a bird. It's clear?

Active game "Transformation No. 1 - Zoo"

(the youngest children are selected. They walk in a circle one after another and repeat the movements after D.M. and Snegurka to the tune of the song “about the grasshopper”)

(to download - click file)

Here in the snowy winter, through the thicket of the forest, through the thicket of the forest, a gray ...wolf

Imagine, imagine a forest thicket

Imagine, imagine a gray wolf sneaking

In Australia, far away, on a low hill, on a low hill, he jumps like that... kangaroo

Imagine, imagine - on a low hill

Imagine, imagine - this is how a kangaroo gallops

Under the gray foam, under the blue water, under the blue water, so he floats ... dolphin

Imagine, imagine - under blue water

Imagine, imagine - this is how a dolphin swims

From the balcony to the gazebo, and from the lantern to the branch, and from the lantern to the branch it flies ...sparrow

Imagine, imagine - and from the lantern to the branch

Imagine, imagine - a sparrow is flying

Dancing by the den and not sparing his feet And without sparing his feet he stomps ... bear

Imagine, imagine - and without sparing your legs

Imagine, imagine - this is how a bear stomps

Father Frost: Now we can do some more complicated magic.

(other participants are selected from the kids)

Active game "Transformation No. 2 - Orchestra"

(a song is sung, and the children, together with D.M. and the Snow Maiden, pretend to play musical instruments - trumpet, violin and drum).

(to download - click file)

Father Frost: Also, in order for a wizard to perform all sorts of transformations, you need to be a little imaginative.

Snow Maiden: Why, grandfather, will they still start teasing - “I imagined I had my tail between my legs”?

Father Frost: I'm talking about those people who can imagine, i.e. imagine anything. Listen to my story and imagine. But first we need to choose our assistants - 7 people. and additionally 4-6 people. for the role of snowflakes.

(preferably, adult spectators are selected for the roles of: Bee, Winnie the Pooh, the wolf and the hare, Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile, Leopold the Cat and snowflakes. All characters wear masked hats and each comes out to their own soundtrack, instead of a barrel of honey there is a balloon ).

Children's Christmas story- impromptu "Imagining"

Once upon a time there lived a Snow Maiden. And she went to celebrate the New Year. The weather was wonderful. Light snowflakes swirled in the air. And then the Snow Maiden hears a buzzing sound. “It’s probably someone flying,” thought the Snow Maiden. Indeed, this is a bee named Maya flying and holding a barrel of honey in her paws. A bee flies up to the Snow Maiden, gives her a barrel of honey and says: “Treat your friends, Snow Maiden.” And she flew away. As soon as she flew away, the Snow Maiden heard someone waddle and stomp and grunt: “Uh, uh, uh.” And this is Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh approached the Snow Maiden and said: “Treat me with honey, Snow Maiden.” As soon as he said this, suddenly a hare runs, followed by a hooligan wolf and shouts: “Well, hare, wait!” A hare and a wolf ran up, they also wanted honey. And then the sound of wheels - thumping. A blue carriage rolls along, and on it... Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena, and they say: “Leave us some honey too.” Then there was a noise and uproar, everyone was shouting: “Me, me, me.” The Snow Maiden was so confused that she almost dropped the barrel of honey from her hands. It’s good that at that time a kind cat came up in slippers and with a bow around his neck and said: “Guys, let’s live together!” And then divide the honey equally among everyone. The animals ate sweet honey and clapped their hands with joy. Like this!

Dance under the sash

Father Frost: Yes, I thought you were noble, I want to see what kind of dancers you are.

(Guys come out) A dance is announced under my sash. You need to walk back and forth under the sash to the music, dancing. The sash will gradually fall lower and lower, but you cannot touch it.

(Participants for the dance competition or everyone, as well as adult assistants who will hold the sash, are selected. The originality of the dance is assessed).

Father Frost: What a beautiful Christmas tree you have. It is immediately obvious that they were preparing for the New Year. Did you decorate the Christmas tree yourself? Do you know what to dress up with? I'll check it now. I will offer different decorations, and you use your imagination, but be careful, tell me back, if they decorate the Christmas tree with this, then “yes”, and if they don’t, then “no”

We all know exactly how we should decorate the Christmas tree.

And what is possible and what is not - we’ll immediately guess:

Balls, beads and toys? (Yes)

Pies, compote and sushi? (No)

Serpentine and tinsel? (Yes)

Skates, skis and a game? (No)

A multi-colored garland? (Yes)

And the snowflakes are light? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: And now Grandfather Frost will sing a song about a Christmas tree, but I need your help. You need to sing the following words in the chorus: “I like, I like the Christmas tree - it’s beautiful!” Let's rehearse.

(everyone sings at the given tempo)

Song "Christmas tree - beauty"

(recorded version with Santa Claus's vocals and a playback for the chorus with the children)


In the center of the hall a beauty just grew amazingly

Well, tell me guys, do you like the Christmas tree? - 2 times

Chorus (all together):

Like, like the Christmas tree - beautiful - 2 times

There is so much colorful tinsel on its shaggy branches

Carved bell, multi-colored balls - 2 times

Chorus .

Snow doesn’t melt in a warm room, this happens on New Year’s Day

And the guys in the hall near the Christmas tree lead a round dance - 2 times

Father Frost : We will continue the holiday, we will play with you. And for this you need to create two teams - the team of D.M. and the Snow Maiden team of 10 people each. in each and two adults in each team for backup.

Look, the program itself lasts about 20-25 minutes. Add at the beginning and at the end. Let's expand the plot of the action with the release of carnival or fairy tale characters. + Game

Plus we increase the isolation. Parade of costumes Game “Boys come out in a circle, girls come out in a circle”

If there is a Snow Maiden

Musical fragment - New Year's call signs and the appearance of fairy-tale characters. Snowman and???

Snowman. Hello, hello dear children -

The most important miracle in the world!

The most important miracle in the world!

Hello - those, and hello - these.

Sk. Character. We send New Year's greetings,

To everyone who gathered for the show.

Grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers and mothers,

We are starting our program.

Snowman. New Year calls friends

In a noisy, colorful round dance.

Quickly hold hands

Join the cheerful circle.

We invite everyone to the ball -

New Year's carnival!!!

Let's do a carnival warm-up.

Let the legs stand still Yes, yes, yes, Yes, yes, yes.

Just clap your hands! Yes yes yes yes yes yes.

And now we will stomp - one, two, three; one two Three.

And now we will stomp - one, two, three, one, two, three,

And now you look to the left, look to the right, look.

And now we will clap - clap and clap in front of ourselves.

And now we will clap - clap and clap in front of ourselves.

And now we will clap, clap loudly behind our backs!

Louder, louder, louder clap. Raise your hands higher!

Hush, hush, clap softly. Lower your hands.

Now you can wave your arms for five whole minutes.

Relax with us, your hands will also rest.

(Or you can two claps over the naked Opa. But of course not all of it, you need to trim it there.)

Snowman. Guys, guess who is missing from our holiday:

She is dressed in silver with pearls -

The magical granddaughter of a magical grandfather.

Not Masha, not Glasha, not Shurochka,

What is this granddaughter's name? Snow Maiden!

Let's call her together. Snow Maiden!!!

Music. — Exit of the Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden. Hello girls, hello boys! Happy New Year! Hello Snowman, hello CHARACTER, are you all ready for the holiday, for the meeting with Grandfather Frost?

Snowman. All is ready. The guys are dressed up, in carnival costumes, wearing masks. And what a Christmas tree... Guys, look how beautifully it is decorated with garlands, balls, snowflakes...

Sk. Character. Tangerines, pasta, sausages, chicken...

Snow Maiden. What kind of chickens?

Sk.character. Fried. ...

Snow Maiden. No, no, they don’t decorate the Christmas tree with this. Guys, let's teach Snowman and CHARACTER . how to decorate a Christmas tree correctly. I will name an object, and if it can be used to decorate the Christmas tree, you clap your hands and say “yes, yes, yes,” and if you can’t, stomp your feet and say “no, no, no.”

Music. — Musical game-chant “Decorate the Christmas tree.” Sl. D. Popov

Once a year in the middle of winter

We decorate the Christmas tree.

And on the New Year's tree

Everyone will find something.

  • A loud cracker,
  • Soft pillow
  • Grandma's mug
  • Sweet cheesecake.
  • White snowflakes,
  • Old shoes,
  • Glass balls,
  • Wooden chairs.

Let's dress up our Christmas tree

In tinsel and serpentine

We’ll also decorate it

Whatever we want.

  • With radiant stars,
  • Fast skates?
  • Bright garlands,
  • Elegant dresses,
  • Mom's beads
  • Melons, watermelons,
  • With pucks and sticks,
  • New toys.

Snowman. Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden. Don't even know. He should have arrived by now, but he’s not there. Oh, I'm worried about something. Did something happen to him?

I’ll go look for him, while you and the guys go to…” Ice Gate"play...


Music. Background to build

Snowman. It's our pleasure. Hey funny people, join the round dance.

Let's make the round dance wider. We break into pairs. Couples stand in a circle in a round dance, holding hands, doing the “Vorots”

The gates can open (that is, raise their hands up) and close (hands down). I choose 4-pairs. They will run “in the yard” - inside the round dance of the “gate”...

