What to wear with a bob. How can a girl look taller? Short bob for wavy hair

There are things in our lives that we cannot change. A clear example of this is short stature. It might seem like a small thing, but this is a serious obstacle for fashionistas who are convinced that the entire fashion industry is focused only on tall people. When you're short, it can be quite difficult to figure out what to wear. Especially if you dream of looking a little taller than you actually are. How to look taller?

But while scientists are thinking and puzzling over how to add a few centimeters to the height of short people and thereby make life easier for petite girls, we can take advantage of the knowledge and experience of stylists. Stylists have long learned to falsify this data. Thanks to your hairstyle, clothes and makeup, you can visually increase your height to that of a model. The selection of clothing plays a special role here.

Flared trousers

They will become your lifesaver. The trousers, expanding at the bottom, will create the illusion of a longer leg (and that’s exactly what we want!). This way to look taller is especially effective if the hem of your trouser legs covers the top of your shoes (heels, of course).

But... you need to remember an important nuance! The waistline of the trousers should coincide with the natural waistline. No lower! Naturally, we don’t hide the belt under the blouse - otherwise the whole effect will be lost!

We select a top for the trousers, such that it does not cover the belt. That is, it should either be short or suitable for being tucked into trousers. Boleros, cropped jackets, short or tight tops will always help you out.

Maxi skirt

Works just like bell-bottoms if they're well tailored. Choose a style that creates a long vertical line- it will visually lengthen your figure. Skirts with pleats, tails and multi-layered skirts - alas, are not suitable for you!

Be mindful of matching tops - anything that reaches the waistline or is tucked in to avoid getting caught in the fabric. Also, make sure the length of the skirt allows you to walk without stumbling.

Now let's talk about shoes.

Shoes for little women

When we go searching for a store, we set out to find high-heeled shoes with deep neckline– to the very base of the fingers! Shoes with the so-called low vamp will instantly lengthen your legs, which means they will visually add a couple of centimeters to you.

These shoes are especially suitable for those who prefer to wear skirts, shorts and dresses. By the way, the advantages of a low neckline include the added slimness and sophistication of your legs.

You'll double the lengthening effect if you can find a pair that matches your skin tone.

Pointed Toe Flat Heels

A good and useful purchase for a woman short. You can't walk in high heels every day! And the sharp nose, at least somehow, compensates for their absence. It is a known fact that a sock lengthens the line of the leg.

An important rule for petite women!

Skirts or dresses should be either super-long or super-short! In other words, avoid ankle and knee lengths.

Miniskirts reveal more skin. This creates the illusion of a longer leg. Of course, if you're wearing a mini, make sure it's a reasonable length!

Hairstyle that increases height - a knot of hair on the top of the head!

An excellent solution for petite women. This simple hairstyle will add five centimeters to your height. Plus, it will lengthen the vertical and make you look taller. However, sometimes it is enough to simply add volume to the back of the head and thereby achieve desired effect. The main thing is to give up slick hairstyles! Better yet, go to the hairdresser and get a haircut!

Small haircut for a small woman

Long hair visually shortens your height. Firstly, they attract the eye to themselves and distract it from your body. Secondly, cutting them creates a horizontal line and the lower it is, the visually shorter your legs become, but you want it to be just the opposite! In addition, the small head visually fits a large number of times the length of the body than flowing hair and therefore creates the illusion of tallness

At short hair the gaze concentrates on the neck.

Today fashion offers a wide variety of haircuts, both for the super-cautious and the most daring!

Dark clothes

Dark clothes, as you know, not only make you look taller, but also make you look slimmer.

Clothes of the same color

Clothes of one color increase your height. Another very effective method achieving the illusion of height, since it helps create that very vertical.

The simplest and at the same time, chic choice at all times is to dress from head to toe in all black. But, in our time, we should not limit ourselves to black. It is worth taking a closer look at other rich shades. Use color wisely.

There is probably a part of your body that you would like to highlight, knowing that it will help you look taller.

Let, for example, these be your long slender legs. Try wearing bright pants, red, orange or lime green.

If you have a slender waist, you can highlight it using a bright multi-colored blouse.

To fully concentrate your gaze on the “right” part of your body, combine bright parts of your clothing with dark ones (for example, a hot pink shirt with black trousers).

