The scenario of the wedding is a family hearth. Transfer of the family hearth at the wedding: modern ceremony and rituality. From the groom's parents

The ritual of lighting a family hearth at a wedding- one of the many ancient wedding traditions. This wedding ceremony has deep roots. The fire of a candle symbolizes the cozy atmosphere of the family hearth and the well-being of the family. The mothers of newlyweds give a particle of fire from their parental shelter to a new born family.

Ignite the family hearth at the wedding

Wedding culture has many ancient traditions and rituals. Many of them are borrowed from Western wedding culture, for example: holding an outdoor wedding ceremony, parting the bride with a bouquet, even white Wedding Dress came to us from Victorian era. There is also primordially: the matchmaking of the bride, before the wedding, the meeting of the newlyweds with the loaf, the ignition of a new family hearth at the wedding.

The ritual of creating a hearth for new family very intimate and meaningful. In it, in addition to the newlyweds and parents, all relatives and close friends are invited to participate. The right to light a family hearth is granted to parents - mothers light their candles and they light up new candle newlyweds. In this way, they share with their children the warmth of their native family hearth. At this touching moment, the newlyweds can say their vows at the wedding to each other. Parents give them warm words of parting words for a happy and prosperous family life.

Scenario of the ceremony for the family hearth

According to the prevailing tradition, the candles for lighting the hearth are in the hands of the mothers of the newlyweds. It is the woman who is the keeper of the hearth in the culture of all peoples. The fathers of the bride and groom are assigned the role of lighting the hearth. This symbolizes the responsibility of men to their families. If one of the newlyweds does not have a complete family, the order of ignition of the family hearth can be adjusted. It will not affect the tradition itself, its purpose and meaning. It is important to know this in advance in order to make changes to the script. After the family hearth is lit, the candle belongs to the bride, as the guardian of her family hearth.

At what point is the ceremony

There is no time frame for the ceremony. This moment is discussed with the newlyweds and the wedding host. This can be done at the beginning of the wedding banquet, after, or you can hold a ceremony at the end of the wedding celebration. The coming evening will add a special romance to the ceremony, the light of fire from the new family hearth will be beautifully reflected in the happy gases of the newlyweds. Look how beautiful the photos from this ceremony are.

What candles are needed for a family hearth

Without candles, the ceremony of lighting a family hearth is impossible. You can buy them in the most ordinary store or in a bridal salon already decorated. If the bride has a desire to decorate candles with her own hands, this will only emphasize the importance and solemnity of the ceremony. Decorating candles with your own hands will not be difficult for the bride. You can use beads small flowers, silk ribbons. Candles that will be held by the mothers of the bride and groom should be slightly smaller in size.

For a new family hearth, newlyweds usually use a larger candle. Candles beautifully decorated by the bride will add a special charm to the wedding ceremony. The color of candles can be chosen according to the style of the wedding. Candles for newlyweds and parents should be different:

  1. A candle for newlyweds should be larger in diameter, it may have a different shape, be longer and decorated differently.
  2. Candles for parents can have the usual size, shape and length. You can decorate them the same way, but all three candles should be decorated in the same style. Curly candles that are too long are inconvenient, it will be difficult to set them on fire and it will be inconvenient for the mothers of the bride and groom to hold them.
  3. In order for a wedding photographer to take a beautiful picture of you with your parents, prepare a place where you put candles so that they do not interfere with you.
  4. Do not be too lazy to arrange candles for the hearth with your own hands, you will transfer a piece of your own warmth to the ritual of lighting the family hearth.
  5. You can use alternative options instead of candles, for example, elegant lamps will also look beautiful as a family hearth.

What is the role of the leader at the wedding

During the ceremony of lighting the family hearth, the wedding leader must explain to the guests present: the meaning of the rite, where he came from, what purpose he has. If the newlyweds are against extra text and a long opening speech of the host, you can hold a ceremony with a musical composition. I will not copy texts of speeches here. If you wish, you can find beautiful poems on the Internet dedicated to the family hearth. No need to think that at this exciting moment to speak to the mother of the bride and groom, let them say words coming from the heart.

What to do with the family hearth after the wedding

After the wedding, candles from the family hearth ceremony are kept in the family and lit for each. Then it will be the turn of their children to start a family and light a new family hearth from their candle.

interesting wedding omen. There is a belief that a candle lit from a family hearth at a wedding is able to fulfill a wish. For this reason, all guests who have participated in the ceremony are advised to keep their own candle for the special occasion.