The presenter tells, and the assistants clearly illustrate what has been said.

Now the music will start playing, and these couples will dive into any of the remaining gates standing in a circle. They sneak in and become gatekeepers themselves in their place, and the former gatekeepers are already “in the yard” and run to replace others.

I'll say - STOP! The gates close, that is, they give up. Those who found themselves inside the circle were caught. The girls are spinning and the boys are dancing squat. Then the game resumes. You cannot go through the same gate twice in a row. It's clear? Let's start!

Music. Game "Vorotsa"

Character. Here you go. Now the Snow Maiden has disappeared too. What to do?

Snowman.(speaks a phrase from the Queen group in English) Show mach goon

Character. What?

Snowman. What, what. Togo! Show must go on! Dear friends!!!

Today everyone in the hall is waiting,

Surprises and gifts.

And everyone wants New Year

He was cheerful and bright.

But without Santa Claus

The Christmas tree will suddenly become... a birch.

Let's take it

And let’s call Grandfather together!

Let's shout - Santa Claus! Three four…

Musical fragment - Exit of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus comes out. Bottom part his face is covered by a large bandage that resembles a medical mask.

Father Frost. I'm coming! Hello guys! Hello my dears!

There are so many cheerful faces in the hall.

That's right, the holiday will be here.

Did you recognize me?

Come on, what's my name?

Exactly? Well, thank God, at least you recognized me. Otherwise the squirrels don’t recognize them and throw cones. The hares are scattering across the fields from me... My granddaughter Snegurochka, and she closed that door and won’t let me into the house.

Snowman. Grandpa, why are you wearing a bandage? Are you sick?

Father Frost. Worse. My beard is gone.

Snowman. How so?

Father Frost. Yes so. In the morning I woke up - grab, and beards bye bye.

Snowman. Are you kidding? Show me.

Father Frost. Aren't you going to laugh?

Snowman. Yes, so that I can melt. Yes, so that I don’t see white snow! Yes, so that an icicle hits my forehead...

OK OK. I believe. Well look.

Santa Claus, turning to the Christmas tree, secretly shows his face only to the Snowman.

Snowman. E...ho-ho. How did this happen to you?

Father Frost. It's good that the nose remained in place.

Snowman. Yes. It's really bad without a nose. I know that for sure. Ohhhhh.

(The given thing happens)

Musical fragment - Magic chord - spoiled Christmas tree.

Father Frost. How is it not real? Yes, I am a hereditary Santa Claus in the seventh generation. Come on, light up!

Elka's voice. You, little man, would be better off keeping quiet. What kind of people went. No shame, no conscience. He stole his grandfather’s robe and staff somewhere and still has his license. I shouldn't even talk to you. Oh, and it will come to me from Santa Claus. All. I'm silent, silent, silent. (Music point. Bang!)

Father Frost. So the tree didn’t recognize me. What to do? What's New Year without a Christmas tree?

Snowman. Grandfather, the main thing is not to be upset. Prove to the Christmas tree that you are real.

Father Frost. Well, I’ll prove it! I'll prove it! I just can't do it alone. Guys, can you help? Then let's dance near the Christmas tree. She will see how much fun we have and will believe me. Agreed? Well, fine.

I have for this case

The dance is cheerful and fiery.

I saved it for you.

Fashionable dance - “Shake Up”!

Musical fragment - Igrodance “Shake Up”.

One cool dance Arms extended forward. Movement

Or maybe not a dance, “Scissors” with body rotation

Or maybe not funny, bodies to the right and to the left.

We want to show you.

We've been dancing it since childhood, “Hammers” - bend alternately

Or maybe not since childhood, at the elbows the right and left hand.

Cheerful, fashionable dance Sit down slightly, palms to knees,

With the name "Shaken" we bring and separate the knees.

When losing, we repeat the movement “Scissors”, “Hammers”, “Knees”

When your hands are frozen,

Or maybe even legs, Slap your palms on your knees

Or maybe ears. Palms to ears - “Monkeys”

There's no need to stand. Clap your hands above your head

Take your hands to your feet, We clap our hands - “shake off the mittens”

Or maybe feet into hands. Slap your palms on your knees

Or maybe my hands in my pants, Palms to ears - “Monkeys”

And come on, jump. Let's jump

And come on, jump. Let's jump higher

Jump!!! Let's jump even higher

Losing: jumping on the left leg, jumping on the right leg, jumping on two legs.

Snowman. Guys, can we help grandpa light the Christmas tree? Let's hold hands and all together ask for a Christmas tree: 1−2-3 Christmas tree, burn! I look and look, have everyone joined hands? Grandpa, we are ready!

Father Frost.

During the formation of the round dance, D. Moroz, standing with his back to the audience, comes closer to the Christmas tree, says the magic words, and when he turns back to the round dance, a small 15-20 cm appears on his face. goatee

The beard is hidden on the neck under a bandage. The bandage is attached to an elastic band with Velcro. Tearing off the bandage, we free and straighten the beard.

Snowman. Eh, it almost worked. ABOUT! Look. Grandfather even began to grow a beard. Hooray! So we are on the right track. Guys, quickly remember what else you and your grandfather do near the Christmas tree?

Father Frost. We usually play with the guys. Let's play... Snowball fights.

Shall we play? Then we divide into teams. The boys come up to me, and the girls come up to the Snowman.

Snowman. Grandfather, we are ready... where are the snowballs?

Father Frost. /Knocks with a staff./

Bdys, Bdys, Bdys! Snowballs - appear!!!

Music - Magic bang.


(Look up) Well, WHERE?

Father Frost. Yes, here somewhere. You have to search. Guys, look under the chairs. No? What about your parents? And under the Christmas tree? EAT!!!

three beach balls decorated as snowballs. The Snowman and the Character stand between the teams and hold the staff horizontally at shoulder level.(or a rope-cord entwined with tinsel, it is also hidden on the tree as a Christmas tree decoration)

Father Frost. Guys, at my signal, throw the snowballs over the staff to your opponents’ side. Whose side has more snowballs on their side loses. 1−2-3 Fire!

Three rounds are carried out. During the round, Frost does a countdown: 10−9−8−7−… left until the end of the game.

Musical fragment - Snowball fight.

Snowman. Guys, let's try to light the Christmas tree again. We get up in a round dance. We raised our hands up, spread them apart and now put our hands on each other’s shoulders. I look and look, have everyone grabbed their shoulders? Grandpa, we are ready!

Father Frost. Ready? Then come together! 1−2-3 Christmas tree, burn!

During the formation of the round dance, D. Moroz, standing with his back to the audience, comes closer to the Christmas tree, says magic words, and when he turns back to the round dance, a large beard appears on his face.

The long beard is hidden on the chest under the robe and under the first short beard. At the right moment, it is simply released and adjusted in place.

Musical fragment - Spoiled Christmas tree.

Snowman. Eh, he's picking up something again. Wow! But grandfather’s beard has grown even more.

Father Frost. I know what's in store! Everyone is happy about the New Year - both children and adults. Only adults are a little embarrassed about this. Guys, help them, they won’t be shy. Take adults by the hand and lead them to our round dance. Bring everyone. Agreed? Then go ahead! Run, run.

Snowman. Grandfather Frost, can I bring my grandmother?

Father Frost. It’s not possible, but it’s necessary!

Musical fragment - All in a round dance.

The snowman brings the life-size puppet “Granny” to the center of the round dance.

Father Frost. Now this is a real New Year's round dance. Everybody dance!!!

Musical fragment – ​​Igrodance “The Best Dance”

The firefighters are dancing, the police are dancing,

Photographers and conductors dance.

On a weekday and on New Year's Day,

“The Lady” is danced by cheerful people.

We open our hands-windows, “Windows” - Hands on the belt.

And we close them in a timely manner. Step forward with arms open, palms up. Extended step back to the starting position.

The legs squat on their own, “Squat” - half squat with alignment

Hands, naturally, do not lag behind. then the right, then the left leg to the side and on the heel.

When losing, first perform the “Window” figure for 8 bars, then the “Squat” figure for 8 bars.

And we dance foreign dances, The arms are bent in front of the chest. Mahi

We bent our arms and waved our elbows. elbows up and down.

Well, with your legs this way and that, “Kick the ball” - alternately

Together we dance the dashing “Krakowiak”. We throw forward either the right or the left leg.

In losing, movements of the arms and legs are performed simultaneously for 16 measures.

We dance “Lezninochka” like Georgians, D "Lezginka" movement.

Like Dagestanis and Ossetians Hands at chest level. Right

Together we will turn everything to the right, arm bent at the elbow, left

And we'll go in circles one after another. set aside

Losing, we walk in a circle with the movements of “Lezginka”

Stop, guys, no matter how you turn around, "Gypsy" movements

We can't do without the gypsy girl.

We wave our skirts, shake our shoulders,

And we hit the knees with our palms.

When we lose, we stand still and dance “Gypsy.”

Father Frost. Applause for each other! Now let’s hold hands and ask the whole world for a Christmas tree:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Green needle,

You are our Christmas tree, smile

Light up the lights.

And all together: 1−2-3 Christmas tree, burn!

Musical fragment - Lighting of the Christmas tree.

The lights on the tree light up. Light extravaganza. The artificial snow machine is turned on on the balcony. Snow slowly falls on the Christmas tree.

