Homemade facial skin moisturizer is quick and healthy. How to moisturize your skin. Skin moisturizing at home Intensive skin hydration

One of the most important areas in skin care is hydration; it is necessary at any age. Lack of moisture not only causes a feeling of discomfort, but also provokes premature aging of the epidermis. Even though moisturizers and treatments are available to everyone, many people don't know what to choose.

Methods depend on age, skin type, financial capabilities - the most effective are considered salon treatments, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. As an alternative, you can use cosmetics prepared at home.

Skin care consists of several stages of equal importance. Some people believe that moisturizing is only necessary for dry epidermis, which is completely wrong.

Any skin needs to be filled with moisture, even oily skin, this prevents early aging and an unhealthy appearance.

Signs of insufficient hydration include:

  • thinning of the epidermis;
  • dull, unhealthy shade;
  • peeling;
  • wrinkles;
  • sagging skin;
  • changing facial contours.

There are several reasons for dry skin:

  1. Age.

At about 25 years of age, metabolic processes in the body slow down. Skin cells begin to synthesize less hyaluronic acid, collagen - substances that retain moisture inside.

  1. Food and drinking regime.

Love of junk food, lack of vegetables and fruits, and fluids cause dehydration of the body and, first of all, the skin.

  1. Dry air heat environment.

Cosmetologists note that dryness is a seasonal phenomenon. It usually bothers you in winter, when the rooms are hot and dry due to heating devices.

  1. Ecology.

Chemical elements in the air, exhaust gases, and dust clog pores and disrupt metabolic processes.

  1. Stress, lack of sleep.
  2. Incorrect care.

The use of unsuitable cosmetics and low-quality decorative cosmetics leads to overdrying of the epidermis.

  1. Hormonal imbalances.

They disrupt metabolic processes in the body, which can lead to both increased fat content and dehydration.

  1. Diseases of the liver, kidneys, endocrine system.

Dry skin can be hereditary.

Methods to combat skin dehydration

There are many ways to save water balance skin, they can be divided into several groups:

  1. Creating a light film on the surface that will retain moisture in the cells and prevent its evaporation. This can be achieved by using creams that contain vegetable and animal fats.
  2. Use of products that restore water balance. They should contain collagen, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, amino acids and proteins.
  3. Restoring the natural protective barrier of the skin using products containing ceramides, lipids, fatty acids.
  4. Osmotic hydration is achieved by applying minerals dissolved in water to the surface of the skin, which redistribute moisture in the epidermis. They are found in thermal water.

The rules for moisturizing the skin change at different ages:

  • Up to 25 years old.

The skin produces all the components necessary to maintain it in normal condition. The girl’s task is to daily cleanse and preserve the natural protective layer.

At this age, it is enough to eat right and use light moisturizers with a gel-like structure.

  • 25-30 years old.

Metabolic processes begin to slow down, and skin type may change. As a rule, at this age the first signs of aging appear, but conventional moisturizers healthy eating and sleep is enough to retain moisture in the skin. To activate natural processes, you can use light superficial peeling.

  • 30-40 years old.

After 30, the upper layers begin to rapidly lose moisture and become thin and flabby. At this age, you need to use products (creams and serums) with hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes all layers and distributes moisture evenly. After 35 years, it is possible to use injection and hardware methods: biorevitalization, thermage, hyaluronic acid injections.

  • 40-50 years old.

The dehydration process accelerates, the skin becomes dry, deep wrinkles appear, and the shape of the face changes. For moisturizing, they use “heavy artillery” - dense creams and serums with peptides, collagen, chemical peeling, thread lifting, hardware rejuvenation techniques.

Basic rules of hydration

Cosmetologists distinguish 4 types of skin, each of which needs hydration, but the methods of dealing with lack of moisture are significantly different.

Despite this, there are several recommendations that can be followed by everyone:

  • drink every day clean water in an amount of at least 30 grams per kilogram of weight. Tea, sparkling mineral water, and sweet drinks are not suitable;
  • eat healthy foods rich in fiber, vitamins E, A, B, PP: fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, liver nuts, red fish;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • from February to November, use face cream with a UV filter;
  • Wash with lukewarm, or preferably cool, water. This not only invigorates, but also protects cells from moisture loss;
  • Avoid rooms with dry air; in winter, if possible, use a humidifier;
  • do not use alcohol-containing products, even if your facial skin is oily;
  • use products with vitamins C, A and collagen for dry skin, vitamin E for oily skin;
  • homemade lotions and tonics are used within 2 weeks after preparation and stored in the refrigerator;
  • masks are used immediately after preparation.