How to take a beautiful wedding photo

The family hearth is an old wedding tradition. In order for you to have a memory of this ceremony, you need to warn the wedding photographer about the time and place of the ceremony. Wedding photography must go smoothly. Tell the photographer in detail everything that will happen at the wedding, he will tell you how best to accommodate the newlyweds, parents and guests at the ceremony venue. So that no one interferes with anyone and does not block the faces of the newlyweds.

Remark from: ask guests not to interfere with the photographer's shooting. Distracting attention from the photographer, the guests spoil the frame.

What do parents say?

Instructions or congratulations from parents in the ceremony are not required, sometimes the lighting of candles occurs accompanied by the words of only the presenter or simply to the music. If the parents (mothers) of the bride and groom wish to contribute to the ceremony, time for parting words or congratulations is allotted in advance.

In the appeal of parents (mothers) to the newlyweds, they must include words about mutual care, about keeping the family fire warm, about transferring the obligation to keep its light from the older generation to the younger. The musical theme for the parting words of parents and is selected individually.

A convenient option for decorating the ceremony:

  • mother of the bride lights first, gives parting words to his daughter, giving her to another family;
  • the groom's mother lights her candle next, welcomes the daughter-in-law, accepting her into his family;
  • the presenter adds a few phrases about the unification of the lights of the two families and mothers at the same time light the candle of the newlyweds.

We offer several text options for the transfer of fire:

  • only from the mother of the newlywed;
  • from the parents of both newlyweds(stanzas of the verse are spoken in turn, preliminary preparation is required);
  • parents of both newlyweds and the presenter participate.

Several options for speeches from parents:

“Dear children, I ask you to be wise and I ask you to sacredly keep the warmth of your hearth, just like your dad and I did. It won't always be easy, but you must be able to show patience, love, and mutual respect. We love you very much and will always worry and worry about you, as if you are still small, as if you are still 5, 7 or 12 years old. Live happily together! Love one another and cherish your family hearth.”

“It is at the same time sad, responsible and very reverent to convey to you a symbol of family warmth and comfort (to convey the flame of a family hearth). May it warm you, your children, your loved ones and relatives.”

And these verses are advice to a young bride from her mom:

And this is a poem "Instruction to son-in-law"(Author - Tatyana Rosenthal. .)

Advice! Any speech (whether in verse or prose) try to learn by heart. Peeping into a postcard or a piece of paper looks out of place in such a ceremony. It will seem that you are giving a speech for the sake of speech. If, for some reason, it is difficult to speak to a large audience, say briefly, but from the bottom of your heart, with a smile, looking into the happy eyes of the young.

After the family hearth is lit, the parents of the newlyweds can once again jointly congratulate them. The main motive of congratulations is the advice to carry love, fidelity, understanding through the years of married life.

How to choose music?

Exists several important criteria, when choosing a musical background for the ceremony:

  • music should be without words, otherwise they can confuse the leader of the ceremony (even if the song sounds quiet);
  • there should be no differences in volume, the track should sound evenly;
  • music should sound exactly in the background, complement speech, but not interrupt it in volume.

The best option would be compositions in which solo violin, piano, flute sounds.

Also, it is worth 5-10 minutes before the ignition of the "family hearth" to prepare the audience: from fast compositions (if there were dances before), you should delicately switch to more moderate ones, and immediately before the ceremony, turn on a slow song.

Thus, the transition to the substrate for the rite itself will be smooth. After the completion of the ceremony, it is also worthwhile to maintain a slow pace in the music for some time.

It used to be said about relatives and family: “In the same fire, in the same bread.” Now the fire of the family hearth is rather a symbol life together than the real thing. But in modern wedding ceremonies the rite of transferring the family hearth plays an important role.

The basis of the ceremony is the symbolic union of the “family fire” of two different people into a whole. Blessing the newlyweds, their relatives light a candle of their future hearth from their own, thereby passing on family and wishing the couple fidelity, love, well-being. Husband and wife and parents of both newlyweds participate in the traditional ceremony.

If one or both spouses do not have a mother/father(for example, parents are divorced or one of them has died), for the ceremony the presence of only one older relative is sufficient. Depending on the circumstances, the role of parents and guardians of the family hearth of the previous generation can be played by grandparents, uncles or aunts.

If the newlyweds have not only parents, but also older relatives, they can also take part in the ceremony. This emphasizes the continuity of generations.

