The best cosmetic facial treatments. Hardware weight loss in the salon and at home: a review of the best techniques. Belly fat removal

From time immemorial, people have strived for beauty. Of course, ideas about what is beautiful and what is ugly have changed more than once in the history of mankind - sometimes fat people are in fashion, sometimes thin people are preferred, sometimes for complete happiness it is absolutely necessary to clean skin, then even the cheeks should have been covered with tattoos, but beauty always required effort, sometimes quite significant.

Already in the twentieth century, an unrivaled style icon and one of famous women of all times and peoples, the inimitable Coco Chanel has repeatedly spoken about beauty and its nature. The Great Coco believed that ugly women simply do not exist, because an ugly woman is actually a lazy woman.

Another thought of Coco, which deserves to be not only remembered, but confirmed by heart, is that the face that a twenty-year-old woman has is given by nature, but at fifty, the face depends only on the woman herself. And two more thoughts from Gabrielle Chanel that are worth reflecting on in order to draw the necessary correct conclusions: firstly, Chanel believed that every woman has exactly the age she deserves, and secondly, a woman never has the right to lower her hands, because everything, including appearance, is in her own hands.

Of course, today offers many more different opportunities for preserving beauty and youth, including the most effective modern cosmetic procedures . These procedures are different, but they have the same goal - to preserve youth and beauty for many years. Cosmetology today is capable of real miracles, so every modern woman at any age can have a well-groomed and truly flawless appearance.

Effective modern cosmetic procedures. Or is it still cosmetic?

Let's immediately understand the terminology. It should be noted that there is a significant difference between the adjectives “cosmetic” and “cosmetological”. “Cosmetic” is a word that is derived from the word “cosmetics” and, accordingly, denotes characteristics that are related to cosmetics.

The word “cosmetology” is derived from the noun “cosmetology”, which denotes the name of the science that studies the aesthetic problems of the human body, the origin of these problems and the reasons for their manifestation, as well as correction methods and various techniques aimed at correcting any aesthetic problems of human appearance. Thus, it should be understood that in this case, instead of the term “cosmetic procedures,” the term “cosmetic procedures” should be used, since we are talking about the desire and/or need to correct aesthetic problems of appearance.

Thus, we will not be talking about cosmetic procedures, which include tinting eyebrows or eyelashes and generally everything related to makeup, but about cosmetic procedures that allow women of any age to look as good and youthful as possible even without makeup and which are being improved all the time , even if we are not talking about plastic surgery.

And although many women (and men too) believe that only surgical intervention can be truly effective, modern high-tech procedures often allow one to achieve excellent results and delay the need for plastic surgery for a long time, or even avoid it altogether.

Many specialists and clients of cosmetology clinics name the most effective and efficient cosmetology procedures that can be obtained in modern beauty salons and cosmetology clinics. First of all, there is facial cleansing, which today can differ significantly from traditional hand cleansing.

The next most important cosmetic procedure is peeling, that is, the removal of dead skin particles. Non-injection mesotherapy, which is called a truly new word in cosmetology, is becoming increasingly popular. Modern cosmetic procedures such as thermolifting and photorejuvenation also receive the most positive reviews.

Of course, effective cosmetic procedures do not end there, especially since each problem is very individual and its successful solution depends on many different circumstances, including, first of all, the general state of human health and possible contraindications.

Attention! The possibility and feasibility of any cosmetic procedure must be discussed with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Some modern cosmetic procedures require preliminary diagnosis.

Salon facial cleansing as the most important cosmetic procedure

People have been doing facial skin cleansing for centuries to make the skin softer, look healthier and more youthful. It is thanks to proper and high-quality cleaning that the face looks well-groomed and flawless.

Manual cleaning is still in demand. This type of cleaning is especially suitable for oily skin or for problem skin, on which acne or comedones especially often appear.

Attention! Since comedones form in the deep layers of the skin, neither scrubs nor masks will help get rid of them, and the only effective way combating comedones is professional facial skin cleansing.

Of course, manual cleaning has remained virtually unchanged for many decades, and besides, it can be not only unpleasant, but also painful, but for oily skin this is quite suitable option, which should not be discounted. As for the “modernity” of the procedure, if it is still in demand and has repeatedly proven its effectiveness, then this fully confirms its unfading modernity.

As for hardware methods of facial skin cleansing, we can talk about such high-tech methods as vacuum cleaning, laser cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning. It is important to understand that the choice of cleaning method depends on the type of skin, the condition of the facial skin and other indications.

When it comes to vacuum cleansing of facial skin, you should take into account that such cleansing is most effective for skin that is already losing elasticity due to any reasons, including age-related ones. Important features of this type of cleansing are the simultaneous massage effect and lifting effect on the skin (light effect of tightening the facial skin). The essence of vacuum facial cleansing is that the device with which the procedure is carried out uses a vacuum to remove comedones and blackheads from the depths of the skin, and also cleanses the pores of the facial skin, acting like a vacuum cleaner.

The indisputable advantage of this procedure is its painlessness, but vacuum cleaning is not without its disadvantages, the most important of which is the lack of visible satisfactory results after one procedure. The need for several procedures is explained by the fact that some formations (comedones, milia and acne) are located in the deep layers of the skin, so it is very difficult to remove them from there in one procedure.

Another modern high-tech type of facial cleansing is laser cleansing. As a rule, laser cleansing is recommended for people with problematic facial skin, which is often literally strewn with acne, including inflamed ones, which turn into real pimples. It is known that pimples and blackheads often leave scars and blemishes on problem skin, which are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of. This is where laser cleaning, which is performed with special modern equipment using a laser beam, will help.

During laser facial cleansing, the laser beam removes (removes) the upper keratinized layers of skin, simultaneously removing scars or other blemishes. After laser cleaning, the skin looks younger and fresher, and the result lasts for quite a long time, which, however, is individual for each person and depends on many circumstances, including living conditions.

Another type of facial skin cleansing is ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaning is considered a fairly effective procedure that does not cause any discomfort at all.

The undeniable advantages of ultrasonic cleaning are deep cleansing of pores, improved blood circulation and a noticeable rejuvenation effect. But this type of cleansing is absolutely not suitable for very problematic skin, since the effect will be extremely insignificant. In addition, such cleaning has certain contraindications, which include high blood pressure ( hypertonic disease), and any neoplasms that have appeared on the skin, even if such neoplasms are very small and do not bother you at all.

Attention! We should not forget that any cosmetic procedure, including facial cleansing, may have contraindications, which you should learn about in as much detail as possible from your attending cosmetologist.

Professional facial peeling as one of the ways to rejuvenate the skin

What is peeling? Behind this word lies simply the removal of the very top layer of skin that has had time to become keratinized. Peeling has been known to people since ancient times - they tried to cleanse keratinized skin with ground almonds, salt, and even sand, and crushed into powder precious stones. And all to ensure that the skin is freed from unnecessary layers and shines with freshness. Until relatively recently, peeling was performed using special masks or scrubs, but modern peelings have proven to be more effective and efficient.

Based on the depth of their effect, peelings are divided into superficial ones, which remove dead cells at the level of the upper layers of the epidermis, that is, without going beyond the stratum corneum and granular layer; medium peels, the effect of which extends to the epidermis and almost reaches the papillary dermis; as well as deep peelings.

At home, of course, only superficial peeling is possible, but in a cosmetology clinic or salon, other types are possible that will allow the skin to acquire a more youthful and fresh appearance.

Cosmetologists consider superficial-medium and median peels to be the most effective salon peeling procedure.

As for the superficial medium peeling, then it is performed in several stages.

