What to do about women's happiness. Signs and superstitions

When people talk about women's happiness, they usually understand that the woman is married, has a comfortable marriage and has many happy children. However, modern statistics show that only 1% married women call themselves happy. From childhood, all girls are instilled with the idea that their happiness lies in marriage and children, but in fact it turns out to be completely different.

Why are girls and women, from childhood, instilled with the idea that they should get married, and successfully, and give birth to many children? This is a standard program that every woman must implement to meet the needs of society. Imagine if women didn't strive for marriage. What would happen if every woman did not want to have children? Society would die out, become significantly thinner, and marriages would not exist at all.

Society needs someone to see the meaning of their life in family ties, and this role is assigned to women, since men are introduced to another idea, which they must also implement for the sake of the happiness of the entire state. Thus, the usual idea of ​​​​female happiness brings benefit only to society, which continues to exist and develop. Then, what is women's happiness?

Who will tell you how to live happily?

Do you want to live successfully, beautifully, richly, happily? But who do you consult with on how to do this? Often people begin to look for answers to their questions from those who also do not know how to achieve well-being in life. For example, two girlfriends who have no men and have broken marriages behind them are trying to give useful tips on how to make relationships strong. But how can they advise each other if both were unable to save their marriages and are not in relationships with men in order to practice their existing knowledge? How can a poor person teach another person to be rich? The poor man has never been rich, so he doesn’t know what it’s like to have a lot of money, to earn it in large quantities and increase.

Only successful people know how to live happily. If you want to become healthy, contact people who have overcome the diseases that you have and become healthy. If you want to create a strong family, ask for recommendations only from those who already have a strong and friendly family. If you want to become rich, then ask for advice from those who have achieved wealth in your life.

If you are interested in the question of what female happiness is, then everything is very simple. Happiness is what pleases, inspires, fills a person with energy and desires. And happiness becomes feminine only because it is experienced by the female sex. In this way, we can highlight male happiness, which will also lie in things that inspire a man, fill him with energy and joy.

Happiness is what makes you happy. And gender does not play a role here. It’s just that from the same childhood, boys and girls are sharpened for certain joys in life:

  1. Boys are programmed to enjoy cars, guns, money, and strength.
  2. Girls are taught to enjoy children, clothes, attractiveness, and men.

You should understand that no one will teach you to be happy. No one can tell you how you personally can achieve your female happiness. Why? Because different people makes me happy about something. If you determine what makes you happy in this life, then that will be your happiness.

If you succumb to the stereotype that women’s happiness lies in the family and children, then many people will get an unsightly picture. Many women are married. But why are they unhappy?

  • They created families, and now they expect their husbands and children to please them.
  • They registered their marriages, and now they are awaiting the fruits of their deeds.

In other words, women begin to demand that they be pleased with those with whom they start families. But no one owes anything to anyone. The man did not marry in order to please the woman as she wanted. Therefore, many ladies are disappointed in something that should not have brought them any happiness until they themselves make an effort to do so.

How many days a year are you happy?

Why are people unhappy? They don't allow themselves to be happy. Does it sound paradoxical? But this is true. To go on vacation, you need money. To love someone, you must find the right partner. To drink and still be a good person, you must wait until the holiday. To give flowers to your loved one, you must wait until March 8th or her birthday. To buy Nice dress and put it on, some event should happen where everyone will be dressed beautifully.

To be happy, people need certain conditions. We only drink on holidays. We dress nicely only for significant events. We wish each other happiness only on name days. We call a friend only when he is sick. A person does not allow himself to be happy, because he has been taught this since childhood. Parents don't know how to be happy people, therefore, children are deprived of the opportunity to be satisfied with life. But a child initially knows how to be a happy person, until they begin to educate him: when he needs to smile, when he needs to cry, and when he needs to do something nice for other people.

A person’s happiness seems to happen according to a schedule. Women's happiness lies in the ring and the wedding, as well as the birth of children. It turns out that a woman is happy at most 3-5 times in her entire life: on the day when she was proposed for marriage, on the day she got married, and on the days when she gave birth to her children? What about the rest of the time? And the rest of the time the woman prepares for her happiness or imagines, dreams about it.

How many days a year are you happy? Only on holidays or on weekends? What about the rest of the days? The person was raised to be happy for a reason. But people are unhappy because they don’t know how to live every day happily. You have been taught to rejoice only about and for special occasions. But most of life passes without significant events. Do you really have to live unhappily all this time?