What substances retain moisture

It is necessary to moisturize the skin at any time of the year, but depending on the ambient temperature, the methods for achieving the goal vary. In winter, the main moisturizing components are vegetable oils and vitamins, in summer - osmotic and natural moisturizers.

Composed of domestic and ready funds for moisturizing include plant extracts and oils. Most often used:

  • aloe vera or agave - moisturizes all layers of the epidermis and improves access of other components to the cells;
  • cosmetic oils: jojoba, shea butter, olive, wheat germ, rose and many others;
  • seaweed;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits: strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, apples, carrots;
  • bee products: honey, propolis, wax;
  • medicinal plants: chamomile, linden, calendula, cornflower, birch.

Some substances are often included in finished cosmetics for moisturizing, however, they are not always useful:

  • glycerin - draws water from cells if air humidity is less than 65%;
  • lanolin, petroleum jelly are used only as indicated for a short time, they can cause allergic reactions;
  • collagen is practically ineffective when used externally, its molecules are large and clog pores;
  • Although mineral oil moisturizes the skin, it creates a dense film that reduces the access of oxygen.

These components should be used carefully; it is better to discard them or use products with minimal content.

Humidification at home

To saturate the skin with moisture, it is absolutely not necessary to use special creams. Such products can be expensive and often contain unnatural ingredients that cause allergic reactions.

Natural moisturizes the face well, natural products, the main thing is to know how to use them correctly.

About itself in a simple way How to moisturize the skin on your face can be seen in the video.

Features of moisturizing dry and sensitive skin

A certain number of women have dry skin; in their youth, this eliminates teenage problems: oily shine and acne. But after 25 years, dryness, irritation, and wrinkles appear. Dry dermis is often also sensitive, that is, the slightest change in external temperature conditions, cosmetics and even water causes itching, irritation and a feeling of tightness.

To care for such epidermis, you need to use tonics and masks with intensely moisturizing and at the same time soothing ingredients.


Toning lotions:

  1. Plum. Peel and pit several ripe fruits, chop the pulp and add a small amount of spring water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, squeeze out.
  2. Herbal. Pour 5 grams of dried chamomile, linden, lemon balm into a thermos, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. Strain and add 1 tsp. any honey.

Toners are used every day after washing to thoroughly cleanse the skin.


For intense hydration, you can use masks 2-3 times a week:

  1. Chamomile.

Brew a handful of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. The liquid can be used as a tonic, and a mask can be prepared from the sediment by mixing it with 1 tsp. any cosmetic (or just olive) oil, aloe juice (10-15 ml).

  1. Sour cream.

This product contains fats, calcium and lactic acid, making it ideal for moisturizing even very sensitive skin.

Mask recipe: combine one chicken yolk and 2 tbsp. l. high fat sour cream. Apply the resulting mass to the face in several layers, remove with herbal decoctions.

  1. Honey.

Honey contains a large number of nutrients, it promotes tissue healing and regeneration. It can only be used if there are no open wounds or allergies to the product. Mask recipe: mix 5 grams of liquid honey, yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil and a little oatmeal. The mixture is applied in a thick layer.

To moisturize dry faces will suit homemade mayonnaise: beat the yolk, 30 ml of olive oil and 1 tsp in a blender. lemon juice.

For care sensitive skin You can use a mixture of oils (peach, jojoba, wheat germ) in equal quantities. It can be used as a lotion: moisten a cotton pad and wipe your face before going to bed, or instead of a cream: spread 3-5 drops over damp epidermis.

Features of moisturizing combination and oily skin

According to statistics, most of the population has oily or combination skin. The main problems are wide pores, oily shine, a tendency to the appearance of acne and blackheads. Despite the abundant secretion of fat, such epidermis also needs to be hydrated, especially after 35 years.

The mistake most women with oily and combination skin make is using alcohol lotions for cleansing. Such products remove impurities from the surface of the skin, while drying it greatly and stimulating the sebaceous ducts to produce more sebum.

  1. A mixture of lemon juice and mineral (or regular) water in equal quantities. Lemon can be replaced with any citrus or sour fruits and berries.
  2. Tea. Brew 2 bags of black tea in 300 ml of water, cool and add a slice of lemon.

For daily moisturizing after toning, you can use oils. Many people believe that such products are absolutely not suitable for those with oily skin, but this is not true.

Essential oils of rose hips, roses, avocado, tea tree, lavender, hazel, walnut moisturize, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and have an antibacterial effect. In their pure form, it is permissible to use only lavender and tea tree oil (spot on). It is recommended to dilute the rest with the base ones (jojoba, olive) 1 to 10 and distribute literally 2 drops over damp skin.

