Shaving patterns on guys' heads with a machine. Ideas for haircuts with a shaved nape for girls, fashionable patterns. So, choose the option that suits your inner state and go to the hairdresser who will make a real masterpiece - p

Today everyone knows what a hair pattern is. The only thing is that we can talk about different things. Girls, as a rule, will immediately think of the popular dyed hair in a variety of prints. The situation is completely different with men. Drawing on hair for them is a technique of various graphic patterns. In a word, an exclusive decoration.

The work done by a professional will perfectly transform your haircut, make you individual, and add originality.

Hair pattern - a popular modern haircut

Patterns on the head today have won considerable recognition from many representatives of the stronger half. However, not only her. Most modern girls also approve of such an interesting haircut as a pattern on the hair. It is sometimes done all over the head, but most often clients limit themselves to the pattern on the back of the head and temples. The pattern is made on hair with a length of about 6 millimeters. This is ideal. With light or not thick hair A length of 9 to 12 millimeters is recommended. Such a drawing “lives” on average for about 7-10 days. Then it becomes blurry and disappears completely after about 3 weeks.

Accordingly, the drawing must be maintained, updated at least every 10 days. Or wait until the hair has completely grown back, and then do it again. It is not recommended to update the drawing after 15-20 days. After all, it will be quite difficult to get exactly along the old contour. If there is the slightest miss, the drawing will turn out fuzzy and of poor quality. Shaving the pattern on the back of the head and temples takes about an hour.

Selecting a machine

In this matter, by the way, one more point is important. Drawing on hair with a machine is not as easy as you think. First of all, it's about the skill of the hairdresser. In the second - in making the right choice cars. For example, small devices are not suitable for this purpose. The knife teeth in such machines are very small. The hair simply won't have time to cut off. The machine will chew them up.

Today we often see advertisements for devices with special knives - removable, tapered. They are recommended specifically for cutting designs. In fact, for the same reason, they are not suitable for cutting very fine lines. Don't pay attention to marketing moves manufacturers.

The ideal option for such haircuts is the most ordinary machine. You just need to rearrange the knives under the edging and cut out the design with the corner of the blades. And no more problems!

How to make a drawing?

Let's look at the stages of creating such popular haircuts. Hair designs for boys (patterns or stripes) will require careful execution. So, first you need to decide on the area of ​​the head on which the selected element will be located. The desired design is outlined there using a cosmetic pencil. After this, the main haircut is trimmed with scissors. And the pattern is adjusted by machine. In the end, all that remains is to remove the pencil marks with toner. The result is a smooth, gorgeous pattern.

For extraordinary personalities

Of course, many people prefer long hair to short haircuts. The drawing, however, can decorate the first option. This hairstyle will look bright, stylish and original. Moreover, it will emphasize a person’s individuality. Therefore, if you consider yourself an extraordinary person, if you want to emphasize your unusualness and creativity, a haircut with shaved stripes, patterns and various designs is exactly what you need.

Today, standing out from the crowd is very fashionable. Many people go to the most reckless, daring and crazy experiments for this. Someone or someone paints their hair with all the colors of the rainbow. In a word, thanks to the modern industry, you can do whatever you want with your image. However, the most important thing is to feel the line between creativity and complete bad taste. It is best to settle on a small, but stylish and original detail. Drawing with a machine on the hair is the same option.

Don’t forget also about one more advantage of this hairstyle. Hair designs are a great way to show good taste and express individuality without special costs. The cost of such pleasure is practically no different from the cost of the most ordinary haircut. Although do not forget that pleasure in a fashionable way lasts only a couple of weeks. In a word, choosing a hairstyle is a personal matter for everyone. The most important thing is to monitor it, take care of it, and correct it in time.

How do they arise? fashion trends in hairdressing? Yes, everything is very simple - the traditions of one or several subcultures or youth movements are transferred to the catwalks, and now a new trend is born, and most men are already following new, sometimes unusual innovations. This was the case with the advent of biker jackets with many studs, large platform shoes, and ripped jeans. In fashionable salons and simple hairdressing salons you can find young man, who needs to cut a design on his temples or the back of his head, because he is simply a supporter of this or that movie star or singer who has the same hairstyle, and he intends to imitate him. Bright, creative haircuts with skillfully trimmed temples are a new word in modern men's hairstyles.

