Labor education of preschool children. Cheat sheet: Aesthetic education of preschoolers at the present stage Education of the basics of aesthetic culture in preschool childhood

Children at a very early age notice the beauty that surrounds them. They hear music and enjoy it, they like poems and songs, beautiful pictures, natural phenomena. Faced with beauty, the children themselves strive to create something of their own - to fashion a figure from plasticine, to come up with a song, to dance a dance. A meeting with the beautiful always encourages creativity and development, tunes in to a positive perception of the world. That is why aesthetic education is so important - a systematic impact on the baby in order to educate the ability to see the beautiful and create it yourself. In the article we will reveal the secrets of how to teach a preschooler to love beauty.

General principles of aesthetic education

“Do you know what is meant by the aesthetic education of children? Not only the ability to see the beautiful and acquire spiritual values, but also to master the rules good behavior learn to be kind to people.

Aesthetically educating a baby should start from birth: it will stimulate, instill a good aesthetic taste, and develop a need to communicate with art.

Aesthetic education is based on the following principles:

  1. The principle of interaction. Artistic and aesthetic education is present daily in the life of a child (in communication with people and nature, acquaintance with art samples, independent creativity, everyday life and work). It is important to teach the child to strive in any action to aesthetic perfection.
  2. A complex approach. good results in education can be achieved by combining different types of art and offering the child types of creative activity based on interdisciplinary connections.
  3. The connection of aesthetic and artistic activity with life. This approach forms an adequate attitude of the preschooler to reality and teaches to see beauty in all manifestations.
  4. The unity of the aesthetic and general development of children. Correctly organizing aesthetic education, the child will harmoniously develop all cognitive processes, speech, emotional sphere.
  5. Independent creative activity of the child. Aesthetic education will be carried out by effective way if the child starts doing something creative himself: dance, sing in the choir, draw, sculpt, compose, etc.
  6. Aesthetics of the whole life of a child. A preschooler should live in beauty. All activities of him and his immediate environment should be filled with aesthetics and beauty. It has a special educational meaning. The kid should realize how important accuracy, good breeding, politeness, beauty of premises, clothes, etc. All this forms the correct aesthetic development of the child.
  7. Accounting for the age of children. Means of aesthetic education should be selected in accordance with the age of the preschooler. On how successfully the correct aesthetic perception of reality is formed at a very early age, his formation as a person at an older age depends.

Building aesthetic education on these principles, you will ensure the correct approach to education in general.

Methodological base

There are many methods and ways of aesthetic education of preschoolers. Note that all methods are interconnected, and in order to achieve the best result, they can be combined and varied.

Methods vary:

  • according to the method of information transfer
  • according to the form of organization of activity.

By way of information transfer:

  • visual methods (direct acquaintance with art samples)
  • verbal (story and explanation).

"Advice. When organizing the aesthetic education of a preschooler using visual methods (listening to music, looking at paintings, etc.), you need to try to make acquaintance with works of art emotionally expressive, otherwise the first encounters with art may not make any impression on the baby.

Forms of organization of activities are as follows:

  • when the teacher (or parent) shows the method of action and invites the child to repeat (learn a poem, sing a song).
  • when the child is offered to find a way to complete the task on his own (to mold something, draw, stick it on his own).

Note that the aesthetic education of preschoolers is different from the aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Young children are introduced to beauty and art through visual perception, awareness of the importance of order and cleanliness. And schoolchildren already know how to express their creative abilities (under the guidance of adults). Toddlers learn to evaluate, and older children can already create a product of creative activity, creatively approach the design of space, etc. The older the child becomes, the more complicated the methods. And by alternating them and using them in combination, you can ensure that the child learns to see beauty, begins to be creative in life and understand beauty.

We educate with art

In order to successfully organize the aesthetic education of a preschooler, it is necessary to provide the necessary conditions:

  • create a developing environment
  • organize interaction with nature and art
  • organize creative activities.

The main difference between the aesthetic education of children is that they perceive reality with feelings. Preschoolers pay attention to form, color, sound, and beauty is perceived in the unity of form and content. When a baby likes something, he experiences bright feelings, excitement, delight, disinterested joy. At the same time, the educator or parent needs to be able to direct the child’s emotional response from ordinary perception to understanding the beautiful, forming their own opinion. So you can begin to form a good aesthetic taste. With proper upbringing, a preschooler will learn not only to understand beauty, but also to see beauty in everyday life - everyday life, work, clothing.

It is important to acquaint kids with the best examples of children's literature, music, folk art and painting. In this way, children will learn to recognize and love works of art that they understand.

children preschool age almost all types of creativity are strong: they can draw, cut, sculpt, glue, dance and sing, compose stories and even rhyme. If a child shows interest in music, movements, images, speech, and he wants to do something similar himself, he is ready for independent creative activity. Supporting the baby, helping him to create, you can form in the child the ability to give birth to ideas to embody them.

Kindergarten has every opportunity to instill in children a love of art:

  • classes on the development of skills of visual activity and speech
  • music lessons
  • theatrical games
  • thematic classes
  • invitation of theater, circus and philharmonic artists
  • holidays.

How to introduce children to art?

To be able to understand art is not an innate quality at all, but an educated one.

"Advice. It is necessary to teach the baby to understand classical music, dance, theater gradually, carefully. Otherwise, you can cause disgust for the incomprehensible actions of artists.

In order for a preschooler to easily perceive the classics, he needs to hear it from early childhood. You need to pick up the classics for kids and turn it on infrequently. When the baby is 3-4 years old, you can already try to discuss what you heard, musical instruments.

Acquaintance with painting is better to start with viewing reproductions in art albums. Pictures should be selected taking into account the age of the baby: images of fairy tale plots, animals, fairy-tale characters that are understandable to him.

Even a 1.5-year-old baby can be taken to the theater. Puppet theaters always have performances for the little ones. Performances go no more than 30 minutes, and the child does not have time to get tired.

Museums are best visited from 4-5 years old. It is better if these are children's thematic museums or exhibitions. It is better to start going to the children's philharmonic and ballet from the age of 5, choosing children's performances and concerts.

Before visiting a theater or museum, explain to your child that you are going to an important place and how to behave there. Feed your child before going to a museum or theater so that the feeling of hunger does not distract the baby from the interesting. Make sure that the road to the "abode of the Muses" is not long and tiring, dress the baby beautifully - let him feel the importance of the event. Be sure to ask the baby about his impressions of what he saw and heard. Ask him if he would like to see something interesting again. If the kid is not delighted, pause and try again to organize cultural activities after a while.

Watch a video about how preschoolers get involved in art by visiting the art studio at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art

Aesthetic education in the family

Aesthetic education in the family occurs through the inclusion of art in the education system.

Tips for parents for aesthetic education:

  1. Introduce your baby to music and poetry as early as possible.
  2. Practice with your child in modeling, drawing, singing.
  3. Limit your child's indiscriminate listening to the radio and watching TV.
  4. Choose to view the best examples of children's fairy tales and cartoons, and to listen - a good children's or. Help me understand what I see and hear.
  5. Read to your child the best of children's literature, teach him to read expressively.

Carrying out the aesthetic education of a preschooler, forming his good aesthetic taste, you lay the foundations for the future spiritual wealth of a person.


"Aesthetic education of preschoolers at the present stage"

1. Introduction

2. The meaning and objectives of the aesthetic education of preschoolers

2.1 Development of aesthetic perception, feelings and ideas of children

2.2 Tasks and methods of aesthetic education

3. Development of artistic and creative abilities of children

4. Formation of the foundations of aesthetic taste

5. Conditions and means of aesthetic education

6. Forms of organization of aesthetic education

7. Conclusion

8. Literature

1. Introduction

Aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child's personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the world around him, art and create it. It starts from the first years of a child's life.

Aesthetic education is a very broad concept. It includes the education of an aesthetic attitude to nature, work, social life, everyday life, and art. However, the knowledge of art is so multifaceted and unique that it stands out from the general system of aesthetic education as a special part of it. Education of children by means of art is the subject of artistic education.

Acquaintance with beauty in life and art not only educates the mind and feeling of the child, but also contributes to the development of imagination and fantasy.

In the process of implementing aesthetic education, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to systematically develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings and ideas of children, their artistic and creative abilities, to form the foundations of aesthetic taste.

Aesthetic education is the most important aspect of raising a child. It contributes to the enrichment of sensory experience, the emotional sphere of the personality, affects the knowledge of the moral side of reality (it is known that for a preschooler the concepts of “beautiful” and “kind” are almost identical), increases cognitive activity, and even affects physical development. The result of aesthetic education is aesthetic development.

It is important that the work of the educator be based on a scientific basis and be carried out according to a specific program that takes into account the current level of development of various types of art, in compliance with the principle of gradualness, sequential complication of requirements, a differentiated approach to the knowledge and skills of children different ages.

