What are the different skin tones? Skin color: sallow, red, yellow, pale, gray. Causes, diagnosis. What clothes are suitable for “cold” ladies

We will continue to educate ourselves =). Since we've discussed skin color, today there's a little scientific and popular information about skin color. Let's remember combinatorics and genetics.
Information used

Skin color depends on three elements - melanin (saturation, Brown), hemoglobin (reddish tint) and carotene (yellowish tint). Each person has a different combination of these three elements, which results in a unique skin tone. Men have slightly darker skin - hormonal levels also affect it. The skin on different parts of the body is unevenly colored.

The darkness of the skin depends on melanin. Two genes are responsible for the production of melanin, each of which carries two characteristics - dominant and recessive. The dominant characteristic is black skin, the recessive characteristic is white. But this does not mean that one is constantly dominant - they mix. Therefore, 16 combinations are possible.

Let the first gene be labeled with the number 1, and the second with the number 2. The dominant characteristic of black skin color will be M, and the recessive characteristic of white skin color will be m.

Let's decipher the picture

1 - M1M1M2M2 - all dominant characteristics - Black skin

2. MMMm - three dominant and one recessive characteristics - Dark brown skin.

3.MMmm - two dominant and two recessive characteristics - medium brown leather .

4. Mmmm - one dominant and three recessive characteristics - light brown skin color

5. mmmm - all characteristics are recessive - White color skin

There are transitional combinations between them.

If you wish, you can calculate how rich the skin your children may have if you are comfortable with combinatorics. Just like that - just for fun.
my type Mmmmm, my husband's type Mmmmm. We can pass on two genes to a child. I got several combinations. Of these, a little MMMm, a little Mmmm, and mostly MMmm. Everything is predictable with us. =) The lightest skin color can be like mine, the darkest can be like my husband’s. And it also happens much more interesting - when the child is darker or lighter than both parents.

Carotene and hemoglobin determine the dominant skin tone (undertone) - either pink (hemoglobin) (top line of the picture) or yellowish (carotene) (bottom line of the picture)

Usually these halftones are taken into account by foundation manufacturers, but this will be a separate topic.

Anthropologists often use the Von Luschan scale to describe skin color. (Von Luschan Chromatic Scale)
To find out your skin color, look at the skin under your forearm, which usually does not tan.

Here is a natural version of the scale

Here's a more convenient digital one

I cannot determine exactly my skin type - either 15 or 16. I can only say that it is clearly beige, i.e. not 14, and clearly not olive, i.e. not 17. 16 seems closer, because the skin is a little yellowish on the hands - but the color may depend on the monitor settings..

Skin saturation is closely related to phototype - skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation. I'll tell you about this next time.

All people are individual, so any stylist and makeup artist will advise that before buying clothes or applying makeup, you need to determine your color type. After all, a well-chosen range of shades can not only emphasize beauty, but also hide some flaws.

There is a well-known theory where each season of the year is characterized by a certain Olive skin color belongs to a cold color, and golden-peach tones belong to a warm color. In addition, there are a number of signs by which one can determine which “season” a particular person belongs to. We will learn about this later in the article.

What is a color type?

This concept characterizes the general palette of shades, which is most harmoniously suitable for a certain combination of hair and skin. Some are inclined to believe that such knowledge of the characteristics of their appearance is unnecessary, since if you buy clothes from expensive brands, they will look good in any case. But this opinion is a misconception.

Women who know their color type, purchasing a variety of outfits, hair dye and cosmetics that match their “season”, will always look brighter and more advantageous in relation to other representatives of the fairer sex. Correctly selected shades can make the face more expressive, eyes brighter, and also correct age-related changes.

Let's figure out what color types there are

The lightest and warmest season is “spring”. Its base shade is considered yellow. This type of appearance includes those with natural blond or light brown curls in a wide variety of tones: golden, the color of ripe wheat or amber. Most often, a “spring” woman’s hair is a little curly. The eyes of these ladies are green, blue and gray. The face has a peachy or milky tint, which usually does not tan well. It is better for such ladies to choose their wardrobe in pastel colors or in muted gold and terracotta.

