Paraffin bath for hands how to use. Softening bath for rough skin. Here are some examples

The skin of your hands ages much faster than the skin of your face. As you know, a woman’s age can be determined by her hands. Therefore, women's hands should always be well-groomed, clean and attractive. The paraffin therapy procedure is ideal for hand care.

Paraffin therapy is a spa procedure that is quite simple, pleasant and useful. This procedure rejuvenates, nourishes and tones your skin and in addition has an anti-stress effect. This procedure is performed using paraffin heated to a temperature of 45 degrees C. However, unfortunately, this procedure is not suitable for everyone; there are also contraindications. This article, prepared specifically for the women's website, will introduce you to all the pros and cons about paraffin therapy.

This procedure has many positive aspects.

  • Relieves swelling from the skin.
  • Improves blood microcirculation.
  • Promotes the healing of microcracks on your skin.
  • Moisturizes the skin.
  • Nourishes the skin.
  • Has a super rejuvenating effect.
  • It has an anti-stress effect, since there is hardly a person who would not like to put their hands in a warm bath with scented paraffin.

Paraffin therapy contraindications

  • Skin damage if your skin has cuts or deep scratches— This procedure is contraindicated for you until everything heals.
  • Paraffin therapy is also contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.
  • We do not recommend this procedure for you if you have allergic manifestations on your skin.
  • Also, this spa procedure is contraindicated for people with diseases such as diabetes.
  • Well, you should not carry out such a procedure for those who have purulent abscesses on the skin.

How to prepare for hand paraffin therapy

  1. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Steam the handles in a water bath.
  3. Cleanse your hands with a fine-grained scrub.
  4. Apply a thin layer of any nourishing or protective cream to the skin of your hands. This is necessary, especially for those with dry skin, to avoid getting burned.

If you want to pamper yourself with something new, then paraffin therapy is what you need. Indulge in a spa experience, relax and drift into an aromatic dreamscape. To do this procedure, you don’t have to go to the salon and overpay. You can study everything carefully, buy everything you need and please your beloved yourself..

We will need

Stages of paraffin therapy for hands

The stages of this procedure are not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Don't be afraid to experiment.

  1. Melt the paraffin, bringing it to a temperature of 45 degrees C in a special bath or deep bowl that you have chosen for this procedure. Be sure to ensure that no water gets into the paraffin bath.
  2. While the paraffin melts, you can prepare your hands for this procedure.
    • Wash your hands with soap;
    • Clean them with a special hand scrub;
    • Apply a protective or nourishing cream to your hands in a thin layer.
  3. Then, immerse your hands in the paraffin bath for 12 seconds, then take them out for 15 seconds and re-immerse your hands in the paraffin. Do this 3-4 times.
  4. After the paraffin has hardened on your hands, put on plastic gloves or wrap them in a plastic bag. Next, wrap in a warm terry towel for 25 minutes.
  5. Next, remove the paraffin from your hands, rinse your hands in warm water and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Dear ladies, in order for paraffin therapy to be not only useful, but also pleasant, and also more convenient to perform, we recommend that you invite your friends to this procedure. Cosmetic procedures are a great reason to meet, right?

Hello readers. Today I want to talk about our pens. They, like the face and body, need care. We often forget about this. At best, lubricate your hands with cream. Tender, smooth skin in your hands this is the result of caring for her. I recently got a manicure from a friend, it was very good master, I am always satisfied with her work. So, she said that they have a “paraffin therapy” service in their salon. That some clients are simply delighted with this procedure. Of course, the procedure is not cheap. After a paraffin bath, the skin of your hands is tender, soft, and well-groomed. This procedure is especially suitable for those who have dry hand skin and a feeling of tightness. I became so interested in what this procedure was and I decided to find out a little more about it. Arriving home, I started looking for information about whether it was possible to make a paraffin bath for hands at home. It turns out it’s possible, now I’ll tell you everything.

Paraffin therapy is a procedure that helps eliminate defects on the skin and has a therapeutic effect. This is a rejuvenating and toning procedure. It turns out that paraffin therapy can be used not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the legs, as well as in the fight against cellulite.

