Curly hair gets split ends. Organic Root mousse with olive oil. How to dry your hair

Hello to all representatives of the fair sex! Not every one of us is naturally blessed with luxurious and light curls, but those who become the proud owner of such curls definitely need to know how to maintain their beauty and health.

Many girls dream of having curly hair, but they simply do not understand how difficult it is to care for it and how difficult it is to get a neat hairstyle.

But owners of such hair tend to straighten it, because this is a problematic hair type. Accordingly, now we will figure out what it means to care for curly locks.

As mentioned above, this type of hair is characterized by excessive rigidity or, on the contrary, softness. It is because of this that it is almost impossible to handle them and give them the desired shape.

If for straight hair this is a sign that most likely it is not healthy, then for curly hair it is a normal look.

It always seems to us that women with curly hair have more hair than those with straight curls. But still this is not so. The fact is that the hair is twisted in a spiral, so it looks more voluminous.

Although the owner of curls has about 20 thousand fewer hair follicles. Because of this, less protective substances are released into the hair. Therefore, curls are more vulnerable to disease and may lose their beauty and strength over time.

Naturally, in this case, problems with installation arise, but not only. Such curls dry out much more. If you decide to dye your hair, do perm etc., then your health will quickly begin to deteriorate.

Restoring it after these repeated procedures will not be an easy task. Hair becomes dry as a result of straightening with an iron or chemicals. curling, coloring and after using a hairdryer.

You can even harm your hair simply by combing it incorrectly. They constantly get tangled, the ends begin to split and flake. Therefore, you need to know the main rules for caring for curly hair, otherwise you will not be able to hide their unhealthy condition.

How to start care?

  1. First of all, our task is to learn how to properly wash and dry your hair. After all, this is the main condition for healthy hair. Due to the unusual structure of curly hair, you will have to choose the right products. It is better to buy shampoos containing herbal extracts, jojoba or coconut oil. They will better nourish each hair.
  2. Products that contain sage or papain will come in handy if your hair is brittle, thin and the ends are beginning to split.
  3. If you use shampoo to add volume, then gradually you will not be able to manage your curls at all. Such products dry out the curls even more and make them brittle. Therefore, you should absolutely not use this shampoo.
  4. For better nutrition of hair, balms especially for curly strands are excellent. The balm will help moisturize dry skin and make combing easier. It will also restore damaged hairs or keep them healthy. There are also special conditioners for healthy curls; they also moisturize, but also soften and make them manageable.
  5. Now let’s figure out how to properly dry and comb your hair. You already know that you cannot use a hair dryer. Therefore, we will need a towel. They need to blot each strand well, but under no circumstances rub them.

For easy combing we need a wide-toothed comb. You can use a special spray for easier combing. So, we start from the ends, then gradually rise higher and reach the very roots. As a result, you will get neat curls that will be easier to manage.

How to cut wavy hair

If you have long curly hair, you will still need to cut it regularly. It is not recommended to cut such strands too short, as you will leave yourself without beautiful curls, and there will be fewer opportunities to create an unusual hairstyle.

Therefore, it is better to grow them; under the weight they will become more obedient. A haircut with several levels is most suitable; this will allow you to create different styles.

Doing a massage

A massage is a must if you want to have healthy hair. It improves blood circulation, so more essential substances reach the hair. At home, you can simply make circular movements with your fingertips on your scalp.

Solving the problem of dry hair with masks

You can easily prepare such a mask at home. We will need sea buckthorn and any vegetable oil. Mix the oils in a ratio of 9 to 1.

Ready product Apply to the skin with massaging movements. Then you need to cover it all with film and wrap it with a warm towel on top. Keep the mixture for an hour (at this time you can go about your business or just relax), then wash everything off using shampoo. The mask can be done twice a week. After a couple of weeks you will notice the effect.

Mask for split ends

To make something else we need cabbage juice, freshly squeezed at that. It is applied before washing your hair. Apply the juice to the roots and the hair itself, leave for 30 minutes and wash your hair with shampoo specifically for curly hair.

Nourishing mask

For cooking we need three tablespoons olive oil and half a glass of warm honey. Mix well and rub into scalp. We also cover with film and a towel. We wait about an hour and wash off with cool water. It is better not to use shampoo; you can wash your hair with it the next day.

You can also make a simple decoction. For girls with blond hair A decoction of chamomile is suitable, and for dark-haired people you just need to add it to water lemon juice. Rinse your hair with these products and you're done!

  • Not suitable for this hair massage brush. It is better to use a wide-toothed comb. If you also run your fingers through the curls while combing, you will get a beautiful hairstyle.
  • So that your curls don't bother you Everyday life use a headband.
  • Smoothing products and hot sprays can also help you style your hair at home.
  • If you decide to straighten your curls, use a high-quality iron that allows you to change the temperature. To reduce harm, the temperature should be as low as possible.

These are the simple tips I have prepared for you, I think now your hair will cease to be a problem, and you will become proud of it! Read other articles on my blog and you will find a lot more useful information!

