What signs say that you will get married soon. Signs for marriage: when that cherished day comes. Signs at someone else's wedding ceremony

Nowadays, more and more girls get married by the age of 25-30. I myself met my betrothed at the age of 24. I remember how hard it was to wait for your fate. What if it doesn't come true? Suddenly big and real love won't happen. It's scary to be alone. Anxiety greatly overshadows life, makes a girl nervous, spoils her character, leads to the appearance of various kinds of diseases. And this reduces the chances of attracting a worthy person. It turns out a vicious circle. I will write about the signs that say that the meeting with the future spouse is close. All stories are absolutely real: either happened to me and my friends, or taken from thematic forums.

1. Find flowers.

If you suddenly get flowers in your hands, perhaps this is more than a pleasant surprise. There is such a sign that finding flowers is for marriage. Here is one great story:

“Last year, lilacs bloomed in our yard, it was, in my opinion, the end of May. Such a beautiful tree stood, walking with the dog, I always admired it, but it was somehow embarrassing to tear off a branch, it seemed like a common property of the yard. And once again, Senya and I came closer, I think, at least I can smell the lilacs. And what do you think, right under the tree there were 3 evenly broken, fresh, fluffy branches, of course, I picked them up, wondering how great my wish came true, and went home, all happy. I bring lilacs, and my mother says: “Well, you will get married soon.” Allegedly, on TV they talked about such a sign that finding flowers is for marriage. I was not much seduced, as the old maid is under forty years old, with two loans. What kind of lilac will help here! Not a single man was in sight. Well, here is the result, after those twigs everything started spinning and spinning in my personal life, a man appeared and on February 16, 2013 I got married. So find flowers - for marriage! Maybe soon there will be three of us, like those branches.

2. A plucked branch will bloom for Christmas (old fortune-telling)

This is an old fortune teller. On a certain day (December 6, on the eve of the feast of St. Catherine, or on Epiphany), the girls went to someone else's garden, where they secretly broke off a cherry branch. She had to be brought home and put into the water. And then we watched what would happen. It was believed that the girl would get married within a year if the leaves appeared on the branch by Christmas. If the leaves appear later (after Christmas), this means that you will have to wait, but the groom will definitely come. If flowers appear in addition to leaves, this means that the girl will not only get married this year, but will also have time to become a mother. If there are no leaves at all, marriage is not expected in the near future. If the leaves do not have time to appear, but are "on the way", the wedding is likely by the end of the year.

I'm sure you can bring home any branch of the tree you like and see what happens. One should not take such divinations too seriously, although they can be surprisingly accurate. On my wedding day, my mother, when we stopped at my father-in-law's house on the way, broke off a small offshoot of a houseplant they liked. She remembered about him 3 days later, when he was already quite wilted. And yet I decided to plant it. “If it takes root, the daughter’s marriage will work out,” she thought, and was frightened by such thoughts. As a result, the stunted leaf grew into such a lush half-meter bush that it had to be planted outside. There was little room for him on the windowsill. We have been together for 15 years, we have 3 wonderful children.

“Fortune-telling about cherries is correct, verified on myself. Only it needs to be broken out (cut off with scissors) at Epiphany, January 19th. We pour water from the tap and put it in a vase and wait. Blooms - to marry within a year. I had so much fun for 10 years - it doesn’t bloom even burst. Maximum kidneys swell and all. And then she blossomed with flowers, but not one. I think that's it, yeah, now. Already December has come, where to wait further, and then a chance meeting, called up from the summer, though ... Since December, together. Civil marriage. She's shocked how it happened. In January, it broke again and the flowers bloomed again. In March, they gave me a ring. I won’t guess this year, so everything is clear.”

3. Dreams with dead ancestors.

The meeting with the betrothed and the wedding determine what our future life and destiny, the life and destiny of our children will be like. Important turning points often seem to cast a shadow. We can foresee imminent change. Sometimes premonitions hidden from our awareness manifest themselves in the form of prophetic dreams. On one of the forums I read this story:

“A year before I met my husband, I dreamed about my grandfather. In a dream, he came to visit me with his mother, whom I only know from photographs. They whispered about something, then my grandfather twisted and turned me in all directions, examined me appraisingly, and he and my great-grandmother began to comb my hair and weave braids. And in parting they gave a comb and a belt. When I told my mother, she immediately said: “To the wedding!” And it did come true."