What kind of paraffin is needed for paraffin therapy? For the procedure you need to use cosmetic paraffin. Surely, when we hear the word paraffin, we think of candles, but such paraffin is not suitable. Cosmetic paraffin without impurities, dyes, which has good cleaning properties. harmful substances. When choosing paraffin, it is important to look at the composition so that it does not contain artificial colors and flavors.

There are different types of paraffin, oil-based, honey-based, and fruit-based. For sensitive skin paraffin-based paraffin is excellent for hands and for allergy sufferers peach oil. It is cosmetic paraffin that does not burn the skin, but gently warms it up.

The result of a paraffin bath. The result of the procedure is good. Hands are well-groomed, soft, moisturized, smooth. Paraffin hand masks have a regenerating effect; they are very good for treating cuticles.

After the paraffin therapy procedure, the elasticity of the skin of the hands increases, the skin becomes elastic, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, paraffin masks are used for arthritis.

Nails are also strengthened after the procedure. If you have brittle nails and you want to strengthen them, tips on strengthening your nails can be found in the article ““? This procedure is wonderfully relaxing and calming.

How to make a paraffin bath for hands at home

In order to do the procedure at home, you need to buy cosmetic paraffin. You can buy it at a pharmacy or in online stores. Paraffin is heated in a special bath, my friend calls it a “paraffin melter”. But you can melt the paraffin in a water bath. It is not advisable to melt paraffin in the microwave.

You will also need a scrub, cream, bags or cellophane gloves, and thermal gloves for your hands. I would like to note once again that candles cannot be used for this procedure, only cosmetic paraffin is needed.

1. Paraffin needs to be melted. Heat paraffin at a temperature of 50 degrees. Place paraffin in a clean and dry container. It is very important that not a single drop of water gets into the paraffin, since water in heated paraffin can cause skin burns. We put the paraffin to melt in a water bath. While the paraffin is melting, let’s prepare our hands for this procedure.

2. You need to wash your hands. Remove nail polish.

3. Clean your hands with a scrub to remove the keratinized layer of cells. If you don’t have a scrub, you can prepare it at home. Mix milk powder and oatmeal crushed into flour in equal proportions, add a little baking soda and salt. This is how a dry scrub turns out. Before using it, you need to take a little product in your hand, add olive oil and a little water and massage your hands with the scrub. Rinse off with warm water.

4. Wipe your hands dry with a towel and apply cream. It is important what kind of cream you apply, since it is the substances in the cream that will care for the skin of your hands. You can make homemade cream from wax and oils. To prepare homemade cream, you need to melt a tablespoon of yellow beeswax in a water bath and add a spoonful of olive oil, sea buckthorn oil, or you can also add a spoonful of St. John's wort oil. If you have liquid vitamin A and E, then add 5 drops of these vitamins to your homemade cream.

5. Apply the cream to your hands with massage movements. You need to massage your hands so that your hands are warm, since it is not advisable to put cold hands in warm paraffin.

6. Now you can put your hands in warm paraffin. Be sure to try paraffin before giving up. The paraffin should be warm, but not hot, otherwise you may get burned. We dip our hands in warm paraffin 3 to 5 times. We make these “paraffin gloves”.

8. Remove the paraffin from your hand when you feel that the paraffin has cooled down and your hand is sweating. This is approximately 20 to 30 minutes in time. Paraffin can be easily removed from your hands, like a glove. Remove the paraffin from your hand and throw it away.

9. Try not to leave the house after a paraffin bath for at least an hour. At home, you can do a paraffin bath for your hands once a week. This procedure can be done as a course. Course - 7-10 procedures.

It is advisable, of course, if they help you with this procedure. For example, they help to put cellophane bags and warm gloves on your hands.

Contraindications. This procedure is contraindicated for wounds on the skin of the hands, abrasions, pustular wounds, and cuts. That is, there should be no damage to the skin.

With regular use of this procedure, the skin of your hands will be soft, tender, and smooth. The result is noticeable after the first procedure. This procedure is especially relevant in the cold season, when our hands most need care.