First, a special mask is applied to the cleansed face, based on fruit acids, and after the mask is removed and the skin pores are completely open, oxygen is applied to the skin with open pores. After this procedure, it is necessary to apply to the skin nourishing mask to enrich the skin with all the necessary substances. Superficial-medium peeling allows you not only to cleanse the skin of dead cells, but also to lighten the skin, and also remove pigment spots, if any.

However, one of the disadvantages of this type of peeling is the inability to achieve the desired effect as a result of only one procedure, so in the vast majority of cases several procedures are necessary.

Medium peeling is performed using more aggressive acids and requires additional preparation. However, the benefits and effect of medium peeling are undeniable: since as a result of the procedure, some living skin cells will be destroyed, new cells will form very quickly, forming a completely new epidermis.

In addition, new capillaries actively appear in the skin, which will improve blood circulation in the skin. Among other things, the formation (synthesis) of collagen and elastin, as well as hyaluronic acid, is activated, which will ensure skin elasticity and sufficient hydration. It is the median, or medium, peeling that allows the face to look much younger.

It is very important to take into account that medium peeling can be carried out only in the autumn-winter period, when the possibility of direct exposure to the skin from sunlight is minimized. In addition, after a mid-peel, the skin requires special care and extremely gentle treatment, so the recommendations received after the procedure from a cosmetologist should be followed strictly.

Non-injection mesotherapy - the latest possibilities in cosmetology

Mesotherapy, that is, special subcutaneous injections, has been known for a long time and has proven itself to be an effective and efficient way to tighten facial skin, get rid of wrinkles and refresh the complexion. For injections that can do real miracles to the skin, so-called “cocktails” are used, including the necessary medications and/or vitamin preparations.

However, even a subcutaneous injection is a certain trauma and a certain psychological barrier. Therefore, the emergence of non-injection mesotherapy was a real discovery and breakthrough in the field of aesthetic cosmetology.

What is non-injection mesotherapy? Specially prepared “cocktails” consisting of medicines and/or vitamins are applied to cleansed facial skin, after which the skin is treated using special equipment that helps the active medicinal substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. For non-injection mesotherapy, different devices can be used, but all of them ensure the penetration of the necessary substances into the deep layers of the skin and an excellent rejuvenating effect.

In modern non-injection mesotherapy, ion, laser, magnetic or cryo-equipment can be used, but in any case the procedure does not cause any pain or any other unpleasant sensations. However, in some cases, after the procedure, slight redness may occur in those areas of the skin where the corresponding treatment was performed.

Very often, hyaluronic acid is used for non-injection mesotherapy, which is known for its healing properties and ability to moisturize the skin and give it elasticity. In addition, non-injection mesotherapy using vitamin C, which is well known for its antioxidant properties, and glycolic acid, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant properties, and the ability to eliminate wrinkles and stretch marks, are popular. Another advantage glycolic acid- thanks to its strong moisturizing properties, it allows the skin to become more firm and elastic, which is always associated with noticeable rejuvenation.

One of the indisputable advantages of non-injection mesotherapy is a noticeable and fairly long-lasting result after the first procedure.

Like the vast majority of cosmetic procedures, non-injection mesotherapy has certain contraindications, which should definitely be discussed and clarified with your doctor. It is very important that some substances that are included in medicinal vitamin cocktails can have a choleretic effect, therefore the procedure is strictly contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis.

Also, non-injection mesotherapy is contraindicated for inflamed skin, during pregnancy, as well as for breastfeeding baby.

A few words about thermolifting

Another effective modern cosmetic procedure is thermolifting. As the name itself makes clear, the procedure is thermal, that is, it involves exposure to a temperature higher than body temperature, and as a result of the procedure, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated.

It has been proven that the noticeable rejuvenating effect of thermolifting is explained by the activation of fibroblasts, which contain protein compounds responsible for skin restoration, the renewal of collagen molecules, as well as the activation and increase in the synthesis of elastane, which ensure elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Among other things, as a result of the thermolifting procedure, the production of hyaluronic acid is noticeably activated and its concentration in the skin increases.

Before the thermolifting procedure, any peelings, visiting a sauna (as well as a Finnish or Russian bath) and any tanning, be it tanning under the sun's rays or tanning in a solarium, are strictly contraindicated for at least two weeks.

The thermolifting procedure itself involves an initial thorough professional cleansing of the skin, application of a special gel developed for this procedure to the prepared skin, and exposure of the treated skin to special radiation and pulses.

It is very important that after the thermolifting procedure some rules are strictly followed, which practically boil down to the need to avoid any thermal effects on the skin. Cosmetologists especially pay attention to the inadmissibility of taking hot baths after the thermolifting procedure and the need to abstain from them for at least two weeks.

Also, at least two weeks under a complete ban and exposure to direct sunlight, which should be completely avoided. After the thermolifting procedure, it is necessary to limit for at least five days any physical activity that could provoke excessive heating of the body and skin. After thermolifting, hair removal and/or peeling procedures are also prohibited.

Experts note that thermolifting can be different: laser, radio frequency and infrared.

Laser thermolifting (more precisely, deep laser thermolifting), which is abbreviated as IPL, is a procedure that is carried out using a laser beam that can penetrate deep into the skin up to 9 mm, while providing a thermal and at the same time rejuvenating and tightening effect . With the help of laser thermolifting, it is quite possible to get rid of a double chin, and it is also possible to correct different areas of the body.

Radio frequency, or radio wave, thermolifting, which is abbreviated as RF, can affect very deep layers (up to 4 cm). To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to attach special electrodes to the skin, resulting in the necessary heating of the skin and the necessary activation of fibroblasts.

Infrared thermolifting, which is abbreviated as IR, is heating the skin through exposure to infrared rays. This procedure improves blood circulation in the skin, activates and accelerates skin renewal processes. It must be taken into account that infrared thermolifting affects tissue at a shallow depth, which does not exceed 5 mm, so its capabilities are also limited.

Attention! Each type of thermolifting has its own scope of application and its own indications and contraindications, which must be discussed with the attending physician who will perform the procedure.

Photorejuvenation procedure as a way to regain the second youth of your face

For the photorejuvenation procedure, the light impulse, that is, light energy, is of utmost importance. It is a light pulse of a certain frequency that activates fibroblasts, stimulates the formation of elastin and collagen, and removes spider veins and age spots. The photorejuvenation procedure is very effective in the fight against acne, since cellular metabolism improves after the procedure.

The duration of the course of photorejuvenation procedures is selected by the doctor individually for each patient and on average includes from three to five procedures (sometimes up to seven). You should know and take into account that photorejuvenation procedures are carried out intermittently, and the duration of the breaks can be from ten days to a month (on the recommendation of the attending physician).

When preparing the skin for a photorejuvenation procedure, the doctor determines what type of procedure is needed specific case(deep impact or superficial), as well as the duration of each individual procedure and the required interval between them - all this depends on many indicators, including the general condition of the body, age, what defects need to be eliminated and even skin color.

When preparing the skin for the procedure, peeling using glycolic acids may be necessary.

As a rule, the photorejuvenation procedure does not cause any unpleasant sensations, however, in case of increased sensitivity, light gel anesthesia can be used.

Photorejuvenation is a modern and effective cosmetic procedure using high-tech equipment, but you should make sure that there are absolutely no contraindications for its implementation.

Innovative cosmetological procedure for elos-rejuvenation

One of the newest cosmetic procedures, which has already proven itself to be excellent, is elos rejuvenation, when the skin is simultaneously exposed to light radiation and Electric Energy. This double effect allows you to effectively remove fine wrinkles, scars, spider veins, age spots and even dark circles under the eyes, without damaging the skin at all.