Another warm color type is “autumn”. This season is characterized exclusively by red hues. The eyes of such girls are usually bright green, rich amber or cognac in color. The curls are thick, bouncy and include the entire palette of red tones. The entire face of such ladies is usually covered with freckles and has beige skin, which is very sensitive to the sun's rays. For “autumn” women, outfits in brick or mustard shades suit best.

Olive skin color can be attributed to two cold color types. In one season it has a light undertone, and in another it has a dark undertone and is the most common shade in our latitudes. "Summer" ladies have blue, gray-green, hazel or blue eyes. The curls of such women are usually ash-chestnut, medium brown or grayish in color. The face has a light olive color skin, and it can also be a pinkish-beige tone.

“Winter” girls are considered the brightest and most spectacular, since their appearance is dominated by contrasting, rich and cold colors. They possess black or hair. The eyes of these ladies have a dark brown, steel gray or bright blue tint. The “winter” woman is distinguished from other representatives of the fair sex by her beautiful and dark dark olive skin color.

How to correctly determine your color type?

To find out your “season”, you need to understand which tones will be most harmonious with your appearance. To do this, you need to conduct a small experiment: in bright or daylight, sit in front of a mirror and alternately apply fabric of different shades to your face. The color that will give a positive effect, that is, will make the appearance more spectacular and brighter, determines the type of woman.

Thus, if yellowish tones suit a lady’s face more, it means she is a representative of the thermal color type (autumn and spring). If a girl is more suited to bluish and greenish shades, then she undoubtedly has an olive color and belongs to the cold “seasons”. It is a little more difficult for such ladies to choose outfits for themselves and make correct makeup, so it’s better to consider these color types in more detail.

Cold season skin tone

“Winter” and “summer” women have a complex complexion tone. Therefore, if you ask the question: “What is olive skin color?” - the photos will show that it looks like a combination of yellowish greenish shades. The last one is his distinctive feature. If the tone is intensely saturated, then the face looks a little dark. Its light shade, on the contrary, looks cold and gives its owner an aristocratic look.

This skin color is easy to see in digital photographs. At high magnification, something greenish should be visible on the neck or face.

What clothes are suitable for “cold” ladies?

Women associated with the summer color type will look advantageous in milky, white, dark gray, blue, smoky, brown, light yellow, crimson, wine and mint shades. At the same time, you need to remember that it is better not to purchase outfits in orange and black tones.

A “winter” girl can emphasize her beauty thanks to things in anthracite, white, red, emerald green or purple. Pink colour.

Which hair shade to choose?

Women who have a light olive complexion should avoid red tones when dyeing their locks, as such toning can give them a sickly appearance. Therefore, you should not make drastic changes to your image. When choosing a paint, it is best to choose one that is one tone darker or lighter than its native shade.

“Winter” ladies, who are characterized by a dark olive skin color, will look ideal with black or chocolate curls. When choosing paint, it is better not to buy shades with a golden tint or yellowish tint, but to choose brown and chestnut tones.

Choosing a tone for makeup

Women who belong to the cold seasons should choose a foundation with an olive tint. “Summer” ladies have small reddish capillaries on their faces, which are easily masked by a greenish tone.

“Winter” girls have a richer olive skin color. Photos of such women show what suits them best Foundation light shades with a fluid texture.


The beautiful half of humanity, belonging to the summer color type, should use colorless powder in their makeup. When shopping for blush, it's best to stick to pinkish tones, but avoid reddish and brick tones. Shades of light blue, green or pink can highlight the expressiveness of the look that such ladies have. When buying mascara, you can buy not only black, but also pay attention to dark blue or brown. For those who have a light olive complexion, photos of these ladies show that the whole range is suitable for their lips

For representatives of the winter color type, it is best to use bright and cool shades in their makeup, focusing on the eyes or lips. Their makeup bag should always include smoky eye shadow, black mascara, eyeliner and a pencil that should be about two shades darker than lipstick. It is not advisable for these girls to use golden shades when applying blush.

From all of the above, it should be concluded that it is very important to know your color type of appearance, since an incorrectly selected palette of tones in things can nullify the work of even the best stylists and makeup artists. Therefore, you should remember that a harmonious image is made up of many details, and, knowing your “season,” you can easily put it together using a simple method developed for each type of woman.