Snowman. We made it! Hurray guys! Hooray!!!

Snow Maiden runs out.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather!!! Finally I found you

It wasn't you who found me

Father Frost. Hold your hands tighter. According to tradition, we will dance in a circle. Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

Musical fragment - round dance "Little Christmas tree" or in the forest. Herringbone.

The small Christmas tree is cold in winter

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest

How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?

Pink gingerbread, golden cones.

Father Frost. Let's go in a circle. From the circle. And all together: Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather, look how beautiful the guys are today.

Father Frost. I’ve been admiring them for a long time, granddaughter.

Snow Maiden. Let's have a costume parade.

Father Frost. Come on, just not a simple one, but a dance one.

Music. "The Boys Are Coming Around"

Thank you friends, thank you moms and dads for helping you sew these bright suits. It turned out to be a real New Year's carnival. Take your seats.

Musical fragment - Final.

Father Frost. How sad it is to part,

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

After all, the guys are here and there,

Santa Claus is waiting for a visit.

Snow Maiden. Farewell words.

Because at the gate

Holy holiday. ...Which one, guys? New Year! Happy New Year!!!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

Scenario of the entertainment and game program “New Year's Serpentine”.

The hall is festively decorated, music is playing, and the Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello, dear guys!

Last year was a glorious year

And hurried time does not wait,

The last calendar leaf was torn off

The New Year is approaching us.

Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently.

Winter has come over us

Snow sleeves,

And snowflakes fell

On trees, like pictures.

Everything is covered with white snow

And trees and houses,

The light-winged wind whistles

“Hello, winter-winter.”

Hello, New Year's holiday,

Holiday of Christmas tree and winter,

All my friends today,

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

I see a lot of familiar faces in the hall, I’m glad new meeting with you, and therefore now I invite you to dance. A round dance melody sounds. Guys, repeat the movements after me. We will now go left one, two, three. We stomp our feet. And then let's go right, one, two, three. We stomp our feet. Now let's go to the tree, one, two, three, stomp. Now let's go away from the tree, one, two, three. We speed up the pace, and again - to the left, one, two, three. Right, one, two, three. To the tree, from the tree. Well done, good.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's play with you New Year's game"What's hanging on the Christmas tree?" I will list the items that decorate the Christmas tree. If they hang them on it, you say “YES”, and if they don’t hang them on it, you say “NO”.

A bright toy….., a ringing cracker…, Petenka-Petrushka…,

Old pillow..., white snowflakes..., Black boots...,

Cotton wool bunnies..., winter shovels..., red lanterns...,

Bread crumbs..., Apples and cones..., Torn panties...

Well done, you know well how and what to decorate a Christmas tree, now is the time to make it even more elegant - light the lights on it.

Snow Maiden: Shaggy snow turns silver

AND glass balls,

You are a joy to all the guys,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

Our Christmas tree doesn’t want to turn on its lights, because there is no main New Year’s character at our holiday, guess who he is:

We won’t meet him in the spring, he won’t come in the summer either,

But in winter he comes to our children every year.

He has a bright complexion, a beard like white snow,

Interesting gifts he prepared for everyone.

Who guys is this guest! That's right, children, Santa Claus!

Without Santa Claus, snowflakes don't fly,

Without Santa Claus, the patterns don't shine.

Without Santa Claus, the trees don't light up,

And without Frost there is no fun for the guys.

Friends, let's all call Grandfather Frost together. Let's shout together

Santa Claus come to our house, we are waiting for you at the Christmas tree!

The hall chants together, there is music, and Santa Claus enters the hall.

D. Moroz: Hello, children, girls, and boys!

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy,

I am a real Santa Claus, from a deep, dense thicket.

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts, where there are snowstorms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense and the snow is loose.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, all the children are waiting for the New Year's lights to light up on the Christmas tree.

D. Moroz: Well, guys, our Christmas tree is magical.

If we clap our hands and stamp our feet, the Christmas tree will light up.

Come on, staff, help us, light our Christmas tree!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, green needle,

Light up with different lights, green and red,

Let's say together - one, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on and music plays.)

D. Moroz: Brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas trees festive outfit,

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the guys...

Snow Maiden: It was not in vain that we tried with you, the Christmas tree flashed with lights,

Guys, stand in a circle and hold hands tightly.

We are at our Christmas tree, we will sing about the Christmas tree.

(Round dance, children sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)

Snow Maiden: Celebrate the New Year with a song, celebrate the New Year with a dance,

And whoever knows poems about the Christmas tree will read them to us under the tree.

Poetry competition about the New Year.

Father Frost: good poems the guys know, but I really love it when children can dance joyfully. Make your grandfather happy and show off your skills.

Dance "Ducklings".

Snow Maiden: There is another game for you, and I’ll check now how you answer the questions, say “Yes” and “No” after the question, where it makes sense.

Santa Claus covered with snow winter forest?

And then he climbed a big pine tree?

Does he live there like a squirrel in a hollow?

Is he Grandmother Yaga's nephew?

Does he have gifts for the children in his bag?

Two buckets of heavy bricks?

Does he have a bowl of semolina porridge in his bag?

Did he cook it in the bathroom today?

Does he have toys in his bag for you?

Are there kittens, frogs, pigs?

Is he a good wizard, Santa Claus?

Does it sting your cheeks and sometimes your nose?

Santa Claus: I have not only gifts in my bag, I have a magic bun, so you take it in your hands and give it to each other with a smile to the music, and when the music ends suddenly, whoever has the bun in his hands stands up to the Christmas tree, in a circle . Music, sound, bun, shake hands, roll!

Game "Magic Bun"

There are many “penalties” standing by the Christmas tree, and we will ask the guys to sing, dance, or tell a poem about the Christmas tree. Don't be shy, guys, I have a lot of gifts!

Snow Maiden: I’ll make a wish for you guys, interesting riddles. If you guess it, don’t yawn, answer in unison.

1. They grew across the river, they were brought to the holiday.

There are needles on the branches. What is this? (Christmas trees)

2. I’m rushing forward like a bullet, only the ice creaks.

Let the lights flicker! Who's carrying me? (skates)

3. This riddle is not easy: I always write with two Ks,

Hit the ball and the puck with your stick, and I’m called... (hockey)

4. In winter there are apples on the branches. Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up, because they were... (bullfinches)

5. If we grow on spruce, we are in place, we are in business.

And no one wants...(bumps) on the kids' foreheads

6. Sewn with white, white threads, at first he walks and lies,

Well, then it flows, so then

then disappear completely without a trace. (snow)

  • Troika, troika has arrived, the horses in that troika are white,
  • And in the sleigh sits the queen - white-haired, white-faced.

    How she waved her sleeve and covered everything with silver. (winter, winter months)

  • Not a lamb or a cat, wears a fur coat all year round.
  • A gray fur coat is for summer, a different color for winter. (hare)

  • There is not a bird on the branch, but a small animal.
  • The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle. Who is this? (squirrel)

  • The guest was visiting, the golden bridge was paved:
  • Without a knife, without an ax, without an iron chisel. (freezing)

    Snow Maiden: I offer you the game “Happy New Year!” I invite two people - at my signal, you run around the tree in a circle from different sides, put on one felt boot and shout, “Happy New Year.” Whoever is faster is the winner. (the game is played several times, you can run a sack race.)

    Now let’s divide into 2 teams – “Father Frost” and “Snow Maiden”. Which team will run faster with a spoon on which it lies? paper snowflake, from start to finish, he is the winner.

    Game "Friendly Orange". Two players hold an orange between their cheeks and start moving; the pair that reaches the finish line faster without dropping the orange is the winner.

    During New Year's, many of you love to receive and send cards with wishes. Do you guys know who invented postal New Year's greetings? Imagine England, 1843. One Englishman asked his friend to draw greeting card, 1000 copies were printed. Friends sent congratulations to their loved ones and acquaintances, but the postcards remained in large quantities. I had to put them on sale. The custom of sending postcards quickly conquered the world, and we owe this good initiative to the British. Let's organize a competition and congratulate our friends by inventing original congratulations.

    Snow Maiden: It’s time, friends, we need to say goodbye. I wish you joy!

    I wish you not to be bored and never upset your mothers and grandmothers.

    D. Moroz: Children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree,

    But the time has come for us to say goodbye to you.

    Goodbye children, have fun!

    Goodbye, Happy New Year everyone!

    Snow Maiden: May this year, which has begun so joyfully,

    It will bring you good luck in your life.

    And together we will say goodbye to you:

    May your dreams and wishes come true!

    A New Year's melody sounds, children dance around the Christmas tree.

    Artyomova Olga Yurievna



    Princess Tararamushka.

    Krivlyak. Chuchundra.


    Snow Maiden.

    Father Frost.

    Extras - 8 people.

    New Year's melodies are playing. Children enter the hall in chains, forming a round dance around the Christmas tree.

    Musical signal “Five minutes”.

    Icicle. Hello guys! Hello my dears! Oh, how impatiently we waited for this day...

    Ice. To see you again, so beautiful, in rows, cheerful!


    There are many holidays in the world,

    Each one comes in its own turn.

    But the kindest holiday in the world,

    Most best holiday -

    All. New Year!


