Safe hardware procedures for the face. Procedures for weight loss in salons - the effectiveness of cosmetic and hardware procedures for figure correction. The procedure has contraindications

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Stem cells

Perhaps one of the newest and most promising methods rejuvenation organism is the use of stem cells. These are cells that can transform into any other type of cell in the human body. With their help, scientists promise to extend a person’s life for as long as possible, while greatly improving the quality of his life and curing major diseases. Indeed, the effectiveness of the use of stem cells has been proven in many cases of rejuvenation, treatment of diseases such as leukemia, congenital disorders immune system etc. The action of stem cells is aimed at rejuvenating the body as a whole: wrinkles disappear in people, overall well-being improves, and metabolism is restored.

However, not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. Research in the field of cellular medicine, and in particular stem cells, began relatively recently, and the consequences of their use are quite difficult to predict. It is already known that the use of stem cells in the body can provoke the development of cancer.

Spanish scientists experimentally proved that after the introduction of stem cells, which were grown outside the body for a long time, they turned into a cancerous tumor.


Another modern method of rejuvenation can be called photorejuvenation., based on the effect of light flux on the skin (the effect of high-intensity light, selectively producing pulses with a wavelength of 550-1200 nm). After just a few sessions of photorejuvenation, a positive effect is observed: fine wrinkles disappear, dark spots, skin tone increases, complexion improves. This is a quick, convenient and relatively harmless way to rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck. One session lasts on average 15-20 minutes. But photorejuvenation also has its drawbacks. Firstly, this is only visible skin rejuvenation, which does not in any way affect the health of the body in general. Secondly, photorejuvenation sessions are contraindicated for people with dark skin, pregnant women, blood diseases, skin diseases and cancer. As a rule, photorejuvenation is carried out in combination with other rejuvenation methods.


The essence of this rejuvenation method is the introduction of active substances into problem skin, after which the regenerative functions of the skin are expected to be restored. With the help of mesotherapy, skin problems such as acne, cellulite, and wrinkles are cured. This is a fairly safe method of rejuvenation with a long-term effect, but just like photorejuvenation, it is aimed only at cosmetic improvement appearance skin. In addition, after the introduction of active substances into the deep layers of the skin, some people experience cases of allergic reactions to the injected drugs (redness, vasodilatation, etc.). Therefore, before carrying out this rejuvenation operation, a person needs to undergo a complete medical examination of the body. Mesotherapy is contraindicated during pregnancy, menstruation and bleeding disorders.

Deep peeling

Deep peeling is also a way of rejuvenation, which is carried out with the help of technical advances in the field of medicine. It consists of removing dead skin cells, after which regeneration of skin cells is expected. With the help of peeling, you can eliminate acne, fine wrinkles, and minor skin defects. However, this method itself is quite traumatic and dangerous. Deep peeling sessions should be carried out using anesthetic drugs and only by highly qualified specialists. After such procedures are carried out incorrectly, irreversible changes in the skin are likely to develop.

Plastic surgery

Many show business stars and other popular people resort to this method of rejuvenation as plastic surgery.. These are operations to tighten and remove excess skin. Plastic surgery procedures are performed under general anesthesia. This method is good because a person does not need to regularly go to the clinic for rejuvenation procedures; the effect is visible after the first operation and lasts for 5-7 years. The disadvantages of this method are, first of all, the very fact of surgical intervention, which does not rejuvenate the skin at all, but simply tightens it. The need to use antibiotics and other drugs can also affect your health.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling- this is an operation to remove the upper layers of skin using various acids, which are applied in a thin layer to the skin during the procedure. For this peeling method, drugs such as phenol, trichloroacetic acid and other agents are used. This method of rejuvenation allows you to achieve quick results: wrinkles and acne are eliminated, and after removing old skin cells, the restoration processes of skin cells are activated. One of the main disadvantages of chemical peels is redness of the skin, which can last for a week (depending on the drugs used). Using glycolic acid An obligatory consequence is peeling of the skin, which also causes some inconvenience.

Biogels and threads

The use of biogels and threads in cosmetology is also aimed at facial rejuvenation. Biostimulants are introduced into the skin of the face and neck, actively affecting the cells that form collagen and elastin. The introduction of biogel and reinforcement with gold threads have similar principles of action: to activate the formation of skin proteins. It's pretty modern way rejuvenation, in which the skin tightens, complexion improves, wrinkles disappear. But this method also has its contraindications: the operation cannot be performed if there is a bleeding disorder, during pregnancy, or inflammatory skin diseases.

Anti-aging masks

One of the most simple ways rejuvenation is the use of special anti-aging masks. Upon contact with the skin, the active ingredients of the mask moisturize and nourish it. Masks are made from natural products, and by chemical means. Many manufacturers of anti-aging face masks believe that skin aging is no longer a problem, since the effectiveness of these masks is manifested at the cellular level, activates the regeneration of skin cells, inhibits the aging process and restores metabolism in the skin. However, not all manufacturers of rejuvenation masks are conscientious - there is a possibility of low-quality components in the mask.

Therefore, it is best to use homemade masks from natural products. It is worth remembering that some people may have increased sensitivity to certain components, so first choose the one that suits you best. suitable type masks.

ELOS rejuvenation

ELOS rejuvenation has become increasingly popular lately.. This method of rejuvenation is based on the combined effects of light energy and radio current. This technology stimulates the production of collagen and elastin from the inside. Using ELOS rejuvenation technology, it is possible to get rid of age spots, skin defects, acne, and also eliminate wrinkles. The disadvantages are the painfulness of the procedure and redness of the skin.

Medical rejuvenation

It is also necessary to mention drug rejuvenation, that is, rejuvenation with the help of various medications, hormonal drugs, and supplements. Currently, the range of such drugs is so large that choosing the right drug is quite difficult. The most effective is the use of antioxidants. These are substances that prevent the development of diseases and slow down the aging process of the body. Their important advantage is that they have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as a whole, and not just on the skin of the face or neck. However, you should be careful when choosing anti-aging drugs, taking into account the sensitivity of your body to certain components.

How to start the processes of rejuvenation of the body?

Looking young at any age is the dream of every woman. And thanks to the achievements of modern science, this becomes possible. Cosmetology and plastic surgery offer a whole range of anti-aging procedures aimed at combating negative changes in the complex. A comparable effect can be achieved by home care- high-quality cosmetics, massage, gymnastics. The most important thing before the procedure is to get advice from a competent specialist who will tell you whether you need it in principle, whether it will give results in the fight against the most pronounced problems in your case and determine whether there are any contraindications.

