Seeing the groom for the bride. Wedding ceremonies. How to give your blessing for a long married life to your daughter

The groom's mother at the holiday is traditionally assigned more responsibilities than the father. You should not worry, everything is easily doable if you prepare for your role in advance. We are offering to you step by step guide as a future guest of honor at the wedding.

1. Preparation. Don't take on more responsibilities than you can handle. In the end, the newlyweds have their own vision of this holiday, and they can choose a costume or decorations for the car on their own. How can you feel the beauty of the holiday if by the day X you will be like a squeezed lemon because of the constant hassle? The best option is to hire a celebration organizer, and only carry out small assignments for the young. Before your son goes to buy the bride, cross him and bless him. Help with fees if needed.

2. Painting ceremony. As a rule, in a standard ceremony, parents are assigned the role of spectators. The exception is when the newlyweds come up to give them a bow. The groom's parents are the first to congratulate the newlyweds, so it's worth getting closer to the couple so that you don't make your way through the crowd later. If the ceremony is themed, your role is written in the script. The task is simple: learn the text and follow the outline of events.

3. Walk. Most often, young people and witnesses go for a walk. Sometimes a couple more friends. The remaining guests should not be bored either, so most often a banquet is organized in the house of one of the parents. If the choice falls on you, consider organizing a mini-buffet for guests. In addition, you will have to leave early to arrange a meeting at the restaurant.

4. Wedding. An important rite for which you need to prepare in advance. You need to purchase two icons and two towels (it is not customary to take icons by hand). The newlyweds receive their first blessing in the parental home. It is necessary to describe the cross over the heads of the children three times and say warm words. The form of the text is arbitrary, the main thing is that pure heart. For example: “Dear children! We bless you for a strong union! Live in peace and harmony, may love not leave your hearts and become a faithful companion for life. From now on, you must protect and take care of each other! May your family be friendly, multiply the joy and happiness of today! We bless! May you live happily ever after!".

The rite of blessing can be performed both in the family circle and with guests. Later, wedding icons should be placed near the loaf on festive table. They become a relic of a young family and should stand in the house where the newlyweds will live. Outside the church, guests showered the couple with grain, coins and sweets, wishing a rich and happy life. Save it up ahead of time.

5. Banquet. Second blessing. You, as the mother of the groom, are given bread and salt, the father is given an icon. You need to bless the young before entering the hall. This is an ancient rite, symbolizing the wishes of prosperity and peace in a new family. Put the loaf on an embroidered towel (towel), leave the salt shaker open. Bless the young with an icon, take them into the house (or banquet hall) and offer them to taste bread and salt. Recently, there has also been a tradition of biting the loaf, and not breaking it off. Allegedly, whoever bites off more will be the master in the house. After your duty to ensure that no one encroaches on the loaf, guests are given special wedding "bumps". According to legend, if a person with bad intentions touches the holy bread, discord can begin in the family. After the “tasting” of the loaf, sprinkle the young with grain and coins. It is important that you take part in this ritual, wishing the young couple a prosperous and rich life.

6. Speech of the mother of the groom. It is customary for the groom's father to seat the young at the table. By tradition, you need to go around the tables three times. Parents sit nearby, they should be the first to wish happiness to the young couple. It is not at all necessary to learn long poems, the main thing is that the words be sincere and come from the heart. For example: “Dear children! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the beginning of family life! Now you go hand in hand and build your happiness! Take care of each other, let your union be based on love, mutual understanding and respect! Carry the fire of your love through the years so that both children and grandchildren know how deep your feelings are! Happiness and prosperity to you, children! Bitterly!".

