Traditional women's jewelry and their meaning: India. Making oriental head decorations with your own hands Flower hand decorations of India pdf

Sixteen woman's jewelry

In Indian culture, everything is symbolic, everything is a metaphor. By decorating the visible, material body, Indians express longing for their divine nature. For many Indian women beautiful clothes- one of the ways to worship God.

Gracefully clothed woman- the personification of ideal beauty and mystery inherent in nature and music. Each part of the decoration is justified and consistently woven into the overall pattern of symbolic forms and images.

It is believed that only what is decorated with a pattern is beautiful. The verb alamkara literally means “to decorate”, “to make enough”. Accordingly, a simple look, without ornament, is “insufficient”, bad, shameful, shocking, suitable only for an ascetic.

Shringar is the name given to a woman's complete attire. It includes 16 attributes associated with the sixteen phases of the moon, which in turn are associated with the female lunar cycle. So 16 is a special number.

The name Shringar is associated with Sri Lakshmi - the goddess of female beauty, luck, prosperity and fertility, ideal wife Vishnu.

In the spiritual world, demigods are eternally 16 years old.

This is the most beautiful and energetic human age. At 16 years old, a girl has all the perfections, she is at her peak physical development. Her nature is to play, seek new experiences, and charm everyone around her. Her innocence is attractive, everything about her is true and good.

Bindi is a small decorative dot in the center of the forehead between the eyes. In metaphysical language, it is the place of infinite potential from which all manifest existence arises. This is the mystical third eye - a channel of wisdom and sublime intuition, divine knowledge. The eyes are often compared to the sun and moon. Another symbolic meaning is fire. Two eyes can only see the past and the present. The third eye has the power to see the future.

2. Sindoor (Vermilion)

Sindoor is a deep, blood-red powder used to draw a red stripe in the parting of a hairstyle. This decoration is used exclusively by married women. Sindoor - important component in Hindu deity worship (pujas). Red color is a symbol of fertility and restoration of power, feminine energy Sati and Parvati. Sati is the ideal wife in Hinduism because of the sacrifices she performs to protect her husband's honor.

Goddess Parvati bestows lifelong happiness on married women who apply sindoor to the parting of their hair. In addition, it is believed that applied sindoor helps to avoid problems with wrinkles and skin in general, and it also protects against evil intentions.

On a more practical level (especially in India, where marriages are said to be made in heaven), the sindoor loudly and passionately proclaims the status of a woman as belonging to only one man.

Women get their first experience with sindoor during their wedding ceremony. The groom invites all guests to come and bless his bride.

When everyone gathers, he performs sinduradana under the words of blessing, that is, he applies sindur on the head of his bride. Sometimes this ceremony is called "sumangali". Sinduradana is the distinguishing feature modern weddings in India.

Muslim women in India also wear sindoor on their hair to signify their married status.

Tika is a pendant consisting of a chain with a hook at one end and a pendant at the other. It is worn, just like sindoor, in the parting.

The pendant should fall exactly in the center of the forehead. This place is considered the home of the Ajna Chakra. In this way, the woman repeats her status as married.

It is noteworthy that the ajna chakra is visualized as two petals. Its presiding deity Ardhanarishvara is half-male, half-female. This means the final union where duality does not exist.

From a tantric point of view, this means the union of the masculine and feminine principles in nature at all levels, including the physical. Therefore, tika is a symbol of a woman keeping her vows of marriage, giving new life clan and become part of it.

4. Anjana (Kolya)

Kolya is a wide black line around the eyes, where the arrows connect, giving a special sharpness to the look: “My eyes are not eyes, beloved, but arrows of light. My eyebrows are not eyebrows, but swords of destruction.”

Every feeling of the heart is transmitted through the eyes. They can express reverence, sympathy, love, lust. Indian poets usually want to drown "in the depths of the eyes of their beloved." Most poetic similes about eyes are taken from nature. Eyes like a daffodil, an almond, a lily, like a “fish sparkling as it slides,” like seas and oceans, abysses, fire, etc.

Nat - a ring or other decoration placed on the nose.