Attention! Before carrying out any cosmetic procedure or series of procedures to improve the condition of the skin and rejuvenate, you must consult with a cosmetologist and, possibly, do the necessary laboratory tests and studies. It is very important not to neglect possible contraindications, since any modern high-tech procedure affects not only the outer layers of the skin, but also tissues that are located deeper.


What age does every woman deserve? What does she do to stay energetic and attractive? The great Gabrielle Chanel, who is known throughout the world as Coco, believed that after twenty, the appearance of any woman depends on the efforts she herself makes to maintain her youth and impeccable appearance.

If a woman is already “for...” and she doesn’t look good, then you should think carefully about whether everything has been done to look better. Of course, the daily routine, proper nutrition, refusal bad habits, reasonable physical activity, but you shouldn’t give up the achievements of modern cosmetology either.

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to stop time, but look elegant and well-groomed woman maybe at fifty, or seventy years old, and much later. Peace in the soul, tranquility, a healthy lifestyle, the use of effective modern cosmetic innovations - and you can defy age!

Absolutely every woman, or rather for her skin, needs individual approach and accordingly the result. For this there is a fairly diverse procedure called.

In our article you will learn about quite popular methods for skin rejuvenation, which, according to customer reviews, work well.

This procedure can be performed using various masks, laser devices, massages, special threads and in other cases with a scalpel (depending on the condition of your tissues). You must decide for yourself when to take this step, because if you delay, you are unlikely to be able to regain your former youth for little money. The longer you wait, the more it will cost you in the future.

Rejuvenation methods

The so-called natural facial rejuvenation will be possible only if your body produces a certain amount collagen, elastin etc.

These processes tend to “fade away” due to time, because your body and organism become clogged due to various bad habits and they receive a small part of useful substances due to poor nutrition. Also, your metabolic processes will slow down, because they will not have enough physical activity, and all this is due to age-related changes.

Any different methods of rejuvenating your skin are automatically aimed at restoring the production of useful substances, as well as resuming the regeneration process of the epidermis.

As they say, “The best cosmetologist is a healthy lifestyle,” but we can argue that not only does it contribute to the rejuvenation effect, but the ecology also corresponds to this.

If you notice any signs of aging on your skin, then you need to deal with them immediately before it is too late, and there are a huge number of different ways to do this.

We will give just a couple of the main and most popular among all.

Rejuvenation without surgery

One of the ways to rejuvenate facial skin without surgery is divided into:

  • comprehensive home care;
  • special injections;
  • hardware cosmetology;
  • as well as thread lifting.

A variety of masks, creams, serums and other products affect the skin from the outside, thereby forcing the cells to work.

Each injection has its own effect, and this depends on the substance injected. Basically, facial rejuvenation with injections is accompanied by hyaluronic acid, which is capable of providing the body with the process of tissue hydration, but in addition to the above acid, it is also used botox– it fills the empty areas under wrinkles and smoothes them out.

Hardware lift carries a large number of branches, for example, can be used for lifting ultrasound, laser, light pulses, electromagnetic waves, radio frequency radiation and others.

Facial rejuvenation with thread lifting is done quite quickly and, most importantly, reliably. The threads fix the fabric, thereby making your facial skin smooth and fresh. Your wrinkles are smoothed out, your facial contour is restored, and you also have the opportunity to remove your double chin.

A surgical lift is a full-fledged plastic surgery that can remove folds, wrinkles, excess skin and fat.

It is designed to remove tissues that have already lost their tone. These operations (procedures) can be performed upon reaching 50 years of age or after this age mark, if, of course, you are interested in facial skin rejuvenation.

With such a huge number of lifting methods, every girl or woman will be able to find a suitable option that can satisfy her desire and achieve the desired result at absolutely any age. Let's take a closer look at what non-surgical facial rejuvenation is.


In this section, we will list you the most popular types of hardware lifting, describe in detail the technology of thread lifting, as well as the advisability of cosmetic facial skin care.

Hardware rejuvenation

First, let's look at hardware rejuvenation:

This lifting works in conjunction with the muscular aponeurological system, or as they say in short SMAS, which is responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin.

The method improves the quality of the skin, as well as its contours and relief. Using this method, you can make the neck muscles elastic and also eradicate the double chin.

And one more advantage in this method of rejuvenation is the short rehabilitation period;

The point of this technology is to warm the skin (this allows you to remove dead cells and force living ones to work and divide). In addition, this procedure leads to the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

This facial skin rejuvenation procedure is painless, does not have any complications, and can also eliminate any possibility of infection.

Improved color, blood circulation and elasticity of the skin, as well as the resumption of metabolism and getting rid of age-related pigmentation - this is the result of a correctly performed procedure;

Electromagnetic waves penetrate deeply into the skin of the face and warm up the inner layers, after which blood circulation improves, cells are renewed, and the amount of collagen also increases.

This procedure leaves no traces behind and does not have any allergic reactions.

This half-hour procedure can achieve the same results as endoscopic facial rejuvenation;

This procedure does not take long
amount of time, and allows you to achieve, so to speak, the natural production of collagen in an active mode, which ultimately gives the result of a healthy and clear skin color, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

There are other advantages to this method - it can also remove capillary networks and acne.

With help threads The process of facial skin rejuvenation can be implemented in one procedure, the working time of which depends on the amount of work on the skin tissues.

Before the procedure itself, the doctor applies markings to the face in order to correctly insert the threads and achieve the maximum possible result that the client expects.

The insertion of threads does not injure absolutely anything, since the depth into which the needle penetrates is from 3 to 5 mm. After the procedure has been carried out (the insertion process), the ends of these very threads are fixed on the head in order to hide any traces of lifting.

This type of procedure can carry two types of threads - this non-absorbable and absorbable.

The first type of threads changes a couple of years after their introduction. The second disappears over time, but in that place a framework of other, new fibers appears, which actually provide a fairly long-lasting tightening result.

Reduced wrinkles, removed double chin, restored facial contour and raised cheekbones - these are the results of the thread lifting procedure.

Comprehensive skin care

You can also engage in facial rejuvenation without hardware or plastic surgery, only such methods are called home care procedures, or salon ones.

A cosmetologist is able to remove old passive cells of the epidermis, procedures such as peeling and nourishing masks.

After twenty-five years, you must have cosmetics in your arsenal anti-aging cosmetics. Such cosmetics increase the level of elastin and collagen production, and also stimulate cellular metabolism. It also doesn't hurt to use homemade beauty recipes that allow your body to get nutrients from foods on its own.

You will not get excellent results in facial skin rejuvenation if you do not take care of your skin, in a healthy way life, regular moisturizing and daily care - without this positive result impossible.

The right diet and quality products contribute to proper nutrition, with the help of which your pores become cleaner and your complexion evens out and becomes even.

Massage can prevent the aging of your tissues, and high-quality cosmetics extremely prolong your youth and benefit your skin tissues.

Fractional laser rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation using a laser fractional method forces cells to actively work and synthesize elastin and collagen. This process is activated by heating all layers of the epidermis (even the deepest ones) with special cosmetology equipment.

The technology of this (fractional) process is carried out by one beam, divided into several small ones in such a way that the surface of the facial skin is treated with a so-called mesh, which is more effective than the laser lifting method.

When exposed to heat shock, dead cells fall out, and instead of them, new ones begin to divide, which fill the free cells. With this effect, your skin becomes fresh and youthful in appearance.

There are two ways to rejuvenate your face:

  • Ablative– this method removes micro areas of the skin that tighten after a certain period of time. This lifting appears quickly.
  • Non-ablative– this method penetrates into the deepest layers of facial skin and regenerates tissue. This lifting will appear a little later.

