Grow bangs big-very big! Useful tips for fast growing and styling. How to remove bangs - life hacks for every day and for special occasions Decided to grow bangs how to remove them

Every girl who has ever cut her bangs will sooner or later be interested in how to grow it. Below are the tools that will help you do it beautifully, quickly and imperceptibly.

Circulation is an important factor which affects the rate of hair growth.

In order to improve it, you should do a massage. For the best effect, it is recommended to carry it out regularly. The bangs, like the hair in the other part of the head, can be quickly grown thanks to a massage, which will not only accelerate their growth, give beauty, but also prevent intense loss.

The sequence of massage with fingertips:

  1. Massage should be started before washing the head, since after it the active secretion of sebum is activated on the head.
  2. Cold hands contribute to vasoconstriction, therefore, it is necessary to warm them up before the massage. For example, under the stream hot water or rubbing them against each other.
  3. First you need to take a comfortable position, for example, sit on a chair, slightly tilting your head back. It is better to start the massage from the temporal zone and the forehead, moving gradually towards the hair. The pads of the fingers should lightly press on the head in a circular motion, without stretching the skin. It is important that the movements occur slowly and gently. The duration of the procedure is 7 - 10 minutes.
  4. The next step is to pull the hair up. From the bangs, you need to take a small strand of hair and pull it up without applying special efforts otherwise, you can damage the hair follicle. Thus, you should act throughout the bangs for 5-7 minutes.

With the use of cosmetics

How to grow a bang beautifully so that it not only grows quickly, but also looks shiny and well-groomed, will help cosmetical tools aimed specifically at nourishing the hair.

  • Ampoules. Ampoules are one of the most effective means for hair growth. When choosing ampoules, you should familiarize yourself with their composition. It is important that it includes various oils, proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The contents of the ampoules must be rubbed into the scalp 2-3 times a week. The course is 1.5-2 months.
  • Mesotherapy. cosmetic procedure, in which the cells of the scalp are saturated with nutrients, as well as vitamins and microelements useful for it, such as vitamins of groups A, B, C, valuable amino acids, zinc, phosphorus, selenium. The input is carried out by injection into the subcutaneous fat on the head. The course of the cosmetic procedure consists of 5 sessions.
  • Shampoos to stimulate hair growth. Shampoo, the main ingredient of which is tea tree ether, will show you how to grow your bangs beautifully and add shine to your hair. If the shampoo contains menthol, then it will additionally increase the blood supply to the scalp, which will lead to active hair growth.
  • Keratin. It should be added to shampoos and hair masks. Keratin in an oil based suspension is the best solution.
  • Lotion. A product that strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. The lotion, which contains natural ingredients, has a good effect on the structure of the hair. Rub with massaging movements into the skin for 2-3 minutes, then wash your hair.

Apply to freshly washed, slightly dried hair.

Folk remedies

How to grow bangs beautifully, folk remedies will tell you. They are easy to prepare even at home, they have a beneficial effect on the hair, increasing blood flow to the head, making them very popular.

Red pepper tincture

Red capsicum contains vitamins A, B, C, magnesium, calcium, essential oils, that is, it has useful properties, including helping to grow hair and bangs, you just need to properly prepare it. For tincture, you should take 2 pods of red pepper, 200 ml of alcohol, a glass bottle with a cork.

First, the pods need to be washed, and the pepper finely chopped, removing the seeds.

Place the chopped pepper in a bottle, pour it with alcohol. Insist 1.5 - 2 weeks in a dark dry place without exposure to sunlight. When using the tincture, it is better to mix with olive oil and apply this mixture on the bangs for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo and warm water.

Onion mask

To prepare it, you need 1 large onion and 1 tbsp. l. honey. The onion must be crushed into gruel and add honey to it. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the bangs and left for 1 hour. This mask can be used once or twice a week.

Cinnamon Mask

For this mask, you need to take cinnamon and henna, which has no color, in equal parts, mix these two ingredients with water until a homogeneous mass, similar in consistency to thick sour cream. The mask is first applied to the scalp, and then stretched along the entire length of the bangs.