By doing this procedure you will forget about dryness and flaking of your hands. If you have dry hand skin, read the article ““, also in it you will find information about the reasons that lead to dry hand skin.

Cosmetologist Olya Seymour explains in more detail all the intricacies and details of the “paraffin therapy” procedure. Everything is clear and detailed, so if you still have questions, I recommend watching the video material.

To keep your hands beautiful and young as long as possible, you need to take special care of your skin, moisturizing and nourishing it with useful substances.

Paraffin hand baths have become very popular in cosmetology lately. Using this method of care, you can keep your hands soft, moisturize the skin, soften it, and add the nutrition necessary for the skin of your hands.

Wax gets very hot when melted and has the ability to retain heat very well. And heat has a positive effect on internal processes in the body.

Nail baths have a very beneficial effect. For those who have weak nail plates or peeling nails, this is an excellent solution. You can solve several problems at once. For various purposes, you can add the necessary vitamins at your own request.

In cosmetology, paraffin therapy has gained enormous recognition due to the fact that it is capable of not only solving cosmetic problems, but also the possibility of therapeutic procedures.

Indications and contraindications for the use of hand paraffin therapy

  • dry hands;
  • dry cracks on the skin of the hands;
  • peeling of the skin of the hands;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • frostbite;
  • lamination of the nail plate.

Regular paraffin therapy for hands has the most beneficial effect on the skin

There are certain contraindications:

  • fresh wounds on the skin of the hands;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • vascular diseases;
  • infection or fungal diseases;
  • angina pectoris;
  • bronchial asthma.

The effect of the procedure on pregnant women and their tolerability are also unknown. That's why It is not recommended for pregnant women.

In any case, to confirm the absence of contraindications, you should consult your doctor.

This procedure has not only certain benefits for the skin of the hands. Doctors recommend the use of paraffin baths for medicinal purposes.

Benefits and treatment of paraffin baths. Harm if used incorrectly

The benefits of paraffin baths are well known, and they are used not only for hands. Although if used incorrectly, it can have a negative impact.

The effect of this procedure helps to avoid problems for people who have redness on their hands, because blood circulation increases. The skin on your hands becomes velvety. You just need to try one procedure in order to experience a positive result.

If you carry out a series of procedures of this kind, the effect will be amazing. Even older people with aging skin will be able to notice improvements.

It is very useful to carry out such procedures during the cold period. After winter, the skin becomes dry and receives few vitamins. Paraffin therapy can solve these problems in a few sessions.

Interesting fact! This procedure is considered one of the most useful throughout the world.

Paraffin therapy does not have any negative effects, unless it is used incorrectly.

The table below shows a number of positive and negative effects of paraffin therapy:

The benefits of paraffin baths for hands Harm of paraffin baths for hands
Strengthens blood microcirculationIf the composition for the procedure overheats, it will cause a burn.
Accelerates the removal of toxinsUse in case of contraindications
Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the handsExcessive use
Nourishes the nail plate
Increases skin elasticity

The therapeutic effect of using paraffin baths is quite large. They are used for diseases such as arthritis, dislocation, fracture.

The use of these procedures for people with joint diseases is very useful. IN In this situation, sessions should take place daily, or every other day. The required number of procedures is from 10 to 20.

As you can see, the positive effect on the skin with this procedure is much greater than the possible negative effect.

Only white paraffin is used for treatment. He is purified.

Yellow paraffin cannot be used, as it contains substances that have an adverse and even harmful effect on the skin, since it is unrefined.

Baths at home

The choice of paraffin hand bath is of no small importance, as it should have many useful functions. Since this procedure is simple, you can purchase the necessary ingredients yourself and do everything in the comfort of your own home.

To carry out paraffin therapy, it is necessary to use so-called cosmetic or medical paraffin. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

Paraffin should only be heated in an enamel container.

You need to have a container to pour this paraffin for the procedure itself.

Paraffin can be melted in a water bath in an enamel or glass container

You need to melt the paraffin in a water bath, the required amount is approximately 2 kg. Before starting, you need to lubricate your hands with cream so that the paraffin is well separated from your hands. Then carry out the procedure according to all the rules.