Moisturizing masks for oily skin:

  1. Potato.

On a fine grater, chop one small potato tuber, half an apple, add whipped egg white to the puree, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 capsule of vitamin A.

  1. Honey-egg.

Grind oatmeal (2 tbsp) in a coffee grinder, add whipped egg white, 1 tsp. honey, vitamin E (1-2 capsules) and calendula decoction (20-30 ml). Knead a medium-thick paste and apply to the skin.

  1. Kefir.

Grate a third of a small cucumber, add the same amount of ripe banana pulp, 30 ml of low-fat kefir and one protein. Mix everything thoroughly and spread over your face.

  1. Sea buckthorn.

Mash ripe sea buckthorn and apply the pulp to your face.

  1. Tomato.

A fresh tomato mask moisturizes and mattifies the skin at the same time. You need to mash the vegetable and cover your face with this puree. You should only use seasonal tomatoes; tomatoes bought in the middle zone in winter do not contain any useful substances.

Masks are applied to pre-steamed skin.

Features of moisturizing normal skin

Normal skin causes the least problems for women; caring for it is simple, however, with age, it can become dry. Daily hydration will help you avoid dehydration.

The following can be used as natural toners for normal skin:

  • boiled water or chamomile decoction (1 glass) with 1 tsp diluted in it. honey;
  • grape lotion: mash a glass of green berries and leave for half an hour in a warm place. Add a pinch of salt, a spoonful of honey and leave for 40 minutes. Express the juice and use it to wipe your face;
  • mineral water.

Moisturizing masks:

  1. Banana.

Ingredients: 1 ripe banana, milk (30 ml), oatmeal (1 tbsp), jojoba oil (½ tsp). Mix all the ingredients, leave for half an hour and apply the mixture to your face.

  1. Honey.

Ingredients: yolk (1 piece), pulp of half an aloe leaf, liquid honey (1 tsp) and oatmeal flour. Mix all the ingredients so that you get a paste similar to sour cream, apply a thick layer to the skin of the face.

  1. Cucumber.

Grind one cucumber without skin, add 1 tsp. cream and a few drops of rose oil. Place the mixture between two layers of gauze and cover your face.

  1. Regular tea bags - excellent remedy to moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes.

The cooled bags are applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes, then a cream enriched with vitamins E and A is applied to them.

To prevent dehydration, normal skin can be lubricated 2-3 times a week with olive, almond or grape seed oil. The products are applied to moisturized skin in a small amount, literally 5 drops.

Cosmetics with moisturizing effect

You can also protect your skin from dehydration using special cosmetics. It must contain:

  • urea;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • AHA acids;
  • natural wax;
  • essential oils and plant extracts.

These products are not universal; they need to be selected for each skin type. Light gels are used for oily skin, and richer creams for dry and normal skin. In summer, moisturizers are applied in the morning as a base for makeup; in winter, they are replaced with more fatty products and use no earlier than an hour before leaving home. During the day, the skin can be moisturized with thermal water.

All companies producing decorative cosmetics and skin care products, have a line of creams with a moisturizing effect. Which one is better can only be determined experimentally, but the following remedies are popular among women:

  1. Aqualia Thermal from worldwide famous brand Vichy.

Cream with a light gel structure, the main components of which are hyaluronic acid and thermal water. The product is easy to apply, absorbs quickly and moisturizes for a long time. With regular use, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a healthy color.

  1. Multi-Hydratante from Clarins.

This cream is intended for combination and normal skin. The product contains hyaluronic acid, moisturizes, mattifies and rejuvenates.

  1. Hydratant Ange Garrdienfrom

The cream is intended for skin prone to irritation and sensitive. The product is soft in texture, moisturizes throughout the day, normalizes color and soothes.

  1. Hydra Beauty cream from

Designed specifically for dry skin. It also contains canola, which transforms the skin within a few minutes after application to the skin. The manufacturer recommends driving it into the dermis with soft pats.

  1. Biotherm Aquasource Deep Serum with triple monosaccharides is designed to moisturize oily skin.

Cosmetologists recommend changing cosmetic products twice a year. For the warm season, use light products that do not weigh down the skin. In winter, in addition to moisturizing, you need protection from low temperatures and wind, so the products must be denser and contain nutrients.

Review of facial moisturizing with folk remedies

I like to take care of myself, I give preference folk remedies, because I am allergic to store-bought cosmetics.

I'm 25 now and have combination skin. But wrinkles and sagging are already appearing. To moisturize the skin and fight time, I usually use regular potatoes. My secret is simple:

  • I peel the potatoes;
  • rub the tuber on a grater;
  • add whipped egg white and any cosmetic oil(almond, peach, jojoba).