Cool hairstyles for curly and unruly hair

Few people like unruly curly hair. They lose their silkiness and smoothness, they are neither curly nor wavy, they are just unruly frizzy. With hair like this, you always have to worry about rain, high humidity or even sweat, which can cause your hair to frizz and get completely out of control.

The best care for curly hair

The first step to controlling frizz is to take stock of your hair care routine. It’s better not to overdo it with some things if your hair is curly: wash your hair with shampoo less, expose it less to chemicals and other influences, and use thermal styling devices less often. This way the hair will be less electrified. In other words, the more you stress your hair (blow-drying, straightening, tight ponytails, etc.), the higher the likelihood that it will begin to curl in protest. Here are some tips:

Try different hair care products and regimens

After getting out of the shower, try applying a little more product than usual. Use samples to determine which hair products suit your hair best.

Pro Tip: After applying the smoothing product, wrap your hair in a clean T-shirt or towel before going to bed. In the morning you will be pleased with soft, smooth curls.

Moisturize your hair

Remember that the first aid for curly hair is moisturizing. And if it is not provided with the help of moisturizing cosmetics and proper care, the hair will try to take water from the only available source - the air. And chances are you won't like the way it looks.

Try using smoothing products

If you cannot live without a straightening iron and use it almost every time after washing your hair, you should think about long-term smoothing and straightening of your hair. Short-term smoothing agents are another way out of this situation; they are effective for six months. You can vary the strength of the effect - perfectly straight hair or slightly curly hair. If you decide on such salon services, remember that your hair still needs care in the form of nourishing masks, oil-based cosmetics and moisturizers. Talk to your hairdresser: he will offer you options that will suit your hair and will not harm it.

Moisturizing will help restore frizzy hair

What you wash your hair with plays a big role. If you want to smooth frizz, you should use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, followed by smoothing products specifically formulated for this purpose. Use professional products that hairdressers use in beauty salons. Those products sold in pharmacies and supermarkets contain too much alcohol and will further dry out already curly hair.

Choose the most best shampoo and don’t overdo it with washing your hair

If too much sebum has accumulated on your hair, the first step to cleansing it is to use a clarifying shampoo. If this does not help, you should cut your hair significantly.
If the problem is not oiliness, use a mild shampoo with natural moisturizers, oils or a cleansing conditioner. But you should not wash your hair with shampoo often, as it will wash away the natural oil film that prevents hair from curling. Wash them with foaming products no more than 2-3 times a week.
In the days between shampoos, you can refresh your hair with dry shampoo or baby powder to remove excess sebum. You can also wash your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo.

Choose the best conditioner to moisturize and nourish your hair

Air conditioner - the best remedy to moisturize hair. Use a moisturizing conditioner with keratin, proteins and/or natural oils. Natural oils better than synthetic ones because they are absorbed into the hair and the protein conditioner will make the hair manageable and shiny. Moisturizers made from artificial silicone settle at the roots, leaving hair looking dirty.
Use both leave-in and leave-in conditioners. Rinse-off products should be used every time after shampooing (only if the hair is not extremely thin), leave on the hair for 2-5 minutes and then rinse. Leave-in conditioners are applied in small quantities and according to the instructions.
Nourishing conditioner can be used throughout the day. Apply a little product exclusively to the ends of your hair - this will make your curls smoother and shinier.

Deep conditioning - secret weapon in the fight against frizzy hair

For deep conditioning, use a moisturizer or mask. They are applied once a month. Leave the product on your hair for an hour, wearing a shower cap, so that the mass is better absorbed. You can also use this product once a week after shampooing. In this case, it should be left for 3-5 minutes to quickly moisturize, and then rinse off.

Hot oils are another way to restore dry hair

They can also be used at home to moisturize and add shine. Oils are applied to clean, towel-dried hair. Then they need to be hidden under a shower cap and warmed up by sitting in the sun, using a hot towel or hair dryer. After heating the oil, you need to let your hair cool at room temperature, and then rinse off the oil with cool water. Such procedures can be carried out 1-3 times a month as needed. Such care will restore elasticity and shine to your hair. However, overusing oils can make your hair look dirty.

Use smoothing agents when styling

For smooth and soft hair, use shiny gloss or hair gel. Rub a little product between your palms and work through your hair. Once you achieve the desired smoothness, fix the result with hairspray.
During the day, you can combat unruly frizzy hair with a spray that makes combing easier. It is extremely lightweight and does not weigh your hair down or make it greasy.

To comb or not to comb: how to tame curly hair

The structure of hair is complex, it consists of three layers and thousands of cells. However, the reason they frizz is simple. The outer layer of hair, the cuticle, resembles a tiled roof. When the hair is smooth, the overlapping layers lie tightly. However, when combing, they may open slightly. Here are some tips for detangling curly hair:

Do not comb curly hair when dry

Since combing disrupts the position of the cuticle, the hair is pulled out, which can lead to breakage. It's best to towel dry your curly hair after showering and then comb it through with a comb, brush, or hands while it's still wet. Then add some moisturizing conditioner and your favorite hair smoothing product. After this, you should not comb your hair. If an urgent need arises, you can do this with wet fingers. This way you can straighten your hair and detangle it.