How to grow bangs beautifully prompt folk recipes, which will help not only increase the length of the hair, but also give it shine and strength

Mask with yeast and honey

Prepared from the following ingredients: 30 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. l. honey, a glass of warm water. All this must be mixed and allowed to ferment. Apply the mixture first to the roots of the hair, and then along the entire length of the bangs. It is advisable to warm your head with a towel. The mask should be kept on the head for at least 1 hour, for the best effect, leave it overnight.

Wash off with warm water without shampooing. The mask helps prevent hair loss.

Burdock root decoction

To prepare it, you need burdock root and water. Grind the root, take 3 tbsp. l. the resulting porridge, pour it into a glass cold water and heat the mixture to a boil. Next, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 15 minutes. Cool the broth, dilute with 1 liter of water and use as a rinse.

Laying methods

When growing hair, it is effective to use special means, fixing the bouffant.

No. p / p Laying method Stages
1. Laying on the side with a curling iron
  • First you should prepare the bangs for styling: wash your hair with shampoo and dry it as usual.
  • Comb the bangs with a comb to the side as far as possible.
  • Apply a small amount of styling mousse to the bangs, combing it for even application.
  • Divide the bangs into 2-3 strands and curl them with a heated curling iron, moving from the roots to the tips.
  • Each subsequent strand should be curled slightly lower than the previous one.
  • Fix the result with hairspray.
2. Hair styling.
  • Prepare hair: wash it with shampoo, dry it.
  • Separate the bangs, and collect the remaining hair in a high tail.
  • Make a pile on the bangs, moving from the roots to the tips.
  • Spray bangs with hairspray, put them back and smooth a little in the direction from the forehead.
  • Fix the laid bangs with invisibility.
3. Hairdryer styling.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Divide the bangs into 2 parts. Temporarily fasten the upper part with a hairpin.
  • Dry the bangs with a hair dryer from the roots, winding it on large curlers or a large comb.
  • The lower part of the bangs should be dried from below, giving it volume.
  • The upper part of the bangs needs to be pulled out with a hair dryer, giving it smoothness.
  • Dry the bangs with cold air and fix the result with hairspray.
4. Dressing with a scarf.
  • Prepare bangs: wash and dry hair.
  • Collect hair in a ponytail without bangs.
  • Tie a scarf along the line of separation of the bangs and hair.
  • With an iron, stretch the bangs in different directions, while fixing the result with varnish.
5. Loose hair. Side bangs.
  • Divide clean hair with a parting in the middle, also separate the bangs.
  • On each side, use a curling iron to curl the bangs away from the face.
  • Consistently curl the rest of the hair, separating them in small strands.
  • Carefully fix the hair with varnish.
  • You can stab the bangs with invisibility a little if it is poorly fixed.

Using hairpins, hairbands, hoops

Most fast way to remove a bang that is in the process of growing is the use of hairpins, bandages or hoops.

  • Rim. Every girl has been using this accessory since childhood. The headband only needs to be put on the head and you can easily hide the interfering strands. For a holiday or a date, it can be decorated various stones, flowers, and the image will become more solemn.
  • Hairpins. You can use one hairpin if the bangs are combed to the side. Dividing the hair into a parting in the middle, the bangs can be stabbed with two hairpins. In this case, it can be hidden behind the ears, creating the effect of the absence of bangs.
  • Invisibles. There are a lot of options for using invisibility. In order to stab the bangs back, it is necessary to separate it from the rest of the hair, make a small bouffant and fix the bangs with two or more invisible ones, moving it away from the forehead. If small strands stand out, then you can sprinkle the comb with varnish and gently walk it through the bangs.
  • Handkerchief.

The plot of how to pick up hair with a scarf:

There are many options for tying a scarf:

  • Fold the scarf in half at the corner, then fold it into a thin strip and tie. Put a scarf on your head, removing the bangs under it so that its ends are visible.
  • Fold the scarf into a strip and try it on your head so that its middle is under the hair, and the ends are near the face. Remove the bangs under the scarf, twist the ends together and tie them under the hair.
  • Roll the scarf into a thin strip. Put on the head so that in front it is located just above the middle of the forehead, and in the back it is tied in a knot.