We are used to thinking that the nose is solely responsible for smell. However, even the ancients knew that the nose is closely related to emotional sensitivity. Occultists have gone further and believe that the nose is the seat of the sixth sense. There are known close connections between the nose and sexual reflexes. In a number European countries In the Middle Ages, the punishment for adultery was amputation of the nose. In India, nat symbolized defloration.

Nat is considered the most seductive decoration. Nose earrings accept the most various shapes, ranging from precious stilettos to large, full-cheek gold hoops.

Haara - necklace, beads, necklace. The neck is one of the important mystical centers. Therefore, it is believed that the necklace attracts and preserves love, brings good luck, and protects against the evil eye.

Among other types of jewelry, necklaces have always had maximum magical charms. Probably, a bright and rich necklace distracted the ill-wisher from the face of the owner and thus protected him from the danger of the evil eye and hypnotic influence.

Most likely, the predecessor of the beads was an ordinary flower garland. But the aroma of many flowers, for example, jasmine and roses, has a clear erotic connotation.

7. Karn Phool

Karn Phool - earrings. Literally, a flower in the ear.

Since ancient times, the earlobe has been considered as a sign spiritual development and high social status. Among the distinctive features of the Buddha and as a sign of his greatness is his extremely long earlobe. By all accounts, Homer's and Aristotle's lobes had the same characteristics.

There is a close connection between the ears and sexual reflexes.
Ear piercing has been widespread in all parts of the world since ancient times. The purpose of the operation was not only decorative decoration, but also to protect the owner from evil influences. Earrings acted as talismans.

Today it is believed that ear piercing is useful for improving vision and sharpening attention. The acupuncture point is located in the center of the lobe.

According to legend, earrings are a consolation in pain and suffering. The more decorative and expensive the earrings, the more comfort a person receives.

Large earrings are very favorable for a married woman; they declare her status and power. Some earrings are so heavy that they have to be attached with chains to the hair. By adding more and more decorations, a woman attracts prosperity to her home.

From ancient times to the present day, earrings in the shape of flowers and fruits have been the most popular. They reflect tenderness, youth, spiritual perfection, innocence, innocence - the main attributes of a female character.

8. Mehendi

Mehendi - henna design. Unlike a tattoo, it is a temporary decoration of the body and lasts about three weeks. Most common in Arab countries, India, North Africa and Indonesia.

Mehndi originated about 5000 years ago. Also in Ancient Egypt noble ladies decorated their bodies and nails with designs. In the 12th century, it gained a foothold in India, becoming more than just a decoration. For example, many Arab women believe that mehndi brings happiness and protects against bad luck. So, the day before the wedding (on her bachelorette party), the bride is painted with a design, and the remaining henna is buried in the ground to protect the marriage and avoid the husband’s infidelity.

Mehendi is often used to appease Ganesh, the son of Shiva, who overcomes all obstacles and is always invited to the Hindu marriage ceremony. Ganesha is also very dear to the goddess of wealth and fortune Lakshmi. They also decorate themselves with mehendi for the holidays.

Mehendi signifies the power of love in marriage. The darker the mehndi, the stronger the love. Red is the color of fertility and power.

Only floral patterns are used in the drawing; they symbolically connect a woman with nature, the concepts of birth, nutrition, growth, and regeneration. Mehendi protects from evil spirits, misfortunes, illnesses and even death.

9. Wrist bracelets

Poets call them shining tokens of radiant life, circles of light for happy daughter and a happy wife.

The bracelets symbolize the powerful energy of the sun. They are made from any material that can be processed: terracotta, stone, shells, copper, bronze, gold, silver, etc.

Bracelets are a sign of a married woman. They have many romantic and love allusions. The ringing sound of the bracelet indicates the presence of a woman, that she needs attention, that she is angry or wants to exchange glances.

A married woman will never allow herself to appear in society without bracelets. Typically, 8, 12 or 24 bracelets are worn on each wrist.

10. Baajuband

Baajjuband - a bandage, bracelet or thread with an amulet on the forearm.

Depending on the traditions of the community and the woman's marital status, the baajjuband may cover the entire upper arm from the elbow to the shoulder. The baajjuband should sit firmly on the hand. Executed from various materials, richly decorated with ornaments. Serves as kavach - protection from bad looks and is considered a symbol of impeccable beauty.