Choose the right size comb

If you use a round brush while blow-drying to straighten or smooth your hair, you should use a medium-sized brush for medium to long hair, and short hair brush with a small brush. It is better not to buy large round brushes as they can sometimes be difficult to handle. When treating your hair with a hairdryer, the comb should be turned smoothly. Finally, apply hairspray to add shine.

Choosing brush bristles for curly hair

If you use a brush to straighten your hair while blow-drying, make sure it is a natural bristle brush. It will help distribute the natural fatty film over the entire length of the hair, as well as moisturize it and remove excess sebum from the scalp.

Why does hair curl?

The structure of the shaft directly depends on the shape of the hair follicle: a round root is straight hair, a curved oval root is curly hair. The latter has a porous structure and a more durable “fit” in the scalp.

Depending on the degree of curvature of the follicle, two types of curly hair are distinguished:

  1. Curly. The root is slightly curved, like a parenthesis in the sentence -). The hair turns out wavy and relatively soft. Over time, after frequent haircuts, wavy hair can turn into curly hair.
  2. Curly. The root is curved in the shape of the letter S. There are a lot of curls, the hair is hard and very frizzy.

Scientists have not yet been able to determine the reason why the hair follicle changes its shape. But it is known for certain that curly hair is inherited and often depends on race.

If your hair was straight most of your life, and then suddenly began to curl, most likely the cause was a hormonal imbalance (for example, after pregnancy) or a dramatic change in climate (for example, moving to a more humid area).

Proper care for curly hair

  1. After washing, do not dry your hair, leaving it slightly damp and covering it with a cotton towel. The moisture will thoroughly saturate the hair. To close the protective scales, at the end of exercise, rinse your hair with cool water and apply a balm for your hair type, which neutralizes the harmful effects of alkali.
  2. Use hair drying and straightening devices as little as possible. Under influence high temperature the already weakened keratin scales of curly hair are steamed and lifted even more. Under a microscope, the hair will look like an old, gnarled tree. Without a microscope, the lack of healthy shine and “flabbiness” of the hair will be evident - it will droop, the curls will be unkempt and overly fluffy.
  3. Trim the ends of your hair regularly. Make sure that you are working with a professional hairdresser: a professional hairdresser will never suggest straightening or thinning the ends. This haircut is needed to create visual volume, which owners of curly hair have no problems with.
  4. Try cutting with hot scissors, the blades of which “seal” the tip of the hair and prevent moisture from evaporating
  5. Use special means(shampoos and conditioners) designed to care for dry and curly hair. They have a very light structure and little alkali, which is difficult to wash out of curls. For example, the Alerana set contains several types of oils that provide hair with additional protection, and lecithin, which restores water balance.

It is important that care products for curly hair do not contain silicone - after using such shampoos, hair turns into curved icicles. To provide your curly locks with additional protection, use pure oils that you can buy at the pharmacy: if you add a couple of drops of wheat germ or jojoba ether to a portion of shampoo, they will cover each hair with a thin layer and will not allow dirt to get under the slightly open scales.

  1. Choose combs with wide teeth, made from natural materials or with an antistatic coating. Comb long curly hair especially carefully, without using force. This way you will not only take care of their health, but also cultivate your patience and willpower.
  2. Do not wear synthetic hats or scarves. Synthetics have a minus charge, and dry hair has a plus. When these materials rub against each other, they create a magnetic effect. You may even feel a slight electric shock when you touch metal.

Curly hair is a jewel and a gift from nature that does not need additional decorations like changing colors and unusual haircut. Take care of them: don’t straighten them and be proud of every curl. With proper care, they will look luxurious until old age and will not cause any trouble.

Daily care for curly hair

For proper daily care of curly hair, you need to build on the following rules.

  1. Buy a special shampoo and conditioner for curly hair. Today there are series for different hair structures, so you can quickly and easily choose the ideal product for washing your curls. Visit a professional hair care cosmetics store and ask the salesperson for advice. He will immediately provide you with options for products that were created for curly hair.
  2. Washing curly hair is no different from washing regular hair, but there are some nuances regarding drying. Many women try to dry their wavy hair with a hairdryer and comb, but in doing so they spoil the natural curves of the strands. Here you need to learn how to properly dry your hair without using any mechanical styling devices. All you need is a regular organic cotton towel. After you have washed your hair, wrap it in a towel and walk like this for about 20 minutes. Now lift the strands up using blotting movements. Do this until your hair is completely dry.
  3. Avoid constantly using a hair straightener or curling iron. Try to find originality and exoticism in yourself, because neat, elegant curly strands make you different from the rest. A lot of girls today straighten their gorgeous hair every day, using various straightening irons and curling irons. This technique negatively affects the condition of your hair and requires regular use. Learn to love natural beauty your curly hair.
  4. When caring for curly hair, you need to carefully moisturize it. In fact, in pursuit of a new stylish styling, women greatly deplete their curls with a hairdryer and curling iron. That is why using a professional moisturizing mask for curly hair should be mandatory. Don't forget also about vegetable oils, from which you can prepare good masks at home. Olive, coconut, almond and burdock - these are the oils that will be excellent helpers in caring for curly hair.
  5. Pay special attention when purchasing a comb. Many representatives of the fair sex think that almost any comb is suitable for caring for curly hair, but this is not at all true. First, you need an antistatic comb, preferably made of wood. Avoid metal or plastic combs. First, carefully work on the ends of the hair, and then the main length and root zone. Read more:
  6. Trim your ends regularly. IN this issue you need to find a good professional. It is he who will always determine exactly how many centimeters need to be removed. For curly hair, try to cut it a little once every 2 months. If you color your hair regularly, you will need to cut off dry ends more often.