Skin phototypes characterize its sensitivity to solar (or rather, ultraviolet) radiation and the degree of changes occurring under its influence. The phototype is genetically predetermined (innate) and does not change throughout life even when exposed to strong external or internal factors. Its biological basis is the level of reaction of melanocytes - cells located in the lower layers of the epidermis and producing melanin. This pigment causes tanning; it is also “responsible” for the presence of moles and freckles. In addition, eye color depends on its quantity and nature of distribution in the iris.

Practical significance of phototypes

It is advisable for every person to find out their skin phototype, since this has a direct bearing not only on external beauty, but also on health. For example, it is considered statistically significant that the development of certain types of skin tumors is directly related to the level of ultraviolet radiation absorbed by the dermis. Among them is the most malignant tumor – melanoma. These facts have been confirmed through scientific and medical experiments.

Knowing your skin phototype allows you to:

  • determine a safe regime for staying in the sun or in a solarium, which will result in an even and lasting tan and no burns;
  • choose the right products with a sufficient level of sun protection index SPF (Sun Protection Factor);
  • undergo cosmetic procedures associated with dosed damage to the skin without complications (or);
  • avoid skin photoaging;
  • significantly reduce the risk of oncodermatological diseases.

Fitzpatrick classification

There are many gradations and systems that define the so-called “skin passport”. One of the most convenient and widespread of them is the classification of the famous American dermatologist Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, developed in 1975. His scale divides all people into 6 categories depending on the saturation of the dermis with melanin and its reaction to the action of ultraviolet radiation. In addition to the natural color of the skin, Fitzpatrick phototype takes into account hair and eye color .

Name: Celtic.

Skin: very light, sometimes translucent, milky white or with a porcelain tint, easily blushing when nervous; often with big amount freckles. Representatives of this category have a feature - light nipples, which is due to the low melanin content in these areas. This skin type is typical for Europeans.

Hair: Almost always very blond or red.

Eyes: blue, gray or green.

Reaction to ultraviolet light: highest possible photosensitivity. Since the pigment is formed in small quantities, after just a quarter of an hour of exposure to the sun, signs of a first-degree burn (hyperemia and burning) may appear. Subsequently, peeling occurs, and residual hyperpigmentation may persist for a long time. An even tan is almost unattainable.

Recommendations: Since this phototype has the highest risk of developing skin cancer, it is advisable to always avoid exposure to sunlight. If sun exposure is necessary, it is mandatory to use photoprotective products with a high protection factor (SPF from 30 to 50). Great care should be taken when passing laser or chemical peeling, since there is a high probability of developing hyperpigmentation and long-term irritation. Typically, procedures with a mild and superficial effect are prescribed.

Famous representatives with skin phototype I: Nicole Kidman, Claudia Schiffer, Renee Zellweger, Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore.

Names: Nordic, Aryan, Scandinavian, Germanic, Eastern European, fair European, fair-skinned European.

Skin: light; There are few or no freckles. The phototype is also characteristic of Europeans.

Hair: Various shades of light brown or light brown.

Eyes: blue, gray, green, less often light brown.

Reaction to ultraviolet light: quite high photosensitivity. Burns occur easily (after about 20 minutes of sun exposure). The tan does not apply well and is unstable.

Recommendations: it is possible to obtain a golden skin tone with rare and short sunbathing (no more than 10 minutes) during relatively “safe hours” (before 11 and after 16). The optimal schedule for visiting a solarium is a series of exposures lasting up to 15 minutes with breaks of at least two days. It is advisable to use photoprotectors with an SPF value of about 30.

Famous personalities: Charlize Theron, Kate Moss, Cameron Diaz, Marilyn Monroe.

Names: Central European, dark European, mixed, dark-skinned European.

Skin: slightly dark, with an olive or ivory tint, practically without freckles.

Hair: shades of chestnut, dark brown, rarely black.

Eyes: gray, brown.

Reaction to ultraviolet light: the tan goes on easily and quickly with the formation of a moderately dark shade; however, burns may occur with excessive initial exposure to the sun (more than half an hour).

Recommendations: rational insolation regime, especially when suddenly moving to southern latitudes. Solarium: exposure up to 25 minutes with one to two day breaks. Use of protective products with high or moderate SPF (from 15 to 25).