How to choose the right pattern on the head for a men’s haircut – photos of patterns

Of course, following fashion is sometimes stupid, and not following is even funny, so before you decide on such a hairstyle, you need to weigh the PROS and CONS, maybe you won’t look as creative as you would like:

On any standard haircut you can emboss an original design, and if you highlight this area with coloring, the effect will be simply amazing! Note! On blonde hair the pattern will be less noticeable, but if they are completely shaved, the face will appear tired and painful.

Some guys ask to shave only half of the hair at the temples; in this case, you can create an asymmetrical hairstyle using gel styling or strong hairspray.

On video men's haircuts with designs:

There is no need to choose this type of hairstyle if:

  • You have a thin and elongated face.
  • Protruding ears.
  • With an inexpressive type of face (small eyes, nose, lips).
  • Persons with large noses.

Options for how to cut your temples and the back of your head and make a pattern on your hair

Professional craftsmen have in their arsenal not only a standard machine, but many exclusive tools with which they can make an original design on the temples.

It is for this reason that it can different equipment execution, but there are several popular options:

  • Shaving using pattern technique.
  • Tinted coloring of temples.
  • Drawing from decorative cosmetics.
  • Tattoo.

In the video, men's haircuts with patterns on the head:

Shaving is considered a classic style, and most young people choose only this option. Yes, this is understandable - hair in the temporal region grows quickly, and after a certain time you can change the pattern, or hide it under the hair that has grown on the back of the head.

This action is also possible with other hairstyles, and if you are subject to a certain dress code, then you can hide the colored temples under your hairstyle long bangs. But with a tattoo, everything is more complicated - it’s not so easy to remove it, but, of course, you can hide it under your overgrown hair.

What a sporty men's haircut looks like and how good it looks on a model, information from the article will help you figure it out:

Types of designs for children's boys' haircuts and hairstyles for men

  • Drawings in strict geometric techniques are very popular - these are clear lines, stripes, straight and simple patterns.
  • Creative guys choose the exotic - a lizard pattern, Japanese characters or shaving in the form of tongues of fire. This is how young people try to get out of the confines of everyday life, trying to transform a boring pastime.
  • Very young connoisseurs of this style choose traditional designs in the form of stars, trying to imitate their idols. But they also agree to experiment with their heads, ordering drawings of their favorite cartoon characters - a spider or Batman, the claws of their favorite Wolverine. They come to indescribable delight from all these transformations!
  • Teenagers are also interested in this technique of a children's boy's haircut with stripes; sometimes they agree to dye it in bright green or completely unusual tones, so they want to declare their individuality and originality.
  • Bright and unusual prints in leopard style– light coloring of the temple shaved part makes the young man more courageous, ready for any feats and deeds. But if over time you get tired of the drawing, then you can hide it under a long oblique bang, and the image will again become ordinary. In the photo there is a drawing in the style of a leopard:
  • Shaving and coloring techniques in 3D style- the latest squeak of the current season - bright multi-colored stars, hearts, arrows - all this makes the young man extremely creative. Some people like birds of prey, others like lizards and spiders, and still others prefer dragon designs or intricate patterns. As you know, everyone has different tastes, one likes something, while another likes something completely different.
  • You can achieve a 3D effect using a light Tattoo, this technique is called Mehendi, henna is applied to the skin, and the desired pattern is knocked out with it. In addition, it will wash off in a few weeks, and it will be possible to apply a completely different image. The choice of designs is simply huge - little pandas, pink kittens, blue dolphins, and much, much more.
  • A classic mohawk goes well with a pattern on the temples; in addition, it will add expressiveness and uniqueness to the image.

On video hairstyle for men in 3 D style:

And if you can't make a choice, then professional stylist will help you choose the desired image, you just need to come to the salon and express your preferences.

What men's haircuts are on curly hair the most popular and easiest to implement, information will help you figure it out

How a French men's haircut looks on models, as well as how difficult it is to perform, will help you understand the information from the photos and videos in this

You may also be interested in learning about which men's haircut for coarse thick hair is the most popular, described in detail

Information from the article will help you understand which ones exist and what their names are.

How this happens and by what means is described in detail in this article.

