Men's fragrances that drive a woman crazy. Men's perfume. How to choose what perfume girls like

Do you want every woman to look after you in fascination? Then it's probably worth finding out better what scents do women like?. The thing is that they tend to select a partner by “sniffing” him out of the crowd. And contrary to the well-known expression - “I came, I saw, I conquered”, the initiative in the formation of a partnership, for the most part, belongs to the woman.

From that what smells do women like?, and which one you prefer depends on which “fragrance hunter” will choose you. It is interesting that, choosing completely different partners, some women, over time, begin to notice that all their men, so different from each other in appearance and character, have one common feature, which turns out to be, in fact, the decisive factor. they all prefer the same range of aromas. For some, such a discovery can be a pleasant surprise.

Trying to figure it out what perfume do women like? and why, let's remember an interesting fact. Many aromas in a person's life are associated with certain events. You may no longer remember what exactly is associated with a particular smell, but the emotional coloring of the forgotten event forever remains “in the same harness” with it. For example, as a little girl, your chosen one was offended or frightened by a man. It doesn’t matter under what circumstances, there was simply severe emotional stress. The smell of cologne that emanated from that person then received a “garter” with an unpleasant event. Or, she really loved her father/grandfather, whom she lost in early childhood. The scent of her “beloved man” will come with her from childhood into adulthood.

Then the decisive factor when choosing a partner will be the unconscious desire to return what was lost in childhood loved one. Or avoid an uncomfortable, traumatic situation. “That same” aroma will become a kind of criterion for her. And believe me, this connection between emotion and aroma is so strong and so deep that as an adult woman, without even remembering the “key” event, at the moment of collision with a aroma that has a similar “emotional garter”, she reacts automatically, giving out the emotion from the “connection” " It largely depends on such factors what scent do girls like? and in general to any person. Haven't you noticed this happening to you? This feature is inherent not only to women, it is simply a property of the human psyche.

Probably, the secret of love at first sight is hidden in this pattern. No matter how much a woman sympathizes with a man she knows, if he smells “wrong”, she is almost 100% likely not to consider him as a potential partner. What perfume do girls and women like? with experience, in general to any representative of the fair sex? The answer to this question is not clear-cut.

Here are some tips that will take you a few steps closer to your goal:

Make a woman come closer

Whatever scent you prefer, do not apply too much of it. Such a mistake can lead to women starting to avoid you. Most the best option, use cologne exactly as much as she can hear, the unobtrusive aroma will “pull” her closer and closer, she will want to come up and enjoy your smell. Regardless of what men's perfume do girls like?, their strength is in the unobtrusive pleasant smell, and not in the intensity of the aroma.

Use nature's tricks

What scents excite women? It is believed that the smell of musk attracts women, awakening their animal instincts. It is not without reason that perfume manufacturers do not skimp on this component in various combinations and bouquets. By mixing musk with notes of wood, citrus and spice, they create a truly masculine scent. Such classic scents as, Giorgio Armani, Brut, Calvin Klein Eternity, and many others are successful musky compositions.

Be more natural

Thinking about what smell do girls like? We should not forget that not a single cologne, even the most fashionable and best-selling cologne, will guarantee success among women. When perfume gets on human skin, it interacts with the natural smell, giving the declared aroma a completely unique accent, unlike others. First of all, when choosing a scent, listen to your own feelings. If the cologne is “not yours,” she will immediately feel it.

Take your time with your choice

It would be better not to buy a new fragrance on a whim after reading the headlines “what perfume do girls like”. Choose a perfume with an arrangement, apply the cologne you like on clean skin, observe during the day what notes he will give hour after hour. Decide whether you like all shades of the scent? What does your body smell like? Do this with several scents that you like. Only by choosing the best one can you feel natural and confident. The “right” woman will never pass by under such conditions.

One thing is for sure, if a woman is caught in the net of your scent, the rest is a matter of technique. Everything, now, will depend only on you and your ability, as a good hunter, to hold onto your prey. 

Everyone knows that perfume is an integral element female image. But also male image It's hard to imagine without perfume. Let's talk about the top men's fragrances that women like.

According to statistics, a strong half of humanity devotes Special attention aroma. But here’s what’s interesting: as a rule, the perfume that is most suitable for one or another man is initially chosen by his woman. At least that's what the polls say.

We asked the opinion of the fair half of humanity and asked what male scent drives them crazy and makes them dizzy. As a result, we got top 10 men's fragrances the most seductive smells. We will dwell on each of them and tell you what makes these perfumes special. But before that, we should mention a few words and facts about men's perfumes.