In this case, the bangs should be wound on a scarf, dividing it in the middle. It turns out a hairstyle in the Greek manner.

Beautiful weaving

How to grow bangs beautifully, while changing your image every day, weaving various hairstyles will help.

french braid

It is necessary to separate the bangs from the hair. Then you should determine the direction in which weaving will be done. The extreme part of the strand should be divided into 3 parts and begin to weave a braid, gradually weaving thin strands of hair into it on one side, and bangs on the other side. Weaving is performed along the hairline to the temple.

From the temple, the braid is woven in the usual way and fixed at the end with an elastic band. Fix the result with varnish.

Scythe Dragon

First you need to take a bang and separate it into 3 even parts. Take the right strand, throw it over the middle one, and then do the same with the left strand. With each subsequent repetition, the nearest thin strands must be woven into the braid. Weave them to the very ends of the hair.

With this weaving, the bangs are invisible and do not interfere.


The bangs are easy to weave into the basket and won't get in the way all day long. First you need to draw a circle in the center of the head with a comb, separating it with a hairpin or hair tie. It is better to start weaving from the back of the head or from the area around the ear. Cross a strand from the tail with a strand from the bulk of the hair.

Continue weaving in a circle, alternately crossing strands from different sides. You can finish the hairstyle at the opposite ear or by reaching the beginning of weaving.

Weaving with decorations

Divide the bangs into 2 equal parts and twist them together. For a while, stab one part with an invisible or hairpin. To the first part of the bangs, add a strand from the bulk of the hair and twist them together. Weave the resulting strand with another strand, taken just below the previous one. Continue weaving to ear level. On the other hand, weaving is similar.

Where weaving ends, hair can be decorated with a hairpin with a stone or flower.


In order to braid the bangs in the form of a tourniquet, you need to divide it into 2 parts, after combing it. Select 2 strands in the middle and twist them together into a tourniquet. Weave to the side, adding the rest of the hair from the bangs to the first interlaced strand. It is best to continue weaving to the ear. Tie the hair at the end with an elastic band.

There are many ways to quickly grow hair, so those who grow bangs should not be afraid to experiment with beautiful weaving and styling. Bangs can help to try on a new image, but if it does not live up to expectations, then everything can be easily returned back.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

Useful video on how to grow bangs

Unfortunately, experiments with appearance are not always successful. Sometimes even a banal haircut of a bang brings disappointment and, naturally, there is a desire to quickly return everything to its “places”. There is only one question left: how to quickly grow bangs?

In order to grow bangs in a short time, you will need to make a lot of effort. The shorter the bangs, the longer it will take for it to reach the desired length.
In fact, growing bangs is not difficult, for this you just need to wait a few months. The problem here is different - how to lay it? After all, the bangs will interfere with the measure of regrowth and climb into the eyes.

Quite often, women do not withstand this stage and again take up scissors. However, if they knew how to style bangs during this period, they would definitely achieve their goal.

It should be noted that if you have too short bangs, then you have a long and hard road ahead, because you need to wait until the moment when it reaches at least seven centimeters in length. After that, it will be possible to somehow lay it down.

And here is the bang middle length already can be stacked in different ways. Quite often, women comb it back and fix it with varnish or hairpins. By the way, a neat bouffant looks very nice on such a bang. But here it is important to know the measure, so it is better to first contact the master to show him how to do it correctly.

Bangs, which have a length of more than 10 cm, can be laid either to one side, or together with the rest of the hair, making a parting in the middle. Alternatively, such bangs can also be combed back and fixed at the crown with some beautiful hairpin.

How long does it take to grow bangs?

In order for the bangs to grow by approximately 5-6 centimeters, you will need an average of 3-5 months, since the hair on the human body grows by 1-1.5 cm in one month. But, if you make an effort, you can speed up this process up to 4-5 cm per month.