Representatives: Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Hurley, Natalie Portman, Kristin Davis.

Names: Mediterranean, Southern European.

Skin: dark, olive, no freckles. The phototype is typical for residents of Latin America, Asia, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean.

Hair: dark brown or black.

Eyes: brown, dark brown or black.

Reaction to ultraviolet light: the skin has high natural protection (about 40 minutes); A pronounced and lasting tan quickly appears. Sunburn is very rare, but prolonged exposure to high doses of ultraviolet radiation can cause.

Recommendations: use light protective agents (SPF from 8 to 20) to prevent solar aging. Solarium: to get a good tan, you can do 10 half-hour sessions (daily or at daily intervals).

Celebrities: Monica Bellucci, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longloria.

Names: Middle Eastern, Indonesian, Asian.

Skin: dark, dark brown, possible yellowish tint; no freckles. The phototype is found mainly in residents of Southeast Asia and many Latin American countries.

Hair: dark brown or black.

Reaction to ultraviolet light: a high degree of natural skin protection; sunburn is extremely rare (this only happens with very intense and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation). The acquired tan is almost invisible against the background of natural pigmentation.

Recommendations: minimal protection may be necessary when exposed to strong sunlight after a long break (use products with SPF of about 10). Since there is a high probability of hyperpigmentation, some cosmetic procedures should be carried out with caution - for example, many options for chemical or laser peeling (the same applies to skin phototype VI).

Famous representatives: Nicole Scherzinger, Michelle Yeoh, Lucy Liu.

Names: African American, African.

Skin: dark brown or blue-black. The phototype is characteristic of people from the African continent and the aborigines of Australia.

Black hair.

Eyes: dark brown or black.

Reaction to ultraviolet light: natural skin protection from UV exposure can be considered ideal, since it allows you to constantly be exposed to direct rays of the sun without any damage; Photoburns never happen.

Recommendations: use nourishing and moisturizing agents if necessary. Artificial photoprotection is not required. It is necessary to evaluate contraindications when using most types of peeling and hair removal (there are high risk hyperpigmentation).

Celebrities: Naomi Campbell, Tina Turner, Whoopi Goldberg.

Skin phototypes should be taken into account when choosing an adequate and safe tanning regimen, purchasing photoprotective products and undergoing certain cosmetic procedures. This will prevent burns, preserve beauty and protect health.

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Want to do natural makeup, even out facial tone, hide skin imperfections? You need to choose the right shade of foundation, concealer and powder. And to do this, you need to correctly determine the skin color of your face. And this is where the difficulties begin. How to determine your skin color?

How to determine skin color: main types

There are as many skin types as there are face types. In Europe there are two main types of skin: yellowish and reddish.

Yellowish skin is skin that has a slightly beige, golden or yellowish-hazel tint. Most Russian women have beige-yellow skin.

Only 15% of our girls have reddish skin color. This skin appears pink, freckled, or pale.

The easiest way to classify tanned skin is. Yellow skin turns a distinct brownish-yellow color in summer, often with an olive tint. Reddish skin turns red after the beach, and when rested it takes on a copper tint.

If a girl is prone to rosacea - the formation of red streaks on the face, then her skin can be mistakenly attributed to the reddish type. Sensitive skin that experiences severe redness in the cheeks and nose area is also not necessarily the reddish type. In this case, you need to look at the forehead or chin - there is no redness in these areas, and the color is determined unambiguously.

It is also difficult for girls with a pale face to determine skin color. If you have a transparent-light complexion, and bluish blood vessels are visible in the eye area, then you should take a closer look at the skin of the shoulders, armpits, neck and décolleté. In these places the skin is more pigmented.

Yellowish skin color

Yellowish skin comes in a variety of shades, from light to dark.
Light yellow skin appears translucent or ivory in color. The very dark tone has an olive tint.

Between these polar tones there are many natural shades: light beige, sand, golden, rich nut and others.

The shades of foundations developed for such skin also have similar names.

Reddish skin color

The main color of the skin is yellow. The skin tans slowly and the tan lasts well.

The makeup base should be very light and yellowish. If there is no redness, then the foundation can be applied in a thin layer and powdered a little with transparent powder.

Porcelain color

The lightest skin tones will suit the lightest shades of foundation.