Aesthetic education is closely connected with modernity and is largely determined by it. The aesthetic education of reality presupposes closeness to life, the desire to transform the world, society, nature, object environment.

2. The meaning and objectives of the aesthetic education of preschoolers

2.1 Development of aesthetic perception, feelings and ideas of children

A child from the first years of life unconsciously reaches for everything bright and attractive, enjoys shiny toys, colorful flowers and objects. All this causes him a feeling of pleasure, interest. The word "beautiful" enters the life of children early. From the first year of life, they hear a song, a fairy tale, look at pictures; simultaneously with reality, art becomes a source of their joyful experiences. In the process of aesthetic education, they undergo a transition from an unconscious response to everything bright and beautiful to a conscious perception of beauty.

Aesthetic perception of reality has its own characteristics. The main thing for him is the sensual form of things - their color, shape, sound. Therefore, its development requires a large sensory culture.

Beauty is perceived by a child as a unity of form and content. The form is expressed in the totality of sounds, colors, lines. However, perception becomes aesthetic only when it is emotionally colored, associated with a certain attitude towards it.

Aesthetic perception is inextricably linked with feelings, experiences. A feature of aesthetic feelings is disinterested joy, bright emotional excitement arising from a meeting with the beautiful.

The educator should lead the child from the perception of beauty, the emotional response to it to understanding, the formation of aesthetic ideas, judgments, assessments. This is painstaking work that requires the teacher to be able to systematically, unobtrusively permeate the child's life with beauty, to ennoble his environment in every possible way.

2.2 Tasks and methods of aesthetic education

The tasks of aesthetic education of preschoolers, based on its purpose, can be represented by two groups.

First group tasks is aimed at shaping the aesthetic attitude of children to the environment. The following is envisaged: to develop the ability to see and feel beauty in nature, deeds, art, to understand beauty; cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty.

Second group tasks is aimed at the formation of artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, design; singing, moving to music; development of verbal creativity.

The named task groups will give positive result only if they are closely interconnected in the implementation process.

The leading methods for solving problems of the first group are showing, observation, analysis, example of an adult. Show as a method of education is used in the initial acquaintance with the subject of aesthetic reality. It is important for the educator to determine the object of the show and create conditions so that the attention of the children is focused on what they are shown and offered to listen to.

When using these methods, it is very important that the educator knows how to show his feelings, his attitude, and knows how to express feelings. The expressiveness of intonation when reading a poem, sincere delight about a beautiful thing, genuine grief when meeting with negligence in clothes, slovenliness, a vivid emotional manifestation of one's feelings by adults serves as an active method of influencing a child, as it relies on a feature of childhood - imitation.

To solve the problems of the second group as leaders, it is required practical methods: demonstration, exercise, explanation, method of search situations. These methods are considered in detail in the methods of visual activity and musical education.

The general principle of selecting methods is to find such methods and techniques that would support children's desire to create “works of art”, with their own hands (sculpt, draw, craft, decorate), participate in various types of artistic activities. Useful creative tasks, they and any manifestation of creativity must necessarily be combined with teaching the skills of artistic expression. If a child does not have drawing skills, he will not be able to create something creative, despite the conventions of understanding this term in relation to preschoolers. That is why direct teaching methods are needed: demonstration, exercise, examination of objects, description. In these cases, learning becomes one of the factors stimulating creativity, and creative tasks give learning a developing character.

3. Development of artistic and creative abilities of children

Almost all types of artistic activity are available to preschoolers - writing stories. Inventing poetry, singing, drawing, modeling. Naturally, they have a great originality, which is expressed in a naive, direct reflection of reality, in extraordinary sincerity, in faith in the truthfulness of what is depicted, in a lack of concern for viewers and listeners. Already at this stage, the development of artistic creative abilities of children takes place, which are manifested in the emergence of an idea, in its implementation in reality, in the ability to combine their knowledge and impressions, in greater sincerity in expressing feelings and thoughts.

originality children's creativity It also lies in the fact that it is based on such a pronounced feature of preschoolers as imitation, which is widely reflected in the play activities of children - the figurative realization of their impressions of the world around them.

It is in the game that the creativity of preschoolers is first manifested. For a game that arises at the initiative of children, the presence of a plan is characteristic. At first it is not yet stable, one plot is replaced by another; the older the children, the more complete and purposeful the idea becomes.

A plot-role-playing creative game is characterized not only by the presence of an idea in the choice and definition of a topic, plot, but also by a creative image in their implementation. “Let the train,” N.K. Krupskaya wrote, “on which they ride, be built of chairs, let the house be built of wood chips. During the game, the child learns to overcome difficulties, learns about the environment, looks for ways out of the situation.

The creative imagination of children is also manifested in the fact that they often consciously combine different plots for their games: they take material from fairy tales, stories, from life, from television and theatrical productions. In other words, they combine their knowledge, impressions of what they saw and heard, uniting them into one whole.

As well as in the game, children's creativity is manifested in other types of their artistic activities. In a drawing, modeling, story, song, the child satisfies his need for an effective, figurative expression of his impressions. And here, first, an idea is born, and then a means of putting it into practice; children combine their impressions received during the perception of various works of art. And in this case, the child remains as sincere as in the game: he does not just copy what he sees, but conveys his attitude towards him.

Thus, at preschool age, sprouts of creativity are observed, which are manifested in the development of the ability to create an idea and its implementation, in the ability to combine one's knowledge, ideas, in a sincere transmission of thoughts, feelings, experiences. However, for the development of artistic and creative abilities in children, their appropriate training is necessary, during which they master the ways of figurative expression and depiction of their ideas in words, singing, drawing, dance, and dramatization. Education encourages the child to conscious artistic manifestations, causes positive emotions, develops abilities.

The purpose of teaching art skills is not only to give children knowledge and skills in singing, drawing, reading poetry, etc., but also to arouse in them an interest and desire for independent creative activity. Mastering certain skills, the child uses them, making his own, albeit small, contribution to decorating family life, kindergarten, their peers.

In the development of artistic and creative abilities of children, a special role belongs to the personality of the teacher, his culture, knowledge, enthusiasm.

4. Formation of the foundations of aesthetic taste

Aesthetic taste is manifested in the fact that a person gets pleasure, spiritual pleasure from meeting with true beauty in art, in life, in everyday life. Aesthetic taste is a broad concept; it includes not only understanding, enjoying deep, beautiful works of art. But also an understanding of the beauty of nature, work, life, clothing.

Education plays an important role in the formation of aesthetic taste in children. In the classroom, preschoolers are introduced to the classic works of children's literature, music, and painting. Children learn to recognize and love true works of art accessible to their age.

Getting to know folk tale, with the works of S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, K.I. Chukovsky, listening to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky, D.B. Kabalevsky and other composers, children begin to join the beauty and richness of the artistic word, music. All this gives them real pleasure, is remembered and forms the basis of artistic taste.

Raising the basics of aesthetic taste in children, we teach them to see and feel the beauty of the world around us, to protect it. It is better to keep a flower in a flower bed, and in order for it to bloom and bring joy to others, it must be looked after. Cleanliness in the group, which creates comfort and beauty, must be maintained, do not litter, and clean up toys and books. Thus, in the process of education and training, the tasks of aesthetic education in preschool age are carried out.

5. Conditions and means of aesthetic education

Aesthetic education of children is carried out by familiarizing children with the aesthetics of everyday life, with the beautiful in work, in nature, social phenomena, and the means of art. To teach a child to feel and understand the beauty of life is a big and difficult task that requires a long work of adults.

To implement the tasks of aesthetic education of children, certain conditions are necessary. First of all, it is the environment in which the child lives and develops. It has an impact on the child, which in its strength and significance can hardly be compared with others. If the environment is aesthetic, beautiful (not necessarily rich), if the child sees beautiful relationships between people, hears beautiful speech, etc., then from an early age he will accept the aesthetic environment as the norm, and everything that differs from the norm will cause he has a dislike. The aesthetics of everyday life includes many details. This is the aesthetics of the environment: things that surround the child and that he uses, toys, clothes for the baby and the people around him, room design, etc. Beautiful things "pleasing to the eye", cause positive emotions, the desire to keep them. The theory of the "white tablecloth" is quite correct: if we want to educate not only neatness, but also the need for an aesthetic environment, we must exclude unaesthetics as such. From the first years of a child's life, it is important both at home and in preschool pay attention to the aesthetics of life.

The aesthetics of kindergarten life is manifested in artistic simplicity, in a thoughtful selection of household items, where every thing has its place, where there is nothing superfluous. The color of the walls should be calm, light colors.

The requirements for the design of a kindergarten are determined by the tasks of protecting the life and health of children, the content educational work with them. Chief among them are:

Expediency, practical justification of the situation.

Purity, simplicity, beauty.

The right combination color and light, creating visual contrast, ensuring the visibility of each object.

All design components should form a single ensemble.