Thus, having a great desire, even the most short hair grow in a short amount of time.

Many girls are wondering how to quickly grow bangs at home? This can be done only if various cosmetic or massages are performed using a special technique. You can also use folk beauty recipes. They are less expensive, but just as effective.

However, remember that excessive application of various cosmetics to the hair can lead to their weight. They will begin to look unaesthetic, as they will quickly become dirty. Therefore, it is better to choose one method and apply it until the goal is achieved.

If you are tormented by the question of how to quickly grow bangs at home, then you should probably know about, which stimulates hair growth and helps strengthen follicles.

You can do massage both during shampooing and before it. To carry it out, you can use any essential oil that you have at home, or sea ​​salt. Only it must be diluted with ordinary water 1: 1 before use.

Start with light circular motions, then pull the hair slightly (but not too much, otherwise you will pull it out), and then begin to press the hair with the palm of your hand, applying moderate pressure on it.
If you do a massage before washing your hair, then it is recommended to let your hair rest for about 10 minutes, and only then proceed to water procedures.

How to quickly grow bangs: cosmetics

If you decide to use cosmetics, then remember that visible result you can only get high-quality cosmetics. Worth buying products well-known manufacturers which have already proven themselves in the global market.

Buying cheap cosmetics from dubious manufacturers is not worth it, because you can not only not see positive result from using them, but also severely damage your hair. Therefore, you should be more careful here.

In addition, experts recommend using only those cosmetics that contain more than 50% natural ingredients and very few different flavors, fragrances and preservatives. After all, all these substances have a negative effect on the hair itself, even though at first they can give positive results.

Therefore, almost all experts are in favor of women using. They are prepared only from natural ingredients, and they contain more vitamins and minerals necessary for normal growth hair.

The most effective folk remedies for hair growth are, and masks. They are prepared very easily and are financially accessible to everyone.
To prepare a mustard mask, you will need dry mustard, water and some kind of cosmetic oil (it is better to take it, it stimulates hair growth well). Dilute 2 tbsp. chilled mustard boiled water. You should have a creamy mixture. Add a tablespoon of oil to it and mix everything well.

After that, you need to take a little more oil and treat your hair with it, retreating from the roots a few centimeters. This is necessary in order to prevent them from drying out, as mustard can burn them badly.

Next, the mustard mixture is taken and applied to the scalp with massaging movements, after which a warming cap is put on. With a mask on your hair, you should walk for no more than 20 minutes. Rinse off in the usual way - using shampoo and balm.

To prepare a pepper mask, you will need a tincture of red pepper. If it is not possible to make it yourself, you can buy it at a pharmacy. It doesn't cost much.
The principle of applying this mask is the same as in the previous case. Mix tincture with cosmetic oil in a ratio of 1: 1 and treat the scalp with the resulting mixture. Do not forget that the hair should also be smeared with oil.

But with the preparation of an onion mask, you will have to tinker. You need to peel a large onion, chop it and squeeze the juice from it. After that, this juice must be mixed with castor oil (1-2 tablespoons) and applied to the scalp.

It is worth noting right away that when holding this mask on your hair, your eyes may water. But the result is worth it. Onion mask is one of the few that allows you to achieve such results - hair growth increases up to 5 cm per month!

The truth is that it is difficult to get rid of the smell of the mask. But many argue that if you rinse them, then bad smell disappears immediately.

In principle, if you want to quickly grow only bangs, then masks do not have to be applied to all hair. You can simply process them only with the necessary area, that is, bangs.
Now you know how to quickly grow bangs. We hope that our advice will help you achieve your goal in a short time.

Video on how to grow bangs

"You can't change the world, change yourself." Many girls who decide to change something in their lives start with the simplest and most accessible - with a change in external image. And often resort to cardinal decisions. Someone changes their hair color, someone shaves baldly, and someone changes their haircut by cutting their bangs. And here it is! Feeling of novelty, freshness. And it seems that the world has changed and everything around has changed.