Rules for the paraffin bath procedure

It is important to know! The paraffin hand bath procedure has many advantages, but if used incorrectly it can be harmful.

That's why To carry out this type of hand skin treatment, you must follow all the rules:

  1. You must first remove all jewelry from your hands and wipe off the nail polish.
  2. You need to know for sure that there are no contraindications for this procedure.
  3. Carefully examine the skin to ensure there are no fresh wounds or cuts.
  4. Hands must first be lubricated with a nourishing cream or scrub. This will prevent the paraffin from sticking to the skin.
  5. Hands must be immersed in a paraffin hand bath. Enough to the wrist, no longer than 10 seconds, so as not to harm. For a positive effect, you need to do this 6-7 times, with a break of about 10 seconds. The fingers should be pressed tightly together so as not to burn the membranes between the fingers.
  6. Wrap up your hands plastic bag or gloves, then wrap in a towel or wrap in warm mittens for 20 minutes.
  7. Remove paraffin starting from the wrist.
  8. Lubricate your hands with cream.

It is best to carry out such procedures half an hour before bedtime. It is recommended to do them once a week for preventive purposes.

Paraffin should not be heated over an open fire. Only in a water bath. Otherwise, it may burn and emit a very unpleasant and harmful odor.

Cosmetic paraffin can be different types. It may be sold with the addition of various essential oils, plant extracts, vitamins, but can also be in its pure form.

It is also necessary to purchase a product for removing paraffin from various surfaces.

Be careful! The temperature of the paraffin in the hand bath should be such that it does not cause burns. The paraffin should be hot, but so that you can safely hold your hands in it.

The correct paraffin temperature should be no more than 50°.

Purpose of paraffin baths for hands. Recipes

Paraffin hand baths are a useful procedure, but should be used only for their intended purpose and according to the rules. At misuse can easily damage the skin.

Paraffin baths are an excellent procedure for rejuvenating hands, but in order to get the maximum benefit and not accidentally harm the skin, it must be carried out in strict accordance with the rules

Since paraffin therapy must take place with preliminary application cream, it can also be used to enhance the positive effect.

Exist good recipes for cream before paraffin therapy.

Pre-application cream

For the cream you need:

  • mix 20 g each of olive and sea buckthorn oil, also calendula oil;
  • add 10 drops of vitamins A or E in the form of oil and any aromatic oils. Stir it all;
  • beeswax should be melted in a water bath in the amount of 15-20 g and a mixture of oils should be poured into it;
  • after the wax hardens, you will get an excellent nourishing cream that should be used before and after the paraffin therapy procedure.

Nourishing bath


  • paraffin - 2 kg;
  • Vitamin A – 20 g;
  • Vitamin E – 20 g;
  • Seaweed (dry kelp) – up to 20 g.


  • Pre-chop the seaweed and add water;
  • melt paraffin in a bath;
  • mix all ingredients in a bowl.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure for preventive purposes once a week.

This bath, in addition to nourishing the skin, strengthens nails very well.

Rejuvenating bath to nourish the epidermis


  • paraffin – 2 kg;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • milk – 20 g;
  • butter – 30 g.

Preparing the bath and carrying out the procedure:

  • Boil the potatoes and mash them like mashed potatoes, add milk and butter. Mix everything;
  • melt the paraffin separately;
  • put warm potatoes on your hands, wrap them up and hold them for a couple of minutes and then carefully remove them;
  • wipe and rinse your hands, lubricate with cream;
  • put your hands in the paraffin bath, according to the instructions, 5-6 times for 7-10 seconds;
  • Wrap your hands in a plastic bag or gloves. Wrap them in a towel and leave them like that for about 20 minutes.

Application once a week is sufficient for preventive purposes. If the skin is aging and requires restoration, you can repeat the procedure every other day, but no more than 5 times.

As a result, the skin will become soft and velvety. Your hands will look younger.

A paraffin bath in combination with a mashed potato mask makes the skin of your hands surprisingly soft and velvety.