    He gives us faith in a good chance,

    To a new day and a new turn,

    Helps you become better

    To all the people in the world -

    All. New Year!


    He walks along a snowy road,

    Whirling the snowflakes in a round dance,

    Mysterious and strict beauty

    Fills the heart...

    All. New Year!


    Waltz crystal snow dances -

    Look outside the window!

    And the frost draws a pattern,

    Covering all the glass.

    In the moonlight the snow sparkles,

    There is a round dance in our house.

    We all can't sleep that night:

    New Year is coming to us!

    Santa Claus is coming to visit us

    From the far northern land.

    Wishes happiness to the children

    And he will give his gifts.

    He will tell us what is in the sky

    Suddenly a star lit up,

    The joy of light and salvation

    She told us.

    Ice. How wonderful it is that so many children came to our holiday!

    Icicle. But I wonder, can the guys solve riddles?


    And we will find out now!

    White fluffs fall and swirl.

    We sat down a little on our hand and it turned out to be a puddle! (Snowflakes.)

    Ice. And in winter, we are the most important ones - the ice-creams!

    Icicle. But that's not true. Children in winter love to lick icicles more than any ice cream.

    Ice. No, icicles, I myself saw how mine my own grandmother Some girl licked it off completely in five seconds.

    Icicle. Yes, ice cubes are the same as icicles. And in general, what difference does it make who is more important, the New Year is just around the corner, and here we are arguing. And they even forgot about the riddles!


    You forgot, but I remember everything!

    Hey kids! Listen to me:

    Warms in winter, smolders in spring,

    Does it die in the summer and come back to life in the fall? (Snow.)


    And now it's my turn:

    I'm flying from a distant cloud -

    The white is smooth but prickly. (Grad.)

    Well done! Well, here's one more:

    Not gem, but it shines. (Ice.)

    Ice. Yeah, now everyone can see which of us is more important, they even came up with a riddle about me!

    Icicle. Ahah! Please tell me what an important person he is! Yes, there are so many mysteries about me... What time! Or maybe even more! And in general, don’t talk to me - it’s your turn to ask a riddle.

    Ice. Please:

    The old man at the gate stole the warmth,

    He doesn’t run himself - he doesn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing.)


    New Year! New Year! Gathers a round dance.

    They danced and sang

    We are around an elegant... (ate).


    12 young men came out,

    52 falcons carried out,

    365 swans were released.

    Who are they? (Months, weeks, days.)

    Icicle. Well done guys, you prepared well for the holiday.

    Ice. And now, kids, the game begins. Don't be bored, don't yawn, say your name.

    Icicle. By the way, guys, do you all remember what month you were born in? Now we’ll check it out and at the same time get to know each other better.

    Musical polka game “Who was born”.

    1. Who was born in January, February and March,

    Together, together, without hesitation, raise your hand

    And rather say your name loudly and loudly.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what are these children called?

    2. And who was born in the spring, in May and April,

    At once they jumped higher, they jumped bolder.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what to call spring children?

    3. And in June and July, those who were born, children,

    Quickly, quickly, without hesitation, spin around like a top.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what should you guys call?

    To make it more fun, we all stomp together.

    Now stop fussing and call yourself louder.

    5. Who was born in September, October and November,

    Shake your finger at your neighbor and yourself.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what are the names of autumn children?

    6. Who was born in December, stamp your foot,

    If your leg hurts, stomp on the other one,

    Take a deep breath - say the name!

    Icicle. Phew, it seems they didn’t forget anyone, didn’t miss anyone... That’s how many and different we are...

    Trumpet signal. Exit of the royal retinue. "Troubadour".

    Princess. Ah-ah-ah! Everything is boring, everything is disgusting! How boring, how sad, how sickening, how...

    King. Oh, my little daughter, oh, my little lamp, my little girl is boring, my little queen is sick! On the other hand, what can you do if there is nothing to have fun with?

    Icicle. Your Majesty, good morning!

    King. Good for some, but not for me. I completely forgot to say hello to the guys. I greet you, young boys. How glad I am, how happy I am that you came to our royal New Year's celebration. I hope you didn't forget to take your cheerful mood with you? This is a big problem in our kingdom. We haven't forgotten, but I'll check. Who laughs louder, boys or girls? As soon as I lift right hand, girls laugh, as soon as boys laugh left! Get ready... (Game “Laughing”) Wonderful, excellent! Oh, how you laugh loudly, how merrily you laugh, how I envy you. Why? My friends, I am in grief: my daughter, my heir, Princess Tararamushka - such a whim, such a crybaby, such, such...

    Princess. Wow, look at yourself! Laughers and merry fellows are also funny to me! Dad, do you think they can cheer me up? Yes, they won’t be able to cheer themselves up either. How can they cope with Our Majesty! (Whines.) How boring!

    King. Don't be offended, friends. She has transitional age. (To the princess.) Do you want an overseas lollipop?

    Princess. Ugh, what disgusting!

    King. What about honey gingerbread?

    Princess. They give me heartburn, dad.

    King. Then, then... Let's play! I'll be your horse. Yikes! Hop on me and we'll fly like the wind.

    Princess. How's the wind? Come on, come on... (drive to soundtrack, landfill). Who else are they?

    Icicle. I am the most transparent icicle in the world.

    Princess. That’s why I can’t get my teeth together, brrrr!

    Ice. And I am the most slippery piece of ice in the world.

    Princess. I found something to brag about! Dad, I'm turning to you! What are these two cold people doing in our kingdom, they give off a sore throat. A-a-a-pchhi! Yeah! Your only daughter is getting sick!

    King. Daughter, my beloved sun, don’t be harmful, what a cold, because they are fairy-tale characters, completely harmless, and then, they are our guests. You love to dance and sing so much! So I organized a New Year's ball in our kingdom.

    Icicle, Ice. Hurray, hurray, hurray!

    Round dance “Stand up, children, stand in a circle!”

    Princess. Oh, you are unbearable, dad! Can these Icy™ sing like me?!

    Icicle. Oh, it looks like someone really likes to show off!

    Ice. Some people just love to show off!

    Princess. And for insulting My Majesty you can even lose your head. Really, daddy?

    King. Of course, you can always lose your head. But maybe not today, after all - New Year's holiday!

    Princess. Ah, that means so! And also my own father. All! I will roar! Ah-ah-ah!

    King. My God! Soon Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will arrive, a ball is coming, and there is a real flood in the kingdom! Just a global flood. Oh, I think I'm drowning! For help!

    "Cucaracha" - Krivlyaki's exit.

    Krivlyak. Whoops! Here I am! Hello, fidgets! The crook showed up without getting dusty! Who is there to amuse or bother? You or you? Hey, hold me!

    Princess. How are you going to amuse me? I hope not with my incompetent antics?

    Krivlyak. And you will see this now!

    Music - Rap.

    I'm a fidget girl -

    Look at me,

    Repeat everything like me

    Do as I do, do as I do.

    I love somersaults,

    And in the mornings I study woo-shu,

    Temper with cold water

    Repeat everything after me together!

    I don’t live in pain, I’m friends with everyone

    And I don’t go to New Year’s without a smile!

    King. Amazing! Fabulous! What originality!

    Princess. Just think! Surprised! Anyone can boast and tease. And in general, this is not a circus or a zoo for you. Look at her: she showed up to the holiday without any dust, and even without an invitation. Wow, what gross bad manners.

    Krivlyak. What? Yes I! Yes you are! You yourself are dense!

    Princess. Dad! Get rid of this impudent person! Either me or her! Choose!

    King. Well, what choice can there be? You are still my daughter, my blood.

    Dear... Uh-oh lovely! Could you please leave our kingdom for a while, until better times, so to speak...

    Krivlyak. With great joy!

    “Cucaracha” - Krivlyaka runs away.

    King. They told me: don’t call your daughter Tararamushka, oh, I didn’t listen - now it’s not life, but continuous gibberish.

    Icicle. Your Majesty, do not despair, all is not lost, and these are not the ones who were re-educated! The master of dealing with difficult children is Donna Chuchundrita!

    Phonogram, Chuchundra's ride on roller skates.

    Chuchundra. Oh-oh-oh, hold me, I’ll die right now seeing this nonsense! Just think, if he doesn’t want to laugh, that’s a big problem! He doesn’t want to, he doesn’t need to! If it doesn’t happen, we’ll force it! We have anyone who wants to have fun. The main thing is that I want it. I'll think about it some more and figure it out. Yeah, I figured it out! I don't want to! Because without this roaring cow we will get more gifts! And I love gifts! I'll collect them in a pile!

    Princess. What?? My gifts to Chuchundra! Daddy!! Guard!! They rob in the most impudent way!

    Chuchundra. What a thing you are! Just a little bit and you immediately faint. It should be simpler, Your Bad manners! Take my example! Maestro, music!

    Chuchundra is fine

    And weed the beds,

    And they don’t have potatoes on them -

    A little bit of dirty tricks.

    Chuchundra is doing great

    And dressed decently

    Young and sassy

    I'm fine!

    Here, both left and right.

    Poisonous herbs,

    There's a mousetrap ahead

    What a clever idea!

    You've seen what I can do!

    Princess. You've seen it, you've seen it, it's better not to see it again! Never! You, my dear, should only scare the crows in the garden and howl at the same time!

