Conversation on the topic of who is a kind person. Conversation "What is kindness." Conversation about polite words

Topic: “Let's talk about kindness”


Give students the idea of ​​what kindness is - one of the best qualities person.


Correctional-educational: To form in pupils moral idea about kindness.

Correctional and developmental: Develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Correctional and educational: To cultivate respect for people, love for neighbors and care for them.

Equipment: computer, pieces of paper with kind words.

Vocabulary work: “Kindness” good-natured, benevolent, conscientious, respectable, good-natured, kind-hearted.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational point:

(1 slide)…Let's talk about kindness,

What is hidden at the bottom of the soul,

We forgot about her in the bustle,

Only the old maple rustles about her...

Let's talk about kindness...

2.Introductory conversation:

Hello guys, today we will talk about kindness.

Guys! Look around: you are all together, and everything is fine with you. The minor troubles that happened to you today and yesterday are just clouds on the beautiful blue background of your life. Let's smile at each other and start our conversation.

I received a letter, let's read it:

Letter from a girl: “Sometimes I think that there is no place for me in this cruel world. I want to be happy and live well! And for this you need to be ideal and angry at everyone. And I become angry and cruel. There is no kindness in the world!”

Do you agree with the girl? Let's try to prove it.

- Let's listen to the story that Andrey will read to us.

Ball in the window.

Kolya is sick. Lying in bed. And no one will come to visit him. You can't, they can get infected. Kolya is lying down, looking out the window. What can you see from the third floor while lying down? Only the sky. And suddenly Kolya sees: the red ball has risen! To the window itself. He stood by the glass and began to twitch. Up down! What's happened? Kolya took a closer look: there was a face drawn on the ball. Then Kolya realized that Misha had come up with it. Kolya felt good. As he lies there, he imagines Misha pulling the string. And Katya stands next to her and laughs. And all the guys stand and give advice. It's good when your friends remember you!

Which the main idea story?

Why can we say that the children were true friends?

Can we say that the guys did a good deed?

What do you think kindness is?

(2 slide) (say how to spell).

Vocabulary work: What words can you choose for the word kindness at the root of the word “kind»

(3 slide) - The “Explanatory Dictionary” gives the following definition of kindness: responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to help, to do good to everyone, compassion.”

What kind of person can be called kind?

Pupils: A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to Hard time to help.

A kind person loves nature and takes care of it. A kind person loves birds and animals and helps them survive in winter. A kind person tries to be neat, polite and respectful in his interactions with friends and adults.

Tell me, should only words be kind?

No, actions should also be such that neither we nor our parents have to blush for them. Nobody likes people who do bad things. A person's good deeds indicate that he is a good person.

(4 slide) “Life is given for good deeds.”

Guys, what do you think this proverb says?

(5,7, 8, 9 sly d,)

DLet's listen to the poem that Sasha learned and will tell us.

"Don't stand aside indifferently,

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute always.

And if someday someone

Your kindness will help

Your smile

Are you happy that day

It was not in vain that he lived,

It’s not in vain that you live for years!”

Well done.


In all famous fairy tales, heroes save the world from evil by doing good.

- Guys, you all love fairy tales. They contain good and evil heroes. Now we will play a game. I will name the hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap joyfully; if you are evil, you cover your face with your hand:

(10 slide) Ivan - Tsarevich, Tiny Khavroshechka, Koschey the Immortal, gold fish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, The Snow Queen, Cinderella, Baba Yaga, Geese-swans, Snow White,

Which hero would you like to be like? Why?

Physical exercise.

On the screen is Barbarika’s animated video clip “What is kindness.”

Exactly by example good fairy tales, you must start doing even the smallest, but good deed

What good deeds can we do ourselves?

Select pieces of paper with notes written on them. good deeds for Tree " Kindness » :

Clean the house;

Clean up the school yard;

Feed a stray dog;

Prepare a concert for older people;

Help the elderly cross the road;

Help wash the dishes;

Make bird feeders in winter;

Make birdhouses in the spring;

Help a friend in need;

Help little sister or for my brother to get dressed;

Will visit grandparents;

Help an elderly person carry a bag.

- Look how the tree turned out: “Kindness.” How many good deeds adorn him.

What good deeds can you do in the classroom, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature?

(11 slide)

    Give up your seat on the bus to older people.

    Help disabled people and old people cross the road.

    Walking down the street with your mother, help her carry a heavy bag.

    Protect girls and young children.

    Avoid rudeness.

    Try to help your loved ones in everything.

    Be a kind person!

Each of you must develop a kind attitude towards people:

Guys, let's read the proverbs. (12 slide)

Well done!

These proverbs are all about kindness and they teach you to be kind.

What do you think is more good or evil on earth?

How can you defeat evil? (good deeds)

Guys, now you know what kindness is. Tell us about it......take turns coming out.


Kindness is something that should be in every person.

Kindness is when you help someone.

Kindness gives strength, because only it saves us.

If there are only good people in the world, then this Big world there will be even more.

Kindness is all the good that is in a person.

Kindness is all good deeds.

There will be no good - there will be no family, happiness, friends.