4. Strangles brownie

People say that the brownie drives out of the house. This is how very unpleasant experiences are explained when a girl experiences sensations while half asleep:

“At night, I lie on my back and, as it were, in some kind of half-asleep, but I do not sleep. I feel that some kind of heaviness is leaning on my chest and as if a stream of warm air is blowing on me. I try to get up, but I can’t, my arms and legs don’t move either, like I’m paralyzed. I hear that my mother is snoring behind the wall, and I try to call her, but I can’t. I scream inside, but no sound comes out of my mouth. And most importantly, I'm not scared too much. No, it's scary, of course, but not so terrifying. And then the first thing that came to my mind was to say: “Lord, help me!” All. Everything was released immediately. I open my eyes, no one.

“It was January 19 at the Baptism of Christ in 1999. That's when I was SO SCARY. I sleep, my sister and dad sleep in their rooms at home. Our corridor is letter G, at the end is my room. Suddenly I wake up, it’s dark, I opened my eyes, I was lying straight on my back, suddenly I hear from the very beginning of the corridor, approaching my room, someone sweeps with a broom. My first thought: “Has Grandma come to help Mom again? Did you go crazy sweeping at night? And then I understand: this cannot be, and in general the grandmother is at home !!! And the noise is getting closer. I want to scream “Grandma”, but like a fish I open my mouth, but there is no voice. I yell with all my strength, but there is no voice. Then someone jumped on me and crushed me. There was a feeling of numbness. I can't make any movement. This lasted for 15-20 seconds, let go. I turn my head towards the door, and there is like an aura or a soul. An oval, as white as a mist, as tall as a man. I watched this for a second, then I jumped up, turned on the light, ran to my dad and for some reason said: “The brownie came to me.” And my mother’s friend said: “Your daughter was swept out of the house, she will get married, leave you.” Surprisingly, it all worked out that way. Soon I met my future husband, and we began to live separately.

Personally, more than once I heard the stories of my friends about such incomprehensible and frightening nightly incidents. One of them was already under 30, home-work, as usual. There were no signs of change in fate. Here, apparently, the kind Grandfather decided to help, he scared a little. A friend somehow immediately realized that water does not flow under a lying stone, you need to start looking for a husband. Posted ads on a dating site. The betrothed was immediately found. Married after 3 months happy marriage, remarkable children, already grow up.

Moscow, November 2. Today, in the age of equality, technological progress and the global development of the Internet, it seems that people have become closer friend to friend. No one owes anything to anyone, you can see your loved one, even if he is on the other side of the earth, be in touch 24 hours a day. But despite this, people are still lonely. Any unmarried girl or woman, deep down, dreams of meeting her ideal man who will appreciate her for who she is, and not trying to seem.

If you are increasingly wondering when the time will finally come to the altar, then pay attention to the following signs and tips. Perhaps your wedding day is closer than you think.

1. Catch a bouquet at a wedding

Of course, if you caught a bouquet at a wedding, this is a reason to think that the long-awaited day may come very soon. But do not forget that this is not about the fact that you will get married in a month. First of all, the sign means that among the girls who made you a company in the hunt for a bouquet, you will be the first to be married. The chances increase if it was a bouquet of peonies. According to statistics, 70% of the girls who caught the bouquet soon played their own wedding.

2. There is never too much wine

Another sign that predicts not only an early marriage, but also strong marriage if at someone else's wedding you were accidentally doused with champagne or wine. And if the groom invited you to the dance, then the chances of an approaching marriage increase significantly.

3. Take care of the bride

If you want to get married faster, ask your bridesmaid for permission to hem the hem of her wedding dress. This tradition brings one's own marriage closer. In addition, the chances of success increase if after that you took the pin or needle from the dress with you.