The mechanism of action of anti-aging procedures on facial skin

The first signs of aging usually appear around age 30. This process is not yet reversible. The main reason for the negative changes is the sharply reduced production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. These substances are responsible for maintaining elasticity and maintaining skin hydration. Collagen and elastin fibers form a supporting “mesh”, without which it sag under the influence of gravity. The layer of subcutaneous fat gradually decreases, the rate of tissue regeneration decreases, and problems arise with the patency of capillaries. The skin no longer receives oxygen and nutrients in the required volume. After menopause and menopause, the situation becomes even worse, and hormonal problems are added.

The most obvious manifestations:

  • the oval of the face has lost its clarity;
  • loose skin covered with a network of wrinkles;
  • skin folds on the cheeks, neck, under the chin, drooping eyelids;
  • mimic and deeper wrinkles;
  • age spots and spider veins;
  • Not healthy color, uneven relief, dullness of the skin.

The first signs of aging can appear quite early - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Every woman has her own arsenal of anti-aging products. The main thing is an integrated approach and regularity. The only way to determine what works best for you is to try several options. It would be a good idea to visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The specialist will conduct a professional skin diagnosis, identify the most acute problems, recommend cosmetics or salon treatments to care for it, and indicate useful natural ingredients.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse the aging process, but effectively combating unwanted manifestations of age is quite possible.

Any rejuvenating procedures are aimed at replenishing the resulting deficiency of vital necessary for the skin substances. But there is also a significant difference - creams and other cosmetics “work” mainly in the upper layers of the epithelium, cosmetic procedures can deliver them deeper into the dermis. This is the reason for the difference in results. To consolidate the effect, home treatments are useful - massage, gymnastics. But you will still have to seek the help of a cosmetologist regularly.

Video: causes of skin aging

Popular salon treatments

Most often, women struggling with aging resort to salon procedures. The main thing is to spare no time and effort in choosing good specialist. The effect mainly depends on compliance with the appropriate technology. But even with a competently carried out procedure, it will not be permanent. On average, you can count on 1–1.5 years.

Laser rejuvenation

The procedure allows you to get rid of wrinkles of medium depth, restore tone and healthy color to the skin, and clarity to the oval of the face. The skin is treated with a laser, selecting radiation parameters individually for each client.

Rays penetrating to a depth of 1–2 mm destroy dead keratinized cells, stimulating natural tissue renewal. The skin reacts to thermal effects by increasing the production of collagen and elastin, it becomes more elastic and dense. The effect is obvious after just one procedure, but cosmetologists recommend a course of 3–5 sessions.

Radiation parameters for laser rejuvenation are selected individually for each client

An ablative or non-ablative laser is used. The first is indicated for treating small areas of skin in the presence of individual minor imperfections, the second - for comprehensive rejuvenation.

Video: description of the laser rejuvenation procedure

Fractional rejuvenation, or laser nanoperforation

An improved version of the previous procedure. In this case, the skin experiences a stronger thermal effect. Highly qualified specialists are very important, otherwise serious burns are possible. The “aggressive” procedure dramatically activates metabolism, normalizes blood and lymph circulation, and triggers tissue rejuvenation processes at the cellular level. You can carry out no more than one procedure per month, the full course is 5–7 sessions.

Facial nanoperforation should only be performed by an experienced specialist with a proven reputation

The effect is achieved by activating the body's internal reserves. The skin becomes noticeably smoother, the turgor and clarity of the oval returns. Pigment spots and spider veins disappear, uneven relief is smoothed out.

RF lifting (radio frequency)

The procedure involves exposing the skin to radio frequencies. The radiation penetrating the epidermis heats the tissue to 42–43ºС. When its action stops, collagen and elastin fibers sharply contract, simultaneously tightening the skin.

The RF lifting device operates precisely at a given depth

The ability to adjust the radiation frequency allows you to accurately calculate the depth of impact. As a result, the skin becomes healthier in appearance, sagging disappears, wrinkles smooth out, and hyperpigmentation disappears.


Advanced RF lifting. For a pronounced effect, one session is enough instead of a course of 6-10 procedures.

During treatment with the device, tissues at a depth of 4–5 mm are heated to a temperature of about 65ºС. This dramatically activates blood and lymph flow, tissue nutrition, metabolism and regeneration. The natural collagen “framework” is restored, the skin becomes smooth, dense and elastic, the oval of the face becomes clear, fat cells are destroyed, folds on the cheeks, eyelids, and neck disappear.

During thermage, the subcutaneous tissues become very hot, so simultaneous cooling of the skin from the outside is recommended.

Hyaluronic acid injections

The most popular substance used for rejuvenation. Synthetic hyaluronic acid is no different from what the body produces on its own, with one exception. Its molecules are assembled into long chains or even complex three-dimensional structures. Thus, the rate of decomposition of the substance slows down.

Popular procedures:

  • Mesotherapy. Injections of an individually selected “cocktail”, in which amino acids, vitamins, microelements, plant extracts, and organic acids are added to low concentration hyaluronic acid. The effect is cumulative. The result lasts for 2–3 months.
  • Biorevitalization. Injections of pure highly concentrated hyaluronic acid. The effect appears immediately, one procedure is enough.
  • Bioreparation. High concentration hyaluronic acid in the injection solution is enriched with other biologically active substances (vitamins and minerals).

Biorevitalization gives a better effect than mesotherapy due to the higher concentration of hyaluronic acid in the solution

After any injections of hyaluronic acid, the skin is noticeably smoothed, sagging and excessive dryness disappear. The substance “attracts” water molecules, maintaining the level of tissue hydration - this is vital for normal metabolism, the production of collagen and elastin. Injections are useful for preventing or combating early negative changes; if problems are severe, they will not give results.

Video: facial biorevitalization

Contour plastic

The procedure allows you to correct facial defects - the space between sagging skin and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat is filled with a special substance that “pulls” it towards the muscles. Implants are:

  • Permanent. Silicone, polyacrylamide.
  • Semi-permanent. They combine synthetic and natural components and are biodegradable. These are calcium hydroxypatite, polycaprolactone, poly-L-lactic acid.
  • Biocompatible. Viscous thick gel based on hyaluronic acid.

Permanent implants in facial contouring are yesterday

Currently, cosmetologists do not recommend permanent implants due to many side effects. More modern preparations make it possible to restore clarity to the oval of the face and smooth out even the deepest wrinkles and folds. At the same time, you can slightly correct your features - raise sunken cheekbones, restore volume and clarity to thinned lips. The procedure stimulates the production of your own collagen and activates the internal potential of the skin.


Filler is an injectable gel used as a filler in the presence of a slight “deficiency” of tissue. It helps smooth out wrinkles, restore volume to lips, and restore sunken cheeks and cheekbones to their previous shape.

The basis of the drug:

  • Collagen of human or animal origin. Nowadays it is almost never used due to the high probability of allergic reactions.
  • Biocompatible, fully degradable substances (hyaluronic acid, polycaprolactone, synthetic poly-L-lactic acid).
  • The client's own fat cells in a special way peeled. The risk of allergies in this case is excluded.

