Themes of New Year's scenarios at the beginning of the school. New Year's scenarios for younger students. Scenario of a cool scene for the New Year for high school students

Characters: Host, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Koschey, Baba Yaga, cat Murchik.

The children entered the hall, stood near the Christmas tree.

1st child:

Came back to us today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We were looking forward to it!

2nd child:

Frequent forest, blizzard field

The winter holiday is upon us.

So let's say together

Children(in chorus): Hello, hello, New kind!

1st child:

I said goodbye to the dark forest

Christmas tree, beauty.

She hurried to us from the forest,

The holiday begins.

2nd child:

The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday

It lit up with lights.

You are beautiful, tree

(strokes the Christmas tree and withdraws his hand),

Just too prickly!

1st child:

Christmas tree, do not prick,

Is it worth getting angry?

We gathered for the holiday

To have fun.

2nd child:

You have a Christmas tree

beautiful needles

And from top to bottom

Beautiful toys.

1st child:

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

For the tree to want

Come visit us again!


And the tree is happy for all of you,

So much fun all around

Let's go guys

Let's sing about the Christmas tree.

The song is about the Christmas tree.


In a very, very old story

There is a snow tower, and in it

Sleeping Snow Maiden Princess

A deep sound sleep.

She sleeps, but today,

Waking up from a dream

To us for the holiday "Winter's Tale"

She will be the guest.

Smart favorite

We are all waiting for the holiday

Our dear snow maiden,

Smart, beautiful

We will invite you to visit us.

All: Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends,

I came to you at the Christmas tree!

I heard from friends

From all forest animals,

What did you decorate the Christmas tree

Everyone was invited to the party.

The children all came to the Christmas tree,

The guests are here, but here's the question:

Where does our cheerful

Good Santa Claus?

It's time for him to come

He stopped on the way.

Santa Claus, ay, ay,

Hear, I'm calling you!

Somehow he can't hear me.

Maybe we can call together?

Children: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Aw, a-o-o!

Children: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Father Frost: I'm coming!

Music sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost:

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest

Don't hide your nose from me

I am good today.

I remember exactly one year ago

I saw these guys

The year has flown by like an hour

I didn't even notice

Here again among you

Dear children!

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Missed you for a whole year

I remember you every day

Collected gifts for everyone!

Get up in a circle, everyone,

Sing a song together.

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

New joy for all!

Let them sound under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Father Frost:

Something is hot for me, granddaughter,

I'll fly on business

And then I will return to you.


And now we'll sit

And look at the tree.

Near the Christmas tree

Miracles happen,

Right now in our hall

The story begins.

The light goes out. The phonogram of slow music sounds. The light turns on.

Koschey lies by the Christmas tree, Baba Yaga sits next to him, preens.

The cat Murchik enters, sits at a distance, washes himself with his paw.

Snow Maiden: Once upon a time there were Koschey, Baba Yaga and the cat Murchik.

Murchik: Oh, and the owners got me, well, just a punishment! Koschei spends the whole day lying on the stove, and Yaga spins for weeks at the mirror, preparing for a beauty contest, the beauty was found!

Baba Yaga:

slender knife,

A branch in a scythe...

Who does not know Yagochka?

Everyone knows Yaga.

Witches at the party

Gather in a circle.

How does Yagochka dance?

Best of all friends!

Murchik: Wow! A poker and a broom, loafers! At good people everything is in store for the winter: and pickles, and jams, and firewood, and kind words! And stretch out your paws with you!

Koschey: They drank tea, ate potatoes. The last firewood in the stove burned out... What shall we do?

Baba Yaga: What to do, what to do?.. Let's eat the cat!

Murchik: Masters, are you completely furious? You need to run away from here, until you really ate from hunger!

Baba Yaga and Koschey try to catch the cat, he runs away.

Baba Yaga: There is nothing to do, Kosha. Since we do not like to work, we must go to robbery. Let's get ready...

They leave.

Snow Maiden: Guys, while these loafers are gone, let's continue the holiday. In winter, there is a lot of snow, you can make snowmen and just snowballs out of it. Let's play snowballs and play!

Game "Collect snowballs"

Two children or two teams play. Snowballs from cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket each. On a signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one who scores wins large quantity snowballs.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys! Oh, it seems that Yaga and Koshchei are returning. Sit down on the chairs, let's see what they will do?

Enter. Baba Yaga and Koschey with pistols, rope and saber.

Baba Yaga: It seems that we have gathered, but when will we rob? When do we start?

Koschei: Let's start now! And that is, I really want to! Forward! On the robbery!

Baba Yaga: Forward!

They run away screaming. The cat Murchik appears.

Murchik: Well, the wicked ones, they would only spoil everything, that's how they are all their lives!

Snow Maiden: Don't worry, Murchik, they won't be able to ruin our holiday. Let's better with the guys in one very interesting game let's play.

Murchik: In which?

Snow Maiden: The game is called "Save Santa Claus".

Murchik: Meow! From what to save him?

Snow Maiden: You'll see for yourself.

They bring out two portraits of Frost without a nose.

Snow Maiden: You see, Murchik, it was he who came to us at the beginning of the holiday, but it’s very hot here, so he sent his portraits with a melted nose. We will conjure his nose now, and he will immediately appear.

Murchik: How are we going to do it?

Snow Maiden: Very simple.

The game "Let's conjure Santa Claus's nose"

Two children come out.

Snow Maiden: Here is a portrait without a nose, but here are the noses.

(The Snow Maiden gives the children a piece of plasticine.)

Snow Maiden: Look carefully, do you understand where to attach the noses? (Children answer.) We will only conjure noses with eyes closed. Look again and remember.

The Snow Maiden and Murchik blindfold the children, unroll them and offer to fasten their noses.

Murchik: Well done, guys, it’s okay that Grandfather’s nose has grown a little crooked, the main thing is how he will breathe.

Snow Maiden: Well, since Grandfather Frost's nose is all right, maybe even come to us for a little while?

Murchik: Meow! Yes, yes, otherwise the ears will melt, and it is more difficult to conjure two ears than one nose!

Snow Maiden: Let's call him!

All: Father Frost!

Grandfather Frost solemnly enters, the cat quietly leaves.

Father Frost:

Hello again guys

Girls are cute, boys,

funny, funny,

The kids are very nice.

Granddaughter, have you figured out during this time whether there are naughty and pranksters at our holiday?

Snow Maiden: None!

Father Frost:

Yes? Well, let's ask them.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!)

And the ugly ones? (No!)

And the mischievous ones? (No!)

And the rascals? (No!)

What about good kids? (No!)

You see, Snow Maiden, and there are no good children among them either. (Laughs.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, you are joking again, but meanwhile the Christmas tree has not yet been lit.

Father Frost:

What is this? What a mess

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames,

You use the words:

"Surprise us with beauty,

Elka, turn on the lights!

Come on together, come on together!

Children repeat the words, the tree lights up.

Snow Maiden:

In a circle, guys, stand,

The music is calling to the Christmas tree

Hold hands tight.

Let's start the round dance!

Round dance "Santa Claus".

Father Frost: Is there order in our possessions, Snegurochka?

Snow Maiden: What's the order, grandpa? There is no snow, no icicles, I generally keep quiet about the blizzard. Would you pour a little snow for the kids to have fun!

Father Frost: I will now blow with a cold magical breath - it will become cool and snowflakes will swirl.

The dance of the snowflakes.

Snow Maiden:

Wow, so much snow!

I suggest you play!

And everyone has fun together

Throw snowballs.

The Snow Maiden takes out “snowballs” from her bag - tennis balls, pre-decorated with snowflakes and a container into which these “snowballs” need to fall - the Magic Pot.

Here I made snowballs

Don't forget to take them with you.

We need to distribute snowballs to everyone

Let's throw them right.

The Snow Maiden puts some of the snowballs on the floor so that later they can be conveniently taken out, distributes one to the children, one keeps for herself.

Snow Maiden(to a child):

Here, take it, my friend, snowball

And throw it into the pot (Snow Maiden shows how to do this.)

We'll take the snow

Let's get very good! (The Snow Maiden offers to throw a snowball to another child.)

The game continues until all the snowballs have been thrown. in the Magic Pot.

And now in our pot

Let's cook porridge for Santa Claus.

The Snow Maiden brings a pot of snowballs to Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Well, they fed! Thank you guys. Well, Snegurochka, the snow is in order, let's check everything else.

Freeze game

The players form a circle and stretch their arms forward. At the signal of Santa Claus, they run inside the circle in opposite directions. Santa Claus tries to slap the players on the palms, which they must have time to remove. Those whom Santa Claus has touched are considered frozen and no longer participate in the game. The last player wins.

Father Frost: Wow, well done guys! And you, granddaughter, that you saved such a cold in my magical refrigerator! Have you hung the northern lights? ..

Snow Maiden: Hung out! Ah, grandfather, we didn’t count the stars! Suddenly what was lost! ..

Father Frost: Yes, mess! You count from the other side, and I will from this side.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden go into the background behind the Christmas tree, Baba Yaga and Koschey appear.

Koschey: Look, some grandfather ...

Baba Yaga: And with him a girl and a bag ...

Koschey: What are we going to steal?

