Beautiful curls at home. How to make beautiful curls for long hair at home Fine curls for short hair

Curls are all the rage at all times: glamorous Hollywood waves, flirtatious Barbie curls or a stylish mess like Shakira or Julia Roberts.

There are many ways to make curls at home without the services of professional stylists and hairdressers. We will now take a closer look at them.

How to make curls for long and medium hair

African curls

Hairstyle in the style of a Latin American pop diva looks good on both long and medium hair. This is one of the ways to give the hair visual volume and it will look appropriate both on a walk in the park and when going out.

We'll need:

  • Wet hair;
  • Good wide elastic band;
  • Several thin hair bands;
  • Shower cap.

Step-by-step instruction(simple way):

  1. Rinse your hair before going to bed - this is necessary for curling.
  2. Gather the curls into a tight ponytail at the crown and divide them into several parts. The smaller the strands, the smaller the curls will come out.
  3. Then make a bun of braids on your head by weaving ribbons into them.
  4. Secure well with invisibility and put on a hat.
  5. Unwind in the morning, sprinkle with varnish or mousse. Enjoy the effect!

This hairstyle can be done more complex method using foam. By the way, thanks to her, the hairstyle lasts much longer.

Step by step instructions (more complicated way):

  1. wash your hair and wet hair lubricate with some kind of fixative.
  2. Take many, many hairpins and start winding your hair on them with zigzag movements. The whole secret is that you need to take as small strands as possible, then you will get small African-style curls.
  3. Having finished this action, put on a hat and go to bed.
  4. Undo your curls in the morning. We got it stylish hairstyle with small voluminous curls.
  5. Create wet effect foam. You can win hearts!

What should happen in the end, see the photo below.

Prev 1 from 6 Next

We also bring to your attention a gallery with 5 video tutorials on how to wind African curls in various ways.

Hollywood curls

Hollywood curls are another option for wavy curls for medium to long hair. Such a coufure is created big curlers at least four centimeters in diameter. You can use gentle or thermal curlers. When using the latter, large curls are obtained much faster and last longer.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. On the hair, starting from the tips, wind the curlers. We try to stay in the same direction. You can experiment with the length of the winding - it is not at all necessary to wind the curls to the roots, air curls look even more interesting than spiral ones along the entire length of the hair.
  2. If you used thermal curlers, then wait 20 minutes, remove, lay with varnish, foam or mousse;
  3. If you used gentle ones, then we go to bed and in the morning we do the same as after the thermal ones, or we dry it with a diffuser and remove it after a couple of hours.

But what beauty should turn out in the end - in the photo below.

How spiral curls are made with a straightener (flat iron) and a curling iron

Another common style for creating an evening hairstyle for long or medium curls is corkscrew waves, which got its name from the shape of spiral curls. There are several ways to make this beauty yourself: you can use a hair straightener, Can resort to special spiral curlers or try to curl on a curling iron.

ironing(otherwise with a straightener) you can not only straighten your hair, but also add volume from the roots or create curls. It is very convenient that this method works even after keratin straightening and does not really spoil the structure when using special tools.

Instructions (and using ironing):

  • Take one strand of medium thickness and begin to process it with an iron.
  • The main thing is to change the direction of movement, two centimeters to the right, two to the left, so you get chic “corkscrews-spirals”.
  • Or we take a strand and wind it very well on the iron, while during the action there must be a certain effort so that the curls cannot simply fall off the iron. Carefully stretch the entire strand, thus removing it from the device.

This is how beautiful natural curls are obtained at the ends of the hair, as in the photo below.

Pigtails and curly curls

Wet hair is simply braided. After you have done these manipulations, leave the curls until they dry out. This nice hairstyle for every day at home. If you make a lot of small braids, you get a large number of small curls, and one or two large braids will be an excellent basis for the formation of heavy curls.

Before using thermal curling methods, you need to strengthen your hair, because heat the working surface of the devices spoils the hair structure and dehydrates them.