Fillers help eliminate many signs of aging while simultaneously activating the skin's own potential for renewal.

Bioreinforcement (thread lifting)

Is a real alternative plastic surgery, gives a comparable result. Special gel threads are implanted under the skin. They are completely biodegradable, the substance is based on hyaluronic acid or polycaprolactone. The threads are most often not smooth - they are embossed, spiral, with “knots”, “burrs”. This allows them to be securely fixed in the tissues and avoid displacement.

Bioreinforcement gives a long-lasting effect due to the fact that the artificial frame supporting the tissue is gradually replaced by a natural one

With the help of threads, the oval of the face is tightened to the desired state. They remain under the skin, forming a supporting frame. It is “overgrown” with natural collagen fibers, which provides the desired effect when the threads have already completely dissolved.


The leather is polished with the finest aluminum, diamond or corundum dust. As a result, dead keratinized cells are removed, a healthy complexion returns, the relief is evened out, hyperpigmentation is noticeably lightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and pores are narrowed. You can even smooth out scars and acne marks.

Microdermabrasion is essentially a type of peeling.

The skin looks healthy and renewed, becomes smooth and velvety to the touch. The procedure also activates the flow of blood and lymph.


A device that emits light pulses of a given frequency and intensity has a complex effect:

  • lightens pigment spots by destroying melanin in those cells where it is contained in excessive amounts;
  • saturates the skin with oxygen, improving complexion;
  • destroys pathogenic microflora, removes toxins (inflammation and redness disappear);
  • fights rosacea and enlarged pores.

Photorejuvenation helps to cope with both the first signs of aging and serious age-related changes

The procedure is very effective for combating hyperpigmentation and preventing the first signs of aging. At the same time, it gives a pronounced lifting effect. It all depends on the radiation parameters.


The skin is simultaneously exposed to electrical and light impulses. Their combination improves the “conductivity” of tissues. Heating the deep layers of the dermis increases the natural production of collagen and elastin. The rejuvenation process comes from within, the result will not be immediate. You can evaluate it a couple of months after the session. For maximum effect A course of 4–6 procedures is recommended at intervals of 3–5 weeks.

ELOS rejuvenation does not give instant results, so the procedure is not so popular - most women want to see the result as soon as possible

Ozone therapy

Ozone is a catalyst that sharply activates the metabolic process. It is also destructive for pathogenic microflora. When introducing a saturated oxygen-nitrogen mixture under high pressure or through injections, old cells die off, young ones receive increased nutrition due to the activation of blood and lymph flow, and the hydrolipid balance is normalized.

Ozone is beneficial for both problem and aging skin

The procedure restores skin elasticity, tones it, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes out facial wrinkles. The activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the feeling of tightness and dryness disappears, age spots lighten, and scars are smoothed out.

Video: benefits of ozone therapy for skin


A relatively new rejuvenation technique. Before the procedure, the client donates a small volume of blood (up to 50–60 ml), which is purified in a special way. The remaining platelet-rich plasma is injected into the most problematic areas. This is a very powerful remedy that stimulates regeneration processes and cell division. The body begins to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid at an accelerated pace.

Plasmolifting is one of the recent achievements of cosmetology

To achieve maximum effect, 4-6 procedures will be required at intervals of 3-6 weeks. Plasmolifting provides a comprehensive result and fights all the most obvious signs of aging.

Botox or Dysport

The two most popular drugs based on botulinum toxin-A. Actually, this is a very strong nerve poison, but when administered in microscopic volumes by injection into the deepest wrinkles, it locally “paralyzes” the muscles. As a result, they no longer contract during facial activity, gradually relax, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Most often, injections are recommended in the presence of deep folds on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and pronounced nasolabial folds.

Botox injections have a serious side effect - the naturalness of facial expressions is lost, the face becomes like a mask

Cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation

In addition to hardware cosmetology, there are other procedures. But they are recommended mainly for the prevention of aging or to maintain an already achieved effect.


Facial cleansing, activating the renewal process of epidermal cells. Visibly evens out skin tone and texture, refreshes complexion, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and lightens age spots. Peeling happens:

  • Chemical. Dead keratinized cells are “dissolved” with the help of fruit, lactic, and salicylic acid.
  • Mechanical. Cells exfoliate abrasive particles, natural or synthetic.
  • Hardware. For cleaning, special brushes made of natural bristles and a mixture of water and air under high pressure are used.

Peeling provides a comprehensive fight against most age-related changes

The depth of peeling effect is selected depending on the severity of age-related changes:

  • Surface. The mildest procedure. Acts only on the surface of the epidermis.
  • Median. Affects the epidermis and dermis down to the basement membrane.
  • Deep. A very tough and aggressive procedure. It is performed under general anesthesia. The rehabilitation period is at least six months.

Video: chemical peels for rejuvenation


Correctly performed massage procedure:

  • activates blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • strengthens facial muscles;
  • improves the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • “opens” pores, helping to remove toxins;
  • increases skin tone, firmness and elasticity.

One facial massage session is not enough for a noticeable effect.

There are many types of massage offered in salons. One session will not be enough; a course of procedures is required (12–15 sessions daily or every other day). Most useful for rejuvenation:

  • Classical. Working through massage lines using alternating stroking, rubbing, kneading, and tapping with fingertips.
  • According to Jacquet. It consists of pinching with the thumb and forefinger with gradually increasing intensity.
  • Plastic. Deep treatment of the skin and muscles of the face. A specialist must have medical education. The effect of facial modeling is comparable to what injections and hardware cosmetology provide.
  • Myofascial massage. Connective tissue (fascia) and, indirectly, neurovascular bundles are worked out. As a result, muscle tension is relieved, blood circulation is restored, and the skin is noticeably tightened.
  • Lymphatic drainage. Aims to activate lymph flow. Swelling disappears, the face looks fresher, healthy skin color is restored, and its tone increases.

Salon masks

One of the most common procedures. A special mixture is applied to previously cleansed skin for a certain time. Alginate masks are very useful for preventing and combating age-related changes. This is brown algae powder, enriched with other components, and is diluted with water before application. After a course of masks:

  • the complexion is noticeably refreshed;
  • enlarged pores narrow;
  • Stagnant spots resolve and lighten pigment spots;
  • dry skin is moisturized, oily skin is slightly dried out;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • swelling disappears;
  • the ability of cells to absorb oxygen is enhanced;
  • collagen production is activated.

The composition of the alginate mask is selected based on the needs of the skin and the most obvious problems.

The duration of the course is 2–3 months, the interval between procedures is 3–4 days. It will need to be repeated every six months.

Possibilities of plastic surgery

Plastic surgery helps to get rid of age-related changes if cosmetology is powerless. But you must immediately take into account that this is a full-fledged surgical operation. It takes place under general anesthesia and requires a long period of preparation and recovery.