How to cut such fashionable hairstyles with stripes on the temples - shaving the patterns and stripes with a machine

This hairstyle requires a short haircut, hair length should not exceed 6 mm:

  • First, you should determine the main type of short haircut. For this, a machine is used, and all areas are carefully edged with it.
  • You should select the area where the pattern will be shaved. You can repeat the pattern not only on the temple, but also on the area of ​​the beard or sideburns.
  • Preliminary marking of the drawing; if it is too complex, then it is outlined with a special pencil.
  • The main haircut is done with scissors, but it can also be done with a clipper.
  • The master removes traces of the preliminary sketch of the drawing special means or a hair clipper.

In the video how men's haircuts with patterns on the head are made:

The design looks best on a half-box haircut, in which the temporal part is the shortest, and this is where the original design is shaved.

Not so long ago, owners of hairstyles with a shaved head became objects of close attention and harsh criticism. A little time passed and the shaved back of the head with a pattern became popular. More and more often, girls are opting for such a creative haircut.

Girls with a shaved head with a pattern - today it is fashionable, stylish and shocking. Short haircuts with shaved parts of the head are amazing in variety. New trend– shaved designs and original coloring of individual sections of hair.

Another, more interesting technique is a hairstyle where the shaved back of the head is hidden under long hair. If you collect your curls in a bun, the usual bob or long curls are transformed into a trendy hairstyle with patterns on the back of the head. The new trend has attracted not only young people - older women are also often inclined to favor this haircut. But such experiments with hair are not suitable for everyone.

Advantages and disadvantages

This hairstyle has many advantages:

  1. A stylish hairstyle with a shaved nape can be matched to any type of face.
  2. Patterns at the back of the head draw attention to the curve of the neck and décolleté.
  3. It is possible to change the pattern and color of the haircut at short intervals. To do this, you first need to let the hair length go a little.
  4. The haircut allows you to wear original large jewelry on the neck and long earrings.
  5. This style makes the owner of the haircut stand out from the crowd and attracts everyone's attention.
  6. A shaved head can be easily hidden under long hair if necessary.

Not without its drawbacks:

  1. Fashion is changeable and fleeting. Today such a haircut is fashionable, but tomorrow it will become irrelevant and returning to the usual hair length will not be easy. Hair shaved almost to zero will take a long time to grow back.
  2. The condition of the hair must be ideal, because the haircut will attract attention. Ungroomed dirty hair or the presence of dandruff (other skin diseases affecting the hair) is unacceptable.
  3. It is necessary to visit the hairdresser frequently to maintain the shape of the haircut.
  4. A creative haircut limits style. If a girl or woman is a representative of a creative profession, then her hairstyle will emphasize her originality. If she works in a prestigious office or bank, then the dress code does not allow such hairstyles.
  5. The opinions of others often do not coincide with the opinions of those who love fashion news. You should be prepared for harsh criticism and condemnation. Girls who are sensitive to outside opinions are better off giving up a fashionable haircut.

Which girls suit these hairstyles?

A shaved head is suitable for young and courageous girls who are not afraid to experiment with their appearance. The hairstyle can be complemented with tattoos, original hair color and patterns on the skin, which last from several days to a month.

Stylists offer various designs:

  • geometric figures;
  • romantic designs in the form of flowers, hearts and bows;
  • ornaments;
  • author's drawings.

Is the haircut suitable for long hair?

The shaved back of the head of girls with a pattern goes perfectly with long curls. This original solution opens the neck and draws attention to the décolleté area. Hairstyle will suit for hot summer days, since the back of the head is freed from strands.

The photographs show a variant of a shaved nape with a pattern for girls with long hair.

The haircut is worn both with loose and gathered curls, which is very convenient.

  1. A quick way to reveal an artistically shaved nape is to pull your locks into a ponytail.
  2. More laconic hairstyle - collected hair in a tight, smooth bun or hair bow.
  3. To stand out from others, you can braid braids, regular or fish tail, so as to lift the hair up as much as possible.

Bob with a shaved head

A bob with a shaved nape is an ideal way to try on a new look for those who are hesitant to make radical changes. Long bob and haircut middle length makes it possible to hide or reveal the shaved back of the head. The hairstyle is suitable for those who have a strict dress code at work. Outside of work, hair pulled up will add creativity and extravagance to your look.

Hair can be collected:

A medium-length bob with elongated temporal strands can be worn with or without bangs. A simple design on the back of the head can be made in the form of broken parallel or intersecting lines.