And once again I would like to draw your attention to waist-length items – skirts, trousers, shorts. They should be high waisted! If worn correctly, they can trick the eye by lengthening your bottom part body and thereby create the impression that you are taller. Remember this for the future, if you this moment you cannot or do not want to resist fashion, and at worst, go with those who are shorter than you))).

Clothes with vertical stripes

Vertical stripes increase height. This is the oldest trick. Stripes create long vertical lines, thus making you look taller and slimmer.

It's time to talk about the bag.

Bag for petite women

An important part of the wardrobe. You most likely noticed that when choosing clothes for a short figure, we concentrated on visually lengthening the legs.

So, when choosing a bag for yourself, think about this. That is, the bottom edge of the bag, when it hangs on the shoulder, should barely reach the waistline, thereby emphasizing it.

If you can’t imagine life without a large bag, choose a wide one (but not tall), with a minimum length of handles, allowing you to put the bag on your hand and throw it over your shoulder.

Forget about a long strap! Generally, the higher the height of the bag that fits at your height, the better for your fake height! The ideal bag for petite women is a clutch.

Choose the thinnest belt! It will naturally define your waist.

No matter how attractive a wide belt may be to you, avoid it, as it creates a transverse line dividing you in half and visually shortens your height. Always remember proportions!

Be sure to make sure that all your clothes fit your measurements (a good tailor is key!).

Do you have skinny cropped jeans? Check if they are too short? Their lower edge should reach the ankle area. Pants that resemble capris are not for petite girls, since they unfavorably shorten the length of the legs.

Check the seams on jackets and jackets. Always make sure that the seams sit perfectly at the shoulder bones and that the sleeves reach the wrist.

V-neck top. Creates the illusion of a longer, leaner torso. Keep this in mind when shopping for new blouses!

But here I would like to make a small clarification. You must study your figure well. Perhaps your short stature is due to a disproportionately small part of your body - short legs, or a short torso. Start from these shortcomings. If the reason is short legs, lengthen them in every possible way. If it's the upper body, then focus on it. This is where the V-neck comes in handy!

The list of ways to look taller could go on. But you have probably already noticed that when choosing clothes it is important to concentrate on verticals and horizontals.

For women of short stature, the vertical becomes decisive. Ideally, it should not intersect. And if horizontal stripes are still present, they should be made as inconspicuous as possible and as high as possible.

Finally, I would like to note that being miniature is not so bad! Especially for a woman. With her, any man will feel strong and courageous. WITH loving person you don’t feel small or fat.

The bob haircut does not lose its relevance. The main thing is to find your own option, which will highlight all the advantages of your appearance.

If you are going to a beauty salon and want to try out a bob haircut, you need to clearly decide which type is right for you: short or elongated, a bob with bangs or a bob on a leg, graduated or with clear slices? To do this, you need to focus on the shape of your face and its features. The bob has been a fashionable haircut for many years, and if you count from the time of Cleopatra, then for many millennia. Each era brings something new to this haircut, leaving the overall style and unchanged charming femininity unchanged.

Oval face

There really aren’t that many clearly defined oval faces. If you do not have prominent cheekbones, a rather large or square chin, a forehead that is not too wide or too narrow, then your face is oval, and any type of bob will suit you, you can safely flip through magazines or the Internet and look for what you like!

Round face

Let's consider variations for “round” faces. To visually “stretch” such a face, it is best to choose a graduated bob, let there be as much volume as possible on the top of the head, and as long strands as possible in front; if you have a high forehead, long bangs will not hurt. If your forehead is low or even low, bangs are not required.

Square face

A square face can be compensated for by asymmetry: side bangs, parting on the side, you can play with hair coloring. If the hair length is such that you can completely cover your cheekbones, great!

Triangular face

A bob with lengthened strands twisted towards the face will suit those with “triangular” faces. Let's imagine a face shaped like a pear. Here you will need a voluminous crown and the shortest possible haircut.


There is a face diamond-shaped, an elongated bob would go with this type. For narrow face with an angular chin, it is better to choose a haircut that resembles a ball.

Fashionable bob 2019-2020

The original and current trend is asymmetry. Thanks to her, a woman can look extravagant, hide facial imperfections and highlight her best features. Asymmetry looks original on dark hair, and against the background of light-toned skin, when transitioning, the edges turn out to be clearly defined.