But time passes, the new image becomes boring again and I want to return the old curls. Having made such a decision, you need to be patient and not succumb to the often arising temptation to cut the bangs almost to the root. After all, growing, it interferes, climbs into the eyes, becomes oily from the touch of hands and frankly begins to annoy. Fortunately, modern fashion offers different options. How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere and looks quite nice?

Mechanical fixtures

Having wondered how to grow bangs so that they do not interfere, you must, first of all, purchase aids. First, until it grows just below the eyebrow line, you can still somehow cope with it. For example, lift a little higher with a hair dryer or slightly twist at the roots with a wide curling iron. But when she stubbornly climbs into the eyes, all kinds of hairpins and hairpins come to the rescue, which can be purchased in any jewelry department. Thankfully there are so many of them now.

When choosing a hairpin, do not forget about the age range. So, a young lady can go with various bright colored plastic “crabs”, while older ladies should opt for something more conservative. But even here it all depends on the general style of clothing, place and even time of year.

For example, in spring and summer, fashionable hoops or special headbands will help out a lot. They can even be replaced with a neck scarf, folded several times, or a daughter's bow - it will look original and unhackneyed. All this will perfectly complement the romantic image and give it lightness and airiness.

How to grow bangs? So that it does not interfere, you should use invisibility. Help out in any situation. No wonder they got that name.

They really are almost invisible if you skillfully use them. For example, clip a bang near your ear and hide it under the main mop of hair, and no one around you will even guess about its existence.

For an evening look, one beautiful expensive small hairpin is suitable. It can become a bright accent and replace the rest of the jewelry.

How to style the bangs you are growing out?

There are many options for styling regrown hair. If the bangs are already long enough, but still do not hold behind the ear, then it can be woven into a braid that is fashionable this season along the edge of the forehead and secured above the ear with a hairpin. The rest of the hair should be left loose or woven into the main braid. This is a simplified version of the braid. It is done according to the same principle, only from two rows of hair.

No less interesting is the tail with high bangs combed up. At the same time, the bangs are lifted up, a light pile is made on the inside for volume, fixed at the base with invisibility crosswise and, as it were, merged with the main hair into an elastic band.

Owners of obedient hair fit such a simple trick: after washing your hair, apply a styling product to the bangs and dry it with a hairdryer in the side direction.

For lovers of curly hair, you will need an iron or curlers. Everything is very simple: the bangs are wound in the same way as the rest of the hair, only on the side so that the whole hairstyle looks harmonious.


5. Liver, butter and curd products. The contained vitamin A will eliminate split ends.

6. Citrus fruits, currants, quince, kiwi, sea buckthorn are all sources of vitamin C, which promotes accelerated hair growth.

Adhering to such a diet, you can easily understand how to grow bangs in one week.

Excess consumption of sugar, salt, caffeine and carbonated drinks should be avoided. Fast food and processed foods will not add health. All these products negatively affect hair growth and the general condition of the body.

Hair masks

How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere using masks made from natural ingredients? Here are some examples of masks that promote increased hair growth with regular use:

  • It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of cinnamon with 5 drops essential oil cinnamon. To this add a tablespoon of honey, macadamia oil and coconut. The mask is prepared as follows: in a water bath, you need to heat the honey, and then mix it with all the other ingredients. Apply to damp hair and cover with a towel for 40 minutes. Wash away.
  • Mix two tablespoons of dry mustard with one yolk. Add 2 tea sugar and two tablespoons of any oil here. Rub into hair and wrap for an hour. After wash with shampoo. This mask gives the hair volume and density. Hair becomes less oily.

Now all the secrets about how you can grow a bang so that it does not interfere are revealed.

"Straight - curl, curls - straighten"! Yes, it's all about us, dear girls. Sooner or later, our soul yearns for change, and bangs become one of the objects of rebranding. The bangs are not satisfied - we stop hanging our nose, and then we will find out how to make a metamorphosis: deftly and beautifully style and quickly grow a bang.