4. If you want to get married, become a godmother

If you have been chosen as a godmother, it is worth preparing for the wedding in the next two to three years. It is believed that when the child begins to walk, then his godmother will get married.

5. Surround yourself with peonies

To get married, surround yourself with peonies. It can be real flowers or artificial, a picture of peonies. It is even better to embroider a peony yourself. It is believed that as soon as the final touch is done, you will meet the future groom.

6. Prick your finger

If during the celebration of the New Year you accidentally prick or cut your finger, then soon you can get married.

7. Sitting between siblings

If during someone else's wedding celebration you are sitting between two brothers or sisters, then this is a good sign of the upcoming marriage.

8. Find a bouquet of flowers

Another sign associated with a bouquet, but not so well known, is that if you accidentally find flowers somewhere, you can meet your future husband very soon. However, you should not pick up such a bouquet, it can carry negative information.

9. Strict fasting and prayer

If you want to get married, but not a single sign has worked, then it's time to start observing fasts. Every year on November 7, on the day of the Great Martyr Catherine, strictly fast, pray and attend church. It is also recommended to observe Great Lent and pray for the groom.

10. Cacti: both want and prick

Your friends can help you get married faster. To do this, they should often give you cacti. This sign means a quick and successful marriage.

Of course, every girl dreams of meeting her one and only, but if you really want to live a long and happy family life, do not rush in choosing a partner. And most importantly - you do not need to carefully prepare for the time when you meet your love. Live for today, and then she will find you.

Ekaterina Degtereva

Whatever the girl is an independent and self-sufficient person, every representative of the beautiful female dreams of how her lover will lead her in a beautiful white dress down the aisle.

Girls who already have a lover are much easier in this regard. They do not need to look for a person with whom they want to live their whole life. He is already there - he lies on the couch, watches football and does not even suspect what insidious plans his girlfriend is building on him. After all, not every man can immediately offer his second half to legitimize the relationship.

But for those who have not yet found their destiny, it is hard. Not only do you need to be constantly ready to meet your fate, even taking out the trash (which is why many girls can’t step out of the house in a disheveled look), but it’s not a fact that in the end the young man will turn out to be exactly who he wants to go with. in the registry office.

Both those and those girls, as a rule, believe in a wide variety of signs, which may be the first call to the fact that the wedding is just around the corner.

The most common signs of imminent marriage

An unmarried godmother could soon become someone's bride.

As a rule, a young mother takes her close friend or relative as a godmother. If a young unmarried girl plays the role of a second mother for a child, very soon she will be able to become a young wife. But this will not happen until the moment when the baby takes his first steps on his own.

Neck hair for marriage

Unmarried girls should pay attention to their neck. If at least a few hairs break through on her, this indicates that she will get married very soon. In this case, the girl must necessarily get into a large family.

Hair loss on the head is a sign of imminent marriage.

If a young girl suddenly began to lose her hair, but there are no visible reasons for this, there is reason to rejoice. After all, the girl will probably soon meet her love and get married.

Sitting at a wedding between brothers for a quick visit to the registry office as a newlywed.

If you are going to a wedding with relatives or friends, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of guests in advance. If two brothers are present among them, the young couple should be asked to seat the guests in such a way that the girl sits between the brothers throughout the celebration. Thanks to this, the girl will not even have to participate in the "races" for bridal bouquet. After all, soon she will be 100% married without him.

A needle or pin from a wedding dress is the key to an early marriage

In order to soon shine in a wedding dress at the altar, a girl needs to pick up a pin from the wedding dress of her friend or relative, or ask for a needle for herself, with which the dress was sewn. In pursuit of personal happiness, some girls go to various tricks to get such a pin or needle, taking it from the bride in a not entirely honest way. But in love, as in war, all means are good.

To be doused with champagne at a wedding for an early marriage

You should not be upset by a spoiled champagne outfit. Indeed, for an unmarried girl, this is a sign that soon she will also be able to seal herself and her chosen one by marriage by marrying her loved one.

Signs that drive imminent marriage

Observing correct technique sweeping the floor, you can "place" yourself a groom.