Baba Yaga: Come on girl!

Koschey: No bag! Why do you want a girl?

Baba Yaga: Do you have a granddaughter?

Koschei: No.

Baba Yaga: And I don't. If we steal her, she will do everything for us, and we only go to robbery, and lie on the stove.

Koschey: Well, stupid you are stupid! Where did you see girls doing something? For them, all mothers and grandmothers do. We take a bag.

Baba Yaga: And now we'll check whether I'm right or you. Well, girls, which one of you is brave?

Game "Sweeper"

For the game you will need 4 buckets with small toys. At the command of Baba Yaga and Koschei, they begin to scatter toys, and the girls quickly collect them in buckets. The one who managed to collect the most wins.

Baba Yaga: Ha, I told you! You see, girls in the household are always useful. Moreover, the girl will walk with her own feet, but she will have to carry a bag.

Koschei: This is an argument! We take the girl, but will not help, so you can always eat her!

Baba Yaga: Hey girl!

Snow Maiden(turns around): What, grandma?

Baba Yaga: Do you want this candy?

Shows a huge candy with his hands.

Snow Maiden: So big?

Koschey: Big-big! (Pulls out a small caramel.)

Baba Yaga and Koschey kidnap the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus finishes counting the stars and comes out from behind the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Four million six hundred and eighty-seven... Snow Maiden! Did she fall into a snowdrift? .. Granddaughter! We have no time to joke, the guys are waiting for us!

The cat Murchik comes running.

Murchik: What's happened? What's wrong? What happened, Santa Claus?

Father Frost: The Snow Maiden is gone! Just stood here, and now it's gone!

Murchik: Children, have you seen who stole the Snow Maiden? (Children speak.)

Father Frost: Oh well, of course, don't worry, nothing will come of them! My granddaughter has character! Well, if it's hard, we'll come to the rescue. And now, to raise your spirits, start a round dance!

After the round dance, the children are seated on the chairs. Santa Claus and Murchik recede into the background, Baba Yaga and Koshchey appear, pushing the Snow Maiden in front of them.

Koschei(pushing the Snow Maiden): Drag her through the snowdrifts! Punishment! And she said - she will go, she will go! What's your name then?

Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Are you a hard worker?

Snow Maiden: Am I? Very! I love to draw on the windows and I can count the stars!

Koschey: We can draw on the windows ourselves! Just don't mess them up! But you, for example, can cook borscht?

Snow Maiden: Borsch? Is this cabbage soup?

Koschei(animatedly): With cabbage, with cabbage!

Snow Maiden: No I can not. My grandfather and I love ice cream more.

Baba Yaga: Here it is tied around our neck. Borsch can't cook!

Koschei(to Baba Yaga): I told you, you need to take a bag, but you are all a girl, a girl ...

Baba Yaga: In general, so, Snow Maiden, you will be our granddaughter now.

Snow Maiden: And who are you?

Baba Yaga and Koschey: Robbers!

Snow Maiden: Real robbers?

Baba Yaga: Yes, the real ones! We have everything: an ax, a pistol, a knife, and a rope! Yes, and we have gathered assistants for ourselves.

Hey thugs, run away

Let your dance begin!

Dance of the robbers.

Snow Maiden: What is this, New Year is coming, and you have neither a holiday nor a Christmas tree?

Koschey: How is it not? There are many trees in the forest!

Snow Maiden: Oh you, I'm talking about a smart Christmas tree. Even children know about it.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Ah, there you are, robbers, finally found! Give my Snow Maiden, otherwise I'm one of you fir cones I'll do it!

Koschei and Baba Yaga:

Oh, don't, oh, we're afraid

We will surrender to you without a fight!

They back away, run away and quietly pull off Santa Claus's bag.

Father Frost: It seems that we got rid of these loafers, hooligans. Now I want to listen to poetry, I’ll sit down and rest, otherwise I was completely confused while wandering through the forest.

Children read poetry.

Father Frost: Well done!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, what do you think, who is more fun in our hall - girls or boys?

Father Frost: But now we’ll check it, and for this we will divide it like this: the guys will be freezing! They will laugh: ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden: And the girls - snowmen - hee-hee-hee!

Father Frost: Come on, it's freezing! (Laugh.)

Snow Maiden: And now the snowmen! (Laugh.)

Father Frost: And the naughty boys - ha ha ha! ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden: And the merry little girls - hee-hee-hee! hee hee hee!

Father Frost:

Laughed, laughed

All of you, right, from the heart.

Both girls and boys

Were very good!

We sang and played

From the bottom of my heart I am happy!

Now isn't it time for us

Have a masquerade ball?

Snow Maiden:

Come on, everyone in costumes, masks

Become like in a fairy tale.

Let's go with Grandpa

Find the best costumes.

Father Frost:

We will rightfully reward everyone,

We won't cheat anyone.

Snow Maiden:

It is known to everyone, on New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

Someone in the morning Santa Claus

He brought them in a big basket.

But for you here in a good hour

Gifts Santa Claus in store!

Father Frost(looks for bag): It can't be! What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snow Maiden: Or maybe you left it in the forest?

Father Frost: No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where!

Snow Maiden:

No, the bag is not visible here,

Grandpa, what a shame!

Is it without gifts?

Are the kids leaving the party?

Father Frost:

How will they leave? I won't let it!

I will find gifts!

Wait kids, we're coming

And we will bring gifts.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave the hall. Koschey and Baba Yaga appear. Koschei is carrying a bag.

Baba Yaga: Cat, come here quickly!

Koschey: Wow, barely carried the bag. And why is he so heavy? Probably, there are many guests in it.

Baba Yaga: Come on, come on, here, here! How will we share?

Koschei: And so! Am I carrying a bag? I! So, most of the gifts are mine!

Baba Yaga: Look, you're smart! And who inspired you to do this?

Baba Yaga and Koschei are arguing. The Snow Maiden comes in.

Snow Maiden: You again? And what do you have? Come on, come on! Bag!

Baba Yaga and Koschey block the bag.

Baba Yaga:

We found a treasure under a bush,

And there is no good in it.

Snow Maiden: Yes, it's a bag of Santa Claus!

Koschey: We don't know anything! This is our bag!

Snow Maiden: Let's see, Santa Claus will come, then speak differently. Guys, call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. Santa Claus: What happened?

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, found, found! Here's your gift bag...

Koschei and Baba Yaga:

We won't give you a bag

We ourselves will eat everything that is in it.

Father Frost: Well, if so, eat up!

Koschey and Baba Yaga, pushing each other away, take out a torn shoe and a hat from the bag.

Baba Yaga: We do not want such gifts! Koschei: Only holes!

Father Frost: What they deserve is what they got. Whoever touches my bag with dishonest hands, rags and cast-offs are obtained from gifts.

Baba Yaga: Is the New Year without gifts like this?

Father Frost: Various miracles happen on New Year's Eve. I made it so that the gifts were under your pillows. You will definitely find them!

Koschey, Baba Yaga: And we?


Oh, we want treats

We ask your forgiveness!

Grandfather, Snow Maiden, I'm sorry,

And give a gift!

Baba Yaga:

We'll get better, believe me

We will start a new life!

We will be kinder, better

Every hour, every day!

Father Frost: Well, guys, forgive them? (Yes!)

Fine! And you will find from me gifts to the hut.

Snow Maiden:

Here we say goodbye

And we give you an order:

So that you are all healthy

Getting better every day!

Father Frost:

To have in your life

And fun and laughter.

happy new year, happy new year

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

See you next year,

You wait for me, I will come!

The characters say goodbye and leave.

Characters: Storyteller, two from the casket, Longing Green, Revunchik, Uncle Fyodor, cat Matroskin, dog Sharik, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

The course of the holiday

Music sounds. The hall includes fairy tale characters. They carry the Storyteller on a stretcher, decorated in the form of a tent. The tent is placed on the floor, and the Storyteller comes out of it.

Storyteller. Come on, two from the casket, the same from the face! Tell me, where did you bring me?

Two from the chest. On holiday!

Storyteller. What school is this?

Two from the chest. And this is ... (They call the district and city where the school is located).

Storyteller. Remove the tent and vigilantly guard.

Two from the chest. Can you see the holiday?

Storyteller. It's possible, it's possible!

Two of the casket carry the tent into a corner and stand side by side, crossing their hatchets.

Storyteller(referring to children).

Mood for "five"!

Let's start the holiday...

They say on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Uncle Fedor.

Maybe even the guys

All wishes come true

All you need, they say

Put in the effort.


Don't be lazy, don't yawn

For your pain.


They say on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.


How can we not wish

humble desire -

To perform well

School assignments.


So that the students

Began to work

To deuces in diaries

Couldn't get through.

Tosca Green runs into the hall. Behind her dejectedly wanders Revunchik.

Longing Green. All clear! The holiday has already begun and, of course, without me. Why have I been forgotten? Why didn't they invite me?.. And here I came without an invitation.

Storyteller. Who are you?

Longing Green. How? You don't know who I am? Yes, you should all know me. I'm Longing-a-a Ze-le-na-I!

Storyteller. Why do we need New Year's Eve melancholy, and even green? We want to have fun, not to grieve.