SMAS lifting, like other plastic surgeries, gives a long-lasting effect, but psychologically such an intervention is not acceptable for everyone

The most popular operations:

  • SMAS-lifting (circular lifting of the facial contour by raising the muscular aponeurotic layer). The double chin, sagging cheeks, deep folds and wrinkles disappear.
  • Liposuction (removal of excess fat tissue). It is carried out comprehensively or only problem areas are treated.
  • Browlifting (eyebrow lifting). Often goes in combination with forehead surgery. Allows you to get rid of drooping eyelids and folds between the eyebrows.
  • Temparoplasty (skin tightening on the temples). Removes facial wrinkles from the eyes, lifts the ends of the eyebrows, and more clearly outlines the cheekbones.
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid correction). Helps get rid of drooping upper eyelid, bags on the lower eyelid, change the shape and shape of the eyes.
  • Rhinoplasty. Allows you to change the shape and size of the nose. With age, its tip often droops.
  • Lip surgery Returns their volume and clarity of contours, helps get rid of purse-string wrinkles.
  • Plastic surgery of cheekbones and chin. With age, they “fail”; the previous contours can be returned by installing silicone implants.

Browlifting is a plastic surgery that allows you to “open your eyes”

Modern techniques, in addition to using a scalpel, involve the use of an endoscope and laser. This is less traumatic for the patient, shortens the rehabilitation period, and after such an operation there are almost no scars left. But the procedure is inconvenient for the surgeon, who is deprived of the opportunity to directly see the surgical field.

Video: SMAS lifting procedure

Facial rejuvenation yourself

Facial care, if it is comprehensive and competent, provides results comparable to salon procedures.

Homemade and store-bought cosmetics

High-quality cosmetics, no matter whether homemade or purchased, are an integral part of anti-aging facial care. Products are chosen based on your own age, skin type, and the most obvious problems.

To prepare homemade masks, use only fresh and high-quality products

Recipes for useful masks:

  • When the first wrinkles appear. Apply beaten egg white to the skin with 25-30 drops of lemon juice. Wash off after a couple of minutes. Then immediately - beat the yolk with a tablespoon of almond oil. If desired, add half an ampoule of retinol and tocopherol.
  • Against sagging skin. Boil a medium potato in its jacket, peel and mash. Pour in a tablespoon of homemade cream and beaten yolk. Wash off after half an hour.
  • To even out the relief and normalize skin tone. A handful of rolled oats crushed into flour, an yolk, a teaspoon of warmed honey. Keep it for half an hour. If pigmentation is present, add the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
  • To activate blood flow and against wrinkles. Pour dry yeast with a small amount of water until it reaches the consistency of thick cream. Pour in 30 ml olive oil. Apply with a brush in three layers at intervals of a couple of minutes. Keep for no more than 20 minutes.
  • For comprehensive care and returning skin tone. Strawberries and banana mashed into puree (approximately equal parts), 20 ml of milk. For increased fat content, add another teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep for up to half an hour.
  • To improve elasticity and firmness of the skin. Moisten a cloth with grape juice and press firmly to the skin. Wash your face after a quarter of an hour. An alternative is a mixture of finely chopped parsley and thick sour cream in equal proportions.
  • For intensive lifting and anti-wrinkle. Pour a couple of tablespoons of any herbal decoction, strong, into hot, ready-made gelatin (45–50 ml). green tea, fruit juice or 15–20 drops of glycerin. Remove when a film forms. A persimmon mask gives a similar effect - the pulp of half the fruit, a teaspoon of olive oil and starch. Wash off after half an hour.
  • Against wrinkles on the eyelids. In total, about 20 ml of olive oil, wheat germ oil and jojoba (approximately equal parts), 2-3 drops of vitamin E. After half an hour, wipe off the residue with a cotton pad.
  • Anti-aging cream. Egg yolk, 100 ml of cream, 20 ml of liquid honey and cognac, juice of a quarter of a lemon. Apply thickly with a cotton pad. After an hour, wash your face. The shelf life of the cream is one month if stored in the refrigerator.

Video: recipes for homemade anti-aging masks

Creams and masks to combat age-related changes are presented in a variety of price categories. And the most expensive remedy is not always the best.

  • Emulsion Antirides Ystheal from Avene. Pharmacy cream with retinol, especially suitable for dry skin. Quickly smoothes out fine wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, improves complexion.

    Emulsion Antirides Ysteal from Avene - a light cream suitable for the care of dry, aging skin

  • Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye from Clinique. Serum for face and eyelids. Enriched with soy peptides, contains the muscle relaxant argireline. Smoothes even deep wrinkles and intensively nourishes the skin.

    Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face & Eye from Clinique - serum suitable for facial and eyelid skin care

  • Acglycolic Classic Forte from Sesderma. Gel cream with a high concentration of glycolic acid dissolves dead cells on the surface of the skin, stimulating its renewal, at the same time deeply moisturizes and gives a pronounced lifting effect.

    Acglycolic Classic Forte from Sesderma is one of the few creams with a high concentration of glycolic acid that a non-professional cosmetologist can buy

  • Neovadiol from Vichy. Pharmacy cream with hyaluronic acid and pro-xylan, especially suitable for use during menopause. Firms the skin while simultaneously stimulating the processes of its regeneration and renewal.

    The Neovadiol cream series from Vichy offers products for different skin types

  • Cream Golden root and vitamin E from Green Mama. In addition to vitamins A and E, it contains natural plant extracts and a complex of oils. Increases skin tone, stimulates blood microcirculation. Recommended for preventing aging and combating the first negative changes.

    Green Mama's Golden Root and Vitamin E cream is suitable for those who want to delay the appearance of the first signs of aging as far as possible

  • Cream Laura from Evalar. Pharmacy cream with peptides and hyaluronic acid for rejuvenation and moisturizing, and panthenol, vitamins and oils to nourish the skin. The effect is cumulative and appears after 2–3 months of regular use.

    Cream Laura from Evalar is suitable for any skin type

  • Meso-Mask Anti-Wrinkle Lightening Mask from Filorga. After just a few uses, it smoothes the skin and gives it radiance. The effect is cumulative and intensifies over time. The composition is very rich - hyaluronic acid, beeswax, almond oil, vitamin complex, hydrolyzed collagen.

    Meso-Mask Anti-Wrinkle Lightening Mask from Filorga - a mask whose effectiveness has been tested by several generations of women

  • Rejuvenating cream-mask Matrixil from Beauty Style. Provides even aging skin intensive hydration. Wrinkles are smoothed out, tired and dull skin is transformed. The effect is provided by a unique complex of Matrixyl, vitamin E, shea butter and almond.

    Rejuvenating cream-mask Matrixil from Beauty Style intensively moisturizes the skin

  • Lifting Facial Mask from Dr Sea. It tightens the oval of the face well, improves skin tone, and activates tissue regeneration. Extracts of ginger and pomegranate are responsible for the result.