Rules for caring for curly hair

  • Don't wash your hair too often. First of all, be sure to take care not to further dry out your scalp by frequent washing. In this case, be sure to use shampoo for your hair type and apply it with gentle movements only to the roots of your hair. The ends will rinse when you wash off the product.
  • Don't overuse your hairdryer. Curly hair is much more vulnerable than straight hair, and dry air does even more damage to it. Therefore, give up the hair dryer at least on the weekend, and the rest of the time, be sure to use a heat protectant.
  • Use hair styling products correctly. Apply any product not to wet, but to dried, slightly damp hair. Squeeze a small amount of mousse or foam for curly hair into your hand and apply starting from the ends and gradually moving upward.
  • Use a diffuser. Diffuser is best friend your curly hair. This nozzle creates a diffuse flow of hot air, which, unlike the direct directed jet of a hairdryer, helps keep hair natural shape curls. At the end, be sure to switch the hair dryer to cold mode or just wait until your hair cools down, without making sudden movements or whipping the strands. When drying, touch your hair as little and carefully as possible so as not to disturb the natural shape of the curls.
  • Comb your hair correctly. Curly hair is best combed only after washing before drying, and should be touched as little as possible throughout the day. A brush with thick bristles will make your hair too fluffy and unruly. To prevent this from happening, use a wide-toothed comb or comb the strands with your hands.

Video: proper care for curly hair

Few people like unruly curly hair. They lose their silkiness and smoothness, they are neither curly nor wavy, they are just unruly frizzy. With hair like this, you always have to worry about rain, high humidity, or even sweat, which can cause your hair to frizz and get completely out of control. But there is a solution for all this! Top MATRIX stylists share their experience on how to restore radiance, smoothness and silkiness to curly hair.

Smoothing Frizzy Hair: The Basics

The first step to controlling frizz is to take stock of your hair care routine. It’s better not to overdo it with some things if your hair is curly: wash your hair with shampoo less, expose it less to chemicals and other influences, and use thermal styling devices less often. This way the hair will be less electrified. In other words, the more you stress your hair (blow-drying, straightening, tight ponytails, etc.), the higher the likelihood that it will begin to curl in protest. Here are some tips:

1. Try different hair care products and regimens

Experiment with your usual hair care regimen if it doesn't help manage frizz. Do you wash in the morning? Try washing in the evening so that your hair is not wet when you go outside.
After getting out of the shower, try applying a little more product than usual. Use samples to determine which hair products suit your hair best.

Pro tip: After applying the smoothing product, wrap your hair in a clean T-shirt or towel, and then you can go to bed. In the morning you will be pleased with soft, smooth curls.

2. Moisturize your hair

Remember that the first aid for curly hair is moisturizing. And if it is not provided with the help of moisturizing cosmetics and proper care, the hair will try to take water from the only available source - the air. And chances are you won't like the way it looks.

3. Try using smoothing products

If you cannot live without a straightening iron and use it almost every time after washing your hair, you should think about long-term smoothing and straightening of your hair. Short-term smoothing agents are another way out of this situation; they are effective for six months. You can vary the strength of the effect - perfectly straight hair or slightly curled hair. If you decide on such salon services, remember that your hair still needs care in the form of nourishing masks, oil-based cosmetics and moisturizers. Talk to your hairdresser: he will offer you options that will suit your hair and will not harm it.

4. Moisturizing will help restore frizzy hair.

What you wash your hair with plays a big role. If you want to smooth frizz, you should use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, followed by smoothing products specifically formulated for this purpose. Use professional products that hairdressers use in beauty salons. Those products sold in pharmacies and supermarkets contain too much alcohol and will further dry out already curly hair.

5. Choose the best shampoo and don’t over-wash your hair.

If too much sebum has accumulated on your hair, the first step to cleansing it is to use a clarifying shampoo. If this does not help, you should cut your hair significantly.
If the problem is not oiliness, use a mild shampoo with natural moisturizers, oils or a cleansing conditioner. But you should not wash your hair with shampoo often, as it will wash away the natural oil film that prevents hair from curling. Wash them with foaming products no more than 2-3 times a week.
In the days between shampoos, you can refresh your hair with dry shampoo or baby powder to remove excess sebum. You can also wash your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo.