Such “laser” methods of facial rejuvenation can do a lot: refresh appearance skin, eliminate acne and enlarged pores, and scars, as well as pigmentation and wrinkles.

Thanks to the huge selection of such operations, any woman is able to find a suitable option that will suit her and get the expected result.

Rejuvenation with injections

There is an injection procedure for facial skin rejuvenation, which is aimed at introducing a variety of fixing and nourishing cocktails under the skin tissue.

These compositions are chosen depending on the goal you are pursuing and, of course, the final result you desire. This procedure is considered painless, but if you want, you can also use local anesthesia.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular injection lifting methods.

Mesotherapy method
is the introduction into the skin of small doses of active drugs and vitamins of natural origin. For example, these could be:

  • pyruvic, glycolic or hyaluronic acids;
  • fibroblasts;
  • vitamins (biotin, thiamine, pyridoxine, ascorbic and nicotinic acids);
  • connective tissue cells;
  • extracts (elastin and collagen).

Mesotherapy is used to rejuvenate parts of the body such as the neck, chest and face. Using this method, you can straighten the oval of the face, which helps tighten the skin and eliminate the double chin.

Botox Works mainly against facial wrinkles. This procedure is quite painless and lasts only twenty minutes.

Botox causes the skin to stretch and relax tense muscles after it is injected. Also, you will not experience tissue atrophy, because during this procedure the blood supply is not disrupted.

If you want to use this rejuvenation technique after forty years, then this good idea, since at this time it perfectly improves the appearance and smoothes out wrinkles.

Gels– various implants based on hyaluronic acid. This acid is considered a physiological component of the skin tissues of your face and works to maintain moisture levels.

The process of facial skin rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid will help you eradicate wrinkles around the lips, in the eye area, on the cheeks, as well as age-related changes between and on the forehead. This is quite possible to pump up (enlarge) your lips.

It is very important: after performing this gel lifting method, you should not strain any parts of the facial muscles.

Ozone rejuvenation method- This is the process of injecting ozone (ozone is a type of oxygen).

This method stops the aging process and makes your skin fresh, pre-hydrates and provides nourishment to the cells.

The so-called ozone lifting is one of the most effective ways rejuvenation of facial skin, because it improves the relief of the epidermis and the color of your skin, and also normalizes microcirculation, smoothes wrinkles, removes the top layer of keratinized skin, and renews subcutaneous tissue.

Plasma therapy method- this is the rejuvenation of facial skin by enriching the blood with platelets, which stimulate a process called
neocollagenesis. The latter process causes rejuvenation of skin tissue at the cellular level. After the procedure, old wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and new wrinkles will not appear on it.

In addition to all the above-mentioned popular methods, there are also such as reinforcement, 3D modeling and. Each of these methods is good in its own way; you need to strictly and carefully select the lifting technique for your skin so that the further end result is not slightly worse than you expected.


This modern technology facial skin rejuvenation, somewhat similar to photorejuvenation or laser lifting. The same light pulses and high-frequency current go deep into the layers of the epidermis and renew the collagen layer.

This procedure is carried out with a special applicator (a slight tingling sensation is felt), and anesthesia is not required.

This method is completely painless and safe, does not affect the eyes with negative side, and there is no peeling after the procedure. However, if you have dark skin, you should talk to a specialist and ask for advice, as there may be burns.

ELOS technology
is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation that can trigger natural cell regeneration, remove wrinkles, and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. Most people who undergo the first procedure have excellent impressions, the skin becomes radiant, smooth and fresh. To achieve your goals for facial skin rejuvenation (depending on what you need and what result you want), you may need a whole course of procedures, usually five or more procedures included in one course.

Rejuvenation with leeches

If you have deterioration in color and sagging skin, acne, wrinkles, rosacea, acne scars, etc. hirudotherapy just for you.

We do not recommend that you carry out rejuvenation procedures with leeches on your own, especially the first one, due to the nuances present, which you should learn about from experienced cosmetologists, hirudotherapists and dermatologists. Let's consider a couple of important points:

  • To begin, take a leech and place it on an area that is invisible on your body, for example, behind your ear. This is done to evaluate for the presence of any allergic reactions, and also check the speed of healing from the bite;
  • The most important thing is to place the leech on the active area, a biological point, otherwise you will not get any effect. Such points are mainly associated with a nerve, so when you apply a leech, you will feel a slight sharp pain, know that this nerve makes itself known to the brain, giving it a signal that the defenses of your body will rush to the diseased organ in order to cure and restore it ;
  • Such leeches are ordered at the pharmacy and are specially delivered from the laboratory. In such laboratories, leeches are mainly grown for use under sterile conditions;
  • Hirudotherapy has its own contraindications, such as inflammatory processes, pregnancy, various blood diseases and poor coagulation, mental illnesses and disorders, exhaustion of the body and other various changes in your body.

The method of rejuvenating facial skin with leeches helps to activate lymphatic drainage and restore microcirculation with the help of active substances that leeches secrete, injecting them into us. Hirudotherapy makes your immune system function to further rejuvenate the skin. After which the skin becomes very smooth, elastic and soft.

After several hirudotherapy procedures, the skin becomes pinkish, the color becomes uniform, and capillary stars, spots, scars and acne completely disappear.

Massage for rejuvenation

Massage at home helps most women maintain their youthful and elastic skin. The effect of massage on the face normalizes metabolism and improves blood circulation, which contributes to the acquisition of special elasticity, the disappearance of puffiness, improvement of complexion and smoothing of wrinkles.

The benefits of massage are obvious both for the face and for other parts of your body, you just need to know the rejuvenation technique.

Japanese massage

let's consider "shiatsu" is a special Japanese massage for facial skin rejuvenation.

You just need to remember the important points: you should not use force in this massage, you just need to press and massage certain points that help improve blood and lymph circulation - this is the whole point of the massage.

It is imperative to learn or print out a diagram of certain massage lines that are located on the face, otherwise, if you do not follow certain rules and chaotically massage the wrong points, you will be able to set up the reverse effect of facial skin rejuvenation.

So, we will provide you with the sequence of performing this massage, or in other words, massage lifting:

Chinese massage

You have already read above about the benefits of massage for facial skin rejuvenation, so we will immediately begin to explain the Chinese massage lifting technique:

In such a massage, all movements should occur smoothly, and the skin of the face should not be stretched.

It is necessary to press the fingertips evenly and as gently as possible, at the same time effectively. For most women, this method is quite effective for rejuvenating facial skin, because it allows you to promptly slow down the aging process and thereby preserve the final result for many years.


Yoga is a kind of, thanks to it, a kind of rejuvenation by yoga is obtained. Every day you need to perform three exercises that will keep your skin youthful:

These facial “antics” need to be repeated at least twice a day, and they need to be given from five to fifteen minutes. We recommend that you perform these exercises in the evening, when you have already cleansed your skin and applied night cream to your face. If you do yoga, it will help you prevent sagging skin, as well as maintain a soft appearance and muscle tone.

Rejuvenation at home

Aging is an irreversible process, but this process can be slowed down, and for this you do not need to go to salons and spend tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Home methods of facial skin rejuvenation are no worse than, for example, photorejuvenation, if, of course, you take care of your face in a timely manner and treat this matter responsibly, repeating the procedure daily. At home, you can perform facial exercises or massage, or do hirudotherapy, after consulting a doctor.