Arsi - a ring with a mirror, worn on the thumb.

The thumb is the king of the palm. In Chinese palmistry thumb is considered so important that it can often determine a person’s character, health and future. In Western antiquity, the thumb was considered a symbol of Venus and had a phallic meaning.

According to legend, the first thing a woman should see when waking up is her face. To do this, you always need a mirror at hand. This sentinel ring protects the beauty and psyche of a woman.

Gold rings or jewelry consisting of a central medallion to which 8 chains are attached are attached to the other fingers - three of them are attached to the bracelet, five to rings worn on the fingers.

12. Keshapasharachna

Keshapashacharachna - hair decoration.

Hair is related to the earth element as something hard and material; to the element of water, since they are free, fluid; to the element of fire, because they come from the furnace of the brain to the element of air, since they are light and can be carried away by the wind. Hair has a life of its own. Grow faster than all other parts of the body. They represent the connection between this world and the future. Hair is the source of life and magical power. They form a crown around the head, the holiest part of a person. Hair was often offered to the gods as a sublimated human sacrifice.

Hair braided in a braid is considered the most auspicious symbol. According to mythology. Three braids of hair in a braid represent the three most revered Indian rivers - Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, as well as the trinity of gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

In order not to seduce men, women are ordered to visit temples with their heads covered.

In many places in Europe, brides wore long braids before their wedding. After marriage, the braid was gathered into a bun or hidden in a headdress, which meant a limitation of power and independence, and new responsibilities.

13. Kamarband

Kamarband is a waist belt that holds and decorates a sari.

Protects the manipura chakra. Holds a bunch of keys, which means a symbolic transfer of control from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law, new powers and responsibilities.

14. Anklets - from thin chains to heavy, thick rigid bracelets. Sometimes bells are attached to anklets.

15. Toe rings

The toes are decorated with rings, simple or complex in design. Some rings are decorated with bells. Also sometimes jewelry made from a medallion with chains is worn on the legs.

16. Sari. This decoration deserves a separate story.

Be beautiful!

Publication 2017-12-18 Liked 3 Views 1763

The tradition of decorating oneself is characteristic of many living beings. Jewelry is a way to attract attention, show your status and simply feel bright and beautiful. Traditional ones have won worldwide love thanks to their exquisite luxury and mystical meaning, which today has no meaning for anyone. heavy weight, but you can still feel it in every ring.

Aishwarya Rai is responsible for the explosion in popularity of Indian jewelry
You can choose a ring or bracelet created by Indian craftsmen right now in our store

Indian jewelry - traditional uniqueness

Previously, jewelry in India was made by craftsmen from precious and semi-precious metals and stones. Of course, the higher the position in society a woman occupied, the more delicate workmanship and expensive materials were used in her jewelry and jewelry.

Floral motifs at Fashion Week
A minimum of jewelry is necessary where you need to focus on clothing

Technological progress does not stand still and today you can find a nice little thing from a variety of materials:

  • precious metals and stones are still unrivaled
  • semi-precious materials cost less, but look decent
  • plastic and glass are sometimes difficult to distinguish from real stones
  • ceramics, clay and synthetic materials open up space for imagination
  • fur, feathers and wood will add an ethnic touch to your look

Bijouterie self made will not cease to be appreciated as long as this world exists
Mehendi and flash tattoos are another way to emphasize natural beauty
Tikka with natural stone is chosen by those who want to harmonize Ajna

Mystical meaning of Indian jewelry

A traditional Indian jewelry set consists of 16 elements, each of which has its own sacred meaning. But modern Indian women wear all of them at the same time only on their wedding day.