Curls on unruly hair

Girls with curly hair are always obliged to do styling, braid them, otherwise the hairstyle is sloppy and disheveled. To solve this problem, there is several ways:

  1. Long hair is much easier to style, and there are more variations of hairstyles. It is necessary to accelerate hair growth, then messy small waves will be transformed into a stylish hairstyle.
  2. Do the styling correctly, do not try to completely straighten or curl the curls, but emphasize the natural audacity of the hairstyle. At night, just put a drop of mousse on wet hair and go to bed, don’t comb it in the morning, but straighten your hair with your hands, you can add it with hairpins or a hoop. You get nice messy curls, which are known as "curly out of bed."

How to make curls for short hair

Small curls on bobbins

Even our mothers curled their hair like that before a date. This is probably the most accessible method for girls with short and medium curls, because long hair they just can't curl up nicely under their own weight.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We comb clean damp hair or separate it with our hands, depending on the desired result.
  2. We apply a little styling product (mousse, gel, spray).
  3. We begin to spin from the back of the head so that the curls are beautifully distributed along the entire length.
  4. Hair can be dried with a hairdryer or naturally. Ready!

And here is the final result:

We twist zigzag curls

This is a great versatile hairstyle for girls with short, medium and long hair who are not accustomed to spending many hours a day on straightening, styling or braiding.

We will need:

  • food foil;
  • iron;
  • comb;
  • fixing means;
  • hairpins.

We wind zigzag curls along instructions:

  1. Determine the desired size of the spirals.
  2. Strands of the desired thickness are wrapped in foil.
  3. Now we warm up the straightener and carefully distribute curls on its plate in the form of a zigzag.
  4. We press the upper part and wait a minute, in some cases - two.
  5. We remove the foil, straighten the hair, and as a result we have perfect zigzags.

We offer step by step photo instruction for winding zigzag curls with foil and a straightener:

More results:

Means for creating curls

curling iron

The second well-known way to wind curls is to use a curling iron. With it, you can make curls very quickly. various shapes. For this:

  1. We heat the curling iron
  2. Trying not to press the strands too hard, we wind curls on it.
  3. Hold from 30 seconds to a minute, depending on the thickness of the strands and the condition of the hair.
  4. It is very convenient that in case of an incorrect curl, you can smooth your hair with a straightener and correct everything without spending a lot of time and effort.

Learn more about how to do this in the video below.

Straightener (ironing iron)

most popular and modern way to make curls is to use a straightener. More details in the following video:

regular gum

The trend of this season is a messy hairstyle. It is very easy to achieve this effect. using regular rubber. We moisten the hair and twist it into a tourniquet, fix it with an elastic band, wait for it to dry. In this way, ideal careless waves are formed on the hair, we fix it with varnish.

Spiral curlers

Recently, sets of curlers of an unusual spiral shape have appeared on the shelves of many stores. The set includes a special hook with which individual strands are selected. We comb wet hair and distribute it into curls of the desired thickness, it is better to make them not very thick. We hook the strands with a hook and wind the curlers onto a spiral, leave to dry. The result is very neat and beautiful spiral turns.

Photo - Curls with spiral curlers

There is nothing complicated in this, you just need to follow our tips and recommendations:

thick, Wavy hair cause admiration not only from the opposite sex. Many of us are ready to give, if not all, then a lot, to find such cute, neat and attractive curls. But hair often “does not obey”, and styled with such difficulty, it simply straightens out after a few hours. However, do not think that you can cope with the task of how to make beautiful curls only in the salon. There are several ways to create the perfect hairstyle at home. And familiar means will help you with this. Of course, everyone knows that ladies who have curly hair tend to straighten them, and those who have even and straight hair want to curl them faster and forever. How to curl a child's small hair correctly and easily so that it is beautiful. Is it possible to make curly curls on wet hair?