The ceremony requires three candles.: one is given to young people, two to their parents.

Each couple holds a candle together, or this honor is given to the woman. With this version of the ceremony, the man supports the companion, thereby showing that he is a support for her in life.

Important: since the candle of the bride (newlyweds) is set on fire simultaneously from two sides, it should be large enough and wide enough, without decor in the upper part - it will interfere with the ignition. For the same reasons candles of parents are made thin and long- so it is more convenient to tilt them to light the bride's candle.

Ceremonial ones are made of wax or its substitutes, decorated with ribbons, bows, lace, beads, rhinestones and other things. Desirable provide a holder at the bottom of the product(candlestick, stand) of such a shape that will protect the participants' hands from burns with hot wax.

Also for the ceremony table may be required: it is convenient to perform all actions on it, you can also leave candles there after the end of the rites.

Necessarily: so that there are no unpleasant surprises on the wedding day, it is necessary to coordinate the ceremony in advance with the administration of the restaurant or cafe. According to the norms fire safety the ceremony may be banned! The photographer and videographer should be warned about changes in lighting: They must set up the equipment in advance to get spectacular shots and videos.

Guest Participation

It is not necessary to limit the ritual of "igniting the family hearth" only to the newlyweds and their parents. For a more effective organization of the ceremony, two options have been adopted:

  • after lighting the candle of the bride, she goes around the gathered guests, lighting their small candles. Thus, the young wife gives a particle of her family fire, invites them to visit, accepts them into her inner circle;
  • all guests with lit candles surround the newlyweds during the lighting of their family candle. Thus, they share a particle of their fire, show the unity of all those gathered. Young spouses (bride) with a burning candle bypasses the circle of guests, accepting their congratulations.


How do you kindle a family hearth? The hearth transfer ceremony is included in the overall wedding scenario and usually held in the middle or end of the event. It is rational to shift the time of the ceremony to the evening, since in the dark a live fire looks more spectacular.


  1. The ritual starts with slow beautiful slow music and/or reduction. If it is already dark outside, you can go to the terrace / platform near the place of celebration, providing musical accompaniment.
  2. gather in a circle, young spouses, their parents and the leader of the holiday go to the center of the circle. As the center, you can choose a table on which candles are already installed. If this is not provided, the participants in the ritual hold candles in their hands.
  3. The host informs the newlyweds and guests about the beginning of the ceremony, explains its essence.
  4. The bride and groom take their candle at the same time, it is desirable for the bride to use the left hand, the groom - the right. Directly under the candle is the girl's palm, the man supports her from below.
  5. The fathers of the newlyweds set fire to their fuses(using ordinary matches or a lighter) and pass the symbols of the family hearth to their wives. If only one parent (another older relative) participates in the ceremony, he both sets it on fire and brings the ritual fire. Grandparents can light the fuse.
  6. The mothers (relatives) of the newlyweds simultaneously tilt their candles so as to light the candle of the newlyweds from both sides. Before this, well-wishes to the young are pronounced in turn, in verse or prose.
  7. With a burning candle, the bride (spouses) bypasses the guests, sharing fire with them (lighting their candles) or simply making a ritual circle of unification (sometimes this part of the ceremony is omitted, the detour is not performed).
  8. After that, the still burning candles of the newlyweds and their parents are placed on the prepared table and remain there for some time. You can extinguish them unnoticed by any of the participants in the holiday (it is best that the host of the ceremony carefully does this), wax products should not burn out to the end.

Entrance wedding ceremony sometimes spouses are included with a burning candle.

Important: if the bride and groom prepared gifts for their parents, it is better to hand them over after lighting the symbol of a new family hearth. This will be a kind of gratitude for the donated fire and a particle of family warmth.

How to conduct the ritual in an original way?

Simple tricks will help diversify the course of the ritual, make it memorable and magical.

Additional illumination

Way out - using candle holders(table) with LED lighting. Lighting with spotlights of diffused light looks spectacular. Sometimes the candle of a young couple is surrounded by a circle of small, already burning candles.

circle of fire

Thin candles or aroma lamps burning in the hands of guests will form a circle of live fire. In it, the spouses, who joined their hands under the burning fire of their new hearth, look symbolic and solemn.

If the candles are lit earlier than the newlyweds, you can do without additional lighting - the required lighting and at the same time the magic of the moment will create oscillating lights.