We grow bangs in a short time

Most girls believe that it is very difficult to quickly grow bangs to the required length. By following our advice, you will easily succeed in this.

  • Protect curls from damage. Otherwise, the rapid growth of bangs is hardly possible. Do gentle styling: minimize the use of hair dryers and curling irons. At the time of growing, give up painting, perm and lamination.
  • Watch your nutrition. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and, of course, fatty fish, which contain an increased concentration of vitamins and acids that are responsible for the health and growth of hair. Remember: our health largely depends on the diet.
  • Use growth promoters. Pay Special attention on the naturalness of the components and the presence of thermal protection. It can be everything that the care and medicinal series offer: various masks, balms.
  • Do not neglect a wide range of dietary supplements and vitamins, it will only benefit.
  • Actively look after not only the bangs, but also the entire scalp. Hair growth improves if hair follicles are stimulated with massage. The effectiveness of this procedure will improve significantly if you use a soft brush in combination with oils, sprays or balms.

Folk recipes - this is what saves us for centuries. Take it to arms!

Recipe 1. Red pepper

Pepper tincture is recognized as one of the most popular and effective remedies. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form, but it is simply necessary to add it to masks.

The composition of the mask:

  • 2 tablespoons of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of red pepper tincture (alcohol);
  • 1 spoon of mask or hair oil (it is better to take natural);

Use as follows: mix all the ingredients, apply on the scalp and wash off after 10-15 minutes. Use 1-2 times a week.

Recipe 2. Burdock and castor oil

magical properties castor oil, the leader in high-speed hair growth, we sang in the article -. Now we give a recipe from a mix of healthy oils.

We mix the above types of oils in equal proportions, preheating them, and apply to the scalp (in the bang growth zone). We close the necessary area with a hair cap, and on top with a towel. Wash off after a few hours. Use several times a week.

Recipe 3. Onion juice

This wonderful recipe is not often remembered now, because in addition to the growth effect, an unpleasant smell remains on the hair, which is difficult to get rid of. It will be enough for owners of dry hair to rinse their hair several times to completely destroy the “aroma”, but for housewives oily hair it is better to do an onion mask before the weekend, and then wash off the smell for a couple of days.

For such a mask, you need juice from a medium bulb, which is rubbed into the roots under the bangs. It is recommended to wrap your hair with a towel for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with water.

Recipe 4. Tomatoes

To accelerate hair growth on bangs, it is good to use natural tomato juice or finely chopped tomato. We rub the skin under the bangs with the pulp for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 5. Nicotinic acid

One of the most popular means for forced hair growth is nicotinic acid. With the help of 10 standard nicotinic acid ampoules, the growth of bangs can be significantly intensified by applying the procedure every 3 days.

To do this, you need to fill the syringe with the contents of one ampoule, remove the needle and gradually apply drops of acid to the place where the bangs grow, after washing your hair with shampoo for deep cleaning. Then massage the skin with your fingertips for a while. Wash off after 40 - 50 minutes, holding under a warm cap. You should not store an open ampoule - the substance quickly loses its useful properties.

In addition to growth, nicotinic acid actively fights oxygenating hair follicles and treats excessive hair loss.

A qualified hairdresser is the key to a beautiful bang

Would you like to make bangs your main feature? Did not like the poor-quality haircut of the previous master? Go to a more highly qualified stylist. It will help you choose, and, most importantly, implement changes in your image. The options can be very different: from giving a new, interesting shape to creative coloring of the strands.

We hide the growing bangs

Growing bangs always bring a million inconveniences to their mistress: fall on the eyes, spoil general form hairstyles. Next, ways of laying a growing bang will be proposed.

  • Method 1. Hairpins.

Comb the bangs back or to the side, and then secure with a suitable bobby pin.

  • Method 2. Hoop.

Hairbands never lose their popularity, and their variety allows you to make your hair elegant and festive in a matter of seconds.

  • Method 3. Twist with a tourniquet.

Gather the hair from the bangs into several small bundles and secure with invisibility. This type styling can have many variations, and each girl will find exactly her own, unique and inimitable

  • Method 4. Pigtail.