    Lifting Facial Mask from Dr Sea - mask based on Dead Sea minerals

Gymnastics and massage

These procedures will not help get rid of deep wrinkles, but they are very useful for preventing aging and if you need to consolidate the result already achieved. The main thing is the regularity of their implementation.

Any manipulations are carried out after washing off the makeup and removing hair from the face. They are contraindicated for mechanical damage to the skin and problems with the facial nerves.

Any massage is carried out along lines coinciding with lymph flow lines

If you have the appropriate education and experience, you can perform any massage practiced in salons by cosmetologists at home. For those who cannot boast of this, a classic massage is recommended. You can replace your own fingers with spoons, moving the convex side along the massage lines.

For massage, it is advisable to use silver spoons, one of them is heated before the procedure, the second is cooled

Video: facial massage at home

There are a lot of gymnastics complexes for the prevention and fight against wrinkles. It’s easy to find detailed video tutorials on the Internet. The most popular are face-building, face-forming and facial aerobics. There are also universal basic exercises. To determine what is most effective in your case and create your own complex, you will first have to try several different directions.

Each woman can assemble a set of exercises for facial rejuvenation, recommended by different methods, on her own

Video: rejuvenating gymnastics for the face using the Facebook building method

How to prepare for the procedure

Only salon procedures (hardware and injections) and plastic surgery require special preparation. At home, it is enough to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and steam it. You will be required for several days or weeks (the period is set by the cosmetologist):

  • give up bad habits, taking blood thinners and antibiotics;
  • lead if possible healthy image life;
  • do not visit the solarium and do not sunbathe in the sun.

If you are planning an operation, you must first pass the tests indicated by the doctor, take an x-ray, and a cardiogram. The preparation period stretches for 2–2.5 months. Limits are set based on your health status. Their main goal is to strengthen the immune system. Even for a healthy body, general anesthesia is a great stress.

Contraindications, possible negative consequences

When using homemade or store-bought cosmetics for the first time, be sure to do an allergy test - this is the only obstacle to its use. A similar reaction can be caused by both flavorings, preservatives and dyes, as well as natural ingredients.

Contraindications for salon procedures identified during a preliminary consultation. The list is quite long:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver;
  • autoimmune diseases, blood diseases (including low coagulability);
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • taking antibiotics or blood thinners;
  • any infection in the body (even a common cold);
  • unfinished rehabilitation period after another salon procedure;
  • any damage to the skin on the face, dermatological diseases;
  • Pregnancy is a contraindication for any cosmetic procedures in which the active substances penetrate deeper than the epidermis

    There are even more contraindications for plastic surgery. The decision in each specific case is made by the surgeon, taking into account all significant factors.

    If the procedure causes complications, the culprit may be either the cosmetologist, who did not follow the technology, or the client herself, who ignored his recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period. The most common option is infection and subsequent inflammation and suppuration.

    Complications after a poorly performed cosmetic procedure or plastic surgery can be very different, including serious health problems.

Everyone, without exception, wants to look great at any age. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery allow you to remain young and attractive for many years.

Today we bring to your attention rating of the most effective anti-aging procedures, which includes the latest achievements in the beauty industry.

10. Cosmetic surgery

The operation always gives a visible effect, but is a rather risky method of rejuvenation, unless of course it is the best clinics plastic surgery, due to the mass of contraindications and side effects. The most popular surgical rejuvenation procedures are circumferential facelift, blepharoplasty, Aptos thread lift and S-facelift, in which the incisions are minimal and medical gown You still have to buy it.

9. Non-surgical lifting

Cosmetologists offer clients several methods of facial skin tightening without surgery. The most popular are ultrasonic lifting, photolifting, and cryolifting. RF lifting or Thermage is very common, in which the skin is exposed to electric current in the radio frequency range.

8. Massage

One of the most accessible rejuvenation procedures in the rating can be performed manually or using special equipment. Having learned the simplest facial massage techniques from a cosmetologist, you can perform it at home yourself.

7. Peeling

Removing dead cells allows for smooth, healthy skin. Peelings differ in the methods of exposure to the skin and in intensity. The most common is mechanical peeling, the compositions for which can also be used at home. In a beauty salon you can carry out superficial or mid-level chemical peeling, as well as ultrasonic peeling.

6. Mesotherapy

The rejuvenating effect of the procedure lies in the fact that the active substances are injected subcutaneously, i.e. to where they are needed. Mesotherapy is used to improve the condition of the face, body and hair. The set of necessary medications is selected by a cosmetologist. Most often these are collagen, elastin, a cocktail of vitamins and amino acids, hyaluronic acid, antibiotics and other drugs.

5. Laser biorevitalization

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations into the deep layers of the skin under the influence of laser radiation. Unlike classical mesotherapy, the method is painless and does not require injections. The result lasts up to 6 months.

4. Ozone therapy

This procedure affects the entire body as a whole. An oxygen-ozone mixture is injected subcutaneously or intradermally, which stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

3. Myostimulation

The rejuvenating effect is achieved by exposing different areas of the face and body to currents of different frequencies. Often the procedure is combined with the application of drugs to the skin that act more effectively under the influence of microcurrents.

2. Bioreinforcement

The method is aimed at correcting facial contours without surgery. A supporting frame is formed under the skin using biogel injections, which will retain its shape for 2-3 years.

1. Botox and Dysport

Perhaps these are the most popular procedures in our rating. They are aimed at combating expression wrinkles. The essence of the method is the introduction of botulinum toxin, which has a locally paralyzing effect on individual facial muscles. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure depends on the experience of the cosmetologist.

Anti-aging facial treatments You can do it at home, or you can contact professionals at a cosmetology clinic. Here, all procedures are carried out strictly as prescribed by a dermatologist-cosmetologist. If you regularly perform such rejuvenation, you can look much younger.

What does the beauty salon offer?

A beauty salon can offer a large selection of anti-aging techniques. All of them relate to medical activities. Therefore, they are prescribed by a cosmetologist (a dermatologist with special training in cosmetology), and average medical workers who also have appropriate training.

All methods for correcting age-related changes in a cosmetology clinic are divided into therapeutic and surgical. Big choice therapeutic procedures, when carried out regularly, make it possible to postpone the surgical solution of problems for a long time. But sometimes you can’t do without surgery.

Therapeutic treatments include:

  • injection techniques;
  • hardware techniques;
  • manual massage;
  • cosmetic procedures (masks, creams).

Anti-aging (anti-aging) methods of rejuvenation in a beauty salon begin with cleansing the facial skin, which can be done manually or using hardware. Then the main set of procedures is carried out, and at the final stage a moisturizer is applied. nourishing mask or cream.