Before applying the mask, I exfoliate and steam my face over chamomile infusion. The mixture must be applied in a thick layer before the potatoes darken. Apply the mask and rest for 20-25 minutes, during which time the skin tingles slightly.

I remove the potato mass with my hands, wash with cold water and use moisturizer.

After this mask, the skin immediately becomes smooth, vibrant, tightened, and the color is evened out. This effect lasts for several days.

I use the mask 2-3 times a week, it doesn’t bother me at all financially, and the effect is very pleasing.

Tamara Malakhova, 28 years old

Skin health at any age depends on lifestyle and nutrition, and on proper care. Prolonged sleep, refusal bad habits and a balanced diet will preserve your beauty for many years. To maintain the moisture balance of the skin, you need to use suitable cosmetics and home remedies.

Do you want to look good? Moisturizing facial skin at home using folk remedies is the most effective and quick way achieve this. It's no secret that it's good appearance directly depends on well-groomed, healthy skin. Moisturizing is an essential procedure necessary to maintain the tone and elasticity of your skin. Everyone knows that with a lack of moisture, the first wrinkles appear. Owners of depleted skin subsequently begin to look for all sorts of ways to restore their previous appearance, and the effect can be achieved at home by moisturizing the face with folk remedies.

What factors affect facial skin?


No matter how we try to avoid it, stress is present in the lives of each of us. For some it is irritation, for others it is overwork. A deterioration in mental balance can be caused by problems at work, conflicts in the team, family, or negative news. Stress is one of the main causes of skin problems, as the production of the hormone cortisol increases, which leads to loss of moisture and dryness of the skin.

Advice: learn to relax, negative emotions leave a mark on your face. If bad thoughts come to you, take a few big breaths, they will improve blood circulation and you will feel calmer.

Learn how to properly moisturize your skin at home


It should be balanced and regular. Food plays an important role for physical and psychological health. It’s very good if your menu contains the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. It is generally accepted that it is correct to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, depending on your weight and health.

Advice: make a nutrition schedule, follow it, eating at the same time will be beneficial for the body and the condition of the skin.

Age-related changes

Every year the skin loses moisture, elasticity, and becomes less beautiful. But this is an irreversible process, which means everything is fine. Self-care is the best way out of the situation.

Seasonal influence

Very frequently asked question, which many people ask themselves: “How to moisturize your facial skin at home in winter?” Winter is precisely the time when our face needs special care; the skin becomes dry under the influence of low temperatures. It is important to note that, in addition to moisturizers, it is necessary to use cosmetics that will protect against the effects of frost. It’s good if the composition contains glycerin, vitamins A and C, lanolin, and beeswax. With the arrival of spring, care is still needed. The face is “tired” after winter and to maintain good looking you need to use a cream in which the main components are plant extracts.

In summer it is more difficult to take care of, the skin is oily, rashes appear, you need to wash your face more often. Do not forget about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, that is, the sun. Many people go on vacation to the sea, where they sunbathe. At such times, take advantage sunscreens, they will save the skin. Autumn will not be an exception; during this period it is necessary to do nourishing masks 1-2 times every 7 days.


This factor is no less important when we talk about the impact on our internal and external health. The most common problems that arise when exposed to the environment include:

  1. Clogged pores
  2. Loss of elasticity
  3. Premature wrinkles

It is also important to remember that the key to a beautiful and fit body is healthy image life:

  1. Proper nutrition
  2. Healthy sleep
  3. Sports activities
  4. No stressful situations

Basic principles of moisturizing different types of facial skin

There are a huge number of different skin care methods. Therefore, you need to know everything about it and avoid mistakes in choosing funds. Skin is divided into the following types: normal, oily, dry, combination.

Drink enough water

Lack of moisture leads to dryness, premature appearance of wrinkles, and loss of nutrients. Through the vessels, water penetrates into the main part of the skin, which gives it strength - the dermis. There, with the help of hyaluronic acid, the water turns into a gel. The residue rises and evaporates through the surface layer - the epidermis. To achieve the desired effect from the moisturizing procedure, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water daily. Beautiful and elastic skin depends not only on external moisture absorption, but also on internal one. Purified water is a guarantee of health and youth. But it is important to remember that juices, tea, coffee, and other drinks do not apply here.
  2. Drink water in small sips, then the effect will be more effective.
  3. Do not stay in direct sunlight for too long, use protective equipment.
  4. Wash your face with cool water, it tightens the pores and slows down their pollution.
  5. As for oily and combination skin, you need to use products that do not contain oils, but contain vitamin E.
  6. Dry and rough skin Treat daily with products that contain vitamins A and C, natural oils, and collagen.
  7. It is important to remember that all moisturizing procedures, namely the application of masks, creams, lotions, are only possible on a clean face.