It's hard to believe, but even the shortest bangs are really beautiful and discreetly weaved into a braid. It's all a matter of your imagination and skills.

  • Method 5. Creating a voluminous bang.

If smoothly combed bangs do not suit you, then try combing it at the roots and laying it in a small tubercle with the help of hairpins and varnish. This hairstyle is perfect for those with a round face.

Now you know everything and even more about how to quickly grow bangs. It remains to recall only one thing: quickly does not mean this minute, so think a hundred times before you decide to cut your bangs one day.

Experimenting with hairstyles, styling, so sometimes you want to return to a long bang or see how your face will look without it (bangs). Have you had such cases?

But there are more unpleasant incidents when the bangs are burned with a curling iron or tongs, the guys have a fire, and another option is an unsuccessful experiment with scissors.

In any case, you need to start right now, since we will grow a bang, and it is quite important for the appearance of a girl, woman, guy and man.

There are many who want to know how to grow bangs quickly at home by 12 cm per week? Let's see if this is possible using the whole arsenal of tricks, skills and experience.

Experimenting with hairstyles, styling, so sometimes you want to return to a long bang or see how your face will look without it (bangs).

There are more unpleasant cases when the bangs are burned with a curling iron or tongs, for guys it’s fire, and another option is an unsuccessful experiment with scissors.

A very short bang leads to a rhetorical question, how to grow bangs quickly? Per day? a week? Very fast?

1. Don't cut your hair short

The shock of extremely short bangs is horror in the eyes!

To refuse a haircut, it is possible that the hairdresser will offer you to profile or shorten it so that it does not get into your eyes, but you need to explain to the master the purpose of your refusals.

Therefore, tell him right away that in this moment the goal is to grow bangs, so the hairdresser will accept your decision and will not be so persistent.

Tip: If you cannot refuse the master's persistent suggestions, stop visiting the salon for a while.

2. Correct hairstyle

A painful time when the bangs are longer than usual, but it cannot be laid behind the ear or braided. We recommend choosing 2-5 hairstyles when the bangs are selected from the face, styling in different variations fit too.

If you can’t think of it, look at photos of celebrities with bangs.

Even if you have short bangs, take a look to make sure: the headband hairstyle on the bangs will save your nerves and require only a few minutes of free time. Try to master several options for weaving at once.

Weaving braids with pickup diversifies your ability to create beautiful, elegant and unusual hairstyles. Arm yourself with the knowledge gained in this one and try it right now.

We offer you abundance interesting options how to remove regrown bangs, along with a video and photo is described.

3. Trim 1-2mm

How is it that you only said in paragraph 1 not to cut your bangs?

Your task is to cut it by 1-2 mm, thereby helping to get rid of the split ends that are not alive.

We carry out this simple procedure at home on our own or we turn to a specialist in a hairdresser.

Often girls use special devices for precise haircuts, they call their level for cutting hair.

The task can be simplified using hair clips, both options are shown in the photo.

4. Tricky secrets of growing bangs

Huge arsenal of:

  • masks;
  • tinctures;
  • decoctions;
  • oils;
  • vitamins;
  • conditioners.

Remember all the classic masks for hair growth: yeast, beer, mustard,.

Video on how to grow bangs with burdock rinses, oils:

Tip: Do not be lazy to add vitamins to shampoo and hair rinses. Their price is not so high, but 1 bottle of vitamins A and E is enough for you for several months. Do not try to pour more than 8 drops in 1 dose.

Pepper tincture enjoys the glory of an effective "growth" of hair, it is sold in pharmacies.

Nicotinic acid - is considered a magic potion that helps grow hair on the eyes. The bangs will require several times less. Choose it in capsules.

5. How to rub nicotinic acid?

  1. Dial in spitz.
  2. Without a needle, distribute over the part of the head where you want to grow hair.
  3. Rub into roots.

It has contraindications, so read the instructions before use.

