Fairy-tale characters from Lego constructor. Lego project "a journey through your favorite fairy tales." Video: speech therapy session using Lego

Yulia Malashenko

Good afternoon, colleagues.

Currently, theatrical activities - demonstrations - are becoming increasingly popular. fairy tales using« Lego» - designer.

Tale from« Lego» - This is great!

Tale from« Lego» - This is something new!

Tale from« Lego» occupies hands

Tale from« Lego» develops the child...

Modern subject-spatial environment preschool institutions it is no longer possible to imagine without « Lego» - designers.

We have them in our group too. Children play with great pleasure and desire « Lego» , collect models of equipment, various models, invent and make robots, dinosaurs, etc.

To develop creative design in our kindergarten Many different competitions are held using « Lego» designers. Children, parents and preschool teachers actively participate in them. We have already participated in competitions: « Lego - aquarium» , « Lego - dinosaurs» , « Lego - robots» , « Lego - space» . And in April - a new one contest: « Lego - a fairy tale» .

We reacted to this idea with great interest and decided to make « Lego» - characters from your favorite fairy tales and act them out. We chose fairy tale« Kolobok» .

You'll probably think: « Kolobok" from « Lego"? - This is impossible!"


The most difficult thing was to collect fairy tale characters , because they had to consist entirely of « Lego» . I won’t lie, for this I had to resort to the help of my eldest son (He goes to school). We did the making of trees, the design of decorations and backgrounds together with the children.

Work is in full swing...

Taking into account the specifics « Lego» - construction set (special rectangular and square shape of the parts, the characters looked like robots, which caused even greater surprise and delight among the children.

Preparatory stage: assembly of the house and main characters.

From the available variety of parts, we chose the ones we needed in color and size.

For the house - used different parts.

For kolobok– yellow details.

For the hare - white details.

For the wolf - gray details.

For a bear - black and dark green.

For the fox - red and yellow.

Finally, the characters' eyes and mouth were made from plasticine.

When heroes the tales were ready, we began to decorate.

For background used decorative rugs - imitation grass, trees and fences made of « Lego» - designer, homemade trees.

I present to your attention what we have achieved.

Fairy tale"Kolobok"based on Russian folk fairy tales.

Grandfather and woman lived in the same house. Baked by a woman bun and put it to cold.

Kolobok lay - lay, and then he took it and rolled off.

Rolling bun, and a hare meets him...

Then bun met a gray wolf...

And, of course, with a red fox...

Like this we got a fairy tale.

We hope that the competition jury will also like it.

The kids really liked this look theatrical activities, they willingly play with heroes fairy tales, come up with unusual stories. Children spend their time usefully and happily.

Experiment with your children, move away from templates, only then will the game be complete and interesting!

Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

Kostroma! Kostroma! Kostroma! “I won’t get tired of repeating this name.” There are paintings, volumes in your honor... And I dedicate my anthem to you. I have a lot of cities.

“Miracle Tree” Purpose of the game: - to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds in words; - development of phonemic perception; - visual development.

Using the Lego constructor in the pedagogical practice of preschool educational institutions The Lego constructor has been used in games by children of different generations for several decades. In recent years they have begun to appear.

Construction from Lego in the preparatory group “Pets. Dog" What a wonderful invention? LEGO-constructor without any doubt. The path for fantasies with him is only straight. There are many ideas that can be implemented.

Master class “Organization of educational activities using the Lego constructor” Author of the master class: Anna Sergeevna Shcherbakova, teacher at MBDOU “DS No. 404.

Developer of the article: MBDOU teacher "Combined kindergarten No. 1" g.o. Samara, Chuvaeva Larisa Vladimirovna.

"The theater is Magic world. He gives lessons in beauty, morality and ethics. And the richer they are, the more successful the development of the spiritual world of children is.” (B. M. Teplov.)

A child learns about the world through play, and this is no secret to anyone! The whole life of children is filled with play. Therefore, many adults think that there is no need to teach children to play, just buy it. And they are very mistaken about this.

Teaching a child to play, take on a role and act, gaining life experience in the game - theater helps to achieve all this. Therefore, theatrical activities play a very important role in kindergarten.