From time immemorial, women have associated men with strength, inflexibility and calmness. That is why, from the very beginning of perfumery, men's fragrances were based on woody notes, while women's fragrances contained mainly floral aromas. Time passed and tastes, like traditional views, changed. As a result, we can see many men's perfumes that contain floral notes that are gentle in nature.

Another interesting fact is the presence of two elements in almost any fragrant composition: musk and amber. Without these particles, the smell of perfume may be “superficial,” that is, one that will be felt on top of the body odor. As a rule, men's perfumes necessarily contain amber, but women's perfumes contain musk. The combination of both of these elements, in some cases, indicates a unisex fragrance.

Givenchy Pour Homme Blue Label

Having learned a few interesting facts from the history of men's perfumery, let's get down to our top 10. First place, rightfully, can be given to aroma Givenchy Pour Homme Blue Label. Released back in 2004, this scent still occupies a leading position in the ranking of preferences of both the strong and fair half of humanity. The perfume is synonymous with coolness, airiness and freshness, thanks to the concentration of citrus and woody notes. According to the authors themselves, the Givenchy Pour Homme Blue Label fragrance was created for those men who prefer to remain calm in any, even the most extreme situations.

Bvlgari Aqva Marine Pour Homme

We gave second place Bvlgari Aqva Marine Pour Homme- this is a good men's perfume, a perfume that will appeal to a man with a bright personality, a tamer of the ocean and the sea wave. The main notes of the aroma are neroli, grapefruit and cedar. It is these components that create a feeling of freshness, a sense of freedom and a spirit of adventure.

Versace Man Eau Fraiche

Versace Man Eau Fraiche- our third fragrance. Overflowing with elegance, chic, subtlety and vigor, it is ideal for men who are confident in themselves. And every day this confidence only grows. Lemon, bergamot, rosewood, cedar, sage, black pepper, amber, amber and several other elements - a combination for a real man who knows how to highlight his image and stand out from the crowd. This is a popular men's perfume.

Lacoste Essential for Men

Fourth place, according to the survey, was given to Lacoste Essential for Men. The heart notes of the perfume are juniper, nutmeg and geranium. Thanks to these elements, as well as ginger, citrus, patchouli, the aroma is full of freshness, vigor and activity. Like most other perfumes released under the name Lacoste, the perfume was created for sporty men who keep up with the times. Lacoste perfume for men

The next scent on our list is . Concentrated but at the same time ideal for daily use, this scent is created based on a combination of bergamot, vetiver, sandalwood, ginger and notes of musk. According to its authors, the perfume is sharp, masculine and light at the same time.

Golden, sensual, long lasting and truly elegant. All these epithets are thrown at the perfume Paco Rabanne 1 Million ed. t. Created for those men who achieve their goals and know what they want from life. Some critics are confident that the scent is ideal for “dandies” and wealthy men. The combination of citrus notes, spices, herbs, and woody tones is a clear confirmation of this.

Euphoria Men

The next two steps in our ranking are confidently occupied worldwide renowned manufacturer fragrances - Calvin Klein brand. The first perfume called Euphoria Men combines the sharpness of spice and exoticism, as well as the softness but persistence of woody notes. Its owner is a passionate, sensual, energetic and daring man.


The second scent from Calvin Klein is called Crave. Creators and perfume critics describe it as fresh, clean and sexy. Especially for those representatives of the stronger sex who love active life, the society of the fair half of humanity cannot imagine themselves without sports. The aroma is based on citrus, berry, woody notes.

A scent for real men, topped with notes of leather and tobacco, and also supported by citrus undertones.

Perfume for a frank, sincere and at the same time elegant and even chic man. Amber at the base is synonymous with masculinity, while musk represents a comfortable, relaxed lifestyle.

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The smell... It would seem like one thing small word, but how much sexuality it contains. The smell can influence people, conquer men's hearts and give moments of real happiness. If you want to be successful with men, you need your own scent. And it must be flawless. What perfume do men like best? In our article you will find a rating of the top 10 best women's perfumes, as well as recommendations on how to properly apply perfume to the body.

Musk has a great effect on many men; it can arouse sexual desire. The smells of vanilla and cinnamon evoke affection for a woman, because many men love to drink coffee with cinnamon in everyday life, and the smell of vanilla awakens in them memories of their mother’s freshly baked buns and creates a feeling of comfort and warmth.

Some men prefer fruity and sweet scents, and the smells of a pine forest or salty sea take them from the dusty city to the sandy shore into their sweet dreams. And if a woman, even by smell, can make a man close his eyes and dream a little, he will try to see her again and again in order to experience something similar again.