Longing Green. I know that I was not expected. I also want to be at the party. The tree is green, and I am green. So we are almost related to her.

Storyteller. So I thought: a relative was found. The Christmas tree amuses everyone, and you only make everyone sad.

Longing Green(waves at him and turns to the guys). And I didn't come to you alone. I never go alone. I always have a true friend with me. This is the Ravenclaw. I steal and he hides. I am sad and he is crying. See how old he is. Little, but already an old man. Because they cry a lot. Here!

Storyteller. Well, why do we need your tears and longing at the holiday?

Longing Green. And this is so, just in case of a fire. Suddenly the tree will light up. Wow she sparkles. But there are no firefighters! Isn't it? Who will extinguish? Revunchik. And today I am in a cheerful mood, and I will have fun. My mood is hidden here in a chest. I stole it from the Snow Maiden. Now she cries and cries, and I have fun. There's a lot more in this box. Here in the 4th grade, I stole the friendship between girls and boys. And in the 3rd - good grades. Now they have so many deuces! .. Only in the 1st grade I didn’t steal anything. Because they are cunning. I can't find anything to steal from them. I'll probably steal their class teacher. And then he sits and smiles. Well, now let's have some fun. I have a special day today. First time in life good mood. Let's play. I will be leading. The one who manages to offend more offensively wins. The winner will receive a super prize, "figs you" is called ..

Knock on the door. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter. The Snow Maiden looks sad and sad.

Storyteller. Santa Claus, how are you on time! Otherwise, I don’t know how to calm down this green lady. She will ruin our holiday. It will bring melancholy to everyone. Yes, even green. It will ruin everyone's mood.

Father Frost(claps hands). Two from the casket, the same from the face! Well, put Green Tosca in its place.

Longing Green. Where, where is my place?

Two of the casket take her by the arms and lead her to the tent. Revunchik runs after him.

Revunchik. And I? I also want a place.

Two from the chest(in chorus). And where are you going?

Revunchik. With her.

Two from the chest(in chorus). For what?

Revunchik. Cry.

Two from the chest. You can't.

Revunchik(returns). Then I'll sit near the Snow Maiden. I'll pay her. (Sits down near the Snow Maiden).

Father Frost(referring to the guys).

We walked along snowy forest paths,

We walked through meadows, boundless fields.

Funny songs helped us along the way -

With a joke, with a song it is more interesting to go.

And from the very end of the earth

We bring you our congratulations.

Happy new year dear friends!

There is nothing more interesting

What a wonderful day like this

Winter holiday season

Meet the kids.

Snow Maiden(almost crying).

In his white house

We live together with my grandfather.

In the thicket of the age-old forest

We often hear the howl of the wind...

But we are not afraid of the cold,

We are glad to frosty days.

We don't have a stove in our house.

The grandfather is afraid of the fire.

Fire and I'm afraid

After all, I'm called the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden sits down again. The Revunchik sits next to him.

Storyteller. Santa Claus, why is the Snow Maiden sad?

Father Frost. I don't know what happened to her. She was cheerful and suddenly sad. I can't cheer her up. Maybe you, Storyteller, can help her?

Storyteller. Is it really true that Tosca Green stole her mood? You need to call a doctor urgently. Where is the phone? (Calls on the phone). This ambulance? Our Snow Maiden is seriously ill, sad, her good mood was stolen from her. There is one way, you say? Vitamin C? And this vitamin is in laughter? It's clear. (Hangs up the phone). Guys, the Snow Maiden needs vitamin C - the vitamin of laughter. You need to make her laugh. All hope is on you guys.

Father Frost. Whoever manages to return the Snow Maiden a good mood, I promise half the kingdom of Ice.

Children perform.

Father Frost. You see, the Snow Maiden has already become more fun. We need to come up with something so that she will never be sad. Let's return her good mood.

Storyteller. I figured it out. Now we will play Tosca Green, come play with us.

Longing Green With pleasure. (With a satisfied look, he approaches the Christmas tree.)

Storyteller. But how are you going to play with the chest? He will interfere with you. If you drop it again, you'll beat off your leg.

Longing Green. I can't leave him. I have such values ​​there!

Storyteller. Put it here. We don't take anyone else's.

Longing Green. No. I can not

Storyteller. Well, then give it to the safekeeping of Two from the casket.

Longing Green. Need to think! (Turns to them.) Will you guard?

Two from the chest. We will!

Longing Green. Will you keep well?

Two from the chest. Fine!

Longing Green. Honestly?

Two from the chest. Honestly!

Longing Green puts the chest in the tent. Meanwhile, Matroskin takes away the chest, pulls out the contents, distributes them.

Matroskin. Third grade, keep your A's and B's. In the New Year, you should study for 4 and 5. (Gives out cards with the numbers 4 and 5). Fourth grade is your friendship. Hold it tight and don't lose it. (Gives a drawing: two hands in a handshake.) And here is a cheerful mood (a drawing with smiling lips). This is Snegurochkino, how joyful it is! This is for 2nd grade. Hold on and don't lose.

At this time, Green Tosca, at first carried away by the game, notices what Matroskin is doing and begins to fuss

Longing Green. And I also have this ... And this ... And this is the same as I have there. (Excitedly.) And the chest is the same as mine. Matroskin, and this, by chance, is not my chest? Where did you get it? (Running to the tent.) Where is my chest? (Cries.) They stole it! How much time did I collect, cherish, store. Didn't give it to anyone! And now I have nothing. And there is no good mood either!

Revunchik. Calm down, Tosca Green! Do you want me to pay for you?

Longing Green. I don't want to cry myself.

Father Frost. Calm down, Tosca Green! You are good to us!

Longing Green. Evil, evil, evil!

Snow Maiden. Good!

Longing Green. Bad! Bad!

Father Frost. Do you want candy?

Longing Green. Don't want!

Storyteller. You are beautiful, green one!

Longing Green(stops crying). Yes? (to Santa Claus) Come on then candy!

Father Frost(gives candy) Now won't you cry? Forgive Matroskin?

Longing Green.Will you give me some candy? (Santa Claus gives candy). Will you give Revunchik?

Father Frost. And I will give Revunchik.

Matroskin. Santa Claus, what about me?

Father Frost. What do you want, Matroskin, candy?

Matroskin. No, you promised half the Kingdom of Ice to the one who will return the good mood to the Snow Maiden!

Father Frost. Oh yes, I forgot. The old one has become. I will keep my promise, of course. (He takes out a scroll, unfolds it. The Ice Kingdom is drawn on paper. Santa Claus tears the sheet in half). Here's to you, Matroskin, half the kingdom. (Matroskin takes a sheet and leaves joyfully.)

Ball. Stop, Matroskin, take me with you, I will guard your property.

Father Frost. Well, now let's have some fun!

Snow Maiden. Let's continue the holiday! Let's all dance together!

Round dances, games, attractions, dances.

Father Frost. Well done guys, you know how to have fun. Well. and now I have to leave.

I wish you to grow and not be bored,

Moms and grandmothers are not very upset.

And always ask for forgiveness

For any grief.

I wish everyone to temper and grow wiser,

And never get sick for a whole year.

Never be arrogant

And get rid of laziness.

Well, next year

I will come to you for the holiday. (Exits.)

Dancing. Games. Contests.

Storyteller. We had a lot of fun with you! But our time is up. It's time for us to go!

The chime of the clock floats over the sky,

In the windows, the light is not extinguished by the city!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Always be happy in life!..

Music sounds. The storyteller sits in a tent, which is brought by Two from the casket, and the characters leave.