Be happy every day. Enjoy all the good things that surround you every day. There is no need to rejoice only at your wedding or your pay day. How happy you will be depends on you. Allow yourself the luxury of being a happy person so that other people understand that you don’t have to wait for something.

Women's happiness in relationships

Still, let's not exclude the fact that many women rejoice when they begin a love relationship. In love lies not only women's, but also men's happiness. People are happy when they fall in love. And in order not to destroy her own happiness, a woman should get rid of some false attitudes:

  1. “All men are cheaters and bastards!” Usually this attitude is inspired by other women who have encountered dislike or betrayal by their men. Now the women are spreading their grief to others. They say that they are “warning”, but in reality they simply do not wish happiness to other women. Here you should understand that no woman knows absolutely all men. There is no point in saying that “all men” are bad, since no one knows all men. Sometimes a woman is so accustomed to seeing only flaws in a man that she doesn’t even think about noticing his merits and focusing her attention on them.
  2. “Children are my whole life!” This attitude destroys not only the woman’s life, but also the lives of her children. The so-called “mama's boys” or “mama's daughters” are victims of those women who have made their children their only meaning. When a woman devotes herself entirely to children, she forgets about herself and her husband. Moreover, when her children grow up, she begins to demand from him the same unconditional and absolute love that she gave them. And this often implies that the mother wants her children to never start families of their own in order to devote their time entirely to her.
  3. “It’s difficult to change your life!” This is what a person thinks, who in fact simply does not want to do anything. It's better to say something won't work than to try and make an effort to change it. And it’s not just women who take this position.
  4. “I made a mistake when I chose my husband. He doesn’t deserve me!” When a woman sits and expects a man to please her, she is disappointed because she does not get what she wants. It turns out that her husband can still drink, hang out with other women, be rude and snap back, have his own opinion and desires, not devote time to her, demand fulfillment of some obligations, etc. The woman expected her to be a queen, around whom everyone the world will spin, but it turns out that they treat her no better than they treat themselves.
  5. “How can I be happy if I am constantly unlucky?” The position of such a woman can be paraphrased as follows: “If I didn’t succeed once, then I’m not destined.” She folds her arms and begins to wait for happiness to come on its own.

How to ultimately achieve your female happiness?

The woman became a victim of programming when society implanted in her many false ideas about how and when she would become happy. Now the woman is disappointed at every step, not noticing what stupid things she is doing and what unrealistic goals she is setting. Women's happiness can be achieved if you start by personally determining for yourself what happiness will be for you.

Here all public slogans and opinions should be discarded. This is your life, which can be happy if you start filling it with what really makes you happy. And every woman enjoys something different. Some people don't even need to start families and have children to be happy. And this is also correct.

A woman does not feel happy in marriage because she carries out the program implanted in her, and is not guided by her will. She is looking for a man who will agree to start a family with her. At the same time, a man may be uninteresting and unloved by the woman herself. And in marriage, she also begins to engage in his re-education, “remaking”, which is why the husband begins to resist and snap back. As a result, female happiness is not achieved, because the woman is looking for it in the wrong place and creating it in the wrong way.

Women's happiness, hardly anyone can give a definite answer to the question of what it is. Everyone understands in their own way what female happiness is. IN modern world Most women have only two options: dedicate themselves to their family, take care of their children and beloved husband, or focus entirely on work and their own career. Both the first option and the second have both their pros and cons.

The desire to be happy appears in any girl by the age of 16, and for some even earlier. Everyone wants to be loved and desired. We turn envious glances at those friends who hang out with guys and want to be in their place. Burning with the desire to find our loved one, we begin to plunge into the abyss of dreams and dream about how it could be; an ordinary notebook, our diary, helps us in this, into which we dump all the accumulated emotions.

And all we need in order to be happy is for him to appear, someone we could love, and someone who would be able to accept us and our love. And of course he took us as his wives. Many close friends have already got husbands, they have happy families, some have children. But what about us, we are no worse than others, we too can find a husband and be happy.

And only at that moment when all this already exists, a husband, and children, as well as that without which a normal family cannot exist, a beloved mother-in-law, and a cat that scurries forever underfoot. Only at this moment do we begin to think that happiness is, first of all, when you are understood. And indeed, everything necessary for happiness already exists, but happiness itself is still in question.

So how can we understand what our female happiness depends on?

From my beloved husband, first of all. From whether we see care on his part, from a simple “Don’t overwork yourself, I’ll do everything myself” or “How delicious, thank you, my love.” Any woman doesn’t need much to be happy, just care and a couple of kind words.