  1. The most famous attribute of an Indian woman is bindi. The dot on the forehead can be painted or made from fabric, plastic and precious stones. - this is the “third eye”, a symbol of secret knowledge and connection with the gods. In the past, the color of the bindi indicated belonging to a certain caste and was worn only by married women.
  2. tikka- Indian jewelry in the form of a thread with a pendant. It is attached with a hook on the crown of the head and goes down the center of the head to the forehead.
  3. Nat or nath is one of the most exotic Indian jewelry, symbolizing endless fidelity to the spouse. It is a ring in the left nostril with a chain lost in the hair behind the ear.
  4. IN Indian tradition The neck is considered the repository of Vishuddhi, which is responsible for will, worldview and the ability to influence with words. In men, its projection is naturally protected by a beard, so women wore a variety of necklaces. And the richer and more massive it was, the more secure this important chakra was.
  5. Earrings in ancient India they were also not just decoration. The lobe was considered a symbol of spiritual development and high social status. This is why Buddha statues have such large earlobes. traditionally bright, rich and voluminous, emphasizing the girl’s graceful ears and thin neck.
  6. Baajuband decorates a woman's shoulder. It can be as simple as a ribbon or thread, or as much as a work of art from armpit to elbow. , according to legend, protects against evil spirits and symbolizes the true beauty of a woman.
  7. The noisiest Indian decoration - bracelets for wrists. There must be a lot of them: thin, metallic and resoundingly echoing every gesture of the hostess. According to Indian belief, a woman should not appear in public with bare wrists. Even the beggar woman tried to get at least the cheapest and most inconspicuous bracelet.
  8. Foot bracelets called "soldered", are gaining popularity again. In the past, they were worn by brides and temple dancers. Often these were with bells, responding in a harmonious choir to the girl’s steps.
  9. In the history of all nations, sooner or later appeared rings. Indian jewelry is no exception. Before and after marriage, an Indian woman could wear it on her fingers and toes. In the latter case, symmetry was important, that is, on the second, for example, toe of the right foot there should be the same ring as on the second toe of the left.

India ranks first in gold consumption - 933 tons annually
Ganesha is a symbol of wisdom and success, prosperity and health
Combining several types of jewelry is difficult. But only at the beginning
If you choose the right pendant, you can cleanse and activate the heart chakra
In India, the decoration of a bride's feet is given no less importance than her makeup.
A set of massive bracelet and earrings will highlight the elegance of your neck and wrist.

The luxury of oriental jewelry is created for you

Jewelry is not just a way to complete your look and highlight it strengths. This is the path to discovering your own femininity and natural charm. It is not for nothing that in Indian customs it is customary to decorate and honor a woman, regardless of her social status and family wealth. After all, she is the source of life for future generations, the successor of Aditi.

For those who want to express themselves in the outside world, Indian jewelry is an excellent option.

Even if you are far from spiritual and religious practices, Indian jewelry can attract your attention for a long time with its brilliant luxury and ancient charm. Jewelry in traditional Indian style is a great way to discover new sides of your personality and add a fresh touch to your usual look.

Vishuddha- fifth throat chakra. Responsible for the creative aspiration of the soul, speech, communication. Blue color.

Aditi- goddess, highest manifestation motherhood. Mother of all gods and embodiment of the light energy of the Universe.

Indian jewelry is the epitome of centuries-old traditions and unique designs created by skilled craftsmen. These beautiful products made from natural stones, metal, wood and glass reflect the culture and traditions of a people who, one of the few, managed to preserve their customs and wisdom. Now it’s clear why oriental products are of such interest to women all over the world. Natural jewelry from India is not just a beautiful thing, it emphasizes the individuality of its owner and gives her unique charm and elegance.

An important role in a woman’s life

Indian jewelry comes from a vibrant and colorful country. In the East, a woman has a special place; she personifies the beauty, fidelity and wealth of her home. Therefore, here, from childhood, the girl is instilled with manners and habits. real woman. Future beauties are brightly dressed up with fresh flowers, their hair is beautifully styled, and they are also given their first jewelry. According to Hindus, ethnic jewelry has the ability to influence a person's body and mind. It is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the harmonization of the emotional sphere and sensory perception of the world, and also contribute to spiritual growth. And of course, great importance is attached to the shape, color and material from which the accessories are made.

Bindi - Indian classic

Indian jewelry includes not only numerous bracelets, large earrings and pendants, but also bindis. A colored dot located at forehead level, symbolizing the “third eye” - the center of concentration of intuition and cognition. Previously, it was used only by married women to emphasize their marital status. Nowadays, the bindi has become a stylish and original addition to any look, except for a business one. Various in shape, color, as well as the use of precious stones and jewelry, it goes well with modern clothes and accessories. The bindi is an essential costume element for women who dance traditional Indian dances. This small Indian jewelry will easily become the highlight of your festive look.