The short bob completely opens the back of the head. A pattern in the form of waves or large random curls will be an original addition to the haircut. Short bob haircuts with a shaved nape are suitable for young girls. For older women, you should opt for an elongated bob.

Shaved back of the head with a pattern for girls

Shaved back haircuts are a way to show off your creativity and individuality. A shaved pattern on the back of the head will attract attention and add audacity to the image. Short haircuts maximize the artist's creativity.

Additional decor can be multi-layered coloring or tattoos on the back of the head. This is true for girls with blond hair, otherwise the drawings look inexpressive. Reception with natural coloring dark shades or bright neon colors will easily correct this shortcoming.

Shaved head of a girl with long hair

Long beautiful hair for a girl it is considered the embodiment of romance and femininity. Combination long curls and a shaved nape gives room for imagination when creating an image for every day.

You can remain feminine and romantic, or you can be extravagant and shock others with a daring haircut.

Hairstyles with a shaved nape for long strands:

  • A bun on the top of the head with released temporal curls.
  • Strands of hair twisted into plaits, tied in a bun on the top of the head.
  • 2 high fluffy buns. To do this, part your hair into 2 equal parts and twist it into loose buns.
  • Another way is to braid two ponytails and connect them to form a nest.
  • Make 2 low ponytails and twist them into tight buns.
  • Hair gathered in a ponytail at the top of the head, with a lush braid laid in a circle.
  • Hair combed to one side, braided along the midline of the head french braid, which opens the back of the head.
  • The easiest and fastest option is a tight, smooth ponytail high on the top of the head.
  • Fully collected hair in an afro braided hairstyle that starts from the forehead. Gather the braided braids into a bun at the top of the head.
  • An original combination of a shaved nape and fishtail weave. Weaving is done at the temples or in a circle.

These hairstyles are more suitable for girls and young women (under 35 years old). The hairstyle will be harmoniously combined with the general image of representatives of creative professions.

Bob with shaved head

A fusion of two classic and popular haircuts into one - bob. The haircut, which has no age restrictions, is easy to style and care for. There is an opportunity for experimentation for both young and older women who want to have a fashionable look.

The peculiarity of a bob haircut is a shortened nape and elongated side strands. The occipital part can be either very short or slightly elongated. Then the shaved back of the head will be partially hidden. To show off the design, you will need a styling that opens the back of your head.

A bob with a shaved head

The hairstyle got its name due to the original design of the hair on the back of the head. A completely or partially shaved nape is framed by a straight or slanted hairline, adding volume to the crown.

The hairstyle suits almost any hair type, while it is possible to correct the oval of the face by choosing the right haircut silhouette.

A shaved pattern at the back of the head will be a creative addition to this haircut. A bob with an elongated crown will partially hide the uniqueness of the haircut, short bob The original back of the head will be fully presented to the review.

Creative haircuts with shaved nape

Ultra-fashionable girls do not stop only at making an unusual design on the back of their heads. Dyeing the design and part of the hair in bright, unnatural colors for hair adds unusualness.

This is done with the help of colored hair chalks, using colors such as:

  • red;
  • violet;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • blue.

Contrasting coloring in natural shades is also in fashion:

  • dark brown/blond;
  • red/dark chestnut/black;
  • black/blond.

Shaved temples for girls with and without bangs

The haircut option with shaved temples does not always harmonize very well with short bangs. This haircut looks better with long hair without bangs. For someone who wants to have bangs, they will have to modify it.

Suitable hairstyle:

  • long oblique bangs;
  • “torn” bangs with strands of varying lengths.

Smooth straight or oblique short bangs, which reveals the cheekbones, is suitable only for girls with regular features, an oval or round face shape.

Which pattern to choose: types of patterns

The most popular patterns that girls make on shaved areas of their heads are geometric lines and shapes:

  • zigzags;
  • parallel or intersecting lines;
  • diamonds;
  • stars;
  • combinations of lines and abstract geometric shapes.

Often girls choose smooth lines and patterns in the form of:

  • waves;
  • curls;
  • intertwining lines;
  • predatory ornaments.

Those girls who shaved the back of their heads and still decided to remain feminine give preference to:

  • floral motifs;
  • floral prints;
  • ethnic ornaments;
  • romantic designs with hearts, butterflies or bows.

Drawings made in the form of:

  • sunflower;
  • lilies;
  • roses.