Paraffin bath for dry hands


  • cosmetic paraffin – 2 kg;
  • olive oil – 15-20 g;
  • cocoa butter – 50 g.
  • melt the paraffin and add it olive oil and pre-melted cocoa butter;
  • lower your hands into the bath for 10 seconds 5 times;
  • wrap your hands in a bag, wrap them in a towel for 20 minutes;
  • carefully remove paraffin;
  • After completing the procedure, lubricate your hands with cream.

This procedure will be beneficial if performed regularly once a week.. You can take a break for a month.

Paraffin bath for hands if you are prone to allergies

This type of bath is suitable for people suffering from possible allergic reactions.


  • paraffin – 2 kg;
  • peach oil – 15 g;
  • aloe extract – 15 g.

Preparation and use:

  • melt paraffin in a bath, add oil and aloe extract, then stir the composition thoroughly;
  • lower your hands into the bath for 7-10 seconds 5-6 times;
  • wrap your hands in plastic gloves and wrap them in a warm towel for 20-30 minutes;
  • remove paraffin, starting from the hand and gradually reaching the fingers;
  • Upon completion of the procedure, lubricate your hands with cream.

It is enough to carry out such paraffin therapy once a week.

If the paraffin is cosmetic without adding various ingredients, then you can add various aromatic essential oils to it as desired, for example, lemon, jasmine, green tea, lavender.

Be beautiful!

Video materials about methods of performing paraffin baths for hands, the benefits and possible harm of medicinal plants

How to make a paraffin bath for hands:

Possible benefits and harms of medicinal plants side effects popular herbs:

Very often, exposure to adverse weather conditions, constant contact with heated water and various cleaning products during home cleaning or washing dishes noticeably worsen the condition of the skin and the health of the nail plates. Paraffin therapy for the skin of hands and nails will help not only strengthen your nails, but also return your hands to their magnificent appearance, but will also consolidate the healing effect until the next procedure.

Paraffin therapy is a cosmetic procedure using paraffin, essential oils, salts and some other components for home care of hand skin and strengthening weak nails. Impact of components included in the composition cosmetic paraffin, helps to quickly eliminate dryness, redness and flaking, and also returns smoothness, elasticity and velvety to the skin of the hands.

Paraffin masks saturate nail plates useful substances and improve the condition of brittle, peeling, damaged nails after frequent nail extensions. In addition, regular use of paraffin masks during the cold winter season improves the protective functions of the skin of the hands, preventing the appearance of cracks in the cold. Cosmetic paraffin perfectly restores and nourishes the skin, has a rejuvenating effect and accelerates the removal of toxins from the deep layers of the skin of the hands.

It is important to note that for paraffin therapy you should use only special cosmetic paraffin, which is used in beauty salons for spa treatments. You can buy it at a health and beauty store. The paraffin from which candles are made is absolutely not suitable for making homemade masks and hand baths. Cosmetic paraffin may contain various fragrances that enhance one or another healing effect for nails and hand skin. We recommend paying attention to products with ingredients such as rosehip oil, tea rose extract, shea butter, vitamin E.

For paraffin therapy sessions, melted paraffin is usually used, which is filled into a bath to completely immerse the hands. However, there are some contraindications for using such procedures at home (the presence of tumors on the skin of the hands, open wounds, varicose veins, diabetes, high blood pressure, allergies). In this case, hot baths can be replaced with a special paraffin cream, which does not need to be melted. Cold paraffin therapy for nails and hand skin is no less effective than hot water and does not have the above contraindications.