The simplest and most pleasant way to rejuvenate facial skin is folk remedies. Such products give you the opportunity to take maximum benefit from nature for your skin, nourish the skin with various nutrients, and also moisturize it. The following will help you with all this:

When making your own cosmetics, you do not add various preservatives, stabilizers and other substances unnecessary for skin rejuvenation. Naturally, you can purchase anti-aging cosmetics, but it will cost you more than doing it at home. Skin health is also affected by proper nutrition, the absence of bad habits and a proper drinking regime.

Also, cosmetic care includes various exercises for the facial skin, which you have already read about earlier in our article. In order to tone the skin, you can wipe it with ice cubes, especially ice from some kind of decoction. The most important thing is to promptly cleanse your skin, moisturize it and harden it in accordance with your skin type.


With help folk remedies Facial skin rejuvenation mainly depends on masks. We will tell you about five more popular and, most importantly, high-quality ones:

So-called "English mask". In one cup, combine some crushed oatmeal evenly with vegetable oil, in the second cup, grated apple, a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon, in the third cup, whey or kefir with a teaspoon of salt (do not mix, the salt should not dissolve). To begin with, you need to apply the mixture from the first cup to your facial skin, lightly massaging the skin for several minutes, after which do not touch for about five minutes. Apply the contents of the second cup on top of this mass, carry out the same manipulations as with the first cup (massage for two minutes, do not touch for five minutes), then take cotton wool or a cotton pad and soak it in the contents of the third cup, using massaging movements as lightly and gently as possible Apply the contents on top of the previous mixture. Leave this mask for another couple of minutes, after which everything must be washed off with chamomile decoction or mineral water. Next, moisturize your skin with a night face cream. This mask can be applied to any area of ​​the body and repeated twice a week;

  • Popular technology – facial skin rejuvenation with solcoseryl and dimexide. It is important to know that these two products are not cosmetic products, so before using them, you must conduct a tolerance test for these products. To begin, spread these substances onto the skin on your elbows (to check), and leave for 24 hours. If you do not feel any itching or burning and there is no redness, then the products can be applied to the face. Technology for using the dimexide product: dilute one teaspoon in ten teaspoons of water, then spread on the surface of the face. Dimexide is a conductor for all existing substances in cosmetology, therefore it is applied so that all the beneficial components penetrate into your skin. We recommend steaming and cleansing your face first. After you have applied dimexide and it has already dried, apply a thick layer of solcoseryl on top of it. You need to keep the mask on for a whole hour, and spray it with water in a timely manner so that it does not harden, otherwise you will have difficulty removing it, in some cases causing injury. The properties of solcoseryl include: stimulation of active absorption of oxygen by cells, tissue regeneration, intensive production of collagen and metabolic processes, improved blood circulation. When an hour has passed, you need to remove the mask with a damp cotton pad, and then apply nutritious cream. You need to apply the mask individually, looking at the effect on your skin after the first procedure;

  • Alginate mask
    . To prepare this mask, all proportions must be strictly observed. First you need to combine three teaspoons of sodium alginate with 60 ml clean water, stir everything and remove for a certain time, from five to six hours, for the mixture to swell - it should turn out to be jelly. Take a cup and pour 30 ml of water into it, then throw in two teaspoons of kelp (you can buy it at the pharmacy, always in powder form). In another cup, two teaspoons of clay with 30 ml of water. Now take the contents of all three cups and mix very quickly, thoroughly and evenly in one larger cup, add one or two drops of calcium chloride to it - you should get a thick mixture with small lumps. Take and apply the mask along the massage lines, starting from the neck (remove your hair and cleanse your face in advance). After 20-30 minutes, remove the mask with film. It all depends on the condition of your facial skin; the mask can be repeated daily until a certain result is achieved. This mask will definitely give you tightened skin as if you had the procedure done in a salon.
  • Facial rejuvenation procedures are a very broad concept. This includes hardware, injection, non-injection and surgical techniques. Of course, decide on a serious plastic surgery maybe not every woman.

    In many cases, stimulation of rejuvenation processes, in addition to daily facial skin care, is facilitated by more gentle, but no less effective methods.

    Below are the most effective modern procedures, each of which has its own characteristics. A professional cosmetologist will help you choose the most optimal one: in accordance with age, individual characteristics and general condition of the body.

    Hardware techniques

    Offers effective anti-aging facial treatments. To rejuvenate the skin and restore its beauty, cosmetic procedures are primarily aimed at the formation of collagen protein. It is the main “building material” for the skin, and its production can be helped by low-frequency electric currents, ultrasonic waves, heat, and laser irradiation.

    Obsolete cells and excess adipose tissue are destroyed, and their place is taken by new cellular structures, providing a long-lasting and lasting effect. All manipulations are painless, and many of them can be combined with other aspects of treatment and care.

    Ultrasonic ultrasound peeling

    Ultrasonic peeling is most often carried out on the principle of a light massage and resembles traditional cosmetological skin cleansing. The gentle effect of special ultrasonic device removes old and dead epidermal cells, and the face after manipulation looks healthy, fresh and renewed.

    The devices for this procedure are different and vary depending on the power and depth of penetration of the ultrasonic wave into the skin. Any of them, in addition to the main task, helps to gently moisturize the epidermis, releasing steam during operation that penetrates its layers.

    There is a superficial ultrasound peeling that affects only the granular layer of the dermis (it can be easily done at home, using an ordinary scrubber).

    The medium type of peeling involves the penetration of ultrasonic waves into the capillary network, and deep penetration affects the reticular dermis and requires the use of more powerful devices.

    Microdermabrasion - diamond peeling

    Modern cosmetology developed another efficient look peeling, which includes the removal of dying cells and vacuum massage. Cells are removed using laser-cut diamond crystals, and the massage further cleanses the skin, stimulating its renewal.

    The procedure is also carried out with a special apparatus with different attachments. The type of attachment depends on the type of skin and the area that you plan to treat. Diamond spraying allows you to easily and gently cleanse the skin, thereby stimulating the growth of new cells, and the face looks much younger and fresher. At the same time, blood flow improves, and collagen and elastin are produced more intensively.

    Microdermabrasion is used if the face looks tired and fading. It is also effective in the presence of acne, increased oiliness, and enlarged pores. The procedure helps eliminate scars left after acne, helps eliminate fine wrinkles and superficial age-related changes. The texture is evened out and the complexion improves.

    At the same time, the duration of the recovery period is from 5 to 8 days. At first the face becomes expressed Pink colour, and after 6-12 weeks it gradually fades, acquiring a more natural color.

    Radiofrequency RF lifting - Thermage

    Another excellent technique of hardware cosmetology is this, which is recommended for women from 25 to 55 years old. Skin stimulation is carried out using radio waves that deliver a certain amount of thermal energy to those areas of tissue that need rejuvenation and support.

    The supply of heat ensures a reflex contraction of the muscles, due to which collagen begins to be produced in the required quantity and rejuvenation occurs.

    Radiolifting is notable for the fact that it can be done by both women and men, regardless of the season. It copes well with ptosis (drooping of facial tissues), corrects the oval of the face, removes “crow’s feet” around the eyes and post-acne scars. After the procedure, redness may appear for a short time, disappearing within 15 minutes.

    Microcurrent therapy

    When it is carried out, low-frequency, weakly pulsed currents are used. They act gently and delicately, stimulating the tone of blood vessels and muscles and normalizing tissue processes.

    Microcurrent therapy eliminates stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and fights fat deposits by activating lymph flow. She cleans up the deep ones expression wrinkles, promoting a long-lasting rejuvenation effect. It is prescribed for muscle atrophy, loss of skin tone, cellulite, sagging breasts and photoaging. It also helps eliminate swelling and restores the skin after liposuction.

    Laser rejuvenation

    Procedures for facial rejuvenation at 50 years of age and older include various. This non-invasive method rejuvenates the skin on the face and around the eyes.