Bazina N.G. Primary school teacher MBOU Inzenskaya secondary school No. 1
Scenario of the New Year.
Leading Dear kids,all girls and boysWinter holiday is upon usSo let's say together:Hello, hello New Year!
Leading What kind of Christmas tree did he bring us?Dear Santa ClausHow slender and majestic!Look left, rightWe invite everyoneIn a friendly round danceHave fun with you New Year!
The song "Happy New Year to all we congratulate!"
Leading - Guys, animals are rushing to our Christmas tree. Here they come here, shall we meet them guys? Yes.
Bear.Do not be afraid of us children We are all kind now Here on holiday on your Together with you we will dance
Leading.Tell us cute animals And if we don't believe you You won't fight here Scratching and biting?
Bear Well, don't we know? We don't offend anyone.
Fox. And I got betterI don't even eat chickenBears, wolves and foxesForgot bad habitsWe all want to be friendsWe will live in peace with everyone.
Song . Leading. And what is a round dance without the Snow Maiden?Let's invite her to the partyLet's shout together- Good Snow Maiden, respond!- Dear Snow Maiden, appear!
Snow Maiden _Hello, my friends!- How many guys and everyone is looking at me.- Happy holiday to you friends- I confess now- What a pleasure to see youHolidays are funWinter brought youAnd a Christmas treeAnd a friendly round danceAnd you are happy todayWelcoming the New YearAnd meet friends for the New YearWe can't live without a song
We will sing about the tree nowAnd let's go around it.
Leading. - We have a postman on the Christmas tree, he brought us telegrams.
Leading -What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden?Why are you pissed off?
Snow Maiden Fun doesn't come to mindtriumph is goneWhat is the new year Without my grandfather?
Leading Don't be upset, Snegurochka, now we will send telegrams to all ends and find grandfather. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! And the guys will help write the text. Help the postman.Postman.
We are seriously upset Lost……. (Father Frost) Maybe someone knows Where did he sit .... (rest) Maybe someone knows Where, where does he keep………(path)
Leading. While the telegram hurries to Santa Claus, we will have fun.Dance "
baba yaga - Hey guys! Leshy didn't run here?Children. - No. baba yaga - Well, okay, let's fly further (trying to start a broom) Ugh! That's how it always is. At the most crucial moment, the airship brings me down. And all because of you, striped demon!- Cat. - Not a demon, but a cat, please do not insult. And not striped, but almost Siamese . baba yaga - Siamese! Traded fuel for chewing gum again?Snow Maiden. - Wait, wait. What's the matter? We meet Santa Claus.baba yaga - Right! Meet! Here is Santa Claus for you (puts a doll), and here is a bag with gifts (takes out a bag from a backpack)Snow Maiden. - I do not understand anything.baba yaga - There is nothing to understand. These are all Leshy's tricks. He turned your grandfather into a doll.Snow Maiden. - Oh what to do now? How to disenchant grandfather? (crying)baba yaga - Well, well, that's enough, Snegurochka, to breed sputum. After all, it's a holiday for the kids. Well, if you want, I'll sing your favorite song. Oh, what is it called, I forgot something. I have this one like his ... memory chlorophos. Oh, that is dichlorvos. No, not dichlorvos, but the supply manager. Phew, totally confused.- Cat. - You have sclerosis, my dear.baba yaga - That's it, I wanted to say that sclerosis. Now I remembered your favorite song - A heifer was born in the forest.- Cat. - Yes, not a heifer, a Christmas tree.baba yaga - Well, yes, not a heifer, but a Christmas treeThe Forest Raised a Christmas Tree She grew up in the forest Pale in winter and summer- Cat.- Not pale, but .... baba yaga - She wasn't pale.Gray bunny in shortsJumped under the Christmas tree- Cat.- What did you jump in? baba yaga-In shorts It's cold in winter, so he jumped in them so as not to freeze. Do not interfere, striped!Leading. - Thank you grandma for the song. True, you invented everything, but everyone seems to have improved the mood. And now, guys, let's sing the song right!
Snow Maiden. - And now guys, we all need to figure out together how to save Santa Claus ? baba yaga - Can I report it to the police?- Cat. - Not to the police! And yes, it smells like witchcraft. There is no saving, but you need to be afraid.Leading - And what about the Christmas tree? We can’t leave her, and there are so many guys out there.- Cat. - Why quit? We cut it down and take it with us. And we’ll quietly celebrate the New Year somewhere. (pulls out an ax, goes to the Christmas tree, the children stop him)
Leading. - And what about Santa Claus? No, this is not an option. Grandma, you're a witch, well, come up with something.baba yaga - What can I do? This Goblin, he is now this one, like his foreigner. My domestic sorcery against his foreign one is a trifle. He also has a professorship. And we did not finish the academies. We have an average marsh education. Let's dance better.
Dance "
baba yaga - Snow Maiden, look what I found! The parcel is valuable. But I don't understand what is written here, the handwriting is illegible.
- Cat. - Ha! Illegible! I would say right away that you can’t read!baba yaga - I can - I can't. Shut up striped! And then I will make you clean the stupa for me until the end of your days (they quarrel).
Leading - Well, stop quarreling (picks up the envelope, reads.)Do not see your Santa ClausI bewitched him.But if you complete my tasks anyway, I'll give it back to you! Goblin. - Cat. - Here's a damned emigrant, spoils the whole holiday for us.
Snow Maiden. - Don't worry, the guys and I will complete all the tasks. Really, guys?
Goblin - And hello, lazybones! How are you doing? Probably in the lessons you chew gingerbread, indulge and push.
Snow Maiden.
- Give us back Santa Claus, we really miss him at the holiday. The guys are ready to complete your tasks.
Goblin - Let's see, well, first of all, I want to see how you can sing.
Goblin - You sing not bad, consider that you coped with one task-Do you know how to play?
A game
Goblin - Well done, well done. Your games are fun, I liked it. And do you know how to dance?
Goblin - Well, I will fulfill my promise, I liked you very much. I will remove my witchcraft from Santa Claus.(Knock on the door) Leading - Who could it be?
Father Frost. - Hello, here I amHappy new year to you friendsI was with you a year agoI am very happy to see everyoneThey grew up, they became bigAnd did you recognize me?All the same I am grayAnd just like a young man!Stand up guysHurry to the round dance!With song, dance and funLet's celebrate the New Year together!
Leading - Oh grandpa, we're so glad you're with us.The guys and I will sing a song for you, and for now, sit down, take a break from the path.
Father Frost. - Something's not right here.Not a troika, ringing bells,Rushed from a distant landA super-reactive sledThey brought me to this hallToday let the songs not stopLet them rush to the diamond heightsI came to light this Christmas treeBeautiful Christmas tree, light upAnd in order for the Christmas tree to light up, we need to remember the magic wordsRepeat after me
1,2,3 shine with festive light.
Snowflake - Here comes the breeze It smelled of cold Like grandma winter I waved my sleeve Flew from above white fluffs On trees and bushesSnowflakes are falling.
Tanya snowflakes.
Two robbers appear. Bang bang, and we are robbersrobbers, robbers.Bang bang, and we are deadDead people, dead people
Father Frost. - Wait, wait gentlemen.Where are you from and where?
1 robber - We are on our way to TahitiThere we hide somehowGold, pearls and diamondsEmeralds and Topazes
2 robber - We have a lot in chestsMarks, guilders, reaisNot enough chocolateApples, waffles, marmaladeAnd we are dashing pirateswe are not afraid of all the elementsWe are not afraid of Santa ClausGive gifts!
Father Frost. - Is it reallyDo you want candy?
1 robber - Enough talk, old man.(referring to children)- You will not see giftsGive me your bagSo that no one gets carried away.
Father Frost. (Putting the bag on the floor)-Farsi marsi, farsi gayBecome my bag heavier!Farsi-marsi, Farsi - gatNo one to untie!
2 robber - What are you old, mumbling thereDo you want to come to Tahiti with us?Stay on the treeLet the wolves bite you(robbers approach the bag, try to lift the bag)
1 robber - Really bricks?2 robber - Hush, brother, do not shout!There are puddles of gifts1(trying to pick up the bag again)
1 robber Wow, I got really hot!Shouldn't it be raised?2 robber - We need to untie the knot.(tries to untie the knot)1 robber -That's a shame! Here's the trouble!- Neither here nor there!2 robber -What to do? Guard!Santa Claus tricked us!Who will give us candy now?
Leading - Santa Claus could give youOnly harmful, evil piratesHe won't. Is that right, guys?
1 robber - We'll fix it now.- Be kind to you
2 robber Let's sing and danceDon't offend anyoneWe apologizeWe ask for your forgiveness!
Father Frost. - Well, guys, forgive them?Guys forgive you, sing, have fun with us!

Festive New Year's program for elementary grades "Visiting the forest gnome"

The assembly hall is festively decorated. A Christmas tree is installed in the center, a fence-arena with a diameter of three meters, thematically painted. Three microphones: two movable at the Christmas tree, one ~ on the working stage. At the Christmas tree, the Snow Woman froze. Cheerful music sounds, a stream of students enters the hall. They are met and lined up in a circle near the Christmas tree 8 mass workers. The change of music is the theme of the Troll. Lightplay.


The old gnome, leaving the mountains,

Once sneaked into the city

Look at the holiday with people, with kids.

But the forest froze over, and the dwarf was upset to tears.

The dwarf peered through the windows,

The dwarf was lonely:

Do not dance, children, do not sing - they are waiting for something ...

And Santa Claus and the New Year are still not coming!

Dwarf. Yes, yes, yes - everything is not right, everything is not right! And that's not it, and that's not it! What's going on, good people! I do not play like that! I just took a nap for a minute, just half an eye - and on you! I wake up - hello! There are misfortunes all around!

Is this a tree? Hohliki-rokhliki, shmariki-nightmare! Some kind of frozen stick. (Pulls the branches - the sound of ice floes.) Oh, hear how it strums - pure ice!

And what kind of snowdrift is this, who did it freeze here? Fathers are holy! No way, Santa Claus himself was nailed! And the Snow Maiden took it! That's what I'm looking at with all my eyes - I don't recognize anything! Oh, Grandfather Frost! Oh, Snow Maiden girl! But who did you leave us for, why did you leave the little kids without a holiday ... Who had so much fierce anger, so that Santa Claus himself ...

Music signal.

Snow Baba. Okay, good howl! Tired! Khokhliki are dead, Frost-girls! You better appreciate my work. A?! Super Freeze! With a guarantee!

Dwarf. So this is ... Oh, you are a scarecrow of the snow-freaky! Yes you... yes I... yes we you!!!

Snow Baba. Uh, scared, uh-uh-uh! Hush! Relic! Che you can! None of you modern child does not believe, but there you, we, me, but you can’t do a damn thing!