Recipes for natural remedies at home

Each of us is worried about our appearance. Every morning, wondering how to moisturize your facial skin at home, many find the answer on various forums. There you can read about both bad and good experiences. Recipes natural remedies there are a huge number. Let's look at the main ones together. The composition of a mask or lotion directly depends on the skin type of your face, you have already learned about it above. For oily skin, it is better to use toners with a mattifying base. If the condition is normal, you should not often use cosmetics; they are perfectly replaced by fruits and vegetables.

Many reviews have been written about moisturizing facial skin at home. Among them you can highlight some useful tools:

  1. Masks
  2. Tonics
  3. Creams
  4. Lotions
  5. Decoctions
  6. Compresses
  7. Herbal ice

Cosmetologists say that the use of masks plays an important role for any skin type, and for some it is simply necessary.

Folk remedies for supporting skin tone are divided into groups, which we will now tell you about in detail. The first includes those whose base is made up of vegetables and fruits. They are lightweight and suitable for normal skin. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, which is very healthy and nutritious. They can quickly moisturize your facial skin at home and you won’t need to visit beauty salons and spend exorbitant amounts of money.

Cucumber mask

To prepare it you will need: 1 fresh cucumber, 1 tsp. sour cream, 1 tsp. purified water. First, grind the cucumber, add a spoonful of sour cream, a spoonful of water, and mix. Apply to a clean face and leave for 15 minutes, after which rinse with cool water. The mask is perfect for dry and normal skin. It should be done several times every 10 days.

Tomato mask

Great for oily and combination skin. It can cleanse pores, tighten them and make the skin silky. All you need is 1 fresh tomato, grind it, apply for 10 minutes, rinse with warm and then cool water. Then you can use lotion.

Pea mask

For all skin types. Rejuvenates, cleanses, refreshes and vitaminizes. Take 2 tbsp. l. fresh green peas, grind it in a coffee grinder or any method convenient for you, apply the resulting mass to your face for 8-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Raspberry mask


You need to take 100 g of raspberries, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. cream or sour cream. You need to squeeze the juice out of the raspberries, mix it with the yolk and cream (sour cream). For oily skin, the juice is mixed with rice flour or protein. In both cases, apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, then cool. Repeat every 7 days.


1 fresh apple, 200 ml milk. Boil apple pieces in milk, then bake and grind, use a mortar for this. Apply the finished mixture to cleansed facial skin and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You can also do an apple massage. Cut the apple into circles, wipe your face and neck. At the same time, your body will be saturated with vitamin C, which we so often lack.

Herbal based

Many centuries ago, people were treated with various decoctions and infusions from herbal ingredients - they were very easy to prepare at home. These are the main ones that will be useful to you first:

  1. Aloe vera - promotes the breakdown of water from organic or inorganic compounds.
  2. Chamomile - has anti-inflammatory properties, good for compresses and lotions
  3. Linden - has medicinal properties, eliminates fat, relieves inflammation
  4. Rosemary tincture - used to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of wrinkles
  5. Calendula - tightens pores and degreases

Aloe-based masks will be useful

Aloe mask

Take 1 tablespoon of the main component - aloe, mix with 2 tablespoons of crushed flakes. Ready! Apply for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

From chamomile

Its composition is very simple: chamomile flowers 2 tbsp. kefir - 100 ml. Grind the chamomile, add kefir, mix, apply for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Masks based on dairy products are also often used; they quickly bring results, which is why they are loved by many women. Judging by the reviews, one of the best ways moisten oily skin face at home using folk remedies is a recipe for a sour milk mask. Take sour milk and almonds. First you need to grind the nuts into flour, add the required amount of sour milk to achieve the consistency of a thick cream. But remember that you need to apply the mask to previously cleansed skin.

The final stage in the moisturizing process is applying lotion, it will be able to consolidate the effect. Here's the recipe for the right one home remedy. At the same time, you can save significantly and know for sure that all the products are natural and will not harm you.

Honey based lotion (suitable for normal skin types)

  1. 1 tbsp. l. linden flowers
  2. 150 ml clean water
  3. 1 tbsp. l. honey

We start preparing the lotion by heating the water. Pour boiling water over the linden flowers and leave them to steep for 40 minutes. After this, you need to separate the resulting tincture from the flowers and add honey. Can be used to moisturize and wipe both in the morning and in the evening.