More daring people prefer a closely shaved head. In this case, a tattoo is done as a decoration. Teenage girls choose to dye their hair in unusual shades and shaved the back of their heads with colored drawings of animal faces.

Who shouldn't do Skrillex?

Hairstyles with shaved areas, the back of the head or temples are called skrillex. Trending short haircuts with shaved temples and back of the head. Hairstyles with long hair and shaved areas are also popular.

Stylists do not recommend using Skrillex for thin, lifeless curls. When cutting, a significant amount of hair is cut off. If you want to wear Skrillex, you can limit yourself to shaving a small area in the ear area. For those who are accustomed to strict, modest or feminine style in clothes, you will have to either change it or abandon the idea of ​​wearing a haircut with Skrillex.

The shaved back of a girl’s head with a pattern suggests a clothing style:

  • casual;
  • sports;
  • grunge;
  • boho;
  • avant-garde;
  • punk rock.

Those who have naturally blonde hair also need to be careful when choosing hairstyles with Skrillex. Patterns on shaved blond hair look inexpressive. If you do not want to change your hair color or apply dyeing, it is better to abandon your hairstyle.

Tips from stylists: how to choose a haircut based on your face shape

At oval shape face there is no reason to worry - stylists consider it ideal for any haircut.

A shaved nape or temple with a pattern is undoubtedly an original and at the same time daring hairstyle. This is a way for a girl to show her individuality and her own style, as well as attract the attention of others.

Video about fashionable hairstyles with a shaved head

The combination of a shaved head and bright strands:

Creating the “Wave” pattern:

Want to increased attention to your person? Then a haircut with shaved temples or the back of the head is created for you. This new trend has gained a lot of popularity this season and many hairstylists are getting really creative with this hairstyle. Agree, long hair on one side and a shaved temple on the other look very impressive.

Especially if the shaved part is designed in a fancy pattern. By the way, if you need a more conservative look, you can always cover your shaved head with long hair. As a rule, hairdressers do not shave the hair to zero, but cut it with a trimmer, leaving about 0.5-1 cm of hair.

Having decided on such a bold experiment, do not forget that such a haircut with a shaved temple or back of the head requires a visit to the hairdresser every 3-4 weeks, since the hair grows back quite quickly. It is no coincidence that such haircuts are popularly dubbed temporary tattoos, which, if desired, will allow you to quickly grow your hair by removing one or another pattern.

Don't try to experiment at home with this haircut. Only from the outside it seems that it looks simple. In fact, only masters can create symmetrical and harmonious shaved patterns on the temples and back of the head.

These haircuts are good for those with thick hair. Otherwise, the haircut will eat up the entire volume of hair. If you have an oval face and soft facial features, then similar experiments with image are also suitable for you. If you have a heavy chin, it is better to avoid shaved temples if you do not want to look masculine.

Well, if you’ve definitely decided to upgrade this season, then we offer you some ideas for inspiration.

Girls who are in a romantic mood can make a design on their temple in the form of a heart, fancy double zigzags or half stars. By the way, you can paint this part of the temples in a different, more contrasting color, additionally attracting attention to yourself.

Hairstyles with shaved patterns on the back of the head look very original. By putting a ponytail or bun on top of your head, you will show others what you hide under your long hair. A great option for a total change of style. Masters offer to make a wide variety of patterns in the form of arches, the sun, diverging rays, stars, a fancy flower or even a cute cat. Such a shaved back of the head looks very impressive if it is made in the form of a triangle.

In the photo: a hairstyle with a heart-shaped pattern on the temple.

In the photo: a hairstyle with a pattern on the temple in the form of fancy double zigzags. .

In the photo: hairstyle with a pattern on the temple..

In the photo: hairstyles with shaved patterns on the side of the head look original.

So, choose the option that suits your inner state and go to a hairdresser who will create a real masterpiece - a hairstyle with a shaved nape or temple.

With love, Editorial Board

Simple, convenient male models are a thing of the past. Modern tendencies require creative ideas, original solutions when creating your own image. Complex men's haircuts with patterns are becoming fashionable, allowing one to emphasize individuality. Universal ideas can be implemented for different images, will be appreciated not only by creative people, but also by adherents of the classics.

general description

The history of stripes and patterns on hair does not belong to one author. The year 2000 marks a new stage in men's fashion. New original forms and complex techniques appear. The short length contrasted with the flowing strands, an excellent period for the development of art trends. Each master strived to create a unique model that emphasized the individuality of the client. Gone are the days of faceless short haircuts, the desire to experiment has created a new direction in hairdressing.