Oriental jewelry - sophistication and sophistication

Try buying Indian jewelry and add oriental warmth and sophistication to your look. In addition, exquisite handmade bracelets and pendants carry a hidden esoteric meaning; they will decorate your evening dress and become a real amulet. Since the pendants are made of natural stones, they look much more interesting than ordinary jewelry. In addition, by Indian standards, a woman who wears it strengthens the activity of her “Anahata chakra” - the center of heartfelt warmth and love.

Indian jewelry store

Indian jewelry in the online store "IndiaStyle". Unique oriental ornaments and the author's design of products will emphasize the beauty of your appearance and the femininity of your nature. A few elegant, well-chosen accessories will make your look complete and harmonious, adding a bright accent to your positive mood.

Written by Panther Woman Read Quoted Message

Indian woman's magic | Decorations

The centuries-old cultural history of India can be traced through many things - including a variety of Indian jewelry. You shouldn’t be surprised by such statements... After all, every country has and can be proud of its original traditions and customs, and the uniqueness of India is manifested in literally everything. And especially in the diversity and beauty that mark Indian jewelry . By the way, the importance of Indian jewelry for the residents of this amazing country is extremely great.

Trembling like a seductive pond full of radiance,
Your figure is delightful in a yellow silk robe.
In a garland of tender lotuses you shine like
On gold and silver with dazzling skin.
Admit it, are you the goddess of passion, beautiful Rati?
Otherwise, where would such grace come from?
Beautiful sharp even teeth innocently
They sparkle with their whiteness, like jasmine buds.
The whites of the eyes turned red from tears, but the pupils
Huge eyes, flames, burn through the eyelashes.
O maiden with round hips and a sweet figure,
With a face like a plump fruit, a velvety blush,
With a charming laugh, with breasts pressed tightly
Friend to friend, that the selected pearls were wonderfully decorated!
(Ramayana, 1965)

Indian jewelry tells almost everything about its owner: is she married, what caste does she belong to, does she have children... And this is not the entire list...

An Indian woman may not wear clothes, but she will definitely have jewelry.

They are a kind of language, along with speech and gestures.

In Indian culture, everything is symbolic, everything is a metaphor. By decorating the visible, material body, Indians express longing for their divine nature. For many Hindu women, dressing beautifully is one way of worshiping God.

An elegantly dressed woman is the personification of ideal beauty and mystery inherent in nature and music. Each part of the decoration is justified and consistently woven into the overall pattern of symbolic forms and images.

The pendant should fall exactly in the center of the forehead. This place is considered the home of the Ajna Chakra. In this way, the woman repeats her status as married.

Kolya - a wide black line around the eyes, where the arrows connect, giving a special sharpness to the look: “My eyes are not eyes, beloved, but arrows of light. My eyebrows are not eyebrows, but swords of destruction.”

Every feeling of the heart is transmitted through the eyes. They can express reverence, sympathy, love, lust. Indian poets usually want to drown "in the depths of the eyes of their beloved." Most poetic similes about eyes are taken from nature. Eyes like a daffodil, an almond, a lily, like a “fish sparkling as it slides,” like seas and oceans, abysses, fire, etc.

Nat - a ring or other decoration placed on the nose.

Nat is considered the most seductive decoration. Nose earrings come in a variety of shapes, ranging from jeweled studs to large, full-cheek gold hoops.

Haara - necklace, beads, necklace. The neck is one of the important mystical centers. Therefore, it is believed that a necklace attracts and preserves love, brings good luck, and protects against the evil eye. Among other types of jewelry, necklaces have always had the maximum of magical charms. Probably, a bright and rich necklace distracted the ill-wisher from the face of the owner and thus protected him from the danger of the evil eye and hypnotic influence.

Most likely, the predecessor of the beads was an ordinary flower garland. But the aroma of many flowers, for example, jasmine and roses, has a clear erotic connotation...

Literally, a flower in the ear.

Since ancient times, the earlobe has been considered a sign of spiritual development and high social status.

According to legend, earrings are a consolation in pain and suffering. The more decorative and expensive the earrings, the more comfort a person receives.

