Mask for moisturizing hair at home. Moisturizing hair mask. Onion moisturizing mask

Representatives of the fair sex very often expose their curls to thermal and chemical effects. Various dyeing, curling, blow-drying, using a variety of curling irons and stylers - all this sooner or later adversely affects the quality of the hair. Hair becomes thinner, becomes dry, dull and breaks off easily.

Moisturizing masks are designed to combat these unpleasant consequences. They revitalize ends and restore curls.

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Which masks are better - professional or homemade?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Everyone's hair structure and type is different. A high-quality mask purchased in a professional store can work perfectly on the hair of a single girl and give a completely different result on another girl’s curls of similar type and structure. The same can be said about households.

Benefits of homemade masks:

  • Availability;
  • Cheapness;
  • Natural composition.


Advantages of professional masks:

  • Ease of use;
  • Speed ​​of impact.


  • Expensive price;
  • Not the most natural composition.

It's difficult to predict what will suit your hair. Here it is necessary to try different options, because there are worthy representatives both among professionals and among others.

It is highly advisable for all girls to use homemade moisturizing hair masks once a month. for prevention, regardless of hair type, and those with naturally dry curls, as well as girls who abuse coloring and thermal styling, would benefit from using moisturizing masks 1-2 times a week.

Today we will look at recipes for some of the best moisturizing hair masks at home, which you can make from available products.

The simplicity and convenience of their use will save time and money on going to the salon, and the resulting effect can surpass the salon result.

Masks for dry hair ends

Moisturizing mask for hair ends based on carrot juice

Carrot juice contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Its healing properties are good for regenerating the hair structure. This recipe revitalizes dry ends of curls, making them smooth, shiny and manageable.

Required ingredients:

  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • Any vegetable oil.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and massage the solution into the hair ends. Leave the mixture on for half an hour to an hour and wash your hair with warm water.

Based on colorless henna

Colorless henna is known for its beneficial effects on hair. She has strengthening properties, gives hair a radiant look and shine, “solders” the hair ends. This recipe is suitable for those with dry and flaky ends.

Required Products:

  • Colorless henna;
  • 2-3 tsp. liquid solution of vitamins A and E;
  • 2 tbsp. almond oil.

Pour boiling water over colorless henna until a thick consistency is formed. Cover with something and wait a quarter of an hour. Heat the oil a little and pour into the resulting solution.

As a result, a liquid paste should form, to which vitamins must be added. The product is stored in a dark place, tightly sealed. Use once a week, leaving on the ends for 2-3 hours.

Masks for colored hair

ADVICE! Dyed and bleached strands have a fragile and porous structure. Therefore, in order to avoid them acquiring an undesirable tone, avoid using masks containing various herbal decoctions or henna, and also do not get carried away with masks whose main components are fermented milk products and oils, since they can wash out the color.

Below are the most effective masks for colored and bleached hair. They intensively care for your hair, revitalizing it and giving it a healthy look.

With cognac

Cognac gives the curls shine and radiance and can even enhance the color of dyed strands, and the yolk intensively nourishes the curls, moisturizing them.

To prepare the composition you will need:

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  • 100 ml cognac;
  • yolk of one egg.

Mix all the ingredients and distribute the mixture over the strands. Leave the mask on your head for 20-30 minutes and wash your hair with warm water.

Nourishing mask

This option will be a lifesaver for girls experimenting with frequent coloring. Its components nourish and care for hair as much as possible.

You will need:

  • part of a ripe banana;
  • part of a ripe avocado;
  • egg yolk.

Combine all the ingredients, rubbing them thoroughly, and massage evenly into the strands. Wrap in a towel. Keep the mixture on your head for about 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing masks for dry hair types

Gelatin based

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. coconut or castor oil;
  • 20 drops of a mixture of vitamins A and E;
  • Half a glass of warm water.

Soak in water and let it swell completely. Next, heat it until the lumps disappear. Pour the remaining components of the mask into the cooled mixture. Lubricate all hair with the mixture. Wrap the head with the applied mixture in plastic wrap and pull it on top warm hat. Sit with the mask for half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off your head.

Based on fermented milk products

Required components:

  • Half a glass of any fermented milk product;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oils;
  • 1 tbsp. melted honey.