According to stylists, the most trendy in 2019-2020 will be:

  • bob with shaved temples;

  • ombre on bob;

  • oblique square.

Benefits of the square

A stylish hairstyle always makes an image attractive. When choosing a bob, you need to take into account that you will need to periodically go to the hairdresser to keep in shape.

The bob gives volume to the hair, which is important for weak and thin hair. It is suitable for different forms face, if you correctly choose the angle of the haircut, the shape and length, and the type of bangs. The bob perfectly emphasizes the narrow long neck and creates an attractive image. Stylists note that this particular haircut can take 2 to 10 years off your shoulders!

Features of a bob haircut

Those women who believe that a bob is not suitable for short hair are wrong; they simply have not found their individual length and shape of the bob. This is such a versatile haircut that it suits almost everyone.

We mentioned a bob without bangs. How to wear this haircut? It is enough to find suitable accessories - headbands, hairpins, ribbons, headbands - and you can create an exclusive hairstyle for yourself.

I would like to note that the bob suits women with any type of face. With this haircut, the neck is open, the bangs are not clearly defined, and the hair length is up to the earlobes or slightly shorter.

If you have no idea what the words “long bob” mean, find a photo of the singer Rihanna, where a side part divides her hair into two parts on both sides of her face, without bangs, and the front strands with their sharp “angles” touch the shoulders, and on the back of the head the hair is shorter. The stars choose only the most stylish! Don’t confuse it with Rihanna’s bob, where she has straight bangs right up to her eyelids!

Rihanna's hair on the back of her head is shorter, but in the case of a bob on a leg, it falls at an angle to the lower line of her cheekbones, her neck visually lengthens, but with such a haircut the girl should have good posture. This haircut was once worn by model Victoria Beckham, who is now a recognized fashion designer. The “leg” can be asymmetrical, and it looks very impressive.

How to lay a bob

If your hair is wavy or curly, a textured bob with soft contours can enhance the beauty of your hair. Layered bangs (or lack thereof) are chosen individually.

It’s easy to style this haircut at home: on slightly dried hair after washing with a towel. hair light mousse or styling foam is applied with finger movements, the hair is “whipped” with the hands when the head is tilted. If you want to fix the volume, use varnish. The effect of “deliberate negligence” is guaranteed!

The good thing about this haircut is that you can style it with your fingers, or you can curl it with curling irons and add even more volume, depending on what goals you want to achieve, whether you are going to a club, to the office, for a walk, or going to attend a theater premiere. This hairstyle has many advantages, and one of them is versatility!

Bob haircut for short hair - photo

A woman's appearance demands special attention, and in order to be always irresistible, ladies spend a lot of effort, time and imagination to create an impeccable look, in which the main role is always given to hairstyle and haircut.

As you know, women are fickle natures, and sometimes they take a long time to grow long strands, and sometimes they can do something dramatic and spontaneous for themselves. And here it is difficult to predict with what mood a woman will wake up the next morning.

In this case, universal haircuts for women come to the rescue, which are the very “lifesaver”. This is exactly what can be safely called a fashionable bob in the 2019-2020 season.

Stylish, feminine, attractive, relaxed and elegant - all this, without exaggeration, characterizes beautiful bob haircuts in the new season. These bob haircuts are classics that will never go out of style. And rest assured, when choosing a fashionable bob, you will always be in the trend of fashionable traditions for women's haircuts.

What is the hidden secret of the relevance and demand for this haircut among many ladies and for a long time? And all because the bob haircut is ideal for everyone, allowing you not to part with long strands and not shorten them too much.

Thanks to the wide variety of types and types of fashionable bobs, there are interesting and creative bob haircut styles for thin and curly hair, weakened or, on the contrary, very thick.

What is equally important, the fashionable bob suits both older ladies and young beauties. Businesswomen, students, housewives can afford to choose a chic bob haircut and at the same time correspond to their status and occupation, emphasizing the sophistication and femininity of the image. For older ladies, a fashionable bob will perfectly refresh and help “get rid” of a couple of years.

A whole century has passed since the appearance of the bob, but the haircut is still among the most relevant and popular hairstyles and styling models for women. At the same time, when deciding to perform a quad, it is worth taking into account some features.