From ancient times to the present day, earrings in the shape of flowers and fruits have been the most popular. They reflect tenderness, youth, spiritual perfection, innocence, innocence - the main attributes of a female character.

Bracelets- sign of a married woman. They have many romantic and love allusions. The ringing sound of the bracelet indicates the presence of a woman, that she needs attention, that she is angry or wants to exchange glances.

A married woman will never allow herself to appear in society without bracelets. Typically, 8, 12 or 24 bracelets are worn on each wrist.

The history of the creation of Indian jewelry is one of the longest in the history of the world and goes back to antiquity. First jewelry created by the inhabitants of India during the Indus Valley Civilization, dating back more than 5 thousand years.

Indian traditional jewelry in all its splendor and diversity

Modern girls love to pamper themselves with jewelry. Wearing earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets on their arms and legs, and sometimes belts around their waist, decorating their nose and navel with piercings, they do not think that the ways of wearing jewelry once had a special meaning.

Ethnic oriental jewelry is very popular today, especially among young people

Every country paid attention to jewelry, but only in India did wearing jewelry become like a cult. Indian jewelry decorated natural stones, symbolize wealth and fertility, love and beauty.

The meaning of Indian style jewelry

Indian jewelry is a national treasure and the culture of the country.

The East has always attracted everyone with the charm and luxury of its jewelry.

Hindus put a lot of meaning into wearing them. An abundance of expensive jewelry does not look vulgar, but on the contrary, the more jewelry a girl wears, the happier and more beautiful she will be.

Oriental jewelry is distinguished by its special color, richness and variety.

Symbolism seeps into every detail of the costume. The magnificent embroidery on the dresses personifies the divine principle, mystery and beauty of the soul.

The history of Indian jewelry is inextricably linked with the development of culture and spirituality

When wearing a set of jewelry, each detail, be it rings, teak or Indian bracelets, strengthens different qualities. If you look at the drawing, you will notice that all the motifs relate to nature - plants and animals. Knowing this, be careful when choosing Indian style jewelry.

In Indian culture, almost everything is symbolic, every object, word, action and Jewelry- not an exception

Meanings of several images:

  • Jasmine bud - fertility.
  • Snake – new and eternal life, courage, fearlessness.
  • Leo – freedom, strength, greatness.
  • Ficus leaves - luxury, prosperity, wealth.
  • Peacock – love, eternal life, beauty.
  • Pisces - prosperity.
  • Elephant – volume, confidence, power, sensuality, reliability.

What makes Indian jewelry different?

There are many different jewelry schools and traditions in making jewelry in India. The preference for gold and silver remains unchanged. Nature is a source of inspiration. Precious items decorated with stylized floral patterns that reflect all modern trends. The harmonious combination of modernity and classics makes it possible to wear Indian jewelry not only with traditional outfits, but also modern evening dresses, as well as with jeans and T-shirts.

Indian national jewelry fits perfectly into modern street fashion

Every Indian woman, especially married ones, has jewelry such as tika, rings for hands and feet, Indian bracelets for wrists, forearms, ankles, Indian earrings in a wide variety.

Indian bracelets
Indian ankle bracelet

These products are mainly made of gold and silver. Also in the treasured box you can see Indian, chic belts with embroidery with gold threads and natural stones, necklaces, chains, pendants.

Indian gold necklace

A feature of all jewelry is symmetry - an organic combination of ornaments and decorations. various stones and enamel, harmony fills the entire product.

By putting jewelry on one or another part of the body, a woman strengthens the points of energy centers (chakras).

Indian jewelry is a real religion

Therefore, wearing jewelry on all exposed parts of the body is considered the norm, rule and strengthening of spiritual values.

Shringar decoration

Shringar is a set of 16 pieces of jewelry for an Indian woman. Features a rich pattern, implying the beauty of youth, motherhood and ideal woman. Shringar has a connection with the goddess Sri Lakshmi, who represents luck, beauty, fertility and prosperity. For Hindus, 16 is a magical number associated with the age when a girl is in the prime of life and beauty, as well as with the lunar cycle. Wearing Indian jewelry, married woman lures prosperity, luck, success for her husband into her home.