Tools for creating attractive curls

To understand how to make chic curly and fashion hair at home, most likely, you will need to try several tools and choose the right ones. They can be alternated, determining the best option for specific "life circumstances" and depending on the condition of the hair.

curling iron

Express way to create the desired image. Heats up the hair and makes it wavy. It can be thick or thinner, which is reflected in the size of the curls. Do not use a curling iron often, as it weakens the hair structure. You can not use it and ladies with brittle, unhealthy hair.


  1. On dry hair, apply a heat protectant spray followed by styling gel or mousse.
  2. Take a strand, insert its tip into the clip and wind it onto the base of the curling iron. The thinner the strand, the more noticeable and clearer the curls will turn out. Start winding from the back of the head.
  3. Heat the strand for no more than 10 seconds, then gently dissolve.
  4. Sprinkle finished curls with hairspray, do not comb.


It is also a straightener, recommended for use by girls with curls below the shoulders. Curling hair with an iron resembles working with a curling iron, but with the difference that the latter helps to create clear, small curls, and this tool will “give you” voluminous, beautiful curls. Before you start to wind the hair on the iron, they must be treated with a heat-protective spray or varnish. When asked which hair iron is better in terms of creating curls, experts offer a narrow, rounded shape.


  1. Treat dry hair with a thermal spray, then apply a foam or gel on them and immediately proceed to styling.
  2. Separate the strand of the desired thickness, hold it at the very root, wrap it around the iron.
  3. Start gently pulling it down. Do it slowly and without sudden movements to avoid kinks. You will quickly learn how to make curls with an iron, and you will be able to style without anyone's help.


How to make big curls. A simple and proven winding agent with a gentle effect. It has no contraindications, except for those that you need to wear curlers for a long time. It is advisable to wind your hair at night in order to get luxurious curls by morning. Accessories are available in various thicknesses. Thin ones will help to make small curls, thick ones - voluminous curls, bobbins will delight you with curling in spirals. For a comfortable night's sleep, it is better to choose curlers made of foam rubber or soft polyurethane.


  1. Wash your hair and let it dry naturally.
  2. When the hair becomes slightly damp, start winding the strands: separate one at a time, wrap it on a curler from the tip to the roots, secure with an elastic band (or other fixative).
  3. The longer you wear curlers, the longer your curly effect will last.

4 ways to make stylish curls

To create curls of different intensity, use these methods, how to make curls at home.

Natural "waves"

  1. Apply mousse to wet hair, lightly comb it with your hands.
  2. Fix the resulting “waves” and dry your hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle.

Vertical curls of medium intensity

  1. Divide wet hair into strands.
  2. Twist each strand into a flagellum, fasten, dry with a hairdryer.
  3. For fixing, take a curling iron and walk it along the flagellum from top to bottom.

Bouncy Hollywood curls

  1. Divide dry hair into small strands, treat with mousse or gel.
  2. Wind the strands on a conical curling iron (without a clip) from the thickened side to the end.
  3. Warm up the strand for 5-7 seconds and gently straighten it.
  4. Create extra volume at the roots by combing them lightly.

big waves

  1. Wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer.
  2. Heat the hot rollers with a diameter of 4 cm, divide the hair into strands and wind it into curlers.
  3. Spray with varnish or spray, hold for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the curlers and shape your hair with your hands.

And how long is your hair?

Choose a method for creating curls should be based on the condition and length of the hair.

Curls for short hair

You can use a curling iron and curlers (medium-sized Velcro curlers are very convenient). Also suitable:

  • brushing (round comb) and hair dryer. Moisturize hair, apply styling product. Divide into strands and alternately wind on a comb, drying with a hairdryer;
  • do-it-yourself styling. Apply foam to your hair and lightly comb them with your hands.

Curls for medium hair

In addition to curling irons and curlers, you can use the "bundle" method:

  1. moisturize clean hair, comb, divide into 5-7 strands;
  2. twist each strand into a flagellum and roll it on your head like a snail, secure with a hairpin;
  3. sprinkle with varnish, leave overnight;
  4. In the morning, unwind and lightly go through the hair with a brush with rare teeth.