Grape lotion (for combination skin)

Grind the red grapes and leave them for 3 hours. Separate the juice from the mass and add a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. l. honey

Plum lotion (for dry skin)

4 ripe plums need to be peeled, pitted and mashed, boiled for 10 minutes and strained. Ready!

Flake lotion (for oily skin)

3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over the flakes, leave for 20 minutes, then strain and cool. Wipe your face morning and evening.

Rules for applying any product:

  1. Before applying a mask, cream, lotion, tonic, you need to cleanse the skin of dust or other contaminants.
  2. Apply the homemade mask to the skin; if it is liquid, wet a napkin and place it on your face.
  3. On average, the mask should be left on for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, rinse with warm or cool water, depending on the type of product.

Tip: carefully monitor the freshness of all ingredients you use in preparing masks and lotions.

Hydrating cells from the inside

We already know that the appearance of the skin of the face and body depends on our internal state, physical and psychological health. Many authors say that skin is a mirror of health. If you have no health problems, your skin has a good, natural color, elastic, elastic, vibrant, this is wonderful, but it can also happen the other way around. When faced with such a problem, you should not sit still and worry, but look for a solution, so we will tell you how to moisturize your skin at home from the inside - this can be great, believe me, it has been tested more than once.

Main factor which affects internal state- this is the drinking regime. Water is the source of youth for our skin. Remember: yours daily norm- 1.5-2 l. It is better to give up carbonated, mineral, and sweet drinks, and drink the required amount of purified spring water. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and fiber, which are very quickly absorbed in the human body. The big plus is that these products contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins. Fruit juices are not inferior in their usefulness. But I want to note that juices in the store are not at all what you need; freshly squeezed ones at home are much better and healthier. Those that consist of several ingredients are considered preferable: apple-carrot, apple-plum, others can be mixed to taste.

We must not forget about hot drinks such as tea and coffee. There are many types of tea: white, black, red, but the most beneficial is green. It has vitaminizing properties and helps maintain youthful skin for a long time. If you think that it is better to drink tea or coffee, give preference to tea, since coffee is not very good for health. Take care of yourself, your health, take care of the condition of your face and body skin, and you will look great. You can learn more about how to properly moisturize your facial skin at home in this video:


There are many reasons why the skin becomes dry. It is affected by the sun's rays and wind. Therefore, before going outside, do not forget to apply cream for your skin type. In summer, be especially careful when using facial cosmetics. If you go, apply the cream intended for this purpose.

Drink enough fluids. But do not overdo it, otherwise kidney problems may occur. Also, eat right. Exhaustive diets can also lead to dry skin. Eat sea fish, it contains Omega 3, which restores and moisturizes the skin. For breakfast, eat muesli, to which you add 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds.

Prepare masks for dry skin at home. 1st mask: mix the yolk of 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of orange juice. Apply the mixture on your face in the morning for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
2nd mask: mix oatmeal and 1 grated cucumber. Take 1 teaspoon of the resulting mixture and add 1 teaspoon of cream to it. Apply for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
3rd mask: grind pre-prepared dry tangerine or orange peels in a coffee grinder. Mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder, 1 teaspoon of cream or sour cream and the yolk of 1 egg. Apply the resulting mask to your face and décolleté for 20 minutes. Rinse it off.

After using the mask, use a moisturizer. Choose face creams that contain vitamins C and E. They promote the production of antioxidants that protect the skin from premature aging and adverse environmental impacts. Natural oils such as flaxseed oil, jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil, and primrose oil also help moisturize. Moisturize your skin with thermal water throughout the day. It won't ruin your makeup.

Video on the topic


It happens that the skin on your face is dry in winter and oily in summer. Don't use the same skin care products over and over again. different time of the year. Depending on the season, the skin has different needs.

Before using special cosmetics, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist. They will tell you about the effect of the ingredients of the product and, if necessary, select what is right for you.

In the first part of the article "Part 1: Deep moisturizing facial skin at home - is it possible or not?" We looked at the causes of dry skin, the 4 main types of moisturizing from a dermatological point of view, and also what ingredients should be avoided, as they not only will not help, but will do harm.

We will devote this material to the most useful folk remedies for moisturizing facial skin, and also present the best recipes for natural tonics and masks, which can be prepared at home.

Among all the diversity herbal ingredients, cosmetologists especially highlight some plants, whose moisturizing effect on the skin can be equate to expensive developments of scientific laboratories.