Shringar is the Indian canon of beauty

The more jewelry a woman wears, the happier and stronger the family becomes.

The Indian family is known throughout the world as one of the strongest

Shringar jewelry includes:

  1. Haara - beads, necklace and necklace.
  2. Karn Phool – “flower in the ear”, or massive Indian earrings in the shape of a flower or fruit branch.
  3. Shringarpatti - decoration for brides. It is worn around the head and crowned in the center of the forehead with a massive plate inlaid with stones. Tika is a simplified version of it.
  4. Nat – decoration on the nose. It looks like a ring or hairpin, decorated with stones and a chain attached to the hair behind the ear.
  5. Tika is a pendant for parting the hair. It looks like a chain falling down the center of the forehead and decorated with a pendant at the end. It says that the woman is married.
  6. Kolya - black eyeliner around the eyes, shaped like an arrow.
  7. . Used to attract happiness and protect against failure.
  8. Sindoor is a decorative red powder used to part the hair. Used by women in marriage.
  9. Bindi is a decorative dot between the eyebrows, symbolizing the third eye.
  10. Baajuband is an Indian bracelet or forearm band with floral patterns and an amulet. It is a protective amulet against the evil eye.
  11. Arsi – thumb ring with a mirror.
  12. Keshapashacharachna is a hairstyle, often made of braids and decorated with flowers.
  13. Kamarband is a belt worn over a sari. Decorated precious stones. Keys are placed on the belt, which symbolizes the transfer of the rights of the mistress of the house from the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law.
  14. Wrist bracelets - made of gold or silver, ivory, glass or coral. Churi - thin Indian bracelets of the bride and wife. Dressed in 8, 12, 24 pieces.
  15. Toe rings – made of silver, decorated with bells and worn in pairs on each foot.
  16. Sari is a classic garment for India, a piece of fabric 1.2 m wide and up to 9 m long. The sari is wound in a special way on the body over the blouse (choli) and petticoat(pavada).

How and when to wear jewelry from India

Costume jewelry is worn by women with or without reason. You can combine richly decorated expensive Indian earrings with a simple teak chain, and wear Indian bracelets on your hands and feet at the same time. They wear jewelry for special occasions, for a daily walk, or to go to the store. Just wear rings on a couple of fingers, a necklace and Indian earrings, and this will completely enliven both casual and classic clothing styles.

Indian jewelry adds its own flavor to any outfit.

In summer, do not wear bright and massive items. Choose silver jewelry with soft-colored stones. Let there be minimalism - it could be elegant teak, or Indian bracelets on the wrist. Leave massive necklaces, belts and chic bracelets on winter period, especially if they are inlaid with large stones.

Indian jewelry will help you create a unique look

Jewelry from India looks organically with the wardrobe of a modern girl. So, massive earrings can be worn with a formal dress, including a classic little black one, just choose earrings trimmed with pearls.

Jennifer Lopez's oriental look is complemented by Indian-style jewelry

Bracelets go well with jeans and elegant dress. These can be large bracelets or several thin ones, or even a combination of both. If you wear a necklace, you can wear several items at the same time, just keep in mind that they must be combined with each other. Indian jewelry in modern fashion- an original accessory that will not go unnoticed

The influence of jewelry on a woman

Jewelry is perceived by Indians not only as costume jewelry, but also as medicinal products, religion and faith. For example, a nose ring relieves pain during childbirth and prevents the wearer from being hypnotized.

Indian nose ring earring

Rings on the fingers activate the brain, and on the toes - regulate menstrual cycle. It is preferable to wear silver items on your feet, as energy from the earth passes through them into every cell of the body.

Decoration with floral motifs conveys femininity, grace and draws attention to the sensual points of the body.

Tika is an ornament that touches the forehead, and attention should be paid to this point Special attention, since spiritual energy can penetrate into the body through the amulet on the forehead. It is believed that a stone touching the forehead gives the wearer wisdom and knowledge. Each woman decides for herself what her tika will be and what stones it will be decorated with.

When putting on jewelry, remember that there is a connection between the material of manufacture, the color of the stones, and the place where the jewelry will touch the body. All this affects a person and can bring positive or negative effects.