Shaved stripes, patterns, and individual elements are performed primarily on the shaved temples and back of the head. Haircuts with patterns resemble tattoos; unlike the latter, the original patterns can be easily changed depending on the occasion or mood. Today, hair tattoos are incredibly popular not only among men, but also among little tomboys who want to stand out among their peers.

The basis for creating original elements are fashionable men's models with smooth and sharp transitions - boxing, semi-boxing, “Undercut”, “British”, “Canadian”, “Quiff”, as well as ultra-short haircuts. You can perform it on hair of different textures - straight, curly, thin, thick.

Distinctive features:

  • based on model hairstyles, selected according to the type of appearance;
  • performed on the back of the head, temples, and in ultra-short versions - in the parietal region;
  • include techniques of line geometry, asymmetry;
  • compositions include both broken lines and rounded curls, simple elements and real works of art;
  • are created not only as a complement to modern avant-garde models, they can also be performed for classic options.

Who are haircuts suitable for?

Original ideas are easy to combine with stylish trends. Men of different types can use haircuts with patterns, choosing original solutions. But even for adherents of the classics, there are laconic options that allow you to add individuality to the basic model.

Who is it suitable for:

  • young and mature men will also appreciate original hairstyle little dudes;
  • the shape of the face and type of appearance does not matter, the master selects the hairstyle model individually, based on modern haircuts, simple geometric shapes and entire art compositions can be created;
  • created on short lengths or shaved areas, suitable for coarse, straight, thick hair, also for soft, curly hair;
  • for guys with a round, square face shape, it is recommended to use original elements at the back of the head;
  • for men with elongated and triangular face options with the design of the temples and parietal region are suitable;
  • give the image individuality, combine with grunge, rock, casual, and everyday street style;
  • chosen by representatives of creative professions, as well as athletes, musicians, and media personalities;
  • corresponds to the style of modern men who care about their appearance and regularly visit a hairdresser to update their hairstyle and search for a new image.

Options with drawings are contraindicated for men with correct form skull, hairstyle focuses attention on flaws. Also does not fit with business style, does not look appropriate at official meetings and receptions. It is not recommended for military personnel, politicians, or businessmen whose activities are subject to strict regulations; the appearance must comply with the classical canons.

Is it possible to do a haircut yourself?

To create curly patterns on the head, you should decide on a basic hairstyle. For brunettes, it is recommended to leave the length at about 6 mm, for blondes about 9 mm. You should not experiment on your own, trying to make intricate patterns.

Embodiment original ideas It's better to leave it to professionals. They are performed not only in salons, but also in barbershops. Experienced stylists will help you determine the shape and location of the pattern, matching your appearance and temperament. The price depends on the complexity of the work, you can create classic stripes or a portrait, the cost of a hair tattoo varies from 800 to 2000 rubles.

Tools to perform:

  • classic scissors;
  • hair clipper;
  • trimmer;
  • cosmetic pencil.

General technology

Models with drawings require more time to complete; you will have to spend 1–2 hours in the master’s chair. It is also important to decide on the basis of which haircut the ornament will be made. Modern haircuts do not limit taste preferences. You can choose standard ultra-short or elegant, stylish hairstyles, including shaved elements and elongated strands.

Execution scheme:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and dry with a hairdryer.
  2. A basic haircut is created, including shaved temples or the back of the head.
  3. The area for creating the drawing is determined. Draw a pattern with a cosmetic pencil.
  4. Use a trimmer or clipper to shave the designated elements.
  5. After creating the drawing, the pencil is removed with cosmetic milk or tonic.

Video: how to do a short children's haircut with a pattern.

Various haircut options

Crop stripes - classic version hair tattoo. Covers the area of ​​the temples at the back of the head and is performed at a short length from 6 to 9 mm. Thanks to vertical and horizontal lines, you can correct the shape of the skull, visually make your face wider, and give masculinity to your features. Schoolchildren and young boys choose similar options; mature men can also afford them, emphasizing the uniqueness of the image. Can be performed on basic hairstyles - boxing, semi-boxing or stylish “Undercut”.