The concept of "life aesthetics" includes the beauty of everyday relationships between people who surround the child. It is very important what speech he hears, what intonations. It is necessary that it be correct, figurative, intonationally rich and benevolent.

The aesthetics of everyday life is also the appearance of a person. Carelessness, untidiness in clothes, absurdity in selection colors, the inability to find your own style - all this is contrary to the law of beauty.

The aesthetics of everyday life is an indispensable condition for the aesthetic education of a child, the background that reinforces or destroys his ideas about beauty.

Three rules: live in beauty, notice beauty, maintain and create beauty around themselves - make the aesthetics of everyday life a means of aesthetic education of the child.

A powerful means of aesthetic education is nature .

It is in it that you can see harmony - the basis of beauty: a variety of colors, shapes, sounds in their combination. Nature itself is a condition for the comprehensive upbringing and development of the child. It becomes a means when an adult purposefully uses its "educational possibilities" and makes it visual for the child.

The educator reveals the world of nature to the children, helps them to see its charm in a dew drop on a bud, and in the interweaving of herbs, and in the colors of the sunset ... You just need to see this beauty yourself and find words accessible to the child's heart. Invaluable help in this will be provided to him by works of art about nature, which he must know well and skillfully use. In education by the means of nature, not only a passive contemplative, but also an active principle is necessary (to protect nature, to help it).

Public life, the work of people with whom the child constantly encounters, is also an important means of aesthetic education. The well-coordinated work of builders makes children want to create a good building, act together, and be attentive to each other. Descriptions of the work of sailors, pilots, teachers, doctors not only introduce preschoolers to these professions, but also cause a desire to imitate them. All this is reflected in their games, contributes to the education of moral and aesthetic feelings.

Therefore, the educator thoroughly prepares for excursions, during which children receive and accumulate the sensory experience they need. Excursions at proper preparation and conducting expand the horizons of preschoolers, teach them to see, compare, generalize, which forms the basis for the development of creative imagination and abilities.

A multifaceted and inexhaustible means of aesthetic education is art: fine arts, music, literature, architecture, theater, cinema. The early familiarization of children with real high art contributes to the emergence in the child's soul of a truly aesthetic perception of reality. Each type of art reflects life in its own way and has its own special influence on the mind and feelings of the child.

From the first years of life, children are accompanied by oral folk art, children's literature. A special place in their lives is occupied by a fairy tale.

Not everything can be expressed in words. There are such shades of feelings that can be most deeply and fully expressed in music. Music sharpens emotional responsiveness. It is necessary for the child. “Childhood is just as impossible without music as it is impossible without a game, without a fairy tale,” V.A. Sukhomlinsky was convinced of this.

The condition and means of aesthetic education is artistic activity preschoolers, both organized by the educator and independent. Fine art is necessary for a child. It gives him rich visual images.

In artistic activity, as a rule, there are a reproducing (reproductive) factor and a creative one. Both are necessary and interconnected - a child cannot create without learning to reproduce, reproduce.

All the above-mentioned means of aesthetic education - life, nature, art, activity - are effective both on their own and in interconnection, but oversaturation is just as harmful to development as a lack of emotional impact. We must seek and find the golden mean.

6. Forms of organization of aesthetic education

Aesthetic education of children in a preschool institution is carried out in different forms, depending on the principle of managing their activities, the way preschoolers are united, and the type of activity.

The educator manages the development of children. Children themselves love artistic activity, and often engage in it on their own initiative. It cannot be said that independent artistic activity is completely carried out without the guidance of an adult. It's just that the nature of this guide is indirect. The teacher takes care of the child's accumulation of experience, impressions, which will then be reflected in independent drawing, modeling, stories, musical activities; teaches fine arts and techniques.

Independent artistic activity arises at the initiative of children to meet their individual needs: to give a gift to their mother, to make a toy for the game, etc. The task of the teacher is to help him if the need arises without violating the child’s plan. The teacher develops the independence of children, using a hint, drawing attention to the subject, object, questions, suggestions, evaluating the results and the level of independence, fiction, fantasy.

Independent activity can be individual, and sometimes children unite two or three people and, after discussing their plan, they prepare a concert together, draw scenery, make attributes for the game, organize a theatrical game, etc.

Signs of independent activity are the child's attention to the means of expression in music, movements, drawing, speech and the ability to transfer what he has learned into his own new activity, to apply it to solve new problems.

Independent artistic activity is closely related to the work that the educator conducts purposefully and in various forms. It can be organized classes on the development of speech, fine arts, music. They are included in the mandatory "grid" of weekly classes, are conducted systematically according to pre-designed content and in order of increasing complexity.

The teacher organizes excursions to nature, to monuments, to a museum, to a festively decorated street, etc. The task of the teacher is to think over the content of the excursion, taking into account the laws children's perception, educational tasks. It is necessary to determine and study in advance the location of the excursion, the way children are placed around the object of observation, since it is very important not only to inform preschoolers of new knowledge, but also to evoke aesthetic feelings in them.

One of the forms of children's activities that contribute to aesthetic education is theatrical games And games - dramatizations. These games are held under the guidance of a teacher.

A significant place in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution and in the lives of children is occupied by holidays And entertainment .

Entertainment as a form of work with preschool children is held once every two weeks. The entertainment content is varied. It can be thematic literary and musical evenings.

Useful for the aesthetic development of entertainment that combines different types of art. A variety of material is selected - both literary, and musical, and pictorial on one topic.

Such evenings of entertainment bring joy to preschoolers, introduce them to the national culture, and educate aesthetic feelings.

Holidays in a preschool institution correspond to those accepted in our country. They can be divided into holidays associated with public life (February 23, May 9, June 12, etc.) and holidays associated with folk and religious traditions (Easter, Maslenitsa, Christmas, New Year). There may be holidays that reflect local events (City Day), as well as their own, kindergarten ones (anniversary of a preschool institution, birthday of a group, etc.). When holding holidays, a complex of educational tasks is solved - moral, intellectual, as well as tasks of physical education. And of course, they implement the tasks of aesthetic education.

The holiday should be emotionally rich. The beauty of the setting, the solemnity of the music, the general high spirits - all this increases the susceptibility to the aesthetic side of reality. Children want to actively participate in the holiday, they are not satisfied with the role of observers. And the teacher is given the opportunity to satisfy the desires and needs for the activity of each child. It is only necessary to choose the right form of manifestation of activity for each of the pupils. One will read poetry, the other will sing, the third will dance. It is impossible to deprive any of the children of the opportunity to show what he is capable of and feel equal in rights in an atmosphere of general joy.

Aesthetic education of preschool children can be organized in different forms, and these forms have their own qualifications.

7. Conclusion

In modern conditions in kindergarten, the following tasks of aesthetic education are put forward:

Systematically develop the perception of beauty, aesthetic feelings, ideas of children. All kinds of art, nature and everyday life contribute to this, cause immediate emotional responsiveness, joy, excitement, admiration, enthusiasm.

To introduce children to activities in the field of art, educating them in the need and habit to bring elements of beauty into everyday life, nature, and social relations.

To form the foundations of the aesthetic taste of children and the ability to independently evaluate works of art and phenomena of life.

Develop the artistic and creative abilities of children. Their activity connected with art should always be unconstrained, saturated with joyful aspiration, creative imagination, and initiative. The more aesthetically developed a child is, the stronger his artistic skills and abilities, the more fully his creative activity develops.

The leading place in the implementation of aesthetic education belongs to the kindergarten. But the role of the family is also important. Only with the unity of the influences of the kindergarten and the family is it possible to fully implement the tasks of aesthetic education. Not every child will become a musician or an artist, but every child can and should be nurtured with love and interest in art, develop aesthetic taste, ear for music, and elementary drawing skills.

The educator helps the family to create the necessary conditions for the correct aesthetic education of children. He talks about the importance of the aesthetics of everyday life, advises what to read to children, what records to listen to music to buy, ensures that the child in the family has everything necessary for the manifestation of children's creativity: an album, pencils, paints, toys, books.

The establishment of continuity in the aesthetic education of the kindergarten and the family forms the fundamental principles of the spiritual culture that a person should possess.

8. Literature

1. N.A. Vetlugina "Aesthetic education in kindergarten" 1978.

2. V.I.Yadeshko "Preschool pedagogy" 1978

3. S.A. Kozlova "Preschool pedagogy"

4. O.A. Kurevin "Journey to the beautiful"

5. M. V. Gribanova "Formation of aesthetic and artistic perception of children of senior preschool age" 1999.

6. A. A. Adaskina “Features of the manifestation of an aesthetic attitude in the perception of reality” 1996.

Albina Sagdieva
Aesthetic education of preschool children

Aesthetic education of preschool children.

Tasks, means and form of work on aesthetic education.

Aesthetic education- this is a purposeful systematic process of influencing the child's personality in order to develop his abilities to see the beauty of the world around him, art and create it.

Aesthetic education closely related to other parties education: with mental and moral.