Curls for long hair

Owners of long hair can use the method of "braiding". It is very convenient and absolutely safe for hair:

  1. divide wet clean hair into 4-5 parts and braid braids;
  2. leave them overnight;
  3. unwind in the morning and get uniform heavy curls along the entire length.

For a slightly wavy effect, braid one braid.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to create curls at home. Choose from them the most comfortable and enjoy spectacular curls every day!

Curls are all the rage at all times: glamorous Hollywood waves, flirtatious Barbie curls or a stylish mess like Shakira or Julia Roberts.

There are many ways to make curls at home without the services of professional stylists and hairdressers. We will now take a closer look at them.

How to make curls for long and medium hair

African curls

Hairstyle in the style of a Latin American pop diva looks good on both long and medium hair. This is one of the ways to give the hair visual volume and it will look appropriate both on a walk in the park and when going out.

We'll need:

  • Wet hair;
  • Good wide elastic band;
  • Several thin hair bands;
  • Shower cap.

Step by step instructions (easy way):

  1. Rinse your hair before going to bed - this is necessary for curling.
  2. Gather the curls into a tight ponytail at the crown and divide them into several parts. The smaller the strands, the smaller the curls will come out.
  3. Then make a bun of braids on your head by weaving ribbons into them.
  4. Secure well with invisibility and put on a hat.
  5. Unwind in the morning, sprinkle with varnish or mousse. Enjoy the effect!

This hairstyle can be done more complex method using foam. By the way, thanks to her, the hairstyle lasts much longer.

Step by step instructions (more complicated way):

  1. Wash your hair and lubricate wet hair with some kind of fixative.
  2. Take many, many hairpins and start winding your hair on them with zigzag movements. The whole secret is that you need to take as small strands as possible, then you will get small African-style curls.
  3. Having finished this action, put on a hat and go to bed.
  4. Undo your curls in the morning. We got a stylish hairstyle with small voluminous curls.
  5. Create wet foam effect. You can win hearts!

What should happen in the end, see the photo below.

Prev 1 from 6 Next

We also bring to your attention a gallery with 5 video tutorials on how to wind African curls in various ways.

Hollywood curls

Hollywood curls are another option for wavy curls for medium to long hair. Such a coufure is created big curlers at least four centimeters in diameter. You can use gentle or thermal curlers. When using the latter, large curls are obtained much faster and last longer.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. On the hair, starting from the tips, wind the curlers. We try to stay in the same direction. You can experiment with the length of the winding - it is not at all necessary to wind the curls to the roots, air curls look even more interesting than spiral ones along the entire length of the hair.
  2. If you used thermal curlers, then wait 20 minutes, remove, lay with varnish, foam or mousse;
  3. If you used gentle ones, then we go to bed and in the morning we do the same as after the thermal ones, or we dry it with a diffuser and remove it after a couple of hours.

But what beauty should turn out in the end - in the photo below.

How spiral curls are made with a straightener (flat iron) and a curling iron

Another common style for creating an evening hairstyle for long or medium curls is corkscrew waves, which got its name from the shape of spiral curls. There are several ways to make this beauty yourself: you can use a hair straightener, Can resort to special spiral curlers or try to curl on a curling iron.

ironing(otherwise with a straightener) you can not only straighten your hair, but also add volume from the roots or create curls. It is very convenient that this method works even after keratin straightening and does not really spoil the structure when using special tools.

Instructions (and using ironing):

  • Take one strand of medium thickness and begin to process it with an iron.
  • The main thing is to change the direction of movement, two centimeters to the right, two to the left, so you get chic “corkscrews-spirals”.
  • Or we take a strand and wind it very well on the iron, while during the action there must be a certain effort so that the curls cannot simply fall off the iron. Carefully stretch the entire strand, thus removing it from the device.

This is how beautiful natural curls are obtained at the ends of the hair, as in the photo below.

Pigtails and curly curls

Wet hair is simply braided. After you have done these manipulations, leave the curls until they dry out. This is a good hairstyle for every day at home. If you make a lot of small braids, you will get a large number of small curls, and one or two large braids will become an excellent basis for the formation of heavy curls.