    Chuchundra. What? Well, you know! I won't leave it like this. I sang like that, sang like that, and there was no gratitude at this court.

    King. Sorry, madam, don't be angry, madam. The princess has a kind of growing pains, temporary.

    Chuchundra. What, a disease?! Why didn’t you say it before! Isn't she contagious? Calm, just calm and composure! Isolate the source of infection, quarantine everyone!

    King. But our holiday, how come...

    Chuchundra. And so: I’m urgently flying for a consultation with a specialist of the widest profile, and you carry out disinfection here and there are no objections! (signal-runs away).

    Icicle. What a situation! This is not a princess, but a complete misunderstanding! Because of her whims, this Chuchundrita will put us all in the hospital! Here's to you, Ice-cream, and the New Year...

    Ice. Here's a fun round dance for you, Icicle!

    King. That's it for all of us... (The princess speaks in a deep voice.)

    Icicle. Keep quiet, your gibberish! Sorry guys! They invited me to the holiday, they danced in circles... What to do now? Oh, I think I came up with an idea. We need to quickly call Father Frost and Snow Maiden to help out our holiday.

    Ice. Not to walk, but to run, to fly, without wasting a minute, otherwise...

    Musical accent. Iceman runs away.

    Princess. Oh-oh-oh-oh, they scared me! Oh-oh-oh, they re-educated! Yes, I’ve seen these, in batches! Every day early in the morning! Next time, don’t go where you’re not asked!

    Phonogram. Exit of Chuchundra and Barmaleikha.

    Barmaleikha. Did this one offend you?

    Chuchundra. Insulted, humiliated! Caused irreparable moral damage!

    Barmaleikha. Clearly! Got it! Let's figure it out now! Where is our vaccine against harmfulness? What about poultices for rudeness? So, patient, say “ah-ah.”

    Princess. Well, wait, now! Yeah!

    Barmaleikha. There is a sharp exacerbation of the disease! We are taking emergency measures! Chuchundra, come in from the left!

    Chuchundra. Surround!

    Princess. Dad! Dad! Guard!

    King. Let me, let me! What's the matter? Well, you can’t do it right away!

    Chuchundra. This is the only way to do this with your charming girl, learn, parent!

    King. But these are too extreme measures...

    Barmaleikha. Stop! The virus is spreading to relatives! Grab it! Knit! Tighten up!

    Music, racing, knitting.

    Barmaleikha. Phew, we did it!

    Chuchundra. Cleanly done. Listen, don’t these kids get infected, do you think? Maybe they should be isolated too?

    Barmaleikha. I don’t know... We need to take a test for research...

    Chuchundra. It's a long time!

    Barmaleikha. We don't have long! We use our technology - express research! Hey maestro, boredom test! Everyone who can dance dances, and everyone who can’t dances - for vaccination! And, let's start!

    Phonogram "Song about bears".

    Chuchundra. Well, check! There is no doubt - everyone is in perfect health and fun. And now, for insurance, let’s treat Our Majesties.

    King. Hands off! I will not let! Am I a king or not, after all?

    Princess. I don’t want to be treated, I want to have fun! Well, really, what good is whims and sobs if instead you can dance so well. Let me go, I'm completely healthy!

    Chuchundra. Oh, I can’t believe it! And in general, this is not how it is done: you need to gather a consultation...

    Princess. Why collect it, we have our own consultation, the best - guys!

    Barmaleikha. Wow, how smart you are! Hey, kids, decide whether to discharge Princess Tararamushka as recovered or still treat her?

    Chuchundra. Those who are in favor of forgiving Their Majesty and Highness, let us clap our hands.

    King. Oh, what a blessing that this malaise passed so quickly. Oh, how lucky we are!

    Princess. Daddy! Don't get carried away! It's time to start the ball! It's time to celebrate the New Year!

    Chuchundra. And for this we will all invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to the ball. The children invite you!

    Father Frost, Snow Maiden, respond,

    Appear before us!

    Music "Five Minutes". Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

    Father Frost. Hello, kids, girls and boys! Everyone who came to visit us today for the New Year holiday.

    Snow Maiden.

    There is no place for whims and scandals here,

    It is strictly forbidden to get bored here.

    It's time, friends, we have a New Year's holiday

    Don't hesitate to get started with fun!

    Father Frost. Your Majesty, how many good, cheerful children, and adults too, are in your kingdom.

    King. Yes, we know how to select personnel. Snow Maiden. So, the magpie on our tail brought us that only whims live in your kingdom.

    Princess. What are you, what are you! It was, but so long ago that I don’t even remember now. Really, guys? (Children's answers.)

    Icicle. Let's play! My favorite game is “Merry Firecrackers”.

    Music, children walk in a circle.


    One merry firecracker

    I saw it in a small hut

    Seven heroes:

    All without eyebrows, with big noses,

    With long ears.

    Ice. What did they do?

    Icicle. Day and night they jumped, sang and played!

    Ice. How?

    Icicle. Like this!

    Participants in the performance show movements, children repeat.


    Ear, nose, cotton, changed hands.

    Saw, hammer, jump, clap, change hands.

    Head, stomach, turn, changed hands.

    Ice. Had a great game!

    Snow Maiden. Yes, it was fun!

    Father Frost. Look, granddaughter, what a royal Christmas tree they have in the kingdom!

    Snow Maiden.

    How beautiful the New Year tree is!

    Look how dressed she is!

    Dress on the Christmas tree of green silk,

    Bright beads on her, confetti.

    Let's hold hands, friends,

    And let's dance in a circle!

    Not every day, but once a year,

    New Year is coming!

    Father Frost.

    We have been waiting for this year for a long time,

    We haven't met for a whole year.

    Sing, ring under the tree,

    New Year's round dance!

    (Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)


    It's good that every year

    New Year is coming to us,

    Decorates our Christmas tree

    And starts a round dance.


    We dance under the Christmas tree

    We can do it for three whole hours.

    And don’t get tired at all -

    Such miracles!


    Santa Claus is in a big park!

    I barely got the gifts!

    I didn’t spill it, I conveyed everything,

    Wow, and strong Santa Claus!

    Father Frost. Oh you pranksters, oh you cunning ones! How could I scatter gifts, what kind of Santa Claus am I after that? Only gifts must be earned. Guess the tricky riddles, and then we’ll see!

    Without hands, without eyes,

    And he can draw. (Freezing.)

    Snow Maiden.

    It flies - is silent, lies - is silent.

    When he dies, then he will roar! (Snow.)

    Father Frost.

    12 brothers wander one after another,

    They don't find each other. (Months.)

    Snow Maiden.

    They fly without wings

    They run without legs

    They sail without a sail. (Clouds.)

    Oh, grandpa, what smart kids we have, they solved all the riddles...

    Father Frost. Yes, you can’t say anything, they dealt with it famously! And they do everything well with games, are they really such jacks of all trades? Oh, I know, I know, you can’t play echo.

    Snow Maiden. Guys, let's play echo. You need to repeat the endings of the words together after each line. And clap your hands (oshi, oish). Well, do you understand everything? Let's begin!

    Get ready kids! (Ra-ra-ra.)

    The game begins! (Ra-ra-ra.)

    Clap your hands more cheerfully! (Ley-lay-lay.)

    Don't spare your palms! (Ley-lay-lay.)

    Father Frost.

    What time is it? (Hour.)

    What time will it be in an hour? (Hour.)

    And it’s not true, there will be two. (Two.)

    Think, think, head. (Va.)

    How does a rooster crow in the village? (Ugh.)

    Yes, not an owl, but a rooster. (Ugh.)

    Are you sure that's true? (So.)

    But in reality, how? (Crow.)

    Snow Maiden.

    What is two and two? (Two.)

    (The Snow Maiden points out the mistake.)

    My head is spinning. (Va.)

    Is it an ear or a nose? (Nose.)

    Or maybe a load of hay? (WHO.)

    Is it an elbow or an eye? (Eye.)

    But what do we have here?

    (Points to nose.) (Nose.)

    Father Frost.

    Are you always good? (Yes.)

    Or only sometimes? (Yes.)

    Are you tired of answering? (At.)

    I allow you to remain silent. (Children are silent.)

    Well done!!

    Snow Maiden. Well done, well done, only they are kind of blue. It's probably because of the cold...

    Father Frost. And here I have a few things stored in my bags: for some a quilted jacket, for others a shower jacket, and for others just a battery. Who wants to become an insulation champion? Come on, come out here and warm the old man up! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we put everything on! Music is a competition.

    Father Frost. Well done boys! Do you like fairy tales? I can not hear! Oh love! I won't believe it until I check it myself.

    The nose is round with a snout.

    It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

    Small crochet tail

    Instead of shoes, hooves...

    There are three of them, and how friendly and similar the brothers are!

    Guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three piglets.)


    The grandmother loved the girl very much,

    I gave her a red cap.

    The girl forgot her name.

    Well, tell me, what was her name? (Little Red Riding Hood.)


    Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window.

    Round side, ruddy side rolled... (Kolobok).


    Near the forest on the edge

    Three of them live in a hut.

    There are three chairs and three mugs,

    Three beds, three pillows.

    Can you guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three Bears.)


    Treats small children

    Heals birds and animals

    Looks at everyone through glasses

    Good doctor... (Aibolit).