Tasks aesthetic education.

1. Systematic develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings and ideas children.

2. Development of artistic and creative abilities in children(the ability to sing, dance, compose, different games).

3. Forming the foundations aesthetic taste(training plays a big role).

The most important condition for a full aesthetic education is:

1. The environment that surrounds the child in kindergarten and at home.

2. Saturation of everyday life with works of art (paintings, prints, musical works).

3. Active activity themselves children(the children themselves glue, mold).

4. Individual approach.

Means are everything that the teacher consciously selects from the environment for a purposeful impact on aesthetic development of children.

1. Aesthetics of life, i.e. where the children are during the day;

2. Nature;

3. Art (literary, musical works);

4. Artistic activities themselves children;

5. Special training;

6. Behavior of adults themselves (educators, parents).

In order to aesthetic education the following forms of organization of educational and independent activities are used children:

1. Classes (musical, fine arts);

2. Artistic and didactic games (for familiarization children with color"Rainbow");

3. Mornings and entertainment;

4. Excursions and walks;

5. Theatrical performances; TV shows, movies CD, DVD

Principles aesthetic education:

1. Aesthetic education should be carried out in conjunction with all educational- educational work in an educational institution.

2. Children's creativity should be connected with life.

3. Variability of the content, forms and methods of artistic activity.

4. Individual approach to children.

5. Children's work should be used in the life of the group or in the life of the kindergarten.

Feature of artistic creativity children.

Creativity is an activity aimed at creating a socially significant product that has an impact on the transformation of the environment.

Creation children significant primarily for the child himself or for the group children, for close adults.

But the significance of children's creativity is that it influences the formation of the child's personality, which means that society is interested in creative development everyone.

Creativity can be taught, but this teaching is special. It is not similar to how knowledge and skills are taught, however, creativity is impossible without the assimilation of individual knowledge and mastery of skills and abilities.

Under artistic creativity preschool children refers to the creation of objectively meaningful (for the child first of all) new product (drawing, dance, poem, story, song, etc.); inventing and recognizing early unused details; play activity(creative games - creating a game environment, selection, toys, substitute items, etc.).

The book is presented with some abbreviations.

The meaning and objectives of the aesthetic education of preschoolers

Aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child's personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the world around him, art and create it. It starts from the first years of a child's life.
Aesthetic education is a very broad concept. It includes the education of an aesthetic attitude to nature, work, social life, everyday life, and art. However, the knowledge of art is so multifaceted and unique that it stands out from the general system of aesthetic education as a special part of it. Education of children by means of art is the subject of artistic education.
In turn, aesthetic education is part of the all-round communist education of children. Its connection with moral education is especially close.
Acquaintance with beauty in life and art not only educates the mind and feelings of the child, but also contributes to the development of imagination and fantasy.
In the process of implementing aesthetic education, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to systematically develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings and ideas of children, their artistic and creative abilities, to form the foundations of aesthetic taste.
From the first years of life, a child unconsciously reaches for everything bright and attractive, enjoys shiny toys, colorful flowers and objects. All this causes him a feeling of pleasure, interest. The word "beautiful" enters the life of children early. From the first year of life, they hear a song, a fairy tale, look at pictures; simultaneously with reality, art becomes a source of their joyful experiences. In the process of aesthetic education, they undergo a transition from an unconscious response to everything bright and beautiful to a conscious perception of beauty.
Aesthetic perception of reality has its own characteristics. The main thing for him is the sensual form of things - their color, shape, sound. Therefore, its development requires a large sensory culture.
Beauty is perceived by the child as a unity of form and content. The form is expressed in the totality of sounds, colors, lines. However, perception becomes aesthetic only when it is emotionally colored, associated with a certain attitude towards it.
Aesthetic perception is inextricably linked with feelings, experiences. A feature of aesthetic feelings is disinterested joy, a bright emotional excitement that arises from a meeting with the beautiful.
The educator should lead the child from the perception of beauty, the emotional response to it to understanding, the formation of aesthetic ideas, judgments, assessments.
This is painstaking work that requires the teacher to be able to systematically, unobtrusively permeate the child's life with beauty, to ennoble his environment in every possible way.
Almost all types of artistic activities are available to preschoolers - writing stories, inventing poems, singing, drawing, modeling. Naturally, they have a great originality, which is expressed in a naive, direct reflection of reality, in extraordinary sincerity, in faith in the truthfulness of what is depicted, in a lack of concern for viewers and listeners. Already at this stage, the development of artistic creative abilities of children takes place, which are manifested in the emergence of an idea, in its implementation in activities, in the ability to combine their knowledge and impressions, in great sincerity in expressing feelings and thoughts.
The originality of children's creativity also lies in the fact that it is based on such a pronounced feature of preschoolers as imitation. It is widely reflected in the play activities of children - the figurative realization of their impressions of the world around them.
It is in the game that the creativity of preschoolers is first manifested. For a game that arises at the initiative of children, the presence of a plan is characteristic. At first it is still unstable, one plot is replaced by another; the older the children, the more complete and purposeful the idea becomes.
A plot-role-playing creative game is characterized not only by the presence of an idea in the choice and definition of a topic, plot, but also by creative imagination in their implementation. “Let the train,” N. K. Krupskaya wrote, “on which they ride, be built of chairs, let the house be built of wood chips. During the game, the child learns to overcome difficulties, learns about the environment, and looks for a way out of the situation.
The creative imagination of children is also manifested in the fact that they often consciously combine different plots for their games: they take material from fairy tales, stories, from life, from television and theatrical productions. In other words, they combine their knowledge, impressions of what they saw and heard, uniting them into one whole. Often preschoolers depict in the game what is not in reality. For example, playing one of their favorite games - astronauts, they go to Venus, Mars and other planets. The sincerity of children in the game finds the most vivid expression. No wonder the great Russian director K. S. Stanislavsky told the actors that they should learn sincerity, truthfulness in art from playing children.
As well as in the game, the creativity of children is also manifested in other types of their artistic activities. In drawing, modeling, storytelling, song, the child satisfies his need for an effective, figurative expression of his impressions. And here, first, an idea is born, and then the means of putting it into practice; children combine their impressions received during the perception of various works of art. And in this case, the child remains as sincere as in the game: he does not just copy what he sees, but conveys his attitude towards him.
Thus, at preschool age, sprouts of creativity are observed, which are manifested in the development of the ability to create an idea and its implementation, in the ability to combine one's knowledge, ideas, in a sincere transmission of thoughts, feelings, experiences. However, for the development of artistic and creative abilities in children, their appropriate training is necessary. In the process of it, they master the ways of figurative expression and depiction of their ideas in words, singing, drawing, dancing, and dramatization. Education encourages the child to conscious artistic manifestations, causes positive emotions, develops abilities.
The goal of teaching art skills is not only to give children knowledge and skills in singing, drawing, reading poetry, etc., but also to arouse their interest and desire for independent creative activity. Here is a poem by three-year-old Natasha, composed by her for her friend:
Nastya, get dressed!
The sun shines in the morning.
It's time to go to kindergarten.
So, mastering certain skills of artistic activity, the child uses them, making his own, albeit small, contribution to adorn the life of the family, kindergarten, and his peers.
In the development of the artistic and creative abilities of children, a special role belongs to the personality of the teacher, his culture, knowledge, and enthusiasm.
There is kindergarten No. 29 in Leningrad behind the Nevskaya Zastava. The drawings of its pupils are known in many countries of the world: India, Japan, the USA, Poland, the GDR, Sweden, etc., where they went to international competitions of children's creativity. These works received 17 gold and many silver medals, dozens of diplomas and valuable gifts.
What is the reason for such success? This is the most ordinary kindergarten, and the children here are ordinary, only the teachers work here with enthusiasm, successfully develop the artistic and creative abilities of the kids.
Aesthetic taste is manifested in the fact that a person gets pleasure, spiritual pleasure from meeting with true beauty in art, in life, in everyday life. Aesthetic taste is a broad concept; it includes not only understanding, enjoying deep, beautiful works of art, but also understanding the beauty of nature, work, life, clothing.
Education plays an important role in the formation of aesthetic taste in children. In the classroom, preschoolers are introduced to the classic works of children's literature, music, and painting. Children learn to recognize and love true works of art accessible to their age.
Getting acquainted with the folk tale, with the works of S. Ya. Marshak, S. V. Mikhalkov, K. I. Chukovsky, listening to the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky, D. B. Kabalevsky and other composers, children begin to join the beauty and richness of the artistic words, music. All this gives them real pleasure, is remembered and forms the basis of artistic taste.
Raising the basics of aesthetic taste in children, we teach them to see and feel the beauty of the environment, to protect it. It is better to keep a flower in a flower bed, and in order for it to bloom and bring joy to others, it must be looked after. Cleanliness in the group, which creates comfort and beauty, must be maintained, do not litter, and clean up toys and books. So, in the process of education and training, the tasks of aesthetic education in preschool age are carried out.
Developing the artistic abilities of children, their aesthetic feelings and ideas, evaluative attitude to the beautiful, the teacher lays the foundations on which the spiritual wealth of a person will be formed in the future.