If such comprehensive healing is carried out regularly, blood circulation improves, additional portions of nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the epithelial cells, which leads to increased metabolism and a slowdown in the aging process. This manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • the skin becomes fresh and elastic;
  • the complexion improves, it acquires a natural pink tint;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is restored, they produce normal sebum chemical composition and consistency in the required quantity.

Rating of procedures

In the ranking best procedures For facial rejuvenation, injections of Botox and hyaluronic acid occupy the first place. These methods allow you to see the effect immediately after the procedure. Mesotherapy does not have such a quick effect, but if you choose the right drugs, its effect will be long-lasting and stable.

The ratings of modern hardware methods of skin rejuvenation are steadily increasing. First of all, these are plasma lifting and LPG massage - techniques that, if carried out correctly and regularly, do not require plastic surgery. There is a high demand for methods such as photorejuvenation, ozone therapy, and thermage.

The peculiarity of rejuvenation methods is that they should be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. You should take into account the fact that popular expensive procedures are not always the most effective. Therefore, when it comes to choosing treatment methods, it is better to trust a doctor rather than word of mouth.

Hardware techniques

Hardware rejuvenation methods are a rapidly developing branch of cosmetology. It is difficult to name the most effective, efficient hardware procedures for facial rejuvenation, since they require individual selection. These are expensive forms of wellness, but their popularity is growing.

Ultrasonic (US) peeling

This is a modern superficial type of peeling. Exposure of the skin to ultrasonic waves helps exfoliate superficial damaged epidermal cells and lightly massages the deeper layers located underneath.

This helps cleanse the epidermis, improve its blood supply, activate metabolism and protein synthesis connective tissue collagen and elastin, giving the skin firmness, elasticity and youth. The sebaceous glands, under the influence of ultrasound rays, restore their function, producing the optimal amount of sebum necessary for the normal condition of the skin. Small wrinkles are smoothed out. Particularly effective this type peeling for dry, thin skin.

Microdermabrasion (diamond peeling)

It is carried out using a special apparatus equipped with nozzles different shapes, the outer surface of which is covered with diamond dust particles of different sizes. Dead surface epithelial cells are removed mechanically and then, without being sprayed, they are placed in a separate reservoir using a vacuum. Availability large quantity attachments (there are about 10 of them) allows you to select peeling for patients with different types skin.

Diamond peeling allows you to remove the surface layers of the epidermis without damaging the living cells underneath. A mechanical massage is performed to stimulate metabolism and the production of elastic connective tissue proteins.

Radiofrequency RF lifting (thermage)

The effect on the skin occurs using high-frequency current. The outer and middle layers of the epidermis warm up, which helps activate metabolism. Heat promotes the breakdown of fat, the breakdown products of which are removed through the lymphatic vessels. The skin is tightened, creating a non-surgical tightening effect. The course of treatment will require from 3 to 6 procedures. Perfect for any skin type.

Microcurrent therapy

They are exposed to weak electric pulse currents of low frequency. This has a stimulating and rejuvenating effect: blood circulation and metabolism improve, and the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated. After a course of treatment (10 procedures at intervals of 1-2 days), the condition of the skin improves significantly, a lifting effect appears, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Laser rejuvenation

Laser rejuvenation is the effect of low-intensity light waves of the same length moving in the same direction.

There are:

  • laser resurfacing, eliminating significant defects (wrinkles, scars) with simultaneous stimulation of the deep layers of the epidermis, leading to rejuvenation; the procedure is performed under anesthesia;
  • laser nanoperforation - a new technique, gentle laser action, which allows you to tighten the skin; the method has a stimulating effect on blood circulation and metabolism, helping to restore youth; no anesthesia is required; the method is suitable for minor skin defects in patients over 30 years of age.

Watch a video about laser rejuvenation:

Method of exposure to high-frequency pulsed light. Light waves have different lengths, therefore, they act on the surface of the epithelium, penetrating into its different layers. Metabolic processes are stimulated, additional amounts of elastin and collagen are produced, and the youth of the skin is restored. It tightens (lifting effect), becomes more elastic and fresh.

LPG massage

This is a type of hardware massage that combines mechanical and vacuum effects. When massaging the face, there is no mechanical kneading of tissues (there is a separate attachment without kneading rollers). Gentle vacuum massage helps eliminate problems such as excess fat deposits, sagging tissue, and aging of the skin. Under the influence of LPG massage, blood circulation is activated, toxins and tissue breakdown products are removed through venous and lymphatic vessels. After the course of treatment, the skin comes to life, becomes more elastic and youthful.

Injection techniques - beauty injections

Using injection techniques in cosmetology, you can get a quick rejuvenating effect. That is why they are very popular, but they are expensive services. The main salon techniques are listed below.


Injection of botulinum toxin into the area of ​​facial muscles, which blocks the passage of nerve impulses to the muscles ( medications Botox, Dysport, Xeomin). This leads to complete immobilization of the muscle and smoothing out wrinkles. The effect lasts up to 4 months. Repeated injections can be done no earlier than after 3 months.

This is the local introduction of special therapeutic cocktails (they mainly consist of vitamins) in very small dosages using microinjections simultaneously into a large number of points. Injections are made with special thin needles directly into problem areas. It is problematic to deliver nutrients to the cells in these areas in other ways, since due to circulatory disorders they seem to be fenced off from the rest of the skin. Therefore, systemic therapy (pills, regular injections) will not restore youth to the skin.

Cocktails individually selected by a cosmetologist have the best effect on exactly those skin cells that need them. The effect of mesotherapy can not be seen immediately, but only some time after the course. But with the help of regularly repeated courses of mesotherapy, you can significantly rejuvenate your face, slow down and even delay the aging process.

A new method of mesotherapy in which microinjections of hyaluronic acid are performed. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is found in the intercellular space of the epithelium. It attracts water and the skin looks fresh. IN at a young age There is enough hyaluronic acid produced, but with age it becomes less and less. Therefore, after 30 years, dry skin appears and wrinkles form. After the first procedure, the skin comes to life, becomes young and fresh. But the effect is not as long-lasting as from mesotherapy; it is better to repeat the course of treatment once every few weeks. This procedure is especially effective on the skin around the eyes.

Using this technique, you can create a new facial contour. But this type of service is more expensive than others. Contour plastic can be carried out:

  • using fillers - special gels (most often based on hyaluronic acid), which are injected into problem areas intradermally or subcutaneously, eliminating wrinkles and creating a better facial contour;
  • using the patient's own fat taken from another area.

Plasmolifting (plasmotherapy, PRP therapy)

The technique is based on the fact that blood plasma enriched with platelets has biostimulating properties. The patient's own platelet-rich plasma is injected intradermally and subcutaneously into problem areas. This leads to stimulation of the formation of collagen and elastin proteins in fibroblasts (connective tissue cells), which ensure youthful and elastic skin. A facelift occurs without surgery; the effect will not be noticeable immediately, but approximately two weeks after treatment. Then the plasma is reintroduced.