Botanical Moisturizing Ingredients

  • Such amazing plants include, first of all, aloe vera. Its stabilized form helps cope with dehydration on several levels at once, because... Aloe has several active moisturizing components.
  • Besides, agave, Having a number of unique healing properties on the skin, it is an excellent conductor for other beneficial substances.
  • Many moisturizing ingredients are close to us: honey, cucumbers, raspberries, plums, carrots, apples, avocados, lemon, oils (olive, wheat germ), oatmeal, yolks, green tea, kefir, dry seaweed.
  • And from medicinal herbs, except aloe, you can use linden, rosemary, chamomile, calendula, parsley, chickweed, iris, birch. Healing vegetable oils have not only a nourishing, but also a moisturizing and antioxidant effect, so they will be useful for dry and aging skin (wheat germ oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil, sea buckthorn oil, olive oil, shea oil, rose oil, sandalwood oil, geranium oil , evening primrose).

If the skin is not hypersensitive, it will be very useful to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté in the morning with an ice cube prepared with a decoction of herbs or fruit juice; for aging skin, ice made from birch sap is suitable. A massage with this cube lasts 20-30 seconds.

Before applying a mask or before a massage, you can make it from the same herbs steam bath for 10 minutes or a hot compress. This will facilitate better penetration of beneficial substances deep into the skin. And at the final stage of care, a cool herbal compress will protonate and refresh.

Thorough cleansing of the skin before a mask or massage is a necessary condition for a quality procedure. If you have dry skin, you should avoid using soap and alcohol solutions.

Moisturizing lotions

The cleansing stage ends with toning lotion. This is necessary to restore the acid-base balance of the skin that has been disturbed due to washing. The simplest recipe is a decoction of chamomile or mint. However, you can prepare more complex compositions at home:

Plum lotion(for dry skin)

Peel 3 large plums, removing the pits. Mash a little and pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, use the cooled broth.

Oatmeal lotion (for oily, dehydrated skin)

2 tbsp. pour oatmeal with 2 cups of boiling water or milk (for peeling skin), cover with a lid and cool. Wipe morning and evening after cleansing your skin.

Grape lotion(for normal and combination skin)

Mash the ripe red grapes thoroughly and leave them for 2 hours. Add a pinch of salt and 1 tsp to half a glass of the resulting juice. honey, stir and leave for another half hour.

Oil lotion(for very dry, flaky skin)

1 tbsp. mix apricot oil with 1 tsp. wheat germ oil and 1 tbsp. jojoba oil, add 1-3 drops essential oil roses. It is good to wipe your face and neck with this mixture at night.

Moisturizing mask recipes

Here are some recipes for moisturizing masks offered by traditional medicine.

Mix cottage cheese, warm milk, carrot juice and olive oil (1 tablespoon each) until smooth and apply it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe your face with an ice cube. This mask also has a whitening effect.

Herbal mask for dry skin.

1/2 tsp. dry herbs yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, strawberries and blackberries, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Mix the infusion with 1 tbsp. sweet apple juice, 1 tsp. honey and 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and after 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.

Beat 1 tbsp until foam appears. heavy cream along with 20 drops of propolis and 1 tbsp. cucumber juice. Apply a thick layer to your face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe your skin with cucumber juice.

A refreshing mint mask for dry skin.

2 tbsp. crushed mint leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, cool and strain. Apply a warm paste of leaves to your face and remove after 15 minutes with damp cotton pads.

Egg mask for dry and flaky skin.

Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. grape, peach or apricot kernel oils, and with 1 tsp. slightly crushed oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass to your face, lightly massaging it. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

During such procedures, you need to lie down and relax your facial muscles. The course takes 1.5-2 months (2 times a week). After 2 months the course can be repeated. To maintain the effect, 1 mask per week is enough.

Vegetable oils to moisturize skin

A few words about such common healing oils as olive and grape seed.

Olive oil

Olive oil has antioxidant, rejuvenating, moisturizing, cleansing, regenerative and analgesic effects.

It restores the protective function of the skin and restores its tone, does not clog pores and improves skin respiration. It contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which in their composition similar to lipids in mother's milk.

Last time olive oil pay Special attention in connection with his anti-cancer properties, It is recommended to apply it to the skin after sunbathing. Its use in a cream, mask or as a massage base gives remarkable results for the above tasks. Perfect for sensitive skin.

For home cosmetic procedures use natural oil extra-virgin oil, first (cold) pressed, to avoid clogging of pores and inflammation.

Grape seed oil is used in cosmetology both as a separate component and as part of skin care products.

Suitable for any skin type, as on the one hand it nourishes, vitaminizes, deeply moisturizes and regenerates the skin, increasing its tone and elasticity, on the other hand, it has astringent, sebum-regulating, antibacterial and pigment-constricting properties.