Combine the ingredients together and lubricate the entire length of your hair with the mixture. Wrap the head with the applied mixture in plastic wrap and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off your head.

Moisturizing hair mask with aloe juice

  • Half a glass of sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oils;
  • 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice;
  • yolk of 1 egg.

Melt the coconut oil until liquid and pour in the remaining ingredients. Massage the resulting mass into the strands. Wrap the head with the applied mixture in plastic wrap and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off your head.

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A few more mask options:


You will need:

  • freshly squeezed onion juice;
  • liquid honey;
  • any vegetable oil;
  • and the yolk of one egg.

Combine all ingredients together and massage into strands. Sit for 30-40 minutes with the mask on your head and wash it off.

For more information about onion hair masks, see:

Highly moisturizing oil-based hair mask

The most moisturizing and nourishing masks for hair are made from oils. For example, this one saturates the hair with useful substances and gives it shine and radiance.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. olive oils;
  • 2 tbsp. castor oil;
  • 10 capsules of vitamin A;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • 2 tbsp. liquid honey;
  • Freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.

Combine all components and lubricate with the composition
hair length Wrap the head with the applied mixture in cling film and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour and then wash it off your head.

IMPORTANT! It is not advisable to apply the mask to hair that is too thin or weakened, as it can weigh it down.

See more about.

Based on arnica tincture

A mask made from arnica tincture has an active moisturizing effect due to its content large quantity biologically active substances. This option helps even overdried, worn-out curls.

You will need:

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  • 3 tbsp. arnica tinctures;
  • 2 tbsp. any vegetable oil;
  • yolks of two eggs.

Combine all the components of the mask and lubricate the entire length of your hair with the composition. Wrap the head with the applied mixture in plastic wrap and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour and then wash it off your head.

Express mask

The recipe for this mask is simple but very effective. Oils and yolk nourish dry curls, and mayonnaise enhances the moisturizing effect.

You will need:
1 tbsp.

  • olive oils;
  • castor oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • and the yolk of one egg.

Mix the ingredients and massage the mixture into your strands. Wrap your head in plastic and insulate it warm material. Leave to act for 20 minutes and then rinse off the composition with shampoo.

Kefir based

Kefir perfectly moisturizes curls and fights their fragility due to the content of yeast, vitamins and lactic acid rods.

ADVICE! The mask is not suitable for those with colored hair, as kefir washes out the color!

You will need:

  • 300-500 ml kefir;
  • egg yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Mix the products together and distribute over the scalp. Leave it on your head for 30-40 minutes and then wash it with warm water.

Super moisturizing hair mask with avocado

Avocado does wonders for hair. Thanks to its high content of fatty acids, it intensively nourishes and moisturizes the strands, giving them ideal smoothness and silkiness. The mask can revive even worn out curls.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 1 half ripe avocado;
  • 1 half of a ripe banana;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil (preferably olive or coconut);
  • 1 tbsp. l. full-fat sour cream or homemade mayonnaise.

Thoroughly grind the fruits to a puree consistency to make it easier to rinse off the mixture. Add the remaining ingredients and carefully distribute the mask over the strands. Wrap the head with the applied mixture in polyethylene and insulate it with warm material.

Leave the mask on for half an hour to an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

Here's another moisturizing mask for long hair:

  • Do not dye your hair frequently. Wait at least 3 months before painting again;
  • Use special moisturizing shampoos and rinses of the same series, complementing each other;
  • After washing your hair, you need to use a conditioner or balm designed to “seal” the hair scales and protect its structure. For the same purposes, after washing, they are rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar diluted in cool water;
  • Minimize the use of hair dryers, tongs and other thermal devices. When using a hair dryer, use cool or warm air or let your hair dry naturally;
  • Protect your hair from cold, heat, strong wind and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Eat properly and nutritiously. A daily diet that is poor in protein will have the most unfavorable effect on the quality of your hair;
  • Drink your daily amount of water. Lack of fluid in the body will also affect the condition of the hair.

Perfectly smooth, moisturized hair is not a dream, but the result of a little effort and patience. The beauty of your hair is in your hands. The main thing is not to be lazy and the result will not keep you waiting!