    Father Frost. Well, the guys surprised and pleased the old man. And you rightfully deserve a gift from me!

    Icicle. Guys, stand in a circle.

    Ice. Hold your hands tightly.

    Snow Maiden.

    Feet walk merrily around the Christmas tree in a round dance,

    Because Santa Claus brought us gifts for everyone!

    Music "Polka", awarding children.

    Icicle. Ida Santa Claus, he didn’t forget anyone - he gave gifts to all the children!

    Snow Maiden. Well, all the gifts have been given, all the round dance songs have been sung. And it seems that the sad moment of parting has come...

    Father Frost. Well, well, don’t be upset, granddaughter, don’t upset the kids, because we won’t say goodbye for long, until the next New Year’s holiday!

    Father Frost.

    The time has come to say:

    See you!

    The New Year's carnival is over!

    Snow Maiden.

    We were visiting dear friends,

    IN wonderful fairy tale everyone has visited.


    Our young friend, take it with you on the road

    Your favorite fairy tale friends.


    They will help you at the right time

    Find your dream and make your life brighter.


    We wish everyone good health,

    Five school, interplanetary routes.


    We will watch over you with love,

    And you, friends, don’t let us down!

    Snow Maiden.

    Learn from the brave, the brave, the strong

    Walk freely, see far.

    Father Frost.

    You were born to make a fairy tale come true,

    And this is very difficult to do.

    Snow Maiden.

    Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

    May it bring joy to everyone,

    May adversity and sorrow

    The past year will take away.


    Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

    May only happiness bring you

    Kind, nice, friendly

    This is the New Year.


    The Christmas tree glows and sparkles,

    Everyone wants to have fun.


    May you always be in this world

    Children laugh heartily!

    Happy New Year, kids!

    And see you again!

    All. Hooray!

    The music sounds - “New Year's song”.

    New Year's trip- Game program. New Year's scenarios.
    You can use the proposed scenario both at a New Year's party with friends and at an official New Year's banquet. The script can be expanded, supplemented, or shortened at your discretion. At the same time, it is advisable to preserve the main outline of the holiday - travel.
    Posters at the entrance:
    1. Our New Year's Eve
    Calling everyone to joy!
    Be happy today
    It will be a fun year!
    2. If you came to the ball,

    So you are not a baby.
    Just do it well
    And don't do anything bad!
    3. Hurry up, come in,
    Look at the show!
    Attention! Attention! Attention!
    Notified in advance.
    It’s not for nothing that the calendar sheet was placed here.
    Let young and old remember: There's a carnival this evening!
    Let it not be a surprise to anyone -
    Best suit awarded with a prize!
    There is little time left before the holiday.
    And let's hope everyone is ready
    Seeing friends on carnival day

    Without delay, at... o'clock!
    Progress of the holiday.
    (New Year's call signs sound to the tune "A Christmas tree was born in the forest.")
    New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way. Some go to a restaurant, others celebrate the New Year at home, with their families, others go out into nature in the winter forest, and I invite you to go today on an unforgettable New Year's trip, on a cruise around the New Year's planet and celebrate the New Year with other peoples! And before a long journey, I suggest filling your glasses and drinking to good luck, since we need luck everywhere and always: in work, in personal affairs, and, of course, on the road.
    May the New Year bring you good luck,
    Complex problems will be solved
    And success will bring with it,
    Happiness and love to boot!
    (The sound of wheels, locomotive whistles, screams, and the noise of the station sounds. The musical and noise design of the holiday is of great importance, it will help create the atmosphere of the country where the participants of the holiday will “go”, and cheerful, beloved melodies will raise the general mood.)

    Friends, we board the train, into the soft carriage of the New Year's Express and set off on a journey around the New Year's planet. And the first stop is Poland.
    (Polish music is played, a song with several chords.)
    Warsaw, the capital of Poland, turns into a real booth on New Year's holidays, carnival processions take place day and night, men dress up in women's suits, children paint their faces, and the streets are decorated with huge bouquets of balloons. At 12 o'clock at night, when the chimes strike, the residents of Warsaw begin to eat Balloons, and it turns out to be a kind of New Year’s fireworks display. We will also arrange New Year's fireworks.
    (Competition: 3–5 pairs (man and woman) are called, each pair is given a large balloon, which needs to be placed between each other. While the music is playing, couples dance; As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the balloon bursts. Whose shot of the bursting balloon will be the first is the winner. Couple - the winner makes a toast.)
    (The sound of wheels and horns sounds.)

    We arrived in Italy.
    (Italian music is played, for example, songs by A. Celentano, T. Cutunio, etc.)
    On New Year's Eve in Italy, old, leaky utensils are thrown out of windows.: chairs, lamps, buckets - there is such a sign that if you throw old thing through the window, then in the new year you will buy the same new one. And every family always bakes a New Year's cake, where many different surprises are hidden. And we have prepared such a pie for you, take a piece and find out what awaits you in the new year.
    (Test task: on a large beautiful tray there is a sheet beautifully painted to look like a pie thick paper, which consists of small squares - pieces of pie. On the inside of the square there are drawings - this is what awaits the participants:
    heart is love,
    book - knowledge,
    1 kopeck - money
    the key is a new apartment,
    sun - success,
    letter - news,
    car - buy a car,
    a person’s face is a new acquaintance,
    arrow - achieving the goal,
    watches - changes in life,
    road - trip,

    gift - surprise,
    lightning - tests,
    glass – holidays, etc.)
    (The sound of train wheels sounds, then the music of a German composer, for example, J. S. Bach.)
    Germany is the birthplace of great scientists, poets, musicians (you can remember their names and award the last one who spoke a prize). In Germany, it is considered a lucky omen to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve and get dirty with soot. And at 12 o’clock at night it is customary to climb onto chairs and tables and “jump” into the New Year, shouting joyfully.
    (Competition for men. 3-4 participants line up and “jump” into the new year; whoever jumped further is the winner. The winner makes a toast.)
    We drove around Europe, and now we’ll go to hot, exotic Africa, but there are no trains there, we’ll go by car.
    (The noise of a car engine and the sounds of a horn sound.)
    You know, in one of the tribes in Kenya, on New Year’s Day, when tribesmen meet, they spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, it’s a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit at each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in the African way.

    (3-5 participants are called. They are given baby nipples - pacifiers. The one who spits out the pacifier the farthest wins. The winner makes a toast.)
    Africa - hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungles and temperamental, fiery dances. I announce the African Dance Marathon.
    (Dance section for 20–30 minutes. During the dances, you can choose the best “leader” of the tribe, dancers and present a prize - a New Year’s loincloth (tinsel ribbon.)
    We continue our journey, transfer from the car to the ship and sail to America.
    (The sound of splashing waves and the cry of seagulls.)
    There is a wonderful custom: before setting sail, a bottle of champagne is broken on the side of the ship, but we will not break it, but will pour it into glasses and raise the following toast:
    May it be New Year
    It won’t add wrinkles
    And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
    Health will improve