Of course, what happiness without children. After all, what could be more joyful than a kiss on the cheek good night, their fragrant laughter, their funny expressions. Over time, pride comes in their academic success and in what they manage to achieve in life. And this is truly happiness.

Well where would we be without money these days?. Few people can call themselves happy if they don’t have a couple of blouses or dresses in their closet, no cosmetics, and nothing to go to the movies on weekends. After all, our freedom and our opportunities largely depend on whether we have money or not.

But even with all this, you need to answer a simple question: do you love it all? Is this your life or do you need something else? Maybe you want to go into medicine and create cures for incurable diseases and heal the whole earth. Or do you want to become a virtuoso of the pen and write wonderful books? At a certain moment, everyone answers the question of what their happiness is and what is needed in order to become happy.

The expression - women's happiness is always heard. We wish it with all our hearts to our mother, friend, sister. Every time we accept congratulations from other people, we hear wishes for that same feminine happiness. What does it include?

Woman's happiness. What does this concept mean? It is clear that for every woman happiness is something different. For some, happiness is the fulfillment of a dream, and, as you know, everyone has their own dream.

Long gone are the days when women only did housework. Today, many paths are open to the fair sex. And each of us is free to choose whether to devote our lives to children, build a career ladder, or combine the first and second.

It must be said that it is hardly possible to name any specific criteria for female happiness and, nevertheless, we will take the liberty of highlighting some of them.

1. Man

One of the wise men once said: “A woman is born for love.” Indeed, probably, each of us dreams of having a man nearby - strong, faithful, loving. The one who will support Hard time, will protect, warm you with warmth and love. The one we will care about and live for. God acted very wisely and very humanely, because most of us, fortunately, have close and dear people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and other relatives. And even if they don’t live with us, our hearts are very warm because they exist. However, it is nevertheless difficult to imagine a happy woman who devoted her life to her mother, father or grandfather. This is wrong and unfair. A woman must build her life, her happiness.

For this she needs a MAN. When we get married, we all want to live a life in perfect harmony with our husband, in peace and love. We want to be admired, we can tirelessly listen to compliments, we want to love and be loved, no matter how banal it may sound. To feel the care of a close man, to experience close feelings for him. Isn't this where women's happiness lies?

One wise man said that the man who was able to make his woman happy was successful.

2. Children

Every woman probably dreams of giving new life. After all, this is our purpose. The feeling of a tiny, wet creature on your chest is such happiness that it is difficult to describe in words! Life is very complicated. Over time, our loved ones and relatives, unfortunately, leave this life. And it’s very good if a woman has CHILDREN, who become the meaning of her life.

Seeing them grow and being proud of their achievements is also happiness. Parents often cry when their child achieves any success and these are something other than tears of happiness.

That. A woman's happiness is her family. Husband, children, parents and other loved ones help us feel like we are not strangers in this world.

It must be said that women's happiness largely depends on the woman herself. Very often we complain about a husband who pays little attention or earns little, about a poor son, about a mother-in-law who is always nagging us. Very often something prevents us from being happy.

Sometimes a woman who seems to have everything cannot catch the bird of Happiness, despite the fact that it lands in her hands. And, conversely, a woman of small income can be happy, despite the hardships and troubles. Learn to see and find the good in any situation, and the very feeling of happiness will knock on your heart!

3. Self-realization

Self-realization - a career, scientific activity or the opportunity to devote time to your hobby - is the third most important component of female happiness. It is also important to have an inner core: the awareness that you are beautiful regardless of your financial and social situation.

4. Money

It is stupid to think that happiness is only money. But our world is so structured that it is hardly possible to be happy without wealth. If she has money, a woman can afford beautiful clothes, cosmetics, decoration, i.e. she can feel a real woman. Money gives you a feeling of freedom, and having it you can help many people. By the way, many women feel happy helping other people.

That. we can say that a woman’s happiness to some extent depends on money. Very often, when there is no more money in a family, family quarrels begin.

Sooner or later, a woman begins to understand the essence of her personal happiness. Life is so fleeting, and we need to do a lot, including being happy.

Don't be afraid to change something, don't be afraid to fight for your happiness! Remember that very often happiness is work, and very hard work at that.

Raise healthy children and educate them good people, to be a good wife, beloved mother-in-law and mother - all this requires strength, patience, wisdom. Every woman is the architect of her own happiness.

As a result of numerous studies, it turned out that women's happiness is based on three pillars: husband and family, the presence of children, and self-realization.

5. Happiness is in the little things

Sometimes it seemed that a woman had everything to be happy. But she misses little things: a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, balloon in the shape of a heart. In a word, she lacks attention from her loved one. That’s the way we are designed, a woman needs to prove every day that she is loved, desired, and beautiful.