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Every woman dreams of beautiful and shiny hair that will attract attention and arouse the admiration of others. Unfortunately, nature was not able to gift everyone thick hair. But hairdressers and stylists are actively directing their efforts to creating beautiful and healthy curls. After all, if you think about it, the length and thickness of your hair is not as important as its well-groomed appearance. In this article we will look at the problem of dry hair, find out its causes and learn how to deal with it. We will also reveal the secrets of caring for dry scalp and tell you how to prepare homemade hair masks.

Causes of dry hair

There are many reasons for dry and brittle hair. First of all, this is heredity - if you are “lucky” to be born with this type of hair, then you will have to take care of your hair especially carefully. An intensely moisturizing hair mask and special care should become your constant companions. The fact is that in such people the sebaceous glands do not work well enough. But the elasticity and shine of the hair depends on the intensity of their work. In addition, dry hair is often accompanied by another problem - dandruff.

The next reason for dryness is a lack of vitamins and microelements. When the body lacks necessary substances, it takes them from its own resources. And first of all, hair and nails suffer. After giving birth, many women notice that their hair becomes dry and thin, and their nails become brittle. The same thing is noticed by women who are losing weight and mercilessly limit their diet. Moisturizing restorative hair masks can save the situation a little, but without establishing proper nutrition, lasting results will not be achieved.

Improper hair care can also cause brittle split ends. Women who often dye their hair or prefer perm sooner or later encounter this problem. Using various irons, curling irons and curling irons invariably leads to the same results. To correct the situation best assistant There will be moderation and a moisturizing mask for hair.

Don't forget about stress - mental anxieties always have a strong impact on your appearance. Overwork, mental and physical stress leave their mark on the appearance of skin, nails and hair.

With age, hair loses moisture, and after 35 years, most women no longer face the problem. oily hair or greasy scalp. On the contrary, more than half go to hairdressers with the problem of dry hair.

Last important factor, which affects the external beauty of a person, is the state of the environment. For example, too hard water or dusty air will damage your hair over time. To maintain beauty, you should constantly take measures - a moisturizing mask for dry hair will become your best ally.

Treatment of problem hair

To solve the problem of dry hair and breaking ends once and for all, you should consult a trichologist. The specialist will consider each case separately, offer an individual course of correction and therapeutic cosmetics. You may need to change your diet, take vitamins and undergo several mesotherapy sessions. It is necessary to understand that without a serious approach to the problem, not a single balm or even the best moisturizing hair mask will help.

Folk remedies

Grandma's recipes and recommendations still remain a powerful tool in the fight for beauty and health. However, it should be remembered that even the best moisturizing hair mask will only work in combination with proper nutrition, in a healthy way life and regular medical examination. Let's look at several recipes based on natural ingredients and food.

Moisturizing hair mask

Reviews about this mask are the best, since its only component is completely simple and harmless, but the effect is amazing. So, we only need a few egg yolks, which are a proven remedy for combating dry hair over the years. Apply the beaten yolks to the scalp and rub evenly along the entire length of the hair. After half an hour, you can wash off the mask with water or a decoction of your favorite herbs.

If you mix the yolk with honey or sour cream, you can enhance the effect of the remedy. The moisturizing mask for hair will be even more intense if you mix cream with sour cream - as a result, the hair will shine with a healthy shine, and the scalp will receive maximum hydration.

Hair oil

As we have already mentioned, one of the reasons for dry hair is the insufficient functioning of your own sebaceous glands. Therefore, many hairdressers and cosmetologists strongly advise using various oils for hair care. For example, burdock oil has remained on the list of leaders in the treatment of dry hair and split ends for many years. This is the best moisturizing hair mask and its advantages include low price and availability, and it does not require any special preparation. It is enough just to heat the oil in a water bath to a comfortable state and then you can simply apply it evenly to your hair. The product should be left for 30-60 minutes, while it is better to put a shower cap on your head and wrap it up terry towel. After this, rinse and dry your hair thoroughly. The procedure can be repeated once or twice a week.

Coconut oil

It is also often used as a moisturizing mask for hair. Vitamins C and B, as well as iron and potassium, which this oil is rich in, will protect your hair during stressful periods. Use this product during the off-season, during cold weather or, conversely, during the hot period of summer.