The main means of aesthetic education in kindergarten

Aesthetic education of children is carried out by familiarizing children with the aesthetics of everyday life, with the beautiful in work, in nature, social phenomena, and the means of art. To teach a child to feel and understand the beauty of life is a big and difficult task that requires a long work of adults.
The walls of the home, the things that surround the child from the first years of life, have great power of influence. Comfortable furniture, a harmonious combination of color spots, art objects, the general style of decorating the room - all this, perceived by sight, touch, is reflected in the memory, consciousness of the baby.
The aesthetics of kindergarten life is manifested in artistic simplicity, in a thoughtful selection of household items, where every thing has its place, where there is nothing superfluous. The color of the walls should be calm, light colors.
The requirements for the design of a kindergarten are determined by the tasks of protecting the life and health of children, the content of educational work with them. Chief among them are:
1. Expediency, practical justification of the situation.
2. Purity, simplicity, beauty.
3. The right combination of color and light, creating visual contrast, ensuring the visibility of each object. For example, pale yellow daffodils next to the blue water of the aquarium enhance the colorfulness of the surroundings.
4. All design components must form a single ensemble.
A special place in the design of the group should belong to the fine arts: paintings, prints, objects of applied art. This expands the aesthetic ideas of children, creates the basis for understanding works of art, delivers artistic pleasure, causes a desire to draw a pattern, a flower, and make a beautiful toy.
The plots depicted in the pictures should be accessible to the understanding of children. This is the work of people, the life of a kindergarten, landscapes, still lifes, the life of birds and animals, a fairy-tale world. In all groups, still lifes, prints depicting animals, paintings with a fairy tale theme can be used. Landscapes are recommended for use in middle, senior and preparatory groups for school. Older preschoolers show great interest in reproductions of paintings by famous artists: “The Rooks Have Arrived” by Savrasov, “ Golden autumn”, “March” by Levitan, landscapes by Shishkin, “Alenushka”, “The Princess and the Gray Wolf” by Vasnetsov, “Girl with Peaches” by Serov, “Lilac” by Konchalovsky, etc. No more than 2-3 paintings should be in the room.
It is good when there is one large picture that especially attracts the attention of children, and two or three smaller ones. Pictures should be well lit, not interfere with one another, so they should not be placed too close. Paintings and prints should be changed taking into account the time of year, the tasks of educational work with children. For example, it is good to hang out pictures related to the topic of the upcoming conversation, reading a work of art, a game.
An important place in the design of the kindergarten should belong to the works of folk applied art. Khokhloma (furniture in the book corner and one or two items that change) should be presented in all groups. It's good to have fun Dymkovo toy, gesture trays, ceramics.
Of course, it is not enough to surround children beautiful things, we must teach them to see beauty, to cherish it, to appreciate it. Therefore, the educator should draw their attention to the cleanliness of the room, to the beauty brought by flowers, paintings, and encourage the children themselves to decorate the room.
All this must be learned gradually. For example, observing the work of a nanny with the children, the educator leads them to the conclusion that she not only keeps cleanliness, but also creates comfort in the room. A well-cleaned, sparkling clean room becomes beautiful. And the children themselves gradually get used to maintaining cleanliness and order, first with the help of adults, then at their reminder, and to senior group already independently.
From the first years of life, children should be accustomed to the aesthetics of appearance, combined with a culture of behavior. In this regard, one of the strongest means of influence is the example of the educator himself, the unity of his internal and external culture.
Native nature serves as a powerful means of aesthetic education. Her beauty is especially vividly and deeply perceived in childhood and, imprinted in feelings and thoughts, sweeps through a person’s entire life.
The educator reveals the world of nature to the children, helps them to see its charm in a dew drop on a bud, and in the interweaving of herbs, and in the colors of the sunset ... You just need to see this beauty yourself and find words accessible to the child's heart. Invaluable help in this will be provided to him by works of art about nature, which he must know well and skillfully use.
Public life, the work of people with whom the child constantly encounters, are also an important means of aesthetic education. The well-coordinated work of builders makes children want to create a good building, act together, and be attentive to each other. The description of the work of sailors, pilots, teachers, doctors not only introduces preschoolers to these professions, but also causes a desire to imitate them. All this is reflected in their games, contributes to the education of moral and aesthetic feelings.
Therefore, the educator thoroughly prepares for excursions, during which children receive and accumulate the sensory experience they need. Excursions, with proper preparation and conduct, expand the horizons of preschoolers, teach them to see, compare, generalize, which forms the basis for the development of creative imagination and abilities. In the process of targeted observations and excursions, the teacher draws the attention of children not only to the essential features of a particular phenomenon, but also to the beauty of well-coordinated work that transforms nature, to the nobility of relationships between people built on mutual assistance, camaraderie and care for each other. What really excites children will definitely be reflected in their games, drawings, stories.
Streets, buildings, monuments also contribute to the aesthetic and moral education of children. Acquaintance with their beauty and originality begins with the simplest and closest: from the building of the kindergarten, from your street. With age and the accumulation of knowledge, the subject of familiarizing children with the sights of the city, the village is expanding. And wherever children live, in the older groups they are sure to be introduced to the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, its Red Square.
In the process of this work, educators give children ideas about some architectural features of buildings and ensembles, pay attention to the originality of individual forms and lines, to the expediency of architecture, to how it fits into the natural landscape. These impressions children reflect in building games. Their buildings are becoming more and more complex and beautiful. Separate buildings, bridges, stations begin to unite in the creativity of children in street ensembles.
Art is a multifaceted and inexhaustible means of aesthetic education. It acquaints children with the life of the whole country, brings up love for the Motherland, for its honest, kind, courageous people. Works of art are a rich source of joy, aesthetic pleasure, spiritual enrichment. Many of its types are available to children: literature, music, painting, sculpture, theater, cinema. Each type of art reflects life in its own way and has its own special influence on the mind and feelings of the child.
From the first years of life, children are accompanied by oral folk art, children's literature. Fairy tales occupy a special place in their lives. A. S. Pushkin gave them a high rating: “What a charm these fairy tales are ... each of them is a poem.”
Not everything can be expressed in words. There are such shades of feelings that can be most deeply and fully expressed in music. P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote: “Where words are powerless, a more eloquent language, music, is fully armed.” Music sharpens emotional responsiveness. It is necessary for the child. “Childhood is just as impossible without music as it is impossible without a game, without a fairy tale,” V. A. Sukhomlinsky was convinced of this.
Fine art is also necessary for the child. It gives him rich visual images.
On holidays in kindergarten, different types of art affect children in originality and unity. Holidays make a strong impression on preschoolers, remain in their memory for a long time and serve as an important means of aesthetic education. The requirements for art for children are high. The works that are selected for preschoolers must be highly artistic, accessible to understanding, and meet the tasks of communist education.
Artistic material for each subsequent age group is gradually becoming more complex due to the deepening of the tasks of aesthetic education. This is taken into account in the "Kindergarten Education Program", which defines works of art for each age group.
Finally, the quality of performance of works of art for children is very important, on which the aesthetic education of the child largely depends.
The leading place in the implementation of aesthetic education belongs to the kindergarten. But the role of the family is also important. Only with the unity of the influences of the kindergarten and the family is it possible to fully implement the tasks of aesthetic education. Not every child will become a musician or an artist, but every child can and should be nurtured with love and interest in art, develop aesthetic taste, ear for music, and elementary drawing skills.
The educator helps the family to create the necessary conditions for the correct aesthetic education of children. He talks about the importance of the aesthetics of everyday life, advises what to read to children, what records to listen to music to buy, ensures that the child in the family has everything necessary for the manifestation of children's creativity: an album, pencils, paints, toys, books.
The establishment of continuity in the aesthetic education of the kindergarten and the family forms the fundamental principles of the spiritual culture that a person should possess.

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Aesthetic education of preschool children

1 The concept of aesthetic education. Criteria for aesthetic education

2 Methods, forms and tasks of aesthetic education of preschool children

The study of pedagogical experience in the aesthetic education of preschoolers

1 Description of aesthetic education programs in kindergarten

2 Analysis of aesthetic education programs in kindergarten





Aesthetic education is an extremely important position in the general education of the child. Recently, interest in this problem has increased. The theory and practice of aesthetic education is one of the most important sources moral education comprehensively developed, spiritually rich personality. The importance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that in order for the future worldview to mature, it is necessary to form aesthetic views, without which it will not become complete, capable of fully embracing reality. Many teachers and cultural figures believe that it is necessary to form a personality and aesthetic culture at preschool age, since it is the most favorable.