Ivory shade

Such dark skin will never appear pale. The face has a uniform olive tint and is of the yellowish type.

Here you need a rich beige foundation and powder of the appropriate color.

Problem skin

In the photo you see a girl with a beige face type and sensitive skin with redness.

In this case, you need a liquid tone of a warm beige-golden hue. If you need a thicker layer of makeup, a compact foundation will come in handy.

How to choose a foundation shade?

How to choose a foundation to match your skin color? Do a little test. Place a little foundation on your finger and draw a line from your cheek to your chin. If the line seems invisible and blends into the skin, then you have chosen the right foundation. If in doubt, apply three strips of different shades and compare the result.

If there is redness on the face, apply a strip from the lower jaw to the neck. In the neck area in women with a yellowish skin type, redness is usually absent. If you have very pale, porcelain skin, also apply a strip to your neck.

Try to conduct the test in natural light. If artificial lights are turned on in the room, try to ensure that the light falls on the face from both sides.

Do not try to change your complexion with foundation. Concealer helps hide minor redness and blue circles under the eyes. You can make your face tone darker or lighter than natural using dark or light powder. Bronzers, highlighters and blushes add brightness and relief to the face. The foundation should be as close as possible to your natural skin tone. The purpose of foundation is to create the perfect canvas for makeup.

A cool pinkish base is not for everyone. If your skin has a reddish tint on both your face and neck, then a foundation with a slightly pinkish tint is suitable for you.

If the skin on your face has redness and the skin on your neck looks beige, then you need a warm beige foundation. Couperose and rosacea can be perfectly disguised with a yellow base, thanks to which the skin will acquire a fresh and neutral tone.

At the same time, certain shades of yellow base complement the skin of almost all shades. It's harder to go wrong with a yellow foundation than with a reddish foundation.

Often pink foundations, especially on yellowish skin, age the face.

However, for pale skin, a foundation with purple and pink pigments can give a fresh and healthy look.

A base with peach or apricot pigments softens the yellowish tint of olive skin.

A base with amber pigments gives tanned skin a special shine.

How to choose a concealer shade?

The concealer perfectly hides skin imperfections, masks areas of the skin that have slightly changed their color compared to the main tone. Concealer is applied only to the problem area. Decided to disguise dark circles under your eyes? Apply the product strictly to the bruise itself, but not to the entire eyelid.

For beige and ivory skin, use a yellow concealer. This color is universal, it camouflages perfectly dark circles under eyes, acne and brown age spots.

For bronze and ebony skin, the choice of concealer shade depends on the richness of the skin tone. A golden-orange concealer suits light to medium skin tones. Darker, tanned skin needs a dark brown concealer.

The coloring properties of concealer can be tested by applying it to a vein on the inside of the wrist.

How to choose a powder shade?

It is better to choose a powder whose tone exactly matches your skin tone. This will keep your skin looking healthy and juicy.

The translucent powder covers the face in a barely noticeable layer, but is still not transparent. It looks most unnatural on olive and dark beige skin. Also, translucent powder is appropriate in those areas where there is too much concealer.

How to determine skin color according to the Western system?

In the palette decorative cosmetics There are several levels of skin color saturation:

  • fair - light, milky;
  • light - light, ivory;
  • medium – beige;
  • olive - golden-walnut;
  • tan – bronze;
  • brown - brown;
  • black - black.

They correspond to the shades of cosmetics

Dairy (fair)

People in this group have red hair or very blonde hair, White skin. The skin may appear reddish or bluish because blood vessels are visible.

They are characterized by light blue and green eyes and often have many freckles.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are light. If they are dark, you probably do not have the first phototype.

In the sun, the skin quickly turns red and burns, sometimes to the point of blisters. It is almost impossible to get a tan.

People of Nordic origin have very light, porcelain skin. The lightest powder color suits them.


Hair is light, shades of blond, light brown, light brown and sometimes dark.

Eyes - green, blue, light brown, sometimes dark brown (usually with dark hair).

The skin appears white, but if you look closely, you can notice a yellowish or pinkish tint, and possible freckles.

The skin does not tan well, but if you try, you can achieve a golden tan. A brown tan is practically impossible. Possible burning with burns in the form of “bubbles”.