If you have split ends, a half-hour moisturizing hair mask is perfect for them. So, for the short length we will need a tablespoon of almond oil, two spoons of honey and one spoon of apple cider vinegar. If you have long hair, take all ingredients in double volume. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to the ends of your hair, and distribute the rest along the entire length.

Mask with castor oil and calendula

A moisturizing mask for mixed-type hair is suitable for both treatment and prevention of dry hair. Preparing the medicinal mixture will take time, but the result will amaze you. A spoonful of dried calendula flowers should be poured with half a glass of vodka or alcohol and left for one week. After this time, the solution is filtered and mixed with castor oil in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to rub the resulting mixture into the scalp immediately before washing your hair.

Moisturizing hair mask made from mayonnaise

This mask will not only moisturize your hair, but will also help you get rid of dandruff. Measure out a sufficient amount of product and apply it to your hair and scalp. Then give a light massage, put on a plastic cap and wait 15-20 minutes. After this, wash your hair and dry your hair as usual.

Avocado and banana mixture

This hydrating mask for color-treated hair protects and nourishes hair, protects color and restores natural shine. To prepare the mask, mix the fruits using a blender, then apply the resulting mass to your hair and leave for a quarter of an hour.

If you notice that after dyeing your hair has become brittle, then you need a special intensive moisturizing hair mask. Recipe: olive oil, castor oil and egg yolk - all components are mixed in equal proportions.

Results of using masks

What do women themselves think about the results of using products such as hair oil or moisturizing hair mask? You can only hear positive reviews about them. They claim that after the procedure, the ends of the hair become less flaky and shine appears. However, experts warn that the product does not completely solve the problem of dry hair; you should not postpone a visit to a professional.

  • Do not wash your hair too often; the optimal frequency is once every seven or nine days.
  • Don’t be lazy and wash your hair with soft water - for this you can boil it or use bottled water.
  • Use balms every time after washing and pamper yourself with moisturizing masks once a week. A moisturizing mask for dry hair does not have to be prepared independently. If you are too busy a person, then purchase the finished product at any specialty store.
  • Homemade moisturizing hair masks are great, but don't neglect by professional means and allow yourself to undergo treatments at a beauty salon at least once a month.
  • Cosmetic oil should be yours best friend- use shampoos, conditioners and daily care products based on natural oils.
  • The phenomenon of combination hair type is quite common. If you encounter this phenomenon, then be careful - use different products for the roots and ends of your hair.
  • Don't forget to take your vitamins twice a year - in spring and autumn.
  • The products on your table should be natural and varied. Eat more vegetables and fruits, regardless of the time of year.
  • Try to protect your hair from various aggressive influences - do not dry it with a hairdryer, use curling irons and straighteners as little as possible, and hold off on coloring and perming.

If your curls become brittle and dry, then this is a sure sign that they lack moisture. Since moisturizing your hair at home is very simple, you don’t have to spend money on salon treatments. With the help of home hydration, it is easy to achieve elasticity, complete relief from fragility and split ends.

Recipes for moisturizing hair masks

#1. Various essential and vegetable oils, which are often used in hair therapy. They are rich not only in fatty acids, but also in natural enzymes, vitamins and mineral compounds.

#2. In first place in popularity among owners of dry and brittle locks is coconut oil. You need to heat the mass to 25–27 degrees, then it will become liquid, and distribute it along the length. The oil can be left in place for several hours, or even left overnight. After the first use, elasticity will be noticeably increased.

This is what hair looks like with a moisturizing mask applied. coconut oil

#3. Shea butter for hair will help quickly restore dry ends and moisturize and nourish them. Shea extract helps not only restore strands, but also improve the health of the scalp. It should be used in the same way as coconut. First melt, then distribute evenly over the strands.

#4. Please note that for dry and brittle hair Burr oil It is not recommended to use it in its pure form. If applied continuously, it can contribute to dryness and brittleness. It is better to spread it on the roots, and treat the ends with sea buckthorn, olive or corn product.

#5. A good nourishing mask is made from gelatin and honey. Dry gelatin should be mixed with water and left to swell for 20 minutes. At this time, the honey is heated in a water bath. The ingredients are combined with each other. To make the mixture easily distributed over the surface of the curls, you can add a small amount of regular balm or conditioner. Keep the mixture for at least 40 minutes.