This method is also associated with fibroblasts. Taken small piece the patient’s skin, fibroblasts are isolated and multiply, which are then injected into problem areas. Since these are the patient’s own cells, they easily take root and begin to produce elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. The effect also does not appear immediately, but after some time necessary for cell engraftment.

Ozone therapy

Ozone-oxygen mixtures with pronounced antioxidant properties are injected intradermally and subcutaneously into problem areas. Eliminating toxic free radicals activates metabolism, production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Many note the positive rejuvenating effect of such procedures.

Other procedures

In cosmetology, there are other salon methods of rejuvenation.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) for face

This is a tool that consists of a wheel with metal needles, equipped with a handle. A mesoscooter can be used to influence clean skin face – biostimulating and rejuvenating effect. It’s even better to do a non-injection mesotherapy procedure: apply a cocktail to your face (leave the areas around the eyes and mouth free) and walk over it with a mesoscooter.

This method is designed specifically for thickened oily skin. First, a special hydrogel with degreasing, cleansing and antiseptic properties is applied. Then - the basic peeling composition based on glycolic acid and phytoestrogens. This effect allows you to carefully remove the surface layers of the skin and open oxygen access to intact cells. Suitable for aging oily problem skin with the presence of spider veins. The course of treatment will restore her youth.

Cryotherapy (exposure to low temperatures)

The procedure is carried out using liquid nitrogen. It is applied in a thin layer for a few minutes and then removed. Under the influence of cold, the skin vessels first contract, and then they become persistently dilated, improving blood circulation and metabolism, and activating the production of collagen and elastin. The skin is rejuvenated and tightened without any surgery.

Facial rejuvenation in a beauty salon can be very effective if done regularly. And it’s even better to combine professional treatment with the use of home cosmetics recommended by a cosmetologist, as well as with the healing and rejuvenation of the whole body.

Despite the fact that hardware cosmetology is at the peak of popularity, not everyone decides to use it. And it’s not just about eternal employment or financial insolvency, but about fear. Capacious devices with strange attachments, needles and wires are scary: what if it hurts or the consequences in the form of side effects with complications will require long-term treatment? Someone is afraid that it won’t work, that the specialist will not be as qualified as they would like, etc.

There are many fears, but they can be easily dispelled if you become more familiar with the procedures, know how the devices work and what results to expect at the end of the course.


Hardware weight loss is a weight loss technique that affects the body and organism using various devices. Their functions are based on physical phenomena (most often): they can produce current, magnetic field, infrared or laser beams, steam, ultrasound. Chemistry is sometimes used: mesotherapy, for example, destroys fat deposits with beauty cocktails, which include various substances and compounds.

All hardware weight loss methods are quite effective. The largest scientists are engaged in their development and constant improvement. The devices used undergo a lot of testing and various certifications. However, patients who contact the salon must understand that without some effort on their part, money can be wasted. No amount of currents, ultrasounds or vacuums will make your figure slim if you simultaneously overeat on fast food and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Hardware methods are most effective if two conditions are met:

  1. Proper nutrition. Diets are not at all necessary, but the list of harmful foods should be abandoned.
  2. Moderate exercise. There is no need to exhaust yourself on exercise machines; it is enough to perform daily sets of exercises.

Along the way, experts advise getting enough sleep, drinking a lot clean water, try not to be nervous, give up bad habits, use auxiliary methods of losing weight (, etc.).

In addition, some hardware techniques require compliance with a number of rules during the rehabilitation period. Still, they involve serious interference in the functioning of the body at the biochemical level, so it is necessary to reduce stress for it as much as possible. Typically, within a week after the procedures you cannot:

  • sunbathe;
  • visit swimming pools, saunas, baths;
  • use aggressive cosmetics in places exposed to the device;
  • engage in strength sports too intensely;
  • drink powerful medications.

Slimming salons offer hardware cosmetology and hardware invasion or surgery. The first most often affects the upper layers of the skin to get rid of cellulite and prevent stretch marks. The second involves deeper penetration and works directly with fat deposits (destroys them) and muscle fibers (strengthens and stimulates them).

Cosmetology is safer, has a minimum of contraindications, has low prices, but the result will be modest: mainly getting rid of orange peel, improving lymph flow and due to this, weight loss by 2-3 kg.

Invasive hardware techniques are more traumatic, require compliance with a large number of contraindications, and are expensive. Accordingly, the results are much more noticeable: fat deposits disappear, and along with them weight goes away and a beautiful, slender figure is formed.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • high efficiency;
  • multifunctionality: able to solve several problems at once, from cellulite to the destruction of local fat deposits;
  • modern techniques are safe, atraumatic and painless;
  • It is possible to work on the most “hard-to-reach” places.
  • high prices;
  • without proper nutrition and playing sports may be ineffective;
  • require compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period;
  • if the specialist is not properly qualified, it is possible side effects and even serious complications;
  • Most often, not 1 procedure is required, but several.


Each technique has its own lists of contraindications. However, there are diseases and conditions that prohibit the practice of literally all such weight loss procedures:

  • serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • exacerbation of infections, fever;
  • lung problems;
  • obesity degrees III, IV;
  • somatic pathologies;
  • skin lesions in the areas that will be treated with the device;
  • pregnancy, lactation, menstruation;
  • presence of implants, pacemakers on the body;
  • oncology;
  • hypotension;
  • recent operations.

Before performing any hardware procedure, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination to exclude contraindications. In addition, it will help identify the presence or absence of diseases that may cause excess weight. If they are detected, a competent specialist will first advise you to undergo a course of treatment, and then return to them to consolidate the results and help correct problem areas of the figure.

Overview of salon procedures

The review contains the most effective hardware procedures for weight loss, which are offered today by various beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics.

Vacuum massage

Essence: in massage bowls, which stick to the surface of problem areas on the body and change the trajectory and points of impact using a roller mechanism, the pressure is constantly changed by alternately supplying and pumping out air.

Devices: B-Flexy, STARVAC, LPG Cellu M6.


  • muscle relaxation;
  • improvement of lymph flow;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • activation of blood flow - increased nutrition of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • acceleration of adipocyte breakdown;
  • strengthening the synthesis of collagen and elastin - preventing the appearance of stretch marks;
  • removal of toxins.

Advantages: excellent cosmetic effect.

Disadvantages: slight pain, risk of bruising.

Course: 10 procedures, half an hour each.

Result: weight loss, elimination of cellulite, getting rid of fat deposits in problem areas, reducing volume.


Essence: the device produces a weak current, the impact of electrical impulses causes the tissues to actively contract.

Devices: Vip-line, Slim Up, Futuru Pro.


  • reduction of fat deposits;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • elimination of sagging skin.

Advantages: painless, safe, minimum effort.