This type of activity helps the child to see the beauty in life and in people, creates the desire to bring beauty and goodness into life and, thus, develop comprehensively.

Construction is also closely related to the all-round development of the child. That’s why preschoolers like the symbiosis of LEGO construction and theatrical activities so much.

After all, "LEGO" translated from Danish means "smart" (good) game", but the main thing is that it is a bright, colorful, multifunctional material that provides great opportunities for children’s cognitive, exploratory and creative activities.

From the designer "LEGO" has its advantages:

  1. Variety in shape and age (difficulties) - a large number of parts: bricks, cubes, etc.
  2. The uniqueness of the fastenings: fastening occurs almost without physical effort, but is quite strong: the buildings are mobile and stable.
  3. The details are durable, light, bright, which attracts the attention of children.

Children are happy to make buildings (houses, fences, trees), which can then be used as decorations in a tabletop puppet theater.

In addition, the child has the opportunity to create his own image. fairy tale hero (hare or wolf), give your character the qualities he wants.

Theatrical games with created Lego characters are very popular with children - this creates conditions for the development of speech, creativity, has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of the child, helps to form children’s life experience, knowledge about the world around them, and develops imagination.

Through the heroes of a fairy tale, which are made with their own hands, it is easier for a child to reveal his individual characteristics.

Constructor "LEGO" helps the child see the world in all its colors and contributes to his development. A preschooler who builds according to verbal descriptions and visual actions develops the ability to cope with complex, step-by-step constructions.

And the choice of a constructive task is determined by the game problem situation: “Shall we play “LEGO fairy tales”? But first we need to come up with and build LEGO characters from these fairy tales.

You can start the game with a surprise moment:

Once upon a time there were details "LEGO" in its box.
The details lived alone - without friends.
Even though they were colorful,
But their life was unremarkable.

Suddenly a box arrived in our kindergarten.
Where every child was happy with the designer!
Let's make heroes out of LEGO parts.
We'll make the scenery and stage the performance.

First, the teacher himself comes up with mini-fairy tales, showing by example how to connect the details and what decorations are needed for a theatrical game.

For example:

From "LEGO" we'll build a house,
We'll collect trees.
Then we'll put up a fence,
Let's get a dog.

Hello, our dear friend
What is your name?
- Fluff. I'm a dog no matter what!
I guard the house, friends!

What if a friend came to your house?
-I wag my tail.
-If the house was broken into "stranger" ?
-I bark loudly (WOOF WOOF WOOF!)

Children (run away):


Then the children begin to create their own fairy-tale characters from the construction set. "LEGO" , come up with your own plot for already familiar fairy tales or invent new stories; and then beat them at free time, uniting in subgroups of 3-4 people, show their performance to their peers.

The use of the LEGO constructor in theatrical activities contributes to the following:

  1. Creating conditions for the development of creative activity of preschoolers (development of abilities, encouragement to improvise through facial expressions and intonation).
  2. Provides conditions for the relationship between theatrical activities and other types of activities in a single creative process. (Construction, leisure, music classes)
  3. Promotes the self-realization of each child and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the group.

We can conclude that with the help of LEGO constructors, children's theatrical activities become brighter, richer, more mobile and more interesting; The intellectual and creative potential of children develops: independence of performance, conveying the image of fairy-tale characters; The child’s imagination, speech, and personal qualities develop.

We always try to show the baby our love and care. Do we know how? Even such an effective construction set as LEGO cannot replace you for your child. Receiving beautiful toy, the person dear to you is most happy not even with herself, but with communication with her parents, grandparents. He wants it so much and is waiting for it! Let's not disappoint his expectations. Let's sit comfortably on the carpet and play, talk with him, tell funny and educational stories that happen in LEGO country.

I bring to your attention fairy tales that can be played out with children aged 2-5 years using LEGO constructors.

Don't waste time. In order for your child to really have well-developed speech, developed communication skills and not lose trust in you, you need to start playing fun “serious games” as early as possible. By the end of the first year of life, the child understands the words of loved ones and knows the voice of mom and dad well. He is ready to play and develop. It is in educational games that a child’s speech, movements, emotions are formed, and the foundations of his relationships with you and other people are laid, which is very important for the further development of the child’s personality.