It is impossible to imagine our world without goodness.

In life, drops of goodness turn into streams.

We got a trickle of “Kindness.” And you collected it.

Guys, be kind to those around you. Do good to people. Remember that without good deeds there is no good name.

I wish that all people bring each other goodness, joy, happiness andgood luck.

Listen to a song about kindness.

3. Lesson summary:

Our meeting has come to an end. Did you like it? Are you in a good mood?

(14 slide). Let's use facial expressions to show our mood (smile), use gestures to thank and say everything together to each other (thank you)

Conversation: “What is good?” »


– formation of value orientation in students, the ability to form moral judgments;

– development of the ability to distinguish “bad” from “good”;

– formation of ethical standards of behavior in society and communication with each other;

– development of the emotional and value sphere of students.


To form in students ethical ideas, knowledge about the categories of good and evil;

Develop the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;

Develop the ability to work together in a group;

Contribute to the process of self-discovery through creating conditions for self-expression.

Progress of the event

1. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we have a very interesting and serious topic. We will talk about respectful and caring attitude towards others, a very important and required quality for a person - about kindness. Let's create a good mood for ourselves. And for starters, smile at everyone around you.

2. Main part.

What is kindness?
Wash the cat's bowl
Give water to a flower
(He's terribly lonely)
Fix my sister's toy
Let the old lady pass first
Sadness can be treated with words of love,
Helping a tired mother
And to a girl I don't know,
Carry the briefcase home.
From warmth and kindness,
Flowers are blooming,
She warms everyone
Like a ray from a window.
(I. Polyushko)

What do you think kindness is?

(Kindness is a person’s desire to give happiness to all people, all humanity)

What can kindness be compared to?

When everything is good in your group, what is everyone’s mood like? It's getting warmer, isn't it?

What keeps everyone warm? (Sun)

Physical pause:
If we frown in the morning,
Kindness will help us.
Well, kids, get ready,
And smile at each other.

Psychologist: What are good deeds?
Psychologist: Guys, let's play the game “Good Deeds”. List what good deeds you, preschoolers, can do? Who will remember and name more of the things you did? Children take turns naming things to do and each child bends his finger (counts his completed things)

(we make a “Good Deeds” stand from photographic materials)

What kind and polite words do you know?

Polite words.”

The first step to kindness is a kind word. Please add lines in polite words (1 line for each command):

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)

The old stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (thank you)

Branch No. 1

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Verkhneketsky kindergarten».

Verkhneketsky district of the Tomsk region

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group.



Preparatory group

Kolchanova Elena Viktorovna.

R. Bely Yar village

year 2014.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group

"Conversation about kindness"

Program content: To form in children the concepts of “goodness, kindness.” To foster a desire to help the fairy-tale hero, friendly relationships between children. Enrich your vocabulary with formulas of verbal politeness. Improve dialogic and monologue speech. Foster independence, develop the ability to creatively apply different learned methods of depiction in drawing.

Progress of the lesson.


Game "Sun Circle".

Good morning with us, good afternoon and good hour,

Good evening, good night, it was good yesterday,

“And where do you ask, are there so much kindness in the house? »

Guys, today we will talk to you about kindness. How do you think. What is good?

You know, there are different kinds of good: one kind of good is treasures, books, paintings, toys. Jewelry. You can touch and see such goodness. Other goodness can be heard. This is music, poetry, gentle words. But there is such goodness that every person should have: you, and I, and our relatives, and all the people on the planet. What kind of good do you think this is? (kind heart, good soul, empathy, warmth, affection, attention).

And what do you think. What color is kindness? What do they say about people who have a kind heart, a kind soul? What are they? (kind. Attentive, affectionate, gentle0.

Educator. What are the good deeds of good people called? (good deeds).

Let's remember the proverbs about kindness.

If you wish well, do good.

Remember the good and forget the evil.

A kind word also pleases the cat.

Good word, better than a soft pie.

Let's look into our magical chest of good deeds and remember our good deeds.

You see how many good deeds we have done. Guys, what actions bring joy and what sadness?

Educator. I want to tell you a story about an evil wizard. Listen to what happened to him.

One day, the evil wizard got tired of being evil, and he thought:

“Can I become good? "

He looked at the sun, which did not make him happy at all, and remembered that today was his birthday. But this thought made him especially sad. And he quietly said: “Let someone come here who will help you become kind and cheerful.” Suddenly they were in front of him fairy-tale heroes. What do you think? (Little Red Riding Hood, baby raccoon, Gena crocodile, Cheburashka.

The wizard was very surprised and asked: “Who are you? What can you do? "(sing songs, make friends, play, dance).

And they began to sing. The evil wizard listened, and it seemed as if the sounds of the song were penetrating into his very heart, and that was all that happened to him. Something is happening. “What is a smile? "- asked the wizard.

“A smile is when we feel good at heart. When there are friends. Let's look at the sun, it also smiles."

Look at the sun, it smiles too.

And the wizard smiled too, and turned into a beautiful young man, a kind wizard.

I want to invite you to my birthday, we will all sing and dance together.

Why did the wizard become good? (they talked to him kindly, felt sorry for him, sang a song to him).