Triangular face. Owners of this type of face should give preference to a bob haircut with longer strands in the front and a shorter length at the back of the head. A fashionable bob looks chic for a heart-shaped or triangular face type, while allowing you to hide wide cheekbones and the lower part of the face. A bob with an extension at the front is suitable for thin and curled hair, allowing the former to add volume and the latter to give shape.

Square face. Girls with this appearance should choose bob haircuts that have a length slightly above or below the cheekbones - whichever you prefer. In this case, it is advisable to make the cut with torn strands and irregularities, creating a textured haircut and giving a special chic to the appearance with a fashionable bob.

Round face. Round-shaped ladies will be best suited to an elongated bob, which allows them to visually lengthen their facial features, hiding the cheeks and roundness in this area. Please note that the cut must be smooth on all sides. Also a great idea would be a side parting, which will help create asymmetry in a long bob for round face, correctly placing accents.

Oval face. Those who should not worry about anything when choosing a fashionable haircut for the season are young ladies with an oval face, for whom all types of bobs will match, perfectly complementing their appearance. A long bob with asymmetry, bangs, raggedness and lengthening in the front is also suitable here - the choice is yours!

Images of celebrities who prefer bobs to long strands and other types of haircuts are no further proof of the superiority of the bob. At the same time, a fashionable bob can be elegantly curled and styled, creating delightful looks with a bob for the evening.

It is also important to choose the right makeup, choose lip shades, accessories and other small details are no less significant in looks with a bob haircut, which will help to advantageously emphasize the amazingness and chicness of a bob haircut in the 2019-2020 season.

Our photo examples of top looks with a fashionable bob will undoubtedly help you with this: TOP 8 bob haircut trends, how to wear a bob correctly and create hairstyles with a fashionable bob in the coming season - see further...

Classic bob

Ever since the creation and first presentation of a haircut that was unusual at that time, the bob remains a desirable and chic example of a hairstyle for modern ladies. A traditional bob hairstyle will be wonderful in the case of a long face, when you can make just a classic bob, adding bangs, which will give harmony to the look. Depending on the styling, the presence of bangs or without them, the classic bob suits everyone, allowing you to look lovely at any age.

Long bob

Lengthening strands always transforms familiar haircuts and styling, and bobs are no exception. The elongated version of the bob hides many variations on how to wear and present it. Curl, straighten, create light waves and disorder - all this will perfectly complement a long bob. The trendy bob haircut of the season in a long solution will come to the aid of those ladies who want changes, but are not ready to part with long skeins.

Kare with asymmetry

By combining two seasonal haircut trends 2019-2020 in one hairstyle, you can get an interesting styling option. If you want creativity in everything, choose a bob with asymmetry, which allows you to add new accents to your look while hiding some flaws. The advantage is also in the simplicity of styling, which does not require time, as well as the non-boring look, which you can be sure of with a fashionable asymmetrical bob.

Bob bob

A bob lengthened in front and shortened in back is another variation of a super fashionable haircut. Women with unruly hair can safely give preference to a bob haircut. In addition, it is difficult to find a more excellent haircut for thin and curly hair. The bob bob will add mystery and irresistibility fashionable color and extraordinary styling.

Double square

When experimenting with your appearance, you can try double bob, which has two levels of cutting: upper and lower. One of them is elongated, and the second is standard, which allows you to create an interesting look for a bob haircut. Such a double bob will especially refresh and rejuvenate ladies over 40, without exaggeration rejuvenating women.

Cascading square

Cascade and bob in tandem with each other look great in fashionable and varied variations of bob 2019-2020. With thin hair that lacks volume and fluffiness, it is worth doing a cascading bob, which will transform the girls beyond recognition and add the missing charm with a new charming bob style hairstyle. At the same time, the cascading bob is easy to care for and suits everyone, which is good news.

Bob with bangs

Some people shy away from haircuts with bangs, while for others, a haircut without bangs is unthinkable. In both cases, you can safely choose a square. But a bob with bangs is an opportunity to radically transform your appearance, and sometimes it’s the bangs that work wonders, allowing you to correct the necessary features. Straight bangs with a short bob, micro bangs, long bangs, sideways bangs - there are many options and they are all excellent with a fashionable bob haircut.