7. Wedding traditions. The first important tradition that I would like to note is the dance of the groom with his mother. Your task is to prepare. Of course, it is not necessary to stage a dance with a choreographer, but it is up to you to remember at least the banal waltz pas and choose the right outfit. The second tradition is the ignition family hearth. It is held jointly by the mothers of the bride and groom. It will take three candles, one of which (unlit) is given to the bride. The mothers of the bride and groom alternately light their candles with wishes and blessings. Then, at the same time, the bride's candle is lit, recognizing her as the mistress of the house. In addition, a burning candle becomes a symbol of birth. new family. After a couple of minutes, it can be put out and stored in the house of the newlyweds. The third important point is the removal of the veil. Only you are doing it. The essence of this ceremony is that by your actions you seem to take the young wife of your son under your wing. The mother of the bride carefully removes the veil from her daughter's head, and you tie a scarf or scarf. It is also a symbol of a change in status: from a bride, a girl turns into a wife.

At the wedding, the mother of the groom should look attractive and elegant. We want to offer you some useful tips:

  • Have two pairs of shoes (heeled shoes will tire your feet, and you can change into ballet flats at any time). By the way, it is also not recommended to wear new unworn shoes for a holiday.
  • The dress should be comfortable: you will have to move quickly, dance, participate in competitions, get into the car. The best option- empire, A-line, tunic. By the way, if there is a problem with extra pounds, the cut will help to hide them.
  • The length must also be suitable. In a miniskirt, even if the figure allows you to wear it, you will simply be uncomfortable. Choose outfits slightly above the knee. Dresses to the floor are also not always comfortable, the best option is to the middle of the ankle.

  • Choose fabric according to the season. In summer it can be lace, silk, chiffon, thin cotton. The best option is a combination of natural materials with synthetic ones: the fabric will not interfere with natural heat transfer and at the same time it will not wrinkle as much as pure linen or cotton. In winter, give preference to velvet, brocade, dresses with woolen yarn.
  • When choosing the shades of the outfit, you should be careful. Very dark tones are not very appropriate at a wedding and at the same time add age. Bright flashy shades can also emphasize age-related changes. Perfect Choice- pastel colors with bright accents.
  • Thematic wedding - great occasion shine attire. Discuss your choice with the newlyweds to match their desired dress code.

As you can see, if you know all the nuances, a wedding is not scary at all, although it is exciting. We wish that your holiday was perfect, leaving only pleasant memories!

One of the most significant and exciting days for the newlyweds and their parents is the wedding. Children have grown up and leave the parental home, begin an independent family life. Parents should admonish them before this most important step in their adult life.

Since ancient times, parents have been asked for blessings long before the wedding. If everyone agreed to this marriage, the wedding day was appointed. Now, before leaving for the registry office, the parents send their farewell to the bride and groom separately, each in his own house. And then they bless the young couple in the bride's house, seeing off to the registry office.

Parting words to the groom

Required before wedding ceremony escort the groom from the parental home. On a table covered with a new white tablecloth, they put fresh bread, put water and salt, and light a candle. The groom's parents take the icon of the Savior or Nicholas the Wonderworker and bless their kneeling son. Then the father must tie the groom's hands with a towel and circle the table three times. After them mother is coming with an icon and a candle. Thus, the parents confirm the support of the family to their son and admonish him before the registry office, saying words of blessing.

Seeing off the bride

Parting words to the newlywed before the wedding, her parents bless her with the icon of the Mother of God. Just like the groom, the girl, girded with a towel, is circled by her father three times around the table in a clockwise direction. After the words of blessing, the father brings the bride to the groom and hands her over to him.

Parental blessing of a young couple

Parting words and parental blessings in the old days were a very beautiful and touching ceremony. It was believed that if the children did not receive the blessing of their parents for marriage, they would not live happily and their family would have unhealthy offspring. They were even refused to be married in the church, deprived of any favor and condemned.

If the parents approved the choice of their children, then the blessing was carried out several times - in collusion, after the final decision on the wedding, separately for the bride and groom, and then for the young couple before the wedding celebration.