    The laser beam, acting on the surface and middle layers, causes the formation of microthermal centers. They have a healing effect: elastin and collagen are produced, and the skin begins to repair itself.

    Watch the selection video laser method rejuvenation according to age:

    Laser exposure can be either with or without damage to the skin, depending on the goal. If the superficial epidermis is not damaged, we speak of a non-ablative effect, and if the superficial dermis is damaged, this effect is called ablative.

    The non-ablative technique involves heating the skin to a certain depth, which promotes increased production of collagen and elastin. This process is called thermolysis. It expands the capillary network, improves blood circulation, moisturizes the face, resolves acne scars, and also straightens shallow wrinkles.

    A deeper ablative method is with sequential evaporation of the layers of the dermis. The result is an open surface that bleeds, but the further result is worth it: the skin is completely rebuilt. Scars are smoothed out, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and the face is lifted.

    The entire procedure is carried out using general anesthesia, and healing takes a long time - a month or two. There is also a danger of infection, which is also a significant disadvantage, but if the manipulation is performed by a professional cosmetologist, all risks will be minimized and recovery will be successful.

    A more gentle method can be called fractional thermolysis, which injures no more than 15 percent of all treated skin. There is no bleeding or open wound, and the same laser devices are used. The procedure is suitable for patients over young age. She also copes well with the correction of thin eyelid skin, postpartum stretch marks, dermal sagging and scars of various origins.

    Which is the most optimal type of laser technology, based on the targeted application of radiation, alternating damaged and unaffected areas of the face. Its main advantage is rapid recovery within four to seven days. There is a visible facelift with a decrease in the number and depth of wrinkles.


    Cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 40 years include the main signs of photoaging: a network of fine wrinkles, excess pigmentation, the presence of spider veins.

    The essence of the procedure is the penetration of broad-spectrum light waves into the skin by passing them through the tip of the device. Light entering the tissue is absorbed by hemoglobin or melanin (depending on which defect is being removed, vascular or pigmentary). The skin becomes even and healthy looking. There is no recovery period required after the procedure, the patient immediately returns to everyday life.

    Lpg massage

    At first, this technology was used to combat cellulite, but later this type of massage began to be used to correct the décolleté, face and neck. The essence of the technology is the use of plastic massage methods. Usually, it is done by hand, but the situation is complicated by the fact that the skin of the face is too delicate, and the treatment of wrinkles requires thorough treatment. This is the kind of massage that allows you to achieve desired effect without injury.

    For the procedure, devices with special attachments are used. Each nozzle is a small container into which a fold of skin is drawn, and the action itself takes place inside. To obtain a lasting result, 10 to 20 procedures are required, and the effect will last up to six months.

    This massage is used for women over 25 years old. If the skin is weakened and sagging, a double chin and fatty deposits appear, it will be very effective. The face acquires a clear contour, facial wrinkles disappear, and swelling subsides. After the massage, at first, redness and swelling of the skin may be observed, but after a day they disappear on their own.

    Injection techniques - beauty injections

    Anti-aging procedures are successfully carried out by injection, and their effect is longer and more stable. Most often they are used in cases where non-invasive methods of exposure are ineffective.


    By using it, it is possible not only to remove wrinkles, but also to stop what is called age-related changes in the facial contour. Just a couple of injections will help remove sagging eyelids and tidy up your cheeks and chin. The drug used is botulinum toxin, which is known to be very dangerous in certain doses and causes a serious disease - botulism.

    However, this toxin was successfully “tamed” by doctors and was initially used to treat muscle spasms and convulsive conditions. It was then that he was noticed by-effect, smoothing out facial wrinkles. Since then, it has been actively used in cosmetology as one of the most effective methods of skin rejuvenation.

    Botox has been used successfully and safely for over thirty years, and can be used as early as 25 years of age. With its help, wrinkles that appear on the forehead, around the eyes, in the folds between the eyebrows and in the nasolabial triangle are permanently removed. Injections eliminate spider veins, improve the contours of the eyebrows and lift the drooping corners of the mouth. The effect becomes noticeable already in the second week after administration of the drug. In the first year, it is recommended to carry them out once every four months, and subsequently the frequency of procedures is reduced to twice a year.

    After the procedure, you should do a number of simple exercises: firstly, stay only in a vertical position for four hours (do not lie down), and also intensively work with your facial muscles. This will allow the drug to be evenly distributed under the skin. Massage is strictly contraindicated.


    It is considered one of the effective ways to combat aging. The essence of the procedure: injected under the skin, the composition of which is selected individually. In one session, a large number of injections are performed using very thin needles, and the drug is administered in portions. To get a visible and lasting result, you will need a course consisting of at least four, maximum ten sessions.

    Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of unsightly scars, scars and age spots. It also smooths out wrinkles, moisturizes dry skin, stopping the process of aging. Not only hyaluronic acid is used as a product: injection complexes include vitamins and extracts of beneficial plants. The effect lasts about six months, and after the sessions you should adhere to a number of certain rules to avoid unpleasant complications.

    For those who for some reason are afraid of injections, there is an alternative in the form of non-injection mesotherapy, but in this case a longer course will be required.


    With all the available methods that allow you to rejuvenate the skin in a short time, one cannot fail to mention. Best treatments It’s hard to imagine without its use, and it rightfully occupies its rightful place in all professional cosmetology salons.

    This word can be translated as “return to life.” Basically, hyaluronic acid is also used here: it removes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, and makes it elastic. The procedure is also suitable for other parts of the body: it eliminates ptosis, removes unnecessary folds, and increases turgor. Its undoubted advantage is that the result is visible almost instantly and lasts from four to eight months.

    In addition to the well-known hyaluronic acid, biorevitalization is also carried out using laser phoresis, which implies non-injection intervention and the fastest possible recovery process.

    Contour plastic

    Procedures for tightening the oval face include and. It uses fillers - substances injected, which fills the formed subcutaneous cavities.

    The main component is the same “hyaluronic acid”. Thanks to it, a long-lasting visual effect is ensured: most of the wrinkles and folds are eliminated, and the face receives the necessary volume where it is lacking. Contour plastic surgery also allows you to correct the face if there is asymmetry.

    Gel with hyaluronic acid can have different consistency: more or less dense, depending on which area is being corrected. The results last for a long time, from six months, and after the procedure a rehabilitation period of 1-2 months is required.

    Plasmolifting, plasma therapy - prp therapy

    The facelift effect can be achieved by lifting, which is based on the patient’s biological material. In this case, natural blood plasma is used, which is first taken from a person and then subjected to the necessary processing. This ensures the launch of the body’s internal resources during the administration of the drug, and the effect is so pronounced that plasma lifting is rightfully called a real breakthrough in the field of non-surgical rejuvenation techniques.

    First, blood is taken from the patient, then it is placed in a special apparatus, where it is intensively saturated with platelets. This updated composition promotes the activation of connective tissue cells and increases the level of production of elastin, collagen and natural “hyaluronic acid”. The skin is nourished, self-renewed and intensively restored. After the procedure, a person immediately begins to look much younger than his age, and the result lasts for six months.

    The procedure helps get rid of early wrinkles and sagging skin in many places, moisturizes the epidermis, restores elasticity and helps get rid of folds that often appear after severe weight loss.

    Sprs therapy

    This rejuvenation procedure is also carried out by injection. It is performed using the patient's own cells, called fibroblasts. In the natural environment of the body, fibroblasts are a powerful type of cell that helps activate the production of the “three pillars” of youth: hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. It is these cells that constantly renew and restore our entire extracellular matrix. The youthfulness of the skin directly depends on how many active and healthy fibroblasts are in it, capable of dividing and developing.