Patterns on the temples look original and are preferred by men and young people who want to attract attention. Creative models look harmonious with everyday clothing, but it is difficult to create classic tandems in a business dress code. Chosen by representatives of different age groups, freedom of expression gives confidence in one’s own abilities. Hair tattoos do not last long; representatives of various professions can choose them, allowing themselves to experiment with their image while on vacation.

Complex models may include inscriptions, images of heroes, portraits. They are created mainly on the temples and back of the head. Painstaking work is done on ultra-short haircuts, preferably thick, dark hair. Such images are suitable for guys with the correct oval shape, without external flaws. Used by representatives of creative professions, athletes, the model is also practical for little dudes.

A cut zipper can be quite simple and consist of several lines. But Special attention attract hair tattoos with transitions that create the effect volumetric drawings. Such haircuts require special skill; they look luxurious on dark, thick hair. They are used not only as a decoration for children's haircuts, but are also chosen by young guys who pay attention to their image.

Attention! Requires frequent correction, the pattern loses its shape very quickly. Can be used for a special event; this option will not go unnoticed by others.

Popular hair tattoo models are stripes on the temples; options are suitable for different types of appearance. Can be used by those with round, square faces, combining original elements with basic corrective haircuts. Current asymmetry creates a modern image, gives men confidence, and emphasizes charisma. The option goes well with everyday and sporty style, is performed on different lengths, hair structure.

The stripe on the side is an element of the model men's haircuts with smooth transitions. Acts as a parting, looks stylish and neat. This option is suitable for men who prefer minimalism. It’s not just young guys who use the original shaved elements. Mature men can also make changes to the classic hairstyle. It is enough to add one line to instantly transform a standard haircut.

Hairstyles with an arrow add a daring look to the image; they are chosen by teenagers and are also suitable for mature men. Smooth lines can be created on short models, are also performed on extended versions of “British” and “Tennis”. A careless detail turns a standard haircut into a model one and adds individuality to the image.

Star cutouts have become a classic hair tattoo. They are chosen by stylish young people, as well as representatives of creative professions. Performed at a short length, transitions allow you to give volume to the picture. These are complex model hairstyles; painstaking work takes a lot of time; the execution should be entrusted to an experienced hairdresser.

Shaved elements with a line have no age limits, as well as restrictions on the style of the basic hairstyle. They are created on ultra-short army-style models, and can also be combined with avant-garde elongated options. The geometry of the lines will allow you to adjust the shape of the oval and hide external imperfections. Performed on thick hair, the darker the strands, the more impressive the pattern looks.

The spider web haircut has been a trend for several seasons, Not only young guys, but also mature men cut their hair. Often used as an element of a nursery stylish haircut. Looks great on light and dark hair, allows you to hide the lack of thickness and volume. The drawing area can be located on any area - the crown, temples, back of the head. Cutting the pattern is used to adjust the shape of the oval and add a touch of individuality.

Men's haircuts with intersecting lines look original. The cross is a symbol of protection and strength, so many men choose similar symbolism. It is possible to perform not only on a short length, unique options are also created on long hair. Suitable for brutal, charismatic men, has no age restrictions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of patterned haircuts has been maintained for several decades. Every year, stylists create new ideas that quickly spread to the masses. When creating a fashionable hairstyle, it is worth assessing the pros and cons, taking into account the features of care and implementation.


  • does not require styling or the use of styling products;
  • due to the variety of variations, it has a corrective and rejuvenating effect;
  • it is possible to choose according to your appearance type, oval shape;
  • performed not only on the basis modern hairstyles, can be combined with classic haircuts;
  • suitable for everyday, sporty style;
  • the ability to implement the most daring ideas, regularly changing images;
  • haircuts correspond to hairdressing trends.


  • performed only by a master who will select the optimal pattern, not only taking into account the appearance, but also the structure of the hair;
  • requires frequent update correction; to preserve the pattern, you will have to visit a specialist once every 7–14 days;
  • does not impart solidity to the image; the combination with business style can hardly be called harmonious.

Stellar examples

Kanye Wes t is known not only for his creativity, but also for his experiments with hairstyles.

Haircuts Cristiano Ronaldo become an example to follow among the football player’s army of fans.

David Beckham at the beginning of his career he wore short hair with original elements. Today, the football player prefers classic, elegant models.

Philip Kirkorov famous not only for its extravagant taste and creative hairstyles, which change with enviable regularity.

Useful video

Haircut with a pattern.