Hee hee hee! How do I them? Whoever sees will not believe. I - an ordinary Snow Woman - froze both Grandpa and Granddaddy. For a couple! (teasing) To our Christmas trees, e-e-e-e, Santa Claus came alive! With him is his Snow Maiden, an icy fool! So stay here, ice idols!

(I noticed the children.) Oh, kids! Oh, fools! Did you come to the Christmas tree? Celebrate the New Year? Celebrate the holiday!? Yeah, now, you will have a holiday! Enough celebrating. Look, what they thought - no matter what year - that continuous celebration, jubilation, dances-shmantsy-jumpers!

Jump off, baby monkeys! This is just the beginning. Wait, I'll catch my breath, I'll pick up anger - I'll freeze everyone! And you, and you, and you, rusty stump! I can even freeze time! Shh, little fellow, get away from sin! Woo!

Runs away. musical accent.

Dwarf. Oh ho ho hohohoy! There is no happiness in my share! What to do, how to be, how to melt the ice floes? Oh yes it's me! Head - two ears! No feather or fluff to me! And what are the children for?

Are you children or not? (Answer.)

Real or also frozen? (Answer.)

Hey, so why be sad - pour tears to no avail. It is, of course, on the one hand, a disgrace, but on the other - and nothing terrible. The main thing is that they are not killed to death and on the spot! And frozen ones can be thawed! Oh, how smart I am, I'm surprised myself. Let's breathe on Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - they will thaw. Get ready! I shout: “Hee!”, And you unanimously answer: “Ha!” Well, let's start! (Musical accent.) Well, one more time, but friendlier: Hee-ha! Hee-ha! Hee-ha!

Not! There is no witchcraft here! They probably magically frozen! Baba Snow is strong! It must have been molded from dirty snow. Only, you're lying, you won't take us so easily! Really, friends?

So something it so, yes with seats raze! (Trying to move the drawn figures, freezes.)

Fir-trees-winders, freezing themselves! Well, move, people, otherwise we will all freeze. Come on, our dance! Yes, go more cheerfully, do not feel sorry for your legs!

Music. Round dance "If life is fun - do it!". Extras work in circles and at the Christmas tree.

Dwarf. Well, thanks! They warmed my old bones, otherwise I almost turned into an icicle myself. In the meantime, you are so and so, and again like this, I thought something: let's call for help before it's too late. He started round dances, folk dancers. You look, and our trouble will be helped.

Come on, get on your toes

And now on the heel.

Let's jump high together

And now - squat!

Music is the exit-dance of the Good Fellow and the three Red Maidens. The bow of the girls is an accent.

Dwarf. Oh, what Red Maidens have come to us! Just not girls, but raspberries!

Maidens. Why were we called?

Dwarf. To help! Save Santa Claus!

Maidens. But as?

Dwarf. Look at you - how, how ... They croaked! If they knew, they wouldn't be called that!

1st girl. You, grandfather, do not be angry!

2nd girl. You better smile at us!

3rd girl. Take a good look! All. Yes, please ask!

Dwarf. Let's go! Ask them for more ... Or maybe I don’t know how to do this, I don’t want to, or I just can’t?

All. And you try!

Dwarf. And why am I going to ask alone, I, adit, alone need a holiday? Avon, what a bunch of us, come on, people, ask together. But how it's done, I really forgot. You really respect, teach the old man: what do you need to say?

Work in circles with a microphone.

I think you understand, killer whales.

I'll start and you finish

Friendly, help in chorus!

Pretty girls, do not refuse courtesy. Kindly help...

All. Please!

3rd girl.

And it's not difficult, and it's not okay.

Start everything back.

Repeat the "Request" move.

1st girl. Well done, well asked

2nd-3rd girls. We deserve our help!

1st girl.

We have a game for you

She is wonderful.

2nd girl.

Repeat after us

Look, don't yawn!

3rd girl.

If the game turns out

The blocks of ice will melt!

Dwarf. Look, the game is not simple, but magical! Well, kids, don't yawn, repeat everything!

Music signal.

1st girl.

One funny chick

I saw in a small hut

Seven heroes -

All without eyebrows

with big ears,

With long noses.

2nd-3rd girls. What did they do?

1st girl.

Jumping day and night

They sang and played!

2nd-3rd girls. How?

1st girl. And like this!

Extras: three people and three girls show movements, children repeat.

Ear, nose, clap, hand change, repeat.

Saw, hammer, sock, clap, hand change.

Head, belly, turn, change hands.

Dwarf: Whoa! I mean stop! What is it called, what kind of mockery are you building here? It's only some kind of Spider-Man can do. And we are just, you know, starting to live. And you fooled us so much that you can’t say in a fairy tale or disenchant Santa Claus! Come on sooner.

All. And sooner - it will not work!

Dwarf. And it is not necessary! Let's figure it out ourselves!

All. Break a leg!

Musical screen saver - three bows, departure.

Dwarf. Fu-you, well-you! Legs are bent! Think! Also me, half-educated sorceresses, but there too. Hey, you hung up your noses! Don't worry, you won't get lost with me. You know, how resourceful I am - right now I’ll gather my thoughts together and teach you what to do. And you don’t waste time, move more quickly, otherwise you will really freeze. And while I'm thinking.

Mass exit. Round dance song "If the dance is not enough."


Op-la, op-la-la!

What a smart gnome I am!

Invented! Skumekal! Myself! Hee!

All. Ha!

Dwarf. Sing a song for me! If you know. Because honestly, I deserve it!

The song "The gnome was many years old" - soloists and children.

Dwarf. Ah, the scoundrels, touched the old man, respected him. Thanks! Now, listen to me. Guys! Where are you? Raise your hands. There are so many of you! And tell me, guys, which of you does not like to play soldiers? Aha! There are none! That's it! And it turns out that we need to call for reinforcements, and not simple, but special!

How can we call him here? Yes, whistle with a valiant whistle, then it will appear. Don't whistle at my command. And you girls, it’s better to close your ears, otherwise you never know what can happen ...

So guys, are you ready? Three four!

General whistle. Music-theme "Soldiers". Soldier exit.

Soldier(marching in place).

At-two - left!

I am a brave soldier!

At-two - right!

I am a brave soldier!

I fight with a chicken

Children. I'm afraid!

Soldier. Yes, I'm afraid! What are you laughing at? Do you know what spurs a rooster has? Whoa what! More of my saber! More than myself!

Dwarf. Well, who needs your cock, serviceman? Who is interested in him?

Soldier. What is not needed? Then I went. Right! Step-march!

Dwarf. Stop, one or two! Where are you going, no way to desert?!

Soldier. No way!

Dwarf. And yes!

Soldier. And no!

Dwarf. Stop talking!

Soldier. Eat!

Dwarf. Take command of the army of children!

Soldier. I can do it... And with whom is the war? Who is the enemy?

Dwarf. Granny Snow!

Soldier. Oh! (Falls.)

Dwarf. Hello to you! Helper, me too! Attention!

Soldier(rises). Or maybe we’ll give up in a good way, she won’t do anything to us!

Dwarf. Already! Already done, done, her soul is snowy. Look here what you've done. That and look, the New Year will freeze.

Soldier. Why, and freeze, and very simple. Well, did I go?

Dwarf. Oh no no no! And also a soldier! Do you feel sorry for the kids? How can they survive the winter without a holiday?

Soldier. Yes, yes, of course ... The kids of that ... sorry! Yes, what is there to do?

Dwarf. Resist! And don't give up! Let's teach how to be brave, how to defeat evil! Ile forgot?!

Soldier. No way! Army, listen to your commander, that is, me! Brave soldiers must be able to salute. We start learning. They did it like this! ( Right hand.) And with the left hand we do like this! (holds out hand, thumb up, exclamation: "In!".)

Change of hands. Together with children.

Soldier. Those who succeeded, well done, those who did not succeed, well done too! And now the most important thing in military affairs is camouflage. We will camouflage ourselves behind the bushes. And we will have bushes like this! (Hands crossed, fingers spread out at the face.)

Soldiers are hiding behind the bushes. Hide! Smart soldiers peek out from behind the bushes to see if the enemy is coming. You can look to the right.

Left! Above! On right! Left! Above! (The pace picks up.) Well done! And now - weapons!

Dwarf. Yes, you can’t take this Snowbaby with your bare hands!

Soldier. Here you will be machine gunners. Show how machine guns shoot! (Demonstration) Great! And you will be guns. How do guns bang? (Display) Not bad! And now all together: machine guns and cannons - fire!

There is a shooting going on.

Dwarf. Hooray! Oh yes, we are miracle heroes! This is shooting, this is what I understand! Already ears pawned! And most importantly - the Snowman, what should she be afraid of? A? Well, well, think - answer! That's it, that of fire. So we'll set it on fire so that it doesn't stick around here anymore, hohliki-rokhliki!

The musical signal is the theme of the Snow Woman.

Soldier. Stop talking! Hid in an ambush, shoot only on my command!

Music-tango "Help me" - ride on roller skates of the Snow Woman.

Snow Baba(tango).

Everyone calls me a harmful, snowy woman,

And I have a tender soul, like a spring flower!

I am a very cute creature...

Dwarf. It's all lies!

Snow Baba. Oh, why such trifles, my dear old fool!


Help me, evil blizzard: spin, notice, wrap!

Give free rein, just let the New Year be forever lime!