Before using thermal curling methods, you need to strengthen your hair, because the high temperature of the working surface of the devices spoils the hair structure and dehydrates them.

Curls on unruly hair

Girls with curly hair are always obliged to do styling, braid them, otherwise the hairstyle is sloppy and disheveled. To solve this problem, there is several ways:

  1. Long hair is much easier to style, and there are more variations of hairstyles. It is necessary to accelerate hair growth, then messy small waves will be transformed into a stylish hairstyle.
  2. Do the styling correctly, do not try to completely straighten or curl the curls, but emphasize the natural audacity of the hairstyle. At night, just put a drop of mousse on wet hair and go to bed, don’t comb it in the morning, but straighten your hair with your hands, you can add it with hairpins or a hoop. You get nice messy curls, which are known as "curly out of bed."

How to make curls for short hair

Small curls on bobbins

Even our mothers curled their hair like that before a date. This is probably the most accessible method for girls with short and medium curls, because long hair simply cannot curl beautifully under its own weight.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We comb clean damp hair or separate it with our hands, depending on the desired result.
  2. We apply a little styling product (mousse, gel, spray).
  3. We begin to spin from the back of the head so that the curls are beautifully distributed along the entire length.
  4. Hair can be dried with a hairdryer or naturally. Ready!

And here is the final result:

We twist zigzag curls

This is a great versatile hairstyle for girls with short, medium and long hair who are not accustomed to spending many hours a day on straightening, styling or braiding.

We will need:

  • food foil;
  • iron;
  • comb;
  • fixing means;
  • hairpins.

We wind zigzag curls along instructions:

  1. Determine the desired size of the spirals.
  2. Strands of the desired thickness are wrapped in foil.
  3. Now we warm up the straightener and carefully distribute curls on its plate in the form of a zigzag.
  4. We press the upper part and wait a minute, in some cases - two.
  5. We remove the foil, straighten the hair, and as a result we have perfect zigzags.

We offer a step-by-step photo instruction for winding zigzag curls using foil and a straightener:

More results:

Means for creating curls

curling iron

The second well-known way to wind curls is to use a curling iron. With it, you can very quickly make curls of various shapes. For this:

  1. We heat the curling iron
  2. Trying not to press the strands too hard, we wind curls on it.
  3. Hold from 30 seconds to a minute, depending on the thickness of the strands and the condition of the hair.
  4. It is very convenient that in case of an incorrect curl, you can smooth your hair with a straightener and correct everything without spending a lot of time and effort.

Learn more about how to do this in the video below.

Straightener (ironing iron)

The most popular and modern way to make curls is to use a straightener. More details in the following video:

regular gum

The trend of this season is a messy hairstyle. It is very easy to achieve this effect. using regular rubber. We moisten the hair and twist it into a tourniquet, fix it with an elastic band, wait for it to dry. In this way, ideal careless waves are formed on the hair, we fix it with varnish.

Spiral curlers

Recently, sets of curlers of an unusual spiral shape have appeared on the shelves of many stores. The set includes a special hook with which individual strands are selected. We comb wet hair and distribute it into curls of the desired thickness, it is better to make them not very thick. We hook the strands with a hook and wind the curlers onto a spiral, leave to dry. The result is very neat and beautiful spiral turns.

Photo - Curls with spiral curlers

There is nothing complicated in this, you just need to follow our tips and recommendations:

Every girl dreamed of flowing curls, whom nature rewarded with straight hair. Today, there are many ways to make your dream come true. So, how to make curls at home?

Large curls with ironing


Curlers are the most common device that can create large curls, thin spirals, luxurious waves and small curls on strands of any length. The modern market offers a huge number of different models, but the principle of their use is approximately the same:

Curls from flagella

To make light romantic curls, it is not necessary to use special tools. Enough combs and 10 stealth. By the way, we are talking about this method.