Doing daily cleaning in the house, without much difficulty, a girl can independently "adjust" her female happiness closer to herself. In order to get married as soon as possible, it is necessary to start sweeping the floor from the front door, gradually reaching the window.

November 7 fasting

The groom will not make you wait long for his appearance if the girl adheres to a strict fast for just one day on November 7th. Despite the fact that it will be quite difficult to do this out of habit, the result of the torment will pleasantly surprise an unmarried lady.

Acquaintance with a guy on Thursday - an ambulance wedding is just around the corner

Girls leading active image life, which every day, due to their work activities or for some other reason, have to get acquainted with a huge number of people, you should carefully look at those who entered their lives quite recently. Having met a nondescript guy on Thursday, after some time it may turn out that this person will become the love of an unmarried lady's life, and subsequently offer her a hand and heart.

Hemming the hem of the bride's dress, the girl hastens the onset of the day of her own marriage.

When marrying your girlfriend or close relative, you should not envy someone else's happiness. You can hardly help yourself with this. It would be much better to take help in preparing the bride's wedding attire. For example, help to hem the hem of the dress by hand. According to popular belief, by hemming the hem of a wedding dress, a girl dooms herself to a quick marriage.

Having caught the bride’s bouquet today, after a while it will be possible to throw the same cute bouquet into the crowd already at your own wedding

A classic of the genre is to catch a bouquet at a wedding. Unlike others, this sign is 100% valid. However, not one, but several girls at once apply for the bride's bouquet. Young ladies who are especially desperate to get married are even ready to fight for a bouquet in order to get their happiness together with him in the future.

What should be guarded against in order not to remain an old maid?

There are a number of signs according to which a girl should beware of certain events or actions in order not to end up being alone for life. Below are just the main ones:

  • You should not pass anything over the threshold - you will not be able to get married. Girls have known about such a sign since early childhood. After all, my mother probably said more than once that you should not pass anything over the threshold. Although this sign is relevant only for the fair female, for some reason, men also try to adhere to it. Many of them, under no pretext, will not pass a thing over the threshold.
  • Sweeping herself, the girl fences herself with an invisible circle of protection from potential suitors. When sweeping a house or any other premises, in no case should you sweep yourself. Otherwise, the girl will not be able to get married very soon.
  • The young sister is the first to marry - the eldest should not expect family happiness in the near future.

Of course, to persuade a girl not to get married just because her older sister will not be in the future female happiness pretty hard. However, it's still worth a try. It is possible that the girl will nevertheless go towards her older sister, briefly postponing the wedding celebration, until she, in turn, finally finds true love.

Don't get hung up on wanting to get married. Happiness comes when it is not expected. Constantly thinking about how good she would look in wedding dress, the girl, on the contrary, drives away the opportunity to soon become a happy young wife. But having switched her attention to something else, the young lady will not even notice that she has become a beloved bride for an equally beloved groom who is ready to go to the ends of the world for her chosen one.

Every girl dreams of a fast wedding, a strong family and children. Therefore, folk wisdom has given rise to many beliefs about what a young lady should expect when she thinks about the groom. Since ancient times, women have tried to comprehend any event in terms of whether it promises marriage.

There are a huge number of signs that help girls not to miss their happiness. Therefore, it is very important to listen to the signals from above in order to understand how best to act in various circumstances in order to speed up your wedding.

Popular wisdom never arises from scratch.

It is closely related to centuries of observation of various events. Everyday life girls and young women.

Relatives or girlfriends noticed the changes and main events that most often occur with that lucky woman who will very soon go down the aisle.

Signs for unmarried girls are very important. If you listen to them, then the desired event is resolved and accelerated. If you catch a sign of fate in time, then the future groom will not pass by his bride. Therefore, it is necessary to know them all.

If a girl has already met her chosen one, she always tries to understand what his intentions are. Therefore, she constantly analyzes any incident in her life and tries not to do anything that could delay the wedding.

Among these signs, the most common are the following.

Those who want to get married should not:

  • wear on ring finger any ring;
  • put on a used wedding dress;
  • alter someone else's wedding dress for yourself as a casual dress;
  • unnecessarily have fun at someone else's marriage;
  • nothing to receive or transmit while standing at the door;
  • comb your hair in front of strangers;
  • sit on the windowsill, etc.