The video will tell you about the mechanism of nicotinic acid and the rules for applying it to the hair:

6. How to make bangs thicker?

When choosing a bang of any shape, do not forget about such tricks as the density of the bangs.

Tip: Thicker long bangs make it impossible to wear it on the face. Consider oblique bangs if you don't want to pull them back or to the side from your face.

If you have very rare bangs, then there are 2 ways to make it thicker:

- haircut, choose a large strand to visually increase the amount of hair;
– we carry out therapy to increase the density of hair: onion juice, pepper tincture, nicotinic acid.

7. Uneven bangs, what should I do?

First cut, and then grow or not touch, but cut only after growing?

Answer yourself the question, what is the purpose of growing bangs?
Do you plan to cut it again later? In this case, there is no point in a haircut.

For those who know exactly how long bangs are needed, cut to the end goal from time to time, cutting off the ends.

Only often masters are so addicted that they can make you such a hedgehog as a result of a haircut, so follow their work and control the cut hair.

Very often, 1 cm at the master and in the length of the hair is different 1 cm.

8. Menu - the basis of rapid hair growth

It is difficult for lovers of strict diets to grow bangs and hair, since the restriction of fats, vitamins, carbohydrates immediately affects the hair: brittleness, split ends, lifelessness, lack of shine.

Those who want to grow thick and silky bangs should reconsider their diet. Consume in sufficient quantities for your age and weight: vitamins, protein-rich foods (eggs, meat, fish), carbohydrates: buckwheat and rice, minerals, fats (nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, oils).

Drink vitamin complexes in courses, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Regularly include seafood and fish oil in your diet

9. How to care for bangs?

For ardent lovers of hair dryers, curling irons, tongs and irons, problems with bangs arise in the form of burnt and split ends, hair becomes like tow or doll hair.

There are no special wishes for the care of bangs, except for the well-known ones:

  • do not comb;
  • do not comb wet;
  • gently comb and wash;
  • wipe by blotting, not twisting;
  • rinse with decoctions of herbs;
  • use shampoos and balms only for your hair type;
  • lay sparing options (so as not to break out);
  • choose the right comb;
  • do not go without a headdress, neither in winter nor in summer;
  • take care of them and take care of them.

10. Stacking bangs

Thanks to correct and beautiful styling the question of how to grow bangs quickly and imperceptibly simply disappears.

The first allies in styling and removing it from the face are wax and gel, if you wish, use other styling products.

For girls, girls, women styling options:

  • smoothly combed with wax, gel or use hairpins;
  • rollers, plaits with stealth and hairpins;
  • various options for weaving braids on a bang (this is done even on a short one);
  • bandages, elastic bands, hoops to help fix the short one;
  • give it the right shape.

Use all the ideas separately or in combination to help your bangs not annoy you, but become a decoration even when you grow them, take a look at the photo and choose the most attractive option for yourself.

Are you uncomfortable with even bangs or growing? Change it to oblique! It is easy to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing oblique bangs in this one where there is also a photo. She will not obviously close her eyes and interfere.

And a slightly regrown bang gives a lot of trouble to its mistress. Look at 50 photos with models, learn how to style long bangs follow this link and make it the highlight of your image.


We are looking for our own version of the parting: in the middle laying behind the ears, on the left or right side using different options for decorating the parting with the help of a picture.

Instructional video on 7 ways to remove bangs from the face: styling, weaving options and pinning

How to grow bangs quickly at home (step by step recommendations)?

The growth rate will depend on compliance with the rules described above, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.

According to the reviews of video bloggers, using a complex that includes: masks, vitamins, proper nutrition, nicotinic acid, rest and sleep, you will be able to grow bangs or hair by 6 cm per month, which is a fantastic result. After all, hair usually grows only 1 cm per month.

Even if you do 1 mask every day and drink vitamins, as well as eat right by 12 cm per week, the bangs will not grow, as it has a limit. Therefore, do not rush hair growth to the speed of light, wash your hair in the usual number of times a week and let your hair rest.

You can formulate an accelerated version of growing bangs at home as follows:

  • proper and rational nutrition;

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