Sometimes men don't understand us when we aren't delighted with what we've given them. New Year bag of potatoes or food processor. Sometimes a small thing, a trinket, bought especially for us, pleasant words can make us truly happy.

Men, we need your love, your care and support. Be generous with love and kind words, and then the woman next to you will be happy!

Women, give your loved ones love and happiness! An amazing paradox: the more you give, the more comes back to you!

6. Privacy

Every woman dreams of being with herself at least sometimes. This gives her the opportunity to take a break from problems and abstract from work. Relaxation removes you from routine and fatigue. You can lie in a bath with aromatic oils, sit in front of the TV, take your favorite cake or chocolate and watch a TV series, just look out the window or read a book.

7. Variety

Household worries and routine turn a woman into an unhappy creature. She needs to change her environment more often in order to regularly enjoy new sensations. Why not go on a trip to an exotic country, or climb mountains? It’s elementary - changing your hairstyle already gives new emotions and a boost of vigor.

8. Appearance and physical form

Every girl instinctively understands in what state of the body she feels comfortable. To maintain an ideal balance of shape, you should go to the gym and visit SPA procedures. The main thing is to receive immeasurable pleasure from any activity!

So, dear women, it’s time to take stock. What do you have on this moment? Do you have what you need for personal happiness? Do you appreciate what you have? Are you on the right path? Are you satisfied with your job or maybe you see yourself in a different place? Share with us!

What is women's happiness? I am sure that everyone will give their own, unique answer to such a seemingly simple question. But in the many definitions of female happiness, you can find one clear line that will stretch from one answer to another, smoothly flowing from one mouth to another.

To see this subtle connection that binds all of us women together, forcing us to breathe in unison, we must understand, what is a Woman? To this question many men's minds They looked for an answer, tried in vain to understand female psychology, and created many films to bring the unclear reality closer. How many poems and songs about the mysterious female soul! How many anecdotes about the unique female logic! But, despite all the careful attempts to figure it out, to get to the bottom, to this day the secret, or riddle, if you like, of the female essence has not been revealed. And it is unlikely that anyone will ever be able to comprehend this secret, since the woman herself cannot say with certainty what it is about her that makes her praise her for so many millennia.

Yes, we are all different. Bright and not so bright, flighty, eccentric, playful, dreamy. Even after many years, we continue to believe in miracles and fairy tales. When in New Year's Eve As the chimes strike 12 times, many make a wish diligently, sincerely believing that it will definitely come true.

It's hard to say or give precise definition, what makes us happy. The words from the song “Women’s happiness - if only a sweetheart were nearby” only partially reflect the need of the female soul. So, what is needed:

  • Love - yes, this feeling will be the first on the list for many. Love is like air for a woman. This is the niche of her self-expression, this is the muse of her soul. Having a beloved man is more than half of happiness. Love makes us light, makes us cheerful, joyful. We live in anticipation of something truly extraordinary. Every touch of a beloved man is pleasure. This leads to the next point:
  • Sex. Yes, sex is not just a technique, not just a set of poses and body movements. For a woman, sex with her LOVED person is important. These two concepts are inseparable. Sex is an opportunity to show your love, it is an opportunity to express your feelings without words. Give yourself endlessly, without reserve, every drop of yourself. This is cool. Sex is a springboard for love and for reconciliation after minor quarrels. But sex is not just about giving each other pleasure. Its original and most important meaning is procreation. But from here the next point smoothly follows
  • Children are the best, brightest, most wonderful, most joyful thing that can be on our entire huge planet. Children, their appearance in our lives, changes our entire worldview, creating a new world hitherto unknown to us. Children are not just flowers of life. This is our whole life. They penetrate every cell of our body and fill the soul with such love, such tenderness that point No. 1 actually becomes No. 2, since the love of a mother for a child, since his presence in our lives, his smile, his victories and achievements, his voice, his peaceful snoring in his sleep, his broken knees make a woman truly happy.
Of course, we have many desires and dreams. On which, as it seems to us, our happiness depends. And the set of these desires is individual for each woman. Maybe that’s why it’s so difficult for men to find the key to a woman’s soul? After all, every woman is unique. And the question of what makes a woman happy will forever remain a mystery. A secret unfathomable, unattainable, incredible, deep, mysterious and so alluring. Many more men will have their hearts broken in search of an answer. It’s a pity, because it would be great if someone knew the recipe for your, your own happiness, if someone could share it and make us (or at least one) woman COMPLETELY happy.