At the present time, everything is much simpler and most often carries a formal character. Only deeply religious people adhere to ancient customs. Not only parents, but also godparents of the young can take part in the blessing ceremony. The main thing is that all those present should be baptized.

After a cheerful and noisy rite of ransom for the bride, all those present sit down at the table for a short time and drink a glass of champagne. Then the parents give parting words to the newlyweds in front of the registry office. Father or mother read a prayer and three times make a cross over the heads of the young with the icon of the Savior or the Virgin. This icon is then passed on to children from generation to generation and kept as a family heirloom.

The most dear and dear to a guy and a girl are parents who always want their children to be happy and healthy. They take care of them all their lives and at the moment of blessing they are very worried. Young people should, after listening to the words of parting words, thank their parents for their upbringing and kiss their parents three times according to the Russian custom.

After that, the bride and groom bow to the threshold, and the parents turn to the guests with a request to bless their children for marriage, to which all those present answer “God bless!”. With wishes of happiness and well-being, children are escorted to the wedding procession, sprinkled with grain, coins and sweets.

Only having received parting words and parental blessing before the registry office, the newlyweds can be sure that the life of their young family will be joyful and happy, overflowing with understanding, tenderness and love.

There are many wedding ceremonies: how to see the groom out of the house how to meet the newlyweds, how to steal the bride during the celebration. All this should be done according to certain traditions. And then the wedding will be real, beautiful and sincere.

How to see the groom out of the house, his parents should know. The bride's parents also see off their daughter, but in a different way. With each option, we will now get to know each other.

Instructions for the groom's parents

There are many ancient wedding rituals. Some of them should be completed even before the future husband is escorted from his parents' house before the wedding.

In the center of the largest room in the house need to put a table. It should be covered with a beautiful, new and light tablecloth. On top of the table, again in the very center, they put one loaf of fresh bread, and next to it - a jar (or rather a whole bucket) of water, as well as a salt shaker (necessarily filled to the brim). To this is added the Sretensky candle, which must be lit.

Later, the parents must bless their own son, after which the father ties the groom's hands with a towel. In this form, he is circled around the set table exactly 3 times. At the same time, the mother follows her son on the heels. Thus, the groom enlists the support of all his kind.

In a wedding towel, parents must wrap it from the edges (which are usually embroidered) on a loaf of round bread. Having stood at the threshold (the towel must be kept in the form of a kind of arch), the parents let their son through it. The groom must necessarily bow to the home threshold. This ceremony is an opportunity to pay respect to your ancestors. After all, earlier under the threshold of relatives and buried. So, even after their death, they did not allow anyone evil into the house, protected it from ill-wishers.

The groom left his own home, enlisting the support of all relatives. On the road, they always gave a burning candle, which was considered the most powerful amulet. And the icon that accompanied the groom was placed in the home's red, holy corner.

Instructions for the parents of the bride

A number of rituals are also provided for seeing off the bride. The father girds his daughter with a towel and circles around the set table (again 3 times). It is important to know that it is worth going around the table only clockwise, as the sun follows the sky. And after such a sacrament, the father at the threshold passes his daughter into the hands of his beloved, but the rituals do not end there.

At the threshold, the mother and father of the bride again create an arch directly from the towel. Now two must pass through it, bowing to the threshold. It is important to remember here that the mother of the bride should stand on the left, female side in relation to the entrance. The father stands where the male power in the house is concentrated - on the right.

So, future newlyweds will be blessed by all relatives, enlist the support of their ancestors and be happy all their lives. The main thing is to know how to see the groom out of the house and how to properly transfer the bride into his hands. After that, you can play the wedding according to all the rules and traditions.

The marriage of a son is a crucial moment and an exciting process. The mother of the groom at the wedding has a lot of things to do, 8 of which she cannot entrust to anyone and must do it herself. She is required to do so maternal duty and status.

What are these wedding duties? How to deal with them and not let your son down? Clarity is brought by the leading information Internet resource Don't worry mom! You will succeed! Here is a step by step guide.