Why do men love smells?

There are men for whom a woman's smell is more important than her appearance. And at the same time, a man does not have to be blind, like Al Pacino in “Scent of a Woman,” he simply perceives this world, intuitively focusing on smells.

A man may forget what dress you were in, what you told him, but your smell will remain in his memory on a subconscious level. And if someday, somewhere, notes of this smell suddenly slip past him, it will awaken in him memories of you and the pleasant moments that he experienced next to you. Even if he doesn’t want to remember you, the smell will force him to do so.

The smell helps to relax, calm down, inspires, sometimes cheers, and distracts from pressing matters. The smell can bring sensations that drugs are capable of, a kind of cocaine effect when the aroma takes you to the heights of bliss. A woman has always wanted to influence a man by any means. That is why it is so important to have an impeccable and correct scent to influence a man.

A good feminine scent, what is it?

  1. The aroma must be persistent. It should excite the man’s imagination until the very end of the meeting, and not disappear suddenly.
  2. It shouldn't be sweet, because you want to bring a man into a state of delight, and not into a state of rage.
  3. Good feminine scent your man likes it. It’s worth gradually finding out what flavors he prefers and adjusting your tastes in his favor, even if you don’t really want to do this.
  4. Good perfumes carry a noble scent. A man should understand that you are using expensive and high-quality perfume, and not doused yourself with consumer goods on tap from a nearby stall at the market.
  5. The smell should be natural, because you are trying to seduce an earthly man who is accustomed to the natural aromas of nature, and not a Martian.

What are the main perfume aromas? All of them are very important in the overall collection of fragrances.

Standard scents for women's perfumes

  1. Floral. Everything is simple here. Floral aromas are the smells of flowers found in nature: rose, lily of the valley, violet, narcissus, jasmine and others. If you don't want to ask directly about perfume, ask what flowers your man likes and feel free to use the scent of that flower.
  2. Fruity. Includes the scent of fruits such as apple, tangerine, pineapple, papaya, peach, etc. Quite fresh and sometimes sweet.
  3. Citrus. Their smells sometimes overlap with fruit aromas, represented by fruits: tangerine, lemon, grapefruit. Light and have a distinct citrus scent. Brings men a feeling of lightness.
  4. Woody. It could be the smell of patchouli or the smell of a pine forest. They can give men the feeling of relaxing in the wild.
  5. Fresh. These are sea smells, the smells of the ocean and just fresh air. They have a great effect on the male psyche, giving men a feeling of spaciousness, sea wind and splashes of salty waves.
  6. Culinary. They include the smell of chocolate, which is very sexy and invites kissing, champagne, figs, tea, coffee and others.
  7. Green. Smells of fresh cut grass and leaves green tea, bergamot. Relieves fatigue and relaxes men.
  8. Spicy. Very important sweetish smells that ideally affect a man’s brain. The smell of cinnamon, ginger, and lavender can rekindle dormant passion.
  9. Leather. You need to be careful with this scent, it is not suitable for everyone. The smell of light smoke and tobacco may appeal to a man who smokes cigars.
  10. Eastern. Such scents appeal to men who love oriental dancing, traveling to oriental countries, oriental music and sweet aromas. Such aromas give an exotic mood.
  11. Chypre. Scents for nature lovers. Sage, moss, incense, resin, and Indian patchouli are present in such fragrances.
  12. Ferns. Lavender, geranium, forest moss, geranium are the basis of such scents. The scents are not suitable for everyone; they contain a slight bitterness.

Here interesting video to the point:

Rating of the best women's perfumes

  1. Chanel No. 5 from Chanel- perfumes of all times and peoples, popular for more than 90 years. Bergamot, ylang-ylang, citrus, neroli, lily of the valley, jasmine, rose, iris. It's amazing how so many flavors come together. Perfume will highlight your self-confidence and status.
  2. Poison by Christian Dior– black currants, raspberries, wood, spicy cassia will poison the mind of any man with sweet poison. With such a smell, he will not be able to resist you.
  3. Opium by Yves Saint Laurent – sweet poison, but with oriental notes. Spicy, sweet and fruity aroma of vanilla, cinnamon, orange, tangerine, musk. The heart of the scent contains rose, jasmine and iris. Associated with passionate oriental nights, full of warmth and pleasure.
  4. Anais Anais by Cacharel– a delicate floral aroma, which consists of many components: the aromas of orange, lily, lavender, bergamot turn into the smells of iris, jasmine, rose and lily of the valley. Added sandalwood, patchouli, incense and white cedar. Light, romantic and floral aroma.
  5. Dune by Christian Dior– belongs to the group of oriental aromas. Peony, mandarin, bergamot are the top notes. In the depths - lily, jasmine, rose, sandalwood, amber, patchouli. Musk and vanilla add mystery to the smell.
  6. Tresor by Lancome– a spicy aroma of seduction by which a man will feel your presence. Pineapple, lilac, peach, lily of the valley, rose and bergamot are the top notes. In the depths - jasmine, rose, sandalwood, musk, vanilla.
  7. J'adore by Christian Dior– the smell is woody, floral and musky. The scent includes jasmine, rose, iris, musk and sandalwood. The smell is unlike others and is easy to remember.
  8. Vendetta by Valentino- your complete power over a man. Italian passion and southern temperament. Orange, peach, plum, hyacinth, bergamot open the aroma. Heart: ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose orchid, calendula. Notes of attraction: sandalwood, patchouli, vanilla, musk.
  9. Light blue by Dolce & Gabbana will take you to the sea coast away from prying eyes. The delightful aroma of salty spray and light sea wind. Bell, cedar, lemon and apple make the scent original, and the trail is complemented by rose, jasmine, musk and cedar.
  10. Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel– the classic scent of your femininity. A very long lasting scent that consists of mandarin, orange, mimosa, bergamot and jasmine. The trail adds patchouli, vanilla and white musk. For 15 years now, the fragrance has maintained a high level of popularity.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

What men don't like about scents

The smell should not be cloying or overly sweet. Create your own unobtrusive scent; it should exist invisibly next to you. But it shouldn’t distract all the man’s attention.

Let your scent be associated with a matured woman, and not with a girl who accidentally poured a can of shampoo on herself or smeared herself with chocolate brownies.

Not only the smell, but also the appearance plays a role. The first thing men pay attention to when meeting someone is their figure. You will learn from this article.

Another article that any girl should definitely read:.

Men also pay attention to their skin. How .

Another important aspect appearance- grooming. A woman should always look well-groomed. About, .

How to apply perfume correctly

  • Apply perfume to a fresh, clean and washed body.
  • Apply a small amount of perfume. If the bottle doesn't come with a spray bottle, apply them with your finger.
  • Apply a little perfume to your neck, hair, wrists, temples, behind your earlobes and shoulders.
  • It is better to apply perfume only to the body, without using clothes.
  • Use more than one scent so that your man doesn’t get bored with it.

Be bold in choosing your scent, and you can seduce the most persistent and obstinate man.

The aroma of men's perfume has an amazing effect on girls. A properly selected perfume is a delicious completion of a man's image. The aroma can make the fair sex dizzy and drive them crazy. Therefore, the question of what perfume girls like becomes so relevant.

The secret of the influence of men's perfume on women

Women have long liked men who have a pleasant aroma. A modern the lineup men's perfume is replete with variety. A pleasant aroma can evoke a reaction from a girl’s approval to a passionate desire to take possession of this particular man.

And musk and amber present in men's perfumes make girls lose their heads. Men's perfumes leave an aftertaste of strength and reliability. When understanding the question of what men's perfume girls like, it is necessary to remember that each representative of the fairer sex has her own preferences. Therefore, the question of which perfume or eau de toilette to buy must be taken seriously.

Some ladies love woody scents, others go crazy for floral shades. However, there are brands of perfume that make a splash on any girl. The so-called universal models.

TOP 10 fragrances to seduce girls

  1. The undoubted leader is the aroma . Despite the fact that the perfume was first released 10 years ago, it still does not lose its former popularity and is in incredible demand. The perfume exudes coolness and freshness, which suits the taste of most women.
  2. The perfume leaves behind a trail of pine needles, cedar and grapefruit. The aroma emphasizes male individuality and is a magnet for sophisticated women.
  3. has long been considered the classic scent of a real man. The perfume has an incredibly light aroma that you want to enjoy for as long as possible.
  4. The aroma is a universal scent that can blow away any girl. The popularity of the perfume broke all records, and thousands of men who tried this exquisite aroma enjoyed the attention of women.
  5. favorably emphasizes male confidence and strength. The popular fragrance combines elegance and subtlety. Using it you can impress any lady.
  6. The aroma is replete with originality and inspiration. You can use perfume both daily and when going to a social event. The perfume has a pronounced woody aroma, which is offset by notes of bergamot and ginger.