This work is devoted to the analysis of several programs of aesthetic development and education of children given age. The following programs are considered: "Childhood" - a program for the development and education of children in kindergarten (V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina, etc.); "The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva; "Creativity" - a program of artistic and aesthetic education and development of children in kindergarten (A.I. Smolyar, P.P. Barynkin, V.P. Yurikova, T.S. Slesareva, etc.).

The views of the teachers who created these programs are similar in that aesthetic education is used in their programs.

Their views determined the topic of this study "Aesthetic education of a preschooler in a kindergarten."

The purpose of this work is to analyze the programs of aesthetic education according to the main characteristics.

An attempt was made to solve the following problems:

study the literature on the subject;

to reveal the concept of aesthetic education;

to characterize the forms and methods of aesthetic education of children;

to study programs on preschool aesthetic education.

The object of research is the process of aesthetic education of preschoolers.

The subject of the research is the process of applying the aesthetic education of preschool children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

Hypothesis - using analysis to find out which programs are the most versatile and useful for the educator.

Practical value - this work can be useful for educators, heads and methodologists of kindergartens, tk. in the variety of aesthetic education programs, it is difficult to navigate and make your choice. And this work reveals in detail the essence of several, in my opinion, the most successful programs for aesthetic education in kindergarten.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, each in turn is divided into two parts, a conclusion and an appendix.

The introduction reveals the relevance, defines the goal, objectives, object, subject, hypothesis of this work.

The first chapter discusses the concept of aesthetic education and aesthetic education, as well as methods, tasks and forms of aesthetic education.

In the second chapter there is an overview of the taken programs and a detailed analysis of them.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summed up, final conclusions on this topic are formed.

1. Aesthetic education of preschool children

.1 The concept of aesthetic education

Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a person's aesthetic attitude to reality. This relationship with the emergence of human society developed along with it, embodied in the sphere of material and spiritual activity of people. It is associated with their perception and understanding of the beautiful in reality, enjoying it, the aesthetic creativity of man.

Aesthetic education includes aesthetic development as a process of activating perception, creative imagination, imaginative thinking, emotional feeling; formation of spiritual needs. The essence of the system of aesthetic education is the influence on pupils by means of art. According to B. T. Likhachev, there are several starting points in the theory of aesthetic education:

in order to develop natural forces in children, to create conditions for a deep awareness of aesthetic phenomena, it is necessary to deliberately involve in different kinds creative activity;

the theory of aesthetic education lies in the realization of the great significance and spiritual value for a sublime, beautiful, graceful person;

it is necessary to solve complex problems in the process of teaching art to children:

ideological, moral and artistic education,

teaching skills and abilities that can ensure the involvement of children in initiative creative activities,

development of spiritual and physical essential forces and creative abilities.

Consider several concepts about the goals of aesthetic education, which, in essence, mean the same thing. B.T. Likhachev sees the goal as the formation of a moral and aesthetic humanistic ideal in a child, the multifaceted development of a personality, the ability to feel, understand, see and create beauty. The goal of aesthetic education, according to V.N. Shatskaya: "Aesthetic education serves to form ... the ability of an active aesthetic attitude of students to works of art, and also stimulates all possible participation in the creation of beauty in art, work, in creativity according to the laws of beauty." Those. art is given an important place in aesthetic education - it is part of aesthetic culture, as artistic education is part of aesthetic, an important, weighty part, but covering only one sphere of human activity.

For the aesthetic education of children, it is necessary to resolve a number of objective contradictions and subjective discrepancies: by nature, a child has certain inclinations and opportunities that can be fully realized only with purposeful and organized artistic and aesthetic education and upbringing. With his neglect, the child remains "deaf to genuine spiritual artistic and aesthetic values."

One of the laws of upbringing is the upbringing of the child in activity. As an educational influence, the means of art are used, which develop special abilities and talents of some of its forms: fine arts, arts and crafts, music and others. The artistic activity of a preschooler is a means and condition of aesthetic education, work directly related to such types of art as: verbal and artistic creativity, design, theatrical games, arts and crafts and fine arts, music playing.

The implementation of the tasks of aesthetic education occurs under the following conditions:

implementation of an individual approach to children;

favorable environment (room, clothes, toys);

personal initiative and desire of children.

The responsibility for the emergence of aesthetic ideas and feelings of the child is the greatest and lies with the circle of his primary contacts - his parents and next of kin. This is the foundation of his aesthetic culture and it should be laid by pedagogically competent parents, the nature of their aesthetic requirements, the cultural conditions of the family are important.

Broad interests in art, the need for contact with the aesthetic manifestations of art in life are among the social criteria of aesthetic education. In the social sense, aesthetic education is manifested in the totality of the attitude and behavior of the child. Evidence of the degree of aesthetic upbringing of the child is his relationship to people in his personal and public life, actions, work activities, his attitude to his appearance.

Aesthetic education is formed on the integrity of developed natural forces, emotional feeling, abilities of perception, imagination, artistic and aesthetic education - the creative individuality, aesthetic attitude to art, one's behavior and to oneself, to the environment depends on this. The ability to admire beauty, any phenomena in life and art is an important sign of aesthetic education. Sometimes, when watching a child in art galleries or exhibitions, you can see how children only skim through the paintings, not lingering for a long time, not stopping to admire. This indicates a lack of aesthetic education, because there is not enough essential element aesthetic relationship - admiring. Aesthetic upbringing is characterized by the ability to deeply experience feelings - spiritual pleasure, a sense of disgust, a sense of humor, irony, a sense of anger, fear, compassion.

Several criteria will help assess the aesthetic level and degree of development of artistic taste. They are divided into psychological, pedagogical and social:

psychological - the ability of children to reflect imaginary artistic images and reproduce them is measured. The degree of development of mental processes can be determined by how emotionally the child reacts to works of art;

pedagogical - artistic taste is manifested in the value of selected works of art for one's own pleasure, in evaluating the phenomena of life and art, in the products of their creative activity. Based on pedagogical criteria, you can find out the level of artistic and figurative thinking. Original skill, combined with improvisation, testifies to a high level of aesthetic education;

social - are manifested in a complex of relations and behavior of children. If a child has a wide interest in different types of art, a great need for contact with the aesthetic phenomena of life, then we can talk about a high degree of aesthetic education.

In Western European modern art pedagogy, there are a number of concepts of aesthetic education. Their meaning is in order to adapt, to adapt the child to the moral values ​​of social consciousness. Let's give an example of the main ideas:

Abstract - formalistic education of children in the field of art. Adherents of this concept believe that self-expression should take place not through a realistic figurative display of the world, but with the help of the idea of ​​a subjectivist, non-figurative image through lines, colors, combinations of abstract shapes, fantastic artistic compositions. Associated with the directions of abstractionism and surrealism in painting.

The idea of ​​spontaneous artistic and aesthetic education (W. Lowenfeld, G. Reid) refers to the theory of free education. It is believed that purposeful artistic education can only hinder, prevent the development of imagination and children's creativity.

The concept of utilitarian-pragmatic aesthetic development (O. Gunter, C. Crow, J. Dewey) expresses the idea of ​​maximum development of the child's sensory sphere. This concept is based on the unlimited possibilities of human nature.

The theory of religious and aesthetic education is based on the use of art in order to awaken religious feelings, create religious and fantastic images as a spiritual support for a person's religiosity.

1.2 Methods, forms and tasks of aesthetic education of preschool children

The success of aesthetic education is determined by the joint activities of the educator and the child. In the process of this activity, the development of his creative abilities, awareness of the relationship to the subject, natural, social environment takes place. Also, for the result, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs, characteristics and interests of the child, the degree of his general development. To choose the methods of aesthetic education, it is required to be based on the personal experience of the child, his aspirations, motivations, experiences.

There are many different methods of education. We will focus on those that play a role in moral and aesthetic development.

Methods of aesthetic education can be divided into classifications:

by form of organization;

by type of activity;

by age of children;

by the number of children;

The method of holistic perception is very important for purposeful obtaining of aesthetic information. This method is suitable for the perception of the plot of a fairy tale, a picture, the figurative construction of a musical play. The teacher draws the attention of children to a more specific, detailed perception, targeted observation.

According to the methods and techniques of upbringing, the child receives aesthetic information can be divided into visual and verbal. These methods are subject to the following requirement: the reproduction of musical and literary compositions must be emotional, artistically expressive, and have aesthetic value for children; in order for them to understand the content of the poem, paintings, songs and the essence of the task, the mood of the characters was experienced, again, it is necessary to achieve vivid imagery, otherwise the meeting with art will be insignificant and will not benefit the child.

Aesthetic education of preschoolers in kindergarten can be organized according to different forms and classifications:

on the principle of activity management - under the direct and indirect guidance of the educator;

by the number of children - frontal, subgroups, individual;

by type of activity - classes, theatrical games, excursions, holding holidays.