Guide to action: 8 wedding affairs of the future mother-in-law

Let's be clear right away: this is not your wedding, but your son's. Let the young people decide for themselves what the scenario of their holiday will be, how many guests to invite and where. If your help or advice is needed, the son knows where to find you.

Save your energy for other things. You have your own responsibilities at the wedding, which no one else can handle except you.

1. Blessing the son before marriage.

In the morning wedding day, before the son goes for his bride, he receives a parental blessing. According to an ancient custom, a mother and father give their son an icon in a towel, having first crossed him three times.

On a note: a towel is needed in order to hold the icon. It is believed that the holy face should not be touched with bare hands. In the old days, the mother embroidered the towel herself, securing with each stitch good wishes a son starting an independent life as a husband and father.

For the wedding blessing of the groom, an icon is chosen with the image of Christ or a saint whose name coincides with the name of the son. For example, Saint Nicholas.

The icon, with which the parents blessed their child, is transferred to him for further storage.

2. Ceremony at the registry office.

Here, the mother of the groom, as a rule, does not need to do anything. Her role is that of a spectator. Perhaps you will need a handkerchief to wipe the tears of tenderness and light sadness that have come.

3. While the young are riding.

The newlyweds go for a walk after the registry office, usually without their parents, taking witnesses and a couple of close friends. So that the rest of the guests / close relatives do not get bored, the parents of the bride or groom invite them to their place for a small buffet.

4. Meeting the young with bread and salt.

To meet the newlyweds with a loaf in their hands is the duty of the groom's mother. According to the old Russian custom, this was done on the threshold of the parental home, where the groom brings his bride. The ritual of the meeting is of great importance. The bride enters new house becomes a member of her husband's family. The mistress of the house - the mother-in-law - receives her, providing a warm welcome. The breaking of bread signifies the entry into force of the law of hospitality. After tasting the loaf, the bride falls under the care and protection of her new family.

On a note: according to how the meeting ceremony goes, what piece the daughter-in-law will bite off, in the old days they tried to predict her future behavior: will she be an obedient daughter-in-law, hard-working and accommodating, or will she pull the blanket over herself and bend her stick. It was believed, for example, which of the young people bite off a larger piece from the wedding loaf, he will be the leader in the family.

Today, more and more often, the ritual of meeting with bread and salt is performed on the threshold of a restaurant where a banquet is being organized. To prepare for this ritual, the groom's parents leave for the restaurant before the rest.

The loaf is placed on an embroidered towel. The salt shaker remains open. The loaf is presented to the young along with the wish of happiness and prosperity in family life.

After the completion of the ceremony, wedding loaf the mother of the groom protects from other people's encroachments. It is considered an unkind sign if someone other than the bride and groom touches the holy bread. In the family of the young, discord can begin.

5. The groom's mother's toast.

According to custom, the groom's father escorts the young to the festive table. Parents sit down not far from the newlyweds, in the most honorable places. And they are the first to be given the floor for a welcoming toast.

The groom's mother has to make a speech. No need to read poetry and memorize poems. It is important that the words come from the heart and contain a wish for happiness to the young.

6. Dance with the son.

Very beautiful and touching wedding tradition The son invites his mother to dance. The task of the mother is to prepare for this moment: remember the dance steps of the waltz and think over an outfit that would not hinder movement.

7. Ignition of the family hearth.

A symbolic act, which consists in lighting a candle by the mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

You need to prepare 3 candles. One is given to the bride - unlit. The mothers of the newlyweds, one after another, light their candles, accompanying the actions with wishes and blessings. Then, at the same time, they bring their candles to the candle of the bride and light it, thereby recognizing her as the mistress of the house, in which the family hearth is now burning.

On a note: the candle of the new family is soon extinguished and then stored in the house of a young couple.