Chorus loss - rolling.

Snow Baba. Well, snub-nosed? Waiting for Grandma Snegulechka? And here I am! Before you! With new vile miracles! Get ready, right now I'll freeze you all. So feet together, hands at the seams...

Dwarf and Soldier. Fire!

The game is shooting. Snow Woman (exaggeratedly) frightenedly rushes around the site.

Snow Baba. Oh help! Oh save! Don't bang! Don't kick! Hang up! I'm ticklish! Oh, fathers! Oh mothers! Oh, scream - I'm dying right now! All! Tired! Well?!!

Soldier and Gnome. What?

Snow Baba. Shot? Have you got pissed off? What do you think me Snow Baba, you can from some machine gun: a bunch ...

Soldier. Not a fart, but tra-ta-ta! From machine guns and cannons!

Snow Baba. Yes, even from a laser slingshot! I have a bulletproof snow jacket. Eee! And who are you?

Soldier. And I, I am a brave soldier...

Dwarf. Very brave! He is our leader!

Snow Baba. Look, commander!

Soldier. Aha!

Snow Baba. Are you brave?!

Soldier. Aha!

Snow Baba. And it still needs to be checked how brave you are. (Scares.) Woo!

The soldier runs away. musical accent.

Snow Baba. Oh, die! Oh, daredevil! And you, hare-eared soldiers? Why don't you drape behind your commander? A? Do you understand who is in charge here? That's it! Okay, enough distraction - it's time to get down to business! Turn into shiny ice!

Dwarf. Why hurry! And most importantly, where?

Snow Baba. There you are, old man, you're right. Where did I put her?

Dwarf. Whom?

Snow Baba. Someone! Magic wand. Who else! Looks like this soldier of yours stole it! Nothing, right now, I'll pinch him, a swindler! Right now, I'll re-educate him, my dear! Woo! Hold on!

Runs away. musical accent.

Dwarf. Phew, it worked! I thought I'd find it! How to drink will find. But no: here it is, the villainous wand. Wow, how cold! Let him lie here for a while, maybe he won't run away. She has no legs!

Yes, guys, our soldier blundered. I did not succeed against this Baba. Okay, let's do it ourselves. Against her villainous power, we have another one. The power of laughter and fun!

Ha ha ha! That's what Her Snowiness can't stand, so it's when everyone around feels good and warm! Well, let's laugh and practice. Oh ho ho!

Tries to "get" the guys.

But what kind of laughter is this, what kind of joy is this? Yes, goat puffs. Looks like I'll have to call for help again!

You ring, ring, ring -

Give joy to children!

Come on, together

Come on, together!

You ring, ring, ring!

Give joy to children!

The bells rang out, calling to each other - the exit of soloists with bells. Song Ding Ding Dong.

1. This is a fast run sled.

It's light snow,

It rolls the bell

Your cheerful childish laughter.

We're moving like an arrow

And the earth is white all around.

From moonlight

Night, like day, is bright.


Ding, ding, dong.

Ding, ding, dong -

There is a gentle sound.

Let the fun of childhood

He will fill my soul.

Ding, ding, dong.

Ding, ding, dong -

Intoxicated by the sound

Looks after us with a smile

Silver sky.

2. White snow flies like a blizzard,

Bell under the arc...

Oh, how fun we race

On the road to your dreams!

Light winds faster

We are flying through the fields.

And the bell rings

My song.


Dwarf. And now, childish audience...

Dwarf. Now, kids...

Dwarf. Yes, what is this nonsense?

But just for a change!

Oops, here he is and me!

Musical accent - the exit of 3 actors with puppets.

1st Petrushka. What fun without Parsley?

2nd Petrushka. I have a cap on top of my head.

3rd Petrushka.

Words fly out of me like a fountain,

I've got a...

All. Full head!

They greet the children in a circle.

1st Petrushka.

Long time no see,

I suppose they were waiting for me?

2nd Petrushka.

Hello, kids!

Naughty boys!

3rd Petrushka.

Bonjour, nice girls -

Laughter and riots!

We've come to entertain you...

Congratulations on the holiday!

Ratatouille! Kalinka Malinka!

Picture basket!

Dwarf. You are a poet, Pyotr Petrovich! Wow, how difficult it is! Look, you martynka basket... Well, you've got to go!

2-3rd Parsley. Yes, we are, we can!

1st Petrushka.

I'm sitting on the beach

I can't lift my leg.

Dwarf. Not a leg, but a leg!

All. I still can't!

1st Petrushka. Let's try together! Attention! Attention! Let's start the competition!

Music signal.

2nd Petrushka.

A merchant walked past the market,

And she tripped over ... (basket).

Children. basket.

3rd Petrushka.

I fell into a hole - bang,

Crushed 40... (flies).

Dwarf. You do it cleverly, and well, let's do it again, but cooler!

1st Petrushka.

The hare ran through the swamp,

He was looking for himself ... (work).

2nd Petrushka.

Didn't find a job.

He cried and ... (left).

3rd Petrushka.

Drove the village

Past the man.

Suddenly from under the dog

They bark ... (gate).

2nd Petrushka.

The roofs were scared

Sit on the raven.

The horse drove

Man ... (with a whip).

1st Petrushka.

The horse ate porridge

And the man is an oat.

The horse sat in the sleigh

And the man ... (carried).


Inside out,

Back to front (teasing).

3rd Petrushka.

Who does not like to joke

He won't understand!

Dwarf. Someone, someone you! Who doesn't like jokes? Who are you referring to here? Yes, we ourselves have a mustache, and our jokes are hoo-hoo, what! Once - and in the eye!

3rd Parsley. Meli, Emelya,

All Parsley. your week.

Dwarf. Ah well! Ah well! Call again! Well, that's it, you asked for it! Right now, I'll give you one left ...

1st Petrushka. Why is there left - right. You speak to us, speak again, speak again...

Dwarf. FAQ? How is it, how is it? Come on, one more time, but not parts, do not flicker, but come on with feeling, really!

1st Petrushka. Please! We are not sorry! You can’t talk all the tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak, you can’t re-speak!

Dwarf. Over-over-barely... Something too easy for us. You come on pozakovyriste.

2nd Petrushka.

Listen! Listen!

Open your ears wider

And repeat after us.

Who will repeat everything correctly,

He will win the game!

All Parsley. Malanya Chattered milk, chatted, chatted, but didn’t blurt out!

The gnome runs with circles, music in the background.

Dwarf. Yes, you are funny people! You definitely won't get bored!

1st Petrushka.

Why be bored?

Only time to waste!

2nd Petrushka.

We'd better hold hands

Let's walk around the Christmas tree!

3rd Petrushka.

And through a friendly round dance

Laziness and boredom will not pass!

Music. Round dance. The crowds are working - a show. Petrushka text.

2nd Petrushka.

Now the legs are firmly grasped

And run even faster!

3rd Petrushka.

Boredom in a friendly round dance

It won't slip, it won't pass!

The children took to their knees.

1st Petrushka.

And now they took the ears

And they ran around in circles.

3rd Petrushka.

Laziness through a friendly round dance

It won't slip, it won't pass!

Loss is performance.

2nd Petrushka.

Hold on tight to your nose

And skip ahead.

3rd Petrushka.

And through a friendly round dance

Laziness and boredom will not pass!

Loss is performance.

Dwarf. Ah yes, inventors, ah yes, entertainers!

1st Petrushka.

What is there!

like us,

Look for at least 100 years

Still you won't find

You'll only get a hernia!

musical accent.

2nd Petrushka.

Who with a bell in his hand,

In a blue and red hat?

3rd Petrushka.

He is a fun toy

And his name is ... (Petrushka).

Dwarf. Ish, you! So it pours, and it pours, and it never stumbles, does not stumble ...

3rd Parsley. Won't stumble!

Dwarf. That's it! And you have a cap, brother, noble. Fun cap. No magic?

1st Petrushka. And this is for someone! Who calls him stupid...

2nd Petrushka. Who is funny ... And we talk about him like this:

My triangular hat

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

That is not my hat!

There is a song-game "Kolpak".

Dwarf. How are you (repeats). Well, hohliki-rokhliki! Can you do riddles?

Painfully, I love this thing - to guess, and to be right!

3rd Petrushka. But how!

Rushing like a bullet, I'm moving forward.

Only the ice creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? ... (skates).

A fluffy tail sticks out from the top.

What is this strange animal?

Cracks nuts finely.

Well, of course, this is ... (squirrel).

Coloring - grayish,

Habit - furtive,

hoarse screamer -

Famous person,

Her name is ... (crow).

Good-natured, businesslike

All covered with needles.

Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?

This is our friend ... (hedgehog).

"I hit the green!" -

Bitterly crying ... (crocodile).

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This beast is a forest ... (bear).

No job for the life of me

Can't live... (ant).

Who is this walking

In a stone shirt?

In a stone shirt

Convenient ... (turtle).

1st Petrushka.

The two of us roll a com,

He has an old hat on.

2nd Petrushka.

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out ... (snowman).

Music signal.

Snow Baba. Well, who called me? Are you a fat little thing? Did you miss my dirty tricks? We realized that without me, neither here nor there, and winter is not winter!