Methods vary depending on the form of organization of activity. For example, in the visual arts class, the teacher can give precise instructions, show or invite the children to look for ways to do it themselves. Or when learning poems and songs after their performance by adults, you can have a conversation about artistic qualities, content, use visual aids, ask children to repeat the text for memorization. During modeling classes, the teacher teaches techniques that will help children to fold the figure themselves. Those. an adult contributes to the independent activity of children, he pushes them to action and corrects mistakes.

Also, the methods depend on the age of the children. Introducing younger children to the beautiful, the teacher shows, pays attention to objects, discusses them with the children. An adult encourages older children to do what they can to "transform" the world around them under his guidance. This is how methods of activity planning, observation, and independent actions are applied.

It is quite difficult to precisely define the methods of aesthetic education. But it is possible to classify a number of particularly effective methods:

method of persuasion, aimed at the formation of aesthetic perception, evaluation, initial manifestations of taste;

teaching method, exercises - for acquiring the skills of a culture of behavior;

a method of inducing empathy, emotional responsiveness to the beautiful and ugly in the world around;

method of problem situations - pushes to creative and practical action.

For the formation of artistic abilities of preschoolers, there is a single pedagogical condition- transfer to all children of equal factual data and conditions for the development of data in various fields of art. The development of artistic skills and abilities is based on the creation of the highest spiritual need. Without efforts on the part of the child, an integral creative personality and high aesthetic principles cannot be formed.

The tasks of aesthetic education are divided into several groups. Each group has its own methods. The first group is aimed at acquainting children with art, at the formation of aesthetic taste, the perception of beauty. To solve these problems, methods such as pedagogical demonstration, description, explanation, example are used.

The display is used in the initial stage of training. It is important that the children's attention is focused on the displayed object; for this, the teacher must responsibly approach the choice of this object. The teacher must know how to convey feelings, be able to show his attitude when using these methods.

The example method relies on the desire of children to imitate. The example of the educator is of particular importance for the child - looking at the teacher, the child realizes the meaning of socially - moral attitude.

The second group of tasks is aimed at the formation of skills in creative activity. Practical methods are applied: exercise, method of search situations. The exercise is used to develop practical skills. For children to find an independent conclusion and explain an aesthetic object, the method of search situations is used.

General rule the choice of methods - maintaining the desire of children to create an object of art with their own hands, for this the educator must choose creative tasks.

2. The study of pedagogical experience in the aesthetic education of preschoolers

.1 Description of aesthetic education programs in kindergarten

Having studied the pedagogical experience in the aesthetic education of preschoolers, several programs can be distinguished.

The program for the development and education of children in the kindergarten "Childhood" V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina was developed by a team of teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen from the standpoint of humanistic pedagogy. The content of education and upbringing of preschool children, developed on the basis of the achievements of classical and modern preschool pedagogy, is presented.

This program is addressed to teachers of preschool institutions of various types, students and teachers of pedagogical universities, colleges, and schools. This program was based on the theoretical views of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) scientific school of education on the essence of child development during preschool childhood, the requirements for the content of the educational program for kindergarten and the ways of its implementation in the pedagogical process.

The task of preschool education is not to maximize the development of the child, not to speed up the timing and pace of transferring him to the “rails” of school age, but, first of all, to create conditions for each preschooler to fully reveal his age-related capabilities and abilities. Those. The purpose of the program is to awaken the creative activity of children, stimulate the imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activities.

The purpose of the Childhood program is to enrich the development of preschool children, to ensure a single process of socialization - individualization of the individual through the child's awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities.

The developmental process of a preschooler is carried out successfully, provided that he active interaction with the world. The motto of the program is "Feel - Understand - Create". These words define three interrelated lines of child development that permeate all sections of the program, giving it integrity and a single direction.

Program objectives:

awakening the creative activity of children; activation of imagination, desire to engage in creative activity;

promoting the development of independence in children, mastering a variety of ways of action;

fostering a benevolent attitude of children to the environment, emotional responsiveness to the condition of other people, good feelings for animals and plants;

development of children's interest in cooperation, skills of speech and activity communication with adults and peers;

to promote the development of imagination and creative manifestations of children, interest in participating in gaming and artistic activities with elements of creativity, joy from the realization of their ideas and desires.

The program of artistic and aesthetic education and development of children in the kindergarten "Creativity" A.I. Smolyar, P.P. Barynkin - the result of experimental work carried out by a team of teachers of the SSPU. The program is addressed to teachers of preschool institutions different type, students of pedagogical universities, colleges, schools and parents.

The program consists of five sections:

the main provisions in accordance with which the process of artistic and aesthetic development of a child is directed in a kindergarten;

dedicated to the musical sphere of art;

dedicated to the theatrical sphere;

visual sphere;

dance-plastic sphere.

The objectives of each section of this program:

the first section is the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world, the ability to perceive the sensual appearance of things and phenomena as an expression of inner life, somewhat related to man;

the second is the awakening and development in children of an aesthetic attitude to the world, prompting them to create musical images;

third - the formation of a sustainable interest in the theater as a synthetic art form and the development of children's ability to express themselves through a wide range of theatrical means;

fourth - to develop in children the ability to perceive works of art, folk art, to creatively master the basics of folk arts and crafts;

the fifth is the awakening and development of an aesthetic attitude to the world, which encourages the creation of dance images, the development of plasticity and expressiveness of gestures and movements.

The objectives of the Creativity program are:

to teach children to notice the variety of sensory properties of objects;

to teach children to see in specific sensory signs of objects and phenomena not "external" signs, but an expression internal state, mood, character; to create a setting for such a perception of the world in artistic activity;

contribute to the accumulation of musical and auditory ideas and intonation experience of children, which will help develop the ability for emotional contact with the content of musical works;

correct defects in the development of attention, perception, speech, hearing, coordinate musical ear, voice and movement;

identify in children the presence of general creative abilities and their individual elements (attention, imagination, fantasy, memory, observation, etc.) and create conditions for their correction and harmonious development;

contribute to the elimination of physical and mental "clamps", to cultivate self-confidence;

develop the need and ability to express oneself in dance and plasticity of movements;

correct defects in the motor apparatus and body of children, create conditions for setting up the correct everyday gait, form the habit of good posture, maintain the natural grace of basic movements;

to create a basis for the perception of various genres of fine and decorative arts: landscape, still life, thematic composition, volumetric and spatial plasticity;

to teach children to emotionally evaluate the depicted characters and objects, to create an expressive description of the image with the help of form-building elements, visual and plastic means;

and others.

"The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva is a developed and supplemented version of the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" published in 1985. It is designed for educators, methodologists, heads of kindergartens.

The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle will ensure that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education, and will make up for the shortcomings of the spiritual, moral and emotional upbringing of the child. Education is seen as the process of acquiring a child to the main components of human culture (representation, knowledge, morality, art, labor).

The purpose of the program is to create favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child in preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of a basic personality culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing a child for life in modern society.

Program objectives:

care for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

creation in groups of an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which will allow them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

maximum use of various types of children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

creativity (creative organization) of the process of education and training;

the variability of the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

respect for the results of children's creativity;

ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;

coordination of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of preschool educational institutions and families. Ensuring the participation of the family in the life of kindergarten groups and preschool institutions as a whole;

maintaining continuity in the work of the kindergarten and elementary school excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of a child of preschool age.

The program is composed by age groups. It covers four age period physical and mental development children:

early age - from birth to 2 years (first and second groups of early age);

junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second junior groups);

average age - from 4 to 5 years ( middle group);

senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory groups for school).

In each section of the program, a characteristic is given of the age characteristics of mental and physical development children, the general and special tasks of upbringing and education, the features of the organization of children's lives are determined, the formation of the necessary ideas, vital skills and abilities in the learning process and their development in everyday life is provided.

The program has developed the content of children's holidays, entertainment and leisure activities. Approximate levels of development are determined, which reflect the achievements acquired by the child by the end of each year of stay in a preschool institution.

The program is accompanied by lists of literary and musical works, didactic and outdoor games recommended for use in the pedagogical process.

2.2 Analysis of aesthetic education programs in kindergarten

All the authors of the analyzed programs agree that the impact of art on a preschooler is great. The teachers who worked on the creation of the program "Childhood" believe that such activities as visual, artistic - theatrical activity, child labor occupy a special place in education, because it is in these activities that active intellectual and emotional - personal development. According to the authors of the "Program of Education and Education in Kindergarten", artistic and aesthetic education is aimed at developing a child's love for beauty, enriching his spiritual world, aesthetic feelings, and also, it is extremely important for the child. The authors of "Creativity" assume art as the basis of the child's life activity and life creation.