    Will save you from failures
    And it will bring a lot of happiness!
    (Songs by M. Jackson or Madonna are played.)
    So, here we are in America... Skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty, Michael Jackson, Madonna and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every year on New Year's Eve in America there is a competition for the strongest, most resilient, dexterous, and courageous man.
    I ask strong, brave and dexterous men (up to 5 people) to come here. Your task: holding your right hand behind your back, with one left hand, holding the unfolded newspaper by the corner, form it into a fist. The fastest and most dexterous is the winner. The winner makes a toast.
    (A competition is taking place.)
    It's time to move on. We board a plane and fly to Japan.
    (The sound of an airplane sounds, Japanese music.)
    On December 31, the Japanese begin general cleaning, and at 12 o'clock at night they go to bed in order to get up before dawn and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the rising sun. Japan is a mysterious and incomprehensible country, whose inhabitants have many talents, one of them is reading the thoughts of another person. So, we are in the salon of a famous Japanese magician (whose role I will play), and we will be able to hear the thoughts of any of the guests.
    (The test is a joke. A cassette is prepared in advance with individual lines from songs with approximately the following content:
    1. “Well, where are you girls, girls, girls, short skirts, skirts, skirts...”
    2. "Help me, help me..."
    3. "You left me, you left me..."
    4. “These eyes opposite are a kaleidoscope of lights...”, etc.
    When the presenter, the magician, approaches the next guest and begins to move his hands over the person’s head, the sound engineer turns on the tape, and everyone hears the guest’s thoughts. The presenter's comments on the thoughts heard are required. Up to 8–10 “thoughts” on a cassette is enough.)
    Now let’s take a little break from our journey.
    (Dance department for 20–30 min.)
    It’s good to celebrate the New Year at a party, but at home it’s still better, we’re returning home to Russia.
    (It sounds like “Barynya” or Russian dance song.)
    You know, dear friends, that until 1700 the New Year was not celebrated in Russia. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree that on January 1, 1700, a new chronology in Rus' begins, on this day you need to fire cannons, burn resin, decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also “have fun with dancing, music and games."
    Let's follow, friends, the decree of Peter I and continue to celebrate the New Year! And the next competition “Watches with a surprise” awaits you.
    In front of you is a watch with a surprise, and the owner of this surprise is sitting among you. Who is this? Nobody knows yet. Even me.
    Your invitation cards have numbers on them. There are a hundred numbers in our lottery machine, with the help of which I will determine the first candidate for tonight's prize.
    So, attention, I invite the owner of the invitation card number... And now you will choose your opponent, take another ticket from the lottery drum. And the second candidate for the prize is the holder of the ticket number... Attention! What is the point of the whole idea? The one of you who wins the first competition moves the clock hand by one number and uses the lottery machine to determine his next opponent.
    So we play until the minute hand reaches twelve. The one who does this will receive our biggest prize.
    (The clock was initially set at 11 hours 5 minutes.)
    1 competition. Answer the question: in which country is your favorite? New Year's entertainment young women are high jumpers? In South Africa, Ethiopia, Korea, France? (In Korea)
    I congratulate you. You have won this competition, move the hand on the clock one number (11 hours 10 minutes). And you (the loser) don’t be upset, you get a consolation prize.
    (Using a lottery machine, the next opponent of the winner is selected.)
    2 competition. In front of you is a box and 7 ribbons peeking out from under the lid, with a prize tied to one of the ribbons. The one who draws the ribbon with the prize, alas, loses (since he will already receive the prize).
    (A competition takes place. The next candidate is selected. The clock is changed.)
    3 competition. On the New Year, we wish each other not only health, but also more money, it won’t hurt anyone! So, whoever quickly counts the money (changes) that are in the bank (on a saucer, in an envelope) and names the exact amount will move the hand to 11 hours 20 minutes.
    4 competition. You need to cut out a snowflake from a napkin (paper) as quickly as possible.
    (A competition takes place. The next candidate is selected. The clock is adjusted. The loser receives a consolation prize.)
    5 competition. The Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream. Name the varieties of ice cream one by one. Whoever thinks for more than 5 seconds loses.
    (A competition takes place. The next candidate is selected. The clock is adjusted. The loser receives a consolation prize.)
    6 competition. On New Year's Day, the most unusual and unexpected competitions are held. And here is one of them: look carefully at yourself and count the buttons who have more buttons, he wins.
    (A competition takes place. The next candidate is selected. The clock is adjusted. The loser receives a consolation prize.)
    7 competition. On New Year's Day it is customary to tell fortunes. Let's tell our fortunes too. You take turns tearing off 1 or 2 or 3 petals from the chamomile; whoever gets the last petal, alas, loses (there are 21 petals in total).
    (A competition takes place. The next candidate is selected. The clock is adjusted. The loser receives a consolation prize.)
    8 competition. After the holiday, there is always a lot of garbage left, you need to clean up the mess: put the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, whoever is faster.
    (A competition takes place. The next candidate is selected. The clock is adjusted. The loser receives a consolation prize.)
    9 competition. On New Year's Day there is a wonderful tradition of dressing up in carnival costumes. Your task: dress up quickly - tie a bow on your hair.
    (A competition takes place. The next candidate is selected. The clock is adjusted. The loser receives a consolation prize.)
    10 competition. This hat contains different words, you take turns taking out, reading, remembering and singing lines from songs where these words appear. But the songs should be about winter and the New Year holiday (Christmas tree, round dance, frost, frost, snowflake, icicle, etc.).
    (The winner sets the clock to 11:55 and the last candidate is chosen.)
    11 competition. Contest of wishes for the New Year. The one who thinks for more than 5 seconds loses and receives a consolation prize.
    The winner will receive a festive surprise (champagne, box of chocolates, New Year's Christmas tree decoration or symbol of the coming year).
    Presenter (sets the clock to 12 o'clock and raises a toast):
    Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, best year, which has not yet lived." So may the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!
    Friends, what would New Year be without Santa Claus? We will now send a telegram to dear Santa Claus, I have already composed the text, but I forgot to write “adjectives”. So from each guest - one “adjective”.
    (The presenter writes down all the spoken adjectives in a row on the form, then reads aloud what happened. Text of the telegram:
    "... Grandfather Frost! All... guests are looking forward to your... arrival. The New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dancing for you! Finally... the New Year will come! How not I want to talk about ... work. But we promise that we will work ... and receive only ... a salary. So, quickly open your ... bag and give us ... gifts. With respect to you, ... aunties and ... uncles!
    The presenter opens the dance department. Upon completion, the host invites guests to the table. The long-awaited Father Frost appears with his granddaughter Snegurochka. They congratulate the guests on the New Year, raise festive glasses and invite all guests to stand in a round dance and sing the traditional song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
    Then Santa Claus can make New Year's riddles for the guests and make an astrological forecast for next year for each zodiac sign (comic, of course), hold a song contest about winter, organize an auction, at which the symbol of the coming year will be put up as the main lot. It could be soft toy, figurine, painting, keychain, etc.
    And you can buy lots not only with money, but also by singing a song, dancing a dance, reading poetry, telling a joke, etc. The Snow Maiden - the main assistant of Father Frost - can announce a competition for the best dancer, the best singer, the best ditty singer, and award a prize for the most original new Year costume. You can end the evening with these words:
    May the New Year dawn on you,
    Will give you success.
    And let it sound in your home
    Cheerful, ringing laughter.
    Let a true friend be nearby
    Both on holiday and in bad weather.
    And let it come to your home,
    Like a snowball
    Happiness always comes!
    We say to everyone: "Goodbye"
    The time has come to part.
    And at this late winter hour -
    The last dance is for you!