Course: 15 sessions, half an hour each.

Result: replacement of adipose tissue with muscle, formation of an athletic figure.

Ultrasonic cavitation liposuction

Essence: impact on adipose tissue with ultrasound.

Devices: TriActive+, Impact Sorisa, BeautyTek Avita.

Types: invasive and non-invasive.


  • destruction of adipocytes and removal of their contents from the body (with an invasive method - through punctures, with a non-invasive method - naturally, through blood and lymph);
  • skin tightening.

Advantages: no blood loss, no scars, high efficiency.

Disadvantages: risk of blood clots, large list of contraindications, high price.

Course: 10 procedures, the time of each depends on the area of ​​the treated area.

Result: noticeable weight loss, elimination of local fat deposits, tightening and rejuvenation of the skin.

Laser liposuction

Essence: destruction of adipocytes by laser beams generated and controlled using hardware techniques.

Devices: VASER Lipo.


  • ultrasound breaks up adipocytes without affecting nearby tissues;
  • after this, an aspirate is formed, which is removed using titanium probes.

Advantages: 1 session is enough, lifting effect, ideal hardware, full control over the progress of the operation, minimal risk of hematomas.

Disadvantages: many contraindications, long rehabilitation period, need for pain relief, high prices.

Results: correction of problem parts of the body without significant weight loss.


Essence: the effect of bioactive substances (beauty cocktails) on subcutaneous fat.

Devices: IB 9090, Infusion, Mesotera, MesoCare.

Types: injection (classic), when drugs are injected under the skin, and non-injection, when a vitamin mixture is applied to it. But even with the external use of mesococktails, hardware is used: increasing the permeability of cell membranes is achieved by creating a magnetic field or using ultrasound.


  • removal of fat deposits;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • improvement of skin condition.

Advantages: rejuvenating effect, pain relief.

Disadvantages: possible bruising and swelling, there is a risk of infection. It is unlikely to cope with advanced cellulite.

Course: from 5 to 15 procedures, depending on the severity of the problem.

Result: weight loss of 4-5 kg, reduction in volume, excellent cosmetic effect (smoothing of the skin, elimination of orange peel).


Essence: compressed air is pumped into a special suit using a device using pulse waves. Pressure is generated on a certain area of ​​the body.

Devices: Limfotron, Pulstar S2, Pressor-03 Excellens.


  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • removal of toxins;
  • toning of blood vessels - improving blood circulation;
  • eliminating muscle tension.

Advantages: the ability to work out individual areas of the body (the suit is divided into sections, so you can wear only pant legs to slim down your legs or just sleeves to correct fat deposits on your arms), pleasant sensations, lifting effect, relaxation, affordable prices.

Disadvantages: many contraindications, the result is not always noticeable and meets expectations, side effects are possible (hematomas, increased blood pressure, pain).

Result: anti-edematous effect, slight weight loss, partial elimination of cellulite.


Essence: in a cryocapsule in a special compartment, liquid nitrogen evaporates, as a result of which a nitrogen-air mixture is formed in the cabin. It leads to extreme cooling of the body, and the body is forced to launch protective functions.

Devices: Zeltiq, ProIce.


  • lipolysis starts;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • cellulite is eliminated;
  • 150 kcal is lost in 1 session.

Advantages: healing effect (strengthening the immune system, blocking allergic reactions), helping with depression, improving skin condition.

Disadvantages: cryolipolysis is an innovative hardware method of losing weight, but it is quite extreme, which does not cause the most pleasant sensations.

Course: 15 sessions.

Results: slight weight loss, primarily eliminating belly fat.

Endermological LPG massage

Essence: vacuum-mechanical massage of problem areas.

Devices: Cellu M6 Integral.


  • launch of lipolysis;
  • lifting effect;
  • drainage;
  • defibrosation.

Advantages: healing effect, pleasant sensations, elimination of aesthetic defects.

Disadvantages: large list of contraindications, high cost.

Course: 10 procedures, 35 minutes each.

Result: weight loss, contour formation perfect body, elimination of local fat deposits, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Infrared sauna

Essence: warming the body with infrared waves, fighting fat deposits through thermogenesis.


  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • elimination of pain after intense sports (IR rays help remove lactic acid from tissues);
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stress relief;
  • cleansing pores;
  • improvement of skin condition.

Advantages: pleasant sensations, maximum level of comfort.

Disadvantages: insignificant fat-burning effect, weight loss is only possible with a diet.

Result: slight weight loss, relief from muscle pain.

SPA capsule

Essence: the SPA cabin is equipped with several devices at once and has a complex effect. During one procedure, the body will be treated with infrared rays, steam and massage.

Types: dry SPA capsule (ionized air, music therapy, aromatherapy, vibration massage) and hydrofusion (hot wet steam, mud or algae wraps, hydromassage).


  • improvement of blood and lymph flow;
  • removal of toxins;
  • launch of lipid metabolism.

Advantages: a combination of several techniques at once, excellent cosmetic effect, psychotherapy as a bonus.

Result: slight weight loss, improved skin, reduced appearance of cellulite.

Recently, liposuction (vacuum pumping out of fat previously softened with a special solution) has also been gaining momentum.

These are the best hardware procedures for weight loss that you should decide on if time and money allow.

Home treatments

There is an alternative - losing weight at home with the help of compact devices, which are smaller copies of those stationary devices that are used by specialists in salons.

However, it’s worth mentioning a few things right away. pitfalls: home-based hardware weight loss has significant disadvantages compared to salon weight loss:

  • portable devices for home use can be quite expensive: from $300 and above;
  • they require constant costs: either the batteries are dead, or the attachments are out of order, or something breaks and requires expensive repairs;
  • Despite the included instructions, only certain experience and knowledge can guarantee correct operation of the device;
  • all responsibility for the results and consequences falls on the shoulders of the person losing weight.

Home appliances, unlike salon devices, are not as powerful, but if handled incorrectly they can cause significant harm. Therefore, before purchasing them, weigh the pros and cons.

List of portable devices for hardware weight loss at home:

  1. Myostimulation: Gezatone, Bradex, Omron.
  2. Vacuum massage: special vacuum cans or vacuum roller massager.
  3. Ultrasound therapy: Reton AUTn-01, UZT-1.01F ARSA, Euromedservice SD-2101, REX-KARA II.
  4. Mesotherapy: mesorollers and mesococktails.
  5. Vibrating massager for problem areas.
  6. Darsonval against cellulite (we talked about how to use it and how effective it is at home): US Medica, Gezatone Biolift4, Ultratech SD199, Zvezda, Karat DE-212, Silver Fox P-02, Corona, etc.

Modern hardware methods of weight loss are innovative technologies, developed by last word Sciences. This guarantees their high effectiveness provided that patients comply with certain conditions. Trust the hands of competent specialists, and then it will be much easier to become the owner of a slim figure.