Despite the fact that all three programs are no longer the most modern programs they are still relevant. "Childhood" and "Program" are among the most commonly used. The "program" is used by 96% of all kindergartens throughout Russia. This is a new edition of the Program. It preserves the best traditions of the national preschool education, namely: a comprehensive solution to the problems of protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive education, organization of various types of children's creative activities; freed from political and ideological attitudes, from ideas that ignore spiritual and universal values, from the cruel regulation of children's knowledge and subject centrism in teaching. However, with all the changes, the most important didactic principle has been preserved - developmental education, based on the scientific position of L.S. Vygotsky that properly organized education “leads” development. The main criterion for selecting program material is its educational value, the high artistic level of the works of culture used (classical, both domestic and foreign), the possibility of developing the child's all-round abilities at each stage of preschool childhood. The program defines ways to solve the problems of moral education: respectful attitude of the teacher to each child, emotionally positive communication of children with each other, organization of everyday joint creative activities of children and adults. Based on these principles, the educator forms social and communicative skills, friendly feelings, collective relationships in children, creates favorable conditions for the education of responsiveness, sympathy, care, kindness. The level of general development that the child will achieve and the degree of moral qualities acquired by him depend on the pedagogical skill of each educator, his culture, love for children. Taking care of the health and comprehensive education of children, preschool teachers educational institutions together with the family should strive to make the childhood of every child happy.

The idea of ​​creating the educational program "Childhood" belongs to V.I. Loginova. Under her leadership, a draft variable program was developed, the presentation of which took place in the spring of 1991. The final preparation for the publication of the comprehensive educational program for the upbringing and development of preschool children "Childhood" was carried out by the team of authors in subsequent years under the guidance of T.I. Babaeva. According to the authors of this program, preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the connection of the child with the leading spheres of being is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values. The foundation for health is being laid. Preschool childhood is the time of the initial formation of the personality, the formation of the foundations of self-consciousness and the individuality of the child. This is a program for the enriched development of preschool children, which provides a single process of socialization of the individualization of the individual through the child's awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities. The authors of the "Childhood" program focus on introducing children to goodness, beauty, non-violence, because it is important that preschool age become a time when a child awakens a sense of his belonging to the world, a desire to do good deeds and deeds, to participate in environmental protection. For the authors of the program, the ideal kindergarten is a warm home where a family atmosphere reigns, where children play, listen to fairy tales, participate in classes, work, and communication. When building the pedagogical process, the main educational content of the "Childhood" program is carried out by teachers in everyday life, in joint activities with children, by integrating activities that are natural for a preschooler, the main of which is play.

The program "Creativity" is the result of experimental work in kindergarten No. 39 in Novokuibyshevsk and teachers of the department of pedagogy and methods of artistic education of the Samara Pedagogical University. It is aimed at the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. The program is based on introducing children to the origins of folk art. The basic basis for the implementation of this program is a section containing provisions in accordance with which the process of artistic and aesthetic development of the child is directed. This section notes that the content of education is addressed to folk traditions, folk art, because. the compilers believe that the living spring of folklore will help "a little person to understand his native people with his heart, to become a spiritual heir to his traditions." The second, third, fourth and fifth sections of the program are devoted to the introduction of the child into various areas of art: music, theatrical, fine arts and dance and plastic. Each section is based on general ideas that reflect the views of the authors on preschool childhood, the features of the appropriation and creation of culture by the child, his personal development.

Having compiled a table for the selected programs, we can come to the conclusion that the most complex of them are "Childhood" and "Program" ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. These programs are designed for physical and speech development, labor, social, environmental education which, in fact, is also used to educate aesthetic taste, consciousness and morality. These programs offer approximate goals and objectives for such classes as life safety, the basics of hygiene, speech development, the world around us, game activities, the basics of mathematics, and, in particular, classes fiction, music and visual arts.

Structure. According to age criteria, only these two programs were also considered. The "Creativity" program is divided according to slightly different principles - by types of creative activity. This, in my opinion, is not entirely rational, because. Each age group has its own characteristics and the same goals and objectives cannot be applied to children of different age groups. In "Childhood" and "Program" M.A. Vasilyeva for each age group is given a detailed description. In "Childhood" the result is also summed up - what the child should be able to do by the end of each period.

The "program" contains such a chapter in each section as "Organization of children's lives", which includes such important items as approximate schedule of the day And education during regime processes. These aspects are valuable in that with the help of them you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to manage the process of education during hours outside of class.


A detailed analysis of the pedagogical literature and drawing conclusions were made possible by the topic of aesthetic education, which is widely considered in Russian literature.

Aesthetic development is in an important place in the process of education, it brings up the aesthetic qualities of a person, and the personality as a whole - spiritual needs, moral ideals, worldview. These aspects of a person are formed under the influence of various reasons. Nature, work, environment: family, relationships between people - everything has an educational value, all this can be wonderful. Art is also a means of aesthetic education as the leading exponent of "beautiful".

The influence of beauty on a person can occur spontaneously and purposefully. Kindergarten plays an important role in this. Analyzing the programs, I concluded that the main means of aesthetic education is art, which is available in the kindergarten curricula in the form of fine arts and music. Literary, artistic or musical composition has a great power of emotional influence, which is a means of developing the aesthetic qualities of the child, a method of penetrating the mind of a preschooler.

Now you can answer the question posed at the beginning of this work - "using analysis to find out which programs are the most versatile and useful for the educator." So, the “most universal and useful” programs are, in my opinion, the “Kindergarten Education and Training Program”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva and the program for the development and education of children in the kindergarten "Childhood" by V.I. Loginova and others, because they, despite their already fairly large age, do not lose their relevance and are shown in conjunction with the entire educational process.

The considered programs are one of the few that exist in the piggy bank of pedagogical experience, but, in my opinion, most clearly reveal and express the goals and hypothesis of this study.


aesthetic education preschool program

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2.Collection of articles "Aesthetic education in kindergarten", ed. ON THE. Vetlugina, M., 1978.

.Aesthetic education and development of preschool children. Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / E.A. Dubrovskaya, T.A. Kazakova, N.N. Yurina and others. Ed. E.A. Dubrovskaya, S.A. Kozlova. M., publishing center "Academy". 2002 - 256 p.

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.The program of education and training in kindergarten / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005. - 208 p.

.Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkin and others; Ed. T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurovich: Ed. 3e, revised. 244 c. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2004.

.Creativity: The program of artistic and aesthetic education and development of children in kindergarten / A.I. Smolyar, P.P. Barynkin, V.P. Yurikova, T.S. Slesareva and others. Samara: SamGPU Publishing House, 1998. - 92 p.


Name of the programGoalsTasksContentsStructure"The program of education and training in kindergarten", ed. M.A. Vasilyeva (Moscow). Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities from birth to 7 years in accordance with their age and individual characteristics. - care for the health and emotional well-being of the child; - creating a friendly and humane atmosphere in groups; - the use of various types of children's activities, gradual integration; -creativity; -variability in the use of educational material; -respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity; - ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training; -observance of continuity in the work of kindergarten and elementary school; - coordination of approaches to education in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and a family. To ensure the upbringing of a child from the first years of life of a humane attitude towards the world around him, love for his family, home, region, city, village, homeland, respect for people different nationalities, state symbols (anthem, coat of arms, flag of the Russian Federation). By age groups: -early age(from birth to 2 years): the first and second groups early development; - junior preschool age (2 - 4 years): the first and second junior groups; - middle age (4 - 5 years): middle group; - senior age (5 - 7 years): senior and preparatory groups. "Creativity" (Samara) Artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. The goals of each section: 1. formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world, the ability to perceive the sensual appearance of things and phenomena; 2. awakening and development of an aesthetic attitude to the world, encouraging children to create musical images; 3. the formation of a sustainable interest in the theater as a synthetic art form and the development of children's ability to express themselves; 4. to develop in children the ability to perceive works of art, folk art; 5. awakening and development of an aesthetic attitude to the world, encouraging the creation of dance gestures and movements. 1. to teach children to notice the variety of sensual properties of objects; 2. contribute to the accumulation of musical and auditory ideas and intonation experience of children; 3. to correct defects in the development of attention, perception, speech, hearing; 4. to identify in children the presence of general creative abilities and their individual elements and create conditions for their correction and harmonious development; 5. cultivate self-confidence; 6. develop the need and ability to express oneself; 7. create a basis for the perception of various genres of art; 8.teach children to emotionally evaluate the world around them.Creative emotional and moral development the child, the development of his motivational-required sphere. By sections: -the main provisions of the program; -music; - theatrical art; - rhythm and dance; - fine arts. "Childhood", ed. T.I. Babayeva (St. Petersburg). - disclosure of the age potential of a preschooler; -security healthy lifestyle life; - initial socialization; -initiation to universal values; - formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world by means of art; - formation of artistic abilities; -development of children's creativity. -development of emotional responsiveness; - Promoting the development of cognitive activity, curiosity; -strengthening physical and mental health, the formation of a basic motor and hygienic culture.Creation of an emotionally comfortable state and favorable conditions for positive personal qualities.According to the stages of preschool age: -junior stage - 3-4 years; - middle stage - 5 years; - the senior stage - 6-7 years.


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