It is not necessary to buy a special bath for this procedure. At home, you can use an enamel or ceramic container that is large enough to completely immerse your hands. But if you decide to buy a paraffin therapy bath to conveniently maintain the desired temperature, then pay attention to the following criteria:

If you plan to perform procedures only for your hands, then it is enough to purchase a bath for 2 kg of melted paraffin. But hot paraffin therapy is also great for home care of nails and foot skin (especially if corns and calluses constantly appear on your feet, and cracks have begun to appear on your heels). In this case, choose a container of larger volume: 3-4 kg;

Spill proof.
Now on sale there are very convenient baths with specially shaped edges through which heated paraffin practically does not spill. They do not cost much more than their analogues, but the advantage is obvious;

Built-in thermostat.
Perhaps this is the most important function for which it is generally worth buying such a unit. The built-in thermostat allows you to select the appropriate temperature of the contents of the container and constantly maintain it throughout the entire session;

Heating rate.
In order to completely melt several kilograms of paraffin and heat to desired temperature, you have to wait more than an hour. Although at this time you can calmly go about your business - the process does not require close attention. And some modern models of paraffin therapy baths heat the contents in literally 30-40 minutes;

Easy to clean.
An important criterion for those women who already have little free time. We advise you to pay attention to models with a special mesh on the bottom and Teflon coating.


These step-by-step instructions will help you complete the procedure correctly the first time.

Required accessories:

▪ A special bath or ceramic container for 2-3 liters of melted paraffin;

▪ Cosmetic paraffin;

▪ Food film (you can use thin plastic bags);

▪ Scrub (can be made from coffee beans or oatmeal);

▪ Large thick towel (or mittens);

▪ Nutritious and protective creams for the skin of the hands.

Step-by-step instruction with photo:

Melt and heat the paraffin.
If a special bath will be used, load paraffin into it and set the desired heating temperature on the thermostat. Melt the paraffin in a ceramic container in a water bath. At first, the pieces will melt and turn into a liquid consistency. Then we need to wait for the temperature to rise to 40°C. Make sure that no water gets into the melted paraffin!

Peeling with scrub.
While the paraffin heats up to the desired temperature, apply the scrub to the skin of your hands and massage in a circular motion. It is enough to massage for 4-5 minutes, stimulating blood microcirculation and exfoliating the layer of dead skin cells. Then wash your hands thoroughly with soft water and soap (it is advisable that the soap contains glycerin);

Apply cream.
Apply a cosmetic cream with nourishing and moisturizing properties using massaging movements. Instead of cream, it is preferable to use thermal lotion with hyaluronic acid and collagen in the composition;

We put our hands in the bath.
We immerse our hands in heated paraffin for 10 seconds, then take them out and wait until the paraffin hardens slightly and turns into a crust. We perform 5-6 such dives;

Wrapping with cling film.
After the final immersion of your hands in the bath, wait until the paraffin hardens on the skin again. Wrap your hands in cling film or put on cellophane gloves;

We put on gloves.
We put thermal gloves on top of the cling film or wrap our hands in a towel;

We clean our hands of paraffin.
After about 20-25 minutes, remove the mittens, remove the film towards the fingers from the wrist;

Moisturize the skin of your hands.
Rub moisturizing cream into the skin of your hands with massage movements, treat the cuticle and periungual area with softening oil. It is also useful to apply almond or sea ​​buckthorn oil to strengthen nail plates;

Cleaning the bath.
If you are using a special bath, then unplug the device. Cosmetic paraffin is usually changed after 35-40 sessions. Before loading a new portion of the product, you must thoroughly rinse and disinfect the device container.


Cleanse the skin of your hands.
Before the procedure, it won’t hurt to do a trimmed or untrimmed manicure and thoroughly polish your nails with a buff. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and then perform mechanical peeling with a scrub suitable for your skin. There is no need to wash your hands after peeling.

Apply moisturizer.
To speed up the penetration of the active substances of paraffin into the skin layers, it is useful to rub a moisturizing cream into the skin before the procedure (the most suitable moisturizer is usually sold complete with paraffin cream)

Apply cream paraffin.
Now take a spatula or a wide wooden stick and apply paraffin cream to your hands in an even layer. Then we put cellophane gloves on our hands or wrap them with cling film.

Remove any remaining paraffin.
After 20 minutes, you can remove the cellophane and wipe your hands with a non-woven cloth. The remaining paraffin can be rubbed into the skin of your hands in a circular motion. All that remains is to apply sea buckthorn oil to the nails to restore the structure of the plates and rub a softening, healing agent into the cuticle.

It is enough to do this procedure once a week.