Besides this, it strengthens capillaries, serves as a conductor for other beneficial substances, is a powerful antioxidant and source of phytoestrogens, preventing aging and removing toxic substances from the body.

We all want perfect skin, similar to a juicy, plump apple. ❤ The first step towards it is proper hydration. It is the basis of all our cosmetic care.

In this post we will talk about why the skin needs moisture so much, what transepidermal water loss is and natural moisturizing factor, what causes dehydration, and how to deal with it.

Why is water so important for the skin?

Healthy skin contains 20-30% water. Both the appearance (elasticity, firmness, color) and the health of the skin depend on the level of hydration.

Dehydration can cause a wide variety of problems. Fine wrinkles, circles under the eyes, inflammation - all this can be caused by low level moisture in the skin.

Water plays a huge role in the exfoliation process. When the moisture level in the skin decreases, the exfoliation process stops and dead cells accumulate in layers. Hello, dull complexion, dry, rough, flaky skin, clogged pores and inflammation.

Moisturizing the skin from the outside

Our skin is like a big natural sponge. It absorbs moisture from the atmosphere when air humidity is high (more than 50%).

Remember the condition of your skin in humid Thailand and dry Egypt. In the humid Asian climate, the skin is more hydrated even without makeup, and it seems that you don’t need to put anything on. Such a trick will not work with desert Egypt.

Moreover, when air humidity is low (less than 50%), exactly the opposite process begins. In our climate, the skin begins to dry out especially noticeably when the heating is turned on. Hot radiators make the indoor air too dry and moisture from the skin begins to escape into the atmosphere.

This is why a humidifier is so important in winter. And for dehydrated and dry skin, this is generally a must-have, regardless of the season.

Another way to increase skin hydration is with the help of cosmetics. How? We will talk about this in more detail in the next post.

But still, the skin receives most of its moisture from the inside, not the outside.

Moisturizing the skin from the inside

The circulatory system plays a huge role in moisturizing the skin from the inside. You drank a glass of water. How does this water get into the cells and get to the skin? Only with the help of blood through the blood vessels. It is the blood that transports water and nutrients throughout the body. The more water in the body, the better and the more it reaches, including the skin. Therefore, the “banal” advice - drink more water - really works (hurray! ☺).

In the skin, blood vessels are found in the lower layers - the hypodermis and dermis. In the dermis, water enters the “network” of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin and turns into a gel. Part of the moisture in gel form remains in the dermis, and part rises higher - into the epidermis.

Regulates skin pH (lactic, citric acids and potassium are responsible for this).

Stimulates the synthesis of ceramides and improves skin barrier function (lactic acid).

Maintains the exfoliation process at a normal level.

    Exfoliation. During washing, peeling (scrubs) and shaving, part of the corneocytes is removed, and with it the NUF. That’s why it’s so important to replenish it with moisturizers afterward (masks, serums).

    Frequent bathing. NUF consists of water-soluble components, too frequent and prolonged water procedures wash it and dry the skin.

    To make it clearer what it is epidermal barrier, imagine a brick wall. The base of the wall is made of bricks. In the skin, the bricks are the corneocytes of the stratum corneum. They hold each other like hands with the help of protein bridges (desmosomes). The layer (cement) between the bricks of our skin is lipids (also called fats).

    The reliability and strength of the epidermal barrier helps maintain hydrolipid mantle. This is a film on the surface of the skin, consisting of fat (lipids), sweat and acids formed as a result of the vital processes of the epidermis. Just as the walls are covered with plaster on top, the epidermal barrier is additionally wrapped in a hydrolipid mantle.

    Water and water-soluble substances are not able to overcome the barrier of the epidermal barrier and hydrolipid mantle, because water does not dissolve in fat.

    Thus, the lipid (fat) layer “seals” the moisture in the skin collected by the natural moisturizing factor. And this is also why it is so important to maintain a healthy epidermal barrier and hydrolipid mantle.

    Important! Lipids are the nutrition of our skin. NUF is hydration. They only work together - it is useless to collect moisture without locking it. Remember, there is no hydration without nutrition, they are like 2 twix sticks - always together.

    • Replenish moisture reserves from the inside, drink plenty of water.

      Strengthen blood vessels.

      Buy an air humidifier.

      Use literate cosmetics containing moisturizing components (including NUFa components) and lipids.

    We figured out how the skin's moisturizing system works, and in the next post we'll find out how moisturizing cosmetics work, what moisturizing components and lipids look like in a cream, and who to look for on the label.

    Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

    See you again on LaraBarBlog. ♫