6. Choose the best conditioner to moisturize and nourish your hair

Conditioner is the best way to moisturize your hair. Use a moisturizing conditioner with keratin, proteins and/or natural oils. Natural oils are better than synthetic oils because they absorb into the hair and a protein conditioner will make your hair manageable and shiny. Moisturizers made from artificial silicone settle at the roots, leaving hair looking dirty.
Use both leave-in and leave-in conditioners. Rinse-off products should be used every time after shampooing (only if the hair is not extremely thin), leave on the hair for 2-5 minutes and then rinse. Leave-in conditioners are applied in small quantities and according to the instructions.
Nourishing conditioner can be used throughout the day. Apply a little product exclusively to the ends of your hair - this will make your curls smoother and shinier.

7. Deep conditioning is the secret weapon in the fight against frizz.

For deep conditioning, use a moisturizer or mask. They are applied once a month. Leave the product on your hair for an hour, wearing a shower cap, so that the mass is better absorbed. You can also use this product once a week after shampooing. In this case, it should be left for 3-5 minutes to quickly moisturize, and then rinse off.

8. Hot oils are another way to restore dry hair

They can also be used at home to moisturize and add shine. Oils are applied to clean, towel-dried hair. Then they need to be hidden under a shower cap and warmed up by sitting in the sun, using a hot towel or hair dryer. After heating the oil, you need to let your hair cool at room temperature, and then rinse off the oil with cool water. Such procedures can be carried out 1-3 times a month as needed. Such care will restore elasticity and shine to your hair. However, overusing oils can make your hair look dirty.

9. Use smoothing agents when styling

For smooth and soft hair, use shiny gloss or hair gel. Rub a little product between your palms and work through your hair. Once you achieve the desired smoothness, fix the result with hairspray.
During the day, you can combat unruly frizzy hair with a spray that makes combing easier. It is extremely lightweight and does not weigh your hair down or make it greasy.

10. To comb or not to comb: how to tame curly hair

The structure of hair is complex, it consists of three layers and thousands of cells. However, the reason they frizz is simple. The outer layer of hair, the cuticle, resembles a tiled roof. When the hair is smooth, the overlapping layers lie tightly. However, when combing, they may open slightly. Here are some tips for detangling curly hair:

11. Do not comb curly hair when dry.

Since combing disrupts the position of the cuticle, the hair is pulled out, which can lead to breakage. It's best to towel dry your curly hair after showering and then comb it through with a comb, brush, or hands while it's still wet. Then add some moisturizing conditioner and your favorite hair smoothing product. After this, you should not comb your hair. If an urgent need arises, you can do this with wet fingers. This way you can straighten your hair and detangle it.

12. Choose the right size comb

If you use a round brush to straighten or smooth your hair while blow-drying, you should use a medium-sized brush for medium to long hair, and use a small brush for short hair. It is better not to buy large round brushes as they can sometimes be difficult to handle. When treating your hair with a hairdryer, the comb should be turned smoothly. Finally, apply hairspray to add shine.

13. Select the bristles of the brush for curly hair.

If you use a brush to straighten your hair while blow-drying, make sure it is a natural bristle brush. It will help distribute the natural fatty film over the entire length of the hair, as well as moisturize it and remove excess sebum from the scalp.

Bad advice: what not to do if you want your hair to stop curling

14. Don't over-expose your hair to chemicals.

Straightening, smoothing and coloring are harmful to hair and can lead to breakage. Try to use only professional cosmetics and visit only licensed hairdressers and salons - only in this case the composition of the products will be correct and the quality of the services will be high. After finishing your treatment, discuss with your hairdresser the possibility of deep conditioning, hot oils and revitalizing moisturizing masks.

15. Don't overdo it with heat styling.

High temperatures damage the hair structure, so try to use irons and curling irons as little as possible. Limit yourself to a hairdryer with a diffuser and do not wash your hair very much hot water. If something burns your skin, it means it burns your hair. Before using thermal appliances, apply a protective leave-in conditioner. When using the iron, do not hold it in one place for a long time.

16. Don’t blow dry your hair completely.

Girls with straight curls often envy those with wavy hair. But the curly hair inherited from nature only from the outside seems like a reward. In reality, those with wavy hair face numerous problems. Caring for curly hair is not limited to banal hair washing. Curly hair requires a special approach.