Foundations with shades ranging from ivory to beige are suitable. The second color of the cosmetics palette is used by people of purely European origin.

Medium light beige (light medium)

Hair is brown, all shades from light brown to chocolate. Possible red hair with brown eyes.

Eyes - dark gray, gray-green, green-brown, sometimes blue or brown. At all light eyes not typical for this type.

The skin is beige, perhaps barely noticeable freckles.

You can tan until light brown. The tan goes on evenly, but at first there is a risk of burning. If the skin burns, it will turn red and peel.

If a light beige tone suits you, then you are the result of “friendship of peoples” and your ancestors are from South and East, from East Asia, and maybe from the Caucasus or from Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco.


Richly beige color Suitable for descendants of residents of South America, Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia and the Middle East.

Medium dark

Hair - dark brown, black.

Eyes - brown, black, dark gray, dark green.

The skin is dark beige, light brown, golden. No freckles. There may be pigmentation and white spots on the skin.

The skin tans quickly and reaches the color of milk chocolate. It rarely burns when exposed to the scorching sun for a long time. If it burns, it turns red. Peeling occurs very rarely.

Brown color foundation, “cinnamon color”, coffee with milk, deep tan color suits some residents of India, South America, the Persian Gulf, Africa, and the Pacific Islands.

Dark brown

Hair and eyes are dark. There are no freckles, pigment spots are possible.

Skin light brown, bronze, medium brown. The tan reaches dark chocolate, it is almost impossible to burn.

Dark brown foundation is suitable for residents of South Asia, Africa, and South America.

Very dark. Black (very dark)

Eyes and hair are dark. Skin from chocolate to black. Tans to black, never burns.

Very dark color is very rarely represented in cosmetic brands. It suits the darkest inhabitants of Africa.

The first 2 tones are light skin, the next 2-3 are medium, and the last 2-3 are dark.

How will this information help you when choosing lipsticks and eye shadows?

Light colors on fair skin They look very natural, they add brightness to medium skin, but are lost on dark skin.

Medium colors look bright and good on light skin, look natural on medium skin, and good on dark skin.

Dark colors look bad on light skin (especially if they don’t harmonize with the color of the eyes, hair and clothes), on medium skin they look good, they add brightness, on dark ones they look natural.

Very light colors, almost white, on darker skin they lose color and look chalky, pure white.


The names of the tones themselves will tell you how to choose a foundation that matches your complexion.

Do you have yellow skin type? Pay attention to sand, olive, walnut, light beige and gold shades.

Do you have red skin type? Your palette: apricot shade, copper or pink beige.

Do you have a noble porcelain appearance? Look for cosmetic products that have the words “light” or “transparent” in their names.

But the ancient philosophers were absolutely right: everything can be known only by comparison. Living continuously on one continent for thousands of years, people had no idea that their skin color could be completely different. And the first Europeans who set foot on the soil of South America were simply amazed: the red-skinned people fell prostrate before them! The Indians sincerely believed that their white-skinned gods, who had once flown to heaven, had returned. And since that ancient time of the Great Geographical Discoveries, it was the color of a person’s skin that played and continues to play a significant role in the life of society.

What colors does leather come in?

Usually, when starting to list the names of a person’s skin color, they first cheerfully bend their fingers: white, black, yellow, red... And then they fall silent, puzzled. Indeed, how many of these flowers are there really, and why are they different people not the same, what does this depend on? In their practice, anthropologists use the Luschan color scale when determining skin color. These are reference samples, which are a set of opaque glasses. There are only 36 of them: from pinkish-white to completely black.

Thus, there are “officially” 36 shades of different colors. Why do people have different skin colors?

Why the different colors?

According to anthropologists, the color of any person’s skin depends on the area in which his distant ancestors lived. It is very possible that the bodies of our ancestors were covered with light, spotted skin, the same as that of modern chimpanzees. There is also a theory, confirmed by experiments, of how people developed different skin tones. But for now, this is still just a theory. What is certain is that color directly depends on a substance called melanin, which is determined by genes.

The longer a white-skinned person is exposed to the sun, the more melanin is formed, which means that his skin will become darker. Dark skin provides better protection against ultraviolet radiation. Since the cradle of all modern people Africa is considered, then the conclusion is clear: those who were better protected from the merciless sun had greater chances of survival. Accordingly, the darkest individuals received a “start in life.”