    The collection of biomaterial is carried out simply: a piece of skin is taken from the patient’s ear, and then fibroblasts are isolated from it in a standard laboratory. After the first stage, the material in the test tube is moved to more complex laboratory conditions. Cells are selected and cultured so that only the most active ones remain in the material. The final stage of preparing valuable biomaterial is to gradually increase the cells to the required quantity, after which they are completely ready for use.

    A cultured solution containing fibroblasts is injected into the skin using mesotherapy needles. Most often, the entire face is treated, following the required sequence.

    The procedure shows a lasting overall effect, but in the presence of deep ptosis it is ineffective. It should also not be used if a major lift is required. Other manipulations, as a rule, help to correct the oval of the face and eliminate severe sagging tissue.

    Ozone therapy

    It will help to tighten your face a little and improve its appearance. Ozone gas is injected under the skin, which improves blood circulation in the capillaries and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. The procedure is especially indicated in the presence of scars, stretch marks, hair loss and age spots. If a person’s face becomes very red due to sudden changes in temperature or emotional stress, this unpleasant phenomenon can be eliminated with the help of several sessions of ozone therapy. After manipulation, the skin looks smooth, well-groomed and healthy, and dryness disappears completely.

    There are many types of ozone therapy, but the most popular of them in cosmetology is local. A gas mixture (ozone and oxygen) is introduced by injection, and the tissues begin to recover at an accelerated pace. In this way, you can quickly cure acne and other types of acne, smooth out fine wrinkles, increase skin elasticity and remove pimples.

    Other procedures

    There are alternative rejuvenation procedures that you can also use if you have the desire and need to constantly take care of yourself and look beautiful and young.

    Mesoscooter-dermaroller for face

    This simple device will rejuvenate your face at home, help remove fine wrinkles and improve your complexion. This device is produced in the form of a small roller with needles, and for ease of use it is always equipped with a comfortable handle.

    When the needles touch the skin, they create a slight tension on it, causing microscopic punctures to appear. They will not cause harm, on the contrary: in order for them to heal faster, the body begins to increase the production of elastin and collagen, which are already well known to us. With regular use of the dermaroller, the skin will become smoother and more elastic, the double chin will disappear, and cosmetics will be absorbed much better.

    Keratoregulating peeling

    It is a superficial facial rejuvenation, which is most often used if the patient has problematic skin. Peeling consists of beneficial acids - salicylic and glycolic, as well as vitamins and plant extracts.

    The procedure is carried out after standard preparation (cleansing and disinfecting the skin with the application of a special gel). The peeling is kept on the face for 10 minutes, after which a soothing mask is applied.

    The procedure is indicated for excessive blockage of pores with sebum, seborrhea, the presence of milia and comedones. Keratoregulating peeling copes well with increased pigmentation and inflammatory processes that can occur in hair follicles.

    Cryotherapy - exposure to low temperatures

    This is the effect on the skin. It has been established that those parts of it that have undergone cooling become capable of activating restoration processes and rejecting outdated cellular structures. The desired areas of the skin are cooled with liquid nitrogen to a certain temperature, and safe and high-tech equipment is used to carry out the procedure.

    At the heart of the device is a thermoelectric converter, thanks to which a temperature difference becomes possible when current passes through this mini-transformer. A cold tip of the device is applied to the skin, the temperature of which can range from -10 to -35 o C.

    Indications for the procedure: moles, warts, acne marks, post-operative scars. Liquid nitrogen removes them easily, leaving no traces. Small wrinkles are also smoothed out, spider veins disappear, and the face looks much younger and fresher. Cryotherapy is also necessary in the recovery period after more serious interventions, helping to reduce the feeling of discomfort after laser skin resurfacing.

    Modern cosmetology can work wonders. The most effective procedures for neck and face rejuvenation today they can restore youth and great mood. The choice of method depends on the desires and capabilities of the person himself. Using modern capabilities and developments in the field of cosmetology, you can restore beauty lost over the years or maintain youth.

    Modern methods of rejuvenation

    Today, there are several procedures that allow you to quickly restore youth and attractiveness to your facial skin:

    • Massage;
    • Bioreinforcement;
    • Microdermabrasion;
    • Chemical peeling;

    Also, cosmetic effects are usually divided into such techniques as: therapeutic, for example:

    • peeling;
    • Botox;
    • mesotherapy;
    • biorevitalization;
    • mesothreads;
    • contour plastic surgery.

    There are also hardware methods for restoring natural beauty:

    • photorejuvenation;
    • laser resurfacing;
    • RF – lifting.

    A preliminary visit to a specialist - a cosmetologist - is strictly necessary - this will help reduce the risks of complications or adverse reactions, since it is impossible to guarantee their absence 100%, but it can be completely minimized.

    Each of these procedures must be carried out exclusively by a specialist; good results cannot be achieved at home, since professional preparations are used, and the rejuvenation effect is achieved thanks to the knowledge of cosmetologists.

    To maintain the skin of the face and neck in ideal condition, today a method such as RF lifting is used. This is a hardware method of rejuvenation, without the intervention of plastic surgeons. The essence of the method is simple and lies in the fact that using the device, radio waves penetrate the skin. To improve the quality of the procedure, before using the waves, a special cream is applied to the face. Its peculiarity is that the drug causes temporary numbness of the nerve endings. This allows the waves to smoothly affect all layers of the skin. The method has a gentle effect on the skin of the face and neck. It works using radio waves that pass through the skin, delivering heat to the muscles and soft tissues. It causes these layers to actively contract, which, in turn, stimulates skin cells to produce collagen naturally and more actively than before the procedure.

    A similar method of rejuvenation is carried out when a woman reaches the age of 25, but 40 years is considered optimal. Feature – can be used at any time of the year, suitable for rejuvenating the face of men.

    The procedure will help get rid of such age-related manifestations as:

    • withering;
    • tissue prolapse;
    • the appearance of sagging areas;
    • loss of the natural oval of the face;
    • wrinkles.

    Cosmetology products used to treat the effects of acne will work more effectively if you use RF lifting - the scars will significantly decrease or disappear altogether.

    Biorevitalization is a procedure that is aimed at quickly eliminating visible facial skin imperfections. The rejuvenation effect is also present, since the method includes the use of hyaluronic acid as the main active ingredient. This method is effective and safe, the best for those who suffer from the problem of dry or dehydrated facial skin, constant peeling. The procedure, in addition to rejuvenation, allows you to reduce pores and get rid of excess sebum, thereby giving your face a beautiful matte hue.

    The procedure is carried out by injection - special means are injected into the skin, which may cause slight discomfort. It is better not to use this method if you have problems - hypersensitivity, allergies, a tendency to skin irritation, since in addition to rejuvenation you can get swelling and redness.

    Biorevitalization will help get rid of such cosmetic problems with facial skin as:

    • dry dehydration of facial skin;
    • age-related decline;
    • decreased tone;
    • loss of natural skin elasticity;
    • age or expression wrinkles.

    The method is also effective for preventive measures to maintain the beauty and health of the skin; it can also help prevent photoaging. Cosmetic interventions performed using this method will help get rid of scars, stretch marks or correct post-operative sutures. The method is also used for recovery after various cosmetic interventions, such as, for example, chemical peeling.

    The advantage of using this method is that hydration occurs at a deeper level, and the effect lasts for 6 months or more. The procedure can be carried out either by injecting the drug subcutaneously or using a device.

    It is important to remember that for several days, usually no more than 3, hematomas may be observed. Rejuvenation becomes noticeable after this period.