  • Merry New Year's lotto. -
  • New Year's Eve for adults - scenario New Year's Eve for adults
  • A fairy tale for the New Year's tree - a script for a New Year's fairy tale
  • New Year's trip - game program. New Year's scenarios.
  • New Year's confusion - scenario for the new year
  • Competition evening at school - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's adventures Absent-minded - script for the new year
  • Santa Claus smiles - New Year's scenario for students
  • New Year's competitions- New Year scenarios for adults
  • New Year's holiday - New Year's holiday script
  • Journey to Santa Claus - New Year's scenario
  • Scenario New Year's party for grades 1-6 - scenario for the New Year
  • Pre-New Year tree - New Year's scenario for a home party for children 3-8 years old
  • Put on your masks, let's play... - New Year's scenarios
  • New Year's Eve fairy-tale characters- script for the new year
  • New Year's miracles - a scenario for older and preparatory group
  • How many good grandfathers - a script for a New Year's game program for young people
  • Family New Year - New Year's scenario for adults
  • Summit - New Year's Scenario
  • New Year's scenario for adults - New Year's scenario for adults
  • Blizzard - New Year's party script for children senior group
  • Holmes is on the Trail - New Year's performance for high school students
  • Know us - New Year scenario
  • New Year in a fairy forest - a New Year's holiday scenario for children middle group
  • New Year's fairy tale - script for staging a play in a home puppet theater
  • New Year's Tale-3 - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's holiday in Prostokvashino - scenario for the new year
  • New Year's journey through the fairytale kingdom - a scenario for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • Queen Night - New Year's script for children
  • At the behest of the pike - a script for a Russian production folk tale in a home puppet theater
  • Winter the Sorceress - script thematic conversation-concert
  • New Year's adventures of Ellie and her friends - holiday scenario for senior and preparatory groups
  • Adventures at the New Year's tree - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's party - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's Team Competition - New Year's Scenarios
  • At the New Year's tree - New Year's scenarios
  • Snegurochka - one, Snegurochka - two, Snegurochka - three... - New Year's holiday for children of primary and secondary age school age
  • New Year's story- New Year's Eve scenario
  • New Year's kidnapping - script for a New Year's performance for children 8-12 years old
  • Miracles from Santa Claus - a holiday scenario for students in grades 7-8. New Year's scenario
  • Serpentine of New Year's ideas - scenario for New Year's evening at tables
  • New wishes - game auction for the new year
  • New Year's party with the Fairy - New Year's children's party scenario
  • Celebrating the New Year in 2nd grade - New Year's tale script
  • Let's not let the Christmas tree get bored - New Year's scene for children 3-5 years old
  • New Year's family holiday - New Year's scenario family holiday
  • Fairy tale- New Year's fairy tale script
  • Our Merry New Year - New Year's scenario
  • What is most expensive - the New Year's scenario
  • New Year's quiz - script New Year's quiz
  • New Year for kids-2 - New Year scenario for kids
  • Forgetful Santa Claus - New Year holiday script for children 3-4 years old
  • New Year's Starter - New Year's Scenario competitive program for schoolchildren 10-13 years old
  • Magic star - New Year's performance script
  • Winter fabulous time - New Year scenario for the school New Year's party
  • New Year's play - script for a New Year's play
  • New Year at the airport - New Year scenario
  • Where has Santa Claus gone? - script for the New Year for a senior evening
  • Grandmas - children's New Year's scenario
  • Old New Year - our grandmothers used to tell fortunes - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's play script - New Year's script
  • Merry confusion at the Christmas tree - scenario for a New Year's party for primary schoolchildren
  • Golden Key, or the door to the New Year - New Year's scenario
  • Snow guest - scenario for the New Year - New Year's party for kids
  • New Year's confusion - New Year's scenario in groups of children 6 - 10 years old
  • New Year at the Frog Princess - New Year scenario for older children
  • Winter gave us a fun holiday - holiday script for middle group children 4-5 years old
  • House by the path - New Year's scenario for kids
  • New Year is coming! - New Year's scenario
  • Corporate new Year party for all zodiac signs - party script
  • New Year's adventures of the absent-minded - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's adventures in the world of show business - New Year's holiday scenario for children 8-12 years old
  • We are not afraid of witchcraft - scenarios for the New Year
  • Evening of competitions - New Year's scenario
  • New Year - New Year's holiday scenario for children 6 - 7 years old
  • New Year for the team - scenario for the New Year in the team
  • Magic star - script for New Year's performance
  • The Granddaughter of the Organ Grinder - a script for a magical New Year's fairy tale for children 4-7 years old
  • Santa Claus and summer - scenario for the New Year
  • The Nutcracker - New Year's performance for children of the preparatory group scenario
  • New Year's miracle - New Year's scenario for a children's party
  • Sleeping Beauty-2 - New Year's scenario for children of the preparatory group
  • Girl - Snow Maiden - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's fairy tale - holiday script for children from 3 to 8 years old
  • New Year's kaleidoscope - New Year scenarios
  • New Year in Prostokvashino - New Year's scenario
  • New cat- script for the new year
  • New Year's horoscope - New Year's scenario
  • Holmes is on the Trail - a New Year's performance for high school students. Scenario
  • Magical New Year's carnival - scenario New Year's carnival
  • Corporate New Year-3 - New Year's corporate party scenario
  • New Year's miracle - script for the New Year
  • The Night Before Christmas - New Year's Scenarios
  • Musketeers and New Year - matinee script for older children
  • Bunnies have a New Year - New Year's scenario
  • Overseas guest - New Year's holiday scenario for children 4-5 years old
  • New Year's scenario - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's performance around the Christmas tree - New Year's performance script
  • What kind of animal is sitting in a snowdrift? - script for a family New Year's performance
  • New Year's party script for grades 1-6 - New Year's script
  • Fun Fair - script - New Year's performance for primary schoolchildren
  • Queen Night - scenario for the New Year's holiday for children of the preparatory group
  • New Year's pranks of Shapoklyak and Baba Yaga - New Year's holiday script for grades 5-7
  • Hare Hut - scenario New Year's scenario for children 2nd junior group kindergarten
  • New Year's adventures of Santa Claus in Estonia - script
  • New Year in 2nd grade - New Year's scenario
  • Scientists and Pirates - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's ball - script for the New Year's ball
  • Tale for the New Year tree - New Year's scenario
  • New Year's fun at the Christmas tree - scenarios for New Year's holidays for primary schoolchildren
  • New Year - scenario for younger schoolchildren
  • Gift to Santa Claus - script for the new year
  • A big fairy tale from a small box - a New Year's holiday scenario for children 6-7 years old
  • Fabulous snowfall - New Year's scenario
  • Forest evil spirits at the New Year's holiday - a holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren
  • Magical New Year's carnival - scenario for grades 9-11. Script for high school students
  • Ball on Christmas night - scenario for the New Year for children 5-8 years old
  • A big fairy tale from a small box - a New Year's holiday for children 6-7 years old
  • Screen magic - New Year's script
  • New Year's lights - children's theatrical performance. Scenario
  • Travel - New Year's scenario
  • African carnival - script for New Year's performance in verse
  • Circus performance - New Year's party script
  • Sleeping Beauty - script for a New Year's party for children
  • Where are you, where are you, Santa Claus? - script for the New Year's party for children of the younger group
  • Christmas tree holiday - New Year's holiday for children of the second youngest group scenario
  • New Year in the sea kingdom - New Year's holiday scenario for children in the middle group of kindergarten
  • New Year's adventures - a holiday scenario for children of the older group 5-6 years old New Year
  • Mouse's friends - New Year's scenario for children 1.5 - 3 years old
  • Pranks evil spirits- script for a New Year's theatrical performance for primary schoolchildren
  • New Year's adventures of forest animals - a scenario for children for the New Year
  • Soon, soon New Year - New Year's holiday scenario for grades 1-4
  • Magic star - script for New Year's performance
  • New Year's carousel - scenario for the New Year holiday
  • New Year's holiday - New Year's scenario
  • Homemade Christmas tree scenario - scenario for parents and children 3-5 years old
  • New Year's fairy tale - scenario for the New Year for children 5-7 years old
  • What kind of animal is sitting in a snowdrift? - New Year's scenario for a family of 4 people
  • Snow town- script for a New Year's play for children 5-8 years old
  • Magic fairy tale - New Year's scenario
  • Adult New Year - New Year for adults scenario
  • Winter fairytale time - scenario for the school New Year's party
  • Santa Claus, File and Mickey Mouse - script for the new year
  • New Year's oink-oink - script for a New Year's children's party
  • New Year's corporate party - scenario New Year's corporate party
  • New Year's holiday scenario - New Year's scenario
  • Corporate New Year - corporate new year scenario
  • Titanic - New Year's disco scenario
  • Merry New Year - script for a merry new year
  • Corporate theatrical and competitive performance THE SNOW Maiden - 20... - corporate New Year scenario
  • New Year's detective- New Year's scenario corporate party
  • Bet on New Year's Eve - scenarios for the New Year
  • New Year-2 - script for a New Year's party for children
  • Evening of competitions - competition script for the new year
  • Only once a year - script New Year's performance for children
  • New Year in a fairy forest - scenario for the New Year
  • Hello, Zimushka-winter! - script for the new year
  • New Year's trip - New Year's scenario
  • Zlydnin New Year - script for a New Year's party for children 6-8 years old
  • New Year's adventures of Ellie and her friends - children's script
  • New Year for adults - New Year scenarios for adults
  • Planet of the Apes, or King Kong Lives! - script for the new year
  • Corporate New Year-2 - corporate party for the New Year scenario
  • New Year's Adventures-3 - script for a New Year's theatrical performance for high school students
  • New Year's lights - New Year's scenario
  • New Year in the kitchen - script for the New Year's play
  • New Year's holiday-2 - New Year's scenario
  • New Year for kids - script for kids for the new year
  • New Year's ball in the Emerald Country - a New Year's scenario for a musical festival for children 6-10 years old
  • New Year's party - script for the New Year's party
  • New Year's adventures of Ladybug - a scene for the New Year
  • New Russian New Year - script for the New Year
  • Zodiac is visiting us - New Year's scenarios
  • New Year's carnival - New Year's carnival scenario
  • New Year's holiday-3 - New Year's scenario
  • New Year with friends - New Year's scenario for friends
  • Naughty monkey - New Year's scenario
  • New Year in the Moon Cafe - New Year's scenario
  • The Witch's pranks at the New Year's ball - script
  • New Year's trip around the world - scenario for a home New Year's party
  • Visiting Zimushka - New Year's performance for children of primary and secondary school age
  • Snowman and Christmas tree - New Year scenarios
  • New Year's Puppet Ball - script for a New Year's performance using life-size puppets
  • New Year's trip Brazil-Russia - New Year's scenario for older children
  • Hello New Year! - script for the New Year for children
  • Rukavichka - script for staging a Ukrainian folk tale in a home puppet theater
  • Time travel - script for a New Year's play for primary school
  • New Year's game program for primary schoolchildren - scenario for primary schoolchildren
  • Election campaign in the country of forest dwellers - scenario New Year's program for younger students
  • New Year - New Year script
  • In a certain kingdom - a New Year's holiday scenario for third-graders and their parents
  • Around the world in 50 minutes - script for a New Year's performance for schoolchildren
  • Magic lamp - script for a New Year's performance for primary schoolchildren
  • New Year's holiday-2 - New Year's holiday scenario
  • Fairytale snowfall - New Year's performance for children of senior preschool and primary school age
  • Journey to Santa Claus - New Year's scenario for children 6-8 years old
  • Swan Lake - scenario for the new year
  • New Year's Eve Scenario - New Year's Eve Scenario
  • Miracles in Lukomorye - a New Year's holiday scenario for children in the preparatory group for school
  • Traveling on a New Year's train - a scenario for a home New Year's party
  • The adventures of a gnome - a New Year's holiday scenario for children 4-5 years old
  • Welcome to Cafe Chantan - scenario for a New Year's corporate party
  • New Year's party for children - script for a New Year's party for children
  • Festive fairy tale - fairy tale script for the New Year
  • Sleep in New Year's Eve- scenarios for the New Year - New Year's holiday for older children preschool age
  • Tricks of the sea king - scenarios for the New Year - New Year's holiday for children of the senior group of kindergarten
  • Lost colors - script New Year's fairy tale for children of the preparatory group for school
  • New Year is coming - New Year's holiday scenario for children 5-7 years old
  • New Year. Student burden - New Year's scenario for students
  • Hello, Christmas tree, my friend - holiday script for children of the younger group 3-4 years old
  • New Year scenario - New Year scenario for a small team from 10 to 40 people
  • Christmas tree dream - New Year's scenario for children of the second junior and middle group
  • Soon, soon New Year - New Year's scenario for grades 1-4
  • Crystal slipper - New Year for children of senior preschool age scenario
  • New Year's performance - scenario development
  • New Year's Adventures-2 - New Year's scenario for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten
  • Let's have a nice New Year - New Year holiday script for children of the younger group 2-3 years old
  • Visiting