Always up to date with the latest trends. Fashion portal: a chance to keep up with the latest trends. Know to be elegant

Color combinations in clothes are an important part of fashion trends. This simple knowledge has allowed fashionistas to dress with taste and modernity for many years. In this article, we will take a closer look at the most fashion combinations flowers in clothes.

Prada brand: history, fashion trends

The Prada brand has existed for more than a hundred years. During this period from small company offering handbags, the brand has grown into a giant company with a worldwide reputation. Now it's a synonym High Quality, impeccable taste and uncompromising style. Things have not always gone smoothly for the famous brand, but today its accessories are concise and graceful, winning the hearts of millions of women.

High fashion in detail - a classic of all times and peoples

Paris Fashion Week: Haute Couture F/W 2016-2017 has become a real celebration this year. Bright colors mixed with pastel colors, the aristocracy of the Chanel fashion house is replaced by tenderness from Giambattista Valli. Elongated jackets made of colorful patchwork and frills from Viktor & Rolf harmoniously complement the picture and immerse you in the world of high fashion. And in the end, the brain "explodes" the latest collection of Maison Martin Margiela.

Fashion news: 6 reasons to always be aware of new products fashion world

Know to buy the best

Designer Vivienne Woodster, when it came to fashion trends and styles, liked to say this: “I tend to buy less, but only the best. And I always do it myself.” However, in order to be able to buy a little, but stylish and high-quality things based on your own, conscious choice, you need to constantly follow the latest fashion news. After all, you see, Vivienne Woodster was able to consciously and independently buy the best, only knowing absolutely everything thoroughly fashion trends fashion. Only this knowledge will eventually teach you to buy one or two things, the best of the entire assortment displayed in the store, and to make stylish look, even if the latest trends seem absolutely tasteless to you.

Know how to make the right choice

Once Yves Saint Laurent admitted that over the years an understanding has come: the most important thing in dresses is the women who wear them. The wise French fashion designer correctly noted: it is important that the dress on a woman does not overshadow the woman herself. Moreover, if you think about this expression to the end, another thought becomes clear: Yves Saint Laurent invites you to determine the style and fashion direction in which the dress worn on you will be sewn. This can be done with stylish details, different color combinations and the same styles. However, if you don't know last news fashion and beauty, you will be constantly forced into those styles that may not suit your figure or you do not like it at all. So, you will find yourself in captivity of the styles and trends imposed on you. And, as a result, you can even lose that unique charm and charm that always sets you apart from the gray monotony.

Know to be elegant

The legendary editor of numerous fashion magazines, Diana Vreeland, has always and everywhere argued that true elegance is not what a woman wears, but how she thinks of herself. And then she added: "If elegance is in your head, then everything else will come by itself."

But before everything else comes naturally, you have to plant in your head a real elegance that will never take root without constant feeding from the latest fashion news.

Read the latest fashion news, watch vivid photo reports from fashion shows and high-profile parties and feed, cultivate your elegance. Do not leave her on a starvation diet!

Know to be perfect

Once Karl Lagerfeld joked about the little black dress from Coco Chanel. He said that in it a woman could not look either too modest or too vulgar. The collected news in the fashion world today allows you to constantly be in such a “little black dress”, no matter what you wear and no matter what image you try on for yourself. That is, knowing all the current fashion trends, you can always keep the golden mean, not allowing yourself either excessive modesty or excessive vulgarity.

Being aware of the latest fashion masterpieces, you will always be flawless.

Know to be independent

Once Gianni Versace expressed a rather paradoxical, as for a legendary designer, thought: “You can’t let fashion take over you. You should dress the way you live and think, not the way the fashion magazines say. True, this does not cancel another famous expression, which states that power is in knowledge. It's just that Gianni Versace imagined, as a matter of course, that he personally knows, and better than anyone else, how to dress properly in order to express himself, his thoughts and mood. After all, it was he who set those directions and trends, which were then picked up in unison by hundreds of fashion magazines around the world.