#6. Help with split ends effective masks with clay and oils. Each type of hair (curly, thin, dense) has its own type of mineral:

  1. For colored strands, Cambrian is most suitable blue clay, because it has the property of strengthening brittle strands, healing the skin and core;
  2. Kaolin will help restore dry, thin curls. It is also able to deeply nourish highlighted strands, strengthen the roots and moisturize the ends;
  3. For dense curls, a green mineral that cleanses of toxins and silicones will be optimal.

You can use clay both to treat the scalp and hair, but you need to take into account the proportions. Clay diluted in a 2:1 ratio (water:mineral) will help moisturize curly locks after highlighting or straight colored strands. To improve the health of the roots, mountain powder is combined with herbal decoctions or mineral water in equal parts.

Video: how to moisturize your hair at home using various products and masks

#7. An excellent moisturizing hair mask at home is made from a mixture of oils and colorless henna. To make it, you need to buy Iranian henna and mix it with any herbal decoction according to the instructions. A teaspoon of sea buckthorn and burdock is added to the resulting mass. Apply over the entire length, do not rinse for an hour.

#8. A kelp mask will help to intensively restore hair and moisturize it. Many folk recipes include algae due to their richness in minerals and essential acids. You need to buy dry seaweed powder at the pharmacy and pour it hot water According to the instructions, combine with any oil or usual balm and apply to the strands. This mixture is aged for 40 minutes. It will not only be able to intensively moisturize your curls, but will also significantly accelerate their growth.

#9. Castor oil and egg are also considered an excellent moisturizer. These products guarantee deep nutrition and restoration of the core, saturation of cells with moisture and nutrients. The egg must be beaten and combined with two tablespoons of warm castor oil. Apply the resulting mass along the entire length. The head must be covered with polyethylene and a towel. This is necessary to obtain the greenhouse effect. Wash off after 2 hours. If desired, you can add your favorite essential oil, honey or vitamins.

#10. To moisturize the ends after washing and prevent split ends, trichologists advise lubricating them with liquid tocopherol acetate. Vitamin E will help protect strands from negative external influences, give them strength and shine, as well as provide elasticity and hydration. The effect is noticeable after the first use. You can supplement the oil solution with B12 or carotene in ampoules.

  1. After each wash, you need to soak your hair in herbal decoctions. It could be green tea, a mixture of sage and mint, nettle and other herbal ingredients;
  2. To keep your hair always moisturized, you need to regularly apply masks. Choose several that are most attractive to you and alternate them;
  3. Overdried, damaged or discolored strands must be protected from external aggressive factors using professional products. For such purposes, you can use conditioners, leave-in sprays or fluids.

Professional cosmetics for moisturizing hair

Any homemade mask will be much more effective if supplemented with professional products. For example, dry curly hair can be washed using exclusively a special moisturizing hair shampoo (say, Estel - Estel Aqua Otium). It contains a unique complex of substances that help retain moisture in the curl cells, protect the strand from temperature and mechanical influences and strengthen the shaft.

To ensure maximum care, we also recommend purchasing an ultra-light moisturizing balm for damaged and dry Estel hair OTIUM AQUA. It contains natural isolated betaine, jojoba extract and essential amino acids. The product can be used both in salon conditions and at home. Suitable for regular use.

If a nutritional meal is not planned on a certain day homemade mask, then you can apply Somang leave-in moisturizing fluid to your curls. Many girls express their opinions on forums that one of best options is Bonacure Moisture Kick moisturizing hair spray. The same rating can include oil Mythic Oil from Loreal and medicinal System 4.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the product from Kharisma - Voltage moisturizing spray-conditioner for dull hair. Refers to the most affordable option described. Contains glycerin, fruit acids and vitamins. Despite its simple composition, it is able to eliminate frizz and give curls softness and shine.

The professional moisturizing serum Kapous Dual Renascence 2 phase (Kapus) also has excellent reviews. Its main advantage is that the product contains isolated keratin combined with oils and D-Panthenol. The product is applied after washing to damp hair and is not washed off, providing nutrition, hydration and protection at the same time.

If you need to not only moisturize, but also restore your hair, then it is recommended to buy cream mousse. Pantene Pro-V. The main active component is Panthenol, which soothes split ends and damaged hair. Used both immediately after washing on wet strands and on dry ones.