Learn and teach. Give yourself and your child moments of joy. Be sure to play together with your baby and remember that your games should be very emotional. Use short poems and sayings that suit you best, don’t forget to praise your child and the magic bricks that help you play and learn so much.

And be sure to tell fairy tales, maybe first from this book, and then your own. And one day the baby will tell his first fairy tale. After all, in a magical fairyland, fairy tales are born in everyone’s soul.

Remember, little people:

The fairy tale lives in LEGO!

It's time! It's time! Hello game!

Goo-goo-goo goo-goo-goo! I can do anything in the world!

I'll help mom and dad! (I’ll help mom build!)

Ghouli, gulli! Ghouli, gulli! I'm going to a fairy tale with my grandma!

Joy awaits us ahead! Fairy tale, fairy tale, come!

Let's build, build, build, build!

We will open the door to a fairy tale!

How to present a construction set to a child.

You need to start with creation festive mood. You need to open the box not just like that, but the way a magician does it. If the baby wants to immediately climb into the box, let him climb. Let your baby touch and carefully examine the details he wants. And then together scatter the details on the carpet, and their cheerful noise will delight the baby

Let's open LEGO,

Let's build a house!

Oh, what colors!

It's just a fairy tale!

LEGO has arrived!

How good!.

The first tale. Acquaintance.

Once upon a time there was a box. And in it... Do you know who lives there? Little people, funny animals, birds and insects. And in the box there are many different bricks with protrusions that look like buttons. Let's take a look in the box and meet them!

  1. Knock Knock! Hello! May I come in?
  2. Of course you can! - answer LEGO - bricks.
  3. - Hello! Welcome to the land of fairy tales!

Everything in the world fairy tales are believed Let's open the doors to fairy tales!

  1. Isn't this story scary?
  2. No! There are no bad animals here! The fox and the wolf were preventing everyone from playing, and we kicked them out! Let them learn to behave, become kinder, and then come.

There is so much kindness in LEGO!

Mice and cats are friends!

Everyone lives comfortably in a fairy tale,

We all want to be friends!



I option.

The little people were walking and having fun. It's great to play in the sun! But suddenly it began to rain heavily! Where should the poor people go? What if you make houses from colored bricks? Shall we build it?

We are all brave!

The hands are skillful!

Look how beautiful the houses turned out! Put little people in them. They all really liked the houses. People say “thank you” to you

It turned out so beautiful! And they told us"Thank you"!

Option II.

The little people were playing and having fun. How good it is to play in the sun! But suddenly it began to rain heavily.

What to do? - the little men cried.

Then Petya, the smartest and bravest among the little men, said:

  1. No need to cry! We need to build houses!
  2. But we don’t know how to build them! - the little men did not stop crying.

That's how! - Petya said and began to lay the bricks. The little people immediately stopped crying and began to help him. AND

soon they built many, many houses. That's what! Are they really beautiful?

It turned out to be a whole city. And every person can choose a house for themselves. Since then, the little men have lived in houses.

I build it myself! I build it myself!

Good at our house!

We don't whine in the rain:

We are building houses together!

Thank you, thank you mom!

After all, I grow along with the houses!



. Little people began to live in the city. They were very cheerful and kind and loved to visit.

Each little man now had his own house, and there were so many houses that the little men did not have time to visit everyone. And those little people to whom guests did not have time to come were very upset. Then the little man Petya again began to think about how to help everyone, and came up with an idea!

“We need to build cars,” he said. “We will drive them and have time to visit all our friends.”

  1. How to build cars? - the little men cried again.
  2. - We don't know how.
  3. That's how! - Petya said and quickly assembled the first car.
  4. - Now you will assemble different cars for all the little people.

Have you collected it? Hear them say “thank you” again!

We decided to drive quickly

And they built cars!

Petya came up with a good idea:

We will build everything in the world!

I called the bricks

And built a dump truck!



Once upon a time there was a boy Kolya. He was very good and obedient. His friends - an elephant, a penguin and a bumblebee - gave him a tower made of bricks for his birthday. Oh, this was no ordinary turret! It was a giraffe who looked down at everyone and smiled! Kolya was very happy about the gift, and his friends were happy too. After all, giving gifts is even more pleasant than receiving them.