1. We wash our hair with shampoo, blot with a towel and apply styling product to them.

2. We divide the hair into thin strands, each of which is twisted into a ring and fixed with an invisibility on the head.

3. Dry your hair with a hairdryer or put on a hat and go to bed.

4. We remove the invisibility and lay the curls with our hands.

Have you ever paid attention to the fact that all the heroines of romance novels have luxurious long curls falling on the chest or falling like a sparkling waterfall over the shoulders? Probably, in these stereotypical images lies the subconscious vision of ideal life partners by men.

Therefore, about luxurious hair every woman dreams. Shiny elastic curls, flowing in beautiful waves, drive more than one man crazy, making his heart beat faster. It is because of this that modern representatives of the beautiful half of humanity spare neither time nor finances to achieve the desired result. All sorts of means and ways to create the perfect hairstyle are used. Going to a salon or a hairdresser is a rather difficult task in terms of having free time. In addition, not everyone can afford to lay out a fairly tidy sum every day for hair styling.

How can you achieve savings on your personal budget, but at the same time save personal time? There is only one way out - you need to learn how to transform your appearance at home. Moreover, the arsenal modern means and devices allow you to curl using various methods. So, how can you make curls at home?

curling iron

This device is available in almost every home, as it has been known to our women since Soviet times. Current models, unlike the old ones, have many functions that allow you to create curls, curls and curls of various sizes. The main advantage of the curling iron is the ability to build beautiful hairstyle literally in 10 - 15 minutes, which is very tempting for busy women.

Curling iron application

  1. Turn on the device in the network and wait a few minutes until it is fully warmed up;
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly, then secure the top of your head with a crab hairpin;
  3. Divide the hair from the bottom into thin strands - about 2 cm;
  4. Grab the edge of the future curl with the blades of the curling iron and twist the hair tightly towards the roots, while holding the curling iron should be no more than 20 seconds;
  5. After winding the strands in the lower part, proceed to the upper curls;
  6. Sprinkle the finished hairstyle with varnish without combing.


Depending on how much free time you have, you can use regular or hot rollers. Ordinary ones are now made of foam rubber, latex, plastic, polyurethane, wood or metal and have a different mounting method, as well as different sizes.

They must be wound on cleanly washed hair, otherwise the effect of curls will not last long. The longer you wear them, the longer your curls will last. Most often, soft curlers are wound at night in order to get a beautiful hairstyle in the morning.

Thermal hair curlers guarantee ready styling immediately after they cool down, so they are optimal for use in the morning.

Curler application:

  1. Comb hair, divide into strands of medium size;
  2. Choose the desired size of curlers;
  3. Wind the hair, starting from the tip of each curl;
  4. Carefully remove the cooled thermal curlers after about 20 - 30 minutes, the usual ones should be kept for at least 2 hours;
  5. Spray your hair with hairspray.


Initially, the iron was invented in order to straighten naughty strands, now its use provides many functions for curling hair. Each model of the device is offered with a set of different nozzles that allow you to form large or voluminous wavy strands.

Ironing application:

  1. Spray damp clean hair with a heat-protective spray and comb;
  2. Create strands;
  3. With an iron, clamp the curl at the roots of the hair and wrap the strand around it;
  4. Smoothly, without unclenching the blades of the apparatus, hold it down the curl;
  5. Treat the finished hairstyle with varnish.


They can be considered the progenitors of modern curlers, since in the old days the curlers were the most famous and in an efficient way hair shaping. In fact, this is a small strip of paper or fabric, rolled up with a tourniquet, on which hair was wound. The thinner the strand was made, the more magnificent the hairstyle turned out.

By the way - if you make a little effort, then the curls curled with the help of papillots turn out to be more elastic and stable compared to those that are formed with a curling iron or curlers. The peculiarity of using papillots is that the material for their manufacture can be found in any home without any problems. In addition, being simple and convenient, they do not create a harmful effect on the hair, and the finished curls look very organic and impressive.