As a result of comprehensive research, scientists were able to establish the “secret” of the formation of curls. The formation of curls occurs due to the fact that the cuticle scales do not fit tightly to each other. In addition, scientists have divided curly hair into 3 types:

  • Curly. This type of hair has a transverse oval section. Curls with this structure are strong, but are susceptible to injury due to the porous structure of the hairs. In addition, in the area of ​​bends, the diameter of the hair decreases, as a result of which, even after straightening, the curls quickly return to their original position.
  • Wavy. Strands of this type begin to curl due to the elliptical cross-section of the hairs. Typically, many women do not even suspect that they have wavy hair, since their curls begin to curl only with high humidity. But it is precisely this sign that indicates that a woman does not have straight hair type, but wavy one.
  • Spiral. From the outside it may seem that the owners of such curls Thick hair. In reality, spiral curls are thin and brittle in structure. Due to the fact that strongly curly hair has scales that stick out, the strands often get tangled, even leading to the formation of tangles. In addition, spiral hair type constantly requires additional moisture, since it is the driest.

But not only genetics influences the condition of hair. Absolutely straight hair can begin to curl after a hormonal imbalance, taking medications and a number of diseases.

Choosing shampoo and conditioner

At home you need to take proper care of it. An important step in this process is washing your hair. Those with curly hair should avoid washing their hair daily. Frequent use of shampoo leads to the washing out of the protective layer, which negatively affects the hair follicles and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to wash curly hair no more than 3 times a week.

It is important to wash the root part of the head separately. Curly strands have oily roots and dry ends. By washing the root area separately, you will be able to get rid of excess fat.

In addition, you should not expose your hair to hot temperatures. While in a bathhouse or sauna, wavy locks must be covered with a towel or a special cap.

But caring for dry, curly hair isn’t just about washing your hair properly. It is also important to use shampoos and conditioners suitable for the strands in this process.

When choosing cosmetic product Preference should be given to sulfate-free shampoos. Such products provide curly hair with:

  • powerful hydration;
  • shine;
  • easy combing;
  • restoration of hair follicles and hair structure.

When choosing balms, it is better to give preference to products with natural ingredients. To restore the lipid layer, strengthen the hair structure and increase the dynamics of hair growth, conditioners should include:

  • natural oils (orange, jojoba, grapefruit);
  • liquid proteins;
  • chamomile, calendula or geranium extract;
  • aloe juice

The only disadvantage of these funds is their high price. But you have to pay for quality.

Combing, drying and styling

Curly curls require a special approach when combing. It is important not only to avoid it immediately after water procedures. It is also necessary:

  • Before combing, treat curls prone to tangles with a special spray that prevents tangling of hairs.
  • Use only special combs with rare, large teeth. It is advisable that the hairdressing tool be made of wood or tortoise shell.
  • When separating strands, start from the ends and gradually work your way up to the roots of the hair.

It is not advisable to use natural bristle brushes to comb curly hair. Such a tool will only ruin the shape of the hair and make the curls frizz.

When caring for curly hair, drying also plays a role. In this matter it is important:

  • When removing moisture, do not rub your hair. The curls are dried with a towel, wrapping the strands separately and squeezing them along their entire length.
  • Use electric hair dryers as little as possible, allowing curly hair to dry naturally.
  • To get rid of moisture, use only a diffuser. At the same time, set the device to low power and cold airflow.

Beautifully style curly hair and style it correct form Some tricks will help.

  • Before using electrical appliances, apply heat-protective agents to your strands by spraying them onto damp curls. The main thing is not to overdo it. Excess product will make the strands coarse and give them an unkempt appearance.
  • Use mousses to fix curls. To do this, just apply a little product on your palms, rub and squeeze the strands in your fist. After this, the hair is slightly dried with a hairdryer and the styling is fixed with hairspray.
  • Use a diffuser for styling. If you use the device only on the roots, you will be able to create maximum volume without damaging the dry ends of your hair.

When styling wavy curls, it is advisable not to use metal clips. The iron teeth injure the hairs and cause them to split.

Straightening rules

Owners of curly hair periodically try to cope with curls. The most common way to get rid of wavy hair is straightening. But it’s not enough just to use professional devices. It is also necessary to adhere to a number of rules when straightening:

  • Moisturize your curls regularly. Special shampoos and balms will saturate the hairs with moisture and prevent them from drying out during subsequent heat treatments.
  • Do not use straighteners on wet hair.
  • Before the procedure, apply styling sprays and serums to your curls. Foam and mousses weigh down and glue the strands together.
  • When straightening your curls with a hair dryer, use combs or attachments with natural bristles. Such devices preserve the structure of the hairs and give them shine.
  • After straightening, go over your hair with a moisturizing spray and only then fix the result with hairspray.

Coloring technique

The following coloring techniques will help highlight the beauty of wavy strands:

  • Balayage. The essence of the technique is to give individual strands a lighter tone using light brush strokes.
  • Highlighting. Depending on the type of strands, you can do traditional, French and Californian dyeing.
  • Shatush. This technique is suitable for coloring thin curly strands. By playing with two light colors that are close in tone, it is possible to give the curls expressiveness, shine and brightness.
  • Ombre. This type of coloring is more suitable for owners of dark curls. The waviness can be emphasized through the play of color. Dark color on the roots it gradually turns to light ends.