But suddenly the wind blew. And the turret fell apart. Everyone felt sad. Petya began to cry. Then the penguin said:

  1. Let's build the turret ourselves! Better than before!
  2. Can you? - Kolya sobbed.
  3. No, but you can try, said the penguin And connected 2 bricks (head and legs).
  4. Bumblebee took another brick and placed it on Head.
  5. The little elephant looked and said:
  6. - It doesn’t happen that way.
  1. Yes,” Kolya agreed. - First you need to take the legs and attach the torso to them.
  2. “And here there should be a head,” the bumblebee buzzed and placed the top cube.
  3. Hooray! We collected a giraffe! - the elephant trumpeted throughout the area.

Everyone felt happy again, because the giraffe was smiling again along with everyone.

We are building a tower straight up!

Well, giraffe, smile!

We'll collect whatever you want, if necessary!

For those who are skilled, obstacles are not scary!


The little man Petya lives in a blue house. Every morning he washes himself, combs his hair, has breakfast, gets into his red car and goes to visit his friends.

Good morning, elephant! - Petya shouts to the elephant.

Good morning, bumblebee! Good morning, penguin!

And they answer:

Good morning, dear Petya!

Then they play, walk, and have fun with each other. And in the evening Petya says to his friends:

  1. Good night, elephant! Good night, bumblebee! Good night, penguin!
  2. Good night, Petya! - the elephant, the bumblebee and the penguin tell him.

And at night, each of them dreams of friends. And they all smile in their sleep. Because if you dream about friends, then this is fortunate!

Friendship cannot be broken into pieces.

A lot of friendship means a lot of happiness!


Once upon a time there lived in a fairyland a chicken, a bumblebee, a bee, a ladybug, an elephant, a chicken and a penguin. They often talked to each other, discussing important events in Fairytale Land. And they even sang!

  1. Ko-ko! - the chicken sang.
  2. W-w-w-w! - the bumblebee and the bee buzzed.
  3. Pee-pee-pee! - the chicken squeaked.
  4. Tru-tru-tru! - the elephant trumpeted.
  5. Tsk-tsk-tsk - the penguin clicked its beak.
  6. Tr-tr-tr! - the ladybug fluttered its wings.

But one day, after a terrible thunderstorm, they all forgot their songs.

Help your friends remember how they sang? How did the chicken sing? What about the bumblebee and the bee? What about the elephant? How's the penguin?

When all your friends remembered their songs, they sang in chorus:

Thank you thank you thank you! This is "thank you"" - you!


Teach your baby to be in order; upbringing begins when your baby is still very young. A funny LEGO fairy tale will help make cleaning fun.

This is how we like to play

And clean up everything after yourself!

The fairy tale needs a rest.

Tomorrow - back on the long journey!


You can also play with LEGO in the bathroom. The kid can not only connect and separate parts, but also blow on them, build various unusual boats, rafts and entire ships, and organize a whole regatta. Your baby is sitting in the bathtub, and you don’t know how to occupy him?! Tell him stories with LEGO toys. Have your child blow on the boats. It's not only fun game, and also the development of speech breathing, which will allow your baby to better learn to speak (think about how to write).

Let's sail far away!

Swimming is so easy with LEGO!

Educational and creative project

"A Journey Through Your Favorite Fairy Tales"

(preparatory group)

Project passport

Relevance of the project

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

good fellows a lesson.