In order for a woman to learn how to correctly express herself, her mood, thoughts and life position, she will have to learn and understand a lot more. To easily navigate the styles and the latest fashion trends, as well as in your own dressing room, you need to constantly read fashion trends. This knowledge will give you such great strength to be independent in tastes and in the choice of clothes that on the street you will always catch on yourself male looks of delight and female envy.

Know to be irreplaceable

Coco Chanel, a woman of genius in every way, said: “Do you want to be irreplaceable? Be different." However, to be different, always remaining elegant, you need to know the latest fashion news. Only knowledge about everything new fashion trends you will be able to easily change yourself, remaining invariably fashionable, elegant and charming.

Know to create your own dream

Ralph Lauren once corrected a journalist who asked him what clothes he designs. The famous designer said that he does not create clothes, but a dream. And you also have to create fashionable image or stylish appearance, but your own dream. This will pave the way for your other dreams and goals to come true.

And to make the creation of your dream easier, just read interesting fashion news regularly. They will help you quickly and easily translate into reality the ideal image created in your imagination.

For most companies, recruiting and hiring new employees is a complex process. It takes a lot of time, money and other resources to write job descriptions, select resumes, conduct interviews and select the most suitable candidate. The modern labor market is characterized by low level unemployment, so that employees can freely choose their employers.

But if you stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, you can prepare for the talent race that awaits us in 2018. Nine members of the Forbes Board of Coaches share their views on what's next.

1. Virtual Reality Simulations to Assess Candidate Skills

Virtual reality enters the recruiting process from both sides. Instead of standard answers to questions, candidates are immersed in virtual reality and demonstrate their skills in specific situations. Many employers are already filming video presentations of their brands, a virtual reality is another step in that direction. - Larry Boyer, Success Rockets LLC

2. The final rejection of paper resumes

The constant development of technology, combined with concern for the environment, will completely replace such a thing as printed resumes from the hiring process. The era of digital documents will come, be it videos or LinkedIn pages. It is by them that employers will judge how knowledgeable the candidate is in the latest trends. Key words that will appear in all profiles and marketing materials will be of paramount importance. - Arlene Donovan, Turning Point Coaching LLC

3. Candidates will need to tell compelling stories about themselves

Previously, the structure of the resume was such that recruiters could not grasp the characteristics of the candidate's personality by reading this document. Of course, skills, results and experience are very important, but the degree of satisfaction with cooperation depends heavily on the ability to "fit in". Today, people and systems based on artificial intelligence prefer to evaluate stories told in words or shown in videos. - Joan Markov, GreenMason

4. The free-wheeling economy will continue to influence employee-employer relationships

Uber and companies like it have forced society to rethink the traditional relationship between employee and employer. Many organizations, including large consulting firms, hire freelancers. "Free" employees are not temporary specialists who are hired through an agency. These are independent contractors who perform the same work as permanent employees. The free-earning economy in action! - Eddie Turner, Eddie Turner LLC

5. Google will play a major role in recruiting and job search

Google will have a huge impact on recruiting and job search. After the launch of Google Hire, many smaller companies will use the service to allocate responsibilities and track applicants. Google will use artificial intelligence to find ideal candidates and assign them a salary based on statistical data, thereby equalizing the level of compensation. - Susan P. Joyce,

6. Finding qualified candidates will become even more difficult.

Companies will have to look even more actively for qualified personnel. Given the high demand for certain skills and the low unemployment rate, there may not be people with the right skills among the candidates who apply for a certain position. Thus, organizations will need to come up with new, aggressive recruiting methods or train existing employees in new skills. - Rick Gibbs, Insperity

7. Job seekers will use artificial intelligence platforms

Active job seekers recognize the power of AI platforms and will use them to search for jobs, write resumes, and complete interviews. These platforms will be based on the principles of machine learning and neurolinguistic programming, allowing you to easily go through the selection stages used by employers, such as ranking candidates, reviewing resumes, and so on. - Dr. Terry Horton, M.B., Strategic HR Specialist, Certified HR Specialist, TLT Consulting: Brand & Workforce Strategy