    This procedure is performed to eliminate a wide variety of skin problems. The essence of the method is that by applying acids of varying concentrations to the skin, we remove the top layer of cells, creating artificial, controlled stress on the skin. The body reacts in such a way that it begins the active division of new living healthy cells. This way the skin is renewed.

    The method works very simply and allows you to work with almost all aesthetic imperfections.


    • facial skin cleansing stage;
    • degreasing stage using a special antiseptic;
    • stage of applying the main composition, peeling itself;
    • neutralization;
    • final care.

    Finally, you need to apply a soothing cream or mask to your face, which is selected by a specialist cosmetologist taking into account the characteristics of your facial skin. The components used for the procedure contain organic acids.

    It could be:

    • glycolic;
    • salicylic;
    • almond;
    • dairy;
    • pyruvic;
    • retinoic and others.

    In addition, the method includes the use of herbal ingredients and vitamins.

    The peeling solution may contain one acid - monopeeling or a set of acids - polypeeling.

    Based on concentration, peelings are divided into:

    • superficial;
    • superficial - middle;
    • median;
    • deep (carried out in a hospital setting).

    Only a specialist will be able to choose the right peeling and its desired concentration.

    The peeling is washed off with regular cool water. The method does not require a long stay in the cosmetologist's office, so it will take about 10 minutes to absorb the gel, after which a light massage is performed to soothe the tissues and a nourishing and rejuvenating mask is applied.

    The method will be needed to solve the following problems:

    • acne in remission;
    • hyperpigmentation;
    • dehydrated skin;
    • age-related changes
    • rosacea

    The method gives good results, in addition to eliminating the main problems, skin cells receive additional oxygen, facial skin becomes soft, peeling is eliminated, earthy color. Rejuvenation occurs gradually, but thanks to this, the cells do not experience stress.

    Photorejuvenation is carried out in a specially equipped room, as it involves the use of technical means. The method is based on exposure to broadband pulsed light.

    The technique is indicated for:

    • manifestations of age-related changes (chronoaging);
    • hyperpigmentation;
    • rosacea and telangiectasia.

    Stages of the procedure:

    • cleansing the affected area;
    • applying a special gel, it protects the skin from burns and allows the pulsed light to be distributed as evenly as possible;
    • direct operation of the device;
    • repeated cleansing;
    • application of sedatives (panthenol, bipanten, advantan);
    • applying sunscreen.

    Thus, the rejuvenation process is a whole series of procedures that are aimed at eliminating visible manifestations of imperfections or age-related changes that occur under the influence of biological and chemical processes in the body.

    You should pay attention to the condition of your skin after reaching 25 years of age, but using medications or procedures without first consulting a specialist is not recommended in order to maintain health. You should contact only trusted clinics and beauty salons and only competent specialists.

    Every woman wants to know how to preserve beauty, “stop time,” or even turn it back. Modern cosmetology offers hundreds of different devices and procedures to solve this problem. We asked cosmetologists at the DoctorPlastic clinic about which modern cosmetology methods are the most effective. All of them are not only professionals, but also women who, due to the nature of their activities, have experienced practically existing procedures and tried all the new products. And, of course, each of the female cosmetologists has already determined “her own” - the most effective technique.

    We asked experienced cosmetologists from a leading metropolitan clinic to reveal their professional secrets to us and tell us about their favorite and most effective beauty procedure that they personally use.

    Yulia Vladimirovna Karlsson - General Director of the DoctorPlaastic® clinic:

    If we talk about my favorite technique, it is definitely Softlifting. This injection method of express facial rejuvenation is, of course, not the most pleasant procedure, but, in my opinion, it is the most effective. It harmoniously combines fillers and Botox, while using a “deep” surgical rather than a “superficial” cosmetic approach to performing injections, which gives a fundamentally different result.
    I, as a sophisticated patient and as a professional, like this Swedish technology so much that I invited its creator, Professor Samuelsson, to Russia.

    Now the world famous plastic surgeon Ulf Samuelsson comes to our DoctorPlastic clinic every month, and my friends and I no longer have to travel to Stockholm specifically to do a Softlift.

    Reference: Softlifting is the latest method of volumetric facial modeling using fillers based on hyaluronic acid. This method has already gained enormous popularity in Western countries, first among movie and show business stars, and then among many women who want to give their face a youthful, perfect look. Softlifting is much more effective than standard procedures contour plastic surgery fillers with hyaluronic acid, but less traumatic. You can find out more about what softlifting is .

    Tsyganova Olga Anatolyevna - head of the department of cosmetology and rehabilitation of the DoctorPlastic® clinic, doctor of the highest category:

    It is very difficult to choose a single procedure among the many modern, truly effective methods, each of which has its own advantages, and what is suitable for one patient may not be useful for another. If we talk about me, then surprisingly, I DO have such a “basic procedure”. This procedure is ELOS therapy. Everything else is just an addition to it. Moreover, for myself I perform ELOS at maximum energies, which I probably would not risk using for my patients. After all, I know my skin well, I adequately assess the risks, and in practice I am convinced that I need just such regimes.

    After the procedure, the face turns red, slight swelling is possible, but “rehabilitation” takes only 20-30 minutes, after which the redness and swelling disappear, and I am back in shape. The effect of one course of ELOS lasts me almost a whole year.

    At high energies, ELOS is a rather painful procedure; if I had found another equally effective technique, I would probably give up ELOS. But so far I don’t see anything else as effective for myself.

    Irina Nikolaevna Ivanova - doctor of the highest category, cosmetologist-dermatologist at the DoctorPlastic clinic:

    I, like any of my patients, want to stay young as long as possible and always look attractive. I probably don’t have a favorite technique after all. For myself, I use a variety of procedures and really love trying new things.

    If we talk about what gives the most noticeable visible effect, then among the favorite techniques that I use regularly is biorevitalization. These are injections of modern natural preparations of hyaluronic acid, which serve to restore the structure and rejuvenate all layers of the skin. Hyaluronic acid– a real “vitamin” for the skin – gives a wonderful effect of a fresh, rested face, and the procedure itself is not so scary. We use special very thin needles, so everything is quite tolerable.

    Natalya Viktorovna Vasilyeva - doctor of the highest category, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the DoctorPlastic® clinic:

    My favorite procedure is LPG endermology. In order to keep my body in shape and my skin toned, I definitely take a course twice a year LPG massage, consisting of 10 procedures. Every woman has some problems, for example, cellulite, less than ideal body contours or insufficiently elastic skin. LPG effectively solves these problems.

    For the face, I use hardware cosmetology procedures - RF lifting and photo-rejuvenation. Both methods are quite effective and relatively painless, which is especially important for me, because I am afraid of injections, although I see how effective injection techniques are and I myself administer them to my patients.

    The only thing I dared to do was mesotherapy for the scalp. After giving birth, I, like many women, had problems with hair loss. Of course, I knew how to solve them and, having overcome my fear and my dislike for needles, I completed a course of injection treatment with the trichologist at our clinic, Galina Volkova. By the way, the effect, as expected, was very good.

    Galina Mikhailovna Volkova - leading trichologist at the DoctorPlastic® clinic, dermatologist, doctor of the highest category:

    Any woman, regardless of profession, wants to look her best! When you need to quickly achieve maximum effect- make the look open and youthful, correct wrinkles and folds - the most effective method is a combination of botulinum therapy and contouring with hyaluronic acid fillers.

    Botox is still one of the most effective methods of combating wrinkles. I know this from myself. A simple, not too expensive procedure and after 3-4 days you look noticeably younger. You can raise your eyebrows, reduce nasolabial folds, and rejuvenate your neck. But the injections must be done by a very good specialist.