A. S. Pushkin.

Today we and our children live in a world of computers, new technologies, and a huge amount of different information. Taking a closer look at children's programs, it is not difficult to notice how much negative, provocative, evil, and often downright immoral is literally imposed on television screens. The number of foreign “children’s” programs and films has increased many times over. As sociological surveys conducted among Russian citizens have shown, the plots, meaning, and humor of these films are often not very clear, and sometimes cause bewilderment and irritation. But children, with their still immature psyche, sincerely believe that this, on the contrary, is good, fun, and the relationships between the characters and their actions are correct. By imposing false ideals, adults undeservedly forgot about our Russian, kind, wise cinema. And how can we not remember our magical Russian film fairy tales, many of which are based on Russian folk tales! After all, a Russian fairy tale is the memory of the people, the history of their soul. The film fairy tale is one of the most favorite film genres among young viewers. A fairy tale is a holiday and excitement, it is a game and knowledge of real life in a form that captivates a child, making him rejoice, sympathize, and think. Today, few children's films are made, and fairy tales are shown on TV channels quite rarely. The adult generation probably remembers the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” As children, we froze in front of the screens, and with deep excitement followed the fate of fairy-tale heroes, their adventures, rejoiced and grieved with them. Each fairy tale shows those spiritual and moral principles that form the basis of a healthy society: love for one’s neighbor, compassion, family preservation, justice, mutual assistance, hospitality, devotion to one’s native land and one’s people. Often introducing children to folk traditions, national culture first occurs through a fairy tale, and through a fairy tale there is an introduction to the spiritual and moral values ​​of our people. The fairy tale theme is closest to children. No matter what adventures befall the main characters, one thing remains unchanged - in a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil. High moral qualities-responsibility, obedience, patience, hard work are always rewarded. This is exactly the ending in the fairy tale film directed by I. Povolotskaya “The Scarlet Flower”, based on the fairy tale of the same name by the Russian writer S.I. Aksakov. This film attracts with the mysterious beauty of its frames, it is colored by the whimsical and thoughtful music of the talented composer Edison Denisov. Really, there are many moments of genuine magic here, achieved by subtle means of genuine art, which is always stronger than any staged tricks.

When talking with children in order to identify knowledge about the content of the fairy tale and its author, the following results were revealed: with a high level of children’s understanding of the fairy tale - 9% of children; with an average level - 30% of children; With low level-61% children. After analyzing the diagnostic results, I found out that children have a small amount of knowledge about the fairy tale and its author. There is a need to eliminate many gaps in the moral judgments and ideas of children of this age group.

Project type: group, short-term, creative and research.

Project participants: educators, pupils preparatory group(6-7 years old), parents of pupils.

Project implementation timeline: 1 month(October 2016)

Objective of the project: creating optimal conditions for the active use of children's literary experience through Lego construction.

Project objectives:


  • To promote children's interest in books and Russian folk art through watching domestic film fairy tales;
  • Introduce children to the works of the great Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov;
  • To promote the development of design skills and abilities in children, the ability to use a model, and act independently.


  • Develop fine motor skills hands;
  • Enrich children's vocabulary, improve dialogical speech, develop the ability to use a variety of language means in speech;
  • Contribute to the development of free communication with adults and peers during the implementation of the project;
  • To develop preschoolers’ interest in modeling and design, to stimulate children’s technical creativity.


  • To develop the ability to listen, understand and perceive literary works, to respond emotionally to them;
  • To instill in children a love of watching domestic film fairy tales;
  • Develop the ability to work in pairs, in groups, to bring things to an end;
  • To cultivate friendliness, mutual assistance, the ability to objectively evaluate the results of one’s activities, as well as the product of the activities of peers.

Expected Results:

  1. Lego construction based on the fairy tale by S.T. Aksakov “ The Scarlet Flower».
  2. Exhibition creative works children on the topic “Fairytale trees”.

3. Exhibition of books on the topic “My favorite fairy tales” in the group’s book corner with the involvement of parents.

Project stages:

Stage I (preparatory):

setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research, preparatory work with children and their parents;

Stage II (main):

GCD cycle on the project topic: construction from LEGO (fairy-tale trees, flowers, final construction “Miracle Island”; watching the fairy tale film “The Scarlet Flower” (dir. Povolotskaya I., 1977), watching a cartoon based on the fairy tale of the same name; excursion to library; literary quiz “Magic Flower” (based on the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov); didactic games “Collect a picture”, “Name the writer”, “Remove the excess”, etc.; “Read at home with your children!”, physical education activities with parents “Together” Friendly family».

I Stage II (final):

Presentation of the Lego building “Miracle Island”.