Dwarf. That's for sure. With you, sinister, not winter, but maeta! And why are you so mean?

Snow Baba. Look at yourself! And I'm not at all harmful, but quite the opposite - kind and fair!

All. You?!

Snow Baba.

Well, not you!

I am the cutest.

I am the kindest.

I am the weirdest.

I am the...

Dwarf. Nasty!

Snow Baba. No!

Children. Yes!

Snow Baba. No! (etc.)

Dwarf. Wait a minute, citizens! Let's find out! So, you say: dear, kind - old darling!

Snow Baba. Yes it's me!

Dwarf. Well, hohliki-rokhliki! And who's messing around for an hour? Who breaks the holiday for children? Who turns Santa Claus and his granddaughter into ice? Who...

Snow Baba. Well, I ... yes, you old eccentric, do not be angry, but, after thinking, answer: what is a real holiday? The most real! Without deceit and forgery!

Working in circles - children's answers.

Dwarf. Stop guys! I guess I've thought of it again! What holiday, if it is real, without magical adventures?!

Snow Baba. That's it, that no! And who organized these adventures for you? Who gave you the transformation? Who do you...

Dwarf. You, you calm down! It, of course, to provide - provided ... And then what? How are you going to get out now?

Snow Baba. What for?

Dwarf. Are you fooling around again?

Snow Baba. Oh you fool! Oh, you foolish little birch! And what are the children for? Everything is in their hands!

Dwarf. But but but! Don't call names! And then I can be offended, angry, inflamed. And then hold on!

I'm terrible in anger! Hurricane, tornado, fire, in a word... Oh! I think I know what to do! Guys, let's do this: you all clap your hands together and loudly, warm them up properly, and then point your hands at Santa Claus and your granddaughter.

Snow Baba. Oh my head, I figured it out! The warmth of children's palms can warm any, even the most frozen piece of ice. And if this warmth comes from your hearts, then a miracle will definitely happen!

Dwarf. Come on, together, come on, together! (They clap.)

All. Hee!

Children(palms to the tree). Ha!

musical accent.

Dwarf. Let's go kids! Let's melt these ice cubes! Hee!

Children. Ha!

musical accent.

Dwarf. Evil force, retreat!

Snow Baba. Christmas tree holiday, come back to us! Hee!

All. Ha!

Music signal. Playpen - the fabric falls. At the Christmas tree - alive and unharmed Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost. Ah-pooh! I mean hello kids!

Snow Maiden. Oh hello guys! How long have we been waiting for you to disenchant us!

Father Frost. But how did you do it so well! Show me how you do it?

Dwarf. Very simple! Hee!

All. Ha!

Father Frost. Let's get to know each other, chicks! You all know us. And what is your name?

Soloists exit. Music game"Who was born..."

1. Who was born in January, February and March,

Together, at once, without a hitch, raise your hand

And rather, loudly, loudly call the name.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what are these children called?

2. And who was born in the spring, in May and April,

Together they jumped higher, jumped bolder.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what are the names of spring children?

3. And in June and July, who was born, kids,

Quickly, quickly, without hesitation, they circled like a top.

To make it more fun, we stomp together.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what are you guys called?

5. Who was born in September, October and November,

They threatened their neighbor and themselves with a finger.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - what are the names of autumn children?

6. Who was born in December, stamp your foot,

If your leg hurts, stomp on the other one.

Take a deep breath - say the name!

Father Frost. It seems that no one was forgotten, no one was missed. If only I could remember everyone!

Snow Maiden. Nothing, grandpa! New Year's holiday is not the last, by the 11th grade you will know everyone!

Dwarf. Father Frost! And we have been waiting for this holiday all year, preparing, we have spared no effort! I’ve made a sleeveless jacket for myself - a vest is called ...

Snow Maiden. Oh, what a delight! Did he make it himself?

Dwarf. Aha!

Father Frost. And what do your kids know how to do?

Father Frost. Dance, you say? Well, well, well, this is very interesting to me! I don't mind dancing myself! Yes, I'm afraid my dances are outdated ...

Snow Maiden. What are you, grandpa! You are with us anywhere! At least sing, at least play, at least squat to dance ...

Dwarf. And why squat! You can and pozakovyristey what to sbatsat! Come on, our-forest! Everybody dance!

Song "Ryzhik". Works extras, soloists.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, you're completely out of breath. Relax - look...

Father Frost. Well, I'll rest, well, I'll see!

Snow Maiden. And you don't notice anything?

Father Frost. Yes, I noticed these children a long time ago, while I stood like an ice statue. Good kids, smart ... Oh, you are my spruce head, the main thing, the main thing, you overlooked!

Well, the Christmas tree - what a miracle!

How elegant, how beautiful!

It's hard to take your eyes off.

But where are the lights?

Dwarf. Yes, grandfather! They just don't want to burn. They are missing something!

Snow Maiden. Everything is very simple. Come on, children, answer when the Christmas tree is decorated?

All. In the New Year!

Father Frost. Round dances start?

All. In the New Year!

Dwarf. Are you invited to a miracle fairy tale?

All. In the New Year!

Father Frost. Do the garlands light up?

In the New Year!

Snow Maiden. Then they got up in a round dance,

It's time to celebrate the New Year!

The Christmas tree is waiting for a gift - New Year's songs,

Stars sparkle brightly!


1. Winter evening came, the stars lit up in the sky,

And the lights on the tree were lit.

Three horses ride past white birches,

And in the sleigh, and in the sleigh Santa Claus.


The New Year is upon us.

The New Year is coming to us, the New Year is coming to us. (2 times)

2. Santa Claus decorated the forests and fields.

The ground is covered with white snow.

The sleigh glides quickly, the trio runs dashingly -

Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit us for the holiday.


3. This fabulous holiday brought together all the friends,

Let's sing our songs more cheerfully!

We will dance and dance,

And at the Christmas tree to celebrate the New Year.

On the last chorus - turning on the garlands, turning off the overhead light. Music signal.

Snow Maiden.

It's good that every year

The New Year is coming to us.


Lights up our Christmas tree

And starts a round dance.

Father Frost.

Santa Claus in a big park!

Barely dragged gifts.

Didn't spill it, got it all.

All. Wow, and strong Santa Claus!

Father Frost.

You deserve gifts -

Cold, cold won.

Miracles with their friendship

Commits kids!

Snow Maiden.

Friendship is wonderful.

Friendship is amazing!

A friend will definitely help!

Together you are a great force!

Snow Baba.

Trust me guys:

I'm not to blame for anything.

Tested your courage

Friendship, kindness, skill!


To, to, to again

The good conquered the evil.

To kind, to evil

Become good convinced!

Music signal. Song-round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Santa Claus and the company hand over gifts-souvenirs.

Snow Maiden. Well, all the gifts have been presented, all the dance songs have been sung ... It seems ... Oh, grandfather, it seems it's time to say goodbye!

Father Frost. Do not be upset, Snow Maiden, do not upset the children. A year will fly by and then...

There are many holidays in the world.

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

Most the best holiday -

All. New Year!

Snow Maiden.

He gives us faith in a good case,

In a new day and in a new turn.

Helps to get better

To all people in the world -

All. New Year!


He comes on a snowy road

Having swirled snowflakes round dance.

Beauty, mysterious and strict,

Fills the heart...

All. New Year!

Father Frost.

New meetings are already on the threshold,

New adventures await us.

Happiness, health in the educational road

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Let only happiness bring everyone

Kind, nice and funny

This very...

All. New Year!

Music New Year. Chains of children leave the hall, making a circle around the Christmas tree.

Target: creation of conditions for the development of creative abilities in younger students through vigorous activity in preparation for the New Year holiday.

Tasks: development of creative abilities in primary school students.



Scenario new year holiday in primary school

"Hello, New Year's holiday!"


Leading, Kikimora, Goblin, Shishiga, The Snow Queen, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

To the music, children in carnival costumes enter the hall.

Poems - 3rd grade.

1. New Year, wonderful year!

He will come to us soon.

Let's have fun together

Let's decorate the tree.

2. Songs will flow together,

Let's celebrate the New Year.

On this holiday we wish you

Happiness, laughter and love,

Just make a wish

It will come true what you want.

3. Come in, people, here

Both left and right!

We are celebrating the New Year

Jokes and fun!

4. Come in, people, here,

And let's get acquainted.

May for many years

This day will be remembered!

5. Hurry up and have fun

Dear viewers!

We ask the teachers in the hall,

We ask all children to the Christmas tree,

Ask their parents.

6. Hurry up

Do not crowd at the door!

Hurry up, kids!

Waiting for you on our Christmas tree

Interesting game.

7. Our festive New Year's greetings

All - from six to eight years!

Today we are waiting for fun and jokes,

We will not be bored here for a minute!

Song number 1 "Happy New Year, we congratulate everyone!".

8. Come in, come in!

Get into the round dance!

Joke, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

9. Let no one today

Do not sit at home

Become with us in a circle -

Let's have fun!

10. With songs and laughter

Everyone ran into the hall

And everyone saw a forest guest

Tall, beautiful, green, slim,

She shines with different lights

Isn't she a beauty?

Do you all like the tree?

11. We are all very well,

fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

12. We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

Haven't seen each other for a whole year

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's round dance.