  7. - an erotic aroma for confident men who take everything from life. The aroma is persistent and rich in taste. This perfume is great for heartthrobs. Their composition is dominated by a combination of citrus freshness and herbal aroma.

  8. is a classic scent that makes girls turn around. Thousands of men have tested their incredible effect. The perfume is sensual and exciting, leaving an indelible imprint on the hearts of girls.

  9. Eau de toilette is fresh and sexy. The fragrance is intended for men who love sports and female company. Crave harmoniously combines the characteristics of berries and woody tones.

  10. will never go out of style. It is created for a strong and at the same time sophisticated man. The aroma emphasizes individuality and luxury.

Men's perfume should be the final touch in creating an attractive image. The listed models will easily give you a special charm and emphasize your inner strength.

Surely you have noticed when a girl or guy passing by leaves a fragrant trail behind them, and you seem to be drawn into this trail? There are also cases when you want to take cover and hide from a nauseating smell, and all because a person passing by simply does not know how to choose the smell or has gone a little “overboard” by applying it to himself.

Many men actually care about the impression their scents make on a woman. No, of course there are those who are sure: sweat and light stubble will seduce anyone. But... Men definitely need not only cosmetics and skin care products, but also...

It is difficult to say for sure what smell attracts women. Due to their individuality and preference, they are exclusive. And yet there are a few that are more chosen. We present to you 5 men's perfumes that are pleasant not only to give, but also to enjoy their aroma every day.

Dior Homme Eau for Men

The continuation of the Dior Homme series was created by the House's in-house perfumer, François Demachy. The new, elegant, but at the same time mischievous Eau For Men begins with an explosion: Moroccan grapefruit splashes, bergamot from Calabria sparkles. A little later, you can discern spicy coriander, and as soon as the aroma warms up on the skin, Tuscan iris absolute enters. This is the main note, the heart of the scent, which in a special way opens on men's skin, giving it a soft, sensual, sexy scent, and ends with a masculine note of Virginia cedar.

Perfumed water Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum,Chanel

You can hear citruses and bitter grapefruit, vetiver and incense, white cedar in it. Mint, patchouli and ginger are responsible for the energetic component of the aroma, while pink pepper and nutmeg give it the desired spiciness.

Recently, the Chanel team announced that a sequel to the Bleu de Chanel promotional film has been filmed. The first was directed by Martin Scorsese, the second was directed by the American John Gray, and Gaspard Ulliel still starred. The fragrance, updated in the summer of 2014, retains its woody-fresh character, but Jacques Polge, Chief Nose and guardian of Chanel's perfumery traditions, has enhanced the sensuality of the composition: he added amber and velvety notes.

Eau de toilette L'eau Kenzo Intense,Kenzo

The history of L’Eau Par Kenzo fragrances began almost 20 years ago, in 1996, when a transparent bottle, round as a sea pebble, appeared with a dynamic, colorful and fruity water for girls. A little later, they came up with a couple: L’Eau Par Kenzo for men. Years passed, bottles and compositions changed for fragrances, but they were still loved as before. And this year, “Kenzo water” will change its name: now it will be called simply L’Eau.

The men's version of the fragrance is still fresh, ringing, aquatic. It shimmers with notes of Japanese citrus yuzu, vetiver, cedar and lotus, and it seems as if the sea wind is blowing and splashes of water fall on your face.

Male and female bottles are an ideal pair. If you put them close, they will coincide with their curves and form a single whole, and the creators say that these two fragrances awaken an irresistible attraction between a man and a woman.

Fan di Fendi pour Homme eau de toiletteGiant Edition, Fendi

Three "Noses" worked on the creation of the fragrance at once: Francois Demachy, Delphine Lebeau-Croviac and Benoît Lapouz. They managed to create a fragrance that incorporates French hedonism and Italian love of life. Energetic citrus fruits and soft woods, spicy cardamom and pink pepper, fresh basil and a light metallic note of geranium are heard in it. The base of Indonesian patchouli, Venezuelan tonka bean and light suede makes this fragrance delicate, enveloping and sexy. Now you can buy a 150-ml version of the fragrance, which the creators have wittily labeled "Giant Edition" (giant edition).

Solo eau de toilette, Loewe

Of all the five, this scent is the most traditional. Its classic character is defined by citrus fruits and aldehydes, an abstract synthetic component included in the heart of the composition. Lavender sets the freshness and purity of Solo, pink pepper, cumin, anise, mint and cardamom are responsible for the spice. The insinuating enveloping base of vanilla, cinnamon, woody notes, musk and amber stays on the skin for a very long time.