Work for I stage:

  • Conversation with children in order to identify children’s knowledge about the fairy tale and its author;
  • Selection of illustrative material and fiction on the topic of the project;
  • Selection didactic games on the topic of the project (“Collect the picture”, “Remove the unnecessary”, “Name the writer”, etc.);
  • Selection of audio and video materials based on the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov;
  • Preparation of multi-presentations on the biography of the author and a quiz on the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”;
  • Organizing a book exhibition in the group with the involvement of parents “My Favorite Fairy Tales”;
  • Development of instructions for parents “Read at home with your children!”

Working with parents:

  • Questioning parents on “Do you like to read?”;
  • Introducing parents to the project;
  • Assistance in decorating a book exhibition in the group’s book corner;
  • Assistance in making decorations for fairy tales and costumes for fairy-tale characters;
  • Preparation of consultations for parents: “The book is our friend and teacher”, “Family reading as a means of spiritual and moral development of the child’s personality”;
  • Development of instructions for parents “Read at home with your children!”

Work with children :

  • Educational activities with children of the preparatory group to familiarize themselves with the life and work of the great Russian writer S.T. Aksakov in the form of classes, conversations, problem situations.

Interaction with preschool specialists:

Fine Arts Specialist:

  • Drawing “Fairytale trees » ;
  • Modeling from plasticine “Scarlet Flower”;
  • Application “Magic Island”;
  • Excursion to the art school.

Physical fitness instructor :

  • Outdoor games “Golden Gate”, “Zarya Zaryanitsa”, “Burners”, “Ring”, “The Sea Is Worried”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Tag”.
  • Physical education activities together with parents “Together a friendly family.”
  • Morning exercises “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”, physical exercises “True Friends”, “It’s Fun to Walk Together”, “I Walk in the Field”, “Flowers Grow in the Meadow”, etc.

Work forIIstage

Comprehensive thematic planning

Educational area



Social and communicative development

Role-playing games; "Family", "Library", "Atelier".

Conversations with children: “What is good and evil?”, “My family”, etc.

Didactic games “Collect a picture”, “What’s extra?”

1 Week

Role-playing games: “Journey on a ship”, “Theatre”, “Family”

Conversation “Rules of conduct in in public places", "Tell me about your family", etc.

2 week

Role-playing games “Sailors”, “Flower Shop”

Conversations “How to behave in transport”,

"If I were a gardener..."

Didactic games “Garden flowers”, “What’s extra”, “Name and show”, etc.

Examination of illustrations to the fairy tale by S.T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”

3 week

Role-playing games “Fashion House”, “Museum”, “Supermarket”

Ethical conversations about greed and anger, “You give your word, keep it!”

Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

4 week

Cognitive and speech development

Educational activity on Lego construction “Wonderful flowers”.

Watching the cartoon "The Scarlet Flower".

Reading the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by Aksakov S.T.

Solving riddles based on fairy tales.

1 Week

Excursion to the city library

Conversation “What I remember”

(based on the results of the excursion)

Conversation “My favorite fairy tale hero”

Watching the fairy tale film “The Scarlet Flower”

(dir. Povolotskaya I., 1977)

Educational activity on Lego construction “Fairytale trees”

2 week

Quiz lesson based on the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov

Educational activity on Lego construction “The Scarlet Flower”

Conversation-reasoning “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for the red girls...”

Reading your favorite fairy tales to choose from.

3 week

Exhibition of books “My Favorite Fairy Tales” in the group’s book corner

Educational activities on Lego construction “Miracle Island”

Word games: “Describe a flower”, “Name the same one”, “Magic basket”, etc.

4 week

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing “Fairytale trees” (exhibition of works)

Conversation about folk crafts: “Khokhloma”, “Gzhel”, “Ural-Siberian painting”

Listening to Russian folk melodies: “The Moon is Shining”, “Peddlers”, etc.

Theatrical sketches - acting warm-up

1 Week

Listening to music from the fairy tale film “The Scarlet Flower”

Dramatization game “The Scarlet Flower”

2 week

Excursion to the art school Plasticineography “The Scarlet Flower”

Listening to songs about Russia.

3 week

Application "Magic Island"

Listening to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"

Theatrical sketches - acting warm-up (Guess what kind of flower)

4 week

Physical development

Morning exercises “Tsvetik-seven-tsvetik”

Outdoor Russian folk games “Golden Gate”, “Burners”, “Zaryazaryanitsa”

Finger gymnastics

1 Week

Outdoor games “Ring”, “The Sea is Worried”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Tag”

Physical exercises “I am walking in a field”, “Flowers grow in a meadow”.