13. Oh, and the day will be today!

Santa Claus is coming soon.

He is on this tree

Three hundred light bulbs will light.

14. Santa Claus in a big park -

Barely drags you gifts.

I would not scatter, I conveyed.

He is strong, Santa Claus.

And gifts, they say,

He distributes to everyone!

Song number 2 "Get up in a circle ...".

P The Snow Queen appears.

The Snow Queen: Ha-ha-ha, oh, have fun! You want gifts! New Year is yours! And there will be no new year for you. I will spin a snowstorm, sweep the road so that Santa Claus does not find the way to you.

Hey snowflakes fly

You lead round dances.

Between the trees little by little

Notice the way

To those sledges

This tree is not to be found.

The Snow Queen: That's all, kids, now no Santa Claus will come to you! And no gifts will bring you! And in order to completely spoil your holiday, I will enchant your Christmas tree.



Let miracles happen to me!

Turn off the stars. All freeze.


Get it!

The Snow Queen: Well, here, everything is ready. And so that no one can disenchant the Christmas tree, I will call my friends from the forest: Leshy, Kikimora and Shishiga. For no reason, in my absence, they will not let Santa Claus come to this holiday.

The Snow Queen leaves. Goblin, Kikimora and Shishiga appear.

kikimora : Finally, they remembered about us. And then we are all alone.

Goblin : ABOUT! Is everyone already here? Hello guys! Santa Claus hasn't come yet? And the Snow Maiden? That's good! So I'm not late. Let's get acquainted.

I'm a goblin - a man,

Hemp slug.

moss beard,

Tied with a bast.

I was instructed by Santa Claus to meet the guests. This is my best friend.

Shishiga : Great, goblin - grandfather.

Lesha y: What? How harrier I am gray! This I myself know.

kikimora : You are our protection and defense!

Lesha y: What? Am I a plucked crow? Here I am you!

Shishiga : That black grouse is deaf!

Goblin : That would be so long ago! And they would say right away that I'm a good bachelor.

Kikimor A: Well, now let's get down to business! The Snow Queen of Santa Claus ordered us not to let us in on the holiday, so that you would not sing sonorous songs.

Shishiga A: I know how to do it. If you do not answer at least one riddle, we will disperse your holiday.

  1. I walk in the field, I fly in the wild,

I twist, I grumble, I don’t want to know anything. (Blizzard)

2. The old man at the gate dragged him warmly,

He does not run and does not order to stand. (Freezing)

3. And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

Shishiga ( clutching his head and screaming) Oh! What smart kids! All my riddles solved! Goblin, maybe you have a riddle that children would not be able to guess?

Goblin: I have one here. This riddle is about my girlfriend. You certainly won't guess this one.

Dirty, mischievous

Suddenly landed on the page

Because of this darling, you will receive a unit. (Blot)

Raise your hands who is friends with her.

(Waving his hand in annoyance) Wow! What are the top performers here? Ugh! And make friends with no one!

kikimora : Calm down, Goblin. You are good at solving riddles. And I have such a task: if you overtake me in my competition, then so be it, we will allow you to spend your holiday.

(Kikimora with the guys runs around the Christmas tree)

Kikimora: We can't do anything!

Shishig a: And what are you Leshy worth like a deck.

Yeshi y: Where, where is the voivode.

Kikimor a: Not a governor, but a deck.

Shishiga : Interpret here with the deaf, you, Goblin, need to be treated.

Goblin: Why wet me?

Shishiga : I say: do not wet, but treat.

Goblin: I'm sorry, what? Driving around the city? No, I want to go home to the forest.

kikimora : We couldn't do anything, so it's time to go home to the forest.

Goblin, Kikimora and Shishiga leave.

presenter : Finally, they left, and the Christmas tree remained enchanted. To disenchant the Christmas tree, you need to call the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus.

Snow sweeps the street

Brightly silver.

Something at Santa's door

It doesn't knock for a long time.

We've been waiting for him for so long

Haven't been seen for a whole year!

Maybe he got lost?

Can't find a way to us?

We need to look for it

Shout out to everyone together:

Father Frost! Snow Maiden! Ay!

The children call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in unison.

Leading. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden do not hear us. Let's sing a song so they can find their way to us.

Song number 3 "White, white in December, in December .."

presenter Santa Claus does not come to us. Or maybe he forgot that the New Year is coming? Guys, let's play a game so that he comes to us quickly.

The game is called "Because New Year!".

You answer my questions with the phrase"Because it's New Year!"

Why, collecting string bags.

Is our trip to the shops?________

Why does everyone have in the evening

More worries? ________

Why no one today

Not planning a renovation?._______

Why by the days gone by

Nostalgia does not take? ____________

Why each other each

Sending congratulations with a joke?________

Why is he sitting at the table

Dressed up people? ..________

Why do people rejoice

Smiling from ear to ear?._______

Why forget from now on

The turn does not end? .. _________

Why with a smart bag

Snow Grandpa is coming?_________

Why the Snow Maiden to the Christmas tree

Calling everyone on a date? __________

Why is the Christmas tree spinning

Cheerful round dance? _________

Song number 4 "The blizzard covered my city ...".

Presenter: Let's call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden again.

Father Frost! Snow Maiden! Ay!

Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus (congratulations).

Snow Maiden:

A snowstorm knitted me a white hat on New Year's Eve.

A blizzard made felt boots from fluffy snow.

I love frosty frost

I can't live without cold.

Santa Claus chose a name for me:

I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

I collected in my palm

Sparks of fiery blue stars.

And today I distribute them all,

And I sing a magical song

This evening with my friends.

Let the cheerful round dance be the first to celebrate the New Year!

Song number 5 "Himself, Father Frost himself."

Poems Grade 1 (1 part of children.)

Dance number 1 "We will hang the balls."

Poems grade 1 (part 2 of children.)

The Snow Queen appears.

The Snow Queen: We got it anyway! Well, it won't be a holiday anyway! Freeze!

Cold, cold, come,

Get cold!

So that no one can step

To get me a bag!

Father Frost: ( menacingly knocking staff)

Oh well, stop fooling around! There is no evil curse here.

The Snow Queen: Excuse me! I did not mean to! It’s just that I’m never invited to a party and don’t give gifts!

Father Frost : Well, excuse me? But first, disenchant our Christmas tree.

The Snow Queen:To disenchant your Christmas tree, the guys must sing her song.

Song number 6 "We invited the green Christmas tree to visit."

We ask the Snow Maiden to light the Christmas tree.

We light the tree.

Poems Grade 2 (1 part of the children).

New Year's ditties (grade 2).

I sit on the sled
I boldly roll from the hill,
Let it be white from the snow
But what a bold one!

Near the house, at the rink
I made a snowman
Made a nose out of a carrot
Got Santa Claus.

Dad put on a suit for me
Couldn't look back
I'm hanging from the ceiling.

With mom dressed up the Christmas tree,
And the lights were on.
There will be my Christmas tree
The most beautiful!

I got up early today.
She immediately ran to the tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus
What gifts he brought me!

Grandma made me a suit
white bunny,
I forgot to give carrots
Little boy.

Santa Claus slept in bed
I got up, ringing icicles:
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why don't you wake me up?

I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
I'll play hide and seek with you
But I'm afraid to drink tea -
I melt from the hot.

May any of your dreams
Come true, come true.

Let the lights on our Christmas tree
They light up brightly.

In our hall there is noise and laughter,
The singing doesn't stop.
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about this.

Children lead a round dance,
They clap their hands.
Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.

Happy New Year,
New Years greetings!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years!

Dance number 2 "Heel-toe".

Poems grade 2 (part 2 of children).

Presenter: Santa Claus always gives everyone gifts, but he himself loves to receive them. But no one gives them to him. Let's give him a dance.

Dance number 3 "4 steps forward."

Father Frost . Thank you guys. And now, come on, guess who sent us the following telegrams?

The Snow Maiden reads.

We wish without interference

Gnawing nuts for you for a whole year,

Jump and play burner

Happy New Year! Your ( squirrels)

I don't know about the tree

This tree is for the wolf.

What kind of tree, tell me

State everything in detail.

Address simply: Neil.

Happy New Year! (Crocodile )

It is snowing. Wonderful day!

I'm flying out, your ( deer).

I took a plane ticket.

Let's meet together New Year )

Tail shorter than ear

Quick habits.

I rush that there is a spirit,

Holidays without looking back.

Who is he, guess!

Well, of course (bunny)

Song number 7 "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter."

Snow Maiden

We want to read a greeting card to you,

And you do not yawn, compose together in rhyme.

Game "New Year's wish"».

In the New Year we wish with love

Let all of you not fail ... (health)

To make your life more fun

We wish more reliable ... (friends)

We wish everyone in addition,

May you be accompanied by ... (luck)

We wish peace on earth

And bread, salt on ... (table)

So that you are the happiest of all

To accompany you .. (success)

Why are people gathered here?

Because soon ... (New Year)

Let all the good things be remembered

And what did you think ... (it will come true).

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden say goodbye and leave.

Presenter: Santa Claus, and gifts?

Father Frost.

Hurry, kids, get to class.

Gifts are waiting for you in the class.

Dance number 4 "Ducklings".

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."