Fancy lighters

Usually, ordinary matches or lighters are used for ignition, but the ceremony will be more symbolic and original using options that match the theme of the wedding.

One of the possibilities is gun lighters (for a wedding in the style of "Chicago" or "Retro"). For believers, church candles are suitable. A ceremony in a medieval or fairy-tale style will be appropriately complemented by small torches or torches.

logical continuation

If the wedding celebration is held in a private house(the future housing of the newlyweds), where there is a fireplace, the successful completion of the ceremony will be its kindling from the “transferred family fire” of the new married couple.

Video from the ceremony

A touching and tender video from the transfer of the hearth to a young couple Olga and Denis (2014):

A beautiful and memorable ceremony of handing over the family hearth is a great way to combine the ancient traditions of a family wedding with a modern celebration. A fire lit on the wedding day will warm a young family better than any other, and will become the key to a long and happy marriage.

Gathering of guests who do not accompany the young in driving in cars. Welcome cocktail, light snacks. The host communicates with the guests, gets to know them, talks about what awaits them at the evening, offers to write wishes to the young people in the wish book.
Two tables, on one cocktail and snacks, on the other - a wish book.
All guests come out to meet the wedding procession. The following rituals take place at the entrance:
Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the people dearest to you, your parents, meet you here. In mom's hands wedding loaf as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other!
Music sounds, exclamations of guests, the newlyweds “feed” each other.
Who knows why young people drink? For happiness, for love!
Young people drink a glass of champagne and break them. Glasses are beaten so that the marriage does not break.
All those present are photographed.
Then the young people enter the restaurant and stand around two tables. Guests go inside the hall, congratulate the young, give gifts. Those who wish to make a toast are recorded as the leader for the subsequent presentation of the word. Two tables at the entrance to collect all the gifts and a tray for envelopes.

The facilitator welcomes the audience and reminds that you can write your own parting words for newlyweds in the book of wishes. Guests are seated according to the seating chart.

In the most prominent place is a wish book, where everyone can write their innermost words for the bride and groom.

wedding ceremony "Lighting the Hearth"
The "hearth" of a young family is lit - a large wedding candle - from other candles, symbolizing the home hearth of those families in which the bride and groom were born and raised. These candles (thin classic or antique) are passed on to young mothers. From the parental candles, the newlyweds simultaneously light their own hearth. They can light the candle-hearth of the mother, and the young hold it together. During the entire feast, a married couple monitors the process of burning their "hearth".

Before lighting the "family hearth"

Mom 1:
A serious and important step -
Create a home.
But you need to fire it up.
With our candles.

After igniting the "family hearth"

Mom 2:
You lit the family hearth
From now on and forever!
Let it burn like a light in the eyes
Like a heart in a person.

Keep the fire of the native hearth,
Not burying themselves in the fires of strangers, -
Our ancestors lived by this law
And bequeathed to us through the centuries:
Sacred is the fire of the native hearth!

Well, now from traditional rituals we will gradually move on to toasts and acquaintance. Perhaps not everyone knows each other, now it will be possible to remember the name of a neighbor or neighbor.
Acquaintance and express toast
The host invites the guests to introduce themselves and say only one word to the newlyweds - a wish. For example: peace - happiness - joy - well-being - prosperity, etc.

Today, the newlyweds have already sworn allegiance to each other at the marriage registration ceremony, but far from all the promises were given there, but only those that relate to high matters. But marriage is also a lot of domestic relationships, which sometimes play a decisive role in the success of a marriage. They should also be agreed on the shore, of course, in the format of an oath.

The host reads humorous oaths on behalf of the bride and groom, they only say "I swear"

Contest "Is it true"

The host reads out facts about the young. Guests need to confirm or deny what they heard.

Before I announce the next toast, I want to alcohol auction. Everyone present participates. Whoever calls wins alcoholic drink last. So, vodka!
Musical and gastronomic break 15 minutes.
Let's move on from intellectual competitions to more mobile ones, you need to shake up what you ate a little!

crush the opponent's ball,
Two people are given one balloon each, which they tie to their left leg. The right foot must crush the opponent's ball.

potatoes in a spoon
It is necessary to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in an outstretched hand. They take turns running. Running time is measured by the clock. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes! Whoever shows wins best time. Team competition is even more exciting.

With the help of an ordinary syringe, you need to hold a tennis ball over the entire distance of the “marathon”, trying to get to the finish line faster.