2 week

Self-massage “Funny animals”

Physical exercises “Ours” scarlet flowers", "It's fun to walk together"

3 week

Physical exercise “Real friends”

Physical education “Together a friendly family” (together with parents)

4 week

Work forIIIstage

In order to determine the effectiveness of this project, a final diagnostic was carried out in the same areas.

The following were received results: the number of children with a high level of children’s understanding of the fairy tale and its author increased by 52%, the number of children with an average level increased by 6%, the number of children with a low level decreased by 57%.

Project results:

  • Consolidating children's knowledge about the great Russian writer S.T. Aksakov and his fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”;
  • Increasing the level of positive motivation for learning;
  • Increasing children's interest in constructive activities.


  1. Aksakov S. T. Fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”
  2. Gurovich L. M. “The Child and the Book”: A book for a kindergarten teacher. M.: Education, 2002, 64 p.
  3. Magazine " Preschool education", No. 2 - 2011, No. 4 - 2007.
  4. Magazine “Child in kindergarten” No. 4 - 2007.
  5. Ivanova E. “Fairy tales and modern childhood”, magazine “Preschool Education”, No. 9-2005.
  6. We study, we talk, we play. Correctional and developmental activities in preschool educational institutions. Comp. G. N. Sergienko. - Voronezh, 2006.
  7. Shorokhova O. A., “Playing a fairy tale”, Moscow “Creative Center”, 2006
  8. Komarova L.G. We build “LINK-PRESS” from LEGO - Moscow, 2001.
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Tatyana Averyanova
Summary of the educational activity for children of the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale” using Lego technology

Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group

"IN visiting a fairy tale»

With using LEGO technology

Averyanova Tatyana Vladislavovna, teacher,

Municipal budget preschool

educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten

with priority implementation

activities in the cognitive-speech direction of development children No. 79"Cherry"

city ​​of Naberezhnye Chelny R.T.

Target: Promote speech development children using the LEGO construction method.

Integration of educational regions:

Reading fiction literature:

Introduce verbal art, develop artistic perception;

Develop interest in fairy tales;

Exercise in use speech-reasoning when answering questions;

Artistic creativity:

Develop creativity, the ability to implement and display ideas in the process design;

Physical Culture

Develop skills in coordinating hand movements with words;

Develop eye and fine motor skills;


Develop thinking, memory, imagination, the ability to compare, contrast, draw conclusions, expand horizons;

Develop the ability to recognize fairy tales in fragments, illustrations, objects;


Develop a kind attitude towards yourself and others;

Develop the ability to interact in a team, the ability to negotiate;

Develop activity and the possibility of self-realization through accessible activities.


Develop free communication between adults and children among themselves;


Verbal (conversation, questions, riddles);

Practical (dynamic games, finger gymnastics);

Introduction of innovative technologies: usage electronic manuals and slide shows;

-Usage entertaining material and emotional presentation of it to children;

Material and equipment:

Media projector;

Music Center;

Audio recordings;

Didactic electronic manual;

Illustrations fairy tales, a set of cards by fairy tales for every child;


Activating words:

Preliminary work:

Conversation about loved ones fairy tales, looking at illustrations, reading fiction.

Logic of organizational educational activities:

Educator: Good afternoon, my friends. I'm glad to see you all.

In five minutes the flight - the journey awaits us.

Where? You'll guess if you recognize the song.

A fragment of a song plays "There are many in the world fairy tales»

Music by Vladimir Shainsky, Lyrics by Yuri Entin

Educator: So where is our flight? (V fairyland)

Right, a fairy tale awaits you.

A game to develop imagination.

Children perform movements according to the text.

Let's spread our arms to the sides like birds.

We fly across the sky in a friendly line.

A cool breeze blows over us

And sends a cloud-horse.

We'll swing on a fluffy cloud

And we'll land in peace fabulous and pure.

Sounds magical music from the film "Three Nuts for Cinderella"

Educator: Here we are in the land of magic fairy tales.

Do you want to know who lives there?