Rack with a torn cut

A cut with unevenness will add carefree, creativity and dynamism to an image with a bob haircut, which looks stylish and fashionable. Torn strands will add liveliness and refresh your appearance, as well as restore the missing volume. A short bob with torn areas looks especially wonderful, making the image spontaneous and extremely cute.

Super fashionable bob - the most trendy haircut of the 2019-2020 season in new solutions: trends, trends, photos

Every year the relevance of bob haircuts is gaining momentum. Stylists are constantly looking for the perfect combination of the most latest trends and canonical silhouette, regularly presenting many options for classic hairstyles. A square haircut meets the expectations of fashionistas of all times.

Bob haircut technology

The haircut received its name due to its original shape, similar to the appearance of military infantry, which is lined up in a square. The classic version of the hairstyle is characterized by a clear cut around the face. Initially, it was represented by straight, shoulder-length hair. After almost a hundred years, the hairstyle has many variations. Nowadays, bob-based haircuts, with the help of technological features and different geometries, can highlight the best in a woman: sensual lips, big eyes, a beautiful line of cheekbones. For a good hairdresser, the technology for cutting a bob without bangs is very simple:

  1. You need to divide your head into vertical and horizontal zones. Then start cutting from the bottom from the back of the head.
  2. Then divide the narrow strands horizontally, focusing on the first cut. She will determine the length of the future hairstyle. The cut line should be clearly parallel to the floor.
  3. The rest of the hair mass is gradually cut off at the level of the control strand. Graduation is performed as necessary. If you want the hair to bend outward or inward, leave the strands of the inner or outer contour longer.
  4. If bangs are needed, they are done last. The main idea behind a bob haircut is impeccable symmetry, going from the main parting (vertical) to the sides.

Elongated bob

This is very fashionable option haircuts, because it is ideal for all women who dream of long hair ah, but they don’t want to spend a lot of time on styling. A lengthening bob is cut in different ways, so the amount possible options The styling is huge. This is a great choice for fashionistas who want to experiment with different looks without sacrificing long locks.

Who suits the elongated bob? The haircut is ideal for women with different hair thicknesses and textures. Chubby girls and those with a rectangular face shape especially benefit. The hairstyle visually smoothes the cheekbone line and facial proportions, making them harmonious. It is not advisable to combine the elongated version with curls - the hairstyle will not achieve the desired effect.

Bob bob

This haircut option can be done on hair different lengths. The bob is cut with graduations, and to add elegance, hairdressers often make an angle where the strands are shorter in the back than in the front. The haircut level runs along the cheekbones. A classic bob haircut assumes shoulder-length hair, not excluding bangs and the presence of a ladder at the transition points. For those with curly hair, this is an excellent haircut option, as it will look fashionably casual, adding femininity and playfulness to the image.

Kare on a leg

This hairstyle option is very common, since it is the most fashionable today among business women. A bob haircut on the leg is unpretentious in styling, you can go to a restaurant or negotiate with it. A characteristic feature of the hairstyle is the open back of the head. Due to the short length at the back, the rest of the hair volume visually looks larger. The leg hairstyle is ideal for those with oval and elongated face shapes. There's no need to choose this image fat girls, because a haircut opens the back of the head, and curvy shapes are best hidden under long hair.

Graduated square

The haircut is very different from the classic one. The graduated version immediately stands out due to its pronounced shape. Women's haircuts Graduated bobs are suitable for all face types, since a professional can always choose the best look for a girl, playing with the length of her hair. The basis of the hairstyle is a standard haircut pattern, but the bottom layer should be cut in layers, creating a small swirl. A graduated bob adds chic volume to locks middle length. The master can also make the crown or back of the head voluminous, hiding certain imperfections in appearance.

Graduated bob with bangs

The haircut combines a cascade and a classic square silhouette. The stylist first forms the basic foundation, and then processes the strands according to the ladder principle. This makes the hair on the top shorter than the bottom row, resulting in a false volume. Bangs add femininity, playfulness, and softness to the image. It can be cut long, short, arched or asymmetrical. A graduated bob with bangs is a universal choice, but the look looks best on a round or square face. An excellent base for creating short bangs and torn edges - slightly unruly strands.