Unfavorable natural factors (bright sun rays, sudden change temperature conditions), frequent use of a hair dryer or other hair styling products negatively affects the structure of each hair. Regular moisturizing will help keep your curls in excellent and healthy condition. How to moisturize your hair at home? What professional products are effective for restoring hair strands?

General Basics of Hair Moisturizing

If the curls have become dry and lifeless after frequent or incorrect dyeing, then before starting restorative treatment, it is necessary to trim the ends of the strands. It is important to remember that the fewer damaged areas there are on the head, the faster the curls will recover and gain strength.

To achieve natural hydration of your strands and help them always look well-groomed, shiny and healthy, you need to follow a few simple but very important basics:

  • You can’t constantly “disturb” your curls with temperature changes. Accordingly, you should use a hair dryer, hair straightener, and curling iron to a minimum, namely, those products that help dry out the hair structure. It is recommended to protect very dry hair from direct exposure to sunlight, so in the summer it is undesirable to appear outside without a sun-protective hat.
  • Unfavorable air environment in the room can contribute to over-drying of strands. If you often find yourself in an office or in a room where the air conditioning is on or the heating is on, then you should prepare for the fact that the strands will begin to lose natural moisture and become dry. Artificial air humidification also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the strands. In order to make the indoor environment comfortable, you can purchase a special unit - an air humidifier. Aquariums with fish or turtles, as well as indoor plants, also help to humidify the air.
  • Food should only be healthy - this is a guarantee of excellent appearance. Vitamin A is especially useful for hair; it is found in vegetables, a variety of fruits and berries, protein products, and lean meat.

  • Moisturizing the strands is carried out with special cosmetics (tonics, rinses, conditioners) or folk compositions (herbal decoctions, masks). But you need to use all these compounds regularly; only in this option can you achieve positive result.
  • If your curls are of the dry type, you should not dry them out even more with alcohol-based cosmetics.
  • Washing your hair with hard water causes the hair structure to dry out. To soften water, you need to add baking soda or glycerin (1:1 ratio).

Moisturizing hair with folk remedies


Traditional healers believe that the best remedy to moisturize strands - burdock oil or castor oil. It is enough to thoroughly coat your hair with an oily mixture 2 hours before washing your hair, then insulate it with a plastic bag and a terry scarf. After the procedure, the strands are thoroughly washed with warm water and shampoo.

There are other proven and effective recipes, which will help quickly moisturize strands and make them healthy, manageable and beautiful.

  • In 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil mix 1 teaspoon sea ​​buckthorn oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the strands, applying the product in a thick layer to the ends of the hair. Maca stays on the head for about 2 hours, after which it is washed off with shampoo and warm water. The recommended course of use of this product is 10 times, 2 times a week.

  • Egg mask made from 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of 6% vinegar helps eliminate dryness and relieve curls from split ends. The ingredients mixed together form a mass, which is applied to the curls for 40 minutes (it is necessary to warm the head with a soft towel and plastic bag), then the mask is washed off. It is ideal if the product is used within 1 month, 2 times in one week.
  • Stir 1 tbsp in a glass of dark beer. spoon olive oil, distribute the resulting mixture over the strands and leave for 20 minutes. After this, the head must be rinsed thoroughly. A beer mask helps moisturize strands, it perfectly restores dry ends from deformation and prevents dandruff.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir and 2 tbsp. spoons of sesame or flaxseed oil, add 1 raw chicken yolk. Apply the mixture to your hair, leave for 50 minutes, then rinse your hair several times with shampoo and warm water.
  • Honey, as a main ingredient or mixed with olive oil or egg yolk, has excellent moisturizing properties. Before preparing the mask, honey needs to be slightly heated in a water bath, after which it will become liquid and easily mix with other ingredients.

  • To moisturize bleached strands, the ideal solution is a mixture of 1 banana, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 yolk. The mass is applied to the surface of the strands, giving Special attention ends for 30 minutes, after which the curls are thoroughly washed with warm water.

Find out which moisturizing mask is the most effective -

Tips to help you quickly and effectively moisturize dry, damaged hair:


Herbal infusions are also great for moisturizing strands. Useful properties have calendula, lavender, linden, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile.