Unlike paraffin therapy, this SPA manicure option is intended exclusively to improve the condition of nails . This procedure does not take much time and for a session it is enough to use 300-400 grams of cosmetic paraffin, since we will only dip our fingertips into the container. Paraffin manicure will make your nail plates stronger and more elastic, and will also help you quickly get rid of dryness, cracks, and small cuts on the periungual skin and in the cuticle area.

Procedure steps:

Using a glass file, we give the free edge of each nail the desired shape, grind the nail plates with a fine file and then polish it with a buff;

We correct the keratinized layer of the cuticle with a pusher or remove it with a remover, cleaning the nails from residues with an orange stick. Massage movements rub the nourishing cream into the periungual skin and cuticle, apply a thin layer to the nail plate;

Dip your fingertips into a ceramic container with preheated paraffin for a few seconds, take them out and wait until a hardened crust appears on your fingers. We repeat the same action 7-8 more times;

We take the fingertips out of the container one last time and hold the paraffin crust-case on them for about 10 minutes. Then you can remove this cover from all fingers;

Take a nourishing, moisturizing cosmetic cream and rub into the periungual skin.


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Most women have skin on their hands that is much thinner and drier than on other parts of the body. In addition, she constantly suffers from exposure to cold, pollution and frequent washing. Therefore, very often it is the hands that reveal a woman’s real age or even add a couple of years. Paraffin treatments will help maintain youth and elasticity of the skin in this area. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to use paraffin for hands at home. This is possible, you just need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the procedure and strictly adhere to them.

How does paraffin affect the skin of your hands?

The skin of the hands is regularly exposed to aggressive environmental factors, frequent pollution and washing, so it quickly dries out, becomes rough, begins to peel and age prematurely. Paraffin masks will help stop this process.

Treatments with paraffin are carried out on almost all parts of the body, but it is on the skin of the hands that their effect is most pronounced.

Paraffin is a substance with low thermal conductivity, so after application to the skin it cools very slowly, warming your hands. This has several beneficial consequences:

  • Due to slow warming, the pores of the skin expand, and it more actively absorbs beneficial substances. If you apply a nourishing cream or mask under the paraffin, the effect will increase several times.
  • In “paraffin gloves,” the body actively sweats, but the liquid does not evaporate, but is absorbed back into the skin cells, moisturizing them.
  • Along with sweat, dirt and toxins are removed from the pores, but they do not penetrate back and remain on the surface of the skin.
  • During slow cooling, paraffin slightly stretches and compresses the skin, massaging it and reducing wrinkles.
  • This mask has a positive effect on the condition of nails, strengthening them and preventing splitting. After each procedure they will become stronger and stronger.
  • Manipulation with paraffin improves subcutaneous microcirculation, this improves skin nutrition, accelerates renewal and makes hands truly younger.

Such a wide spectrum of action makes paraffin therapy one of the most useful home treatments. cosmetic procedures for the skin of the hands. It is very simple to perform, but the result usually exceeds all expectations.

First you need to purchase paraffin at a pharmacy or a specialized cosmetics store. For the first procedure, it is better to give preference to simple purified material without any additives. Candles should absolutely not be used for this purpose. They are made from unrefined paraffin, but we need cosmetic, High Quality. You also need to prepare a skin scrub, nourishing cream or mask, and thermal gloves. You will also need a suitable size vessel.

In beauty salons, paraffin is usually heated in special electric baths, but at home you can make do with improvised means. Any metal utensil will do, the main thing is that it is convenient for you to place it on the steam bath.