8. Primary selection of candidates will be based on videos

Companies continue to purchase and develop software to suit their technical needs. Some of them require applicants to make a short video presentation in order to quickly assess soft skills, but this practice will become widespread in the future. - Scott Swedberg, The Job Sauce

9. Candidates will use the Internet for self-promotion

The Internet will remain one of the main tools for job search, but not only for finding vacancies and uploading resumes. The Internet will become an integrated platform through which candidates can present themselves to the employer in the most favorable light through pages in in social networks, digital portfolios and even personal sites. This approach will also benefit recruiters, as it will simplify the process of evaluating candidates. - Lauren Margolis, Training & Leadership Success LLC, translation: Airapetova Olga

Tell us how you got into this profession.

It all started as a hobby. I did not think that the sphere of beauty would seriously interest me, but over time, my hobby turned into a job. I was 15 years old, and my first clients I cut hair were friends and fellow students. When I was at university (studying shoe design), it was popular to post service ads, and I took advantage of that. Earned enough to cover his student expenses on his own. Then I was invited to the salon, where I improved my skills.about a year. Since 2001, I have been continuously working in the field of beauty.

How do you hone your skills?

I always have to be aware of the latest innovations, techniques and tools. Therefore, I attend master classes abroad, most often in Europe (Vienna, London, Barcelona) and the USA. I conduct trainings, which mainly take place in Romania. In seminars I talk aboutstaining methods, newfangled shades, color combinations and stylish haircuts season. I strive to inspire artists and instill in them the desire to grow professionally.

Tell us about a workshop you recently attended.

At the end of January, I attended a series of master classesmatrixDestinationin USA. This event involves a meeting of stylists and trainers who use the company's products in their work.matrix.The same place annually hosts a series of shows and master classes, which present trends, new shades and brand products. The surprise of this year was the participation of the singerFergie, who is a brand ambassador and a hair product aficionado frommatrix, as a speaker.

What are the main trends of this year?

This year, bright shades of hair, such as pink, blue, green, yellow, are very relevant. Comparing with the previous season, I note that the coloring techniques have changed. Previously, the technique was very popularcolorMelting, which implies smooth transition from one bright shade to another, the technique is now popularMarbleizing- imitation of the texture of marble on the hair.

Do you consider what you do to be art?

I believe that in my profession it is impossible to be only a hairdresser, stylist or a person of art. When you are in love with your work, you combine all directions at the same time. Whatever you do, you think deeper than just a haircut or coloring, you think about the final result and the final shape. I combine both artistic and technical parts, one cannot exist without the other.

What are the hallmarks of your style?

I have always been a proponent of natural style in terms of cutting and styling. I prefer light haircuts that do not require a lot of time to create them. I love air styling without the effect of working out individual strands. I like to combine bright and natural shades, use several colors in my hair. But it all depends on the person and how ready he is for experiments.

About whom would you say "our client"?

My team and I are ready to work with any person. Among our clients there are doctors, artists, teachers and socialites, people from different fields of activity. It is important to me that the client is satisfied. And we are grateful when people contact us and use our services.

Who was the most memorable client?

The most memorable was the meeting with Princess Margareta of Romania. Before meeting her, I thought that people from high society behave aloofly, coldly. But it turned out that she is a very open person.

What advice would you give to Moldovan women?

Women from Moldova take great care of their appearance and prefer to always look perfect. I cannot recommend any particular style, because style is something that characterizes each person personally. If a person feels harmonious with bright blue hair, so be it. And if a woman wants to add color to her hair, but social status does not allow it, you can use techniques that allow you to color your hair in such a way that colored strands are conspicuous only at parties or in clubs, in certain lighting, and at work the hair will look elegant and without a pronounced color.