Then guys, don't yawn.

Get up in a circle faster and faster.

One - two, one - two. The game begins.

A game "I'll start, you finish" (with a ball)

Educator: Children

Ivan Tsarevich

Mouse Norushka

frog croak

Bunny Runner

Foxy Sister

Sister Alyonushka

Brother Ivanushka

The Little Humpbacked Horse


Gray wolf

Elena the beautiful

Vasilisa the Wise

Marya Iskusnitsa

Princess Nesmeyana, Frog

Invisible hat

Carpet plane

Tablecloth Samobranka


Swan geese


Educator: So we met. Fairyland is huge, almost like planet Earth on which we live. And shares fabulous country into two kingdoms-states. They live in the same kingdom fairy tales - folk, in the other - copyright. Guys, why do you think? fairy tales are called folk tales? (Because they were composed by the people). Right. Folk fairy tales passed down orally from grandparents to mothers and fathers, and from them to children. It's still popular the fairy tale lives on. What folk fairy tales you know? (answers children)

And what fairy tales are called author's? (those that were composed and written by one person - the author). For example: Korney Chukovsky – author. So it's what fairy tales? (copyright). Which of the authors also wrote fairy tales? (A. S. Pushkin, S. Perot, G. H. Andersen)

Ay, well done! But still, for the sake of order, I will tell you riddles.

A game: "Find out a fairy tale based on a riddle»

1. Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without tips,

Who are the heroes of this fairy tales? (Three Bears)

2. Treats little ones children,

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

3. I left my grandfather.

I left my grandmother

You've worked hard, kids, it's time to play.

Dynamic pause: "Leshy"

Walking in place:


Rocking from side to side side:



Side turns:

Children take their seats: Leshy walked along the path,

I found a mushroom in the clearing,

One fungus, two fungi,

So the box is full.

The goblin groans, tired,

From squatting

The goblin stretched sweetly,

And then he bent backwards

And then he leaned forward

And he reached for the grass.

Both left and right

The goblin turned violently.

Leshy did a warm-up

And he sat down on the path.

Educator: Guys, look, our Leshy was walking along the path.

I found a wonderful book. Big fairy book. Look how bright it is.

(The teacher shows the children the Magic Book fairy tales and accidentally scatters illustrations for fairy tales.)

Oh, what have I done? That's it fairy tales mixed up,

Fabulous the heroes scattered along different paths.

And if they are in someone else's fairy tales will get into trouble,

Fairy tales then they will disappear forever.

You guys help, all the heroes are in yours bring back fairy tales.

Place the pages from the book in order.

And look fabulous The magic screen will help us heroes.

Magic music sounds. The presentation opens.

A game: "Find out a fairy tale based on a picture»

On the slides are heroes and magical things from fairy tales.

golden egg,


Basket with pies.

Children need to learn fairy tale from the picture and select all the cards that match this fairy tale(Ryaba chicken, mouse, grandma, grandpa, etc.).

Some children collect illustrations

from the Magic Book to this fairy tale.

Educator: You coped with this task and helped the residents fairyland . We repaired the magic book. And for this you will be rewarded. Today you will collect from LEGO constructor of your favorite fairy-tale hero, you will travel with him fairy tales and help everyone who is in trouble.

But first, but first, the game awaits us.

Let your eyes, fingers, and palms work a little.

Finger gymnastics "Five fingers"

Children rhythmically clench and unclench their fists.

There are five fingers on my hand

Five grabbers, five holders,

To plan and to saw,

Design, present.

Educator: Now take a sample, if you have a desire, create it.

Come on, music, play. Help the children build.

There's a song playing « Fairy tales travel around the world»

Music by Evgeny Ptichkin, Lyrics by Mikhail Plyatskovsky.

Children construct fairy tale characters.

Upon completion of the work, an exhibition will be organized fabulous LEGO characters.

Children tell what hero they designed and why they chose this particular hero. The expressive features of the models are noted.


1. Koryakina L.V. Fun physical exercises. // Preschool education.

2. "Russian national fairy tales» - M.: "Planet of Childhood".

3. Sukhin I. G. “Literary quizzes, tests and fairy tales-riddles for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren" - M.: "New school".