In order for the herbal decoction to have maximum beneficial qualities, it is necessary to prepare it as follows:

  • The decoction is prepared based on 200 ml of liquid (hot water) - 2 tbsp. a spoonful of medicinal herbs;
  • the herb is poured with hot water, then the container with the decoction is placed on low heat and simmers for another 15 minutes;
  • it will take 1 hour to infuse the decoction;
  • During the above time, the decoction will cool, it must be filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Typically for strands middle length 1 liter of herbal decoction will be enough; if necessary, the volume of useful liquid can be reduced or increased.

To prepare an effective remedy for moisturizing strands, you can use either one type of medicinal herb or a mixture of several options, for example, chamomile-linden-sage or lavender-St. John's wort.

It is necessary to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions every time after washing. You should be patient, as the effect of this beneficial procedure will be noticeable only after 3-5 applications.

Professional products

To spend intensive hydration, you can use cosmetic and professional products. Any of the products is selected on an individual basis; here it is important to pay attention to the type of strands, as well as the individual characteristics of the human body (lack of allergies).

What a cosmetic product can it be used to moisturize strands?


For dry hair, special attention should be paid to professional shampoos. Such professional moisturizers can be nourishing, restorative, and protective. It is important to remember that the purpose of nourishing and restorative shampoos is to treat the hair structure, so they cannot be used often.

The best use of moisturizing shampoos is to alternate them, for example - nutrition-protection-restoration.

Popular effective brands of moisturizing shampoos include:

  • Estel Aqua Otium
  • Natura Siberica “Protection and nutrition”
  • Vichy DERCOS Nourishing and restorative
  • Planeta Organica Secrets of Arctica with organic Arctic sea buckthorn seed oil
  • Dove Repair Therapy "Intensive Recovery"
  • Belita-Vitex Shine&Nutrition “Shine and Nutrition” for all hair types with argan oil
  • L'OREAL Intense Repair

Balm and conditioner

Most balms and conditioners are aimed at smoothing hair scales and facilitating combing. Such products are not suitable for treating strands; therefore, deep moisturizing with them will also not work.

If the curls belong to the dry type, then it is recommended in summer period choose brands of protective balms and conditioners that will help resist the harmful effects of bright sunlight and thus prevent your strands from drying out.

The best products in this category can be selected from the list:

  • "NAIVE KRACIE Kanebo" with aloe
  • Balm-rinse “Alerana”
  • Balm-rinse “Garnier Fructis SOS” restoration


Professional moisturizing mask is effective remedy for treatment, protection and active restoration of strands. Using this product, you can effectively treat the ends of your strands from split ends, as well as prevent possible overdrying.

Modern stylists recognized the best masks as:

  • Moroccanoil Intense Hydrating Mask
  • Revlon Professional Pro You Nutritive Mask
  • Schwarzkopf Essence Moisture Mask
  • Indola Innova Hydrate Light Weight Treatment
  • Wella Pro Series Moisture

Moisturizing spray

Moisturizing sprays contain plant components, vitamins, panthenol - all of them provide the appearance of a protective film on the surface of the strands, which helps retain moisture in the structure of each hair.

When choosing a moisturizing spray, it is important to pay attention that this product does not contain even a fraction of alcohol.

The best brands of moisturizing professional sprays:

  • Gliss Kur from Schwarzkopf
  • OTIUM Aqua from Estel
  • Dual Renascence 2phase from "Kapous"
  • Biolage Hydrasource from Matrix
  • Deep Moisture from London Professional

Using a wide variety of products, you can moisturize your hair with professional products and at home. By knowing the basics of effective hydration, you can always maintain natural beauty strands and do not allow them to dry out.

All more women are faced with the problem of weak and dry hair. Using store-bought products does not at all guarantee a positive result. Masks based on natural products. Making a moisturizer is not that difficult. But you should adhere to certain rules and know your characteristics.

Hair masks are not difficult to prepare at home, and you will know for sure that it is natural

By type they are:

  1. Normal, oiliness appears on the 3rd day after washing your hair. The ends are not dry and may have split ends. Drying with a hairdryer does not affect the structure, only the water molecules, evaporating them;
  2. Dry, roots after water procedures dry. The use of a hairdryer or other thermal devices has a negative effect, they become brittle, especially at the ends;
  3. Oily and oily just a few hours after washing. Dryness does not appear after drying. The ends are practically not split;
  4. Mixed, after three days they become oily, the ends are always dry and uneven. Using a hairdryer has a huge impact on your hair.