8. Removing the veil from the bride.

At some weddings, this wedding ceremony is the privilege of the groom's mother. Taking off the veil from her daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law takes her under her wing, recognizing her as her daughter, the wife of her son.

In another version, the veil is removed from the bride by her mother, and the mother-in-law only ties a scarf or a light scarf in return for the daughter-in-law.

In any case, the groom's mother needs to prepare a headdress for her daughter-in-law for this ritual.

To feel comfortable and status, the groom's mother needs to carefully consider her outfit. There are a number of rules, following which will help to avoid common mistakes.

  • Dress, not suit.

Eat folk omen if the mother-in-law at the wedding is in a suit, and not in a dress, then the young people will soon get a divorce. Why give rise to idle speculation?

  • Correct style.

The style of the dress is chosen in such a way as to hide the age-related flaws of the figure and emphasize the existing advantages. A sheath dress, empire style, A-silhouette successfully cope with this task.

Length - just below the knee or to the middle of the ankle. Leave trains and crinolines for the bride. Mom's status and responsibilities call for practicality and functionality. You in this dress get into the car, dance, bend over. It should not burst at the seams and dig into the body with treacherous folds.

On a note: each season has its own fabric. For winter weddings velvet, brocade, wool are good. For summer - natural light fabrics, combined with synthetic fibers, so that they do not look "chewed" after one rental in a car.

  • Nothing defiant.

Neckline, bare arms and shoulders, open knees and mini length - all this is far from elegance and style, especially on an older woman, especially at an event such as a wedding, especially on the groom's mother. Therefore, we hide the knees under the correct length, throw stoles and capes on the shoulders, mask the folds under the elegant drapery and distract from various age-related errors with successful accessories - handbags, hats, neckerchiefs, beads, etc.

  • Correct color.

According to wedding rules, 3 colors for women's outfits are prohibited: white (this is the privilege of the bride), black (the color of mourning) and red - too sexy for such a chaste event as a wedding.

Flowers and peas are not respectable for the honorary status of the groom's mother. Noble shades of beard, blue, beige, gray are ideal. Refreshing pastel colors - lavender, lettuce, lilac, ashy rose, warm sandy shades go to adulthood.

  • Proper footwear.

A heel is needed, but not a stiletto. Let it be a stable wide heel or platform. Why torture yourself, because you have to be on your feet all day.

Advice: Prepare two pairs of shoes. One - for the official part, the second - for dancing and enjoying the holiday. Both pairs must pass preliminary tests. Shoes out of the box are fraught with corns and blisters.

As you can see, everything is not so scary. All recommendations are feasible, and the tasks are feasible. The main thing to remember is that a wedding is a celebration! And you are an important person on it!

The blessing of the mother of the bride (as well as the parents of the groom) is a very beautiful ceremony that came to us from antiquity. Then it was given great importance. If the words of the bride's mother's blessing were not uttered, before the bride and groom were not allowed to get married in the church. In addition, the girl was disinherited and shamed in society.

Nowadays, the words of the blessing of the mother of the bride no longer have such significance, but the parental parting word still plays a big role for the newlyweds. It's always nice to hear the appropriate words, don't you agree?

Parting words. Blessing of the mother of the bride in front of the registry office. Parents' words

Parents bless their children before entering the banquet hall. This is already happening after the newlyweds are greeted with a loaf, wine, bread and salt.

However, this version of the ceremony is simplified. Some families still prefer to revere ancient traditions. According to them, the bride must hear parting words. The blessing of the mother of the bride in front of the registry office, the words of the parents - all this should happen twice. The first time was just before the wedding. This is done in the father's house before leaving for the registry office. Moreover, the parents of the bride and groom bless their children separately. Then the young can already go to the painting. The second blessing is in the banquet hall.

What icon is used to bless the bride

One of the most revered images of the Mother of God is still our ancestors believed in her magic and miraculous power. It is she who is of particular importance for the fair sex, especially for the bride. Before the registry office, the mother must necessarily bless her daughter with the icon of the Mother of God.