After everything you need has been prepared, you can proceed directly to heating the paraffin and applying it, which will take place in several stages:

  • The first step is to thoroughly clean your hands, wash them with soap and remove nail polish.
  • Then you need to melt the paraffin. Ideal for this at home steam bath. Place a pan of water on the fire, and a metal bowl with paraffin on top of it. Gradually the water will warm up and the paraffin will melt, acquiring a liquid consistency. If it gets too hot, don't worry, you'll just have to wait until it cools down.
  • While the paraffin is heating up, we cleanse the skin of our hands again, but with the help of a scrub. If you don’t have a store-bought product on hand, you can replace it with a homemade mixture of 1 tbsp. dry milk, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal crushed in a blender, 0.5 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. salt. You need to add a little to this composition vegetable oil and water to make a kind of scrub and massage the skin of your hands with it. Then rinse everything off with warm water and wipe your hands dry.
  • Remove the heated paraffin from the heat and place it on the table.
  • Apply nourishing cream or mask to the skin of your hands. If this is your first procedure, it is better to use a familiar and proven hand cream. Later you can experiment, for example, make homemade creams based on natural oils, honey and pharmaceutical vitamins.
  • While applying the cream, your hands should be massaged quite intensively so that they are warm.
  • Before dipping your brushes into paraffin, you need to check its temperature with your finger. If the mass seems too hot, it is better to wait a little to avoid getting burned.
  • Hands should be dipped in paraffin 3-5 times. It depends on its consistency. If the paraffin is hot and more liquid, it spreads thinner on the skin, so more dips will be needed.
  • After “paraffin gloves” have formed on your hands, you need to put on special thermal mittens or simple plastic bags and wrap your hands in a towel.
  • You need to keep this mask for at least 20 minutes. The paraffin cools very slowly, so it will remain pleasantly warm.
  • After about half an hour, you may notice that the mask is no longer warm. Then you can take off your gloves and clean your hands. The paraffin layer usually comes off easily, especially if a thick cream was applied underneath it.

After this procedure, it is advisable to rest a little. It is best not to leave the house for an hour and avoid contact of the skin of your hands with aggressive environments, for example, detergent for dishes. It is very easy and convenient to make paraffin masks at home if someone helps you. It can be inconvenient to put on gloves or bags and wrap your hands.

For achievement maximum effect Just one procedure per week for 2 months will be enough.

The first results from paraffin therapy can be noticed after the first procedure. The skin will become softer and more delicate, hydrated and healthy. Such masks are especially relevant in winter, when your hands suffer from frost and dry air.

If you decide to diversify your procedures by adding beneficial substances to paraffin, first make sure that they will not cause you allergic reaction. A small amount of the active substance can be applied to the skin of the inner surface of the elbow and observe the reaction throughout the day. If there is no itching or redness, feel free to enrich the composition of your paraffin compress.

Often when making paraffin baths for our hands, we forget about their effect on our nails. Such procedures help strengthen the nail plates, make them more elastic and prevent delamination. They are so useful that sometimes you can do paraffin therapy sessions exclusively for nails.

The advantages of this procedure are that it requires very few materials and is easy to do at home, even without outside help.

For a nail paraffin therapy session, you will need a quarter of a 500-gram package of paraffin. It must be melted, as in the previous case. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to remove the nail polish and apply a nourishing cream; castor or almond oil is also suitable. You only need to dip your fingertips into paraffin, take them out for 5-6 seconds and put them in again. This action is repeated several times until a strong layer of paraffin is formed. Then you need to wrap your hands in a plastic bag and terry towel or put warm mittens over the bag.

After about 25-30 minutes, the paraffin must be removed. This is easy to do, you just need to pry it with your finger. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with cream again.


Although it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of paraffin treatments for the skin of the hands, sometimes they can be harmful. Therefore, before you start paraffin therapy, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications. These include:

  • various eczemas;
  • diabetes;
  • wounds and cuts on the skin;
  • decreased blood clotting and dilated blood vessels;
  • hypertension;
  • viral skin diseases, such as warts;
  • the presence of pustular inflammation on the skin of the hands.

Girls with big amount moles on hands. It is better to consult a dermatologist in advance. He will be able to determine how high the risk of their degeneration is and whether paraffin procedures will harm you. Paraffin therapy is not recommended during pregnancy.

Special paraffin cream for hands has fewer contraindications. It is easier to use and also gives good results for the skin on your hands.

In other situations, paraffin baths will only bring benefits. They will not just improve the condition of the skin, but will help you relax and cheer up, and will also give you the opportunity to relax for half an hour and put your thoughts in order.