Oblique bob

This type of haircut looks bold, ultra-modern, and unusual. Young girls prefer sideways bobs, because the image is created to be memorable. Haircut is performed based on classic version, but differs in the difference in the length of the strands on both sides of the face. The oblique option is not available to all hairdressers, since the transition from long to short hair should be very smooth. The structure of the hair shaft plays a huge role in this hairstyle. An oblique bob haircut looks great on wavy or perfectly smooth strands.

Classic bob

The timeless charm of retro is a classic shoulder-length bob. This haircut always leaves room for creative experiments. For any modern woman you can choose the perfect look:

  • to balance a high forehead, you need to cut your bangs;
  • if the face is elongated, then a haircut length just below the chin will help make it more harmonious;
  • when a woman’s neck is massive and large, it is better to choose the classic shoulder-length option;
  • if a girl has too sharp facial features, thinning the ends will help give her hair volume;
  • wide cheekbones will help hide the lengthening of the strands.

Double square

This haircut option is rare, and its distinctive feature is two levels of cut. Thanks to this technique, the hairstyle looks like a short bob superimposed on elongated strands. The unpopularity of the haircut is due to long-term styling. However, the double square also has a lot of advantages. The hairstyle is perfect for women with fine hair structure. Thanks to root thinning, the strands look very thick. For mature women A haircut with a soft contour is suitable, and young ladies can have their hair cut in steps and have torn ends.

French square

A hairstyle that captivates with its attractiveness. The French bob emphasizes the beauty of any face shape, emphasizing femininity. The varieties of this haircut are united by an airy structure and layering. The main feature of the French version of the hairstyle is a short crown, a straight nape and graduated strands. Hair length is arbitrary - from ultra short to long. All versions of this bob haircut look great. The most ideal length French style– average, because you can experiment with different images.

Volumetric bob

The new haircut takes a leading position in terms of popularity (proof of this is the photo of the models). Because every woman dreams of having Thick hair, then the stylists provided everyone with such an opportunity, making a voluminous bob. In addition to graduated haircuts, hair coloring and styling play a big role in creating fullness. Visual volume will be created by dyeing the strands in two colors: the roots are dark and the ends are light (ombre effect, blurring the lines between blondes and brunettes). Using a styling mousse and a hair dryer with a round brush will achieve the desired result.

Asymmetrical bob

How to make a bob so that your hairstyle is trendy? The answer is clear: perform asymmetry. An asymmetrical bob is cut based on the classic version, and then it’s time for the professional to get creative. You can make one side shorter or extend the bangs below the level of the entire haircut. The method of cutting the strands, the edging of the temples, and the type of bangs are of great importance. The master must have extensive experience in order to correctly select the asymmetry for the girl’s face type. Skillful coloring will also be a highlight; for example, bronding will visually emphasize the thickness of the hair.

Bob haircut for long hair

The long hairstyle has been at the peak of popularity for many years. Women not paying attention fashion trends, with the help of this haircut, without radical steps, they can successfully change their image. A bob haircut for long hair provides a unique opportunity to look different every day. Standard hairstyle – long hair with straight bangs. But modern women more often choose a haircut with long bangs, because it is universal. With proper styling, elongated front strands help to correct the oval of the face and give the hairstyle a strict business or stylish evening look.

Bob haircut for medium hair

Cleopatra wore this type of hairstyle. Modern women They also choose it because of its versatility. A medium-length bob is suitable for all ages, any hair structure and different types faces. The hairstyle is in perfect harmony with any type of bangs, straight strands, soft curls, steep curls. Regardless of hair color, be it blond, black or red, correct selection haircut and styling style, any woman will look chic. Stylists recommend choosing:

  • For triangular face cut shoulder-length hair and experiment with strands of different lengths;
  • For a round face shape, a graduated cut is ideal;
  • an elongated face will be narrowed by thick short bangs;
  • wide cheekbones will be hidden by styling with the ends turned inward.

Bob for short hair

This haircut option is popular among celebrities. On the covers of fashion magazines you can often see photos of Victoria Beckham or Rihanna with another variation of a bob on short hair. To look impressive, you need to know the features of your face. To visually elongate the oval, it is better to cut the cap at the top and leave longer strands in the front. A square chin can easily be offset by asymmetry, while a diamond-shaped face with an angular chin will balance out a full bob.