There was a time for sports, and now it's time for creativity. Men have already shown themselves, the turn of the fair sex has come.

Participants are invited to compose a story from the titles of newspaper articles, cut out and fixed on cards. Make up a story about what connects with the newlyweds

It is necessary to write - "like a chicken paw." Markers are attached to the participants' feet, whoever wrote the given word faster and more clearly won the game. Postcard for the young

self portrait,
On a sheet of Whatman paper, two slots for hands are made. Participants take each of their sheets, putting their hands through the slots, draw a portrait with a brush, without looking. Whoever's "masterpiece" turned out more successfully - takes the prize. - draw, for example, gifts or, if you support a floral theme, then flowers that are associated, for example, with the parents of the bride and groom

Musical and gastronomic break 15 minutes.
Dance surprise from young
Now our teams will be mixed. Men and women equally.

Two from each team come out and stand side by side: hand in hand. In pairs, the touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants is left, and the other right hand must wrap the bundle prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it in a bow. Whose pair is ahead - gets a point.

Golden Key,
The participants of the game will have to portray the scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is the Fox bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, embracing, overcome a given distance. The couple who “stumbled” are the first to receive the “golden key” - a prize.

wild beach,
The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the "wild beach", where dances are announced. The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - "so that intimate places do not excite vacationers on the beach." Music sounds, dancing begins. During the dance, players need not to lose a single record, and for this they have to dance closely clinging to each other.

The witness and the witness go to collect for a boy or a girl.
Musical and gastronomic break 15 minutes.
And finally, the most popular contests where everyone plays against everyone!

question to neighbor
Everyone sits in a circle, the leader is in the center. He approaches any player and asks a question
"What is your name?",
"Where do you live?" ,
Where are we,
What season?
How old is the groom?
Capital of France?
How many paws does a cat have?
How many years has the bride and groom known each other?
How many legs does Catwoman have?
But the answer should not be the one who is asked, but his neighbor on the left. If the one whom the presenter asked answers, he must give a phantom. After the game, the forfeits are played.

Guests stand or sit in a circle. To the music they begin to transmit enough big box. As soon as the host stops the music, the guest, who has the box, opens it slightly and, without looking, takes out the first item that comes across. According to the rules of the game, he must put on this item and wear it for a certain time. For example - half an hour or until the end of the holiday. As soon as the music resumes, the guests start passing the box around again to the next stop. You can put a variety of items of clothing in the box: from children's caps to huge specially tailored shorts and bras.

Draw an elephant
The host offers a sheet of paper to the teams, on which an elephant is collectively drawn, with eyes closed: one draws the body, the other closes his eyes and draws the head, the third the legs, etc. Whoever draws the fastest and most similar gets another point.
Now get ready! A very important moment! Taking out the birthday cake. We entrusted this important matter to the bridesmaid and she is already impatient to bring this sweet figure to you! Let's meet with applause! A wedding cake!

You know, the cake is so beautiful that I won't give it to you. Well, only if there is no person who will buy it from me.
Cake goes to auction

Young people cut the cake and take the first pieces to their parents, then to the one who bought the cake. Then they feed each other cake.

- It's time to remove the garter from the bride to the groom
Who's next to marry, we want to know!

Single male guests who want (or not) to get married in the near future gather near the bride and groom. The bride, lifting the hem of her dress, puts her right foot on a chair. The groom with his teeth, without the help of his hands, must pull off the garter from the bride's leg. If he succeeds, he turns his back on the guests-applicants and throws them a "lucky" garter in a count of one-two-three. Whoever of the male guests catches her will be the next to be the groom. The second garter of the bride, which is called "sweet" or "honey" remains as a keepsake, it is removed much later, during the wedding night.

the bride's bouquet
Well, where are we without this important and ancient tradition?! I invite all unmarried girls to the game "Catch the bride's bouquet!" This competition completes our solemn and beautiful evening. So, is everyone ready? Remember that the one who catches the bouquet will soon marry successfully! Three two one!

connoisseur of women
Two men are invited to the game, each receives a pointer in his hands. Posters are brought out with pictures on them. women's dresses. The dresses have all the details - ruffles, tucks, armholes, slots, a cut, etc. The host, without showing, calls the detail, and the men show with a pointer. Who could not - lost.

Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, love story, tragedy, etc. The winner will be determined by the guests with the help of applause.

horror film,
The conditions are as follows - there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, warns the presenter. The rest are boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets raw is the brave one. (But in fact, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is just the last participant - he consciously risked becoming a laughingstock.)
- Guests, if the glass seems to you already oval,
So, we urgently need a dance break.
Contests for late fun.

A wallpaper path is laid on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide and walk along the "brook" without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the “walk along the stream”, but already blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed the brook blindfolded, and at the end of the path, removing the blindfold from her eyes, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the brook, face up (the man is laid on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant's eyes). The woman is embarrassed. The second participant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth ... Everyone has fun!
joke game
There will be no winners and losers in this game, this game is a joke to amuse the guests. It invites two participants - a man and a woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man - “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take sweet candy, and your task is to blindfold find this candy without the help of hands and take it with your mouth too. The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that as soon as a man is blindfolded, a man is placed on a sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, how long your chosen gentleman will try to find candy from the "lady", so many guests will laugh heartily.

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Fire has long fascinated and attracted attention, gives warmth and light. In ancient times, not a single house could do without it. Consider how to light a family hearth at a wedding, because this tradition symbolizes the birth of a new family.

Where did the tradition come from

Today, those newlyweds who performed at the wedding are thinking about saving their candles in order to light a fire from it at the wedding ceremonies of their children. This is how new rituals and traditions are born, which will become significant for our descendants.

How is the ceremony

Before lighting the family hearth at the wedding, the toastmaster announces that one of the most important rituals for the newlyweds is about to begin. Dim the lights and turn on beautiful slow music. We light the family hearth at the wedding as follows:

  • the groom's parents approach the table from the groom's side:
  • the bride's parents come up to stand next to their daughter;
  • the newlyweds take their candle and hold it together;
  • the groom's parents pick up a candle that is closer to them and light it;
  • the bride's parents take their candle in their hands and also light it;
  • at the same time, the parents of the newlyweds bring their candles and light the newlyweds' candle.

The lit candles of the parents symbolize the fire of their home. Lighting a candle for their children, they give them a piece of the warmth of their homes and bless them for a happy family life. As a rule, the symbolic transmission of the fire of two hearths is performed by the mothers of the newlyweds. Which is not surprising: a woman has long been considered the keeper of the hearth.

Interesting! While the family hearth is lit at the wedding, the host can read poetry, parting words for the young. Parents can also congratulate their children and express their wishes regarding the future of the new family.

Often, after the family hearth is lit at a wedding, the word is given to the young husband. He reads poetry to his wife or addresses guests.

If the parents are not complete

It happens that for some reason the parents of the newlyweds are absent or not in full force at the celebration. Who should light the family hearth at the wedding in this case? The newlyweds themselves can light the central candle. If the bride's parents are absent, she herself lights her own candle from a thin one, symbolizing the hearth of her father's house.

A similar situation with the groom: if his parents are not there, he himself takes their candle and lights the one that symbolizes the home of his new family. If there is no mother, but the father is present, he participates in the candle-lighting ceremony.

The ceremony of lighting the family hearth is preferably carried out at the beginning of the wedding banquet. It is at this moment, when the attention of the guests has not yet dissipated, that the ritual will be most impressive for everyone. always includes many important ceremonies and rituals, so the most significant ones are recommended to be held at the very beginning of the banquet.

If it is decided to carry out the ritual of lighting the family hearth at the end of the wedding celebration, You can connect all guests to this action. To do this, each person present is given a small thin candle. Guests surround the newlyweds and pass the fire to each other, accompanying this action. kind words and wishes for the young. This continues until the fire reaches the candle of the newlyweds.

If you decide to hold a wedding celebration in a restaurant, you need to take into account that not every institution of this type will allow the use of open fire. Therefore, before ordering a banquet, you need to clarify this point.

wedding planner

If guests are invited to the family hearth lighting ceremony, you should not buy small candles in a metal frame, which are called “floating” or “pills”. The reason is that they get very hot, and can give guests a lot of unpleasant moments.
Elena Sokolova


No one remains indifferent during the performance of this ceremony. It is always accompanied by beautiful soulful music and twilight. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this moment for the newlyweds.
Svetlana Reznik

You can watch a video of how the family hearth is lit at a wedding and find ideas for your wedding ceremony in it.

The video will help you choose the words of the presenter to light the family hearth at the wedding, write the texts that the participants in the ritual will speak, and borrow the ideas for decorating the banquet. You will make your wedding truly impressive and unforgettable.