You see, kind words also help in life and make us kinder.

Let's remember. What kind words help us in life.

Let's never forget kind words and say them more often.

Let's say kind words to each other.

Ball game. "Good words".


And now I will show pictures with different situations, and you must show your attitude to this situation using the desired icon.

I hope that you will do only good deeds.

Physical exercise.

“Hold hands together and stand behind each other.

We'll have fun jumping and spinning,

There are many joyful people, kind and loyal friends.

Let's not frown, let's forget about sadness,

Let's smile, laugh merrily,

All sorrows flew away, faces became joyful.

Educator. Guys, not all the children came to kindergarten today. Sasha and Ira got sick. How do you think we can support them, what good deed can we do?

(draw a picture, visit, call).

Educator. Guys, I suggest drawing pictures for our friends.

What can you draw?

Take everything you need and get to work.

Independent activities of children.

Educator. Did you get the drawings that you had in mind?

I think Sasha and Ira will be very happy.


What good deed have we done today?

Who will you tell about this?

Subject : "Conversation about kindness"



Introduce children to the basic moral category of “good.”


Develop personal qualities: reflection, empathy, tolerance;

Increase the creative activity of preschool children.


Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people around you, a caring attitude towards objects and nature.

Demonstration material: recording of the song “We wish you happiness,” “If you are kind,” a drawing depicting flowers, trees, animals, people, objects, natural phenomena; image of a blooming apple tree; objects: stick, stone, rope, book; apple seed; explanatory dictionary, ball, magnets.

Handout: image of an evil character for each with models of eyebrows and lips; an image of a tree for each; colored pencils, heart models for each.

Progress of the lesson

Children and their teacher come in and stand in a circle.

-Hello, my new friends! My name is Olga Vladimirovna. I am very glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes! Let's give a piece of ours Have a good mood each other. Smile!

I really want to meet you. The ball will help me with this. The one to whom I throw the ball must say his affectionate name, which he is called at home.

What an affectionate name, kind, heartfelt, beautiful, wonderful, beautiful, delightful, joyful, bright, soft, warm, sunny, musical, crystal, ringing.

I was pleased to hear your affectionate names. People call very kind people by affectionate names.

Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings people together, relieves us of loneliness and involuntary grievances.

The theme of our meeting: “Kindness.”

– Please sit down more comfortably on the carpet.

What do you think kindness is? ( Children's answers).

IN explanatory dictionary it is written: “Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.” “Good” – everything positive, good, useful.

What kind of person can we call good?

What does a person need to do to become kind?

How a kind person can and should talk to others

-Who needs kindness? (Answers).

- Look at the pictures. Name who or what you think needs kindness and explain why you think so?

Let's listen to Sasha. What will Andryushenka add? What can you name, Petenka? It will be very interesting to hear what Irochka will say. Svetochka, what do you want to say?

Conclusion: summarizing your answers, we can say that kindness is needed not only by all living things, but also by all objects.

– There are objects on my table. Who wants to choose any subject (stick, rope, book, stone, etc..), perform those actions with them that can be said to bring good to people, talk about these actions.

Conclusion: I am sure that as good people, you do only good actions with all objects.

Is there kindness in music? Listen to a piece of music. What music? What can you do with it? So why are we sitting? Let's Dance.

I brought with me seed. Whose seed do you think this is?

Imagine that you are apple seeds. Show what will happen to you if you plant a seed in the ground.

So what will happen to the seed in five years if it is planted in the ground? (Children's answers).

Showing the picture "apple tree"

-Whose kindness helped the apple tree to grow?? (The kindness of the sun, the earth, the air, the breeze, the gardener).

Conclusion: that’s right, the kindness of the sun, earth, rain, air, people helped the apple tree to grow and the fruits to ripen.

Whose kindness helps you grow? ( The kindness of parents, grandparents, educators and teachers, friends)

– Today is such a good day, everyone is smiling. But I noticed that on your tables there are images of some evil characters. Go ahead and look at them.

What needs to be changed in the character's appearance for an evil character to become good?

Has the character become kind?

What did you, Kolenka, do for this? What did you do with your lips? Eyebrows?

Conclusion: you took very simple actions to ensure that kindness prevailed over evil.

How many kind people have you met in your life?

There are drawings of trees on your tables. Turn it into a tree of kindness. There should be as many fruits on the tree as there are good people in your life you remember.

How many fruits have you drawn, Mashenka? Why? And you, Arturchik?

It is wonderful that you meet many kind people in your life.

Leave the tree of kindness on the table, please go to the carpet.


I am sure that you will always, in any situation, do good deeds, do good deeds.

Remember that without good deeds there is no good name; life is given for good deeds.


What we talked about in class.

What do you remember most?

- Our lesson is coming to an end.

I wish you well

Good night until morning

I wish you all good dreams,

Good deeds and kind words

Will the road take you away

From your favorite threshold,

Let someone tell you:

“Good morning and good journey!”

I wish that with you

People had more fun

To kind eyes

You looked at people.

In memory of our meeting today, I give you a small heart - a symbol of a piece of my heart.

The song “We wish you happiness” is performed.