Bob for curly hair

For curly hair, it is better to choose an elongated bob that can be easily laid on one side. For fashionistas, a medium bob is perfect curly hair in combination with different types bangs. They give a woman a romantic image. A layered haircut is also a great option to stand out from the crowd. It will highlight natural curls and soften facial features. In addition, this hairstyle is very easy to style without the use of mousse and a hair dryer. In the photo of hairdressing masterpieces you can see many options classic haircut on curly hair.

Bob for thin hair

The small thickness of the hair shaft significantly spoils the appearance of any hairstyle, so it is difficult for women with this problem to grow long strands. Stylists know how to correct injustice, so they advise making a bob for thin hair, made in various variations. The ideal option would be a hairstyle that reaches the middle of the neck, with a perfectly even cut and a slight extension in the front. A haircut will visually increase hair density, emphasize cheekbones, and correct the shape of the face. The advantage of this hairstyle is maximum ease of styling.

Video: how to lay a bob

Fashion is whimsical and changeable. She does not tolerate boredom and gets bored quickly. She always seeks self-expression in the new and unknown. But still, this capricious, whimsical and sophisticated lady has her own favorites, which have become cult classics, which are always in fashion, always on topic, always in place. It is precisely in this category of untouchables that the good old square fell into. Naturally, over time, the bob haircut is somewhat modified and transformed, filled with new fresh notes, but its essence remains the same as thousands of years ago. Yes, yes, exactly thousands! Every season, masters of hairdressing try to surprise us with something special, but, as a rule, all this creativity is extremely short-lived, but the bob was, is and will be!

Advanced technology for classic haircuts

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Kare ancient and young

Even if you have no particular interest in history, when you mention the bob haircut, your mind will probably still come to mind: Ancient Egypt, pharaohs and, of course, Queen Cleopatra herself... with a bob. A simple bob cut along the same line just below the ears with straight thick bangs looked more than regal, giving Cleopatra mystery, grandeur and magical charm. Whether it was her real hair or a wig doesn't really matter.

A long bob with ends touching the shoulders was popular among men of the Middle Ages, but for women it was a luxury short haircuts became available only in the emancipated twentieth century. And for almost a century now, the bob, without exaggeration, remains the number one haircut in the world.

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Versatility and diversity

The distinctive features of the classic bob haircut are a smooth texture and strict geometric lines, but the light did not converge on the classics alone. There are a huge number of variations on the bob theme: straight bob, asymmetrical, cap, bob with a thin leg... There is sure to be a bob for absolutely any face shape and for any age. It is only important to get to good master, which will help you choose the ideal option for you from a boundless sea of ​​possibilities.

The bob hairstyle has another great advantage - it looks impressive even on fine hair! In fact, the thickness of the hair does not in any way affect the quality of the bob, because to achieve volume, the strands are made of different lengths, and the top ones should be the longest. It is this technique that gives the haircut its characteristic shape. Coloring or highlighting individual strands will help add additional volume, airiness and style to your bob.

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What is the secret of popularity

The bob is the golden mean, organically combining all the advantages of long hair and all the convenience and practicality of short haircuts.

Probably one of the reasons why this haircut is so popular lies in the fact that it fits perfectly into strict business everyday life, as well as into formal sophistication and informal casual wear. A minimum of styling products and time, a little imagination, a few deft hand movements and a discreet office bob is transformed into an enchanting one. evening option.

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Bob haircut for me!

Let's try to figure out a little which version of the square is suitable for various types appearance, emphasizing all the advantages and skillfully hiding the shortcomings.

  • Young ladies with delicate, neat features can safely opt for a short bob with an open neck. Looks very stylish!
  • The best option for a round face with large features is a graduated bob with torn ends, which, framing the face, will somewhat smooth out the heavy features.
  • For an oblong face with a high forehead, a bob just below the chin with thick bangs is perfect, which will make the face more proportional.
  • A bob-ball with the tips turned inward will help highlight the beauty of a face with wide cheekbones, a neat, slightly pointed chin and soft features.
  • A too long neck will be balanced by a long, straight, shoulder-length haircut.
  • Harmonize and soften wide face with a heavy jaw, an elongated version of a graduated bob with a side parting, oblique bangs and strands covering a somewhat angular jaw will be suitable.