As people settled around the planet, they found themselves in new territories with completely different climatic conditions. Solar radiation is much weaker in Europe, especially in its North. And if an excess of ultraviolet radiation is harmful to humans, then its deficiency is doubly destructive. Without sunlight, the human body does not produce vitamin D, which is essential for the formation of strong bones. It is clear that light, white skin better “absorbs” the life-giving light. That's why different color skin of people of the North and South.

Leather: colors or shades?

So what skin colors do humans have? Experts call the main ones: olive, red, golden and neutral. Real, natural color The skin of a particular person is most accurately determined near the collarbone, on the neck. And since the skin on the face and hands is always under the influence of the environment, it can, accordingly, change color to a significant extent.

Olive color includes shades of gray, green and yellow. Red consists of red-brown, red and red-blue shades. And golden - from golden brown, gold and peach tones. Neutral skin color is a balance of cold and warm tones regulated by nature. It is usually called ivory, beige color.

All this is the result of the work of three pigments: carotene (yellow), melanin (brown) and hemoglobin (red). And if they talk about normal skin color, then this means that they mean, first of all, a single-colored skin, that is, evenly colored, without any spots of a different tone.

Today there are three main human races identified. Each of them has only its own skin color. Caucasian race (Europe, North Africa, Western Asia) – light or dark in color. Mongoloid (Asia, America) – yellowish skin. Negroid (Africa) – dark brown or black skin.

What does genetics say?

Heredity is most clearly manifested in skin color or shade. But the mechanism itself, why the color of hair, eyes, and skin is transmitted from parents to their children, has long been a mystery to everyone. There is information, confirmed by ancient literature, that the answer to this question was sought at the dawn of human history.

It was only in the mid-19th century that the scientist Gregor Mendel discovered and formulated the basic laws of heredity. And after another hundred years, already in the middle of the 20th century, experts began to explore themselves chemical processes that control heredity. The new science was called genetics.

Today, such words as “genetics” and “genes” will no longer surprise anyone. And just a little more than half a century ago, thousands of people died defending the right of this science to exist.

Nowadays everyone modern high school student will be able to talk quite intelligently about DNA. This deoxyribonucleic acid is a real “gene bank” in which all the physical data of each person is recorded and stored. That is, it is not difficult for scientists to determine how many human genes determine skin color.

A little theory

Each cell in our body has two codes: one from the father, the other from the mother. The cell, analyzing this information, forms a combination of those characteristics that will be characteristic of only one person.

The DNA molecule is very complex and large. The answer to the question of why this and not another sign is formed is not yet completely clear. And although any cell in the body has two sets of DNA, at one stage of the division of the sperm and egg they have only one set each.

Thus, at the moment of fertilization and the formation of the very first cell of the future organism, a set of codes from both parents is embedded in it. Statistics have determined that between four and eight sets of codes are responsible for skin color.

It is also very interesting that the set of codes in the egg and sperm does not correspond to the code of the grandparents.

Genetics against racism

Having proven from a scientific point of view what explains the color of a person’s skin and what determines its formation, genetics has put an end to all theories of racism. Seeing people with a different skin color, for various reasons, standing at a lower level of social development, some “scientists” hastened to declare them “second-class” people.

Unfortunately, such “theories” have brought untold suffering and misfortune to millions of people of color. Today, racism, which preaches the dominant role of the white race, is rejected by all progressive humanity.

Our skin is a true mystery

The human body is a real storehouse of mysteries and complex problems, to which more than one generation will have to look for answers.

Even human skin, which is so familiar to us, also keeps many unsolved secrets. To date, the curtain has been lifted only over a very small part of them, while the remaining clues are still to come.

Here are some interesting facts.

  • The largest organ of the human body is the skin.
  • 15 percent of the body's weight is skin, and the skin area of ​​an adult is about two square meters.
  • All people have approximately the same number of melanin cells in their skin. It is not the number, but the activity of these cells that determines the color.
  • Albinos (such people have no melanin cells) are one in 110,000.
  • The same melanin is “responsible” for eye color.
  • A newborn's permanent skin color will develop during the first six months of life.