A girl should also not grow cacti, succulents or violets in her room.

You should also not hang any images of women on the wall without an escort of a gentleman or a child, and also keep such figurines in the house.

Signs associated with the marriage of a girlfriend

The vast majority of beliefs are associated with the wedding of a friend or relative.

It was considered a very good sign to become a bridesmaid.

In cases where the future bride herself chose a girl, a similar sign promised her a quick marriage.

The second time was also not bad to be witnesses. But the third one already signaled that the young lady had stayed up in the girls.

It was very useful to take something as a souvenir from someone else's marriage. Items contain the most powerful positive energy and are able to influence the fate of an unmarried girl.

The most effective of them were considered:

  • a box of wedding rings;
  • the fabric lining it;
  • a needle for sewing a bride's dress;
  • a pin that helped the seamstress;
  • hairpin from the bride's hair;
  • some piece from the table, etc.

If the dress on the eve of a happy event was torn or wrinkled somewhere, then that friend who undertook to help also soon became a bride.

It was also possible to prepare the newlywed's shoes, such a service also helped to soon find family happiness.

In the church, one had to try to touch the wedding dress with one's hand. The most dexterous managed to attach hair from their hairstyle to the bride's veil.

Everyone knows what a lucky omen in order to go down the aisle is the ability to catch the bouquet that the newlywed throws into the crowd of unmarried girlfriends.

It was worth sitting at the table between two close ones. blood relatives, no matter male or female. It was considered most beneficial to sit between brothers or sisters.

It was a happy occasion if a guest who took a walk accidentally doused his neighbor with alcohol. Such awkwardness clearly indicated that the next wedding would take place in the victim's house.

Many young ladies tried to invite the groom to dance.

The happy energy of this person was transmitted to the girl and it was captured by an unmarried man.

The surest sign was to invite him soon after the marriage was registered.

In this case, it was not necessary to wait for the permission of the wife or the desire of the newly-made spouse. It was allowed to come up and invite him.

If he kept only near his beloved, then he should not have danced with a neighbor on the table. It would have been better to keep an eye on someone else.

Signs that speak of an imminent wedding

There were many beliefs related to everyday life. They helped determine the moment when fate begins to direct the girl to the wedding.

These included:

  • the ability to cook well;
  • maintaining crystal cleanliness in the home;
  • possession of a trinket depicting a couple in love;
  • placement on the wall of the image of peonies;
  • embroidery;
  • observance of all fasts, but especially strict abstinence from any worldly temptations on the seventh of November of each year;
  • sweeping the floor from the entrance to the window or to the dining table, etc.

There are signs that come true for an imminent wedding. Most often, these include a dream in which the girl is recently deceased relatives or relatives.

If she found somewhere a bouquet of wild or garden flowers, then such a sign clearly indicated an imminent marriage.

When, during the celebration of the New Year, a girl, while preparing numerous dishes, wounded her finger with a knife, such an incident indicated that in a few months she would be proposed.

It was very useful to become someone's godmother. It was believed that as soon as the baby takes the first steps, the girl will find her own family.

Many young ladies consider it a disaster if the hair becomes weak and starts to climb. However, folk wisdom does not advise getting upset about this. In this way, fate signals that the wedding is just around the corner.

Signs to attract the groom

Many women remain single for quite a long time, only dreaming of marriage. Folk wisdom helps them in how to hasten such an event.

For him it is necessary:

  1. Listen to the sounds in the apartment. The brownie advises the young woman to be on the alert and not miss her happiness. He signals to her by moving objects, dropping things, banging doors and slamming windows, and constantly grabbing her hem.
  2. On Thursday, talk to a stranger.
  3. Do not braid the braid for the Annunciation.
  4. Arrange shoes in the hallway or in the shoe closet so that the toes are directed to the left, and the sides are in close contact with each other.
  5. Ride a donkey. In our conditions, such animals are rare, so it is allowed to sit on a horse.