Read the full version in the new issue of AQUARELLE April 2018

basis female image a hairstyle is rightfully considered - after all, it is she who completes a carefully thought-out image, with its help you can transform beyond recognition, and also hide the most unfavorable details of your face in your opinion. This is what allows you to achieve long hair and hairstyles from them - therefore, although for reasons of convenience, some girls allow themselves short and ultra short haircuts, anyway, long hair will never leave fashion trends!

In addition, at present, the army of fans of long hair is growing steadily, despite the inconvenience caused by long hair. However, for the sake of the ancient and unchanging women's jewelry many girls are ready to put up with long-drying strands, and with their daily sometimes difficult styling. All these inconveniences are covered by the ability to change your style, image and even the shape of your face at will. And as for the girls who suffered all their lives because of curly hair and for this reason cut their hair as short as possible, so that “there was nothing to curl,” finally broke through them finest hour! The fact is that this season, a hairstyle with large curls will become more relevant than ever - thus, girls with curly hair no longer need to style their hair, since in its natural form it has become the most fashionable and without any external influence.

Long hair has been shaped for many years in Greek style- a fairly wide rim on the forehead or crown of the head will create the image of an ancient goddess, and reproducing such a hairstyle is very simple and does not require any time at all. Looks great on long hair high tails, bundles and randomly laid curls. Braids have never lost their popularity, a beauty salon in Krylatskoye or somewhere in Volgograd, for example, probably has several braid options in its arsenal. It’s just that now they no longer look like an anachronism, but instantly turned out to be at the very peak of fashion. Various ways of weaving braids have been preserved since ancient times, but today's fashion has brought girls the most unexpected ways of how to braid a braid. You can wear the braid both daily and use it to create an evening look - only the “evening” braid should have a more whimsical weave.

However, if you haven’t kept long hair since childhood, then in adulthood you are unlikely to decide to grow your hair - and most often girls try to keep a certain middle ground, making classic semi-long and even short haircuts, such as bob, bob and sessun. But the coming season has made changes to the usual lines of these haircuts - they no longer fit carefully, “hair to hair”, but, on the contrary, are enlivened with additional volume and a large curl.

But such popularity of hairstyles from long and semi-long hair does not mean at all that the owners of short haircuts should urgently start growing their hair - firstly, short haircuts, contrary to popular belief, are suitable for absolutely everyone, only you need a complete match of facial lines and hairstyles. With the right haircut shape, you will remain yourself with any hair length! we will definitely tell you about how to choose the right haircut shape in the next article.

Views: 58

On August 23, a large CRMDAY business conference will be held at Galich Hall. More than 1000 participants, expo zone, innovations and non-standard format of the event!

CRMDAY is an event dedicated to the theme of sales and automation. All about CRM implementation, best cases and real examples.

Among the speakers:

Matvey Kardash (amoCRM Development Director);

Dmitry Kibkalo (founder of the Mosigra company);

Alexandra Cherkas (VKontakte evangelist);

Ekaterina Ukolova (founder of Oy-li)

Sergei Rybyakov (Head of the Neolitika company);

Alexey Pudov (founder of "iSpeak");

Sergey Stepanenko (Head of "Infisoft" company);

Dmitry Dosumbaev (founder of the Yabloko retail chain).

amoCRM is a software development company for sales departments. At amoCRM

tens of thousands of partners and customers around the world.

For several years now, amoCRM has been putting on great Amoconf business shows. At the last conference, the project brought together 25,000 people in the Olympic Sports Complex, and the speakers were Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc, Sergey Shnurov and Yuri Dud.

CRMDAY is new project amoCRM. Already twice the company held it in Moscow and 1 time in Yekaterinburg and each time gathered more than 1500 entrepreneurs. These are the main trends and the most advanced technologies in the field of sales. The CRMDAY conference is an opportunity for everyone to learn about what is happening in the world of IT, business, startups, as well as a chance to relax, make new business connections and get good impressions.

News of the South media partner of the event

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