Plain classic version Also suitable for those with curly hair. Blondes can highlight curls with honey, wheat and golden shades. More for curly brown-haired women and brunettes suitable color caramel, coffee or cinnamon.

A haircut

Choosing a hairstyle for curly hair is difficult. Some rules will help you make the right choice when choosing a haircut:

  • When choosing a hairstyle, you need to focus on the structure and elasticity of the hairs. For frequent and tight curls, the best option is average length. Strands of medium diameter allow you to wear long hair. It's short haircut will suit only for those with slightly curly hair.
  • When choosing a hairstyle, do not forget about proportions. For ladies with round and square face Moderate sides and closed cheekbones are suitable. For the “triangle” it is necessary to add volume at the level of the chin and cheekbones. “Oval” suits lush, unruly curls no longer than the collarbone.
  • Body type is also important. Voluminous wavy curls can balance curvy shapes. Curls of short or medium length will help to emphasize the fragility of a slender figure.

The characteristics of curly hair are known to experienced stylists. Therefore, when choosing a haircut, the first thing you need to do is select a specialist.

Ready-made products for curly hair care

Help to tame excessive frizz professional products for caring for porous and curly hair. The best among them are:

  • Sea Salt Spray, Toni&Guy. The average price of the product is 700 rubles.
  • Cleansing conditioner for wavy and curly hair Bed Head Calma Sutra, TIGI. The price category of the product varies from 1150 to 1300 rubles.
  • Hair thickening product Tonic Cream, Kemon. The price of the product is 550–600 rubles.
  • Bed Head Straighten Out Smoothing Cream, TIGI. The cost of the product is 1000–1100 rubles.
  • Rosemary Mint Shampoo, Aveda. The average price of the product is 1600 rubles.
  • Liss And Pump Up styling gel, L’Oreal Professionnel. The price of the product varies from 1100 to 1300 rubles.

Professional products for the care of curly hair are not cheap. But a quality product and end result are worth spending a little money on.

Homemade mask recipes

If you are on a limited budget, homemade cosmetic products will help you conquer curly hair. In this case, caring for curly hair comes down to making healing masks:

  • Moisturizing mixture. For cooking nourishing mask 200 ml of any fermented milk product (yogurt, kefir) is heated for a minute in the microwave, after which it is evenly distributed throughout the hair. The applied mixture is covered with cellophane and wrapped in a towel. After 30–40 minutes. fermented milk mask wash off without using shampoo.
  • Regenerating mixture. Composition of sea buckthorn and peach oil(3 tablespoons each) is distributed over damp hair and rubbed into the scalp. It is advisable to warm the composition slightly in a water bath before applying. Rinse the curls after 60–90 minutes. after application with shampoo.
  • Mask “Silk curls”. Grind the watermelon pulp (80–100 g) in a blender. The resulting composition is applied only to the strands, avoiding the area of ​​the hair follicles. After 25–30 minutes. The watermelon mixture is washed off with running water without using shampoo.

Homemade masks based on natural ingredients will help you conquer unruly strands without extra costs.

The fight against frizzy strands is not based only on restoration and moisturizing methods. It is best to use an integrated approach, which includes not only taking care of the hair, but also the overall condition of the body.

Useful video on how to care for curly hair

It so happened historically in the women's world that we certainly want to curl straight hair and straighten curly hair. Today we will talk about the second story.

With straight hair everything is very clear. If we curl them, then, as a rule, it’s only for one time “on the way out.” Owners of natural curls wage a real war with their curls all their lives. Alas, this war is absolutely meaningless. And it’s all because of mass culture, which for decades has been instilling in women that “straight hair is beautiful” and curly hair is a problem. Moreover, a problem that is on par with split ends, oily roots, lack of volume, gray hair and other “horrors” of the beauty industry.

What do advertising campaigns convey to us? In order to be happy, it is vital to bring your curls into the “correct” form, that is, straighten them. And millions of women live with this attitude, mercilessly flavoring their heads with keratin and heating them with irons in the hope of finding “normal” hair.

Now imagine what you would do the same if you suddenly stopped being fashionable Blue eyes or, for example, the presence of a navel. Funny, is not it? How can something that nature gives from birth be “abnormal”? Provided it's not a disease.

When it comes to a lesson about hairstyles in an online school, I receive several letters from students every day with similar content: “Tatyana, I have wavy hair, not a single haircut suits me, I’ve been suffering all my life, what should I do? What hairstyle would you recommend for me?

And all these girls sincerely hope that there is a secret hairstyle in the world, information about which is only available to a narrow circle stylists, and I will now reveal this great secret to them.

But there really is a secret. But it’s not all about the magical hairstyle. Curly hair just needs to be...accepted. And love.

How can you love them, you ask, if they:

a) fluffy

b) stick out in different directions

c) don't listen

d) your option

First, stop trying to apply the same rules to your curly hair that apply to straight hair. Curly hair is fundamentally different. They have a different structure, a different structure. The haircut that looks so great on Jennifer Lawrence won’t suit them, they won’t be able to add volume with dry shampoo, and a conditioner that promises “mirror smoothness” will turn their hair into one complete disgrace.