Folk wisdom talking about the future spouse

For those who tried to bring the cherished event closer, there were signs that helped to avoid the unenviable fate of an old maid or, conversely, to find the man of their dreams.

In cases where the girl was not too attentive and allowed the food to be cooked to burn, such an omission indicated that a black-haired man would be her fiancé.

When a young woman sewed something or did needlework, unwinding a thread that was too long warned her that after the wedding she would live in another city or even country.

During cleaning, it was necessary to be careful, since the wet edge of the clothes promised that the husband would be unnecessarily addicted to alcoholic beverages.

Nor should one have been careless in clearing the table. If a girl on the go swept the remnants of food into her palm, then her husband turned out to be not at all handsome.

If there was already a groom and even a decision was made about the wedding, then it was recommended to play it on Pokrov.

The sign promised a strong and happy marriage, under the special protection of the Mother of God.

It becomes clear that folk wisdom very closely comprehended the life of girls, trying to warn them about an imminent marriage or save them from the fate of an old maid.

This is easily explained, because even the proudest beauty dreams of a speedy marriage.

If the chosen one had already appeared on the horizon, then it was important not to miss the sign that his intentions were serious. With strict adherence to signs, and most importantly, with complete trust in them, you can very accurately read the hints of fate in order to catch a happy chance in time.

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Since ancient times, our ancestors paid attention to many little things in order to pass on the accumulated wisdom to future generations. Signs for a quick wedding are no exception.

Thanks to the preserved signs, everyone will be able to know their fate. Signs of Fate are waiting for us everywhere, so look around carefully and do not forget to attract love luck. Site site experts have prepared for you a selection of the most common signs that will help you determine your own future.

Notes on marriage

Our ancestors bequeathed unmarried girls who are eager to get married to sweep the floor towards the window or dining table, starting from the front door.

A tidy housewife, who knows how to cook and keeps the house in order, has been considered an enviable bride since ancient times, who “does not stay long” in girls. Also, the Feng Shui teaching says that the order in the house allows the flows of positive energy to circulate in space, attracting happiness to life. And for complete confidence in the imminent marriage, girls should keep a pair of figurines of doves in the bedroom.

Needlework lovers should embroider blossoming peony buds. This sign promises you a quick marriage.

The found bouquet of flowers also promises a quick meeting with the second half.

If a brownie starts to play pranks in the house of an unmarried girl, this event predicts an early exit from the family nest and a transition to a new, married life. Most often, hairpins, invisibles and other small items begin to disappear from the future bride.

A popular sign says that a girl who often rides a donkey will soon become a married lady. However, in modern world quite difficult to perform such a rite.

If the girl in new year's eve cuts a finger or pricks it with a sharp object, this means a meeting with a betrothed in the coming year.

The girl who became the godmother of a newborn will marry at a time when her godson learns to stand firmly on his feet and take his first independent steps.

For an early marriage - meeting a man on Thursday. Our great-grandmothers often resorted to such a trick in order to marry themselves or marry off their daughters.

If a girl wants to change her social status soon, then she should not take things through the threshold.

Also, according to signs, sisters should marry in turn and seniority. If your elder sister married, then joyful changes will soon take place in your destiny.

Often, dreams about dead relatives promise an unmarried wedding. Often, girls can see a Sign that points them to a chosen one or means an early engagement.

An unmarried girl dancing at a wedding with someone else's fiancé attracts good luck and will soon get married.

If during a wedding feast you were accidentally doused with wine or champagne, then this sign indicates an imminent marriage.

To get married, girls should not sit on the windowsills, and also eat food while sitting on the threshold.

According to popular belief, a girl participating in the wedding fuss associated with dressing the bride, straightening her hair or embroidering the hem of her dress with beads, can prepare for her own marriage.

Another interesting sign says: ask friends to give you cacti. They bring love to life.

To believe in signs or not is the choice of everyone. However, often signs come true, regardless of how people relate to them. We wish you family happiness, good luck and prosperity. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.10.2017 06:55

Choosing a wedding date is a responsible matter. According to ancient customs and astrology, then playing a wedding ...