Seeing the bride in the registry office

Seeing off at the registry office is a special ritual that the father must perform. The groom should not be around, everything should go only between the bride's parents and the bride herself. Parting words are spoken, the girl is blessed with the icon of the Mother of God.

What icon is used to bless the groom

The Bridegroom is Blessed This is the most common depiction of Christ. In one hand he holds a book, and with the other hand he blesses the person who looks at him. The Savior is asked that prosperity reign in the family. Previously, it was this icon that was brought into the house of the spouses first. Now the groom's parents use it to bless their son for a happy marriage.

Parting words for the groom before the registry office

While the bride receives a blessing from her parents, the groom also has his own ritual in the house. The table is covered with a white tablecloth. Bread is placed on it, salt and water, a burning candle are placed nearby. The groom kneels down and receives a blessing from his parents. The father takes his son by the hand and circles him three times around the set table. The mother should follow them, holding the icon of the Savior and a candle in her hands. Thus, the son receives support not only from his parents, but also from his entire family. After that, the groom can go for the bride.

mother of the bride

Who will keep the loaf? Who will say parting words to the newlyweds? Who contact them first? A lot of time is spent on distributing these roles. Although it is worth noting that there is no single rule in this regard. Consider several options for the distribution of roles (we go from left to right).

Possible options

    The icon is held by the father of the groom, next to the loaf is the mother of the bride. Other parents just sit around

    The mothers of the newlyweds hold icons, and the fathers hold champagne and loaf

    In the hands of one mother - an icon, the other - a loaf. Fathers just stand on the sides

    One mother has a loaf, the other has a fold. Fathers stand on their sides and hold glasses of champagne in their hands

Words of parental blessing to the bride and groom

The blessing of the mother of the bride at the wedding is a very important ritual. However, it doesn't really matter much what is said. It is much more important that all the words come from the heart, so that the parting words are sincere. Only then will the children be truly happy, and a life filled with happiness, joy and children's laughter will await ahead.

What they usually want:

    well-being in the family,

    many years of happy marriage,

    health for the newlyweds and their children,

    happiness in your own home.

By the way, the bride and groom should receive the words of blessing not only from their parents, but also from each other's parents. There is a belief that such an alliance will only become even stronger. It is not for nothing that after the wedding, young people call each other's parents "mom" and "dad".

What should the bride and groom do with icons after the wedding

The bride must definitely keep the icon that her mother blessed before painting. The groom should do the same. Newlyweds should keep them in their home as valuable. Usually they are wrapped in a towel and hidden away from prying eyes. This is a personal value, this is the blessing of the parents.

    Icons cannot be held with bare hands. They say it's Bad sign. Therefore, it is very important not to forget to buy towels. The newlyweds will then be able to cover the icons with them and put them in their special place in the house. In addition, the towel is useful for the loaf.

    According to an old custom, parents must first cross the bride and groom with the icon three times before the registry office, then the children kiss the icon. The same rite is repeated in the banquet hall. This custom is rarely followed today. However, if this is important for future spouses, then it is better to follow all the rules.

    If it was decided that in the banquet hall the icon would be in the hands of one of the fathers, then it would be better to explain to him in advance all the details of the upcoming ritual. The fact is that men do not always give it Special attention and can get lost at the most inopportune moment.

    When the newlyweds receive parting words of blessing from their parents before and after the registry office, they must kneel down.

    Sometimes it happens that one of the newlyweds may not have a mother or father. In this case, the godparents must bless.

The ceremony of blessing the newlyweds is very difficult, but interesting. Some couples skip it, but in vain. Parents are the most important people in the life of any person. They gave life, raised and were always there - in sorrow and in joy. There is nothing stronger than their sincere blessing. It is believed that young families who decided to keep the traditions and received these holy parting words lived in a happy marriage.