For each hair type, you should use those products that are suitable only for their structure.. The decoction or mixture should be prepared at one time. It is not recommended to use the same prepared mask; if you have prepared more than necessary, the remainder should be thrown away. Many products included in grandma’s recipes are perishable (for example, milk) and their repeated use can have a negative impact. Let's consider masks for each hair type.

Masks for normal hair

For normal hair, you should not overdo it with masks; it is enough to apply it as a preventive measure once every 7-8 weeks. In winter, when hair follicles are more susceptible to negative influences, the procedure is repeated once a month.

For general strengthening, use a simple recipe, you need to take:

  • Dried rose petals (3-4 petals);
  • Honey – 40 ml;
  • Hot water 1 cup.

The petals are added to a glass of hot water and allowed to brew. Strain and add honey. Mix thoroughly. Rub into clean hair along the entire length. No need to rinse off. Due to the properties of honey, curls become manageable and acquire shine. Rose has general strengthening properties, this method is effective when they are weak.

For nutrition, masks based on egg yolks are excellent in winter. A beaten raw egg is mixed with cottage cheese. Apply to the head before each wash, then rinse off in warm running water.

Egg-free products are also used to moisturize. Castor oil is added to dried parsley and spread on the roots. Castor oil improves growth. This procedure can be used 2-3 times a week. During this time, hair length may increase by 1 cm.

Masks for dry hair

Dry hair especially needs moisture. Simple rubbing glycerin, brome, olive or better yet will help improve the condition of your hair. But it should be remembered that strengthening must occur from within. It is useful to take together with vitamins in ampoules or tablets. Mixtures intended for dry hair will help enhance the effect.

  • Olive oil 100 ml, mixed with honey (1 tbsp) and crushed clove of garlic. Mix everything and rub slowly into the roots. After half an hour, wash off, it is better to wash off with a decoction of chamomile or onion peel. Onion peels help preserve color and distribute oil evenly throughout the hair without weighing it down.
  • For dry hair in winter, use a mask of mayonnaise (it is better to take without additives, “Provencal”), 2 eggs and 20 ml of olive oil. All ingredients are mixed, applied to the head and kept for 10 minutes. Then rinse it off and wrap the hair in a warm towel to preserve the greenhouse effect. After this procedure, the hair is covered with a protective film that protects the hair from frost.
  • A yogurt mask helps strengthen the hair follicle, moisturizes and strengthens it. It is better to use drinking yogurt, without dyes and preservatives. Suitable for children, there is a minimal amount of additives. Add an apple and a pear to the yogurt, grind in a blender to a paste. Apply to dirty hair and wash with baby shampoo or chamomile infusion. The procedure is repeated 2 times every 7-10 days.
  1. Two pieces of bread soaked in water
  2. Add a teaspoon of table vinegar and add 1% kefir or yogurt (100 grams).

Mix everything and apply to the roots, massage and rinse with cool water. To this mixture you can add a few cloves of garlic and a decoction of herbs. Apply to the entire length of the hair, wrap with cling film and cover with a towel. Leave on hair for 30 minutes and wash off with shampoo.

Using mustard will help moisturize your hair, but also remove excess oil from the roots. 1 tablespoon of dry mustard is poured with warm water and applied to clean hair, left for half an hour and washed with a decoction of sage or chamomile.

Combination or mixed hair types require special care. Most often, this type has oily roots, and brittle and split ends. In this case, all of the above masks for oily hair can be applied only to the roots, and moisturize the ends with any oil. All products must be washed off with water at room temperature. hot water promotes the secretion of sebum.

To cleanse pores from the scalp, use a mask for oily hair. Clay (buy special blue or white clay in powder form, good clay also available in Indian stores, for example multanimitti clay) must be diluted in still mineral water in a ratio of 1/3. The resulting thick mixture is applied to each strand in turn. Leave for 20-30 minutes, depending on the length, rinse with warm water. After using this mask, you should not use a hair dryer or straightener.