Application of papillots:

  1. Comb the washed hair and treat with a styling agent;
  2. Divide the hair into several levels, secure the top with a hairpin;
  3. Form strands at the bottom of the head;
  4. Wrap the papillot tightly around the hair, starting from the bottom of the curl;
  5. Fix the wound strand at the desired height, tie the edges of the papillotte;
  6. Leave for several hours, and better - at night;
  7. You need to remove the papillots slowly, gently unwinding in the opposite direction;
  8. Sprinkle with varnish, while the hair can not be combed - in this case, the hairstyle will look more impressive.


This hairstyle is possible if you have long hair. To get pretty curls, you don’t have to look for curlers, heat a curling iron or iron, or look for material for curlers. In this case, only the hair is involved. Depending on how many curls you want to get, you can twist from 2 to 20 flagella.


  1. Dry the hair washed with shampoo;
  2. Apply a special styling gel or other product;
  3. Form a strand of the desired thickness and twist into a tight flagellum;
  4. Fasten the resulting tourniquet with a hairpin or a large stealth;
  5. Wait until the hair is completely dry, gently unwind;
  6. Carefully disassemble the curls of hair with your hands, treat with varnish, without combing.

hair dryer

Having a regular hair dryer at home, special means for the formation of curls, you can achieve excellent results in the construction of a beautiful hairstyle with curls. Using the device paired with a special round comb - brushing, you will create incredible effects - both elegant curls and carelessly disheveled curls. When choosing a comb Special attention should be given to the density of the teeth and the quality of the materials used in the manufacture - they should optimally match the density of the hair.

Hair dryer application:

  1. Wash your hair well;
  2. Divide into strands, each of which is treated with a styling agent;
  3. Wind the strand on the comb and dry quickly with a hair dryer;
  4. Repeat the procedure with each individual strand.

Sports gum


  1. Dry clean hair with a hairdryer and treat with foam or styling mousse;
  2. Put on an elastic band or braid on your head;
  3. We wind the curls divided into strands onto an elastic band, starting from the front of the head;
  4. Having reached the back of the head, go to the other side and wind the hair in the same way;
  5. Leave for 2-3 hours, and preferably overnight, then carefully remove the gum;
  6. Straighten the curls with your hands, if necessary, fix with varnish.


With the help of ordinary braids, you can achieve a truly amazing external effect. The main advantages of its use include simplicity, safety for hair, as well as financial availability. The splendor and curlyness of the curls depends on the thickness of the finished pigtail - the thinner it is, the more elegant the hairstyle will look.


  1. Wash your hair with shampoo, apply styling product;
  2. Lightly dry your hair with a hairdryer;
  3. Evenly divide the hair into strands and braid the pigtails, securing them with small elastic bands;
  4. Wait 12 - 14 hours and unweave, then proceed to create a hairstyle.

Rules for creating curls at home

As you can see, there are a lot of technologies for creating chic curls or pretty curls. The main thing at the same time is to choose the most optimal way for yourself; at the same time, it is quite possible to use several methods simultaneously. Applying them, do not forget about the most important rules that allow you to create the perfect styling.

  1. Any method of winding gives the best possible effect only on cleanly washed hair. Therefore, do not be lazy, but rather try to wash your hair before each procedure.
  2. Drying hair with a hairdryer is carried out in the direction from top to bottom from the roots. In this case, the recommended temperature should be at the average level.
  3. If you prefer to style your hair with a hair dryer, curling iron or ironing, be sure to first apply a layer of heat protectant to your hair.
  4. Curls will have a shiny surface if you rinse your hair after washing your hair. cold water or treat with an ice cube.
  5. Do not forget about various nutrients - life-giving lotions and oils, healing balms, herbal decoctions and healing masks should be used regularly.

Hairstyle for any woman is the key to her success. Creating beautiful curls at home is actually a little easier and simpler than it seems. Following our advice, you will be able to achieve perfection and compete with the beauties of women's magazines, because the hairstyle for any woman is the key to her success.

And if you suddenly want to make curls with a mixer, then see how it all can end :)