Accept the fact that everything you see on Michelle Obama, Tyra Banks and Rihanna (when she wears straight locks) and even on our favorite Meghan Markle is MONTHS of work by a stylist with such powerful products that are not like hair straighten if desired tin can can dissolve. Once again let’s say “thank you” to popular culture.


The very first and most important step towards beautiful hair- this is care.

what curls can look like if not properly cared for

Curly hair naturally has a porous structure, so it instantly absorbs any chemicals.

The first worst enemies of curls are sulfates and silicones. These are exactly the components that visually make hair smooth, silky and shiny. In fact, they simply disguise an unhealthy appearance, enveloping the hair with a film that gradually accumulates and leads to an even more disastrous result.

Another enemy is alcohol. It is often found in styling products. Alcohol dries out already dry curls even more, turning your hair into a “dandelion” look.

Now pay attention. All of the above products are contained in ALL mass-market cosmetics, and in huge quantities. Therefore, buying your own shampoo at AUCHAN is a bad idea. Even if it is advertised on TV all day long. Even if it says the treasured “for curly hair.” This is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

Therefore, if you have already decided to consciously care for your curls, then it will not be a bad idea to learn how to read the ingredients of cosmetics for the content of parabens, sulfates and other nasty things. There are plenty of sites on the Internet for analyzing compositions. For example, this one. Just enter the name of the component in Latin or copy the entire composition. You will learn a lot about the contents of the bathroom shelf.

By the way, if the magic word ECO is written on a skin care product, this is not a reason to sweep the entire line off the shelves. Firstly, it is far from certain that there are more than 1% natural ingredients, and secondly, even if the product is truly natural, it is not clear how the scalp will react to it. Allergy in this case is a common story. Plus, no matter how crazy vegans and hipsters may be about “eco-cosmetics,” not all natural extracts can give curly hair the ingredients it needs to look cool.

Curly hair is very dry in 99% of cases. It is extremely important not to dry them out even more. Therefore, be careful with curling irons, irons, and hot air dryers.

Dry shampoo often makes curly hair look dull.

Tight ponytails damage curly hair. Have you noticed?

Curly hair care products

Let's move on to the care algorithm. So, what do you need to care for your beautiful hair?

1. Sulfate-free shampoo. It doesn't foam, and that's okay. Foam is just an illusion of cleansing.

2. Silicone-free conditioner. Let's read the composition.

3. An alternative to shampoos and conditioners is co-washing. A relatively new word in the beauty industry. Co-washing is washing your hair with conditioner. Without sulfates and silicones, naturally. Before you go all out, you will need to wash off everything from your hair that you have managed to saturate it with over the years of using your favorite shampoo from advertising.

If you have previously actively used shampoos and conditioners with silicones, then it is useless to use restorative and nourishing masks, balms, conditioners with oils, etc. until you wash them out of your hair. These substances will simply roll off the silicone film.


I like treatments from:

From a more budget - The Body Shop

Also look for sulfate-free products in professional lines. You can also order products from America at the Naturally Curly Shop - this is generally a mecca for hair!

After washing your hair, do not comb your mane with a brush, do not build a terry turban on the top of your head. Gently blot your hair with a towel and dry it with a hairdryer and diffuser. In this case, we choose warm or cold air. Curls can be secured to the head with clips. So after drying they will turn into neat tight spirals.

HAIRCUTS for curly hair

Once again, forget about the haircuts that you like so much on straight hair. This doesn't work with curls.

Wavy hair is cut in layers. This has nothing to do with thinning. The master's task is to emphasize the natural shape of your curls. Therefore, if the hairdresser wets your curls and combs them in order to cut your hair, run away from where your eyes are looking. Unfortunately, such masters are still the majority in Russia. Alas, we don’t specifically teach how to cut curls.

Why should you not wet or comb your hair while cutting? Yes, because your master is not a psychic and does not know how your curls will behave after styling. Do you want to take that risk?

For example, in the States, curly hair is cut dry without touching it with a comb. The master must see the shape of the hairstyle. Therefore, it is important to keep the curls in their original form and only trim them slightly.

In the case of curls the best option haircuts are natural. Well-groomed, of course. There are no more tricks here. So the components of a successful haircut are selected care, naturalness, and the right layers. Length - absolutely any, up to pixie.


Of course, all curls are different. And all the information about how to handle them cannot be contained in one article.

Information from the Internet also needs to be carefully filtered. For inspiration, go to bloggers who have curly hair :)

The Curly Girl Bible is Curly Hair by Lorraine Massey. Here we talk about care, and about hairstyles, and about accepting yourself and your hair.

I also highly recommend subscribing to Sasha Sheveleva’s telegram channel “Just Go.” This girl is building a real curly community in Russia. There is a lot of useful information on the channel, to the point that users even keep a sign with a list of hairdressers who can be trusted with their curls.

Love your hair:-) Curls are so beautiful!